Brussels 1-2 June 2017 Inspiration, practice, future ESF TRANSNATIONAL PLATFORM CONFERENCE Social Europe

ESF transnational Platform conFErEncE · 1 It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to the annual conference of the ESF Transnational Platform, which has now reached the midpoint

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Page 1: ESF transnational Platform conFErEncE · 1 It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to the annual conference of the ESF Transnational Platform, which has now reached the midpoint

Brussels1-2 June 2017

Inspiration, practice, future

ESF transnational



Social EuropeSocial Europe

Page 2: ESF transnational Platform conFErEncE · 1 It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to the annual conference of the ESF Transnational Platform, which has now reached the midpoint

Inspiration, practice, future

PraCt iCal informat ion

VenueCrowne Plaza Hotel, Rue Gineste 3, 1210 Brussels (Access also from Rogier square)

ExpenditureYou are invited to the buffet lunches on the two days of the conference and to the cocktail on the first evening.

Travel and accommodation arrangements have been made directly by the TRAVEX agency as requested by you. These

are paid for by the European Commission. Therefore, no reimbursement for travel or accommodation expenses will be


Internet connectionPlease log in in two easy steps:

1/ In the parameters of your


Select the network >

crowne-Plaza-Free-Internet.2/ In your browser:

Try to access any webpage. Then,

when the hotel page is displayed,

insert the ‘access code’ PALAcE

(in capital letters) and tick

‘Accept terms & conditions’. Click

on ‘Login’.

InteractionsWe use Sli.do to offer you in-

stantaneous written interactions

during the event. Join the group

in 2 minutes:

On a tablet or smartphone

(Android or iOS device): please

download the free app Sli.do. On a PC or a Mac: please go to


The event code is: #Q795.

VenuesOpening session, round table, final session, inspirational sessions and Partner

Search Database: ballroom 1 (ground floor)

Workshops: three rooms 2 on 1st floor and one room on 2nd floor

Exhibition of Thematic Networks posters, coffee breaks, lunches and cocktail: side rooms

(ground floor)

Thematic Network coordination meeting (side event): Serenity room 3 (2nd floor)

Le Palace

Le Palace Ballroom


Reception area


n en





RestaurantGolden Room



















1st floor

2nd floor



Website: https://ec.europa.eu/esf/transnationality/content/2017conference

Contact: [email protected]









ESF transnational Platform conFErEncE

Page 3: ESF transnational Platform conFErEncE · 1 It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to the annual conference of the ESF Transnational Platform, which has now reached the midpoint

Inspiration, practice, future 1

It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to the annual conference of

the ESF Transnational Platform, which has now reached the midpoint of

its lifespan.

I’m delighted to see so many of you here, and am grateful for the energy

and commitment you have shown in bringing expertise and vitality to our

nine Thematic Networks.

Present at this event are delegates from 26 EU Member States – from

ESF Managing Authorities, Intermediate Bodies, social partners, non-gov-

ernmental organisations and projects – as well as from European institu-

tions and umbrella organisations.

You have before you a full programme of plenaries, inspirational sessions

and workshops on all the most important policy and practical aspects of

the European Social Fund.

Particularly at this time when the European project is facing criticism

from some quarters – thankfully not all quarters! – It is more important

than ever that we work together in a sprit of solidarity to address the

employment and social issues that face us.

This two-day conference is an opportunity not only to acquire expertise

on the policy areas relevant to the ESF, but to get to know each other and

build working relationships. In this way one of our most important aims

is that people from all over Europe should have the opportunity to learn

from each other, and apply that learning in their own countries.

I wish you a very successful and enjoyable event.

Andriana Sukova-ToshevaDirector for InvestmentDirectorate General for Employment, Social Affairs and InclusionEuropean Commission


ESF transnational Platform conFErEncE

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1st June 2017

2nd June 2017

9:00-9:30 Registration & welcome coffee

9:30-10:45 Opening session

The ESF and policy context of the EU The ESF Transnational Platform’s contribution to policy and practice

10:45-11:15 Coffee break & exhibition of posters (activities of the Thematic Networks)

11:15-12:30 Round table The future of the ESF

12:30-14:00 Lunch & exhibition of posters (activities of the Thematic Networks)

13:15-13:45(in parallel)

Demonstration of the Partner Search Database for transnational calls for proposals

14:00-15:30(parallel ses-sions)

Workshops 1. Delivering enhanced results thanks to multi-funding approaches

2. Enhancing public employment services’ capacity to serve their clients

3. One year of European policy developments: what impact for the ESF?

4. Simplification in the ESF: challenges, approaches and proposals

Inspirational session

A. The future of inclusion – a social investment perspective

15:30-16:15 Coffee break & exhibitions of graphic recordings and posters

16:15-17:45(parallel ses-sions)

Workshops 5. Migrant voices: engaging migrants in ESF processes and policies

6. ESF support to social innovation

7. On the way to lean management of the ESF - a system thinking view

8. The ESF contribution to work-life balance

Inspirational session

B. The future of training and work

18:00-19:30 Cocktail & exhibitions of graphic recordings and posters

18:00-18:30(in parallel)

Coaching on the Partner Search Database for transnational calls for proposals

09:00-09:30 Welcome coffee & exhibitions of graphic recordings and posters

09:30-11:00(parallel ses-sions)

Workshops 9. Quality factors of transnational calls for proposals

10. The European Code of Conduct on Partnership - beyond compliance

11. Tools for effective gender mainstreaming in the ESF

12. ESF contribution to upskilling the workforce

Inspirational session

C. The future of policy-making

11:00-11:30 Coffee break & exhibitions of graphic recordings and posters

11:30-12:30 Final session What have we learned and how the ESF Transnational Platform’s thematic networks can follow up?

12:30-14:00 Lunch & exhibitions of graphic recordings and posters

14:00-16:30 side event Thematic Network coordination meeting (for chairs of the Networks and thematic experts)

ESF transnational Platform conFErEncE

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9:00-9:30 Registration & welcome coffee


Opening session

THE ESF AnD PoLIcY conTEXT oF THE EU Facilitated by Antoine SAINT-DENIS, Policy Expert and Social Innovation Expert, ESF Transnational Platform, AEIDLAndriana SUKOVA-TOSHEVA, Director for Investment, Directorate General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, European CommissionTHE ESF TrAnSnATIonAL PLATForM’S conTrIBUTIon To PoLIcY AnD PrAcTIcEToby JOHNSON, Team leader of the ESF Transnational Platform, AEIDLWith the Experts of the Thematic Networks

10:45-11:15 Coffee break & Exhibition of posters (activities of the Thematic Networks)

11:15-12:30 Round table THE FUTUrE oF THE ESFFacilitated by Toby JOHNSON, Team leader of the ESF Transnational Platform, AEIDLWith: Loris DI PIETRANTONIO, Head of the unit ESF and FEAD: policy and legislation, DG EMPL, European CommissionMember State representativesDebate

12:30-14:00 Lunch

13:15-13:45(in parallel)

Demonstration of the Partner Search Database for transnational calls for proposalsYves BOISSELIER and Toby JOHNSON, AEIDL

14:00-15:30(parallel sessions)


1. DELIVErInG EnHAncED rESULTS THAnKS To MULTI-FUnDInG APProAcHES Facilitated by Marie-Anne PARASKEVAS, unit ESF and FEAD: policy and legislation, DG EMPL, European CommissionThe workshop will explore how multi-funding approaches are used to enhance social impact.With: Anders BERGSTRÖM, EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region - How the Baltic states are addressing NEETs and migrants’ needs within the macro-regional strategy funded by Interreg, national and Nordic Council fundingUrszula BUDZICH-TABOR, FARNET support unit - How a multi-funded community-led local development (CLLD) approach is used to address social problems in some territoriesLinda MARŠÍKOVÁ, Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, Czech Republic - The use of global grants from the ESF and the ERDF to support social economy organisations


2. EnHAncInG PUBLIc EMPLoYMEnT SErVIcES’ cAPAcITY To SErVE THEIr cLIEnTSFacilitated by Caroline MEYERS, ESF department, Ministry of Work and Social Economy, Flanders (Belgium), Chair of the Thematic Network on Employment This workshop will review the different processes of modernisation of public em-ployment services that are underway in EU countries, and particularly those that aim to make these services more receptive and responsive to their clients. With: Léopold GILLES, Directorate for Strategy, Innovation and Societal Responsibil-ity, Pôle Emploi (state public employment agency), France- Delivering results on the Strategic Plan 2015-2020 Dan HARTY, Activation/Case Management Unit, INTREO, Ireland - Redesigning services to better cater for the long-term unemployed and other clientsMike CAMPBELL, Professor, Expert of the Thematic Network for Employment - Profiling the unemployed with a view to reducing the number who will become long-term unemployed

Thursday 1st June 2017

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14:00-15:30 Workshop

3. onE YEAr oF EUroPEAn PoLIcY DEVELoPMEnTS: WHAT IMPAcT For THE ESF?Facilitated by Eddy ADAMS, Expert of the Thematic Network on Youth EmploymentIn this workshop, the European Commission will present and discuss two major ini-tiatives adopted in recent months, namely Investing in Europe’s Youth (December 2016) and the European Pillar for Social Rights (April 2017). In both cases, the ESF should be centre stage in their implementation. Participants could also discuss how to improve access to ESF funding in the light of the survey by Social Platform.With: DG EMPL, European CommissionAnnica RYNGBECK, Policy and Advocacy Adviser, Social Platform (Brussels)


4. SIMPLIFIcATIon In THE ESF: cHALLEnGES, APProAcHES AnD ProPoSALSFacilitated by Luca SANTIN, Expert of the Thematic Network on SimplificationThe workshop aims to demonstrate how the challenges of simplification can be ad-dressed by developing a true partnership approach, based on collaboration among practitioners at transnational level. The project of EU-level simplified cost options, developed within the ESF Transnational Platform, will be presented as an example of how this approach has worked in practice. Speakers and participants will also explore other possibilities, challenges and solutions for wider and better simplifica-tion in the ESF.With: Colin BYRNE, unit ESF and FEAD: policy and legislation, DG EMPL, European CommissionGerard SLOTEMA, Agency of Social Affairs and Employment, Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment, the NetherlandsAndy CHURCHILL, Network for Europe, United Kingdom

Inspirational session

A. THE FUTUrE oF IncLUSIon – A SocIAL InVESTMEnT PErSPEcTIVEFacilitated by Toby JOHNSON, Team leader of the ESF Transnational Platform, AEIDLWith: Luk ZELDERLOO, Director, European Association of Service Providers for Persons with Disabilities (Brussels)Laurent SEUX, Director for Action and Advocacy – France and Europe, Catholic Relief (France)Gilda FARRELL, founder of CARMEN – Centre for the Animation and Revitalisation of Neurons in Rural Areas (Portugal)

15:30-16:15 Coffee break

16:15-17:45(parallel sessions)


5. MIGrAnT VoIcES: EnGAGInG MIGrAnTS In ESF ProcESSES AnD PoLIcIESFacilitated by Rachel MARANGOZOV, Expert of the Thematic Network on MigrantsThe Council’s Common Basic Principles for Immigrant Integration Policy in the EU (2004) state: ‘The participation of immigrants in the democratic process and in the formulation of integration policies and measures, especially at the local level, supports their integration’.The workshop will provide examples of policies, programmes and projects which illustrate the participation of migrants - from traditional consultation to co-creation -, with a view to supporting stakeholders to use ESF resources more effectively.With: Ahmad WARRACK and Ali ALTAI, New Neighbours Arnsberg initiative (Germany)Eddy ADAMS, Expert of the Thematic Network on Youth Employment Juliana WAHLGREN, Senior Advocacy Officer, ENAR – European Network Against Racism (Brussels)








EESF transnational Platform conFErEncE

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Inspiration, practice, future 5

14:00-15:30 Workshop

3. onE YEAr oF EUroPEAn PoLIcY DEVELoPMEnTS: WHAT IMPAcT For THE ESF?Facilitated by Eddy ADAMS, Expert of the Thematic Network on Youth EmploymentIn this workshop, the European Commission will present and discuss two major ini-tiatives adopted in recent months, namely Investing in Europe’s Youth (December 2016) and the European Pillar for Social Rights (April 2017). In both cases, the ESF should be centre stage in their implementation. Participants could also discuss how to improve access to ESF funding in the light of the survey by Social Platform.With: DG EMPL, European CommissionAnnica RYNGBECK, Policy and Advocacy Adviser, Social Platform (Brussels)


4. SIMPLIFIcATIon In THE ESF: cHALLEnGES, APProAcHES AnD ProPoSALSFacilitated by Luca SANTIN, Expert of the Thematic Network on SimplificationThe workshop aims to demonstrate how the challenges of simplification can be ad-dressed by developing a true partnership approach, based on collaboration among practitioners at transnational level. The project of EU-level simplified cost options, developed within the ESF Transnational Platform, will be presented as an example of how this approach has worked in practice. Speakers and participants will also explore other possibilities, challenges and solutions for wider and better simplifica-tion in the ESF.With: Colin BYRNE, unit ESF and FEAD: policy and legislation, DG EMPL, European CommissionGerard SLOTEMA, Agency of Social Affairs and Employment, Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment, the NetherlandsAndy CHURCHILL, Network for Europe, United Kingdom

Inspirational session

A. THE FUTUrE oF IncLUSIon – A SocIAL InVESTMEnT PErSPEcTIVEFacilitated by Toby JOHNSON, Team leader of the ESF Transnational Platform, AEIDLWith: Luk ZELDERLOO, Director, European Association of Service Providers for Persons with Disabilities (Brussels)Laurent SEUX, Director for Action and Advocacy – France and Europe, Catholic Relief (France)Gilda FARRELL, founder of CARMEN – Centre for the Animation and Revitalisation of Neurons in Rural Areas (Portugal)

15:30-16:15 Coffee break

16:15-17:45(parallel sessions)


5. MIGrAnT VoIcES: EnGAGInG MIGrAnTS In ESF ProcESSES AnD PoLIcIESFacilitated by Rachel MARANGOZOV, Expert of the Thematic Network on MigrantsThe Council’s Common Basic Principles for Immigrant Integration Policy in the EU (2004) state: ‘The participation of immigrants in the democratic process and in the formulation of integration policies and measures, especially at the local level, supports their integration’.The workshop will provide examples of policies, programmes and projects which illustrate the participation of migrants - from traditional consultation to co-creation -, with a view to supporting stakeholders to use ESF resources more effectively.With: Ahmad WARRACK and Ali ALTAI, New Neighbours Arnsberg initiative (Germany)Eddy ADAMS, Expert of the Thematic Network on Youth Employment Juliana WAHLGREN, Senior Advocacy Officer, ENAR – European Network Against Racism (Brussels)









16:15-17:45(parallel sessions)


6. ESF SUPPorT To SocIAL InnoVATIonFacilitated by Antoine SAINT-DENIS, Policy Expert and Social Innovation Expert of the ESF Transnational Platform, AEIDLWhat does social innovation mean for public authorities? Why does it matter to support breakthrough initiatives? How to engage the ESF in social innovation? How to make the link between specific projects and broader policies?The workshop will present ICT-enabled social innovation and social innovation sup-port policies. Then, how ESF support can be delivered will be discussed on the basis of the resources of the Toolkit for supporting social innovation with the European Social and Investment Funds (ESF Agency Flanders, 2015).With: Gianluca MISURACA, Senior Scientist, European Commission Joint Research Centre, Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (JRC-IPTS)Sophie REYNOLDS, Senior Researcher, NESTA (UK) & Social Innovation CommunityBenedict WAUTERS, Director for innovation and impact evaluation, ESF department, Ministry of Work and Social Economy, Flanders (Belgium)


7. on THE WAY To LEAn MAnAGEMEnT oF THE ESF – A SYSTEM THInKInG VIEW Facilitated by Mina SHOYLEKOVA, ESF and FEAD: policy and legislation, DG EMPL, European CommissionThe management of the European Structural and Investment Funds has a strong tendency to be organised according to the ‘command and control’ paradigm. A system thinking perspective offers a different view, which helps ESF professionals to understand the problems they face, and inspires changes in practice. The main target group of the workshop are the managers of ESIF management bodies and the front-line staff who is in direct contact with ESF beneficiaries. Participants are kindly requested to bring their own courage to think differently. With: Vladimír KVÁČA, Expert of the Thematic Network on Public Administration and Governance, former Director General for the ESF at the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (Czech Republic)Richard KOKEŠ, ESIF National Coordination Authority, Ministry of Regional Develop-ment (Czech Republic)


8. THE ESF conTrIBUTIon To WorK-LIFE BALAncEFacilitated by Patrizia BRANDELLERO, Thematic Network on Inclusion, ESF Transna-tional PlatformAchieving a better work-life balance is critical in responding to Europeans’ aspira-tions and facing the quantitative and qualitative challenges in the labour market. The ESF can play an important role in facilitating change and supporting services. The workshop will consist in a presentation of the New Start initiative issued by the European Commission as a part of the European Pillar for Social Rights last April. Practices and potential actions will be discussed. With: Efi ANASTASIOU, unit Social Investment Strategy, DG EMPL, European Commission Liz GOSME, Director, COFACE-Families EuropeETUC and BusinessEurope (tbc)

Inspirational session

B. THE FUTUrE oF TrAInInG AnD WorK Facilitated by Loris DI PIETRANTONIO, Head of the unit ESF and FEAD: policy and legislation, DG EMPL, European Commission With: Gregorio DE CASTRO, unit Job Creation, DG EMPL, European CommissionGabriele BISCHOFF, President of the Workers’ Group, European Economic and Social CommitteeJoão SANTOS, Deputy Head of the unit VET, Apprenticeships and Adult Learning, DG EMPL, European Commission

18:00-19:30 Cocktail

18:00-18:30(in parallel)

Coaching on the Partner Search Database for transnational calls for proposalsYves BOISSELIER and Toby JOHNSON, AEIDL

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Friday 2nd June 2017

09:00-09:30 Welcome coffee

09:30-11:00(parallel sessions)

Workshop 9. QUALITY FAcTorS oF TrAnSnATIonAL cALLS For ProPoSALSFacilitated by Marie-Anne PARASKEVAS, unit ESF and FEAD: policy and legislation, DG EMPL, European Commission. Coordinated calls for proposals and support to transnational cooperation between ESF beneficiaries is a core mission of the ESF Transnational Platform. It is time to draw the lessons of the first round of coordinated calls in 2016, and to get pre-pared for the second round next year. The workshop will address three key quality aspects: the added value of trans-national projects, simplified procedures, and how to communicate with project promoters and build transnational partnerships. With: Toby JOHNSON, Team leader of the ESF Transnational Platform, AEIDL Caroline MEYERS, expert on transnational cooperation, ESF department, Ministry of Work and Social Economy, Flanders (Belgium)Bettina REUTER, Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (Germany)Sirpa LILJESTRÖM, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, FinlandHelena EKLUND, ESF Council (Sweden)Luca SANTIN, Expert of the Thematic Network on SimplificationYves BOISSELIER, database and website coordinator, AEIDL

Workshop 10. THE EUroPEAn coDE oF conDUcT on PArTnErSHIP - BEYonD coMPLIAncEFacilitated by Leda STOTT, Expert of the Thematic Network on PartnershipThe workshop aims to support the Thematic Network on Partnership’s informal review of the European Code of Conduct on Partnership (ECCP) by: • raising awareness of key partnership principles• providing an overview of key issues, challenges and partnership practice exam-

ples gathered by the network to date• discussing practical mechanisms for working in partnership • making recommendations for embedding partnership principles in the next pro-

gramming period. The workshop will use a mix of short presentations, an exercise and an interactive discussion session using the fishbowl format.

Workshop 11. TooLS For EFFEcTIVE GEnDEr MAInSTrEAMInG In THE ESF Facilitated by Sonia DE MELO XAVIER, unit ESF and FEAD: policy and legislation, DG EMPL, European CommissionGender mainstreaming within the ESF has so far been uneven: a more systematic approach needs to be taken to anchor gender mainstreaming in the ESF. The work-shop will present initiatives from the ESF managing authorities: the 7E Change model being tested in Flanders, support structures for gender mainstreaming in Sweden.With: Jyostna PATEL, Expert of the ESF Transnational Platform for gender main-streaming, AEIDLCaroline MEYERS & Annemie ROETS, ESF department, Ministry of Work and Social Economy, Flanders (Belgium)Anna TENGQVIST, Senior Consultant, Kontigo, Sweden

Workshop 12. ESF conTrIBUTIon To UPSKILLInG THE WorKForcEFacilitated by Armelle LEDAN, Expert of the Thematic Network on Learning and SkillsClose to 70 million Europeans struggle with basic reading, writing, arithmetic and using digital tools in everyday life, leading to a higher risk of unemployment, pov-erty and social exclusion.

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This workshop aims to raise awareness about the “Upskilling Pathways” Initiative (December 2016), focusing on low-skilled adults, and to mobilise and support ESF authorities and all participants to engage in its implementation. The presentation from the European Commission will be discussed and illustrated with practical and inspirational cases, using interactive exercises and providing space for debate, creativity and exchange.With: Martina NI CHEALLAIGH, unit VET, Apprenticeships and Adult Learning, DG EMPL, European CommissionSylvia LIUTI, FORMA.Azione association, project coordinator of PRALINE (Peer Review in Adult Learning to Improve formal and Non-formal Education (Italy)Alicia GARCIA-MADRID COLADO, Action Against Hunger, Vives Emplea project (Spain)

Inspirational session

c. THE FUTUrE oF PoLIcY-MAKInG Facilitated by Antoine SAINT-DENIS, Policy Expert and Social Innovation Expert of the ESF Transnational Platform, AEIDLWith: Chris ROORDA, Advisor, DRIFT (research institute in the field of sustainability transitions), Erasmus University of Rotterdam, NetherlandsBenedict WAUTERS, Director for Innovation and Impact Evaluation, ESF depart-ment, Ministry of Work and Social Economy, Flanders (Belgium) and Expert of the Thematic Network on Public Administration and GovernanceEddy ADAMS, adviser to SIX and URBACT programme expert, and Expert of the Thematic Network on Youth Employment

11:00-11:30 Coffee break

11:30-12:30 Final session WHAT HAVE WE LEArnED AnD HoW cAn THE ESF TrAnSnATIonAL PLATForM’S THEMATIc nETWorKS FoLLoW UP?Facilitated by Toby JOHNSON, Team leader of the ESF Transnational Platform, AEIDLWith: Stephan DE KEERSMAECKER, Deputy Head of the unit ESF and FEAD: policy and legislation, DG EMPL, European CommissionAnd the facilitators of the inspirational sessions and workshops

12:30-14:00 Lunch

14:00-16:30 side event Thematic Network coordination meeting (for chairs of the Networks and thematic experts)


Visuality.be will turn the discussions into graphics (ground floor, ballroom).

The Thematic Networks and the Impact Task Force have prepared posters that describe their activities (ground floor, side rooms).

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8 Inspiration, practice, future

ABADA MayaAgence FSE [email protected]

ACITORES FRANZON [email protected]

ADAMS [email protected] Kingdom

ALEXE NarcisaCenter of Analysis and Initiatives for [email protected]

ALTAIA AliNeue [email protected]

AMPE DelphineESF [email protected]

ANASTASIOU EfiEuropean [email protected]

ANASTASSOVA-CHIRMICIU LubomiraGreater London [email protected] Kingdom

ANDERZON GunnarSwedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions [email protected]

ANDOR CsabaMinistry of Human [email protected]

ARCKENS [email protected]

AUSMEES AnneliiMinistry of [email protected] Estonia

BACELAR JoaoEuropean University [email protected]

BAKKER ErikCommunity of [email protected]

BALL PanitaEast of England European [email protected] Kingdom

BARCO SERRANO [email protected]

BARSK JaakkoHuman Information Techology [email protected]

BEKX [email protected]

BELOKI AmaiaDelegation of the Basque Country to the [email protected]

BENIULYTE MonikaVilnius Archdiocese [email protected]

BERGSTRÖM AndersEU Strategy for the Baltic Sea [email protected]

BICHL NorbertBeratungszentrum für Migranten und [email protected]

BIRTHA MagdiCOFACE Families [email protected]

BISCHOFF GabrieleEuropean Economic and Social [email protected]

BLANCO DEL VALLE Fernando JavierPublic Employment Service of Andalucí[email protected]

BLIZNICKI PawelOffice of Opolskie [email protected]

BLOUTI IoannaMinistry of Education, Research and Religious [email protected]

BOEYEN AnaAgência para o Desenvolvimento e Coesã[email protected]

BOGAERTS SofieESF [email protected]

BOISSELIER [email protected]

BONINO CarlaFundación [email protected]

BONNEAU LouiseEuropean [email protected]

BORG RobertGeneral Workers [email protected]

BRANDELLERO [email protected]

BUDZICH-TABOR UrszulaFARNET Support [email protected]

BULVICIENE JurgitaEuropean Social Fund [email protected]

BYRNE ColinEuropean [email protected] EU

CADY [email protected]

CAMBRESY ChristineCité des Métiers de Liè[email protected]

CAMPBELL [email protected]

CARMEN SierraMinistry of Employment and Social [email protected]


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tsESF transnational Platform conFErEncE

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Inspiration, practice, future 9

CASARIN GiadaBozen-SouthTyrol Liaison Office in [email protected]

CHARLIER JennyAgence [email protected]

CHRISTOFI KaterinaESF Actions Coordination and Monitoring [email protected]

CHURCHILL AndyNetwork for [email protected]

CILONA [email protected]

COSTA Michela Hope and Homes for [email protected]

CRAPEZ SophieComme chez [email protected]

DANIELE [email protected]

DE CASTRO GregorioEuropean [email protected]

DE FILIPPO [email protected] romagna.itItaly

DE KEERSMAECKER Stefan European [email protected]

DE MELO XAVIER SoniaEuropean [email protected]

DEANE [email protected]

DEBAENST JelleESF [email protected]

DEGIMBE Eric Comité Européen de Coordination [email protected]

DENAGTERGAL Claude [email protected]

DI DONATO MichelaEuropean [email protected]

DI PIETRANTONIO LorisEuropean [email protected]

DORAN CiaranDepartment for Economy in North-ern [email protected] Kingdom

DOUBEK GRBAC DanielaRijeka European Capital of Culture [email protected]

DUPRÉS Auré[email protected]

EKLUND HelenaThe Swedish ESF [email protected]

ELDRIDGE [email protected]

ERIKSONAITE DianaEuropean [email protected]

FARRELL [email protected]

FERRAINA [email protected]

FRANCOVÁ PetraP3 - People, Planet, [email protected] Republic

GALKA EwaPISOP Center, SPLOT [email protected]

GARCIA MartaMinistry of Employment and Social [email protected]

GARCIA-MADRID COLADO AliciaFundación Acción contra el [email protected]

GEATER [email protected]

GILLES LeopoldPole [email protected]

GNEIPELT ThomasSaxony Liaison Office [email protected]

GONZÁLEZ MARTÍNEZ LauraOffice of La Rioja in [email protected]

GOSME LizCOFACE Families [email protected]

GOUMAS [email protected]

GRIGALIUNAITE DovileMinistry of Finance [email protected]

GRIMALDI Giulia European [email protected]

GROSSE MichaelEuropean [email protected]

HAC [email protected]

HARTY DanDepartment of Social Protection [email protected]

HAUSER FlorianEuropean [email protected]

HERMOSO CANOURA AnaConfederación Sindical de Comi-siones [email protected]


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10 Inspiration, practice, future

HILLEN-MOORE AlexandraCommunity Living for Europe: Structural Funds [email protected]

HINGSAMER AnitaLiaison Office of Upper [email protected]

HIRŠZON [email protected]

IEVEN AagjeEUFAMI [email protected]

IOAKIMIDIS ApostolosMaria [email protected]

JACINTO CristinaHuman Capital Operational [email protected]

JAMROZIK MaciejCenter for European [email protected]

JANKÓ Tamás Ministry for National [email protected]

JANSSON IngridRegion Värmland European [email protected]

JENSEN CamillaSocial Services [email protected]

JOHNSON [email protected]

KANAKAKI Anna Ministry of [email protected]

KAROUBI [email protected]

KLAER ErdmutheEuropean Network of Cities and Regions for the Social [email protected]

KOKEŠ RichardMinistry of Regional [email protected] Republic

KOKIC NatasaENIL - European Network on Inde-pendent [email protected]

KONRADOVA [email protected]

KOWALSKA [email protected]

KREGAR ŠEGOTA IrenaRijeka European Capital of Culture [email protected]

KRISTINE [email protected]

KRUTULYTE ViktorijaEuropean Social Fund Agency [email protected]

KUBO MichalMinistry of [email protected]

KVÁCA VladimírCharles University, Prague and [email protected]

KYRKOGLOU ChristosESF Coordination and Monitoring [email protected]

LACKOVIC NatašaNational School for Public [email protected]

LACLETA Jose ManuelMinistry of Employment and So-cial [email protected]

LANG ChristopherSaxony Liaison Office in [email protected]

LARSSON Eva-BrittSwedish ESF [email protected]

LAURILA VeeraNational Institute for Health and [email protected]

LEDAN [email protected]

LEPEN AndrejaCroatian Regions Office in [email protected]

LEPEN GoranThorium [email protected]

LEPIK ÜlleFoundation Tartu Mental Health Care [email protected]

LILJESTRÖM SirpaMinistry of Economic Affairs and [email protected]

LIUTI SylviaAssociazione [email protected]

LONG Frances-Mary Department of Education and [email protected]

LOPRIORE [email protected]

MANDL Markus P.European [email protected]

MARANGOZOV RachelInstitute for Employment Studies [email protected]

MARINELLI CarloRegione [email protected]

MARKIDES ChristopherMinistry of Labour, Welfare and Social [email protected]

MARŠÍKOVÁ LindaMinistry of Labour and Social [email protected] Republic


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MARTINEZ SAEZ Patricia [email protected]

MARZANO GabrieleRegione [email protected]

MAYER-BUCH JuliaState Chancellery of [email protected]

MELO Liliana Human Capital Operational [email protected]

MERCER [email protected]

MERILA UrmoMinistry of [email protected]

MEYERS CarolineESF [email protected]

MICHALOVIC ViliamMinistry of Labour, Social Affairs and Family [email protected]

MILANO MarcoAutonomous Province of [email protected]

MISURACA GianlucaEuropean [email protected]

MOENS Veerle [email protected]

MOYART ClementineEuropean Youth [email protected]

MÜLLER [email protected]

NANOU [email protected]

NAVARRO ESPEJO Mari LuzUnión General de Trabajadores [email protected]

NÍ CHEALLAIGH MartinaEuropean [email protected]

NICOLESCU [email protected]

NOVACKOVA VendulaRepresentation of the South Moravian Region to the [email protected] Republic

ÖBERG-HÅKANSSON MarianneThe Swedish ESF [email protected] Sweden

OLIVERI IBALDI Nicolá[email protected]

ORTIZ [email protected]

ORZECHOWSKA KamilaMarshal Office of the Wielkopolska [email protected]

OSADNIK AgnieszkaMinistry of Economic [email protected]

PALAZZETTI ChiaraAssociazione FORMA.Azione [email protected]

PANAGIOTA SampaniMinistry of Education, Research and Religious [email protected]

PAPANCHEVA [email protected]

PARASKEVA Maria-AnnaEuropean [email protected]

PASTORELLI [email protected]

PATEL [email protected]

PATRIZI TizianaPiedmont [email protected]

PAWLAK JarosławCenter for European [email protected]

PETITO FilomenaEuroregione [email protected]

PIEHL SachaEuropean [email protected]

PIGNOLET ChloéComité Européen de [email protected]

PIVORAITE VytenėMinistry of Social Security and [email protected]

PLOWIEC KamilaThe Working Community of Asso-ciations of Social [email protected]

PÕIAL KertuMinistry of Social [email protected]

POLANCO JavierGovernment of [email protected]

POOS BabsyMinistère du [email protected]

PRITCHARD [email protected]

PRUSZANOWSKI NorbertPolish Craft [email protected]

PTAK-KROUSTALIS DorotaEuropean Commission [email protected]

RAIVIO RistoEuropean [email protected]


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12 Inspiration, practice, future

RAKIC MarinaMinistry of Labour and Pension [email protected]

RANGUELOV StanislavEuropean [email protected]

RAYMOVA VendulkaB2ohemia EU [email protected] Czech Republic

REUTER BettinaFederal Ministry of Labour and Social [email protected]

REYNOLDS [email protected] Kingdom

RINGHOFER KarinaProvincial Gouvernment of [email protected]

ROBER ArianeESF [email protected]

ROBOTIC VjekoslavGimnazija “Fran Galović” [email protected]

RODRIGUEZ MUNOZ PalomaFundación Acción contra el [email protected]

AnnemieESF [email protected]

ROGER EstelleEuropean [email protected]

ROMMEL AnKenniscentrum Sociaal [email protected]

ROORDA ChrisDRIFT, Erasmus University [email protected]

ROSE [email protected]

ROTHOVA MagdalenaAssociation for Culture, Education and Communication (ACEC)[email protected]

ROULETTE MaevaEuropean [email protected]

RYNGBECK AnnicaSocial [email protected]

SAIDI [email protected]

SAINT-DENIS [email protected]

SALDUCCI JordaneOccitanie Europe [email protected]

SAMEC PolonaMinistry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal [email protected]

SANDEN Florian Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft der Freien Wohlfahrtspflege [email protected]

SANTIN [email protected]

SANTOS JoaoEuropean [email protected]

SANTOS MiguelEuropean [email protected]

SANTOS WAHLGREN JulianaENAR - European Network Against [email protected]

SANZ BelenMinistry of Employment and Social [email protected]

SCHERER [email protected]

SCHINAZI SarahEuropean [email protected]

SCHÜLER LisaCaritas [email protected]

SCHULMANN LolaSecours Catholique - Caritas [email protected]

SEIDEL LEROY PhilippeAGE Platform [email protected]

SEUX LaurentSecours Catholique - Caritas [email protected]

SGOUROU MaristellaManaging Authority of Attica Region [email protected]

SHALABY AhmedHuman Information Techology [email protected]

SHOYLEKOVA MinaEuropean [email protected]

SIMONCIC StefanEPEKA [email protected]

SLOTEMA Gerard Ministry of Social Affiars and [email protected]

SOFIA [email protected]

SOONISTE IndrekFoundation Tartu Mental Health Service [email protected]


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STARKEVICIUTE GintareMinistry of Education and Science [email protected]

STERCKX JosKnowledge Center Social [email protected]

STOTT [email protected]

STROBL SylvieBureau Europe Grand [email protected]

STRYCKERS Tine ESF [email protected]

SUKOVA-TOSHEVA AndrianaEuropean [email protected]

SUNDBERG CarolinRegional Development Council Gä[email protected]

SUPPAN [email protected]

SZABÓ MariettaMinistry of Human [email protected]

TANCAU Maria MagdalenaEuropan Anti-Poverty Network [email protected]

TENGQVIST AnnaKontigo [email protected]

TESTA MartaRegione [email protected]

TOPOLOVEC [email protected]

TRÁVNÍCEK TomášMinistry of Labour and Social [email protected] Republic

TSOLAKIDOU SavvatouNational Centre for Public [email protected]

TUDER [email protected]

UREM DanielaCroatian Cultural Alliance [email protected]

ÜSÜK EsenEuropean Office of the Metropolitan Region [email protected]

VAN DER HOEVEN CarolineSOS Children’s Villages [email protected]

VAN DER LINDEN CarolineAgence FSE [email protected] Belgium

VAN DER VEKEN Tyne ESF [email protected]

VAN PEER [email protected]

VANDERSICKEL Karenvleva (Liaison Agency Flanders-Europe)[email protected]

VÁVROVÁ BarboraMinsitry of Labor, Social Affairs and [email protected]

VAZQUEZ RuthCentre Balears [email protected]

VOKANOVA PetraMinistry of Interior [email protected]

VOYIATZIS CostasEuropean [email protected]

WARRAK Ahmad RamiNeue [email protected]

WAUTERS BenedictESF [email protected]

WEGNER KatharinaDiakonie [email protected]

WOJCIK SylwiaThe Marshal Office of the Wielkopolska [email protected]

WOLFF UlrichState Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs [email protected]

WUIAME NathalieCESEP/[email protected]

ZAKELJ BrigitaMinistry of Public Administration [email protected]

ZANNIKOU VasilikiManaging Authority of Attica Region [email protected]

ZECCA [email protected]

ZELDERLOO [email protected]

ZORKO MENCIN DarjaESF [email protected]


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Contact the ESF Transnational Platform: [email protected]

Phone the ESF transnational cooperation infoline: +32 2 736 1890

The ESF Transnational Platform is managed by AEIDL on behalf of the European Commission.

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