Vii. XXIII. WASHINGTON. 1». 0., FRIDAY. JUNE 10. 1861. N2. 8.521. . 3* ABU8KM KNT8. CARTlRBOtT HALL. l)8a5t1RBURY mVSaB Loc;s;ixa Atuci, Ktmr Corn* sj fhztA Strut, Rtm if Xancnsimnd MiiT7i>oiitan Houlj. SIONI L«A.- . .Propriety W. 1. OasiatacgS Jtage Manager, Lut week of M'LLB MARIETTA RAVEL, MILS MARIETTA BAVfb, M LLI MARIETTA BAVBL. MIL! MARIETTA RAVEL. M'l.Lt MARIETTA RAVEL, M'LLE MARIETTA RAVEL. Who will appear in tome new and startling feata upon i ho tight rope, tight ropk, tight ROPE, tiobt rope. First week of the Laughable Pantomime, THE VILLAGE PEDAGOGVE, THE VILLAGE PEDAGOGUE, THE VILLAGE PEDAGOGUE, tsi village pedagogue; THE VILLAGE PEDAGOGUE, THE VlLLAOE PEDAGOGUE. THE VILLAGE PEDAGOGCK, THE VILLAGE PEDAGOGUE, THE VlLLAOE PEDAGO IUE, THE VILLAGE PEDAGOGUE. w First week cf tb* beautiful Ballet, arrtoaed bv Mod*. Baptistan, entitled, LA FATE AU VILLAGE, LA FETE AU VILLAGE* ~ " "'II,- LA FETE AU VILLAGE. LA FETE AU VILLAGE, LA FETE AU VILLAGE, tA FETE AU VILLAGE, A FETE AU \ ILLAGE la wkicb Mile M»rleU*vRL b avel RAVEL RAVEL RAVEL bT HONS BAPTIST**, mon8 BAPTI8TAN. MONB BAPTI8TAN, AND TUB OHiT RONZANI BALLET TROUP* RONZANI BA«LET TROUPE RONZANIBALLET TROUPE or SIXTEEN BEAUTIFUL YOUNG LADIES SIXTEEN beautiful VOUNG LADIES. SIXTEEN BEAUTIFUL YOUNG LADIB8. MXTJiEN beautiful YOUNG LADIES. Frst *m1i of the side-splittin*Negro Fare® of the old clock, TnE old clock, the old clock, THE OLD clock, THE OLD clock. billy west, billy west, billy west! I* hi8 funny CHARACTER KC*NY CHARACTER funny CHARACTER OF SIMON, SIMON, SIMON. ~«WtgHR IlillS* The Favorite Songstresses, MIS" KPTELLB FORREST, MIPS E8TF.LLE FORREST, MISS E8TELLE FORREST, AND MISS CARRIE GJ MISS CAKRIE GA] MI;?S CARRIE GA] The Famous Original CIRCLE OF BEAUTY AND CLUSTER OF GRACE, MISB JENNIE FORREST. MISS LILLY WILLIAMS, MISS KITTY fcCOTT, MIPS MARY OARDNBR. MISS MAGGIE WILSON, MISS NAOMI PORTER, MISS EMMA LAWTON. MISS VIC M. ROSS, MISS SALLIE WERNER, MISS FANNY MAY. M'LLB VIOLA. MISS MOLLIE THOMSON. who will appear in a variety of SOLO DANCES. BALLETS, AC. To.night and every nigfct this week will be per¬ formed the laughable Pantomime, entitled TnE VILLAGE PEDAGOGUE, Vaster Up to Trick® W B. Cavanaugh Mods. Steps _Mons. B&ptistin Schoolmaster H. W. Williams Mr. Easy Billy West Mr. Prid<> T. Murray Master Billing J. Burgee MnsV r Cummings _ .M'lle Viola Master Tickelet~.» Miss Porter M*a. Pride__ . Miss Wilson Mrs. Stops Miss C. Gardner Miss Easy.-.. Miss M. Gardner Scholars, Villagers, Ac. The performance to conclude with the funny Ne¬ gro Burietta, entitled TEE OLD CLOCK; or HERE SHE GOES AND THERE SHE GOES. £lmon . Billy Wes«, Rest of characters by the entire Company of La- eits and Gentlemen. Id addition to which the regular VARIETY PROGRAMME of SONGS. DANCES. NEGRO ACTS, AC., AC., AC. In preparation, and will chortly be produced, A NEW SENSATION DRAMA I written expressly for this establishment, .by a papular Dramatist, and founded upon incidents which have transpired within the city, entitled BEAU sickman; or the BUSHWHACKERS of THE POTOMAC, with NEW AND ELEGANT SCENERY and effects Introducing several WASHINGTON celebrities of the day. The Drama is now iD rehearsal, and will be pro¬ duced in SUPERB STYLE, with a FULL CAST and NECESSARY appointments, gotten up an expense of over TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS. And ftr superior to anything ever produced In Washington. Due notice will be given of its first representation . LOOK OUT FOR BEAU!) and THE BUSHWHACKERS OF THE POTOMAC! A in-:! Mi on . .. -- <0* Private Boxes, holding lii persona.I 00 Doors oven at 7 a'clock; Performance to ooa- nence at 8 o'clock. - FAMILY MATINEE SATURDAY afternoon AT TWO O'CLOCK. Ladies 2$ cents; Children 10 cento CORPORATION OF washington SIX PER C CENT. WATER STOCK. The subscriber have an sale Corporation of Washington Six Per Cent. Quarterly Water Stock, In sums of one hundred dollars or upwards. The .nlire amount of this stock is limited to f Iflft.noo, for which the revenue from water rents (now amounting to about $16,000 per annum) is pledged, in addition to the faith of the city, making one ol the bast secured stocks in the country. JAMBS C. MoGUIRE A CO., Auction and Commission Merchants PICTURE CORD AND TASSELS. Different sices and co!ors Picture Cord and Taa- Mls, Rings, Nails^&c., at ' J. MARKRITER'S. 496 7th streelL Eight doors above Odd Fellows' Hell. Terms caah. ap»-lmif* 486 CABT3S VE V1BITB yBAME®- French Gilt, Swiss Carved Wood, and American C,»KUU.. C.rAyKr4^. ,y^« Bight doors above Odd Fellows' Hall. Terms caah. aytt-lmif* ^ AMUSEMENTS. A GRAND CONCERT Will be given on FRIDAY NIGHT, AT ODD FELLOW^' HALL* Strx*th tlrut, In connection with the STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL now being held for The benefit of the Capitol Hill Presbyterian Church. Borne of the finest MUSICAL TALENT of the city have kindly voltmteered their services for the occasion. Commence at S o'clock. TICKETS, 50 CENTS; which may b* purchase! at all the principal Hotels and Bookstores. It* FORD'S NSW THEATER, TBXTB STBBBT, ABOTB PBHHSTLTAKIA ATllfl> BENEFIT of the eminent Comedian MR. J. S. CLARKE, who will appear for the LAST TIME bnt one, THIS EVENING, in 8bakspeare's COMEDY OF ERRORS, Revived nightly with shout* of laughter and applause. MIR? ALICE GRAY AS ADRIAN A CLARKE IN TWO HUMOROUS OHARACTBR9. The performance will commence with the comic drama of ROBERT MAC AIRE. Jacques Strop..- Mr. J. S. Clarke. In rehearsal, a new drama, played with jrreat success ia New York, and adapted expressly for Mr. J. 8, Clarke, by De Walden, entitled LUCK. Also, a new comedy, called UPS AND DOWNS. Will shortly be produced, THE KNIGHT8 OF THE ROUND TABLE. GROVER'S THEATER. PimBTLYAVlA AT., HAS WlLLABD'S HOTBL, Liohabd Gbotbb^ - .... - Director Also of Grover's New Chestnut Street Theater. Philadelphia. THE COOLE8T THEATER IN AMERICA. Vbntilatbdbt »vh 100 Windows. ICE WATER FOR THE AUDIENCE ' TUTS (Friday) EVENING, June 10,MM. BENEFIT OP MARIE FREDERICI, GALA OCCASION ! . SATIN PROUHAMMES! Last time, positively, of F A U 8 T . M. Himmer as - Faust Pi*nora FreUorici as Marquente Mile Canissa as... . . .. . . Siebel .T. Joseph Hermanns as . -. Mepuistophues M. Steinecke as _. ...Valentine Mad. La Roche as . ~ Martha CARL ANSCHUTZ ..Conductor of Opera THE ARGUMENT. Faust, a German studec after a life of medita¬ tion and lahorloas research, becomes disgusted with the nothingness of human knowledge, and his own inability to unravel the mystic arena of nature. He summons to his aid the Spirit of Brit, who appears to Inm under the form of Mephisto- fihiles. Through the supernatural p<«wer ot the atter, Fanst is straightway restored to youth, with all its passions and illusions, aud ia at the same time endowed with personal beauty and lux¬ urious garb, Mephistopuile^. in b vision, re- vtalf to bim the foauteous \ illage maid. MargA- ret. with whom th* student fall." instantaneously in love. II'- longs to become acquainted with her. and his wish soon afterwards ^ratified. Marga¬ ret, equallv noted for her lovelioeas and for her virtue, has been left by her soldier brother, Val¬ entine, nnder the care of Dame Martha, a worthy but not very vigilant person*ee. The maiden at first reacts the stranger's advances, but Fanst, aided by the demoniacal influence of Mephisto- philes (who is anxious to destroy another human soul>, urges his suit with such ardor that Marga¬ ret's resistance is at length overcome. V»ler.tine, Margaret'e brother, on returning with his com¬ rades from the wars, learns what has oceurred; he challenges his sister's seducer, but through the intervention of Mephistophiles, he is slain in the encounter. Margaret^ horror-stricken at the ca¬ lamity of which she is the original cause, gives way to despair. Her reason becomes affected, and in a paroxysm of frenzy, she kills her infant. For this she is thrown into prison. Faust, aided by Mephistoi'hiles.obtains acces- to the cell in which she is immurea. They both eagerly urge her to fly. but Margaret, in whom holier feelings hare gained the ascendant, spurns their proffered aid. and places her sole reliance in prayer and repent¬ ance. Overcome at la5t by sorrow and remorse, with an earnest prayer for forgiveness on her lips, the unhappy girl expires. Mephistophiles tri¬ umphs at the catastrophe he ha^ brought about, but a chorus of heavenly voices is heard, pro¬ claiming that there is pardon for the repentant sinner, and the Evil One, foiled and overcome, crouches suppliantiy as the accents of divine love and forgiveners make themselves heard, while the spirit of Margaret, borne by minisUring angels, is wafted upwards to eternal home, S \Tl*RDAY, June 11, last night positively of the M.^tVOp.r.." ^ J[:AN M Steinecke, M'lle Canissa and M. Graffo have kindlv waived their claims for benefits this season. scalk or prices : Orchestra Chairs,. Dress Circle and Parquet .. - 1 00 (Reserved Heats #0 cents extra, t Family Circle C."b7HES8, Business Manager and Treasurer. MONDAY, June 13, l&M. MISS CHARLOTTE THOMPSON, the distinguished Dramatic Star, who kindly gave the first part of her engagement, in order that the Operatic Artists might receive their beneSts, will appear in her incomparable dramatic assumption, LITTLE BAREFOOT FANCHON, THE CRICKET. A GRAND SACRED CONCERT, at the FOURTH PRESBY7ERIAN CHURCH, (9th street, between G and H,> will be given on the EVENING OF WEDNE8BAY, the 15th inst., *heE ROSSINI'S 8TABAT MATER will be sang entire, by a large and efficient choir, under the direction of Mrs. C. Y. Kbstschmak. A RARE TREAT. Tickets *1 each. May be procured at all the principal book and music stores in the city. Je9-lw GEORGETOWN ADVER'MTS GEORGETOWN, D. C-. Mav 34.1*94 HF. Undersigned Grocers ana Dry Goods Mer¬ chants do hereby agree to close our respective places of business at IVt p. m. from June 1st to September 1st, 1964, except SATURDAY, in order to afford our employees a portion of time for re¬ creation. w BKALL 4 co W. 8. MATTHEWS, JORN J. BOGUE, GEORGE W. ORME. D. JACKSON, _ W. R. HURDLE, L1WIB BROOKS, A. JJKicLIFf'B A CO., A. F. OFFUTT A CO., W. H. ERNEST, J. F. KELLY, MAYFIBLD k. BROWN, EDWARD H. BROWN, SMOOT A BURROUGHS, 1. 8. ROSENTHAL, "EDWARD MYERB. my 26 3w* TOWING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO, bytb i Potomac Tow Company's boats, Potomac, "Gov. Curtin" and "Belle H»T#a." Apply to th 'the ac," uw,. vuruii .w .'v.- . .. .- - - ' the Captains en b«*rd, or toHN B DAVIDg0N> my IS- Water street. Georgetown. Prof. ESPUTA Would rwpectfullyinferm the public that be isnow prepared to giveless^s IBM in Voeal and Instrumental Music. HavinguflK retired from his other professional business,/ir* be is now able to devote the whole of his time to instruction in music to all thoae who may le pleaaed to patronise him. Prof. Esputa's method fa th* same as is taught in Europe.that is. while he makes good performers of his pupils he makea good musicians of them also; so that any one who may receive instructions from him may acquire that knowledge of music aswillmaks them com¬ petent for teachers or professional musicians. prof. Esputa Is now forming classes and all who desire to eater must apply early, as the number ia HFo^tirms apply to Prof. JOHN 18PUTA, No. £13 9th street east, Navy Yord. MB The cars pass Prof. Esputa's residence eve¬ ry si* misutes during the day. asylT-lm UST OF LETTERS REMAINING IN THE WASHINGTON CITY POST OFFICE, THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 1864. OFFICIALLY PUBLISHED IN TH1 FAP1R HATING THE LARGEST CIRCULATION. .QT Free Delivery of Letters by Carriers at the residences of owners may be secured by observing the Mlowing Rales: 1. Direct 'etters plainly to the street and number of th* boose. 2. Head letters with the writer's fall address. In¬ cluding street and number, and request answers to be addressed accoroiogly. 3. Letters to atrar gers or transient visitors in a town or city, who«e special address msy be un¬ known, should bemarked in lower left band corner with the word " Transient " 4. Place the postage stamp on the npper right band corner, and leave space between th« stamp and direction for post-marking without interfering with the writing. A request for the return of a letter to the writer if unclaimed within thirty days, or less, written or printed wltb the writer's fall address across tne left hand end of the envelope, face side, will be complied with at usual prepaid rate of postage, payable when delivered to writer, LADIES' LIST. ArnoldG'rtde Hart Kate Phelps Bfrs S Abercrombie L'aHunt Elizabeth lodyard Ah»rnJane Hance Eliza ParkerMrsJnoB Mams Mary N Dovy MissFrankPinkham Mrs irt Msrg t J Hamilton Harr't Mollis C tyleEllen Heuyon Julia A PiperSallieA oyieCath'e Harris Mary L Powers Ellen T.jwnCbail'e Holiday Mary A Perry Mahala >u<hHattie Horton Laura Quackingbush r ion Lizzie HuDtly Caroline Kate e 'b Mrs M C Heldt Mm F G Quimby Lydia lo/d Almira Halley Mrs B V Reeves bailie >r >wn Mrs Clay Hunter Airs Geo Rose Marv _lr>wnB*chel Handy Mrs Ed Ross Mrs L brown Mrs 8 W Hitton MrsGeo ERust Rcbecea i arres Rosallie Hnuimond Cr'eARobinsonSarahB Brown Sarah Hughes Mrs Raybold Mrs Bowie Mrs H P Henderson M'e GRoninson Mrs Rutton Mrs J'»el Hnyi Therassa Genl J C barter Ellen J Hodtr-on Carrie Rio herd Annie BogxnMrsCA Habbets Oharl'eHyan Wineford Busier Susan Handy Mollie S Rvau Ellen Blanning Annie Herburt Eliza'h Rickerd Mary BurroubgsBr'h James Mary E Richnrds Mary D Bowler Josep'e Jones Amanda Rollet Mary BradfordMreE WJones Mrs Jno WRoberts Bianca Brodie Nellie Jones Lucy H Rogers Mrs J ere- Buslee Susan Irvio Mrs Dr miah Bryan Catli'e E Johnson Sarah LRobiuson Reil-2 Barger Mary Jackson Ella D RobinsonMrsJ H Basset t MrsO A Joid»n Mary A Ruker S L Bauman CarolV Jerome Mrs H'rvReed Mary Bannister Miss Johnson MrsL DKeed Mary L Cnainy Jacobs Anna A Rease Susanna BordeMad'eF Johnson Betay Ryan Mary Beattie MissLH Jones Mary E R«ardnn Miss BlancbardMrsLJ Jennefer Eliza'hRubin Margt R Browii Louisa Jenkins Julia A Rojjgerpon Mr.,E Bradley MrsTH Johnson Eliza Robins Maria Berry Marin Kanehe Mrs Robinson Mary Bradley Mre M Keetcli Kuty Babbitt Rebecca Bis rs Mar* Host Ruth Roach Hannah Rrick'-lc t rsncesKing Ellen Saur Margt Bicket Miss King Nathan Q Smith Mrs WmR Burk Bridget Kore Jano Swope Katie Broughton MissKnox Annie Shay Elizabeth Josey Kirk Mrs M Steele Sophia Brosnan Joanna Kaner Polly Smoot Kate Bodge Caroline Killmon JanO Smith Annie P Brown Mary A Kimball Mrs DSteele Sophia A Beckett Mat'daA Lodenia Shay Martha El Bruce Cath'e King Mary S Shedd Alonzo . Brown Katy Lake Sarah M Snead M Austin"1 Brown Katie Lain; Mrs Hy 8 Smoot Mrs Wm f BoggsMrs JtoW Lee Fannie Steele Sophia A Ball Emma Laland Amelia Smith Fannie Brown Mary Lowe Ella Pern me* Ola ra Bodge Caroline Ludlow 8aralt 8tuart Mollic C Brown Mary K Lat<in Annie II Shennon Vir;r'a 2 Chase Amanda 8Lauren<;e L'ath SSweeny Harriet Chase Maud L Lyous Francf-s fjchwarz Lelly Shew Rebecca Lyon Mrs Ciias Selee Mary L lark Georgia PLemon Maggie Simons Helena Coat-- Anna Loeds Hauy Stevens Mary ChiMs Mis;-F B Loorlsr Eliza SweetserAbbie R Clark Mrs JThosl.arkens Rachel Stanly Mary Co!!i-coEleu'rIILhrukul Mi-- M tfchucknecht Colhnsn Mary Lambdin Aletha Miss S Chap'ain Trph'aLouis Elizabeth 8hipnaMr.=Macon Calaren Mary LancasterEm'a JSturling Jennie Carinton Ant'i Lee Mrs Sullivan Miss Carpenter Km 1 'e Lank ford Marg't M W Cuft«r Mre .?enLeeLouisa Sullivan Margt G A T<ouU Susan Springer Anna Clempson Mr* Lahey Catli Suddath Annie C Column Mary Lewi-Miss ShockejOakic CrawfordMrsR'llMoore B. ttie 8 Shaw Isabella Coster Martha Merrick MissMAShockey MissEO Collins Louisa Marks Mrs Snyder Carrie Cumniings LoueMoore Sarah Sugert Mrs Jos Cooper 1'riscillaMarsh Josep'e ASmith farah Covt-11 Laura B Main Jennie Shoney Mrs S Cadv ElizabetbPMoore Julin ^heckles Susie Cassidy Mary E Marsh Mrs . Simms Ann M ChrisbornS li K Moore Jennie Sweeney Mary A Cahill Honnora Montgomry Mrs^uamers Sarah Cooper Catbr'e F ShannahanSnrah Cnnijibill NoontaMurson CorneliaThrall MrsGeoE Cramer Murv C Meinbnrg Eliz.'hTiernan Ann Clark Mrs Julia Morrison MrsCHTayior Mary C Church Sarah Mathews MariaPThompson Miss Collin-Mar^ A Moulton HarrietTueker Bridget Child Elizabeth Michael Mary TwomblvClarsA Bade Elizabeth Miller Julia Toppe Mrs Fred Dirdin Mathewtlath TraYinMreJog Lane Marv Martin 8opbia Turner Lu> retia L>>n<'hue C'arl'e Morriaey Miss 3ITransfer Tilly Biviney Mary E TiltonMp.ryO L\ tan Mary Morton E 1 Thompson MryC Dawsev Mare't MilletteMrsH'ryTaylor Ellen Doty Mrh H H Marshall Annie Tevis MrsJoshua Davis Lizzie J Martin Isabella Tucker Bridget Dement BarVa Morris Nellie Thompson Ana J Doughty MrsLJ Martin r»nnie Trimble Mrs Davenport J :e E Miller Mrs Jas8 Ann P Dunkeiison AnnaMaynard Josp'e Tborph Mary De Laithe MiajtMulloy Louise Turner ElizaMh E M MontetiousMol'eVarden Anna 0 Dick Mary E Vauche Alice Dasey Martha Mcl.ane Mary West \ lrginia 0 Dalev Ellen McLane Ella L Wright Ar.a Drake America McOuinn MrsJ8 Welch Jane Duplies Lottie-2 McKntyre Mary Wright MrsJasD Dugles Annie fc McLewl IsahellaWullH Martha Diron Mtry McLaughlinAu'eWard Maggie Doj-'rao' llattic CMcVay E Catli Wler Marv lastman Kate McKelden Mis«Ward Matilda EL ElliottMrsDawes Parthi* Wall Annie Elliott Annie M Mc('*>>e Mrs E LWilson Annie Edwards Mr-8A Meredith Mrs EWolbert Mi»s E<Hey Elizabeth M Buelah Elliott Mrs 8 B MackelMarvC V nlmmgon Mrs Fogg Isabel I McGaubran An'e J J l awpel! Katie Mulford Sarah Whitney Martha Foley lizzie A Mills Oath A Wooster Cliar M Foster Nancy Mills Sarah Wilson Maggie Frerlon Dorcas ManchesterL'y A Wilder Ilellen M Fitzpa'rick Mrs Merrill Mary E Wilmouth Mary F'rayser Nan'e GMixsell Annie MWliutler MrsC<'l Foster Matilda McCoy Rebecca W.irrcnl.i/zieJ-2 Fisk Mr'.M E McNally Mary AWilliamsCarreA Flaherty Blarg'tMagill Mary J WatsonHarriet A Gray Laura V Miller Anote-2> Wilson Maria L Gray Marv Manuypenny C'hWetzel >(iss E Gray Virginia Neale Mr- E V Winter Mra Green Mary J Norri* MrnGeoW "Harry GuildMrBGeoA-2Newton Annie Whitting Ella GravMarvW Nourse Charl'e Winters Sarah GriflSng Jos'e8-2Nolee Mrf WilliamR Belle Gainors Martha Newton RebeceaWashington Guyon Maggie Nelson Mrs J as Jane Gurney Adelie NorrisJane Waddy Rachel GordanJuliaCV NorrisMrs G-W Williams Reboca Grooner HarrietOsgoodby Sarah Williams Cath Gascons MrsT'da L-4 ..... Williams Mrs E Green Mary J Olmsted AdeliaJ Wat6on Nettie Ganyant Sarah Owen Sarah Watson Nellie E Ooddapd Lav'a FO'ConnorEllenJ Westoof Dor® Gbaliger llridg'tPhalf Lidia WatsonNellieE9 Greely Mary PainMissMelvin Young Matilda Gorman Annie Porter Fannie E Young Mrs Jos B Hicks Lone Preston Eunice Young MatiMa Ball Mhtv Porter Mary Young Susie D Hnghes MrsMW Powers Bridget GENTLEMEN'S UST Anthony Bela Archer Geo Allen Saml E Atkinson Lt BenArber Jno Ay res Capt Thos C-2 Atwater J B Allen T Dwight Adanis Cbas W AkinsJasA Allen Capt T 8 Agnnew Dav B-2Allen Jno H Ayres Wm E Abbott D B A>>rabam L Abraham W P Alfred E)y L AU-n Michl Allen Maj W HU Allen Capt F Andrews N T Allen Walter Abraham Frank Agnew T Alexander Col W Atzel Fredk Amery R T Beck August Barrack Henry Baxter M L Beck Lt A H Baker Horace Bias M Brinker Adam Bailey Harry L Baker 0 D M Beamer A H BaldwinHenryL Barber Patlc Billings A M BigelowJnoW Bowie Robt Brearly Albert BilslandJas BeardleyRG-2 Bachum Albert BufllngtonHouJ Browne R B Beach Baldwin Bedford J G Beam Dr R A Baldwin 4 Bro Berry Jas Berton Robt Butler Chas Bowman Jos Batcheler Lt Col BrewsterChasW Bricker Jno R RN Boyd Cbas Barten Jesse W Boyce R H Baker Chas _ Burnett J F Boarman L B-2 BoroughsCbasH Beasley J C Bowpd S B Burst Caleb Benjamin J W Beach Col 8 E'2 Bell Chas 8 BrownellJasF BaylessSD* BrownCkristophBeckman Jas Brady Silas S Blakeman Chas BielbyJno Bradford Saml Bosenbark Chas Byron Jas Benson Dr Thos Beard David Bradabaw Ira Buckingham T B BartlettEdmurdBarrett Jos M Brioe Thus W Bisaett Ed PooleBengham Jas B Brown Thos B BolgianaEd Branscom Jos Butler Theo P Brick E Burchrel Jos Bond Thos D Snrton Ed Britton Isaac H BoslerThomps'n rook Frank F Bacon Jas W-2 Brown Thos Brown Frank G Baxter Jno C Black Wm 8-2 Brown F M . Bowen J K Black Wm Bartlett F P Barbour CaptlraBrown Wilson E Blake Frank C Blake Wm Bretts F L Babcock JnoM Bartlett Wm R Baker Geo B Birk Jno BarryMasterWm Bailey Geo C Black Jas Ball Wm M Burbank Geo E Biggs Jas H Biars Wm BrocklebankGeoBeard Jaa Burns W k Co BraskGeoE Bryan I A Bliss Wm L Baoghn Geo W Burns Jno BlanebardWmM Braabury 6eo-3 Brown Joa T Baldwin WmHea Barter Lt Geo PBrian Ja* Lw Ray ley W_A UaldwinCapHen Boulter L H Blast H W Bexter Levi BurgoyneHenry Bean Lyman W Bailey W Brown Horace Byrne M Beers W Blossen W A Buxbaam W M Bailey Wm A Ui Barth Henry Brtlsford II W Baldwin Mv Bergman Math Bache Benry W C Connelly A Ca*«ady John Cooke Lt A W Cohen Isaac Cbsse A Callan John < avrier A L Claa-ry John F Cameron A H Ooiton Jag T CheestbroAJ ColiettJobnS vcmiw r»u Collins Cap*. A Dt'hester Rev J 2 Copley Pliney Carnes Andrew Conno»Capt J Caviloer Peter 3 Chase B R Chapman John Collin" Parry MU IV**- - D J ^ " ' " » - . Cohn H Coggins M P B 8h«rr;ngton O ooice Oliver t'oiman Horry Conner Pat 2 Cutter B & Con^yJohn CroM C 0 Cranwith J E Campbell C L Contee Jas T lazier CN Crawford J V Campt^ell CpCH Cott-on John Campbell D-C Canidy Jas H Cole A Ooy Conkey C Q Cochran C C Crosby C»>1 CrtnrsdCbs» Chaiiee C Colne Chas Cbrista D A <larke D N ('us.' D 1. I ogswell Dr Colbert Lt Church Dr Carter Lt R 8 Cooke Dr R U Olemment B A Cuppen B B Croiier lion R . Conser Robt 0 Collin* Col J L tCassidy Robt Conner John Calhoun 8 H Curley John Cook* Sim Crock«r Ja« II Cleraland 8 II Casey John Oocn 8 i;n K Collainore J II Clarfc S 1' CarrellJB Corhiti&C^y Orangey John Clark Stephen Cunningham J Camp* R G Grutcbett J P Cliila-- 8 D Christian J A Ooofflf Sidney 2 Chandler Jas E Cooler Pata T Chaffin Rev JW20u'tis T A B -w* uaau a^a u VUMIIU III V ,f J J aV _ Cobyt Edward Collet John R Clark T M 3 Cornell Hon E Campbell Cant JCrowo Rer T 3 Candall Edw Cutler Jas Clark Thos A Cherry A. ElisonCampbell IlnJKOoneyOov Callan E Comstock Jno RCoats T 8 Clark Edwin Clark ("apt J W 4Coffee Hon T J Conard Elijah Clark Jas CnllenSJ Citeries KmelineCooR John M Cain Thr* Capron G E Clark John P Crea-eyWU CarpenterG W Clark Capt J W Coiams Wash Clifford G A Club John ChildH Bon G T Clark James Copeland G W 2 Crim John W > u IIII i ugnaiu V C^rbett Hugh FChandler Lt LA Coleman W (1 Clark Dr H G Chase Leslie Cuningham W A Camp H M V 2 Chipman LB Connors W Coates II C 2 ColmeanLJ Cuningham WH ColtonHBS Canover M 0 Cadwallader WT Clark B K Crotise MarcelusOrontor W Cohen Joseph Cochran M Chrisraau Wra Conkey Jas B Copeland MartinCline W II Campbell Co! JC Coutee Mr Clarke Dr W E uooams nasi Creasey W N CummiDti W Cunningham' m aro \VJ Da vent port A Dean A P Davie A 8 Dorr B B Drew Bernard Dykes Byron Davis B R Dexter 8«t C J Darby C B Decker Charley Day D G Driscoll Dennis Drew E M lowlingh'J Bonn E W Dunn Edwin Dtvage Fred Danner Geo Diggs Geo A Dougherty G R Leford G R DuncalfG Douglas Wm Done Geo Edelin Dr A Evans A E Edwards Ilenj Rshn Chas Egau Dr C B Evan Edwd Eliaaon EA Everts Edwin EmmingsCptGF Frank A J Flemming A Freable A G t razier Win F Fay A C Foster Caj.t Finaan Chas II F'itzhugh cTik J Fletcher Clifton FiscLer Cha* Frey I)-2 Fithean D P Flint D Fitzgerald E Fisk E K Frean Eugene Fraleigb E M tairar F M FeltLac, Geo Farr Gio-2 I icJves Y< ui Davison Cpt Hfl Peevr L J Davis H K-2 Uavie Mr Dunning LtHR 2Duffey Mirhl Davis Ilor N Decker M G- DnnranRevJR-2 Dutnand Slich Durkan Jas Dir.non Maj Dixon JnoS DuryoaO B Devereux Judg« Dou^las-t O t »» »* J P Dayton Lt J B Deney Ja* Dawson J no DeBnow Jos Dickinson J > Dunlop Jno Dyre Jas Demorse I Doff J as G Drew J W DaguiJ no A PoanLt J W DelieJ m , Dilon Capt W J Dixon W L 2 P* KdgarCpt G P-J Emersfln H Ed sail U F-2 Enochs Harry Everett I Enthoffor Jos Euriug Maj J Evans Jos Edwards J r- Feagon Garret Fulton H iS Fisher Henry Fry III Flaherty Jpo Falling Jno M Farmer Jao A Fraxier Jno Fitile Jacob Flensing Jno r. Fanning Ja^ O Fitigiboon Jno FasaettJB Fleteher Juo W Fremont GeiiJC Ford Jared A Fry Jno S Fox JnoJ Falknier L » Froy Mr Ivclitig « ^ Docker Jas l>ean K»v R C Davis Richd Davis Dr 8 Dawning S R Duvall S Drftw 8 8 2 Day gam C Dawson T Drow Thos Dougla^sCnt WH Dodge W A Davfs Wm Dixon Capt Wa Ddva!; W T Edwards JC Ellis Jno C Eye P'D 2 Everett 8 Rlberi Hon S II Kvaus Thos 2 El well TJ Elder Dr W A Evans Rev W B Farrel Mich! Flannigan W Farr M B Fry Math'-w Flynn Michl Fales N W Fox 0 Fishpaugh R I lint Rath Fessenden 8 C Forbs 8 D . Fields Thus G Forare< Thos Fuler Tlios J Fitzgerald Thos Ford Thos Fox W B FordA. W i ndser-? Fecwi-k Wm A Frue Win F Griffith Dr AJ-2 Gilbert A A Garner A N C H sen Alt" A (rjlchrist A Cioldsnjith B (fates Bemnn Geddines Chns Guild Chai- M (i i ah am Dr C G; ant Cyrille Goehnover W rdon Col D G< esbeel- D E (.Ht.tt Gen E W (¦ettier Fdnrl P (negoryCol EM <>ein f-redk fc« Idsehmidt F G<dden Frank Gibbons G M G «ii "d 8ergt G A O Gay Geo E Gannis 11 A Gilbert Harry Gan^ Harrison tiabut Henry (iarnettRevilH tiardner H W liillon Iiasc lialiger Jas Gregory Jcs H Guliek Jos-2 Gardner Jno S (/rah am J if Garrison Jtr» Gover J E tfiraud J as Gray Isaac 8 Grove Jerry P Gross Jos Green J Otto <iaris Jos G ru f! J W f BaleAlonzo Hastings Go'm Il> rnsf-e Alfred 11 u;¦ i j.hn y Geo Bi.uttHi A U lIuttonGeoll Hssk' 11 Albt Lt Harinan (ioo A Iiasxing.- A C Hawkins Geo X Ho!met A A HinesGeoW 11 ad en Albert 2 Ha.-tinsr< Gerry Hastings A C-2 Hidey Geo Haskell Albert Hlleide Geo HigginsliL Husti.'ii Gen B HBroirn C W lleadGeoM Ilnmlin Chas Hieroan tc Bro Hildreth Chs W Hollln Henry Harr Christian Haye- lleur* ^ liuntir.gton C P Hooki-yH M-2 Ilewett CC Harrison HenT Hilltbarleii nerr Harry Hartwick C M Hinson Harris HodgkinsChhsDIIill Henr* Hoover Colum'ellfiweli Henry JHoldridgs J II Gnlt Jno .*{ 0 eeno Rev J M (fooden Lt Green Walt M Genin Mons Gayl Mi* Gould N'athl Oilman Osman flros"! I'hilip D Gibson Richd Gh<v R P Gardiner S L iirennins Smil Ifaddes 1 bos A Geary Thos Goddv Tlio* Grey T C Gale Cupt W (irace W in 11 1; rand y Wia Godkin W II GrahamHonWH Hail Jas I' Harp J T> Hall Jos II Hale John M Hum Levi llacket Michel Ilasler M Hennow M;nor B llussey M Hanev M 1 Lassett Michael liartbricht Mr Hyatt N B llair Newton linrt'ju N' N Hickox Vestus Hodge Oliver Heenan Peter llagerty Patk deem; Hay C D - Hinman C V> Hoigley Jos Hogg Chas K Began Jas Hiflleiinger Chr Hnrbard I.eV J llefl'efinger C B Haragan John ----- - Hewettt: C Huntress Josiahliubbard 8 I HaskinsChas Hunter John Hawkins t?':tk Heat'leChap D Hsrringford JnoIIarrison T J He l^emann Pr-2 Hasty I' G Hogne Rsbt He. Robt ilogan M K Ilayes Robt N Hamlin Chas llcfser Dexter Homsn E Hunt E R Higgitis D E IleTskell DH HinesliffeEd Hartshorn Ed B Hickman Jno Horey E M Howe E8 Biggins E D Harrison Ed H Ilarriman E flOUglll Bu(Taker S 8 Hiniuan Geo Biggins Isaac lUlall Truman P*2 Etlerbert J J Hays Timothy Bug.ihi Jno L llay Tliomp-ou Harrison Jas Hall T F Holdredg.-JnoHHainea Win Harris I^aae Hogan Wm C H«dlowbush J BHobbs Wm RHughos W tu Hall W D ll«nry Wru Ilelran Win Hemmick W H Hooker Wm II llogmer Wm II Halady Wm Hunter W Forest llagerman Wal Ilarr^ Wm Hopkins Wm Hali'lav Wm Ilurt Win Hoffman Wm Harris Wm Higoriuan W Hooper Jno W enry Jno Y-2 Hammond Jas Holland John Heftier J F II ouser Franklin}!udgins Jaa A Howard F W Henry John Halmliar Fred Hawkins J L Honodle Frklin Harper John H gerbert F DorsyHomes Jas R anlein Fredk Hand Jno 8 BeathFrsH2 Harp J D 2 Hoord Franklin HineJno Hougliton FH-J Hyatt J H Hodge Jas H V N James Arnold Johnson Alex I sacks A J Heise Jos I.«J Johnson Jas C W Jackson L B Jesernofsky J 4 Jud l Sergt M L 8on-2 JonesAugustine Josaelyn J T James BIS" JohaEonJob Jessup Chas II Jenifer Jas A Jennings Cnrt Johnson Jas Jones CbaaP Jennings Capt James 8ergt C H Jno R Iriek C II JnrdingJas Johnson Col C T Johnson Jas A Jonson Henry IrensJno Johnson Biram Jones Jno L Jones Hon B Jarotzky Morris Judson O A Jones Peter Johnston Robt Jones R W Ingram gcth II Johnson Saml I( Johnson Thos fc" Jones Thos Joy Wm P-2 Johnson Wm K Johnson Rev WT Kaufman Livy J R^iiogg Capt I Koll Levi Keeec Louis Jamison L K Krleger Jno G Kightlinger J Keller Jno F KetchumJas KingmanCh»»F Keanan Jas . feviSiK,! , Ktarney Ed A KilleenJno Eennet Paul Kitney FranklnSKelchner Jno M Keely Pet«r G Knight Fred W KelloyJas King P II - - KiUingsworth Kolecki Theo Jno C KimballTheodre KrabsJno Keane Thos Knox RevJnoD-3Klino Tho« B KassonHarveyA Kelso Rev I>-aac Kessler Tbos J Kreiner Barritn Knowles Rev J 0 Knapp Dr Win R Kleindien t Jos Kielp Jno Kobbe Lt Wm A Knause Julius Knelf Adam-2 Keese A E L KeifChas Kelley C H Kroell Fred Keator Geo Knight G P Keene H B 2 Lae A W Lattmore A Luigi Brenla Link B W LeebeyCornelus LovellCoICbasT Littleheld C R Lawrence D II Loney Dayton I.ally Lav id Leathers Dar,l-2 Lane E G Lynch Lt Edw Lutznan F B Lilley J B Latbrop G A Lovf joy HenryL Lenbardt H IondonH FA Co inale kf Lake Capt B R Loogbead Jos Lockhead Jas Lynch Barny Lyman J Lewis Robt Lucas Jno G Logan R K Lescnre JnoWtn Lynch Robt LaugIeyJHcnry3 Lent Samuel £ LegatsJasF Lee 8aml Long J D Lockwood Capt Luknoust Jno TBL Lambeth Rev Job W Levy Jos Lohman Ju'ius Lome Theo C Lane Timothy Leib Wm J Lord Wm P Laurence Ithiel Laird Wm jt Leech Jno Lusby Wm Llppnian LeopM Jv LucKsnback LeenhartWm Capt Louis Loeap Wm W LaneRevMarcns Langley W O Lynch Michl Lem'monWmL Liaroln Mar- Louthb«ycu*U shall T Wm T Learh Mr M Mousing H Morrison H Mason II 2 Mason MaJ J 0 MrPhertoo A McBri^n A C Mod rot A H Mercer Andw Marbury B Marbury B T M oore yi i Is tack Morgan Jno-2 1 Ct Miller Chas A Monroe M G Murphy Mr McHale Mich MMtori N Morgan Col J F-Morton Nath Marti a J no W McDaniel O M Mullarkey P-2 Mclvers Jno Man a* Philip McLanghlan J WMurphy Pat Muryhy Jas H McBarryPetor Miller Chan L Martin Dr C E Morelani J J Merrill RL McVuinn CW Mayo J as 11 Marshall Kobt McKoy C D Mortimer J T More Robt McLaughlan C MitzeilJnoW Martin Robt 3*acKay Col Morgan J as Mowry 8 Merwin C H McLaughlin JH Mog* g g Mannell C U McLaughlin J Miller Saml Monroe C M Miller Jos 8 Mechlin JRP MeCahan&Co Myers Isadora Mabus8imon Murphv Dennis Mulford MaJ JnoMoody 8 D Moor* DH Mathews Mai3 8 MfMeneiran I> McMahon Jno 2 Magaw Lt C S McLaughianD-2 McLeod JnoC Myers SU Maklin Da\ »d McCallumCptJJ Mosby Thos Mullin Danl McAnulty Jas McKlwaia T D Maynard K C McDonald J M Marshall E M Mendenh&ll J Miller Elias McKinney Jno Mumby K 11 Marr J D McCauibly F A Mann Jas C Mathews F Moor Jno Marks FH MottJuoC Marcow Francis McKay Lewis Martin Fred McDonald F Manor Geo McGregor D L McCaffrey T-2 Murray TUos Murphy T McCready Thos Mann Adj T F Miles Wm McLacy Wm Manslieimer L 2 Merkel W H Muse Liudsey Martin Wm Metchert Geo MiHer Geo C Marvin G C Moulton G L Murray A McNeal Mr McFudden M McCord A Co Menke M Minnlck W McCall Wm Mureau CaptWC McOuadn W m Mel:en W U iu iobeltaticherGMcMurra> Lt M MuverWin McDowell II MiHer Lt M II Mat hew W McDermott McCnff rt> II Nichol-CR Nutt Cj jit C R Ni<"holas G H Nnur»e Geo II Noli iieinrich Nilog Herry C Ni- klo H W Navarre J B F QueenChaa J O'N'eil Dennis-' Queen Forest Olmstoad G W Odell Geo Otis Dr II J O^e&Ds Jno Plait Alfred Parker Abm Jr Porter A (i Phelps Dr IS 1! Park man B l'ippey B TAfo Piper Jno Partridge LtBF PattersonVrfJN Page ft P Parks C 11-5 Fortex Jno PriceColR Miller Lt M II McPht-n.-r Mr Mun.sou Miles IT Nott Jno Nohlo Jno Nichols Jno N Newton J J-2 Noll Jno Naylor Jno T N> smith L A O-Q O'Neill JasB ! Osman Jos O'Brien Jno Oliver Jno 11 & E J Moses Orme« J M Orcutt ii J Pond II enry L ParkerJ II Pinner J O Powell Dr Jas 1'acKard Jas Pullen Chas II PrenattJno Proper ChasW PinderJas Palmer Col 2 Pitman Jas Pri nee Dr D Pettit Jno C PattersonHnDT Pipher Jos Palmr-r D Pires Emanl N Pulling Dr E R Poulson y. Palmer F F-2 Puttillow Fr l'arsels G W-4 Patten Col G W Pilinger Oa Piatt Geo-2 Pickle Geo F Palmer Geo M Patten Geo E Patterson H Perrili Jno Plowman Jesse Powell Jas Tarker Jno W Penniman J L Pf-irc« J W Phelps Hon JS Preble Jno B Patch J Pierce Jas T-2 Phelps Lester Pendergast LG PlummerWm Potter Levi M Fallon W F Marshall W W Macartney Wm Nelson Peter Neal Hon P SJ Newton T L Nash Thos Norman Wm H Norton Wm T-2 Newton Wm G OglenOrville Otto Nathan Owen Robt II O'Brian Tim Orr Wm Ogle Wm C PHiice L H Pence Leander Powers Morris-2 1'irce MrGill Pickert Mr Prett^man N B Pearl Rufe Fortify Robt Parkhurst 8 Pierce 8aml Pauchall CaptSD Patterson Com'r T H Towel V G Parker Dr W Parke Wm P P.ige Dr Wm H Peck Wm II Peel Lt Wash Parkhurst Capt W II 2 Palmer Dr WruG Reilty Alfred Rendo A P Rothschild A Ruaiell Alfred Rou e Asa B Roach H W Rowe Henry Reynolds II It Rogers H L Root Dr Henry lt«ckwellC»pAF Itahter Henry Rumkle Col B 1* Robinson J W Kadcktr B Heed k Co Ritter Chr Rodgers Clia^ Reed C'fcas F.eeside Denlson R<'visey J no Rule D F Bollin Jack Reynold? E C Jtussell Geo 8 Redington Ma) Robinson J O D Roger* Lt J II Eicliard»- Dr FP RapcthJcs Re. riide Frsncis Ricc way J K Rcily Frank Kooinfon J O Ramsey Frank Ridlepnber Jas Remington Fk IteeveB Jas Ricbaioson 0 W Rhodes Lt J A Roth Isaac Ricketts Major Robiiihon M A Rider & Oo Roffle Mr Riloy Michl Ropey C E Roberts Sam RobinsonCptJM Reeder Bam H Rosy John Reilly Thos P Richards Lt J K Rhoads T B Rhinehart Jos Roach Thos P Rit7. John Heed Geo Rhodes Geo H Ramsey O W Randall G Rhodes CaptOII Kuver Aaron Simmons Addisn Stiles H f chraderAlbrtR Smith Henry H J:tafford A J fheridanJaM Ehrow'er And Schmitt Jno G Settle A L Slater Israel StewartBrooksDStodard Jno H R'tter T F Itolfe Mai T A Russell Thos ltobinson Val Rice Wm Ray \V W Rick Win P RoS* Vi'm Robison >Vm Roland W H Roberson Wm Rosenaver & Co Roper Wm ltichmoiil.ayton Raymond Walter Robinson M B-2 Reading Wm Sykes Byron Snyder Ronj Small Bruce Shoepfel Cbas S?yre« Capt Stuart Clia1- Shafer Clias Shriner ChaJ Steele Cha^ W Scott C G Spring C'has Sampson C L Stierlew Cha* SmithCai liiramStone Miles H Smits^n M SeiTert Michael Searlo Milton S|>ear N T SmithHo:iOakes >cliaier O Sl.ennessy Jno Sthal Phelein B Snyder Jacob Scott P M SutherlnndJuoTSmith Peter A SheehenJas Simpson Presley Mur^esCaptJ R Starritt Prost 'n Slater Jno Simonsen P A £nyder Jacob A Stephens R H 2 Srliaefer Jacob Sittler C;> pt R M Sanis Robt C Somer> ille Robt Shelton R H Schwartz 8 Stockton Cap* J os K Sawin Jno Jr SjM.fford J W ... Skilton J Avery Smith Danl-2 Babin Capt CVH Saunders Jos Smith Dr 8 A Surface Dan Sample Rev J L Spyers A Son Simpson DavidA Seauves Julius Shern Simon Hiepard Lt K L ShuremanJasIIAShoemak-T T F Sawtelle Eli N ShoenhofJ Stevens T Q A Simpson E Kord SexsmithRtTj-2 Simonton Thos Sonle Ilisha SheehanJno Spicer Kdw Seybert Jno SmithEClianney Sypher J R SkinnerDrREDSSheby Jas Scott Edwd Scott Jno G Soils Hon E Spotz Jno gf.mnior» Edwd Smi'hJa- Smith Eldridge Smith Jno P Sullivan F B Stack Jno Sweetser F D Smirti Jar F SweetCsptFrankSpeer Jno Sharps Fred Still Jas Stowell Geo Shock Geo Sliepard Gust Mump Geo W Smiser Geo Smart G II Scott Jas W Sheets Jno 8 Smith Ja- H Slade J E Smith Jj.o StyersJas SageGustavufl A Snyder LemuelC ^hl^t^ Watts Sbav» Lt llenry-SStoddard I,ir Smith Wm&8on Smith Henry G-2Stone Lt ScatosCol Wal- ScIutltersHy Smith I.ewis t< r B Sacket H T Snyder L C Snow W W Sideluiger H F Sill Miiton M 4 Street Thos SullwellDrThsn Sliawin Col Thos Hanjrston Wm Stoddard Capt W Smoyer Wm Stoane Wm Skilliuan Wm L S*-anaan Wm H Stevens W A SandersnnHonW Souder Wm D Seott Lt W L-2 StoutWa^hingtn Stone Lt Wm T Sims Wm Scott Wm A Sheppard Wm Tracy Ma.i A S Thompson A H Thonsas Briggs Tyson B B Titus C S Tod David Tolman E D Town Edw Trin Elias Tooinay Edw l'aber F A Trinter F Tibbetts Geo Tuttle Geo \* Thf/mpsonLtColTeumay J R HE Thamas Lewis 2 TaskerJnoC Tobias Lewis ThatcberlsaacB Tower- Mich Thompson J M Taylor Ovelton Town John Tronall Pliilip Trimble Jas Thompson Perry Tobin J D Turner R H TaylowJos Tolea Rer R G Tyler Lt Col J 5 Tansell T W TickenorJD ThompsonSmith Thorn W J Talbott Wash Taylor W A Thomas W J Thompson J G l'owaatid Joel Turner Jan TliistletonMajG Taltnaul Jas Thomas Henry XJ-V Trlan Amos 8 Vigil Jno H Yansant Dr A C \erreo Jas Von tieigling A Vidal Lt J L Van AwenstedenVeitch Lt J W AValentin>' FB VKit Jos ValenceCaptW Van Keypen C G V an Catnn ? Veazer Thos Van AkinSimeon Woare A M WymanliW Walsh Dr Jos Whitehead A«a WetrtlGeo Winn Jno X Webster A A Welch Gardner Wolf Jno P Wells AJpbonso Washin^tonGO Welire Jno Wilson Albert Watkin«RorGW W*dch Jno W Weber Lt A ^ iseGeo D JV iikini L Williams HonABWilliamsG W Walker L E Wandling Allen Wheeler G Vr Walker l.ewis M iikin-on Benj Wise Capt G D - Washburn O G Watson GG Wendell G W Waugh Ge o Weir H B Williams CaptH nito an O WentworthH C Withers PC Whallen H A Woraloj P E Woostern White ratk Williams H Wilson Paerot Wyatt Cpt II J -2 Williams Robt Wentworth J L W illiams Sr ST Wallace Jno A Wasserman J Walker Jno W inane J J West k Brown Weltzer C S Wbykeal C T Wood Cbas H Wes:on G F Willard CC Wallace C H Winder Cbas Wilson C M WingardC M Weber C . Wheeler C Warren Chas Woods CO ^ Worck Capt C Wbdman C1' Williams L Watson Lem Whalen M 8-2 Wood Mr WoosterCpt M II Wailand ComNN Walker R D Waple« Rufua Wilcox S M Whitelred 8 W hitiugCptDJ SWilliams Jos 0 Washburn 8H-! We Is D M bitacre D .,r . v. , Wilcox Dennis Mindeeoaker J Waite Jdwd Wilson Jas C Wood E W' Wiley Joel "WeMeateylB Wilson Jas Webber E W-2 Wyckoff 10 W illiams ES WeismanJ Wenckebach LtRWilliams Jos WinansActAsst Walsh Jno Surg _ White Capt J as Willouglib> J D 3Woodsen Col 8 Warren Jno W Whlttier 8 B -White 8 B Wethers Thos Wainwright T Whalen Thog Woods T K W ilson Wm D Wilson Wm J Woodbury W H Wat«nian W H Wagenhanser F Wri#ht Capt Ira Williams W H Vallace Capt F White Jno F Weed Lt W H Wier J A Wyman Geo Hint J B Welle eeJasU Y-Z k»r Yockler York PC ToangG Yost John Young llDFYura«y J White W B Wills Wm R-2 Young W 8 Young Wm Zelie J T2 MiscBiLAKiovfl.."J. B.;'' To Surgeon or avter, TELEGRAPH 10 NEWS. =33S?S TED PBES8 DISPATCHES.) * . .1 : i- - OF THE l'VT«»*AP. AIIQiMIMmc lit U»*^Ur4tr rtUliv t«a t.tT+yWB4*m%. Dead aid <r«aid*d Ut Llaci br»«|k< iff-Cndi- tisa tl flag- if- tr»»» irr»»(fafati . [Cdrmpondf nee Associated Press | Biad^casters Arut or tub Potomac. Jfate The following have julbNn Issued haadq«nrters, and are published lor the « ' ot .** concerned: Hsad^vaRtsrs Amt of thb Potomac, June 7, 1*44.li*n*ral Order . Kdward Orap- sey, a correspondent ol the Philadelphia 1b- quiflrr, having published in that journal of the 2d instant, a liwllou aiaitiwutoi IM Com¬ manding Qtnfnl of thii army, calculated tc impair IM confidence of ikt amj in the coa- Dauding officer, and which statement the said I rapeey now acknowledges to Have been false, and bawd on some Idle camp rumor, it is here- by ordered that be be arrestrd and paraded through the lines of the army, with & pla«sr<i marked .. Libeller of the Press," and that be be then pnt without the lines and not permitted to relnrn. The Provost Marshal General will see ihat this order Is promptly executed. The Com¬ manding General trusts that urn example will deter others from committing like offences, and be takes occasion to notify representatives cf the prtts, that, whilst be is ready at all times t' extend to them every facility for acquiring, f-cts, and giving circulaion-\0®B truth, he will not hesitate to pnnish with the utmost r gor all instance* like the above, where indi¬ viduals take advantage of the privileges af- firdeU thtm to circulate falsehood, aud tboa impair the confidence which the public aod the army should have In their general* and other officers. By command of Major General Meade. S WittiA*P», Assistant Adju ant GeeeraJ. [The fallowing paragraph appeared la tike Inqvtr'r of the 2d instant, ar d Is probably th i false statement for which the correspondent h punished:. "History will record, but news pa¬ pers cannot, that on one eventlul night during the present campaign Grant's presence saved the army, and the natten too; not that General Meade was on the point of committing a blon¬ der unwittingly, but his devotion to his coun¬ try made him loth to risk her last army on what he deemed a chance. Grant assnmed the re spcnsibility, and here we are still."] Hraixjcartbrs Army of thh Potomac, Jnne1,l!?6n..Special Order*, JVo. 152.[Extract.) 7. LicutenantColonel M. O. Murphy,troth New York volunteers, having, on the 25th ultimo, presumed to (end a Hag of truce to the enemy's lines without any authority whatever, is here¬ by dishonorably dismissed from the military hervice of the T'nited States, subject to tCe ap¬ proval of the President. By command of Major General Meade. S. William*, Assistant Adjutant General. All is quiet along the lines to-day, exeepr occasional heavy guns in the direction of Bo torn Bridge. The malls are now regnlarly received in die army, the arrangement being most complete under the management of Lieut. D. B. Parker and Mr. W. B. Haslett, postmaster of the Army of the Potomac. Newspapers will also arrive regularly from this date, under the direction of Mr. Lamb, news agent. Headquarter*, June >>.5 a. m..The fia* of truce sent by General Grant was arranged fcr last evening, and, under the direction of the corps commanders, the dead and wounded between the lines of works were bronght off. There were very few wounded atsomepomta, while at others quite a number came la. None but medical officers and stretcher bearers were allowed to go on the field, and all intercourse with the enemy was strictly prohibited. At the expiration of the time agreed upon, a voice from the enemy's line Enng out, .. Boys, get to your holes, the time is up," when all hands left at once. A few shells were thrown on our left yester¬ day afternoon, but no damage. A portion of the 5th corps is reported as having arrived at a point on the Cbickahnminy, near Bottom^ Bridge, and ^considerable cannonading wai heard 1n that direction yesterday afternoon. A party of rebels, a captain, lieutenant, aad five privates, came into our lines yesterday with a flag of truce, looking for the body of an officer, and our meu at that point brought them in, not knowing that a flag of truce prevailed. Tbey were returned to tbeir lines last evening. The railroad from the White House to the army is being put in order, and will be ready for travel in a day or two. Burning ef the Steamer Berkshire. Nnw York, June 9..Thirteen persons are known to have been lost by the burning ci the Berkshire. Eight bodies have been found s> far. Some have been iden tilled. Passenger ¦* L etate that probably no one escaped from the ladiev cabin. It 'is thought that about forty lives were lost, perhaps a larger number, a% only seventy or eighty are known to be saved. The passengers were for the greater part from Hudson and Catskill. The river is being dragged and the wreck searched for bodies. Noel Began, of Hyde Park, had a leg broken, and Andrew Soper is probably fatally injured by the falling of a smoke-stack this morning The boat was valued at *250,000, and was fully insured. The Sanitary Fair in Philadelphia. Philadelphia, June 9..The Sanitary Fa.r i t w being held here promises to be a success, far exceeding the expectations ot the most san¬ guine of Its projectors. The admissions aver¬ age 20,000 persons daily. No return of receipts bus yet beefi made, but 'hey are believed to be ¦very large. The city is thronged with people from the interior of the State and trou. Dei- aware and New Jersey. The collection of paintings is universally conceded to be the finest ever displayed on this continent. THE SIEGE OF RICHMOND [Correspondence of Philadelphia inqu.rer] Near Hradqcarthrs, Three Mile" prom Cold Harbor, June 6, Monday.10 a. m..A bright day ot summer bathed in sunshine and cooltr with a bracing air, succeeding a yester¬ day of drizzling r.:in and heavy atmosphere, scarcely the dropping shots of a picket line, when yesterday closed with a short but terrible storm of iron hail bursting on Barlow's lines, tbfse are some of the changes of war and weather we are experiencing on the sacred eo»l of war-wasted Virginia. When I attempt to give you an idea of the formation of onr lines this morning, I opine trie task a hard one, for it is exceedingly tiresome work for the unpracticed mind to obtain a de¬ cided opinion here on the ground. However, like Colonel Miller. "I'll try." In the firs? place let me remark that the multiplicity of roads in this section is in the highest degrre embarrassing to a description of the situation, it is as if all the houses taken from the site of Philadelphia and an army was maneuvering on its streets. Too many roads are a nuisance when an army i6 about, and especially so to the journalistic aorps. A week ago to-day our lineE faced the Cen- tral Kailroad, and to the west with Mecban- icsville and Richmond on onr left flank, to¬ day, as a consequence of onr gradual sliding (l.can use no other term) to the left, our right has been swung around, and our whole line so crept down the Chickahcminy. that we now face to the southwest, with that stream before us, and with Mecbanicsville and Richmond almost in front of our center. This is a change of but a few miles in distance, but a vast one in position. What is before us? Lee's army and a diffi¬ cult task. If that army of the enemy were out in an open field we would make extraordina¬ rily short work of them; but unfortunately they are not. Just now they are In an impro¬ vised series of works northeast of the Chick a- hominy. not, properly speaking, a part ot the deienses of Richmond, which all lie behind that historic stream. Across the Chickahomlny are the defenses of Richmond, which, from conversation with citizens, I find to be in five lines or seriee of works. Meantime, as .the two armies lie, close fighting is the order of the day. It is the days of Vicksburg over again. The skirmishing lines are hardly forty yards apart, and each line is not much more that in advanoe of the line of earthworks. ;*. X [, Capture of thb U.S. Gchboat Watbr WiTcn bt thi Rrbrlb..The United States steamer Massachusetts, Acting Volunteer Lieutenant William H. West commanding from the South Atlantic Squadron, via Hamp ton Roads, reports the capture on the 3d of ;; June, 2 a. m., ol the U. S. steamer Water Witch, fc Lient. Com. Austin Pendsrgrast, in Ossabaw Sound, Georgia, by eight armed boats from the 'J rebel Fort MbAlister. This Information was I received from one of fcer crew* tne only one « who made his escape by jumping over her . bows and .swimming ashore. Hety* ades- werate resistance was made by her otfioers and rrew bnt superior numbers overpowered them ntwi compelled them to surrender. He caaaoi tell it they met with any loss, aa he saw the action going on as be was secreted la the km* j crass. An expedition was flttiag oat to go1 down and endeavor to capture or destroy her. The Water Witch is a regular aavy built ves¬ sel, of 35 tons, 5 guns, aad wae considered fast. She is rigged as a topsail schooner, and side wheels. ay- j'rom the Richmond Kxamiaer of the 3d, it is learned that ex:&ufeOarrtuia Oongrese- man Lawrence M. Keitt was mortally wound¬ ed Wednesday, and died the next day Aieo that Gen. Dales, commanding a division of EweU's Corps, was killed on Thursday, op¬ posite Bartlett's brigade 5th corpa.

Evening star.(Washington D.C.) 1864-06-10 [p ]. · 2017-12-18 · principalbookandmusicstores inthecity. Je9-lw GEORGETOWN ADVER'MTS GEORGETOWN,D. C-.Mav34.1*94 HF.UndersignedGrocersanaDry

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Page 1: Evening star.(Washington D.C.) 1864-06-10 [p ]. · 2017-12-18 · principalbookandmusicstores inthecity. Je9-lw GEORGETOWN ADVER'MTS GEORGETOWN,D. C-.Mav34.1*94 HF.UndersignedGrocersanaDry

Vii. XXIII. WASHINGTON. 1». 0., FRIDAY. JUNE 10. 1861. N2. 8.521..



l)8a5t1RBURY mVSaBLoc;s;ixa Atuci,

Ktmr Corn* sj fhztA Strut, Rtm if XancnsimndMiiT7i>oiitan Houlj.

SIONI L«A.- . .Propriety

W. 1. OasiatacgS Jtage Manager,


Who will appear in tome new and startling feataupon i ho

tight rope,tight ropk,tight ROPE,tiobt rope.



First week cf tb* beautiful Ballet, arrtoaed bvMod*. Baptistan, entitled,LA FATE AU VILLAGE,LA FETE AU VILLAGE*


la wkicb Mile M»rleU*vRLb avelRAVELRAVELRAVEL




Frst *m1i of the side-splittin*Negro Fare® ofthe old clock,TnE old clock,the old clock,THE OLD clock,THE OLD clock.

billy west,billy west,billy west!I* hi8



~«WtgHRIlillS*The Favorite Songstresses,










MISS MOLLIE THOMSON.who will appear in a variety of


To.night and every nigfct this week will be per¬formed the laughable Pantomime, entitled

TnE VILLAGE PEDAGOGUE,Vaster Up to Trick® W B. CavanaughMods. Steps _Mons. B&ptistinSchoolmaster H. W. WilliamsMr.Easy Billy WestMr. Prid<> T. MurrayMaster Billing J. BurgeeMnsV r Cummings _ .M'lle ViolaMaster Tickelet~.» Miss PorterM*a. Pride__ . Miss WilsonMrs. Stops Miss C. GardnerMiss Easy.-.. Miss M. Gardner

Scholars, Villagers, Ac.

The performance to conclude with the funny Ne¬gro Burietta, entitled


HERE SHE GOES AND THERE SHE GOES.£lmon . Billy Wes«,Rest of characters by the entire Company of La-

eits and Gentlemen.Id addition to which the regular



In preparation, and will chortly be produced,A NEW SENSATION DRAMA I

written expressly for this establishment, .by a

papular Dramatist, and founded upon incidentswhich have transpired within the city, entitled

BEAU sickman;or the




Introducing severalWASHINGTON celebrities

of the day.The Drama is now iD rehearsal, and will be pro¬


with aFULL CAST and NECESSARY appointments,

gotten up an expense of over

TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS.And ftr superior to anything ever produced InWashington. Due notice will be given of its firstrepresentation .



A in-:! Mion . .. --<0*Private Boxes, holding lii persona.I 00Doors oven at 7 a'clock; Performance to ooa-

nence at 8 o'clock. -


Ladies 2$ cents; Children 10 cento

CORPORATION OF washington SIX PERC CENT. WATER STOCK.The subscriber have an sale Corporation of

Washington Six Per Cent. Quarterly Water Stock,In sums of one hundred dollars or upwards. The.nlire amount of this stock is limited to f Iflft.noo,for which the revenue from water rents (nowamounting to about $16,000 per annum) is pledged,in addition to the faith of the city, making one olthe bast secured stocks in the country.

JAMBS C. MoGUIRE A CO.,Auction and Commission Merchants

PICTURE CORD AND TASSELS.Different sices and co!ors Picture Cord and Taa-

Mls, Rings, Nails^&c., at' J. MARKRITER'S. 496 7th streelL

Eight doors above Odd Fellows' Hell.Terms caah. ap»-lmif*

486 CABT3S VE V1BITB yBAME®-French Gilt, Swiss Carved Wood, and American

C,»KUU.. C.rAyKr4^. ,y^«Bight doors above Odd Fellows' Hall.

Termscaah. aytt-lmif* ^


Will be given on


ODD FELLOW^' HALL* Strx*th tlrut,In connection with the

STRAWBERRY FESTIVALnow being held for The benefit of the Capitol HillPresbyterian Church.Borne of the finest

MUSICAL TALENTof the city have kindly voltmteered their servicesfor the occasion.Commence at S o'clock.TICKETS, 50 CENTS; which may b* purchase!

at all the principal Hotels and Bookstores.It*


of the eminent ComedianMR. J. S. CLARKE,who will appear for the

LAST TIMEbnt one,

THIS EVENING,in 8bakspeare'sCOMEDY OF ERRORS,Revived nightly with shout* of laughter andapplause.

MIR? ALICE GRAY AS ADRIANACLARKE IN TWO HUMOROUS OHARACTBR9.The performance will commence with the comicdrama ofROBERT MACAIRE.Jacques Strop..- Mr. J. S. Clarke.

In rehearsal, a new drama, played with jrreatsuccess ia New York, and adapted expressly for Mr.J. 8, Clarke, by De Walden, entitledLUCK.

Also, a new comedy, calledUPS AND DOWNS.

Will shortly be produced,THE KNIGHT8 OF THE ROUND TABLE.


Liohabd Gbotbb^ - ....- DirectorAlso of Grover's New Chestnut Street Theater.


THE COOLE8T THEATER IN AMERICA.Vbntilatbdbt »vh 100 Windows.





Last time, positively, ofF A U 8 T .

M. Himmer as - FaustPi*nora FreUorici as MarquenteMile Canissa as... . . .. . . Siebel.T. Joseph Hermanns as. -. MepuistophuesM. Steinecke as _. ...ValentineMad. La Roche as . ~ MarthaCARL ANSCHUTZ ..Conductor of Opera

THE ARGUMENT.Faust, a German studec after a life of medita¬

tion and lahorloas research, becomes disgustedwith the nothingness of human knowledge, andhis own inability to unravel the mystic arena ofnature. He summons to his aid the Spirit of Brit,who appears to Inm under the form of Mephisto-fihiles. Through the supernatural p<«wer ot theatter, Fanst is straightway restored to youth,with all its passions and illusions, aud ia at thesame time endowed with personal beauty and lux¬urious garb, Mephistopuile^. in b vision, re-vtalf to bim the foauteous \ illage maid. MargA-ret. with whom th* student fall." instantaneouslyin love. II'- longs to become acquainted with her.and his wish i« soon afterwards ^ratified. Marga¬ret, equallv noted for her lovelioeas and for hervirtue, has been left by her soldier brother, Val¬entine, nnder the care of Dame Martha, a worthybut not very vigilant person*ee. The maiden atfirst reacts the stranger's advances, but Fanst,aided by the demoniacal influence of Mephisto-philes (who is anxious to destroy another humansoul>, urges his suit with such ardor that Marga¬ret's resistance is at length overcome. V»ler.tine,Margaret'e brother, on returning with his com¬rades from the wars, learns what has oceurred; hechallenges his sister's seducer, but through theintervention of Mephistophiles, he is slain in theencounter. Margaret^ horror-stricken at the ca¬lamity of which she is the original cause, givesway to despair. Her reason becomes affected, andin a paroxysm of frenzy, she kills her infant. Forthis she is thrown into prison. Faust, aided byMephistoi'hiles.obtains acces- to the cell in whichshe is immurea. They both eagerly urge her tofly. but Margaret, in whom holier feelings haregained the ascendant, spurns their proffered aid.and places her sole reliance in prayer and repent¬ance. Overcome at la5t by sorrow and remorse,with an earnest prayer for forgiveness on her lips,the unhappy girl expires. Mephistophiles tri¬umphs at the catastrophe he ha^ brought about,but a chorus of heavenly voices is heard, pro¬claiming that there is pardon for the repentantsinner, and the Evil One, foiled and overcome,crouches suppliantiy as the accents of divine loveand forgiveners make themselves heard, while thespirit of Margaret, borne by minisUring angels,is wafted upwards to eternal home,S \Tl*RDAY, June 11, last night positively of the

M.^tVOp.r.."^ J[:ANM Steinecke, M'lle Canissa and M. Graffo have

kindlv waived their claims for benefits this season.scalk or prices :

Orchestra Chairs,.Dress Circle and Parquet .. - 1 00

(Reserved Heats #0 cents extra, tFamily Circle C."b7HES8,Business Manager and Treasurer.


the distinguished Dramatic Star, who kindly gavethe first part of her engagement, in order that theOperatic Artists might receive their beneSts, willappear in her incomparable dramatic assumption,LITTLE BAREFOOT



FOURTH PRESBY7ERIAN CHURCH,(9th street, between G and H,>

will be given on theEVENING OF WEDNE8BAY, the 15th inst.,


will be sang entire, by a large and efficient choir,under the direction of Mrs. C. Y. Kbstschmak.

A RARE TREAT.Tickets *1 each. May be procured at all the

principal book and music stores in the city.Je9-lw


HF. Undersigned Grocers ana Dry Goods Mer¬chants do hereby agree to close our respectiveplaces of business at IVt p. m. from June 1st toSeptember 1st, 1964, except SATURDAY, in orderto afford our employees a portion of time for re¬creation. w BKALL 4 co




TOWING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO, bytbi Potomac Tow Company's boats, Potomac,"Gov. Curtin" and "Belle H»T#a." Apply to th


uw,. vuruii .w .'v.- . .. .- - - ' theCaptains en b«*rd, or toHN B DAVIDg0N>myIS- Water street. Georgetown.

Prof. ESPUTA Would rwpectfullyinferm thepublic that be isnow prepared to giveless^s IBMin Voeal and Instrumental Music. HavinguflKretired from his other professional business,/ir*be is now able to devote the whole of his time toinstruction in music to all thoae who may lepleaaed to patronise him. Prof. Esputa's methodfa th* same as is taught in Europe.that is. whilehe makes good performers of his pupils he makeagood musicians of them also; so that any one whomay receive instructions from him may acquirethat knowledge of music aswillmaks them com¬petent for teachers or professional musicians.prof. Esputa Is now forming classes and all who

desire to eater must apply early, as the number iaHFo^tirms apply to Prof. JOHN 18PUTA, No.£13 9th street east, Navy Yord.MB The cars pass Prof. Esputa's residence eve¬

ry si* misutes during the day. asylT-lm




residences of owners may be secured by observingthe Mlowing Rales:1. Direct 'etters plainly to the street and number

of th* boose.2. Head letters with the writer's fall address. In¬

cluding street and number, and request answers tobe addressed accoroiogly.

3. Letters to atrar gers or transient visitors in atown or city, who«e special address msy be un¬known, should bemarked in lower left band cornerwith the word " Transient "

4. Place the postage stamp on the npper rightband corner, and leave space between th« stampand direction for post-marking without interferingwith the writing.A request for the return of a letter to the writer

if unclaimed within thirty days, or less, written orprinted wltb the writer's fall address across tneleft hand end of the envelope, face side, will becomplied with at usual prepaid rate of postage,payable when delivered to writer,

LADIES' LIST.ArnoldG'rtde Hart Kate Phelps Bfrs SAbercrombie L'aHunt Elizabeth lodyardAh»rnJane Hance Eliza ParkerMrsJnoBMams Mary N Dovy MissFrankPinkham Mrsirt Msrg t J Hamilton Harr't Mollis CtyleEllen Heuyon Julia A PiperSallieAoyieCath'e Harris Mary L Powers EllenT.jwnCbail'e Holiday Mary A Perry Mahala>u<hHattie Horton Laura Quackingbushr ion Lizzie HuDtly Caroline Katee 'b Mrs M C Heldt Mm F G Quimby Lydialo/d Almira Halley Mrs B V Reeves bailie>r >wn Mrs Clay Hunter Airs Geo Rose Marv

_lr>wnB*chel Handy Mrs Ed Ross Mrs Lbrown Mrs 8 W Hitton MrsGeo ERust Rcbeceai arres Rosallie Hnuimond Cr'eARobinsonSarahBBrown Sarah Hughes Mrs Raybold MrsBowie Mrs H P Henderson M'e GRoninson MrsRutton Mrs J'»el Hnyi Therassa Genl J Cbarter Ellen J Hodtr-on Carrie Rio herd AnnieBogxnMrsCA Habbets Oharl'eHyan WinefordBusier Susan Handy Mollie S Rvau EllenBlanning Annie Herburt Eliza'h Rickerd MaryBurroubgsBr'h James Mary E Richnrds Mary DBowler Josep'e Jones Amanda Rollet MaryBradfordMreE WJones Mrs Jno WRoberts BiancaBrodie Nellie Jones Lucy H Rogers Mrs J ere-Buslee Susan Irvio Mrs Dr miahBryan Catli'e E Johnson Sarah LRobiuson Reil-2Barger Mary Jackson Ella D RobinsonMrsJ HBasset t MrsO A Joid»n Mary A Ruker S LBauman CarolV Jerome Mrs H'rvReed MaryBannister Miss Johnson MrsL DKeed Mary LCnainy Jacobs Anna A Rease Susanna

BordeMad'eF Johnson Betay Ryan MaryBeattie MissLH Jones Mary E R«ardnn MissBlancbardMrsLJ Jennefer Eliza'hRubin Margt RBrowii Louisa Jenkins Julia A Rojjgerpon Mr.,EBradley MrsTH Johnson Eliza Robins MariaBerry Marin Kanehe Mrs Robinson MaryBradley Mre M Keetcli Kuty Babbitt RebeccaBis rs Mar* Host Ruth Roach HannahRrick'-lc t rsncesKing Ellen Saur MargtBicket Miss King Nathan Q Smith Mrs WmRBurk Bridget Kore Jano Swope KatieBroughton MissKnox Annie Shay ElizabethJosey Kirk Mrs M Steele Sophia

Brosnan Joanna Kaner Polly Smoot KateBodge Caroline Killmon JanO Smith Annie PBrown Mary A Kimball Mrs DSteele Sophia ABeckett Mat'daA Lodenia Shay Martha ElBruce Cath'e King Mary S Shedd Alonzo .

Brown Katy Lake Sarah M Snead M Austin"1Brown Katie Lain; Mrs Hy 8 Smoot Mrs Wm fBoggsMrs JtoW Lee Fannie Steele Sophia ABall Emma Laland Amelia Smith FannieBrown Mary Lowe Ella Pernme* Ola raBodge Caroline Ludlow 8aralt 8tuart Mollic CBrown Mary K Lat<in Annie II Shennon Vir;r'a 2Chase Amanda 8Lauren<;e L'ath SSweeny HarrietChase Maud L Lyous Francf-s fjchwarz LellyShew Rebecca Lyon Mrs Ciias Selee Mary Llark Georgia PLemon Maggie Simons Helena

Coat-- Anna Loeds Hauy Stevens MaryChiMs Mis;-F B Loorlsr Eliza SweetserAbbie RClark Mrs JThosl.arkens Rachel Stanly MaryCo!!i-coEleu'rIILhrukul Mi-- M tfchucknechtColhnsn Mary Lambdin Aletha Miss SChap'ain Trph'aLouis Elizabeth 8hipnaMr.=MaconCalaren Mary LancasterEm'a JSturling JennieCarinton Ant'i Lee Mrs Sullivan MissCarpenter Km1 'eLank ford Marg't M WCuft«r Mre .?enLeeLouisa Sullivan MargtG A T<ouU Susan Springer Anna

Clempson Mr* Lahey Catli Suddath Annie CColumn Mary Lewi-Miss ShockejOakicCrawfordMrsR'llMoore B. ttie 8 Shaw IsabellaCoster Martha Merrick MissMAShockey MissEOCollins Louisa Marks Mrs Snyder CarrieCumniings LoueMoore Sarah Sugert Mrs JosCooper 1'riscillaMarsh Josep'e ASmith farahCovt-11 Laura B Main Jennie Shoney Mrs SCadv ElizabetbPMoore Julin ^heckles SusieCassidy Mary E Marsh Mrs

.Simms Ann M

ChrisbornS li K Moore Jennie Sweeney Mary ACahill Honnora Montgomry Mrs^uamers SarahCooper Catbr'e F ShannahanSnrahCnnijibill NoontaMurson CorneliaThrall MrsGeoECramer Murv C Meinbnrg Eliz.'hTiernan AnnClark Mrs Julia Morrison MrsCHTayior Mary CChurch Sarah Mathews MariaPThompson MissCollin-Mar^ A Moulton HarrietTueker BridgetChild Elizabeth Michael Mary TwomblvClarsABade Elizabeth Miller Julia Toppe Mrs FredDirdin Mathewtlath TraYinMreJogLane Marv Martin 8opbia Turner Lu> retiaL>>n<'hue C'arl'e Morriaey Miss 3ITransfer TillyBiviney Mary E TiltonMp.ryOL\ tan Mary Morton E 1 Thompson MryCDawsev Mare't MilletteMrsH'ryTaylor EllenDoty Mrh H H Marshall Annie Tevis MrsJoshuaDavis Lizzie J Martin Isabella Tucker BridgetDement BarVa Morris Nellie Thompson Ana JDoughty MrsLJ Martin r»nnie Trimble MrsDavenport J :e E Miller Mrs Jas8 Ann PDunkeiison AnnaMaynard Josp'e Tborph MaryDe Laithe MiajtMulloy Louise Turner ElizaMh

EM MontetiousMol'eVarden Anna 0Dick Mary E Vauche AliceDasey Martha Mcl.ane Mary West \ lrginia 0Dalev Ellen McLane Ella L Wright Ar.aDrake America McOuinn MrsJ8 Welch JaneDuplies Lottie-2 McKntyre Mary Wright MrsJasDDugles Annie fc McLewl IsahellaWullH MarthaDiron Mtry McLaughlinAu'eWard MaggieDoj-'rao' llattic CMcVay E Catli Wler Marvlastman Kate McKelden Mis«Ward Matilda ELElliottMrsDawes Parthi* Wall AnnieElliott Annie M Mc('*>>e Mrs E LWilson AnnieEdwards Mr-8A Meredith Mrs EWolbert Mi»sE<Hey Elizabeth M BuelahElliott Mrs 8 B MackelMarvC V nlmmgon MrsFogg Isabel I McGaubran An'e J Jl awpel! Katie Mulford Sarah Whitney MarthaFoley lizzie A Mills Oath A Wooster Cliar MFoster Nancy Mills Sarah Wilson MaggieFrerlon Dorcas ManchesterL'y AWilder Ilellen MFitzpa'rick Mrs Merrill Mary E Wilmouth MaryF'rayser Nan'e GMixsell Annie MWliutler MrsC<'lFoster Matilda McCoy Rebecca W.irrcnl.i/zieJ-2Fisk Mr'.M E McNally Mary AWilliamsCarreAFlaherty Blarg'tMagill Mary J WatsonHarriet AGray Laura V Miller Anote-2> Wilson Maria LGray Marv Manuypenny C'hWetzel >(iss EGray Virginia Neale Mr- E V Winter MraGreen Mary J Norri* MrnGeoW "HarryGuildMrBGeoA-2Newton Annie Whitting EllaGravMarvW Nourse Charl'e Winters SarahGriflSng Jos'e8-2Nolee Mrf WilliamR BelleGainors Martha Newton RebeceaWashingtonGuyon Maggie Nelson Mrs J as JaneGurney Adelie NorrisJane Waddy RachelGordanJuliaCV NorrisMrs G-W Williams RebocaGrooner HarrietOsgoodby Sarah Williams CathGascons MrsT'da L-4

..... Williams Mrs EGreen Mary J Olmsted AdeliaJ Wat6on NettieGanyant Sarah Owen Sarah Watson Nellie EOoddapd Lav'a FO'ConnorEllenJ Westoof Dor®Gbaliger llridg'tPhalf Lidia WatsonNellieE9Greely Mary PainMissMelvin Young MatildaGorman Annie Porter Fannie E Young Mrs Jos BHicks Lone Preston Eunice Young MatiMaBall Mhtv Porter Mary Young Susie DHnghes MrsMW Powers Bridget


Anthony Bela Archer Geo Allen Saml EAtkinson Lt BenArber Jno Ayres Capt ThosC-2 Atwater J B Allen T Dwight

Adanis Cbas W AkinsJasA Allen Capt T 8Agnnew Dav B-2Allen Jno H Ayres Wm EAbbott D B A>>rabam L Abraham W PAlfred E)y L AU-n Michl Allen Maj W HUAllen Capt F Andrews N T Allen WalterAbraham Frank Agnew T Alexander Col WAtzel Fredk Amery R TBeck August Barrack Henry Baxter M LBeck Lt A H Baker Horace Bias MBrinker Adam Bailey Harry L Baker 0 D MBeamer A H BaldwinHenryL Barber PatlcBillings A M BigelowJnoW Bowie RobtBrearly Albert BilslandJas BeardleyRG-2Bachum Albert BufllngtonHouJ Browne R BBeach Baldwin Bedford J G Beam Dr R ABaldwin 4 Bro Berry Jas Berton RobtButler Chas Bowman Jos Batcheler Lt ColBrewsterChasW Bricker Jno R RNBoyd Cbas Barten Jesse W Boyce R HBaker Chas

_Burnett J F Boarman L B-2

BoroughsCbasH Beasley J C Bowpd S BBurst Caleb Benjamin J W Beach Col 8 E'2Bell Chas 8 BrownellJasF BaylessSD*BrownCkristophBeckman Jas Brady Silas SBlakeman Chas BielbyJno Bradford SamlBosenbark Chas Byron Jas Benson Dr ThosBeard David Bradabaw Ira Buckingham T BBartlettEdmurdBarrett Jos M Brioe Thus WBisaett Ed PooleBengham Jas B Brown Thos BBolgianaEd Branscom Jos Butler Theo PBrick E Burchrel Jos Bond Thos DSnrton Ed Britton Isaac H BoslerThomps'nrook Frank F Bacon Jas W-2 Brown Thos

Brown Frank G Baxter Jno C Black Wm 8-2Brown F M . Bowen J K Black WmBartlett F P Barbour CaptlraBrown Wilson EBlake Frank C Blake WmBretts F L Babcock JnoM Bartlett Wm RBaker Geo B Birk Jno BarryMasterWmBailey Geo C Black Jas Ball Wm MBurbank Geo E Biggs Jas H Biars WmBrocklebankGeoBeard Jaa Burns W k CoBraskGeoE Bryan I A Bliss Wm LBaoghn Geo W Burns Jno BlanebardWmMBraabury 6eo-3 Brown Joa T Baldwin WmHeaBarter Lt Geo PBrian Ja* Lw Ray ley W_AUaldwinCapHen Boulter L HBlast H W Bexter LeviBurgoyneHenry Bean Lyman W Bailey WBrown Horace Byrne M Beers W

Blossen W ABuxbaam W MBailey Wm A


Barth HenryBrtlsford II W

Baldwin Mv Bergman MathBache Benry W

CConnelly A Ca*«ady JohnCooke Lt A W Cohen IsaacCbsse A Callan John< avrier A L Claa-ry John FCameron A H Ooiton Jag TCheestbroAJ ColiettJobnS vcmiw r»uCollins Cap*. A Dt'hester Rev J 2 Copley PlineyCarnes Andrew Conno»Capt J Caviloer Peter 3Chase B R Chapman John Collin" Parry MUIV**- - D J ^ " ' " » - .

Cohn HCoggins M P B

8h«rr;ngton Oooice Oliver

t'oiman HorryConner Pat 2

Cutter B & Con^yJohnCroM C 0 Cranwith J ECampbell C L Contee Jas Tlazier CN Crawford J VCampt^ell CpCH Cott-on JohnCampbell D-C Canidy Jas HCole A OoyConkey C QCochran C CCrosby C»>1CrtnrsdCbs»Chaiiee CColne ChasCbrista D A<larke D N('us.' D 1.I ogswell DrColbert LtChurch Dr

Carter Lt R 8Cooke Dr R UOlemment B ACuppen B BCroiier lion R

. Conser Robt 0Collin* Col J L tCassidy RobtConner John Calhoun 8 HCurley John Cook* SimCrock«r Ja« II Cleraland 8 IICasey John Oocn 8 i;n KCollainore J II Clarfc S 1'CarrellJB Corhiti&C^yOrangey John Clark StephenCunningham J Camp* R GGrutcbett J P Cliila-- 8 DChristian J A Ooofflf Sidney

2 Chandler Jas E Cooler Pata TChaffin Rev JW20u'tis T A


-w* uaau a^a u VUMIIU III V ,f JJ aV _

Cobyt Edward Collet John R Clark T M 3Cornell Hon E Campbell Cant JCrowo Rer T 3Candall Edw Cutler Jas Clark Thos ACherry A. ElisonCampbell IlnJKOoneyOovCallan E Comstock Jno RCoats T 8Clark Edwin Clark ("apt JW 4Coffee Hon T JConard Elijah Clark Jas CnllenSJCiteries KmelineCooR John M Cain Thr*Capron G E Clark John P Crea-eyWUCarpenterG W Clark Capt J W Coiams WashClifford G A Club JohnChildH Bon G T Clark JamesCopeland G W 2 Crim John W > u IIII i ugnaiu VC^rbett Hugh FChandler Lt LA Coleman W (1Clark Dr H G Chase Leslie Cuningham W ACamp H M V 2 Chipman L B Connors WCoates II C 2 ColmeanLJ Cuningham WHColtonHBS Canover M 0 Cadwallader WTClark B K Crotise MarcelusOrontor WCohen Joseph Cochran M Chrisraau WraConkey Jas B Copeland MartinCline W IICampbell Co!JC Coutee Mr Clarke Dr W E

uooams nasiCreasey W NCummiDti WCunningham'

maro \VJ

Davent port ADean A PDavie A 8Dorr B BDrew BernardDykes ByronDavis B RDexter 8«t C JDarby C BDecker CharleyDay D GDriscoll DennisDrew E Mlowlingh'JBonn E WDunn EdwinDtvage FredDanner GeoDiggs Geo ADougherty G RLeford G RDuncalfGDouglasWmDone Geo

Edelin Dr AEvans A EEdwards IlenjRshn ChasEgau Dr C BEvan EdwdEliaaon E AEverts EdwinEmmingsCptGFFrank A JFlemming AFreable A Gt razier Win FFay A CFoster Caj.tFinaan Chas IIF'itzhugh cTik JFletcher CliftonFiscLer Cha*Frey I)-2Fithean D PFlint DFitzgerald EFisk E KFrean EugeneFraleigb E Mtairar F MFeltLac, GeoFarr Gio-2I icJves Y< ui

Davison Cpt Hfl Peevr L JDavis H K-2 Uavie MrDunning LtHR 2Duffey MirhlDavis Ilor N Decker M G-DnnranRevJR-2 Dutnand SlichDurkan Jas Dir.non MajDixon JnoS DuryoaO BDevereux Judg« Dou^las-t Ot »» »*J PDayton Lt J BDeney Ja*Dawson J noDeBnow JosDickinson J >Dunlop JnoDyre JasDemorse IDoff J as GDrew J WDaguiJ no APoanLt J WDelieJ

m ,Dilon CaptW JDixon W L 2

P*KdgarCpt G P-JEmersfln HEdsail U F-2Enochs HarryEverett IEnthoffor JosEuriug Maj JEvans JosEdwards J

r-Feagon GarretFulton H iSFisher HenryFry IIIFlaherty JpoFalling Jno MFarmer Jao AFraxier JnoFitile JacobFlensing Jno r.Fanning Ja^ OFitigiboon JnoFasaettJBFleteher Juo WFremont GeiiJCFord Jared AFry Jno SFox JnoJFalknier L »Froy MrIvclitig « ^

Docker Jasl>ean K»v R CDavis RichdDavis Dr 8Dawning S RDuvall SDrftw 8 8 2Day gam CDawson TDrow ThosDougla^sCnt WHDodge W ADavfs WmDixon Capt WaDdva!; W T

Edwards J CEllis Jno CEye P'D 2Everett 8Rlberi Hon S IIKvaus Thos 2El well TJElder Dr W AEvans Rev W B

Farrel Mich!Flannigan WFarr M BFry Math'-wFlynn MichlFales N WFox 0Fishpaugh RI lint RathFessenden 8 CForbs 8 D .

Fields Thus GForare< ThosFuler Tlios JFitzgerald ThosFord ThosFox W BFordA.W i ndser-?Fecwi-k Wm AFrue Win F

Griffith Dr AJ-2Gilbert A AGarner A NC H sen Alt" A(rjlchrist ACioldsnjith B(fates BemnnGeddines ChnsGuild Chai- M(i i aham Dr CG; ant CyrilleGoehnover 1»W rdon Col DG< esbeel- D E(.Ht.tt Gen E W(¦ettier Fdnrl P(negoryCol EM<>ein f-redkfc« Idsehmidt FG<dden FrankGibbons G MG «ii "d 8ergt G A

OGay Geo EGannis 11 AGilbert HarryGan^ Harrisontiabut Henry(iarnettRevilHtiardner H Wliillon Iiasclialiger JasGregory Jcs HGuliek Jos-2Gardner Jno S(/raham J ifGarrison Jtr»Gover J Etfiraud J asGray Isaac 8Grove Jerry PGross JosGreen J Otto<iaris JosG ru f! J W

fBaleAlonzo Hastings Go'mIl> rnsf-e Alfred 11 u;¦ i j.hn y GeoBi.uttHi A U lIuttonGeollHssk' 11 Albt Lt Harinan (ioo AIiasxing.- A C Hawkins Geo XHo!met A A HinesGeoW11 ad en Albert 2 Ha.-tinsr< GerryHastings A C-2 Hidey GeoHaskell Albert Hlleide GeoHigginsliL Husti.'ii Gen BHBroirn C W lleadGeoMIlnmlin Chas Hieroan tc BroHildreth Chs W Hollln HenryHarr Christian Haye- lleur* ^liuntir.gton C P Hooki-yH M-2Ilewett C C Harrison HenTHilltbarleii nerr HarryHartwick C M Hinson HarrisHodgkinsChhsDIIill Henr*Hoover Colum'ellfiweli Henry

JHoldridgs J II

Gnlt Jno .*{0 eeno Rev J M(fooden LtGreenWalt MGenin MonsGayl Mi*Gould N'athlOilman Osmanflros"! I'hilip DGibson RichdGh<v R PGardiner S Liirennins SmilIfaddes 1 bos AGeary ThosGoddv Tlio*Grey T CGale Cupt W(irace W in 111; rand y WiaGodkin W IIGrahamHonWH

Hail Jas I'Harp J T>Hall Jos IIHale John MHum Levillacket MichelIlasler MHennow M;nor Bllussey MHanev M1 Lassett Michaelliartbricht MrHyatt N Bllair Newtonlinrt'ju N' NHickox VestusHodge OliverHeenan Peterllagerty Patk

deem;Hay C D -

Hinman C V> Hoigley JosHogg Chas K Began JasHiflleiinger Chr Hnrbard I.eV Jllefl'efinger C B Haragan John ----- -

Hewettt: C Huntress Josiahliubbard 8 IHaskinsChas Hunter John Hawkins t?':tkHeat'leChap D Hsrringford JnoIIarrison T J

He l^emann Pr-2Hasty I' GHogne RsbtHe. Robtilogan M KIlayes Robt N

Hamlin Chasllcfser DexterHomsn EHunt E RHiggitis D EIleTskell DHHinesliffeEdHartshorn Ed B Hickman JnoHorey E MHowe E8Biggins E DHarrison Ed HIlarriman E

flOUglllBu(Taker S 8Hiniuan Geo

Biggins Isaac lUlall Truman P*2Etlerbert J J Hays TimothyBug.ihi Jno L llay Tliomp-ouHarrison Jas Hall T FHoldredg.-JnoHHainea WinHarris I^aae Hogan Wm CH«dlowbush J BHobbs Wm

RHughos W tuHall W Dll«nry WruIlelran WinHemmick W HHooker Wm IIllogmer Wm IIHalady WmHunter W Forestllagerman WalIlarr^ WmHopkins WmHali'lav WmIlurt WinHoffman WmHarris WmHigoriuan W

Hooper Jno Wenry Jno Y-2

Hammond JasHolland JohnHeftier J F

II ouser Franklin}!udgins Jaa AHoward F W Henry JohnHalmliar Fred Hawkins J LHonodle Frklin Harper John Hgerbert F DorsyHomes Jas Ranlein Fredk Hand Jno 8

BeathFrsH2 Harp J D 2Hoord Franklin HineJnoHougliton FH-J Hyatt J H

Hodge Jas H



James ArnoldJohnson AlexIsacks A J

Heise JosI.«J

Johnson Jas C


Jackson L BJesernofsky J 4 Jud l Sergt M L

8on-2JonesAugustine Josaelyn J TJames BIS" JohaEonJobJessup Chas II Jenifer Jas AJennings Cnrt Johnson JasJones CbaaP Jennings CaptJames 8ergt C H Jno RIriek C II JnrdingJasJohnson Col C T Johnson Jas AJonson Henry IrensJnoJohnson Biram Jones Jno LJones Hon B

Jarotzky MorrisJudson O AJones PeterJohnston RobtJones R WIngram gcth IIJohnson Saml I(Johnson Thos fc"Jones ThosJoy Wm P-2Johnson Wm KJohnson Rev WT

Kaufman Livy J

R^iiogg Capt I

Koll LeviKeeec Louis

Jamison LK

Krleger Jno GKightlinger JKeller Jno FKetchumJas

KingmanCh»»F Keanan Jas .

feviSiK,!,Ktarney Ed A KilleenJno Eennet Paul

Kitney FranklnSKelchner Jno M Keely Pet«r GKnight Fred W KelloyJas King P II

-- KiUingsworth Kolecki TheoJno C KimballTheodreKrabsJno Keane ThosKnox RevJnoD-3Klino Tho« B

KassonHarveyA Kelso Rev I>-aac Kessler Tbos JKreiner Barritn Knowles Rev J 0 Knapp Dr Win RKleindien t Jos Kielp Jno Kobbe Lt Wm AKnause Julius

Knelf Adam-2Keese A E LKeifChasKelley C H

Kroell FredKeator GeoKnight G PKeene H B 2

Lae A WLattmore ALuigi BrenlaLink B WLeebeyCornelusLovellCoICbasTLittleheld C RLawrence D IILoney DaytonI.ally Lav idLeathers Dar,l-2Lane E GLynch Lt EdwLutznan F BLilley J BLatbrop G ALovfjoy HenryLLenbardt HIondonH FA Coinale kf

Lake Capt B RLoogbead Jos

Lockhead Jas Lynch BarnyLyman J Lewis RobtLucas Jno G Logan R KLescnre JnoWtn Lynch RobtLaugIeyJHcnry3 Lent Samuel £LegatsJasF Lee 8amlLong J D Lockwood CaptLuknoust Jno TBLLambeth RevJob W

Levy JosLohman Ju'ius

Lome Theo CLane TimothyLeib Wm JLord Wm P

Laurence Ithiel Laird Wm jtLeech Jno Lusby WmLlppnian LeopM JvLucKsnback LeenhartWmCapt Louis Loeap Wm W

LaneRevMarcns Langley W OLynch Michl Lem'monWmLLiaroln Mar- Louthb«ycu*Ushall T Wm T

Learh Mr

MMousing HMorrison HMason II 2Mason MaJ J 0

MrPhertoo AMcBri^n A CMod rot A HMercer AndwMarbury BMarbury B TM oore yi i Istack Morgan Jno-21 Ct

Miller Chas A

Monroe M GMurphy MrMcHale MichMMtori N

Morgan Col J F-Morton NathMarti a J no W McDaniel O M

Mullarkey P-2Mclvers Jno Mana* PhilipMcLanghlan J WMurphy PatMuryhy Jas H McBarryPetorMiller Chan LMartin Dr C E Morelani J J Merrill RLMcVuinn CW Mayo J as 11 Marshall KobtMcKoy C D Mortimer J T More RobtMcLaughlan C MitzeilJnoW Martin Robt3*acKay Col Morgan J as Mowry 8Merwin C H McLaughlin JH Mog* g gMannell C U McLaughlin J Miller SamlMonroe C M Miller Jos 8 Mechlin JRPMeCahan&Co Myers Isadora Mabus8imonMurphv Dennis Mulford MaJ JnoMoody 8 DMoor* DH Mathews Mai3 8MfMeneiran I> McMahon Jno 2 Magaw Lt C SMcLaughianD-2 McLeod JnoC Myers SUMaklin Da\ »d McCallumCptJJ Mosby ThosMullin Danl McAnulty Jas McKlwaia T DMaynard K C McDonald J MMarshall E M Mendenh&ll JMiller Elias McKinney JnoMumby K 11 Marr J DMcCauibly F A Mann Jas CMathews F Moor JnoMarks FH MottJuoCMarcow Francis McKay LewisMartin FredMcDonald FManor Geo

McGregor D LMcCaffrey T-2Murray TUosMurphy TMcCready ThosMann Adj T FMiles WmMcLacy WmManslieimer L 2 Merkel W H

Muse Liudsey Martin WmMetchert GeoMiHer Geo CMarvin G CMoulton G L

Murray AMcNeal MrMcFudden MMcCord A CoMenke M

Minnlck WMcCall WmMureau CaptWCMcOuadn W mMel:en W U

iu iobeltaticherGMcMurra> Lt M MuverWinMcDowell II MiHer Lt M II Mathew WMcDermottMcCnff rt> II

Nichol-CRNutt Cj jit C RNi<"holas G HNnur»e Geo IINoli iieinrichNilog Herry CNi- klo H WNavarre J B F

QueenChaa JO'N'eil Dennis-'Queen ForestOlmstoad G WOdell GeoOtis Dr II JO^e&Ds Jno

Plait AlfredParker Abm JrPorter A (iPhelps Dr IS 1!Park man Bl'ippey B TAfo Piper JnoPartridge LtBF PattersonVrfJN Page ft PParks C 11-5 Fortex Jno PriceColR

Miller Lt M IIMcPht-n.-r MrMun.sou Miles

ITNott JnoNohlo JnoNichols Jno NNewton J J-2Noll JnoNaylor Jno TN> smith L A

O-QO'Neill JasB

! Osman JosO'Brien JnoOliver Jno 11 &E J Moses

Orme« J MOrcutt ii J

I»Pond II enry LParkerJ IIPinner J OPowell Dr Jas1'acKard Jas

Pullen Chas II PrenattJnoProper ChasW PinderJasPalmer Col 2 Pitman JasPri nee Dr D Pettit Jno CPattersonHnDT Pipher JosPalmr-r DPires Emanl NPulling Dr E RPoulson y.Palmer F F-2Puttillow Frl'arsels G W-4Patten Col G WPilinger OaPiatt Geo-2Pickle Geo FPalmer Geo MPatten Geo EPatterson H

Perrili JnoPlowman JessePowell JasTarker Jno WPenniman J LPf-irc« J WPhelps Hon J SPreble Jno BPatch JPierce Jas T-2Phelps LesterPendergast LG PlummerWmPotter Levi M Fallon W F

Marshall W WMacartney WmNelson PeterNeal Hon P SJNewton T LNash ThosNorman Wm HNorton Wm T-2Newton Wm G

OglenOrvilleOtto NathanOwen Robt IIO'Brian TimOrr WmOgle Wm C

PHiice L HPence LeanderPowers Morris-21'irce MrGillPickert MrPrett^man N

BPearl RufeFortify RobtParkhurst 8Pierce 8amlPauchall CaptSDPatterson Com'rT H

Towel V GParker Dr WParke Wm PP.ige Dr Wm HPeck Wm IIPeel Lt WashParkhurst CaptW II 2Palmer Dr WruG

Reilty AlfredRendo A PRothschild ARuaiell AlfredRou e Asa

BRoach H WRowe HenryReynolds II ItRogers H LRoot Dr Henry

lt«ckwellC»pAF Itahter HenryRumkle Col B 1* Robinson J WKadcktr BHeed k CoRitter ChrRodgers Clia^Reed C'fcasF.eeside Denlson R<'visey J noRule D F Bollin JackReynold? E C Jtussell Geo 8Redington Ma) Robinson J O

J£ D Roger* Lt J IIEicliard»- Dr FP RapcthJcsRe. riide Frsncis Ricc way J KRcily Frank Kooinfon J ORamsey Frank Ridlepnber JasRemington Fk IteeveB JasRicbaioson 0W Rhodes Lt J A

Roth Isaac

Ricketts MajorRobiiihon M ARider & OoRoffle MrRiloy MichlRopey C ERoberts Sam

RobinsonCptJM Reeder Bam HRosy John Reilly Thos PRichards Lt J K Rhoads T BRhinehart Jos Roach Thos PRit7. John

Heed GeoRhodes Geo HRamsey O WRandall GRhodes CaptOIIKuver AaronSimmons Addisn Stiles HfchraderAlbrtR Smith Henry HJ:tafford A J fheridanJaMEhrow'er And Schmitt Jno GSettle A L Slater IsraelStewartBrooksDStodard Jno H

R'tter T FItolfe Mai T ARussell Thosltobinson ValRice WmRay \V WRick Win PRoS* Vi'm

Robison >VmRoland W HRoberson Wm

Rosenaver & Co Roper Wmltichmoiil.ayton Raymond WalterRobinson M B-2 Reading Wm

Sykes ByronSnyder RonjSmall BruceShoepfel CbasS?yre« CaptStuart Clia1-Shafer CliasShriner ChaJSteele Cha^ WScott C GSpring C'hasSampson C LStierlew Cha*

SmithCai liiramStone Miles HSmits^n MSeiTert MichaelSearlo MiltonS|>ear N TSmithHo:iOakes>cliaier O

Sl.ennessy Jno Sthal Phelein BSnyder Jacob Scott P MSutherlnndJuoTSmith Peter ASheehenJas Simpson PresleyMur^esCaptJ R Starritt Prost 'nSlater Jno Simonsen P A£nyder Jacob A Stephens R H 2Srliaefer Jacob Sittler C;> pt R M

Sanis Robt CSomer> ille RobtShelton R HSchwartz 8

Stockton Cap*J os K

Sawin Jno JrSjM.fford J W

...Skilton J Avery Smith Danl-2

Babin Capt CVH Saunders Jos Smith Dr 8 ASurface Dan Sample Rev J L Spyers A SonSimpson DavidA Seauves Julius Shern SimonHiepard Lt K L ShuremanJasIIAShoemak-T T FSawtelle Eli N ShoenhofJ Stevens T Q ASimpson E Kord SexsmithRtTj-2 Simonton ThosSonle Ilisha SheehanJnoSpicer Kdw Seybert JnoSmithEClianney Sypher J RSkinnerDrREDSSheby JasScott Edwd Scott Jno GSoils Hon E Spotz Jnogf.mnior» Edwd Smi'hJa-Smith Eldridge Smith Jno PSullivan F B Stack JnoSweetser F D Smirti Jar FSweetCsptFrankSpeer JnoSharps Fred Still JasStowell GeoShock GeoSliepard GustMump Geo WSmiser GeoSmart G II

Scott Jas WSheets Jno 8Smith Ja- HSlade J ESmith Jj.oStyersJas

SageGustavufl A Snyder LemuelC ^hl^t^ WattsSbav» Lt llenry-SStoddard I,ir Smith Wm&8onSmith Henry G-2Stone Lt ScatosCol Wal-ScIutltersHy Smith I.ewis t< r BSacket H T Snyder L C Snow W WSideluiger H F Sill Miiton M 4

Street ThosSullwellDrThsnSliawin Col ThosHanjrston WmStoddard Capt WSmoyer WmStoane WmSkilliuan Wm LS*-anaan Wm HStevens W ASandersnnHonWSouder Wm DSeott Lt W L-2StoutWa^hingtnStone Lt Wm TSims WmScott Wm ASheppard Wm

Tracy Ma.i A SThompson A HThonsas BriggsTyson B BTitus C STod DavidTolman E DTown EdwTrin EliasTooinay Edwl'aber F ATrinter FTibbetts GeoTuttle Geo \*

Thf/mpsonLtColTeumay J RHE Thamas Lewis 2

TaskerJnoC Tobias LewisThatcberlsaacB Tower- MichThompson J M Taylor OveltonTown John Tronall PliilipTrimble Jas Thompson PerryTobin J D Turner R HTaylowJos Tolea Rer R GTyler Lt Col J 5 Tansell T WTickenorJD ThompsonSmith

Thorn W JTalbott WashTaylor W AThomas W J

Thompson J Gl'owaatid JoelTurner Jan

TliistletonMajG Taltnaul JasThomas Henry

XJ-VTrlan Amos 8 Vigil Jno HYansant Dr A C \erreo JasVon tieigling A Vidal Lt J LVan AwenstedenVeitch Lt J W AValentin>'

FBVKit Jos ValenceCaptWVan Keypen C G

V an Catnn ?Veazer ThosVan AkinSimeon

Woare A M WymanliW Walsh Dr JosWhitehead A«a WetrtlGeo Winn Jno XWebster A A Welch Gardner Wolf Jno PWells AJpbonso Washin^tonGO Welire JnoWilson Albert Watkin«RorGW W*dch Jno WWeber Lt A ^ iseGeo D JV iikini LWilliams HonABWilliamsG W Walker L EWandling Allen Wheeler G Vr Walker l.ewisM iikin-on Benj Wise Capt G D

- Washburn O GWatsonGGWendell G WWaugh Ge oWeir H BWilliams CaptH nito an OWentworthH C Withers PCWhallen H A Woraloj P EWoostern White ratkWilliams H Wilson PaerotWyatt Cpt II J -2 Williams RobtWentworth J L W illiams Sr STWallace Jno AWasserman JWalker JnoW inane J J

West k BrownWeltzer C SWbykeal C TWood Cbas HWes:on G FWillard C CWallace C HWinder CbasWilson C MWingardC MWeber C .Wheeler CWarren ChasWoods CO ^Worck Capt CWbdman C1'

Williams LWatson LemWhalen M 8-2Wood MrWoosterCpt M IIWailand ComNN

Walker R DWaple« RufuaWilcox S MWhitelred 8

W hitiugCptDJ SWilliams Jos 0 Washburn 8H-!We Is DM bitacre D .,r . v. ,Wilcox Dennis Mindeeoaker JWaite Jdwd Wilson Jas CWood E W' Wiley Joel"WeMeateylB Wilson JasWebber E W-2 Wyckoff 10W illiams ES WeismanJWenckebach LtRWilliams JosWinansActAsst Walsh JnoSurg _

White Capt J as

Willouglib> J D 3Woodsen Col 8Warren Jno W Whlttier 8 B

-White 8 BWethers ThosWainwright TWhalen ThogWoods T KW ilson Wm DWilson Wm JWoodbury W HWat«nian W H

Wagenhanser F Wri#ht Capt Ira Williams W HVallace Capt F White Jno F Weed Lt W HWier J AWyman Geo

Hint J BWelleeeJasU

Y-Zk»rYockler York PC

ToangG Yost JohnYoung llDFYura«y J

White W BWills Wm R-2

Young W 8Young WmZelie J T2

MiscBiLAKiovfl.."J. B.;'' To Surgeon or




. .1 : i- -

OF THE l'VT«»*AP.AIIQiMIMmc lit U»*^Ur4tr rtUlivt«a t.tT+yWB4*m%.Dead aid <r«aid*d

Ut Llaci br»«|k< iff-Cndi-tisa tl flag- if- tr»»» irr»»(fafati

. [Cdrmpondf nee Associated Press |Biad^casters Arut or tub Potomac.Jfate The following have julbNn Issued

haadq«nrters, and are published lor the«

' ot .** concerned:Hsad^vaRtsrs Amt of thb Potomac,June 7, 1*44.li*n*ral Order . Kdward Orap-

sey, a correspondent ol the Philadelphia 1b-quiflrr, having published in that journal of the2d instant, a liwllou aiaitiwutoi IM Com¬manding Qtnfnl of thii army, calculated tcimpair IM confidence of ikt amj in the coa-Dauding officer, and which statement the saidI rapeey now acknowledges to Have been false,and bawd on some Idle camp rumor, it is here-by ordered that be be arrestrd and paradedthrough the lines of the army, with & pla«sr<imarked .. Libeller of the Press," and that be bethen pnt without the lines and not permitted torelnrn.The Provost Marshal General will see ihat

this order Is promptly executed. The Com¬manding General trusts that urn example willdeter others from committing like offences, andbe takes occasion to notify representatives cfthe prtts, that, whilst be is ready at all timest' extend to them every facility for acquiring,f-cts, and giving circulaion-\0®B truth, hewill not hesitate to pnnish with the utmostr gor all instance* like the above, where indi¬viduals take advantage of the privileges af-firdeU thtm to circulate falsehood, aud tboaimpair the confidence which the public aod thearmy should have In their general* and otherofficers.By command of Major General Meade.

S WittiA*P»,Assistant Adju ant GeeeraJ.

[The fallowing paragraph appeared la tikeInqvtr'r of the 2d instant, ar d Is probably th ifalse statement for which the correspondent hpunished:. "History will record, but newspa¬pers cannot, that on one eventlul night duringthe present campaign Grant's presence savedthe army, and the natten too; not that GeneralMeade was on the point of committing a blon¬der unwittingly, but his devotion to his coun¬try made him loth to risk her last army on whathe deemed a chance. Grant assnmed the respcnsibility, and here we are still."]Hraixjcartbrs Army of thh Potomac,Jnne1,l!?6n..Special Order*, JVo. 152.[Extract.)

7. LicutenantColonel M. O. Murphy,troth NewYork volunteers, having, on the 25th ultimo,presumed to (end a Hag of truce to the enemy'slines without any authority whatever, is here¬by dishonorably dismissed from the militaryhervice of the T'nited States, subject to tCe ap¬proval of the President.By command of Major General Meade.

S. William*,Assistant Adjutant General.

All is quiet along the lines to-day, exeeproccasional heavy guns in the direction of Botorn Bridge.The malls are now regnlarly received in die

army, the arrangement being most completeunder the management of Lieut. D. B. Parkerand Mr. W. B. Haslett, postmaster of the Armyof the Potomac. Newspapers will also arriveregularly from this date, under the direction ofMr. Lamb, news agent.Headquarter*, June >>.5 a. m..The fia* of

truce sent by General Grant was arranged fcrlast evening, and, under the direction of thecorps commanders, the dead and woundedbetween the lines of works were bronght off.There were very few wounded atsomepomta,while at others quite a number came la. None

but medical officers and stretcher bearers wereallowed to go on the field, and all intercoursewith the enemy was strictly prohibited. At theexpiration of the time agreed upon, a voicefrom the enemy's line Enng out, .. Boys, get toyour holes, the time is up," when all handsleft at once.A few shells were thrown on our left yester¬

day afternoon, but no damage. A portion ofthe 5th corps is reported as having arrived at apoint on the Cbickahnminy, near Bottom^Bridge, and ^considerable cannonading waiheard 1n that direction yesterday afternoon.A party of rebels, a captain, lieutenant, aad

five privates, came into our lines yesterdaywith a flag of truce, looking for the body of anofficer, and our meu at that point brought themin, not knowing that a flag of truce prevailed.Tbey were returned to tbeir lines last evening.The railroad from the White House to the

army is being put in order, and will be readyfor travel in a day or two.

Burning ef the Steamer Berkshire.Nnw York, June 9..Thirteen persons are

known to have been lost by the burning ci theBerkshire. Eight bodies have been found s>far. Some have been iden tilled. Passenger ¦*

L etate that probably no one escaped from theladiev cabin. It 'is thought that about fortylives were lost, perhaps a larger number, a%only seventy or eighty are known to be saved.The passengers were for the greater part fromHudson and Catskill. The river is beingdragged and the wreck searched for bodies.Noel Began, of Hyde Park, had a leg broken,and Andrew Soper is probably fatally injuredby the falling of a smoke-stack this morningThe boat was valued at *250,000, and was fullyinsured.

The Sanitary Fair in Philadelphia.Philadelphia, June 9..The Sanitary Fa.r

i t w being held here promises to be a success,far exceeding the expectations ot the most san¬guine of Its projectors. The admissions aver¬age 20,000 persons daily. No return of receiptsbus yet beefi made, but 'hey are believed to be¦very large. The city is thronged with peoplefrom the interior of the State and trou. Dei-aware and New Jersey. The collection ofpaintings is universally conceded to be thefinest ever displayed on this continent.

THE SIEGE OF RICHMOND[Correspondence of Philadelphia inqu.rer]Near Hradqcarthrs, Three Mile" prom

Cold Harbor, June 6, Monday.10 a. m..Abright day ot summer bathed in sunshine andcooltr with a bracing air, succeeding a yester¬day of drizzling r.:in and heavy atmosphere,scarcely the dropping shots of a picket line,when yesterday closed with a short but terriblestorm of iron hail bursting on Barlow's lines,tbfse are some of the changes of war andweather we are experiencing on the sacred eo»lof war-wasted Virginia.When I attempt to give you an idea of the

formation of onr lines this morning, I opine trietask a hard one, for it is exceedingly tiresomework for the unpracticed mind to obtain a de¬cided opinion here on the ground. However,like Colonel Miller. "I'll try." In the firs?place let me remark that the multiplicity ofroads in this section is in the highest degrreembarrassing to a description of the situation,it is as if all the houses taken from the site ofPhiladelphia and an army was maneuveringon its streets. Too many roads are a nuisancewhen an army i6 about, and especially so tothe journalistic aorps.A week ago to-day our lineE faced the Cen-

tral Kailroad, and to the west with Mecban-icsville and Richmond on onr left flank, to¬day, as a consequence of onr gradual sliding(l.can use no other term) to the left, our righthas been swung around, and our whole line socrept down the Chickahcminy. that we nowface to the southwest, with that stream beforeus, and with Mecbanicsville and Richmondalmost in front of our center. This is a changeof but a few miles in distance, but a vast onein position.What is before us? Lee's army and a diffi¬

cult task. If that army of the enemy were outin an open field we would make extraordina¬rily short work of them; but unfortunatelythey are not. Just now they are In an impro¬vised series of works northeast of the Chicka-hominy. not, properly speaking, a part ot thedeienses of Richmond, which all lie behindthat historic stream.Across the Chickahomlny are the defenses of

Richmond, which, from conversation withcitizens, I find to be in five lines or seriee ofworks. Meantime, as .the two armies lie, closefighting is the order of the day. It is the daysof Vicksburg over again. The skirmishinglines are hardly forty yards apart, and eachline is not much more that in advanoe of theline of earthworks.


Capture of thb U.S. Gchboat WatbrWiTcn bt thi Rrbrlb..The United Statessteamer Massachusetts, Acting VolunteerLieutenant William H. West commandingfrom the South Atlantic Squadron, via Hampton Roads, reports the capture on the 3d of ;;June, 2 a. m., ol the U. S. steamer Water Witch, fcLient. Com. Austin Pendsrgrast, in OssabawSound, Georgia, by eight armed boats from the 'Jrebel Fort MbAlister. This Information was Ireceived from one of fcer crew* tne only one «

who made his escape by jumping over her .

bows and .swimming ashore. Hety* ades-werate resistance was made by her otfioers andrrew bnt superior numbersoverpowered themntwi compelled them to surrender. He caaaoitell it they met with any loss, aa he saw theaction going on as be was secreted la the km* jcrass. An expedition was flttiag oat to go1down and endeavor to capture or destroy her.The Water Witch is a regular aavy built ves¬sel, of 35 tons, 5 guns, aad wae considered fast.She is rigged as a topsail schooner, andside wheels.

ay- j'rom the Richmond Kxamiaer of the 3d,it is learned that ex:&ufeOarrtuia Oongrese-man Lawrence M. Keitt was mortally wound¬ed Wednesday, and died the next day Aieothat Gen. Dales, commanding a division ofEweU's Corps, was killed on Thursday, op¬posite Bartlett's brigade 5th corpa.