Field Observations of Monitoring Institute on Status Of Implementation of MDM Programme in Mizoram Presented In PAB Meeting (MDM) (27 th Feb, 2015) By Prof. R.P.Vadhera, Nodal Officer Monitoring Institute, Mizoram University, Aizawl

Field Observations of Monitoring Institute on Status Of Implementation of MDM Programme in Mizoram Presented In PAB Meeting (MDM) (27 th Feb, 2015) By

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Field Observations of Monitoring Institute on Status Of Implementation of MDM Programme in Mizoram

Presented In PAB Meeting (MDM)

(27th Feb, 2015)


Prof. R.P.Vadhera, Nodal Officer

Monitoring Institute, Mizoram University, Aizawl

GENERAL INFORMATIONKolasib District Mamit District

Period of Report 1st April to 30th Sept, 2014

Dates of Field Visits 1st to 6th

September, 2014.8th to 13st

September, 2014

Number of Elementary Schools

PS : 93UPS : 72

Total: 165

PS : 134UPS : 103

Total : 237

Number of Schools Covered

PS : 22UPS : 18Total : 40

PS : 22UPS : 18

Total : 40

DETAILS OF SAMPLE SCHOOLSSr.No Types of school visited

Kolasib Mamit Total

a Special training centers (Residential) 2 2 4

bSchool Based Special Training Centers (SBSTC)

2 Nil 2

c Schools in Urban Areas 21 14 35

d School sanctioned with Civil Works 9 5 14

eSchool from NPEGEL Blocks No NPEGEL Blocks in the districts


f Schools having CWSN 6 5 11

g School covered under CAL 8 7 15

hKGBVs No KGBV in the districts covered

i No. Schools Visited by Nodal Officer 10 10 20


1. Regularity In Serving Meal:

a) All sample schools in both districts, except one in Mamit district, serve hot cooked food on regular basis.

b) Non release of conversion cost in advance and denial of village shopkeepers to give ingredients on credit for so long put some times disturb the regular service of MDM.

2.Trends :Sl.No Details Kolasib Mamit

Number % Number %1

Enrollment 3366 - 2335 -

2No. of children opted for Mid Day Meal 3366 100% 2335 100%

3No. of children attending the school on the

day of visit

2946 87.52% 1907 81.67%

4No. of children availing MDM as per

MDM Register

2946 100% 2335 100%

5No. of children actually availing MDM on

the day of visit

2946 100% 1907 100%

6No. of children availing MDM on the

previous day

2991 88.86% 1780 76.23%

3. Regularity In Delivering Food Grains To Schools

a)Released on quarterly basis and was by and large regular in all the schools (both districts).b) Buffer Stock of 1 (one) month’s requirement was maintained by 36 (90 %) of the sample schools visited by MI. (both districts).c) Schools are provided with Rs. 25/- per bag for transportation of food-grains from retailer shop to school(both districts).d) Quality of food grain available in sample schools , at the time of visit was average(both districts).

4.Regularity in Delivering Cooking Cost to Schools:

•Cooking cost was never received in advance by any of the sample schools(both districts).

•All sample schools, that were visited by field teams in Sept,2014, had received the Cooks salary and Cooking cost only up to June,2014(MI Visit in Sept,2014).

•In view delays in the release of cooking cost the schools have to either purchase the required ingredients on credit, sometimes by paying higher cost or have to use funds from other resources(both districts).

•SMDCs/VECs receive MDM grants through E-transfer, and pay in cash to schools(both districts).

5. Social Equity: a)No caste system in the Mizo society, thus, no caste discrimination(both districts).b)No gender discrimination observed or reported(both districts).c)No other kind of discrimination observed or reported(both districts).d)Meal served by cooks under supervision of teachers(both districts).e)Only 2 (5%) sample schools in Kolasib district have separate dining hall.f)In 38 (95%) of sample schools children take their meal either in classroom or Veranda or school compound (Kolasib district).g)Order and discipline was maintained by children taking MDM in all sample schools (both districts).

6. Variety of Menu

a)The day-to-day menu in all sample schools was decided solely by the teacher in-charge of MDM.

b)The menu comprised mainly rice with dal/potatoes.

c) Pumpkin, nutrela, seasonal green vegetables and eggs were occasionally served to students in some of the schools.

d)On special occasions, meat was also served to the students by the schools.

e)Wheat preparation like Bread/Cake /Biscuits etc are rarely served.

f)Large majority of schools in both disitrict do not display their weekly menu of MDM.

7. Quality & Quantity Of Meala)All the children expressed their happiness and satisfied with the quantity and

quality of MDM served to them in schools.

8. Supplementary :

A. Supplementary Kolasib District Mamit District

N % N %

1 Iron 36 90.0% 29 72.5%

2 Folic acid 34 85.0% 29 72.5%

3 De-worming medicines 25 62.5% 29 72.5%

B. Health Check-up

1 Annual 37 92.5% 16 40%

2 Half yearly 2 5% 24 60%

3 Quarterly 1 2-5% NIl 0%

Note: These were administered by health teachers or teachers in charge of

health who had received training.


•The number of cooks engaged in the schools visited by MI was as per the norms of GOI. •Schools having 25 or less than that were given 1 cook while those with more than 25 but less than 100 were given 2 cooks. •Schools having more than 100 students but less than 200 were given 3 cooks.• All cooks in sample schools were paid a remuneration of Rs.1500/-pm in cash.•95% of the cooks in the sample schools were Scheduled Tribe whereas the remaining 5% belonged to Scheduled Caste.•None of the sample schools has ever engaged anyNGO/SHG/ Contractor for this purpose.•All cooks in both districts had received their honorarium up to June 2014(MI visited in Sept,2104)

10. Infrastructure

Kolasib District Mamit District

a) Kind of fuel used? Fire wood : 30 (75%)LPG : 10 (25%)

Fire wood : 37 (92.5%)LPG : 3 (7.5%)

b) Adequacy of utensils for cooking food

Adequate: 36 (90%) Adequate: 36 (90%)Inadequate: 4(10%)

c) Availability of potable water for cooking and drinking

a) All 40 sample school have potable water for cooking and drinking purpose.

b) Majority of the schools had PHE connection for water.

a) All 40 sample schools had potable water for cooking and drinking purpose .

b) Majority of the schools had PHE connection for water

d) Kitchen Sheds a) 25 (62.5%) pucca

b) 15 (37.5%) semi pucca

a) 36 (90%) have pucca

b) 3 did not receive fund

c) 1 received funds but construction not yet started

11. Safety & Hygiene

• Hygiene and overall environment was found to be satisfactory, except 4

schools in Kolasib district and 1 school in Mamit district.

•Children in all 40 (100%) sample schools were encouraged to wash hands

before and after eating of MDM. Besides, they use spoons for MDM.

•Children in all sample schools were found to be well disciplined and order

was maintained by them in taking MDM.   

•All the sample schools in both districts visited by MI reported that due to

scarcity of water by and large, the students were aware of the need to conserve

water even before they were being taught by the teachers.

a)The cooking process and storage of fuel is by and large safe in all 40 (100%)

sample schools. However in some schools kitchen sheds are adjustant to

school building which may not be safe.

12. Community Participation: a)Participation of parents and members of VEC in the day to day management, monitoring and supervision is not satisfactory.

b) None of the 40 sample schools has ever prepared any roster for parents and community members for day-to-day supervision of the MDM.

13. Impact Of MDM : 

A) Almost all sample schools reported that service of MDM has improved the

enrolment, attendance, general well-being and nutritional status of children. 

B) Other incidental benefit of MDM Reported by Sample School:– It relieves parents from spending money for the Tiffin of their children.

– Children became more active with the serving of nutritious meals on a

regular basis.– The health of the students had improved a lot after the provision of MDM

on a regular