
Envision It! Word Cards Gr3 - Weebly

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Page 1: Envision It! Word Cards Gr3 - Weebly


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Page 2: Envision It! Word Cards Gr3 - Weebly

Grade 3 Unit 5 Week 2 • I Love Saturdays y domingos

Routine for Lesson VocabularyIntroduce She holds a bouquet. A bouquet is a bunch of picked or cut flowers. Let’s say the word together: bouquet.

Demonstrate The bride carried a bouquet. Hal gave his mom a bouquet of roses for her birthday. She picked a bouquet of wildflowers from her garden.

Apply At what occasions would you likely see a bouquet of flowers?

Display Now I will write the word on the board. Let’s read the word together: bouquet.

Pencil Talk •Drawapictureofacolorfulbouquet.

Write a sentence that describes your picture. Use the word bouquet in your sentence.


She had a bouquet of __________.

•Writethewordbouquet at the top of a sheet of paper. Make a list of words that you think of when you think about a bouquet of flowers.

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Page 4: Envision It! Word Cards Gr3 - Weebly

Grade 3 Unit 5 Week 2 • I Love Saturdays y domingos

Routine for Lesson VocabularyIntroduce The circus has a lion tamer. A circus is a traveling show in which clowns, acrobats, and trained animals perform. Let’s say the word together: circus.

Demonstrate The circus came to town once a year. Each of the three rings at the circus has a different act. My favorite part of the circus was the trapeze artists.

Apply What would you most like to see at a circus? Why?

Display Now I will write the word on the board. Let’s read the word together: circus.

Team Talk •Askyourpartnerifheorshehasever

been to the circus. Have your partner tell about the experience, including what he or she liked best and least. If your partner has not been to a circus, have him or her talk about what acts seem the most interesting and enjoyable.

•Tellyourpartnerhowacircusisdifferentfrom a fair. Think about what you would expect to see at a circus that you wouldn’t see at a fair and what you would expect to see at a fair that you wouldn’t see at a circus.

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Page 6: Envision It! Word Cards Gr3 - Weebly

Grade 3 Unit 5 Week 2 • I Love Saturdays y domingos

Routine for Lesson VocabularyIntroduce Saying good-bye can be difficult. Difficult means “hard to do, make, or understand.” Let’s say the word together: difficult.

Demonstrate The math test was difficult. It was difficult to walk on the ice. She was glad when the difficult trip was over.

Apply What subject do you think is the most difficult? Why?

Display Now I will write the word on the board. Let’s read the word together: difficult.

Team Talk •Askyourpartnertotellaboutsomething

he or she learned to do that was difficult at first.

•Tellyourpartnerasentenceusingtheword difficult. Have your partner repeat the sentence, replacing the word difficult with an antonym.

•Talkwithyourpartneraboutwhatmakesa test or quiz difficult. Discuss what you can do to make tests and quizzes less difficult.

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Page 8: Envision It! Word Cards Gr3 - Weebly

Grade 3 Unit 5 Week 2 • I Love Saturdays y domingos

Routine for Lesson VocabularyIntroduce The chipmunk is nibbling its food. Nibbling means “biting something gently or eating with small, quick bites.” Let’s say the word together: nibbling.

Demonstrate The parrot is nibbling on a cracker. After nibbling on a granola bar, I wasn’t hungry anymore. Tom thought he could feel fish nibbling on his toes.

Apply Does it take longer to eat something if you are nibbling it or if you are chomping it? Why?

Display Now I will write the word on the board. Let’s read the word together: nibbling.

Action! •Imagineyouarenibblingonapieceof

toast. Show how you look when you are nibbling.

•Demonstrateotherwaysyoucaneatfoodbesides nibbling it. Pretend you have a breadstick. Show how you would gnaw it, bite it, and enjoy it.

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Page 10: Envision It! Word Cards Gr3 - Weebly

Grade 3 Unit 5 Week 2 • I Love Saturdays y domingos

Routine for Lesson VocabularyIntroduce The child stands at the end of the pier. A pier is a platform that extends over water, used as a landing place for ships and boats. Let’s say the word together: pier.

Demonstrate She fished off the end of the pier. They tied their rowboat to the pier. When the fishing boats return, they bring their catch to the large pier.

Apply Why do you need to be careful when you are walking on a pier?

Display Now I will write the word on the board. Let’s read the word together: pier.

Pencil Talk •Drawapictureofapier.Includeaboat

in your drawing. Write a sentence to go with your picture. Use the word pier in your sentence.


The building by the pier is a __________.

•Makealistofadjectivesthatdescribewhat a large pier looks and smells like on a busy summer day.

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Page 12: Envision It! Word Cards Gr3 - Weebly

Grade 3 Unit 5 Week 2 • I Love Saturdays y domingos

Routine for Lesson VocabularyIntroduce The eagle soars with its wings outstretched. Soars means “rises, flies, or glides high in the air.” Let’s say the word together: soars.

Demonstrate The plane soars through the clouds. The hot-air balloon soars over the countryside. The kite swoops and soars above our heads.

Apply Have you ever been in a plane? How does it feel to soar through the sky?

Display Now I will write the word on the board. Let’s read the word together: soars.

All Together •I’mgoingtonamesomeanimalsand

objects. If the animal or object soars, say “Soars.” If it does not, say “Does not soar.”

penguin hang glider hawk motorboat

•ListenasIsaythefollowingrhyme. Then let’s say it together.

If I had wings, I too could fly, Soar like an eagle in the sky. I’d soar to school, no roads for me, And sleep at night high in a tree.

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Page 14: Envision It! Word Cards Gr3 - Weebly

Grade 3 Unit 5 Week 2 • I Love Saturdays y domingos

Routine for Lesson VocabularyIntroduce The pelican will swallow the fish. Swallow means “make food or drink travel from your mouth down your throat.” Let’s say the word together: swallow.

Demonstrate The child refused to swallow the medicine. Small mouthfuls are easier to swallow. His mouth was so dry that he could not swallow.

Apply What is a hard food to swallow? What is an easy food to swallow?

Display Now I will write the word on the board. Let’s read the word together: swallow.

Action! •Imagineyouhavejustputahuge

spoonful of oatmeal in your mouth. Show how you would chew and swallow the oatmeal.

•Putyourhandonyourthroatasyouswallow several times. What do you feel? What happens when you press your hand firmlyunderyourlowerjaw?

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