Filipino Sign Language

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  • 8/9/2019 Filipino Sign Language


    F-Xinulator: Filipino Sign Language Translator

    A proposed Thesis presented to the

    Faculty of the Department of Information Technology

    of Far Eastern Uniersity! "a#ati$

    In partial ful%lment of the course

    Soft&are Deelopment

    Ali'usa! (aula )odine *$

    Arayata! Alden Shaun E$

    Estrella! )uan (aolo "$

    "atias! "ar# Adrian T$

    +amire,! arl Ian .$

    /oem'er 01! 2134

  • 8/9/2019 Filipino Sign Language


    A'stract of the study

    The Filipino sign language application is programed to teach

    and sho& the 'asic sign language to ma#e it possi'le for users

    5deaf and normal people6 to understand di7erent sign languages!

    to understand one another far more 8uic#ly than users of

    unrelated spo#en languages can$ The idea &as to ma#e a mo'ile

    app that &ill help people to learn the 'asic languages for them to

    communicate &ell &ith deaf people$ The program &ill sho& three

    parts! these are the alpha'ets! num'ers and 'asic &ords$

    (articipants &ill o'tain the 'asic #no&ledge for learning each

    signs and their meanings$ The researchers proide this application

    to help people &ho &ants to learn the 'asic sign language in case

    of communicating to deaf people! also! the researchers proide a

    8ui, in eery end of the lesson$ Instead of going to the actualsession that may cause a lac# of time for the end-user to attend!

    the researchers proide an easy and simple e-learning mo'ile


  • 8/9/2019 Filipino Sign Language


    Ta'le of 9ontents

    Title Page . i

    Abstract ii

    Chapter 1 The Problem and its Background

    Background of the Study ... 1

    b!ecti"es of the Study .. #

    Scope and $imitations of the Study .. %

    Significance of the Study .................................... &

    Chapter # ' Conceptual (rame)ork

    *e"ie) of *elated $iterature and Studies ... +

    Conceptual ,odel of the Study . -

    perational efinition of Terms . /

    Chapter % *esearch ,ethodology

    *esearch esign .. 0

    Pro!ect e"elopment

    peration and Testing Procedure 12

    Chapter & *esults and iscussions

    Pro!ect escription . 11

    Pro!ect Structure . 1#

    Pro!ect Capabilities and $imitations . 1%

  • 8/9/2019 Filipino Sign Language


    Pro!ect 3"aluation ... 1&

    Chapter + Summary of (indings4 Conclusions4 and *ecommendations

    Summary of (indings . 1+

    Conclusions 1-

    *ecommendations 1/

  • 8/9/2019 Filipino Sign Language


    9hapter 3: The (ro'lem and Its ac#ground

    Background of the Study

    A sign language is a pattern &hich uses hands and 'ody

    gesture! and this is commonly used 'y communities of deaf

    people! 'ut sign language is not only for deaf 'ut also to people

    &ho can hear! 'ut cannot physically spea#$ A Filipino Sign

    Language Translator is the easiest &ay to learn the 'asic sign

    language as they gie the oerie& of each &ae of its 'ody and

    hands! the meaning and feelings of each signs$

    Objectives of the Study

    3$6 To assess the #no&ledge leel of the participant in

    learning the 'asic sign language 'y holding it into their

    palm$2$6 To gie more time in learning the 'asic sign language in

    any time and location$0$6 "a#ing it easier for the friends or families &ho &ants to

    learn and communicate &ell &ith the special child 5deaf6$4$6 To less the aoidance and accessi'ility of the deaf to the

    normal people! as this &ill 'e a stepping stone of learning

    &ith them in the same time$;$6 (roided an alpha'et! num'ers and 'asic phrases$

    Scope and Limitation of the Study

    The study focused on Sign Language Translator$ The

    researchers formulated the scope and limitations of this pro

  • 8/9/2019 Filipino Sign Language


    people &ho encounter the sign language$ The application is

    capa'le of sho&ing the alpha'ets! num'ers and 'asic phrases$

    The application also handles a 8ui,! so the participants can

    ealuate his=her #no&ledge after learning or seeing the demo of

    each &ords or alpha'et that &as presented on the application$

    The study doesn>t re8uire internet connection to access the

    mo'ile application$ Also! the study doesn>t handle composing

    sentences that may a'le to sho& the actual sign language$ It

    cannot also translate all &ords into action as it only uses the

    'asic=common sign language$ The program &ill only 'e

    compati'le on Android$ The sign language &ill 'e translated into

    English since &e are using the FSL 5Filipino Sign Language6 for

    this application$

    Signicance of the Study

    This section &ill proide 'rief description on the

    signi%cances focusing on helpfulness! relia'ility and accurate of

    the application$ This sho&s ho& important the researchers>

    proposed system is a'le to change the company>s ?o& and the

    follo&ing persons &ill 'ene%t:

    To special child 5deaf6$ The proposed system seres as a guide for

    them to easily handle the ne& information system that is to 'e

    deeloped$ It &ill also help the respondents to 'e e@posed in the

    terms of modern technology$

    To family and friends$ This proposed application &ill ma#e it easier

    for them to learn and understand the 'asic sign languages in the

    terms of communicating &ell &ith the people &ho are deaf! as if

    eer the family hae a deaf mem'er &ith them$

  • 8/9/2019 Filipino Sign Language


    To future researchers$ The proposed system &ill help and 'ene%t

    their future studies as their guide and can possi'ly open ne&


    9hapter 2: 9onceptual Frame&or#

    Review of Related Literature and Studies

    Local Literatures

    3$ Face'oo# has 'een a perfect place for people to mingle &ithout'eing physically present$ It gies them 5me included6 a chance to'e or stay informed a'out the &herea'outs of eeryone$

    o&eer! this is also a place &here some people tend to sho& o7to others that they are 'etter and had e@perienced the %nerthings in life$ That>s &hen 'ullying comes in$ Bhen they seesomeone &ho is not &ithin their leel in life! it triggers theirsenses to ma#e their status #no&n 'y giing others a piece oftheir mighty minds$

    Enter the Deaf$ is name is "ininio uhat$ ere is his F post:

    DeafCs F (ostTo those &ho are natural English spea#ers! you

    might certainly e@perience a little headache in trying to decipher&hat the deaf meant$ ut for those &ho are familiar &ith theFilipino deaf>s &ay of &riting! this &ould 'e a tad easier tounderstand$

    /o& here is &here the ullies come in$ This head 'ully copy-pasted the deaf>s post and remar#ed insults a'out his Englishusing our Filipino language &hile sharing it &ith others$ Then hiscohorts posted more insulting messages 'elo&$

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    T&enty one insults! 04 li#es and 24 shares later! the post caughtthe attention of the Defender$ "r$ "i#e Sande

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    KI+AL Film director shames F cro&d for cy'er'ullying a deafuser for poor English

    Filipino Film Director 9alls on 9y'er'ullying

    They een made a ne&s-reply from the 'ullied Deaf$

    aing 'een &ith Filipino deaf education for more than t&entyyears no&! I still %nd it amusing ho& they construct theirsentences$ Bhile I am al&ays on the defensie side &heneerthey are insulted! I still remind them! especially in my Englishclass that &ritten English is the &ater as sign language is the oil$

    They should neer mi@ the t&o 'ecause it &ould certainly &on>t$

    To my deaf friendsJ admit it$ Eery'ody can hae access to your

    post &hether you are deaf or not$ I>m not saying that &e shouldall 'e grammar policemen$ I am de%nitely not siding &ith the'ullies$ ut at least our dear Deaf should also consider that theyhae hearing friends &ho read and try to understand their poststhe 'est &ay they can$

    Source: https:==deafphilippines$&ordpress$com=category=%lipino-sign-language=

    2$According to "aria 9hristina L$ "anlapig! This study analy,es anddescri'es the stages of faith deelopment of deaf studentsenrolled in 2111-2113 at the Special Schools Studies at the De LaSalle Uniersity-9ollege of St$ enilde$ Fourteen out of t&entyrandomly selected students responded to the interie&$ Thestudents &ere interie&ed using an open-ended format adaptedfrom De'ordeCs Interie& *uide$ The researcher! &ho is a signlanguage interpreter herself! conducted each interie& 'eing

    ideotaped$ Each tape &as then transcri'ed into &ritten English'y a sign language teacher and chec#ed and eri%ed 'y t&oother sign language interpreters$ The transcript &as coded andscored according to Fo&lerCs criteria for faith stage 'y theresearcher and t&o 526 other scorers$ The inter-rater relia'ility&as esta'lished at MNO$ The /on-Language "ulti-"ental TestForm A &as also administered$ The descriptie statisticalanalyses included means! fre8uencies and percentages$ +esultssho& that there &as one student &ho is at Stage 2 5"ythic-Literal

    Faith6! nine students &ho are at a Transition Stage 2 to 0 5"ythic-
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    Literal and Synthetic-9onentional Faith6 and four students are atStage 0 5Synthetic-9onentional Faith6$ According to Fo&ler!Stage 2 occurs at appro@imately 'et&een the ages 3H and 32!and Stage 0 is usually 'et&een the ages 30 and 3H$ 9omparing

    the students mean age 5226 &ith Fo&lerCs classi%cation! thestudents seem to 'e delayed in their faith deelopment$o&eer! they are at the same stage as grade school students&ho participated in De'ordeCs study in 3M$ Students at

    Transitional Stage 2 to 0 manifest concrete-literal thin#ing and ofinductie-deductie reasoning$ Thus the students in the presentstudy &ere a little 'it delayed in the faith deelopment incomparison to Fo&lerCs categori,ation$ This study also found thatthe use of sign language 'y parents seemed to 'e associated

    &ith the studentCs stage of faith deelopment$ The more they usesign language! the higher is the stage of faith deelopment$Furthermore! the more crises the student e@perienced in life! thehigher is the faith stage of faith$ The older the student! thehigher is the stage of faith deelopment$ o&eer! there seem to'e no association 'et&een age and stage of faith deelopment'ecause of the small sample si,e of the study$ Student>s &ith thehigher intelligence seem to hae higher faith than those &ithlo&er intelligence$ The more the students are inoled &ith9ampus "inistry actiities! the higher is their faith stage$

    0$According to I&an /

  • 8/9/2019 Filipino Sign Language


    thum' in @ and y coordinates and the @ and y coordinates ofother %ngers relatiely to the thum' position$ /e@t! the systemlearns the Filipino Sign Language num'er in training phase andrecogni,es the Filipino Sign Language num'er in testing phase 'y

    transcri'ing Filipino Sign Language num'er into te@t$ The systemuses idden "ar#o "odel 5""6 for training and testing phase$

    The system &as ealuated in terms of training time and accuracy$The feature e@traction could trac# 2$0O of all o'

  • 8/9/2019 Filipino Sign Language


    In 31N! the American Sign Language 5ASL6 &as introduced to theFilipino deaf community through the School for the Deaf and lind!no& #no&n as the (hilippine School for the Deaf$ ASL has sincein?uenced FSL! the Filipino sign language$

    CCFSL is a uni8ue language$ It has its o&n grammar! structure!synta@! &hich is di7erent from the spo#en language$ ItCs also themar# of identity of deaf Filipinos!CC e@plains "ac#ie 9al'ay! programcoordinator of DLS-9S School of Deaf Education and Applied5SDEAS6 Deaf Adocacy$

    FSL is 'elieed to 'e part of the French Sign Language family! thesign language &here most sign languages are deried from!including ASL$ ut li#e any other language! sign languages di7er

    depending on its use and the countryCs culture$

    CCASL has a 'ig in?uence on FSL! &hich can 'e traced 'ac# to thehistory of the (hilippines$ In terms of grammar! there aredi7erences and similarities 'et&een FSL and ASL$ There aresimilarities in terms of hand shapes! positioning! hand location!moement! facial e@pression! and palm orientation$ ut theconersation and discourse are di7erent depending on the culture$For e@ample here in the (hilippines! &e hae a sign for ?ooding

    inside the house! a term ASL does not hae 'ecause they donCte@perience it!CC e@plains Domingo! &ho is also a mem'er of theSpecial Education 5SpEd6 9ouncil of the Department of Education5DepEd6$

    e e@plains that the use of FSL 'y deaf Filipinos has increasedthrough the years$ In 211N! a'out M1 percent of deaf Filipinos &ereusing ASL &hile 41 percent used FSL$ Today! they recorded thata'out ;4 percent of deaf Filipinos use FSL compared to ASL$

    ST+./*E+ SU((.+T F.+ FSL

    +ey Alfred Lee! president of the (hilippine Federation of the Deaf5(FD6! says that the Filipino deaf community did not een #no& thatFSL e@isted$

    CCA lot of deaf people did not reali,e that they are using FSL$ They#no& ASL 'ut in reality they are using FSL$ /aturally! if they areconersing among themseles they are going to 'e using FSL 'ut ifa deaf person &ould hae to communicate &ith a hearing person!

    thereCs an automatic s&itching of the language$ So they &ould

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    conert signing e@act English 5SEE6$ ut if a deaf person conerses&ith another deaf person then they &ill use the more naturallanguage! &hich is FSL!CC Lee says$

    Lee! faculty mem'er of the Filipino Sign Language Learning (rogramof SDEAS! says that most of his students! 'oth deaf and hearing! aresurprised to discoer that there is an FSL$ DLS-9S SDEAS is #no&nfor its use of FSL and adocates the use of the local language in theschool and community$

    CCThe support for FSL is no& stronger$ The in?uence of the usage ofFSL is slo&ly ma#ing &aes$ opefully in terms of the usage of FSL!it &ill come soon 'ut &eCll hae to &or# dou'le time!CC Lee shares$

    FSL I/ of the main o'

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    (+.UD T. E DEAF! (+.UD .F FSL

    These deaf community leaders hope that more deaf Filipinosrecogni,e FSL! their natie language$

    CCSDEAS is adocating the use of FSL in the community$ opefully!through that they could foster as sense of community and alsopromote e@cellence in deaf education$ FSL is 'est used to hae'etter communication$ Be should 'e using a language &e couldunderstand!CC 9al'ay says$

    And they &ill not stop to &or# to further the cause of theiradocacy$ After all! the deaf community is %ghting for theirlanguage! %ghting for their identity$

    CCASL! 'eing a colonial language! &e donCt &ant it to 'e propagatedhere$ .ut of respect for the deaf Filipino culture &e &ant FSL to 'eused here$ ItCs &here &e 'elong$ ItCs part of our o&n language! itCsFilipino$ ThatCs ho& &e communicate and understand each other!'ecause this is &hat &e use$ If some people donCt ta#e FSLseriously! other countries &ill loo# do&n at us! &here is your o&nlanguageR BeCre proud that this is our language! this is &hat &e#no&$ This is FSL!CC Domingo says$

    Source: https:==ph$ne&s$yahoo$com=pushing-%lipino-sign-language-1;0M3442$html

    ;$ DLS-9S is emotional deelopment$ The Deafstudentsenrolled at EDD &ere mostly scholars and as their returnsericeto the institution they rendered serice throughoceassignments &hich e@posed them to the 9ollege>s

    hearingenironment and challenged them to interact &ith thehearingmem'ers of the institution and so from the start the greater
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    hearing population of DLS-9S has al&ays had some#no&ledge ofthe presence of the Deaf community among them$A report made 'ythe SDEAS to one of their academic lin#ages!the (ost-SecondaryEducation /et&or#-International 5(E/-International6 ma#es mention

    that in 30! the Sign LanguageLearning "odule 5SLL"6 &asdeeloped &ith the primary purpose of 'uilding the self-esteem ofthe Deaf students as theymanaged sign language classes forhearing students$In 34! the personnel inoled &ith the Deafprogram came toreali,e a num'er of things! including 536 acerti%cate program isnot enough training to get the Deaf studentsemployed! and 526the impact of haing Deaf teachers teaching Deafstudents$ And&ith these thoughts the achelor in Applied DeafStudies5A(DST6 &as conceptuali,ed &ith the core of the program

    'eing in education &ith seeral areas of speciali,ation from&hich tochoose from$In 3M DLS-9S &ent through a restructuring andsome of thechanges made paed the &ay for the School of SpecialStudies5SSS6$ It &as also during this year that the A(DSTprogram&as granted recognition 'y 9ED and &as o7ered 'ythe9ollege$ The 9ollege>s administration! and later on 9ED!&asconinced 'y then SSS Director Dr$ Li,a "artine, to changethename of the certi%cate course 'eing o7ered from

    9erti%cate (rogram in oo##eeping=Accounting for the earing-Impaired


    9erti%cate 9ourse in oo##eeping=Accounting for the Deaf

    $This change in name sho&ed that SSS> ie& of the Deaf person&asnot rooted in the medical perspectie! &here they &erela'eled ashearing-impaired and anchoring their identity ontheir ina'ility to

    hear! 'ut the Deaf person is recogni,ed as amem'er of a Deafcommunity that has a uni8ue identity! culture!and language 5&hichis Filipino Sign Language6$ At a'out thesame time the SLL" alsoneeded to change directions$Although it &as initially intended as atool for the deelopmentof self-esteem of the 9ollege>s Deafstudents! it &as no&transforming into a program &ith the potentialto producehearing students &ith sign language s#ills that mayeentually 'ecome serice proiders for the Deaf 9ommunity 5i$e$!teachers

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    for the Deaf! sign language interpreters6$ The SLL" &as no&calledthe Sign Language Learning (rogram or SLL($Student deelopmentnot only happens inside the classroom 'utalso ta#es place duringstudent actiities such as sports! performing arts! leadership

    training and inolement in studentorgani,ations$ Understanda'lythe Deaf students of the 9ollegehad limited opportunities in theseareas een if the institutionhad a unit in charge of proiding suchactiities to the students$Admittedly this unit did not understandthe needs of the Deaf student population and did not hae any signlanguage s#ills$The opportunities to participate in student actiities&ere then proided to the students of SSS through coordination&ithe@ternal agencies$ In 3H a proposal &as made for thecreationof the 9ounseling and +esource Unit for the Deaf 59+U-

    DEAF6and the ision for this unit &as not only to sere the Deafstudents of the 9ollege 'ut also to reach out to other mem'ers ofthe Deaf community through outreach actiities in the %eld ofguidance and counseling$In 2111 DLS-9S again &ent through anealuation andassessment of its programs and serices and SSSalso &entthrough a similar process$ 9onsultation meetings &ereheld &iththe Deaf students and the mem'ers of the faculty togather andunderstand their opinion on the curriculum! studentneeds! and program direction$ ased on the results of theseconsultationsrecommendations &ere made to the greater institutionand these&ere lin#ed to the directions of the 9ollege to transforminto alearner-centered institution$ And so 'eginning the school yearof 2113 the School of Special Studies &as renamed the SchoolofDeaf Education and Applied Studies 5SDEAS6 and &as giena ne&structure$ This time! aside from the academic program for the Deaf!the SDEAS also housed its o&n student serices unitin order toremain responsie to Deaf needs! although a num'er of programs

    still opened its doors to the Deaf and mainstreamingin someactiities 5e$g$ EST"ade Leadership Training and the planningsessions of Student 9ouncil and other studentorgani,ations6 stilltoo# place and the integration of the Deaf students into theenildean community during these eents &eredone &ith the aid ofsign language interpreters$ Also! theA(DST (rogram &hittled do&nits o7ering of areas of speciali,ation to t&o: "ultimedia Arts andEntrepreneurship$To meet the need for s#illed teachers in theseareas! DLS-9S>sSchool of Design and Arts and School of

    "anagement andInformation Technology assigned some of theirfaculty practitioners to 'e teachers at the SDEAS$ In order to

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    ensuree7ectie communication 'et&een the teachers and theirDeaf students! sign language interpreters &ere assigned to assistinthese classes$ In 2110! the academic and formation units&ereformally recogni,ed in the organi,ational chart as the .ce for

    Academics 5.-A(6 and the .ce for Deaf Esteem andFormation 5.-DEAF6$In 211M! the .ce for (artnership and Deelopment 5.-(D6&as added to the structure of the SDEAS functioning astheemployment and adocacy arm of the School to the largerenildean 9ommunity as &ell as to the e@ternal agencies that&ereloo#ing into proiding the Deaf graduates of the 9ollege&ithemployment$ At a'out the same time the SLL( &asrenamed the

    Filipino Sign Language Learning (rogram5FSLL(6

    in line &ith its commitment to 'e an innoator in theFilipino SignLanguage education for the Deaf! ard-of-earing! and earing$ It&as at this time that personnel fromthe di7erent oces proidingstudents &ith academic supportserices &ere 'ecoming a&are ofthe importance of #no&ingsign language in order to e7ectielydelier their serices to themem'ers of the 9ollege>s Deaf9ommunity thus the rise inenrollment of DLS-9S personnel intothe FSLL($ This &assupported 'y the 9ollege through their su'sidyof the enrollmentfee of personnel &ho enrolled into theprogram$During this time the 9ollege &as starting to 'ecome trulya&areof the presence of the Deaf 9ommunity of the SDEAS andDeaf students &ere 'eing inited to attend arious actiitiesli#eseminars and &or#shops! leadership trainings! and otherinstitutional programs$ The process for proiding accessandaccommodation serices at this point &as still ery unclear&ithsign language interpreters rendering free serice duringeents&hen the organi,ers could not a7ord to pay the

    interpretinghonorarium and perennial last minute re8uests forinterpretingserices &hen they &ould reali,e that Deaf students&ere participants of an eent$ In 211N! in a moe toprofessionali,ethe proision of interpreting serices &ithin the9ollege! a policy &as approed 'y the institutions Academic 9ouncilputting structure into the re8uest of interpreting serices foractiities and eents &ithin the 9ollege and proidinganinterpreting honorarium scheme that &as fair gien thesericerendered 'y sign language interpreters$+ecently! as the

    result of the partnership 'et&een DLS-9S and(E/-International!the 9enter for Education Access andDeelopment 59EAD6 &as

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    created &ith the primary purpose of setting up support structuresfor the mainstream set-up that8uali%ed Deaf students can get into&ith the School of otel!+estaurant and Institution "anagement5S+I"6 and theSchool of Design and Arts 5SDA6$ A team comprised

    of theDeans and 9hairpersons of SDEAS! S+I"! and SDA &ithDLS-9S>s Kice 9hancellor for Academics isited the /ationalTechnicalInstitute for the Deaf 5/TID6 in early 211 for aseries of discussionson the mainstream enironment that /TIDand +ochester Institute of

    Technology 5+IT6 has and to conducto'serations on ho& classesare conducted &hen there are anum'er of Deaf persons in a largelyhearing class$ .nce thegroup returned to their institution! steps&ere ta#en to preparethese Schools for the eentual mainstreamingof Deaf learnersinto their programs and the initial step &as to

    organi,e corefaculty mem'ers and academic support sericespersonnel andenroll them in Filipino Sign Language classes$ Apartfromlearning the 'asic conersational signs! these groups &illalso&or# &ith their FSLL( teachers and &ith mem'ers fromSDEAS indeeloping technical signs for the oca'ulary thatone often uses inthe areas of culinary arts! tourism! hospitalitymanagement! anddesign$At the start of school year 211-2131! upon therecommendationof the human resource study that the 9ollege &asundergoing!the .ces under the SDEAS &ere renamed 9enters andareno& called the 9enter for Academics! 9enter for Deaf EsteemandFormation 59-DEAF6 and the 9enter for (artnership andDeelopment59-(D6$


    Local Studies

    3$ August ;! 2134! during the 4th Day of /oena "asses! St$ enilde+omancon! "s$ Leah .sido shares a'out her life e@periences!relationship &ith *od and family! and commitment to sere theDeaf community$ She is an alumna of the School of DeafEducation and Applied Studies 5SDEAS 'atch 21136 and thecurrent "edia Deelopment Specialist of SDEASC 9enter for(artnership and Deelopment$ "s$ )oyce Dala&ampu &as heroice interpreter in the ideo a'oe and the transcript of thesharing 'elo& &as edited 'y "s$ ea Francisco$
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    *ood afternoon eeryone! I am Leah .sido a graduate of enildeand no& &or# in SDEAS>s 9(D$ I &as tas#ed to share my re?ectionon the appreciation of the indiidual &orth$

    Let me share a little a'out my family$ I am an only child and &asery close to 'oth my parents gro&ing up$ In 211! my motherlost her t #no& &hat to do$ Ilearned a lot from that e@perience$ I learned ho& to sae money!to 'udget and ma#e do &ith &hat I hae$ I also learned to 'ecome

    independent and do things on my o&n$(eople used to as# me &hy I &as al&ays fro&ning or sad and Ireali,ed I &asn>t a&are that I &as sho&ing a negatie disposition$I don>t see myself 'eing negatie 'ut other people al&ays tell methat I &as$ So after some re?ection! I decided to change myperception of life and 'e more positie$ I had a lot of pro'lemsand I as#ed *od for help to oercome them$ I tried to search for&ays to 'ecome more positie$ I changed my lifestyle and routineand tried to appreciate the 'eauty of simple things! such as theenironment and people around me$

    I hae receied a lot of positie 'lessings in my life! my mother!my friends! and the Deaf 9ommunity$ I al&ays sho& myappreciation of life 'y 'eing cheerful and smiling at eeryone$ I'eliee *od al&ays gies me the grace to smile despiteeerything$ As a leader I &anted to 'e a good role model to otherpeople and at the same time respect each person>s uni8ueness$ I&anted to help other people &ho are haing pro'lems and hae

    negatie perspectie in life$ I listen to their pro'lems and try togie them positie adice$ I al&ays as# *od to help me continueliing and not go 'ac# to my dicult life 'efore$ I encourage otherpeople &ho had the same e@perience to 'e happy and try tochange their life for the 'etter$

    I &ish to 'e of more alue to my community 'y sharing mye@perience and professional a'ility and sering other people$ Thechallenge for me is to continue 'eing strong in life$ I 'eliee and I

    am con%dent that I am helping my community 'y sering otherDeaf people! olunteering! especially helping out in the proinces$

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    I 'eliee the real challenge for us is to change our perspectie!understand and accept the uni8ueness of other peopleJ not8uic#ly s &hy it>s also

    important to hae a positie perspectie of one>s self! one>sidentity and a %rm hold on one>s alues and principles$+emem'ering that each person is uni8ue and *od- gien$

    Source: http:==deaf-studies$'logspot$com=

    2$Bhat are sign languagesR

    9ommon misconceptions:

    Signing is uniersal$

    Signing is gesture or only pantomime$

    Sign languages are 'ased on spo#en languages$

    Sign languages hae 'een demonstrated to 'e true languages atpar &ith spo#en languages$ Spo#en languages are 'ased onclasses of sound! &hile sign languages are 'uilt from isual units$

    There are oer a hundred sign languages currently recogni,edaround the &orld$

    The fundamental unit of structure is the andshape! along &iththe other parameters of Location! "oement! (alm .rientationand /onmanual signal$ These are further organi,ed into units&hich carry meaning! and then! sentences and discourse$

    Sign languages hae no &ritten systems and are goerned 'ypurely isually motiated grammatical deices found in the/onmanual signals of the face and 'ody$

    o& do sign languages di7er from sign systemsR

    Sign languages arise and gro& naturally across time! &ithincommunities of persons &ith hearing loss$ A sign language is notintrinsic to children &ith hearing loss 'ut is among the set oflearned 'ehaiours &ithin the community that is shared! nurturedand passed on$

    Sign languages possess their o&n structure distinct from spo#en

    and &ritten languages$
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    Sign systems! on the other hand! are considered arti%cial sincethey did not arise spontaneously 'ut &ere purposiely created aseducational tools in the deelopment of literacy$ Arti%cial signsystems follo& the structure and grammar of spo#en and &ritten


    Bhat is Filipino Sign Language 5FSL6R

    9ommon misconceptions a'out Filipino Sign Language:

    It is 'ased on Filipino$

    It is 'ased on English$

    It is the same as American Sign Language$

    Li#e other legitimate isual languages! FSL has a hierarchy oflinguistic structure 'ased on a manual signal supplemented 'yadditional linguistic information from /o manual signals of theface and 'ody$ It is the ordered and rule-goerned isualcommunication &hich has arisen naturally and em'odies thecultural identity of the Filipino community of signers$

    It sho&s internal structure distinct from spo#en and &rittenlanguages! and other isual languages! and possesses productie

    processes! ena'ling it to respond to numerous current andemerging communication needs$

    It re?ects rich regional diersity in its oca'ulary and 'ears ahistorical imprint of language change oer time since the early'eginnings of manual communication in the 3Mth century inLeyte$

    From the le@icostatistical analysis of %eld data 'y the (hilippineFederation of the Deaf 5(FD6! possi'le arieties hae so far 'een

    proposed: an Eastern Kisayas group 5Leyte ariety6 and aSouthern Lu,on group 5Southern Tagalog! icol and (ala&anarieties6$

    FSL 'ears the historical imprint of heay language pressure fromcontact &ith American Sign Language since the start of thecentury! as &ell as &ith "anually 9oded English since the 3N1s$

    In 2114! sign linguist Li,a "artine, called attention to the massieand a'rupt change of the core oca'ulary of FSL! &hich has

    resulted from this linguistic pressure$ The (FD historical analysis

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    in 211N used the le@icostatistical approach and eri%edoca'ulary elements of indigenous as &ell as foreign origin$

    Distinguished sign linguist )ames Bood&ard has 'een at theforefront of pioneering research to protect endangered indigenoussign languages 5including FSL6 and stem the strong tide ofin?uence from foreign sign languages and sign systems$

    Bho are the Filipino deafR

    These are Filipinos &ho hae hearing loss! including those &holost their hearing early or late in life 5late-deafened adults! seniorciti,ens6! the hard of hearing! those &ith other impairments suchas the deaf'lind! those &ho communicate orally! unschooled deaf!

    L*T deaf! deaf indigenous peoples and so on$Bho are the Filipino DeafR

    They are deaf Filipinos &ho use! share! nurture and promotecommon alues 5including their isual language and culturalidentity6 as a claim for human rights and self-determination$

    o& are FSL and American Sign Language relatedR

    FSL 'elongs to the 'ranch of isual languages in?uenced 'y

    American Sign Language together &ith! for e@ample! Thai SignLanguage and enyan Sign Language$ o&eer! the structure ofFSL has changed signi%cantly enough for it to 'e considered adistinct language from American Sign Language$

    There is su'stantial eidence of &idespread FSL changes in thefollo&ing:

    .erall form! internal structure 5particularly on the inentory ofhandshapes and accompanying phonological processes6

    Sign formation or morphological processes 5such as a@ation!compounding! numeral incorporation! le@icali,ation of %ngerspelling! in?ections and others

    9lassi%er predication! grammatical features and transformationalrules! ena'ling it to generate in%nite forms of surface structurefrom patterns of deep structure

    Bhat is the legal 'asis for ouse ill /o$ M1NR

    The 'ill is #no&n as An Act Declaring Filipino Sign Language asthe /ational Sign Language of the Filipino Deaf and the .cial

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    Language of *oernment in All Transactions Inoling the Deaf!and "andating Its Use in Schools! roadcast "edia andBor#places$

    The State is duty-'ound internationally and domestically tolegislate M1N or other la&s &ritten in the same spirit$International commitments include its rati%cation of U/ coretreaties! e$g$ the 9onention on the +ights of (ersons &ithDisa'ilities 5U/9+(D6 and the 9onention on Economic! Socialand 9ultural +ights! as &ell as the signing 'y the (hilippines ofthe 34 Salamanca Statement on Special /eeds Education$

    Department of Education 5DepEd6 policies include the 3Nspeci%c guidelines on the use of FSL as the medium of instruction

    for students &ith hearing impairment$ +ecent or proposed DepEdpolicies! such as those for "other Tongue-'ased "ultilingualEducation! the -32 'ill and the Early Gears Act! alreadyincorporate principles of full accessi'ility! inclusion andparticipation of children &ith disa'ilities$

    Is this legal recognition of a national sign language ta#ing placeonly in the (hilippinesR

    /o$ Forty-four countries are reported to hae arious leels offormal recognition for their sign languages! from constitutionalstatus to speci%c legislation! polices or guidelines$

    Sign language recognition continues to 'e an area of actielo''ying &ith the goernment for Deaf communities &orld&ide!&hich ino#e their right to language and communication in allaspects of their lies$

    o& much research has 'een done on FSLR

    +osalinda "acaraig +icasa! the %rst Filipino hearing sign-languagelinguist &ho trained at the reno&ned Deaf institution! *allaudetUniersity 5Bashington6! %rst presented in the late 3H1s theo'seration of a possi'ly uni8ue sign language in the (hilippines!distinct from American Sign Language$

    In 31! Li,a "artine,! the second Filipino hearing sign-languagelinguist &ho trained at the same Deaf uniersity! conducted the%rst linguistic in8uiry in the country$ Since that time! oer H1

    studies on the structure and use of FSL hae 'een underta#enand pu'lished or presented in local and international forums$

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    These span the %elds of sign language linguistics! history!(hilippine studies! literature and culture! le@icography and corpus!sign language interpreting! translation studies! language policy!education! early childhood deelopment! human rights and

    machine intelligence=sign language recognition$

    The (hilippine Federation of the Deaf &as the lead for the /ationalSign Language 9ommittee! &hich produced the Status +eport onthe Use of Sign Language in the (hilippines 5&ith principal supportfrom the *allaudet Uniersity Alumni Association through theLaurent 9lerc 9ultural Fund6 and the (ractical Dictionaries (ros o&n choices5Article 0$a6$

    .n education! Article 24$0 emphasi,es that States (arties shall

    ena'le persons &ith disa'ilities to learn life and socialdeelopment s#ills to facilitate their full and e8ual participation in

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    education and as mem'ers of the community$ To this end! States(arties shall ta#e appropriate measures! including:

    5'6 Facilitating the learning of sign language and the promotion ofthe linguistic identity of the deaf communityJ

    5c6 Ensuring that the education of persons! and in particularchildren! &ho are 'lind! deaf or deaf'lind! is deliered in the mostappropriate languages and modes and means of communicationfor the indiidual! and in enironments &hich ma@imi,e academicand social deelopment$

    (art 5'6 is a clear directie to facilitate and promote the linguisticidentity of the community 5i$e$! FSL6$ /ota'le is the use of the

    &ord including in the %rst paragraph 5meaning! it is note@clusie6 for the directie to promote this linguistic identity$

    (art 5c6 instructs the State to ma#e sure that schools! in pursuit oftheir goals and mandates! o7er education that is appropriate andma@imi,es academic and social deelopment$ This appears togie schools latitude in the choice and deliery through the use ofarious languages! modes and means$ o&eer! these mustsatisfy the re8uirements for fully inclusie education andma@imum deelopment$

    Article 23$' directs the State to guard the freedom of e@pressionand access to information of persons &ith disa'ilities of all formsof communication of their choice! &hile also recogni,ing andpromoting the use of sign languages 523$e6$

    The most critical point here is State responsi'ility$ The party tothe conention is the (hilippine state and not any sta#eholder$

    The State must! therefore! clearly demonstrate that it is carrying

    out its duty to facilitate and promote the linguistic and culturalidentity of the community 5Articles 23$'! eJ 24$0$'! 01$46 andproide full accessi'ility through sign language interpretation5Article $2$e6$ Articles 23$' and 24$0$c in no &ay diminish Statecommitment to clearly promote and protect sign language anddeaf culture$

    Bhat &ill happen if M1N does not 'ecome a la&R

    State responsi'ility remains clear and does not change$ It shall

    still need to demonstrate ho& it is implementing Articles 23$'! e!24$0$'! 01$4 and $2$e of the U/9+(D$ It shall also 'e

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    accounta'le for the nearly t&o decades of neglect of itscommitment to the 34 Salamanca Statement to ensure accessthrough a national sign language$

    E@isting policies of the DepEd and the

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    It &as li#e a 'om'! said *eorge Lintag! secretary of the(hilippine Federation of the Deaf! Inc$ 5(FD6! &ho &as present&hen "s$ Qui

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    participation and self-determination for all Deaf Filipinos! inaccordance &ith the "agna 9arta for (ersons &ith Disa'ility! theSalamanca Statement and Frame&or# for Action on Special /eedsEducation 5346! the United /ations Declaration of uman

    +ights! and the United /ations 9onention on the +ights of(ersons &ith Disa'ilities$

    The (FD called on the DepEd to halt the iolation of the rights tolanguage! culture! participation and self-determination of DeafFilipinosJ and institute! facilitate and promote all appropriatemeasures to guarantee the full enseasy to get FSL if you #no& ASL! for e@ample! 'ecause they>re

    related though history and deelopment$ Tai&anese Sign

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    Language! mean&hile! uses handshapes that are alien to FSL: theraised middle %nger in the sign for 'rother and the folded pin#yin the sign for airplane! among others$

    As in ASL! each sign in FSL has %e components$ andshape!&hich &as already mentioned! is one of them$ The other four arepalm orientation! location! moement! and nonmanual signals$9hange any one of these %e components and the meaning of thesign changes as &ell$

    /uances such as tone! sarcasm! or irony are coneyed throughnonmanual signals such as facial e@pressions and 'odymoements$

    Shouting entails ta#ing up a larger area of signing space! animaginary three-dimensional region in front of the userJ&hispering! a smaller area$ 5If the need for priacy is great! youcan al&ays sign underneath your shirt so that your conersationis hidden from prying eyes$6 Elo8uence! ll #no& it &hen yousee itJ gay signs hae moreV$ pi,,a,,$6

    As in any language! there is the &hole range of human diersityin terms of signing styles$ Each indiidual has his or her o&nWdialect!> said "s$ "artine,$ (articular oca'ularies are distinctfor certain age groups and social classes$ Li#e other liinglanguages! ne& oca'ularies emerge! change! and disappear$

    "em'ers of the Filipino Deaf community hae repeatedly saidthat they &ould rather 'e taught in FSL$ The (FD>s resolution isonly the latest and! as mentioned! their re8uest is 'ac#ed 'yseeral local and international declarations$ The DepEd! in the3H1s! prescri'ed that local sign language (ilipino SignLanguage 'e used as the language of instruction for thehearing impaired$

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    The Formal +esolution adopted 'y the Borld 9ongress of theBorld Federation of the Deaf in elsin#i! Finland in 3HN said thatthe distinct national sign languages of indigenous deafpopulations should ocially 'e recogni,ed as their natural

    language of right for direct communication and that teachers ofthe deaf learn and use the accepted indigenous sign language asthe primary language of instruction$

    The Salamanca Statement and Frame&or# for Action on Special/eeds Education! adopted 'y 2 goernments 5the (hilippinesincluded6 and 2; international organi,ations in 34 read! in part:Educational policies should ta#e full account of indiidualdi7erences and situations$

    The importance of sign language as the medium ofcommunication among the deaf! for e@ample! should 'erecogni,ed and proision to ensure that all deaf persons haeaccess to education in their national sign language$

    In 211N! the (hilippines 'ecame one H2 signatories to the United/ations 9onention on the +ights of (ersons &ith Disa'ilities5U/9+(D6$ Article 24 of the 9onention states that signatoriesshall facilitate the learning of sign language and the promotion of

    the linguistic identity of the deaf community$

    Bhy then! "s$ Quis endorsement of Signed E@act EnglishRBhy then! the use of SEE in the "iriam 9ollege Southeast AsianInstitute for the Deaf 5"9-SAID6R Bhy then! the use of SignedEnglish 5a system that is simpler than SEE6 in the (hilippineSchool for the Deaf 5(SD6R

    Kisual codes! reading! and &riting

    Be are not here to teach signs$ Be are here to teach concepts!said Golanda 9apulong! principal of (SD! &hich o7ers three leelsof schooling 5pre-elementary! elementary! and secondary6$ .urstudents are here to learn the parts of the 'ody and the parts ofthe plant$ They are here to learn to read and &rite$

    The language of instruction in (SD is English! complemented 'ySigned English! a system of manual communication thattranslates spo#en English into signs$ Signed English is one ofseeral isual codes for representing spo#en English$

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    The history of (SD goes 'ac# more than a hundred years$ It &asesta'lished in 31N as the School for the Deaf and the lind 'yDelia Delight +ice of 9olum'us! .hio$ In 3M0! the School splitinto t&o entities: (SD and the (hilippine School for the lind$

    Today! it has M10 students! ranging from the mildly deaf to theseerely deaf$ (SD also accepts children &ith other disa'ilitiesand special needs! such as autism and cere'ral palsy$

    Since (SD is a national school! the medium of instruction hasal&ays 'een a concern$ Be>re trying to sere a ery diersepopulation &ith di7erent needs! said "s$ 9apulong$ There arethree 'ig issues in the education of the deaf: &here shall &e teachdeaf children! ho& shall &e teach deaf children! and &hat shall &e

    teach deaf childrenR FSL relates to the second issue$(SD>s goal is to mainstream its deaf students$ In the educationsetting! this means helping them

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    Deaf 5"9-SAID6! &hich teaches pre-school to secondary leels! in3N4$ It &as a forerunner in adopting the Total 9ommunication(hilosophy$ ut unli#e (SD! "9-SAID used and still uses SignedE@act English! an een more precise isual code for spo#en

    English than Signed English$

    Eery morpheme in spo#en English has an e8uialent sign in SEE:er's must 'e cons graduates are the 'est arguments for usingSEE$ There>s )emima "ing *o! &ho graduated cum laude from theUniersity of the (hilippines! Diliman! 9ollege of Fine Arts lastyear$ As a matter of fact! many Deaf leaders no& adocating forthe use of FSL &ere products of SEE$

    I thin# that one of the reasons they can engage intellectually inthese conersations and discussions a'out FSL and SEE is thatthey hae command oer 'oth languages YFSL and SEEZ! said

    "s$ Ui$ That they faor FSL oer SEE is not really an issue &ithme$ It ma#es me proud as a teacher to see them engaged$ /otany deaf person can do Y&hat they>re doingZ$

    The "9-SAID principal continued that seeing ho& &ell the systemhas &or#ed for them

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    A learner-centered enironment

    +aphael +aphy Domingo is a Deaf leader &ho &or#s ascoordinator of Education Access for the Deaf at the De La Salle9ollege of Saint enilde 5DLS-9S6-9enter for Education Accessand Deelopment 59EAD6$ e &as president of the (FD from3-2110 and a ma

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    Theresa 9hristine Techie enite,-dela Torre! director of 9EADand dean of SDEAS from 2112-211! said that DLS-9S uses FSL'ecause it is learner-centered$

    Gou hae to see it from the ie& of the students$ Gou hae tounderstand it from a sociocultural perspectie! she said$ Deafpeople cannot hear! yes! 'ut that does not de%ne theirpersonhood$ Their identity is not their hearing a'ility$ They haetheir o&n uni8ue e@periences$

    Imagine a deaf infant 'orn in a hearing &orld$ From day one! this'a'y is isolated and cut o7$ There is a 'arrier a 'arrier that isnot necessarily a product of his deafness 'ut a product of hishearing enironment! &hich has al&ays addressed only the needs

    of hearing people! said "s$ enite,-dela Torre$ If &e understandthe conte@t of the deaf! then &e can ad

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    recognition of the Filipino Sign Language 5FSL6 is reiterating itscall$

    The Filipino deaf community is currently supporting la&ma#ers!through the help of Alliance of 9oncerned Teachers 5A9T6 (artyList representatie Antonio Tinio and +ep$ Teddy 9asiPo! inpassing seeral releant ouse 'ills to 'ene%t their sta#eholders$

    Among them is ouse ill 56 M1N &hich pushes for thedeclaration of FSL as the national sign language of the Filipinodeaf$

    4323! on the other hand! pushes for the use of sign languageinterpretation inset in teleision ne&s programs! &hile 4M03 is

    a 'ill that &ould gie access to sign language interpreters in(hilippine courts$

    As these ills gain traction! leaders of the Filipino deaf communityare optimistic a'out the progress they are ma#ing$

    Ges! &e are ery optimistic$ The progress has 'eenerytremendous especially this year$ The same &ith FSL! &e &ant thesame mother tongue-'ased instruction in education$ There>s a lotof research and a lot of &or# to 'e done$ Bhat>s important is &e

    hae strong support! &e hae a strong adocacy$ Be &ant toemphasi,e that the deaf people also need the help of the hearingcommunity in this adocacy! shares +aphael Domingo! De LaSalle-9ollege of Saint enilde 5DLS-9S6 9enter for EducationAccess and Deelopment 59EAD6! Education Access for the Deafcoordinator$

    ;$ TE U/IQUE FILI(I/. SI*/ LA/*UA*E

    In 31N! the American Sign Language 5ASL6 &as introduced to theFilipino deaf community through the School for the Deaf andlind! no& #no&n as the (hilippine School for the Deaf$ ASL hassince in?uenced FSL! the Filipino sign language$

    FSL is a uni8ue language$ It has its o&n grammar! structure!synta@! &hich is di7erent from the spo#en language$ It>s also themar# of identity of deaf Filipinos! e@plains "ac#ie 9al'ay!program coordinator of DLS-9S School of Deaf Education and

    Applied 5SDEAS6 Deaf Adocacy$

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    FSL is 'elieed to 'e part of the French Sign Language family! thesign language &here most sign languages are deried from!including ASL$ ut li#e any other language! sign languages di7erdepending on its use and the country>s culture$

    ASL has a 'ig in?uence on FSL! &hich can 'e traced 'ac# to thehistory of the (hilippines$ In terms of grammar! there aredi7erences and similarities 'et&een FSL and ASL$ There aresimilarities in terms of hand shapes! positioning! hand location!moement! facial e@pression! and palm orientation$ ut theconersation and discourse are di7erent depending on theculture$ For e@ample here in the (hilippines! &e hae a sign for?ooding inside the house! a term ASL does not hae 'ecause they

    don>t e@perience it! e@plains Domingo! &ho is also a mem'er ofthe Special Education 5SpEd6 9ouncil of the Department ofEducation 5DepEd6$

    e e@plains that the use of FSL 'y deaf Filipinos has increasedthrough the years$ In 211N! a'out M1 percent of deaf Filipinos&ere using ASL &hile 41 percent used FSL$ Today! they recordedthat a'out ;4 percent of deaf Filipinos use FSL compared to ASL$

    ST+./*E+ SU((.+T F.+ FSL

    +ey Alfred Lee! president of the (hilippine Federation of the Deaf5(FD6! says that the Filipino deaf community did not een #no&that FSL e@isted$

    A lot of deaf people did not reali,e that they are using FSL$ They#no& ASL 'ut in reality they are using FSL$ /aturally! if they areconersing among themseles they are going to 'e using FSL 'utif a deaf person &ould hae to communicate &ith a hearingperson! there>s an automatic s&itching of the language$ So they

    &ould conert signing e@act English 5SEE6$ ut if a deaf personconerses &ith another deaf person then they &ill use the morenatural language! &hich is FSL! Lee says$

    Lee! faculty mem'er of the Filipino Sign Language Learning(rogram of SDEAS! says that most of his students! 'oth deaf andhearing! are surprised to discoer that there is an FSL$ DLS-9SSDEAS is #no&n for its use of FSL and adocates the use of the

    local language in the school and community$

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    The support for FSL is no& stronger$ The in?uence of the usageof FSL is slo&ly ma#ing &aes$ opefully in terms of the usage ofFSL! it &ill come soon 'ut &e>ll hae to &or# dou'le time! Leeshares$

    FSL I/ S9..LS

    .ne of the main o'

  • 8/9/2019 Filipino Sign Language


    promote e@cellence in deaf education$ FSL is 'est used to hae'etter communication$ Be should 'e using a language &e couldunderstand! 9al'ay says$

    And they &ill not stop to &or# to further the cause of theiradocacy$ After all! the deaf community is %ghting for theirlanguage! %ghting for their identity$

    ASL! 'eing a colonial language! &e don>t &ant it to 'epropagated here$ .ut of respect for the deaf Filipino culture &e&ant FSL to 'e used here$ It>s &here &e 'elong$ It>s part of ouro&n language! it>s Filipino$ That>s ho& &e communicate andunderstand each other! 'ecause this is &hat &e use$ If somepeople don>t ta#e FSL seriously! other countries &ill loo# do&n at

    us! &here is your o&n languageR Be>re proud that this is ourlanguage! this is &hat &e #no&$ This is FSL! Domingo says$

    Conceptual odel of the Study

    !nput "rocess






    Team Bor#


    E7ectieness of

    researching andconducting timeto &or# oneery singlepart of thesystem andcoming up a

    helpful idea forcreating anddeeloping thesaidsystem=application$

    Inolement of

    decision ma#ing





  • 8/9/2019 Filipino Sign Language


    Operational #enition of $erms

    Deaf=earing loss:

    Symptoms may 'e mild! moderate! seere or profound$ Apatient &ith mild hearing impairment may hae pro'lemsunderstanding speech! especially if there is a lot of noise around!&hile those &ith moderate deafness may need a hearing aid$

    Some people are seerely deaf and depend on lip-reading &hencommunicating &ith others$

    Sign Language:

    A language&hich uses manual communicationand 'odylanguageto coney meaning! as opposed to acousticallyconeyed sound patterns$ This can inole simultaneouslycom'ining hand shapes! orientation and moement of the hands!arms or 'ody! and facial e@pressionsto ?uidly e@press a spea#erCs

    thoughts$ They share many similarities &ith spo#en languages5sometimes called ]oral languages]! &hich depend primarily onsound6! &hich is &hy linguists consider 'oth to 'e naturallanguages! 'ut there are also some signi%cant di7erences'et&een signed and spo#en languages$
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    9hapter 0: +esearch "ethodology

    +esearch Design

    USE 9ASE

    Deaf (erson

    Select a9ategory



    See results

  • 8/9/2019 Filipino Sign Language


    Family and friends

    Entity +elationship Diagram

    9onte@t Diagram


  • 8/9/2019 Filipino Sign Language



    %ork "lan







    3 2 0 4 3 2 0 4 3 2 0 4 3 2 0 4 3 2 0 4

    (lanningthe system*atheringre8uirements9oding

    Designingthe system

    TestingFi@ingerrors =ugs

    Start End

    Function testing

    System tutorial=8ui,testing

    Functionalities testing

    Design and graphictesting

    +eporting of error

  • 8/9/2019 Filipino Sign Language


    .peration and Testing (rocedure

    During the test of the integration of the application! the

    programmers as &ell tested if the intended output meets thedesired performance of the F-Xinulator application$ "aintainingthe system is al&ays the priority! &hen errors occurred suchde'ugging during implementation$

    Ealuation (rocedure

  • 8/9/2019 Filipino Sign Language


    F-Xinulator can 'e ealuated 'ut only its current progress$ aingthe organi,ed interface form and also contents of the applicationcan 'e easily understood to aoid diculty on using theapplication$

    &unctionality: has di7erent features that support the actual signlanguage

    $estability: ighly responsie and easy to use$

    aintainability: can 'e maintained easily &ith the use of thesoft&are 'y the programmers