European Sociological Association RN27 Southern European Societies Università degli Studi di Sassari CIVIL SOCIETY ORGANIZATIONS IN THE MEDITERRANEAN AREA: SOCIETAL ROLE, CHALLENGES, DYNAMICS Higher education, research and civil society Behind social exclusion. In the adult education a possible path to social inclusion 1 D. Grignoli, Università degli Studi del Molise

European Sociological Association RN27 Southern European Societies Università degli Studi di Sassari CIVIL SOCIETY ORGANIZATIONS IN THE MEDITERRANEAN AREA:

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Page 1: European Sociological Association RN27 Southern European Societies Università degli Studi di Sassari CIVIL SOCIETY ORGANIZATIONS IN THE MEDITERRANEAN AREA:


European Sociological AssociationRN27 Southern European Societies

Università degli Studi di Sassari


Higher education, research and civil society

Behind social exclusion. In the adult education a possible path to

social inclusion

D. Grignoli, Università degli Studi del Molise

Page 2: European Sociological Association RN27 Southern European Societies Università degli Studi di Sassari CIVIL SOCIETY ORGANIZATIONS IN THE MEDITERRANEAN AREA:


Stating the hypothesis:

if and how education determines some effectson level of social (ex)-inclusion


to discover some strategies towards active citizenship

to give each people the capability to “make history”

to build the future societyD. Grignoli, Università degli Studi del Molise

Page 3: European Sociological Association RN27 Southern European Societies Università degli Studi di Sassari CIVIL SOCIETY ORGANIZATIONS IN THE MEDITERRANEAN AREA:


Standing on the shoulders of giants

In the Modern Society, the mostimportant social bond resulted by

theMoral Education

In the Contemporary Societyknowledge, competences and skills remain the necessary conditions to promote the process of Social Inclusion

D. Grignoli, Università degli Studi del Molise

Page 4: European Sociological Association RN27 Southern European Societies Università degli Studi di Sassari CIVIL SOCIETY ORGANIZATIONS IN THE MEDITERRANEAN AREA:


The challenge



These inhabitantsexperience problems to participate and to be active in


these people “can”/must learn

D. Grignoli, Università degli Studi del Molise

Page 5: European Sociological Association RN27 Southern European Societies Università degli Studi di Sassari CIVIL SOCIETY ORGANIZATIONS IN THE MEDITERRANEAN AREA:


The research: Eight European member states

(The Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Austria, Romania, Denmark, Italy and Greece)

developed an European database on Life Long Learning

The developed data will provide policy-makers with

and for reference in enhancing social inclusion

through education.

D. Grignoli, Università degli Studi del Molise

Page 6: European Sociological Association RN27 Southern European Societies Università degli Studi di Sassari CIVIL SOCIETY ORGANIZATIONS IN THE MEDITERRANEAN AREA:


An cof Molise Region

The Molise Region is the second smallest Region in Italy. Its small population size (321,953

population) accounts more or less the 0.6% of the Italian population. The population shows a demographic

structure oriented towards an aging Population. In 2009 the rate of individuals aged

over 64 years is 21.9% of the population while the percentage of the population under the

age of 15 years is quite low (12.7%).A boy and a girl of

Molise will live

on average and respectively

81 and 85 years.

Page 7: European Sociological Association RN27 Southern European Societies Università degli Studi di Sassari CIVIL SOCIETY ORGANIZATIONS IN THE MEDITERRANEAN AREA:


Poverty is more concentrated in this area

Geographical Areas

North 4.9

Center 6.7

South 23.8

Molise 24.4

Italy 11.3

Note: Istat Data base

An identikit of Molise Region

TABLE 1. Incidence of relative poverty, Italy, 2008. (%)

D. Grignoli, Università degli Studi del Molise

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A view on education

Note: Istat Data base

An identikit of Molise Region

The level of education decreases markedly with the increase in age.

Qualification Molise ItalyPhd, Master degree 10.6 10.7

High school 27.9 27.3

Vocational school 2.9 5.3

Secondary school 28.9 31.6

Primary school, Illiterate

29.5 25.0

Phd, Master degree 10.6 10.7

High school 27.9 27.3

TABLE 2. Educational qualification, Italy –Molise , 2009, (%)

D. Grignoli, Università degli Studi del Molise

Page 9: European Sociological Association RN27 Southern European Societies Università degli Studi di Sassari CIVIL SOCIETY ORGANIZATIONS IN THE MEDITERRANEAN AREA:


Social Partecipation

It is a multidimensional social process

with different



with different circumstances and

It depending on people’


Page 10: European Sociological Association RN27 Southern European Societies Università degli Studi di Sassari CIVIL SOCIETY ORGANIZATIONS IN THE MEDITERRANEAN AREA:


Note: Istat Data base

Social partecipation

Indicators ItalyDoes not attend cultural


Does not read daily newspapers


Does not read books 59.1

Does not watch TV 5.5

Does not listen to the radio 36.8

Is never informed about politics


TABLE 3. People who do not take part in any social, cultural and political activities, Italy 2001 (%)

D. Grignoli, Università degli Studi del Molise

Page 11: European Sociological Association RN27 Southern European Societies Università degli Studi di Sassari CIVIL SOCIETY ORGANIZATIONS IN THE MEDITERRANEAN AREA:


Social inclusion is a multi-dimensional process with four sub-process:

activation internalization

connection participation

These two sub-process raise of social inclusion as

a functional outcome (that is, an increase of

basic skills to cope with practical daily problems);

(activation) or emotional outcome

(internalization) for the individual him/her-self (that is, an increase of

feelings of happiness and safety)

These two sub-process describe the functional respectively the emotional outcome for the individual in connection with his or her environment.

D. Grignoli, Università degli Studi del Molise

Page 12: European Sociological Association RN27 Southern European Societies Università degli Studi di Sassari CIVIL SOCIETY ORGANIZATIONS IN THE MEDITERRANEAN AREA:


•marginalized people involved in adult education courses to about 200 participants , (n. 132 respondents; Molise).


•Two different questionnaires•Programms: Digital skills, Language Courses (National), Basic Skills

How and What

•Adult Education Centre (The Two Centri territoriali permanenti of Isernia and Termoli)


•The two questionnaires were handed to the teachers, of adult education involved in the research, who administered the second questionnaire (post-test) about 15 meetings after the first questionnaire (pre-test). (2010 April – 2010 June )


• The two different questionnaires aimed to measure to what extent vulnerable adults show an increase in social inclusion after participating in adult education programs.


EDAM: The design of the research

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A) Activation and Internalisation, including • National language skills, • Digital skills, • International language skills, • Assertiveness, • Labour and upbringing skills, • Voluntary work• Neighbourhood skills • Contact skills;

B) Participation and Connection, including • Meeting and attempting, • Meeting intimate contacts, • Attempting in associations • Attempting in neighbourhood, • Being active in nature • Being active in sports, • Involving into arts and culture, • Getting a membership,• Preventing loneliness.

EDAM: The design of the research

D. Grignoli, Università degli Studi del Molise

Page 14: European Sociological Association RN27 Southern European Societies Università degli Studi di Sassari CIVIL SOCIETY ORGANIZATIONS IN THE MEDITERRANEAN AREA:


EDAM: Main sample characteristicsObservations (absolute value)

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000



Edam Partenership Molise

D. Grignoli, Università degli Studi del Molise

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EDAM: Sample composition per gender (%), Molise

[Percentages may not sum to 100 because of missing responds]



0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70



D. Grignoli, Università degli Studi del Molise

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EDAM: Sample composition per age (%), Molise

Chart Title

21- 40




0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50





Age (%)

D. Grignoli, Università degli Studi del Molise

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EDAM: Sample characteristics: percentages of participants per background variable [Percentages may not sum to 100 because of missing response]

NationalityAutochthon 45.45

Foreign 44.70

Marital statusMarried 42,42

Unmarried 39,39

Living Togheter 6,6

Number of children0 40.91

1 12.88

2 24.24

3 3.79

4 3.03

More Than 4 0.00

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EDAM: Sample composition per years of education (absolute value)

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Percentage of success:some selected results

Page 20: European Sociological Association RN27 Southern European Societies Università degli Studi di Sassari CIVIL SOCIETY ORGANIZATIONS IN THE MEDITERRANEAN AREA:


National language skills 34.1Digital skills 41.7International language skills 29.5Assertiveness 29.5Labour and Upbringing skills 23.5Voluntary work and neighbourhood skills


Contact skills 29.5Financial skills 15,2Meeting and attemping 29.5Meeting intimate contacts 21,2Attempting in associations neighbourhood


Being active in nature and sports


Involving into arts and culture 23.5Getting a membership 17,4Preventing loneliness 21.2Activation & Internalisation 52,3Participation & Connection 37.9

EDAM: Incidence of participants showing increase of social inclusion per variable of Social Inclusion, Molise (2010)

Page 21: European Sociological Association RN27 Southern European Societies Università degli Studi di Sassari CIVIL SOCIETY ORGANIZATIONS IN THE MEDITERRANEAN AREA:


EDAM: Conclusion After participating in adult education

This means that 52,3 % of the participants experience a better mastery of basic life competences (‘Activation’) and experience more feelings of happiness, safety and control (‘Internalization’).

Besidesthis 37.9 % of the participants participate more in the community (‘Participation’) and experience more social interactions (‘Connection’).



Increased Social Inclusion (%)

Partecipation and Connection Activation and Internalization

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The nature of the study presented here is exploratory.

That means that interpretations need to be made

with caution.

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This result is very encouraging.


D. Grignoli, Università degli Studi del Molise