Porsche Club of America • Santa Barbara Region • February 2012 $8638)) '(5 SBR’s Palm Springs Getaway Weekend Maintaining The Modern Porsche R.U.F. Visits Ojai’s Alpaca Pasture

FEB Der Auspuff

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The February 2012 issue of PCA Santa Barbara Region's monthly magazine.

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Page 1: FEB Der Auspuff

Porsche Club of America • Santa Barbara Region • February 2012


SBR’s Palm Springs Getaway WeekendMaintaining The Modern PorscheR.U.F. Visits Ojai’s Alpaca Pasture

Page 2: FEB Der Auspuff
Page 3: FEB Der Auspuff

Der Auspuff, which translates as “the exhaust,” is the official publication of the Santa Barbara Region, Porsche Club of America. Chartered regions of PCA are granted permission to reprint any material herein provided full credit is given to the author and Der Auspuff (with the exception of copyrighted material). Any statement appearing in Der Auspuff is that of the author, and does not constitute an opinion of the Porsche Club of America, the Santa Barbara Region, its Board or Appointees, the Der Auspuff Editors, or its Staff. The Editorial Staff reserves the right to edit all material submitted for publication. Deadline for submittal of material to be considered for Der Auspuff is the 10th of the month preceding the month of publication.

On The CoverThe SBR Porsches lined-up, ready for take off at the Palm Springs Hyatt Regency Hotel on the club’s Martin Luther King, Jr. week-end getaway.Photo by Brian Rubino

Monthly ReportsPresident’s Column ........................................4From The Editor’s Desk ..................................4Camarillo Breakfast Meeting ........................7Santa Barbara Breakfast Meeting ................9Member Anniversaries & New Members ..24

EventsPorsche Picnic At Jalama Beach...................6Santa Barbara Autocross ............................10SBR Delivers For Charity .............................14Porsche Parade 2012 - Salt Lake City .........14Memorial Day “Double” Discovery Drive ...15Porsche Poker Run.......................................19

DepartmentsSanta Barbara Region Board of Directors.....3The Tech Page .............................................21Down The Road - Future Events..................26SBR Classified Advertisements...................31Directory of Advertisers ..............................31The Last Word .............................................32

In The February�$8638))R.U.F. Visits Ojai’s Alpaca Pastures ...........................11Palm Springs Getaway Weekend ..............................16Maintaining The Modern Porsche .............................21




Porsche Club of America • Santa Barbara Region • February 2012


SBR’s Palm Springs Getaway WeekendMaintaining The Modern PorscheR.U.F. Visits Ojai’s Alpaca Pasture

Page 4: FEB Der Auspuff


Santa Barbara Region Board of Directors

Santa Barbara Region Board Appointees


Editor JOHN ALFENITO [email protected] 818-436-9204 Advertising DON KUCKENBAKER Director [email protected] 805-984-9406



Yearly Advertising RatesPrice is for 12 monthly issues, black & white only.Four-color, as available, rates on request.

Full Page (7.5 x 10 inches) $1700.00 Half Page (7.5 x 4.75 inches) $850.00 Quarter Page (3.5 x 4.75 inches) $575.00 Business Card (3.5 x 2 inches) $300.00

Deadline for submission of ad copy is the 10th of the month preceding the month of publication.Graphic assistance available at no charge.

Please support our advertisers: We welcome commercial ads in Der Auspuff. They help support our club, and we encourage you to make your first call to those who help us enjoy our great hobby. Let them know you saw their ad in Der Auspuff. We also encourage you to promote your own business by becoming an advertiser yourself. For information, please contact: Don Kuckenbaker 805-984-9406 [email protected]

PCASBR is online:www.pcasb.orgwww.facebook.com/PCASBRwww.flickr.com/groups/pcasb

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Page 5: FEB Der Auspuff


May Saturday 5 CAMARILLO BREAKFAST Way-Point Café, 9:00 a.m. Wednesday 9 BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Saturday 14 SANTA BARBARA BREAKFAST Moby Dick Restaurant, 9:00 a.m. Fri.-Weds. 25-30 SEQUOIA/KINGS CANYON/YOSEMITE [email protected] – See page 15

February � Saturday 4 CAMARILLO BREAKFAST Way-Point Café, 9:00 a.m. Wednesday 8 BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Saturday 11 SANTA BARBARA BREAKFAST Moby Dick Restaurant, 9:00 a.m. Saturday 18 PORSCHE PICNIC AT JALAMA BEACH [email protected] – See page 6

April � Saturday 7 CAMARILLO BREAKFAST Way-Point Café, 9:00 a.m. Wednesday 11 BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Saturday 14 SANTA BARBARA BREAKFAST Moby Dick Restaurant, 9:00 a.m. Fri-Sun 20-22 ZONE 8 FESTIVAL OF SPEED Fontana Saturday 28 CAMARILLO AUTOCROSS [email protected] March

� Saturday 3 CAMARILLO BREAKFAST Way-Point Café, 9:00 a.m. Saturday 10 SANTA BARBARA BREAKFAST Moby Dick Restaurant, 9:00 a.m. Sunday 11 SANTA BARBARA AUTOCROSS [email protected] – See page 10 Wednesday 14 BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Saturday 24 PORSCHE POKER RUN [email protected] – See page 19

Santa Barbara Region Events Calendar

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Page 6: FEB Der Auspuff


The President’s ColumnNicolas Liakas

From The Editor’s DeskJohn Alfenito

It’s only February, and I have

already forgotten or broken my New Year’s Resolutions. Every year I go through this useless exercise so I can get mad at myself thirty days later! !ank goodness that I can bury myself in the fun and friendships of the Santa Barbara Region.

I am pleased to call your attention to the inclusion (on page 30 of this issue) of the 2011 end-of-year balance sheet. You will note that our "nances are in a comfortable position. I believe and operate under the assumption that the club must have su#cient funds in reserve to weather unforeseen "nancial di#culties. If the worst should ever happen (eg: loss of sponsors, losses on events, increased expenses, equipment needs), our region can continue as present without interruption for at least two years, thus allowing successive o#cers and management to undertake whatever steps may be necessary to rebuild "nancial positions. It would be a shame to see our region su$er possible catastrophic failures in the future because its "nancial position somehow becomes untenable. I will work tirelessly to secure our exceptional viability and vitality.

!ere are new faces at the region management level (introduced in last month’s Der Auspu$), and there are new faces on the national level of the Porsche Club of America. !e one of particular interest to us is the appointment of Tom Brown (from the San Diego Region) as Zone 8 Representative. Tom has served on many S.D. and Zone 8 committees; the list is too long to enumerate. Recently, he has acted as national Porsche Parade administrator, responsible for site selection and administration

This month, Chris Andropoulos, the Service Manager at Schneider

Autohaus in Santa Barbara, contributes what I hope will be the "rst in an on-going series of technical articles about our Porsches.

Both Chris and I realize that Der Auspu$ is not the "rst place most folks would go looking for technical expertise when it comes to dealing with our cars, but Chris’s experience and knowledge can serve as an excellent starting point. In his "rst column, Chris speaks to the maintainance of the “modern era” Porsches. !ere’s a dizzying amount of discussion on the internet about whether Porsche’s recommended service intervals are too liberal for these cars. Many of us, who have grown up owning Porsches of varying

of the most prestigious Porsche Club of America event. Join me in sending Tom our good wishes in his new position. He may be reached at tb911@tbso%ware.net

You may have noticed in the January Der Auspu$ that Michael Brovsky appeared on the listing of Board members as Vice President and Past President. Our by-laws prohibit one person serving concurrently on two positions. At the January 11, 2012 meeting, the Board accepted Michael’s resignation as Vice President; he thus vacates the V.P. position, but he will continue his service as Past President. He therefore succeeds David Stone who has served our region with honor and dignity for more than a decade, and who will continue providing hands-on input as a member of our 50th Anniversary Committee (see below). Our by-laws further provide that when there is a vacancy on the Board, an appointment can be made to "ll the vacancy by a majority of the voting members. I am pleased to inform you that Steve Kaller, our treasurer for the past three years, has been appointed to serve in the post of Vice President.

!e inaugural meeting of the committee entrusted with the preparations for our region’s 50th Anniversary Celebration in 2014 was held last month at the home of Doug and Nancy Maletz in !ousand Oaks. !e discussion examined – and debated – proposed themes, activities and locations. For example, should we have only one major event, or a series of smaller activities throughout the year? Formal, or informal? Will we be able to hold a parade in Santa Barbara or Ventura? !ere are many ideas, and tasks, and I am certain that this group of high-pro"le members, chaired by Nadine Tracy, will do an outstanding job. I could not be more pleased with the makeup of this committee. I am even more pleased to call your attention to the listing and photographs of club o#cers at the front of this issue of Der Auspu$. !e prior photo of me – you know, the one appearing last month that had my head elongated to the point that I looked like a cucumber – has been replaced. Now the focus is on my chubby cheeks and silver (it is not white!) hair. !anks for the correction, John.I look forward to seeing all of you at any of our four-score gatherings we have throughout the year. Do yourself a favor and participate. You can only gain from the experiences our club has to o$er.

vintages, just can’t get used to oil change directives at a whopping 10,000 miles, or more!

Hopefully, Chris’s article will put that issue to rest, and address several other basic maintainance points to help us keep our cars running great.

With last month’s contributions from Randy Le#ngwell and Mike Turek, and this month’s piece from Chris Andropoulos, allow me to encourage any of you budding writers out there to consider submitting something for publication this year. Der Auspu$ is the publication of our club. If you’ve got an idea you’d like to share with your fellow members, please contact me. I stand ready, willing and able to assist you in putting your thoughts on paper for inclusion here.

As I tackle my fourth year as editor of Der Auspu$, let me say it continues to be a pleasure showcasing this great club’s activities!

Until next month...

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Page 9: FEB Der Auspuff


New Membership Chair Sue Kinsling

From Thousand Oaks, meet new SBR member John Kirk

Activities Co-Chair Ted Lighthizer

Camarillo Breakfast

Our region’s !rst breakfast meeting of the new year convened at the Camarillo Airport’s Way-Point Café on Saturday, January 7, 2012. A large crowd of 110 members, friends

and guests arrived in good spirits, and 78 beautiful Porsches of all eras were gleaming in the sun just o" the restaurant’s packed patio.

New President Nick Liakas welcomed everyone and introduced another new board member for 2012, Membership Chair Sue Kinsling. Sue gave us the “numbers” (members and cars) for the day and recognized new SBR member John Kirk from #ousand Oaks. John has a 1987 Venetian Blue Carrera, and was happy to meet so many other Porsche a!cionados. Sue also introduced prospective members Joe Matta of Newbury Park, Michael & Christine Johnson of Agoura, Mark Green from Simi Valley, and Joe Overgaag, who arrived in his 2011 997 Special Edition Speedster, a crowd favorite.

Activities Co-Chair Ted Lighthizer invited everyone to take part in the future events on our region’s busy calendar. Special attention was paid to the February 18th “Porsche Picnic At Jalama Beach,” the March 11th Santa Barbara Autocross, and the March 24th Porsche Poker Run in Ventura County. As always, the complete SBR event schedule is listed here in Der Auspu" (page 26), as well as online at our website: pcasb.org

Linda Kuckenbaker announced that the Porsche Mademoiselle Society (P.M.S.) will be making a return visit to Santa Anita Racetrack on March 31. Two years ago, this “day at the races” was a popular favorite. Linda encouraged all P.M.S. Ladies to sign up early, and, as Linda said, “Start hat shopping!”

As the meeting drew to a close, the sunshine and warming temperatures kept everyone together. It was a great morning, made more special by the gathering of so many good friends. =

Happy New Year Begins At The Way-Point CaféSTORY & PHOTOS BY JOHN ALFENITO

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Moby Dick Restaurant

Way-Point Café

Santa Barbara


SBR Breakfast Locations

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New Year, New, Full Breakfast Menu at Moby Dick’s

With many of the SBR regulars o! to Palm Springs for the long Martin Luther King, Jr. weekend getaway, we were expecting perhaps a smaller-than-usual group at

our Santa Barbara Breakfast. However, a beautiful, sunny morning, coupled with a forecast of possible showers the next day, brought out 49 members and guests in 37 Porsches.

New Treasurer Jim Brown chaired the meeting in the absence of other “traveling” board members. He introduced Walt Branscome of Santa Barbara Auto Group, who told us the new Porsche 991 would be at the dealership for inspection and test drives on February 9 and 11. Walt had just driven the new Carrera during the week, and was very excited about its arrival at the dealership.

Membership Chair Sue Kinsling gave us the attendance "gures and welcomed new SBR member John Vasi of Santa Barbara. John drives a 2004 Carrera. Also attending breakfast with us were prospective members Tom & Christine McGee of Agoura Hills, who arrived in their 1986 Carrera.

Jim promoted several of the upcoming events on the SBR calendar, reminding everyone to check the website and/or our beloved Der Auspu! for the complete list of future activities, along with #iers explaining how to sign up for the fun.

Don Dickey put in a plug for an on-going series of track events from the Porsche Owners Club to be held at Willow Springs Raceway outside Rosamond. $e POC welcomes participation of other clubs, especially PCA members, and would love for any of us to take part in these events. For more information, visit their website at poc.org

Our Janauary Santa Barbara Breakfast marked a return to “ordering o! the menu” at Moby Dick’s. $e "xed price, limited breakfast menu is gone, and members may now order any item on the regular Moby Dick breakfast menu. Everyone seemed pleased with the expanded choices available. =

Some of the happy breakfast attendees at Moby Dick’s.

Say hello to new SBR member John Vasi from Santa Barbara.

Santa Barbara Breakfast







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SUNDAY, MARCH 11, 2012









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The R.U.F. Report

Continued on page 12

The 33 R.U.F.ians that participated in the December 15, 2011 visit to the Alpaca ranch (formally known

as Alpaca Pastures) in Oak View were immediately, upon arrival and meeting our hosts for the day, reminded of the 1960s television series, “Green Acres.” Instead of Eva Gabor, we met the equally beautiful Laurie Kreis, and in the stead of Eddie Albert, we conversed with Laurie’s husband, Eric Kreis. !eir biographies and adventures since "rst becoming involved in Alpaca ranching – and as relayed by them – were quite fascinating and humorous.

Let me expand on the slogan “What happens in Vegas, Stays in Vegas.” !e Kreis’ adventure started in Vegas but it did not stay there; it ended up in the Ojai Valley. Alpaca Pastures was “bred” in the winter of 2004 a#er the bi-coastal couple (he from New York and she from Newport Beach) inadvertently and by happenstance found itself at an auction of alpacas

being conducted at a casino o$ the strip. !ey got caught up in the highly spirited proceedings, fell in love with the big brown eyes and tender personalities of the alpacas, and before they fully realized what they were getting themselves into became the proud owners of two alpacas. Six months later, they became the proud “parents” of two pregnant alpacas, and now in 2011 there is a large herd that resides with them.

A#er seven years of conducting R.U.F. events, I am still a$ectionately amused when I see the child-like response of our Retired and Unemployed Folks at the

sight of cuddly little animals. !ese very cute alpacas immediately elicited ooohs and aaahs from our senior citizens who could not wait to embrace, stroke and feed the cuties. !is we did despite receiving warnings from Laurie and Eric to the e$ect that the alpacas might spit at us (a method by which they either defend themselves or show a$ection – take your choice), to step carefully (and to bring an extra pair of shoes – just in case), and to avoid grouping so as not to spook – or excite – the animals.

Each of us was eager to learn more about the breed, and our hosts were eager to provide details. Alpacas are members of the camelid (camel) family, but they are mild-tempered, gregarious animals with a penchant for bringing great delight to humans. !ere are two types: the huacaya (pronounced was-KI-ya) and the suri (surrey), and they are di$erentiated only by their %eece. !e animals are indigenous to South America, and they are raised solely for their so# %eece. Alpacas are sheared once each year, and one animal produces between "ve and ten pounds of %eece. !e %eece is easily prepared to be spun into yarn for knitting and crocheting, or used to make felt for hats and other articles of clothing. A vivid description of mating habits was included in the discussion, but since Der Auspu$ is a family magazine, these details will not be repeated in this article!


Photo opportunities abounded as the Retired & Unemployed Folks group visited an alpaca farm in beautiful Ojai. Here the herd greets (l-r) Nicolas Liakas, Anita Banke, and Ron Williams.

Alpaca Pastures co-owner, Laurie Kreis, accepts the sincere thanks of our group, as expressed by R.U.F. Commander Nicolas Liakas.

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A!er almost two hours at the ranch, we departed for our luncheon destination, "e Ojai Valley Inn, a spectacular resort with exceptional architecture and phenomenal views of the valley. "e sta# was waiting for us and was extremely considerate as our tables were ready and $anked by numerous space heaters (the noontime temperature was in the high 50s). "e patio dining area overlooks the championship golf course that was barren of any golfers. We also got a chance to explore the gorgeous grounds of the resort, especially its catering pavilion know as the Shangri-La. It truly is a magical place. I am sure we will pay a return visit soon.

Anita Banke %rst suggested we visit the alpaca ranch, and we extend our sincere thanks to her. Finally, John & Jeanne McNair will be chairing the R.U.F. committee for the next seven years (well, at least for 2012). I have had a ball organizing these monthly events, and I thank everyone who has participated. =

R.U.F. Visits Ojai’s Alpaca...Continued from page 11

Everyone agreed that the alpacas were extremely cute, and we all appreciated that not a single “spitting incident” took place during our visit.

Even alpacas know, you just can’t beat that “new Porsche” smell.

We lunched on the patio at the beautiful Ojai Valley Inn & Spa.

Traditionally, each group of alpacas is protected by a llama. Llamas, also camelids, are much larger than alpacas and are instinctively protective, thus making them excellent “guards.” This llama kept a very close eye on all of us as we petted and fed the alpacas.

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Joyce McCullough, Executive Director of Habitat for Humanity, South Santa Barbara County, accepts a donation from SBR President Michael Brovsky.

The Unity Shoppe’s Executive Director, Thomas Reed (l), accepts the carload of toys from Michael Brovsky.

Toys collected at our holiday party were donated to The Unity Shoppe in Santa Barbara. (L-r) Doreen Pankow, Beverly Brovsky, David Stone, Michael Brovsky, Susan Stone, and Mike Turek delivered the goods.

Michael Brovsky (l) presents SBR’s donation to Stacy Swanson, Director of Habitat For Humanity/Ventura County, as SBR member and HFH volunteer Mike Turek looks on.


Page 17: FEB Der Auspuff


Come join us for a fun-!lled trip over the 2012 Memorial Day weekend where we’ll visit the Land of Giants

in Sequoia & Kings Canyon National Parks. If you want to double your pleasure and double your fun, you can extend your trip through mid-week, and tour the breathtaking sights of Yosemite National Park.

We’ll start out by touring Sequoia National Park’s amazing Crystal Cave on Friday afternoon, before checking in at the Comfort Inn & Suites in Three Rivers. Saturday, we’ll explore the beauty of Sequoia National Park including Moro Rock and the General Sherman tree. After having lunch at Waksuchi Lodge, we’ll do a two-mile hike along the Marble Fork of the Kaweah River to Tokopah Falls. On Sunday, we’ll enjoy a beautiful drive to

King’s Canyon, and tour both the Grant Grove and Cedar Grove areas, where we’ll enjoy panoramic views of the canyon and river below. This glaciated valley features towering granite cli"s, tumbling waterfalls, and the powerful Kings River.

On Monday, participants may choose to return home, or join others for the optional second part of our adventure. One of the most spectacular places on earth is in our backyard: Yosemite National Park. Join us during the less crowded midweek as we explore and marvel at the park’s majestic sights, including Vernal, Nevada, Upper and Lower Yosemite Falls, Mirror Lake, and the views of Half Dome from Glacier Point. On our way home on Wednesday, we’ll take a side trip to Forestiere Underground Gardens in Fresno as well as a tour of

Payment and registration form must be received no later than May 4, 2012. Make checks payable to PCA/SBR.Mail to: Doreen Pankow, 2251 Brownstone Creek Ave., Simi Valley, CA 93063.

Names: ___________________________________________________________________________Email Address: ______________________________________________________________________Phone: ________________________________ Cell Phone:___________________________________Plan to do the Yosemite Trip also: Yes______ No______Check enclosed for the amount of: ________ $115/person (not including hotel charges)

Cancellations after May 18 will not receive a refund.

Kingsbury Historical Park, or a drive along the Fresno Fruit Trail.

The club fee for the Sequoia and Kings Canyon part of the trip is $115 per person, which includes the cave tour, two lunches, two dinners, meal tax and gratuities, and activity fee. There is no additional fee for the Yosemite portion of our trip. All Yosemite meals are “on your own” with restaurant suggestions freely made by our in-house eatery expert.

If you’re interested in going on this fun-!lled trip, please R.S.V.P. to Doreen Pankow to reserve your spot. Please indicate on which dates you plan to participate. You will receive further detail on the itinerary, hotel registration, meals and schedule once you R.S.V.P.

[email protected]



Sequoia National Park - The Watchtower Kings Canyon National Park - The General Grant Tree Yosemite National Park - Half Dome

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It may have been Friday the 13th, but there was nothing unlucky for the 55 people who met in the bright sunlight at the Westlake Costco to commence our Fi!h Annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Weekend Getaway. A!er a brief meeting,

we departed for Palm Springs, and were blessed with very little delay as we drove through Los Angeles on our way to the desert. While much of the rest of the country was dealing with severe cold weather, we were headed to the Hyatt Regency in Palm Springs village where the weather forecast promised “sunny and warm.”

Along Highway 111 on the way into Palm Springs, Ted Lighthizer and Doreen Pankow led a group of 26 members to the Palm Springs Aerial Tramway. Able to accommodate 80 passengers and one operator, it is the world’s largest Rotating Tramcar. "e group boarded at an elevation of 2643 feet, and took the ten-minute scenic ride up the sheer cli#s of Chino Canyon to the top, an elevation of 8516 feet. As the tramcar $oor rotated, everyone was able to see breathtaking views of the Coachella Valley, as well as the steep cli# face of Mt. San Jacinto. "e temperature on top was about 30 degrees cooler than the Valley $oor. A delicious lunch was

enjoyed by all, and there was much conversation and camaraderie at the Peaks Restaurant, which also a#orded panoramic views of the Coachella Valley below. "e group took a few short excursions on the trails to enjoy the mountain scenery in the valley below Mountain Station before boarding the Tramcar for the quick, 10-minute ride back to the parking lot and the waiting Porsches.

"e remainder of the group arrived in Palm Springs, checked into the Hyatt, and set out to explore Palm Canyon Drive to choose a place to eat from the numerous restaurants within walking distance of the hotel.

Friday evening, everyone met for a welcome reception at the

hotel with delicious hors d’oeuvres and drinks in a reserved banquet room. "is was very well attended and there was good conversation, catching up with old friends and meeting new ones. We were happy to welcome several people who were attending their %rst weekend trip with the club including Pat Cable, Dick & Linda Lange, Doug & Ann Steinriede, Anna & Frank Donahue, Julia Hoppe and Dominique Clarke. Dominique, who was the guest of Michael Jacobs, came the farthest to attend – all the way from

Florida! President Nick Liakas made some welcoming remarks and introduced Tom Brown to the group. Tom is the new Zone 8 Representative, and came from the San Diego region to join us on our trip.

On Saturday morning, the group met in the lobby for some brief remarks about our planned drive to the picturesque

mountain town of Idyllwild. We departed as a group – 31 cars staying in line as much as possible – and drove south on Highway 111 for about 8 miles before turning onto CA 74 for our ascent up the mountain to Idyllwild. "is road, o!en referred to as the Palms-to-Pines Highway, lives up to its name. It traverses arid, rocky mountains into pine trees, and through beautiful Garner Valley. "e latter valley was dotted with grazing cattle and several horse ranches. In addition to the diverse and lovely scenery, this is one great Porsche road with lots of hairpin turns and straightaways allowing everyone to really enjoy the driving capabilities of their wonderful cars. Once again we were lucky because there was little tra&c on the road, and what few cars or trucks we did encounter, graciously moved aside for us. Once in Idyllwild, people were

Page 19: FEB Der Auspuff


Mike Jacobs and Dominique ClarkePictured top to bottom are: Olga & Nick Liakas, Nancy Maletz, Dave Stone, Lonette & Richard Pope, Don & Linda Kuckenbaker, Michael Jacobs and Dominique Clarke, Mike & Karen Turek, Pat Cable, Dick Lange, and Susan Stone.

Gary & Debra Laird

Jeanne & John McNair

free to browse in the curio shops and galleries, and lunch on their own. !e mountain air was cool and refreshing, a nice contrast to the valley "oor. !e return drive was done individually, but by a di#erent suggested route: CA 243, which heads straight down the front of the mountain to the town of Banning and I-10 for a return to Palm Springs. !is also is a wonderful, winding drive with spectacular views of the Coachella Valley and lot of opportunity to unwind the Porsches.

We all met for a group dinner at the Hyatt on Saturday evening, enjoying the open atrium setting, which rises six stories. We had our own section of the dining area surrounded by billowing sa#ron-colored drapes, and enjoyed a delicious four-course meal and, again, much conversation, laughter and camaraderie. Janice Herndon invited everyone to meet by the pool and $re pit for an a%er dinner drink, and several hardy souls joined her, but by that time the temperatures had dropped signi$cantly, so it was quite chilly.

On day three, we met at 8:15 a.m. – to the sounds of a few groans – for our drivers meeting before departing

for Joshua Tree National Park. !ere was very little tra&c as we traveled CA 62 through the Morongo and Yucca Valleys, and we were able to stay in a long line of Porsches all the way to the National Park Visitor’s Center in Joshua Tree. !ere we were greeted by helpful park sta# who knew of our planned visit, and quickly processed our free passes into the park. (Once again this was our lucky weekend because the park fee was waived due to the holiday.) Ranger Rick gave an informative talk about the park, and therea%er we departed as a group to the park entrance, about $ve miles away. Mike Turek led us on a drive to Keys View, located at over 5000 feet, which o#ered spectacular views of the valley below and the magni$cent San Jacinto mountains. !e group then returned to lower elevation at Hidden Valley for a catered picnic lunch. A%er lunch, many people took the Hidden Valley trail loop, which passed through a tight boulder-strewn pass to open onto a beautiful valley where rustlers used to secrete stolen horses.

Continued on page 18

Page 20: FEB Der Auspuff


While in the Hidden Valley, many members were lucky enough to see several “free rock” climbers scaling the giant formations with scant safety equipment. We also witnessed Mike Turek clambering up a huge boulder stack to what appeared to be a rock “easy chair” perched on the edge of a boulder. A!er carefully testing it for stability, he took a seat and posed for a picture and the applause of those of us below.

"is was a #rst trip to Joshua Tree National Park for many of our members, and everyone commented on the stark beauty of the desert landscape with all of the Joshua Trees, rocky mountains and boulder stacks. Several adventuresome people, including Brian & Linda Rubino, Ted Lighthizer and Doreen Pankow, and Julia Hoppe took several of the many hikes o$ered in the park.

We returned to Palm Springs for a free evening and once again were able to walk from the hotel for an enjoyable evening in the village. It was a relaxing end to a fun weekend enjoying friends and the opportunity to drive our Porsches on some scenic and challenging drives. =

PALM SPRINGS GETAWAY Continued from page 17

Mike Turek takes a seat high above Hidden Valley.

It was an impressive parade of Porsches in downtown P.S.

The breathtaking view from the Palm Springs Tram. Spectacular scenery greeted us around every turn.

Our group listens as Ranger Rick explained the many facets of Joshua Tree National Park.

At Friday night’s reception (l-r): Ann Steinriede, Beverly Brovsky, Janet Kaller, and Karen Turek.

Page 21: FEB Der Auspuff







Page 22: FEB Der Auspuff



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Page 23: FEB Der Auspuff


The Porsche ethos has always been to continually improve the breed, in terms of performance, driving comfort, and reliability.

As with mainstream automobiles, Porsche has managed to (mostly) increase the service life of many components that were previously considered wear items. Porsche’s recommended service intervals have dramatically increased with the advent of synthetic oil, multi-electrode spark plugs, and electronic fuel injection and engine management systems. Nonetheless, periodic maintenance of your Porsche is just as important as it was in the 356 days of frequent valve adjustments, ignition component replacements, and “tune-ups.”

!e 2012 equivalent of a tune-up on your modern Porsche may not make as much of a seat-of-the-pants di"erence in how the car runs and drives as on an early 911 or 356, but it is still critical from a preventative standpoint. In this article, I will provide an overview of the maintenance requirements of modern Porsches, by which I mean Boxsters/Caymans, 1999 and up water-cooled 996/997 model 911s, Cayennes, and Panameras.

Engine Oil Changes:P o r s c h e

#rst began recommending 15,000 mile oil change intervals as far back as the 1980s. !e 911s of that period also require valve a d j u s t m e n t and spark plug r e p l a c e m e nt at the same 15,000 mile intervals, so

each recommended service was indeed a “major” service. Porsche began #lling all of their engines with synthetic oil in 1991. Fast-forwarding to the introduction of the 986 Boxster in 1996, Porsche speci#ed the same 15,000 mile oil change intervals for it and its 996 sibling, and increased it to a whopping 20,000 miles with the

introduction of the Cayenne in 2003. We feel that, quite frankly, these extended oil change intervals are insane.

Modern synthetic engine oil is very impressive considering the multitude of tasks that it is burdened with inside a modern Porsche engine. In addition to its primary function of lubricating the moving engine parts at all temperatures, it is required to help cool the engine by circulating and transferring heat away from the hottest parts of the engine; it keeps foreign particles in suspension while maintaining its lubricity; and increasingly engine oil is also being used as a hydraulic $uid that actuates various solenoids in Porsche’s VarioCam and VarioCam Plus camsha% timing adjustment systems, as

well as to maintain oil pressure in timing chain tensioners.

Synthetic oil is eminently capable of performing its basic function of protecting the main moving components of a modern internal combustion engine for 15,000 miles and beyond without breaking down

or wearing out. However, its ability to combat sludge buildup inside the engine is compromised well before Porsche’s recommended oil-change interval. Sludge buildup occurs mainly due to moisture buildup in the engine crankcase. If a vehicle is frequently driven on short trips (as we are blessed with the capability of here in Santa Barbara) without fully warming up the engine oil (the engine oil takes much longer to get up to full temperature than the coolant water temperature), this moisture is never fully evaporated and burned o". Over time, this moisture reacts with the engine oil to form acids that ultimately become sludge.

As previously mentioned, one of the functions of engine oil is to keep foreign


Modern synthetic engine oil is very impressive considering the multitude of tasks that it is

burdened with inside a modern Porsche engine.


How To Care For Your Car To Keep It Running At Its Peak Performance

Continued on page 22

Page 24: FEB Der Auspuff


particles such as sludge in suspension. At a certain point (generally soon a!er the new vehicle warranty has expired), the amount of sludge buildup in an under-maintained engine overwhelms the ability of the engine oil to keep it in suspension, and thus the sludge can be deposited anywhere in the oil circuit of the engine. "is can be detrimental to the long-term health of the engine, and it usually shows up #rst in the tiny oil ori#ces of the VarioCam adjustment mechanisms, hydraulic valve li!ers, and solenoids.

Without going into too much technical detail, Porsche’s VarioCam system continuously alters the timing of the engine’s valves opening and closing based on engine load and speed, thus ensuring a smooth idle and low tailpipe emissions and fuel consumption during cruising conditions, but also the strong mid-range and high RPM performance that Porsche engines are renowned for. VarioCam Plus, introduced on the 2001 996 Turbo and used on all 996/997 from 2002 and on all Cayman S/Boxster S models from 2005, adds variable intake valve li! to the equation, and therefore additional engine oil-activated solenoids. To put it into terms that an air-cooled 911 a#cionado can appreciate, the VarioCam system is analogous to having a 911T camsha! at lower RPM and a 911S camsha! at higher RPM in the same engine at the same time.

"e bottom line is that changing your Porsche’s engine oil at 7,500 mile/1 year intervals goes a long way toward insuring the long-term health of the engine. To drive this point further home, Porsche’s own factory recommended troubleshooting guide for a typical early V8 Cayenne camsha! timing fault (which causes a “check engine” light to come on) calls for increased oil change frequency as the #rst step in solving the problem, in an attempt to clean sludge from the oil circuit and unclog the Variocam solenoids and adjustors.

Some may wonder at this point why Porsche still speci#es 15,000-20,000 mile oil change intervals despite the evidence of it being detrimental to long-term engine health. "e answer is that automakers have long been under pressure to reduce waste, and reducing the amount of waste oil from oil changes is one way to so. "ere

is also the marketing cache of Porsche being to advertise its vehicles as largely maintenance-free. Regardless, changing the oil more frequently is an inexpensive way to prevent headaches later on in the engine’s life.

Spark Plugs:Spark plugs have seen the greatest

increase in service life of perhaps any normal maintenance item on modern internal combustion engines. In the days of the 356, spark plugs were routinely changed at 3,000-6,000 mile intervals. "e imprecise fuel control of carburetors and mechanically-advanced ignition timing dictated the lifespan of the spark plugs, as well as the plugs’ construction and material. "e advent of electronic fuel injection and ignition control meant that the air/fuel mixture in the combustion chambers of the engine could be controlled much more precisely, reducing the fouling of spark plugs, and increasing replacement intervals to 30,000 miles in Porsches thus equipped.

Spark plug design has also advanced, with multiple ground electrodes, as well as center electrodes made of more exotic materials

such as platinum and iridium instead of the traditional copper. "ese advances have made the spark plugs themselves far more durable, to the point where in many modern engines, the replacement interval has increased to 100,000 miles and beyond! Porsche’s replacement interval is still 60,000

miles for normally-aspirated engines, and 30,000 miles for turbocharged engines, as the spark plugs in turbo engines have vastly higher demands placed on them.

Spark plug replacement at the recommended interval is still critical, even though the engine may be running perfectly well. A modern Porsche engine with multiple ground electrode spark plugs will run perfectly right until the point that a spark plug completely wears out, and then it will suddenly mis#re and run roughly, without the steady decline in driveability that an older Porsche in need of a tune-up may experience. Another factor to consider is that even if a modern Porsche continues to run well with spark plugs that are past their service life, it becomes more and more di$cult for the ignition coils to #re the worn-out spark plugs, thus decreasing the service life of the ignition coils as well.

Spark plug replacement at the recommended interval is still critical, even though

the engine may be running perfectly well.


Continued next page

Page 25: FEB Der Auspuff


Cooling System:

Porsche speci!es that the coolant in all of modern cars is a lifetime !ll. "e latest factory !ll Porsche coolant (pink in color) has proven to be very robust, and we have seen little evidence of corrosion in the cooling systems of the engines thus equipped. Nonetheless, the coolant should be replaced every 60,000 miles or 4 years, or whenever cooling system repairs are needed.

"e plastic coolant reservoirs on the 986/996 and the water pumps on all modern Porsches are prone to failure, so the coolant should be replaced when the cooling system is opened for repair. When adding coolant, be certain to use only Porsche factory pink coolant; in an emergency, distilled water can be added.

Drivetrain:Manual transmission and di#erential

$uids are not subjected to quite the extremes of engine oil, but they nonetheless need periodic replacement. Gear oils contain additives that break down and wear out just like they do in engine oil. "erefore, we recommend replacing the manual transmission and di#erential $uids every 60,000 miles or 5 years.

In the Boxster/Cayman models and in 911s, the transmission and di#erential are housed in the same unit (known as a transaxle) and share the same $uid; the all-wheel-drive Carrera 4 and Turbo models add a front di#erential which should have its $uid changed at the same time. "e

Brake !uid should be changed every two years, regardless of mileage, in any vehicle on the road,

from the earliest 356 to the latest 991.

Cayennes have separate front and rear di#erentials, as well as a transfer case that requires its $uid to be changed at the same interval.


"e Tiptronic automatic transmissions should have the $uid and !lter replaced every 60,000 miles as well, despite the “lifetime” interval speci!ed by Porsche. Automatic transmission $uid is similar to engine oil in that it is burdened with an array of tasks, such as hydraulically actuating clutches and solenoids, lubricating moving parts at all temperatures, and suspending wear particles.

By nature, the clutch packs that engage the various gears in a Tiptronic transmission wear throughout the life of the transmission, depositing clutch material in the $uid and into the transmission !lter. Eventually, the !lter becomes clogged and the $uid’s ability to suspend the clutch material is overwhelmed. "e clutch material is deposited throughout the transmission, where it has the ability to clog vital passages that can ultimately lead to transmission failure.

"e jury is still out on the long-term durability of the PDK dual-clutch transmission, but knowing the fact that

said dual clutches are “wet” clutches that run inside chambers !lled with hydraulic $uid, periodic replacement of the clutch $uid will likely be necessary, as this $uid is subject to extreme heat. Replacement of the separate gear oil for the gear clusters will also be necessary to ensure long service life of the PDK transmission.

Brake Fluid:Brake $uid should be changed every two

years regardless of mileage in any vehicle on the road, from the earliest 356 to the latest 991. Brake $uid is by nature hygroscopic, meaning that it absorbs moisture from the air. If water is allowed to build up in the brake hydraulic system, it decreases the boiling point of the brake $uid. "is increases the chance of brake “fade” during spirited driving in the mountains or at a race track, which means that air bubbles can form in the $uid if it boils, causing the brake pedal to go so%, which is not very con!dence-inspiring!

Even if you do not push the limits of your Porsche’s braking system, long term moisture buildup in the brake system can lead to corrosion of internal brake parts, which is the leading cause of master cylinder and brake caliper leakage. A bi-annual brake $uid $ush (which should include the clutch hydraulic circuit on

manual transmission vehicles) is cheap insurance against future brake component failures. =

Chris Andropoulos is the Service Manager and a technician at Schneider Autohaus in Santa Barbara (a Der Auspu! advertiser). Chris is a lifelong Porsche “nut” and is fascinated with and knowledgeable about all Porsches, from 356s to the latest GT3s. When he’s not racing his daily-driven 944 Turbo at PCA and POC track events, he can be found enjoying the beaches, ocean, and mountains of beautiful Santa Barbara.

Page 26: FEB Der Auspuff


12 YearsMichael & Delaine BirminghamGary & Lynn GasperinoBeth Wermeister & John E. GrusdWilliam Sandlin

9 YearsGerald & Sara DalgleishCathy & Richard Sarte

8 YearsAlex BorlaLisa Ready & William CoghlanBrian & Shannon KavanaghSteve Madsen Darrell ManginelliSteven & Ben Reden

7 YearsLloyd & Larry Martinez

6 YearsMargaret Glenning & Bob Crystal Carol Ghens & Jeri Deane Eric N. LoosTom & Ann Romig

5 YearsPhillip & Diane Johnson

4 YearsTodd & Catherine GerchMark & Michelle HieplerGeorge HoneymanCarlo & Suzie MinassianMohsen & Roxane RabieeSara Head & Lawrence Young

3 YearsJohn H. Bolitho

2 YearsSteven & Susan BuckleySamson & Nicole Gha!ariRonald Trueman & Ronald Trueman, Jr.Carl Waldman

1 YearSevan & Todd DakarianTimothy & Debbie GandyCameron GradeJohn HartStephen Haydon-KhanRaymond & Darlene PolidoroMichael Schaible Rod & Jarrod SpragueWilliam C. StivelmanMara & Monte Wilson

New Members



� ���

30 YearsMichael & Peggy Moore

25 YearsDan & Pam Goforth-Doiron

23 YearsJohn & Karen Reid

21 YearsLee & Je!rey Buhr

20 YearsWilliam & Max Sluiter

18 YearsStephen & Jennifer Ebert

16 YearsRoland & Joyce Leveque

Porsche Club of AmericaSBR Member Anniversaries

Santa Barbara RegionNew Members & Transfers

Membership Page






Page 27: FEB Der Auspuff





Page 28: FEB Der Auspuff


Down The RoadUpcoming Events & Dates of Interest

February 18 Porsche Picnic at Jalama Beach March 11 Zone 8 Autocross in Santa Barbara March 24 SBR Poker Run April 13-15 Long Beach Grand Prix April 20-22 Zone 8 Festival of Speed April 28 Zone 8 Autocross in Camarillo May 19 El Camino Real XXIX Zone 8 Rally* May 25-30 Sequoia & Kings Canyon/Yosemite Trip June 23 SBR Member Appreciation Day July 14-15 Ventura Motorsports Gathering July 21 16th Annual Chili Cook-Off July 28 Autocross in Camarillo August 17-19 Monterey Motorsports Reunion, Laguna Seca August 25 SBR Progressive Dinner September 8 Detail Clinic at Lavaggio September 22 Autocross in Camarillo September 29 The Gimmick Rally October 14 36th Annual Concours d’Elegance October 27-28 Wine Country Harvest Tour November 17 A Visit to The Malamut Collection* December 2 Motor4Toys - Woodland Hills December 8 SBR Annual Holiday Party

(* Tentative Dates)


Page 29: FEB Der Auspuff


Zone 8 RepresentativeTom [email protected]

Chief Driving InstructorScott [email protected]

Concours ChairJoe [email protected]

Time Trial/DE ChairDave [email protected]

Webmaster Ken [email protected]

Zone 8 Sta!

Autocross ChairDavid Witteried

[email protected]

Club Race CoordinatorVince Knauf

[email protected]

Rally ChairRevere Jones

[email protected]

Rules CoordinatorTom Brown

[email protected]

TreasurerLinda Cobarrubias

[email protected]

Zone 8 Region Websites

PCA Zone 8www.zone8.org


CA Central Coastccc.pca.org

California Inlandcai.pca.org

Golden Empiregem.pca.org

Grand Prix gpx.pca.org

Las Vegaswww.lvrpca.org

Los Angeleswww.pcala.com

Orange Countypcaocr.org


Santa Barbarawww.pcasb.org

San Diegowww.pcasdr.org

San Gabrielvista.pca.org/sgb

Southern Arizonasaz.pca.org

:9<=-2/�-6?,�90�+7/<3-+Zone 8 Calendar of Events at: http://zone8.pca.org/calendar.php

For details on any listed Zone 8 event visit the sponsoring region’s website







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1484 East Main StreetSecond Floor

Ventura, CA [email protected]

DAVID L. CUNNINGHAMOf CounselEstate PlanningReal Estate/BusinessBus 805/641-9992Fax 805/641-9993

Of CounselEstate PlanningReal Estate/Business


Bus 805/641-9992Fax 805/641-9993

121 North Fir StreetSuite “F”

Ventura, CA [email protected]

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Page 30: FEB Der Auspuff


January 11, 2012 - 6:30 p.m. – Four Points Sheraton HotelSBR Board of Directors Meeting


!e January dinner board meeting was held at the Four Points Sheraton Hotel in Ventura. Present were: Nick Liakas, Ted Lighthizer, Steve & Janet Kaller, John Alfenito, Sue & Randy Kinsling, Nadine Tracy, Mike & Karen Turek, Michael Brovsky, Janice Herndon, James Oldham, James Edwards, Doreen Pankow, Don Kuckenbaker, Dick Douglas, Dan Byers, Brian & Linda Rubino, Dave Stone, Jim Brown, Kent Bodin, Carolyn Ewbank and Dick Lange.

!e following reports and discussions were presented:

Secretary: !e November 2011 board meeting (there was no December 2011 meeting) minutes were approved as submitted.

Vice President: No report.

Treasurer: Jim Brown reported on the 2011 year-end "nancial review, including an analysis by each activity showing net performance. In addition, he generated a statement of cash #ow, and a bank reconciliation.

Membership: During the month of December, four new members joined our region and membership stood at 695 on 12/31/2011.

Activities: !e following events are still open and available for participation – Escape to Beautiful Palm Springs (January 13-16); Porsche Picnic at Jalama Beach (February 18); Santa Barbara Autocross (March 11) and Poker Run (March 24). Fliers were posted in the December 2011 and January 2012 Der Auspu$.

Editor: !e February issue will feature coverage of the Palm Springs weekend trip as well as R.U.F.’s December visit to Ojai’s Alpaca Pastures. In addition, a technical article on “Maintaining !e Modern Porsche” will be included. A new #ier has been put together for the Memorial day “Double” Discovery drive to Sequoia/Kings

Canyon/Yosemite, and promotional #iers will run in February for the Jalama Beach picnic, the Santa Barbara Autocross, the Porsche Poker Run, and the 2012 Porsche Parade in Salt Lake City.

Distribution: !e December issue was mailed out on 23 November at a cost of $332.62 for 743 copies. !e January issue was mailed out on 28 December at a cost of $331.68 leaving a balance of $404.71 in the postage account. !ere were no reported delivery problems.

Advertising: Don Kuckenbaker updated the board on advertising revenues. Discussion followed.

Goodie Store: December Goodie Store sales at the Camarillo breakfast totaled $451.00 with a pro"t of $157.23. !e Santa Barbara sales totaled $303.00 with a pro"t of $91.12. A reimbursement request for $273.37 was approved.

Insurance: Certi"cates of Liability have been requested, "led and sent out to event coordinators for January (Palm Springs and Malibou Lake Mountain club) and February’s trip to Jalama Beach County Park in Lompoc.

Rally: No report.

Concours: No report.

Autocross: An email has been sent out to all past drivers announcing the dates for 2012. !is year’s caterer has been identi"ed and scheduled. A PayPal account has been established for those who wish to pay via credit card.

Archives: No report.

Webmaster: !e contacts page was updated with our latest board members and the new chair positions. Additional updates were made to the Calendar page for the upcoming events. !e bottom of all pcasb.org web pages now includes a random set of 10 images from the entire Flickr PCASB group.

Safety: No report.

P.M.S.: !e next outing is scheduled for the Santa Anita racetrack on 31 March.

R.U.F.: On January 19, R.U.F. will take a ride in the Santa Monica mountains led by Mike Turek and headed for Malibou Lake for a picnic lunch. On February 15, the group will tour the Tejon Ranch Conservancy, and have lunch at a local restaurant. On March 15, Barry Weinstein has arranged for a docent-led tour of Corriganville, followed by lunch at a local restaurant. And "nally, in April, Nick Liakas has made arrangements for R.U.F. to tour the regional headquarters of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration located in Oxnard.

50th Anniversary: !e committee held its inaugural meeting on January 8 and presented its "rst dra% of a plan for June 14, 2014, the date of SBR’s 50th Anniversary.

Public Relations: No report.

Past President: No report.

President: Our annual holiday party is in need of refreshing following reduced participation. A format change to a Sunday Brunch on December 16 was discussed.

Camarillo gate coverage for the balance of the year was assigned to various board member volunteers.

Old Business:Rally Chair Vacancy: No volunteer has

been identi"ed to date.

New Business:Michael Brovsky stepped down as Vice

President, but will continue to serve as Past President. !e board approved Steve Kaller as our new Vice President.

Nominations were requested for our 2012 designated charity.

Discussion was held on the venue and scope of our 2012 Holiday Party.

Meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m.

Page 31: FEB Der Auspuff


Support The Club.Shop The Goodie Store!


The Goodie Store

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Page 32: FEB Der Auspuff


Dec 31, 11 Dec 31, 10 $ Change % Change

ASSETSCurrent Assets

Checking/SavingsCash-Chase 2934 16,225.35 59,981.49 -43,756.14 -73.0%

Savings-Chase 9148 40,000.98 0.00 40,000.98 100.0%

Total Checking/Savings 56,226.33 59,981.49 -3,755.16 -6.3%

Accounts ReceivableAccounts Receivable 257.87 0.00 257.87 100.0%

Total Accounts Receivable 257.87 0.00 257.87 100.0%

Other Current AssetsDeposit- Harley Davidson Cafe 0.00 1,100.00 -1,100.00 -100.0%

Deposit-Las Vegas Hotel 0.00 500.00 -500.00 -100.0%

Hyatt Regency-Palm Springs 300.00 0.00 300.00 100.0%

Deposit 2012 Auto Cross 1,440.00 400.00 1,040.00 260.0%

Deposit for March 26 Picnic 0.00 110.00 -110.00 -100.0%

Total Other Current Assets 1,740.00 2,110.00 -370.00 -17.5%

Total Current Assets 58,224.20 62,091.49 -3,867.29 -6.2%

Fixed AssetsAutocross-Barcode 740.50 740.50 0.00 0.0%

Computer 500.00 500.00 0.00 0.0%

Software-Auto Cross 7,117.38 0.00 7,117.38 100.0%

Generator 431.99 431.99 0.00 0.0%

Trailer and Expenses 2,730.00 2,730.00 0.00 0.0%

Total Fixed Assets 11,519.87 4,402.49 7,117.38 161.7%

TOTAL ASSETS 69,744.07 66,493.98 3,250.09 4.9%


Current LiabilitiesOther Current Liabilities

Advertising-2012 5,325.00 0.00 5,325.00 100.0%

Palm Springs Weekend 5,520.00 0.00 5,520.00 100.0%

Advertising-2011 -1,250.00 9,775.00 -11,025.00 -112.8%

Las Vegas Trip-2011 0.00 6,185.00 -6,185.00 -100.0%

Petersen Drive-2011 0.00 284.00 -284.00 -100.0%

Total Other Current Liabilities 9,595.00 16,244.00 -6,649.00 -40.9%

Total Current Liabilities 9,595.00 16,244.00 -6,649.00 -40.9%

Total Liabilities 9,595.00 16,244.00 -6,649.00 -40.9%

EquityRetained Earnings 50,179.98 39,296.19 10,883.79 27.7%

Unrestricted Net Assets 0.00 30.00 -30.00 -100.0%

Net Income 9,969.09 10,923.79 -954.70 -8.7%

Total Equity 60,149.07 50,249.98 9,899.09 19.7%

TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY 69,744.07 66,493.98 3,250.09 4.9%

5:34 PM Porsche Club of Santa Barbara Region

01/07/12 Balance Sheet Prev Year ComparisonAccrual Basis As of December 31, 2011

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Next Month In


18!INCH PORSCHE CAYMAN S WHEELS " FOR SALE2007 OEM Porsche Cayman S rims (no tires) in very good condition. Asking $300 for the set of four, plus shipping costs (if any). Call Bela at (805) 937-9307 or email at [email protected] (01/12)

1989 PORSCHE 928!S4 " FOR SALEAutomatic transmission. White leather interior. Always garaged. 59,000 miles. $16,000. Contact Larry Young at (805) 482-0132 or [email protected] (01/12)

2002 PORSCHE 911 TURBO X50 PACKAGE – FOR SALE Original owner selling white 2002 Porsche 911 Turbo with X50 Package. Perfect condition. Black interior. Six speed transmission. All service done at Rusnak Porsche. 77,000 miles. Original price $170,000. For Sale price $70,000. Call Lloyd Wright at (310) 457-0107 or email at [email protected] (01/12)

2005 997 PORSCHE CARRERA COUPE – FOR SALE Exceptional, one-owner, garaged, non-smoker, all records, complete dealer services, loaded. Grey Metallic, Tiptronic S, Bi-Xenon headlight package, power seat package, all leather. 19-inch S Wheels, Sports Exhaust, Sports Chrono Plus, Navigation for PCM, Bose high-end with 6-disc CD. 79,300 miles. Price now $37,900. Call Scott (818) 482-0540 or email [email protected] (01/12)

2001 BOXSTER SUSPENSION – FOR SALE Original used shocks, springs and sway bars from 2001 Boxster. Everything is in very good condition. I replaced my original Porsche suspension with the ROW 030 suspension several years ago, and !nally came to the realization I’m tired of seeing these parts in my garage! Price $350 or make me an o"er. Call Geo" Walsh (310) 457-2629 or geo"[email protected] (02/12)2006 CAYMAN S – FOR SALESeal Grey, Black Partial Leather. 295 HP, 6-Speed Manual Trans. Original Owner. 16,800 Miles. Preferred Package Plus. Bi-Xenon Headlamps, Bose Surround Sound with 6-CD Changer, 14-Way Electric and Heated Comfort Seats, Self-Dimming Mirrors, Rain Sensor Wipers, Wheel Caps with Colored Crests, Floor Mats in Interior Color. Extras include: 3-M Clear Bra, Porsche Design Chrome Exhaust Tips, Das Shield Trunk Lid Protector, Indoor Car Cover, Certi!cate of Authenticity. PCA-SBR Concours W/S Class & Division Winner. Always garaged and dealer serviced with Amsoil products. All books and records. Excellent condition. $37,900 OBO. Contact Dave Stone at (805) 389-8999 or [email protected] (02/12)

American Global Standards ...........20Andy’s Detail ................................31Aswell Trophy .................................9Auto Gallery ...................................5Automotion ................................. IBCPaul Bancroft Roofing ....................13Gary Betz Enterprises ....................20Walt Branscome, SBAG .................13California Tire Company ...................7Bob Campbell’s 356 Services ..........3Joseph Carastro, D.M.D., M.S. .........9Coachcraft ......................................8David L. Cunningham .....................27Dent Experts .................................20DSR Audio ....................................29Steven Z. Freeman, CPA ................13GermanWax.com ..........................25Hooper Custom RVs ......................20Lynn Kuchera, Troop Real Estate .....13Lavaggio ......................................32Leland West Insurance ..................20Los Angeles Dismantler .................29Neil McAuliffe ................................8North Hollywood Speedometer ......27RS Enterprises ..............................29Rusnak Westlake Porsche ............ IFCSanta Barbara Auto Group .............BCSchneider Autohaus ......................13TC’s Garage ....................................8

EZ CAR LIFT – FOR SALEEZ Car Lift in new condition (used only 5 times). Includes two sets of cross spacers (the part the car rests on) so it will !t all Porsche sports cars. Original cost $2105. $1700 or trade for? Visit the EZ Car See lift website at http://www.ezcarlift.com/Jim Gude [email protected] (661) 821-3805. (02/12)

FOUR HRE WHEELS FOR 996 – FOR SALETwo 19-inch by 8.5-inch, two 19-inch by 12-inch (o"set four inches). Three-piece aluminum. Original price $7900.Please make o"er. Call Lloyd Wright at (310)457-0107 or email at [email protected] (01/12)


MICHELIN PILOT SPORT TIRES – FOR SALEFour used Michelin Pilot Sport tires. Two 225/40/ZR 18, and two 295/30/ZR 18. Approximately one-third of tread remaining.Price $200. Call Lloyd Wright (310) 457-0107 or [email protected] (12/11)

Der Auspuff accepts classified advertising limited to 50 words or less for Porsche cars, parts, and Porsche-related items. Ads are free to PCA SBR members in good standing and will run for a maximum of three (3) months. Ads are free to other PCA members in good standing as space permits and will also run for a maximum of three (3) months. Ads will be accepted for non-members as space permits for a fee of $10 per month, per ad. Please notify the Editor if sold. Der Auspuff is not responsible for the accuracy of any ad or claims made by advertisers, and does not warrant or guarantee the condition of items offered for sale. Der Auspuff reserves the right to edit or refuse to print any ad it deems inappropriate. Please submit ads directly to the Editor at [email protected]

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Page 34: FEB Der Auspuff


...the last word

Sally Says, “Get well!”Distribution Co-Chair Chet Yabitsu

has been !ghting against some health issues lately, and he has not been able to attend as many SBR gathings as he’d like.

To cheer him up, and hopefully speed his full recovery, Goodie Store Managers Brian & Linda Rubino had this “very special Sally Carrera edition” Porsche jacket made for Chet, who is a devoted “Sally” fan.

In this shot, Joan Yabitsu shows o" the jacket, which Chet is probably wearing right this minute.

Get well soon, Chet.

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Porsche Santa Barbara805-682-2000 • 402 South Hope Avenue, Santa Barbara, CA 93105www.santabarbara.porschedealer.com