I Ji U 1L U JIII r 7IIT rI T P p vr t r EWORLDTYIT1SDAY1ING JOTY 0 1905 i i CA NewsIN- A I Nutshell Saved His Passengers MUSKnaOX MICH JI tA Gear I fylvan Bench a ro ort on the west whoru of the Ijko tho stcamor CajURti rammed cxrrcsMont Clcclnnds for- mer ¬ nluisuie l> jat lluth jtstrrrtttj The captain of the flu I h run hl Itol- on si or nnd safely discharged lwr1- Iplsscnllrs I Freight Car Abducts Boy DUTKO1T MICH JULY CPercy Denenu Is supposed to be locked In a freight car which left Detroit Tuesdaj r 1 h the destination of which Is not known Ilaj mates locked the door In fun when the Dcnrit boy had climbed Inside Norway Row Affects Crew hONOLULU JLliV Included In tho crew and ofllccrs of the wrecked Norwegian CSSLU Salamis nnd Victor brought here are twentjslx Nor wetrians who wero aurprljseJ to lenrn of tho separation of ther country from Sweden William 1lotenhaurr acting Consul for Norway and Sweden has I no olllclal notice iif the orince nntl will send the men hmo If they do not secure employment here Water Famine Threatened KINGSTON N Y Tuly OThis city i j threatened with water famine nnd thc ater Comcnlssl inera have Issued orders that nl wnso ot water mint br ipCd The pre ent suppl In the Citkl mountain reservoirs will last one month I Airs Hoyts Will Stands TiriIN O JULY CTho Jury In the case of tho contested will of tho laie Mrs Itcttben Hon has returned a erdkt upholding the alldlt > of tho will Mrs HOM gave property worth J100IW to Judge Uunn of thIs city Two ENteri of Irs Hon claimed Judge Dunn had used undue Intlucnco Only a Tramp Dead WILLIS rOX N 13 JtLY C West- bound ¬ passenger train No 3 on the GIn Northern Railroad was derailed eleven miles list of hOle last evening One man vus killed a tramp who vvai riding on the fiont end of the mall car None of tlu las > llIgfOr5 va scrl OlIlr Injured and all wro able to re sum the tourney when the trick waa- I tleaicd I Taft Approves Bridge SAN FItANCIPrO JtLY the result of the visit made yesterday b > 8 ietn Taft to llcnlcla the StraUs of Iarqulnez probnblj will be bridged In tin vMitiurn 1aclilc Secretary Taft mnuunccd hla approval of pioje- ctHarriman in Dock Scheme SAN P11VNC1SCO Jt LV CIt li- etatrd I that l II Harriman wIth t- llooifrn Iw Iun 01 H E HuInton ts- p ripar III to build at Fan Icilro In the tuut hern pan of California aiiijsi- li ka and irohotues foi tho nucommo- u iuon of Btnin hlps 10 plv hotnien r San Icilro Hawaii Japan China und I the Phlllpplnts Outlaws Kill Father TUNICA THNN JfL OTrk and llohort Ham tlu Karoos who klllid- Itobcrt 31iston June 11 anI who hive since eluilea capture at their home snot nnd killed their own fitlur and diniei- oitsh noundfd Aubruj Oiirdncr of Tu nice who HIS in i 105CC tint had gone to arrest them Tp nesnei cscnp tl Fatally Shot His Wife ILKKSHAltnn JfLV CJo epl- lllanco e4 of Ilfston stint and fatally wound lilt wife toilav nod trod to muiUei his son hilt mls el him Ho- Hv In Walt for some hours In order to lieu his wife alone nnd when thin list of the filenli who vveio cbuttlii vlth- h I r left lu ran to her and tIred our s0t14 Into hei hack Uliuco was cap tuirJ Gets Big Franchise MANILA JULY 6Tlio Philippine CommissIon hUB passed an act granting Habln Jlass of San Francisco a fran- chise ¬ to construct telcpione and telu graph jjstcm3 throughout the Islands 1 Will Extend C K Line V VICTORIA n C July 6The Can- adian ¬ I 1nclflc Railway Company which I recently purchased tho Uiiiulmilt arid Nnnilmo Hallway SMem between Vie torla nod Uullln ton today announced that survey puitlun would at oncu bu T jilaced In the Hold looking to tho ex tension of the hue to the north end of Vmicouer Island W F KIpp DeadP- ROVINCETOWN JULY 0Wm V- Klpp private secretary to President Cleveland iliiring his tlrst term died at a local sanitarium early today after an Illneea of mole than a year Drain trouble caused death Mr Klpp was born In East Aurora N Y In 1855 lie was tho first llbrurlin of hue liar Asso- ciation ¬ of Now York City and was nn ncoompllahed linguist He was not mar Ii- i u j J Let Us Clothe You Cost regulates price i Rent is a cost High rents I 4 High prices Thats why 1 i19125 Walker stout of I the high rent district I means onethlrd laving to- p you S j Moe Levy Co- t I 10 to IZ5 WAlker St r TLce Blocks last or Uroadway f tied tTho tiodv Will be taken to East Aurom for burial I Honor Airs Donald McLoin VRnnniuci Jin JLLY cMrsD- onnld IxMil of Now York Preit- dentCleioial of the iJtiishltrs of the American Rnvolull was teiulorrd n- pihlic reception In OpernH m < o last oMMihift bj the ppciplo of thli her imtlp clt In lion or of her cloclluii bx the nntlnnnl coiuintlnn nt WashingIo- nlnt Mirrh Mrs MLran tlntiUnl tin p nple if thC historic city fur the hotur thud > lIe < Olllld lICE Now Yorker Crazy on Train tLKKsrtAnm PA JULY CBO- llclnr hlrnclf to lie tV Cztr nf Ruv ua with twenty VU ilr > urdor liJ olnmlll a man sttlposcd to bo i Xe Yorker wac taken f turn tile Iohlph Vnl IP cxprths from New York In UtilTulo here toilnv Kc vns not violent lint Itnnulnod hlnwlf upon u nnr < hli in l tint tin oIlier pasaonscrs were the cetv Tm p lice lien are now tivncr tn tint ik Tilthr They believe his name Is fhirlcr Volfc t il IIVI unial Itui- tui in the nl ii 11- In in f r Hi iiut nl Uis Ititho Irun- tt itu- uvlm ut other tru r iltii iz cont1 cure iti Clothe Triii tiring about- o > hr no U juri3ln t IlIoranI 1p > vi < UllAS flt r ill nth nv M N tv hour to 5 Sn lu I H ffJDmffl11f iifJf I IJ1U XlfmLf 1 During July August this sture will closeat 530 PM Saturdays I uQl iUfJl1 Th1LlJtjfCIIT1i f JJl1fJQtJif If IIMY4 ijlifJllLjI1lJijtlli ui j I d A very choice assortment cut bead Necklaces in ccystal amber and nmethyst regularly sold for 2c only 15c J1jJt IIiJf1J Jlh IRJ11I1tHjDnlDr fli1t1Ji1iill lIID rctJmt I1nDt 500 yards genuine tllo and carpet pattern Inlaid Cork Linoleum r L colors through back ear10 yeara 125 square yard 5 val c 59 C if t I illiIJnntID nrR1 i I J straw the seasons best styles every straw and shape not J i i worth less than 1OO you may choose though C VTlrtinTjrinl i1 I I > 11AID IFoil11I t jr Now full flare 9gore panel effect styles with 3 wide plaits on each Ii side pnnel4 rows stitching above plnlts made good qual ¬ 4 iJi ity plain finished cheviot also fancy mixtures a variety of i styles It i jItjjtJrniJJDQjI1ltl1F RJfJnD1 ru f ii t wonderful purchase dozen Shirt Waists made the finest ii white sheer lawns tilmmed with laces embroideries oer fronts tucks and plaitsIn fact a complete collection of the j newest and prettiest Ideas j nwQr1 ILK i JlXf1DO i r K cg jUfiCiT j 1 95 1 Made fine white and colored polka dot lawns trimmed with tucks nnd laces In panel effects also with embroidery ornaments foot Kilt skirts sizes to 41 Tho greatest value ever presented In fi- I Urjoklyn- f 1 jfI f 1 rUDi fii1iJ n nnf rJ mjol fJCHiff fjfi II- S Made fine vlcl kidlace antI button style patent tips u oak soles sizes to 2 alue 200 at 1 29 i LJJ 1 U TI t s i r auQa il m w oS 1 f lfKJtfiliJj J i 0 lace and buttona very good and faubstantlally made shoe ii sizes from a childs C to a girls 2 150 qualities 98cr- f t hlJtUIdHIJ S a s 0 i 10 11 x iiI K a Jx < w Ki i ii- f tun Kid and patent leather also Gibson Tics also black donsoln I kid with patent tips Cuban and nillitaiy heels medium round toe ii 1 Jumbo eyelets sizes 2l to 7 I i O tIt Kuji u it fUiitn u 111111 f ajf- l ii inr fnUnlnFYfit u ij j SOO pnlis fine vlcl kill and patent colt Tics I fletlblo JlcICay sewed solos medium round toe Cuban heels sizes 26 to 0110 I very oellcrs ir ruiittt t IIJL Icu1DlRmr fXu Jtm ttj mffJifODfjf 1Jt i Any size fine border Well filled anti covered best C A II It ticking always sold regulnrly for 5D9S QyQ r f1iiKRjfJjjifJO JfX i11i YRIDiJf i fjfjjf n 11 11 t l it Jif F UOUUOI J a Ji i is x ijig Xi Muutls lODnDU ilt t DENTISTRY > 1 Suffer Pain I- rt c c c Theres pain when our i New Discovery Is applied the gums When r teeth extracted In the morning well have the new ready at night All Work Guaranteed 10 Years c full Hel 0 Tec CIUO Uolil Orimiil 22 karAt f 500 Uuld rllllni t1 P- Sllirr FIllliiK tOe Water ury Denial Parlors BROOKLYN NEW YORK 414416 Pultoil St W 231 St- VM 1 door west Abraham COrp IMen f Strains Muei4 hour h In II Siinilujn o CO- Ueomnn 4 french Swedish ipoken O l with dloloma tar Kfoutrr and I IKJCJLIKJ > Ilnllnll want4 II otroiflL manufacturer pl tur atu- ia t RUPTURE My Unequalled Success In litliiA J nil HIP Lur eSt gUiItIU- of tn lllu n atthL1Av V kllew san rU tat Tactorllj imrs IONLraiuiu jcs e II w till rile Perfect Holding miv for the oty the can rinKs a trnps lljch ant ImilMtr p inoi IHIJ M 1 lib ltd Union Yor II reins till I iuib lj1liliTjrJffijCDOUrntJJGiJfJDQrJOi oCockiif f i itJ iiIi1 25c Necklaces 15c of at V25 Inlaid Linoleum 59c to L1i Jhlt1fJlXljirRJDIJIJHrwjf t1lltitlillir1IDDtlDm Boys 100 Hats 23c Of one 23 i FJI 21tIIJ1IJdE1hK1fJDU1ItAf 450 Walking Skirts 195 of of of of In jmlrIDfJfIID1fRIDrnJlKrff1tIDDDIIDf11fJf 200 Shirt Waists 98c of 129 of g sons CIJ ajsp s- i450ShirtWaistSuits i of It 32 p Girls 200 Shoes 129 of in SI 10 Girls Th 150 Shoes 98o i In in xV 5 Wornen 200 Oxfords 129O- f Or Sit Women 175 Oxfords 98c ta o of our best tiff 9- 1J998llaiPMattesses498 in A it fIDmmIDCJlDOorn fll futm1OitilU iLl 6c66booooooooooooboocx3- otxVhy c i no at all Botanical to are set up 54 and 000000000000000000000006- HELP WANTEDMAL- EnTlbTduate tuv iuld frtf all sea all all FOR SALE GOOD AUTOS RIGHT OUamobllrs > 100 up Cadillac taruhirlm al ict up Decauville hoo to Ethlo TUiCtI tico to OW 100 ttralnrrs lupefolI fro to flusthes Watn to bier Upward liani 7an Wiiti btipanisr Tonnenu Iota of Other vcrI unusual stio 111 red ° IIQritlflttl 171110 innkit 55tei firii Iwurrh tip to Lamp 140 not ie MoO firffnl lalr al Trnnomlnlon freittials r elrarlol triea AIa hit Plneers Bn1 t cnnrom In BROADW AUTOMOBILE 107148 Wont 48th St 1 CREDIT per week will ju cud Jfc our family wtll drrinti in the Inler atie a UlSMTLMMUNfl ci OTlilNU at the ln it Manhattan Clothing Co 1114 ltd At Steer Si N Y Oprn KvruliiKi WATCHES AND DIAMONDS EASY PAVJ1 NTS Will > nj prrantatlv If deilrcd Amorlcaii S etch Danioiul Co Ill MAIDRN lANi TAKE KIKVATOU DIAMONDS KAhV YMUNTO Iwut WATCHES I HleN vvrlte or plo JiiM iuitjtiv JEWELRY 27 MAJPBV lVNB lu uiriP- 1AMOND9 watclifj JcHclD nriltly pay inrnlHi Inivcit lirltiu t rnrfl i MAS UATTAN DrtlllONt CO Iilifn Inm Not necejuarlly the chance of i lifetime the chance no clever man will neglect may be found hi World Want Bu lneM Opportune f1 r CA X JLJ J F R Ave Cor 20th St ClleaJrance Our Great Historical July Sate IN THE BASEMENT Every year alter the Fourth we have a clearing sale of Shoes for men women and children makingSie grandest opportunity to secure superior footwear for each member of the family at prices far below what the shoes can be made for All seasonable goods and fully guarantied Immediate advantage should be taken of this sale Mens Lace Shoes Mens Oxfords in black kid patent In patent leather velour calf leather and Russia call 1 welt black kid I ed soles and Russia calf welted JfJ 4- i 200 soles 7 1 200 Mens Patent ColtsUn and Velour Calf Oxfords 150 Mens While Canvas Lace and Oxfords IZ5 Mens Lace Shoes box calf black kid and black calf 150 Womens Venus Pumps Womens 2 OxfordsI- n patent leather Rim inpatent leather metal and Russia calf Patent kid and Cuban heels welt soles Russia call 200 12 I Womens White Canvas Oxfords and Pumps 15O Childs IS Misses Childs Patent Barefoot Sandals Leather OxfordsSi- zes 0 to87Sc sizes 6 t- o75c 1O3 Sizes 8 to jQI685c P to s2 100 I Misses dull kid Christy Ties sizes Misses patent leather tip Button and it to 2 150 Lace 100 Childs dull kid Christy Ties sizes Childs black kid patent leather tip S to ioV6 125 Button and Lace sizes 6 to Childs white canvas Uullon and 10 V 75 tford sizes 6 to lO 100 MIss white canvas lace and Ox Little Gents calf Lace and Button fords 125 SIZeS 8to 13f 100 I I j Childrens Oxford and Colonial Pumps regular 7 5c ces25 and 150 ai Store Closes Saturday During July and August 1 oclock m = INTEREST AND DIVIDEND NOTICES tbU Jul > pny It Thirty bird Semi nnunl DlvlileuJ- at tbo rate of 5 tier annun on amount of Ten n lIars or more which Imvo licra In- vcslirt for more than 1 do- Iho Soclrty now ri it 1- 8ynr j bus handled mote thou oven Million Dollats in S3- gl Canscrvnllvb taaurgi- n nit roOd strict Buporil3l tin 3I let tile Ilanlini Inw No fpcc dative investments whatever I I Small first mortcj oa borne J icluslvcly Accojntb may bi opened for Ono Dollar up ii- I LIve Thousand Write tor informatIon to TilE FRANKLIN SOCIETY Tor llcnnt Ilulldlnir and buvlii 1 b Turk How cor IJcckinan st Manlinttan JOHN C Mri President 0 HHMhbY- in loIreldol nn1 lanr1 1Ion coroIArY1rluonr- prTIw flowery Savings flank lS S AM 130 UOWEl- tNlW VOIUC June 13 looi A semiannual dlililtnd at the rale of 1Oril IKU CUM prr nnnuin h3 > been deajarcl onl will rrfdltcd tn ile i elton onall nuns nf f um- iml uiWurd nu 4 nit xiietllnR f 10io which hall have been dpoiltr at lout thno nionthi un the flrat duty of July next and Hill Ir paiul la on dull alter Monday July IT 1W Money deposited on or lefors July 10 will draw lntert ran July 1 lij WILLIAM II B WOOl 1rcildcnti- JIENHV A bCIIUNCK Cumptrnllrr- VAL1IHt COtiiSHAII Hurolciry CITIZENS SAVINGS BANK 61 ANt tiS UOWEIIY COlt CANAl ST lIuIt Iil1tNNLLtI IlVI1lNU rue Trmtioi have ordvreil that IlIlorul at the rat lit 111111515 ANO OKKHAI- lJll 1Blt CBN per annum be paid lo depositor on and utter Julr 17th on till lube II and up to SIIOIK which used remained on tlepatlt far thu tliruo or U- inunllii ending Jon iltlln Itior In ac KHilaiuo with Hit IOIUWM and rule ul hItS taiik Money t1epltet on or Ixforf- Julr llh will ilrnn uluterdit from July lit IIKNUY UAHLKH Ti Mrnl- IIKNUV SAVltlll becretar- yilll A 11UUKH A Utant Sierelarr- STEAMBOATS QATTE- Nr LINE vLl l W U JllAWll M > SV h0cAtIlltJltY i 1tAiKhuJu WnKIC HAY TIMIT TAIILB Lu4a- Utll oomMtlil I N It Ulocita I clow- It IX Kill H M and 11 M U 43 IM- Ssturdiri lIm N M Aatu It II and 240 IM Ltav Battery near BoiiHi St5 020 11 10 A M 3 frR1I ti ti- II < I PIANOS AND ORG- ANSMammoth c lCw7itW- Jw I iD ToJAVE5FTo6OS 5 Sale Dont Wait r I W = ff = f 9r 1 350 Walters Pianos at 195 llnniullni itoil and cover 5 Down 1 A Week Plinrw vhlch tnnnot begin to compare- wIth the nltin ate being offirnl for Kiln ern day lo Jtliers nt priceS rannlni ruin Xnn to PlO Ho we fe eI ttut we ire orlrlnl snht a 1011 w nnlnK of run tM tn Et In Ihli sale Every Walters is built to last a lifetime Best piano in the world for the money The finest that money and brains can make Piancs delncteil iour Home 0i Paymmt of SS No Internet chartrt1 for tIme taken In rnnklnK J ymrnt Nu extra whatever 10 Years Guarantee ItirerKl In gilt letters un tin iticide top Ill nf UvfO Wiltfr 1luno- iful J > change tar old itunO for a beau new Wnlteni alit t ati bularre at LI a wek li m rr lMat u rOl1fonlall will rail- BLOOAUNanALH URIS Lex to 3d Av 59th to 60th St = EXCURSI- ONSROCIOWAYBEACH T1II3 OMV AM WATIlllh- lpatiici III1UIIJ lldorrtule leave ILth lit lllt- A M vVwit IJIII AI Ri t > U1A Id Ml A M U At lia Xjifi ieto 1M I il Uxrur Mil eo hiliur- ml Hiuulav liANcrji fur Sunday s t inc tab The 1905 World Almanact- ells you just what you want to know just when you want to know 25 cents by mall 35 cents C In ur wi i rcit rita J< trect tit tu 5 iifjj OOt1 BROADWAYBROOKLY- NWe Close at Noon on Fridays During July ard August Store Hours 830 A M to 530- P M Open Saturday Nights ns usual Here are values that warrant a special etlort to visit the I H Batterman Store Friday morning even though important duties be laid aside lor the being 5 Jackets 198 Vonuiis Uliuk Cheviot Jackets short in0ltttl front satin linetIsizts 22 34 M 198 worth t G For Prldny V 250 Womens Oxfords 139 I ttomeni hartllurn sole Oxford TIe In tutu vie kid Wusslu calf and ton vlcJ low button ityloSizs 2j to 7wldthu C toE regular 2CO value Cl 39 For Krlilaj s 29c Drawers 19c Womans Drawers of Rood qual- ity muslin with volca banil and I tucltfil lawn ruffles open itVo- only regular price ZSo 19C For Triilny 8c American Zephyrs 6c unu twusand yards of fnst col Zephyrs In n largo variety of patterns moitlj stripes and plain colors suitable I for house dresses and childreni wee Regular tIc aluo ir at I BAKING pdWDEnJ DI Pure none better at tiny price 5 90 lb CUll 129 1lb can C II RAILROADS PEN NSYL V ANIA RAILROAD STATIONS foot ot West Twentythird Mrett and Dosl ro8w and Cortlndt Streets ± a The leaving time from Vabroae and Portland Street Is five titan that elien belon for wenlytlr Street ata too roll 11115 WEST 7 5i A M C111CAUO bltCIAL 10 65 A auT1II PENNSYLVANIA bIaS ¬ 2J hours to Chicago MSTn1 10 53 A IO171H LIMITED For Cincinnat and tit oula taa 1 1 CINCINNATI ANt ST luLl KXIIILH- HJ 1 MTHE ANIA SPE C1AL IS hour lo Chicago IBM M CH1CAUO 11M11ED aia I MI IOLIS ANt CINCIN NATI UXPlllvSS 50 P WlSILnN LMlthfiS T 5i 1 MALIFW EXPHLfeh- S J5 At CINCIN ¬ NAIl UXPltUbS U53P M Plrrsiil ltd HltUIAL WA llNUON Al TIlE SOUTH 73 i 2l ioaa A 11 12 ST 1J uj J lu Ji enKrlonl Ltinl ed- Ll 0 iaa itight SuiUdj bt i JSi 10 J3 A I U J3 12aa t2a CnsnisloUil Limited a2a 4 a 10 night l1IF il lalti 1tjLWAyI2aa A M dally 32 A COAST LINJ112 A M ui2a P M daily no- gAiIOAII AIII 1I E122 p M and Inl MmTlK A WCSTEIIN HAIIWAV- I 23 P M daily fllE PBAKH OHIO ItAlIWAY755- A M wrk itityll nnl 4hO P M itaity PUtt COMPOHT and NO- nOK1 at r A 1 week data anti SIT 1 TJAoTt tCITIM A M TS nnd A 2rr T r vpr tT 1253 P M week dais INi1 flhiiir1I AnIY PRC teem pnyp taTh A Rtiiil Ml RM po 1 aat cm Jl TI A 111 rnrrHnH trt onltV 1oli A aS 122s Inll Sfxcw TYi IJrno > 122a If nuirliA ytlv fCnunllM onlil 22 2M 12i np- rft t lynttr Ilrincli 4it eve rft P itiiM vi- r1iTJ 4U 501 nsa at < li CrZimlayi 82 flitS 10 B3 I M- in 1 irrn P M tntn rr- Tlel1 Office No IC1 ni on tied f- lIlroai ns 1S2 FIfth Aiemif lipliw 21- Rt I rm Fifth Avenue corner 20th St- I Aftnr house nut nam1 sPate nroolin III Tulton Htrnt ftn mltni- efr rt tn Irnln and Prnnvhonlt Anon New Vnrli Trnnafc Conijnni illl call ffOr and clieek tncenr front rind rtilcloncea throurh to df hoot ion THpphnnc fin Chelwa for PfnnilianlaI- tallrond Cnli Pen Ire w w AriBRntiiv J n Wool Oenernl Mnniiirer Passr TraffIc Mai- vnno w iiivi- Genfrnl lasnrer rent I EXCURSIONS I RO t S1EAMBO r CO- 0 lliry Cuiimit Hum I They Cnnnot Sink Alt ilflrU Include udinlnlon 10 Dreumlanu oney ISland att Aiiiuniiieiit Bnttrprlte In tue World lfui tout TAl IJitli lK i ttuM Ifgrt ltNlJt- JO 11 tM A II 1l 200 iu I at f 11 Aotih 143 I 1115 A M I 13 2 W 1- 5iVi I iao so iRUJ 741 8no p 10 foavo llr t half hour Ute- rsnVl than 221 m a rt W c r la r g wVi 10 41 5 II 710 7M s 4- iitrntrntni inland trip marked rmn01cflJ North o InohiNI > imp nriKrs 2 OKNTS IUVNI Tnir niiCKW laittn lT alit- ThIAMhrht TAIMIIJ1 will mule trim ISIIIVO IIMH leave HVIS St rio A M 1ler Ve No I N I 880 A M Unit uud tackle on Inrd I PHI Oentlemen 73o Ladle liOn COoBI3LLEW- OOD EXCURSION RESORT EVERY 75 ° SUNDAy LEHIOH VALLEY hASh COS BUT mST I OLD rAHHlisrt COlNTIty e MHUlii 1 ran rJLm V taL Eli Ht 8 t Jl- Oiillandt n4 IJHlirutin sid bj A M- 1M ton H Ui A M Jersey III ilinn IrKkln HSU A Ai Nmark- MnrfcM H i n AM Faro Via Ilruolibn Annex lIe Additional EVERY SUNDAY 100 EXCURSIONS VIA ERIE RAILROAD TO SHOHOLA GLEN Jii uiu liuo Muuu um tui mvl from ACH York un Iho btuutKul UtUniru UUer CaN trains irate W 2Jd at 563 on S I 921 ciiamUn bt 110 lOll ilSOt Jersey City u 1ft uJ u 43 A tl ittrturaloc isay Iholola 4 w I I 8 r I Street l 1 22 a9 Wet Thirteenth DAQ Street A- Do Your End of Week Shopping To MorroW 1 Our Stores Are Open Until 6 P M And You Buy 1 A T FRIDA Y PRICES i SATURDAY is Clerks Holiday WE CLOSE ALL DAY I NO MAIL ORDERS FOR THE FOLLOWING I i i DRESS GOODS Description dont do Jnstlce DRESS SILKS J to these TtUnes Moha4r extra high finishblock And Colorsvalue 84 29 DOlnoh Cro m 8IeUlenevalue 88 69 42Inch AU leading shades value 69 4U 27Inch Sel Tout Flgd pongee and Bmu Honeycomb 6O20a- ncy rlsd Taffetas and Lullle Hairline Stripes Checka Changeable Iredevfluo ttS49B- lack and I 24lncli worth 49 > Supply Yonr Wiinta ToMorr < T l We Cloie All Ditr Sutnrrtay I StIturda3 Is Clerk IloUdny- CHAMBRAUS I Dont Jui1io PERCALES r Qnn- PPNAMAS ETCJ by Prices 2H ct Jaconet Iiwnn 654 ct Fancy Dotted Swlgies 11 1 ct Black and White Check PanamasMohair finish 19 19 Fine Corded Madras S2 Inch 7 ct 15 Dlmltlesmostly navy and blnck grenade ° thY ct tstiadee 8 flat colorsaUghtly imlairtect Tride 9 ot Madras Percalesyard 1 c Shlrtlne Cambricsbest atle 3H 10 Olwhamsons 4 best makesall slz 2J ot Liberty Foulards 10- L1eE CURTAINS Friday SETS t Speelfila CURTAIN INGS 5c In el ih Point Arabo CUTtalnsCorded designs for Friday Clean upwere 29 1 08 wore 408 Above are perfect eood I a to 8 pairs a style Pgpttnn Yarn CUrlnin8coIore- dcros 98- ComhlnnUon Net fled Setslace vutancelarge molt centre with corner pieces 208 nlue Ti9b alucIns0ln SPts and colored Curtain 12M and 15 9 IInllu lIPc3 InHerUnt values 39 5 undedJoreal lr Pablo Coer yd uorebnd knot 30 wore r9lrldr Table Covera tWO tune and covCriflg- Sfrlngiidl 93 yds Zdtt2rCVattt0 14 TABLE LINEN5 Frh1uy TOWELS Specials WHITE GOODS 11 imich- All ilnan Satin Damasks US 65 c4 tohei wldeUll ii LInen Nalldn- sI 1G9 IlchUIUII UUSdzen 84 ClottnFrlngMl 09 value 89 Turkish Towilsextra heavy Hen med 13Ivatuo 2o 19 All Linen llusila Crosh Towclllng full 11 Inchulue 9 B- 7xtta Heavy Huck Trlx41 UemnIepTelal 12 I Jiro Slnpe White LawnsShtrt1fl adrLiIO Inch Lnwnboollwen- rCnmlrlCPlqul ansi Cheviots 9 Tine Whulto Naln8coksM rrrrlzcd- Madiii Jacqunrdn tlc Iliiln anti Umbd pliiuot and Solietts- Pjtlat weave Cheviot wore 24 to 29 10 A > Do Ilrmember- Not Open Satnrdny I Supply Your Vnn Tomorrow BED SPREADS 1 Whrr CHH yon COMFORTABLES mntch tiipn BLANKETS ETC jiFrKlny Val Tull nlzo White California Blankets J349 quality 308 1ull Whlln Cotton Blankets wool finishusually il CO 08 White Embd Dometsneiit scallop or 29 19 nllod Stilt KlnnnclsNiuv Gray and Mixturesvalue 35 22 rull Size Summer Comfortalilea- revi rslhlowhlto cotton Sited alun HOD OB 1111 Size Crochet Sprciulaolosa wftvei- irnsAlng 80 Honeycomb Spreads allovcr or centra patterns nlue 125 RUGS At BRUSSELS Friday Quick CARPET SWEEPERS J win Me Tine AH Wool Brussels Rugs new Oriental designa also small effect for tony room 6 x 9 f 008 value 949- 53x10 6 1108 value 114 98 9 x2 ft 1475 vuluc mOS Ucvcrslblo Oranle Art Squares flxl f t lUS- lrmrst All Wool Art Baunres yMrch wood tones Jgi grins unh Ind nttte 70B Ctrpet Sweepon 11810s 2rlrldu 17U NECKWEAR n ery lloin- r RIBBONS r C S ETC Orrut Vului- Womens H1NDI StojksIxjce fliP embrt lIuenTnllored or fancy i Will Jabot IIIS tab value 69 40 Vlite Lawn C Olcnilfelteslico or 18 3h Inoli JllbSonsllan or Llbprly Satin Tnffetncolori black dod 12 s iiiul JVa Inch 1la n and L betty Hatltis nlso remnnnt of colon noveltKs alue SJ 10 Mens till LltifU imndkirivhlefs- imHiimleKd ioU isivalue 15 10 omens oil Linen Knibd and Item st tci HuiidUfsvaluo 25 12W flouncing nod Corset Cover Emby 11 to 17 Inch without bead lop I 5J iiiii i i > i 18 4 WOMENSMASHABLE DontUIss HheserrldAy TAILORED SUITS j Dula White and Lawn Ponginett and Chlckl GIngham Dresses 450 I Tnncy Pique Irish Linen White 101 and WhIt Lawn SuUYaohUng Frock and Frill nnd Waist 1700 to J880 3QB BUck TafTnta Silk Suite side pleat skirt blouse Jcketvulue J20 S8 1498 Tulloreil Suits fancy PIUMmiCI or Blouse styles anti Broadcloth I Suits t 5 bust value 8708 16 OB WOMENS WAISTS 1 At SKIRTS COATS Irldny q1310 B1THINGSUITSc J rlllnB Irlee or white lao Inacrtlngs fD8 shirring and pleats 108 Allover Net and China Silk Walsti black or white elaborate trim ot lace antI tucks north Jo00 393B- lrvok Taffeta Silk Coat Frock and Frill and Bo Stylesvalue 15 OR 098 Womens Dress Skirts Urllllantlne Voile Panama and Hom pups fashionable models value 3 OB Handsome Pleated Dress Skirts ot Vole Panama and Cravenotto value SCO 998 Cravenette Travelling coaU loose Box i and Side pleat back with strap1108 Mohair Bathing SulU Navy and 1 DIack or duck trim value S2C 198 Bathing Caps 8y i nmmbl We Do Not Open Satnrdny I Supply Your Vnnti Tomorrow- s 3 j WOMENS WAISTS Dont J Ke- MILLINERU 1 Uunlltlr VEILS ETC J by Price Sheer WhIte Ltwnhlorc or fancy at least M rnluo 149 to 1C9 08 J Fine White Organdy finish LawnlaceR- IbS J ernby Inserlng In round polntci or squire other styles j value 29S 19R I Wment White Hnlncwest dress I shapes value 85- Clilldrcnfc Colonials Continentals and Itollcd Brim SIlorlIlk or velvet rtbbonalue 49 Fane WIiB White Block LIght Blue Pink and Orecnnlue 09 39 Cold Chiffon heinstltch border wero 29 lone 19 EVERYTHING At IN VFrldHjx > Ir ncr 1 BOgS WEARjsniitiK trlees Boys ChambrajR and Crash Suits JtusnUn and sailor stjlea 8 to 10 yrs 49 Wnshnblo Knee Pants Plain or strips J Crashes White Ducks nnd- Chambrajs straight or Bloomer according to style 3 to I yrs special 19 Boys FHno Butts Norfolk and Double Ilrcast Cheviots weeds and Home spuns also Navy Serges atiU Chcilots usunlly f5 98 i 398 Youths Suits Outing Single or Duble- Ireamaleo JO to y yrs were 1798 508 Boys Waists and Blouses whits stu- dfancywith ant without collars alto Russian ntjleB 4 to 15 ralue 49 20 Little Hsl8roled or straight brims 33 Dos two piece Bathing Suits Navy Duo Jersey Cloth special 49 1 GIRLS WEIR 1 Ki cry Item AND I BABIES WEAR Ont Vulne XIIici Bnlhlnl SultsJuo and J29S198 Black Girls Gingham and Chambray BrcsoM lace or fmbv trim4 to I > re- value ¬ i > 175 to MW 08 Battles Gingham Drexiecneat checks sizes to 2 yrs value 2t 15 j Ginirhnim Chambray DrfBft rOT Boys nnd iliis to 3 yrt 49 White Lawn fancy yokes or French stjlei sizes to S yrs value 09 49 hang Bedford COId CrtnUlace ribbon anti brad trimttiuall 9S1UB- Children Mull HutsPink Bltio and WbItalightly hummed were 69 to 1 9 clearance price49- il t> I ly Yiinr Mantu TomorroAT- We I Cbs All nUT latnrilny- bntnnlny I la Clerk Hnltdnyl- HOSIERH < Fridays 1 UNDERWE SAttrnrltoii PARASOLS ETC in enlb 1 Childrens Cotton Hose full stamlpu double Steel and toe 9 j Womens Lisle and Cotton fast black snot tan fHIn and allover lace 10 Mona UllhrlilRn Shirts French neck seats value 45 29 Womens nib Cotton Y ls1 sliM also exlrsalue 19 0 I Usle Vestslace trimribbon runvalue 49 > 80 Coaching IArasolsCimifltn or Taffeta black and white Bikcolor 1lU t t PROMPT DELIVERIES- OF j t GOODS BOUGHT FRIDAVo < I All Roods boultlrlday will accord be deiuerul 1 lug to our regular routine drivers and wagon hoe receiving a holiday during tile week tn make up for Biturdny- viilch j other employees teotThij which ether employees KetTlils promptly as per schedule Barp a It > our stores were open and eprt4ac h- 1WQtLboU ra r

Evening World. (New York, N.Y.) 1905-07-06 [p 11].chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030193/1905-07-06/ed-1/seq-11.pdf · no olllclal notice iif the orince nntl ... muiUei his son

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Page 1: Evening World. (New York, N.Y.) 1905-07-06 [p 11].chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030193/1905-07-06/ed-1/seq-11.pdf · no olllclal notice iif the orince nntl ... muiUei his son

I Ji U





NutshellSaved His Passengers

MUSKnaOX MICH JI tA GearI fylvan Bench a ro ort on the westwhoru of the Ijko tho stcamor CajURtirammed cxrrcsMont Clcclnnds for-


nluisuie l>jat lluth jtstrrrtttjThe captain of the flu I h run hl Itol-on si or nnd safely discharged lwr1-Iplsscnllrs

I Freight Car Abducts BoyDUTKO1T MICH JULY CPercy

Denenu Is supposed to be locked In afreight car which left Detroit Tuesdaj

r 1 h the destination of which Is not knownIlaj mates locked the door In fun whenthe Dcnrit boy had climbed Inside

Norway Row Affects CrewhONOLULU JLliV Included In

tho crew and ofllccrs of the wreckedNorwegian CSSLU Salamis nnd Victorbrought here are twentjslx Norwetrians who wero aurprljseJ to lenrnof tho separation of ther country fromSweden William 1lotenhaurr actingConsul for Norway and Sweden has I

no olllclal notice iif the orince nntlwill send the men hmo If they do notsecure employment here

Water Famine ThreatenedKINGSTON N Y Tuly OThis city

i j threatened with water famine nndthc ater Comcnlssl inera have Issuedorders that nl wnso ot water mintbr ipCd The pre ent suppl In theCitkl mountain reservoirs will lastone month


Airs Hoyts Will StandsTiriIN O JULY CTho Jury In

the case of tho contested will of tholaie Mrs Itcttben Hon has returned aerdkt upholding the alldlt > of thowill Mrs HOM gave property worthJ100IW to Judge Uunn of thIs cityTwo ENteri of Irs Hon claimed JudgeDunn had used undue Intlucnco

Only a Tramp DeadWILLIS rOX N 13 JtLY C West-


passenger train No 3 on theGIn Northern Railroad was derailedeleven miles list of hOle last eveningOne man vus killed a tramp who vvairiding on the fiont end of the mallcar None of tlu las > llIgfOr5 va scrlOlIlr Injured and all wro able to resum the tourney when the trick waa-

I tleaicdI

Taft Approves BridgeSAN FItANCIPrO JtLY the

result of the visit made yesterday b>

8 ietn Taft to llcnlcla the StraUsof Iarqulnez probnblj will be bridgedIn tin vMitiurn 1aclilc SecretaryTaft mnuunccd hla approval ofpioje-

ctHarriman in Dock SchemeSAN P11VNC1SCO Jt LV CIt li-


that l II Harriman wIth t-llooifrnIw Iun 01 H E HuInton ts-p ripar III to build at Fan Icilro In thetuut hern pan of California aiiijsi-li ka and irohotues foi tho nucommo-u iuon of Btnin hlps 10 plv hotnienr San Icilro Hawaii Japan China undI the Phlllpplnts

Outlaws Kill FatherTUNICA THNN JfL OTrk and

llohort Ham tlu Karoos who klllid-Itobcrt 31iston June 11 anI who hivesince eluilea capture at their home snotnnd killed their own fitlur and diniei-oitsh noundfd Aubruj Oiirdncr of Tunice who HIS in i 105CC tint had goneto arrest them Tp nesnei cscnp tl

Fatally Shot His WifeILKKSHAltnn JfLV CJo epl-

lllancoe4 of Ilfston stint and fatallywound lilt wife toilav nod trod to

muiUei his son hilt mls el him Ho-Hv In Walt for some hours In order tolieu his wife alone nnd when thin listof the filenli who vveio cbuttlii vlth-hI r left lu ran to her and tIred ours0t14 Into hei hack Uliuco was captuirJ

Gets Big FranchiseMANILA JULY 6Tlio Philippine

CommissIon hUB passed an act grantingHabln Jlass of San Francisco a fran-chise


to construct telcpione and telugraph jjstcm3 throughout the Islands

1 Will Extend C K LineV

VICTORIA n C July 6The Can-adian


1nclflc Railway Company which I

recently purchased tho Uiiiulmilt aridNnnilmo Hallway SMem between Vietorla nod Uullln ton today announcedthat survey puitlun would at oncu buT jilaced In the Hold looking to tho e xtension of the hue to the north end ofVmicouer Island

W F KIpp DeadP-


Klpp private secretary to PresidentCleveland iliiring his tlrst term died ata local sanitarium early today after anIllneea of mole than a year Draintrouble caused death Mr Klpp wasborn In East Aurora N Y In 1855 liewas tho first llbrurlin of hue liar Asso-ciation


of Now York City and was nnncoompllahed linguist He was not mar




j J Let Us Clothe You

Cost regulates price

iRent is a cost High rents I

4High prices Thats why

1 i19125 Walker stout ofI the high rent district

Imeans onethlrd laving to-



j Moe Levy Co-

t I 10 to IZ5 WAlker Str TLce Blocks last or Uroadway


tied tTho tiodv Will be taken to EastAurom for burial I

Honor Airs Donald McLoinVRnnniuci Jin JLLY cMrsD-

onnld IxMil of Now York Preit-dentCleioial of the iJtiishltrs of theAmerican Rnvolull was teiulorrd n-

pihlic reception In OpernH m < olast oMMihift bj the ppciplo of thli herimtlp clt In lion or of her cloclluii bxthe nntlnnnl coiuintlnn nt WashingIo-nlnt Mirrh Mrs MLran tlntiUnl tinp nple if thC historic city fur the hoturthud > lIe < Olllld lICE

Now Yorker Crazy on TraintLKKsrtAnm PA JULY CBO-

llclnr hlrnclf to lie tV Cztr nf Ruvua with twenty VU ilr > urdor liJolnmlll a man sttlposcd to bo i XeYorker wac taken f turn tile Iohlph VnlIP cxprths from New York In UtilTulohere toilnv Kc vns not violent lintItnnulnod hlnwlf upon u nnr < hli in ltint tin oIlier pasaonscrs were the cetvTm p lice lien are now tivncr tn tintik Tilthr They believe his name Isfhirlcr Volfc


il IIVIunial Itui-

tui in the

nl ii 11-

In in f rHi iiut


Ititho Irun-tt itu-

uvlm ut othertru

r iltii

iz cont1

cure itiClothe Triii tiring about-

o> hr no Ujuri3ln t IlIoranI1p> vi <UllAS flt r ill

nth nv M N tvhour to 5 Sn luI


ffJDmffl11f iifJf I IJ1U XlfmLf 1

During July August this sture will closeat 530 PM Saturdays I

uQl iUfJl1 Th1LlJtjfCIIT1i f JJl1fJQtJif If IIMY4 ijlifJllLjI1lJijtlli ui

j Id A very choice assortment cut bead Necklaces in ccystal

amber and nmethyst regularly sold for 2c only 15cJ1jJt IIiJf1J Jlh IRJ11I1tHjDnlDr fli1t1Ji1iill lIID rctJmt I1nDt

500 yards genuine tllo and carpet pattern Inlaid Cork Linoleum rL colors through back ear10 yeara 125 square yard 5

val c 59C ift I illiIJnntID nrR1

i I

Jstraw the seasons best styles every straw and shape not J


i worth less than 1OO you may choose though CVTlrtinTjrinl i1 I

I > 11AID IFoil11I

t jrNow full flare 9gore panel effect styles with 3 wide plaits on eachIi side pnnel4 rows stitching above plnlts made good qual ¬ 4

iJi ity plain finished cheviot also fancy mixtures a variety of istylesIt

i jItjjtJrniJJDQjI1ltl1F RJfJnD1 ruf

ii t wonderful purchase dozen Shirt Waists made the finest iiwhite sheer lawns tilmmed with laces embroideries oerfronts tucks and plaitsIn fact a complete collection of the jnewest and prettiest Ideas

j nwQr1 ILK i JlXf1DO i r K cg jUfiCiT j

1 95 1

Made fine white and colored polka dot lawns trimmed with tucksnnd laces In panel effects also with embroidery ornaments footKilt skirts sizes to 41 Tho greatest value ever presented In fi-

I Urjoklyn-


1 jfI f 1 rUDi fii1iJ n nnf rJ mjol fJCHiff fjfi


SMade fine vlcl kidlace antI button style patent tips

u oak soles sizes to 2 alue 200 at 1 29i LJJ 1 U TI t s i r auQa il mw oS 1 f lfKJtfiliJj J i0

lace and buttona very good and faubstantlally made shoe ii

sizes from a childs C to a girls 2 150 qualities 98cr-f

thlJtUIdHIJ S a s 0 i 10 11 x iiI K a Jx < w K i i


f tun Kid and patent leather also Gibson Tics also black donsolnI kid with patent tips Cuban and nillitaiy heels medium round toe ii

1 Jumbo eyelets sizes 2l to 7



O tIt Kuji u it fUiitnu 111111 f ajf-


ii inr fnUnlnFYfit u


SOO pnlis fine vlcl kill and patent colt Tics I fletlblo JlcICay sewedsolos medium round toe Cuban heels sizes 26 to 0110I very oellcrsir ruiittt t IIJL Icu1DlRmr fXu Jtm ttj mffJifODfjf1Jt

iAny size fine border Well filled anti covered best C A


ticking always sold regulnrly for 5D9S QyQ r

f1iiKRjfJjjifJO JfX i11i YRIDiJf i fjfjjfn 11 11t

lit Jif F UOUUOI J aJi i is x ijig Xi Muutls lODnDU ilt t


1 Suffer Pain I-





Theres pain when our

i New Discovery

Is applied the gums Whenr teeth extracted In the morning

well have the new ready atnightAll Work Guaranteed 10 Years c

full Hel 0 Tec CIUO

Uolil Orimiil 22 karAt f 500Uuld rllllni t1 P-

Sllirr FIllliiK tOe

Water ury Denial Parlors

BROOKLYN NEW YORK414416 Pultoil St W 231 St-

VM1 door west Abraham COrp IMenf Strains Muei4

hour h In II Siinilujn o CO-


french Swedish ipoken


l with dloloma tarKfoutrr and I IKJCJLIKJ > Ilnllnll want4 II

otroiflL manufacturer pl tur atu-



RUPTUREMy Unequalled Success

In litliiA JnilHIP

LureSt gUiItIU-of tn

lllu n atthL1AvV

kllew sanrU tat



jcs eII w tillrile

Perfect Holdingmiv for the

oty the canrinKs a trnps lljch

ant ImilMtrp inoiIHIJ M 1 libltd Union Yor

II reins till I iuib





itJ iiIi1

25c Necklaces 15cof


V25 Inlaid Linoleum 59cto

L1i Jhlt1fJlXljirRJDIJIJHrwjf t1lltitlillir1IDDtlDm

Boys 100 Hats 23cOf

one 23 iFJI 21tIIJ1IJdE1hK1fJDU1ItAf

450 Walking Skirts 195of of of

of In


200 Shirt Waists 98cof 129 of

g sonsCIJ ajsp s-

i450ShirtWaistSuitsi of

It 32


Girls 200 Shoes 129of

in SI10

Girls Th 150 Shoes 98oi In


xV 5

Wornen 200 Oxfords 129O-f

Or Sit

Women 175 Oxfords 98cta

o of ourbesttiff 9-

1J998llaiPMattesses498in A

itfIDmmIDCJlDOorn fll

futm1OitilU iLl




no at all

















GOOD AUTOS RIGHTOUamobllrs > 100 up Cadillactaruhirlm al ict upDecauville hoo to Ethlo TUiCtI

tico to OW100 ttralnrrs

lupefolI fro toflusthes Watn tobier Upward liani7an Wiiti btipanisrTonnenu Iota ofOther vcrI unusual stio111red° IIQritlflttl

171110 innkit 55tei firii Iwurrh tip toLamp 140 not ie MoO firffnl lalr

alTrnnomlnlonfreittials r elrarlol triea AIa hitPlneers Bn1 t cnnrom InBROADW AUTOMOBILE

107148 Wont 48th St

1 CREDITper week will ju cudJfc our family wtll drrinti in theInler atie aUlSMTLMMUNfl ci OTlilNUat the ln itManhattan Clothing Co

1114 ltd At Steer Si N YOprn KvruliiKi


Will > nj prrantatlv If deilrcdAmorlcaii Setch Danioiul CoIll MAIDRN lANi TAKE KIKVATOU

DIAMONDS KAhV YMUNTO IwutWATCHES I HleN vvrlte or ploJiiM iuitjtivJEWELRY 27 MAJPBV lVNB lu uiriP-

1AMOND9 watclifj JcHclD nriltly payinrnlHi Inivcit lirltiu t rnrfl i MASUATTAN DrtlllONt CO Iilifn Inm

Not necejuarlly the chance of ilifetime the chance no cleverman will neglect may be found hiWorld Want Bu lneM Opportunef1


CA X JLJJ F RAve Cor 20th St

ClleaJranceOur Great Historical July

SateIN THE BASEMENTEvery year alter the Fourth we have a clearing sale of

Shoes for men women and children makingSie grandestopportunity to secure superior footwear for each member of thefamily at prices far below what the shoes can be made for

All seasonable goods and fully guarantiedImmediate advantage should be taken of this sale

Mens Lace Shoes Mens Oxfordsin black kid patent In patentleather velour calf leatherand Russia call1 welt black kid

I ed soles and Russia

calf welted JfJ 4-


200 soles




Mens Patent ColtsUn and Velour Calf Oxfords 150Mens While Canvas Lace and Oxfords IZ5Mens Lace Shoes box calf black kid and black calf 150

Womens Venus Pumps Womens 2 OxfordsI-

n patent leather Rim inpatent leathermetal and Russia calf Patent kid andCuban heels welt soles Russia call


12I Womens White Canvas Oxfords and Pumps 15O

Childs IS Misses Childs PatentBarefoot Sandals Leather OxfordsSi-

zes 0 to87Sc sizes 6 t-


Sizes 8 tojQI685c P




Misses dull kid Christy Ties sizes Misses patent leather tip Button andit to 2 150 Lace 100

Childs dull kid Christy Ties sizes Childs black kid patent leather tipS to ioV6 125 Button and Lace sizes 6 to

Childs white canvas Uullon and10 V 75tford sizes 6 to lO 100

MIss white canvas lace and Ox Little Gents calf Lace and Buttonfords 125 SIZeS 8to 13f 100



Childrens Oxford and Colonial Pumps regular 7 5cces25 and 150 ai

Store Closes Saturday During July and August 1 oclockm



tbU Jul > pny It Thirtybird Semi nnunl DlvlileuJ-

at tbo rate of 5 tier annunon amount of Ten n lIars or

more which Imvo licra In-

vcslirt for more than 1 do-Iho Soclrty now ri it 1-

8ynrj bus handled mote thou

oven Million Dollats in S3-

gl Canscrvnllvb taaurgi-

nnit roOd strict Buporil3l tin3I let tile Ilanlini Inw No fpcc

dative investments whateverII Small first mortcj oa borne

J icluslvcly Accojntb may biopened for Ono Dollar up ii-

I LIve ThousandWrite tor informatIon to

TilE FRANKLIN SOCIETYTor llcnnt Ilulldlnir and buvlii 1 b

Turk How cor IJcckinan stManlinttan

JOHN C Mri President0 HHMhbY-

inloIreldol nn1 lanr11IoncoroIArY1rluonr-

prTIw flowery Savings flanklS S AM 130 UOWEl-

tNlW VOIUC June 13 looiA semiannual dlililtnd at the rale of


prr nnnuin h3 > been deajarcl onl willrrfdltcd tn ile i elton onall nuns nf f um-

iml uiWurd nu 4 nit xiietllnR f 10iowhich hall have been dpoiltr at loutthno nionthi un the flrat duty of Julynext and Hill Ir paiul la on dull alterMonday July IT 1W

Money deposited on or lefors July 10

will draw lntert ran July 1 lijWILLIAM II B WOOl 1rcildcnti-

JIENHV A bCIIUNCK Cumptrnllrr-VAL1IHt COtiiSHAII Hurolciry


lIuIt Iil1tNNLLtI IlVI1lNUrue Trmtioi have ordvreil that IlIlorul

at the rat lit 111111515 ANO OKKHAI-lJll 1Blt CBN per annum be paid lodepositor on and utter Julr 17th on till

lube II and up to SIIOIK which usedremained on tlepatlt far thu tliruo or U-

inunllii ending Jon iltlln Itior In acKHilaiuo with Hit IOIUWM and rule ulhItS taiik Money t1epltet on or Ixforf-Julr llh will ilrnn uluterdit from July lit

IIKNUY UAHLKH Ti Mrnl-IIKNUV SAVltlll becretar-yilll A 11UUKH A Utant Sierelarr-



LINEvLl l W U JllAWll M > SV



oomMtlil I N It Ulocita I clow-It IXKill H M and 11 M U 43 IM-

Ssturdiri lIm N M Aatu It II and 240 IMLtav Battery near BoiiHi St5 02011 10 A M 3 frR1I






c lCw7itW-

JwI iD


SaleDont Wait

r I

W =ff


f 9r 1

350 WaltersPianos at 195

llnniullni itoil and cover5 Down 1 A Week

Plinrw vhlch tnnnot begin to compare-wIth the nltin ate being offirnl forKiln ern day lo Jtliers nt priceS rannlni

ruin Xnn to PlO Ho we feeI ttut weire orlrlnl snht a 1011 w nnlnK ofrun tM tn Et In Ihli sale

Every Walters isbuilt to last a lifetime

Best piano in the worldfor the money

The finest that money andbrains can make

Piancs delncteil iour Home0 i Paymmt of SS

No Internet chartrt1 for tIme taken InrnnklnK J ymrnt Nu extra whatever

10 Years GuaranteeItirerKl In gilt letters un tin iticide topIll nf UvfO Wiltfr 1luno-

ifulJ > change tar old itunO for a beaunew Wnlteni alit t

ati bularre at LI a wek li m rr lMatu rOl1fonlall will rail-

BLOOAUNanALH URISLex to 3d Av 59th to 60th St



III1UIIJlldorrtule leave ILth lit lllt-

A M vVwit IJIII AI Ri t >U1AId Ml A M U At lia Xjifiieto 1M I il Uxrur Mil eo hiliur-ml Hiuulav liANcrji fur Sunday s t inc tab

The 1905 World Almanact-ells you just what you want toknow just when you want toknow

25 cents by mall 35 cents


In ur wi i

rcit rita J < trect tit

tu5 iifjjOOt1


NWe Close at Noon

on FridaysDuring July ard August

Store Hours 830 A M to 530-P M

Open Saturday Nights ns usual

Here are values that warranta special etlort to visit the

I H Batterman Store

Friday morning even thoughimportant duties be laid aside

lor the being

5 Jackets 198Vonuiis Uliuk Cheviot Jacketsshort in0ltttl front satinlinetIsizts 22 34 M 198worth tG For Prldny V

250 Womens Oxfords139


ttomeni hartllurn sole OxfordTIe In tutu vie kid Wusslu

calf and ton vlcJ low buttonityloSizs 2j to 7wldthu C toE

regular 2CO value Cl 39For Krlilaj s

29c Drawers 19c

Womans Drawers of Rood qual-ity muslin with volca banil and Itucltfil lawn ruffles open itVo-only regular price ZSo 19CFor Triilny

8c American Zephyrs 6cunu twusand yards of fnst col

Zephyrs In nlargo variety of patterns moitljstripes and plain colors suitable I

for house dresses and childreniwee Regular tIc aluo irat

I BAKING pdWDEnJ DIPure none

better at tiny price 5 90lb CUll 129 1lb can C




STATIONS foot ot West TwentythirdMrett and Dosl ro8w and Cortlndt Streets

±a The leaving time from Vabroae andPortland Street Is five titanthat elien belon for wenlytlr Street atatoo roll 11115 WEST

7 5i A M C111CAUO bltCIAL10 65 A auT1II PENNSYLVANIA bIaS ¬

2J hours to ChicagoMSTn110 53 A IO171H LIMITED ForCincinnat and tit oulataa 1 1 CINCINNATI ANtST luLl KXIIILH-

HJ 1 MTHE ANIA SPEC1AL IS hour lo Chicago



NAIl UXPltUbSU53P M Plrrsiil ltd HltUIALWA llNUON Al TIlE SOUTH73 i 2l ioaa A 11 12 ST

1J uj J lu Ji enKrlonl Ltinl ed-Ll 0 iaa itight

SuiUdj bt i JSi 10 J3 A I U J312aa t2a CnsnisloUil Limiteda2a 4 a 10 night

l1IF il lalti1tjLWAyI2aa

A M dally 32A COAST LINJ112 A M

ui2a P M daily no-gAiIOAII AIII 1I E122 p M and


fllE PBAKH OHIO ItAlIWAY755-A M wrk itityll nnl 4hO P M itaity

PUtt COMPOHT and NO-nOK1at r A 1 week data anti SIT 1


nndA 2rr T

r vpr tT 1253 P M week daisINi1 flhiiir1I AnIY PRC teempnyp taTh A Rtiiil Ml RM

po 1 aat cmJl TI A111 rnrrHnH trt onltV

1oli A aS 122sInll Sfxcw TYi IJrno > 122aIfnuirliA ytlvfCnunllM onlil 22 2M 12i np-

rft t lynttr Ilrincli 4it eve rft P itiiM vi-

r1iTJ4U 501 nsa at

< li CrZimlayi 82 flitS 10 B3 I M-

in 1 irrn P Mtntn rr-

Tlel1 Office No IC1 ni on tied f-

lIlroai ns 1S2 FIfth Aiemif lipliw 21-Rt I rm Fifth Avenue corner 20th St-

I Aftnr house nut nam1 sPatenroolin III Tulton Htrnt ftn mltni-efr rt tn Irnln and PrnnvhonltAnon New Vnrli TrnnafcConijnni illl call ffOr and clieek tncenrfront rind rtilcloncea throurh to dfhoot ion

THpphnnc fin Chelwa for PfnnilianlaI-tallrond Cnli Pen Ire

w w AriBRntiiv J n WoolOenernl Mnniiirer Passr TraffIc Mai-vnno w iiivi-

Genfrnl lasnrer rent




lliry Cuiimit Hum I They Cnnnot SinkAlt ilflrU Include udinlnlon 10

Dreumlanu oney ISlandatt Aiiiuniiieiit Bnttrprlte In tue World

lfui toutTAl


i ttuM IfgrtltNlJt-JO 11 tM

A II 1l 200 iu I atf 11 Aotih 143I 1115 A M I 13 2 W 1-


iao so iRUJ 741 8no p 10

foavo llr t half hour Ute-

rsnVlthan 221 ma rt W c r la r g

wVi10 41

5 II 710 7M s 4-

iitrntrntni inland trip markedrmn01cflJ North o

InohiNI > imp nriKrs 2 OKNTSIUVNI Tnir niiCKW laittn lT alit-

ThIAMhrht TAIMIIJ1 will mule trimISIIIVO IIMH leaveHVIS St rio A M 1ler Ve NoI N I 880 A M Unit uud tackle onInrd

I PHI Oentlemen 73o Ladle liOn






I OLD rAHHlisrt COlNTIty e

MHUlii 1 ran rJLm V taL Eli Ht 8 t Jl-

Oiillandt n4 IJHlirutin sid bj A M-

1M ton H Ui A M JerseyIII ilinn IrKkln HSU A Ai Nmark-

MnrfcM H i n AMFaro Via Ilruolibn Annex lIe Additional



SHOHOLA GLENJii uiu liuo Muuu um tui mvl from ACH

York un Iho btuutKul UtUniru UUerCaN trains irate W 2Jd at 563 on S

I 921 ciiamUn bt 110 lOll ilSOt Jersey Cityu 1ft uJ u 43 A tl ittrturaloc isay Iholola4 w I

I 8rI Street

l1 22 a9 Wet Thirteenth




Do Your End of Week ShoppingTo MorroW 1

Our Stores Are Open Until 6 P MAnd You Buy 1



DRESS GOODS Descriptiondont do Jnstlce

DRESS SILKS J to these TtUnesMoha4r extra high

finishblock And Colorsvalue 84 29DOlnoh Cro m 8IeUlenevalue 88 6942Inch AU

leading shades value 69 4U27Inch Sel Tout Flgd pongee

and BmuHoneycomb 6O20a-ncy rlsd Taffetas and LullleHairline Stripes CheckaChangeable Iredevfluo ttS49B-

lack and I

24lncli worth 49 >

Supply Yonr Wiinta ToMorr < T

l We Cloie All Ditr Sutnrrtay I

StIturda3 Is Clerk IloUdny-

CHAMBRAUS I Dont Jui1ioPERCALES r Qnn-PPNAMAS ETCJ by Prices2H ct Jaconet Iiwnn 654

ct Fancy Dotted Swlgies 111 ct Black and White CheckPanamasMohair finish 19

19 Fine Corded Madras S2 Inch 7ct15 Dlmltlesmostly navy and

blnck grenade °thY ct tstiadee

8flat colorsaUghtly imlairtectTride 9ot Madras Percalesyard1c Shlrtlne Cambricsbest atle 3H

10 Olwhamsons 4best makesall slz2J ot Liberty Foulards 10-

L1eE CURTAINS FridaySETS t Speelfila

CURTAIN INGS 5c In elihPoint Arabo CUTtalnsCorded designs

for Friday Clean upwere 29 1 08wore 408

Above are perfect eoodI a to 8 pairs a style

Pgpttnn Yarn CUrlnin8coIore-dcros 98-

ComhlnnUon Net fled Setslacevutancelarge molt centre withcorner pieces 208nlue Ti9b

alucIns0ln SPts and coloredCurtain 12M and 15 9IInllulIPc3 InHerUntvalues 39 5

undedJoreal lr Pablo Coeryd uorebnd knot 30wore r9lrldr Table CoveratWO tune and covCriflg-Sfrlngiidl 93yds Zdtt2rCVattt0 14


All ilnan Satin DamasksUS 65

c4 tohei wldeUllii LInen Nalldn-sI 1G9IlchUIUII UUSdzen

84 ClottnFrlngMl09value 89

Turkish Towilsextra heavyHen med13Ivatuo 2o 19

All Linen llusila Crosh Towclllngfull 11 Inchulue 9 B-

7xtta Heavy Huck Trlx41UemnIepTelal 12 I

Jiro Slnpe White LawnsShtrt1fladrLiIO Inch Lnwnboollwen-rCnmlrlCPlqul ansi Cheviots

9Tine Whulto Naln8coksM rrrrlzcd-

Madiii Jacqunrdn tlcIliiln anti Umbd pliiuot and Solietts-Pjtlat weave Cheviotwore 24 to 29 10

A > DoIlrmember-Not Open Satnrdny I

Supply Your Vnn Tomorrow

BED SPREADS 1 Whrr CHH yonCOMFORTABLES mntch tiipnBLANKETS ETC jiFrKlny ValTull nlzo White California Blankets

J349 quality 3081ull Whlln Cotton Blankets

wool finishusually il CO 08White Embd Dometsneiit scallop

or 29 19nllod Stilt KlnnnclsNiuv

Gray and Mixturesvalue 35 22rull Size Summer Comfortalilea-

revi rslhlowhlto cotton Sitedalun HOD OB

1111 Size Crochet Sprciulaolosa wftvei-irnsAlng 80

Honeycomb Spreads allovcr or centrapatterns nlue 125


CARPET SWEEPERS J win MeTine AH Wool Brussels Rugs

new Oriental designa also smalleffect for tony room

6 x 9 f 008 value 949-

53x10 6 1108 value 114 98

9 x2 ft 1475 vuluc mOS

Ucvcrslblo Oranle Art Squaresflxl f t lUS-

lrmrst All Wool Art BaunresyMrch wood tonesJgi grins

unh Indnttte 70B

Ctrpet Sweepon11810s 2rlrldu 17U

NECKWEAR n ery lloin-


S ETC Orrut Vului-



fliP embrt lIuenTnllored orfancy i Will Jabot IIIS tabvalue 69 40

Vlite Lawn C Olcnilfelteslico or18

3h Inoli JllbSonsllan or Llbprly SatinTnffetncolori black dod 12

s iiiul JVa Inch 1la n and L betty Hatltisnlso remnnnt of colon noveltKs

alue SJ 10Mens till LltifU imndkirivhlefs-

imHiimleKd ioU isivalue 15 10omens oil Linen Knibd and Itemst tci HuiidUfsvaluo 25 12W

flouncing nod Corset Cover Emby11 to 17 Inch without bead lopI 5J iiiii i i > i 18



TAILORED SUITS j DulaWhite and Lawn Ponginettand Chlckl GIngham Dresses

450 I

Tnncy Pique Irish Linen White 101and WhIt Lawn SuUYaohUngFrock and Frill nnd Waist

1700 to J880 3QBBUck TafTnta Silk Suite side pleatskirt blouse Jcketvulue J20 S8 1498Tulloreil Suits fancyPIUMmiCI or Blouse styles

anti Broadcloth ISuits t5 bust value 8708 16 OB


B1THINGSUITSc J rlllnB Irleeor white

lao InacrtlngsfD8 shirring and pleats

108Allover Net and China Silk Walsti

black or white elaborate trim otlace antI tucks north Jo00 393B-

lrvok Taffeta Silk Coat Frock andFrill and Bo Stylesvalue 15 OR 098

Womens Dress Skirts UrllllantlneVoile Panama and Hom pupsfashionable models value 3 OB

Handsome Pleated Dress Skirts otVole Panama and Cravenotto

value SCO 998Cravenette Travelling coaU loose Box i

and Side pleat back with strap1108Mohair Bathing SulU Navy and 1

DIack or duck trim valueS2C 198

Bathing Caps8y

i nmmblWe Do Not Open Satnrdny

I Supply Your Vnnti Tomorrow-s




UunlltlrVEILS ETC J by PriceSheer WhIte Ltwnhlorc or fancy

at least Mrnluo 149 to 1C9 08 J

Fine White Organdy finish LawnlaceR-IbS


ernby Inserlng In round polntcior squire other styles jvalue 29S 19R I

Wment White Hnlncwest dress Ishapes value 85-

Clilldrcnfc Colonials Continentals andItollcd Brim SIlorlIlk or velvetrtbbonalue 49

Fane WIiB White Block LIghtBlue Pink and Orecnnlue 09 39

Cold Chiffonheinstltch border wero 29 lone 19

EVERYTHING AtIN VFrldHjx > Ir ncr 1

BOgS WEARjsniitiK trleesBoys ChambrajR and Crash Suits

JtusnUn and sailor stjlea8 to 10 yrs 49

Wnshnblo Knee Pants Plain or strips J

Crashes White Ducks nnd-Chambrajs straight or Bloomeraccording to style 3 to I yrsspecial 19

Boys FHno Butts Norfolk and DoubleIlrcast Cheviots weeds and Homespuns also Navy Serges atiUChcilots usunlly f5 98 i 398

Youths SuitsOutingSingle or Duble-Ireamaleo

JO to y yrs were 1798 508Boys Waists and Blouses whits stu-

dfancywith ant without collarsalto Russian ntjleB4 to 15 ralue 49 20

Little Hsl8roled orstraight brims 33

Dos two piece Bathing SuitsNavy Duo Jersey Cloth special 49 1


XIIici Bnlhlnl SultsJuo andJ29S198


Girls Gingham and Chambray BrcsoMlace or fmbv trim4 to I > re-value

¬ i> 175 to MW 08

Battles Gingham Drexiecneat checkssizes to 2 yrs value 2t 15 j

Ginirhnim Chambray DrfBft rOT Boysnnd iliis to 3 yrt 49

White Lawn fancy yokes or Frenchstjlei sizes to S yrs value 09 49

hang Bedford COId CrtnUlace ribbonanti brad trimttiuall 9S1UB-

Children Mull HutsPink Bltioand WbItalightly hummedwere 69 to 1 9 clearance price49-



I ly Yiinr Mantu TomorroAT-We

I Cbs All nUT latnrilny-bntnnlnyI la Clerk Hnltdnyl-




UNDERWE SAttrnrltoiiPARASOLS ETC in enlb 1

Childrens Cotton Hose full stamlpudouble Steel and toe 9 j

Womens Lisle and Cotton fast blacksnot tan fHIn and allover lace 10

Mona UllhrlilRn Shirts French neckseats value 45 29

Womens nib Cotton Y ls1 sliMalso exlrsalue 19 0 I

Usle Vestslacetrimribbon runvalue 49 > 80

Coaching IArasolsCimifltn or Taffetablack and whiteBikcolor 1lU



t GOODS BOUGHT FRIDAVo <I All Roods boultlrlday will



lug to our regular routine drivers andwagon hoe receiving a holiday duringtile week tn make up for Biturdny-viilch jother employees teotThijwhich ether employees KetTlils

promptly as per schedule Barp a It >

our stores were open and eprt4ac h-

1WQtLboU ra
