Exam Final Year 09 F4 p2

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  • 7/28/2019 Exam Final Year 09 F4 p2


    SULIT 4531/2 KSAH


    Section A

    [60 marks]

    Answerall questions in this section.

    1. Diagram 1 shows a stopwatch.

    a) Name the physical quantity measured by the stopwatch.

    [1 mark]

    b) State the unit used by this stopwatch.

    [1 mark]

    c) What does the pointer P indicate?

    [1 mark]

  • 7/28/2019 Exam Final Year 09 F4 p2


  • 7/28/2019 Exam Final Year 09 F4 p2


    SULIT 4531/2 KSAH


    3. Diagram 3.1 shows an airplane maintaining a steady and level flight under the

    influence of four forces.

    Diagram 3.2 shows a load hanging from the middle of the string. T1 and T2 are tension

    of the string and W is the weight of the load. The dotted line shows the resolved

    component of the tensions T1 and T2.

    Diagram 3.1 Diagram 3.2

    a) What is meant by weight?

    [1 mark]

    b) Based on Diagram 3.1 and Diagram 3.2,

    i) compare the forces acting on the airplane

    vertically :

    horizontally :

    [2 marks]

    ii) compare the forces acting on the load

    vertically :

    horizontally :

    [2 marks]

    c) Compare the type of motion of the airplane and the object.

    [1 mark]

  • 7/28/2019 Exam Final Year 09 F4 p2


    SULIT 4531/2 KSAH


    d) Based on your answer in 3 (b) and 3 (c), relate the type of motion with the resultant

    forces acting on the aeroplane or on the load.

    [1 mark]

    e) Name the phenomenon shown in Diagram 3.1 and Diagram 3.2.

    [1 mark]

    4. Diagram 4.1 (a) shows Beckham kicking a football and Diagram 4.1 (b) shows

    Beckham kicking a rock.

    Diagram 4.1

    a) Define impulsive force.


    [1 mark]

    b) The ball in Diagram 4.1 has a mass of 1.5 kg. When Beckham kicks the ball, it movesfrom rest to 20 ms-1 in 0.2 s. Calculate the impulsive force that Beckham exerted on

    the ball.

    [2 marks]

  • 7/28/2019 Exam Final Year 09 F4 p2


    SULIT 4531/2 KSAH


    c) The rock in Diagram 4.1 (b) has the same mass with the ball (1.5 kg). When Beckam

    kicks the rock, it moves from rest to the same velocity as the ball (20 ms -1). However,

    due to the rigidity of the rock, the time which Beckhams foot is in contact with the

    rock is only 0.02 s. Calculate the impulsive force that Beckham exerted on the rock.

    [2 marks]

    d) Compare time of impact in Diagram 4.1 (a) with Diagram 4.1 (b).


    [1 mark]

    e) Compare the impulsive force in Diagram 4.1 (a) with Diagram 4.1 (b).


    [1 mark]

    f) Compare the pain experience by Beckham in Diagram 4.1 (a) with Diagram 4.1 (b).


    [1 mark]

    g) Based on your answer in (d), (e) and (f), state the relationship between time of impact,

    impulsive force and pain experienced by Beckham.

    [1 mark]

    h) Suggest one way how Beckham could reduce his pain in Diagram 4.1(b).

    [1 mark]

  • 7/28/2019 Exam Final Year 09 F4 p2


    SULIT 4531/2 KSAH


    5. Diagram 5.1 shows a concrete water tank filled with water.

    Diagram 5.1

    a) State a factor that affects the water pressure in the tank.


    [1 mark]

    b) Compare the water pressure at P and Q.


    [1 mark]

    c) Calculate the water pressure at Q.

    (Density of water = 1 000 kg m-3)

    [2 marks]

    d) Diagram 5.2 shows water flows from the concrete to the house water tank.

    Diagram 5.2

  • 7/28/2019 Exam Final Year 09 F4 p2


    SULIT 4531/2 KSAH


    i) What is the factor that causes the water to flow from the concrete tank to the water

    tank in the house?


    [1 mark]

    ii) The flow of water from the concrete tank to the house will stop at level P. Explain why

    the supply stops.



    [2 marks]

    e) i) Suggest two modifications that can be done to ensure the water flow

    continuously to the house water tank.



    [2 marks]

    ii) Draw a water tank that can withstand high water pressure.

    [1 mark]

    6. Diagram 6.1 and 6.2 shows two ventury tubes for the purpose of studying the

    relationship between the velocity of fluid and pressure.

    Diagram 6.1

  • 7/28/2019 Exam Final Year 09 F4 p2


    SULIT 4531/2 KSAH


    Diagram 6.2

    a) State the similarities of cross section area, velocity and pressure at point A and E, if A

    is compared to points B and C in Diagram 6.1 and E is compared to points D and F in

    Diagram 6.2.

    i) Cross section area : ..

    Velocity :...

    Pressure : ..

    [3 marks]

    b) Based on the answers in 6(a) name the physics principle involved.


    [1 mark]

    c) Mark the water level at A, B and C in Diagram 6.1.

    [1 mark]

    d) Compare the pressure at D, E and F in Diagram 6.2 when water is flowing.



    [2 marks]

    7. Diagram 7.1 shows a metal P at 1000C being placed in a beaker of water at 280C. After

    a few minutes thermal equilibrium state is achieved. The mass of metal P and the

    water are 0.4 kg and 0.2 kg respectively.

    Diagram 7.2 shows a temperature against time graph of the water in the beaker.

  • 7/28/2019 Exam Final Year 09 F4 p2


    SULIT 4531/2 KSAH


    Diagram 7.1 Diagram 7.2

    a) What is the meaning of thermal equilibrium?


    [1 mark]

    b) Based on the graph in Diagram 7.2, what is the temperature when the thermal

    equilibrium is achieved?


    [1 mark]

    c) What is the purpose of wrapping the beaker with cotton layer?


    [1 mark]

    d) Calculate the specific heat capacity of metal P.

    (specific heat capacity of water is 4200 J kg-1 0C-1)

    [2 marks]

    e) State the assumption you made in (d).


    [1 mark]

  • 7/28/2019 Exam Final Year 09 F4 p2


    SULIT 4531/2 KSAH


    8. Diagram 8.1 shows that during day time the air molecule is warm on land compared to

    the sea.

    Diagram 8.1

    a) On Diagram 8.1 complete the warm air cycle.

    [2 marks]

    b) Why does the warm air rise?


    [1 mark]

    c) Name the phenomenon involved in Diagram 8.1.


    [1 mark]

    d) Explain the formation of the phenomenon occurred in Diagram 8.1.




    [3 marks]

  • 7/28/2019 Exam Final Year 09 F4 p2


    SULIT 4531/2 KSAH


    e) Diagram 8.2 shows a Malaysian flag mounted to wave on a land near a seashore.

    Diagram 8.2

    i) On Diagram 8.2, mark with an arrow to show the direction of the flag.

    [1 mark]

    ii) Explain your answer in (e) (i).



    [2 marks]

  • 7/28/2019 Exam Final Year 09 F4 p2


  • 7/28/2019 Exam Final Year 09 F4 p2


    SULIT 4531/2 KSAH


    (b) Diagram 9.2 shows a copper block and a bowl shape copper sheet of same mass.Explain why the copper block sink in water but the bowl shape copper sheet floats

    on water.

    [4 marks]

    (c) Diagram 9.3 shows a barge used to transport goods from fresh water port to theship anchored away from the seaside.

    Using suitable physics concepts, explain the required modification needed in

    designing a barge that can carry more and heavier goods, move faster and safe in

    fresh and salt water.

    You can emphasise on the following aspects in your modification;

    i. material used

    ii. plimsoll line

    iii. shape and size of the barge

    [10 marks]

  • 7/28/2019 Exam Final Year 09 F4 p2


    SULIT 4531/2 KSAH



    Figure 10 (a) Figure 10.2 (b)

    Figure 10 (a) shows a boy pouring hot coffee into a cup. The hand of the boy is not scalded

    by the coffee droplets that are spattered from the kettle.

    Figure 10 (b) shows hot coffee spilling over and getting onto his hand and his hand gets

    scalded because of the heat capacity in it.

    a) What is meant by heat capacity?

    [1 mark]

    b) Using diagrams 10 (a) and 10 (b), compare the situations when the coffee droplets spatters

    on his hand and when the hot coffee from the kettle spills onto his hand.

    State the relationship between the heat capacity and the mass.

    [5 marks]

    I. Explain why water is normally used as a cooling agent in a car engine.[4 marks]

    II. An aluminium pan of mass 500 g is heated from 25 C to 105 C. How much heat isabsorbed by the pan?

    [The specific heat capacity of aluminium is 910 J kg 1 C 1 ]

    [4 marks]

    III. As a researcher, you wish to produce an ideal cooking pan which saves gas for thepurpose of cooking. Using the appropriate physic concepts, suggest and explain the

    modifications required.

    [6 marks]

  • 7/28/2019 Exam Final Year 09 F4 p2


    SULIT 4531/2 KSAH



    [20 marks]

    Answer any one question.

    11. You are a coach responsible to choose a student to join the school basket ball team. Abasic physical fitness test was carried out and the results based on certain

    characteristics are as shown in table 11.1.

    Table 11.1

    a) What is meant by power?

    [1 mark]

    b) Based on table above, explain the suitable characteristics of the student to be in the

    basket ball team. Choose which student will be in the basketball team and explain your


    [10 marks]

    c) When a100 m runner reached the finish line, the runner stopped suddenly and fell on

    the ground. Explain the situation using the appropriate physics concept.

    [4 marks]










    Power (time taken to

    transfer 50 bricks to a

    distance of 5 m)


    Time taken to

    complete 100 m



    A 70 1.30 0.01 4 11.0

    B 65 1.50 0.20 3 10.6

    C 50 1.70 0.01 2 10.5

    D 60 1.40 0.05 2 11.2

    E 40 1.60 0.04 1 12.4

  • 7/28/2019 Exam Final Year 09 F4 p2


    SULIT 4531/2 KSAH


    d) Two students were asked to run up the stairs to the top floor of a 10 m building. Data

    obtained for the two students are shown by table 11.2.

    Table 11.2

    Calculate power of each student and determine which student has the highest power.

    [5 marks]

    12. Diagram 12.1 shows the air balloon which is used as a weather balloon to carry a

    radiosonde instrument for collecting data about the atmosphere. The weather balloon

    rises up in the air due to Archimedes principle.

    Diagram 12.1

    a) i) State Archimedess principle.

    [1 mark]

    ii) Explain why a weather balloon that is rising up in the air will stop at certain


    [4 marks]





    Student 1 55 12

    Student 2 60 14

  • 7/28/2019 Exam Final Year 09 F4 p2


    SULIT 4531/2 KSAH


    b) Table 12.2 shows the characteristics of four weather balloons P, Q, R and S.


    Characteristics of the balloons

    Size of balloon Density of filled gasin the balloon

    (kg m-3)

    Type of balloonfabric

    Mass of radiosonde


    P Big 0.090 Canvas 4.5

    Q Small 0.178 Synthetic nylon 3.0

    R Big 0.178 Synthetic nylon 0.5

    S Medium 1.429 Canvas 0.4

    Table 12.2

    You are required to determine the most suitable weather balloons which is able to carry the

    instrument to a higher altitude in a shorter time.

    Study the characteristics of all the four weather balloons which from the following aspects:

    - The size of the balloon- The density of filled gas in the balloon- Type of the fabric of the balloon- Mass of radiosonde instrumentExplain the suitability of the aspects. Justify your choice.

    [10 marks]

  • 7/28/2019 Exam Final Year 09 F4 p2


    SULIT 4531/2 KSAH


    c) Diagram 12.3 shows a balloon which contains helium. The volume of the balloon is

    1.2 m3. Density of helium gas is 0.18 kg m-3.

    Diagram 12.3

    i) By neglecting the mass of the balloon, calculate the mass of helium gas in the balloon.

    [2 marks]

    ii) Calculate the buoyant force which acts on the balloon.

    (Density of air is 1.3 kg m-3)

    [3 marks]