Entry Name: Sunz of Mork

Entry Name: Sunz of Mork - Variance Hammervariancehammer.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/SunzOfMork.pdf · see some other "Sunz of Mork". ... Defenders of Ultramar but also troops

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Gabtrak sits at the end of the bar andponders over his bottle of "MadcapMushroom Brewing". He is bored andyearning for the past when he started tohang out with the "Sunz of Mork". The"Sunz of Mork" are a Kult of Speed fromthe Evil Sunz and he is now one of theirMeks.

When he joined them on Armageddon heonly had a knack for engines and was notaddicted to speed. He got every engineworking and when finished the vehicle wasnot only driving faster but although muchlouder. Because of this he was recognizedby the Sunz and he started to drive withtheir Prospects on the back of a trukk whilethey started their raid for the pipelines soimportant for the humans in their big cities.After every ride he git more impressed bythe speed of their force consisting of bikesand buggies and how fast and hard theyhit. But he thinks his obsession alreadystarted on the first time when he shoutedon their driver to keep up with the bikesand his wish to be one of them heading fullspeed to the enemy grew with every time.Something he noticed on all the othersjoining their ranks later on. This resulted inhim srewing his own bike together, but hecould not stick with a normal one. Hewanted something special, so created hisquad. After that he was really one of them,always one of the fastest, one of the first inbattle.

He suspires when he thinks backs to thistime and orders another beer. With this one

in his hand he spins on the bar stool andlets his eye wander over the pub. He cansee some other "Sunz of Mork". All of themunited by red sun on the back of their cut-offs to show their brotherhood and to setthemself apart from the other Orks thatcould not understand their obsession forspeed. Reflecting this his thoughts returnback to Armageddon.

It was one of his first rides on his newlycreated bike and the "Sunz of Mork" wereon a race against "Da White Lightnin'" andthe "Burning Death" to be first on today'starget. The other Kults of Speed could notbe allowed to be the first, they already hadearned to much honor. "Da White Lightnin'"had often mucked around with the humansusing their speed and the "Burning Death" -also real pyromaniacs - left many humansand their settlements burnt to dust by theirskorchaz. And today it was going againstmarines! Their Kults of Speed - the "WhiteScars" and the "Storm Lords" - were worthycombatants and it was a good chance toearn some honor. So everyone switched onhis turbo-boosta to meet the human bikers.While some became entangled in closecombat others broke through trying to reachthe pipeline. Gabtrak earned his ownportion of honor when the pipeline explodedin a big burst after placing some stickybombs on it. But he would also have lostlive during the raging counter attack if hisbrothers had not covered his withdrawalwith the dakkaguns and afterwards crushedsome heads with their choppas.

A Kult of Speed is a mob of Orks with an obsession and addiction to speed. In addition to the typical

preference for slaughter and explosion the so-called Speed Freeks love to drive really fast. They utilise a

create amount of warbikes, buggies and trukks for their style of fighting. Although most Speed Freeks

are from the Evil Sunz clan it is common that a Kult of Speed consists of Orks from different clans.

In a Kult of Speed an Ork earns respect not only based on its size and strength but also on the speed of

the vehicle he is driving. So typically every Speed Freak likes to earn its own custom Warbike and some

Warbosses are known to utilize jet-engines to power their bikes. Due to the large number of vehicles

there are also many Mekboyz amongst their number and sometimes even leading the mob as Big Mek.

Kult of Speed

A boring night

Due to the fact the Prophet of the Waaaghfailing again on Armageddon the "Sunz ofMork" backed out. They left many membersdead on the battlefields, but Gabtrak couldalso see some new faces in the colors of the"Sunz" in the crowd. For example Zoggaand Tokram who joined the "Sunz" withtheir skorcha while they still did small raidson human settlements until they found anew destination. Or Rokhor from theOctarius mob who reinforced the "Sunz"after fighting next to the Overfiend.

The "Sunz" actualyjoined the WaaaghOctarius to fightfurthermore againsthumans, but suddenlythe crawlers spread outin the Empire. Gabtrakcan still rememberquite good the lastfight against the crawlers

before the left the Empire of Octarius. Thedefense fire was exploding over their headsprovided by the Blood Axe artillery tryinghandle the flying creatures of the swarm.With full automatic fire from theirdakkaguns and some sporadic rokkits thekeeped the small creatures on the groundfrom advancing and then crushed into thehorde like a power claw crushes teeth.Their charge only lost momentum after theirWarboss Krid Gitzmoscha had reached thebig bug in command of this side of thebattlefield. The "Sunz" started driving intwo counter-rotating circles, shooting andsmashing on smalller creatures to give thecommanders of both parties an arena tofight. Krid Gitzmoscha charged the creatureagain and again, always jinking its clawsand ripping parts out of it with his powerklaw. The moment when the creaturecollapsed was the moment the "Sunz"recognized that the artillery stopped firingand the Blood Axes were overrun. Theyused their skorchaz to burn a way throughthe horde but lost many brothers losing gripon the crawler gut covered ground withtheir bikes or teared out of the saddle by

swooping flying creatures.

Based on this experience Krid Gitzmoschaused a great amount of teeth to buy a trukkwith a big flakkagun. Gabtrak could see thedriver of this flakka-gun next to its gunnerand their grot helpers in one corner of thepub arguing with some flyboyz like theyalways do. Next to them Lem and Gobzagof the Charadon Mob and some prospectsdiscussed the music played by the jukeboxwith some Goff Rockers.

The Charadon mob proved themselves whilethe "Sunz" started to raid the Ultima sectoralongside the Arch-Arsonist. For a whilethey could fool around with the blueMarines, those were too opionated andpredictable to handle the fast raids of theOrk bikers. But they became too carefreeand were caught in a trap by not only theDefenders of Ultramar but also troops fromdifferent chapters. The Crimson Fist - stillseeking revenge for their homeworld -lurked with the Ultramarines in a shantytown encirling a mine. When the trap wasrevealed, the "Sunz" immediately tried tobreak free only to discover the way backwas blocked by biker mobs of the WhiteScars and the Ravenwing. Gabtrak brokefree by blowing the head off of a WhiteScars marine with his Mega-Slugga andsimply turbo-boosting without looking back.Some others kept up with him using hisforce field as cover. Other small groups alsosucceeded in escaping but they lost manymembers, near to all slower vehicles andtheir Goff allies. After regrouping theydeciced to move on.

Too long the good moments are gone, fortoo long he is now sitting here in the desertand is bored to death Gabtrak thinks beforehe stands up and strolls over to some of theBoyz next to the Squig fighting ground.Zogga, Rokhor and Tokram carry a back fullof teeth and a cage in their hands. A bravegrot explains the rules and the odds whilethe "Sunz" already set their squig hound tothe pit. "Rippa" always gets bad odds, he is

too small but only consists of razor sharpteeth and is a true bundle of energy. Onthe other side some Goffs lower a hugeattack squig to the ground of the arena. Asthird combatant some Snakebites place asquig in the ring, completly high onmushrooms you can easily see. Gabtrakquickly placed some teeth before the squigscharged each other. "Rippa" dodges theclosing mouth of the bigger squig and bitesinto his leg while the drugged squig burieshis teeth in the neck of the attack squig.Suddenly "Rippa" gives the leg free andruns away. One of the Goffs had thrown theGrot into the ring and "Rippa" snatches himup before he can get back on his feet.Angry about this intervention Zogga strikesdown the Goff. Rokhor is kicking his headwhen he is hit by another one. Gatrak takeshis spanner from his back and hammers itdown from behind on the head of the Goffnext to him. Some seconds later everyonenear the arena is part of a big brawl andthe other "Sunz of Mork" approach to join

the fight. Shortly after the barkeeperinterferes by shooting his shoota into thecrowd. Now it is time for the "Sunz" toleave. Rokhor kicks the Goff still on theground again while passing by and grabs hisbag of teeth while the others already runoutside. Arriving theere they jump on theirbikes and buggies or the bed of one of theirtrukks. After driving a short distance Zoggasignals that they should turn around and soall bank left to return to the bar and rake itwith fire from their dakkaguns. Gabtrakslows down to have a look on Tokramsending a burst of fire from his skorcha intothe barrels stored next to the pub whichresults in an explosion like the pipeline onArmageddon. Gabtrak wants to acclerateagain when he recognises his leg hurting.When he looks down he sees "Rippa", histeeth buried into his ankle. He reachs downfor the squig and lifts him up on the backof his quad before he pulls the accelerator.He follows the others, laughing and thinkingthe night was not as boring as expected.

The "Sunz of Mork" originate from the firstWaaagh Ghazghkull led to Armageddon. WarbossKrid Gitzmoscha gathered some other warbikersaround him and founded the "Sunz of Mork" mob tojoin the fight. After the Waaagh was stopped by thehumans, the mob left Armageddon towards Ryza.On Ryza the mob met another Evil Sunz biker moband their nob challenged Krid Gitzmoscha. After hewon the fight by ripping his challengers head of, hisfollowers were allowed to join the "Sunz" and weartheir Colors, traditional red kutte with yellow EvilSun. To differentiate between the two mobs theyadded a patch telling about their origin to theirColors. Afterwards the "Sunz" recruited the sameway on every battlefield they joined.

After the second Waaagh on Armageddon, allmembers of the original mob had grown to nob sizeand was renamed to "Armageddon Originals" whilethe newly added boyz are simply named theArmageddon mob. Single bikers and buggy crewsare patched as nomads and perserve a higher levelof independence. Boyz without wheels join the

ranks of the "Sunz" as prospects and are not treatedas full members until getting their own bike andjoining an existing mob. Typically every mob tries torecruite minimum one mek to build and tune theirvehicles and a painboy to take care of the boyz alsoif the most boyz in a Kult of Speed are able tomaintain a vehicle and patch up wounds. Grots areonly tolerated as helper for oddboyz and crew forthe guntrukks.

The "Sunz" keep a good relationship to someother Kults of Speed especially to "Gorks Bastardz",a Goff biker warband, but otherwise are outsidersin the ork culture like all Speed Freaks.

Sunz of Mork

Warboss Krid Gitzmoscha