September-November 2008 Echo Park Improvement Association newsletter Volume 15 Issue 3 Mail for EPIA: P.O.Box 261021, Los Angeles, CA 90026 Message Phone (323) 882-4835 Echo Park Improvement Association Echo Park Improvement Association Echo Park Improvement Association Echo Park Improvement Association Meets at 7 p.m. the 1st Thursday of each Month Meets at 7 p.m. the 1st Thursday of each Month Meets at 7 p.m. the 1st Thursday of each Month Meets at 7 p.m. the 1st Thursday of each Month in Williams Hall at Barlow Hospital 2000 Stadium Way in Elysian Park in Williams Hall at Barlow Hospital 2000 Stadium Way in Elysian Park in Williams Hall at Barlow Hospital 2000 Stadium Way in Elysian Park in Williams Hall at Barlow Hospital 2000 Stadium Way in Elysian Park Bettina Jeszenszky always enjoyed her regular walks through her Echo Park neighborhood. Without a yard of her own, she liked the exercise for herself and her child. Many gardens on her route attracted her with colorful flowers, fruit trees and thriving vegetables. Bettina often noticed one particular neglected sliver of land: a fenced-off lot on the local elementary school’s property. It seemed a shame to her, an area the size of a suburban backyard that no one was caring for. Sophia, her little girl, had chattered excitedly for a week after picking and eating an apple growing on its tree. Sophia’s wonder at nature’s simple act gave Bettina an idea. Why not turn this overlooked space into a productive garden for schoolchildren and nearby residents? Although Sophia was too young for school, last fall Bettina approached the principal at Elysian Heights Elementary School with her proposal, explaining that she planned to enlist assistance from the neighborhood as well as parents to help the children raise vegetables and flowers that could be sold and promising to organize a gardening club to tend plots and instruct students. In December, with principal Sally Holguin’s blessing, Bettina began to organize friends, local families, school parents, and even a few teachers, to create the garden she visualized instead of the unused wasteland behind the chain link fence. Twenty enthusiastic people attended the first meeting. One of them was David Schnepp, father of a three- year-old, who lived on a neighboring hillside street. David realized that the expenses of setting up the garden were not going to be met by the financially strapped school district. He successfully applied to the San Francisco based law firm Heller Ehrman for one of its annual community service grants. The little garden garnered the money it needed to get started and, in honor of Heller Ehrman’s twenty years in Los Angeles and the tenth anniversary of its community service commitment, the firm organized a workday at the site. Which was why, at nine o’clock in the morning on Saturday, August 9 th , more than fifty men, women and children converged on a dirt- and straw-filled patch of the Elysian Heights elementary school campus. Teachers Martha Smith and Susana Villamarin, who registered participants, were impressed by the turnout. Sporting matching dark-green tee-shirts, the Heller Ehrman employees and their families were all business as they joined local garden supporters to whip the space into shape. After breakfast in the school lunch court, courtesy of Delilah’s Bakery and Starbuck’s coffee, group (Continued on page 9) A GARDEN STARTS WITH AN APPLE Katia Kaplun, permaculture gardener, with newly planted flowers in Elysian Height elementary school’s new garden by Susan Borden

Epian Ways Sept. through Nov. 2008 issue

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Newsletter of the Echo Park Improvement Assoc.

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Page 1: Epian Ways Sept. through Nov. 2008 issue

September-November 2008 Echo Park Improvement Association newsletter Volume 15 Issue 3

Mail for EPIA: P.O.Box 261021, Los Angeles, CA 90026 Message Phone (323) 882-4835

Echo Park Improvement AssociationEcho Park Improvement AssociationEcho Park Improvement AssociationEcho Park Improvement Association Meets at 7 p.m. the 1st Thursday of each MonthMeets at 7 p.m. the 1st Thursday of each MonthMeets at 7 p.m. the 1st Thursday of each MonthMeets at 7 p.m. the 1st Thursday of each Month

in Williams Hall at Barlow Hospital 2000 Stadium Way in Elysian Park in Williams Hall at Barlow Hospital 2000 Stadium Way in Elysian Park in Williams Hall at Barlow Hospital 2000 Stadium Way in Elysian Park in Williams Hall at Barlow Hospital 2000 Stadium Way in Elysian Park

Bettina Jeszenszky always enjoyed her regular walks through her Echo Park neighborhood. Without a yard of her own, she liked the exercise for herself and her child. Many gardens on her route attracted her with colorful flowers, fruit trees and thriving vegetables.

Bettina often noticed one particular neglected sliver of land: a fenced-off lot on the local elementary school’s property. It seemed a shame to her, an area the size of a suburban backyard that no one was caring for. Sophia, her little girl, had chattered excitedly for a week after picking and eating an apple growing on its tree. Sophia’s wonder at nature’s simple act gave Bettina an idea. Why not turn this overlooked space into a productive garden for schoolchildren and nearby residents?

Although Sophia was too young for school, last fall Bettina approached the principal at Elysian Heights Elementary School with her proposal, explaining that she planned to enlist assistance from the neighborhood as well as parents to help the children raise vegetables and flowers that could be sold and promising to organize a gardening club to tend plots and instruct students.

In December, with principal Sally Holguin’s blessing, Bettina began to organize friends, local families, school parents, and even a few teachers, to create the garden she visualized instead of the unused wasteland behind the chain link fence. Twenty enthusiastic people attended the first meeting.

One of them was David Schnepp, father of a three-year-old, who lived on a neighboring hillside street. David realized that the expenses of setting up the garden were not going to be met by the financially strapped school district. He successfully applied to the San Francisco based law firm Heller Ehrman for one of its annual community service grants. The little garden garnered the money it needed to get started and, in

honor of Heller Ehrman’s twenty years in Los Angeles and the tenth anniversary of its community service commitment, the firm organized a workday at the site.

Which was why, at nine o’clock in the morning on Saturday, August 9th, more than fifty men, women and

children converged on a dirt- and straw-filled patch of the Elysian Heights elementary school campus. Teachers Martha Smith and Susana Villamarin, who registered participants, were impressed by the turnout. Sporting matching dark-green tee-shirts, the Heller Ehrman employees and their families were all business as they joined local garden supporters to whip the space into shape.

After breakfast in the school lunch court, courtesy of Delilah’s Bakery and Starbuck’s coffee, group

(Continued on page 9)


Katia Kaplun, permaculture gardener, with newly planted flowers in Elysian

Height elementary school’s new garden

by Susan Borden

Page 2: Epian Ways Sept. through Nov. 2008 issue

Page 2 September-November 2008

Mail for EPIA: P.O.Box 261021, Los Angeles, CA 90026 Message Phone (323) 882-4835












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Page 3: Epian Ways Sept. through Nov. 2008 issue

Mail for EPIA: P.O.Box 261021, Los Angeles, CA 90026 Message Phone (323) 882-4835

September-November 2008 Page 3


Despite a slowdown in construction due to the downturn in the market in recent months, there’s still a lot of activity in our area. Although many feel the Modern style of renowned twentieth century architect Richard Neutra is out of place in Angeleno Heights, the first half of his “Maxwell” house that was built in Brentwood in 1941 arrived at 830 E. Edgeware in Angeleno Heights early on the morning of Thursday August 14th. The house was removed from its previous Beverly Hills site to make space for a larger, new house on the large lot it was previously on. As EPIAN Ways goes to press, the second half (including the garage) is scheduled to arrive the week of August 25th. Work to reassemble and restore the house in its new location will begin as soon as all the pieces arrive here. Owner Barbara Behm is undecided as to whether she will occupy the house upon completion.

The Neutra house move called to our attention a small 2nd floor of a house that’s curiously suspended adjacent to the Neutra house’s new environs. Unlike the Neutra house, the portion of the structure that’s sitting adjacent is consistent with the Angeleno Heights Victorian style. This carriage house sat just West of Figueroa near Pico Blvd. for decades and was moved to its present site more than a year ago to make way for the Nokia Theatre and surrounding development. A new first

floor is planned to complete it in its new space. Questions or concerns regarding the Neutra “Maxwell” house or the adjacent Carriage house can be directed to Bob Goode, Chairperson of the Angeleno Heights Preservation Overlay Zone (HPOZ) at 213-250-1112.

Grading work has begun on 20 live-work lofts with storefronts to the West of the Alvarado carwash at the corner of Sunset and Alvarado. The new units will be zoned for live/workspace to be used by creative professionals such as Graphic Designers, Visual Artists, Musicians and Photographers who can live and work in their units. The developers, Alvarado-Sunset Ventures are hoping to attract a new coffee shop as one of the first floor retail tenants to serve patrons of the adjacent car wash while they wait for their cars. The units will be available for rent when construction is completed. Questions or concerns about this project can be addressed to Clyde Wood at 323-549-0787.

Please submit any Echo Park area remodel, rehab, improvement or construction projects you’d like to have included in Echo Park Curb Appeal to: [email protected]. Please include how we can contact you and if possible include a contact name for the project.

Echo Park Curb AppealEcho Park Curb AppealEcho Park Curb AppealEcho Park Curb Appeal by Lawrence Fried

Read the EPIAn ways online at http://echoparkimprovement.googlepages.com/homeRead the EPIAn ways online at http://echoparkimprovement.googlepages.com/homeRead the EPIAn ways online at http://echoparkimprovement.googlepages.com/homeRead the EPIAn ways online at http://echoparkimprovement.googlepages.com/home

notes on Echo Park Structures

Page 4: Epian Ways Sept. through Nov. 2008 issue

Page 4 September-November 2008

Mail for EPIA: P.O.Box 261021, Los Angeles, CA 90026 Message Phone (323) 882-4835


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Page 5: Epian Ways Sept. through Nov. 2008 issue

Mail for EPIA: P.O.Box 261021, Los Angeles, CA 90026 Message Phone (323) 882-4835

September-November 2008 Page 5

A major chapter in Echo Park's long history of activism is the Food Conspiracy, which according to veteran activist Art Goldberg, began in late 1969 and lasted about 10 years. Recently, he shared some of his memories of it.

“Once a week we would set up this kind of farmers' market,” Art recalled. “It was very similar except this was only one source: the Food Conspiracy. And then, everyone in the group had to do work. It was a whole ideological po-sition of being a kind of socialist cooperative. So once a month you had to do maybe two to four hours of work: pricing, selling the things, child care, doing the actual buy-ing--there were many tasks. As a result, you saved at that point about 25% overall on food.

The Food Conspiracy sprang up in a period when a number of activists had moved to Echo Park – Art, some of his friends from his activist days in Berkeley, and his sister Jackie, who went on to elected office in city and state poli-tics. For Art, the Food Conspiracy was a way to bridge some of the differences in the community.

“You could buy food down at the produce market, and they not only sold produce, but you could get cheese, and nuts, quite a few different things. It moved around in the Echo Park-Silver Lake area.” At one point, the Food Con-spiracy had a store, which ironically, is now the location of Art's law office on Echo Park Ave. and Scott.

Art got to know the downtown produce buyers, some of whom were progressive or liked the idea of community or-

ganizing. “So you could get very good prices on most of the produce, and often if they had old produce, meaning it was a day or two away from going bad like ripe peaches, they would literally give you an entire crate for a dollar or some-thing,” he said. “That was really before soup kitchens in a lot of ways because they didn't know what to do with it.”

Food was only part of the conspiracy's purpose, Art said. Every week, the group would talk about politics and try to get people in the community to become active be-yond the Food Conspiracy. “The Food Conspiracy was sort of [similar to] the way the Black Panther Party did the breakfast programs with children,” Art recalled. “It was a social activity in which you hoped to get other people po-tentially politically involved.”

Such political involvement included antiwar marches, which, Art noted, were much bigger then because there was a draft. Art described the end of the Vietnam Offensive as a key factor in the Food Conspiracy's decline. By the time Reagan was elected in 1980, the political environment had begun to change – some participants in the conspiracy had had children, and some didn’t want to raise them in Echo Park. “My kids were getting older. I was spending more time with their activities in school and stuff. It was just a different climate,” he recalled.

See more on Echo Park activism in “Bohemian Los Ange-

les: and the Making of Modern Politics” by Daniel Hurewitz.

The Griffith Park Adult Community Center (GPACC) is at 3203 Riverside Drive, just south of Los Feliz Blvd., and has a wide range of activities for the 50+ population in our community. The facility is open weekdays from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. Check it out and take advantage of a great place to “hang out.”

Housed at the facility is the Griffith Park Adult Community Club, formerly Silver Lake Senior Club. The club has monthly trips for its members and raises money to support the programming at the center. The club’s general meeting, open to the public, will run from noon to 3:30 pm on Sept. 17 at Friendship Auditorium. The Senior Ombudsman for the DMV will speak, and lunch will be served.

The community center currently offers:

� A nutrition program provided 5 days a week by Hollywood Multipurpose Center. You can sign up daily starting at 11:30 am with lunch served at noon. The cost is $1.75 for people 60 and over and $3.75 for all others.

� Appointments with Shirley Ann Hoffacker, Case Management Supervisor from Hollywood Multipurpose Center.

� One-on-one sessions for those who want to improve their computer skills – or learn for the first time

� Guitar lessons, art classes, a book club, yoga and other activities

� Games such as Mah Jongg, scrabble, tile rummy and bridge

� Golf, tennis, walks in Griffith Park and swimming at the Los Feliz pool.

� Lectures by retired professors, provided by the Osher Life Learning Institute Program at Cal State LA.

For more info on GPACC, contact Facility Director Mark Wilson at (323) 644-5579 or [email protected]. For Griffith Park Adult Community Club information, contact Stephanie Vendig at [email protected] or (323) 667-3043.

Remembering the Food Conspiracy by Ross Plesset

Check out the Griffith Park Adult Community Center by Stephanie Vendig

Page 6: Epian Ways Sept. through Nov. 2008 issue

Page 6 September-November 2008

Mail for EPIA: P.O.Box 261021, Los Angeles, CA 90026 Message Phone (323) 882-4835


Event Date Location Comments

EPIA Meetings 1st Thursday, 7:00 pm

Oct 2, Nov 6, Dec 4 Williams Hall at Barlow Hospital, 2000 Stadium Way in Elysian Park

Call EPIA message phone for additional information.

EPIA Steering Committee Meetings

2nd Monday, 7:15 pm

Sep 8, Oct 13, Nov 10 Call (323) 882-4835 for location

Take an active part in EPIA. Join the Steering Committee

Community Safety Meeting

2nd Thursday, 2:00 pm

Sep 11, Oct 9, Nov 13 LAPD Stop-In Center, Echo Park Avenue and Sunset Boulevard

Hosted by Echo Park Security Association. Call (323)666-3228 for more info

Citizens Committee to Save Elysian Park

1st Wednesday, 7:00 pm

Oct 1, Nov 5, Dec 3 Williams Hall at Barlow Hospital, 2000 Stadium Way in Elysian Park

Call 213-666-9651 for meeting location

Echo Park Chamber of Commerce

3rd Thursday, 7:00 pm and every Wednesday 1:30 pm

Taix Restaurant. Call 213-630-3032 for further information.

Greater Echo Park Elysian Neighborhood Council Meeting

4th Tuesday, 7 pm

Sep 23, Oct 28, Nov 25 Logan Street School Auditorium, 1711 W. Logan Street

Call (213) 413-3196 for info or visit www.GEPENC.org

Edendale Library Friends Society >=> ELFS <=<

2nd Wednesday, 7 pm

Sep 10, Oct 8, Nov 12 Edendale Branch Library Community room

2011 W. Sunset Blvd.

Join the library’s support group and find out how you can help your neighborhood’s branch.

Positive Energy Group of Echo Park and Silver Lake Area

4th Wednesday , 6 pm - 7 pm

Sep 24, Oct 22, Nov 26 Edendale Branch Library Community room

For info : e-mail [email protected] or our blog www.positiveenergygroup.blogspot.com

Or call (323) 860-9914

EP Farmers Market

Every Friday, 3pm - 7 pm parking lot #663 -- half a bock south of Sunset Boulevard 323463-3171 x13

Community Parade

4th Thursday, 5:30 pm Sep 25, Oct 23

Central City Action Committee

534 E. Edgeware Road (coner Belevue)

Deadline Sept EPIAn ways

Saturday, Nov 22 Send submissions to EPIA, Attn: EPIAn Ways Editor

Griffith Park Adult Community Club

Wednesday, Sep 17, 12-3:30pm Friendship Auditorium 3203 Riverside Drive Lunch will be served

Program featuring the Senior Ombudsman for DMV speaking on

seniors and driving.


Historical Society, Edendale Library Friends Society, Echo Park Security Association, Echo Park Animal Alliance, neighborhood dentist Dr. George D. Lim and police outreach.

At another table Los Angeles Dodgers bobble-heads and

blankets rewarded children who drew pictures of reindeer, Santa Claus, snowmen or Christmas trees. The kids’ crayon drawings were collected for a contest. The winning entries will decorate flyers and programs for the 2008 Christmas holiday parade.

I hope you didn’t miss it all—especially the blue cotton candy. See you next year!

(Continued from page 12)


Page 7: Epian Ways Sept. through Nov. 2008 issue

Mail for EPIA: P.O.Box 261021, Los Angeles, CA 90026 Message Phone (323) 882-4835

September-November 2008 Page 7


Abandoned Vehicles 1-800-222-6366

Cars Parked in Yards 1-888-524-2845

Fire Hazards 1-310-412-5350

Hazardous Waste Disposal Information 1-800-988-6942

Overflowing Dumpsters 310-412-5350

Parkway Maintenance 1-800-996-2489

Storm Drains 213-485-5391

Trash and Bulky Item Pick Up 1-800-773-2489 FAX 213-847-2261

L. A. Fire Department Brush Clearance 818-374-1111


Central City Action Committee 213-241-0908

Free Paint 1st District) 213-485-0763

Free Paint 13th District) 323-957-4500


Department Building & Safety 888-524-2845

Department of Health 1-800-427-8700

Department of Transportation 213-580-1177

Department of Water & Power 800-342-5397

Parking Enforcement 866-869-2929

Loose/Stray Animals/Barking Dogs 888-452-7381

LA County Department of Consumer Affairs 213-974-1452

Legal Aid Client Referral 1-800- 399-4529

Operation Bright Lights 1-800- 303-5267

Street Lighting Repairs 1-800- 303-5267

Professional Helicopter Pilots Association 213-891-3636


1st District Ed Reyes 213-485-3451

13th District Eric Garcetti 323-957-4500

Congressman Xavier Becerra 213-483-1425

Congresswoman Lucille Roybal-Allard 213-628-9230

State Senator Gil Cedillo 213-612-9566

Assemblyperson Kevin de Leon 323-258-0450

LA County Supervisor Gloria Molina 213-974-4111

Mayor’s Office [email protected] 213-978-0600

City Attorney, Rocky Delgadillo 213-847-8045


Police Emergency: Need Police Car 911

Spanish Line 213-928-8222

Narcotic Hotline 1-800-662-2878

Child Abuse Hotline 1-800-540-4000

Police Non-Emergency 1-877-275-5273

LAPD Air Support Division 213-485-2600


Rampart Police Division Desk 213-485-4061

Rampart Vice Unit 213-485-4080

Rampart Division Watch Commander 213-485-4062

Senior Lead Officer Ford 213-793-0775

Community Relations 213-847-1903

China Town Sub-Station 213-621-2344


Northeast Desk 213-485-2563

Northeast Report Unit 213-485-2563

Senior Lead Officer Bobby Hill 213-793-0760

Senior Lead Officer Al Polehonki 213-793-0763

Northeast Detectives 213-485-2566

Northeast Community Relations 213-485-2548

Northeast Gang Detail 213-847-4263

Northeast Youth Referral Program 213-847-3375

Northeast Records 213-485-2568

Release of Impounded Vehicles 213-485-2566


Copies of Crime and Traffic Reports 213-485-4193

Concerned Citizens Echo Park/Youth Empowerment Council — CCEC/YEC


El Centro del Pueblo 213-483-6335

Echo Park Library 213-250-7808

Echo Park Recreation Center 213-250-3578

Echo Park Chamber of Commerce 213-630-3032

Dodger's Security 323-224-1363

Dodger's Comunity Focus 323-224-2636

Dodger's Public Relations 323-224-1435

Central City Action Committee 213-241-0908

North Central Animal Shelter 213-847-1416

L.A City Department of Aging 800-834-4777

Los Angeles City Information website www.lacity.org

Elysian Park Ranger 323-913-4688

Page 8: Epian Ways Sept. through Nov. 2008 issue

Page 8 September-November 2008

Mail for EPIA: P.O.Box 261021, Los Angeles, CA 90026 Message Phone (323) 882-4835

ECHO PARK LIBRARY Library HoursLibrary HoursLibrary HoursLibrary Hours Mondays 10:00 am - 8:00 pm Tuesdays 12:00 pm - 8:00 pm Wednesdays 10:00 am - 8:00 pm Thursdays 12:00 pm - 8:00 pm Fridays 10:00 am - 6:00 pm Saturdays 10:00 am - 6:00 pm

Sundays CLOSED Library AddressLibrary AddressLibrary AddressLibrary Address Echo Park Branch Library 1410 W. Temple Street Los Angeles CA 90026 Phone Phone Phone Phone 213.250.7808 FAXFAXFAXFAX 213.250.3744

EDENDALE LIBRARY Library Hours Library Hours Library Hours Library Hours

Mondays 10:00 am – 8:00 pm Tuesdays 12 noon – 8:00 pm Wednesdays 10:00 am – 8:00 pm Thursdays 12 noon – 8:00 pm Fridays 10:00 am – 6:00 pm Saturdays 10:00 am – 6:00 pm Sundays CLOSED Library Address Edendale Branch Library 2011 W. Sunset Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90026 Phone (213) 207-3000 FAX (213) 207-3097

World Wide Web Address World Wide Web Address World Wide Web Address World Wide Web Address http://www.lapl.org • 24 Hour Renewal:24 Hour Renewal:24 Hour Renewal:24 Hour Renewal: 888-577-LAPL

In October 2007, the Echo Park Library opened a brand-new Adult Literacy Center to serve the communities of Echo Park, Chinatown, Edendale, and Little Tokyo. Now, adults living in these neighborhoods who cannot read English above a sixth-grade level can get free, individualized help at their library.

When a student enrolls in the LAPL’s Adult Literacy Pro-gram (http://www.lapl.org/literacy), she is matched with a volunteer tutor, and the pair then decide on a regular time to meet at their nearest library branch. The tutor will work one-on-one with the student for at least six months, helping her improve her basic reading and writing skills, and helping her

reach her life goals: getting her GED, passing the citizenship test, or reading a picture book to her children.

Literacy opens up whole new worlds to students, and teaching it is just as rewarding for tutors. Volunteer tutors do not need any special skills or background, just compas-sion, patience, and a desire to help. The Adult Literacy Pro-gram provides the training and materials.

The Echo Park Adult Literacy Center is in need of moti-vated students and good tutors! Please help us in getting the word out. If you are interested in tutoring, or would like to refer a student, drop by the library or contact the adult liter-acy coordinator, Lisa Hsia, at (213) 623-4078 x10890 or [email protected].

Adult Literacy Center Now Open at Echo Park LibraryAdult Literacy Center Now Open at Echo Park LibraryAdult Literacy Center Now Open at Echo Park LibraryAdult Literacy Center Now Open at Echo Park Library by Lisa Hsia, Adult Literacy Coordinator

Page 9: Epian Ways Sept. through Nov. 2008 issue

Mail for EPIA: P.O.Box 261021, Los Angeles, CA 90026 Message Phone (323) 882-4835

September-November 2008 Page 9

Saturday Special Typical Haitian Food

Mon — Sat 11 am — 7 pm Sundays — Group of 10 or more by Reservation Wood Burning Rotisserie

309 N. Glendale Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90026

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EPIA can be contacted at [email protected]. Of course, you can continue to reach us through the EPIA message phone at (323) 882-4835.

members dug irrigation channels. Others pulled weeds, cleared away rubbish and lugged lumber for eighteen planter boxes. Some built and assembled the trapezoidal wooden boxes designed by a team of four permaculture garden students. Volunteers mixed compost and hauled dirt to fill planters. In August’s heat, it was hard work, but the only complaints were about the flies.

A three-piece bluegrass band, seated on straw bales under the bougainvillea, filled the air with traditional Appalachian dance tunes. Fiddler Joe Black, an Echo Park resident, and banjoist Steve Lewis have played together for fifteen years. Professional classical flute player Laura Osborn strummed the guitar.

During a lunch provided by the Los Angeles Dodgers, a clown, balloon animals and a tug-of-war entertained the kids. District 13 City Councilman Eric Garcetti walked over from his nearby home to plant a sprig of ceremonial sage in a freshly-filled planter box.

Laboring through the hot afternoon, volunteers were surprised to discover a large boulder with a commemorative plaque near the garden’s back gate. The inscription read: “Beverly D. Mason. Garden And Animal Center. In Recognition Of Her Many Years Of Devoted Service To The Children And Community Of Elysian Heights School. Dedicated May 22 1983”. Until her retirement, long-time principal Beverly Mason maintained a student vegetable garden and a barnyard of goats, sheep, chickens, rabbits and other farm animals on the site. If she were alive today, Miss Mason would surely approve of the new garden that little Sophia’s apple inspired.

To volunteer in the garden, contact principal Sally Holguin,

Elysian Heights School, 1562 Baxter Street, 323-665-

6315. To be part of the Garden Committee, call Bettina

Jeszenszky, 323-665-6594. To get in touch with Joe Black’s band, call 213-413-4240. (The Echo Park

Improvement Association is the fiscal agent for the Heller

Ehrman school garden grant).

(Continued from page 1)

Elysian Heights Elementary School Garden

Page 10: Epian Ways Sept. through Nov. 2008 issue

Page 10 September-November 2008

Mail for EPIA: P.O.Box 261021, Los Angeles, CA 90026 Message Phone (323) 882-4835

There he is. Gravel voice. Boxer’s pug face. One eye. Laugh like a happy machine gun. Eddie “El Gato” Gasporra. Echo Park resident since ‘81. Or was it ’85? Or ’89? He’s not so clear about it these days. But he’s sitting on “his” bench in Elysian Park in the Marion Harlow Memorial Gar-den, just beneath the Atwater prop-erty at the northeast end of Park Drive. Eddie’s got his dogs with him, Lucky, Nano, & Glory, who have re-placed Randy, Girlie, and Duke over the years. Eddie’s been sitting here every day holding court with his neighbors, who like to refer to him as “The Mayor of Elysian Park”.

Eddie’s a neighborhood kinda guy. Friendly, smart-ass, mouth like a sewer. A people person. Born in 1935, he grew up in Huntington Park, de-fending the underdog ever since ele-mentary and high school … with his fists. Maybe that’s how he became a professional boxer in the late 1950s, a fly then lightweight, trained by Joe Frazier’s trainer, Eddie Futch, man-aged by the infamous Jackie McCoy, fighting at the legendary Hollywood Legion on El Centro just south of Hol-lywood Boulevard.

One of six boys and a girl, his mother was born in El Paso, Texas, his father, the macho patriarch of the family “who never spared the rod”, in Chihuahua, Mexico. The family moved to Watts during Eddie’s teenage years, but Eddie’s older brother still

drove him to Huntington Park High, where Eddie was the football team’s galloping halfback and twice class president. The “black sheep” of the family, he also dabbled in weekend lunch room burglary and once even punched out his choir teacher. Eddie sang second tenor.

After putting Julian Velasquez into a one day coma in the ring, Eddie lost his next three fights, along with his passion for professional boxing, and in 1959 he joined the Teamsters. First he worked the docks, then trucked, and then became the notorious Danny DeVito-like dispatcher for “Los Ani-males”, the rough and ready Monte-bello truckers of Local Teamsters 208.

It was 1970, during the wildcat Teamsters strike, when Eddie met Alana, a 23 year old UCLA SDS stu-dent, on the strike line. Pumped up by strike line adrenaline as he was being hauled off to jail, Eddie man-aged to ask Alana for her phone num-ber. Days later, he called her right after his release and was surprised to find the phone number “actually real”. Eddie’d been married twice before, father of Eddie Junior from the first marriage, father of Tony and Robin from the second. Alana had always been attracted to boxers, and as soon as she heard Eddie’s deep guttural intonations en Espanol, she was hooked.

They moved in together in 1970, and they found their “little bun-galow with rustic charm” at 1879 Lucretia in Echo Park in 1981. Or was it ’85? Or ’89? Neither can

remember, but they’ve been here ever since. Eddie retired from the Team-sters in 1991 after 32 years, and Alana just retired from her elementary school teacher’s job at LAUSD. Now they like to go to Pizza Buona on Sun-set once a week for authentic Italian food and to Barragan’s on Sunset for the best Mexican comida in town.

Eddie meets his Mexican “homies” most mornings at the donut shop at Echo Park and Montana, and the homies greet him with a welcoming, “Don Gasporra”. Eddie likes it that way because he’s a big fan of the “Godfather” movies, and what better way to show “a little respect” for a man who stands up for neighbors, than with a Corleone-like salutation. In fact, if you want a friendly enforcer to stand up for you sometime, just walk over to the bench in Marion Har-low Garden in Elysian Park, and ask for “The Mayor of Elysian Park.”

Eric Trules is a 15 year resident of Echo Park and a Senior Lecturer at USC’s School of Theater. More info at: www.erictrules.com

The Mayor of Elysian Park by Eric Trules

Opinions expressed in this newsletter are those of the writers and do not necessarily reflect the position of the Echo Park Improvement Association








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Page 11: Epian Ways Sept. through Nov. 2008 issue

Mail for EPIA: P.O.Box 261021, Los Angeles, CA 90026 Message Phone (323) 882-4835

September-November 2008 Page 11

Since I just found out the EPIAN was going to be published this weekend I am not at a loss for reporting events happening at CCAC, it’s just that I have to com-pile them quickly so the paper can go to print.

In the last newspaper, I told of the trip to San Fran-cisco. A wonderful, educating, entertaining time was enjoyed by the 10 kids who made the journey. A few of them had never flown before so that alone was the highlight of the trip. The youth were in awe of the archi-tecture. Natalie told me she likes the way people dressed. They ate in Chinatown, Haight Ashbury and on the wharf...

So what do we do for an encore? Can’t tell you right now, it’s a secret.

This summer we had 10 kids working with our graf-fiti crews. Not only did these kids make money, but they definitely enhanced our graffiti removal services. The crews were able to do whole blocks of light poles, instead on one at a time. The kids have worked their last days and will get their final paycheck the first week of school. Thanks to all the kids who worked—Maria, Andres, Arturo, Sarah, Richard, Yonathon, Marcos, Lynnette and David. The crews will miss your help.

The kids who were not old enough to work had a great time this summer. Only thing, I felt the summer was too short. I had so much fun going to Hansen Dam three times that I would like to be permanently as-signed there. It appears as if the kids favorite game is keep the ball away from Gloria. Aside from hitting me in the face a couple of times, I enjoyed my time with the kids. Even with movies, eating at hometown buffet and the beach we still all manage to play our Wii game. I now know all the words to I Love Rock n Roll.

Want to tell you about this past week. Let’s go back-wards from today. While I am sitting here typing away, the kids are all downstairs sliding down a water slide which is in the back yard of the fire station. One of them called me in the morning to ask if he needed a change of clothes and I old him it was entirely up to him. Sam is setting up the BBQ for hamburgers and hot dogs. This will be the finale for the week. What a way to go. Thursday the kids decided to do something that was air-conditioned so they went to see Batman. Wednesday was a night beach trip. The kids all went in the water, even I waded in a little bit. After we started the fire, out came the hotdogs. Everyone was eating them except something was wrong with mine—it tasted like salt—everyone was laughing at me. I think they put sea salt on my hot dog, it was the strangest tasting dog I ever ate. Anyway, after the fire got going Sam fell asleep and snoring so loud that the other people on the beach could hear him.

On Tuesday, Sam, Maryanne and I took the kids to Hansen Dam. We had a picnic lunch provided by Mary-anne’s daughter Chrissy. The water is great and every-one had a good time. On Monday, Sam took the kids to Venice beach. Some of our kids are like dolphins in the water, especially Arturo who I nicknamed Flipper. Is the staff tired? Just a little bit. Are the kids tired? No, they want more.

Okay so next week is school. Several of our older kids have moved on to college so we will not be seeing them as often. Now we have the younger brothers and sisters coming to the center.

Thanks for the community support of our agency.

Central City Action by GloriaGloriaGloriaGloria


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Page 12: Epian Ways Sept. through Nov. 2008 issue

Page 12 September-November 2008

Mail for EPIA: P.O.Box 261021, Los Angeles, CA 90026 Message Phone (323) 882-4835

by Susan Borden

I hope you didn’t miss Echo Park’s version of National Night Out this year. If you weren’t one of the hundreds of revelers in the Walgreen’s parking lot on August 5th, you missed a free evening of food and fun.

An annual nation-wide crime and drug prevention event, National Night Out has been sponsored for twenty-five years by the National Association of Town Watch. According to the group’s website, the festivity has four purposes. The first is to heighten crime and drug prevention awareness; second, to

generate support for and

participation in local anti-crime programs; third, to strengthen neighborhood spirit and police-community partnerships; last, to send a message to criminals letting them know that neighborhoods are organized and fighting back.

Rosie Betanzos of Positive Energy was the lead planner for the local celebration. She put together quite a show.

For a start, no one went hungry! Staff of Select Patrol grilled fresh, locally made sausages and hamburgers for the crowd and served them up with all the fixings. After their families finished eating, the kids could enjoy cotton candy, prepared right on the spot. Did I tell you it was all free?The Northeast L.A.P.D. was out in force, with Captain Bill Murphy introducing the dignitaries, as he stood next to a popular monster kiddie bouncer. The colorful play apparatus was almost never without a line of waiting

children. On the other side of the

parking lot Teen Community Police Advisory Board members painted bright designs on little faces. Youngsters could also win pet goldfish by playing a simple game. A good many fish went to a new home in a plastic bag at the end of the evening.

The council districts were represented by several staff members, as well as elected officials themselves who visited, shook hands and met their constituents. Tables were set up where visitors could find out about local groups such as the Echo Park Chamber of Commerce, Echo Park

(Continued on page 6)

Echo Park Celebrates


Three Generations - Vicky, baby Jessica and Jesusita

Captain Bill Murphy, Northeast LAPD with Noel

Rogers and Susan Borden at EPSA table