Ernesto “Che” Guevara Jack Cyphers

Ernesto “ Che ” Guevara

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Ernesto “ Che ” Guevara. Jack Cyphers. Biography Part 1. Soy de Rosario , Argentina en 1928. Estudió medicina en la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Che became a doctor, there. In 1954, in Guatemala, Che witnessed President Jacobo Arbenz being overthrown. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Ernesto “ Che ” Guevara

Ernesto “Che” Guevara

Jack Cyphers

Page 2: Ernesto “ Che ” Guevara
Page 3: Ernesto “ Che ” Guevara

Biography Part 1

• Soy de Rosario, Argentina en 1928.• Estudió medicina en la Universidad de Buenos

Aires.• Che became a doctor, there.• In 1954, in Guatemala, Che witnessed

President Jacobo Arbenz being overthrown. • Guevara decided to join the Cuban

revolutionary, Fidel Castro, in Mexico.

Page 4: Ernesto “ Che ” Guevara

Universidad de Buenos Aires

Page 5: Ernesto “ Che ” Guevara

Biography Part 2

• Che attempted to overthrow the government of Fulgencio Bastista and succeeded.

• They became known as the July 26 Movement.

• He later became the president of the Cuban national bank.

• He helped switch Cuban’s trade relations form the United States to the Soviet Union.

Page 6: Ernesto “ Che ” Guevara

Biography Part 3

• Three years later, he became the minister of industry.

• Che tried to incite the people to rebel against their government in 1966.

• Guevara did not succeed in rebelling and was captured and executed in 1967 at age of 39.

• Es atrevido y inteligente.

Page 7: Ernesto “ Che ” Guevara

Accomplishment # 1

• Guevara joined Fidel Castro to overthrow the Batista government in Cuba.

• He served as a military advisor to Castro. • He led troops in battles against the Cuban

government. • Se derrocó a Batista en 1959.• Che became in charge of a prison.• The prison he was in charge of was La Cabaña

Fortress. • Es no bueno.

Page 8: Ernesto “ Che ” Guevara

Accomplishment # 2

• After he was in charge of the prison, he became President of the National Bank of Cuba.

• Su banco era exitoso.• El cambió la relación comercial de Cuba.• He shifted it from Cuba and US to Cuba and

Soviet Union.

Page 9: Ernesto “ Che ” Guevara

Legacy Part 1

• After he was executed, Che became a legendary political figure.

• Guevara is often used with rebellion, revolution, and socialism.

• Other people remember Che as ruthless.• Es despiadado• Le gusta revuelto.

Page 10: Ernesto “ Che ” Guevara
Page 11: Ernesto “ Che ” Guevara

Legacy Part 2

• Hay son muchos estatuas de Guevara.• One of them is in Bolivia.• It is near where he was executed.

Page 12: Ernesto “ Che ” Guevara

Statue of Guevara