We’ve got your blend. An Advertising Campaign presented by: 30 and Windy inc. Molly Astrove - James Atherlay - Deanna Nanni Kelsey Rebhan - Alex Wynne

FINAL Tazo Book

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We’ve got your blend.

An Advertising Campaign presented by:

30 and Windy inc.

Molly Astrove - James Atherlay - Deanna Nanni Kelsey Rebhan - Alex Wynne

Introduction -Executive Summary & Agency Itentity...3 Situation Analysis -Historical Context...4 -Environmental Analysis...5 -Competitor Analysis...6 -SWOT Analysis...7 Objectives...8 Research -Objectives & Secondary Research...9 -Primary Research & Brand Value Proposition...10 -Target Market...11 Target Market Profiles...12 Campaign Strategy...13 Creative Strategy...14 - 19 Media Strategy...20 - 24 Brand Activation...25 Evaluation...26 Appendix -Creative Brief...27 -Team Biographies...28-32 -End Notes...33

Table of Contents


This advertising campaign seeks to engage every tea drinker with the Tazo brand. In order to understand what our primary target audience of women ages 18-34 looks for in their tea brand of choice, we con-ducted both primary and secondary research. This research lead us to our key insight--our target audi-ence prefers customized products that are made just for them, and benefit their specific lifestyle. For our creative strategy, we propose to our audience, “we’ve got your blend.” We see each and every tea drinker as an individual, with their own needs, obstacles, and triumphs. That is why in this campaign we appeal to each and every specific woman in our target audience. We understand that there is a blend out there to help every woman through her unique daily struggles. Whether she can’t sleep, needs caffeine after pulling an all-nighter, or just needs to relax, Tazo had a blend to solve her problems. Tazo is there to help them through the long day. Tazo is the friend these women rely on to consistently be there when they need it. Tazo has more than just your back, we’ve got your blend.

At 30 and Windy inc., we pride ourselves on our enthusiasm, persistence, and versatility. What-ever industry you operate in, we will cater to your needs. We will boost your brand identity and bring it to life. 30 and Windy ensures that each and every client we work with gets results. We do this in our signature 3 step process. (left)

Agency Identity

Executive Summary3

Historical Context

Steven Smith founded Stash Tea


1994Smith left

Stash Tea to start Tazo Tea

2002Tazo partnered with Mercy Corps to create a corporate social program called the

Community Health and Ad-vancement Iniative (CHAI)

Smith sold Tazo to Starbucks for

$8.1 million1999

Smith retired from the tea industry


2010Tazo introduced

10 new full-leaf tea blends

Starbucks opened up the first Tazo tea shop in Seattle, Washington


2013Tazo’s tea shop closed and con-

verted into a Teavana store


Competitive forces: Tazo is one of many tea companies in the US. Some of its competitors include Lipton, Yogi, Twinings, and Teava-na. Everyone has their own preference as to which brand they prefer, and what benefits they hope to gain from their brand choice.

Economic Forces: There is an increasing demand for premium products in the food industry, including tea. Tazo provides high-quality tea that consumers can rely on when searching for a premium product. However, loose leaf tea of this quality can be expensive. Tazo is priced considerably higher than it’s com-petitors who provide consumers with a less-premium product, such as Lipton. There is an increasing de-mand in the market for food and products that better individuals’ physical and mental health. Tea offers such health benefits, suggesting an increase in the demand for tea.

Technological Forces: Today, people have adopted an “on-the-go” way of life. Tea and coffee are no lon-ger enjoyed in a relaxing environment, but they are taken on the go, so people can enjoy the calming ef-fects of a warm beverage during their stressful everyday lives. With new technology, such as the Keurig single cup brewer, people can enjoy hot beverages at the press of a button, making tea even more quick, easy, and accessable. Tazo has many varieties of tea offered in k-cup form. Many of Tazo’s competitors (like Lipton) sell their tea in k-cups as well. Keurigs allow tea drinkers to enjoy their beverages while on a tight schedule.

Socio-Cultural Forces: We are becoming an increasingly health conscious population. With America’s growing tea culture, people are more open to testing the health benefits of different tea blends. Tazo challenges the boundaries of what tea can be by creating new and innovative com-binations of teas, herbs, and spices, each with their own distinct health benefits for people to try. Individuals around the world are trying to be more sustainable. With the growing trend of becom-ming a “green” environment, Tazo advocates for clean air and healthy communities. They have made a commitment to using renewable energy sources in their tea production, such as wind-mills. Also, because Tazo is readily available in tea and coffee shops all around the country, they appeal to the increasing number of Americans who embrace an on-the-go lifestyle.

Environmental Analysis


Each tea targets a specific health ben-efit

Company Strengths WeaknessesYogi

In order for Tazo tea to have the best brand image it can, our team must look at the strengths and weaknesses of competi-tor brands.

• Each tea has a distinct health benefit• Recognized as an all-natural, organic tea

brand• Commited to Sustainability• Certified USDA Organic and nonGMO• Inspirational quote on each tea bag

• Controversy from “detox” tea sideffects• 2010 Scandal with supposed forged

documents• Mostly sold in health food stores--not

accessable to mainstream market• Expensive

Lipton • High brand awareness• Over 100 years of experience• Strong Media Presence• Well-known Kermit the Frog as brand


• Little variety in labeling and packaging• Little variety in types of tea• Non-premium quality• Offers standard, “no-frills” tea

Twinings • Strong global presence• Wide variety of teas• 306 years of experience• Welcoming to new users--straight forward

flavors with brewing instructions• Gift boxes available for sale

• Minimal advertising in the US (it is a UK based company)

Teavana • Owned by Starbucks--available for pur-chase in Starbucks shops

• High quality• Many unique flavors• Many Teavana stores--located in densely

populated areas• Free samples in stores

• Very expensive• Unapproachable for inexperienced tea

drinkers--many complex varieties

Competitor Analysis


• Little variety in labeling and packaging• Little variety in types of tea• Non-premium quality• Offers standard, “no-frills” tea

Strengths:• Owned by Starbucks--available for purchase in Star-

bucks stores in over 50 countries and other privately owned stores that sell Starbucks coffee

• More than 80 unique, premium teas• Devoted to CSR--support countries that grow and har-

vest their tea• Member of Ethical Tea Partnership• Committed to clean, renewable energy sources• Blend their own tea• Tazo Tea comes in many forms: filter bags, iced teas in

bottles, tea lattes, full leaf tea kits, and k-cups• Identifiable package design• Informative website

Weaknesses:• More expensive than some competitors• Weak media presence• Starbucks focuses more on advertising and market-

ing coffee products rather than tea products• The many varieties of tea Tazo offers can be intimi-

dating to first-time tea drinkers

Opportunities:• Increasing demand for health remedies• Tazo’s target market is more health conscious than ever• Increasing popularity of tea stores• Booming tea culture in the US among younger end of

Tazo’s target market• Increasing consumer demand for premium tea prod-

ucts• Society is increasingly sustainably conscious, and cares

about where their products come from and how they are made

• Increasing sales of Keurig brewers

Threats:• When looking for a caffeine source, consumers turn

to coffee as their first choice• Tea leaves are generally more expensive than coffee

beans• Premium teas are a fast growing tea segment in gro-

cery and natural food stores, which adds competitors to the market

SWOT Analysis


Marketing: 30 and Windy’s marketing objective for this cam-paign is to increase sales of Tazo by 7% by the end of our campaign.Advertising: Our advertising objectives are to achieve 70% comprehension of Tazo’s message and increase conviction by 60%. We aim to have an effective reach of 70, and an effective frequency of 4.Time Frame: This campaign will run for one year, starting in September, 2015 and continuing through August 2016.

Budgeting: The budget for this campaign is $12,000,000. We will use magazine, Internet, billboard, and transit advertising to implement an effective cam-paign. This campaign will produce tangible results, while maintaining the spirit of the Tazo brand. There will be a period of heavier advertising starting in Sep-tember, increasing through the fall and winter months, and decreasing starting in March.



• Investigate characteristics consumers in our target market look for when buying tea and why.• Determine how often our target market drinks tea and how familiar they are with the Tazo brand.• Understand Tazo’s position against top competitors.

Through online research of Tazo’s brand image, their po-sition in the market, and their product benefits, we gained valuable information about existing characteristics of the Tazo brand. We will promote these characteristics in our advertising messages to gain our target audience’s interest. Through learning about the unique health benefits of each of Tazo’s signature tea blends, we can better target the wom-en who seek these specific benefits. From researching the habits of American tea drinkers, we gained valuable knowl-edge about what benefits our target market hopes to gain from their tea drinking experience. This research allowed us to pinpoint what benefits the Tazo brand possesses that our target market looks for when selecting tea. We have em-phasized these benefits in our campaign in order to bring them to our target market’s attention. This will increase our target’s conviction to buy Tazo tea.

Research Objectives

Secondary Research


• Functional Benefits: Tazo offers superior flavor, quality, and variety with its teas. Each blend of Tazo is unique and has its own health and wellness benefits. Tazo tea comes in many forms--loose leaf, filter bags, k-cups, etc., allowing consumers to brew their favorite blend the way they like.

• Emotional Benefits: The defining quality of Tazo tea is the drinking experience. Consumers drink their fa-vorite blend of Tazo to fill the void of what they need--whether they can’t sleep, lack energy, or need to take a relaxing tea break. Tazo has a custom made product to fulfill every woman’s emotional needs and desires.

• Self-Expressive Benefits: Drinking Tazo tea projects a sophisticated and put-together image. Tazo tea drink-ers care about their wellness, and are constantly trying to better themselves. They are proud to sip tea with the Tazo logo because they know, and everyone around them knows the benefits they are gaining from every sip. Every customer is looking for something different. Tazo drinkers are able to customize their blend to what they need, making them feel superior to the average tea drinker who settles for a generic tea.

To conduct primary research, we sent out a questionnaire to women in our target market. Out of 93 responses, 80% of these women were between the ages of 18 and 24, 14% were between the ages of 25 and 34, and 6% were 35 or older. Therefore, the majority of women who completed the questionnaire are in our primary target market. Only 4% of respondents do not drink tea at all, 8% drink tea only once a month, and 16% drink tea once a week. The highest portion of respondents, 24%, drink tea 3-7 times a week, and the remaining 16% drink tea multiple times in a day. Our target market is evenly split when it comes to brand preference--51% have a go-to tea brand, and 49% do not. 79% of respondents have drank Tazo tea before. In comparison to Tazo’s competitors, Tazo came second to Lipton, and beat Teavana, Yogi, and Twinnings in popularity in this questionnaire. The majority of respondents drink tea for a variety of reasons and at a variety of occasions. The most popular reasons being “to relax” and because they “like the taste.” Lastly, 74% of respondents said variety in tea flavor was either “somewhat important” or “very important” when selecting a tea brand.

Primary Research

Brand Value Proposition


The primary target market for Tazo Tea is 18 to 34 year old women with a secondary target of 35 to 49 year old women. These women are young and understanding of new technology, and are always reading about the latest styles and trends on the internet and in magazines. These women are hard working and intelligent; they value their well being. They live healthy, bal-anced lifestyles. They view tea as a beverage in their lives that not only tastes great, but pro-vides them with health benefits, such as weight loss from green tea, cardiovascular health from black tea, and immune system support from white tea. These women see Tazo as a tea compa-ny that has a wide variety of high quality blends for any occasion they are looking for. Whether they want Zen to relax and focus while studying for an exam, a sweet blend for that late night sweet tooth without the guilt, or Savory to sip while reading a book by the fireplace; Tazo Tea has a blend for any hard working woman’s tea needs.

Target MarketPrimary Market: 18-34 year old femalesSecondary Market: 35-49 year old females


Target Market

Carrie is a 26 year old yoga in-structor in Ithaca, NY. A recent increase in customers has resulted in her being busy every hour of the work day. Because of the stress, Carrie can’t get into her namaste mindset while teaching. Carrie’s friend recommends the Zen blend of Tazo. The calming lemon ver-bena and lively spearmint helps Carrie relax her chakras and find her inner peace so she can do sun salutations with confidence.

Olivia is a 19 year old college stu-dent at Syracuse University. Along with her classes Olivia has group projects that require presentations. Olivia’s fear of presenting gave her anxiety causing Olivia to stumble over her words. This is no longer a problem since Olivia found her blend of organic Earl Grey Noir tea from Tazo. This tea awakens her senses with the bold and savory blend of black tea and bergamot helping her be bold in defining mo-ments.

Martha is a 46 year old lawyer in New York City. With the busy streets and hectic work-place, she often finds herself stressed from the ongoing cha-os. After work she struggles to fall asleep from all of the stress during her day. Martha found her blend with Tazo Tea’s Calm Chamomile. The chamomile and hibiscus flowers help lull Martha to sleep so she can seize another day in the big apple.


Campaign StrategyThe Challenge: Many women ages 18 to 34 are on the go. When they drink warm beverages, they see their options as either coffee or tea. In our research, we found that many women reach for coffee over tea because they believe they need the added caffeine to get them through their busy schedule. Many women do not see the benefits and versatility of tea, specifically Tazo, and how it can effectively help them fix a multitude of every day problems they thought they’d never solve.

The Key Insight: Women in our target market shop for products that have a specific health benefit. They have an emotional tie to the products they know and trust to work. Tazo offers a wide variety of teas; each tea has its own benefits that caters to everyday problems women face in their busy lives that they have learned to live with, because they’ve never had a solution.

The Brand Promise: Every woman lives with a problem they’ve always wanted to solve. Whether they’re stressed, too jittery, or need an extra burst of energy, Tazo has a blend for every person’s needs. Tazo will help sooth these problems our customers-grapple with every day. Every Tazo consumer is dif-ferent. Each signature Tazo blend caters to a different woman in our target market. These women will see Tazo as a brand they can consistently rely on to help them through life’s persistent and spontaneous obsta-cles.


The Big Idea

We’ve got your blend.


Creative StrategyEach of our advertisements will cater to a different woman in our target market. We will do this by pin-pointing specific problems these women face, such as not being able to sleep, or being stressed out about an upcoming exam or performance. This will highlight the versatility of the Tazo brand. Women will re-late to the situations portrayed in our ads, and will realize that there is a blend of Tazo out there for them that will help them with an everyday problem they struggle with. In the past, Tazo ads focused on the product, rather than the person buying the product. By concentrating on the consumer, our advertise-ments show how the product integrates seamlessly into every woman’s life.

Art Direction CopywritingThe main focus of our advertisements is the con-sumer. We show them in a stressful situation that Tazo can help them through. Instead of only focus-ing on the product, we focus on the consumer so they can relate to the advertisement and effectively identify their need for Tazo. We also incorporate product packaging elements into our advertise-ments by using the same color scheme on the pack-aging in our design. Our ads present a problem and solution strategy, where a specific blend of Tazo is the solution to our consumer’s problems. In each of our ads, we show how a specific Tazo blend in-tegrates into the consumer’s lifestyle to fix a prob-lem. We focus on the specific blend by showing that blend’s unique packaging in the advertisement.

The copy in our ads will be simple and readable. Featuring the phrase, “we’ve got your blend” will enhance continuity and synergy throughout all of our advertisements. The copy that will change from ad to ad will pinpoint specific issues that Tazo promises to solve. We will ask women questions, such as “can’t sleep?” or “pulling an all-nighter?” By asking these questions, women in our target audience will become aware of these problems that they have had to learn to live with. By discovering Tazo, our target audience will realize that we can lighten their load. In our copy, Tazo promises to each and every woman that we have a blend for them. It is made personally for them, to suppress their distinct and varying worries.


Execution: Print


Execution: Internet

Ad #1: What’s your blend? :30 seconds

Voiceover: Are you the hard worker who strives for that promotion every day?

Are you the mother who gives all she can to make sure her family is happy?

Are you the student studying for a challenging exam?

Or are you the one who can save their lives in the ER?

For any profession you may have, we have your blend.

Tazo. We’ve got your blend.

Ad #2: Coach is crazy! :30 seconds

Coach: (loudly) All you sissy play-ers line up! I am NOT going to go through another embarrassing loss like that one yesterday. You pathet-ic excuses for players are going to run until your legs fall off!

(hear gulp, indicating the coach drank something, followed by pause)

Coach: On second thought, let’s start out with dribbling huh?

Player #1: What was that that Coach drank?

Player #2: That was her blend of Tazo Tea. She drinks it to be less… Insane.

Tazo. We’ve got your blend.

Ad #3: Workout :30 seconds

Narrator: Hold on just one second.

(panting in the back ground)

Narrator: Do you hear that? She is working as hard as she can to stay in shape for her physically, emo-tionally, mentally demanding jobs. Do you know what she drinks? No, not energy drinks, not protein shakes, not soda, not any of that stuff. She drinks Tazo tea. All nat-ural ingredients that have revolu-tionized what tea is supposed to be. That is her blend.

(panting continues)

Tazo. We’ve got your blend.


Shot #1

Shot #2

Description: In a dorm room: see girl 1 looking into backpack looking confused and upset. Girl 2 in corner working at desk.

Description: In a dorm room: see girl 1 continuing to looki into her backpack looking confused and upset. Girl 2 re-mains at her desk working.

Shot #3

Description: Girl 1 starts throwing around papers and books.

Shot #4

Description: Girl 1 holding papers and empty backpack, looking like she’s saying “Have you seen my paper? I’ve got to get to class!”

Shot #5

Description: Girl 2 looking smug holding paper and mug with Tazo tab sticking out saying “I’ve got your blend.”

Shot #6

Description: Close up of tea (showing Tazo logo) and paper being handed over.

Shot #7

Description: Girl 1 has looks of re-lief, holding her paper & Tazo tea.

Execution: Internet Video (YouTube)


Execution: Billboard

Creative Testing Results:In order to test the effective-ness of our executions, we showed them to females in our target market. With their feedback, we were able to pinpoint the specific scenari-os these individuals encoun-ter every day that cause them stress. We portrayed these sit-uations in our advertisements to relate to our target audi-ence most effectively.


Length & Size:• YouTube commercial: 30 seconds• Pandora radio commercials: 30 seconds• Magazine print ads: Full page with Bleed

Print ads 8.5” x 11”• Billboard: 14’ x 48’• Transit: 36” x 24”

Reach & Frequency• Effective Reach: 70%• Effective Frequency: 4By using billboard, transit, magazine, and In-ternet advertisements, we will reach our busy target market when they are on the go, as well as when they are at home. This will support message retention.

Continuity:Loose leaf tea sales are highest during the fall and winter. That is why we have decided to have a pulsing campaign. Internet ads on You-Tube and Pandora will air year-long. On top of this, there will be a period of heavy adver-tising from September 2015 through March 2016, during which our magazine, billboard, and transit ads will appear.

Target Audience: In order to reach our target au-dience of women ages 18 to 34, we will utilize four types of media: magazines, billboards, transit, and Internet. These are the most effective vehicles for reaching Tazo’s target market. This will generate an effective reach and frequency that support message understanding and retention.

Geographic Scope: This campaign will feature a mix of both regional and national advertisements. Our print and Internet ads will all be national. However, our billboard and transit ads will be placed regionally in major cities across the country.

Message Weight: Our target audience is always busy and on-the-go, traveling from city to city. Whether they are going to work or school, doing errands, or traveling to a business meeting, audi-ences in major cities will see Tazo’s billboard and transit advertisements. While theses advertise-ments are concentrated in major cities, Interent users from all across the nation will be exposed to Tazo’s advertisements on YouTube and Pandora.

Media Objectives Media Strategies


Better Homes and Gardens

Circulation 7,639,661

Better Homes and Gar-dens appeals primarily to our secondary audience of women ages 35 to 49. This magazine targets women and offers recipes and other DIY projects We hope these women will select Tazo as their tea brand of choice when working on their DIY projects.

looking for new things to try. She keeps up with the latest trendsby reading magazines and staying informed. Magazines are the

perfect platform to reach her with, because they are specialized to a specific reader’s interests. We havechosen four magazines to advertise in that attract a variety of women in our primary and secondarymarkets.

Media Choices Magazine: Tazo’s target consumer is young, and always

People Circulation 3,510,533

People magazine con-tains current and en-tertaining coverage of

people and events in our culture. People readers are busy, intellectual,

and curious about what is going on, making it

the perfect platform for Tazo ads.

Women’s Health Circulation 1,537,140

Women’s Health is a lifestyle magazine that addresses health and wellness from a holis-tic approach. As Tazo has many health bene-fits, readers of Women’s Health will be interested in how they can improve their health and wellbe-ing by choosing Tazo.

Glamour Circulation 2,318,521

Glamour is a magazine that focuses on news coverage of health, beau-ty, fashion, and advise for everyday problems. These women are inter-ested in the health bene-fits of Tazo, as well as the self-expressive benefits that fashionable, premier products possesses.

Media Strategies 21

Youtube is a great vehicle to reach potential cus-tomers on, because people love to eat and drink while watching their favorite videos. When they see a Tazo ad on Youtube, they will wish they were sipping a nice, warm tea while they watch their favorite Youtube clips.

According to SRDS, 45% of Pandora users are 18 to 34 years old and 17% of users are 35 to 44 years old, making it a great vehicle to reach Tazo’s target markets. Listeners will tune into our advertisements while they’re on the go, working out, or relaxing at home. Wherever they are, they will realize that Tazo is a must-have product for every situation.

Internet Video &Internet Radio

Women ages 18 to 34 have grown up in the digital age and are reliant on the Internet. They love dis-covering new videos and new music in their free time, which is why these sites are perfect for Tazo advertisements.


Billboard & TransitOur target market is always traveling from place to place. Whether they are driving on the highway, or traveling in public transit systems, they encounter billboard and transit advertisements on their journey.

Billboard Cities Transit CitiesNew York, Los Angeles, and Chicago are densely populated areas, making them great locations for billboards. Tazo bill-board ads will reach a large and diverse group of people in these locations.

DC’s Metro, NY’s MTA, and Boston’s MBTA average at 500,000 riders a week. Therefore, adding Tazo ads in these places of transit will effectively increase awareness of Tazo Tea.


Media Flowchart


Brand ActivationDecorated Tea TinsObjective: Enhance sustainability and reduce Tazo’s carbon footprint by dis-tributing tea in tin containers that are both reusable and collectable. These are in place of cardboard boxes that produce waste.Strategy: Tea tins will be used to package Tazo tea. The collectable tins will come in a wide range of colors and patterns that customers will be able to choose from when purchasing their tea. This gives the customers an incentive to buy more Tazo because they can bring back their tin to a local Starbucks that carries Tazo and refill it or they can buy a new tin to add to their collection. Also, Tazo will have a customization page on their website where customers can design their own unique tins to order. Just as Tazo drinkers choose their own blend, they can choose their favorite tin patterns.

#myblendObjective: Get consumers excited about their favorite blends and the benefits they offer. This will in-crease popularity and awareness of each blend.Strategy: By using the hashtag #myblend on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, Tazo drinkers will be able to post their thoughts on specific blends. This hashtag allows users to claim their blend as their own and take pride in it, while also sharing its benefits with others.


EvaluationOur goals for this advertising campaign are to increase comprehension by 70%, conviction by 60%, and sales by 7%. The information presented below shows how we predict comprehension, conviction, and sales will increase throughout the duration of our year-long plan. These predictions are based on our pulsing media schedule.


The Creative BriefBackground on CompanyTazo was founded in 1994 by tea-enthusiast Steven Smith. The company was sold to Starbucks in 1999. The Tazo brand features unique flavor combinations, distinct health benefits, and recognizable packaging.GoalsWith this campaign, we strive to increase sales by 7%, comprehension by 70%, and conviction by 60%.Target MarketBusy, hard-working, health-conscious women ages 18 to 34.Advertising ProblemComsumers are not aware of the wide variety of blends Tazo offers that other brands do not. They are also unaware of the unique health benefits that are associated with each of these blends. These women don’t see tea as a solution to their everyday problems.Advertising ObjectivesThe effective reach of this campaign is 70, with an effective frequency of four. This means that we will reach 70% of the target market. In order for them to fully comprehend our message, each one of these consumers will see our advertisements four times.CompetitionYogi, Lipton, Twinings, Teavana.Underlying Emotional NeedIndividuals in our target market lead busy lifestyles and are faced with obstacles and challenges every day. These consumers drink their favorite blends of Tazo to help them through life’s daily struggles. We regocnize that every consumer is different, and is in need of a different health benefit. Whatever problems these individuals hope to alleviate, Tazo has a custom made blend to fulfill their needs.Brand PersonalityTazo values each and every tea drinker as an individual, with their own needs, obstacles, and triumphs. Because each blend of Tazo is so diverse, the brand has the unique ability to appeal to every specific woman in the target au-dience. Tazo understands that there is a blend out there to help each woman through her daily struggles, and Tazo stays right beside them to help them through the long day. Tazo is the friend these women rely on to consistently be there when they need it.


Meet The Team

Molly Astrove is a sophomore Integrated Marketing Commu-nications major and Economics minor from Wellesley, MA. She is a Resident Assistant and a Lead-ership Scholar. Molly also works for a startup company called Cam-pus Pursuit, which markets local Ithaca businesses on campus. She is also a choreographer for IC Tap Club. In her free time she enjoys dancing, singing, running, and making vegan treats. She hopes to someday live in a big city and have her own business. When it comes to her blend, Molly chooses Tazo Passion tea.


Meet The TeamJames Atherlay is a Senior Sport Media major with an interest in broadcasting. He is a native of De-posit, New York, a volunteer at Ithaca College’s radio departments, including sports broadcast produc-tion and announcing, and DJing for www.vicradio.org. In his free time, he enjoys playing football, basket-ball, baseball, and driving. One day, he hopes to be the voice of a Major League Baseball team. James’s favor-ite Tazo tea is Chai Vanilla Caramel.


Meet The TeamDeanna Nanni is a sophomore at Ithaca College studying Integrated Marketing Communications with a minor in Communication Manage-ment Design. She is from Walling-ford, Pennsylvania. After graduation she hopes to work for an advertising agency in either Philly, LA, or NYC. In her free time she enjoys playing tennis, doing Zumba, and taking photos. She loves going to the beach with her family and friends and end-ing a nice summer day with a beau-tiful sunset. When she is not on the go she enjoys sitting down in her bed and drinking her favorite Tazo tea--Chai Chocolate.


Meet The Team Kelsey Rebhan is a sophomore Inte-grated Marketing Communications major from Ludlow, Vermont. She hopes to pursue a career in Public Re-lations or Advertising in a big city. She enjoys making art like drawing, paint-ing, sculpture and photography, living a healthy lifestyle and spending time with family and friends. Her favorite Tazo tea blend is Awake English Break-fast.


Meet The Team

Alex Wynne is a sophomore In-tegrated Marketing Communi-cations major from Utica, New York. After graduating from Ithaca College, she plans to pur-sue a career in advertising. In her spare time she enjoys giving tours around the Roy H Park School as a Dean’s Host and writing comedy skits for Ithaca College’s sketch group. Her fa-vorite Tazo tea blend is Organic Peach Cobbler.


APTA reports record ridership on U.S. public transportation in 2013. (n.d.). Retrieved No-vember 18, 2014, from http://thesource.metro.net/2014/03/10/apta-reports-record-rider-ship-on-u-s-public-transportation-in-2013/

Artfully Blended | Tazo Tea. (n.d.). Retrieved November 18, 2014, from http://www.tazo.com/

Lipton Tea. (n.d.). Retrieved November 18, 2014, from http://www.liptontea.com/?gclid=C-j0KEQiA-aujBRDqj772vpGfgooBEiQAzWAZUnVO1S77L2IpoOkAca5IQxJh33ICbPRFzetRz-blTS2waArK48P8HAQ&gclsrc=aw.ds

Steep Yourself in Teamaking. (n.d.). Retrieved November 18, 2014, from http://www.smithtea.com/

Tea Fact Sheet. (n.d.). Retrieved November 18, 2014, from http://www.teausa.com/14655/tea-fact-sheet

Twinings Tea USA. (n.d.). Retrieved November 18, 2014, from http://www.twiningsusa.com/shop.aspx

Yogi. (n.d.). Retrieved November 18, 2014, from https://www.yogiproducts.com/ Teavana. (n.d.). Retrieved November 18, 2014, from http://www.teavana.com/

End Notes