Ever Increasing Faith Magazine - Spring 2011

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  • 8/7/2019 Ever Increasing Faith Magazine - Spring 2011



    JAN.-FEB.-MARCH 2011 VOL. VII N0. 1

  • 8/7/2019 Ever Increasing Faith Magazine - Spring 2011


    Scan this code with your smart phone to see a special teaching from Pastor Fred Price.To get a QR Code reader for your smart phone, visit:


  • 8/7/2019 Ever Increasing Faith Magazine - Spring 2011




    66 FEATURE


    How God Loves us

    By Apostle FrederickK.C. Price

    So many churcheshave taught us thatwe were nothing ina effort to keep ushumble. But we mustbe worth somethingfor God to pay theprice to save andredeem us. Readabout how Godloves us & how youshould love yourself.


    Drop Six With

    Angie Evans

    By Antracia Moorings

    Angie Evans, eldestdaughter of Drs.Fred & Betty Pricemanaged to beatthe battle of thebulge and is inspir-ing TV audienceswith a new infomer-cial.


    The UnspokenTopic: Obesity in theBody of Christ

    By Pastor Robert Bolden

    Many of our churchactivities are cen-tered around food.Food is a gift pro-vided to us by God

    to enjoy and to sus-

    tain our physicalbodies, but are weoverdoing it?


    Kick Starting theNew Year with HighHopes

    By Apostle Frederick

    K.C. PriceIn this teaching,Apostle Price chal-lenges readers tohave high hopesand to set goals onevery level.


    33 A Message fromApostle Price

    55 On the CalendarContributors

    1100 FICWFM Focus

    1144 Power of FaithTestimonies

    1188 ExploringWorship


    44 BroadcastSchedule


    55 On the Air2266 Q&A: Straight

    Talk with Drs.Fred & Betty Price



    Vol. VII, No. 1

    EditorAntracia Moorings

    ColumnistDr. LaVerne Tolbert

    Contributing Writers

    Pastor Robert Bolden

    Mark Peay

    Art DesignLorena Iiguez Elebee

    EIF Graphics DesignerArdena Brooks


    Harry Langdon

    Make UpAdrian M. Evans

    Editorial Offices7901 South Vermont Avenue

    Los Angeles, CA 90044(323) 758-3777

    E-mail:[email protected]





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    to subscribe to this magazine:CCaallll 11--8800



    66114455Ever Increasing Faith Magazine is published byCrenshaw Christian Center, a recognized non-profit corporation. 2011 Crenshaw ChristianCenter. All rights reserved. Reproduction inwhole or part without written permission is pro-hibited. Ever Increasing Faith and the logo on

    the back page are registered trademarks ofCrenshaw Christian Center, Inc. in the UnitedStates and other countries where Ever IncreasingFaith Magazine circulates. Ever Increasing FaithMagazine has no subscription or newsstand priceand is supported through contributions. All giftsto this ministry are tax-deductible. Printed in theUnited States of America.


    12 16 18

  • 8/7/2019 Ever Increasing Faith Magazine - Spring 2011



    a message ffrroomm AApp

    oossttllee PPrr



    Each one of us has the capacity to loveand the capacity to love more. Godis love and if you are a Believer that Love lives inside of you. Since Gods love isinfinite, our love is infinite, if we are operating in His love. Its so good to knowthat love is the one resource we can never run out of.

    Because we lean on Gods love, weknow that the love we demonstrate wontjust be manifest through lip service, but asthe Bible says, in deed and in truth.

    In this issue, I share a teaching titled,

    How God Loves Us. Its one thing for youto love God and your fellow man, but youneed to recognize that the Father loves you,then begin to love yourself, and begin tothink about yourself like the Father thinksabout you.

    There is also a teaching about High Hopes and the impor-tance of obtaining your goals. In this issue, my eldest daughter

    shares how her weight loss success opened the door for her toshare her story with the nation via an infomercial. We are alsocelebrating the news of Michael and Tanya Amey who haverecently been named pastor and first lady of our Namibiachurch in Africa.

    I am excited about the things God is doing our min-istry and the lives of Believers who will take Him at HisWord. May His love overflow in your life!

    invitation tt

    oo ssaallvvaa



    My little children,

    let us not love in

    word or in tongue,

    but in deed and in

    truth.I John 3:18

    Dear GOD in Heaven,

    Thank you for sending Your Son JESUSCHRIST to destroy the power of Satan over mylife. I accept Jesus now as my personal SAVIORand LORD, and I choose to turn away from thesins of my past to a renewed Life in Jesus.

    You said that if I would confess with mymouth the LORD JESUS and believe in myheart that You raised Him from the dead, thatI would be saved. I believe JESUS died for mysins and that You raised Him from the dead formy benefit.

    HEAVENLY FATHER, I thank you for the giftof salvation and for accepting me now as Yourchild.

    In JESUS name, Amen.

    If you have prayed this prayer,please let us know by writingto us at: Crenshaw Christian CenterP.O.Box 90000Los Angeles, CA 90009Attn: Administration Office

    If you are not a

    Christian and

    would like tobecome one,

    pray the



    Operating In Gods Love

    If you are not a

    Christian and

    would like tobecome one,

    pray the



  • 8/7/2019 Ever Increasing Faith Magazine - Spring 2011



    on the iittiinneerraarr








    Los AngelesNew York

    APRIL 3-6Living Word Chapel13833 Richmond AvenueHouston, TX 77082(281.497.9673)[Pastor Dave Arogbonlo]World Impact Conference10:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.Apostle Frederick K.C. Price

    4/6 only @ 10a & 7p /Dr. Betty R. Price

    APRIL 14-16FICWFM RegionalThe Upper Room BibleChurch8600 Lake Forest BlvdNew Orleans, LA 70127(504.245.9060)

    [Pastor Herbert Rowe]7:30 p.m.Apostle Frederick K.C. PriceDr. Betty R. Price

    APRIL 28CCC EastApostle Frederick K.C. Price

    APRIL 29Impacting Your WorldChristian Center5515 Germantown AvenuePhiladelphia, PA 19144(215.438.7838)[Pastor Tracey Barnard]Dreams Do Come TrueConference

    7:00 p.m. @ Cherry HillCampusDr. Betty Price

    MAY 1CCC EastApostle Frederick K.C. Price


    Calvary Christian Center2667 Del Paso Blvd.Sacramento, CA 95815(916.929.5725)[Dr. Phillip Goudeaux]5/5-6 @ 7:30 p.m.

    5/7 @ 10:00 a.m.Apostle Frederick K.C. PriceDr. Betty R. Price

    MAY 12Jesus People MinistriesChurch InternationalP.O. Box 172570Hialeah, FL 33017-2570(305.625.9630)Right ConnectionAssociation Convention7:30 p.m.

    Apostle Frederick K.C. PriceMAY 15West Angeles Church ofGod in Christ[Bishop Charles E. Blake]

    MAY 26-27Eternal Life Harvest Center1801 Western Avenue

    Knoxville, TN 37921(865.971.1988)[Pastor James H. Davis]7:00 p.m. nightlyApostle Frederick K.C. Price

    MAY 28CCC EastApostle Frederick K.C. Price

    June 16-17New Beginning Ministries805 Southwood StreetAnderson, SC 29624(864.261.3627)

    Pastor James M. BennetttimeApostle Frederick K.C. Price

    July 14CCC EastApostle Frederick K.C. Price

    July 25-29FICWFM Convention

    Los Angeles, CA

  • 8/7/2019 Ever Increasing Faith Magazine - Spring 2011



    feature aarr



    By Apostle Frederick K.C. Price

  • 8/7/2019 Ever Increasing Faith Magazine - Spring 2011



    otice the word whatever.Through it, we get a glimpseof the magnanimous charac-

    ter of the Heavenly Father.Whatsoever covers every single thing.It touches every base and fills up everybag, with no limits. Whatever you askthe Father in My name He will giveyou. In other words, God will giveyou what you ask for if you ask in Jesus'name. Why will God do that? Will Hedo it solely because we ask in Jesus'name? In John 16:27, Jesus tells uswhy: for the Father Himself lovesyou, because you have loved Me, andhave believed that I came forth from

    God.I do not know if you really appreci-

    ate what Jesus is saying here. He saidthe reason God will give you what youask is that He loves you. The Fatherloves you. We know Jesus loves us.He told His disciples in John 15:13-14,"Greater love has no one than this,than to lay down ones life for his

    friends. You are My friends if you dowhatever I command you." He thenlaid His life down for them and for us.We know that is love, because whenyou give your life for someone that is

    the ultimate demonstration of thatlove. When you give your life, you donot have anything else to give.

    You need to recognize that theFather loves you, then begin to loveyourself, and begin to think aboutyourself like the Father thinks aboutyou. One reason many people have aproblem accepting that God lovesthem is that they do not love them-selves. But if the Heavenly Fatherthinks you are worth loving, then youshould think you are worth loving, aswell.

    Some peo-ple do not

    understand thatconcept. Theythink it is idola-try when youlove yourself,but it is not.You have to love

    yourself. If you do not think it is worthit to love yourself, what makes you

    think it is worth it for God to love you?Have you ever thought of that? Theremust be something in you that isworth loving for the Heavenly Fatherto love you.

    "Greater love

    has no one thanthis, than to lay

    down ones life

    for his friends.

    John 15:13-14


    And in that day you willask Me nothing.

    Most assuredly, I say toyou, whatever you ask the

    Father in My name He willgive you.

    John 16:23

  • 8/7/2019 Ever Increasing Faith Magazine - Spring 2011



    feature aarr



    Also, if you do not love yourself,

    you do not have the capacity to loveanyone else. If you do not love otherpeople, you are effectively out of thewill of God. Loving one another is acommandment of God, as Jesus pointsout in Mark 12:28-31.

    Then one of the scribes came, andhaving heard them reasoning togeth-er, perceiving that He [Jesus] hadanswered them well, asked Him,Which is the first commandment ofall? Jesus answered him, The first ofall the commandments is, Hear, OIsrael, the Lord our God, the Lord isone. And you shall love the Lord yourGod with all your heart, with all yoursoul, with all your mind, and with allyour strength. This is the first com-mandment. And the second, like it, is

    this: You shalt love your neighbor asyourself. There is no other command-ment greater then these.

    If you do not love yourself, howare you going to love me? You havenot even started in the game yet, andyou have problems, if you do not loveyourself. Youhave to get a

    vision of yourown self-worth,in the face ofAlmighty God.You have to seeyourself as some-one important.

    So many

    churches havetaught us thatwe were noth-ing. The minis-ters in thosec h u r c h e sthought theywere keeping

    us humble, but they were downgrad-ing us by telling us how no-good wewere, that we were all just sinnerssaved by grace. But we must be worthsomething. If we were not worthsomething, God would not have paidthe price that He did to save andredeem us.

    You do not spend a million dollarson a piece of property that is no good,and God spent more than a million

    dollars on us. He spent the life of HisSon, Jesus Christ, to redeem us, so wemust have some value. Therefore, youneed to get a vision of your own self-worth in the sight of God -- not tothink more highly than you ought tothink, as Paul states in Romans 12:3,but to see yourself as God sees you, asan object of love.

    Begin to love yourself as theFather loves you, not to worship oridolize yourself, but because you oughtto love and appreciate yourself, just asyour heavenly Father loves and appre-ciates you.EIF

    He spent tne

    life of His Son,Jesus Christ, to

    redeem us, so

    we must have

    some value.

    You need to

    recognize thatthe Father

    loves you, then

    begin to love


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  • 8/7/2019 Ever Increasing Faith Magazine - Spring 2011


    renshaw Christian Centers church inNamibia is getting a new pastor asMichael and Tanya Amey have been

    handpicked to lead the congregation. Thecouple, who was ordained on March 6, heldtheir first service in Namibia on March 20.

    Missions work has been the heartbeat ofthe couple who have been married for five

    years. They launched their own ministry,Abundance of Water Ministries Internationalin 2008 and ministered abroad until financialdonations tapered down and halted theirtravels.

    Amey says he initially got the call topreach as a teen while on a youth missionstrip to Jamaica led by Dr. Patricia Bailey.

    I went on that first trip with the mindset

    that it was a vacation, he notes. I wanted tosit on the beach, see beautiful women. I reallydidnt see it as a missions trip where I wouldbe sharing the Gospel with people.

    While on a day trip to Kingston, Jamaica,they ran into children who were just hangingout. When asked why they were not in school,the kids explained that they couldnt afforduniforms for school.

    I determined there was

    enough money among usteens on the trip to buyuniforms, says Amey.We came up with$1,000. I was askedto present themoney to theschool leaders. Ijust started crying.

    Dr. PatriciaMorgan (an ownerof the school) said tome, your life willnever be the same.

    While we were driv-ing back from the school, Iheard a still small voice. It was

    real easy to detect eventhough at the time I waslistening to GangstasMake the World GoRound by rap groupWestside Connection. Iheard, You are called tothe ministry. I asked my

    neighbors if they saidsomething. They didnt.Five minutes later, I heardit again. I took my head-phones off a 2nd time and

    everyone was sleep. One minute they were alllaughing the next minute they were all sleep.From that ride on I couldnt listen to anymore music.

    That evening, at 15 years old, he acceptedthe call to ministry.That trip changed my view on tangible

    stuff, he says, I was grateful for the things Ihad and I had a zeal to go back and ministermore.

    He ended up going back to Jamaica everyyear until he was 20 years old. Hed always

    thought he would end up livingand ministering in Jamaica

    but God had other plansfor he and his wife.

    Now Ameysfocus will be onteaching the Wordto the primarilyyoung adult con-gregration he willbe pastoring in

    Namibia. He willalso be heading upthe ministry school

    there.We wish them all

    the best.EIF


    FICWFM ff



    ByAntracia Moorings

    C I was grate-ful for thethings I hadand I had azeal to go

    back andministermore.

    New Pastor Named forCCC Namibia Church

  • 8/7/2019 Ever Increasing Faith Magazine - Spring 2011



    (800) 391-6145 www.faithdome.org

    (800) 391-6145 www.faithdome.org

    CD series Complete set CRCD76 (76-CD) $399.95Race CRCD02 (7-CD) $42.00Racism CRCD03 (6-CD) $36.00Religion Part 1A CRCD04-1A- (6-CD) $42.00Part 1B CRCD04-1B (6-CD) $42.00Part 2 CRCD04-2 (7-CD) $42.00

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    In this book, you will learn: The difference between faith and belief How faith and your words work together How to keep your faith from being under-minded How to receive the blessings of God

    This vital book is yours for a love gift of$16.00 or more in support of this ministry.

    Book FPB 1 $12.00

    Also available in a leather-bound edition

    FPB 1L $25.00CD seriesComplete set NFDS1 (26-CD) $156.00Part 1 NFD 2 (7-CD) $42.00Part 2 NFD 3 (7-CD) $42.00Part 3 NFD 4 (7-CD) $42.00Part 4 NFD 5 (5-CD) $30.00

    The Race, Religion & Racism teaching is an exhaustive 5-year study. Although controversial to some, itexposes the myths about race and racism, and challenges the idea of racial subjection within the realm ofreligion and religious practices. The lessons contained in this series are eye opening and more relevant

    today than ever before. Apostle Price leaves no stone unturned.

    Available onKindle!

  • 8/7/2019 Ever Increasing Faith Magazine - Spring 2011



    from the hheeaaddlliinnee


    or more than two decades, AngieEvans, eldest daughter of ApostleFred and Dr. Betty Price andPresident of Crenshaw Christian

    Center, struggled with her weight. InDecember 2004, she made up her mind todrop the weight after ballooning up to 221pounds. She joined LindorasComprehensive Weight program. With lotsof work, exercise and support, she lost morethan 60 pounds in 6 months, going from asize 18 to a size 6.

    God has come togive you life more abun-dantly, but you mustchoose life, said Angie.By applying the Word,I was able to make deci-sion that didnt sabotagemy happiness, my healthor my purpose. I encour-

    age you to make a com-mitment to be your strongest advocate, evenwhen no one else will.

    She shared her inspirational testimonyin the Flee Self Hateration DVD which, in2008, eventually made its way into thehands of Nancy Marcum, an infomercialexpert, with years of experience offeringmarketing and media management servicesto entrepreneurs in the infomercial industry.

    Nancy was then inspired to lose weightafter hearing Angies story and seeing hertransformation. Nancy passed the DVDonto producer Jack Avalon and GwenGoodloe of Third House Productions whoturned Angies weight loss journey into aninfomercial that aired in February.

    The infomercial features a CD & DVDfull of Angies personal inspiration to getyou going as well as a daily journal.EIF

    For more information, visit: www.dropsixwithangie.com

    Inspiring Others WithHer Weight LossJourney


    ByAntracia Moorings

    Godhas come

    to give youlife more

    abundantly,but you



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    Faith Works

    I just received the noticeabout your change to theTLC provider. As I read fur-ther I learned about the newmagazine also. I did not readit as yet but I was led to giveone of my many testimonies.

    Early in 1980, I waswatching Ever Increasing

    Faith Ministries and severalothers on Sunday morningTV. One morning, I prayed toGod and asked Him: "how doI know which one of these TVevangelists is telling thetruth?" He responded that Iwas to keep watching yourshow.

    I was obedient andwatched it faithfully everySunday morning. I didn'thave a home church so I sentmy tithes there too.

    One of the principles thatApostle Price was teaching on

    faith was that he got up everymorning and said "thank youGod for..." So I put this prac-tice to work in my own life. Iwanted a house of my own. SoI got up every morning,looked in the bathroom mirrorand said "thank you God for

    my new house."That was in 1988. In 1990

    God blessed me with a houseand a new job! I am retirednow but I am still living in thathouse today.

    The principles of faiththat worked then will worknow also. Honestly, I had for-

    gotten how my faith walkstarted until now.In 2003, God gave me

    Psalms 118:17 to live by. In2009, I had two strokes, twobrain surgeries and went intoa coma (all in 4 days). I hadconfessed this scripture anddeclared it for seven years. Icame home from the hospital

    in March 2009 with no paraly-sis, no blindness, no speechimpediments and able to walkwithout assistance byOctober.

    Thank you Father God!And thank you Apostle Pricefor being such a wonderful,truthful, and effective teacher.

    Elder Kaaren Turner

    Grateful For the Word

    We recently started listen-ing to your Sunday morning

    WWeeWWaanntt TTooHHeeaarrFFrroommYYoouu!!Write to us at:Ever IncreasingFaith Magazine,P.O. Box 44185,Los Angeles, CA9000 9-4871

    or e-mail yourletters, feedback ortestimonies to



    Include your name,address and phonenumber. Letterschosen forpublication may beedited for lengthand clarity.All submissions

    become theproperty ofEver IncreasingFaith Magazine.



  • 8/7/2019 Ever Increasing Faith Magazine - Spring 2011



    TTEESSTTIIMMOONNIIEESSservice. We have been fed somuch spiritually by PastorFred Price, Jr. Thank you forteaching Gods Word. It trulyblesses us and we really appre-ciate hearing you explain howGod proves instead of howGod tests. We look forward toour 10:00 a.m. Sunday mes-

    sages from you knowing wewill be fed.God has blessed you as a

    great teacher for this time.Thank you for following Himand fulfilling His calling.Greater is He that is in you,than He that is in the world.

    Jimy & Sharon Parmer(Littlefield, TX)

    Growing Faith

    I have been following yourteaching for more than 30

    years. I praise God for you. Iworked a job for over 20 years.My husband still works andhas been on his job for over 34years. Our home is paid forand we are out of debttheseare just a couple of the thingswe learned from you over the

    years.I have a yard full of beauti-

    ful flowers. For more than 20years, we could not grow flow-ers in that yard. But withprayer and faith, the yard isnow full of grass and flowerssometimes too much. They diesometimes, like flowers do,

    but they always come back.Life is good. Every day is greatbecause the Lord made it.

    Laverne Fulks

    Blessed By God

    Words can never expressour deep love and appreciation

    of what Apostle Price, Dr.Betty and Pastor Fred havetaught us over the past 30years. Although we have relo-cated to different parts of thecountry, your teachings havestayed with all of my familymembers. We have benefitedfrom the principles taught ontithing and The Faith That

    Takes.This time last year I was

    going through heart trans-plant surgery. Apostle Price,your teaching on the principlesof strong faith stayed with meprior to my surgery. I cant

    ever remember being more atpeace knowing God was

    going to deliver like He had somany times before. Everythinghas gone well with only a fewminor set backs. I have felt sogood most of the time.

    During the early part ofNovember, I was in LosAngeles and heard you speakto the church about the need

    for each family to contribute aspecific amount of money. Myheart was compelled that dayto give what you requested.God blessed us with somemoney to contribute to such afine ministry.

    God has done more thanwhat we could ask or think forour family. We are continuallylearning that if we continue towalk in His righteousness thatHis blessings will follow.

    Charles & Shirley Nash(San Jose, CA)

  • 8/7/2019 Ever Increasing Faith Magazine - Spring 2011



    health && hheeaalliinngg

    n any Sunday, you could walkinto many of the Churches in

    America and enjoy doughnutsand coffee before Sunday service, a potluckdinner on the grounds after morning wor-ship, or an ice cream social in the evening.Many of our church activities are centeredaround food. Food is a gift provided to us byGod to enjoy and to sustain ourphysical bodies, but are we over-doing it?

    According to the Center

    for Disease Control andPrevention (CDC), obesityis now the number onehealth threat facing Americaand the Church is certainlynot immune. Obesity is definedas having an excessive amount ofbody fat. Obesity is more thanjust a cosmetic concern; it increases your risk

    of disease and health problems.Obesity is a medical condition in whichexcess body fat has accumulated to theextent that it may have an adverse effect onhealth, leading to reduced life expectancyand/or increased health problems.

    Doctors often use a formula based on

    your height and weight called the body massindex (BMI) to determine if you are obese.Adults with a BMI of 30 or higher are con-sidered obese. Extreme obesity, also called

    severe obesity or morbid obesity occurswhen you have a BMI of 40 or more. Withmorbid obesity, you are more likely to haveserious health problems.

    There is no question that excess weightposes a serious threat to our physical health,

    but is there more to it than that?While some excessive weightproblems may be due to medical

    problems, being overweight

    may also indicate a spiritualproblem.

    Today, about one in threeAmerican adults is considered

    to be obese, but obesity is alsobecoming an increasing health

    problem globally. The goodnews is that even modest weight

    loss can improve or prevent the health prob-

    lems associated with obesity.A new study recently published byPurdue University Professor Ken Ferraroexamined the relationship between religionand both BMI and obesity. The study foundthat church members tend to be more over-weight than the general population.

    ByPastor Robert E. Bolden


  • 8/7/2019 Ever Increasing Faith Magazine - Spring 2011



    health && hheeaa


    (800) 391-6145 www.faithdome.org

    Additionally, those in theBaptist denomination,including SouthernBaptists, have the distinc-tion of being the most over-weight religious group inthe study.

    In a press release by theCDC, director Jeffrey P.Koplan said, overweight andphysical inactivity account formore than 300,000 premature deaths eachyear in the U.S., second to only to tobacco-related deaths. He added, Obesity is an epi-

    demic and should be taken as seriously as anyinfectious disease. Obesity is linked to thenations number one killer: heart disease, aswell as diabetes and other chronic condi-tions.

    As Believers, we must take care of ourbodies so that we are physically prepared to

    do whatever God asks of us,whenever He asks it.Honoring the body meansmaking a commitment tolive a healthier lifestyle bycarefully considering the

    food we put into our bodies,making exercise a regular part

    of our lives, and getting enoughsleep (1 Corinthians 6:20)

    The Bible condemnsoverindulgence in many things includingfood. Proverbs 23:20-21 says: Do not mixwith winebibbers or with gluttonous eaters

    of meat; for the drunkard and glutton willcome to poverty, And drowsiness will clothea man with rags. When used properly, foodshould satisfy our bodys needs. The problemis when we overindulge with no sensitivity tohunger or look to food to comfort us, sootheour emotions, solve our problems, or make

    Continued on page 24 >>>>>>

  • 8/7/2019 Ever Increasing Faith Magazine - Spring 2011


  • 8/7/2019 Ever Increasing Faith Magazine - Spring 2011



    so LOVED the world that Hegave His only begotten Son thatwhosoever believeth in Himshall not perish but have ever-lasting life. Many of us have

    heard that scripture for years andthose of us who are born again haveembraced that truth to the point ofsurrendering our lives to Him.However, many of us may have overlookedthe importance of the word that comes afterthe words world and Son; the word that.When used to indicate emphatic repetitionof an idea expressed by a previous word or

    phrase, the word that proves very key tothis verse. I like to call it a response wordbecause what follows it is first Gods, thenour response to the former. In other words,when God showed His Love, there was anopportunity for a response on our part. Andthis is exactly what worship is. It is ourresponsibility: Our RESPONSE to GodsABILITY. Praise is our reasonableresponse to what He does and Worship isour reasonable response to Him for who Heis.

    Referring back to our theme scripture in1 Chronicles 29:3, King David said he wouldset his affection on the house of God. Thislets us know that it is up to us to set,position or deposit our personal loveand adoration to God and His house.Its not up to the praise and worship

    team at church or the pastor to be ourspiritual cheerleaders. This is becauselove desires to give at the expense of self andlust desires to get at the expense of others.

    This leads us to another thing thatDavid mentions in the verse. Because of hislove for God, he gives. And not only does hegive, but he gives above and beyond. Giving

    is a key response to the believer in

    our expression of love toward

    our God. This responsive givingcan be found in our sacrifice ofpraise. Regardless of how wefeel, we worship Him in spirit

    and in truth because of who He

    is.The latter portion of the cho-

    rus of Whats Love Got To DoWith It? says that a heart can be bro-

    ken. And because of this reality, many havechosen not to trust or even love at all becauseof fear. This unfortunately happens in somepeoples relationship with God, as well.However, the only real way to love God is to

    come to Him broken. Psalm 51:17 says thatGod will not despise a broken and contriteor repentant heart. A proud and haughtyheart cannot stand before God. This is whythose who have a hard time being vulnerableor open in their relationships, tend to strug-gle with initiating a love-relationship withtheir heavenly Father. But when the defens-es go down, and our heart is truly submittedand contrite before Him, we will sense anintimacy with God like never before.

    The last thing David mentions at theend of 1 Chronicles 29:3 is, I have preparedfor the holy house, my own special treasure

    of gold and silver. I amintrigued by Davids use of

    the word special becauseit implies an exceptionaland extraordinary sacri-

    fice. When was the lasttime you offered God a wor-

    ship, a sacrifice or an expressionof love that was extraordinary? If

    the answer is not what youd like for itto be, then now is a great time to reigniteyour passion for your Father and embraceHis presence with a unique worship offer-ing. This makes me think of the lyrics to the


    Theheart is indeed

    at the very root oflove, and love is at

    the very core ofworship.

    Ifits not from the

    heart, its notgenuine.

    Heart of Worship (written by Matt Redman)When the music fadesAnd all is stripped away.And I simply comeLonging just to bring

    Something that's of worthThat will bless your heart.

    I'll bring You more than a song

  • 8/7/2019 Ever Increasing Faith Magazine - Spring 2011



    exploring wwoorrsshhiipp

    (800) 391-6145 www.faithdome.org

    For a song in itselfIs not what You have required.You search much deeper withinThrough the way things appearYou're looking into my heart.I'm coming back to the heart of worship

    And it's all about You,All about You, Jesus.I'm sorry Lord for the thing I've made itWhen it's all about You,It's all about You Jesus

    So my friend, if youre asking the question: Worship: Whats Love Got To Do With It?,I would say it has everything to do with itAnd then some. EIF

  • 8/7/2019 Ever Increasing Faith Magazine - Spring 2011



    (800) 391-6145 www.faithdome.org

  • 8/7/2019 Ever Increasing Faith Magazine - Spring 2011



    the word ooff ff


    e are the top of a new year. Youhave a clean sheet as it were inyour ledger book. In keeping

    with that theme, I would like to give youa few encouraging words to share withyou about high hopes.

    Hebrews 10:23 will be our back-ground scripture:Let us hold fast the

    profession of our faithwithout wavering;(for He is faithful thatpromised.) In theoriginal Greek profession actuallymeans confession. Faith is translated ashope. Thus, Hebrews 10:23 shouldread: Let us hold fast the confession ofour hope.

    It may seem that hope is an inap-propriate word. On the contrary, it is avery important word. Before I learnedhow to walk by faith, all my wife and Ilived on was hope. But hope will notchange your circumstances. It takesfaith to release the power of God tochange your circumstances. Hope willonly keep you alive until things change.If you never bring faith to bear upon

    your circumstances, all you will do is livein hope.

    By itself, hope has no substance.Faith adds substance to your hope. So ifyou dont have hope then you have noth-ing for our faith to obtain. On the other

    hand, if you have hope and do not havefaith then you have nothing by which toobtain that which you hope for.

    I want to challenge you to have highhopes. If you do not set any goals, youwill never reach any. Now, you must usewisdom when setting goals. Do not setthem so high that you become frustrat-ed and lose hope. It will cause you to

    give up and do nothing.Some of you have done this very

    thing in the past. You have set goals thatwere unrealistic in relation to your faith.In terms of the things of God, your faithwas not up to the level of your hopes.Because your faith could not bring

    these hopesinto manifes-

    tation, yougave up.You have

    to be carefulwhen settingyour goals. It

    is better to set a short goal, realize it andthen set another one. You can continueat this pace until you get your ultimatedesire. This way you avoid becoming

    frustrated and giving up. You will nothave to say, That faith business doesntwork. I strongly advise you to hop, skipand then jump instead of trying to do itall at once.

    Have you set goals regarding your

    Kick Starting the New Year with

    ByApostle Frederick K.C. Price



    It takes faith

    to release thepower of Godto change yourcircumstances.

    Faith istranslatedto Hope.

  • 8/7/2019 Ever Increasing Faith Magazine - Spring 2011



    the word ooff ff


    (800) 391-6145 www.faithdome.org

    financialand spir-i t u a l

    n e e d s ?Do youhave anyg o a l sw i t hregard toy o u r desires,your family, your spouse, your children,

    your career, your education or yourphysical health?Do you have any goals at all?You stand at the top of a new year

    with a new opportunity. I would ven-ture to say some of have not eventhought about setting goals. You viewthe start of a new year in the same light

    as December 31just another day. Youneed to have high hopes.

    There are steps you can take to

    obtain any goal. The first one is toremain steadfast. In Hebrews 10:23, itsays hold fast Thats means to holdright or grab a hold of something anddont let go. You have to be tenaciousand hold on to your goals. Do not let go

    until it mani-fests. It takesthat kind of

    attitude.Stay withit; even if ittakes forever.It may take a

    while to come to pass, but if you remainsteadfast, sooner or later it will mani-fest.EIF

    You have to

    be tenaciousand hold on toyour goals.

    Now, you must

    use wisdom whensetting goals. Donot set them so

    high that youbecome frustrated

    and lose hope.

  • 8/7/2019 Ever Increasing Faith Magazine - Spring 2011



    us happy, we are placing foodbefore God. Using food tosatisfy our spiritual needs is asin.

    Not only is obesity poorstewardship of the body itsalso poor stewardship of ourfinancial resources. It has beenestimated that annual costs asso-ciated with overweight and obe-sity in the U.S. are just under $123 billion,this estimate include more than $64 billion indirect health care costs for preventive, diag-

    nostic, and treatment as well as $59 billionfor services such as wages lost by people whoare unable to work and the value of futureearnings lost because of premature death.

    Although there are genetic and hormon-al influences on body weight, the bottom lineis that obesity occurs when you take in morecalories than you burn through exercise andnormal daily activities. Your body storesthese excess calories as fat. Obesity usually

    results from a combination ofcauses and contributing fac-tors

    The Body of Christ

    must speak up and encour-age members to have disci-

    pline in all areas of their lives.The Bible speaks of eating,indulgences, self-control, self-discipline, gluttony, and other

    related sins, and we need to be able toaddress these topics in our churches withoutthe concern of offense.

    When we are able to control ourappetites, we are usually better able to exer-cise self-control in other areas like anger,lust, and gossip. Balance is the key, when weare unable to control our eating habits welack the self-control that is the fruit of thespirit.

    Gods desire is for His people to walk invictory and be in health, and having goodhealth is apart of His plan.EIF

    health && hheeaa


  • 8/7/2019 Ever Increasing Faith Magazine - Spring 2011



    on the aa


    EverIncreasingFaith Ministries

    Broadcast Schedule





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    88::0000aammPST The Word Network(Cable subscribers check local listings)

    (DirecTV subscribers, Channel 373)

    99::0000aammPST Crenshaw Christian Center Live(faithdome.org & StreamingFaith.com)

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    77::0000ppmm EST WJYS TV 62(Chicago) www.wjystv62.net/flash.php

    77::3300ppmm PST Crenshaw Christian Center Live Bible Study(faithdome.org & StreamingFaith.com)

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    Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quo-tations mentioned above are taken fromthe New King James Version of the Bible.

    Do you have a question on your mind?Write to us at: Ever Increasing Faith Magazine,P.O. Box 44185, Los Angeles, CA 90009 ore-mail [email protected]


    I used to have a problem when I first gotsaved, trying to relate to the Father and Jesusin an attitude of love. It was difficult because Ihad never seen Jesus or the Father, and theonly way I knew to love was, in some way, totell someone you loved them. Or you couldhug them, kiss them, hold their hand, cuddlethem, or give them something. I tried tellingGod that I loved Him, but I never really feltsatisfied that I was expressing that love. Icould say, "I love you," and that was nice forstarters, but that was not sufficient by itself. Tome, there had to be some demonstration thatwent along with what I said.

    One day, I was reading the Word, and Ifound out how to love God. I found out howto love Him in a way that I know I am lovingHim, that He is receiving my love, and that Heis satisfied with my demonstration of my love toHim. Jesus says in the first part of John 14:21:

    He who has My commandments andkeeps them, it is he who loves Me....

    This is how God interprets your love toHim -- not by sending Him a card atValentine's Day, not by sending Him a box ofcandy. Jesus says, "If a man loves Me, He will

    keep My word." If you love God, you will doHis Word.

    I did not grow up with a father in my home, soIm having a hard time understanding how tolove God as my Heavenly Father. How exactlydo I do this?

  • 8/7/2019 Ever Increasing Faith Magazine - Spring 2011


  • 8/7/2019 Ever Increasing Faith Magazine - Spring 2011



    wisdom ff


    oomm aabb


    n every situation you face, God has madeprovisions for you, but you may be think-ing Well, God didn't do this and God

    didn't do that. So I'm going to give yousome reasons why many do not experi-

    ence God's peace and maybe you will fit in oneof these categories.

  • 8/7/2019 Ever Increasing Faith Magazine - Spring 2011



    wisdom ff


    oomm aabb


    all unrighteousness.

    You're going to have to be the one whoconfesses and believes that you are forgiven, no

    matter how you feel. You're not going to feelforgiven right away, but you have to act on theWord of God. His Word says in Philippians3:13-14:

    13 forgetting those things which arebehind and reaching forward to those thingswhich are ahead,

    14 I press toward the goal for the prize ofthe upward call of God in Christ Jesus.

    If you have asked for forgiveness, you haveto will to forget the sin. And if somebody hassinned against you, you have to will to forgive.There are so many people who live with unfor-giveness all their lives. I remember a girl whosaid her uncle molested her while she wasyoung, so for many years she would not takecommunion because she didn't want to forgivehim. Wouldn't it have been better to forgivethe uncle and go on with her life? She couldntdo anything about it anyway, so she was justhurting herself by not forgiving him.

    The Scripture says, forgetting those thingswhich are behind... Naturally, you're not goingto forget some harmful thing that someone hasdone to you, but you can will to forget it. Doyou know why you can do it? Because you area child of God; you're born again and God says,"I will not remember your sins anymore." Now

    how can God not remember when He knowseverything? He says, "I will not..." And that'swhat we can do. We can will not to rememberwhat somebody has done to us. Its not that youactually forget it, but you forget it to the pointthat you don't let it mess up your life.

    Nobody has to suffer from low self-esteem.

    God has said the same thing to every single per-

    son in His Word. You don't have to relate toanybody else; you only have to relate to Him,and if you relate to Him, you won't have lowself-esteem.

    I came right out of the poverty ofMississippi a poor girl. I learned about Godwhen I was young so I embraced Him, but I

    stayed poor a long time because I didn't knowabout the Word. I didn't have adequateclothes when I went to school, I didn't have alot of things, but I never let jealousy come inbecause of what somebody else had. I wasalways happy for others, but I just didn't knowhow to believe God and get out of the povertysituation. Fred and I ended up struggling for 17years after we got married, but I didn't let it getme down. I just kept God's Word in front ofme. Once we learned about the principles offaith, we rose above poverty. We simply tookGod at His Word. That's why we try to help

    others because we know that if God did it forus, He will do it for them.

    You may not have what you desire in yourhand right now, but believe you receive it andkeep that confession before you; do all thethings you're supposed to do, and God willbring the things to pass that you need to live anovercoming and victorious life. Where I camefrom nobody in the world could have predicted

    then that I would be where I am today. It's allbecause of God, not because of me. That's whyI love people and I want to help them. I don'tever want to get to the place where I think I'mall this and that.

    In Los Angeles, there are a lot of poorSpanish-speaking people moving into the areawhere the church is located. I wanted to reachout to them. A lot of times people will takeadvantage of you when you're giving, but we

    learned how to help people if they are con-cerned about God. I want them to know Godfirst, but sometimes you have to give them foodand clothing so they will want to know Him.

    I want to help everybody, but I want topresent the Word. I want them to learn how Iam able to give. So if they come and learnabout God, God will bless them just like Hedid us.

    God has brought me from povertyto wealth, and from sickness to health just by ustaking His Word, believing it and acting on it.Today, we don't have a single need in life. Myhusband and I just have a desire to please Godand to teach people the same Word that set usfree.EIF

  • 8/7/2019 Ever Increasing Faith Magazine - Spring 2011


  • 8/7/2019 Ever Increasing Faith Magazine - Spring 2011


    Dear Friend:

    It may seem like a long time from now, but before you know it, it will be

    time to make your final payment for our Aug. 13, 2011 cruise to the Eastern

    Caribbean aboard the Oasis of the Seas. Final payments are due 90 days before

    we sail on or about May 13th. But, before we talk about payments, lets talk

    about the cruise.

    By the time you read this, Angela and I will have already completed our

    site inspection cruise aboard the ship. Weve been doing this since 1984. For

    a while we thought these trips may not be necessary and we stopped, only to

    find that when we got back on a ship we had already sailed on and thought we

    knew, the ship had gone to dry-dock, been cut in half and had a complete cen-

    ter section added and the builders added decks 30 feet long and the width of

    the ship. To make matters worse, the cruise line changed the itinerary and I was

    telling the people we were going one place and the ship actually went some-

    where else altogether. Needless to say, we have been going on these site inspec-

    tions ever since.

    We have an addition to our cruise lineup. The singing sensation Angelo

    and Veronica has signed up to be our ministers in music, just for us. This will

    be their first cruise ever and they are almost as excited as we are to have them.We know they will add a musical dimension to our cruise that will enhance your

    overall experience. We know the Apostle and Pastor Fred, Jr. are going to min-

    ister as the Holy Spirit leads and we cant wait.

    Dont forget - the reason we started doing these cruises is to give you, the

    sheep, an opportunity to invite those unsaved friends and relatives to a great

    cruise, hit them with the Word and get them saved, sanctified and filled with the

    Holy Ghost and maybe even healed. Remember, its sheep that beget sheep, its

    your job. Well provide the venue, you provide the sheep.

    So, call 800-247-1899or sign up online atwww.faithdome.org.Not interested? A

    cruise makes a niceChristmas gift.

    Well see you onboard.

    A Michael Evans, Jr.

    Cruise Coordinator

  • 8/7/2019 Ever Increasing Faith Magazine - Spring 2011
