exercise in the previous class Decrypt the following ciphertext. qiw aufmlyn gcmwz yz c mcxae yoqweocqyaocu wpwoq jwcqkeyog zkmmwe cod vyoqwe zlaeqz, yo viyni qiakzcodz aj cqiuwqwz lceqynylcqw yo c pceywqf aj namlwqyqyaoz. qiw aufmlyn gcmwz icpw namw qa hw ewgcedwd cz qiw vaeud'z jaewmazq zlaeqz namlwqyqyao viwew maew qico qva ikodewd ocqyaoz lceqynylcqw. qiw gcmwz cew nkeewoquf iwud wpwef qva fwcez, vyqi zkmmwe cod vyoqwe aufmlyn gcmwz cuqweocqyog, cuqiakgi qiwf annke wpwef jake fwcez vyqiyo qiwye ewzlwnqypw zwczaocu gcmwz. hint: find “typical patterns” of English 1

exercise in the previous class

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exercise in the previous class. Decrypt the following ciphertext . - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: exercise in the previous class

exercise in the previous class

Decrypt the following ciphertext.

qiw aufmlyn gcmwz yz c mcxae yoqweocqyaocu wpwoq jwcqkeyog zkmmwe cod vyoqwe zlaeqz, yo viyni qiakzcodz aj cqiuwqwz lceqynylcqw yo c pceywqf aj namlwqyqyaoz. qiw aufmlyn gcmwz icpw namw qa hw ewgcedwd cz qiw vaeud'z jaewmazq zlaeqz namlwqyqyao viwew maew qico qva ikodewd ocqyaoz lceqynylcqw. qiw gcmwz cew nkeewoquf iwud wpwef qva fwcez, vyqi zkmmwe cod vyoqwe aufmlyn gcmwz cuqweocqyog, cuqiakgi qiwf annke wpwef jake fwcez vyqiyo qiwye ewzlwnqypw zwczaocu gcmwz.

hint: find “typical patterns” of English


Page 2: exercise in the previous class

exercise in the previous class: solution

use the JAVA applet at;http://apal.naist.jp/~kaji/crypto/Substitution.html

The Olympic Games is a major international event featuring summer and winter sports, in which thousands of athletes participate in a variety of competitions. The Olympic Games have come to be regarded as the world's foremost sports competition where more than two hundred nations participate. The Games are currently held every two years, with Summer and Winter Olympic Games alternating, although they occur every four years within their respective seasonal games.


Page 3: exercise in the previous class

previous class: common-key cryptography

symmetric-key ―, classic ―, ...the encryption and decryption use the same keythe sender and the receiver need to agree the key in advance


encrypt decrypt


key agreement

secure channel,or secure protocol

sender receiver

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today: public-key cryptography

public-key cryptographythe receiver of ciphertexts prepares a pair of keys

the encryption key and the decryption keythe encryption key is opened to the publicthe decryption key is kept secretly by the receiver


encrypt decrypt

A Bopen channel

send in advancesender receiver

Page 5: exercise in the previous class

the difference of the two cryptography

common-key cryptography = vault (金庫 )



public-key cryptography = post (郵便受け )



key needed key needed

key NOT needed key needed

each individual has its own “post”

Page 6: exercise in the previous class

public-key cryptography

a public-key cryptography is a triple of algorithms (G, E, D)G(seed); generates a pair of keys ek and dkE(ek, m); encrypts m by using ek as an encryption keyD(dk, c); decrypts c by using dk as an decryption key

If (ek, dk) G, then D(dk, E(ek, m)) = m.If (ek, dk) G, then D(dk, E(ek, m)) m.


G seed




Dm c m

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key management

Each user needs to generate his/her own key pair (ek, dk).The decryption key dk is kept secretly.

only the legitimate (本物の ) user can do decryptionThe encryption key ek is opened to the public.

anybody can do encryption



ekA ekB ekC

dkB dkCA





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RSA cryptography

proposed by Rivest, Shamir and Adelman in 1977

keys, plaintexts and ciphertexts are integersencryption:

key is a pair of integers: e & nc = me mod n

decryption:key is a pair of integers: d & nm = cd mod n

the “trick” is in the choice of e, d and nkeys must be very long ... n 1024bits




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numerical example

e = 3, d = 7, n = 33:


c = m3 mod 33

1 12 83 274 315 266 187 138 179 3

10 1011 1112 1213 1914 515 916 4


17 2918 2419 2820 1421 2122 2223 2324 3025 1626 2027 1528 729 230 631 2532 32

1 12 293 94 165 146 307 288 29 15

10 1011 1112 1213 714 2015 2716 25

17 818 619 1320 2621 2122 2223 2324 1825 3126 527 328 1929 1730 2431 432 32

m = c7 mod 33c



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what did we do?

encryption & decryption: (m3 mod 33)7 mod 33 m21 mod 33


1 1 1 1 1 12 4 8 16 32 313 9 27 15 12 34 16 31 25 1 45 25 26 31 23 166 3 18 9 21 277 16 13 25 10 48 31 17 4 32 259 15 3 27 12 9

10 1 10 1 10 111 22 11 22 11 22

1 1 1 1 1 131 29 25 17 1 2

3 9 27 15 12 34 16 31 25 1 4

16 14 4 20 1 527 30 15 24 12 6

4 28 31 19 1 725 2 16 29 1 8

9 15 3 27 12 91 10 1 10 1 10

22 11 22 11 22 11

m m2 m3 m4 m5 m6 m21

m3 m3 m3m3


How can we choose such numbers?

m18 m19 m20m16 m17

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key generation of RSA

How to choose e, d and n of the key of RSA:step 1: choose two prime integers p and q, and let n = pqstep 2: choose e which is coprime (互いに素 ) with (p –

1)(q – 1)step 3: determine d such that ed 1 mod (p – 1)(q – 1)

e, n ... opened to the publicd (, p, q) ... kept secretly


a and b are coprime if gcd(a, b) = 1a b mod c (a mod c) = (b mod c)

p = 3 q = 11

(p – 1)(q – 1) = 20

n = 33

e = 3

d = 7key

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algorithmic details

Q1: How can we generate prime numbers?A1: Generate numbers randomly, and do “primality tests”.

Q2: How can we find d such that ed 1 mod (p – 1)(q – 1)?A2: Use the Euclidian algorithm for computing a gcd.


a0 b0

ai bi

ai+1 = bi bi+1 = ai mod bi

aj bj = 0gcd of a0 and b0

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computation of d with the Euclidian Algorithm++

Use the Euclidian algorithm for = (p – 1)(q – 1) and e.


a0 = b0 = e

aj=1 bj = 0

a1 = e b1 = a0 mod b0 = a0 – k1b0

a2 = b1 b2 = a1 mod b1 = a1 – k2b1

bj–1= 1

because and e are coprime

bi = xi + yie

1 = x + ye

ye = –x + 1

ye 1 mod choose d = y mod

= – k1e= – k2 + (k1+1)e

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example of the computation of d

assume = 130 and e = 59


130 59

59 12 = 130 – 2×59

12 11

11 1

= 59 – 4×12 = – 4×130 + 9×59

= 12 – 11 = 5×130 – 11×59

1 = x + ye

ye = –x + 1

ye 1 mod

1 = 5 + (–11)e

(–11)e = –5 + 1

(–11)e 1 mod

d = –11 mod 130 = 119

ed = 59×119=7021 = 54×130 +1

ed 1 mod

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encryption & decryption

encryption key: e and ndecryption key: d (and n)

plaintexts & ciphertexts ... integers in {0, ..., n – 1}

encryption: c = me mod ndecryption: m = cd mod n

modulus exponential?... see the page 25 of the slide of the previous class


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summarizing example: key generation of RSA

step 1: choose p = 79, q = 97, and we have n = pq = 7663step 2: choose e = 5, which is coprime with (p – 1)(q – 1) = 7488step 3: determine d with 5d 1 mod 7488 as follows:


7488 5

5 3 = 7488 – 1497×5

3 2 = 5 – 3 = –7488 + 1498×5

2 1 = 3 – 2 = 2×7488 – 2995×5

d = – 2995 mod 7488 = 4493all computation in mod (p – 1)(q – 1)

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summarizing example: encryption & decryption

keys: e = 5, d = 4493, n = 7663encryption:

c = m5 mod 7663

decryption: m = c4493 mod 7663

= c4096c256c128c8c4c mod 7663


m 51 c 6339m̂2 2601 c 2̂ 5812m̂4 6435 c 4̂ 840m̂5 6339 c 8̂ 604

c 1̂6 4655c 3̂2 5724c 6̂4 4851c 1̂28 6791c 2̂56 1747c 5̂12 2135c 1̂024 6403c 2̂048 1359c 4̂096 98c 4̂493 51all computation in

mod n = pq

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the soundness proof of RSA: preparation

We need to show that(me mod n)d mod n = med mod n = m.

two assisting lemmas...

Fermat’s little theorem:xp–1 1 mod p for a prime number p and any x with gcd(x, p) = 1

Corollary of Chinese Remainder Theorem[孫子算経 ]:If x a mod p and x a mod q, then x a mod pq,where p and q are different prime numbers.


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the soundness proof of RSA

Theorem: med mod n = m.Proof:

ed 1 mod (p – 1)(q – 1) implies that ed = k(p – 1)(q – 1) + 1we have med m mod p, because...

if gcd(m, p) = 1, then mp–1 1 mod p by Fermat, andmed = (mp–1)k(q–1)m m mod p.

if gcd(m, p)≠ 1, then m is a multiple of p and both sides 0 similarly we have med m mod qthe corollary of the Chinese Remainder Theorem guarantees

that med mod n = m


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given an encryption key e and n, and a ciphertext c,can we find the plaintext m with c = me mod n?

exhaustive attackan attacker can “encrypt” a plaintexttest if c = xe mod n for all x{0, ..., n – 1}choose n large, and this attack is not serious

computing the e-th root of c in mod ncomputing the e-th root is easy for real numbersthe algorithms do not work for the discrete “mod n” world

attacks on RSA


ne c



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attacks on RSA: factorization of n

factoring (素因数分解 ) attackfind prime numbers p and q with n = pqonce p and q are revealed, d can be determined uniquelyuse d to decrypt c

But, can we factor n?there are several algorithms for factoring

brute force, quadratic sieve, elliptic curveit is still difficult to factor large composite numbers

n should be chosen so that it is in 1,024 bits or moreYou may come up with a good idea tomorrow!


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the factoring and RSA

“if we can factor a given n, then we can break RSA” breaking RSA is not more difficult than factoring


easy difficult

factoringbreaking RSA

breaking Rabin cipher

theoretically saying, there are more favorable cryptography...Rabin cipher:

if we can factor a given n, then we can break Rabin cipherif we can break Rabin cipher, then we can factor a given n

“breaking Rabin cipher is as difficult as factoring”(Rabin is not efficient and not practical, many people consider...)

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the security of RSA

the security of RSA is NOT a mathematically proved fact...many people believes that it is difficult to break RSA

there can be somebody who knows a good algorithm andis decrypting RSA silently...

no backup from the theory of computational complexitybreaking RSA NP, but not clear if NP-complete or not

a quantum computer can break RSAShor’s quantum algorithm for factoring


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ElGamal encryption: key generation

based on the discrete logarithm problem (DLP)probabilistic encryption: one plaintext has many ciphertexts

key generation (remind the Diffie-Hellman key agreement)choose a prime number q and a generator g of Fq

choose a random x, and compute y = gx mod q

the encryption key is q, g and ythe decryption key is x


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ElGamal: encryption & decryption

encryption of m:choose random r, and let

c1 = gr mod qc2 = m + yr mod q

(c1, c2) is the ciphertext


decryption of (c1, c2):compute u = c1

x mod qcompute v = c2 – u mod qv is the plaintext

mod q








mmod q





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ElGamal: example

Choose q = 13 and g = 71 712 mod 13, 2 711 mod 13, ..., 12 76 mod 13

Choose x = 5 and determine y = 75 =16807 11 mod 13

encryption: m = 6, r = 3c1 = 73 = 343 5 mod 13, c2 = 6 + 113 =1337 11 mod 13c = (5, 11) is the ciphertext

decryption: c = (5, 11)u = 55 =3125 5 mod 13, v = 11 – 5 6 mod 13v = 6 is the plaintext


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probabilistic encryption

the encryption uses a random r together with a plaintext mdifferent choices of r make different ciphertexts

the exhaustive attack is “more difficult”



m c m



m c1



c = (c1, c2) ... c1 is needed to cancel the effect of r at decryption the ciphertext is “longer” in length

“breaking ElGamal is not more difficult than solving DLP”

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public-key vs. common-key

common-key cryptographymore efficient: computational cost, key length, ...more variations: many algorithms, many alternatives, ...key-agreement is difficult and costly

public-key cryptography“key-agreement” is replaces by lighter “key-distribution”

(public encryption keys must be delivered correctly)

hybrid use of public and common-key cryptography is commonuse RSA to deliver the key of AES, for example


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summary of chapter 4

We studied very basics of cryptography.common-key cryptography

DES and AESkey-agreement protocol

public-key cryptographyalgorithms and theory of RSAElGamal encryption


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summary of this course

chapter 1: measuring informationchapter 2: compact representation of informationchapter 3: coding for noisy communicationchapter 4: cryptography

Information theory turns information processing from“ad-hoc handicrafts” to “well-defined theory”.

The study is so fundamental that usual people do not notice,but professionals of information must know it.


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about test

June 4(Mon), 9:20AM, exercise

June 5 (Tue), 9:20AM, this roomyou can bring books, notes and copies of slidesyou can bring a calculator and/or PCPC must be disconnected from the network:

download all needed material before the test starts

本,ノート,資料,電卓, PC ...なんでも持ちこみ可PC 等の通信機能は使用不可
