Essay Question Tips

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  • 8/10/2019 Essay Question Tips


    Copyright 2014

    An Special Report

    by Linda Abraham
  • 8/10/2019 Essay Question Tips


    Copyright 2014 -2-

    Table of Contents

    Introduction ................................................................................................................ 3Chicago Booth ............................................................................................................ 5

    CMU Tepper .............................................................................................................. 8

    Columbia Business School ...................................................................................... 10

    Cornell Johnson ........................................................................................................ 13

    Dartmouth Tuck ...................................................................................................... 16

    Duke Fuqua .............................................................................................................. 19

    Georgetown McDonough ......................................................................................... 23

    Harvard Business School ......................................................................................... 25

    Michigan Ross .......................................................................................................... 28

    MIT Sloan ................................................................................................................ 30

    Northwestern Kellogg .............................................................................................. 33

    NYU Stern ................................................................................................................ 36

    Stanford GSB .......................................................................................................... 41Toronto Rotman ....................................................................................................... 44

    UC Berkeley Haas .................................................................................................... 46

    UCLA Anderson ...................................................................................................... 50

    UVA Darden ............................................................................................................ 53

    Wharton .................................................................................................................... 54

    Yale SOM ................................................................................................................ 56

    Epilogue ................................................................................................................... 58
  • 8/10/2019 Essay Question Tips


    Copyright 2014 -3-


    The best way to ace your application essays is to ANSWER THE ESSAY QUESTIONS. This may soundlike an easy feat, yet so often applicants go into the essay writing process with ulterior motives: to writetheir preconceived essays based only loosely on the given essay topics.

    Newsflash: No matter how compelling and well-written your essays are, if they dont answer thequestions as they are presented to you on the application, they will not impress the admissionscommitteeor at least not in the way you want them to.

    In this special report you will receive the guidance you need to a) understand exactly what each essayquestion is asking, and to b) answer the question in the most compelling and impressive fashion.

    To make sure you make the most of this special report, I recommend that you keep the following in mind:

    These questions were originally used in the 2014-2015 MBA application cycle. Whenever youread this, dont assume they are unchanged. Check the schools websites for the current version.

    Each school asks different questions; therefore, each essay you draft should be unique to eachessay question and to each program. While it may be tempting to use the same essay for a fewdifferent applications, adcoms can usually tell the difference between a recycled essay and anessay that was written specifically to answer their questionand they certainly prefer the latter.

    In our analyses below, youll find valuable tips on what to include in your answers, as well asadvice on what you should avoid at all costs. Dont stop reading after the dos; the donts can

    be just as valuable, if not more so.

    Since fit is so crucial to each of these schools, be sure to research each program you apply to

    and to envision yourself at that particular schoolon its campus, in its classrooms, interactingwith its professors, etc.while drafting your essay. If you want the adcoms to believe you will bean irreplaceable fixture in their next class, then youll have to convince them that your ideals andgoals are one with theirs.

    Finally, at the end of each section of this special report, I provide additional tips and advice for applicants,as well as how Accepted can further assist them with their application efforts. Our editors and consultantsare standing by, ready to be of service to you.

    Enjoy the reportand answer those questions directly. Effectively.
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    Disclaimer: Please double-check the original application on each individual b-schools website to ensureaccuracy. is not responsible for any discrepancies in the text or any changes that may havebeen made to the original applications since the time of publishing.

    Note: As you read through this special report youll find that we formatted it as clearly as possible so youcan easily tell where Accepted commentary begins and ends. B-school directions and questions are typedin standard font, while Accepted comments are all italicized.
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    Copyright 2014 -5-

    Chicago Booth

    Chicago Booth has always prided itself on valuingapplicants who can handle ambiguity and lack of structure.

    And its application reflects that principle. In spades. This years Booth application mirrors the streamlining thathas taken place throughout the b-school world as well asChicagos distinctive culture and love of ambiguity. Thisessay/presentation question, which is new for this year,is about as open-ended as it gets.

    Presentation/EssayChicago Booth values adventurous inquiry, diverse perspectives, and a collaborative exchange ofideas. This is us. Who are you?

    This is a really difficult question.

    What do you want to tell Booth that reflects your adventurous and curious nature, your distinctive perspective and experience, the ways in which youll contribute to the classdiversity, and your ability to contribute to a vigorous but still collaborative exchange of ideas?

    And yes it should be genuinely you .

    To start make a list of the experiences and achievements that you are most proud of and thatbest reflect who you are. Then review the presentation/essay guidelines below as well asthe Booth admissions criteria . Next to each item on your list, add the qualities from Boothscriteria that this experience or achievement reveals.

    Also look at the other information you are providing in the application including your resumeand those boxes. What about you is absent from these other parts of the application? Write thoseexperiences and attributes down too in a separate list. Which items on your absentee listintroduce the qualities Booth seeks? Are any of them on your first list of achievements?

    Focus on the items that are on both lists and that are most important to you and distinctive about you. As Booth itself instructs Weve learned a lot about you throughout the application, butwhat more should we know? The answer to that question is a critical part of an effectiveresponse to Booths essay question.
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    Presentation/Essay Guidelines Be reflective. Weve learned a lot about you throughout the application, but what

    more should we know?Interpret broadly. Who are you? can be interpreted in many different ways. Weencourage you to think critically and bro adly about who you are, and how your

    values, passions and experiences have influenced you. Determine your own length. There is no prescribed minimum or maximum length.We trust that you will u se your best judgmen t in determining how long yoursubmission should be, but we recommend that you think strat egically about how tobest a llocate the space.

    Dont give in to temptation. Lack of a word limit or gu i d eline is not a license for verbosity or permission to write the great American novel (or autobiography). Concision is valued in thebusiness world. Show good judgment and consideration for the readers time. Keep it short, buttell your story.

    Choose the format that works for you. You can design your presentation or composeyour essay in the format that you feel best captures your response. However, pleaseconsider the specific technical restrictions noted below.Think about you, not us. Rather than focusing on what you think we want to hear,focus on what is essential for us to know about you. Simply put, be genuine.

    Technical Guidelines

    File Size: Maximum file size is 16 MB.Accepted Upload Formats: Acce ptable for mats are PDF, Word and P owerPoint.Multimedia Restrictions: We will be vi ewing your submission ele ctronically and infull color, but all submission s will be converted to PDF files, so animation, video, music,etc. will not translate over.Preserve Your Formatting: We strongly recommend converting your piece to a PDFfile prior to submi tting to ensur e that everything you see matches what we see.

    A few thoughts:

    Should you write an essay or use a visual presentation ? That depends on you. If you are talentedvisually and love graphics and PowerPoint, use a visual medium as long as it will translate toPDF. If you are a words person comfortable expressing your thoughts in writing, write theessay. Do what will make it easiest for you to express your essence.

    Optional EssayIf there is any important information that you were unable to address elsewhere in theapplication, please share that information here. (300 word maximum)

    The instructions are pretty clear. Is there something you want the admissions committee to knowabout that is not included elsewhere, heres the spot for it. A gap in employment? A dip in gradescaused by illness or family problems? This is the spot.
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    Reapplicant EssayUpon reflection, how has your perspective regarding your future, Chicago Booth, and/or gettingan MBA changed since the time of your last application? (300 words maximum)

    This is a critical essay for MBA reapplicants. Remember, Chicago (and any school you are

    reapplying to) wants to see growth. Same ol, same ol got you a ding last time and probably willagain this time. Let this brief essay show a maturation and evolution of your goals and reasons for wanting to attend Chicago Booth. Chicago loves to see critical thinking.



    Round 1 September 25, 2014

    Round 2 January 6, 2015

    Round 3 April 7, 2015
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    CMU Tepper

    The key to admissions success here is to exhibit yourkeen analytical capabilities through your essaysthatand your strong passion for learning and your desire to

    expand your role as an innovative leader. Get those points across to the adcom members and you could bewell on your way to the tech-savvy business educationthat only Tepper can provide.

    Tepper has tweaked its application this year, changing the first question slightly under the Post- MBA Goals, replacing the second question, and dropping one of the other essay questions.

    Post-MBA Goals1. What is your professional goal immediately following graduation fromTepper? (1500 characters maximum)

    What do you want to do immediately after you get your MBA and in which industry do you wantto do it? If geography is important to you, then include that information too.

    Since Tepper is giving you more room than is necessary to simply state what you want to do andwhere you want to do it, you can give Tepper background on the development of your goal. Whatexperience convinced you this career path was right for you? When did you demonstrate theskills or qualities this role requires?

    2. If you are not successful in your first choice of role after graduation, what other role wouldyou consider? In other words, what is your Plan B? (1500 characters maximum)

    This is an easy question to answerif you have a Plan B. If you dont have one, thoughtfullycreate one.

    If you dont get the job you describe in #1, how will you take advantage of your past experienceand your new Tepper MBA? Would you slightly change long-term goals and go down a different

    path? Or would you stick with the long-term goals and attempt to achieve them in a differentway? Either option is possible. Choose the one that best reflects you.

    Essays1. Describe a defining moment in your life, and explain how it shaped you as a person. (300words maximum)

    This question is an attempt to get to know you, the person. The previous questions are professionally focused. Use this essay to present a different side of you. Dont write about workand your professional goals here.

    Tell a succinct story of that defining moment . What happened and what was the impact on you? How has that event influenced you going forward? How is your behavior, your life differentbecause of that moment?
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    2. Based on your research and interactions with the Tepper community, share why you are agood fit with the Tepper MBA program. (300 words maximum)

    Again, do your homework before you respond to this question. If you can, talk to current studentsor recent alumni from Tepper to get a feel for the culture. If you can visit, even better. Review theinformation on the Tepper website to get a picture of student and alumni life and research thoseactivities you would like to participate in, initiate, or lead. Then write about one or two clubs orevents that you would love to throw yourself into.

    Optional EssayIs there anything else that you would like to share with the Admissions Committee as weevaluate your application? If you believe your credentials and essays represent you fairly, youshould not feel obligated to answer this question. This essay is intended to provide a place foryou to add information that you think is important but is not covered elsewhere in theapplication. This could include clarification of your employment or academic record, choice ofrecommenders or helpful context for the admissions committee in reviewing your

    application. (500 words maximum) Use this optional essay , or lose an opportunity to provide even more reasons for Tepper to admit

    you. Just dont rehash information found elsewhere. Thats a waste of timeyours and yourreaders.



    Round 1 October 5, 2014

    Round 2 January 4, 2015

    Round 3 March 15, 2015
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    2. Please view the video below:

    How will you take advantage of being at the very center of business? (250 words maximum)

    This video is different from last years videos. Last year, the videos and question focused almostexclusively on the impact of Columbias New York City location. This years video incorporatesthat Manhattan location, but its more about Columbia as a center of business than NYC beingthe center of business. So your answer can incorporate the benefits of being at ColumbiaUniversity as well as being in Manhattan. Just dont repeat your answer to #1; this question asks

    you to take a broader perspective.

    Watch the video and really think about the points its making in terms of what being at the centermeans: Access to an infinite variety of opportunities. Proximity to thought leadership andexecutive leadership. Convergence of theory and practice. NYC as anif not theinternationalbusiness center.

    After watching the video, think about how you intend to take advantage of the infiniteopportunities and energy that reside at Columbia University and in New York City. How will youtake advantage of the entrepreneurial eco-system in New York and Columbia University? Theties to bio science and pharma? The cutting-edge research and thought leadership? Not tomention the practitioners who lead Wall Street and teach at Columbia. Or will you explore thecultural riches of NYC and take advantage of the incredible business opportunities present in thearts and media?

    Be careful not to speak of those opportunities in the generalities that I have. If you are interestedin luxury goods marketing, as stated in your short answer, then write here about how you willtake advantage of Madison and 5th Avenues as well as Columbias offerings. If you areinterested in finance or consulting, Manhattan and all the businesses in it are at your feet. Howwill you benefit from this incredible location as well as the practitioners teaching at CBS?

    Final point: You dont have to address all the points raised in the video, but you do have to write persuasively about at least one.

    3. What will the people in your Cluster be pleasantly surprised to learn about you? (250 wordsmaximum)
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    Make sure you understand Columbias Cluster System .

    You only have 250 words here. I would use them to bring out something fun that you like to do.Would you try to get your Cluster to train for a marathon? Set up a karaoke night? Plan a skitrip? Explore New Yorks museums? How have you contributed to social groups in the past?

    Relate your plans to a past successful initiative, and you will enhance your answer to thisquestion.

    Or perhaps you would take a slightly more serious approach to this question and discuss achallenge overcome. Show that you are a survivor, not a victim and far stronger as a result ofthis experience. If you take this approach, dont make it too heavy or too personal. No TMI. Youwill have barely met these people.

    Optional EssayAn optional fourth essay will allow you to discuss any issues that do not fall within the purviewof the required essays.

    Clearly you can use this optional essay question to address a weakness in your profile orqualifications, but in my mind, this question is also open-ended enough to allow you to discuss adiversity element in your personal background or simply some unique area of interest. Also,tucking a weakness explanation somewhere else would allow you to end the application with astrength and not a flaw.

    Dont use this essay as a grand finale or wrap up. And definitely dont use it to rehash yourreasons for wanting to attend Columbia; those reasons should be perfectly clear from therequired essays. If you decide to respond to this essay, use it to educate the reader about anothertalent, interest, or commitment of yours. As always try to show leadership and impact. In short,give them more reasons to admit you.

    Knight-Bagehot Fellows. Rather than answer Essay 1, Part A above, current Knight-BagehotFellows applying to Columbia Business School should use the space allocated to the first essay(500 words) to complete the Wiegers Fellowship application essay.

    Wiegers Fellowship Essay Question. What are your career goals? How has the Knight-BagehotFellowship affected these goals? How will an MBA help you achieve these goals? (500 wordsmaximum)



    January 2015 Entry October 8, 2014 11:59 PM EST

    August 2015 Entry: Early Decision October 8, 2014 11:59 PM EST

    August 2015 Entry: Regular Decision April 15, 2015 11:59 PM EST
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    Cornell Johnson

    Are you looking for a close-knit, collaborative MBA program focused on experiential learning, committed toinnovation, and further differentiated by an immersion

    learning component? Are you seeking a top b-schoolthats located on an Ivy League campus with all theresources and networking opportunities the largercommunity provides? Youll find all of that at Cornell

    Johnson .

    Cornell Johnson now lets you link to your LinkedIn profile as part of your MBA application. Inaddition to saving you time, this optional step allows Cornell Johnson to see you as a potentialemployer would.

    This innovation highlights two realities in MBA admissions:

    1. Social media counts. For LinkedIn in particular, keep your profile up-to-dateand professional. Make sure its something youre proud of and happy to have othersview.

    2. Much of MBA admissions is driven by prospective employment at graduation. Schoolswant to know that you have the experience to attract recruiter attention and to land agreat post-MBA job. Many schools will at some point in the application evaluation

    process seek input from career services if they have any doubt about the attainability of your post-MBA goals. Let your profile and any information about your professionalexperience speak to that point.

    Finally since your LinkedIn profile doesnt have the tight limits you have in your MBAapplication, you may be able to provide more context and information there than in yourapplication. However, no one wants to read a detailed autobiography on LinkedIn. Keep thelength of your job descriptions within reason if you choose to give Cornell access to your profile.

    Essays1. You are the author for the book of Your Life Story. In 2000 characters (including formattingcharacters) or less, please write the table of contents for the book in the space provided orupload it as an attachment. Note: approach this essay with your unique style. We value creativityand authenticity.

    Have a little fun with the question. You certainly have a lot of options and flexibility here. Youcan reveal something about your youth, influential experiences or people, challenges, hobbies,interests, passionsperhaps where you intend to be in 30 years. Its Your Life Story.
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    2. Targeted Job Type: What is the job that you would like to have immediately upon graduatingwith your MBA? (2000 character limit, including formatting characters )

    Be concrete in describing what you would like to do . Pursue a position that I find personallysatisfying or Have a positive impact on society are non-starters. What task do you want to

    perform and in what industry do you want to perform it? The answer to that question is the foundation of your response to Cornells question.

    2000 characters is a little less than 400 words so you may give a little background as to how thisgoal developed or why your previous experience when combined with a Johnson MBA, will help

    you achieve it.

    3. Post-Collegiate Activities: List community activities (clubs, church, civic, etc.) and professional associations you contributed to since graduation from college. Please include theorganization name, your role, hours dedicated, elected offices held, and dates of

    participation. (2000 character limit, including formatting characters )

    Depending on how many activities you have, you may be able to go into a little detail or you mayneed to just stick to the facts. As much as possible, highlight evidence of impact, leadership , andcollaborative teamwork. Quantify if you can.

    4. Collegiate Activities and Employment: List your extracurricular activities while in collegein order of importance to you. You may include details about your positions and the timecommitment, honors or awards received, and dates of participation. The list may also include

    part-time and summer employment held while in college. Please list your employer, job title,responsibilities, hours per week, and the dates for each position. (2000 character limit, including

    formatting characters )

    Very similar to #3, highlight impact, leadership and teamwork. Quantify when possible. The onetwist with this question: list the extracurricular activities in order of importance to you.

    5. Hobbies and Activities: Please describe any hobbies or activities that hold specialsignificance for you. (2000 character limit, including formatting characters )

    What do you do regularly when you arent working? Which of these activities would you like Johnson to know about? If you have too many to fit in the 2000 character limit, then choosethose that show you contributing innovatively to your community and taking initiative.

    Optional Essay

    Complete this essay if you would like to add additional details regarding your candidacy. Forinstance, if you believe one or more aspects of your application (e.g., undergraduate record ortest scores) do not accurately reflect your potential for success at the Johnson School. (2000character limit, including formatting characters )
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    Clearly you can use this optional to add context for a weakness in your record. Either a low stator a period of unemployment or some dip in an otherwise strong record of achievement.

    However the wording is pretty open. If there is something positive or if you want to providecontext for an achievementchallenges you overcome or circumstances that made youraccomplishment even more noteworthyyou can also do so here.



    Round 1 October 1, 2014

    Round 2 January 7, 2014

    Round 3 March 11, 2014

    Rolling June 3, 2014
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    Dartmouth Tuck

    The Dartmouth Tuck adcom is interested in learning aboutwhat you as an individual, a businessperson, and a leadercan contribute to Tucks small, close-knit program. Use

    your essays as a platform for expressing yourearnest desire to enter the world of management and tomake a difference.

    Following the shrinking app trend, this year Tuck reducedits required questions from three to two and slightlytweaked the second required essay prompt.

    I strongly recommend Tuck applicants read The MBA Gatekeeper To Dartmouths Tuck Schoolof Business , Poets and Quants interview with Dawna Clarke, Director of Admissions at Tuck.

    EssaysPlease respond fully but concisely to the following essay questions. There are no right or wronganswers. We encourage applicants to limit the length of their responses to 500 words for eachessay. Please double-space your responses.

    1. Why is an MBA a critical next step toward your short- and long-term career goals? Why isTuck the best MBA fit for you and your goals and why are you the best fit for Tuck?

    The MBA is a means to an end; it is a step towards a goal . That means you have to brieflydiscuss the most influential stops on your journey to date and then your reasons for wanting aTuck MBA to continue on that journey.

    You have to know a lot about Tuck as well as your goals to respond effectively to this question.Why do you want a small, tight-knit program in rural New Hampshire? Why do you want a

    program that stresses the integration of business functions? Which of Tucks strengths appeal to you? How will they help you achieve your goals?

    To respond to the fit part of the question, review Tucks six evaluation criteria for admission . You wont have much room to address fit. Perhaps in your conclusion, succinctly make the case

    for your fit with Tucks criteria. Point to elements of your application that show you meet thecriteria without repeating them. You want the reader to see a match made in heaven.

    2. Tell us about your most meaningful leadership experience and what role you played. What did

    you learn about your own individual strengths and weaknesses through this experience?

    This question reflects the importance Tuck, like many MBA programs, places on leadership . Last year, Tuck asked about collaborative leadership. This year it dropped collaborative fromthe question. Perhaps some applicants confused collaborative leadership with teamwork, andTuck really wants to see you as a leader. Perhaps, and more likely given Tucks collaborativeculture, Tuck wants to know what leadership example you will use and whether your definition of
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    leadership is a fit for Tuck. Your example should reflect a collaborative and enlightenedapproach to leadership.

    Have you co-chaired a fundraiser that raised a record amount of money? Have you been a boardmember for a not-for-profit organization? Have you captained a sports team that led yourcompany league while having an excellent relationship with the coach or manager of the team?

    Have you been a team lead on a project that came in early and under budget while cooperatingclosely with other team leads or members of your team? Are you the head of a sales teamwho empowered other members of your team in a way that greatly contributed to the success ofthat initiative? These could all be examples of leadership . How did you motivate yourteammates? What did you learn about yourself through the experience? In answering the lastquestion, dont be generic and dont wonder What do they want to hear? What did youactually learn from this most meaningful experience?

    The question asks you to reveal strengths and weaknesses . The first is fun and should berelatively easy. However we all cringe at the idea of revealing weaknesses, especially in asituation where you want to impresslike now. Nonetheless, resist that nasty impulse to writesomething fluffy and meaningless. Dont even think about a phony weakness like Sometimes Iwork too hard. The adcom will see right through it. Reveal a weakness that hopefully you canshow yourself addressing in this leadership experience or through another later experience.

    Dont dwell on the weakness, but do include it.

    Optional EssayPlease provide any additional insight or information that you have not addressed elsewhere thatmay be helpful in reviewing your application (e.g., unusual choice of evaluators, weaknesses inacademic performance, unexplained job gaps or changes, etc.). Complete this question only ifyou feel your candidacy is not fully represented by this application.

    It is almost impossible for two or three 500-word essays plus a bunch of boxes, a transcript, anda GMAT score to represent fully the uniqueness and talents of a truly impressive candidate. Thatcomment has nothing to do with writing style and everything to do with the complexity ofaccomplished human beings. In my opinion this optional essay is optional in name only.

    At the same time, dont waste the readers time by writing a meaningless, superficial grand finale or summary. Dont repeat what can be found elsewhere.

    Reapplicant EssayHow have you strengthened your candidacy since you last applied? Please reflect on how youhave grown personally and professionally.

    This is a straightforward MBA reapplication question . What has changed that would compelTuck to admit you this year?
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    Early Action October 8, 2014

    November Round November 5, 2014

    January Round January 6, 2015
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    Duke Fuqua

    Leadership, teamwork, ethics, and a global approach tobusiness are essential elements of the Duke Fuqua MBA,which is why youll need to make sure you express your

    passion for these ideals in your application essays. Impress the Fuqua adcom by positioning yourself as aninnovative leader and team player, as someone who cansee the big picture, work collaboratively, and shapeglobal business.

    Three short answer questions and two essays are required from all applicants.

    Responses should use 1.5 line spacing and a font size no smaller than 10-point.Respond fully and concisely.Responses must be completed before submitting your application.

    Prepare your responses carefully. The Admissions Committee considers your answersimportant in the selection process.All essays are scanned using plagiarism detection software. Plagiarism is considereda cheating violation within the Honor Code and will not be tolerated in the admissions


    Application Tip: Check out Fuquas section criteria .

    Short AnswersAnswer all 3 of the following questions. For each short answer question, respond in 250characters only (the equivalent of about 50 words).

    1. What are your short term goals, post-MBA?

    State what you see yourself doing in terms of function and industry. If location or geography areimportant to your goal , include them. If you know the type of companies you would like to work

    for, you can include that information too, but dont say you want to work for Company X, unlessCompany X is sponsoring you. Thats probably too narrow.

    2. What are your long term goals?

    Your long-term goals should flow logically from your short-term goals. They can be fuzzier andboth in terms of direction and timing. But you should have them. They can, but dont have to,include larger aspirations and present a broader perspective on where you are headed. But

    please dont go too general and say something like I aspire to be a good person or I strive toleave a lasting impact on my community. Nice sentiments, but way to general.

    3. Life is full of uncertainties, and plans and circumstances can change. As a result, navigating acareer requires you to be adaptable. Should the short term goals that you provided above notmaterialize, what alternative directions have you considered?
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    1. When asked by your family, friends, and colleagues why you want to go to Duke, whatdo you tell them? Share the reasons that are most meaningful to you

    Why Duke? But youre not talking to the admissions committee, whom you just may be atad less than candid with. You are talking to your family, friends, and colleagues, people

    you know and like (at least the friends). The Fuqua admissions staff really wants to get toknow you. Authenticity is the goal . The admissions readers want to be able to imagine

    you as a part of Team Fuquatheir familyas a friend or colleague. Will you be stiffand formal? Of course not. You will be friendly in a professional way. Dont take this asan invitation to be inappropriate, coarse, or rude. Just friendly.

    What appeals to you at Duke? What about its program, culture, and professionalopportunities propel you to apply and would compel you to accept an offer of admission?

    Maybe start out by drafting a letter to a close friend and tell her why you want to go to Duke. That letter may morph into this essay.

    2. The Team Fuqua community is as unique as the individuals who comprise it.Underlying our individuality are a number of shared ideas and principles that we live outin our own ways. Our students have identified and defined 6 Team Fuqua Principlesthat we feel are the guiding philosophies that make our community special. At the end ofyour 2 years at Fuqua, if you were to receive an award for exemplifying one of the 6Principles listed below, which one would it be and why? Your response should reflect theresearch you have done, your knowledge of Fuqua and the Daytime MBA program andexperience, and the types of activities and leadership you would engage in as a Fuquastudent.

    1. Authentic Engagement: We care and we take action. We each make adifference to Team Fuqua by being ourselves and engaging in and supporting

    activities about which we are passionate.2. Supportive Ambition: We support each other to achieve great things, becauseyour success is my success. The success of each individual member of TeamFuqua makes the whole of Team Fuqua better.3. Collective Diversity: We embrace all of our classmates because ourindividuality is better and stronger together.4. Impactful Stewardship: We are leaders who focus on solutions to improveour communities both now and in the future. We arent satisfied with justmaintaining the status quo.5. Loyal Community: We are a family who looks out for each other. TeamFuqua supports you when you need it the most.

    6. Uncompromising Integrity: We internalize and live the honor code in theclassroom and beyond. We conduct ourselves with integrity within Fuqua, withinDuke, and within all communities of which we are a part.
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    Do your homework about Fuqua (and yourself) before responding to this question. Whatactivities and groups appeal to you? How do you see yourself participating? Making adifference? Then look at the list of six principles above. Which do you most identify with?

    Imagine how you would exemplify that principle in your activities. The story of that role and how you would see yourself earning an award is your essay. While you can reference similar

    activities in the past, keep the focus of this essay on what you would do at Fuqua and why youwould earn recognition for exemplifying one of these six principles.

    Optional EssayIf you feel there are extenuating circumstances of which the Admissions Committee should beaware, please explain them in an optional essay (e.g. unexplained gaps in work, choice ofrecommenders, inconsistent or questionable academic performance, or any significant weaknessin your application).

    Do NOT upload additional essays nor additional recommendations in this area of theapplication.

    The Optional Essay is intended to provide the Admissions Committee with insight intoyour extenuating circumstances only.Limit your response to two pages.

    Why isnt your current supervisor writing your rec? Why is there a six-month gap on yourresume? Why did your grades dip during the first semester of your senior year? What are yourresponsibilities while working for a family business after having left a prestigious investmentbank, and why did you make the change? Answering any of those questions (but not all) could bethe topic of your optional essay.



    Early Action September 17, 2014

    Round 1 October 20, 2014

    Round 2 January 5, 2015

    Round 3 March 19, 2015
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    Harvard Business School

    For the second year in a row, Harvard Business School is simultaneously demanding less and much more of applicants:

    No essays. Fewer words. Fewer characters. More thought. More

    brevity. And as much substance as you can cram into the responseslimited not to a few hundred words, but to a few hundredcharacters. If any of you think creating a compelling HBS app willbe easy, think again.

    Required PortionsThe required portions represent what Harvard wants to knowabout you. The HBS admissions committee is quite clear andspecific about what it wants to know. And how much it wants to know. Please realize that yourresume and the boxes are now the heart of your application. Before you begin completing theapplication, first review Harvards three criteria for admission . Write your descriptions and

    response so that you show these qualities:

    Habit of Leadership Analytical Aptitude and Appetite Engaged Community Citizenship

    For additional understanding of Dee Leopold, Director of Harvard Business Schools Admissions, and her thought process, please review the Poets and Quants interview with Dee , published in June 2014.

    Because of the brevity requiredmost of the longer answers have a 500-character limityou

    must be succinct: Focus on business and leadership achievements, not technical feats. Dont merely describe your responsibilities; highlight your accomplishments

    where you have made a difference, where you have gone above and beyond theexpected, the typical, and the ordinary.

    Quantify as much as possible. Write tight.

    Optional Essay Youre applying to Harvard Business School. We can see your resume, school transcripts, extra-

    curricular activities, awards, post-MBA career goals, test scores and what your recommendershave to say about you. What else would you like us to know as we consider your candidacy? (Noword limit)

    Now what elsereally and trulydo you want HBS to know about you? The HBS admissionscommittee has told you what it wants to know. Thats in the required sections of the application.What do you want the HBS readers to know?
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    The answer to that question is not something I can give or even suggest to you in a guide aimedat the many. (For individual advice, please see Accepteds MBA Admissions Consulting .) Itshould be different for each of you. Again, refer to the HBS criteria, as you contemplate possibletopics, but the options are infinite. A few possibilities:

    Context for events described in the required elements. Motivations for the decisions or commitments you have made.

    Challenges you have faced. Something you would like to do at HBS. More depth on an activity or commitment that is particularly important to you.

    Please dont limit yourself to these suggestions. I am offering them to stimulate your creativity,not to shut it down. Some of you may wonder if you should write this essay given that it isoptional. If you dont have anything to say, say nothing. Nonetheless, I cant believe thataccomplished, remarkable people have nothing valuable to add to the required portions of

    Harvards application. A persuasive, impressive essay simply gives Harvard more reasons to

    accept you, and you should want them to have those reasons. On the other hand, if you slaptogether something hastily or rehash or copy-and-paste another schools essay, then you run therisk of actually reducing the quality of your application. Bottom line: Make it worth reading.Write a thoughtful essay that reflects you and complements the required components.

    Since Ive been in MBA admissions consulting (almost 20 years now), HBS has valued concision. And, in todays tweet- and sound-bite-driven world, it is requiring even shorter responses, atleast in the required portion of the application. Dont take the absence of a word limit on theoptional essay as a license for verbosity. Make every word count. If you must pull a number outof me, dont go over 800 words. And if you can say what you need to say in less than 800 words,do so. A few caveats and warnings on the essay. It is not:

    Stanfords what matters most to you and why? The kitchen sink in which you throw everything. An autobiography.

    Interview Reflections
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    Round 1 September 9, 2014

    Round 2 January 5, 2015

    Round 3 April 6, 2015
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    Michigan Ross

    Ross completely redid the essay part of its MBA application this year. Getting rid of its long-standing goals essay, a fairly new elevator pitch

    question, and a question about dealing with frustrating or disappointing situations, it added twoquestions on achievements. The overall word countis down 150 words.

    Since the application is not live, I cant see theshort answer questions or the online boxes. It wouldnt surprise me at all if Ross asks aboutgoals in the non-essay portion of the application.

    Review Ross Evaluation Criteria before you sit down to write the essays. And remember: Youressays should reveal the qualities Ross seeksnot just mouth them. Show that you walk the walk,

    not just talk the talk. Also, read carefully the introductory paragraph to the essay questions. Theadvice is excellent.

    EssaysOur goal with these new questions is that well get a sense of who you are, how you think aboutyourself and how you process your experiences. The range of responses can be quite widefroman accomplishment to a challenge or difficult situation that you overcame or a characteristicabout yourself. There isnt a right or preferred type of response. Applicants often ask howthey can differentiate themselves. The essays are the best way to do it. Your undergraduateschool and major may be similar to another applicants. Your career path and goals may besimilar to another applicants. But your experiences and what you take away from them will be

    unique.1. What are you most proud of professionally and why? What did you learn from thatexperience? (400 words maximum)

    The first part of the question is fairly straightforward. What are you truly proud of professionally? The reasons for your pride and the lessons learned require thought and soul-searching. And of course, you only have 400 words.

    Good reasons for the choice: Contribution to your team, department, company, or society. Impact on you or others. Try to quantify this part of your answer. Numbers are a great way toshow both contribution and impact. However, if your #1 achievement is qualitative or difficult toquantify, dont let lack of numbers stop you from using it.

    For the lessons learned part of the question, choose one lesson that has changed how you thinkor behave and describe those changes. You dont have room for many lessons learned, so selectthe most important one.

    2. What are you most proud of personally and why? How does it shape who you are today? (400words maximum)
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    This response should complement your response to #1 and obviously it should not be professional. Ross wants to know that you have a life off the job and that you make a differencethen too.

    What have you done off the job that you are really proud of? Raised money for a favorite charityby running a marathon? Organized a political event? Engaged in interfaith dialogue that brokedown communications barriers? Led a sports team to victory?

    Any of the above and many, many other non-professional achievements would qualify as a goodtopic for this essay.

    What was the impact of that accomplishment on you? Please dont write that you learned youcan do anything you put your mind to. That response is clichd and not really true. Its a non-answer. A good response will show how your behavior or thinking has changed as a result of thisaccomplishment.

    Optional EssayIs there anything not addressed elsewhere in the application that you would like the AdmissionsCommittee to know about you to evaluate your candidacy? (300 words maximum)

    Optional questions arent junk drawers or shoe boxes in which to jam stuff. Focus on one facet of your life or an experience that is important to you, reveals the human being you are, andisnt described in other parts of the application.

    Of course, you can also use this essay to provide context for a weakness, but I prefer not to end your application on that note if possible. So weigh your options. If you have something toexplain, do so. If you can slip in the explanation somewhere else, great. If the best place for theexplanation is this last essay, so be it.



    Round 1 October 6, 2014 11:59 PM EST

    Round 2 January 5, 2015 11:59 PM EST

    Round 3 March 23, 2015 11:59 PM EST
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    Show how your leadership and impact in this experience has improved the world in some smallway; you dont need to have cured cancer or ended starvation in Africa. Then tie those examplesto future plans. How will you build on that experience at MIT Sloan and beyond? How will you

    fulfill MIT Sloans mission on the job and off?

    2. Write a professional letter of recommendation on behalf of yourself. Answer the followingquestions as if you were your most recent supervisor recommending yourself for admissionto the MIT Sloan MBA Program:

    How long and in what capacity have you known the applicant?How does the applicant stand out from others in a similar capacity?Please give an example of the applicants impact on a person, group, or organization.Please give a representative example of how the applicant interacts with other people.Which of the applicants personal or professional characteristics would you change?Please tell us anything else you think we should know about this applicant.

    (750 words maximum)

    Quite the curve ball! You can have a little fun with the first bullet, but then get serious. And yes you are supposed to write this as if you are your manager.

    First of all think about the questions. Reflect on how you stand out in a positive way from your peers. If possible focus on leadership and interpersonal skills and give an example of your abilityto lead, to diffuse tension, to listen, to be entrusted with responsibility or whatever way you feel

    you stand out. And of course reveal impact. You need to show that your attributions have made adifference and perhaps allowed you to contribute more and progress faster than most.

    The bullet that will make many of you squirm is the second to the last one. It is asking for a

    weakness and before you tie yourself up in nervous knots about dealing with that point, pleasesee Flaws Make You Real . You dont have to make your response to this bullet the longest part of the essay, but do respond honestly and effectively.

    Optional EssayThe Admissions Committee invites you to share anything else you would like us to know aboutyou, in any format. If you choose to use a multimedia format, please host the information on awebsite and provide us the URL.

    I discussed this question with someone in MIT Sloans admissions office. First of all realize that you can choose an essay or multimedia presentation. The media option is there so you can

    express yourself in the way you find easiest and most revealing. MIT does not want a recycledessay from another school. The person I spoke to was explicit about that. If you choose themultimedia format, realize it should be something viewable in about a minuteno 20-minutevideos or 100-slide expositions or lengthy orations. Keep it short. Its also fine to link tosomething you have created for a club, event, or cause thats important to you.

    Whats behind the option ? A deep and sincere desire to meet you as a human being. A genuine,animated, real live human being. So dont regurgitate your resume or spew stuff found in the
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    Copyright 2014 -32-

    required elements of your application. Have the confidence to share a special interest or deepcommitment. Im not suggesting Mommy Dearest or True Confessions; use judgment. I amsuggesting that you allow the reader to see a good side of you not revealed elsewhere in theapplication. Let them see what makes you smile, motivates you to jump out of bed with joy, andgives you a feeling of satisfaction when you turn out the light at the end of the day.

    MIT Sloan has an excellent video with advice on its optional essay. Here it is: Jeff Carbone-Optional Information Tips



    Round 1 September 23, 2014 3:00 PM EST

    Round 2 January 8, 2015 3:00 PM EST
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    Copyright 2014 -34-

    2. Leadership requires an ability to collaborate with and motivate others. Describe a professionalexperience that required you to influence people. What did this experience teach you aboutworking with others, and how will it make you a better leader? (450 words maximum)

    This question reflects Kelloggs emphasis on collaborative leadership. As in question 1, Kelloggis asking you to describe one experience. This time the school seeks a professional one where

    you influenced others. You can use a STAR framework for this response (Situation, Task, Action, Results). Start with the situation and simply describe what was going on. Then relate yourgroups task and responsibility. How did you motivate the others to move in one direction? Howdid you influence and persuade? Finally what were the results for the group, but moreimportantly for you? What did you learn about leadership, collaboration, and influence?

    While it isnt a requirement and I can imagine instances where this may not be true, in general,examples where you led by virtue of your stature and others respect for you will be morecompelling than those where you led by virtue of station and title.

    Reapplicant EssaySince your previous application, what steps have you taken to strengthen your candidacy? (250words maximum)

    No trick questions here. How are you a better candidate today than when Kellogg rejected you? Have you addressed weaknesses in your previous application? Check out MBA Reapplicant101 a lot of free resources there.

    Additional Information (Optional Essay)If needed, use this section to briefly describe any extenuating circumstances (e.g. unexplainedgaps in work experience, choice of recommenders, inconsistent or questionable academic

    performance, etc.) (No word limit)

    This is a true optional question. If necessary, use it to provide context for possible negatives.Take responsibility for mistakes if necessary and discuss what you have changed so that youdont err in the same way again.

    Keep this section short and to-the-point. Dont be fooled by No word count.

    Video EssaysThe Video Essays provide applicants with an additional opportunity to demonstrate what theywill bring to our vibrant Kellogg communityin an interactive way. Each applicant willcomplete two short video essay questions. The questions are designed to bring to life the personwe have learned about on paper.

    After submitting a completed application, each applicant will be asked tocomplete two Video Essay Questions. One will be about the candidates interestin Kellogg and the other will be a getting to know you type of question.

    There are 10 practice questions which candidates can complete as many times asthey like to get comfortable with the format and technology.
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    The practice questions and experience will simulate the actual video essayexperience, so this is meant to be a useful tool and help applicants feel prepared.

    There is not an opportunity to re-do the answer to the official video essayquestions. We encourage applicants to practice so they are comfortable with theformat once it is time to complete the official questions.

    Candidates will have 20 seconds to think about their question and up to 1 minuteto give their response.

    We estimate the Video Essays will take 30 minutes to complete which includestime for set-up and answering all the practice questions.

    To prepare for your webcam session, you need to practice for the experience of talking to a videocamera with no responses from another human being. For tips on how to prepare and behaveduring the webcam session, please see Kelloggs Video Essay on its Application Components

    page as well as my Tips for Video MBA Essay Questions .



    Round 1 September 24, 2014 5:00 PM CT

    Round 2 January 7, 2014 5:00 PM CT

    Round 3 April 1, 2014 5:00 PM CT
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    NYU Stern

    Your essays will need to highlight your qualities as a successful,leadership-driven, creative thinker and businessperson. For

    NYU Stern , youll want to reveal that you are a perfect fit with

    the program, the Stern community, and the global businessworld at large. Keep in mind that Stern is a place that values

    EQ as much as IQ.

    Our Stern essay questions give you the opportunity to morefully present yourself to the Admissions Committee and to

    provide insight into your experiences, goals and thought processes.

    Please note the following details when completing your essays.

    All written essays must be typed and submitted using the standard U.S. 8 1/2 x 11

    format, double-spaced, in 12-point font.Word limits apply to the total question. For example, your response to Essay 1 shouldanswer all parts of the question with a total maximum of 750 words.Label the top of each essay with the following: Name, Date of Birth (month, day, year),Essay Number and Page Number (e.g.: Joe Applicant, January 1, 1983, Essay 1, Page 1).Your essays should be written entirely by you. An offer of admission will be revoked ifyou did not write your essays.

    Essays1. Professional Aspirations (750 words maximum, double-spaced, 12-point font )

    a. Why pursue an MBA (or dual degree) at this point in your life? b. What actions have you taken to determine that Stern is the best fit for your MBA

    experience?c. What do you see yourself doing professionally upon graduation?

    Stern states explicitly that it seeks students with a well-articulated plan to achieve their careeraspirations.

    Sterns first question is an MBA goals question with a couple of small twists. A and C are fairlytypical of this genre, only C doesnt ask about long-term goals. At the heart of this question:What do you want to do after you graduate that requires an MBA, and A asks why is now theright time to get it? You should be able to answer Sterns first question, or you shouldnt beapplying.

    Another small twist occurs in B: Have you done your homework about Stern? What have youdone to research the program , its curriculum, career opportunities, and student life? Whataspects of the program will help you achieve the goals you provide in C?
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    The part of the question asking about your career goal upon graduation is critical. Are yourealistic about where your past experience plus a Stern MBA can take you? Stern doesnt want

    people in la-la-land who will be impossible to place.

    Finally make sure you answer all elements of the question while staying within the word limits(not guidelines). No adcom member sits there and counts words, but the readers can tell when

    you are significantly over. Significantly in my book is more than 10%. Write succinctly.

    2. Choose Option A or Option B (500 words maximum, double-spaced, 12-point font)

    Answer the question that will best complement your answer to Essay 1 (above) and the rest of your application.

    Option A: Your Two Paths

    The mission of the Stern School of Business is to develop people and ideas that transform thechallenges of the 21st century into opportunities to create value for business and society. Given

    todays ever-changing global landscape, Stern seeks and develops leaders who thrive inambiguity, embrace a broad perspective and think creatively about the range of ways they canhave impact.

    Describe two different and distinct paths you could see your career taking long term.How do you see your two paths unfolding?What factors will most determine which path you will take?How do your paths tie to the mission of NYU Stern?

    This is a relatively difficult question. It forces you to embrace that broad perspective, ambiguity,and creativity, or you cant answer the question. Lets assume you get that first job out of Stern

    that you describe in Essay 1. What are the two most desirable paths you would take from there? Alternatively, chart two alternatives starting with that first job. In each path, how will you createvalue for others? For society? Why would you choose one path over the other?

    You may have a clearly preferred Plan A and a less desirable Plan B that ultimately ties to Plan A. You can have two parallel or divergent paths. I think the feasibility of your path given your past experience and an NYU MBA plus your enthusiasm, dare I say, passion for you goals aregoing to determine the success of this essay.

    If I urged concision for Essay 1, it is even more important for Essay 2, which has a 500-wordmaximum.
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    Option B: Personal Expression

    Please describe yourself to your MBA classmates. You may use almost any method to conveyyour message (e.g. words, illustrations). Feel free to be creative.

    If you submit a non-written piece for this essay (i.e., artwork or multimedia) or if you submit thisessay via mail, please upload a brief description of your submission with your online application.

    Please note the following guidelines and restrictions:

    Your submission becomes the property of NYU Stern and cannot be returned forany reason.

    If you submit a written essay, it should be 500 words maximum, double-spaced, 12-pointfont. If you submit a video or audio file, it should be five minutes maximum.If you prepare a multimedia submission, you may mail a CD, DVD or USB flash drive tothe Admissions Office. These are the only acceptable methods of submission. Please donot submit an internet link to any websites or to a video hosting service such as YouTube.The Admissions Committee reserves the right to request an alternate essay if we areunable to view your submission.Do not submit anything perishable (e.g. food), or any item that has been worn ( materials must be postmarked by the application deadline date. Please follow ourmail and labeling instructions .

    Please note that mailed packages are subject to size restrictions. Submissions that exceed thestated size restrictions will not be accepted for review by the Admissions Committee. Pleasesee the table below for the maximum package size guidelines:

    Packaging Type Dimensions: Metric Dimensions: Non-Metric

    Box 36cm x 31cm x 8cm 14 x 12 x 3

    Cylindrical tube 8cm x 91cm 3 x 36

    Triangular tube 97cm x 16cm x 16 cm x 16 cm 38 x 6 x 6 x 6

    Bribes wont work, so dont send a check in the mail with a pretty please note.. Candidatescan get very creative with this essay and use different media (other than edibles and worn attire),

    but many of you will convey your ideas in words. Think of how you describe yourself in a socialsetting when meeting people for the first time.

    If its the first day of class or a mixer early in the pre-term, how would you break the ice? Would you try to set up a tennis game or golf match? Would you find someone to explore NYCsmuseums? Or do you hate museums and prefer hiking through the woods? What would you say if

    you were in the campus coffee shop and sat down with some new classmates? Could you create adialog? A short skit?
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    NYU Stern also permits the use of multimedia in response to this question. While the mediummay vary, the point again is to introduce yourself to friends. Given the other questions, this canbe a great venue for discussing hobbies , extracurricular interests , and community service.

    When I visited NYU Stern a few years ago, the admissions officer I met with proudly showed meseveral personal expressions. Her faves. They were incredibly creative, but much less slickthan you might imagine. This past May, Stern hosted AIGAC for a day and again presented twoof the videos filmed in response to this question. They were thoughtful introductions to theapplicants who created them. But neither one was super-slick or professional. Just revealing,creative, and clever.

    If you want to submit something three-dimensional or multimedia, dont worry if you arentready for the Louvre or the Academy Awards as long as your creation is authentically yours,introduces you, and sticks to the above requirements. It will be taken seriously and appreciated.

    If you are considering creating a video, view Audio/Video in Admissions: Get Ready for PrimeTime, a free special report.

    Additional Information (Optional Essay)Please provide any additional information that you would like to bring to the attention of theAdmissions Committee. This may include current or past gaps in employment, furtherexplanation of your undergraduate record or self-reported academic transcript(s), plans to retakethe GMAT, GRE and/or TOEFL or any other relevant information.

    If you are unable to submit a recommendation from your current supervisor, you must explainyour reason, even if you are a re-applicant.

    If you are a re-applicant from last year, please explain how your candidacy has improved since

    your last application.

    Obviously if you fit into one of the categories described in the three points above, you need towrite this essay. If you dont fit into the above categories and have something you want theadmissions committee to know that isnt part of the required essays, then you still should writethis optional essay .

    If you are an MBA reapplicant , please realize that the question posed here by NYU Stern is THEkey question you need to answer as a reapplicant. What have you done to improve yourcandidacy that should change the outcome?
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    Round 1 October 15, 2014

    Round 2 November 15, 2014

    Round 3 January 15, 2015

    Round 4 March 15, 2015
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    Stanford GSB

    Stanford cut its essays from three to two, actually returningto the same two essays it asked for several years (or slightvariations of them) before it increased the number of essays

    for the 2007 entering class.

    The other change in these questions is that Stanford hasdone away here with the behavioral questions that itadded for the applications for the classes entering in 2007-2013. It will be interesting to see if those types of questions show up as short answer questionswithin the application or if they are used more in the Stanford interview.

    Stanford gives a lot of advice and guidance as to what its looking for in the essays. You shouldaccess that advice.

    Application QuestionsEssays help us learn about who you are rather than solely what you have done. Other parts of theapplication give insight to your academic and professional accomplishments; the essays revealthe person behind those achievements.

    When writing your essays, resist the urge to package yourself into what you think Stanfordwants to see. Doing so will only prevent us from understanding who you really are and what youhope to accomplish. The most impressive essays are the most authentic.

    EssaysWe request that you write two personal essays. Th