EPIAn Ways April 2003

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  • 8/9/2019 EPIAn Ways April 2003


    Echo Park Improvement AssociationMeets at 7 p.m. the 1st Thursday of each Month

    in Williams Hall at Barlow Hospital 2000 Stadium Way in Elysian Park

    It was a lovely Februaryweekend as we met at CentralCity Action Committee tohead over to TreePeople toget our fruit trees for theannual EPIA Fruit TreeGiveaway. On Saturday at9am about 12 volunteers,including 6 young peoplefrom Central City ActionCommittee, set off to prepare

    the 135 bare root fruit treesof several varieties that werebeing donated by TreePeople.We met our friend LindaEremita, Nursery Manager atTreePeople, and she gave usour instructions. About half ofthe volunteers were taughthow to prune the young trees.It was important to knowwhich variety had a centralleader, and which did not so that you pruned themcorrectly. The rest of us soaked old newspapers inwater, wrapped the roots, bagged them in plastic,and got them ready for transport. All in all, with somany returning volunteers, we finished in just 2hours. The trees were packed in the vans, and wereturned to the 'hood to our favorite LAPD Drop inCenter to store the trees overnight.

    Sunday morning, as we arrived to open the gates,we had folks waiting. There was a big rush to pick upthose trees. Things settled down, more volunteerscame to help with the distribution and we passed outthe trees with a steady stream of people coming overthe next several hours. A number of people stopped

    by to find out what we were doing and we actually hada waiting list for unclaimed trees. Only 4 treesremained at the end of the day, and we closed up,

    ending another great tree giveaway.

    I would like to thank everyone who came out.Steven Arthur, Lynn Barb, Susan Borden, PhyllisLundine, Bill Campbell, Suzanne Kimbrough, IdaPotash, Margarita Fernandez, Maria Gonzalez, andDeborah Perrin from EPIA. Jackie, Xenia, Sandra,Miriam, William, Dario, Paul, and Pedro from CentralCity Action Committee.

    I would also like to thank the LAPD, Officer LouFord from Rampart, Officer Sonia Grace fromNortheast and the officers who came to the Drop inCenter on Saturday and Sunday to open and close thedoors for us.

    I can't wait 'til next year.


    EPIA and Central City Action Committee volunteers ready to prepare trees at TreePeople nursery

    by Kate Bernstein

  • 8/9/2019 EPIAn Ways April 2003












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  • 8/9/2019 EPIAn Ways April 2003



    Echo Park Lake Support Group byJudith HansenTen concrete benches are about to be delivered to

    the north end of the Lake, the result of a

    neighborhood Matching Fund Grant awarded toEPIA's Lake Support Group. The group walked theLake with Department of Recreation and Parksrepresentatives recently to determine best possiblesites for placement. The area around the playequipment area was determined most in need, with afew benches going to the area overlooking the Lotuspond. A work party is planned to welcome thebenches and to disseminate educational informationabout crucial problems at the lake.

    The first Floating Aqua Garden is in production.Watch for a large floating wetlands area to appear in

    the middle of the lake with the intended purpose ofimproving the water quality. How will it affect thebeauty and use of the Lake? This is a trial model.

    Starting about now, the Lake starts gettingspruced up for the Summer's Lotus Festival. Noticethe re-seeding of grass on the island and annualsplanted to provide colorful spots of color at the east

    and north ends of the park. The Support Group hasbeen lobbying for fewer annuals, and instead a move

    towards drought resistant native plants. We've beenpressuring Rec and Parks for more pampas grass tobe planted on the island to provide shelter for birdsand their eggs, and for making the island moreattractive.

    The PAB (Park Advisory Board) is considering newsignage for the Lake. Badly needed are signsreminding users that dumping of food on the groundfor the ducks is harmful to their well-being andcreates fouled water, that bicycles are not to beridden on the footpaths, and that any garbage shouldbe put into cans. These are the basics to making thepark enjoyable for users.

    By next Fall a group from the EPIA should have aneducational package created to take to Logan andPlascencia schools.

    The Lake Support Group is very much in need ofadditional people who are interested in the Lake.Please call (213) 250-5353 if interested.

  • 8/9/2019 EPIAn Ways April 2003


    There is a new group in townmade up of committed members ofthe community, uniting to raisefunds for the Echo Park branchlibrary. While, the library holdsentertaining events, it sometimesfalls short of funds for some neededmaterials. Here is where the newgroup comes in.

    During the past couple ofmonths we have been thinking ofwhat to do. For starters hold a booksale. But then why not a rummagesale too? Along with the staff, wedecided that a joint book and

    rummage sale would be held onSaturday March 15 and it was.While we are novice salespeople, wehoped to raise as much as we couldto assist the library for what itdeems necessary. We set a modestgoal of $250.

    A call went out to the communityfor donations of books and trinkets.The community responded.Goodies, were left at the library andthe EPIA, all of which found theirway to the library. The items weresorted, priced and ready to be sold.The Big Day arrived SaturdayMarch 15. One look outside and it

    was Rain, Rain, Rain, "Oh, no, noSun, water everywhere. Wouldpeople come? It looked bleak.

    Thankfully, the first personarrived at 10 am! We greeted himand hoped for the best. He lookedat all the books on the tables andmade choice after choice. He madehis purchase and it looked good,perhaps more people would comein, but the rain continued. The rainwas pouring down very hard, butpeople did come, we were notdisappointed. There were manypeople, searching for books, talking

    among themselves, helping otherslocate books that they had comeacross. "Here is a Spanish Bible",one person told another as hehanded the bible across the table.Such a wonderful scene to seepeople helping each other. Anotherwonderful thing was learning thatpeople had been looking forward tothe sale. One nice lady, upon beingthanked for her purchases andcoming out in the rain, replied "Oh,no, we were looking forward to this

    sale. Music to our ears.Another, patron, a professor,

    who also purchased a stack ofbooks remarkedthat he andfriends had beenat another books a l e , b u tremembered thatEcho Park wasalso holding one,so they came

    down to see. Heliked our set-up,but what caughthis attention wasthe mountain ofboxes not stackedin order, buttossed about inthe corner of theroom. "It is artsy",

    he said, "I like it". We conversedwith our new friends and told themthat we looked forward to seeingthem again. They said they werelooking forward to our next sale.Welook forward to coming back. Sucha beautiful setting. The raincontinued to fall, but it did notdampen our spirits. As the day wenton we realized that rain did notkeep people from coming to thesale. It was a huge success! Toeveryone who came, we say thankyou, To those of you who wereunable to attend, we say, we look

    forward to seeing you at the nextbook sale. It was a successful day,we beat our goal, raising over $300all for a good cause.

    To be part of the fun mark yourcalendar for our next sale date, May17th. Books can be dropped off atthe library, 1410 W. Temple orbring them to the next EPIAmeeting.


    (213) 484-1265


  • 8/9/2019 EPIAn Ways April 2003


    "getOrganic 2"

    April 26, 9am

    5pmSpring time is upon us and that

    means Echo Park CommunityGarden (EPCG) is having it'ssecond annual spring open house:"getOrganic2" on Saturday, April26 from 9 AM to 5 PM.

    We have a great day planned.Come see our beautiful garden inall it's spring glory. Meet yourneighbors who garden here. Get

    your organic beat on, eat greatfood, buy some "Echo Park honey",a raffle ticket or some seedlings orplants. Your attendance andpurchases make our gardenpossible. EPCG pays the highestrent of ANY community garden inLos Angeles we need yoursupport.

    The kids at Central City (CCAC)have spent the last monthdesigning and painting pots thatwill be for sale to benefit thegarden's greenhouse fund. Eachpot is signed by the artist and willhave a dwarf sunflower seedlinggrowing inside. We will also havecollectable "EPCG organic" oneinch buttons for sale to benefit thegreenhouse fund.

    As always, the art ist iccommunity has stepped out to

    support the garden. This year ourraffle items include membershipsto LACMA and MOCA, tickets tothe LA Opera and the HollywoodBowl, CDs and concert tickets fromConcord Jazz and gift certificatesfrom "Funky Revolution" and "theEcho Chamber" gallery.

    "get Organic 2" will debut "EPCGorganic", the garden's new brand ofartisanal food items. "Echo ParkHoney", "Lavender Shortbread","Herbed Sel de Mer" "Echo ParkHoney Mustard" and "Herbed GoatCheese".

    Our popular "Seedlings, Cacti &Succulent" sale returns. This yearwe feature over thirty differentvarieties propagated by Echo Parkgardeners including agaves, aloe,geraniums, bromeliads, euphorbiaand succulents. Vegetableseed l ings inc lude ch i l i es ,tomatoes, greens, basil, beans,squash and melons. On the flower

    side: cosmos, sunflowers, four-o-clocks and hollyhocks.

    Get your organic beat on from11am-5pm. Once again, live musicis being presented by United Divas(uniteddivas.org). Sound isdonated by WHUMP. Scheduled

    master sound gardeners include:Tree (Mystik Alchemy, Green

    Sector), Lady Jay (United Divas,Green Sector) and Mark Charles(The Beat Collectors).

    Join us for brunch, lunch or anearly dinner. Our supporters atPioneer Market, Gelson's andTrader Joe's once again make itpossible for us to serve up somegreat Garden Day food. Enjoy ourfamous smoked spicy chickenwings, Oaxacan pulled pork andchipotle black beans. We'll alsohave many vegetarian delightsavailable, naughty sweets and ourdelicious EPCG Mint Sun Tea todrink. Our friends at Taix onceagain donate some class to ourgarden day: pate sandwiches,quiche and other menu favoriteswill be available.

    Please join us for a beautifulday at the garden. "getOrganic 2" -Saturday, April 26 from 9 AM to 5PM. EPCG is located at 2223Sunset Blvd. @ Rosemont across

    the street from Funky Revolution.

    by Gardenmaster Douglas Sutter

  • 8/9/2019 EPIAn Ways April 2003


    ECHO PARK CALENDAREvent Date Location CommentsEPIA Meetings 1st Thursday, 7:00 p.m.

    May 1, June 5Williams Hall atBarlow Hospital,2000 Stadium Way inElysian Park

    Call EPIA messagephone for additionalinformation

    EPIA Steering CommitteeMeetings 2

    nd Monday, 7:15 p.m.April 14, May 12, June 9

    Taix FrenchResaurant

    Take an active part inEPIA. Join the SteeringCommittee

    Chamber of CommerceGeneral Meeting 3

    rd Friday, 1 p.m.April 18, May 16

    Taix FrenchRestauant

    EPCofC information/message 213-630-3032

    Citizens Committee toSave Elysian Park Mtg. 1

    st Wednesday, 7:30 p.m.,May 7, June 4, July 2

    Call 213-666-9651 formeeting location

    Greater Echo ParkElysian NeighborhoodCouncil Meeting

    4th Tuesday, 7 p.m.April 22, May 27

    Logan Street SchoolAuditorium, 1711 W.Logan Street

    Call (213) 413-3196 forinfo or visitwww.GEPENC.org

    Deadline for June EPIAnWays Newsletter Friday, May 23 Send submissions toEPIA, Attn: EPIAn

    Ways Editor


    LA Animal Services

    presentsFurever Friends

    Animal Adoption Event

    Sunday, April 13,11:00 AM - 4:00 PM

    A variety of cats, dogs, kittens,and puppies will be available foradoption from our City shelters

    Mulholland Fountain, inGriffith Park at Los

    Feliz and Riverside Dr.

    Ample parkingavailable. Please bring

    cash or check. Moreinfo at (213) 384-8542

    EP Community Garden

    "get Organic v.2.0"Annual Garden Party/fundraiser

    Sunday, April 26 from 9am to 5 pm

    2223 Sunset Blvd @Rosemont

    Massive plant,vegetable, cactus andcut flower sale. Music,Food & Artesian goods.

    Spring Carnival May 8 -11, Thurs & Fri 5-10 pm, Sat & Sun 1-10 pm

    Echo Park RecreationCenter Information at (213)847-0096

    UPCOMING EPIA TOWN HALL MEETINGSMay Angie Jimenez from the Department of Aging

    June Jessica Hall from North East Trees, Creeks Restoration ProjectJuly Continued conversation with Department of Recreation and Parks


  • 8/9/2019 EPIAn Ways April 2003


  • 8/9/2019 EPIAn Ways April 2003


    April, May & June 2003Computer Classes

    Internet Classes en Espanol 1) Navegadoresdel internet, 2) Motores de busqueda , and 3)Correo Electronico. Open to the public.Call 213/250-7808 for hours of service. EchoPark Branch.

    DAILYElectronic Catalog and the Library on theWebLearn to use the Librarys electronic catalogto search for materials, renew items, and placeyour own holds. Bring your library card. All ageswelcome. Familiarity with the keyboard andmouse is recommended. Call 213/250-7808 forEcho Park Branch schedule. .

    Adult ProgramsTue., May 6, 20,Thu., May 8, 22,Tue., Jun 10,Thu., Jun 12, 26,4:00pm Computer Comfort Learn the basics of internet

    surfing. Introduction to databases and varioussearch engines. Call 213/250-7808. Echo ParkBranch.

    Fun for KidsDaily Grandparents and Books We offer several

    days during the week for children to read withour Library grandparents. For days and time call213/250-7808. Echo Park Branch.

    Wed., May 7,3:30pm Storytime Join Jeni for funny stories! For

    information call 213/250-7808. Echo ParkBranch.

    Thu., May 29,

    3:30pm Silk Cut Magic Show For information call213/250-7808. Echo Park Branch.Thu., Jun 4,3:30pm Storytime It's summer, join Jeni for hot stories!

    For information call 213/250-7808. Echo ParkBranch.

    Library HoursMondays 10:00 am - 8:00 pmTuesdays 12:00 pm - 8:00 pmWednesdays 10:00 am - 8:00 pm

    Thursdays 12:00 pm - 8:00 pmFridays 10:00 am - 6:00 pmSaturdays 10:00 am - 6:00 pmSundays CLOSED

    Library Address1410 W. Temple Street

    Los Angeles CA 90026Phone 213.250.7808FAX 213.250.3744World Wide Web Addresshttp://www.lapl.org24 Hour Renewal: 888-577-LAPL


  • 8/9/2019 EPIAn Ways April 2003


    Gloria, Gloria, how does your garden grow? Withdirt and STUFF!! In the past two months dirt andSTUFF were delivered to CCAC. Although it was

    hard to tell the difference between the two 7 tonpiles, volunteers who were quickly recruited, foundout for themselves. The aroma from the STUFFpile made it easy to differentiate. For a few daysthere was a strange smell emanating from the backof the fire station. The odor was intoxicating for themany people who were attending meetings insidethe station.

    With the assistance of our newest member toCCAC, Doug Sutter (Echo Park Garden), staff andkids began spreading the 7 tons with a genuineeagerness. I carefully watched from the sidelines asthe work began. All of them worked quickly so thatmixtures were spread before the rain and thespiders came out. After all wasdone, the kids asked me if there wasmore to spread. I assured them thatwhen and if I did get moreSTUFF (actually compost from theZoo), Ill gladly call them. As thekids were leaving that day, Ireminded them to take their shoesoff before they entered their homesas they were leaving an aromatictrail as they walked.

    Doug Sutter has many excitingprojects lined up for our youth in thenew Studio Lab. At the present, withthe help of Amy Linsenmayer, kidsare designing and painting flowerpots. These pots will go on sale atthe Echo Park Garden enablingCCAC to bring in some much neededrevenue to do the little extras.Future projects in the lab include logo design forbuttons; T-shirts, Caps and other CCAC designplans. With the help of Doug and Amy we now havemore computers for the youth to do homework,

    educational games, and informational surfing. Plansfor a CCAC website are in the works as well as artprojects proposed from local artists. We enjoyDougs presence, enthusiasm, and genuine interestin CCAC. He has become a vital part of CCAC. Thankyou Amy for with your art and educationalbackground, you have shown an immense patiencewith our kids. Both of you are assets to us.

    Let us not forget Maryannes birthday. Yes,

    unfortunately, every year we get older. We had aBBQ luncheon, for everyone at CCAC as well ascake. Maryanne received a calculator, which shecarries with her and guards carefully.

    With the few warm days we had the youth areanxious to go outside and play. Michael and Ivanhave started a flag football tournament. When theweather is good, and all homework is done, thosewho are participating in the tournament go outsideand run around.

    Staff member Sam, in front, with crew, spread the STUFF in CCACs new garden.

    Central City Action by Gloria

    Wood Burning Rotisserie309 N. Glendale Blvd

    Los Angeles, CA 90026

    www.tigeorgeschicken.comEmail: [email protected]




    Mon Sat

    11 am

    7 pmSundaysGroup of 10or more byReservation

  • 8/9/2019 EPIAn Ways April 2003


    Echo Park Extreme Teen Club You want food, friends and music. You want some excitement. You want toget out of the house! Your wish is our command. Join our teen club where you will plan trips and help the commu-nity. Youll have fun as a bonus. (Meetings are on Thursday 5:00 PM6:00 PM. FREE.)Camp Sunchasers Camp schedule is Monday through Friday, 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM ($60.00 weekly). Extendedsupervision is available 7:00 AM 9:00 AM and 4:00 PM 6:00 PM ($10.00 weekly plus regular fee). RegistrationFee is $30.00. Price of weekly trip is not included. Registration will be accepted at a mandatory parent meeting onThursday, June 5, 2003 @ 7:00 PM. Space is limited.

    Character Counts Session - Youve got a special camper who sleeps with sports equipment under his/ her pillow.Weve got a special summer of games that will never be forgotten. This summer your camper will learn thatCharacter Counts along with special sports skills. Sports has never been so much fun! (July 21 through August15, 2003)Sunflower SessionSchools out! What are you going to do with the kids? The best place for summers childrenis Camp Sunchasers, a unique and quality camp where they will be singing camp songs Monday; looking through a

    telescope Tuesday; swimming Wednesday; water-sliding down a pyramid Thursday; and riding a paddle boat Fri-day. Sound like fun? It is because Camp Sunchasers is Where Kids Just Wanna Have Fun. (July 7 through Au-gust 29, 2003)

    Coed Baseball Winter is over and the kids of spring are ready to crack their bats at the baseball diamond.And were ready for them, too. Sign up soon. NO CHILD IS EVER CUT FROM A TEAM!! We are currently takingregistration for ages 5 through high school. The fee of $65.00 covers uniform, trophy, umpires fees, administra-tive fees, use of equipment and participation in 10 12 games.

    Softball (Girls Play LA) It is the goal of Echo Park Recreation Center to provide quality sports opportunitiesfor everyone. Girls Play LA offers a league for middle school age girls who are looking for non-coed athletics. Weare currently taking registration. The fee of $10.00 covers uniform, trophy, umpires fees, administrative fees,use of equipment and participation in 10 12 games.

    Spring Carnival

    The air is fresh and your family wants an outing. Come toEcho Park for a swinging, whooshing, heart-pounding good time. (Thursday andFriday, 5:0010:00 PM. Saturday and Sunday, 1:0010:00 PM. May 811)

    Backpack Brigade We provide a safe and nurturing place where kidscan work on their homework, munch on a tasty, nutritious snack and have somefun under the supervision of trained staff. Walking pick-ups are done forLogan Street School, Plasencia School and Our Lady of Loretto School.

    In order to maintain a ratio of 1 trained adult to 10 children, space is limited .(Monday through Fri-day. FREE. Participantsalso receive $5.00 off

    other park-sponsoredactivities.)

    For Information, Call

    Rosa G. Manriquez,

    at (213) 847-0096.

    Contact Rosa G. Manriquez at (213) 847-0096

  • 8/9/2019 EPIAn Ways April 2003


    S.M.ART Systems, Inc.Comprehensive Computer AssistanceWE CAN HELP YOU

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    Five proposed concepts to increase traffic capacityand speed on the US101 (Hollywood/Ventura Free-ways to beyond the Ventura County line) made the fi-

    nal cut of a Caltrans study looking 25 years into thefuture. These concepts are variations of no build (leaveeverything as is); build up (add a second level to thefreeway); or build wide (expand to as many as 8 lanesin each direction). Within these concepts are ideas toadd HOV lanes and/or light rail.

    The Echo Park Community Action Committee andother neighborhood groups in other parts of the studyarea have expressed their concerns. Typically, how-ever, Caltrans and other agencies such as MTA andLADOT, do their engineering studies first, and thenzero in on a so-called best idea. Only then do they

    conduct environmental studies to determine the plansimpact on a community .Unlike the Glendale Corridor Project and the Free-

    way Terminus Project, both of which are limited to afew miles of streets and mostly affect the surroundingcommunities, the US101 affects many miles of free-way and dozens of communities that may or may notsee eye-to-eye on whats best.

    It appears this study is being done in isolation.Where is a study that takes a regional approach andexamines the possibility of concurrent improvements

    by building more subways, light rail, buses and sur-face street improvement? Does one exist? If not, whynot? Recently, MTA floated a proposal to extend thesubway westward from downtown to the Fairfax dis-trict via Wilshire Blvd. A great idea, if they can pull itoff, but it will have almost no impact on the peoplewho travel back and forth from downtown to the SanFernando Valley and beyond via the US101.

    Inasmuch as either idea build up or build out would cause significant changes to our community, wecannot support either idea. But the reality is that Cal-trans will be very persistent in its efforts to do some-

    thing. Therefore, we plan to remain fully informed andinvolved. As more information becomes available, wewill be in a better position to express views to Caltransand our elected officials that reflect our communitysneeds and desires.

    For more information and to be added to our mail-ing list, please send an email to Judy Raskin, [email protected].

    US101 Proposals Would Seriously Affect Downtown Neighborhoodsby Judy Raskin

  • 8/9/2019 EPIAn Ways April 2003


    PLANS FOR A 62-ROOM motel are moving aheadon Alvarado Street just south of Sunset Boulevard.The project, which will sit next to the Sunset CarWash, will stand four stories high and supposedlytake on a chain, such as Best Western.The project was reviewed on March 24 by a cityzoning administrator. Planning watchdogs say theyare still concerned that the motel could become amagnet for prostitution, which has been on issue onsome stretches of Alvarado. Also, Sunset andAlvarado already have some big traffic woes. Afterhearing those concerns, a zoning administratordecided to keep the case open to allow the GreaterEcho Park Elysian Neighborhood Council tocomment.

    Although they arent technically in Echo Park, twonew restaurants not far from our neighborhood areopening up new dining choices. Just east of EchoPark is Charm, a Thai restaurant on Cesar ChavezAvenue that delivers to Echo Park homes! And justwest of Echo Park is the Pho Cafe, a Vietnameserestaurant near Silverlake Boulevard tucked away inan especially unglamorous mini-mall.

    The Pho Cafe is still figuring out how to providehome delivery of its pho, or noodle soup dishes. But

    it does provide takeout, and its faux (pho?) cafeteriasetting is a quick drive from Echo Park.

    ON A SADDER NOTE, another of Echo Parksmicro-businesses is closing down. Labor Fruit, thefashion collective on Alvarado Street held a closingcelebration for its store on March 29. With theirstorefront vacant, it is expected that the next-doornewsstand, 33 1/3, will somehow expand into theremaining space.

    Meanwhile, the storefront that once housed BookBound on Echo Park Avenue has been leased.Apparently, it will become the home to a New-Age

    apothecary. Look for more info in future columns.The latest home prices in Echo Park are nothing

    short of mind-boggling. In February and March, it wasnot uncommon to find homes listed in the mid-$400,000 range. In the Los Angeles Times, the

    average home price for February was $329,000. Andin Angelino Heights, a huge Victorian went on themarket for $800,000.

    Meanwhile, the city has come up with its firsthandful of projects using its $100 million affordablehousing trust fund. One apartment project is in EchoPark, just south of Temple Street on Court Street

    DESPITE THE DIZZYING HOME PRICES, EchoPark is still seeing some frustrating signs of gangviolence. In February, the LAPD reported that therewas a homicide at Echo Park Avenue and MontanaStreet, a mistaken identity shooting that occurred at

    2:15 a.m. Police said gang members fired on a carthat they thought belonged to another gang member,which it didnt.

    Weeks later, a car full of gang members rammedanother car near Echo Park Avenue and Montana.And on a recent Sunday afternoon, someone fired agun in broad daylight near the same intersection. Noword so far on whether the police have made any


    Some Echo Park residents made their waydowntown in recent weeks to complain about the planto raze roughly two dozen street trees outside theMark Taper Forum. The complaints fell on deaf ears,however, as the county Board of Supervisorsauthorized the clear-cutting of two rows of 40-year-old ficus trees.

    AN ECHO PARK AIDE to Councilman Eric Garcettiis moving on to other pastures. After nearly two yearsworking on such projects as the Echo Parkboathouse, Heather Repenning is leaving Council

    District 13 to join the Los Angeles Unified SchoolDistrict. Word is that shell be working on the

    districts school construction projects.

    Speaking of Eric Garcetti, the councilman is backin Echo Park after a sporadic, months long absence.The councilman took on a somewhat nomadicstatus, living in various locations while his home onAvon Street was the subject of a sweeping, top-to-bottom renovation.

    Opinions expressed in this newsletter are those of the writers and

    do not necessarily reflect the position of the Echo Park

    Improvement Association