The Come Up Teaching the Truth to the Youth. The month of February is an interesting month. It is interesting because on the 14 th day of the month many Americans celebrate Valentines Day. During Valentines Day, individuals show love and compassion for each other by sending cards, candy, flowers and money. However, the month of February is also a month of major importance for all because it is black history month. Over the years there seems to be the notion that February is the month when predominately African-Americans celebrate a month of their traditions, influential figures, and rich history. This notion is unfortunate because black history month is not only for black people. Moreover, black history is just not about honoring Martin Luther King Jr., Rosa Parks, Malcolm X, and President Obama. Because society seems to focus on these individuals every February is one reason why the Men of the Tenth Inc. is in existence. The Men of the Tenth Inc., celebrates black history every month instead of once a year because our organization is dedicated to informing others about black history because we know a lot society’s racial problems can decrease if everyone was to become more knowledgeable about black history. Therefore, The Men of the Tenth Inc. plans to continue to share information about African-American culture because it is American culture. Happy Black History Month. Hip Hop Quote of the Month Page 2 Meet Kenneth Chenault Page 3 Malcolm X and Black History Page 4 The Men of the Tenth Inc. Feb. 2013

February 2013

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Teaching the Truth to the Youth.

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Page 1: February 2013

The Come Up Teaching the Truth to the Youth.


The month of February is an interesting month. It is interesting because on the 14th day of the month many Americans celebrate Valentines Day. During Valentines Day, individuals show love and compassion for each other by sending cards, candy, flowers and money. However, the month of February is also a month of major importance for all because it is black history month. Over the years there seems to be the notion that February is the month when predominately African-Americans celebrate a month of their traditions, influential figures, and rich history. This notion is unfortunate because black history month is not only for black people. Moreover, black history is just not about honoring Martin Luther King Jr., Rosa Parks,


Malcolm X, and President Obama. Because society seems to focus on these individuals every February is one reason why the Men of the Tenth Inc. is in existence.

The Men of the Tenth Inc., celebrates black history every month instead of once a year because our organization is dedicated to informing others about black history because we know a lot society’s racial problems can decrease if everyone was to become more knowledgeable about black history. Therefore, The Men of the Tenth Inc. plans to continue to share information about African-American culture because it is American culture. Happy Black History Month.

Hip Hop Quote of the Month

Page 2

Meet Kenneth Chenault

Page 3

Malcolm X and Black History

Page 4

The Men of the Tenth Inc. Feb. 2013

Page 2: February 2013


The Men of the Tenth Inc. Feb. 2013


In 2012, Rapper Rick Ross released a mixtape called Rich Forever. The title of his mixtape simplifies the idea that he has infinite wealth. Ross’s idea of attaining wealth forever is not only an achievement that is available to him; it is an idea that is achievable by every individual within our society.

The common definition of rich is to have a great deal of money or assets. However, rich should not only be about having a certain amount of dead presidents in your bank or buried in a safe. Other definitions of rich are plentiful, abundant, and producing a large quantity of something. Because being rich is also defined as having a large quantity of something, then being rich forever can be identified as the amount of education you acquire in your life. Henry David Thoreau once said “we make ourselves richer by making our wants few.” If Thoreau is right, then an individual only needs to education become rich. To be clear, having an education does not mean an individual must have a college degree. An educated person is someone that is well read and has the ability to comprehend information and apply acquired knowledge when it is applicable.

For example, an old Chinese proverb states “give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.” This philosophy supports the belief that an education is the key for survival in an individual’s lifetime. Moreover, knowing how to fish you can now teach others for a profit. Because of technology, we now live in a world where we can educate ourselves in a matter of seconds. We can use the Internet to download information, watch YouTube to get a visual for how to apply information, and share knowledge for a fee or for free on social media sites. Therefore, if you want to become rich forever it all depends on how much you are willing to educate yourself.

RICH FOREVER By: LaVon Williams

Hip Hop Quote of

The Month

Ridin' home from school, in front of the bus

Not even thinkin' bout how Rosa Parks done it for us

How she stayed behind bars and she done it for us

And she stayed behind bars 'til she won it for us

Sometimes I wanna give up or at least take a break

That's when I close my eyes and see Coretta Scott's face...

Game, Letter to the King, LAX

Page 3: February 2013


The Men of the Tenth Inc. Feb. 2013


Kenneth I. Chenault Business Executive, Lawyer


In 1997, American Express, a worldwide travel and network service provider, named Kenneth I. Chenault president and heir to the position of chief executive officer, which would elevate him to be the highest ranking African American executive in corporate America. He earned this prestigious position after a rapid series of promotions and professional successes. His career at American Express since 1981 had strongly contributed to the company’s steady ascent in the business world, making it one of the nation’s largest in terms of annual revenues. Throughout his career, Chenault has stressed hard work, communication, and a commitment to technological progress in the world of business.

Born on June 2, 1951, in Hempstead, New York, Kenneth I. Chenault is the son of Hortenius Chenault, a dentist, and Anne N. Quick Chenault, a dental hygienist. The third born of four children, he has two brothers and one sister. His potential for becoming an achiever, strategist, and effective communicator was demonstrated early in life. He attended the


Waldorf School, a private, elite high school in Garden City, New York, where he was an excellent student and president of his class throughout high school. An athlete as well, he was captain of his track, basketball, and soccer teams. He also was fascinated by other achievers and leaders, and devoured biographies of such luminaries as Frederick Douglass, W.E.B Du Bois, and Winston Churchill. After graduation, Chenault studied at Bowdoin College in Maine and completed his studies in 1973 with a B.A. in history. Then he went to Harvard Law School where he was a moot court champion; he graduated in 1976 with the degree of juris doctor. On August 20, 1977, Chenault, a Congregationalist, married Kathryn Cassell, who later became a lawyer; they have two sons, Kenneth Jr. and Kevin A. The Chenaults live in New York State.

Except from Notable Black American Men, 1999

Page 4: February 2013

The Importance of Black History I can remember accurately the very first set of books that really impressed me. I have since bought that set of books and have it at home for my children to read as they grow up. It’s called Wonders of the World. It’s full of pictures of archeological finds, statues that depict, usually, non-European people.

I found books like Will Durant’s Story of Civilization. I read H.G. Wells’ Outline of History. Souls of Black Folk by W.E.B. Du Bois gave me a glimpse into the black people’s history before they came to this country. Carter G. Woodson’s Negro History opened my eyes about black empires before they black slave was brought to the United States, and the early Negro struggles for freedom.

Excerpt from The Autobiography of Malcolm X

The Men of the Tenth Inc.

750 Faile Street Suite 2E Bronx, New York 10474


The Men of the Tenth Inc. Feb. 2013