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ESN Sea Battle Fall 2012 - Group Leaders' and Local/National Coordinator's Evaluation

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ESN Group Leaders' and Locla/National Coordinator's Evaluation of the ESN Sea Battle Fall 2012

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Page 1: ESN Sea Battle Fall 2012 - Group Leaders' and Local/National Coordinator's Evaluation

Internal Evaluation of the ESN Sea Battle – Fall 2012Oscar Boije

ESN Sea Battle Coordinator

ESN Sweden

1. Introduction

Besides the official evaluation form that was sent to all participants, internal evaluation forms were also

filled in by ESN Group Leaders (GL's) and ESN Local/National Coordinators (LC's).1 The ESN GL's and LC's

evaluation form was launched the 25th of November and closed the 6th of December.

In total the ESN Sea Battle had right under 90 GL's out of which 25 were LC's. A total of 27 GL's and 17

LC's filled in the evaluation forms. These 44 persons represent hence about 50% of the total amount of

ESN'ers that took part of the event. The evaluation form was anonymous, with the GL's though having

the option to mention which ESN section they belonged to.2

The results of the internal evaluation form will be presented and studied below. Graphs and the most

common submitted comments will be presented and discussed.

2. Internal evaluation forms

2.1 Group Leaders

2.1.1 Previous participation

About two-thirds of all GL's informed that they participated in the ESN Sea Battle for the first time. It is

positive to also see that up to one-third of the GL's were returning ones; this means that they enjoyed

1 The ESN Group Leaders and ESN Local/National Coordinators were also requested to fill in the ESN Sea Battle's

official participant evaluation form.

2 A similar option was not created for LC's since if filled in, the identity of these persons would have been


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previous editions of the event and also that they have previous experience of the event. Especially for

the practical arrangements prior and during the event this previous experience is very valuable.

2.1.2 General satisfaction

Just under 75% of all GL's were satisfied or more than satisfied with the ESN Sea Battle. This figure is

good, but it is not as good as the evaluation given by the participants, or by the LC's (see below). A clear

explanation to the reasons for the lower rating compared to the LC's or participants is not to be found.

Better communication and clear task descriptions could improve the satisfaction as well as certain

practical improvements during the event.

2.1.3 Information on tasks

An overwhelming part of the GL's were of the opinion that they had got enough information about their

tasks and roles as GL's during the event. As was noted though during the event, and as also participants

commented on, there were some differences in implementation of the rules of the event among the

GL's. It will hence be a priority for the ESN Sea Battle Coordinator to improve even more the GL's

guidelines so that all GL's at the next edition of the ESN Sea Battle have a common understanding of

their tasks and how to implement the rules of the event.

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2.1.4 GL meeting prior to the event

A bit over three-quarters of the GL's informed that they had had a joint meeting to discuss their tasks,

prior to the event. In the submitted comments it was also mentioned that even if certain sections didn't

had separate meetings they had discussed the tasks during Board meetings, over Skype or right before

departing to the event.

2.1.5 Arrangement of activities

A clear majority of the GL's were of the opinion that they were properly prepared for the activities they

were supposed to host at the event. Only one GL was of the opinion that he/she had not been properly

prepared for the organizing of the activities.

The ESN Sea Battle Coordinator is aiming at, for the next edition of the ESN Sea Battle share the

responsibilities for the different activities to the ESN sections at an even earlier stage so that the local

ESN sections have an even greater possibility to prepare themselves for the events they are supposed to


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2.1.6 Self-evaluation and evaluation of colleagues' work

The majority of the GL's estimated that they were satisfied with their own efforts during the event. On

the other hand over half of the GL's were of the opinion that the performance of their colleagues could

still be improved. With a proper understanding among all GL's on the rules of the event and how to

implement them, it is possible that everybody's satisfaction with also other GL's work would raise. The

raising of the general satisfaction of also the colleagues' work will be a priority for the next event.

2.1.7 Cooperation with security guards

Over 90% of the GL's were of the opinion that the cooperation with the security guards at the ESN Sea

Battle was satisfactory or very good. This figure is positive since the security guards are the closest

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partners of the ESN organization during the event and the body the ESN'ers should be able to trust and

rely on. Even if certain events involving security guards were mentioned in the evaluation forms

submitted by the GL's and participants, in general there seems to be a satisfaction towards the work of

the security guards.

2.1.8 Interest in returning

Two-thirds of the GL's informed that they would absolutely be interested in being a GL also in future

editions of the ESN Sea Battle, while a bit over 20% were indecisive. The figure is positive and shows that

the GL's in general were satisfied with the event and their tasks.

2.2 Local Coordinators

2.2.1 Previous experience

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Only two out of 17 persons had previous experience in being LC's at the ESN Sea Battle. Just under half

of the LC's had though already attended the ESN Sea Battle previously and had hence general experience

about the event. Knowledge transfer, not only from the ESN Sea Battle central organization towards the

LC's, but also internally within the ESN sections becomes hence essential for a successful fulfillment of

the LC tasks. As will become clear below the majority of the LC's still considered to have received enough

information about their tasks and about the event in order to properly be able to fulfill their tasks on the

local level and during the event.

2.2.2 General satisfaction

The LC's were together almost unanimously satisfied or more than satisfied with the event.

2.2.3 Information

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All LC's were of the opinion that they had received sufficient information about their tasks and

responsibilities as LC's. Almost all LC's were also of the opinion that they had received enough

information about the actual event. In the comments certain LC's lacked more practical information on

how the event is organized and how the ferry arrangements work. Such a detailed information will be

evaluated, but it must be mentioned that even though the information can be improved from the central

organization, proper knowledge transfer on the local level is also more than essential to successfully

participate in the event. The information package sent to the LC's will though be revised and additional

information will be added if necessary.

2.2.4 Timing of information

Most of the LC's were of the opinion that they got the information they needed always or almost always

on time. In the comments certain LC's requested to get the distribution of tickets and the prices at an

earlier point; this is something that is at the moment being worked on and will hopefully be improved

for the next edition of the event. Also the GL guidelines were requested to be sent at an earlier stage.

The ESN Sea Battle Coordinator is evaluating the possibility to send this document already in the first

information email to the LC's, prior to the deadline for ESN section to select their GL's.

2.2.5 Contacting of the ESN Sea Battle Coordinator

Almost all GL's were of the opinion that it was easy to get in contact with the ESN Sea Battle Coordinator.

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2.2.6 Arrangement of activities

Even if two-thirds of the LC's were of the opinion that they were properly prepared to arrange their

activities on-board, this issue still needs to be worked on. As already mentioned above, regarding the

results of the GL's answers to the same question, the communication part can be improved which could

lead to a better and proper preparation for the activity arrangements to happen on-board.

2.2.7 Self-evaluation

Most of the LC's were satisfied with their own efforts put prior and during the event. In a higher extent

than the GL's, the LC's were also satisfied with the work of the GL's during the event. It is clear though

that improvements need to be evaluated in order to achieve a higher general satisfaction of everybody's


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2.2.8 Evaluation of the work of the ESN Sea Battle Coordinator

All LC's were unanimously satisfied with the work of the ESN Sea Battle Coordinator both prior and

during the event.

2.2.9 Cooperation with security guards

Even if the opinions are more split when it comes to the evaluation of the work of the security guards,

also these figures are in general satisfactory. It should be noted that the GL's rated the cooperation

higher than the LC's, but the margins are rather small due to the low sample of ESN'ers that filled in the

evaluation form. It is clear though that the security guards split opinions and that efforts can be made in

order to improve the LC's and GL's views on the work of the security guards. Comments were submitted

about security guards being too aggressive in certain situations, as well as seeming to be less tolerant

towards the students, especially later into the night. These issues will be raised with the ferry company

and the security company prior to the execution of the next event.

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2.2.10 Interest in returning

Almost all LC's stated that they would absolutely sign up to be LC's or GL's also during future editions of

the ESN Sea Battle. This is a very positive result taking into consideration that the LC tasks sometimes

demand more time and efforts than other ESN events on the local level.

3. Areas of improvements

3.1 Communication

The earlier sections get information, the better the result will be. It will hence be a priority for the ESN

Sea Battle Coordinator to send the necessary information to the sections even earlier than what has

happened so far. Especially the information regarding the amount of tickets and their prices should, if

only possible, be sent earlier than what has been done so far. The GL guidelines should be sent earlier

and should be improved even more.

3.2 Internal satisfaction

In order to improve the general internal satisfaction with the tasks of the GL's and the satisfaction with

the work of their colleagues, the GL's need to have an even clearer image of their tasks and

responsibilities as well as of the rules of the event and how to implement them. It is the task of the ESN

Sea Battle Coordinator to improve on this area, as well as for the sections to have a proper knowledge

transfer between old and new GL's prior to each event. Other actions in order to improve the internal

satisfaction will be evaluated.

3.3 Internal work

Several GL's and NC's requested clearer schedules, especially for the patrolling of the corridors. This is an

issue that will be evaluated for the next event. The ESN Sea Battle Coordinator will also make sure that

the final internal work schedules are available for all sections prior to the event and that physical copies

are available during the event. Earlier and more precise information regarding the organization of

smaller, social events should be sent to the sections in the future. The goal should be to have all GL's be

completely prepared for their organizational tasks during the event.

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4. Final words

The ESN actives, LC's, NC's and GL's can not be thanked enough for all the work and passion they have

put into the ESN Sea Battle. It is one of the most recognized events in ESN and we should all be proud of

being a part of it. Thank you very much also to everybody that filled in the evaluation forms and

provided us with very relevant and important information; the comments and suggestions will for certain

be taken into consideration when planning and executing the next edition of the event.

For any additional comments or questions regarding this evaluation, you're all more than welcome to

contact us at [email protected].

Thank you once again for participating in and organizing the ESN Sea Battle!

Oscar BoijeESN Sea Battle Coordinator

[email protected]

ESN Sea Battle
