This is a repository copy of External intermittency simulation in turbulent round jets. White Rose Research Online URL for this paper: http://eprints.whiterose.ac.uk/82229/ Article: Gilliland, T, Ranga-Dinesh, KKJ, Fairweather, M et al. (3 more authors) (2012) External intermittency simulation in turbulent round jets. Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 89 (3). 385 - 406. ISSN 1386-6184 https://doi.org/10.1007/s10494-012-9403-2 [email protected] https://eprints.whiterose.ac.uk/ Reuse Unless indicated otherwise, fulltext items are protected by copyright with all rights reserved. The copyright exception in section 29 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 allows the making of a single copy solely for the purpose of non-commercial research or private study within the limits of fair dealing. The publisher or other rights-holder may allow further reproduction and re-use of this version - refer to the White Rose Research Online record for this item. Where records identify the publisher as the copyright holder, users can verify any specific terms of use on the publisher’s website. Takedown If you consider content in White Rose Research Online to be in breach of UK law, please notify us by emailing [email protected] including the URL of the record and the reason for the withdrawal request.

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This is a repository copy of External intermittency simulation in turbulent round jets.

White Rose Research Online URL for this paper:http://eprints.whiterose.ac.uk/82229/


Gilliland, T, Ranga-Dinesh, KKJ, Fairweather, M et al. (3 more authors) (2012) External intermittency simulation in turbulent round jets. Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 89 (3). 385 - 406. ISSN 1386-6184


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External Intermittency Simulation in

Turbulent Round Jets

T. Gilliland†, K.K.J. Ranga-Dinesh¶*, M. Fairweather†,

S.A.E.G. Falle‡, K.W. Jenkins¶ and A.M. Savill¶

†School of Process, Environmental and Materials Engineering, and ‡School of

Mathematics, University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT, UK

¶School of Engineering, Cranfield University, Bedford MK43 0AL, UK

*Present Address: Engineering Department, Lancaster University, Lancaster LA1 4YR, UK

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Direct numerical and large eddy simulation (DNS and LES) are applied to study passive

scalar mixing and intermittency in turbulent round jets. Both simulation techniques are

applied to the case of a low Reynolds number jet with Re=2,400, whilst LES is also used to

predict a high Re=68,000 flow. Comparison between time-averaged results for the scalar

field of the low Re case demonstrate reasonable agreement between the DNS and LES, and

with experimental data and the predictions of other authors. Scalar probability density

functions (pdfs) for this jet derived from the simulations are also in reasonable accord,

although the DNS results demonstrate the more rapid influence of scalar intermittency with

radial distance in the jet. This is reflected in derived intermittency profiles, with LES

generally giving profiles that are too broad compared to equivalent DNS results, with too low

a rate of decay with radial distance. In contrast, good agreement is in general found

between LES predictions and experimental data for the mixing field, scalar pdfs and external

intermittency in the high Reynolds number jet. Overall, the work described indicates that

improved sub-grid scale modelling for use with LES may be beneficial in improving the

accuracy of external intermittency predictions by this technique over the wide range of

Reynolds numbers of practical interest.

Keywords: DNS, LES, Scalar Field, Intermittency, Round Jet

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A round jet issuing from a circular orifice with free boundaries displays an intermittent

character close to its outer edge where the flow alternates between turbulent and irrotational

states. Such intermittency is frequently referred to as external intermittency to distinguish it

from the internal form which concerns the variability of the energy or scalar dissipation rates

[1]. External intermittency can be thought of as an indicator function that has a value of unity

when the flow is turbulent and zero when it is non-turbulent, i.e. it represents the fraction of

time during which a point is inside the turbulent fluid. The interface separating the turbulent

and non-turbulent regions is sharp and continuously deformed by turbulent eddies of all

sizes, with the interface propagating into the irrotational region while non-turbulent fluid is

entrained into the turbulent flow region. The characteristics of the intermittent region are

important in relation to understanding the entrainment process whereby the outer irrotational

fluid becomes turbulent by acquiring vorticity. Until recently it has been assumed that this

process is governed by the large-scale engulfment of irrotational fluid through the action of

the dominant eddies in the turbulent flow region, although more recent investigations

suggest that entrainment occurs as a results of the outward spreading of small-scale vortices

[2, 4]. The intermittent behaviour of round jets is also of particular interest since it is

influential in many processes of practical relevance, including mixing, combustion, emissions

and aero-acoustics.

A number of experimental studies have been undertaken to investigate intermittency in

various flows, including round jets, based on measurements of both the velocity and scalar

fields. Townsend [5] was the first to measure intermittency in the turbulent wake generated

by a circular cylinder on the basis of the flatness factor of the derivative of measured

streamwise velocity fluctuations, as well as by means of an analogue technique which

measured those times when fluctuating quantities could be judged non-zero. Similar

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approaches were subsequently used by Corrsin and Kistler [6] to measure intermittency in a

round jet, a plane wake and a wall boundary layer, and by Klebanoff [7] in a boundary layer

with zero pressure gradient. Later, Becker et al. [8] used a light scattering technique to

measure intermittency in a turbulent air jet, with the voltage produced by the scattered-light

detection system assumed proportional to the space-averaged instantaneous concentration

of a scalar in the examined spatial volume. Wygnanski and Fiedler [9] evaluated the

intermittency factor in a jet on the basis of first- and second-order velocity gradients with

respect to time, with Chevray and Tutu [10] employing a similar methodology to gather

intermittency data in the self-preserving region of a jet that showed good agreement with the

data of Corrison and Kistler [6], and Wygnanski and Fiedler [9]. Bilger et al. [11] recognised

the difficulties in obtaining intermittency data when working with velocity or temperature

signals, or indeed methods that used a threshold voltage, and based their measurements on

probability density functions (pdfs) of a scalar in the intermittent regions of a jet flow.

Nakamura et al. [12], and Schefer and Dibble [13], applied a similar approach, but adapted

Bilger et al.’s [11] method of threshold evaluation in deriving intermittency values from the

measured scalar pdfs.

External intermittency has also been investigated in terms of the exchange of mass,

momentum and scalar quantities across the interface between the turbulent and non-

turbulent regions [14, 15]. Prasad and Sreenivasan [16], and Westerweel et al. [17], used

techniques based on threshold detection to identify an envelope within which the interface

between the turbulent and non-turbulent flow is strongly convoluted and irrotational fluid is

being engulfed. Westerweel et al. [18] outlined some characteristic features of the

inhomogeneous interface between these two regions in a jet and showed the existence of a

finite jump in the tangential velocity at the interface. Furthermore, these authors

demonstrated that large-scale engulfment of fluid is not the dominant process for the

entrainment of irrotational fluid into a turbulent jet. Theoretical analyses of intermittent flows,

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carried out with the aim of developing predictive procedures, have also been described by

Libby [19], Dopazo [20], and Chevray and Tutu [10].

The importance of intermittency in many processes of practical relevance means that there

is a clear need for the reliable prediction of turbulent intermittent flows using statistical

engineering models. Direct numerical simulation (DNS) is possible, but only below the high

Reynolds numbers of engineering importance, and whilst large eddy simulation (LES) can be

performed at such Reynolds numbers, computer run times restrict its use in simulating many

practical engineering systems. For the foreseeable future, therefore, Reynolds-averaged

Navier-Stokes (RANS) techniques will remain the principal method for representing the

effects of turbulence in prediction procedures for engineering application, in many industries

at least.

Useful eddy viscosity-based models have been developed by Byggstoyl and Kollmann [21],

and at the second-moment closure level by Janicka and Kollmann [22]. An alternative

approach to modelling the influence of intermittency was suggested by Kollmann and

Janicka [23] who based their predictions on pdf transport equations for a conserved scalar

conditional on the fluid being turbulent, and a second scalar pdf transport equation

conditional on the fluid being non-turbulent, with the rate at which non-turbulent fluid

becomes turbulent being determined by an intermittency transport equation. Pope [24] also

provided a similar means of accommodating intermittency effects within a joint velocity-

scalar pdf framework, and more recently using a velocity-dissipation joint pdf approach [25].

Many of these methods rely on conditional averaging of the fluid flow equations, based on

multiplying flow variables by an indicator function and averaging in order to incorporate the

effects of intermittency. The disadvantage of this approach is that it significantly increases

the number of equations needing to be solved, and presents difficulties associated with the

modelling of unknown terms in the conditionally averaged equations. Cho and Chung [26]

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developed a technique that avoids these problems by considering the entrainment effect on

intermittency in the free boundary of shear layers and deriving a set of turbulence model

equations for the turbulence kinetic energy, its dissipation rate and the intermittency factor.

This approach allows the explicit incorporation of intermittency effects into the standard k-

turbulence model, but differs from earlier closures in basing the equations on conventional

Reynolds averaging rather than conditional zone averaged moments. The method therefore

results in a more economical modelling approach since it decreases the number of partial

differential equations that require solution. This approach was later extended to second-

moment turbulence closures by Kim and Chung [27]. An alternative Reynolds stress

transport-intermittency modelling approach was also successfully developed and applied to

the prediction of by-pass transitional flows by Savill [28], with a similar scheme applied by

Alvani and Fairweather [29] to improve predictions of scalar mixing.

However, despite the success of RANS-based approaches in modelling intermittent flows,

the majority of current engineering turbulence models were derived for fully developed flows,

and hence cannot be expected to provide a high degree of predictive accuracy in free shear

flows where the outer regions are contaminated with irrotational flow. Also, and not

withstanding intensive efforts devoted to developing more general engineering models of

turbulence, their predictability is still dependent on flow configuration. The inclusion of

intermittency effects within, for example, the conventional k-İ turbulence model has

nevertheless been shown to resolve both the round jet/plane jet and the plane wake/plane

jet anomalies [26]. Such modifications can therefore be used to increase the generality of

existing turbulence models, so that further efforts directed at improving the modelling of

intermittency effects are warranted, both in terms of the accuracy and generality of the

models derived. This is particularly the case for the influence of intermittency on scalar

fields which has received little attention.

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Direct numerical and large eddy simulation are of significant benefit to the development of

improved understanding of intermittency, and the derivation of more fundamentally based

turbulence models, particularly in the absence of detailed experimental data on the

simultaneous influence of intermittency on both the velocity and scalar fields in a jet. A

number of such studies have already been carried out for turbulent round jets. The first DNS

of a spatially evolving jet was undertaken by Boersma et al. [30], with Lubbers et al. [31]

extending this work to simulate the mixing of a passive scalar. Babu and Mahesh [32] also

performed DNS of a round jet with upstream entrainment near the in-flow nozzle,

demonstrating the importance of such entrainment on near-field behaviour, and later the

same authors [33] extend their simulations to study passive scalar mixing, analysing the

convective and diffusive dominated regions of the flow. Given the Reynolds number

restrictions of DNS, LES has also been applied in the simulation of higher Reynolds number

jets with, for example, Akselvoll and Moin [34] using LES to study turbulent confined co-

annular round jets, and Mankbadi et al. [35], Boersma and Lele [36] and more recently

Tucker [37] simulating the structure of compressible round jets for jet noise applications.

More recently da Silva [38] carried out DNS and LES calculations for temporally evolving

turbulent plane jets and analysed the behaviour of sub-grid scale models near the

turbulent/non-turbulent interface. This work found that classical sub-grid scale models are

unable to cope with the strong inhomogeneity of the flow near the edge of a jet. However,

this work only considered conditional statistics to demonstrate the differences between the

various LES sub-grid scale models employed.

To the authors’ knowledge, no DNS or LES studies of round jets to date have explicitly

considered external intermittency. Because of the importance of scalar mixing in a wide

range of practical applications, the present work therefore studies scalar intermittency

through the prediction of passive scalar pdfs using DNS and LES, and subsequently derived

intermittency profiles. The study has two main aims. The first is to investigate passive

scalar intermittency in a low Reynolds number round jet using both techniques with the

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objectives of providing improved understanding, and validating the ability of LES to predict

external intermittency in a round jet flow. The second is to study scalar intermittency in a

high Reynolds number round jet using the LES technique alone, again to test its ability to

predict this phenomenon, this time through comparisons with experimental data. This work

is considered an essential first step in developing understanding prior to the extension of

LES sub-grid scale models to explicitly consider intermittency effects, with all the simulation

results at both Reynolds numbers also of value as a touchstone for the further development

of RANS-based approaches for engineering application. Unlike previous investigations

which considered jets both in the absence and presence of a co-flow, and in the latter case a

co-flow which generally varies with radial distance (e.g. [32]), the present work uses a

constant co-flow velocity for the low Reynolds number jet due to its direct relevance to

engineering applications in which such boundary conditions are employed to modify jet

mixing and combustion characteristics, as well as for noise reduction. The high Reynolds

number jet computations also used a co-flow, in line with the experimental data used for

validation purposes.


2.1 Governing equations and modelling

The flow is assumed to be of an incompressible and isothermal Newtonian fluid with

constant properties. For DNS, the conservation equations for mass, momentum and a

passive scalar, taken to be the mixture fraction, were solved as described below.

In LES the large energetic scales of motion are computed directly, with the small-scales

modelled [39]. Any function is decomposed using a localised filter function, such that filtered

values only retain the variability of the original function over length scales comparable to or

larger than that of the filter width. In this work a top hat filter was used as this fits naturally

into a finite-volume formulation. This decomposition is applied to the governing conservation

equations, under the hypotheses that filtering and differentiation in space commute, giving

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rise to the filtered mass, momentum and passive scalar equations for the large-scale

motions as follows:






1( ),

i i jij ij

j i j

u u u P

t x x x


( ).i sgs


j j j


t x x x


Here, t is time, xj is any of the three co-ordinate directions and ui any of the three velocity

components, p is pressure, is density, is the conserved scalar, is the kinematic

viscosity, is the Prandtl/Schmidt number and 2ij ijvs is the kinematic viscous stress


The application of the filter to the non-linear convective terms in the governing equations

introduces unknown terms in Eqs. (2) and (3), namely:

,i jij i ju u u u (4)


ij iJ u u (5)

which leaves these equations unclosed.ij and


jJ are, respectively, the kinematic sub-

grid scale stress and the sub-grid scale scalar flux which must be modelled. The sub-grid

scale stress model used was the dynamic model of Germano et al. [40], validated by that

author for use in both transitional and turbulent flows, with the model implemented using the

approximate localization procedure of Piomelli and Liu [41] together with the modification

proposed by di Mare and Jones [42]. This model represents the sub-grid scale stress as the

product of a sub-grid scale viscosity and the resolved part of the strain tensor, and is based

on the possibility of allowing different values of the Smagorinsky constant at different filter

levels. In this formulation the model parameter is numerically well behaved, and the method

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is well conditioned and avoids the irregular behaviour exhibited by some implementations of

the dynamic model. Negative values of the model parameter were set to zero, with the total

viscosity (molecular plus eddy) also forced to be non-negative, for reasons of numerical

stability. Test-filtering was performed in all space directions, with no averaging of the

computed model parameter field, and with the filter width determined from the cube-root of

the volume of a computational cell. In writing the filtered forms of the conservation equations

above, it has been assumed that the filter width is invariant in space. However, this is not

the case in the present work where different levels of spatial resolution are used across the

solution domain, hence leading to variable grid spacing and as a result commutation error.

This error can be shown to be almost entirely dissipative in nature, and estimates of this

dissipation have been demonstrated to be negligible compared with dissipation of the sub-

grid scale model itself. The sub-grid transport of the scalar was modelled using a gradient

transport approach [43], with the sub-grid scale Prandtl/Schmidt number assigned a fixed

value of 0.7 in line with recent findings [44]. Although there is uncertainty in the value of this

constant, the latter value was chosen based on the results of [44], and papers cited therein,

since this has been found to give good agreement with data. It also reduces computational

costs relative to the use of a dynamic approach for its determination. The sensitivity of the

results to the value chosen was explored, however, and found to be low.

2.2 Numerical solution

For the DNS, the conservation equations were discretised on a Cartesian mesh using a

finite-volume formulation and a staggered numerical grid. Second-order central differencing

was used for the spatial discretisation of all terms in both the momentum and pressure

correction equations. For the passive scalar transport equation, the diffusion terms were

also discretised using second-order central differencing, and to avoid the possibility of non-

physical behaviour in the predicted scalar de-stablising the velocity field solution a third-

order accurate and bounded scheme (SHARP - simple high-accuracy resolution program)

was employed for spatial discretisation of the convection terms [45]. This scheme avoids

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non-physical oscillations of the scalar that can occur due to large gradients in this variable,

and unphysical results such as predictions of mixture fraction outside the physically realistic

range. Temporal discretisation used a second-order Crank-Nicolson scheme for the passive

scalar, and a second-order hybrid Adams-Basforth/Adams-Moulton scheme for the

momentum equations. The equations, discretised as described above, were then solved

using a linear equation solver. Here a bi-conjugate gradient stabilised solver with a modified

strongly implicit pre-conditioner was used. The previous DNS studies by Boersma et al. [30]

and Babu and Mahesh [32] used second-order central differencing for spatial discretisation,

and the Adams-Bashforth scheme for time integration, similar to the methods employed in

the present work.

The LES computations were performed using the computer program BOFFIN [46] which has

been extensively used in the simulation of a variety of flows. The code implements an

implicit finite-volume incompressible flow solver using a co-located variable storage

arrangement in a Cartesian co-ordinate system. Because of the co-located arrangement,

fourth-order pressure smoothing, according to the method proposed by Rhie and Chow [47],

is applied to prevent spurious oscillations of the pressure field. Time advancement is

performed via an implicit Gear method for all terms, with the overall procedure second-order

accurate in both space and time. The time step is chosen by requiring that the maximum

Courant number lies between 0.1 and 0.3, with this requirement enforced for reasons of

accuracy [48]. The code is parallel and uses the message passing interface MPI-1.2. More

details on the numerical algorithm and its implementation are available in [46].

2.3 Computational domain and boundary conditions

In both the DNS and LES computations of the low Reynolds number jet, fluid entered into

the computational domain through a circular orifice with a top-hat velocity profile. An in-flow

entrainment, in the form of a co-flow, was specified for the remaining inlet condition using a

velocity of 0.1U0, where U0 denotes the bulk velocity at the jet inlet orifice. Free-slip

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boundary conditions were applied at the lateral boundaries of the computational domain and

zero-normal conditions were specified at the outlet. The simulated turbulent jet had a

Reynolds number, Re=U0D/, of 2,400, where D denotes the orifice diameter. Both

simulations were initialised using a pseudo-random velocity field with the amplitude set at

0.1% of the bulk inlet velocity U0. It should be noted that these initial conditions are

essentially identical to those employed by Babu and Mahesh [32, 33] in their DNS of a

turbulent round jet in the case where the near-field region was considered to be of interest,

although the present simulations used a co-flow in contrast to the buffer region employed in

[32, 33] to allow upstream air entrainment. The results of the latter authors are used for

comparison purposes with those of the present work below. The Reynolds number

employed was chosen since it has been demonstrated [49] that the structure of low

Reynolds number jets is dominated by large vortices which give rise to higher levels of flow

intermittency, as compared to high Reynolds number flows.

The computational domain was represented by a cube which extended 30 jet diameters from

the orifice in the cross-stream directions, and 50D downstream. The sensitivity of results to

the positioning of the lateral boundaries was tested, and the predictions given below were

found to be insensitive to the locations used for these boundaries. For the DNS calculations,

the computational grid employed a total of 4106 grid points, approximately equal to the

number used by Babu and Mahesh [32], with the LES grid using a total of 1106 grid points.

In both cases, grid nodes were densely packed near the nozzle outlet in order to ensure

adequate resolution of the circular inlet and the initial top-hat inlet profile, with the mesh

expanding in both the cross-stream and streamwise directions. Tests were performed to

ensure that the resolution used in the DNS calculations was sufficient to capture the local

Kolmogorov microscale, and sensitivity studies performed for the LES demonstrated that the

discretisation used in this case resulted in turbulence statistics that were independent of grid

resolution. Tests to ensure that equivalent results were obtained at a number of angular

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positions were also performed. Both simulations were run over a time scale of 1200D/U0 to

allow transients to exit the computational domain before statistics were collected. Time-

averaged flow field variables reported below were computed from running averages

following this initial period, with statistics collected over approximately 900D/U0 to determine

the mean and root mean square (rms) fluctuating values reported.

The high Reynolds number calculations carried out using LES were performed for the no-

reacting propane round jet studied experimentally by Schefer and Dibble [13]. The jet nozzle

had an inside diameter D = 5.26 mm and an outer diameter of 9.0 mm. The bulk average jet

velocity was 53 m s-1 and the co-flow velocity was 9.2 m s-1. Velocity measurements [13] at

the jet inlet showed that the maximum velocity at the centre-line of the jet (69 m s-1) was

consistent with fully developed pipe flow. The Reynolds number of this jet was Re=68,000.

The LES computation was performed using a non-uniform Cartesian grid in a domain with

dimensions 16D16D75D in the cross-stream and streamwise directions. The

computations used approximately 1106 grid points, with the grids again densely packed

near the nozzle outlet and expanding in both the cross-stream and streamwise directions,

and with similar tests performed as for the low Reynolds number case in regards to grid

resolution. Simulations were again run over a time frame that allowed initial transients to exit

the computational domain before statistics were collected, with time-averaged flow field

variables computed from running averages following this initial period. The boundary

conditions employed were as for the low Reynolds number case, although inlet conditions for

this jet were generated using a separate inflow turbulence generator based on digital filters

[50]. This technique generates turbulence structures, correlated in time and space, with

specified turbulence length and time scales, and was applied together with time-averaged

inlet profiles obtained from experimental data [13] and RANS calculations [51].

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This section presents a detailed description of the computed scalar and external

intermittency fields for the two different round jets with Re=2,400 and 68,000. The first

section describes the basis used to derive external intermittency values. The second and

third sections describe DNS and LES computations of time-averaged statistics, scalar

probability density function distributions and external intermittency profiles for the low and

high Reynolds number round jets, respectively.

3.1 Intermittency calculations

External intermittency is essentially an indicator function which has a value of unity in the

turbulent regions of a flow and zero in the non-turbulent regions. The indicator function

represents the fraction of time a point is inside the turbulent fluid. Generally, a statistical tool

is required for external intermittency calculations and, since intermittency is an

instantaneous phenomenon, the numerical data base used for its derivation should contain

only instantaneous values of corresponding variables. In the present calculations,

instantaneous passive scalar values were stored at various axial and radial locations in the

jets and were subsequently used to derive local probability density function distributions

which were used in turn in determining the intermittency. Pdfs were determined using an

approach similar to the normalised histogram method tested by Andreotti and Douady [52].

The intermittency can then be calculated using a summation of probability values above a

certain threshold.

The present work adopted a similar approach to Schefer and Dibble [13] in determining

intermittency values from the scalar pdfs. Probability density functions were first determined

from the simulation results using, in line with Schefer and Dibble [13], no less that 8000

samples at each spatial location divided in to 50 bins equally spaced between upper and

lower limits of three standard deviations from the mean, with the resulting distribution

subsequently normalised so that its integral equalled unity. Given the initial distribution of

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0 1 encountered within the flows, a threshold value of 0.015th was then applied in

deriving intermittency values. The sensitivity of intermittency values to this threshold was

examined, and in the results presented below changes inth of 0.005 were found to have

only a small impact on the derived intermittencies.

3.2 Low Reynolds number round jet

Comparison of the predicted scalar field for the low Reynolds number round jet with

Re=2,400 is made with the experimental data of Schefer and Dibble [13], Birch et al. [53],

Dahm and Dimotakis [54], Dowling and Dimotakis [55], Shaughnessy and Morton [56] and

Becker et al. [57], and with the DNS of Babu and Mahesh [33]. It should be noted that only

the experimental data of Schefer and Dibble [13], and Shaughnessy and Morton [56], were

derived in the presence of a co-flow, although the simulations of Babu and Mahesh [32] did

allow some upstream air entrainment. Additionally, in comparing these results it should be

borne in mind that the present predictions were derived for a low Reynolds number flow with

artificially introduced turbulence, in line with case studied by Babu and Mahesh [32, 33],

rather than for jets arising from fully developed turbulent pipe flow, as was generally the case

for the other results considered.

Figure 1(a) shows the decay of the mean of the scalar along the jet centre-line. Both DNS

and LES results show reasonable agreement, with both asymptoting to acz value of

approximately 7.0 at 15z D , which compares favourably to Schefer and Dibble [13] as the

only data set to also contain the influence of a significant co-flow. Figure 1(b) shows the rms

of the centre-line scalar fluctuations in terms of the unmixedness. It has been noted by Pitts

[58] that there is an approximate asymptotic behaviour in this quantity that increases in value

with the jet Reynolds number, and it would be anticipated that the presence of a co-flow

would delay this asymptotic behaviour due to the resultant reduction in mixing. Without a co-

flow, therefore, and as can be seen from the results of Babu and Mahesh [33], the

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unmixedness increases faster with z/D than for the present case. Dowling and Dimotakis

[55] noted that whilst the mean concentration is independent of Schmidt number the scalar

fluctuations are not, with larger Schmidt numbers resulting in lower asymptotic values for the

fluctuating component, as may be noted through comparison of the data of Dahm and

Dimotakis [54] (Re = 5,000 and Sc = 600-800) with that of Dowling and Dimotakis [55] (Re =

5,000 and Sc = 1).

Figure 2 gives results for the radial variation of the mean scalar and the rms of its

fluctuations plotted in terms of the scaled radial co-ordinate, and similarity variable,

0= -r z z . Compared to the results of other authors, reasonable agreement is found

between the present predictions and those of Schefer and Dibble [13], although in general

the results of Birch et al. [53], Shaughnessy and Morton [56] and Becker et al. [57] all exhibit

profiles that are significantly broader in the radial direction. Differences do, however, occur

due to the differing locations at which the various results were obtained, with the present

simulations plotted for z/D=30, whilst those of Schefer and Dibble [13], Birch et al. [53],

Shaughnessy and Morton [56] and Becker et al. [57] include data over the ranges,

respectively, of 15 / 50z D , 20 / 36z D , 20 / 40z D and 20 / 50z D .

Overall, the comparisons of Figs. 1 to 2 demonstrate reasonable agreement between the

present simulations. Comparisons with the data and DNS of other authors are complicated

by differences in Re, Sc and the presence or absence of any co-flow, all of which influence

the development of the mixing field of a jet. The present DNS also in general shows good

agreement with the data of Schefer and Dibble [13], one of only two data sets used for

comparison purposes that was obtained using a co-flow.

Figures 3-6 compare derived scalar pdfs at various radial distances and at axial locations of

z/D=10, 20, 30 and 40. Considering the centre-line evolution of the pdfs (Figs. 3-6(a)), the

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P distribution remains approximately Gaussian at all downstream distances, although at

z/D=10 there is significant disagreement between the DNS and LES results in terms of mean

values, with significantly more mixing having taken place in the DNS, although the variance

about the mean is similar in both cases. Further downstream the means come more in line,

although at z/D=20 and 30 the variance in the LES results is significantly greater than in the

DNS, with these differences persisting until the final downstream location. Radial variations

in P can also be considered from the results of these figures. The broad, close to

Gaussian distributions on the centre-line evolve with radial distance and ultimately, in terms

of the DNS results shown at least, become delta functions corresponding to the ambient fluid

at 0 . Between these limits, significant skewing of the pdfs to lower values is observed,

with the range of concentrations encountered at the majority of locations in general being

higher for the LES-based pdfs. This also corresponds with a generally higher rate of mixing

with radial distance exhibited by the DNS results at most axial locations.

Intermittency profiles derived from a large number of scalar pdfs, such as those shown in

Figs. 3-6, are given in Fig. 7 for downstream axial locations of z/D=10, 20, 30 and 40. These

results are qualitatively similar to those derived by other authors based on experimental

investigations. In agreement with the scalar pdf results, in all cases the LES tends to over-

estimate the width of the DNS-based intermittency profile, although reasonable agreement is

obtained at z/D=10. The rate of decay of intermittency with radial distance, i.e. the rate of

transition between turbulent and non-turbulent flow, is also generally under-predicted by the


Since mixing is important in many applications using fully developed turbulent jets,

consideration of the ability of LES to predict external intermittency values in high Reynolds

number jets is necessary. The next section therefore focuses on scalar intermittency in the

round jet configuration investigated experimentally by Schefer and Dibble [13]. Further

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discussion of the results obtained for the low Reynolds number case, particularly in the

context of the requirement for model development for LES application, is postponed until

after the next section.

3.3 High Reynolds number round jet

Figure 8 (a) and (b) compares LES-based predictions of the centre-line mean scalar and the

rms of its fluctuations with the experimental measurements of Schefer and Dibble [13], with

good agreement found between predictions and data. Similar comparisons between LES

results and data for the radial variation of the mean scalar and the rms of its fluctuations at

z/D=15, 30 and 50 are given Fig. 9. Here, the LES results are seen to slightly over-predict

the mean scalar at the centre-line, and at large radial distances at z/D=30 and 50, although

overall good agreement is evident. In contrast, predictions of the rms scalar fluctuations are

less accurate and, whilst reasonable agreement with data is obtained at z/D=15, significant

under-prediction of the data is observed at locations further downstream close to the centre-

line, with slight over-prediction at large radial distances. However, the scalar variance

values are relatively small compared with the mean scalar at all axial locations, and thus

some discrepancies between computational results and experimental measurements are to

be expected.

Comparisons between LES results and experimental data for the scalar pdfs at various

radial locations and axial distances of z/D=15 and 30 are shown in Figs. 10 and 11,

respectively. Similar to the low Reynolds number DNS and LES pdfs, these high Reynolds

number LES predictions and data show a Gaussian distribution on and close to the jet

centre-line. Away from the centre-line, the pdfs again change from Gaussian and evolve

with radial distance until ultimately becoming delta functions at 0 (although this is not

seen in the pdfs of Fig. 11). Some discrepancies between predictions and data are apparent

in the results of Fig. 10, particularly in terms of the mean values and the degree of skewness

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in the profiles at r/D=0.04 and 0.32. Overall, however, the LES results are in good

agreement with the experimental data at most radial locations.

Radial intermittency profiles derived from a large number of scalar pdfs, such as those

shown in Figs. 10 and 11, are given in Fig. 12 for axial locations of z/D=15, 30 and 50.

Comparison between LES-derived predictions and experimental data show good agreement,

particularly in the near-field, with the gradient of the transition between turbulent and non-

turbulent flow being faithfully reproduced. Some discrepancies are apparent in terms of the

predictions based on the LES approach outlined in Section 2, with the predicted transition

between turbulent and non-turbulent flow being displaced to larger values of r/D at z/D=30

when compared to the data, although this inconsistency is reduced by z/D=50 and is hardly

apparent at z/D=15.

To confirm these findings, alternative LES predictions were derived using a totally

independent approach. This separate LES solved the filtered governing equations described

in Section 2 together with a sub-grid scale stress determined using the localized dynamic

procedure of Piomelli and Liu [41] and the sub-grid transport of the scalar again

approximated using a gradient transport approach. Solutions were obtained on a non-

uniform Cartesian mesh with a staggered cell arrangement using a pressure based finite-

volume method which used second-order central differencing for spatial discretisation of all

terms in the momentum and pressure correction equations, and for the diffusion terms of the

scalar equation. The convection term of the latter transport equation was discretised using a

third-order QUICK scheme with ULTRA flux limiter [59] to ensure that the solution remained

monotonic. The momentum and mixture fraction transport equations were integrated in time

using a second-order hybrid Adams-Bashforth/Adams-Moulton scheme, with a Gauss-Seidel

solver used to solve the system of algebraic equations resulting from the momentum and

scalar equations. The BiCGStab method with a zebra Gauss-Seidel preconditioner was

used to solve the algebraic equations resulting from the discretisation of pressure correction

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equation. The computations used 2106 grid points, twice as many the LES results

considered so far. Further details on this alternative LES approach can be found in [60, 61].

The results of this study are also shown in Fig. 12 and, whilst these predictions are

marginally more in line with data than those reported so far, good qualitative agreement is

seen between the two LES-based results. Clearly, therefore, the sub-grid scale modelling

approach employed is able to predict external intermittency to a reasonable degree of

accuracy in this high Reynolds number flow, although some improvements may be

necessary to completely capture the external intermittency phenomena over the whole

Reynolds number range of practical interest.

3.4 Discussion

Although comparisons between time-averaged results for the scalar field of the low Reynolds

number jet demonstrate reasonable agreement between the DNS and LES, significant

differences do occur, particularly in terms of the scalar fluctuations. Similar comparisons to

those given in Section 3.2 between the present DNS and LES, and the experimental data

and simulations of other authors, were also made for the velocity field in this jet. These

generally also confirmed reasonable agreement between the simulations and alternative

results, of a similar level to that found for the scalar field, with the DNS in the main agreeing

well with the data of Schefer and Dibble [62], again obtained in the presence of a co-flow.

Some differences were, however, observed between the DNS and LES results. In particular,

although the centreline mean axial velocity decay derived from the two simulations was in

agreement up to a downstream distance of 10D, beyond this point they diverged, although

the rate of decay was similar from z/D=25. Radial variations of the mean axial velocity were

in reasonable agreement, but with differences apparent in the rate of decay of velocity close

to the centreline, with similar comparisons for the three components of the turbulent

fluctuating velocity and shear stress also showing acceptable agreement, but with the LES

slightly over-predicting DNS results. All these differences do, however, feed through to the

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derived scalar probability density functions which, although in reasonable qualitative

agreement, demonstrate the more rapid influence of intermittency with radial distance in the

jet for the DNS results. This in turn is reflected in derived intermittency results, with LES

generally giving profiles that are broader than equivalent DNS predictions, with the rate of

decay of intermittency with radial distance also generally under-predicted by the LES. In the

case of the high Reynolds number jet, differences between predictions and intermittency

data still persist, although these are now much less significant and decrease with increasing

numerical resolution, with the location of and the rate of transition between turbulent and

non-turbulent flow predicted to a reasonable degree of accuracy.

Clearly significant differences exist between the DNS and LES generated intermittency

profiles in the low Reynolds number jet and, despite the relative success of LES in predicting

intermittency in the high Reynolds number flow, there remains a requirement for simulation

approaches capable of accurately predicting external intermittency, and its effects, over the

wide range of Reynolds numbers of practical interest. This leads to the conclusion that

improved sub-grid scale modelling within the LES may be beneficial, particularly given the

increasing level of flow intermittency encountered with decreasing Reynolds number [49],

and the practical relevance of such flows in many engineering applications.

In general, the present results indicate a number of avenues for future studies of external

intermittency of relevance to improving the accuracy of prediction by LES. The recent

experimental and numerical findings of Westerweel et al. [14, 18] and da Silva [38] also

support the present conclusions, particularly in terms of the behaviour of the turbulent/non-

turbulent interface in jets. The physical findings of Westerweel et al. [14, 17, 18] highlight

the observation that the eddy viscosity has a non-zero and constant value in the irrotational

outer flow region, and the combination of these previous and the present results leads to the

conclusion that sub-grid scale models should be developed to cope with the strong

inhomogeneity of the flow near the edge of a jet. Improvements in the modelling of the sub-

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grid scale stress and scalar transport used in this work are therefore worthy of further


There are several methods by which allowance for intermittency might be introduced into

such models. In particular, the simple prescription of a functional intermittency scaling of the

sub-grid scale viscosity could be used, as could an intermittency transport equation for the

sub-grid scale turbulence which could then be employed to appropriately scale the standard

Smagorinsky eddy viscosity. Another alternative, more in line with the present approach,

would be to extend the existing dynamic procedure by using local box estimation of the

degree to which the resolved large eddy scales are space filling, and then using this

estimate of intermittency to scale the sub-grid scale viscosity directly. Alternatively, the

intermittency could be evaluated by comparing simulated estimates with expected (fully

turbulent) values for appropriate representative quantities, notably the degree of helicity. On

the other hand, the work carried out by Westerweel et al. [14, 17, 18] showed that turbulent

entrainment appears to be caused by small-scale eddying motions at the outward

propagating turbulent/non-turbulent interface, instead of more directly by large-scale

engulfment. Therefore a fractal-based approach that has been previously used for small-

scale internal intermittency might also be employed as a more comprehensive model to

determine the interface dynamics associated with external intermittency [63]. Additionally,

separate intermittency scaling allowance may also be needed for the scalar and velocity

fields. This conclusion is in line with the findings of Yeung et al. [64] who, in their high

resolution DNS of turbulent mixing in high Reynolds number flows, demonstrated that

passive scalar mixing produces significantly higher intermittency in scalar gradient quantities

than the associated gradient quantities of the velocity field at the very smallest scales,

implying that the smallest scales of the passive scalar are more affected by the large-scale


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Direct numerical and large eddy simulation have been applied to study the scalar

intermittency in a turbulent round jet with a Reynolds number of 2,400, with LES also applied

to a high Re=68,000 flow. The simulation results for both low and high Reynolds number

cases demonstrate the importance of external intermittency in scalar mixing.

Comparisons between time-averaged results for the scalar field of the low Reynolds number

case show reasonable agreement between the DNS and LES, although comparisons with

the data and predictions of other authors are complicated by differences in the initial

conditions of the alternative results. Derived probability density functions are in reasonable

qualitative agreement, although the DNS results demonstrate the more rapid influence of

intermittency with radial distance in the jet. This is reflected in derived intermittency results,

with LES generally giving profiles that are broader than equivalent DNS predictions, with the

rate of decay of intermittency with radial distance also generally under-predicted by the LES.

In the case of the high Reynolds number jet, differences between predictions and data still

persist, although these are now much less significant, with the location of and rate of

transition between turbulent and non-turbulent flow predicted to a reasonable degree of


The results presented are significant for the modelling and simulation of intermittency. The

work reported identifies that improved sub-grid scale models for application with LES are

worthy of investigation in order to improve the accuracy of external intermittency predictions

by this technique over the wide range of Reynolds numbers of practical interest. This is

particularly the case given the increasing level of flow intermittency encountered with

decreasing Reynolds number. Several methods by which allowance for intermittency might

be introduced into such models are identified, ranging from the prescription of a simple

functional intermittency scaling of the sub-grid scale viscosity, and the use an intermittency

transport equation, through to extension of dynamic models using local box estimation of the

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degree to which resolved large eddy scales are space filling, comparing simulations with

expected fully turbulent values for appropriate representative quantities, through to the use

of fractal-based approaches previously employed for small-scale internal intermittency

prediction. Additionally, separate intermittency scaling allowance may also be needed for

the scalar and velocity fields.


This work was supported by the EPSRC and as such we are grateful for funding under

grants EP/E03005X/1 and EP/E036945/1 on the Modelling and Simulation of Intermittent

Flows. TG, MF and SAEGF would also like to express their gratitude to Prof W.P. Jones for

providing the BOFFIN LES code and for many helpful discussions on its use. KKJR-D, KWJ

and AMS would like to thank Dr. M.P. Kirkpatrick for providing the PUFFIN LES code.


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0 10 20 30 40 50012345678

0 10 20 30 40 500.00






Fig. 1 (a) Centre-line mean scalar (multiplied by the downstream co-ordinate z) and (b) rms

scalar fluctuations (ヤ Birch et al. (1978), Ŷ Dahm and Dimotakis (1987), メ Dowling and

Dimotakis (1990), ユ Schefer and Dibble (2001), Babu and Mahesh (2005), –––

present LES, – – present DNS).

0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.250.0






0.0 0.1 0.2 0.30.0




Fig. 2 Radial variation of (a) mean scalar and (b) rms scalar fluctuations (ユ Schefer and

Dibble (2001), ズ Birch et al. (1978), Becker et al. (1965), Shaughnessy and Morton

(1977), ––– present LES, – – present DNS).


z D



z D

)a )b

c 2


)a )b

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0.0 0.5 1.00



0.0 0.5 1.00



0.00 0.25 0.500



0.00 0.25 0.500



Fig. 3 Scalar pdfs at z/D=10 and (a) r/D=0.0, (b) r/D=0.5, (c) r/D=1.5 and (d) r/D=2.0

(ズ DNS, ヨ LES).

0.0 0.5 1.00



0.0 0.5 1.00



0.00 0.25 0.500



0.0 0.2 0.40



Fig. 4 Scalar pdfs at z/D=20 and (a) r/D=0.0, (b) r/D=1.0, (c) r/D=2.0 and (d) r/D=3.5

(ズ DNS, ヨ LES).

( )P

)a )b

)c )d

( )P

)a )b

)c )d

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0.0 0.50



0.00 0.25 0.500



0.00 0.25 0.500



0.0 0.2 0.40



Fig. 5 Scalar pdfs at z/D=30 and (a) r/D=0.0, (b) r/D=1.5, (c) r/D=2.5 and (d) r/D=4.0

(ズ DNS, ヨ LES).

0.00 0.25 0.500



0.00 0.25 0.500



0.00 0.25 0.500



0.0 0.2 0.40



Fig. 6 Scalar pdfs at z/D=40 and (a) r/D=0.0, (b) r/D=1.0, (c) r/D=3.0 and (d) r/D=4.5

(ズ DNS, ヨ LES).

)a )b

)c )d

( )P

( )P

)a )b

)c )d

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0 2 40.0



0 3 60.0



0 4 80.0



0 4 80.0



Fig. 7 Radial variation of scalar intermittency at (a) z/D=10, (b) z/D=20, (c) z/D=30 and (d)

z/D=40 (ズ DNS, ヨ LES).

0 20 40 600.0



0 20 40 60 800.0



Fig. 8 Centre-line variation of (a) mean scalar and (b) rms scalar fluctuations (ヨ Schefer and

Dibble (2001), ––– present LES).

/r D

)a )b

)c )d


z D

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0 1 2 30.0




0 1 2 3 4 50.0




0 1 2 3 4 5 60.0



0 2 40.0



0 3 60.00



0 4 80.000


Fig. 9 Radial variation of mean scalar and rms scalar fluctuations at (a, d) z/D=15, (b, e)

z/D=30 and (c, f) z/D=50 (ヨ Schefer and Dibble (2001), ––– present LES).

0.0 0.5 1.00



0.0 0.5 1.00



0.0 0.5 1.00



0.0 0.5 1.00



Fig. 10 Scalar pdfs at z/D=15 and (a) r/D=0.04, (b) r/D=0.32, (c) r/D=1.20 and (d) r/D=1.78

(ヨ Schefer and Dibble (2001), Ŷ present LES).

a) b) c)

d) e) f)

r D




c) d)


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0.0 0.5 1.00



0.0 0.5 1.00



0.0 0.5 1.00



0.0 0.5 1.00



Fig. 11 Scalar pdfs at z/D=30 and (a) r/D=0.01, (b) r/D=0.52, (c) r/D=1.41 and (d) r/D=1.99

(ヨ Schefer and Dibble (2001), Ŷ present LES).

0 1 2 30.0



0 1 2 3 4 50.0



0 4 80.0



Fig. 12 Radial variation of scalar intermittency at (a) z/D=15, (b) z/D=30 and (c) z/D=50

(ヨ Schefer and Dibble (2001), Ŷ present LES, ゴ alternative LES).

a) b) c)

r D

a) b)

c) d)