Final Exam Review Final Exam Review

Final Exam Review. Pre-Civil War What are some differences between the north and south 1

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Page 1: Final Exam Review. Pre-Civil War What are some differences between the north and south 1

Final Exam ReviewFinal Exam Review

Page 2: Final Exam Review. Pre-Civil War What are some differences between the north and south 1

Pre-Civil WarPre-Civil War

What are some differences What are some differences between the north and south between the north and south


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Which of the following was Which of the following was an advantage the North had an advantage the North had

over the South?over the South?

a.a. more experienced generalsmore experienced generals

b.b. military support from Britainmilitary support from Britain

c.c. more money to spend on warmore money to spend on war

d.d. full support of all its citizensfull support of all its citizens


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• Describe the fugitive slave act


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• Why did some states secede?


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Event that starts the war…Event that starts the war…

• A) South fires on Fort Sumter

• B) Lincoln Assassinated

• C) Gold discovered in California

• D) Supreme Court hands down Dred Scott decision


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The Emancipation Proclamation The Emancipation Proclamation freedfreed

• a. all enslaved people living in the United States.

• b. enslaved people living in areas controlled by the Confederacy.

• c. enslaved people living in the Union states.

• d. enslaved people living in the territories.


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Turning Points of the Civil War!Turning Points of the Civil War!

• A) Shiloh and Antietam

• B) Lincoln’s Assassination

• C) Gettysburg and Vicksburg

• D) March to the Sea


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The The Freedmen’s BureauFreedmen’s Bureau succeeded insucceeded in

• a. redistributing formerly white-owned land to black southerners.

• b. keeping ex-Confederate supporters out of office.

• c. providing clothing, medical care, food, and education to many freed people.

• d. electing African Americans to southern state governments.


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Officially Ended SlaveryOfficially Ended Slavery

• A) 12th amendment

• B) 13th amendment

• C) 14th amendment

• D) 15th amendment


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• Explain the 14th amendment


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Southern state governments Southern state governments restricted the rights of former restricted the rights of former

slaves byslaves by

• a. passing black codes.

• b. holding constitutional conventions.

• c. refusing to pay war debts.

• d. refusing to pass the Thirteenth Amendment.


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• Describe three conditions during and after reconstruction that denied “freed peoples” their equal rights.


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Which was a major success of Which was a major success of Reconstruction in the South?Reconstruction in the South?

• a. an end to racist government policies

• b. the transformation into an industrialized, urban region

• c. the creation of a public school system

• d. an end to tensions between the South and the North


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The Reconstruction Act of 1867The Reconstruction Act of 1867

• a. closed the South to Democrats.

• b. closed the South to scalawags.

• c. put the South under military rule.

• d. gave voting rights to all Southerners.


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The Supreme Court case of Plessy The Supreme Court case of Plessy vs Ferguson is important becausevs Ferguson is important because

a) It outlawed lynching.

b) It ended Reconstruction

c) It declared that poll taxes were illegal.

d) It ruled that segregation was constitutional.


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Reconstruction came to end whenReconstruction came to end when

• a. the Fifteenth Amendment was ratified.

• b. federal troops were removed from the South.

• c. President Johnson was impeached.

• d. the Freedmen’s Bureau was dismantled.


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In 1870, thanks to the Fifteenth In 1870, thanks to the Fifteenth Amendment, southern black menAmendment, southern black men

• a. voted for the first time.

• b. took charge of the Senate.

• c. received free government land.

• d. produced their own Reconstruction plan.


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Critics of powerful industrialists Critics of powerful industrialists referred to them asreferred to them as

• a. captains of industry.

• b. philanthropists.

• c. robber barons.

• d. anarchists.


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• what was the impact of the explosion in new inventions on American business


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• What was the effect of industrialization on the lives of children?


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The goal of the Sherman Antitrust The goal of the Sherman Antitrust Act was toAct was to

• a. encourage industries to form cartels.

• b. promote fair industrial competition.

• c. place higher taxes on business profits.

• d. encourage the growth of business monopolies.


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Which one of the following is a Which one of the following is a lingering myth about the West?lingering myth about the West?

• a. It was settled by a variety of races.

• b. Settlers were nearly all white males.

• c. Settlers nearly destroyed Native American peoples.

• d. Western settlement damaged the environment.


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The challenges and hardships of The challenges and hardships of settling the Great Plains led settlers settling the Great Plains led settlers


• a. desire isolation from their neighbors.

• b. rely on the government for aid.

• c. depend on help from each other.

• d. abandon the West.


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A Native American Victory in a A Native American Victory in a series of defeats…series of defeats…

• A) Battle of Wounded Knee

• B) Battle of Little Big Horn

• C) Battle of Sand Creek

• D) Battle of Red River


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• What did it mean to “assimilate” native americans


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Opportunities for profit in the cattle industry developed after the Civil

War largely because

A. meat-packing companies moved to the West.B. the Native Americans depended mainly on buffalo.C. growing cities of the North provided markets for meat.D. mining did not compete with ranching.


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What was one key requirement that What was one key requirement that applicants had to meet to receive applicants had to meet to receive land under the Homestead Act?land under the Homestead Act?

• a. They had to live on the land all year long.

• b. They had to farm the land for five years in a row.

• c. They had to file a claim with a bank.

• d. They had to wheel portable cabins from plot to plot.


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Legislation that led to the breakup Legislation that led to the breakup of Indian Reservationsof Indian Reservations

a) The Dawes Act

b) The Great Sioux Treaty

c) The Battle of Little Big Horn

d) The Emancipation Proclamation


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What drew many new immigrants What drew many new immigrants to the West?to the West?

• a. the opportunity to learn new languages

• b. the climate on the plains

• c. “land-grant” colleges

• d. cheap land and new jobs


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• What pulled or pushed people west


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ethnic diversity in the United States because of immigration often leads


A. increased social tension.B. a decrease in urban populations.C. increased religious tolerance.D. an extended economic decline.


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By the 1890s, immigration patterns By the 1890s, immigration patterns had shifted dramatically, with most had shifted dramatically, with most

immigrants now coming fromimmigrants now coming from

• a. northern European countries.

• b. southern and eastern European countries.

• c. Mexico and Central America.

• d. China and Japan.


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A Young Man who immigrated A Young Man who immigrated temporarily to return home latertemporarily to return home later

• A) Joe Plumber

• B) Coalmine Canary

• C) Bird of Passage

• D) Work Horse


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Where did European immigrants Where did European immigrants often settle in the United States?often settle in the United States?

• a. in western railroad towns

• b. in their ports of entry

• c. in the South

• d. near lakes


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• Describe reasons people are “pushed” to move somewhere else and reasons that “pull” people to move somewhere else.


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• What did the statue of liberty mean to immigrants


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Growth of the CitiesGrowth of the Cities

• A) Ruralization

• B) Urbanization

• C) Pluralization

• D) Homoginization


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• what problems were present in American life during the late 1800s and early what reforms were created to address these issues


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• Compared to life at the turn of the century, women’s lives changed dramatically in the twenties. Describe several of the new “freedoms” women enjoyed in the 1920s.


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• Explain why the American government felt it necessary to establish limits on the number of immigrants entering the United States in the 1920s.


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How did southern states keep How did southern states keep African Americans from gaining African Americans from gaining

political power?political power?

• a. lynching

• b. segregation

• c. voting restrictions

• d. de facto discrimination


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Which event led to the Spanish-Which event led to the Spanish-American War?American War?

• a. Cubans rebelled against Spanish rule.

• b. The United States annexed Cuba.

• c. Spain destroyed American-owned sugar plantations in Cuba.

• d. The Spanish navy sank two American ships in the Pacific.


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• how and why did the United States acquire territory.


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Why was the Open Door Policy Why was the Open Door Policy important to the United States?important to the United States?

• a. It gave the United States territory in China.

• b. It gave the United States access to millions of consumers in China.

• c. It increased Chinese investments in the United States.

• d. It kept European goods out of China.


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The United States followed a policy The United States followed a policy of expansionism in the late 1800s of expansionism in the late 1800s


• a. European nations were eager to sell rights to their colonies.

• b. many Americans were demanding high-quality foreign goods.

• c. U.S. factories needed foreign laborers.

• d. the nation sought more markets for its goods.


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As a result of the Spanish-As a result of the Spanish-American War,American War,

• a. Puerto Rico became an unincorporated territory of the United States.

• b. Cuba was divided into spheres of influence.

• c. the Philippines became a Spanish colony.

• d. the United States gained rights to the Panama Canal.


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Under imperialism, the stronger Under imperialism, the stronger nation attempts tonation attempts to

• a. dominate a weaker country.

• b. sell its products to a weaker country.

• c. create an empire.

• d. all of the above.


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• positive results of American Imperialism and negative results of American Imperialism.


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Americans sided with the Cuban Americans sided with the Cuban rebels against Spain as a result ofrebels against Spain as a result of

• a. the charge up San Juan Hill.

• b. the Platt Amendment.

• c. the Treaty of Paris.

• d. yellow journalism.


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President Roosevelt’s Progressive President Roosevelt’s Progressive record included all the following record included all the following


• a. conservation of forest land.

• b. break-up of several trusts deemed harmful to the public.

• c. regulation of food and drugs.

• d. establishment of the Federal Reserve System.


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Progressivism was halted byProgressivism was halted by

• a. the efforts of the NAACP.

• b. World War I.

• c. the repeal of the prohibition amendment.

• d. the victory of the Bull Moose Party.


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Which belief was held by most Which belief was held by most Progressives?Progressives?

• a. The government should be more accountable to its citizens.

• b. Housing and healthcare should remain private.

• c. The government should protect agricultural interests.

• d. The government should intervene in unfair business practices.


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Journalists known as muckrakers Journalists known as muckrakers worked atworked at

• a. praising government policies.

• b. exposing political and business corruption.

• c. attacking the ideas of socialists.

• d. opposing government regulation of business.


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One way reformers hoped to end One way reformers hoped to end corruption in government was tocorruption in government was to

• a. establish an income tax.

• b. give voters more direct say in lawmaking.

• c. provide more welfare services.

• d. use the army to oust political machines.


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The progressive movement The progressive movement focused mainly on the problems offocused mainly on the problems of

• a. African Americans.

• b. urban residents.

• c. tenant farmers.

• d. nonunionized workers.


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Many Americans became more Many Americans became more supportive of suffrage as a result ofsupportive of suffrage as a result of

• a. women’s activities in World War I.

• b. the Seventeenth Amendment.

• c. the Bradwell v. Illinois decision.

• d. the repeal of prohibition.


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Which event sparked World War I?Which event sparked World War I?

• a. the sinking of the Lusitania

• b. the German-French dispute over Alsace-Lorraine

• c. Russia’s quest for a warm-water port

• d. the assassination of the heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne


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Which was true of African Which was true of African Americans during World War I?Americans during World War I?

• a. Almost as many African Americans served in the war as did white Americans.

• b. African Americans were not allowed to serve in the war.

• c. African American troops were usually reserved for battle.

• d. African American troops were segregated and rarely allowed to fight.


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• why did the United States entered World War I.


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• how did American women help the war effort?


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Which best describes the Great Which best describes the Great Migration?Migration?

• a. the increase in European immigration during World War I

• b. the movement of African Americans to northern cities

• c. the movement of women into jobs formerly held by men

• d. the progress of Allied troops across France


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Under the terms of the Sussex Under the terms of the Sussex pledge, the German government pledge, the German government

promised thatpromised that• a. the German navy would not attack any

American ships.

• b. German ships would not blockade Britain and France.

• c. German U-boats would warn ships before attacking.

• d. the German army would never invade Russia.


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The Selective Service Act was a The Selective Service Act was a means ofmeans of

• a. getting money to support the war effort.

• b. getting women to take over jobs formerly done by men.

• c. drafting young men for the military forces.

• d. finding jobs for men after they left military service.


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After Vladimir Lenin seized control After Vladimir Lenin seized control of Russia in 1917,of Russia in 1917,

• a. Germany surrendered.

• b. the Allies declared war on Russia.

• c. the United States entered the war.

• d. Russia withdrew from the war.


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The death toll from World War I The death toll from World War I waswas

• a. the highest for American troops.

• b. low, because of advances in weapons.

• c. extraordinarily high.

• d. high for Germany but low for the Allies.


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Under the terms of the peace Under the terms of the peace treaty, Germany had totreaty, Germany had to

• a. give its colonies independence.

• b. pay reparations to the Allies.

• c. break up Czechoslovakia.

• d. give its tanks and artillery to France.


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One result of Prohibition during the One result of Prohibition during the 1920s was1920s was

• a. an increase in alcoholism.

• b. a decline in dancing and socializing.

• c. the rise of organized crime.

• d. the creation of urban artistic colonies.


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How did life change for American How did life change for American women in the 1920s?women in the 1920s?

• a. Many women felt freer to experiment with bolder styles and manners.

• b. Married women found it much easier to balance careers and family life.

• c. Most women grew long hair and stopped using makeup.

• d. Women began to dominate the work force, often taking leadership positions.


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African Americans migrated north African Americans migrated north in the early 1900s mainly because in the early 1900s mainly because


• a. offers of free land.

• b. the climate.

• c. an industrial boom.

• d. a widespread business slowdown.


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Clubs in the Harlem district of New Clubs in the Harlem district of New York City were among the hottest York City were among the hottest

places to listen toplaces to listen to

• a. radio.

• b. political speeches.

• c. jazz.

• d. poetry readings.


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One group that suffered One group that suffered economically during the 1920s was economically during the 1920s was

thethe• a. miners.

• b. farmers.

• c. publishers.

• d. sports heroes.


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Key features of Republican Key features of Republican administrations of the 1920s administrations of the 1920s


• a. expansionism and business regulation.

• b. isolationism and laissez-faire business policy.

• c. a buildup of armaments and armed forces.

• d. reduction of quotas and increased immigration.


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The Red Scare was a response toThe Red Scare was a response to

• a. Prohibition.

• b. the Teapot Dome scandal.

• c. the Russian Revolution.

• d. the Kellogg-Briand Pact.


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The economy grew in the 1920s as The economy grew in the 1920s as consumersconsumers

• a. carefully conserved electricity.

• b. invested most of their money in government bonds.

• c. learned to ignore advertisements.

• d. began to buy goods on credit.


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Many Americans believed that Many Americans believed that Sacco and Vanzetti were executed Sacco and Vanzetti were executed

because they werebecause they were• a. subversives trying to overthrow the


• b. Communist agitators who helped organize strikes.

• c. responsible for setting off bombs that damaged A. Mitchell Palmer’s home.

• d. immigrants with radical beliefs during the Red Scare.


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Generally, the 1920s were marked Generally, the 1920s were marked byby

• a. rising farm prices.

• b. rising stock prices.

• c. falling production.

• d. falling wages.


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Despite the prosperity of the 1920s, Despite the prosperity of the 1920s, life remained hard for many life remained hard for many

• a. farmers and factory workers.

• b. wealthy investors.

• c. employers.

• d. brokers and speculators.


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Throughout most of the 1920s, Throughout most of the 1920s, Americans were generallyAmericans were generally

• a. worried that the stock market would crash.

• b. confident that business would bring continued prosperity.

• c. delighted that wealth was evenly distributed.

• d. concerned with economic danger signs.


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Not long after Black Tuesday, the Not long after Black Tuesday, the stock market crash was affectingstock market crash was affecting

• a. only those who had invested heavily in stocks.

• b. wealthy industrialists almost exclusively.

• c. millions of Americans, many of whom had never owned stocks.

• d. mainly stockbrokers and banks.


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The Crash led toThe Crash led to

• a. increased factory production.

• b. a brief period of rising profits.

• c. higher farm prices.

• d. unemployment for millions of workers.


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Good Luck on Good Luck on Your Final Your Final


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North: industrial, more North: industrial, more resourcesresources

South: more agrarian, slower South: more agrarian, slower lifestylelifestyle

What are some differences What are some differences between the north and south between the north and south


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Which of the following was Which of the following was an advantage the North had an advantage the North had

over the South?over the South?

c.c. more money to spend on warmore money to spend on war


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Northerners were required to help Northerners were required to help return anyone suspected of being a return anyone suspected of being a

runaway slave (part of the runaway slave (part of the Compromise of 1850)Compromise of 1850)

• Describe the fugitive slave act


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Southern states felt as though they Southern states felt as though they had lost power to northern stateshad lost power to northern states

• Why did some states secede?


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Event that starts the war…Event that starts the war…

• A) South fires on Fort Sumter


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The Emancipation Proclamation The Emancipation Proclamation freedfreed

• b. enslaved people living in areas controlled by the Confederacy.


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Turning Points of the Civil War!Turning Points of the Civil War!

• C) Gettysburg and Vicksburg


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The The Freedmen’s BureauFreedmen’s Bureau succeeded insucceeded in

• c. providing clothing, medical care, food, and education to many freed people.


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Officially Ended SlaveryOfficially Ended Slavery

• B) 13th amendment


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Gave former slaves full citizenship Gave former slaves full citizenship and equal rightsand equal rights

• Explain the 14th amendment


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Southern state governments Southern state governments restricted the rights of former restricted the rights of former

slaves byslaves by

• a. passing black codes.


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• Describe three conditions during and after reconstruction that denied “freed peoples” their equal rights.


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Which was a major success of Which was a major success of Reconstruction in the South?Reconstruction in the South?

• a. an end to racist government policies

• b. the transformation into an industrialized, urban region

• c. the creation of a public school system

• d. an end to tensions between the South and the North


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The Reconstruction Act of 1867The Reconstruction Act of 1867

• a. closed the South to Democrats.

• b. closed the South to scalawags.

• c. put the South under military rule.

• d. gave voting rights to all Southerners.


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The Supreme Court case of Plessy The Supreme Court case of Plessy vs Ferguson is important becausevs Ferguson is important because

a) It outlawed lynching.

b) It ended Reconstruction

c) It declared that poll taxes were illegal.

d) It ruled that segregation was constitutional.


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Reconstruction came to end whenReconstruction came to end when

• a. the Fifteenth Amendment was ratified.

• b. federal troops were removed from the South.

• c. President Johnson was impeached.

• d. the Freedmen’s Bureau was dismantled.


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In 1870, thanks to the Fifteenth In 1870, thanks to the Fifteenth Amendment, southern black menAmendment, southern black men

• a. voted for the first time.

• b. took charge of the Senate.

• c. received free government land.

• d. produced their own Reconstruction plan.


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Critics of powerful industrialists Critics of powerful industrialists referred to them asreferred to them as

• a. captains of industry.

• b. philanthropists.

• c. robber barons.

• d. anarchists.


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• what was the impact of the explosion in new inventions on American business


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• What was the effect of industrialization on the lives of children?


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The goal of the Sherman Antitrust The goal of the Sherman Antitrust Act was toAct was to

• a. encourage industries to form cartels.

• b. promote fair industrial competition.

• c. place higher taxes on business profits.

• d. encourage the growth of business monopolies.


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Which one of the following is a Which one of the following is a lingering myth about the West?lingering myth about the West?

• a. It was settled by a variety of races.

• b. Settlers were nearly all white males.

• c. Settlers nearly destroyed Native American peoples.

• d. Western settlement damaged the environment.


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The challenges and hardships of The challenges and hardships of settling the Great Plains led settlers settling the Great Plains led settlers


• a. desire isolation from their neighbors.

• b. rely on the government for aid.

• c. depend on help from each other.

• d. abandon the West.


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A Native American Victory in a A Native American Victory in a series of defeats…series of defeats…

• A) Battle of Wounded Knee

• B) Battle of Little Big Horn

• C) Battle of Sand Creek

• D) Battle of Red River


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• what did it mean to “assimilate” native americans


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Opportunities for profit in the cattle industry developed after the Civil

War largely because

A. meat-packing companies moved to the West.B. the Native Americans depended mainly on buffalo.C. growing cities of the North provided markets for meat.D. mining did not compete with ranching.


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What was one key requirement that What was one key requirement that applicants had to meet to receive applicants had to meet to receive land under the Homestead Act?land under the Homestead Act?

• a. They had to live on the land all year long.

• b. They had to farm the land for five years in a row.

• c. They had to file a claim with a bank.

• d. They had to wheel portable cabins from plot to plot.


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Legislation that led to the breakup Legislation that led to the breakup of Indian Reservationsof Indian Reservations

a) The Dawes Act

b) The Great Sioux Treaty

c) The Battle of Little Big Horn

d) The Emancipation Proclamation


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What drew many new immigrants What drew many new immigrants to the West?to the West?

• a. the opportunity to learn new languages

• b. the climate on the plains

• c. “land-grant” colleges

• d. cheap land and new jobs


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• What pulled or pushed people west


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ethnic diversity in the United States because of immigration often leads


A. increased social tension.B. a decrease in urban populations.C. increased religious tolerance.D. an extended economic decline.


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By the 1890s, immigration patterns By the 1890s, immigration patterns had shifted dramatically, with most had shifted dramatically, with most

immigrants now coming fromimmigrants now coming from

• a. northern European countries.

• b. southern and eastern European countries.

• c. Mexico and Central America.

• d. China and Japan.


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A Young Man who immigrated A Young Man who immigrated temporarily to return home latertemporarily to return home later

• A) Joe Plumber

• B) Coalmine Canary

• C) Bird of Passage

• D) Work Horse


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Where did European immigrants Where did European immigrants often settle in the United States?often settle in the United States?

• a. in western railroad towns

• b. in their ports of entry

• c. in the South

• d. near lakes


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• Describe reasons people are “pushed” to move somewhere else and reasons that “pull” people to move somewhere else.


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• What did the statue of liberty mean to immigrants


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Growth of the CitiesGrowth of the Cities

• A) Ruralization

• B) Urbanization

• C) Pluralization

• D) Homoginization


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• what problems were present in American life during the late 1800s and early what reforms were created to address these issues


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• Compared to life at the turn of the century, women’s lives changed dramatically in the twenties. Describe several of the new “freedoms” women enjoyed in the 1920s.


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• Explain why the American government felt it necessary to establish limits on the number of immigrants entering the United States in the 1920s.


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How did southern states keep How did southern states keep African Americans from gaining African Americans from gaining

political power?political power?

• a. lynching

• b. segregation

• c. voting restrictions

• d. de facto discrimination


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Which event led to the Spanish-Which event led to the Spanish-American War?American War?

• a. Cubans rebelled against Spanish rule.

• b. The United States annexed Cuba.

• c. Spain destroyed American-owned sugar plantations in Cuba.

• d. The Spanish navy sank two American ships in the Pacific.


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• how and why did the United States acquire territory.


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Why was the Open Door Policy Why was the Open Door Policy important to the United States?important to the United States?

• a. It gave the United States territory in China.

• b. It gave the United States access to millions of consumers in China.

• c. It increased Chinese investments in the United States.

• d. It kept European goods out of China.


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The United States followed a policy The United States followed a policy of expansionism in the late 1800s of expansionism in the late 1800s


• a. European nations were eager to sell rights to their colonies.

• b. many Americans were demanding high-quality foreign goods.

• c. U.S. factories needed foreign laborers.

• d. the nation sought more markets for its goods.


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As a result of the Spanish-As a result of the Spanish-American War,American War,

• a. Puerto Rico became an unincorporated territory of the United States.

• b. Cuba was divided into spheres of influence.

• c. the Philippines became a Spanish colony.

• d. the United States gained rights to the Panama Canal.


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Under imperialism, the stronger Under imperialism, the stronger nation attempts tonation attempts to

• a. dominate a weaker country.

• b. sell its products to a weaker country.

• c. create an empire.

• d. all of the above.


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• positive results of American Imperialism and negative results of American Imperialism.


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Americans sided with the Cuban Americans sided with the Cuban rebels against Spain as a result ofrebels against Spain as a result of

• a. the charge up San Juan Hill.

• b. the Platt Amendment.

• c. the Treaty of Paris.

• d. yellow journalism.


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President Roosevelt’s Progressive President Roosevelt’s Progressive record included all the following record included all the following


• a. conservation of forest land.

• b. break-up of several trusts deemed harmful to the public.

• c. regulation of food and drugs.

• d. establishment of the Federal Reserve System.


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Progressivism was halted byProgressivism was halted by

• a. the efforts of the NAACP.

• b. World War I.

• c. the repeal of the prohibition amendment.

• d. the victory of the Bull Moose Party.


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Which belief was held by most Which belief was held by most Progressives?Progressives?

• a. The government should be more accountable to its citizens.

• b. Housing and healthcare should remain private.

• c. The government should protect agricultural interests.

• d. The government should intervene in unfair business practices.


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Journalists known as muckrakers Journalists known as muckrakers worked atworked at

• a. praising government policies.

• b. exposing political and business corruption.

• c. attacking the ideas of socialists.

• d. opposing government regulation of business.


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One way reformers hoped to end One way reformers hoped to end corruption in government was tocorruption in government was to

• a. establish an income tax.

• b. give voters more direct say in lawmaking.

• c. provide more welfare services.

• d. use the army to oust political machines.


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The progressive movement The progressive movement focused mainly on the problems offocused mainly on the problems of

• a. African Americans.

• b. urban residents.

• c. tenant farmers.

• d. nonunionized workers.


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Many Americans became more Many Americans became more supportive of suffrage as a result ofsupportive of suffrage as a result of

• a. women’s activities in World War I.

• b. the Seventeenth Amendment.

• c. the Bradwell v. Illinois decision.

• d. the repeal of prohibition.


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Which event sparked World War I?Which event sparked World War I?

• a. the sinking of the Lusitania

• b. the German-French dispute over Alsace-Lorraine

• c. Russia’s quest for a warm-water port

• d. the assassination of the heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne


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Which was true of African Which was true of African Americans during World War I?Americans during World War I?

• a. Almost as many African Americans served in the war as did white Americans.

• b. African Americans were not allowed to serve in the war.

• c. African American troops were usually reserved for battle.

• d. African American troops were segregated and rarely allowed to fight.


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• why did the United States entered World War I.


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• how did American women help the war effort?


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Which best describes the Great Which best describes the Great Migration?Migration?

• a. the increase in European immigration during World War I

• b. the movement of African Americans to northern cities

• c. the movement of women into jobs formerly held by men

• d. the progress of Allied troops across France


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Under the terms of the Sussex Under the terms of the Sussex pledge, the German government pledge, the German government

promised thatpromised that• a. the German navy would not attack any

American ships.

• b. German ships would not blockade Britain and France.

• c. German U-boats would warn ships before attacking.

• d. the German army would never invade Russia.


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The Selective Service Act was a The Selective Service Act was a means ofmeans of

• a. getting money to support the war effort.

• b. getting women to take over jobs formerly done by men.

• c. drafting young men for the military forces.

• d. finding jobs for men after they left military service.


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After Vladimir Lenin seized control After Vladimir Lenin seized control of Russia in 1917,of Russia in 1917,

• a. Germany surrendered.

• b. the Allies declared war on Russia.

• c. the United States entered the war.

• d. Russia withdrew from the war.


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The death toll from World War I The death toll from World War I waswas

• a. the highest for American troops.

• b. low, because of advances in weapons.

• c. extraordinarily high.

• d. high for Germany but low for the Allies.


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Under the terms of the peace Under the terms of the peace treaty, Germany had totreaty, Germany had to

• a. give its colonies independence.

• b. pay reparations to the Allies.

• c. break up Czechoslovakia.

• d. give its tanks and artillery to France.


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One result of Prohibition during the One result of Prohibition during the 1920s was1920s was

• a. an increase in alcoholism.

• b. a decline in dancing and socializing.

• c. the rise of organized crime.

• d. the creation of urban artistic colonies.


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How did life change for American How did life change for American women in the 1920s?women in the 1920s?

• a. Many women felt freer to experiment with bolder styles and manners.

• b. Married women found it much easier to balance careers and family life.

• c. Most women grew long hair and stopped using makeup.

• d. Women began to dominate the work force, often taking leadership positions.


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African Americans migrated north African Americans migrated north in the early 1900s mainly because in the early 1900s mainly because


• a. offers of free land.

• b. the climate.

• c. an industrial boom.

• d. a widespread business slowdown.


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Clubs in the Harlem district of New Clubs in the Harlem district of New York City were among the hottest York City were among the hottest

places to listen toplaces to listen to

• a. radio.

• b. political speeches.

• c. jazz.

• d. poetry readings.


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One group that suffered One group that suffered economically during the 1920s was economically during the 1920s was

thethe• a. miners.

• b. farmers.

• c. publishers.

• d. sports heroes.


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Key features of Republican Key features of Republican administrations of the 1920s administrations of the 1920s


• a. expansionism and business regulation.

• b. isolationism and laissez-faire business policy.

• c. a buildup of armaments and armed forces.

• d. reduction of quotas and increased immigration.


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The Red Scare was a response toThe Red Scare was a response to

• a. Prohibition.

• b. the Teapot Dome scandal.

• c. the Russian Revolution.

• d. the Kellogg-Briand Pact.


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The economy grew in the 1920s as The economy grew in the 1920s as consumersconsumers

• a. carefully conserved electricity.

• b. invested most of their money in government bonds.

• c. learned to ignore advertisements.

• d. began to buy goods on credit.


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Many Americans believed that Many Americans believed that Sacco and Vanzetti were executed Sacco and Vanzetti were executed

because they werebecause they were• a. subversives trying to overthrow the


• b. Communist agitators who helped organize strikes.

• c. responsible for setting off bombs that damaged A. Mitchell Palmer’s home.

• d. immigrants with radical beliefs during the Red Scare.


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Generally, the 1920s were marked Generally, the 1920s were marked byby

• a. rising farm prices.

• b. rising stock prices.

• c. falling production.

• d. falling wages.


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Despite the prosperity of the 1920s, Despite the prosperity of the 1920s, life remained hard for many life remained hard for many

• a. farmers and factory workers.

• b. wealthy investors.

• c. employers.

• d. brokers and speculators.


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Throughout most of the 1920s, Throughout most of the 1920s, Americans were generallyAmericans were generally

• a. worried that the stock market would crash.

• b. confident that business would bring continued prosperity.

• c. delighted that wealth was evenly distributed.

• d. concerned with economic danger signs.


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Not long after Black Tuesday, the Not long after Black Tuesday, the stock market crash was affectingstock market crash was affecting

• a. only those who had invested heavily in stocks.

• b. wealthy industrialists almost exclusively.

• c. millions of Americans, many of whom had never owned stocks.

• d. mainly stockbrokers and banks.


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The Crash led toThe Crash led to

• a. increased factory production.

• b. a brief period of rising profits.

• c. higher farm prices.

• d. unemployment for millions of workers.


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