WORKING TIRELESSLY TO PROTECT OUR ENVIRONMENT Our activities to prevent global warming

Environmental brochure nov 2015

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WORKING TIRELESSLY TO PROTECT OUR ENVIRONMENT Our activities to prevent global warming

EU NOX ‘s clients

Page 2: Environmental brochure nov 2015

COMMITTED TO THE FUTURE OF THE EARTHPreventing global warming is Konica Minolta’s top priority

All over the world, environmental problems are a pressing issue. The reduction of CO2 emissions, resource sustain-ability, preservation of biodiversity – the environmental challenges we are facing today are global and urgent. Global companies have a compelling responsibility to help create a sustainable society by reducing their environmental impact. Konica Minolta is committed to contributing to the protection of the global environment in whichever way possible. One essential aspect is the reduction of CO2 emissions as the main cause for global warming.

According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), greenhouse gas emissions in 2004 were 49 billion t-CO2. Based on a world population of 6.4 billion people, this amounted to 7.66 t of CO2 per person per year. To avoid catastrophic climate changes, not more than 1.24 t-CO2 per person should be emitted annually in 2050. That is 80% less than the per capita emissions in 2004.







“Global warming is an urgent issue that demands the whole world’s attention!”

“Konica Minolta, one of the leading companies in the world to adopt science-based environmental targets, put the challenge of reducing environ-mental burden at the forefront of our strategic thinking as a global company.”

Shoei YamanaPresident and CEO, Konica Minolta, Inc.

To curb global warming, we need to act now!

Konica Minolta targets the reduction of CO2 emissions on many fronts, from the development of high-efficiency technologies and production processes to the implementa-tion of smart services.

In January 2009, the company formulated “Eco Vision 2050” as its long-term environmental goal. This vision guides the company in the right direction to achieve its future objectives and fulfil its responsibility as a global corporation by contributing to a sustainable earth and society. The main target of the Eco Vision 2050 is an 80% reduction of CO2 emissions in the product lifecycle by 2050, compared to 2005.

To assure that our long-term vision is not just empty words but filled with real activities, Konica Minolta also created its Medium-Term Environmental Plan 2016. This serves as a milestone marker towards the goals outlined in the Eco Vision 2050. One milestone is to reduce the CO2 emissions throughout the product life cycle by 40% in 2016 compared to 2005.

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Konica Minolta’s commitments and initiatives have helped us achieve the inclusion in various global SRI indexes as well as obtain high ratings by CSR research institutions.

Product use 1,137

Sales and service 93

Distribution 58

Production 387

(thousand tons)Procurement stage 352

Actual Goal VisionEstimating emissions when manufactures are

not implemented

Note: Lifecycle CO2 emissions reduction goal covers CO2 emissions from the procurement stage as of fiscal 2014

40% reduction

80% reduction

172 thousand tonsreduction





2005 2016 2050

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MEDIUM-TERM ENVIRONMENTAL PLAN 2016Numerous activities to reduce environmental impact

In order to establish our environmental priorities and plans, Konica Minolta pursues an on-going process of analysing the opportunities and risks related to our company’s impact on the environment. While the Eco Vision 2050 commits us to reduce this environmental impact in all business processes, from product development to procurement, production, distribution, sales and service, collection, and recycling, the Medium-Term Environmental Plan 2016 lays out three green activities – Green Products (planning and development), Green Factories (procurement and production), and Green Marketing (production and services, streamlining operations, engagement) – as globally relevant topics at each stage of business. This way, our intermediate plan takes the entire supply chain and product lifecycle into account.

Green Products Certification System

Konica Minolta’s Green Products Certification System is an original process to evaluate and certify products with superior environmental performance. The system aims to create environmental value suited to different businesses and product characteristics in order to help customers and the society at large reduce environmental impact. While conforming to the standards of environmental labels used in different countries, Konica Minolta introduced its own system in order to provide products that reduce environ-mental impact even further.

To be certified as a Konica Minolta Green Product, a device must meet certain criteria established for different busi-nesses and product characteristics. The goals that must be met are set at the product planning stage, and the product is certified on one of three levels based on its degree of achievement:

– Green Products (GP)– Green Products Plus (GPplus)– Sustainable Products (SP)

Green Products

– Planning and Development – Certification – Recycled materials – Reduce harmful chemicals

Green Factory

– Procurement and Production – Certification – Reducing CO2

– Preserving biodiversity – Green suppliers

Green Marketing

– Products and services – Reduce customer’s environmental impact

– Streamline operations – Reduce our own environmental impact

– Engagement – Employees and community

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Our Green Products help customers and society reduce their environmental impact. Konica Minolta regularly publishes the environmental performance of certified products in various media, including product catalogues

and websites, to inform the public about these efforts. In 2014, Green Products made up 54% of the total sales quantities across all business areas.


Preventing global warming- Reduce CO2 emissions from product usage- Reduce CO2 emissions throughout product life cycle

Supporting a recycling-oriented society- Reduce petroleum-based resource usage- Make products smaller and lighter- Increase the operating life of products- Promote the use of re-used and recyled materials- Promote the use of plant-based materials- Reduce rare metals usage

Reducing the risk from chemical substances- Restrict the use of hazardous chemical substances

Restoring and preserving biodiversity- Use biological resources in a sustainable manner

Manufacturing process innovation

Sustainable Products


Green Products Plus (GPplus)

Green Products (GP)

Environmentally responsible products based on product assessment

Products that contribute to realising a

sustainable society

Products that achieve the industry´s top

environmental performance

Products that achieve top-level environmental performance

in the industry

Certification requirements

Management in accordance with the

CSR procurement plan

Production at a Green Factory certified plant

Compliance with environment-related


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Ever decreasing TEC value

Reduced CO2 emissions are a key requirement for devices to be certified as a Green Product. 147 Green Products across all areas achieved a CO2 reduction of 43,000 tons during product use in 2014. TEC1 values that could be continually lowered over the years illustrate the eco-friendly operation of Konica Minolta office products and contribute to minimising the environmental impact. Furthermore, with significantly reduced CO2 emissions during production and usage, Konica Minolta’s Simitri® HD polymerised toner ensures a considerably lessened impact on the environment.

1 Typical weekly Electricity Consumption




Reduction of energy consumption


10 2 3 4 5 kWh/Week

bizhub C360

bizhub C364

bizhub C364e

bizhub C368

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Using recycled plastics in multifunctional devices

In 2012, Konica Minolta was the fi rst manufacturer worldwide in our industry to adopt recycled plastics for the casing of multifunctional devices. Our unique technology of mixing recycled PET2 and PC3 materials ensures improved strength, fl ame resistance and process ability of the recycled PET plastics.

Recycled materials made up more than 40% of the total plastic surface area in the bodies of the bizhub C554e series introduced in 2013. This percentage is increasing with every new model: In 2015, it is up to 72% and represents the biggest amount worldwide in the industry.

Konica Minolta achieves Industry Environmental Standards around the world, however the company’s own certifi cation goes much further than required.

2 Polyethylene Terephthalate3 Polycarbonate


< 1 PET bottle 5 PET bottles 2 Gallon bottles16 PET bottles

10 Gallon bottles40 PET bottles

bizhub C652/C552

bizhub C754/C654

bizhub C554/C454/C364/C284/C224

bizhub C368/C308

2012 2012 2015

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ENVIRONMENTALLY SOUND PRODUCTIONEnhanced efficiency through optimised use of energy and resources

At Konica Minolta, we recognise the importance of pursuing greater efficiency in production processes. We are work-ing hard on minimising the use of energy and resources by reducing waste in manufacturing processes and focusing on developing production technologies that curb CO2 emissions, reduce waste, and avoid chemical substances as far as possible. We also strive to increase our contribution to global environmental protection by helping our suppliers reduce their own environmental impact.

Green Factory Certification System

Already in 2010, we introduced our original Green Factory Certification System for the evaluation of environmental activities of our production sites. This system aims to reduce both costs and environmental impact by providing a framework for activities that make the most of the produc-tion strategy of each business.

There are two levels a production site needs to achieve to be certified as a Green Factory. By November 2015 all factories finally have achieved Level 2.

All factories are certified according to ISO 14001.

3 Per production unit

Preventing global warming- 20% reduction of CO2 emissions1,2

Preventing global warming- 12% reduction of CO2 emissions1,2

Supporting a recycling-orientated society- 50% reduction of waste discharged externally2

- 0,5% or less final disposal of total waste2

- 50% reduction of petroleum-based resource waste2

Supporting a recycling-orientated society- 30% reduction of waste discharged externally2

- 0,5% or less final disposal of total waste2

- 30% reduction of petroleum-based resource waste2

Reducing the risks of chemical substances

Reducing the risks of chemical substances

Restoring and preserving biodiversity



From 2005 to 2013, the overall CO2 reduction related to manufacturing reached 23%3. In 2014, the overall CO2 reduction during production in all Green Factories amounted to 1,900 tons.

Ambitious Requirements

Basic Requirements

1 Per unit of production2 The base year is fiscal 2005

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Carbon neutral manufacturing

CO2 emissions that are unavoidable during the manufacture of Production Printing devices are offset by purchasing emission credits. With these emission credits, Konica Minolta supports a methane gas recovery carbon offset project in Liaoning, China.

Supporting suppliers in reducing their environmental impact

In 2014, we started the Konica Minolta Green Suppliers Initiative to provide our suppliers of raw materials and parts with the environmental technology and know-how to help them reduce their own environmental impact. Konica Minolta experts in energy and waste assessment visit the suppliers’ factories and propose reduction measures. Together with the suppliers they formulate and implement improvement plans.

CertificateProductionProcured Material Logistics

CO₂ emissions at each stage of the manufacturing process are offset using

emission credits.

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ADDRESSING YOUR ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERNSKonica Minolta minimises own environmental impact and helps customers do likewise

The environmental concerns of users around the world are growing as the global community continues to witness the negative effects of climate change. But environmental challenges are not problems that can be solved by the activities of a single organisation such as Konica Minolta. Given this situation, Konica Minolta is promoting an initiative that supports the environmental management of our customers in order to maximise our joint contribution to the protection of the global environment. The aim of our initiative is to work together with you as partners to address today’s pressing environmental challenges.

Green Marketing

Konica Minolta actively proposes and strives to popularise products and services that help our customers reduce their environmental impact. Moreover, we are also working on achieving greater efficiency in the transport, sales and service activities related to supplying our products to you, our customers – as this translates into lower costs and reduced environmental impact.

Intelligent use of office systems

Through the intelligent use of our office systems, you as our customer are able to lower the CO2 emissions related to your everyday operation.

Our products support you in this with a range of green functionalities including follow-me printing, duplex or n-up printing/copying, proof & print, removing of blank pages or the overlay function – all with the aim of avoiding unneces-sary printing in order to save toner, paper and energy.

Other green functionalities such as My Tab, XPS Print Preview, or the Eco Mode enable you to individualise the user display of your multifunctional device, giving

preference to eco-friendly functions. You can also display your toner, paper and CO2 consumptions as well as program devices to switch automatically to low power or sleep mode with the Eco Meter or Dynamic Eco Timer.

Reduction of CO2

emissions duringproduct use by 70 %from 2005 to 2013

100 %

30 %

2005 2013

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How it works

You receive an all-in-one service for carbon neutral printing operations

* Building emissions, small components and maintenance

All your prints are carbon neutral and your company supports certifi ed carbon off set projects all over the world.

Paper Consumption

Power Consumption

Toner Consumption


Calculation of CO₂ emissions of your printer fl eet in operation is based on:

Carbon neutral printing

As CO2 emissions cannot be avoided altogether during usage, we have set up a carbon neutral printing programme together with ClimatePartner, the leading business solution provider for climate protection. This programme enables you to off set your emissions using emission credits: To give you full transparency, you receive an emission certifi cate containing the information how much you have off set. With these emission credits, Konica Minolta supports three certifi ed carbon off set projects:

– Wind Energy in Bandirma (Turkey)– Hydropower in Renun (Indonesia)– Hydropower in Santa Catarina (Brazil)

Optimised transportation for reduced environmental impact

At Konica Minolta, we also attach great importance to improving our transport, sales and service activities from an environmental point of view.

To reduce CO2 emissions, we strive to increase the effi ciency of transportation and choose transport options with a lower environmental impact wherever possible. In 2014, Konica Minolta succeeded in reducing its distribution-related CO2 emissions by 700 tons. This was achieved by shortening transportation distances worldwide through the optimisation of distribution sites and routes; by reducing the number of containers through improved loading effi ciency; and by reducing air transport through minimising quality problems, keeping development schedules, and improving demand forecasting.

Also in 2014, our company worked on reducing the packag-ing for replacement parts with a high distribution volume. In many cases, the package size could be reduced through optimised impact resistance during transportation.

And for instance, our device maintenance and user support service CS Remote Care identifi es technical problems, which can be resolved remotely without the need to send out service technicians. Thus, the number of cars on the road and Konica Minolta’s impact on the environment can be reduced further.

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Konica Minolta Business Solutions Europe GmbH Europaallee 17 30855 Langenhagen Germany www.konicaminolta.eu

Start of Green Suppliers Initiative (FY2014)

DISTRIBUTION: -21 % in 2013 vs. 2005


-20%CO2 reduction in Green Factories with level 2 certifi cation (2014 vs. 2005.Value refers to production unit)

PRODUCT USAGE: -70 % in 2013 vs. 2005

CO2Reduction 2013 vs. 2005










(Products that achieve

top-level environmental

performance in the






9.2 MillionReduction of CO2 emissions

throughout product life cycle (2013 vs. 2005):

Target Reduction of CO2 emissions compared to 2005 levels by 2050:(through CO2 reductions gained from products, manufacturing, collection, distribution, procurement, sales and services)

€Investment into environmental measures (as of 31st March 2015):

CARBON NEUTRAL printing since 2015



%4.4 Billion Euro

Sales of Green Products(as of 31st March 2015):