Exponential trajectories, cell size fluctuations and the adder property in bacteria follow from simple chemical dynamics and division control Parth Pratim Pandey 1# , Harshant Singh 1# , and Sanjay Jain 1,2* 1 Department of Physics and Astrophysics, University of Delhi, Delhi 110007, India, and 2 Santa Fe Institute, 1399 Hyde Park Road, Santa Fe, NM 87501, USA Experiments on steady state bacterial cultures have uncovered several quantitative regularities at the system level. These include, first, the exponential growth of cell size with time and the balanced growth of intracellular chemicals between cell birth and division, which are puzzling given the nonlinear and decentralized chemical dynamics in the cell. We model a cell as a set of chemical populations undergoing nonlinear mass action kinetics in a container whose volume is a linear function of the chemical populations. This turns out to be a special class of dynamical system that generically has attractors in which all populations grow exponentially with time at the same rate. This explains exponential balanced growth of bacterial cells without invoking any regulatory mechanisms and suggests that this could be a robust property of protocells as well. Second, we consider the hypothesis that cells commit themselves to division when a certain internal chemical population reaches a threshold of N molecules. We show that this hypothesis leads to a simple explanation of some of the variability observed across cells in a bacterial culture. In particular it reproduces the adder property of cell size fluctuations observed recently in E. coli, the observed correlations between interdivision time, birth volume and added volume in a generation, and the observed scale of the fluctuations (CV 10-30%) when N lies between 10 and 100. Third, upon including a suitable regulatory mechanism that optimizes the growth rate of the cell, the model reproduces the observed bacterial growth laws including the dependence of the growth rate and ribosomal protein fraction on the medium. Thus, the models provide a framework for unifying diverse aspects of bacterial growth physiology under one roof. They also suggest new questions for experimental and theoretical enquiry. I. INTRODUCTION The simplest cells, bacteria, exhibit several generic phe- nomena that were discovered decades ago but still require explanation. One such phenomenon is that in steady state bacterial cultures the size of an individual bacte- rial cell grows exponentially with time between birth and division. This was observed early on in [1, 2] and its existence in various organisms has been the subject of debate [3, 4]. Recently detailed single cell experiments [5–11] have confirmed this property for many bacterial species in steady state cultures. Intracellular molecular populations have also been observed to grow exponen- tially in Escherichia coli cells within a generation [12]. Since bacterial cells divide, the range of size over which exponential trajectories are seen is limited to a factor of two (or similar), thereby potentially permitting alternate fits to the data. However, the exponential function fits quite well and is therefore at least a very good approx- imation. In other single-celled organisms such as Schy- zosaccharomyces pombe a clear departure from exponen- tial trajectories is seen [4, 13], so this is not a property * Corresponding author. [email protected] # These authors contributed equally to this work. Present address: Carl R. Woese Institute for Genomic Biology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL 61801, USA that can be taken for granted. Why most bacteria exhibit this property remains an unanswered question. In linear autocatalytic systems [14–17] exponential growth is not surprising. The asymptotic rate of expo- nential growth of chemical populations in such systems is the largest eigenvalue of the matrix defining the dy- namical system. However, the chemical dynamics of the intracellular molecular species in a bacterial cell is highly nonlinear and therefore exponential trajectories are sur- prising. In this paper we provide an explanation for how cells can exhibit exponential trajectories of intracellular chemicals and cell volume in spite of the nonlinearity of the dynamics. We show that ordinary differential equa- tions representing mass-action based nonlinear chemical dynamics in an expanding container whose volume is lin- early dependent on the constituent populations, have a special scaling property or ‘quasi-linearity’. Such nonlin- ear systems naturally have exponentially growing trajec- tories as attractors. Another unexplained phenomenon is ‘balanced growth’ [18], the remarkable coordination between thousands of intracellular chemicals so that all of them (on average) double in the same time. This is required for self- replication: a cell at birth must grow in such a way that division, when it happens, produces two daughters iden- tical to itself; hence the mother-at-division must have twice of everything as the daughter-at-birth. In spite of their decentralized dynamics characterized by reaction- specific catalysts and rate constants, how do thousands of chemicals conspire to double at the same time? It is normally supposed that regulatory mechanisms involv- not certified by peer review) is the author/funder. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission. The copyright holder for this preprint (which was this version posted December 4, 2018. ; https://doi.org/10.1101/487504 doi: bioRxiv preprint

Exponential trajectories, cell size fluctuations and the ... · Exponential trajectories, cell size uctuations and the adder property in bacteria follow from simple chemical dynamics

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Page 1: Exponential trajectories, cell size fluctuations and the ... · Exponential trajectories, cell size uctuations and the adder property in bacteria follow from simple chemical dynamics

Exponential trajectories, cell size fluctuations and the adder property in bacteriafollow from simple chemical dynamics and division control

Parth Pratim Pandey1†#, Harshant Singh1#, and Sanjay Jain1,2∗1Department of Physics and Astrophysics, University of Delhi, Delhi 110007, India, and

2 Santa Fe Institute, 1399 Hyde Park Road, Santa Fe, NM 87501, USA

Experiments on steady state bacterial cultures have uncovered several quantitative regularitiesat the system level. These include, first, the exponential growth of cell size with time and thebalanced growth of intracellular chemicals between cell birth and division, which are puzzling giventhe nonlinear and decentralized chemical dynamics in the cell. We model a cell as a set of chemicalpopulations undergoing nonlinear mass action kinetics in a container whose volume is a linearfunction of the chemical populations. This turns out to be a special class of dynamical systemthat generically has attractors in which all populations grow exponentially with time at the samerate. This explains exponential balanced growth of bacterial cells without invoking any regulatorymechanisms and suggests that this could be a robust property of protocells as well. Second, weconsider the hypothesis that cells commit themselves to division when a certain internal chemicalpopulation reaches a threshold of N molecules. We show that this hypothesis leads to a simpleexplanation of some of the variability observed across cells in a bacterial culture. In particular itreproduces the adder property of cell size fluctuations observed recently in E. coli, the observedcorrelations between interdivision time, birth volume and added volume in a generation, and theobserved scale of the fluctuations (CV ∼ 10-30%) when N lies between 10 and 100. Third, uponincluding a suitable regulatory mechanism that optimizes the growth rate of the cell, the modelreproduces the observed bacterial growth laws including the dependence of the growth rate andribosomal protein fraction on the medium. Thus, the models provide a framework for unifyingdiverse aspects of bacterial growth physiology under one roof. They also suggest new questions forexperimental and theoretical enquiry.


The simplest cells, bacteria, exhibit several generic phe-nomena that were discovered decades ago but still requireexplanation. One such phenomenon is that in steadystate bacterial cultures the size of an individual bacte-rial cell grows exponentially with time between birth anddivision. This was observed early on in [1, 2] and itsexistence in various organisms has been the subject ofdebate [3, 4]. Recently detailed single cell experiments[5–11] have confirmed this property for many bacterialspecies in steady state cultures. Intracellular molecularpopulations have also been observed to grow exponen-tially in Escherichia coli cells within a generation [12].Since bacterial cells divide, the range of size over whichexponential trajectories are seen is limited to a factor oftwo (or similar), thereby potentially permitting alternatefits to the data. However, the exponential function fitsquite well and is therefore at least a very good approx-imation. In other single-celled organisms such as Schy-zosaccharomyces pombe a clear departure from exponen-tial trajectories is seen [4, 13], so this is not a property

∗ Corresponding author. [email protected]

# These authors contributed equally to this work.

† Present address: Carl R. Woese Institute for GenomicBiology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana,IL 61801, USA

that can be taken for granted. Why most bacteria exhibitthis property remains an unanswered question.

In linear autocatalytic systems [14–17] exponentialgrowth is not surprising. The asymptotic rate of expo-nential growth of chemical populations in such systemsis the largest eigenvalue of the matrix defining the dy-namical system. However, the chemical dynamics of theintracellular molecular species in a bacterial cell is highlynonlinear and therefore exponential trajectories are sur-prising. In this paper we provide an explanation for howcells can exhibit exponential trajectories of intracellularchemicals and cell volume in spite of the nonlinearity ofthe dynamics. We show that ordinary differential equa-tions representing mass-action based nonlinear chemicaldynamics in an expanding container whose volume is lin-early dependent on the constituent populations, have aspecial scaling property or ‘quasi-linearity’. Such nonlin-ear systems naturally have exponentially growing trajec-tories as attractors.

Another unexplained phenomenon is ‘balanced growth’[18], the remarkable coordination between thousands ofintracellular chemicals so that all of them (on average)double in the same time. This is required for self-replication: a cell at birth must grow in such a way thatdivision, when it happens, produces two daughters iden-tical to itself; hence the mother-at-division must havetwice of everything as the daughter-at-birth. In spite oftheir decentralized dynamics characterized by reaction-specific catalysts and rate constants, how do thousandsof chemicals conspire to double at the same time? It isnormally supposed that regulatory mechanisms involv-

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ing checkpoints and feedback loops are responsible forthis coordination. We argue that this sophistication isnot needed. The exponential trajectories that we findas generic attractors in autocatalytic systems have allchemical populations increasing at the same exponentialrate even when no regulation is present. Thus their ra-tios are automatically constant in time once they reachthe attractor. The genericity and robustness of these at-tractors suggests that balanced growth could have been aproperty of protocells at the origin of life. The protocellliterature has been concerned with this question [19–24]and has been an inspiration for this work, though thesolution presented in this paper is different from the oneadvocated there. At a mathematical level we show thatthe growth rate as well as the ratios of chemicals in theattractor are determined from a nonlinear generalizationof the eigenvalue equation of a matrix.

Another phenomenon that has consistently received at-tention but is still not understood is the origin and scaleof variation in interdivision time and cell size; reviewed in[25–28]. Genetically identical bacterial cells subjected tothe same steady environment exhibit a phenotypic vari-ation in both these quantities. In the steady state thevolume of the cells at birth and the time between birthand division have steady distributions with a constantmean and standard deviation (s.d.) and a coefficient ofvariation, CV = s.d./mean, in the range of 10-30%. Themean size of the cell-at-birth can be changed by close toa factor of 10 by choosing different environmental condi-tions; its CV remains between 10-30% [9, 11, 29]. TheCV of the molecular population of an abundant intra-cellular chemical across cells in a bacterial culture (theextrinsic CV) is also 10-30% [30–32]. It is believed thatthe source of variation lies in the process that controlscell division; however the molecular basis of this processis not fully understood, even for E. coli, and nor is the ori-gin of the scale of CV. In this paper we explore, througha mechanistic mathematical model, the hypothesis [33]that division is controlled by the intracellular population(not concentration) of a certain molecule reaching a fixedthreshold ∼ N , a parameter of the model. Then N con-trols both the average size and the fluctuations in sizeand interdivision time. We provide an explicit expres-sion for the average cell volume V in terms of N andthe other molecular parameters of the model. Fluctua-tions arise because molecular production is stochastic andhence the interdivision time, which under this hypothe-sis is the first passage time for this molecule to reach itsthreshold, is stochastic. The CV of the interdivision timeis ∼ 1/

√N ; hence the CV of cell volume and of extrinsic

molecular populations is also ∼ 1/√N . We note that this

hypothesis therefore explains the observed range 0.1-0.3of the CV of all these quantities provided N lies between10 and 100. We compare the theoretical distributions ofsize, interdivision time and added volume with the ex-perimental data of [11] to constrain the range of N forE. coli.

Size fluctuations in E. coli have been recently observed

[10, 11] to satisfy the ‘adder’ property [34, 35], whereinthe volume added by a cell in each generation is indepen-dent of its birth volume in that generation. This propertyhas been explored in various phenomenological models[8, 10, 11, 34–36] and implies specific correlations betweenthe cell volume at birth and division, and between inter-division time and birth volume. It has also been shownto arise in a linear mechanistic model [37]. We show thatthe adder property appears robustly for a wide class ofnon-linear mechanistic models under the hypothesis thatdivision is triggered when a molecular population reachesa threshold value, generalizing the results of [37]. We in-dicate circumstances where fluctuations depart from theadder.

Fluctuations of the growth rate across cells in a steadystate culture have been measured in the literature andCV values ranging from 10-40% have been reported[11, 12, 38, 39]. Our models suggest that the physicalorigin of fluctuations in the growth rate is different fromthat of interdivision time and cell size. The simplest andmost natural models that we consider exhibit a smallerCV (1-5%) than that reported in the experimental lit-erature, though larger values can also be accounted for.Our models also reproduce the observed cross-over in theCV of an intracellular molecular population as a functionof the mean population X (CV ∼ X−1 for small X andconstant for large X) [31].

Growth laws of bacterial composition [40–43] con-stitute another class of generic phenomena in bacteriawhich describe how the cellular steady state growthrate and ribosomal protein fraction in the cell dependupon the medium. These bacterial growth laws havereceived a substantial theoretical attention [43–50] andare much better understood compared to the phenomenamentioned in the previous paragraphs. A particularmodel that we discuss in detail reproduces the bacte-rial growth laws in addition to the other phenomenamentioned above. Thus this work provides possibleexplanations and a unified understanding of a numberof generic properties of bacteria, including exponentialtrajectories in the steady state, balanced growth of cells,the growth laws of bacterial composition, as well asthe scale and correlations of the fluctuations of severalcellular variables. The work makes predictions that canbe experimentally tested.

Organization of the paper.In section II we describe the general class of mathemat-ical models of cells that we consider. In section III aspecific nonlinear model is considered and results basedon numerical simulations are presented that reproducethe features mentioned above. In addition to intrinsicstochasticity in chemical dynamics we also discuss herethe effect of stochasticity in the partitioning of chemicalsat division and stochasticity in the threshold value ofthe division trigger. In section IV we derive analyticallyseveral of the results presented in section III. Inparticular we provide an analytic understanding of the

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robustness (or universality) of the distributions of cellsize, intracellular populations and interdivision time, andthe non-universality of the distribution of the cellulargrowth rate. Section V discusses the mathematical andphysical basis for exponential trajectories and balancedgrowth and shows that these are generic properties ofmass action chemical dynamics in expanding containerswhose volume is a linear function of the internal chemicalpopulations. This section also extends the analyticalresults of section IV to a large class of models. SectionVI discusses the unification of the bacterial growth lawswith the other cellular properties. Finally section VIIgives a detailed summary of the model assumptions andresults and discusses future experimental and theoreticaldirections. The supplementary material contains addi-tional figures and proofs. Some readers may benefit byturning directly to the summary in section VII for a quickguide to the main results including equations and figures.


We model the cell as a container with n + 1 chemicalspecies, whose molecular populations at time t are de-noted Xi(t), i = 1, 2, . . . , n, and Z(t). Z is the speciestriggering cell division and X = (X1, . . . , Xn) representsall the other chemicals in the cell. The population dy-namics is given by

dXi/dt ≡ Xi = fi(X), i = 1, 2, . . . , n, (1a)

dZ/dt ≡ Z = h(X, Z), (1b)

where the functions fi and h encapsulate the ki-netics of the chemical reactions in the cell. The Zpopulation is assumed to have a negligible effect onthe X dynamics; hence the fi are independent of Z.The volume of the cell is assumed to depend linearlyon the Xi: V (t) =

∑ni=1 viXi(t) where the vi are

constant parameters of the model. Again, the contri-bution of Z to V is assumed to be negligible. Explicitexamples of the functions fi and h will be discussed later.

Division control. Starting from some initial conditionfor the n + 1 populations, the populations are evolvedaccording to (1). The function h is assumed to bepositive, hence Z increases under (1). When Z reachesthe threshold Zc, the cell divides. The two daughter cellsare assumed to be identical, hence each gets half of everychemical in the cell. Since in the model we track oneof the two daughters, at division all n + 1 populationsare replaced by half their values. This defines the stateof the daughter at birth in the next generation andwith that initial condition for the populations the aboveprocedure is iterated.

Resetting of Z after triggering; delay betweentriggering and division. The above defines the sim-

plest version of the model. It is useful, however, to con-sider two generalizations motivated by empirical observa-tions. The first involves a resetting of the Z populationafter it triggers division. In the above scheme, Zb, thevalue of Z in a daughter at birth is always Zc/2. Howeverspecific biochemical processes may cause a degradation ofthe triggering molecule on a short time scale after trig-gering of division. In order to model this we assume forsimplicity that when Z reaches Zc it triggers division andis also instantaneously reset to a value Zr ≤ Zc. Zr isanother parameter of the model; Zr = 0 implies completedegradation of the triggering molecule; Zr = Zc impliesno degradation. Several properties that we discuss (e.g.,the adder property) hold for the entire range of values0 ≤ Zr ≤ Zc. The second generalization is that divisionfollows triggering (and resetting of Z, if any) after a timedelay τ1, which is another parameter of the model. Whenτ1 = 0, then division immediately follows triggering andresetting; hence Zb = Zr/2. When τ1 > 0 we assumethat after triggering (and instantaneous resetting of Z toZr) all n + 1 populations continue to evolve via (1) fora fixed time τ1, whereupon cell division takes place andall are halved. These generalizations are motivated byevidence that the replication of DNA is initiated when acertain protein reaches a threshold population, and thischemical degrades soon after the initiation of replicationto avoid multiple replication rounds. Cell division fol-lows the initiation of DNA replication after the lapse ofa certain time.

To summarize, the population dynamics in the modelis a combination of continuous dynamics described by (1)and discrete events. The X variables evolve via (1a) fromtheir initial values upto the time of cell division; only atdivision do they experience a discrete change: they arehalved. The Z variable evolves via (1b) from its initialvalue upto the point where it reaches the threshold Zc.There it is instantaneously reset to Zr. Subsequently itagain evolves via (1b) for a fixed time τ1. That definesthe time of cell division. At that time Z is halved (alongwith the Xi). That brings the cell to the beginning ofthe next generation and a new set of initial values of then+ 1 populations. Thereupon the procedure is iterated.

Note that the dynamics of Z explicitly depends upontheX sector through h(X, Z). On the other hand, Z doesnot affect the short time-scale dynamics of the X sectorsince fi are assumed to be independent of Z. However Zexercises a discrete control over the X variables throughthe triggering of division, which in effect determines howlarge the Xi can grow before cell division occurs andthey halve. The functions fi contain all the interactionsamong the X chemicals and encapsulate most of the com-plexity of the intracellular dynamics.

The above formulation describes the deterministic ver-sion of the the model. We also consider various sourcesof stochasticity. One is the intrinsic stochasticity in thechemical dynamics resulting from the populations beingnon-negative integers instead of continuous variables andeach reaction having a certain probability of occurring.

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Then Eqn. (1) is replaced by its stochastic counter-part. Further at division the chemicals may not parti-tion equally into both daughters. Also Zc, the thresholdvalue of of Z at which division is triggered may vary fromgeneration to generation. The specific implementation ofthese sources of stochasticity in the model will be dis-cussed later.


We now consider a concrete example in which theX sector is described by the Precursor-Transporter-Ribosome (PTR) model discussed in [50] containing n =3 species. Later on we will argue that several of theresults of the PTR model hold for the general model de-scribed above with a very broad class of functions fi andh. Here X1 = P is a coarse-grained population variablerepresenting the total number of amino acid molecules(precursors or monomers out of which proteins are con-structed), X2 = T is the total number of transporter andother metabolic enzyme molecules in the cell responsiblefor making P from the food molecules available in theextracellular medium, and X3 = R is the total numberof ribosomes in the cell (catalysts for making T and Rfrom the P molecules). The equations of the X sector(or PTR sector) are


dt= f1(P, T,R) = KPT − k


V, (2a)


dt= f2(P, T,R) = KT


V− dTT, (2b)


dt= f3(P, T,R) = KR


V− dRR, (2c)


V = vPP + vTT + vRR. (3)

The constants KP ,KT ,KR, k, dT , dR, vP , vT , vR are pa-rameters of the model. The rate constant KP representsthe efficiency of metabolic enzymes T in transporting andproducing P from external food. It is an increasing func-tion of the external food concentration [F ] and the qual-ity of the food source q (the number of P molecules pro-duced per food molecule transported in). k represents ri-bosomal catalytic efficiency, and is the peptide elongationrate per unit concentration of P . dT , dR are degradationrates. vP , vT , vR define the contributions of the individ-ual species to the cellular volume V . It is convenient toparametrize the rate constants KT ,KR as follows:

KT =fT k

mT, KR =


mR, fT + fR = 1. (4)

Here fT and fR represent the fractions of ribosomes en-gaged in making T and R respectively, and mT and mR

are the number of amino acid residues (or units of P ) in aT molecule and ribosome respectively. It follows that the

mass of the PTR cell (in units of mass of a P molecule)is M = P +mTT +mRR. For more details see [50].

In the Z sector the function h is defined by


dt= h(P, T,R) = KZ


V, (5)

where KZ is a constant. This form assumes that the pro-duction of the molecule that triggers cell division mirrorsthe growth of the cell (this term has the same form as thegrowth term of T and R in (2)). Note that in (5) h(X, Z)is independent of Z. We will later (in section IV D) giveresults when h has a non-trivial Z dependence arisingfrom auto-regulation of Z (e.g., cooperativity). The PTRmodel [50] has been independently extended by [51] to in-clude a sector whose dynamics is given by (5) and thattriggers division upon reaching a population threshold.Their treatment differs from ours in various respects, inparticular, that the new sector affects the local dynamicsof the PTR sector through the volume. They have alsoobserved the adder property of the cell volume in nu-merical simulations. Apart from that commonality, ref.[51] and the present work explore different aspects of themodels.

A. Deterministic version; numerical results

The rules mentioned above fully specify the determin-istic dynamical system once the parameters of the PTRsector (KP , k, dT , dR,mT ,mR, fR, vP , vT , vR), the Z sec-tor (KZ , Zc, Zr) and τ1 are specified. For simplicity weconsider the case where τ1 = 0 (τ1 > 0 is discussed later).Thus, when Z reaches Zc, the cell divides without anydelay, i.e., the populations P, T,R are halved, and thebirth value of Z is simultaneously set to Zr/2. Subse-quently the populations follow Eqs. (2) and (5) until Zagain reaches Zc and the procedure is repeated. Sim-ulations are shown in Fig. 1. Most parameters of thePTR sector are chosen in the ballpark of realistic values[42, 43, 52, 53] and reproduce known experimental dataon E. coli within a factor of order unity (namely, the val-ues of P, T,R and the growth rate). The values of vT andvR have been set equal to vP for simplicity; we are notaware of experiments that measure the vi independently.The value of fR has been chosen so as to maximize thesteady state growth rate of the PTR cell with the abovementioned choice of parameters; this procedure repro-duces the bacterial growth laws as discussed in [50]. Inthe Z sector, the value of Zc and Zr are chosen to getthe scale of size fluctuations in the experimentally ob-served ballpark (it will be seen that only the combinationZc − Zr/2 matters). KZ , an unknown parameter of themodel is chosen so that the steady-state birth volume ofthe cell turns out in the correct ballpark ∼ 1(µm)3. Ourconclusions are robust to independent variation of eachparameter (within collective limits as discussed later).

As evident from Fig. 1, after a transient that dependson initial conditions, the dynamics converges to a steady

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Page 5: Exponential trajectories, cell size fluctuations and the ... · Exponential trajectories, cell size uctuations and the adder property in bacteria follow from simple chemical dynamics







x 107







P (x1)

T (x5)

R (x150)

Z (x2x105)


0 5 10 15 20

0 100 200 300



Z0 15 30

T/R ( x 10)


Z/R ( x 106)

19.4 20.0 20.6106




x 102



0 5 10 15 20

0 5 10 15 20time

19.4 20.0 20.6



















0 10 3020104






me (



ical Popula



C D(hr)



FIG. 1: Plot of the chemical populations P, T,R, Z and volume V vs time t for deterministic

trajectories. Parameters of the model are KP = 500 hr−1, k = 10−3 hr−1(µm)3, dT = 0.1 hr−1, dR = 0,mT = 400, mR = 10000, vP = vT = vR = 2 ∗ 10−8(µm)3, fR = 0.19377,KZ = 10−11 hr−1(µm)3, Zc = 25, Zr = 0,τ1 = 0. A The trajectory of a cell with the initial conditions IC1: P (0) = 2 ∗ 107, T (0) = 107, R(0) = 105, Z(0) = 9,

and B IC2:P (0) = 103, T (0) = 105, R(0) = 3 ∗ 105, Z(0) = 9. The population values in A and B have beenmultiplied by the factors mentioned in the legend of A to bring them on the same figure. The dynamics converges toa steady state (a periodic solution or limit cycle attractor). The chemical populations in the daughter cell at birth inthe steady state are Pb = 5.023 ∗ 107, Tb = 4.529 ∗ 106, Rb = 4.844 ∗ 104 (Pb is indicated by a black dotted line in A

and B). The period, or inter-division time τ = 0.781 hr. (C) The volume of the cell, V , defined by Eq. (3), as afunction of time for the two initial conditions IC1 and IC2. In this and subsequent figures, the unit of the time axisis hr and the volume axis (µm)3. First inset of B and inset of C: Semilog plots of P, T,R, Z and V vs time in the

steady-state with IC2. The plots of P, T,R and V are piecewise linear and have the same slope 0.888 hr−1 (slope ofthe natural logarithm of the quantity vs time), showing that they all increase exponentially with the same rate in

the growth phase of the limit cycle attractor. The slope agrees with formula (8c). Second inset of B plots the ratiosof chemical populations as a function of t on the trajectory starting from IC2. The ratios of populations of the PTR

sector become constant on the limit cycle attractor and the constant values agree with Eqns. (8a),(8b). DSimulated phase portrait of trajectories from diverse initial conditions projected on to the 2-dimensional space ofT/R and P/R showing that the trajectories converge to the same attractor independent of initial conditions. Insetof D: Time dependence of concentrations of P, T,R on the trajectory starting from IC2, becoming constant on the

limit cycle attractor.

state. This steady state is a limit cycle attractor in whichthe just born daughter cell grows to twice its size (thepopulations P, T,R and the cell volume double) and thendivides into two halves bringing the system back to thesame daughter state. It is seen that in the attractor,between birth and the next division (i.e., within a sin-

gle generation of the cell) the chemicals of the X sectorgrow exponentially with time at the same rate (inset ofFig. 1B). The same is true of V (inset of Fig. 1C), aconsequence of (3). Because of exponential growth theratios T/R and P/R remain constant in time throughoutthe attractor. Hence the concentrations of the X sector

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chemicals also remain constant in the attractor (inset ofFig. 1D). During the transient period before the attrac-tor is reached the ratios are not constant. For all theinitial conditions considered (with 0 ≤ Z(0) < Zc) thetrajectory converges to the same steady state (Fig. 1D),suggesting that the limit cycle is a stable attractor witha wide basin of attraction. When the parameters are var-ied within a wide range (specified later; section IV A) thesame dynamical behaviour is observed: initial transientleading to a limit cycle attractor characterized by ex-ponential trajectories in the growth phase and constantratios of chemicals.

B. PTRZ with stochastic chemical dynamics;numerical results

In Fig. 2A we show a typical trajectory of the PTRZcell following stochastic chemical dynamics. The differ-ence from the deterministic version is that the evolutionof P, T,R, Z is no longer given by the differential equa-tions (2) and (5) but by a stochastic version of (2) and(5). The populations are now non-negative integers andare updated according to the probabilities of the chemi-cal reactions, the latter being proportional to the corre-sponding terms in the differential equations. The rest ofthe dynamical rules are the same as before (starting fromany given initial condition, the populations P, T,R, Z areevolved with time until Z = Zc, at which point P, T,Rare halved (and rounded off to the nearest integer value),Z is set to Zr/2 and the procedure iterated). No newphysical parameter is introduced in the stochastic dy-namics. The algorithm used for numerical simulations ismentioned in Computational Methods below.

1. Stochastic steady state

We observe in Fig. 2A that after a few rounds ofgrowth and division the trajectory of the cell reaches astatistical steady state, a stochastic version of the deter-ministic steady state seen in Fig. 1A,B). In the stochasticsteady state the daughter cells produced at the beginningof each cycle are no longer identical from generation togeneration (in terms of the values of P, T,R, Vb) as wasthe case in the deterministic simulation, and τ , the inter-division time also varies from cycle to cycle. The lattervariation arises because the first passage time of Z toreach Zc varies from cycle to cycle. Fig. 2B shows thatin the statistical steady state the population growth ofthe X sector chemicals within a generation can be ap-proximated by an exponentially growing trajectory withthe effective growth rate varying from generation to gen-eration.

We performed 30000 stochastic simulations for thePTRZ model each with the same initial condition as de-scribed in the caption of Fig. 2C. The cellular variableswere tracked for each trajectory. The distribution of the

cell volume at birth, Vb, across the 30000 trajectories atdifferent generations is shown in Fig. 2C. The distri-bution becomes stationary after a few generations. Thesame steady state distribution is obtained by (a) startingfrom a different initial distribution of the 30000 cells and(b) sampling over different generations of a single trajec-tory after the initial transient period. The distributionsof Vd, Pb, Tb, Rb, τ and α are also found to converge totheir respective steady state distributions independent ofthe initial distribution of cellular configurations (α is the‘growth rate’ of the cell in a generation, defined as theslope of the best straight line fit of lnV (t) vs t in thatgeneration). This indicates that the statistical steadystate is a stable attractor of the dynamics characterizedby fixed distributions of the cellular variables.

2. Distributions of cell size, interdivision time and growthrate, correlations and the adder property

The steady state distributions are shown in Fig. 3.The averages of the steady state distributions are: 〈P 〉 =5.012 ∗ 107, 〈T 〉 = 4.518 ∗ 106, 〈R〉 = 4.833 ∗ 104, 〈Vb〉 =1.094µm3, 〈Vd〉 = 2.190µm3, 〈∆〉 = 1.096µm3, 〈τ〉 =0.782 hr, 〈α〉 = 0.888 hr−1. These are close to the de-terministic values in Fig. 1. The model predictions ofthe distributions of the above quantities rescaled by theirmeans (except the rescaled α distribution) are largely in-dependent of all the PTRZ model parameters (and henceindependent of growth rate, ratios of chemicals, etc.) andof KZ when τ1 = 0. They only depend upon the quan-tity N = Zc − (1/2)Zr. (See Fig. S1 for a completelydifferent parameter set giving the same rescaled distribu-tions.) The reason for this extraordinary robustness willbe discussed later. We find that the CV of the ∆, Vb, Vdand τ distributions are consistent with

√3CV (Vd) =

√3CV (Vb) =

√3 ln 2CV (τ)

= CV (∆) =1√Zc. (6)

The first three relations are expected to hold if the cellvolume grows exponentially with a small variation in thegrowth rate and the system satisfies the adder property[11]. The last equality relates the fluctuations to the pa-rameters Zc and Zr of the present model. This connectsthe CV of a macroscopic quantity ∆ to a potentially mi-croscopic quantity N , the change in the population of theZ molecule from birth to division. The CV of Pb, Pd and∆P ≡ Pd − Pb also satisfy (6), as do the correspondingquantities for T and R.

Using the simulation data of the 30000 stochastic cells,we determine the correlations between the cell size atbirth (Vb) and division (Vd), the added volume (∆) andthe inter-division time (τ) in the steady-state (Fig. 4).The correlations show that the model exhibits the adderproperty, because the mean added volume ∆ betweenbirth and division is independent of the birth size. Theseare the kinds of correlations observed in experiments with

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P trajectory

30.5 31.5 32.5 33.5 34.5

time (hr)

x 107


x 107C


ical Popula


P (x1)

T (x5)

R (x150)

Z (x2x105)







time (hr)

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35







0.0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6


bability D


Vb : Volume at birth (µm3)









� : slope of best fit line








FIG. 2: Effect of stochasticity in chemical dynamics of the PTRZ cell. Parameter values are as in Fig. 1.A A stochastic trajectory of P, T,R.Z starting from IC2 (see legend of Fig. 1). B P vs time t in a semi-log plot forfive consecutive generations in the statistical steady state. The slope αP of the best fit straight line (lnP vs t) variesfrom generation to generation. C Time evolution of the volume distribution of 30000 cells at birth. The distribution

at the beginning of the gth generation (or just after g divisions) is shown for various values of g. In this case theinitial distribution of V is a δ-function at V = 0.06 (µm)3, since all the trajectories start at t = 0 from the initial

condition IC3: P (0) = T (0) = R(0) = 106, Z = 0. The distributions at g = 19 and 24 are indistinguishable,suggesting a stationary state.

Vb (Vol at birth)

(Added Vol.) (Dob. Time)

Vb (Vol at div.)


. of







10 20 30 40250.01



P (Added P)

(A) (B) (C)










0.4 0.8 1.2 2.01.6



Cellular variables rescaled by mean





00.9 1.11.0

Rescaled alpha ( /< >)







0 1.0 2.0 3.0



Vb, Vd,

x 102 x 102



x 102

(30,000 cells)



0.2 0.6 1.0 1.40





FIG. 3: Distribution of volume, interdivision time, growth rate and chemical populations in the PTRZmodel. This figure shows the frequency distributions of various cellular variables, measured across 30000 cells at

the steady-state. Data was compiled from each trajectory in the 30th generation to ensure that it had reached thestatistical steady-state. A Distributions of volume-at-birth Vb, volume-at-division Vd, added volume ∆ ≡ Vd − Vb

and (in inset) interdivision time τ . B Frequency distributions of various quantities rescaled by their respectivemeans. The x-axis for the curve denoted by Vb in the legend stands for Vb/〈Vb〉, and similarly for the other curves.The distributions of rescaled Pb, Tb, Rb, Vb and Vd are essentially indistinguishable. The distribution of rescaled α isshown in the inset of B. C CV of ∆, τ, Vb, Vd, α, Pb, Tb, Rb and ∆P ≡ Pd − Pb as functions of Zc on a log-log plot.

The slope of the linear fit is consistent with CV ∝ N−1/2 for all the quantities. The vertical separation between thelines gives the ratios of the CV of various quantities and they are consistent with what is expected when the adder

property holds, Eq. (6). Parameter values are as in Fig. 1 except in C where Zc takes a range of values.

E. coli [10, 11]. Taheri-Araghi et al [11] have also mea-sured the distribution of ∆ for a fixed Vb at different val-ues of Vb (binned) for E. coli. They find that not just themean of ∆ but the entire distribution to be independentof Vb, which is a strong version of the adder property. Forthe PTRZ model in Fig. S2 we exhibit this ‘conditional’distribution of ∆ for different fixed values of Vb (in a bin).The distributions collapse onto each other, showing thatthe model exhibits this property.

Adder property is independent of Zr. We remarkthat in the present model the adder property of cell vol-ume is observed for the entire range of the reset param-eter Zr, 0 ≤ Zr ≤ Zc. This is also shown analytically insection IV D.

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Pearson Corr. = 0.508

Slope = 1.019 ± 0.010










3 4 6 7 8

Pearson Corr. = 0.012

Slope = 0.020 ± 0.010


x 107


Pearson Corr. = 0.011

Slope = 0.019 ± 0.010

Pearson Corr. = -0.483




x 107

Vb : Volume at birth ( m3) Vb : Volume at birth ( m3)

Vb : Volume at birth ( m3)

Vd :


me a

t div


n (


: A

dded V


me (


: Inte



n t

ime (



Pb : Amount of P at birth

Added a


t of


FIG. 4: Dynamics of the PTRZ cell model displays the ‘adder’ property for cell size and intracellularchemical populations. Each data point in the scatter plots refers to one trajectory out of 30000. The two axesshow two cellular properties pertaining to the 30th generation. E.g., in A the x-axis shows the volume of a cell at

birth and the y-axis the added volume of the cell in the same generation. The black squares and vertical lines showthe mean and s.d. of ∆ within a bin of Vb. The lack of correlation between ∆ and Vb is evidence of the ‘adder’

property. The slope (± standard error) of the line of binned data is 0.019± 0.010 (we expect zero slope for adder).B The volume of the cell at division, Vd, is positively correlated with the birth volume, with slope 1.019± 0.010 forthe curve of Vd averaged over bins of Vb (for the adder, expect slope unity). C The interdivision time τ is negatively

correlated with the birth volume, with the correlation coefficient between the two variables rescaled by theirrespective means being -0.483 (expect -0.5 for adder). D The increment in P from birth to division is uncorrelated

with Pb, showing that the chemical population P also exhibits the adder property.

3. Intracellular chemical populations: Distribution, adderproperty and dependence of CV on the mean population

Each population at birth Pb, Tb, Rb at birth has its ownmean and CV, but the populations rescaled by their re-spective means have the same distribution which matchesthe rescaled Vb and Vd distributions (Fig. 3B). This isbecause the P, T,R are all strongly correlated with eachother (see Fig. S3), with their ratios dominated by thedeterministic dynamics. By virtue of (3) they are alsostrongly correlated to V . We remark that strong corre-lations between high copy number proteins are also ob-served experimentally [31]. Further, universal fluctua-tions in protein populations within cells have been re-ported in [32].

We find that in the PTR model with stochastic

chemical dynamics, the chemical populations P, T andR, like the volume, also exhibit the adder property (seeFig. 4D for P , and Fig. S4 for T,R). The reason forthese populations showing the same distribution and theadder property is discussed later in section IV D wherewe give an analytical derivation. We also later identifycircumstances wherein other chemical populations in thecell depart from the adder.

The crossover behaviour of protein numberfluctuations: A slight extension of the present modelexplains the crossover behaviour of the CV of proteinlevels as a function of their mean levels observed in[31]. To see this we introduce another variable Q

in the X sector, with Q = KQRP/V . This has thesame form as the production of other proteins in (2).

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The system now has 5 variables PTRQZ. By dialingKQ we can control the absolute value of Q in thesteady state. We perform stochastic simulations (withstochasticity in the chemical dynamics of all 5 moleculesPTRQZ) using different values of KQ and determine themean value of Q at birth (Q) and CV of Q for each.The result (Fig. 5) shows a universal 1/Q behaviourfor small Q and a plateau for large Q, as observed in [31].

An intrinsic source of ‘extrinsic’ noise: In the modelthere is a simple explanation of the above behaviour. The(CV)

2due to intrinsic fluctuations is ∼ 1/Q and due

to division control is 1/(3Zc) (from Eq. (6) using Q inplace of Vb). For small Q (Q � Zc) the intrinsic fluc-tuations dominate; for large Q (Q � 3Zc) the 1/(3Zc)term which is independent of Q dominates. A proteinpopulation has intrinsic fluctuations from stochasticity inproduction and degrading processes [30, 54]. The vari-ation not explained by intrinsic fluctuations is referredto as ‘extrinsic’ [55]. Stochasticity in the division timehas been recognized as a source of extrinsic noise leadingto this crossover behaviour [56]. In the present model

both the saturating value of (CV)2

(' 1/(3Zc)) and thescale of Q at which the crossover occurs (Q ' 3Zc) aregoverned by the division threshold Zc (or in general byN = Zc − Zr/2). The so called ‘extrinsic noise’ in thedivision time is, in the present model, ultimately a con-sequence of intrinsic fluctuations in the Z population,which causes the fluctuations in the first passage time ofZ reaching its threshold Zc and hence determines a lowerbound on cell-to-cell variation of size and of intracellularchemical populations.







100 101 102 103 104

Average molecular population

slope = -1

Zc = 10

Zc = 20

Zc = 25

Zc = 40

FIG. 5: Dependence of CV of a proteinpopulation on its mean value. Simulation results ofthe PTRZ model with an additional protein populationQ as discussed in section III B 3 are shown. A crossoverfrom a 1/Q behaviour of (CV)

2to a constant value is

seen at Q = 3Zc and (CV)2

= 1/(3Zc).

4. Comparison with experimental distributions

We compare the distributions of certain quantitiesrescaled by their means as predicted by the model withthe experimentally observed distributions for E. coli [11]in Fig. 6. As mentioned earlier the distributions ofrescaled ∆, τ, Vd predicted by the model are robust anddepend only on a single parameter N = Zc−Zr/2. Figs.6 ABC show that the experimental data points for allthree quantities largely lie between model curves corre-sponding to N = 20 and N = 60, when the only sourceof stochasticity in the model is the intrinsic dynamics ofthe populations. (N = Zc in Fig. 6 since Zr = 0). Thisplaces an experimental constraint on a key parameter ofthe model, N . Note that in the real cell there could beother upstream sources of stochasticity in Z production,such as the stochasticity in its mRNA production anddegradation. These have not been taken into accountin our simple model. They would also contribute to theCV of the first passage time distribution thereby allowinglarger values of N to be consistent with the data.

It is seen in Fig. 6D that in the range N ≥ 20 themodel predicts a much narrower width for the α dis-tribution than is experimentally observed (compare theZc = 20, 40; s = 0 curves for the model in Fig. 6D withthose of the data). While [11] reports a CV ranging from6-11% depending upon the medium in the experimentaldata, the model with only intrinsic stochasticity (s = 0,see below) predicts a CV of the α distribution to be only3.6% at N = 20, 2.5% at N = 40 and lower for largervalues of N . We recall that the α distribution in themodel is not as universal as the distributions of ∆, τ, Vd,and depends on other model parameters including theparameter values in the PTR sector (Fig. S1). We showbelow that its width is sensitive to and increases signifi-cantly with the inclusion of partitioning stochasticity inthe model. In other words, the model allows room toget the experimentally observed width of the α distribu-tion also, without destroying its agreement with the otherdistributions. It is also worth mentioning that there is asignificant variation in the CV of the α distribution re-ported by different groups, suggesting that this quantityis sensitive to experimental details and perhaps needs tobe measured with a higher degree of control.

5. Effect of other sources of stochasticity on thedistributions and the adder property

Partitioning stochasticity. In addition to the intrinsicstochasticity in the chemical population dynamics, con-sider a second source of stochasticity, the uneven parti-tioning of chemicals between the two daughter cells dur-ing cell division. Thus at division instead of replacingXi by Xi/2 we replace it by X ′i drawn (independentlyfor each i and each generation) from a gaussian distri-bution with mean = Xi/2, standard deviation s


where s ≥ 0 is a parameter characterizing the strength of

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0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6




ty d



Rescaled Added Volume (∆/<∆>)


Synthetic Rich














0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6




ty d



Rescaled Added Volume (∆/<∆>)













0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6




ty d



Rescaled Interdivision Time (τ/<τ>)


Synthetic Rich















0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6




ty d



Rescaled Interdivision Time (τ/<τ>)














0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4




ty d



Rescaled Growth Rate (α/<α>)


Synthetic Rich
















0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4




ty d



Rescaled Growth Rate (α/<α>)

Zc=20, s=0

Zc=40, s=0

Zc=40, s=1

Zc=40, s=4










0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6



ty d



Rescaled Volume at Division (Vd/<Vd>)


Synthetic Rich













0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6



ty d



Rescaled Volume at Division (Vd/<Vd>)




FIG. 6: Comparison of steady state distributions predicted by PTRZ model with experimental data.A,B,C,D respectively show the distributions of ∆, τ , Vd and α rescaled by their means. Experimental values of

various quantities for E. coli in seven media were obtained from data of [11] to produce the binned histograms. Thedifferent media are represented by dots of different colour. Model simulations are done with parameters values as inFig. 1, except Zc which takes values 20,40,60. All model histograms (dotted lines) are obtained from an ensemble of

30000 cells. In all simulations the intrinsic stochasticity in the dynamics of all four chemicals P,T,R,Z is present.Partitioning stochasticity is absent in A,B,C and in two curves of D (s = 0; see section III B 5 for definition), but ispresent in two simulations shown in D (s = 1, 4). Threshold stochasticity is absent in all simulations shown (s′ = 0).

partitioning stochasticity [57] s = 1 corresponds to thesymmetric binomial partitioning wherein each moleculecan independently go to either daughter with equal prob-ability (the gaussian X ′i distribution approximates the

binomial distribution P (x) =(Mx

)pxqM−x with M = Xi

and p = q = 1/2). s > 1 implies that fluctuations arestronger than the binomial case, a situation that canarise if molecule clusters are partitioned instead of sin-gle molecules [57]. The result for the α distribution withboth sources of stochasticity (intrinsic + partitioning)is shown in Fig. 6D and for the other distributions inFig. S5. It is seen that when partitioning stochasticity isincluded (e.g., Zc = 40, s = 4 in Fig. 6D), the model re-produces a width of the α distribution comparable to theexperimental data (CV of α is 6.8% for these parametervalues). Fig. S5 shows that the inclusion of partitioningstochasticity has a relatively small effect on the width of

∆, τ, Vd distributions in this regime, and that the adderproperty continues to hold in the model at these strengthsof the partitioning stochasticity.

Stochasticity in the threshold value of Z. Thebiochemical mechanism implementing the trigger whenZ reaches Zc is expected to have its own stochasticity.Thus the value of Z at which division is triggered neednot be precisely Zc in every cell, but could vary fromcell to cell and generation to generation around Zc. Weimplement this ‘threshold stochasticity’ by drawing thethreshold (now denoted Z ′c) from a gaussian distributionwith mean Zc and standard deviation s′, independentlyfor each cell in every generation. The parameter s′ ≥ 0characterizes the strength of the threshold stochasticity.We ran simulations of the PTRZ model with two sourcesof stochasticity, the intrinsic stochasticity of the chemicaldynamics of the populations P, T,R, Z and the threshold

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stochasticity implemented as above. In these simulationsthe local dynamics of the populations is as before, exceptthat the value of Z at which division is triggered, Z ′c, ischosen from the above mentioned gaussian distributionin each generation. Immediately after triggering, Z is re-set to Zr, and at division, all populations are halved. Weconsider two cases (a) Zr is a fixed number, the same forall generations, and (b) Zr is a fixed fraction of Z ′c (thereset value of Z after triggering is a fixed fraction of thevalue of Z at triggering).

Threshold stochasticity modifies the distributions of∆, τ, Vd; however the modification remains small as longas s′ �

√Zc as the dominant contribution comes from

intrinsic stochasticity in this regime. When s′ >√Zc,

threshold stochasticity is the dominant contributor tothese distributions. However, while it modifies thesedistributions, in case (a) it does not affect the adderproperty, which survives even when s′ >

√Zc. This is

shown in Fig. S6A. In fact it can be shown analyticallythat when threshold stochasticity is the only stochastic-ity present (the intrinsic stochasticity is turned off), thePTRZ model exhibits the adder property in the steadystate, provided that Zr is independent of Z ′c. However,when Zr is correlated with Z ′c, as is true for case (b), welose the adder property (see Fig. S6B). This is becausethe added volume from one trigger to the next dependsupon the reset value Zr after the first trigger, while Vb ofa generation depends on the value of Z ′c in the previousgeneration. Thus the added volume becomes correlatedwith Vb when Zr is correlated with Z ′c.

Unlike partitioning stochasticity, threshold stochastic-ity does not contribute significantly to the width of theα distribution even though it affects the ∆, τ, Vd distri-butions. In fact, when threshold stochasticity is the onlystochasticity present, the latter distributions have a finiteCV but the CV of the α distribution is zero. The reasonfor this will be given in section IV E.

Another kind of stochasticity present in the cell is thatthe position of the septum is not necessarily at the middleof the dividing cell. This directly affects the distributionof Vb and enhances its CV, which is found to be largerthan the CV of Vd [11]. The effect of this stochasticity isnot considered in the present paper.


In this section we provide explanations of the resultsof the PTRZ model presented in the previous section. Inparticular we discuss the exponential growth of popula-tions and V , and give analytic expressions for the averageinterdivision time scale, intracellular concentrations, andthe cell size. We also explain the origin of the adderproperty and the shape of the ∆ and τ distributions.We explain why the α distribution behaves so differentlyfrom the ∆, τ, Vd distributions under different types ofstochasticity and what factors contribute to it. These re-

sults will be generalized to a much wider class of modelsthan the PTRZ model in section V.

A. The PTR sector, exponential growth and thegrowth rate.

At the deterministic level, all the features of the steadystate solution in Fig. 1 can be understood by consideringan exponential ansatz for the trajectories of the chemicalpopulations:

P (t) = Pbeµt, T (t) = Tbe

µt, R(t) = Rbeµt, (7)

with 4 unknown constants Pb, Tb, Rb (representing thepopulations at birth of the cell in the steady state), andµ, the growth rate of the PTR cell. It is easy to see [50]by substituting (7) into Eq. (2) that (7) is a solution of(2) only if the ratios of the populations and µ are fixedin terms of the parameters. Specifically,

ψT ≡T





(µ+ dR)

(µ+ dT ), (8a)

ψP ≡P




(µ+ dR)


(KP fT

mT (µ+ dT )− 1



µ =β −

√β2 − 4α′γ

2α′. (8c)

Here α′ = 1 − ε1, β = a + b + ε2, γ = ab; a = νfT −dT , b = ρfR − dR; ν = KP /mT , ρ = k/(mRvP ); ε1 =


vTvPfT + 1


vRvPfR, ε2 = 1


vTvPfT dR + 1


vRvPfRdT . If

Pb, Tb, Rb satisfy (8a),(8b) and µ is given by (8c), then(7) is a solution of (2). That an exponentially growingtrajectory is a solution of the nonlinear equations (2) isa consequence of the fact that the right hand sides of (2)are homogeneous degree one functions of the populations:fi(βP, βT, βR) = βfi(P, T,R), i = 1, 2, 3. This in turn isa general consequence, as will be discussed later, of theassumption of the mass action chemical kinetics implicitin (2) and the linearity of V in the populations (3).

Not only is (7) a solution of (2), it is a stable attractorof the dynamics. In Fig. 1 we have considered the PTRsector in conjunction with the Z sector which truncatesthe growth of PTR at discrete times (at the point of di-vision Eq. (2) is effectively suspended). However if thereis no such truncation and (2) together with (3) is the soledynamics of PTR, then the exponentially growing solu-tion (7) happens to be an asymptotic attractor of thedynamics (see Fig. S9 for numerical evidence with differ-ent initial conditions and parameter sets). Thus, startingfrom an arbitrary initial condition, eventually the systemapproaches the exponential trajectory (7) with µ givenby (8c) and ratios of populations given by (8a) and (8b).

When division control via the Z sector is included inthe dynamics, we get the behaviour shown in Fig. 1 witha limit cycle attractor. In the growth phase of this attrac-tor (the period after birth and just before division), the

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populations again grow exponentially following (7), withthe exponential growth rate of P, T,R, V matching theformula (8c), and the ratios of chemicals in the attractormatching (8a), (8b). We have verified this numerically fordiverse initial conditions (with P (0), T (0), R(0) > 0 and0 ≤ Z(0) < Zc) and diverse parameter sets for which ther.h.s. of (8c) is positive (when the latter is negative thereis no exponential growth). The numerical work suggeststhat given a fixed set of parameters (with a positive r.h.s.of (8c)), for arbitrary physical initial conditions the sys-tem always settles down in a limit cycle attractor similarto the one described in Fig. 1 such that the trajectorybetween birth and division in every cycle is described by(7) and (8) (numerical simulations have been done fornon-negative values of the rate constants and other pa-rameters of the model). The positivity of the r.h.s. of(8c) seems to be the only collective requirement on theparameters of the PTRZ model for this kind of dynamicalbehaviour to arise.

B. Curve of balanced growth, interdivision time,concentrations.

By construction the dynamics of the PTR sector doesnot depend upon Z, except for the fact that at certaindiscrete times (when Z approaches Zc) the 3 populationsare halved. Therefore it is useful to consider the projec-tion of the dynamics onto the 3-dimensional space withcoordinates (P, T,R). (Since we are dealing with popu-lations, we only consider the positive octant.) Geomet-rically, the eqns. (8a) and (8b) define a straight linepassing through the origin of this 3-dimensional spacewhose angles with the 3 coordinate axes are fixed by theparameters. We refer to this line in the 3-dimensionalspace as the ‘curve of balanced growth’ (CBG) for thissystem. If the initial point of a trajectory lies on thisline, the 3 populations grow exponentially according to(7) with the rate µ given by (8c), and their ratios remainconstant in time and given by (8a)(8b). Since the divi-sion process halves the 3 populations, they remain on theCBG after division. Thus the CBG is an invariant man-ifold of the deterministic dynamics. Since numericallywe find that starting from arbitrary initial values the ra-tios approach those given by (8a), (8b), this means thatthe stable attractor of the dynamics lies on the CBG. Infact the steady state is a limit cycle lying on the CBGcharacterized by repeated rounds of exponential growthof populations from birth to division with growth rate µuntil the populations double, followed by halving of thepopulations. The interdivision time scale on this limitcycle is therefore given by

τ = ln 2/µ, (9)

with µ given by (8c). Note that the concentrationsof three chemicals, given by [P ] ≡ P/V , [T ] ≡ T/Vand [R] ≡ R/V are the same everywhere on the CBGand hence constant on the limit cycle. This is because

V is a linear function of the populations (3). Thus,for example, V = R(vPψP + vTψT + vR); hence R/Vis completely expressed in terms of the ratios ψPand ψT which are constant on the CBG. Thus thegrowth rate or interdivision time scale and all intensivequantities pertaining to the PTR sector in the steadystate of the deterministic dynamics are completely deter-mined by the parameters of the PTR sector of the model.

C. The Z sector and cell size.

The Z sector determines the absolute size scale ofthe cell by fixing one extensive quantity pertaining tothe PTR sector. In the deterministic steady state sinceP, T,R satisfy (7), we can write (5) as

Z = Ceµt, (10)

where C = KZRbPb

Vb. C is an extensive quantity of the

PTR sector (homogeneous degree one in the populations)and can be written in terms of Vb and the intensive quan-tities:

C = KZ(RbPb/V2b )Vb = KZψP (vPψP +vTψT +vR)−2Vb.

(11)The requirement that in the steady state Z must alsocomplete its cycle in the doubling time τ fixes C andhence the size of the cell. (10) has the solution

Z(t) = Zb + λ(t), λ(t) ≡ B(eµt − 1), B ≡ C

µ, (12)

where Zb is the value of Z at t = 0. Note that unlikeP, T and R, Z does not increase exponentially because itis reset from Zc to a value Zr 6= Zc. If there is no reset-ting (Zr = Zc), then (12) implies that Z also increasesexponentially.

When τ1 = 0, then Z equals Zc at t = τ , andZb = Zr/2. Substituting this in (12) gives B = N ≡Zc − Zr/2. This fixes the absolute size scale of thecell and the absolute populations. In particular we getRb = NµKZψP /(vPψP + vTψT + vR), from which Pb, Tbcan be obtained by multiplying by ψP , ψT . Further, us-ing (11) we get

Vb =Nµ


(vPψP + vTψT + vR)2

ψP≡ A. (13)

This is an explicit formula for the cell size at birth interms of the model parameters (ψT and ψP being givenby (8a),(8b)). The numerical values obtained in deter-ministic simulations (e.g., Fig 1) agree with this formula(as do the absolute populations).

When τ > τ1 > 0, instead of B = N we get B =Neµτ1 (see Supplementary section S2 A for the deriva-tion). Then it follows that

Vb = Aeµτ1 (14)

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where A is defined in (13). This expression contains theexponential factor eµτ1 = eµ(C+D) obtained by Donachie[58]. The eµτ1 factor in the expression for Vb arises be-

cause of the exponential dependence of Z on time, Eq.(10), which is a consequence of the exponential growth ofthe X sector populations in the steady state. The latter,in turn, is a consequence of the homogeneous degree onenature of the functions fi defining the X sector dynamicswhich we argue later is quite universal and not restrictedto the PTR model.

The PTRZ model has been defined above for τ > τ1.To extend it for higher growth rates one needs multipleorigins of replication [59]. Adapting the work of [36] tothe present model it can be shown that the formula (14)holds for higher growth rates as well. Details will bepresented elsewhere.

The Schaechter et al growth law of cell size [40], astrong version of which has been established in [60], statesthat the average cell volume in different growth condi-tions depends exponentially on the growth rate µ. Notethat while Eq. (14) contains the exponential factor eµτ1

it cannot be construed as equivalent to this growth law.This because (14) has, in addition to the exponential fac-tor eµτ1 , the prefactor A which itself has a complicated µdependence. This factor depends upon the ratios of vari-ous chemicals in the steady state (which, in turn, dependupon µ; see (8)) and the contribution of each chemical tothe volume of the cell (the constants vi). In general theprefactor A (unlike the eµτ1 factor which is much moreuniversal) depends upon the details of the X and Z sec-tors - the actual form of the functions fi, h, regulatorymechanisms acting in the X sector (which are containedin the functions fi), parameter values, etc. A more gen-eral expression for A in terms of the functions fi, h andvi is given later, Eqn. (34). However, comparing thetheoretical prediction (14) or (34) with experiments, inparticular reproducing the growth law [40, 60], is a taskfor the future.

D. Stochastic dynamics and the adder property

The full stochastic dynamics of the PTRZ model whosenumerical results were presented earlier is difficult totreat analytically. However, we can make some approx-imations to obtain partial results. As observed numer-ically in the statistical steady state the growth of PTRsector populations in a given generation could be approxi-mated by an exponential fit (Fig. 2B). Moreover since theactual numbers of P, T and R were large, their relativefluctuations around their average trajectories were small.Thus as an approximation we ignore the stochasticity inthe chemical dynamics of P, T,R and only consider thestochasticity in Z. For simplicity we assume that in thesteady state the PTR dynamics is deterministic and lieson the curve of balanced growth discussed earlier. ThusP (t), T (t), R(t) are assumed to be given by (7), their pop-ulation ratios and the growth rate being constant and

fixed by (8). However, due to the fluctuation in the timetaken by Z to reach Zc, the exponential factor by whichthey grow varies from generation to generation and ineach generation they start from a different point on theCBG at birth (i.e., the absolute scale of Pb, Tb, Rb variesfrom generation to generation). Clearly this approxima-tion assumes that there is no fluctuation in the growthrate α and hence we cannot hope to obtain the α distri-bution from this approach (α, defined as the slope of lnVvs t, equals µ in this approximation, whose value is givenby the r.h.s. of (8c)). However, we can obtain analyticexpressions for the τ and ∆ distributions.

1. Derivation of the adder property and distributions of τand ∆

In order to get the probability distribution of the in-terdivision time, we need to consider the stochastic ver-sion of the differential equation (1b), or more specifically,(5). As a consequence of the assumptions in the previousparagraph we can use (7), hence (5) reduces to (10). Thismeans that the probability that Z increases by unity inthe small time interval (t, t+ δt) is given by Zδt where Zis given by (10), and the probability that it remains un-

changed is 1− Zδt. A given trajectory starts with fixedvalues of P, T,R, V, Z at birth, denoted Pb, Tb, Rb, Vb, Zband hence a fixed value of C = KZRbPb

Vb. These values can

change from generation to generation, but since in thepresent approximation Pb, Tb, Rb are assumed to alwayslie on the CBG, the ratio C/Vb is constant for all genera-tions and given by (11). This justifies a crucial assump-

tion, namely, that C ∝ Vb or equivalently Z ∝ Vbeµt,

made in [37] where the first passage time problem of adivision triggering chemical based on (10) has been dis-cussed. Consider the ensemble of trajectories with a fixedvalue of Pb, Tb, Rb, Zb, and hence fixed Vb and C. Sincethe r.h.s. of (10) is a fixed function of time, the stochasticprocess in Z is the 1-dimensional inhomogeneous Poissonprocess (if the r.h.s. had been independent of t it wouldhave been the standard Poisson process). Given Z = Zbat t = 0, the probability that the first passage time for itto reach Zc is between τ and τ + dτ is given by P(τ)dτ ,with (see Supplementary section S2 B for a derivation)

P(τ) =λN−1e−λ

(N − 1)!

dτ, (15)

where λ = λ(τ) = B(eµτ − 1) and N = Zc − Zb =Zc − Zr/2.

In a given trajectory of the ensemble, the volume in-crement between birth and division is given by ∆ =Vb(e

µτ − 1) = (Vb/B)λ(τ). This being proportional toλ, the probability R(∆)d∆ that a given trajectory inthis ensemble has a volume increment in the range ∆ to∆ + d∆ is obtained from (15):

R(∆) = aN∆N−1e−a∆

(N − 1)!, a =





A, (16)

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where A is given by (13). From this it follows that

〈∆〉 ≡∫ ∞


d∆R(∆)∆ =N

a, (17)

which is the same as the deterministic value of Vb (13).The distribution of rescaled ∆, u ≡ ∆/〈∆〉 is thus aGamma distribution given by

P (u) = NN uN−1

(N − 1)!e−Nu. (18)

The adder property follows from (16). Note thatN = Zc−Zr/2 is a constant parameter of the model thatdoes not change from generation to generation as long asZc, Zr do not change from generation to generation. Theonly other parameter that determines the shape of R(∆)in (16) is a which is independent of the value of Vb in anygeneration. The latter is the case because on the CBG,where (10) holds, a is a constant irrespective of the scaleof Vb (a = C/(µVb) with C given by (11). Thus a dependsonly on the ratios of populations of the PTR sector, andon the CBG these ratios are the same irrespective of thescale. This proves the strong version of the adder prop-erty: not just the mean but the entire distribution of∆ is independent of Vb. The distribution of u only de-pends upon N and on no other parameter of the PTRZmodel. This explains the extraordinary robustness of theu distribution mentioned in Section III B 2. From (18) itfollows that CV of ∆ = σu = 1√

N, which derives the last

equality in (6).The above distributions and the adder property were

obtained in [37] from the assumptions that the cell vol-ume grows exponentially with time (V (t) = Vbe

µt) andthat the rate of growth of the time-keeper protein Z isproportional to V (t). The first assumption is equivalent

to a linear model for cell size growth, V = µV . Thepresent work obtains the exponential dependence of Von t from a non-linear dynamical model of the cell whosevolume is defined in terms of the three chemical popu-lations. As discussed above it also justifies the secondassumption (Z ∝ V ). In other words, in the presentwork Eq. (10) with C ∝ Vb is not an assumption but aconsequence of more basic dynamics, wherein the cell isattracted to the CBG. We show later in section V C thatthis holds for a much larger class of models in which theX sector has n chemicals where the functions fi and h inEq. (1) are nonlinear functions arising from mass actionkinetics. Thus the present work generalizes the results of[37] to a very large class of nonlinear models.

We note that the present model implies that the pop-ulations of the X sector also satisfy the adder prop-erty. Their increments between birth and division, ∆i ≡Xid−Xib, have the same distribution as ∆ given by (16),with a = B/Xb. This follows from the fact that like V ,the Xi also grow exponentially, hence ∆i = Xb(e

µτ−1) =(Xb/B)λ(τ).

In the above derivation of the ∆ and τ distributionsand the adder property it has been assumed that P, T,R

have no stochasticity and lie on the CBG. When stochas-ticity in P, T,R is included, they no longer lie on theCBG. In fact in a given generation the best fit value ofthe growth rate is not the same for all three populations,hence (5) does not reduce to (10). Nevertheless the ana-lytically derived distributions (18) and (15) compare wellwith our numerical simulations of PTRZ model wherestochasticity in P, T,R is included; see Fig. 7A,B. Fur-ther as discussed in section III B 2 and shown in Fig. 4the adder property also appears. This suggests that theapproximation of treating P, T,R as deterministic and onthe CBG is a good approximation to the full stochasticdynamics.

2. When does the adder property arise?

The adder property and the ∆ and τ distributions havebeen derived above from three assumptions: (i) in a givengeneration the cell volume obeys V (t) = Vbe

µt, where Vbis the volume at birth in that generation (taken to beat t = 0), (ii) a molecular population Z which starts atsome value Zb triggers division at time τ when it reachesa threshold value Zc, where Zc−Zb is a positive constant(the same for all generations), and (iii) the dynamics ofZ between birth and division is the stochastic versionof (10) in which the constant C is such that C/Vb is aconstant for all generations. In fact the same can bederived from weaker assumptions that do not require Vand Z to be exponential functions of time. Consider thecase where Z and some quantity Y have their rates ofincrease between birth and division to be proportional toeach other:

Z = H(t), Y = KH(t), (19)

where the function H(t) and the constant K could de-pend upon the generation. If now we make the Z dy-namics the stochastic version of Z = H(t), while re-

taining the deterministic dynamics of Y , Y = KH(t)and also retaining assumption (ii) above, the distribu-tion (15) still arises, with λ ≡

∫ τ0dt′H(t′) (see Supple-

mentary section S2 B). In other words (15) gives the con-ditional distribution of interdivision time, valid for thosegenerations in which the function H(t) is the same. Now∆ ≡ ∆Y ≡ Y (τ)−Y (0) =

∫ τ0dt′KH(t′) = Kλ, hence the

distribution of ∆ is again given by (16) with a = 1/K.This distribution is independent of the functional formof H(t), and only depends upon K. In other words H(t)appearing in (19) does not have to be an exponentialfunction of time as in (10). Thus if K is independent ofYb = Y (0), then so is R(∆Y ), and therefore Y displaysthe adder property. This argument shows that not onlythe adder property for Y but also the shape of the distri-bution (16) for ∆Y arises when these assumptions hold(namely, (ii), (19) with K independent of the generation,and the stochastic dynamics of Z).

A biochemical scenario in which Eq. (19) can arise waspresented by Sompayrac and Maaloe [33] and emphasized

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0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2




ty d



∆ / <∆> : Rescaled Added Volume

Numerical : Zc = 15

Zc = 30

Zc = 60

Analytical : N = 15

N = 30

N = 60











0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4




ty d



τ : Interdivision time (in hrs)

Range of C : 19.5 - 21.5

25.5 - 27.5

29.5 - 31.5

Analytical : C = 20.5

C = 26.5

C = 30.5


FIG. 7: Analytic ∆, τ distributions Eqs. (18) and (15) agree with simulations of PTRZ model. ARescaled ∆ distribution (18) compared with numerical simulations of PTRZ model for different values of N . Datafrom all bins of Vb has been pooled together in the numerical curves, since the ∆ distribution is independent of Vb

(see Fig. S2). B Conditional τ distribution obtained from numerical simulations of PTRZ model compared with Eq.(15). Since the analytical distribution is conditional on the value of C, for comparison the numerical data wasbinned in ranges of C indicated in the legend. The derivation of Eqs. (18) and (15) assumes stochasticity in Z

dynamics only; P, T,R are assumed to lie on the CBG and obey deterministic dynamics. In the PTRZ simulationsthere is stochasticity in the chemical dynamics of Z as well as P, T and R. The parameters for the PTRZ model are

the same as in Fig. 1, except that Zc = 15, 30, 60 in A and Zc = 30 in B.

recently in the context of the adder property [35, 36]. Inthat scenario the Z molecule is on the same operon as an-other molecule A whose concentration is held constant inthe cell through regulatory mechanisms (autorepression).This implies that the increase in cell volume is propor-tional to the number of molecules of Z produced, therebyrealizing Eq. (19) with H(t) an unspecified function oft. Then together with assumption (ii) and the stochasticdynamics of Z, the adder property of cell volume and thedistributions (15) and (18) follow as argued above.

The present model presents an alternative mechanismfor realizing Eq. (19) which does not require a regu-latory mechanism. Here this property arises becausethe population dynamics has an attractor lying on theCBG in which both Z and V are proportional to eµt.We argue later that the latter is a very generic propertyof chemical dynamics in self-expanding containers. Asa consequence it predicts that the adder property ofthe volume should be accompanied by the same forintracellular populations (the variable Y could be V orany of the Xi).

Cooperativity in the Z dynamics does not spoilthe adder property: We now consider the generaliza-tion in which the function h(X, Z) in (1b) has a non-trivial Z dependence. In particular we consider the gen-eralization of (5):


dt= h(P, T,R, Z) = KZ


Vr(Z), r(Z) =


Kh′ + Zh′ ,


where K and h′ are constants. r(Z) represents a positiveauto-regulation of Z production, h′ being a Hill coef-ficient measuring the strength of cooperativity in the Zdynamics. Since Z does not appear in the functions fi, inthe deterministic dynamics the PTR variables convergeto same ratios as before (the CBG is unaffected by thischange) and the growth rate µ in the steady state is alsothe same and given by (8). Under the approximationthat PTR sector is treated deterministically (discussedat the beginning of IV D), Eq. (10) is therefore replacedby

Z = Ceµtr(Z), (21)

where C is given by (11) as before. In order to determinethe first passage time distribution and the added vol-ume distribution we now need to consider the stochasticversion of (21), where the r.h.s. has a nontrivial Z de-pendence. By considering the master equation followingfrom (21) we show analytically in the Supplementary sec-tion S2 C that the presence of a nontrivial auto-regulationchanges the shape of the ∆ distribution (which is nolonger given by (16)), but the adder property remainsintact. This is also borne out by numerical simulationsshown in Figs. S7A and S7B, conducted on the PTRZmodel with intrinsic stochasticity in all four populationvariables and auto-regulation implemented in the Z sec-tor via r(Z). Both positive and negative auto-regulationof Z preserve the adder property.

However, the adder property is not preserved if theregulatory function r is a function of the concentra-tion of Z, [Z] ≡ Z/V , instead of the population Z (see

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Figs. S7C, S7D and text in Supplementary section S2 C).

Departure from adder: After the brief excursion inthe last two paragraphs to the case where h dependsnon-trivially on Z, we return to case where h is inde-pendent of Z (where the Z dynamics is given by (5) andthe distributions (15), (16) hold along with the adderproperty. Since the ∆ distribution (16) depends uponN , one way of losing the adder property is to have Ncorrelated with Vb. The part of assumption (ii) thatZc − Zb is the same in all generations ensures that Nis not correlated with Vb. A weaker assumption that Nvaries from generation to generation but is uncorrelatedwith Vb would still give the adder property, though thedistribution for ∆ would in general change and dependupon the distribution of N . An example of this isgiven in section III B 5 where threshold stochasticity isconsidered. We discussed two cases: (a) Where Zc variesrandomly from generation to generation but Zb = Zr/2is fixed; this corresponds to the weaker assumption (ii)that preserves the adder property (see Fig. S6A) becauseN is still uncorrelated with Vb. (b) Zc varies randomlyfrom generation to generation and Zr of a generation iscorrelated with the Zc of that generation; this spoils theadder property (see Fig. S6B) because this correlatesthe Zb (and hence N) of a given generation with theVb of the same generation. Since the triggering eventat the threshold and the degradation of Z must beimplemented by biochemical mechanisms, it is possibleto imagine both kinds of scenarios.

Departure from the adder property for an intra-cellular chemical population while cell size ex-hibits the adder property: Up to now we have seenthat in the PTRZ model, the adder property for V is ac-companied by the adder property for the chemical pop-ulations P, T,R. However in general it is not necessarythat all molecules in the cell exhibit the adder propertywhen the cell size does. We now discuss an examplewhere P, T,R and V exhibit the adder property whileanother molecule Q in the cell does not. Consider thePTRZ model defined by Eqs. (2), (3), (5) augmentedwith another molecule Q in the X sector whose popula-tion dynamics is given by

Q = KQRPr([Q])/V. (22)

Here r([Q]) is a function of the concentration of Q,[Q] ≡ Q/V , that represents auto-regulation of Q pro-

duction. E.g., r([Q]) = [Q]h′/(Kh′

+ [Q]h′) represents

auto-enhancement and r([Q]) = Kh′/(Kh′

+[Q]h′) repre-

sents auto-repression (with h′ > 0 being a Hill coefficient,and K being another constant). In the model we allowtwo sources of stochasticity: (i) the intrinsic stochasticityin the chemical dynamics of the molecules P, T,R, Z,Qand (ii) the partitioning stochasticity at division as dis-cussed in section III B 5. Fig. S8 displays a simulationwhere V exhibits the adder property but Q does not. Itis seen that the increment in Q, ∆Q ≡ Qd − Qb (where

Qb and Qd, are, respectively, the population values atbirth and division) increases with Qb in the case of auto-enhancement and decreases with Qb in the case of auto-repression. This behaviour occurs because partitioningstochasticity causes a departure from the curve of bal-anced growth as discussed in the next subsection.

E. Origin of the α distribution

As is evident from the above, under the hypothesis thatthe first passage time of a molecule to reach a thresholdcontrols cell division, the distributions of τ,∆ and Vdare closely related and their CVs are governed by N orequivalently Zc as described by (6). One can now askfor what controls the distribution of α in this setting.Note that α is obtained for a given trajectory by fittingthe observed trajectory of cell volume to the exponentialform V (t) ∼ eαt. Thus α in any generation is the slope ofthe best fit straight line to the lnV vs t curve from birthto division. In the analysis of the previous subsectionwhere analytic expressions for the τ and ∆ distributionshave been derived, the X sector populations P, T,R areassumed to obey their deterministic dynamics and lie ontheir CBG. On the CBG the deterministic growth tra-jectory of P, T,R is given by (7), hence the value of αis fixed and equal to µ given by (8c). Thus the analysisof the previous subsection assumes that the α distribu-tion has zero width and is therefore just the Dirac deltafunction δ(α− µ). That the analysis produces nontrivialdistributions of ∆, τ, Vd while assuming that the α dis-tribution has zero width suggests that any explanationof the origin of a non-trivial α distribution must invokephenomena not included in that analysis.

In our numerical simulations of the PTRZ model weincluded the stochastic fluctuations of the P, T,R popu-lations. There we found the α distribution to have a finitewidth (Fig. 6D), although smaller than the one experi-mentally observed in [11]. We noticed that partitioningstochasticity increased the width of the α distribution toreach the width observed in [11] as the strength s of par-titioning stochasticity was increased. However, thresholdstochasticity did not contribute to α width. Furthermorewhile the rescaled ∆, τ, Vd distributions depended only onthe parameter N , the rescaled α distribution was foundto be dependent on the other parameters of the PTRZmodel as well (Fig. S1). These observations suggest that(a) intrinsic stochasticity, and (b) departure from theCBG resulting in a mixing of a pure exponential (givenby rate µ) with other functions of time contribute to thewidth in α in these models.

The role of intrinsic stochasticity in producing anonzero width is straightforward. A population variablethat is a smooth exponential function of time in a de-terministic simulation would be a jagged function whenintrinsic stochasticity is switched on, to which an expo-nential fit would give a different value of growth rate indifferent trials. The volume being a linear combination of

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0.994 0.996 0.998 1.000 1.002 1.004 1.006





Rescaled alpha (α / <α>)

XZ Model

XYZ ModelPro


y d








1.0 1.2 1.4Rescaled added volume and volume at division



XZ �







1.0 1.20.8


XZ �




y d


yRescaled tau (�/<�>)

0.9980.994 1.002 1.006






x 103

Rescaled growth rate (�/<�>)




FIG. 8: Distributions for XZ and XYZ models with only partitioning stochasticity. A Rescaled ∆, Vddistributions (τ distributions in the inset). B Rescaled α distribution. Distributions are made from 30000

generations. Note that the α distribution has zero width for the XZ model but nonzero width for the XYZ model,which explains how being thrown off the CBG contributes to the width of the α distribution (see discussion in main

text). In these simulations intrinsic stochasticity due to chemical dynamics as well as threshold stochasticity areboth absent, but partitioning stochasticity is present with strength s = 1. XZ model parameters:

µ = 10,KZ = 10−3, v = 1, s = 1. XYZ model parameters: c1 = 10, c2 = 1,KZ = 10−3, v1 = v2 = 1, s = 1. For bothmodels Zc = 40, Zr = 20, τ1 = 0.

chemical populations will consequently also have a vari-ation in α in different generations.

To explain how the departure from the CBG is an inde-pendent source of variation of α we consider two modelsin the same broad class defined in section II but linearand much simpler than PTRZ, one containing only onepopulation variable in the X sector (the XZ model) andthe other containing two (the XYZ model). These aredefined by:

XZ model : X = µX, Z = KZX; V ≡ vX,(23a)

XYZ model : X = c1Y, Y = c2X, Z = KZX;(23b)

V ≡ v1X + v2Y. (23c)

Here µ,KZ , v, c1, c2, v1, v2 are constants. When thesemodels are simulated with only intrinsic stochasticityin the chemical dynamics (partitioning stochasticity andthreshold stochasticity absent) they produce the samerescaled ∆, τ, Vd distributions as the PTRZ model andtheir own specific nonzero width α distributions (seeFig. S1). This is in keeping with the discussion above.However, now consider simulations of both these modelstreating the population dynamics of all chemicals deter-ministically and implementing only partitioning stochas-ticity with some strength s as described in section III B 5(intrinsic stochasticity and threshold stochasticity are ab-sent). The resulting distributions are shown in Fig. 8.The ∆, τ, Vd distributions are different from what we getwhen only intrinsic stochasticity is present and all threehave nonzero width for both models. But the α distri-

bution has zero width for the XZ model and a nonzerowidth for the XYZ model. This difference between thetwo models shows that departure from the CBG con-tributes to the α distribution. For, in the XZ modelthe phase space of the X sector coincides with the CBG(both are 1-dimensional) and there can be no depar-ture from the CBG: any initial condition X(0) leads tothe trajectory X(t) = X(0)eµt, which always leads toα = µ. Whereas in the XYZ model the XY sector phasespace is 2-dimensional and for a general initial condition(X(0), Y (0)) the trajectory of the system is a linear su-perposition of two exponentials: X(t) = aeµt + be−µt,Y (t) = a′eµt + b′e−µt, where µ = (c1c2)1/2 and a, b, a′, b′

are linear combinations of X(0), Y (0). Thus V (t) is alsoin general a superposition of two exponentials and fittingit to a single exponential will yield a value of α that willdepend upon X(0), Y (0). In this linear example the dy-

namics is governed by the matrix A =

(0 c1c2 0

), which

has two eigenvalues ±µ. The eigenvector correspondingto +µ is the attractor of the dynamics and is the CBG(it is the line in the XY plane which passes through theorigin and has the slope Y/X = (c2/c1)1/2). On this line,the growth is pure exponential with α = µ. But even ifthe system has reached this line before division, partition-ing stochasticity will throw it off this line after division,because the X and Y populations of the daughter cell arechosen independently of each other at partition and willno longer have the same ratio as before. Thus in the nextgeneration the trajectory will again be a superposition oftwo exponentials, resulting in a value of α 6= µ.

The above argument makes it clear how being thrown

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off the CBG contributes to the width of the α distri-bution, because in every generation the departure ofX(0), Y (0) (birth coordinates of the cell) from the CBGwill be random due to partitioning stochasticity and theextent of that departure will govern how different the fit-ted value of α in that generation is from µ. Whereas inthe XZ model since there can be no departure from theCBG partitioning stochasticity always gives α = µ. Thisexplains why in the PTRZ model we found the widthof the α distribution to grow with s: larger s means agreater departure from the CBG and hence a greater de-parture from a pure exponential solution. This also ex-plains why when only threshold stochasticity is present(intrinsic stochasticity and partitioning stochasticity ab-sent) the width of the α distribution is zero. This is be-cause once the system reaches the CBG attractor, thresh-old stochasticity by itself cannot throw it off the CBGbecause it only operates in the Z sector and does not af-fect the ratios of populations in the X sector. In view ofthe above discussion it is not surprising that the α dis-tribution depends upon parameter values and details ofthe models.

The mixing of exponentials as a possible origin of the αdistribution has also been discussed in [61] in the contextof a linear model. Our explanation, in terms of the cellbeing thrown off the CBG by partitioning and intrinsicstochasticity covers both linear and non-linear dynamics.

The above discussion also clarifies the origin of thedeparture from the adder property of an auto-regulatedchemical Q discussed in the previous subsection. Sincethe cell is thrown off the CBG, the growth rate of Q isno longer µ but can be affected by Qb because of auto-regulation. Hence it departs from the adder. PTR alsohave a growth rate different from µ, but being large andunaffected by Q, do not show a significant departure fromthe adder property (and hence V also does not).


A. Exponential growth arises in Class-I dynamicalsystems

We saw that the PTR sector defined by (2) and (3) wascharacterized by the exponential growth of chemicals inthe deterministic steady state in the growth phase (in-sets of Figs. 1A,C; Fig. S9A,B), given by Eq. (7). Wenow argue that this is a general property of a large classof chemical systems which naturally arise in cellular dy-namics. Consider a set of n chemicals whose dynamics isgiven by (1a), with fi being homogeneous degree-1 func-tions of the molecular populations, i.e., for any β > 0,

fi(βX) = βfi(X), i = 1, 2, ..., n. (24)

We will refer to systems satisfying (24) as Class-I dynam-ical systems. For such systems an exponential ansatz

Xi(t) = Xi(0)eµt for all i = 1, . . . , n (25)

is generically a solution of the dynamics. Substitutingequation (25) in equation (1a), and using equation (24)to write


(X1(0)eµt, X2(0)eµt, ..., Xn(0)eµt

)= eµtfi

(X1(0), X2(0), ..., Xn(0)



we get:

µXi(0) = fi(X1(0), X2(0), ..., Xn(0)

), for i = 1, 2, .., n.

(27)The t dependence has canceled out from both sides be-cause of the class-I nature of the fi. This shows thatfor class-I systems (25) is a solution of the dynamics ifand only if X(0) and µ satisfy (27). (27) is a set of nequations for the n+ 1 constants µ and Xi(0) appearingin (25). Assuming Xn(t) > 0, we can define the ratiosof populations ψi(t) ≡ Xi(t)/Xn(t), i = 1, 2, . . . , n − 1,ψn ≡ 1. It follows that ψi satisfy the differential equationdψi/dt = fi(ψ) − ψifn(ψ), where ψ denotes the vector(ψ1, ψ2, . . . , ψn−1, 1). Under the ansatz (25) ψi are timeindependent, ψi(t) = ψi(0) = Xi(0)/Xn(0). Dividingboth sides of (27) by Xn(0) and using (24), we get

µψi = fi(ψ1, ψ2, ..., ψn−1, 1

)for i = 1, 2, .., n− 1,

µ = fn(ψ1, ψ2, ..., ψn−1, 1


(28)For class-I systems (27) and (28) are equivalent. (28)is a set of n (in general, non-linear) equations for the nunknowns µ and ψ1, . . . , ψn−1. Generically these n equa-tions provide a solution for the n− 1 independent ratiosof chemicals ψi (i = 1, . . . , n− 1) as well as µ in terms ofthe parameters appearing in the functions fi (see Supple-mentary section S2 D for additional remarks and qualifi-cations). The PTR model is a particular case of n = 3for which the explicit solution is given in (8). The fixedvalues of the ratios ψi so obtained define a straight linepassing through the origin of the n-dimensional phasespace Γ of the variables X in the direction of the vec-tor ψ. The implication of the above analysis is that forany initial condition X(0) lying on this line, the trajec-tory of system will satisfy (25); in other words all thepopulations Xi(t) will grow exponentially with the samerate µ preserving their ratios. Therefore this line can bereferred to as a curve of balanced growth (CBG) for thesystem (a trajectory that starts on the CBG remains onthe CBG with constant ratios of populations). Such acurve does not exist in general for systems that are notclass-I.

As discussed earlier in sections IV A and IV B andFig. S9, in the case of the PTR dynamics defined by(2) and (3), an exponentially growing trajectory lying onthe CBG is not just a solution but also a stable attrac-tor of the dynamics. We have found this property to betrue in simulations of many other class-I chemical sys-tems representing cellular dynamics with different formsof the functions fi. This includes autocatalytic systems

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with regulation involving Hill functions (see Eq. (22) andmodels in [62]), another with a network of a thousandchemical species constructed along the lines of [63], andother complicated class-I autocatalytic systems (detailsto be presented elsewhere). On the other hand, withoutthe class-I property, even simple systems do not have anattractor satisfying (25). For example we can considerthe PTR model with the same Eq. (2) but with a modi-fied Eq. (3) such that the volume is not a linear functionof the populations. Let us assume that V is proportionalto S2/3 where S is the surface area of the cell (moti-vated by spherical shaped cells), and let us take S to beproportional to T , the number of transporter molecules.Then the asymptotic trajectory is not exponential (seeFig. S10). The reintroduction of the division processdoes not produce the exponential behaviour in this non-class-I system. Similar behaviour is observed in severalother non-class-I systems we have studied.

Thus we find the class-I condition (24) to be an im-portant condition for the existence of attractors with ex-ponential growth. Note that linear functions (fi(X) =∑nj=1AijXj with constant Aij) are a special case of

class-I and here the asymptotic attractor is exponential:X(t) = X(µ)eµt where µ is the eigenvalue of the matrixA = (Aij) with the largest real part and X(µ) the corre-sponding eigenvector. In this case ψ is proportional toX(µ). Class-I systems are in general nonlinear (e.g., thePTR model above) but share the feature of exponentialsolutions with linear systems. (27) can be considered ageneralization of the eigenvalue equation AX = µX tothe nonlinear case, which determines the ratios of theXi(0) and the ‘eigenvalue’ µ.

B. When does the class-I property arise?

The class-I property of fi will always arise for well-stirred mass action kinetics, however complicated the lat-ter may be, when the volume of the container is a linearfunction of the chemical populations. This can be seenas follows.

Let us consider a well stirred chemical reactor of fixedvolume V containing n chemical species whose popula-tions are given by Xi and concentrations by xi = Xi/V .The law of mass action implies that the dynamics of theconcentrations is given by the set of nonlinear equations

xi = gi(x), i = 1, 2, . . . , n, (29)

where gi are some nonlinear functions of the argumentsthat depend upon the set of chemical reactions that takeplace in the system. E.g., if there is a chemical reactionof the kind A + 2B → C, then xC will contain a term ofthe kind kxAx

2B . It is important to note that the r.h.s. of

(29) is a function of the concentrations of the chemicals,not their populations.

Now assume the container is expanding, with the vol-ume having a time dependence V = V (t). Then the

above equation would be modified to

xi = gi(x)− xiV


dt, (30)

with the second term reflecting the effect of dilution dueto expansion. Let us ask for the dynamical equations interms of the populations Xi = V xi. In a fixed (constant)

volume, Xi = V xi = V gi(x) = V gi(X/V ). In an ex-

panding volume Xi = V xi + V xi = V gi(X/V ) − xiV +

V xi = V gi(X/V ). Thus in terms of the population vari-ables the dynamics in the expanding container does notcontain any extra term and is given by

Xi = V gi(X/V ). (31)

Now suppose the volume of the container is a function ofthe populations, V = V (X), i.e., it depends upon timeonly through X(t). This feature would modify the natureof the dependence of the r.h.s. of (31) on X:

Xi = V (X)gi


V (X)

)≡ fi(X). (32)

A particularly interesting situation arises when V (X) isa linear function of the populations (as is possibly truefor bacterial cells):

V (X) =n∑i=1

viXi, (33)

where vi are constants. (This can happen for exampledue to osmotic pressure. If we assume that water en-ters or leaves the cell on a short time scale compared tothe time scales of the dynamics (31) to maintain the to-tal concentration of solute inside equal to that outside

the cell xext, then∑n


V = xext or V = 1xext


This is a particular case of (33) where the sum over i in-cludes all the chemical species in the bulk (interior) of thecell.) Then it follows that fi satisfies the class-I property.For, (33) implies that V (βX) = βV (X); then fi(βX) =

V (βX)gi(

βXV (βX)

)= βV (X)gi


V (X)

)= βfi(X).

Thus the class-I property (24) follows from well stirredmass action kinetics in an expanding container Eq. (30),and the assumption that V is itself a homogeneousdegree-1 function of the molecular populations (in partic-ular its special case (33) that it is a linear function of thepopulations). Note that the gi(x) can be highly nonlin-ear functions of their arguments, and so will in generalfi(X) be; nevertheless the fi will satisfy the condition(24). This property of well stirred mass action kineticsis hidden when the dynamics is formulated in terms ofconcentrations but is apparent when formulated in termsof populations which are extensive quantities.

Note that the dynamical system (31) in terms of exten-sive variables is not fully specified until V is specified as afunction of time or as a function of X. Similarly the dy-namical system (30) in terms of intensive variables is not

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fully specified until V /V is specified as a function of timeor as a function of x. The choice (33) specifies both dy-namical systems completely where the constants vi aretreated as parameters of the system. With this choicethe concentrations satisfy the constraint

∑i vixi = 1,

obtained by dividing both sides of (33) by V . It can beeasily seen that this constraint is preserved by the timeevolution under (30). Thus there are only n−1 indepen-dent intensive variables, which can be taken to be then − 1 independent xi or the n − 1 ψi (each set can beexpressed in terms of the other set).

It is important to note that the specification (33) al-lows us to find the steady state growth rate as a functionof the parameters. (33) implies that the fi appearing in(32) satisfy the class-I property and this leads to (27)under the ansatz (25) from which both µ and the ψi (orxi) can be determined. The x so obtained is a fixed pointof (30). The µ and x so obtained depend, among otherthings, on the parameters vi appearing in (33) (see, e.g.,(8c)). If, instead of specifying V as a function of X, we

had simply replaced V /V by µ in (30), we could stillsolve for the fixed point of (30) in terms of µ and otherparameters appearing in the functions gi but we wouldnot be able to solve for µ in terms of the parameters.

C. Consequences of the class-I property

The class-I property allows us to generalize the re-sults of the PTRZ model to a much more general classof models described in section II. In this subsection wediscuss the generalizations and the assumptions underwhich they hold.

1. Exponential growth of size, expressions for the averagebirth volume and interdivision time scale

Exponential trajectories. Most mathematical models ofcellular dynamics are formulated in terms of concen-trations, with particular choices of the functions gi in(29). For cells in a steady state culture it is usually as-sumed that the volume grows exponentially; consequentlya term −µxi is added to account for dilution due to vol-ume expansion. However, the exponential dependence ofV on t is, a priori, a puzzling fact given the nonlinearnature of cellular dynamics. The discussion above pro-vides an explanation of that, and also explains why theexponential growth property is so generic and indepen-dent of the form of gi. As remarked in section V A wefind exponentially growing chemical trajectories (25) asattractors of the dynamics for a wide range of systemsirrespective of the form of fi when the fi are class-I. Inall these cases fi were derived from physically motivatedgi via Eqs. (32) and (33). Then, since the volume of thecontainer is a linear function of the populations (33), itfollows that the container size in the attractor also growsexponentially with the same rate: V (t) ∼ eµt. Thus

the ubiquity of exponential growth of V is a consequenceof the fact the fi are class-I irrespective of the form ofgi, and that such systems possess exponential solutionswhich are often the attractors of the dynamics.

This explanation also exposes a physical propertythat is required for exponential trajectories that has notbeen so far recognized, namely the linear dependence(33) of V on the populations (or, more generally,V (βX) = βV (X)). This suggests that the biophysicalorigins of the assumption (33) need to be exploredfurther. In particular the constants vi, which also affectthe steady state growth rate of the cell (and hencecellular fitness), should be determined experimentallyand estimated theoretically. This also provides apossible explanation of the departure from exponentialtrajectories observed in certain eukaryotic unicellularorganisms [4, 13]. The departure may be in part aconsequence of the violation of (33), caused by otherstructural features of the cell such as the cytoskeleton.

Expression for τ . Let us consider the consequences ofthis for the general model described in section II. Weassume, for the rest of this section and the next sectionthat (a) V is a linear function of the populations andthe functions fi satisfy the class-I property, and (b) thatan exponential solution (25) is the attractor of the Xsector dynamics for the initial conditions of interest. Indiscussing averages we ignore all forms of stochasticityand treat the dynamics as deterministic. Then, the Xi

variables flow towards the CBG defined by the vectorψ whose components, the ratios of populations, as wellas µ, satisfy (27). This flow is not affected by the

change of Z because Xi is independent of Z, exceptat discrete points when all the Xi are halved. Thelatter interruption does not disturb the flow towardsthe CBG because ψi are unaffected by it (as mentioned

above (1a) and (24) imply that ψi = fi(ψ) − ψifn(ψ),which is invariant under change of scale of the X). Thedynamics of ratios of chemicals and their concentrations(30) therefore does not see any discontinuity at division.Thus the X variables reach the CBG in the presence ofthe division process. This will be true as long as divisionchanges all the Xi by the same scale (not necessarilyhalf), and irrespective of whether division is triggeredby the Z dynamics as in the present case, or by someother process. Thus, in particular it is guaranteed thatin the attractor of the growth-division dynamics, the cellvolume and all populations Xi will grow exponentiallywith time between birth and division. Furthermore inthe steady state, since the variables must grow by afactor of 2 between birth and division (assuming Xi

are halved at division), the interdivision time is givenby τ = ln 2/µ. Note that τ only depends upon theparameters of the X sector and not the Z sector.

Expression for Vb. Now let us further assume that (c) thefunction h(X, Z) in (1b) is independent of Z and satisfiesthe class-I property, h(βX) = βh(X) (as is the case in

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the PTRZ model, Eq. (5)). When the X have reachedtheir CBG we can write Xi(t) = Xibe

µt = Xnbψieµt or

X(t) = Xnbψeµt, where Xib is the value of Xi at a birth

of the cell (taken to be t = 0 for convenience). Then

Z = h(X) = Ceµt, with the last step following from (c),and C = Xnbh(ψ). This is the same as (10), except thatthe expression for C is now more general. The argumentbelow (10) and in the Supplementary text section S2 Aapplies as before, fixing the absolute scale of the Xib andVb. In particular Xnb = Nµeµτ1/h(ψ) and since V =∑ni=1 viXi = Xnb

∑n1=1 viψi, we get

Vb = Aeµτ1 =Nµ



viψieµτ1 . (34)

This is the expression for cell size at birth in terms ofthe parameters for the general model described in sec-tion II when the conditions (a)-(c) hold. (13), (14) forthe PTRZ model are special cases of this formula. Notethat µ and ψi are determined in terms of the parametersappearing in the fi through (27).

2. Balanced growth of chemicals

In order to replicate itself a growing cell must solvea high dimensional coordination problem between itschemicals. The amount of each chemical in the mothercell at division must be double that in the daughter cell atbirth (assuming that upon division a daughter gets halfof every chemical from its mother). Otherwise daughtersat birth in successive generations will not be identical.How does the cell manage to double all of its chemicals(and there are thousands of them) at the same time?This is a puzzle because each chemical is produced andconsumed in a specific set of reactions that have theirown specific rate constants, varying from reaction to re-action. However if the exponential solution (25) is anattractor of the dynamics (1a) the problem is automat-ically solved because in the attractor each chemical hasthe same growth rate µ and ratios of chemicals are pre-served in time. It is remarkable that class-I systems de-scribing cells seem to have such attractors. This is nottrue for systems that are not Class-I (for an example, seeFig. S10), which must solve their coordination problemsby other means (to be discussed elsewhere).

3. Genericity of the adder property and the ∆ and τdistributions

So far in this subsection we have discussed the conse-quences of the class-I property for the general system (1)at the deterministic level (without stochasticity). Nowconsider the inclusion of intrinsic stochasticity in thechemical dynamics of Z, while still treating the dynam-ics of the X sector chemicals as deterministic, and also

ignoring all other sources of stochasticity such as par-titioning stochasticity, threshold stochasticity, etc. Theadder property and the ∆ and τ distributions discussedin section IV D derived from three key ingredients: (i)V (t) = Vbe

µt, (ii) cell division occurs at the time whenZ first reaches Zc, whereupon it is reset to a fixed value,and (iii) the dynamics of Z is the stochastic version of(10) in which C is an extensive quantity proportional tothe chemical populations and hence to the volume of thecell. In the class of models described in section II prop-erty (ii) is taken for granted (it is part of the definition).Property (i) follows from assumptions (a) and (b) men-tioned above (in section V C 1). As noted above, whenassumption (c) holds, then on the CBG attractor of theX sector deterministic dynamics, (10) also holds with Cand Vb both proportional to Xnb and hence to each other.Thus (iii) also holds provided we treat the Z dynamicsas stochastic. This proves that under conditions (a)-(c)when we treat the X sector dynamics as deterministicand the Z dynamics as stochastic the general model de-scribed in section II displays the adder property and the∆ and τ distributions given in section IV D (Eqs. (15) to(18)) arise with C = h(Xb) and B = C/µ. Further, thepopulations Xb (rescaled by their means) also show thesame distribution as Vb and exhibit the adder property.

When the X sector dynamics are also treated stochas-tically, and other sources of stochasticity such as parti-tioning stochasticity and stochasticity of Zc are included,we expect that the model will exhibit a behaviour similarto that discussed for the PTRZ model in section III B,e.g., a non-trivial α distribution will arise, the adderproperty for the cell volume will continue to hold un-less Zr and Zc are correlated, the CV of molecular pop-ulations as a function of the mean X will decline as Xincreases for small X � N and flatten out for X � N ,etc.


So far we have discussed issues related to the size ofbacterial cells in a growth culture. The models consid-ered here have a modular character, in that there aretwo sectors, the Z sector which is concerned with thetriggering of division, and the X sector which containsall other chemicals in the cell. We have seen that certainproperties of the models are independent of the details ofthe X sector, as long as certain broad conditions are met(class-I nature of dynamics, linear dependence of V onpopulations, etc.). The average cell volume at birth de-pends upon various cellular parameters (13),(14),(34). Itdepends on the X sector parameters through the growthrate µ, the ratios of chemicals ψi and the coefficients vi,and on the Z sector parameter N/KZ (or N/h(ψ) in gen-eral). It also has the exponential factor eµτ1 . The overalldependence of V on µ is complicated in light of the factthat the ratios ψi also depend upon the same parameters

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of the X sector that µ depends upon (through a solutionof (27)) and this would be different for different models.On the other hand the fluctuations in V and the popu-lations Xi, in particular their CV, as well as the CV of τare governed by a single parameter N , and are largely in-dependent of the details of what happens in the X sector.Experiments seem to constrain the parameter N between20 and 60, as discussed in section III B 4. The propertiesof exponential growth and the adder property for V andXi are also largely independent of the details of the Xsector.

We now mention another aspect of bacterial growthphysiology that pertains to the effect of the medium onthe growth rate and composition of the cells, the bacterialgrowth laws. These are summarized in three empiricallyderived equations:

µ = µ∞[F ]

C1 + [F ], (35a)

ΦR = ΦminR +


κt, (35b)

ΦR = ΦmaxR − µ

κn. (35c)

The first [64] describes the dependence of the steady stategrowth rate on the concentration [F ] of a limiting foodresource in the external medium. The second [40–43] de-scribes how the fraction of total protein in the cell thatis ribosomal protein, ΦR, increases as µ is increased byimproving the nutritional quality of the limiting food re-source. The third [43] describes how ΦR increases as µis decreased by adding antibiotics to the medium that di-minish the translational efficiency of ribosomes or by pro-ducing mutants that specifically target the translationalefficiency. The six constants µ∞, C1,Φ

minR ,Φmax

R , κt, κnare phenomenological constants [43] whose values are ex-tracted from experiment.

In [50] the above three laws were derived from the PTRmodel, which is the X sector of the PTRZ model dis-cussed above. There are two classes of macromoleculesrepresented in the PTR model, T and R, made up ofmT and mR units of P respectively, and the ribosomalfraction can be defined as ΦR = mRR/(mTT +mRR) =mR/(mTψT + mR). To derive the growth laws (35) theexpression (8c) for the steady state growth rate was max-imized with respect to fR, keeping all other parametersfixed. This implements an underlying regulatory mecha-nism in the cell that regulates the fraction of ribosomesthat are engaged in making ribosomal protein. The valueof fR that maximizes the r.h.s. of (8c) was substitutedin (8a) to get an expression for ψT (and hence ΦR) andin (8c) to get an expression for µ. This yielded the equa-tions (35) for the growth laws together with expressionsfor the six phenomenological constants in terms of theparameters of the PTR sector. For the parameter valuesgiven in Fig. 1 the predictions of the model agree withthe experimental data up to factors of order unity.

It is clear that the above procedure and its results areunaffected by the presence of the Z sector in the PTRZ

model. The modular structure of the PTRZ model andthe fact that the division process does not cause any dis-continuity in the dynamics of the intensive variables ofthe X sector ensures that the PTRZ model also repro-duces the same equations for the bacterial growth laws.Setting fR to a particular value (that optimizes µ) affectsthe values of µ and the ratios ψT and ψR, and hence thevalue of Vb in (14), but does not affect the existence ofexponential growth. In particular (10) still holds albeitwith values of C and µ given by the above procedure.Thus the consequences of the Z sector dynamics are alsounaffected. The PTRZ model thus provides a unifedexplanation of the bacterial growth laws together withfluctuations of size, interdivision time, growth rate andintracellular molecular populations as well as the adderproperty.

The PTR sector can be augmented [62] by introducingother chemical species whose dynamics model the reg-ulation of fR mechanistically instead of using the op-timization procedure. Standard regulatory mechanismsare consistent with the general form (29) and do not al-ter the class-I nature of the X sector. The feature ofexponentially growing trajectories remains intact in suchmodels. The results above about cell size and fluctua-tions will therefore also hold for such models.


We have presented a class of mathematical models thatexplain a number of observed properties of bacterial cellsand make testable predictions. The work also introducesnew concepts that may help further theoretical analysisand identify new experiments.Summary of assumptions and results. The modelsassume that the cell can be described in terms of theintracellular chemical populations Xi, i = 1, . . . , n,whose growth dynamics, at the deterministic level, isgiven by coupled ordinary differential equations (1a).The cell volume V is assumed to be a linear function ofthe chemical populations, Eq. (33). The models havefurther structure to describe the control of cell division,but already, even without that structure, certain keyproperties of the cell, summarized in the next paragraph,are fixed by the ‘X sector’ itself. These are governed bythe character of the functions fi appearing in (1a).

Class-I property: Exponential trajectories, growth rateand interdivision time scale, intensive quantities. Themodels provide an explanation of the observation thatcell size and intracellular molecular populations growexponentially with time between birth and division insteady state bacterial cultures. Exponential growthis shown (in section V A) to be a consequence of the‘class-I’ property (Eq. (24)) of the functions fi. Thisproperty in turn is a general consequence of mass actionkinetics in expanding containers (see section V B) whenthe cell volume V depends linearly on the populations

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(Eq. (33)) and could therefore hold for a large class ofmodels applicable to bacteria. When the class-I prop-erty holds, we find that the populations are typicallyattracted to a ‘curve of balanced growth’ (CBG) inwhich their ratios ψi ≡ Xi/Xn are constant, and thepopulations themselves grow exponentially in time (Eq.(25)) with a constant growth rate µ. This explainsthe phenomenon of balanced growth [18] in bacterialcells. This also explains why V grows exponentially inthe steady state. The ratios ψi and µ are determinedin terms of the constant parameters of the model assolutions to a set of (typically algebraic) equations(Eqs. (27)), which constitute a nonlinear analogue ofthe eigenvalue equation of a matrix. Hence all theintensive quantities in the steady state including theconcentrations xi ≡ Xi/V of the chemicals are fixed.The interdivision time scale τ is fixed by the reciprocalof µ. E.g., if the division is symmetric (i.e., the twodaughters are identical), then eµτ = 2 since all chemicalsshould double in quantity between birth and division inthe steady state; hence τ = ln 2/µ. Explicit solutions forµ and ψi (Eq. (8)) are presented for a nonlinear modelwith n = 3 populations, the PTR model [50] defined byEqs. (2). We also show examples of non-class-I modelswhere the growth trajectory of the individual cell is notexponential (section V A, Fig. S10).Bacterial growth laws. The PTR model also reproducesthe bacterial growth laws of composition [40–43] whenregulation is implemented through an optimizationprocedure [50] or by introducing additional molecularspecies [62] while preserving its class-I property andexponential trajectories (section VI).

Division control: Absolute size and populations. Whileintensive quantities and the interdivision time scale inthe steady state are fixed by the previous assumptions,the absolute scale of cell size and populations requires aspecification of the division control mechanism. In thiswork we assume that the cell commits itself to divisionwhen one of the chemical populations (denoted by Zand separated out from the Xi for convenience) reachesa threshold Zc, with division following commitmentafter a possible delay τ1. The dynamics of Z dependsupon the Xi through (1b). For simplicity we assumethat Z contributes negligibly to its own dynamics, tothe continuous time dynamics of the Xi and to V .Immediately after it reaches its threshold Zc we allowZ to be reset to a value Zr ≤ Zc. Upon division all thepopulations are halved. With these assumptions divisionis governed by the nature of the function h appearingin (1b). In this paper we have primarily considered theconsequences of h also satisfying the class-I property likethe fi (Eq. (24)). Then we can get a general formulafor the birth volume Vb (Eq. (34)) in terms of h anda specific formula in the case of the PTRZ model (Eq.(14)) when a specific form (given by (5)) of h is chosen.The absolute populations are also fixed (expressionsgiven above (34) and (13)).

Stochasticity in chemical dynamics of Z: Analyticdistributions of τ and ∆; the adder property for cellsize and chemical populations. The preceding twoparagraphs summarize results for deterministic versionsof the models, and therefore pertain to averages acrosscells in the cultures. In order to understand cell-to-cellvariation in steady state cultures we include varioussources of stochasticity. Our stochastic results areobtained for the case τ1 = 0. It is convenient todistinguish four sources of stochasticity that we haveconsidered (which have distinct physical consequences):(A) Intrinsic stochasticity in the chemical dynamics ofZ, (B) intrinsic stochasticity in the chemical dynamicsof the X sector chemicals, (C) partitioning stochasticity,and (D) stochasticity in the value of the threshold Zc.Intrinsic stochasticity results from the fact that eachchemical reaction is a molecular event with a certainprobability. In particular this makes the inter-divisiontime, which by assumption is the first passage time for Zto reach Zc, a stochastic quantity. Our implementationof (C) and (D) is defined in section III B 5. We haveinvestigated different types of stochasticity in isolationand in suitable combinations. When type A is the onlystochasticity present we obtain some analytic results forgeneral class-I systems, namely, the distributions of τ(15), and of added volume ∆ (16), both conditional onthe birth configuration of the cell. The conditional ∆distribution is independent of Vb, thereby proving theadder property. In fact the rescaled ∆, u ≡ ∆/〈∆〉, hasa distribution (18) that depends on only one parameter,N = Zc − Zr/2 and is independent of the details ofthe functions fi, h and other parameters (section V C 3;Fig. S1). Molecular populations also satisfy the adderproperty and their rescaled increments have the samedistribution as u. However, the distribution of growthrate α has zero width when only type A stochastic-ity is present (discussed in the beginning of section IV D).

Other sources of stochasticity: Robustness of size andτ distributions; cross-over of population distributions;origin of the growth rate distribution; departure fromthe adder property. We have studied stochasticities oftype B,C,D with numerical simulations of the nonlinearPTRZ model (defined by Eqs. (2)(3)(5)) and two linearmodels, the XZ and XYZ models (Eq. (23)). We find,in the parameter ranges considered, that the rescaleddistributions of ∆, τ , Vd, Vb obtained with purely Atype stochasticity are robust to the inclusion of B typestochasticity (Figs. S17), and also to the inclusion of theC and D type stochasticities (section III B 5; Figs. S5)provided their strength is not too large. The robustnessof the rescaled size and interdivision time distributionsto parameter values (except N) and other sources ofstochasticity is one of the striking results of this work.The CV of all these distributions is proportional 1/


when only the A and B type stochasticities are included(Fig. 2C), with proportionality constants given by Eq.

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(6). The rescaled distributions of the populations Xi arealso robust, provided the population mean 〈Xi〉 is nottoo small. We find a crossover behaviour of the CV ofXi as a function of 〈Xi〉 (Fig. 5), with CV ∼ 〈Xi〉−1/2

for 〈Xi〉 � N and CV constant for 〈Xi〉 � N . Theadder property of the volume and populations is alsofound to be robust to the introduction of the BCD typestochasticities (Figs.4, S4, S6A). However the adderproperty is lost with D type stochasticity if Zc andZr are correlated with each other (Fig. S6B). Thedistribution of growth rate α acquires a non-zero widthupon the introduction of type B stochasticity (Fig.2), depends upon parameters other than N (Fig. S1)and is strongly influenced by type C stochasticity (Fig.6). We show that the origin of the α distribution isin part a consequence of the fact that type B and Cstochasticities throw the populations off the CBG andthereby cause a mixing of a pure exponential functionof time (having a rate µ) with other functions of time(including exponentials with rates other than µ).

Comparison with experiment. At the level of averages,the models reproduce the exponential trajectory of thevolume and intracellular populations as seen in E. coliexperiments, as well as the bacterial growth laws ofcomposition. At the level of fluctuations, they reproducethe adder property of cell volume fluctuations in E. coli.Experimental distributions of ∆, τ, Vd [11] constrainthe parameter N of the models to be between 20 and60 (section III B 4). The models find a much narrowerdistribution of α than the one observed in [11] whenonly the intrinsic stochasticity of chemical dynamics isincluded, and require a significant strength (perhapsunnaturally large) of partitioning stochasticity to reachthe observed width (section III B 5). This discrepancyneeds to be explored further, both theoretically andexperimentally. The models reproduce the observedcrossover behaviour of the CV of a molecular populationas a function of its mean population X: CV ∼ X−1/2

for X � N and constant for X � N (section III B 3).

Discussion. A key question is: Which molecular pop-ulation in the cell does Z correspond to? One possiblecandidate is the DnaA molecule, which is known to ini-tiate DNA replication and has been suggested as an up-stream trigger for cell division (for reviews see [65–68])DNA replication in E. coli is known to be initiated whena certain number, believed to be between 20 and 30, ofactive (ATP-bound) molecules of DnaA bind to sites onthe DNA molecule at oriC, a region of DNA at the ori-gin of replication. Soon after the initiation of replicationthe DnaA is deactivated by other enzymes; the complexof active DnaA falls apart to prevent multiple rounds ofinitiation. Each initiation is followed first by the repli-cation of DNA (referred to as the C period in the bac-terial growth cycle) and then by the separation of thechromosomes into two halves of the cell and cell division(referred to as the D period). After division, the daugh-

ter cells have a smaller number of active DnaA moleculesbound to the above mentioned sites, and this numbergrows in the period between birth and the initiation ofreplication (known as the B period). Various aspects ofthe dynamics of DnaA have been modeled mathemati-cally [67, 69–72].

In the context of the present model it is tempting toidentify Z with the number of active DnaA moleculesin the initiation complex bound to oriC. Then presentexperiments with DnaA suggest that the parameter Zcof the model should be between 20 and 30, Zr shouldbe essentially zero (the initiation complex dissociates af-ter triggering replication) and τ1 = C + D ∼ 1 hr. Itis interesting that this identification leads to a value ofN between 20 and 30, which overlaps with the range 20-60 obtained from a completely independent experimentalconstraint, the spread in the distributions of ∆, τ, Vd. Inother words, this identification provides a natural expla-nation of why the CVs of cell size, interdivision time andthe large intracellular molecular populations are in theballpark of 20% (Eq. (6) with N ∼ 25). The model pre-dicts that the average cell size increases when the rate ofproduction of the Z population is lowered (Vb is inverselyproportional to KZ or h(ψ), Eqs. (13),(34)). This isconsistent with the empirical observation that cell sizeincreases when the production of DnaA is impaired [73].We note that the fact that cooperativity in the Z dynam-ics leaves the adder property of the volume intact (shownin section IV D 2 and Supplementary section S2 C) is anencouraging sign for the above interpretation of Z, assuch cooperativity is known to exist for the active-DnaAmolecules bound at oriC.

However, the model also has problems with respectto the above interpretation. Note that in the previouspara, Z is identified not with the total number of DnaAprotein molecules in the cell, or even the total number ofactive (ATP-bound) DnaA molecules in the cell, but withthe number of active DnaA molecules bound to the DNAmolecule at oriC. A problem with the present model isthat a production term for Z such as in Eqn. (5) where Zis an extensive quantity may be appropriate for a chem-ical produced in the bulk of the cell, but for a chemicalspecies localized in space (such as the set of active-DnaAmolecules bound to the DNA at oriC) would need fur-ther justification or a mechanism not provided by thepresent model. Further, in this interpretation it is notclear how to account for the synchrony observed in theinitiation of replication at multiple origins [74]. The res-olution of the above mentioned problems might lie in thefact that oriC and the dnaA gene are close by on theDNA molecule and spatial proximity effects need to betaken into account. It also needs to be noted that thedynamics of active-DnaA molecules bound to the originof DNA replication is affected by many factors in the cell,including autoregulation of DnaA production, binding ofDnaA to a large number of sites other than oriC on theDNA and sequestering of the binding sites by other en-zymes. Another proposed model [75] is that initially in

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the cell cycle DnaA binds other sites on the DNA andthe replication initiating event is the binding of activeDnaA to a site in oriC that triggers cooperative bindingof active DnaA on a relatively short time scale to oriC. Inthis interpretation Zc would correspond to the effectivenumber of sites that DnaA binds to before the cooper-ative binding event occurs. In the light of the abovecaveats, the question as to whether the Z population inthe present model or its extension corresponds to somesub-population of the DnaA protein in the cell remainsan open question to be investigated further.

Note that the adder property and the ∆ distribution(16) (and consequently Eq. (6) relating the CV of ∆ to

1/√N) follow from very general assumptions (Eq. (19)

and assumptions mentioned below it; or the class-I prop-erty and assumptions mentioned in V C 3). They andmany other properties discussed above do not dependupon other details of the Z dynamics. Thus the mod-els could apply to other candidates for the Z moleculethan DnaA. Another candidate for Z is the FtsZ pro-tein, which forms a ring around the cell that constrictsand causes cell division, and degrades after cell division(for reviews see [76, 77]). However, the number of FtsZmolecules required for ring formation seems to be large(in the range ∼ 103 − 104, suggesting that N is in therange ∼ 103 − 104); in which case stochasticity in theproduction of FtsZ alone would not account for the ob-served CV of cell size and division time (the model pre-

dicts CV ∼ 1/√N which would be too low). The present

model ignores stochasticity in the mRNA population cor-responding to the Z protein; its inclusion would enhancethe CV of the cellular variables in (6) beyond 1√

Nand in

particular improve the case for FtsZ. Further, in the cellstochasticity in both DnaA and FtsZ can simultaneouslycontribute to the stochasticity in interdivision time andcell size.

In sum, while there are two good candidates (DnaAand FtsZ) for the time-keeper molecule, we believe thatmore work, both experimental and theoretical, is neededto establish whether or not the observed stochasticity inthe interdivision time and cell size is a consequence oftheir populations (or appropriate sub-populations) hav-ing to reach a critical threshold. Of course, there maybe other molecular candidates in the cell for triggeringdivision that we are not aware of.

The models discussed in the present work predict thatthe adder property of the cell volume is accompanied bythe adder property for coarse-grained intracellular molec-ular pools, such as the pool of amino acids in the cell orthe pool of metabolic enzymes, whose copy numbers are� N , and that the distribution of such a molecular pop-ulation rescaled by its mean is the same as the rescaledvolume distribution. Chemical population distributionshave been measured and found to be universal [32] butthe adder property for molecular pools has not been re-ported to our knowledge. Susman et al [61] have reporteda departure from the adder property for two individualprotein populations in single cell trajectories of E. coli

but the adder behaviour of larger molecular pools (pre-dicted by our models) remains an open empirical ques-tion. The models also predict that in the presence ofthreshold stochasticity (Zc being distributed over a rangeof values from cell to cell) the adder property is lost if thereset value Zr is correlated with Zc. It would be inter-esting if this could be tested by suitable mutations of E.coli, or by studying bacteria in which the adder propertyis absent.

An experimental question that this work draws atten-tion to is the role of osmosis and other biophysical mech-anisms in understanding exponential trajectories of cells.In section V B we argued that the linear dependence ofV on the intracellular populations, Eq. (33), is a crucialrequirement for exponential trajectories. As mentionedthere such an assumption might be justified if cells equal-ize the osmotic pressure of solute inside and outside thecell. Cells actually maintain an osmotic pressure differ-ence between their interior and the exterior. It is im-portant to test whether the linearity assumption is validand also to measure the coefficients vi. It is worth notingthat these coefficients affect the steady state growth rateµ (see, e.g., Eq. (8c) and the expressions below it) andthus contribute to cellular fitness. A departure from thelinear dependence of V on intracellular molecular popu-lations, caused by other structural elements such as thecytoskeleton, may explain the departure from exponen-tial trajectories observed in certain eukaryotic organisms.

At a mathematical level this work suggests that a cer-tain class of dynamical systems, class-I systems (definedby (1a),(24)), are both generic and analytically useful formodeling bacterial cells. The present study shows thatsome physical properties (summarized above, and includ-ing averages and fluctuations) are universal for all suchsystems in that they do not depend upon the model and(many of) its parameters, and identifies some that arenot. For this class the ‘steady states’ are exponentiallygrowing trajectories whose growth rate µ is a solution ofa nonlinear version of the eigenvalue equation, Eq. (27).When the functions fi are algebraic µ is given implicitlyin terms of the model parameters as a solution to a setof algebraic equations. In this work we have only inves-tigated some properties in a few examples of class-I sys-tems; other mathematical properties and examples needto be investigated. Since exponential growth appears inmany areas where the underlying dynamics is nonlinear,it is quite possible that these systems find applicationselsewhere.

For any fixed environment µ is a measure of the or-ganism’s fitness. Having it as a function of the systemparameters allows us to describe the fitness landscapeincluding the neutral directions, valleys and hills in pa-rameter space. Thus it specifies the evolutionary pathsin that environment. This class of models could be rel-evant for the study of evolution because they provide µas a function of the parameters. It is worth mention-ing that for the class of models studied here µ is inde-pendent of the parameters of the division control sector

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(e.g., the function h in (1b), and the thresholds Zc andZr), which are therefore neutral directions of variationas far as steady state fitness is concerned. This is a con-sequence of a kind of modularity in the model implicitin the assumption that the dynamics of the X sector isindependent of Z and is influenced by Z only throughdivision. It would be interesting to empirically explorethe extent of, or departure from, such a modularity inreal cells.

Since the models discussed here are dynamical,they capture not just the steady state but also thetransients. Thus they could also be useful in exploringthose regulatory mechanisms that affect or seek tooptimize performance over the transients. Extensionof these models may find applications in modeling thestationary phase [78] and antibiotic environments [79]where the net cell population growth goes to zero witha balance between cell growth and death. It would alsobe interesting to use these models to make contact withother allometric modeling approaches [80] that seek tounderstand how the amounts of cellular componentslike ribosomes and proteins depend upon cell size acrossdiverse bacteria.


All numerical simulations were done in C programminglanguage. Numerical solution of the ODEs for themathematical models were done using the CVODEsolver library of the SUNDIALS (Suite of Nonlinear

and Differential/Algebraic Equation Solvers) package[81] and the adaptive Runge-Kutta (RK5) method.The stochastic simulations were done using the tauleaping method [82, 83]. In particular the trapezoidalvariant of adaptive implicit tau leaping was used [84, 85].


We would like to thank Mukund Thattai for a criticalreading of an earlier version of the manuscript, discus-sions and helpful suggestions. We thank Suckjoon Junfor providing the data of ref. [11] for comparison of themodel with experiment and for discussions. We alsothank Santhust Kumar, Saurabh Mahajan, AmitabhaMukherjee and Pooja Sharma for discussions. SJ thanksthe members of the Simons Center for Systems Biology,Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton for discussionsand critical comments. He acknowledges the Addie andHarold Broitman Membership in Biology at the Institutefor Advanced Study, grants from Department of Biotech-nology, Government of India, and a Research and Devel-opment grant from the University of Delhi. PPP andHS would like to thank the University Grants Commis-sion, India for a Senior Research Fellowship and JuniorResearch Fellowship, respectively. We would like to ac-knowledge the hospitality of the International Centre forTheoretical Sciences, Bangalore, and the InternationalCentre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, where part ofthis work was done.

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