f-'^ ESTABLISHED MAYH^«9S- V0U"'i3lHi. INPIT^ -:>*«£%*»••• -=aca -a# y-S0«>1?!fS3»»- |l.«ft:4Fi VANCE- MOUNT MEETZE IN ERUPTION Secretary of State Democratic Committee Replies tg .3tete- # lia view of statements made ia the house of dd«c«te& by £>ele>^ g&te C. J. Meetze, at PrilKe WU- liam county, J. N. Brenaman, aecretarjr of the state demo- cratic committee, issued ^ e i<A- lowins: at&tement today: But for the fact that Cris. J. Meetze involved the members of the democrjtlc utate-coffiiHltter U»«Ir dlavwHal (uiedhuu 8«l*r in his attack on me on tKe floor of the house of delegates on yes- terday, as {HibBahed in the after- noon papers, I should not feel called iipon^o^ notice the erup- tion of wouid-be lawyer. By the pn^riety of invoking the rule of personal privilege to attack me, I note that he is reptited to have said: '1 am makin|r this state- meat in justice to/ my {punily, n ^ democratic fronds and the cc^ored voters of kny county.** ANEMERfiENCY FOOfrSURVEY T» Ba Tnken Froai Twcaty- - « v e R^rcBCBtative Favi- .- Ika^ia the JQBBBir^„ __ , (MiM LiQiMi V. Gilbert, County Hone D«moiiatraUon Asent) A «urvey is to be takoi from twenty-five r^resentittive fam> ilies in the county—chosen from (a) Wome^ of large income. (b) Woineh of medium in- come.' (e) Women with salaries at ~^ Hia labored explanation jiT. his. > at^ude to^rard the «(dored vot- 'er6 of his county, indicates aami wn^ffliUsput. ^Bte ^dwred Veers' Leagtie ofsPi^ee W91iam eownty sent out a fetter to tiie membem of th$ league from whlcbi|e1ter I quote aa follows: llioet people alrMidy know that the coknred t^ls to decide this d|bction. Is thto not a woiidttr^t^<4R)ortimi- CONSratVAT|ON CAJCUE^ Coaserv&tton Cazrie's «om« t« o<^ kooM to stay An' can toouttoa*, bwuu and paa^ an' pack Uw tfga away; I an' pteUas en' ahe p»teh«a, dafia and I- An' MTea UM rac* mad paper*, an' tlia othar odda and i An' aometinMa ia tfa« evaain'i wti^ tlwy*! hanlly any lifM^ Wf aitanoadandaUvar an' gateadiTMlUlfalMgfatT" A-haazuf 'aboat tb* Ogr* 'atte Hsrrerfai' abaot itogltffli _ Dant ^ / -. Watch . Out! Wnnst they wut a Kttlc boy throiiVd away a eora, Hia Daddy an' bis Mamaiy navar aM'd him any mora— Tliey aeeked him in tha bread-box ^ ' in tb« ancar bowl, Tltey aaakad Ura in the jam-jar mal. mr^ crack and hola; Th«y aavar foiBid 'at kiddoa, tbo tliey aput a hei^i V ca^ Aa' dont yon tattfW tha Ocra took^*' <)>oop«d him up for hash! -They i CMMT^^^ITWO ROBBERIES HOLDS MEETffJG WTIflBt WEEK M ^ e is sending lettors A. Sindair and Or J. M ^ t s e , ^ ries) (d) Women ^ t h uaall M1- aries-at their disposaL ^ (e) W<M»ea living tm daily wages. " In the present emergency it i^ essential that the government and the people know how much food there is « i hand, how mach people are uung and how it is being use4. Tbia information is desired as a guida ia the «o»- aervatJoH^w^d atftrMrtioaof food san>lies for tbe United ^Utes and for the countries associated with us in the ^ar. Onr governmeait is asking our co-gip&eaiifiiB^ ui eeewemi thia food survey; .th«efqre, we fedi sure tha.t thie body of women chosen for this-wwk will deeear i t a patriotic dorty a « i pDTfleger and i^adly take the time to-fill ^ ootJJbeijBdiedttfe ijtyen tthem. 4 The soivey eaSs for quaatiT ofjQertaiB.kiiidaj>f food PfC^ gi-fhr hwmfc wsc yiantitiea Aa'SwHotrtFtrH to let as know—hefore we >otaa, whaVif^aofthing, actu!^ -on haikd in the house- twoioKKJsing candidate; i * i i « r | M * and estimate ainonnts of tteaaiy eensompticB,-^ ,ae>tiuiM I and n cf^ the wgy^adtefala, An' one time a Uttla girl wooMst ^St her ervst. An' aha pouted an' abe floated w'«gOiar Granny aaid aha anut. An' thist Its abe kicked her beak a « tomt to run in' Uda A gt«t iig Food Dictatar wua atdpn' by h«r ttdet Ba aeut-W aamathftn' awfal so sh« only said: "Good-niaht!" AB*^ Mated daa4 away as* shriltfad op'itb i!rigfat Aflf" JAB tamt into aaoaaga ^f^* tiS knowcd What dia'a ^twBt lU'MHoavar^flttyM - ,: :.-: '-• :.. .fDptfT . • . •. •••- -rwaa ' . ^ An' Ctmswation Carrie says t lsai|^s pmn dear 'm An' yoaahMdd ba raapaetfnl t« f | Mb ifs pore an* oU. Jla' when thaMna ar* ««kiiB* I#1«^' An' yon hear the prieea wWadb^is tiieyVe soaxia' to tiw d .Toa'd bet»v mind y«or pfaantajpi' * e big idd boiia iiuiii Aa' aet ttta sera«a ad* pedhi'a i«^ari{ hii« | ^ « f i y«a cam. : jyiwglUfct,I lias In'atyoa ha»la^mii^abawt IDwit Regvhr ScasUa of Prince WH- •Hey at I^ Prince William Ceiinty Board of SupervistMB met at the oourtheijse Tuesday, Febru- ary 26, the fdllowing meiabera being presoit: J. L. Sawaea, chairman, J. J. Conner, J. T. Syncox, McDuff Green, O. C. Hutchis<m and T. M. Russell. NaAJk Coipaay'a Hardware •d a i^v|U# Rciri- tootcC MsnasHas was again awak- ened from its peaceful period of immunity from n i ^ t prowlers fay a twin-xpbbery iiucing the past week. , Last Sunday night thi$x^ ^"' tared the hjurtware store of C. . n ii> L # J ' E> Kash & Co., through a small In re Powdl s change of road. . , i xv * ^u i tu ->• Metsger, t;. r S u s s e U and ^^"^"^'" •J" r*" of the^>uad- ^ mg, and made a haul on the gen- eral stock of merchandise.to the extent of approximatdy |40.00. Shortljr i^er opening the store Monday morning, Mr. C. E. Fisher, the janior member of the firm, noticed that a robbery U. 0. Metsger, U. C. UusseU and Silas Nels(Hi appc^ted commia- sioners to report on damages. Commissioners to meet 'at 10 a. m. March 16,1918. The sum of $300 allowed for pund-ae of tin and ^ ^^-^ ^, ^^^ ^ . „,««y . ^fSr^jL**' ^*T>1"^ 2 ^ ^ ^^ committed a n d ^ ^ . ^ f^^.**»11fr v^^^t^er with Mr. N«,h. b e ^ T ^ by Miss Lillian V. Gilbert, who; . _ , _* , j JT, ', . , ,, . . check up. They found severu is to coUect for the same at «>«t "^^ jl knives watehai price an4 r^)ort to the hoadt - 4 i f / ^ . - ^ ^ 5 I^^.^HT^ ^ ^ \)rdered that C. ft P. Td. Co.j he directed to remove its tde-J and rasors had beoi taken. At first it began to look as feougfa no clue cetUd be fwmj^ phone poles in county r<o«l ia»*^^;^lfr"N-;i'";ttention was Boath «rf Dumfries highw^ - " ^ f^' ^**^* atienaon waf ^uui^ «. x^uutxxi«B U.SU -V gjjg^ ^jj ^ newspaper i t ^ stat- ^ ^ _ j *!. i. i#.n_A i^«JL w- m« that a cok>red man had beat Ordered that McDuff Gree. be l^^^ed in Atexandria aad mx)n kmvM. and "sevTrsI rnwirn tmt -4H«eted to porchaeii a light iradiff-fftrTWHrwgilr IB Bnaria-1 ^^^1^ vffle diatrict, to ba-paid lor oat I X « ^ . « « - ««» —fa-fc-.^ «# «ww.i«i ».«i •*»- . kmwBS, recws and watches. J?1?^!!^^ ,*i. ^ ^ • 1 Mr. Nash got m commim&ai^ T. M. BnaseD » •^rvuA to ^^ ^^ the AI«««iria pdfee ^S^.**^ - ^ ^ |depa?to^tand S^frmB^Bj^^z--^——foped th<t they hyi thb mOtr^ -Mtii^ Nash went imaiedB-, to Alexandria and ideBt|> pn^eaes to do, jp the evan^^»t > ^ ba fnndidied, dataa«e Wf hia eleetion about Tvneh law. ahont the "Jim C^ww" lavK requested concerning-the- stor-j S k a ^ at IHxie llMatre aa daySvikiiit UuC age ^ d inresCTva^on oC ahettt the unjust aBd,daB»|Wa,««».*r|d*»Sn4'W!g^ ^ff^^i^^^^i^ «jpii^^ ytmr rhfl fag t h ^ *—* f ^ « aaaarmit. SfOCr dtea and mme m the matter of, «<» HI "s devoted to ntfflc and pj*Bc«hoolB,aiid they are to.ita use?. It is earnestly re- viewer this letter by Oct. 24.1 quested that a careful survey Mrs. SitUi i^eioBs, meOiec of ^irs. W. 1L Myers, of this idaee, —^ aad with whom she liatHBecg Does &is not interest you? QaesUm and Answtt. ^ to Oct. 20 Ihe colored voters'^ k«|ue-maikd to a ^ Snic^air and Chris. J. Uumt. letters asking their pd&its. ~^ Tbe saewif;: <iaesti<m was as foltows : - - • - ' , "As to the ino^evtate, imjnst and i^H^^l^^mmatil^g a/^DoaonoAK- be made conoooing ihla prod-: net, 4B^eeiafiy the^i^Bonat naed 4ally by eedreiffld:——-—'^— The-families chosen fwlSus sorvey arejojKlected as to pliice oeeuitatitm aad family ineome^ aa io. repnaeni the popiihrfi<m of the ooa|dy as a whirie. "^ ( This survey will be taken by tloos ^or colored people on ratt-ltuembeis of iMda and in pnWic pbces." * " *«« Clubs andls done nnder the Oil Oct. 2 < Meetie tepixed in!directi<Hrof th^ States l^iiiMm tte exact language of the qnes-' Service md the Bureau of lUt- fi^ «fa^,^^ T . « »p|vwi«i t/> ketgof aieDtpartment^Agri- ^iriiiqnetr tmiaat aad <teiBB- cultiirQ Washiagtck P. <i. nating.accommodations for c<rf-{ Your hearty e»-of«Btkai la <red^e^foo^. pobhc pbcear- Did Botfeii: Thte War Departmaf4 Cma^ making her home receittfy; cBed im^ee on Pid£e Isdotma^xatm Kieadaip aftaneoe aa tiie r e s ^ thrMi^ tbet-^^rfoft ^ fihB'^ «i neveoffiaammtvi^bni lifi day has bee9 rdeasing tibia diow- jb^ore, whes her ele&hiflr ing solifiers in tza«nw and m eaui^t fire from a he(U«d stove, trenches and saSkaa oia wi^' While her eoBdUks at first skips end s^oaarhiea in active^ waa not etauidiani. setieos, the sendee. These ftw reds ver»gho(A,y»g too «*»«*: f«>^^4ai«y geeured a ^ ahowu at the Dlxlejef tta yaeei^ ska hawiig attain-^ Theatre (m Monday night. W tiie z ^ eld age of cii^ty- The town-council, out of Bynif^,five patfay with the patriotic Bi^usel The t^fO» a q ^ ad^Mtrned-tiMar Bridgfewatcrr hor montiily n^eeting_.aad attendedj^iaadiqr morning, the attertainment. ~ tSie crowds began coming e' roam wss ' wwl. fiDed at 7:30,^ when Pfofesaors Hosher and MuHberger tMrefB^t.,thfr . M__j a. w J i^isdner to Waaassas^^jeetotAif, .road fond, t» be oaed « a conr '^^^ , pnHwiary h S S g ' ; «nym«: ftnrf fOr meeting pay "°° ^'^ * l««mnuiwy >e>nns !ii«as fbi reffii fbiTTecoBatructum woric oa IwftjRi Meym WM<<*»ti. he waft 'and m'deiired alwaya reaching the eendusioa that ka> Amm i»€itm, poariUy tka ^ . ^^ „.. »,»»«* drastie ev«r offwed iii tho; law? lauhaaittlM* if.thUL-wae'jjj^^^ ^ tax not his poaitioh his ivptr "was decQitive. - r Meetse's stateffieat Oiat I "aid^ and abetted" in inciting the contest « « t e > C. A, S t o . , p ^ ^ < , „ , „ , ^ ^^the dair to anseat him fc nn^aaH-;*~7^ ^,^ ,,,,-.-,,, jv, ftedly fitae. I ehalhiiga aay " " ^ ^ ^ Dre«»ea.«a >. ^ show that I had «iy edm- .Meetxe. j "This law tmrn^aa a of fran one to'tilree ieaeh deg, and raqoins it to ba munication wMi any one in Prince ^«^H*" or elsewhov as to lUa esBteat or that I t6(A any part in any way whatsoever the house m son o» WBoee prili dogis. It provides for the enforee- moit of the tax; and for The kilhiig of dogs en when ^ e taa is not paid; or fotxhd at large, or found destroying property It also makes the owner of the ehoioB paziotie sekctionn on vie-, im and piano. At 7:45 the lerfe n S n c i i r a e d heartUy faig "Amriea,'' aftarvhieh the 9hns wen shown. ,.BTe^bo^ ~ fa*, geeatly {rfeaaed end t^riUed ^ith the^tirrteg sc^ica OB la^dJeia, and watofi befais ^fanay featnrw and aged jnngaig nervoaely whin the tng guns oa S e abipa fired At 8:4S the exhibjtiso ended with the scene of 'XHd Glorr in the breeze, which pce- dncad profaoved apfriaase. .As near iten ilepllin had eome late, aad Omn Mkeis oeidde. «Elttteg te enter, a seeond show was given. ' fc.WTN.WiiaWtjBiidlyeoti. tributed the ose of the boildiag meat,^^ aeunupanied by Mn. Ify- ors and eon, Bcsr. Harwood, Michigan, insiaieiiii of Jaeoha, Funena held «t Chovd^ of wUsh W two daoghtera, Mra. W. S. My^ wHIi fke|xr. B. V. Jaeoba, of KBesviDe. the Nekesvi^e-Green uiiiHiii'liMli $600 is to road fund. Ontoned roedsBiea sent to jaQ Ito aw«t the'aetiMi of tijy grand jury. / Weifiesdey night Mr. K. H, Waters was aroused from Ms th^ sleep by his daughter, Mrs. A. .,^. J .. -_„^,-, « M.Crigler. stating that she had fIM be drams in fayor of T. M*^V^^^LL^^JT^ ^i«^ w«-r» When Ur. Wittaca reached the top of Ute stairs he could see that the fnmt doer leading to the street was Wide ^es. Go^ hig donm ataiis hefcNMt the ftt road from Kande ftcd t a b - , dapendeat >HiB and'^o be re-' turned to aaidfimd apon eotiir of sai^wDdc I t*«fcwaiTantfM'^$^ ^^ ^ _^ _ ^LSi^ ^ £^!!^»^^ fioBt";ii^w hi««a i ^ W c T read fund « tamx of Haapnid '>'^.- BaBk«f Mai^asatf, tiatpesr vterr eat on oooBl^JMldi. diowedliow the; hata s^eetad had fond hi -favor of toWn oC Oeeo- 4Baa of road tatr dne saidtoWn.- Ordered that Anbrear Fairfax be piOd 9S> aa eetOeBMat of daiaafeekifW to eera oep e< 1S17. """" •.-:•'-• doBars in cash and hit tei«:1l^ his watch in ii had beaf etalipr Several s n u ^ fireah i e a d a £ ^ ' the eeft-earth. were notkaed^lb^^ next BMHrtiag around the heose, .but BO d i e haa beta dieettvered -Fom =>*7>t= three USB o r SOASB BT HAULBBS wfen took it under consideration t S ^ t y Ceandttee Adverse, i TSi£a£edenian«cMmnBt^.,j,^^ donr^ l « was notified ^^the d e ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ retic committee of Prmce^Wa-^ ^^^^ tfii act dogs are permitted to nm at large. thatatt heavy haid- mg ^riXh engios with deats. or vAojover ive toaa in weight, with k)ada eC over two toes each P«r k)ad per ead| trailer, be dieeaa- tiaaed oa afl roads la the eoua- ty; pew^Usd furtkw, that all heavy haoKng on dirt roads of ted thririthf OWmtY 4milt all rains, or "Tnruorar f'!*!^i.?'t,..!^?ftl *iSL?r^ KASTHPf_^WJJBGB ?>OTES ami tiMee banrda <rf Heat sistiag M^al Plpteetiva Sineift^! Ham comity that C. A. had been declared the nominee of the party and that Chila. J. Meet?-* was i-wantng as aa inda. pendent. J have no apoioST-' to -nake for sr^".''lir.g by 'he reg";.a~:}' con- (C-ontir.JK. an Pag-e Sevr-,:v muxzied^in the night time, or at certain aeascms of the'jrear. - Tha act Ja made an emergwvcy act swicas also. The eniy expense when roads are soft aad twan^- was for efcctifcity ^a*! carbon, j four hoars thateafto- be soa- HFlfleB" Mr. V a i i l d t gaiei uusir pended. — ^ T - — placed at only 11.56. As 124.00 i Any person, corporation, or I was ewitributed, the Red Croes com^By vkiaSng thisi)pdec or •^^'treasury has a balance of 922.S0 any part therof, after March 10, which will be used in part ufJlSl*. shaD be guifty qf amisde- un Th^ I'Hjrnfti—>5—arut worth ;t The Joumai—fl—and worth it i bavins' C-ongresamar Hicks come 'to ManasMS. Alrf-^.^v many of : our dtiaena sre asKmt; rf '•e can not have another exhibition of th*-?"" amusmg. instructive and •.r.spirme pKtur»»«. meaner and &led $6.00 for violation. The4oQowing order wa» pass- ed by the board of snpcrrtMrd at its regular meeting bdd on Tuowiay: at the anm ef | L M p be ^porehaaed, i^oa same be seitaUe f^ bridgos Mid years. The foOowuv fTsmtaeri, approved aad wanante te same ordered to tiweooBty B«- Peiat salloa. ferjva The 0*iirta? party Frid^ evening was a great socoeas^ l»e- ades dandng and refreehmeats, wUch alwaya delight, the "stu- dent heart, there was a wnaber of comedy stunts and old fash- ioned minpfttw hy Geoecge Lady Wad^fton. , The State Secretary for 1M leagoe for the proawtidi of the Mgre qpeatien gave «i interest- j ing ta& at th» cdhc* "^ pre- fortfaer Kteratmrv oa^ihe s d ^ T:X GaOab* X. «. Gbtt T. K. Rasaril BoaehsM. Waak A Ga W. R. Fne. .Jr. A Ca W. J. Ashby C. C. X.t*chta»a J. L.. ITS ^ mm ^ # xASlinor > v rT. r K. R. Hodgson, farm management STW^ tUt spent yesterday uu. utd& *J» Mr. C. A- Mon-^- nr.r *•*• agent A nuialMr ?f fwi»' , _ !*«»"> eT-trrinjj a farm cosf" fCor.r.iniKV. :.r, Figrt SeNttr.l ^<^r, ->fr«r'^.. Hodg-

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Page 1: f-'^eservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News-Archive... · 2014-03-21 · people are uung and how it is being use4. Tbia information is desired as a guida ia the «o»-aervatJoH^w^d



V0U"'i3lHi. I N P I T ^ -:>*«£%*»•••


-a# y-S0«>1?!fS3»»- • |l.«ft:4Fi VANCE-


Secretary of State Democratic Committee Replies tg .3tete-


lia view of statements made ia the house of dd«c«te& by £>ele> g&te C. J. Meetze, at PrilKe WU-liam county, J. N. Brenaman, aecretarjr of the state demo­cratic committee, issued ^ e i<A-lowins: at&tement today:

But for the fact that Cris. J. Meetze involved the members of the democrjtlc utate-coffiiHltter U»«Ir dlavwHal (uiedhuu 8«l*r in his attack on me on tKe floor of the house of delegates on yes­terday, as {HibBahed in the after­noon papers, I should not feel called iipon^o^ notice the erup­tion of wouid-be lawyer. By the pn^riety of invoking the rule of personal privilege to attack me, I note that he is reptited to have said: '1 am makin|r this state-meat in justice to/ my {punily,

• n ^ democratic fronds and the cc^ored voters of kny county.**


T» Ba Tnken Froai Twcaty-- « v e R^rcBCBtative Favi-

.- Ika^ia the JQBBBir „ __ ,

(MiM LiQiMi V. Gilbert, County Hone D«moiiatraUon Asent)

A «urvey is to be takoi from twenty-five r^resentittive fam> ilies in the county—chosen from

(a) Wome^ of large income. (b) Woineh of medium in­

come.' (e) Women with salaries at

~^ Hia labored explanation jiT. his. > at^ude to^rard the «(dored vot-

• 'er6 of his county, indicates aami w n ^ f f l i U s p u t .

^Bte ^dwred Veers' Leagtie ofsPi^ee W91iam eownty sent out a fetter to tiie membem of th$ league from whlcbi|e1ter I quote aa follows: llioet people alrMidy know that the coknred

t ls to decide this d|bction. Is thto not a woiidttr^t^<4R)ortimi-


Coaserv&tton Cazrie's «om« t« o<^ kooM to stay An' can toouttoa*, bwuu and paa^ an' pack Uw tfga away;

I an' pteUas en' ahe p»teh«a, dafia and


An' MTea UM rac* mad paper*, an' tlia othar odda and i An' aometinMa ia tfa« evaain'i wti^ tlwy*! hanlly any lifM^ Wf aitanoadandaUvar an' gateadiTMlUlfalMgfatT" A-haazuf 'aboat tb* Ogr* 'atte Hsrrerfai' abaot

i tog l t f f l i _

Dant ^ / - . Watch . Out!

Wnnst they wut a Kttlc boy throiiVd away a eora, Hia Daddy an' bis Mamaiy navar aM'd him any mora— Tliey aeeked him in tha bread-box ^ ' in tb« ancar bowl, Tltey aaakad Ura in the jam-jar mal. mr^ crack and hola; Th«y aavar foiBid 'at kiddoa, tbo tliey aput a hei^i V c a ^ Aa' dont yon tattfW tha Ocra took^*' <)>oop«d him up for hash!

-They i


M ^ e is sending lettors A. Sindair and Or J. M ^ t s e , ^

ries) (d) Women ^ t h uaall M1-

aries-at their disposaL ^ (e) W<M»ea living tm daily wages. "

In the present emergency it i^ essential that the government and the people know how much food there is « i hand, how mach people are uung and how it is being use4. Tbia information is desired as a guida ia the «o»-aervatJoH^w d atftrMrtioaof food san>lies for tbe United ^Utes and for the countries associated with us in the ^ar.

Onr governmeait is asking our co-gip&eaiifiiB^ ui eeewemi thia food survey; .th«efqre, we fedi sure tha.t thie body of women chosen for this-wwk will deeear i t a patriotic dorty a«i pDTfleger and i^adly take the time to-fill

^ ootJJbeijBdiedttfe ijtyen tthem. 4 The soivey eaSs for quaatiT

of jQertaiB.kiiidaj>f food PfC gi-fhr hwmfc wsc yiantitiea


to let as know—hefore we >otaa, whaVif^aofthing,

actu!^ -on haikd in the house-twoioKKJsing candidate; i * i i « r | M * and estimate ainonnts of

tteaaiy eensompticB,-^ ,ae>tiuiM I and n cf the wgy^adtefala,

An' one time a Uttla girl wooMst ^St her ervst. An' aha pouted an' abe floated w'«gOiar Granny aaid aha anut. An' thist Its abe kicked her beak a « tomt to run in' Uda A gt«t iig Food Dictatar wua atdpn' by h«r ttdet Ba aeut-W aamathftn' awfal so sh« only said: "Good-niaht!" A B * ^ Mated daa4 away as* shriltfad op'itb i!rigfat Aflf" JAB tamt into aaoaaga f * t iS knowcd What dia'a ^twBt l U ' M H o a v a r ^ f l t t y M - ,:

:.-: '-• :.. .fDptfT . •• . •. •••--rwaa ' . ^

An' Ctmswation Carrie says t lsai|^s pmn dear 'm An' yoaahMdd ba raapaetfnl t« f | Mb i fs pore an* oU.

J l a ' when thaMna ar* ««kiiB* I#1«^' An' yon hear the prieea wWadb^is tiieyVe soaxia' to tiw d .Toa'd bet»v mind y«or pfaantajpi' * e big idd boiia iiuiii Aa' aet ttta sera«a ad* pedhi'a i«^ari{ hii« | ^ « f i y«a cam.

: jyiwglUfct,I lias In'atyoa ha»la^mii^abawt


Regvhr ScasUa of Prince WH-

•Hey at

I ^ Prince William Ceiinty Board of SupervistMB met at the oourtheijse Tuesday, Febru­ary 26, the fdllowing meiabera being presoit: J. L. Sawaea, chairman, J. J. Conner, J. T. Syncox, McDuff Green, O. C. Hutchis<m and T. M. Russell.

NaAJk Coipaay'a Hardware •d a i^v|U# Rciri-


MsnasHas was again awak­ened from its peaceful period of immunity from n i^t prowlers fay a twin-xpbbery iiucing the past week. • ,

Last Sunday night thi$x^ ^"' tared the hjurtware store of C.

. n ii> L # J ' E> Kash & Co., through a small In re Powdl s change of road. . , i xv * ^u i t u ->• Metsger, t;. rSusseU and ^^"^"^'" •J" r*" of the^>uad-

^ mg, and made a haul on the gen­eral stock of merchandise.to the extent of approximatdy |40.00.

Shortljr i^er opening the store Monday morning, Mr. C. E. Fisher, the janior member of the firm, noticed that a robbery

U. 0. Metsger, U. C. UusseU and Silas Nels(Hi appc^ted commia-sioners to report on damages. Commissioners to meet 'at 10 a. m. March 16,1918.

The sum of $300 allowed for pund-ae of tin and ^ ^^-^ ^ , ^^^ ^ . „ , « « y . fSr jL**' ^*T>1"^ 2 ^ ^ ^^ committed a n d ^ ^ . ^

f^^.**»11fr v ^ ^ ^ t ^ e r with Mr. N«,h. b e ^ T ^ by Miss Lillian V. Gilbert, who; . _ , _* , j JT, ' , „ . , ,, . . check up. They found severu is to coUect for the same at «>«t "^^ j l knives watehai price an4 r^)ort to the hoadt - 4 i f / ^ . - ^ ^ 5 I^^.^HT^ ^

^ \)rdered that C. ft P. Td. Co.j he directed to remove its tde-J

and rasors had beoi taken. At first it began to look as

feougfa no clue cetUd be fwmj^ phone poles in county r<o«l ia»*^^;^lfr"N-;i'";ttention was Boath «rf Dumfries highw^ - " ^ f^' ^**^* atienaon waf ^uui^ «. x uutxxi«B U.SU -V gjjg^ jj ^ newspaper i t ^ stat-

^ ^ _ j *!. i. i#.n_A i^«JL w- m« that a cok>red man had beat Ordered that McDuff Gree. be l^^^ed in Atexandria aad mx)n

kmvM. and "sevTrsI rnwirn tmt -4H«eted to porchaeii a light iradiff-fftrTWHrwgilr IB Bnaria-1 ^^^1^ vffle diatrict, to ba-paid lor oat I X « ^ . « « - ««» —fa-fc-.^ «# «ww.i«i ».«i •*»- . kmwBS, recws and watches.

J ? 1 ? ^ ! ! ^ ^ ,*i. ^ ^ • 1 Mr. Nash got m commim&ai T. M. BnaseD » •^rvuA to ^^ ^^ the AI«««iria pdfee

^ S ^ . * * ^ - ^ ^ |depa?to^tand S^frmB^Bj^^—z--^——foped th<t they hyi thb mOtr^

-Mtii Nash went imaiedB-, to Alexandria and ideBt|>

pn^eaes to do, jp the evan^^»t > ^ ba fnndidied, dataa«e Wf hia eleetion about Tvneh law. ahont the "Jim C ww" lavK

requested concerning-the- stor-j

S k a ^ at IHxie llMatre aa daySvikiiit UuC

age ^ d inresCTva^on oC ahettt the unjust aBd,daB»|Wa,««».*r|d*»Sn4'W!g^ ^ff^^i^^^^i^ «jpii^^ ytmr rhfl fag th^ *—* f ^ « aaaarmit. SfOCr dtea and mme m the matter of, «<» HI "s devoted to ntfflc and pj*Bc«hoolB,aiid they are to.ita use?. It i s earnestly re­viewer this letter by Oct. 24.1 quested that a careful survey

Mrs. SitUi i^eioBs, meOiec of ^irs. W. 1L Myers, of this idaee,

—^ aad with whom she liatHBecg

Does &is not interest you? QaesUm and Answtt.

^ to Oct. 20 Ihe colored voters' k«|ue-maikd to a ^ Snic^air and Chris. J. Uumt. letters asking their pd&its. ~ Tbe saewif;: <iaesti<m was as foltows : - - • - ' ,

"As to the ino^evtate, imjnst and i H l mmatil g a/^DoaonoAK-

be made conoooing ihla prod-: net, 4B^eeiafiy the^i^Bonat naed 4ally by eedreiffld:——-—'^—

The-families chosen fwlSus sorvey arejojKlected as to pliice

oeeuitatitm aad family ineome^ aa io. repnaeni the popiihrfi<m of the ooa|dy as a whirie. " (

This survey will be taken by tloos ^or colored people on ratt-ltuembeis of iMda and in pnWic pbces." * " *«« Clubs andls done nnder the

Oil Oct. 2 < Meetie tepixed in!directi<Hrof th^ States l^iiiMm tte exact language of the qnes-' Service md the Bureau of lUt-fi^ «fa^,^^ T . « »p|vwi«i t/> ketgof aieDtpartment^Agri-^iriiiqnetr tmiaat aad <teiBB- cultiirQ Washiagtck P. <i. nating.accommodations for c<rf-{ Your hearty e»-of«Btkai la <red^e^foo^. pobhc pbcear-

Did Botfeii:

Thte War Departmaf 4 Cma^ making her home receittfy; cBed im^ee on Pid£e Isdotma^xatm Kieadaip aftaneoe aa tiie r e s ^ thrMi^ tbet-^^rfoft ^ fihB'^ «i neveoffiaammtvi^bni lifi day has bee9 rdeasing tibia diow- jb^ore, whes her ele&hiflr ing solifiers in tza«nw and m eaui^t fire from a he(U«d stove, trenches and saSkaa oia wi^' While her eoBdUks at first skips end s^oaarhiea in active^ waa not etauidiani. setieos, the sendee. These ftw reds ver»gho(A,y»g too «*»«*: f«>^^4ai«y geeured a ^ ahowu at the Dlxlejef tta yaeei^ ska hawiig attain-^ Theatre (m Monday night. W tiie z ^ eld age of cii^ty-

The town-council, out of Bynif ,five patfay with the patriotic Bi^usel The t^fO» a q ^ ad^Mtrned-tiMar Bridgfewatcrr hor montiily n^eeting_.aad attendedj^iaadiqr morning, the attertainment. ~

tSie crowds began coming e' roam wss ' wwl.

fiDed at 7:30,^ when Pfofesaors Hosher and MuHberger

tMrefB t.,thfr . M__j a. w J i^isdner to Waaassas^^jeetotAif,

.road fond, t» be oaed « a conr ' ^ ^ ^ , pnHwiary h S S g ' ; «nym«: ftnrf fOr meeting pay "°° ^'^ * l««mnuiwy >e>nns !ii«as fbi reffii fbiTTecoBatructum woric oa

IwftjRi Meym WM<<*»ti. he waft

'and m'deiired alwaya

reaching the eendusioa that ka> Amm i»€itm, poariUy tka

^ . ^ „.. „ »,»»«* drastie ev«r offwed iii tho;

law? lauhaaittlM* if.thUL-wae'jjj^^^ ^

tax not his poaitioh his ivptr "was decQitive. - r

Meetse's stateffieat Oiat I "aid^ and abetted" in inciting the contest « « t e > C. A, S t o . , p ^ ^ < , „ , „ , ^ ^^the dair to anseat him fc nn^aaH-;*~7^ ^ , ^ , , , ,- .- , , , jv , ftedly fitae. I ehalhiiga aay " " ^ ^ ^ Dre«»ea.«a

>. show that I had «iy edm-

.Meetxe. j "This law tmrn^aa a of fran one to'tilree

ieaeh deg, and raqoins it to ba

munication wMi any one in Prince ^«^H*" or elsewhov as to lUa esBteat or that I t6(A any part in any way whatsoever

the house m

son o» WBoee p r i l i dogis.

It provides for the enforee-moit of the tax; and for The kilhiig of dogs en when ^ e taa is not paid; or f otxhd at large, or found destroying property

It also makes the owner of the

ehoioB paziotie sekctionn on vie-, im and piano. At 7:45 the lerfe n S n c i i r a e d heartUy faig "Amriea,'' aftarvhieh the 9hns wen shown. , .BTe^bo^ ~ fa*, geeatly {rfeaaed end t^riUed ^ith the^tirrteg sc^ica OB la^dJeia, and watofi befais

^fanay featnrw and aged jnngaig nervoaely whin the tng guns oa S e abipa fired

At 8:4S the exhibjtiso ended with the scene of 'XHd Glorr

in the breeze, which pce-dncad profaoved apfriaase.

.As near iten ilepllin had eome late, aad Omn Mkeis oeidde. «Elttteg te enter, a seeond show was given. ' fc.WTN.WiiaWtjBiidlyeoti. tributed the ose of the boildiag

meat, ^ aeunupanied by Mn. Ify-ors and eon, Bcsr. Harwood,

Michigan, insiaieiiii of Jaeoha, Funena held «t Chovd^ of wUsh


two daoghtera, Mra. W. S. My

wHIi fke|xr. B. V. Jaeoba, of KBesviDe. the

Nekesvi^e-Green uiiiHiii'liMli $600 is to road fund.


roedsBiea sent to jaQ Ito aw«t the'aetiMi of tijy grand jury. /

Weifiesdey night Mr. K. H, Waters was aroused from Ms

t h ^ sleep by his daughter, Mrs. A.

. , ^ . J . . - _ „ ^ , - , « M.Crigler. stating that she had fIM be drams in fayor of T. M * ^ V ^ ^ ^ L L ^ ^ J T ^ ^ i « ^ w«-r»

When Ur. Wittaca reached the top of Ute stairs he could see that the fnmt doer leading to the street was Wide ^ e s . Go^ hig donm ataiis hefcNMt the

ftt road from Kande ftcd t a b - , dapendeat >HiB and'^o be re-' turned to aaidfimd apon eotiir

of sai^wDdc I t*«fcwaiTantfM'^$^ ^^ ^ _ _

^LSi^ ^ £ ^ ! ! ^ » ^ ^ fioBt";ii^w h i««a i ^ W c T read fund « tamx of Haapnid '>'^.-BaBk«f Mai asatf, tiatpesr vterr eat on oooBl^JMldi.

diowedliow the; hata s^eetad


fond hi -favor of toWn oC Oeeo-4Baa of road tatr dne saidtoWn.-

Ordered that Anbrear Fairfax be piOd 9S> aa eetOeBMat of daiaafeekifW to eera o e p e< 1S17. """" • . - : • ' - •

doBars in cash and hit tei«:1l^ his watch in ii had beaf etalipr

Several snu^ fireah i e a d a £ ^ ' the eeft-earth. were notkaed lb ^ next BMHrtiag around the heose, .but BO d i e haa beta dieettvered

-Fom =>*7>t=



wfen took it under consideration

t S ^ t y Ceandttee Adverse, i T S i £ a £ e d e n i a n « c M m n B t ^ . , j , ^ ^ d o n r ^

l « was notified ^^the d e ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ retic committee of Prmce^Wa- ^^^^ tfii act dogs are

permitted to nm at large.

thatatt heavy haid-mg ^riXh engios with deats. or

vAojover ive toaa in weight, with k)ada eC over two toes each P«r k)ad per ead| trailer, be dieeaa-tiaaed oa afl roads la the eoua-ty; pew^Usd furtkw, that all heavy haoKng on dirt roads of

ted thririthf OWmtY 4milt all rains, or

"Tnruorar f'!*!^i.?'t,..!^?ftl *iSL?r^ KASTHPf_ WJJBGB ?>OTES ami tiMee banrda <rf Heat sistiag M^al Plpteetiva

Sineift^! Ham comity that C. A. had been declared the nominee of the party and that Chila. J. Meet?-* was i-wantng as aa inda. pendent.

J have no apoioST-' to -nake for sr^".''lir.g by 'he reg";.a~:}' con-

(C-ontir.JK. an Pag-e Sevr-,:v

muxzied^in the night time, or at certain aeascms of the'jrear. - Tha act Ja made an emergwvcy act

swicas also. The eniy expense when roads are soft aad twan^-was for efcctifcity ^a*! carbon, j four hoars thateafto- be soa-HFlfleB" Mr. Vaiildt gaiei uusir pended. — — ^ T - — placed at only 11.56. As 124.00 i Any person, corporation, or

I was ewitributed, the Red Croes com^By vkiaSng thisi)pdec or •^^'treasury has a balance of 922.S0 any part therof, after March 10,

which will be used in part ufJlSl*. shaD be guifty qf amisde-un

Th^ I'Hjrnfti—>5—arut worth ;t The Joumai—f l—and worth it

i bavins' C-ongresamar Hicks come 'to ManasMS. Alrf- . v many of : our dtiaena sre asKmt; rf '•e can not have another exhibition of th*-?"" amusmg. instructive and •.r.spirme pKtur»»«.

meaner and &led $6.00 for violation.

The4oQowing order wa» pass­ed by the board of snpcrrtMrd at its regular meeting bdd on Tuowiay:

at the anm ef | L M p be ^porehaaed, i^oa same be seitaUe f^ bridgos Mid years.

The foOowuv fTsmtaeri, approved aad wanante te same ordered to tiweooBty




The 0*iirta? party Frid^ evening was a great socoeas^ l»e-ades dandng and refreehmeats, wUch alwaya delight, the "stu­dent heart, there was a wnaber of comedy stunts and old fash­ioned minpfttw hy Geoecge Lady Wad^fton. ,

The State Secretary for 1M leagoe for the proawtidi of the Mgre qpeatien gave « i interest-

j ing ta& at th» cdhc* "^ pre-

fortfaer Kteratmrv oa^ihe sd^

T : X GaOab* X. « . Gbtt T. K. Rasaril BoaehsM. Waak A Ga W. R. Fne. .Jr. A Ca W. J. Ashby C. C. X.t*chta»a J. L.. ITS ^mm

^ # xASlinor > v rT. r

K. R. Hodgson, farm management STW

tUt spent yesterday uu. utd& *J» Mr. C. A- Mon-^- nr.r *•*• a g e n t A nuialMr ?f fwi»'

, _ „ ! * « » " > eT-trrinjj a farm cosf"

fCor.r.iniKV. :.r, Figrt SeNttr.l < r, ->fr«r' ..


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-4-»*ij^- - — • * ^ -



^'AmfeeB" jYond fee con>or*te limits of »


AUnialstntioB, R^M-diiv

the U u t c ^ ^ U t e s Food A^ntab tnwn tf[ cjty mAy iwt h«ve more~5tnition. ' 1 ' ' ^ tfrun om>-hnJf hm-wj; ^^^ | Flour.—A wholesaler or job-

„ £jx<9t iber ia limited to a profit of 75

We puUiah below BuSeUn No. 1, isBoed by the Fedenl Food Artminintrmtor for Vinckua. un-c ^ date of February 14. 1918. for the cuidaBoe «f the local food adminiBtntar. This Bot^ letin was sent to The Journal for pubticatioa by Mr. Westwood Hutchison, 'president <rf the Farmers' Institute of NortJiem Virginia, in response to a resolu­tion passed by the Institute at its Febitiary meeting, jiuthwix-ing its president to present the ppolpcr authorities the views of the Institute that fanners should W exempted from any regulation compelling them to dispose of t h ^ i«odncts which it has been customary for the prodiiceiTo'piTaerws ftr xauBHF-' able consumption for their fami­lies and hired hdp.

It will be seal from the Boi-letin the wbett msdueo* inay provide for the needs of his own househcdd. Hie BaDetin indi­cates tiiat it will be the pbUcy of the Fwid Administratiott-te-interfere as little as pooi^Ue with the food prodoeer. -

bers may not 'SeB _fy «m»«r to

:3#& hold exd^aagiFSourin suflJct&TjtJnT'fair pi>e-*ar' profiC' but quantity for his household use w h « e he re-handles from mill until the oext liarvest is avail*- packages, he -is permitted to in-ble. 'crease his profit to not more

A barrel of ilour may not be I than than 1 cent per pound, sold jointly to two persons and Sogar.—A jobber's or whole-takffti syay v ^ ^i«ia«H h^ iwwn i ••i^i^^ proftt •hnnlrf not Jbe more them, # e n oader the supenri-j than ZS cents per hundred ston of the Local Food Athnpis-trator.

A retailer is aUowed 1 cent pa* pound profit on floor rehan-dled by him from mill packages; otherwiae he is limited to a £ur pre-war profit.

A farmer ahall sdl to wh(dfr-salen, j<^Miers or retailers the

to] surplus flour manofadured from hia own grown wheat n^ maining after providing for the

flP8AN€&4iA^0FESSI0li^ _JtgtI~"[' :ZJm^^ Select yomt mge^ •a^ coiw£«»»« *» y®" woufcOou*

Banker, Lawyer or Doctor, iince yo«r financi^ exist-depeiMi o« ttmMfk J * t »«rtx9rt» no more

c - - •

»-«?5>S3l . <

any retailer or costmner, and re-taiiera may i» t sefl or d^ver to any person, any wheat flMir, un­less the buyiar in each caSe pur­chases wheat flour substitutes,

flour purchiuBSd. or deinr«red{ or in case of whole idieat Jkar ooo-taining at Teia: W po" « B T «S The ratire vAeal; flour, 6-10

or grahi^

of such whole wheat or gn^am flour purehasoi;

needs of his own household, above provided. He shoold not fle&.at rrtafli irrV— he has jLre-tailo's BecMie. Whea 1M sells

it most be upon the form g ivu

a jobber or

lb a retailer, certiAcaliie in above. Sale ts wholesaler requires no soefa ea-tifieate.

1 ^ IknitatuBs as to the use of floor do not apirty to federal. state, eoonty «> moitictpy insti-tutspM. flr w-tfae ^BJtaHiiMiiL tit aay natioB_jgt war with Gcrr many.

BxMazrs^tarmiAi,boardmg otfaer-kwti-i'

pounds. Jlnd retaiters ^jipul^ Jg. -no case receive a g» eater profit than 1 coit per pound.

Cera Meat—^AH miOs are ao-tbsfrued to sdl unbolted meal at the price paid for com; bcdted meid at 10 cents per boshd more. ThiB change in rulinf is made <m account of moisture in meal tiiis yesr.

TransaetaoBS involving f e ­cial diacoonts to favored caa-toraow wifl be carefully scrutin­ized. . Be-aales within _tfae same

^'*'^ *re looked upoa with dis-&vot. Jhe nrama] profit TJT the wholesaler, jobber er retail* er 4n each tzansaetian, wheo fomid neoesiaiy, shoold be d k vidfBd e q u a ^ .


pound for pound with all whr^t] of their respective cases to the Local Fbod Adwimstiaitw pto-eoie the neeeasary penint to

BasiTr ~ Q K ~ m"period of fcrt;.MUge

flour substitute f«; every |WMiitil|than thitiT diqni otadief-the ponnd far po«lad' vatioa ITntrit

That the ycensee may aocciit in lieu ^ Hour subatituteiB.. the eertitette of a farmer that he hai^ and idll use; pound tar: poond. wheat flom* sobatitates. made from prodoete grown by Um.

the above rule^the retailer may be permitted, m Ben o{ the por-chunp pf whMtt floor sobstitates pound for poond with U s wlwat flour purrhmwr, to S e witii soch order he gives a eertifieate in substji^^ 9» ioUgWBr'~^ ' :

"I hereby certify that the amount of whe«t floor covered by my order hetesn atxadied, will Selioia f or fisttftntioB so aa to balance its use poond for pound; d&ei^hx-j^tat

sion, or by wheat floor sobati-tutes m u i ^ K i a n i Hobs ucts grown by, my fame tom«-8, and covered by tbenr certificatea SmtOi^ said wheat and said iri substitutes peoad for ]

The faimer giipinag com. and havihf-ii his own needa,oiay JB Vbo ef tke purchase ofjwheat floqr tutes. file witii his ecdan &r said floor a certifla^ is stance, an foUnai


^ Ne^psaoB dmS nae or-deiivcr ai^ U N f f o t t a r t t i v l t e -grade

jSRAMEP HGfflS. Ft»!»¥Em|

B a U Fiaifly How Wealthy Bj

ikm e€ floor fs to'jastify ak erpniprtoB -^ tiitf rvie governing infividoal caif

seatatwB m- wriUug <rf the faets _. , „ i , j„ .„ MI—i—i«^- -« j

Most evoyoqe has read of the great naedidnal iron depodt jm-

nJear^Hidany, Mismufpttt. and today t h e - I n i ^ PEBfbet is pot op under tiie A-I-M tradiriiBzt i ir i&'^&iody^

stood far qoaKty aad iB^mwtirmw fat. i g y

thirty-years. —-'-— •— —Or. R. CL JohaaoB. ei Striager.

«Sr said: :^ IiBa Miaerai i


'ISc' aByj ^W fiadtkat :a8 a»

of hamaa food^ wiyA


Floor aoid to to Jan. 28. 1918. &t net ^j/^^ ered, caoBot be ddtveied toufeodi

ia the aad dyspeiiaia

tg with i t"


Fbime peo]Je adjust your fire*—no New Yoik sharpen It will pay you to talk it ovar and get our rates :: z

Fire Insiffance Agency

' P i w i n l v M l t -

Haie ti& leiflftS"

wtt, ioi ixk Bssiii fm fack sife~

of 1|» oDe^ooriii for

above. If tSi'

be refiBded fir

la s t a teaspoopM or teas, of tH JEraa Mlaeial miwt wiUi a lass of wato* after laeab haa

I m a y a ngpa and wmjusi. stomach t n d l e s aad

Bid afiar a dM ; not only liaa their m

— •TffJTWI bat Brie adiL to diavpHr aa M W


qaarters «f a bottle he ed for me I



z\' * - • • - - »


use pooad for pood tte whti^\ floor for wftkh wkh wheat fl made froai


Wheat Wheat floor

9w eoatzaet; shal aa4 sobstitotea^F^efaraary 2t aad

kffled bsaa or

L- B. C

I fe-f ir l


llote.—NeiAer Doctor Jeha-sontcCerted to above kaow the

'o6Mr or are of any Ida. The

aame who eadorae i t The lo­cal drag stotee have it or m^brge

the pound for poond wheat COD-1 pweat the porehase, ahipracBt I ^^^ ^ ^, it^th^ Pm._ii«j

OS 10U0W8: iioouay^-cora grn^teggsprwiDCtxRl pivpooeL eommeal. com floor, edftle comj Floh mast be poiiliBwd aad starch, bariey flour. roBed oats, J sold by Ite poond. , o&tnieal, r>c«. rice floor, bock-j CsoimaAty PHcca.

tAto flour, sweet A fair profit on a pre-war ba-a bean flour and ais is permitted upon con-rrtodi-

,.. na*iAl- _ -tiea,- yitiKuit regard u> .-«uuara.j .Aumer? residing m«nt or daily market OUO:A; .>.n.<i. i !•»> ':.A< <oX have i^j; rxci pT for thf -•• .• '••''-^

pow e-fisior. al ir,; :,r,p .'---•;.TT ^h-.i" c.''. '•-h«a" ^o-

wbPAt fi< ilX. p o t ; » : > •" . r.

Va. Sold ia WiasiMit by W.

Dowefi aad hy^good-eteijwheie. Adr.

n e d

: c"^" a.n. their

IJiave jftti c\e. nail C'ur price* »o JOB WORK * To Lhesf di>-s it is well to know

aif^anre both tbe quality \T

tirnp more than ont-quRrti^r a: i>rar cpecific •J* ' thf <-wt. .\sk THE U

We liave enJbted in the United l^tes Food Aclmooistratioii ai|d in doing so

hn^ to give^owncus- tonnrs l e boiefit of fair and mod^ »ate prices^ selling at no more ifaan a itMMjonaWk ^ jr^ i t above cost totisr GKre


convinced. > —

MADDOX & BYRD MembcM of Umied Slate* Food AdmhmtmtiTm • ' :

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"^HPW ly^^iW^^wwHi wf:ip»ujiw."'T:

T k ^ M a n ^ Z ^ e l o i i m a l [™*° lyings, for it ^FSuppoaea' is but oiuTnunK to do, and thit pean

1 ne ivianassas joumaij^j^ dtownfau of r V B U S K E U EVEKT K B l i M T A i T B B H O O h HI

e ihrnif to do, and thai pean country; ine.v are ^ f e the word's civil-'is to haul the foodstuffs to mar-'alerl and use more labor-«»viB«

Tk Hiiuins J c m ^ P i U s ^ C« Uc. iz^tion through ita own coward- kel. Thiousands of busheU uf! devices than any other farmers ice «uad weakness. potaoes are rolling upon the:in the world.

Mankind haa not striven and farms and thousands of head of! The reaponie of the farmers, strugs^ed upward through tfaetcattte are f t t n g thrfr twais^effJaaaNd^r^ Wltoon^^ centuries only t5o yield Ms liber-'ciTThe rmgea, wAitiag to^ be[of tfag present emergency has

Vifgim«, •»-tjfwiwj ViMi Matt KsUer

^^^_ ^^•'T-g *"*^t **" ** • ^"^ ©f inaaae G«r-1 trao^w*** to marlMt. TWa iajbeea in every way remarkable. II fill II '" ' nl|iili|i|i '"*^^ ""* ^ :

It eannoTlw a'obmpromise 1 permitted to exist. It is eoe jfi^fat, near can it end in trick j which demands practical treat* peace, as so many ddudedlment hy pnctical moi. Americana seem to believe. No j AD Doaeaaeatial taSkt -mast sleight-of-hand will suffice to re- give way io the ahifMBent of government has s o u ^ t to fit establiah the fouxMiatioas of the j food until the aituatiMi is dear- the price of foodstuffs and not worid's liberty. No peace will: ed iq>. Why is i t BOt praetiea- sought to fix other prices which

DOW in active*^$plnitioa, but tne time is approaching when they^ will have need for every availa-j ble skilled naechanic who can be spared from other industries, j Tfr" •^iirr<iy--h«^ 't>«tJ[jlftf#>iT thJT rfquiremeBtit ^% 250,000 to awe IheL fuir capacity"fof tSie^



the aisertioh. Tbese i ments, he urges, should be re­peated and even exceeded. —The Pi'gaident detiiea that the

Jbe' tolerated by civiliaat¥»t^*'^^ suti^mi~~Sit |WllilwigCT- (feteamine the expenses of 4he ^A>yeis and wutkiuBirtoeo^pe-qaeBtion" of buying fowb uulj which leaves the bloody swtod traffic one er two days e«di fanner, stating that the govem-

oae wfiSen aoon will be ready. It is the desire of the Shining Board to enroU tiut nundier of c^mbte men with the board's re' serve—not to be called upon im- money a man has in the bank he mediately, but to be available! can't afford to wtote it esgwii-whenever it is neeesaary for eon meatiag. When it cornea to tba

bi Genfiany'B mailed "fist. Oermany's friends are Amer­

ica's enemiea. Tlieyape Bot for us; they are acainst us. I^e

i^eefc and uae passenger k>e<Ma» ;



stand now as later that evary-thjns she gains from Russia most be by main force and titat i t must be relinquiabed later in tlw faee of faMcal datet,rr The alliea wUl not recogniie the T». lidity of any treiaty made by Gelr-many with any other power, whether ^friend, eaony or neo-traL Hie only treaty signed by Xknuny that wffl be mogniMd by tiie ^fiee is thei afiiteale^ treatgr of peace, and it is beoom-mg more e^dent daily Ihat this

" tgeaty'mttat be drawn u» by. the alfiM aeeordinff to the naoesai-liea of civiKratiwi. and that Ger-uiaiij'ii iiiintl wiTI beatteeh-

L«dy after aw wTOtd has bem

only n^ona that America trusts are nations that are free and governed by coiiaat of the pac 1 portion of the pa^ebgw traffic pie tha«of. Those are the only is compoaed of penile traveling

not be feasible to limft paasan-: derlying aU th^ i|it«rests of the ger traffic on tiiese'days to aid-;eouKftry, and such regulation diers and thoae bound upon of- was not <mly for the purchases fidal buaineaa? A large pro- of the govonmait but for the

rate with the bofard; empfeyers, high charactered edibles shauld be ready to -give up men' find their «ay:io any man's ta>.

tivea to haul, freight ?Would it' the prioee of many material un- thgy jcsn spare; the in«i ipust, bie. Take it the year around it

thin I fnr plnasnm «r upon erranda- -the- govemm^fr war. The German .peoide wiU! that are not essential. The an-survive, but their govorunent I nulmoit oi- passenger schedules will be reformed into a govern-J for one or two days each week ment of the peofie, and it will be wouhi wprk no hardriiip in such done by^^K-Germas people in or- casea^ and buaineaa men eou]d d ^ that they may- survive, adept their affairs'to the They must ehooee between their i gcncy^ withoat aerioiia JncQl»-preaent system and survive Every allied buUet wdl aimed, every allied aviator actively at woriL, every pound of food, eon-trflndsd br Amerfea helps to hasten the hmzc WIWB the Ger-notn^eopie wffi be ggtapeBad to get fh line rtffh 11 il i fif* ' *"

porchaMS of the public, and in fixing the psicea (rf foodstuffs

tried to keep the interests of the farmer aa much ininind as the interests of others.

show their willingness by enroll-1 doesn't casT Jiy ing with the reserve. It has can prove it at this store, been suggested .that moi engag­ed • in shipbuilding and otiier jHranehes of government work might wear a distinctive uni-

orbefurnished wrdrmtiig^i tingmsfaing" badge of some sort which would show that they are d<Hng


their full part in war ^tecallinj the Idgtcyic aeUou I work: Whether (MTIIOC that ts

of the farmers at haangtoa. what ther "fiivd the shot tint was heard around the wwid."

voiicBoe. V jPreadent Wilson says that the The distribution' of food foe i toil, the inteffigenee, the «»tetY.

domiestic oosudumptkm and tite 10» f oresia^t, the sacr^cea, and tianspMrtation of it to ports for devotkm of the farmers of shipment tb the »DSe» is rf>ao-j America witt bring to a trium-teteiy iiwH iifisi to the cause. 'ffjpBiBat'eonclaiioa Brfs^rei^last ka^wMsal^wbiebtyGespreee- wsr for the emancipation of «i«w)»— < vpr all fl*hers. Conae- men from the ooBtrol «f atbi'

ifrrestod fnmUhiie ^ loeluiag tnes to ntiij.


that tbey may ham peltct and ttdr ftthwiaitd.

We hi^e the roar o£ guna wiU: eqniiBneat dmra the htabeeie and «o«aad-|fnrii^t


qaentiy psowrinn nuot be made for it,' sad adspffng pawwiigjiw

to the hauling •€

trary iKovetsownt and the sffi tsnness as

thatnaty ^ via. favaint

to be « MictfciriPAtRHWlSlI «P SHIPYARDS known to me. and are faable tor ~ - - • dimagw, Xjpsh-to-eoraaet-ttat ^ - , j g Q M k n i c r x m ~

wport by saying that the-ftw.' MAYWAHIiE-T, VJ»> When the ptotters ioe

MVO fan thetr^knees. -witii liwar lives with Ukrainia or witii BaesUu}"* *^ ™ « y ^ *>"

*:1 Stofdl BstieM P»r

flfiiiisiiy thr iwrnuT of dvSi-

A CHRiCAL SRUAlKHl A food fitnatinn iwi rtKfcaLiai4:

Germany is TWW toBang m i S i g p e ^ ^ ena s«tJ|H t T S g •of Beighna! Ifce baae afjp^'^""-

tw knger any

ito aataK MloioaSiifc S tintWkstcv*^;

iaMy to meefc it Is aarfSaaitm a ef'warning to Oe pwMir iaaned by



Ptnidai^'Wllsao m his saga to thenEwmen of HHI

a stnoog fiuft in Uafar

done, thoe riuMild be realisation i on the part of thoiHibtic thati the man who is d<Hng his best in the shipyards 6f the country isi serving the nation as pctrtoti; eaUy as is the man who wears! the uniform of its military ser- i vice.—New York OeraUL


In view oi Iwiriatioa. **"* ^ **"" '^^ m dhrcuhrtiwi

jby parties, whose namea are

Everything Good Eat to^

My-line embracpfi Staple uxai Fancy Groceries

Queensware, Tin and Enamelirare



gtfoB anOc can which I foBuiftJval ts lko«B by tihe kMi oi the T^ueanin tBaajb/e iRJmry

«f ahivpng loat to oov affiaahaiM~«a« boog^ hf m whicii


t h e b u d o i e S w i K w tito liaitr 4Mt af the Itailflfllitci^ 'We

at 9dili& aoetian Md paid ferby

next 60 days will be the 4n4i | ir

proibKtian per acre of Tsimwii irftb thy* "f *"WT*ff"

to of the The Presjtent.'lMW

tify thfef fanmglit ft hoBie the day <rf the

_ ,sa le . Mr. G. %ftrBa<mA RatcHffe. ^Iwhe was iflite cjfertt (at the sale.

Rector & Go^


the winning vi thin Wr*- ^^ Hnrtey and

bidding en the knocked down to me have v o y kinHly fiven HMi a statemwit over tiid^^gnstaxe tba* ttayJ^^J^^J ]fr. P io , of the Shippbv Qoanr

and the Emerpnqr Sha»pii«;have .pgggaal knowledge I

fUdi'a New Style B « ! k « f

I^Jwwwa.tkM Ml and

>hst I CerpfMitinn. have ftiplai

Befipam. liZniEdHted-by

B.Rkk'tSbitt T i L ^ f a l M l -

gang-aloau preaehey !h the| ^ iMiiWhi. I f rg fStJte ^a.

One df theae «!ctians A m a i C s q»lertoki.g to -qi - ;*"^ *» « ! ' ' t ? ^ ! ^ . ? ^ f < 5 « ^ government y«ds a r ^ ^ft.'ac^e.itisnot only not neceaaarjr; process (^ eonstruetioD, and

Why Adold not «ct& affects the P®ul!*io!l^rf^?^*«^ way « B o « t a ^ thTunited Stotes b r ^ ^ . r a d : n - l » ft *wiH 1* bed eeownny .it not been far the severe weptb-

those tse UMtett !»me8 ny o e «»- ^ ^ ^ j ^ ^ atteiipt it. Tbe*er of the^kst few weeks. WorkI Ing Bdgtans. Germaiqr eitfaree npon

^ ^ I S ^ S - t . ^ } " ^ t r t S d ^ m L - n t ^ ^ * ^ « ttaTti^do^ni^Uon t l««: would draw them aito-fne«fly| Tlie hafd aad rnqdeesant toct- ^ _ ^ -_ „ _ _ • - ! : _ — = : ^ t ^ f i e r 7 : B i r a i a t is ^a ter onr

f - * reUtions.embarrass the alKes,'is that this eoontiy is not deliv- by t » o < * * ^ ^ ^ » . -* * * « . - . w * « ~ * f c ^ ^

Belgiam and Maist Gonaay in liketheameoi^oif faod cnQQuexiog ^ hostfle portiim by the aflies. Up to the 1st of of what wasBeigiam. EiBei.,Fdb™ary less, than 50 per cent Vfft. ¥iiff<.pl lliat (IM plan will of 'Hio normal ratin nif rftm Vmt

eharKter^md repotation, and. thantoe. oonkl not allow-this Uim Kvoci to go ont witiwut

i t

Islniiide~f rom t>estrmateradBr •very efftet to^enect ;- ^ baked in ae up-to^}sto ovea^

i wish to thank those who' b«}dled by neat, cieui. care^ *hajdfl.defend__feLjmriDne|^^^Aat-totJt=^

• ^ aeeept no other. We aba

TLULWSOti. ill

not succeed. Tbe crashed Bci-,thaa M^ereentgf 0ito


giansinvr hie coerced into sign-,than 60 par cedt of potatoes ing a. peace ratber thaa suffer ;w«rermfOTed, Ih^iog J l « Sfenpd dflttbi ^pt thr aPiee will not pay frem November I to JtasOBTy 1

a t w a t y t o l K ^


ah9. ^Aey tflked "atrtaeoniy.** next CO days at least 8,000,000. nwoedihathasbeeabeasteadi bnshtli of grain nraat be leaded in the*>atnls of mankind be^ daily to anlBr toaalve citiMr the caiaeits.inisasejby tbe "aattualdomertie or affiad atoatiob.

•lom-ai Ubeil^*'-aa PiMiiiuiij The leasaa far fluTiiivatioa WUmu caBs ^ German over-,is the breakdown m the

XE WS mmK^ ^

I have a nke QUICK LUMCH I I30Ul l i tR where yeb eaa ~

satiafy yoiir Sppetite. ¥vSk =-line of eoofettJoBCfy.


v^- - W8 cbmyrffhr TB^cAuse HE WAS -.

Flri l In War».

3irKi First m Peace, And Vmt m ttife fieaits of litt CoiBi-

lorda. Now fSnrdelBtw _

«rs prate of peaccfid arrange-,the aents with Ceuxtland, HClnima, IJvania and oOer Mats of

portatioB system of the

Firrt m


na. There miy be tcmpocaty tssoe with this statement, and conqoe^raOed peace, but Ger- dedarea that all food products

' iMMiy is deeaaed-to-diBayimTT*- '•^^^mA fnr trun^jwtrtmtiiwt h « w «r bean mavad. Bat the iaetstanda

luji ibi i i i - alee, j that the-feed pra^rts rf thf -^^yt does it ava3 Germany to country have not been moved to prolong the agony of her own suffiewnt qouSeieB. and Mr. ymifA^ fer the make T ffr*"'*igjR>snai'a^ n»iuLoratrre— land that most be handed baekjac^a are very convtodng. in ihe final aetthanent? The] ^Wh^is-farbe done about ST,f land last of the German robbers ] That is the question that con-knows no satiety, and they | fronts the i w o ^ of this coun-, «ouat nt ff^im «ii tb^ t^nritiiry, try. It is no theorr. but a coo-. the German armiee have ooco-• dition. and a very ao-ious one. pied. No c ~ . to^K«ItoqnatJon j which fa>» the United Statg

damaged the brain «f ha-|flKt

FIRST WantB for ^ Iiriietiertft of-Hr— Patrons

with ea

l i e NsrieBal^afli^ofllaiiassas -A When A l Tow Ncighban



" I f ^T^aTa a laa jah.* a

Wt JsntneTa jab l i | ir ta i l

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PAGE r o t m . ,M»JLl_-,


BRIEF LOCAL l ^ S —Mr. James D. Conaer, who

haa been confined to hia with a aevBre attai!:k of

-is now x'unvaieaceaL:

—Mr. and Mrs. Alexander' —It is said that an evangelist Francia Stoeger, of "The Farm," recently told the j)eople of a Mount Vernon, New York, have neighboring town that if they issued cards announcinif the en-!wiahcd to M» th« newspaper^ gagement .of their .daughter, I man of that place converted, the

a Marion fitoognr, to Mr Rnl- immediBte payment of their back

Mr. and Mrs. Johfl ^ Harpine spent the week-end with rela­tives in Nokesville.

l.,Chapter, II;3 ~wfn TtreST'sf'fee l^otnt"^

Mrs. Albert Speiden on Wednes­day, March 6, at 3 o'deek.

—=Jlr^—Arthw- ^ W r i g h t , state inspector of colored schools, visited the Manassas Indostriai School last week.

ling Lynn Robertson. I subscriptions was the first step

—rlOarrumored~ii»«nnf*W'Blft ' ^^ tary officers came to Nokesville end. I'hat's a good, practical one' day"this week "and aireet^ suggestion. When a man walks a young man giving his name as ^°^ « printing office and planks

Mrs. J. L Randall spent the week-end in Washington visit­ing BCiss Mabel Wanda, fthd &lfio

Z\^^^ atfant***^ -**"'''jjfflfcjSJBB(}' y meet^ »ng8.

Qavis, who is said to have de­serted from Camp McClellan, AflQistofl, Alabama.

Cross will be held at the Town Hall at 7 o'clock Monday night.

—A meeting of the Manassas Chapter of the American Red I farming implements held at the

^-Miss Mattie Weir received an appointment in the l/nited States Treasury Department Tuesday ahd began wbrk Wed­nesday morning.

—Mr. James Keys-*B4 Misfr T.illipMnlftir,hoth at TJrp.rttRvtWf^ were married Thursday, at the home of the officiating minister, Rev. Bai-hett Gnmsley. : "

—Mr. James R. Woodyard, of RrentwjUe,^and Miss Grac&lu. Florence, of MlnnieTille, were married Wednesday at the homa of Rev. Barnett Grimsley.

" • • • • • • • - • • /

—W6 are i^ad to learn that i-hA fgHftitil ftftut^wnmonJ" hog Att cided to put all loi^rs to wprkx A.war measure which would be extremely ;apphcabiem tune oi peace.

down the cash for two or three years back subscription he's got genuine dyed-in-the-wool relig­ion, and it makes a profound im-

sale uf live stock ondlpressionon the manager.

farm of BIr. Boston Steele last Monday' was largely attended and everything was considered^ to have brought a fair price, especially milch cows, several of which reached over the $100 mark. ^

- / " , —Mr. Charles C. Wenrich,

son of Mr. and Mn. H. Dr Wen-

—A bill offered in the ^ouse of delegates by R^resentative C. J. Meetze, ^thortzing and em­powering the board of supervi­sors ef Prince William county to reimburse Palmer Smith for liamages and court costs recov.

Manuel in the Page Land road . ^ ^ . . J .., c«*«» *»*« passed the house. The

nrh. whai" nmv ennnprtori wit lL^ttrt_ ,^^4 of a n ^ M the Post Office Department, i Washingtn, D. C , has recently

—James Oiristian Wise, aged four months, son of Mr Saylor

WiBt, ^ed in Mttaburgh, I'a^ last week. - Mr. Wise is the son of the Ute C^uuies BC. YHse, of Manasiias. * *.

— The second' quarterly con­ference of-Manamar thajige^wSi be hdd Satardgy;t^3PBth 2>.a<^

^reached'-his farewell sennon^|l|ibd on the yud., Unde Ed says ^BBBBfuuts.iass StiBaay'noming~-^te neber saw • "chiclcen:act so

o'clock in Asbuly U. 6 . Churdi. All official members are urged to be.jM^seht.

—Little Miss Christine Beav­ers, daughter of Mr. and MFB. Charles Beavers, of near town, has suffered a se^ov attack of

svk M iMigidly

on the part of Smith^jrho was

been promoted apd assigned a s l ^ ^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^ ^ ^ p clerk-in-<*arge of the Appoint- Lan^ L ^ „ ^ ^ ^^^^ j ^ ^

the suit btfth in the circuit court ^ni hi the Virginia court of ap­peals. The amount of damages and Costs decreed against him was approximately $600.

—Beidiung that chicken^ «re ptreciouAly high and hard to get "Unde" td Eohinson, a welT

Mr. S. T. Weir attend,ed the Billy Sunday meetings last Sun­day, s.

Mrs. J. C. Horton was a guest last week of her sist«>in-kiw,-Mrs.'J. L. Bree«len, after visit­ing friends and relatives in Richmond and Washin^n^ •

Dr.-H«rvin~U« Ro<^ made a business -trip to Washington last Saturday and heard .-Billy Sun­day in the evening.

Prtf. Horace ^ebok, superin-ered agamst him by Akers andj-tendfent oT the Santa Mohaca,

California schools, was a recent guest of President and Mrs. H.

of Eastern College.—

ment Section, Bureau of Rural

mm:—7^ - -— If the -Virginia ^nate

adopts the appropriation bill as passed by the House of 'Dele­gates', the Manassas Industrial School fOT Colored Yoiitb, lo­cated at Manassas, will benefit to the extent of >2.500. Dde-gateX. J. Meetze wa» instru-moital in secupng the'^propri-atioain the house: * -

* * i - -

-^Rev. J. F. Burks, rector of

to a largfe and i^ipreciative but regretful congregation, and left this morning to acc^t-a call to tto ^iscppal ChuxdnodC Eving-. tim and Alta Viktw ¥a.^ l b s

ion, "will'teaye later.

trict agricuitnral agent of nojtherp. yir^ixatk, wjll hpld a confer^tee with i tiis county farm deraonatration agenta here

7th and 8th. There will be twelve or fifteen -ceuatiea te^ resented at flua meetiajg. The

. improving. —5ni«w PT:Trwiiria«4>^

-Union, ^gnal I>»r Jri^y,\^t^r^'^n be hdTfa th^ March 8, at 8 5. m., af iEe^me of Mrs. m x ^ a k e r . An invi­tation is. extended to aS inter­ested to atend.

Tomi HalL

lives about a mile from town, on the CenterviHe road, spent the whole dajr last Strnday chasing an old rooster.^ the only fowl he

foolLdi in his life.. He sho' mus! 8 koowed whfur Hr. Hoover'-s headquarters woz, for he . m? ki^'. right on towuds Waaldng-ton, aadcf he had totdiaaytwmej

Burlr and daa's t&r,~ l£ii87Mar-|lni|$t d - ^ 1 nMdu; but when we bofe go^ to'Bo^ B i ^ 4e ^ fool chi^en wuz feend to fly ober ^ 4bdrt have ;aeB8er intff to wade, atadwhile he^wiaatu-dyiti* IwHt how'd be ^ iM>t beat way, I jea' ieU r i g ^ dmm (whimrl did" ,

—^Mr. John Currell Lynn,.a confederate: veteran an^ wdl knowti eitisen of the app& seo--tion-of the coanty, died of heart

_ iroiiQe at the home of his broth­er, Mr. CUu-oice Lynn, of C^

—Miss Elizi^th Hiner, daughter of Mr. G. D. Hiner, of daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Hiner, of Mahaiwas. Is confined to her home jggth an attaek-gf sciatic rheumatisinl

—Mr.j M. Lynch has .been confined to his bed' at his lK>me on Centier street for the past two weeks, with an attack oT inflammatory rheuiflatiam,: bat is slightly imiMxrving. '

—Little HeiWl Robinaon. eitht-monti)-eld 8Mt ef Mr. aad

;^r8. Dougias ROI MHMI, died ot pneumonia Toeaday; Mr. Boi>- . , w » t TK-J ^ v-inson recently moved hen WiOl ^ ^ ^ ^ g g ^ M ^ J ^ WO. <« » *

fitni flf MaddoT A Byrd, WM aiw h>»-familji hvihli$ymuiuetr

—^Last Sundar in the Unite^ Brethren Church was obsave^ *'*^™' ™ yebniary 20 at the

age of seventy-geven years. At geminary Rirtphflioii dajr, under the direction of the TheoJogicaL Seminary of the denomination. The puzpose'waa to stimHlate dewier interest in the study "of the Bible. H^ful ifldreases were made by I^. Bervra U: Rbop, Bev. J. Hallignny and Rev. L. C. Measick. . V

-arr- Tf, M mu^ caahio' of the Peoidtea National Bank of Manassas, has oiUsted in the fiaimee-:diviaon" of-^ttw Ordaance DeparUnaBturf the U. 8. Army, WHI eptara upoii My datidL Monday. At « el the Iboard of dUieetora, heid

—Miss Msrgsrat TiiBn,-y«mg-est daughter of MK and Mra. H. C. Linn, of Get^ge Waakingtoi Park, Alexandria, Va., ia IB of .scarlet fever. -Mra. Lisa is a daughter of Mr. aad Mn. Wm. Foote,. of_Manaasaa.

—Miss Helen Payne, daufl^ 'er of Mr. and Mf»."0.~F.l*iayhe^ near otwn, irhn han hrrn IB of

-pointed-to ffi tile vacancy

^iio Btmo^-societies a debate at the High

next Saturday n i^t .

Private John' L. Hynson, Sup-' rfil ply Company, Camp Lee, was a l i l A week-end guest of his pai;^nts, * I 1 V Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Hynstm.

Mr. Gus Hohiig, of Washing­ton, sp^t Sunday with his cou­sin, Mr. E. M. Comwell, near the coal bin. ^

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Comwell, of near Manassas, spent the week-«}d with Mrs. Corswvll's paronto, ite, and Mrs. WlKam^ Bigga,.of Vfashington;

Mr. and Mrs. C- H- Wme ,were recent attendants at the BiUy Suiidar tabernacle Ineetm^ 111 Washington. • • ' 'Vr:


is that a man shaU be jndged by his efficiency, by what he acconpUshcfi and not by what he claima he can do. Not always but nsoalfy U» ability lo accoaapliali la Jad|ed4»y the care he uaea in COB^ *.m...*<w..w WLa i i i i M i i a I l l y • J M I H I H — * ^ * * * ^ — X U A l i a ^ l r

eorwally welcomes accounta.of cameat men, nea who realize thcgr eoold aecompliah mpre if thay mdy^^adaatart.


/ >


Our Slogan: "It is a pleasure to serve you.


Under and by virtue of a deed of trust executed on tho 28th

! day of November, 1913, by Mary V. Morgan and J. A. Morgan, her hitsbahd, of record in the derk's (rffice of Rinee William County, Vjgghla, in deed bfiQlLj64. pages 287-8, to secure to William

ke the sont of $2,500- (on

Private WheitJy M. and Jos. B. Johnson, irj, bf Camp Lee, spent last Sunday with their par-«nt8,Jkb; and Mrs. J, B. Johiiewm;

turned Tufdav from an ex-tended vii^ with frimds and i^tivjiB itt-^Washingtbn, JBaJti more aQdniUadelphaa.


made in the payment of said note and intoest. will sdl ^„ ^ ^ , — intwest, will sdl at

Miflb TbeodM* F, Wat»s^«-^Bbhc aiKtiiHi, to t |^ h i g h ^ bidder, on

MONDAY, APRIL 1, 1»X8, at twdve o'clock m.. in front of HM courthouse, ift tbe town of , Manassas, aforesaid county and , J. P. KERLIN, AUC'T.

state, aU these two certain bts trf Umd, lying bebreen Center street and the Southern Railway on tho southeast comer of said Center street and Fiurview ave­nue, in the-'aforesaid ixnm, and described as follows:

Firsts-Containing about two ocres, mth dwelling, etc , ^eee-^-

hich interest is now due from May 28, 1917), as fully set out therein, the undersigned trustee therein named, having been re­quested so,to do by said Cl&rke , „ ^ „ „^^ hy reason of ddEaidt uvHig1»ees fJenter street ITSiSet, 190ifeet

on, running with Center street 176 feet and said "railroad feetj ^nd about 322 f e ^ teck to Golfer streeft on eitiier ude of said lot. ,

Second—Containing about 87 acres, and running with ' said

wrlh Fatrvlgw AVWHI6, 172 f6et with^n^read^ and 176 feet from said tailroad hack to Qfaata



the outbreak of the warbetwieen the states Mr. Lynn enlisted in thil^lederate arn^, in Co. A, fourth; Prince William Cavalry, and served with^aptr Laden A." Davis as commander through­out the war. He is survived by one.son, Mr. Walter E. Lynn, of New Britain, Ccam.; two brotfa-

aaaffftent [era, Mninrih Oiwig Ijiyin, of Al-exandria and Mr. Clarence Lynn of Catharpin, and thzte vsten, UrB. Wm. Wlibeler, of WeUing-taa,mi Mrs. F. H. Samtes airi •li8.l^B.i^ttie,«rCaOuirpin.


Tlie Flower of FLOURS Try it—you will want more

Mfi Aadftw Piiaglc, of Uf «ttaviBe» Md., w a s l MaaaasM vtsltor doziBg.tiw

Mrs. F. E. Saondov and lit|i« danghter, Hazel, and Mrs. D. R.

win School March 2, on the gavenfMnt j Lewis Itttmdad'the soviees at ownership of raflwaya. College^ the Billy Soikbtir^tabeniacIeSuB-BongB by the students and a (i^y Tnft . light commedi^ta also pr^BPai to b« very attractive f e a f d ^ ^ ^ ^ J ^ , _ P P * ^ „ ^ ! ^ thi evanittfr ~Th4t. progltam b e - j ^ ' * * ' *5 Washintton Smrfay.

^gina at 8 o'chtck. Admisakm. Mrs. Arthur Vettera and cWl-smallpox, is rq>orted to bafIS uuita. Piweeda for the faen-' dren, who h^ve apeat several much improved So far aa we ^ t <tf the Athletic Aasodatkn.' waeka with Mra. Yttttr*! par-

enta, Mr. aad Mra. R. A. Naia. know, veloped.

no oHwr

—Mr.^B^S. Hynson's eploiwliorid Wmter day, he will hardly chauffeur, Waher Davis, while stop to read a plank advertise-trying tn avert a —Uiiige wit> ment But at home In hia arm

—Whe» a sum ia nearly froz-: „ „ v ^ ^ ^ ^ . ^ ^ , a . A^ . ^ Blooma. h*ve >|fam,.d 1»> t t WelUBgimr

ateamaidewipedlheranihgbra (Suiirwith his legs crossed be- liams; bridge on the Milford road Jaatlfew% a checitful flro h» nada hia]

Mrs. John H. Dobaon is viait-4 1. L. B. WU-

Sunday, »uch an

damaging ext&nt as

the car to local paper, and while he is feel-to make it in^ goodand haa pUBty~of time,

to call for the assist- picks out the live business jnen E. McCoy, who of the town from the advertise-

•''- •' ' i er car and pull-.ro«nt« in the paper and makes N* 'he d&n is:e<* a*«hfiSB lolSe^up his mmd where he will trade

jrarag* for repairs. ; on his next trip to town. •

r.t-cessary .. .- -^ Mr

Mr. and Mn. W. K. Upacoah spent Tuesday and ia Washington.

rMs. C. F. Bouffier, who has] been visituig friends t^ rela­tives in Washington, haa re-i turned to h«r heme h«n.

We >ave a pice stock of the foUowio^ machineiT I toat^wf^ niy m a poMtiim to offor you at a gop^ price;

Cwn King ManWe Sp^^ Hoosier CWpianters, Hooner DnIU and Lime Sowers, Weber Wagons,

- -^- -^ ,lw^^^5. Plaws, international Pivot Wbed Cultivators, Peering Ratkei, >

Mowers amdTBindets 7


Manassas Feed, Supply and Implement To. • ^ E V E R Y T H I N G FOR T H E FARM

Page 5: f-'^eservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News-Archive... · 2014-03-21 · people are uung and how it is being use4. Tbia information is desired as a guida ia the «o»-aervatJoH^w^d

••("f '*'!• 'K. fill

""'UlifcllTITTrTT • * «A > J ''VhE MA.-«A&S3SMtilJRNAL f-rf<^.,^.^;J^•''^

KOPP ^ —

Farmtis through this section have biigun spring work.


Hccepiion in Honor of IJcat Wade C. Payne.

Lieut Wade C. Payne was the

Medical Officers' Reserve Corp, DTTOTIiTrCC T A T i f O at Fort Oglethorpe, Ga. Mm. I H J o l I l E l S d l A l t A L d Payne is visiting friends in: FVedericksburg. and ejq>ecta to

MujB Hattie V. Cole MLMsd. ^"fn!. ?L^T?L''L^^.J"t°^^ I ^^ '** \^ Oglethorpe for 8 fitayj ^ WT , • , gainenng or tne ueople of HST-loi some w e e ^ before reFTumTriff TtU Centa a Liae F i n t l aMrde*- :

iiesday for Washington, where she has-accepted a position.

Mk^ -'-.aiBiiiiBon wfltjfei '^^^f9mmiiBkgieE*'^.::Z^ 'mmJM. of expressing to Lieut. Payne their warm appreciation of him as physician, citizen and friend, and to extend their hearty good wishei for his happiness and success in his appointment as surgeon in the UjiUed States Army.

During the six years since he came to us he has acquired an extensive pr^tice, and won the

- - Hay-1 of some weeks before returning mark^ and yicinity, at the Ma-it»hei liuiim hfeyg: — I T — sonic Hall, on Monday evening.

- ^ the gue^t of Miss Annah Wo<rf-J^fenden for several days.

Messrs. Lawrence Mountjoy, D. Bryan Norman and Carlton Davis made A business trip to Bel voir Salairday, where they visited Camp Humphrey. Messrs Mountjoy and Davis have ac­cepted positioi^ there, but Bfr. Norman thinkviie iiiil farm for a while EUDtf

Miss Anna . WoQifenden and JMr. Walter Woolfenden were -guests at the home of Mr. Mid Mrs. Walt<m Storke Sunday.'

Rev. Barnett G r i m s 1 e ^ jsreacBedT at B^Iehaven Church Sunday morning from the third chapter of John and 16th verse,

——"For God so loved the woild -that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in U m should not perish, but have -eternal life.^ Rev. B4r. Grims-.ley is an able speaker, and his '«xcellent sermons . are greatly 4ippreciftted by the Bellehaven people.

The Bellehaven branch of the

: k-


Ikfanassas Chapter of th¥Smer-ican Red Cross has prolonged ^he;. entertainmentniintil "FWSiy7 April 26. A good program will be glvfea.—~ "" •. "_

The Holme^ Community, and 'Civic League will hold its regu-iir ineetmg^ Saturday eyraun^ March 2. RedE^hBi^ts-will be

meetiBg. .Mrs. € . H. Hohnes and son

Aitod^ were guests of. Ifrs. T IV. Lynn Sundigr. ^

Meson. Walter and K ^ e t i t iyorffradgn war»jru«gfe» *t ihe home at Mr. and Mrsr^ 3(ountjoy l^cmday evening.

. Mra. G, C. Wright was the


guest of Mrs. Mary RThomiw ^Sllnd«y,

Mr. D. Bryan Norman visited « t thelwme^of Mr^ Thomas J. Werifenden Sunday^ evening.

QMita a h ^ j n y A b l f l p a r t y


given' at the hodoe of Mr. -JSrs , T . i l . Cole Eri<iBy ewaiihg.

JSrTarge number of guests wope in^esent and "je^ i^iait "r" Terr pleasant evening. . ^

- Miss Ethel Tqlson an* Mr. Lawrenee Mountjoy called a*

-iihe home of Miss Maud I^ Nflr-man rnday evening.


Mr. Oscar C; ^t t fh l sou has|"",1.'^J^, returned from a trip to l^etura , Florida. V

Mrs. idsepk Konnan, of Pur-^elivifle, spoit, last iwA^y iUi ^W par^ta,^ Mr. apcTMra. M. H.

^ *


They wlU get •tomte e o f «i|»f<»lK Italy—t>Dt meat «(r rhetr ffnbi ahit' ments xaiiMt bt-mttfrnt:—ThrtP •blfK> b> n*e com I* mamV com{wred t* th • fkcfflttc*-(My have |i»r"uMtx wlmi . ^ted ItHw^lte opinion nt «fllrt*l» i» WmilllHuB >1M tl>» 9^ • r h i»iln»

t lK ^BBttftJf nMMK • ^

Xlgfatner. Mrs. A. R. G- Baas returned

from Washington on. Saturday. She was accompanied hy h«r dau^tef . Mrs. Stuart 1*011068, who spent tiie week-end--

Mr. Page Beal, who has been ; 4 t a Washingbm hoqiital for

some wedta mfSler iuSLliy lWt -> i f . .%»<n,rtiaH, htit m» rpgrr t t o

'f-aay is still quite an iavaBil^om rheumatism.

Hr. Gusjav Peters Irft -wedi for Fort Saocum, *N. Y., ^rhere he wOl be hi training with

'^the 29th Engineer Besoire Corp. His broUier, Mr. Heine-

•• ken Petere, who is with the "gas and flame" in France

; writes that he is weD and get­ting on all right. ^

Mr. Walter B. OaxlMSi, ofj. Petersburg, 8«i of the late Dr. i H. M. Clarkson, haa recent^! ' „ ^ ^ y ^ ^ „ „ ^ „ ^r^M**

-^"beai made division manager ofj ^ ^ , pmch*^^ MW. "r t-tum »t nr--the Chesapeake, and Potomac, ^^er nw i irttii mrinn «r «»^»T. t« •-Telephone Co., with headqoar-! «u»«r vm nt rmn ttr*r -rm he^mnm m^ ters in Baltimore, where he will. Mn«ity popnim- dnrtpc ih* rrr,T make hij Jutur* home. Mr.' " - « "^ *• •'"^'^ ' ^ "'^^ P*rkson '"' o n e - o / o u r H - ^ W , ^^^ ,r^ rw m-«. i^^* fSn-iMt boys and we are pleasod to. ^ , , „ ^ ^ wMnm^A *. tmmw>M> «*

Barriscale in starumgi f^^. Sai^ -Farm of 70 acres es t^m and confidence of a largs j mystifying dual role. S7Z\ i i ^ nules from "ttie town of Ma-

3. E., uu IhB Buckhall circle of friends, who Iceenl; re^ gret giving him up." "^^

Addresses were made during the evening by Mir. W. M. C. Dodge, Mr. C. D, S. Clarkson, W. L. Heuser and several others, to which Lieut. Payne responded with a few words o€ apprecia­tion and thanks.

Refreshments were s^nred by a committee of ladies from the local hranrh of the Red Cross, of -which Dr. Payne has been chair-,man. The table was prettily decorated with candles, ferns and tiny flags. \

The evening was closed with prayer by Rev, S. L. Rotter. Lieut. Payne left on Wednesday-morning to veport for duty witih

t Bie-CORMfiROR 4H0WIM(6

More Than 3,0eOK|iHion Bushels Raised in 1917^Qiyes

Aiiiirit* Beginning Grieat««t Corn Con •(DnptiDR :iir-H<«tory, Uatng C•f<•a^

, In Man/ Ocliciou* QiatMa

Com, imertt-S's greutibt c«.>ai cicv U iiow luoviuK apk t,v to market)

Uprv tbun.;^OUU million bualMIa 3U IIUKIIMIH lor c'vtry tiiun, iwunii^attn <!blld IH i^iuurtiii—were raiM<t' ba IdiX It <fFt» It talgjni cropw, Xb« actual &> mvaiiii laj-iiuwB 500 miinoB ttuam.':' ijLud tlilH' extra store bf.sr^la la com •iag en to the mirlieCriB the sieir-«f lime, nince ibe 4Bi«i)c«a WlleM aur plus lias l>et!u aest'In t ^ p t M d Cu«1n<'

;lt»B»d Ktirop» . :— ' • — JjOst aa it huppeQckl ta tbe Colonic:

days, the War ojC.ttie RorotntioD, anu tfa<i ClTll Br'ar. leant haa'^actwHy bi-«oBir the btttHtR'-t nminMar.'

to <lie witire U»t-of - V»«- rt«B'»,-ft»«- (-ommtxliflcs tliere Ut'OO <l:eni thai i-l)elter than cttrn. -In puddlnsa, brea.: coi-D ptHi*', inr\ at! liomiBf conlMiii><: «-Uh_in«a( or eifgs. i - o f W witbeui n |)eerr HousenivcTS are faat ieamiii;: ihe large niimtier of delldoua dluli that uiaf oeiuane «'iin com ajid.thej faminea are^ benetlMiig by an taenMi-' ed U8«°of tlje cerwii Gom/iBore tli.i; any other cereSt, cimtalBa an Of Uu «irai«nta ie—w>tl»< ro malatalptec M<

In enter il*at the tjjittiDg ro"< aWMd.and ID the anny caniMi at h«ai> ma.T~'>« ted, and In order thai actuaJ faoiioe may he ke^l^ froigi ^b« DatU«» aaaocfated irltb America, In the wwr the dtlaeoa o f Amertca are'|tB<liB futu piudm.tB Uenc-hma am! tailaia'H. Ml "whcatleaa days" and gtot^ In ih fact that "wheatJeaa dayaT.liere men more wlieat fttr tbe w«r w o n alHe<i nations In Europe.

Ensiand. Prance'and Italy must o-f»d. fr^M" "* ' '^ '< ' '« '«1"*»* •tnr«iii|.|Ti

to try a M Earope

snuFnm^Terftttn w * of mrn <*IT» be In the fbrm of cnra bread and vnn> mMl. mtxetTwHli whect ft tfee maki c of leaveoed brfvd.

Mixed with 90 percent, wh^a* Bonr com meal can be nned m hrrad m k tng; prodwrtne a itmt more •Btr'lrt-^ tkaa bread Mke^ •tfli- wheat ni^" Tt la a fact r<wn mmer* •rtw rrrif rt»at doaew of the l n * e American -he* era have been aaceescf.tHy >ti**f " ••••^


i >,nm»*

DiximffirTRE ^^Fr^^* -nf ^ M U T ^ — ^wo

mitS9^. 6rlmma». c. L LaymM, 9 & ^ Str, Keyser, W. Va. 40 SATURDAY

Bcflsle Barrisinic . . in . .

"THE SNARL" vital, throbbing

heart compelling, intense, with i 0**8aB, Va. Bessie

White and Barred ITymouth Rocks, S. C. White and Brown Leghorns, eggs |9.00 per 100 or 11.50 per tSr~BlQe ribbon win-

drama— ««"• Harvey A. Xvang, Ma-40-3m

TUESDAY A Gold Rooeter Play

Afana Tkyfer . . In . . "IRIS^*

The story by Sir A. W. Pinero



road; good 6-room house, screen-ed-in poreh; all necessary out-

Lbuildings. Apply to John Le-hoar, R. 1, Box 12, Manassas,

|Va. ' 4012*

' Purebred Boone County Seed fCoro for sale. This seed i s from j the famous prize-winning com [that made a clean sweep of the [prizes at Prince WiHianTXbrii iShow ih 1918i Alse 8 fine fchow-\ ing at the Virginia Cdm Grow-lers' Association at Charlottes­ville January 25. Gennination

THURSDAY Metro Pictures

Henry Kolk« "THE BRIDGE OR THE BIG- ^ . * i?°fr,?L*"*' ^ P " ^?^^^}l

GSR MAN" . A friend of the pow. etory—don't nJss it. '


FWDAY To be Aneoimccd

-ffHavs yen ever hoA e » prices on JOB WORK 7 I n these days it is wcfi to knofw in sfesBce both the qiBiHty,

-and the .cesti. Ask^^MB^

We will start custbm hatching -March, l i | 4 . per trajL holding-150 eggs,- I^MP renltry Fanm^


CoQanete S t i ^

Jno. M..Kline. 40-lOt

For Sale.—One good work mare, 8 years old. Apply tp Everett P. Robertson, Bristow, Va. 39-8

ROOSTERS—Three S. C. W. Leghorn and two R." tJ. "R. t Reds a t > i , extra ehoiee mating stock; ^ also' broody hens for sale. J. H. Dodge. 3 9 ^

Ma]iu»aff,'T&. 8»«

For ^ e at a Sacrifice aU D. W. Young and Wycoff strains S. C. White L ^ o m ' h q i f c , .pull0ts and cockereiK. Lyon Ptmltry Farina Bfanaaue^ Va. 89-2

Eggs for Settittg, $l£0 Sox 15, iv per iuu, irom lancy Whitie Rock chiekens. J. J. Conner, Ma!naBWM.:Vfc—^—-^-r— 89-lf

4;e00 Peadi trees shd 2,000 Apple bees growu In our own

jcmrsery in Fairfax, county. jtjrharaiiteed free of any diisease. I^aat in spring, t r ^ wiU. ad-

-^|iB yuM"! ' ^ hu riww intlan— vmwe in tMnco thjs laBi—C. P. and apt at any tune to cause aome oofe a damgeroiri fall?

Jones, Swetnam P.-Steti<«, Va.

Fairfax 8 9 ^

__^ Salesnoip Wante^d--^Lubiicat^^ ^ t b e s e cold iiv* viSke yeac.; ">sr <»i. grease, spedaUties,pftint time n id latior and pKvent « o i^<"^ or whole time; commission d d e t S B y bm^m^'pcnnaneDEt I biasis untQ ability is establitdied. ^^ncn4» f^^fiir #ailnir j Man with rig jnefeixed. River-

r side Refinmg Company^ deve-land Ohio -^—^ ?a-i^

I S t t i '

"- Wanted—^Bfarried man for farm work at once; war-time

|.prlce to goodv.man. Wm. D. ^SBafret, Bilfltaw, Va.. a » « .

Store for Bent—Two rooms inlth modem improwneote; Ceater street, opfpaite Prince W p ^ m H(rteL Good <q>enmg jfor haraiees business:—Fbr par-Idbnlars, see or ini te E. Weiod Wdr, Box 23Sy Hanaiiia8,Va.S7-S

Peg lauiug FeU' nary 1 and O H

Twcaty lTC Cast Ti»tft Staw^ [xitlL-evciT jSLcHiL_l«iietae^ ;W.C.V«i«Mr. S7-ir

r F<w Sale.—iva IMWUgWDwHl BUiitx, Wokfiilk^ ¥* .

Duroc Jersey brood sows; doe to — •—=-: farrow the latter of Api f l teew-! Wanted—50,000 w l ^ e oidi ly in May. C W. Boyks, E. 2, cross ties. See as and getpncM. Manassas, Va. 37 M. Lynch ft Co. 2S-tf

FofSale.—16-h. p. Guiser en-' MONEY TO LEND in sums of gine, 42-iiM;h tarr over runner, $1,000 to |6,O0O on real estate, 12-inch s{»Y>ut vuddron, 12-inch first trwt. C. A. Sinekir, At-Duplex crasher, meal red, p«r tmmey. 85 of scales,, cut-off saw, large — - — — — - — : grindktone, gas tank; all Wtti,: For Sale—Two mares; one 8 puleys, hangois, shffQng and years old thto «PriPg» tiie pttyg-0 elevatMs; all in goodc(MMliti<»i;,7eiirsold. l,E.UMutk,imKE. wffl mSi wordi the msMy. B. Bloagh's farm. 88-8 F. Ban, Ifanassaa, Va. 4 1 - 2 , — -

• s—111 I Fire Insoraoe*—If you are For Sale.—About 100 barrda, afraid of Mutual Assessments,

of cani>«a easy tenia. J«h9 J.l try oar old Uhe companies. If Dawee. i!!Xi yPB dmA.

line rates, Jflce-

spending " 8om_e_ time in Balti-'i XM« UMITEO 8T*Tes Fooo


more with Mrs. H. J. Gates, for- i n>erly Miss Jane DePaaw^ of: Haymarket, who is at the Johns-' Hopkins hospital, recovering. from an operation for appendi-j citis.

^ Miss I.uciTft HiUchisorr; wb6r^ h&y a p9&itioii in the food ad-i mmistratKm baJWiftg in Wash-i uivrton. was at home for the'

AJ)MUi<l8TRAT»ON SAVS-Faatf iavtnfl la tn Ha ibaiw r i the

4ally l»di»tdual aenrloa o* all t>»e poopic- Every group can «ub5ti-tute. and «vei the ^reat m» •orrtr •f thr+ftv twjo'e r»n »ave a l>^l^ «;j(nd th ? n n re luxu [jtoos element*

•f the pooul»tIo»i e»«. by retfiw-tto" to »lmp»« Ilvlnp save much Tt>i» otcant no inore than thai w aheuld eat olanty, but wtaely aftd wtth««it waste.

rates, try oar MutuaL Take FVr Sale.—Small k)t of canned y o w choice. Ws rq»esent both

fir^it w.g>taKW .""^ .P'l'gggg^'Pnds. Austin Corporation. 63

B u y l a r SavuigrStanp^ H Help the Gotemment to get the Kaiser. We sell them.' Let the children take their money from their banks and lend it to Uncle Sam. U« needs it now and will pay them 4 per cent for it. It Bwy not be much, but just five children pur-ehaisdng one | 5 stamp « e h will famish a rifle for

'One of onr boys to kill some of the dirty scoondrciB

H We sell groceries, toe. Try Chase & Sanborn's Tea l^ld Coffee. Be sore to get a pound of OUR g*ECaAL Ceffe. 20e«it»-^oiiiT>enbd worth two of Arboeidcs. ~ -

1! We buy anything—come to see us.


><jM8Hfll»4»<Maii tMMl0j| HjH>


New Year's Resolution? - ^ i f yoo-haxi^iJet ime soggest-ime. ^Yoa know.,—

Mnb Honseke^er^ what trying times we alTliad daring the pest year. Neeessities of Hfe have been scarce, end p]:kca-hlgh.-.l]Lfact, gDvemmcat sopenrision has beemne imperative, aind a» the oM ,

. adftge SM« the merchant is "between the devil m d the deep Mas sea." Notwithstanding all thta, I have been aUe to famish sny petrOns U M mudf mom QwUlty at the minimnm price. TTtere w i i

, ijwBrnim» w i y f h i l T w ^ ^ a i m i ^ t U n t a t TO ONE LINB--MKATO. —

tf To make my Une a inieecBS, I have pot. every oonee of energy into it and this, plas saidtaiy metjiedo, i ^ quick dettveries and honest priesB pennlta n e i e faee the new year trostlng fat a ea*-tinuanee of year patronage. Thorcfore, make sne

T; I i if i '

A WOBP TO ! ^ms^ V.--: - / t t " f •...-•

f We know that pi|c«B are high. Bat (HJR P'RICEsV«~as low a s ire can make than iriifle '' maintaining the standard of_4aality whiek .yea have the right to deasaad. — — . ' m f We are alert to the fieeesrity flf watcUag the Bwrketr that year needs may be met iritk fMees

Jlmtj^BMe andjroeds that s a t M y / I EvwT artide in oar large and varied' ef goods je badted by oar ganaatee of I We are reedirinc SPRING GO(»ft GIVE US A LOOK.


t k c Ladies'Sidle ~


Western Meats Beef, Lamb, Veal and Poric i


fi gbas jars; wiU seB M » k>w, y^—•—-. — - , , - -- <|Bkk' House lOT rent—o-room dwell-

4 1 . I ing with moderit imi^rovemmits., - ^ G. Raymond Ratcliffe, Manassas,

For: Sale.—Good work mare,;Va. 29-tf

pcice. Apply for Country Prodiice^,^

cheep. Va.

James Geris, Bristow, 41-2* Through the winter my office!

rwill be at my residence tm^&be-i 1 For Sale.—300 S. C Whit* dee str^t, but if you want ftre

Leghorn yearling hens—Young insurance, either oW line or mu-l and Cyphers strain. TSTAVfitley; tuid, drop me a card and I will[ Farm, Haymarket, Va. 41-2 caU on yon. Kari J. Aaetin. 2ft

'&J4arket A cc CONNER BUILDING M A N A S S A S , V J

Page 6: f-'^eservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News-Archive... · 2014-03-21 · people are uung and how it is being use4. Tbia information is desired as a guida ia the «o»-aervatJoH^w^d




Bethel LoUMntn Omreh, ^gr. fH Z. Pence, l »o tnrr—- -

Catechetical Inatrodtion 'Diuraday at S:X9 o'clock.

LeatcB e^mMT W«te«ate7 Ht ?tSO o'clock. • '

o'cAek. Preaching at 11 o'clock a. m.


Mr. itmmt Emptiastz« v « l w ^ a t i ^

w«re privileged tq visit his home and saw the books he had pre-^rved through war and peace could see that So could any

. porwyi whahad A cA£ual cpnver-

PRBSBYTERIAN HanaMas Preabyteriaa Chai>^ S«v,

AUbrd Kelley, pastor, annriay iSunflay irhaftl i t lA a -BOu

PreaeUnc at U a. —ttr ~ "Paradtae Lost."

Chrijitian EndeaTor meetiiif at T p. 8k. IJttUJeeti"-'*Qi8i*liaa Priv i lay • Prayer."

Preaching at 7:S0 p. m. Sabjeet, "Paradiae Begaiaed."

Tuesday, at 7:30 p. ra^, Stereoptk«n Lecture on "New Anieriea," iUustra-t«d with eeveaty alidea.

BAPTIST Hanaaaaa Baptist Chttratt, IU». T.

D D. Clark, pastor. Sunday—Sunday School, 9.45 a. m.;

morning service, 11 o'clock; B. Y. P. U.. 5:4B; evening ser^ee lit 7^80;

Wednesday Prayer "'i»"eetS(i:~"at 7:30 p. m.

To the Editor of The Journal: I have just heard that our

county felk>w-citi«eB, John ?. EweJl, of Hickory Grove, has left us for another sphere of life. tie was, I think, in his ninetieth

Sabjertt year and I have had recent deca-gion to know and appreciate his

of miad Aod expresston. I ftrsf Idiew Mr; Ewell in 1875.

R«T. Baraett Griauley's Appeiitf^eiits BeUehaven, fomth Sunday, 11 a. m. Woodbine, second and fetirtlt Smi-

d«yg,-»-p. in. '• ' "" • Hatcher Memorial, second Sunday

11 a. m. and 7:S0 p. m. Oak -Bale, Haxi Sunday, U m. mr,

and first Sunday, 7:80 p. m., Aolmm, first Sunday^ t l a. a . and

third fSttadaYiiaO V M.

FKlMlTlVl l BAPTIST Primitiye lP«p^st Cbn^eh,

S. Dalten, pasftif." :

In fact, for for-ty-three years I have been fa­miliar with his activities and pe­culiarities which were so dis­tinctive, that as an individual he could never have been mistaken for anyone else. I doubt whether there has been>any person in-Prince William.county who car'

[tiad ia^ iu» own mind and BMB^-ory so many recollections and so much traditionary kwe eoocem-ing former inhabitants of his beloved county. My relations

The : .frettueaeyrof htS-SPt jpiotations"'

furnished proof of an unusual m€biarr .. ^r^ fllRMitfaodicaL*' rang^ment of his mentalities m! the pigeon holes of his brain. f

Of recent years our public school authorities have encour­aged pupils to write amateur histories of localitiesS. A large part of these eiTorts in this county perpetuate what has been iMuided down through Mr. Ewell and Ills family In our loeaL l^«»a wad AlterecTthroii; versations with many others. A large part of what I have written mysdf had its start in

ixm $:(^Xi.

this way. Perh^js the greatest legacy

Mr. Ewell ha^ givoi his county is the family «f girls and boys he has left imbued with love of the past and a desire to.perpetr

Serricet grtif fooith Sunday at U a. m. and tbt I M i r d a y 4pnse<9 bw a t 2:30 p. m. ' ' ' J' '" "

C A T H O U C ; All Saints' Cafhoaic! Chnrefc, Ifan-

assas, Patfaer WiHblaiCaB,. pastor. Mass 1^ S a. m., «BBt a a i ^ U r d S t e -

days. SeoatMi « • * ftdtflr 9Kldai)m a* 10:30 a. tk^toBotfti the Bleaaed

- ^ B » M and cents it was worth, ] mast he conceded. Prince WB-l ^ y w a o p of i^Matory and the.tiawi'g moat eminent citiaen. histoiy of the peoj^e who ooca-|tte4 It In y e ^ |gpBe by. Much id 0» aonalfl of tiie chaxmiiig aodetjF ^fbiiA eodsted ia tte'-re-gkm of Ddntfries aiid Oeeofaaa Jft.the continepty ei«-came, to

Grace MettediSt Sooth, pastvr;

Manassas, aav. B.

Sanday Sawsl atr9x4St. at. Preaching

p. m. at U a.

t>en)or Epwatta L«acqt ' at *t99

p. m.

pate^tKe'&c&s 61 local history in tiie minds of the iHwaott and.fu-tore generations.

Tb^re ia-much I feel inclined to the Ewell familyjHrere pecu-Jto ^ ^ of the family to which the liariy interesting to me and had]^pai^;ed belong, many of tiieia a bes^nning in the fact that I be- (ij^toiguiahed in medical and came by a series of accidents t)ie'|iuKtary i mt U One of them owner of th< family seat of tke L t kast should be perpetuated Ewdla. B ^ Air lieca^e- at-1 in inonze i^ our eewthouae, £oar tractive to, me, in additicHi to the | { | e ^ Bidiard 3: Ewall waa, i t

I write lu^ever, today of <me whom I know and apprecii^ed aod who livod in hmnUe walka

tcDluid he baa had dowB format at hia home uhdec We ahafdsw

rae direct, from Mr. Ewdl anil .sd f ^ ntoonta^a,. kniridiif, I his distinguished father. Dr. ^uakJ-iutr-ioe^rmmfrviAtn

• ' p e a s e Bwen. Iqr wofd of raoath|irf tiie dead; and t h e ^ e of tiw ^4»4 W J H ^ of

t^ifffi'to show ihalrtiK wtitera interestied >Mi3^'^^ W fSei

reiader * la ttd^ this aeMmrty lalr arfy ftn tJiift »»kiftaot[ i\

m., aiid "''•^^^fMehhaa in my-o«m mttd afc-tached itaetf to aannyiati>in|i fw

•baoat a

sufficient/ an>rid to«ome.

w U d i p w m a t t y I f areisBCTf

Rev. c. K. Mimeaa's appwlqtartrti Mr, EweD was not a ndmuriio

Sndley—Rint, Sundays. 11 a. m.

awl fsatUt _ j appealed to me he ehoee to do Fairrii™iljStoe«ia i i 4 2 « w « i fliS.^' exa^ly-fre prawite'and did aot

days, 8 p. TK"——-—-—--—-7^- — ^Objoet t ' ^ Gainesville—¥iist Sunday. 8 p- m.: -Very few moi were in his 8odieh-||^t the~cjuni>aign #ifl 1^ coi^iib'

third and ftftlj Sunday, 11 a. m. ty ^fjg,^ witiiwit receiving some g ^ ttetW^oat the coBununitx. Bristow-' lTurdaial M t t S a n d a y a . j j j f ^ j j . j j , ^ ^ ^ j j ^ ^ y ^ ^ ^ . « . I M « ~

C ^ B g E C A J ^ JiOUKD. f i ^ Pefe. 28, 1$?JBL

'Sbe Junk>r i a 4 » r o v e h i e n t t i e a c W o i i&e Gcofvetoa ^ d i M started the thzift st^aq^ eam-naiam laat week with a Mfr PttT^

SaviBiga and ehaae -of. War l^m^ Stanza. TIBS^ juat among theschq^ch i ldmi .

U p. m. , . Woodlawn-^Third

liays, 8 p. m. Woolsey—First

and fflta »in- neva^ foFget worthy^- to be

and which was handed down to

ADBONISTRATOirS NOTICE I HavBig qualified aa adminisr.

8 »• Bi. i ioUnus. Nut that he ftHrod his. fa^torQf.the late Thomaa_M

There wiB be a special pcocram^at had « faculty of awakming in QI^ ,mB^ l^^p^y antiMB&ateji .\sbary u. B. Gfaareh Soadajy ^eni- the m i i ^ of ^hose fae met, dfr-1 to tile andertjfned, and all «w-in;r, February 2i, at 11 a. m- llMt sirea'to avail themadves oi hisliiig Mud iestx^ ,w& cioaie AM*-: pulic is most eoHiaay fayitai^ COM ^ ^ ^j knowiedg«L He had « " " ^ «»•* «***«• and bring alosC yo«r BMe,. a(te „_, . . .. . • . - . ,. books and p « S i t *-^ , ^ ^ impediment m lus ^eei^] ^^^

Rev. L. C follow:

whiidi sometimes embarrassed his flow of thpni^t, but whidi

' Manassas—Fbal 7:30 p. m. Secaod days, 11 a. m.

Bi days, 3 p. m.

Adeit-^-Oeuiad aial ftwitli-ft :? p. m. ' —^

Midland—Arat LI a. trr.

M. nERCY, Adm'r. •Gainesville. Via.

. T W a P A S ^ WOtlOi


m the hearer Meiaed nM fV to flsving pnrdiaaed the «laee anphaaiae hia reminiacfncie aad: kngiffn »a th^ QM gfimt piarffi/aH'

It.uid.made it stick in|p«r«iaa aie forbidden toranave the inoncay of those who heard. I ,TOed or tindMr w treqiass on

Mr. E w ^ -great reader, eqteda&y of the'sltyotlaw^ '• •• fkigfisT dasiiea. Those » » 1 G. BDW9AR flOPTTg3L

l s = S ! ^ 9 a s a a 9 e s e ! s a a = = s 9 s - s a B d B ! ( a B 9 B 9 9 a B B 9 a B a s 9 a H S B S B s a


W A S H I N C ^ T O N ,

BRIGHTON CARLSBAD SLEEPING-WEAR s s s i ' - • ; , " - • l i t mt>,i*('i""n • I " ~ I , y • I. I • I i»" •"••

— FOR— ' \

UTTLE TOTS - GROWING GIRLS - MfeSES ^-iJtig fhf sleeping wearthat atanda the test j>f dose inspectioB.

—When yon VJiPTN a ganaent, yoo will be ddighted with the oumy real coaafort fcatores

—foig^itoB Carlsbad ^cepingwear ia made of best quality ftamdettea, the woriuuaahk* biwiperhy, therefore the carments f i re long and aatisfactory service.

" EVER HEAR dF A 'TAJUMON?" -T4i is madoMiy by BtigMmCmdAad C—paayand « i l l g i r « | r ^ • • idanof thamrfartiw (rf tksee garmenta. - < / - , The PAJUNION COAT, hdng permaaaatly attached to the tranaer part nsYcr *^e»wlB ap^ aad w a ^ a r o w i anM and m i M a of back.

ThePAJUNIONhasBoDRAWSTBINqtecaHe the stricture at the waist Has which m many pebfMa ifaaast aiaad; eaperialfr efcMrea who are reotUaa rieepera.

TktVAIVmdiS haabvtfon iai HiifMatSmml at anUea whidi f « M k ( « t W & » • ^^

,'• • rmiamhmtiK ChBdW a w %L2i> to $4J88BtU ~ —

E V £ R Y O T H E R B f t l G H T Q N C A R L S B A D j G M R i i C N T H A S I T $

S F E C I A t W i i B W R T W ~

—qadren^s Sliepepi with ia ta tha ia haima*. far—Maar aiaigii«n»»»Lg» U j g J t . Other styles are fton 7Se fo^^MI.*

^Mtmim'm mt %T* * * • • • • • • • • i f • • • i . i i H i i


yea dxi'iii te .'-ffl baa •.

at 10Vck>ck,A.M.

DAINTY FffiniMES ^. Dainty because saggcptive of -the natural flowers b i n which their odors are ttimn. .Tkey are not all sinqde odon, a good many of them are tbe newest bouquet comfainationa, but alt(H. (tether we have a represisntatlTe line of perfi perfumes that meet the ments of laAes deairing ntmi icents. HAYMARKET PHABEACT

v a r t k J i

Take Notice aad Govern T< I Aeeardingty.

Before yon cxn keep a hog or hogs in the town of Manasaas you must 6r«t pwBcure a • t>ai wit-from the Mayor.

- W. a WAGENER. Mayor.

raitedmy farm, I will offer for sale at public auc­tion, on the above-named date, at "Bacon Hall,'* the c4d Lj i ,WQOd J flja, op inke between Gainesville and Haymaricet, Prince WiBiamcpunty» the fotto

_ dAoaes 5jrear»old,^^ood4^yeia'^^ horse, good 4-y«aa -dldiaaarejrgee€i S- rear-ola mare» 1 l«year^^d-giare->— all hi^vy stork and -good workers - Mule coll 2 years c4dr JBiarecolt 3 years old (goverpment), 5 brood sows, 20 sfaoats, ^TallSi jraiBifanr of y wtegncatde. Peering tedBrCait'^ crops), Xorn~King naanijare~spreader, nearly new;~Z com

f If it'a a<XMtNPLANTERthai that yen want, f Write or phesM as yo«r aeeds. When Jb teok oar stodc over.

^Wiwwell Supply Company MANASSAS, YIRGINU

2 riding com cohivatbrB, one wa&ing, two Mnsli^ 3-horse pk>ws, 2-horse plow, double gang Oliver plow,

Osbom doiuble msc, nearly nei¥; 2 douUe d»cs, s i n ^ disc, 3. spBcetooAi harrows, snsoothing harrow, sprWtooth har­row, 2 driB% whedbarrow, seed sower and otner implements too nuitierous to mentioii; 2 wagons and harileMB ab$iit.lQO barrels < corn (more or less). ' , '^ Att machinery in first-class condition, the most of it nearly new. All pyices are going up; t to is your opportunity to purchase high-grade stock and imi ements*

ll£RMS:—^Sums of $10.00 and under, cash; over that amount a credit of nine months will be given, the purchaser executing interest-bearing, negotiable note, with ap|nt>ved security, payaUe at The Nati<MiaI Bank of Manassas. N<^h^ ing to he ranoved until torms of sale are' complied with. JAMES U. KlNCMSiOEr P 11 P D I P C . I D "

Auctioneer. T . O . r i \ l V - . l l , * J l \ n V

Page 7: f-'^eservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News-Archive... · 2014-03-21 · people are uung and how it is being use4. Tbia information is desired as a guida ia the «o»-aervatJoH^w^d






At •

MOUNT M E E m IN mwim

PrinceFdEamFiianBac; MMI>WM, Vir»ini»

TSKTmCE The way to make two bUutes

of jpasB grow where one does now: Buy the celebrated Mag-oesium Lime from Leesburg Lime Co., the lime that has been add iiuLoudoan «nd Fairfax for the past twenty-five years, and out prtxliiced • «"" au, and the reason for it is because it con­tains Magnesium and Oxide of Iro& ra light propertiotf to €al-dum Carbonate, aitd thelTnited States Agricultural Department in Year Book 1901, page 161, states tiiat Magnesium u abso­lutely neeesaary to pbmt growth and notiuiig else -wfll take its place. Send orden to Cwnwdl Supply Co., Mapasaas, Va.; A. S. Robertson, Wdlington, Va.; M. Renins, Bristow, Va., or direct to us and same will have prompt at-tmtkn.

lIiScrs^eT^ynpua H«ad of fta>>k Bcfcxrf 8Tti»» <


LOAM ^UNW ATAiLABLB to deMiTiiiC •tiui««ta. tlOAO frm* an coats to Yirgnis stadmto is tiM Absd«BiIe1>«?axtiii«ds. Bead fop qrt V>gyk. '

HOWABD WIN8X0M, fi^stra*. Ua)«snttr, Vs.

"^~"*"~: III P'*' CoBjnittec R«v1ie8 to SUte-^


COUNTY BOARD ItvrUl /O n t t J u a u l u

of PriBc* Wit fiuK Coanty SuptrvjgQn

Hdd at CaortlMiMe.

(Continued from Page One) J stituted Ttemocratic oommttte^ of Prince William comity and by the man they said wU the nomU nee of tfa« party. ' Meetze b iimted ateo as SAy-fj ing: "I deny .the right -of the d««DOcratic committee to cone into my county or yoor county to interfere with our local pt^-tics," and in the next breath as­serted that the state committee had not,done tts duty ioil^ince William county to Westmore­land Davis, the democratic nom­inee for governor.' If it was a criaae tor the state committee to advise the citi*«ui of Prince Wil-

(Continued from Page One) O. C. Hutefaisoii 6.20 t . M. RoaMU 4.Te C. A. l U A s * . ; . . ; . . . . - . ' . . . . . . tM i. J. CaoMr 10.00 e . H. W i n e . . . . . . .^...j l i O

L. baTson

be$biDrgLiiiieCa./liic , V."WHrrE. Ifaiager


Hedr ic sAN^ AgdwjrN tmt • Ik wfrf

H C M T tMCton, iamtai Ik mtA m*^

to Hvuhif price far NrfN*


MfH JTSFORSALB ^ - S S ^ g l S S ; Always from 100 tP 300 h«id

^-b«Be»-aBd Mrtea w^ J«L-.AjwcriirtwM for wil^^^Vgg

BtaUes in Ywk« Fa. 14 JOE KIN DIG

j ( «

Wood'a -S0e(k^

KAK, Gnmte aitalt


liam as to tiidr duty as demo­crats iB~ selcctiiv members ra­the hooie of delegates, would i t have been a lesser crime for the «»rtmTnttti»<» to advise them as to

~::v::7r.v:loscr McDoff GrMD . . . I O J O O J. J. C a r t w . . . T r ; . . ; 7 l . . . . . T ^ t » « T. H. l ioB, «xp«aaM tt W. W.

Garrison .' , 836 Frank Aroatrong, raward tor

W. W. Garriaon .' 60M Mr*. W. T. Wfaarton : . . . «.76

ParauuMiit B M A Fssd . Harlay * Boatwrisht 667.59

BnstjiTUle TUU F s s d . O. W. Hedrick. 11J87 Brown A Hooff 4.70 O. D. Landea 17A3 L. L. PayBeT-^.V--- • • -C. K. Bodine . : . . . . . ZM R. H. Davia'A Co W ^ . Hooker, paymaatar

Coks Basdl F s s i . C. H. £ariiari T!ie Texaa Co

IDIG AlR^ITE Untfi tius now smoko** was made you could never

—faa:ve a real Qurley tobaooo dgarette. It's the best yet

IT'S TOASTED The toasting brings out the delicious flavor of that fine old Kentucky Burley. You never tasted anything so

- think what

their duty cm the governorship? The fact ^ ^ e state committee did alchrise the deeti(Hi of West-moreland Davis in many letters t» citiWns of Prinoe WiUianl; MarahaU BUekwdl.....^...-...!!&»> mi if Meetae did not gee: tflLJt ^'^^^J^^' ' • i n : • :; Jt^ that, hhfcounty came ^crc^-in^'*'^^ iiiynugn. M.« proper shape orithegovernorahip

James Luck. West Bailey Jas. M. Koaaen T. M. Rosaell, paysMurte. . r . . .

iGaisMti la Bas«l F s s i . MarahaU B U e k w d l . . . . . ^ . . . - .



the reflection is <HI him-SBd-Qot on the state committee.. "* As to his right to admitted to the demoeratk cataou of the lldaseft^had notinhg^ to do vai^ 1 .received a lett^ from the ehaimum of his,county eiicloe-Ifig flostepapei^ to be delivered to the delegate from Fauquier aad Loudoun, aad-the d e l a t e fnaa 'King George "and Staffed




TMB was Qie firsf conpanuqiC* * *• Dottla....^ t^ faadiiad^^frem any one in ^ ^ ^ "

Prince William, subsequent to

PoweU Mete... . . . Mn. jr. G. BsMldaa k. Lee JohsaoB. ••.>.

Same .' A M. Tatea.. •alatet Oaife.

O. N. HadrMc fife-Attttadie as to ^CanctK. m i l e I believed tharand beH|««P*«r-* * « * * ^

Bevenow tiiiat M««t2; should not^^^^^JJJ; Iwve beea adBatted to t i e cauKi L. ToHia. iMia, T iirgpH anin^: irf m v f r i e n d s n . . ^ itftfliJ. M«*K{iwi C e . . .



noMpt attdrtlMi a i m i« «a ' MdtBaeeSMiautStOTckMrt tS» OaHcdi

It «f Oe osickcat.fiswfaic fia»s«e ssdLgrariss cTC*ste

tatOt. Aen^ haia asi »*mnr> Is hsriy aoid cas Se aawsM early Is Uba a»aaf M we<<to wfll t»r sitt. Caato laaa to

faa««s ssiiwfli Kire fsickar thsa ssy otker erafk lila far saa ta|«w« ^

WdOira WHCEiraVK CATA- f Opp. ky. LOO Ur IWa aiwa faB isfi

SEEDS A^th^ JBAIDI and.Garden

Write far Catalac



ffawjng er i awfitnarf tO dcvoteoar wbde time to the Real Estate aatd lusurteee homaeBa.^mhet^

,bz 8(£dt an pniparl7 for sale andJteqaaQt thoae haviar^np-

t t f tyto list t t e 8sne^«i& as pminptly.

demoeratJe.sigD is rtq[)ulatve to liut. -; '7

His stateraettt tiiat the demo-enaUe" gtatr aHamittgr dtioe its duty to demoeratie eaar didate for governor, for the rea­son that a majority w»e^dia-

Wa 9MA wfll gHs

«s *wil filt» wWtaH^truntled iMMwa Uxy did pc^ *fca fcsllsMB a»- W^ «•*-«««. rtuAfm n» fb« iwisnirv.



PAFEBH0IISE FOR WAU. PAPER ^ --^ ^ * s ii Send for catalogue and partJc

Geo. D. B a k s l ^ \jBLderiBk&^

And Licensed Fmhatwtw Ija A>c.»EiX r.<:»TBor«. ><n»aB»^ V ^

< < - . » . nor.. -.'rT:(V ar l m»t«TAl ""li: ;<!"•


lor years—no breakage. wrappineorlabctfinK


of the house caucus to pos^noe ttiAlirij iSivTMwmt aecanmittee to hear tiie-'

'fitame . . . Ashrey -Fairf**- ••'-'•

C. 8.lfaBaa; present;: and then act as facts n a ^ t wan«Bt.

Ifeetze seems to 1 ^ at^tbegQ^Bipps SAUB OF VAUJ-

Bob OoHaya Oeeaqsss Bss4 Fssi.

H.R Fairfax... ..."=....r--Hail«y ft Boatwrii^. Katiwial Bawlr wf Msnatittr^, Das^Mcs 9as4 Charlea E e i d . . . . . . . . . - . • . ; . .

little tin sign of t h e l l ^ ^ <»m-mBtiee at Morpiiy's hoteC With^ Imr t ecard i aoirt wnndfr that i

get their .duice m is unjust and sflly.

l l ie fact that Mr. Davis re­ceived aaore votat in thf tJetHsm. Ham any-ef tJie-ean^Artee^n ^ ticket^Mi^ ens, thgt <tf Har-riB a u l , is proof ef the fefa^

of hia gtatenwnt. The cwnmittee was toyalto the head v f ttc fitiet; and moKC weeh


~ Onder and by virtue of c«> tuft executions in my hands in iKi^'of the Gommooveatth of ViigiBia kgainst Nettie L. 6ar-

^and-b^ virtue of leyy of H^ Utad execntkns an the real eetate of the said Ne tie L, Ckir-lisMi within the county of Prince William, Virginia, to sat-Itfj muA wmfutianar the dnder

r^HfiVliitf, Aprfl 1. 1918 ill front of the Courthouse, m 4w town dC Manassas, V4., at mhnat 1 n'clodc P. m^ offW fof

to the iiighest Udd» for "tiie one^^rai omfivided in-

taest'of Che said Nrttie L. Gar-m and to the f oOowiiV real

dene than v i y gol^emato-jchd -fflUMwIgB ri^pce _fte ewi-Lewli contMt in 1906.

Let tiie heaOoi n « e and tin foofiah imagine a vain iJtiagl I t^e idyt lh «f Meant Meetxe. News Leader^EeteoaOLflL

41216 F St and 12UaS G 3t^ MMSMIMGTOM, O. C. .

• s y t y ^ &a

Bst laae <fe tbay WHAkslifl««t.WtflW>r, Deep dawa is ms IMSI 0< IMMT ksrd ws triad t» aave yas.

Soddaaly tbcy essw aad bats y«a Fraai tIA wgrM of grief ssd psis^

Mtnte lyins Md beingjitaate in said county of^Prinoe WiDiaBi» XBBgimM.

First The undivided -one-ifth inttfest at the said Nettie L. Garrison ii and ttt 3fl0


{xrice psiuf fcnr scrap

>, rubber, meta l

H i i ^ and Furs a

Oppaske Lewis A Brewn'a BindnBMdi Shop



:^4aad-sitaate-on-th£_raadJ^=. i i c from W i n — " to Rrents--vBc, In MmiTi' — Magistoial ^ ^ j c t , a peart of said land also Mnc on' the road &om Bradley jta Stedar's Mill, and betBg the •one ^operty upon wfaidi Mot sUVPO «* prsaei»-Byw» - -

^ Seipond "Bie undivided ono-Mtk intecest of tbe^ndd Nettir Ig 'Ontriaoii in and to a eiertain 1st ^ knd lyug end being situ-1 ^ on Main street extended, in tlK town of Manaaeaa, v^» aa-joining the landa^of W. N. Lips-eomb. C. A. Sinclair and others.

r %lc»' ag-GDOcb When y(m tliiidc of pnrdtasing a watch, a ring, a scarf

«r bcobeh pin, or other Jewelry, remember we ean aspply yoor wants. Most anything in the

jporting goods line will be fotaid liere— ~rT" at ain*t»c^w^iic«.

- ff*k Rcfmc «< FiUi* « OMttt

- t f D . WENRICH

And tska th j CTia tr*B T« '«'•<' T"". <** ••_ Bat i«e«a ieved 70a t>a>t

Manassas Transfer Co., »ant r,c NEWS

.11 If yo.j r^.aiiy

of the ro-antr The :,^\:rr.h give it to you everr week f-r year for one dollar, in srfvince

W. S. ATKET, Piufsietuf.

r-.AkTpik-f. rirTK.tnre n-i. 4" niida j uf Tr.«T*h*ndx»« or othfr ftHamnditiae promptly irxatfem^ or (JaUvaraC.

Oft 1 waader to the gr^vty^rd, ntmmt. t» atrew 'with tmdtr «>I«r O B the g»*»« of ray dr^T «iiit*r. Wi» ia paseafolly »le*pinjr tner*.


lialf acres. The aid two tracts «r paztds of land being the rea)

' whieh >he late Jadge Wml EL Lipacomb died seized and possessed. The interest of of the said NeCtSe L. Garrison in ioid to said real estate wiD be aohi subject to the life estate therein xst Mrs. Henrietta E. Lipscomb, she hsNnng ajife e»-

The ioui iiai—4i

t n e therein by virtue oT a <;«»• veyance. dulj- recorded, from tbe heir= at !a-«- ' 'r-p late Judfi-e \^r r. .. r- .

•, l iAr-, A i-.Ar.r.r r wvrih \i*&hefnS iViRC* Uiiitarr, Coant .

Hcawy K. Field & Co.,

bodief rSiqsK Lalb, DMR, Suk UKfi ^Mwl Blinding MatOEial

p»ct i>n : .S -.


J, N. Unior. Slreet. Ill N Lee Street. ALEXANORIA, VA

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P^Jl^SICiHT •~-*<yi||^,fiSAS JOU°*' **-^!»^«HlS^ FRIDAY, tsir GREENWICH Hail, Haymarket, to _ bid him

farewell and offer best wishes before his departure fj>r Fort Oglethorpe. Ga. . ^

MT. and, Mrs. J. M. Reid, Miss Mary and trother, Mi". Shirley

^eiCTpei ir 'sevSral days lasij Mn». R, H . WSBsaad chiidrM^ week in WaahingtoB atteadiac j wto fiave^ l>eeii*^^«fiag }in.

to school at Washington, tdu-r & Misses Mae Walter and Elberta two weeks' vacation, due to the Wiikins were tKe guests of Miss shoftasre pf co&l at the schools^ DdiA Fitewater Thursday-eve


Mr. 9iareft9^ Carroll was iq.niag,

the Billy Sunday meetingrs. ' ^ ^ I l ^ a n d Mn. H.. W. Wood

a ^ n t t l i e week-end wrt&„Jk^. Wood's sfatter, Mrs. B. | L teaeh, of Waahington.

Tlie entertainment givrai at the flchool house last Friday eve­ning was quite a treat.and very much mjoyed by alL The at-tendance -beiaff emafl-'(Hl^~a small sum was realized. An ex-eoiieat^ pt'ogFam was peudci'edr p'

H& J : T . C9jEk«nDe was a i ia^ nassas visitor last Saturday.

Mr. Billy Veeder, of Wash-ingttm, spent the weekend at The Cottage,"

Mrs. E. C. Taylor and daugh­ter, ^Ciss" Lucille, are visiting Mr. B. G. Taylor, of Washington.

Mr. G. t>. Kldwell, of ^?a«i> ington, spent the Weekend with

WiUia' parents, Dr. and Mrs. C. F< S r o w ^ , ^£t QjLUmnday and will spend a wefk or tea days visiting iif'Fredericksburg and in Louisa before returning to their home In Roanoke.


Manassas last Tuesday^ for • ex-amination in connection with the next call for military service.

Wi.d JITB. Sidne^- ClaxJi..

ttl t he wee niurnijijf.

A ^ucLai

f<nm!I hours in the

the week-end in Washington Dr. H. W. Snyder, of AtlanU,

Edward-Jliorgan i s to. Ga., spent several days with ^ build a new residence here in the l»vther. Prof. J. C. Snyder, l^re yery near future. this week. I,

Miss Mary Campbell, of Rich- Mrs. Howard Norford, of mond, spent the week-end as the, Washington, was the guest of

J ilf. Wi.a aLTB. aiOney Claxii... A social KaiiitnuR will' be IMiir^ gUBats.QtJfAfit»k m. Wa,ah- thidd ut Uayfidd seheol Setorday

Miss May I^achman jpent ijigton for the week-end, and at- [evening, March 2. A livel.v pro-/ tended ti e Billy Sunday meet

his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Kidwell.

Mr. G. H. Washington spent Thursday eveninjTbf liMt week at "The Hermitage." . : :

Mrs. R. H.' I.eft Mpftnt t}m paaf week with friends and relatives in Washington.

Mr. S. K. Kidwell has been quite sick, bat is now improving.

Mr. Wi&iam .Caements spent the week-end with Mr. Uid Mrs. J. W. HoUiday.

Mrs. M. M. WashingtOT spiat Saturday last'witb Mr&'R. B. Atkinson.

Mr. Clarence Mon«y, dM^un-tico, and Miss Aimie Tasrlor, of Greenwich, were united in mar­riage on Wednesday o l lar t week in Washington: Aftttr th^ cfflv emony was 'perfowned the l)iid« and groom left for.Greenwieh., where a reception was b ^ by. the bride's -pn«nt^~1br. Mrs. E. A. TnfiiiK. Ontf b e r s o i J h e J x i ^ j a t

Mr. John Cb^flfClaiBeavffle^ spent Sunday lirith itt. aad 1 ^ 7

a few weeks in Washington. FlorenfiB Owent jrho.

has been in Washington sinee the holidays, has^retdraed to her home-here, ~ ' _--

Mr. Paul Sanger, who has been substituting for Mrs. £ . CcHiway Owens as principal of the Brentsvill^ school, has re­turned to his home in Char­lottesville. Mrs. Owens, who has been spending some ttee~th Petersburg, returned Sunday and has resumed her duties ss teacher.

Qoit« a muBber Of the Bcents-ville folk J^Kve attended the KUyBmaday meetuii^ i i i ^ a s h -

Mr. Eveirett Harris has re> turned to his home, aftn* Spend­ing a very pleasant week, with fri«ids. u d reiatiVfcs in Stson-ton, Va.

Mrs. K. M. Bradshaw was a caDor at tiie hcnne of Mrs. R. A. Getter l l i a n d a y evemnr-

Mr. and Mrs. Georgcr McDon­ald wei<6 tSe gqesta of Dr. and Mr«: B d Sunday afternoon. Frances,, the little daufiiita- of Ifr. and Mrs. McDonald, i s q)endiiig snne time With her grandprnyntii st Hippy Cueoki

Mrs. Biser^ of WasUngton, was the wecdc-end guet^-of Mrs.

T, Mr. T. S. Bradshaw'left l^ies-

WiQ qtend sevoal wedbiir

guest of Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Soutter."

Capt^B^uh^ of Oocoguan, has beat spending several days here repairing Us house boat, i^hich wwr-tsKgtbt In the, r^smt kft jam and carswd balow Cock Pit, Point.

Mrs. W. R Dodson has beed quite ill for the last few dKys.

Mr. Vf. George spent the week-end with -Us. wife, who is staying with her father, Mr. W. Gk BUshey.

her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A, K, iCing, h6re last week.

nassa^ visitor Tuesday. y Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Harp(ne,

mgs. Mrs. Susannah Bell a spend­

ing several days with Mrs. Wm. Jordan, of Haymarket.

Mrs. Wesley White, of Wash­ington, is the guest of her moth­er, Mrs. J. C. MacDonald.

Miss Flora Smith is visiting Mr. John \ ^ l t e r was a Ma-jlher sister, Mrs. E. E. Pickett, at

Landover, Md. , » Mr. C. S, Shirley, of Waahing-

gPa^ is being arranged. Hf- James Luck, who is em-

^oyed at Quantico, spent oai-urday nijlit and-Sunday at iun home.'


CANOVA Farmers are beginning to

think about spring plowing. Mrs. T. M. Russell entertained.

at a rook party Monday evening. Mr. John Sullivan sp^at the

week-end with his sister in Washington.

Mr. Wm. Garrett was a Ma-| Mrs. Wallace Wheaton was nassas visitqr on Saturday last, j the guest of Mrs. T. M. RusseD

A tea9her8* meeting ofj Wednesday. Gainesville district will be held Mrs. Nellie Posey visited at at the Waterfall school building, the home of her S<HI, Mr. J. C . Saturday, March 2, beginning atj^<»ey, recently.

E. Bious^ in M*n4^ffm _ Mr. Gordon Walter, of Wash-

"nie'Nokesville school gave a ington, visited his parents. Me.

honor of Washingt<m's Urtiiday Oh Friday evening of last wedk.

of TtfsiassaB, i p s n t ^ n d a y w^h|ton, was a guest at " O a k ^ a c ^ Mr. aariHae's pareBter Ibr. aald several days of Uut week. Mrs. J. B. Harping i

Mrs.' W. T. Aflen and Mrs. 'k. B. FHckjnger spent several c^iys last week in Washington, at­tending the Billy Sunday" ineet-ings.

Mus Mabel Pence slient Sat­urday « B d r S n n d a y w l t i r M s r ^

t o'clock p. m. Public cordigSy

day. l&TC. B, FItEwater was a Ma-

T1» Civic Leagm wflt hcM ita |B««as vimtor^fonday. r«gulp monthly meeting I lursr ^^""^ Amu, of Wa8hingt<m, day nigh^ M«r«h 7. A good i peht several days with her par-profrara will be rendered. mts here last week.

Mr. W. R. Free,^ jrA spent Tuesday .in Manassas.

Mr. C. H. Walter spent M<m-(layvui Toeidiy In Waahtegton.

Jfr. Frsidc F l t e w i ^ and

>ti8s May J^Myhntan and Miss LuciUe Marie 'wwe the guests of ICss Camstine Free Wednea^v nignt.

Subscribe for the Journal, | 1

invltie^ The Misses SUrkyr entertain­

ed some of thdr friends at ' On -shade" on Tuesday evening iast.

^ te - • Community L e a g'Q-€, which was hdd Friday evening laitt, was well at-isended and a very interesting program imeoited by tiie teach­ers and pupiB ei the id iod .


A very qijeyabte eveuliig ygg s p ^ t at .Hi^^fidd sehmd house Friday; the |Mka remaking tm^

Mesdames Widlace Wheaton._ Joseph Wheaton and children q>ent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Petty^^of Independent.^UL

Misses Pwri R u s s ^ imd Mary - Carter "wtan shopping in;'

SaturHaT Mesdames Grace an4 Loia

Wheat(Hi viated Mrs. Muiriiead. Tuesday. • ^

Mr. and Mrs. E. S. ComweO spoit Monday with tiieir daogfe-ter, Mrs. James M. RnssdL

Mr. T. M. RusseD made a "fly-^ ing"Jrip to Manaw•!• Trtesdsy»r-

Many thanks to Mr. G. E. Comwell for acssping the roadb-for the aatCHOt.

Som^ of our apoKtamea leport as exbitieng fox chase, which O. R. Dennis.

Mr. E. B. Bdl was a vintoj- at the home of M| f> it. cm 5^nnd-j Isnt ,

Rev. B a m ^ - Grimsi^ wffl '"*'** tod sharp fnr tiieai and preach at jQa^ i iah AH. <tr«t.^to*>^Mc«Ped,<gjpfaire.

lasted for aes^ral hours Satur jda^. The dpgs s e ^ 4 ^ ^ j tmii hrtntifnlly, b n t S f e a

Sunday eveningia^evei^miMa: at 7.-30 o'clock.

Mr. and Mrs. J. E.. J<AnaoB, oft


Catlek, i.pent Smiday tt^theJk^'S^Lr^fflfr ^ ^^ ^ home of Mrs. Johnson's faUMf, Mr. B, B. Nalla

3Iiss Elise Dulin* expects to secure a positkm in Wadiingtod with Uncle Sam U the near fu­ture.

Among tfaoae who rOi^eet-to take the Otvfl Service " ^ ^ ^ ^ r tion, to be hdd in Washingti^ March 9, are ICss Ma«ie Mails and Mr. W. M Wiwi— . ^ -

Qie winfiest days this winttf. Mr. Richard AndersMi is aUe

' to be'out agftfn. ~ • • '• - • ' • •.' ^ Quite a number of peoide in this section have the measles.

Mr. Maurice AbeO is vtsry iD of pnemponia.



Mrs. J. W. Catoa- ia .^M^^ friends in Washingfam this week. ——~:—' • ^ •'-

Dr. and Mrs. C. F. Srower, Miss AUce Metz. M I M Mxrf Trainhanrr Messis. 13liftuB Fdtm and Berkley ^^oflbnaa 'H"—w fi! the Billy ^ '\\~af!hington during ^he week. , _

Mr. Oscar Lynn, of *Vfffaii iria. Va., visited U s son, Mr.

L Kyle Lynn and other relatives m the neighborhood last w e ^

Mr. -on, was the goest of and relatives itf Catharpfai and in lower Loodoaa last

TIbveHy ^rtihgs. GINGHAMS^The

Mr. J^ C Dunn made 4 busi­ness t r ^ to HftinsMt" Taesday.

Little Ashton AbeO. oldest •OD of Mr. and M n . CSuuL AbaD,

« aeveTfe 4ttad[ o l <tnv9 Sunday evodng..

Mr. E. H. MUiams rTTrhssTrif a fine horse Saturday.

Mr. aipd Mrs. C. f?. nmiii iwl dauthteF, Mrs. Charies Dunn's Sunday.

Mr. R. W. Abdl h«a fmfi-'h. eaaoiiejMirofBuflea. ' - :

j Quite a munbcr expect to 1 ^

H B M B Sstenk^,

Mrs. W. Geerge. of Washi^^ .tcp,'is v i r i t i ^ her fMher. Mi.

PaurWBeea, ef W—htwglw.i? . Bodwy. " ^

E. Sl«th bfaat>y, visited his parants. Mr. Mm. W: n . Polen. recenUy.-

Chas. R. McDonald ^ e n t Mr .1 few days tn

.Master Julian Patten, sen of Mr and Mrs. John T. Patten, is ra; .uly recovering from his re-iiT,: severe illness.


^OTtaenjt jg be foutiJ m fl f rpumty. and most viuried as*

T ^ ^ M ^ ^ A E A T E A : ^ WaPUNS-lif you want to sew weju^ r^^ X<H as mxt

-A j -

Measles have been Tery p««v-aient aroaghoat this ity far the last few

Private Harry.W. Polen. Co-jespeciany among the cUldr^n.

beuae last Friday, after qwad-ing ^several weeks w t H r h e n A ^ ter ia Washington.

to. snd Mia. G. E. Soutter ?or their guests the past

Miss Oraee Datmir, of CUtesburg. and Ifias Loey Dab-ney. of Guinea, Va.

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bison Mf^srft. Clifton Polen, Jettjhave been ^wading the past

Paiuc and £ . X Pattie were week with Mr. Rcson's motiier, amcnc the manj Triends ftf rty |ifr^

an^ not a pair in &e fot ffluffooiild be hbught ^aad s<tf4today4w less than $6 te $7 pw raw.

Wbile they last, $aL29. r - i ~ ^

NOHEr-rWatch &1S space each week win

Wade C Fa.vnp who attended the informai Tr.c:''. .rifr :n Masonic

The Mr. G.

two Utt.e daughters of; . E. Soutter have returned I ^ ^ ^