ŽENSKÁ JEDNOTA The Alphabet of Happiness

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Fraternally Yours™

5 23 1 ISSN 0897-2958

Fraternally Yours,ZENSKA JEDNOTA,

is a monthly magazine published by the First Catholic Slovak Ladies Association.

National Headquarters at 24950 Chagrin Blvd., Cleveland, Ohio 44122EDITOR: Carolyn Bazik

P.O. Box 1617, Reading, PA 19603E-mail: [email protected]

Phone (610) 373-2743 • Fax (610) 375-8333

Periodical Postage Paid at Cleveland, OH 44101 and additional entries

Subscription Rate, Non-Members: $6.00 — 1 Yr.

Printed at Triangle Press6720 Allentown Blvd., Harrisburg, PA 17112

Postmaster: Send address changes to Zenska Jednota,

First Catholic Slovak Ladies Association 24950 Chagrin Boulevard, Cleveland, OH 44122

Deadline for all articles is the 15th of the month, 1½ months prior to the issue date.

OFFICE HOURS — HOME OFFICEMonday through Friday — 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.Phone: (216) 464-8015 • Toll Free: 800-464-4642Fax: (216) 464-9260 • Website: www.fcsla.com


Very Reverend Monsignor Peter M. Polando, The Cathedral of Saint Columba, 154 West Wood St., Youngstown, OH 44503. Residence: (330) 744-5233. Email [email protected]:

Cynthia M. Maleski, Esq., 24950 Chagrin Bou-levard, Beachwood, OH 44122. (800) 464-4642. Ext. 1011. Email: [email protected]:

Irene J. Drotleff, 17807 Nottingham Road, Cleveland, OH 44122. (216) 486-6950. Email: [email protected].

Larry M. Golofski, 1114 Surrey Lane, Vandergrift, PA 15690. Residence: (724) 845-8078. Email: [email protected].

Barbara Novotny Waller, 24950 Chagrin Bou-levard, Beachwood, OH 44122. Residence: (610) 207-0747. Email: [email protected]:

Sue Ann M. Seich, 24950 Chagrin Boulevard, Beachwood, OH 44122. (800) 464-4642. Ext. 1012. Email: [email protected]:

Stephen C. Hudak, 24950 Chagrin Boulevard, Beachwood, OH 44122. (800) 464-4642. Ext. 1016. Email: [email protected]. TRUSTEES:

John M. Janovec, 24950 Chagrin Boulevard, Beachwood, OH 44122. (800) 464-4642.

Virginia A. Holmes, 1625 Vermont Avenue, White Oak, PA 15131. Residence: (412) 672-1565.AUDITORS:

Katie A. Esterle, 24950 Chagrin Boulevard, Beachwood, OH 44122. Residence: (262) 720-7190. Email: [email protected].

Barbara A. Sekerak, 6312 Elmdale Road, Brook Park, OH 44142. (216) 676-9332. Email: [email protected].

Dorothy L. Urbanowicz, 27 Crescent Drive, Mones-sen, PA 15062. Residence: (724) 684-8243. Email: [email protected]:

Carolyn M. Bazik, P.O. Box 1617, Reading, PA 19603 (610) 373-2743.

COURT OF APPEALS:Mary Angeloff Jeanette PalancaBarb Shedlock Ralph SzubskiJoseph L. Szumski Carol YurechkoRon Sestak Joyce KellyRonald Paseka Ann SedlockBernard Drahozal Dawn LaBuda

The Alphabet of Happiness:A – ACCEPT Accept others for who they are and for the choices they’ve made even if you have

difficulty understanding their beliefs, motives, or actions.B – BREAK AWAY Break away from everything that stands in the way of what you hope to accomplish

with your life.C – CREATE Create a family of friends whom you can share your hopes, dreams, sorrows, and

happiness with.D – DECIDE Decide that you’ll be successful and happy come what may, and good things will

find you. The roadblocks are only minor obstacles along the way.E – EXPLORE Explore and experiment. The world has much to offer, and you have much to give.

And every time you try something new, you’ll learn more about yourself.F – FORGIVE Forgive and forget. Grudges only weigh you down and inspire unhappiness and

grief. Soar above it, and remember that everyone makes mistakes.G – GROW Leave the childhood monsters behind. They can no longer hurt you or stand in your

way.H – HOPE Hope for the best and never forget that anything is possible as long as you remain

dedicated to the task.I – IGNORE Ignore the negative voice inside your head. Focus instead on your goals and re-

member your accomplishments. Your past success is only a small inkling of what the future holds.

J – JOURNEY Journey to new worlds, new possibilities, by remaining open-minded. Try to learn something new every day, and you’ll grow.

K – KNOW Know that no matter how bad things seem, they’ll always get better. The warmth of spring always follows the harshest winter.

L – LOVE Let love fill your heart instead of hate. When hate is in your heart, there’s room for nothing else, but when love is in your heart, there’s room for endless happiness.

M – MANAGE Manage your time and your expenses wisely, and you’ll suffer less stress and worry. Then you’ll be able to focus on the important things in life.

N – NOTICE Never ignore the poor, infirm, helpless, weak, or suffering. Offer your assistance when possible, and always your kindness and understanding.

O – OPEN Open your eyes and take in all the beauty around you. Even during the worst of times, there’s still much to be thankful for.

P – PLAY Never forget to have fun along the way. Success means nothing without happiness.Q – QUESTION Ask many questions, because you’re here to learn.R – RELAX Refuse to let worry and stress rule your life, and remember that things always have

a way of working out in the end.S – SHARE Share your talent, skills, knowledge, and time with others. Everything that you invest

in others will return to you many times over.T – TRY Even when your dreams seem impossible to reach, try anyway. You’ll be amazed

by what you can accomplish.U – USE Use your gifts to your best ability. Talent that’s wasted has no value. Talent that’s

used will bring unexpected rewards.V – VALUE Value the friends and family members who’ve supported and encouraged you, and

be there for them as well.W – WORK Work hard every day to be the best person you can be, but never feel guilty if you

fall short of your goals. Every sunrise offers a new opportunity.X – X-RAY Look deep inside the hearts of those around you and you’ll see the goodness and

beauty within.Y – YIELD Yield to commitment. If you stay on track and remain dedicated, you’ll find success

at the end of the road.Z – ZOOM Zoom to a happy place when bad memories or sorrow rears its ugly head. Let

nothing interfere with your goals. Instead, focus on your abilities, your dreams, and a brighter tomorrow.

Dear Friends,This month remember to practice your ABC’s….

Until next Month Warmly, Carolyn

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JULY2015 3

Very Reverend Monsignor Peter M. Polando, D. Min., J.C.L., National Chaplain


My dear Sisters and Brothers,In order to become a member of the

Christian community, each person must be baptized after the profession of faith which then incorporates the person ac-cepting baptism as a member of the Church. For Catholics, the Rite of Bap-tism is accomplished by either infusion (the pouring of the water over the head of the person) or immersion (the entire body of the person into the water) three times, with the words invoked by the baptizer, “I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.

Immediately following the baptism of the person, and if the Sacrament of Confirmation is not celebrated, the cel-ebrant says to following prayer over the newly baptized, “The God of power and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ has freed you from sin and brought you to new life through water and the Holy Spirit. He now anoints you with the chrism of salvation, so that, united with his people, you may remain for-ever a member of Christ who is Priest, Prophet, and King” [Christian Initia-tion of Adults, in The Rites: Volume One, Number 319]. And once the prayer is completed, each of the newly baptized is anointed on the crown of the head with Sacred Chrism.

Sacred Chrism (used in the Sacra-ments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy Orders) is consecrated at the Chrism Mass celebrated by the Dioce-san Bishop during Holy Week, for many dioceses, on Holy Thursday morning. Two other oils (Oil of the Sick for the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick and Oil of the Catechumenate used also in the celebration of Baptism) are also blessed at this Mass and are distributed for use in all the parishes of the diocese. All of the sacred oils are from plants, usually olive oil, but Sacred Chrism has a perfume that is added to it because each member that is anointed with it is reminded of being that special member of the Body of Christ in His Priestly, Prophetic and Royal roles.

The emphasis here today is that all of

us are called to share in the Priesthood of Christ. In the Hebrew Scriptures, there were priests of the Levitical line that offered sacrifices to Yahweh, es-pecially for the expiation of sins. In the Christian Scriptures, we acknowledge that Christ is forever our high priest. The Letter to the Hebrews, explains that, “Un-der the old covenant there were many priests because they were prevented by death from remaining in office; but Je-sus, because he remains forever, has a priesthood which does not pass away. Therefore he is always able to save those who approach God through him, since he forever lives to make intercession for them. It was fitting that we should have such a high priest: holy, innocent, un-defiled, separated from sinners, higher than the heavens. Unlike the other high priests, he has no need to offer sacrifice day after day, first for his own sins and then for those of the people; he did that once for all when he offered himself ” (7:23-26).

Saint Augustine, in one of his com-mentaries on the Psalms, taught about Christ’s relationship to us and ours to His, “God could give no greater gift to men than to make his Word, through whom he created all things, their head and to join them to him as his members, so that the Word might be both Son of God and son of man, one God with the Father, and one man with all men. The result is that when we speak with God in prayer we do not separate the Son from him, and when the body of the Son prays it does not separate its head from itself: it is the one Savior of his body, our Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who prays for us and in us and is himself the object of our prayers. He prays for us as our priest, he prays in us as our head, he is the object of our prayers as our God. Let us then recognize both our voice in his and his voice in ours” (Commentary on Psalm 85, CCL 39, paragraph 1176).

These are profound words that should give us spiritual direction everyday of our lives. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, became one like us in all things but sin. But recognizing that sin existed in this

world, He became the Priest through the sacrifice of Himself on the Cross which gave way to perfect humanity as it was meant to be from the moment of human existence. His resurrected life gives us the hope of immortality. Our baptismal commitment to Him is that we are to be a reflection of His life, His preachings, His sufferings, His resurrected glory – in other words, to be priestly as He is Priest.

In the Dogmatic Constitution on the Church [Lumen Gentium], the bishops of the Second Vatican Council paralleled the roles of the ministerial priesthood and that of the laity as both share in the common priesthood bestowed on the individual at Baptism. They acclaimed, “Though they differ essentially and not only in degree, the common priesthood of the faithful and the ministerial or hi-erarchical priesthood are none the less ordered one to another; each in its own proper way shares in the one priesthood of Christ. The ministerial priest, by the sacred power he has, forms and rules the priestly people; in the person of Christ he effects the Eucharistic sacrifice and offers it to God in the name of all the people. The faithful indeed, by virtue of their royal priesthood, participate in the offering of the Eucharist. They exercise that priesthood, too, by the reception of the sacraments, prayer and thanksgiv-ing, the witness of a holy life, abnega-tion and active charity” (Paragraph 10).

My dear sisters and brothers, the common priesthood that we share de-mands that we live, breathe, speak, and think as Christ Jesus. At times, it may be embarrassing, not appropriate, or easy to suspend our priestly duties that have been imposed on us through the Bap-tism that we have received. To do this not only gives disrespect and dishonor to the High Priest, Jesus, it also dishonors and disrespects His Body, the Church. We have all taken on the responsibility to preach Jesus Christ crucified, Jesus Christ risen from the dead. Let us all be holy priests and preachers of the Gospel in order to share in the Priestly Life of Jesus Christ!

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Message from our National President Cynthia M. Maleski


FCSLAAnnuity RatesRatesforourEliteAnnuities:




3.50% APY**Thisrateisineffect1/1/2015thru12/31/2015.AdditionallytheguaranteedminimumrateforEliteSilverandGoldcontractsissuedin2015willbeincreasedto2%.

THE A.M. Best Company Confirms A- Rating

On June 4, 2015, FCSLANational Presidentproudly acknowledged amessage fromA.M.BestCompany,whichhadjustawardedFCSLAanA-(Ex-cellent)ratingforanotheryear.

Each year theA.M.BestCompany evaluatesthoseinsurancecompaniesandfraternalbenefitsoci-etiesthatseekitsrating,andratestheseorganizationsbasedonitsfinancialcondition,thecompany’sgrowthanditsabilitytopayfutureclaims.


TheinterviewsessionwithA.M.Bestrepresenta-tivesconcludedthatFCSLAiswellmanagedandisinexcellentfinancialcondition.They responded quickly by reaffirming the Association’s A- rating.

DearSistersandBrothers:Our delegates to the 41st

QuadrennialConventionwillsoonreceiveanOfficialCalltothecon-vention fromme.Weare lookingforward to a productive and fun-filledconventionwherewegathertosetthevisionforourSocietyforthenextfouryears,selectourlead-ership,gatherforMassandprayerand enjoy each other’s companyaswecontinuetoworktowardour




OurSt.Ann’s FeastDay celebrations always add abeautifulspiritualdimension toour lives.OurSlovakandCzechDayfestivitiesinourlocalcommunitiesarealwaysachanceforustoseefriends,oldandnew.TheSistersofSaintsCyrilandMethodiuswillsponsortheir42ndannualSummerFestivalonSaturday,July11ontheirgroundsinDanville,Pennsylvania.Whatagreatopportunitytoenjoythefestivities,supporttheSistersandpilgrimagetotheBasilicaforMassandprayer!


Haveagreatsummerandplease takesome time tosmelltheroses!

GodBlessYouandYours, Cynthia Maleski NationalPresident

2015 Slovakia Heritage TourSeptember 11-20, 2015

ExperienceSlovakculture,history,andlifeinSlovakiatoday,upcloseandpersonalon the2015SlovakiaHeri-tageten-day,smallgrouptour.Formore informationvisit www.slovakiaheritage.com or contact Judith Northup- Bennett, Slovakia Heritage Tours, 978-544-5144 or [email protected]

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JULY2015 5

FCSLA Connects . . .

Albert Heiles

Albert E. Heiles Jr., CLU, ChFC, AEP, CRC, LUTCFNational Sales Manager

BABY BOOMERS ARE FOCUSED ON RETIREMENT INCOMEWerecognizearapidlygrowingneedtobuildasecureincomeforretirement.OurAssociationhas



TERM INSURANCE WITH AN UNUSUAL TWISTFCSLAoffersoptionsthatafewothersinthefraternalbenefitsystemcanclaim.ThisputsourAssociationaheadofthe




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CANDIDATES FOR NATIONAL OFFICE: Anyonewishing to aspire toNationalOfficemust return anintent form,available fromSueAnnSeich,NationalSecretary,alongwithresumeandnon-refundablereg-istrationfeetotheHomeOffice.Allmaterialsmustbepostmarked,deliveryserviceorelectronicmediadatedbyAugust2,2015.PleasereviewtherequirementsforNationalOffice,includingCourtofAppeals,containedinthenewlyrevisedbylaws,SectionIII,Leadership&GovernanceStructure,startingonpage9ofthenewBylawbook.


National Secretary

Howmanyofyouwelcomechange?Ifyouarelikemechangedoesn’tcomeeasy. It usuallymeans there is workinvolvedlearningsomethingnew,whichisn’teasy theolderwegetorwemaynot like the change beingmade.OurnewBylawsbroughtmanychangesforourAssociation.ThechangeswereallapprovedatourSpecialConvention inOctoberof2014.AllofourNationalOf-ficers’positionshavequalificationswhichneedtobemetinordertorunorbehiredforaposition.ThequalificationsarelistedinournewBylaws.TheSpecialConventionBylawsCommitteemetformanymonthsandhadopendiscussionsatseveralmeetings togenerate thesequalifications.Theindividuals on the committee allworkedextremely hard,keepinginmindwhatneededtobeaccomplishedtosecureapositivefutureforourAssociation.TheNationalSecretary,NationalTreasurerandNationalEditorwillbehiredpositions.

TheelectedpositionswhichwillcompriseourAssocia-tion’sBoardofDirectorsare:NationalChaplain,NationalPresident, fourNationalDirectors, twoNationalTrusteesandthreeNationalAuditors.TheconventiondelegateswillalsoelectfivememberstoserveontheCourtofAppeals.Ifyouareseekinganationalofficepleasemakesureyoucheckthequalificationsfortheofficeyouseekandoffertheinformationrequired.IfyoudidnotreceiveanewBylaws’bookandneedacopybeforetheyaremailedoutwithyourconventioninformation,pleasecontactJayneNeelon,Ex-ecutiveSecretarybyphoneat1-800-464-4642,[email protected].

IfyouhaveanyquestionsconcerningourconventionpleasecallJayneormyselfandwewill try toassistyou.Forthoseofyouwhohaveaskedaboutthehotellayout,itisveryhandicapfriendly.Theareaassignedforourmeetingandmealsarerightnextdoortoeachotherwhicheliminatealotofwalking.IfyourequestahandicaproomoraroomnearanelevatorpleaseletusknowASAP.Wewanttohelpmakeyourconventionexperienceisapositiveone.


Sue Ann

11th Consular Tour to Slovakia August 23-September 2, 2015

Acustomized tourvisiting towns inSlovakia, famoushistoricsitesinneighboringVienna,AustriaandBudapest,Hungary.For a detailed itinerary andpayment schedule,contactJoeSenkoat412-956-6000or [email protected],flightschedules,paymentschedule,andrestrictions.

FCSLA Accepting Applications for Interim National Secretary and

Interim National Treasurer PositionsAsmandatedby the changes to thebylawsand the


The National Secretarydirectstheoperatingactivitiesofthe Associationonafull timebasis andreports to theNational President. The minimumqualifications for suchposition includeaBachelor’sDegree fromanaccreditedcollegeor university andpossess ten years experience,demonstratingcommunication,organizationandmanage-rialskills.

Insuranceand/or fraternal benefit society experienceaplus.

The National TreasurermonitorsthefinancialconditionsoftheAssociationoverseestheAssociation’sfinancesandinvestmentsonafull timebasisandreportstotheNationalPresident.AllcandidatesmusthaveeitheraCPAorMBAinfinanceorrelated fields from an accreditedcollege oruniversity andshallhavetenyearsormoreexperienceinthefieldsofbusiness,financeorrelatedf ields.

If selected for the interimposition, the candidate foreachpositionhas thepotentialofbeingconsideredforthepermanentpositionandreportstotheNationalPresident.Interestedpartiesmeetingtheabovequalificationsshouldsubmitadetailedresumeandcoverletter to NationalPresi-dentCynthiaMaleski,FCSLANationalHeadquarters,24950ChagrinBoulevard,Beachwood,Ohio44122onorbefore September15, 2015.

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JULY2015 7

IrecentlyattendedtheAFAFraternalandCommunicationsMid-YearMeetinginSanAntonio,TX.EverytimeIgotoameetingorconferenceIlearnsomethingneweachtime,notonlyabouttopicsthatpertaintomyjob,butIlovehistoryandlearningabout theplace I get to visit.FirstIneverknewthatSanAntonio,TXwasnamedafterSt.Anthony.Didyou?They have this beautiful statue ofSt.



EpisodicVolunteering is definedas volunteering100hoursorlessannuallyforagivenorganizationorcause.A2005studyfoundthat31%ofallvolunteerswereepisodicvolunteers.

EPISODIC ♥ Minimaltraining♥ “Done in aDay” projectswith commitment to the

organization♥ Passionateabouthelpingor feeling like theyhave

givenbacktothecommunityingeneral♥ More interested inmeeting other volunteers and


TRADITIONAL♥ Extensivetrainingrequired♥ Commitstoalongperiodoftime♥ Helpsondaytodayprojects♥ Passionateaboutthemissionofanorganization♥ Moreinterestedinbecomingoriented—withthestaff


There are types of episodic volunteers:♥ TemporaryEpisodicVolunteers—Onetimeservice♥ OccasionalEpisodicVolunteerwhogiveforoneactiv-

ity,eventorproject♥ InterimVolunteerswhoserveonaregularbasisfor


unteering:whichallowsprofessionalstodeveloptheirskillsthroughvolunteeropportunities.This typeofvolunteeringcanbeextremelybeneficialforanonprofit—itcanmakeupforunderresourcedareasofthenonprofitbusiness.AfewexampleswouldbeGraphicDesign,IT,AccountingandFinanceoranyotherprofessionalskill.




St. Anne’s Day CelebrationSt.Anne’sDayCelebrationonMonday,July27,2015at

St.CatherineofAlexandriaParish,10621S.Kedvale,OakLawn,IL.Coffeeandrollswillbeservedat10:00a.m. intheparishhallwithMassat11:00a.m.andtheluncheonatGardenChaletat12:30p.m.at11000S.Ridgeland,ChicagoRidge,IL.Thecostis$25perperson.ContactyourrespectiveBranchOfficerformoredetails.RSVPsduenolaterthanMonday,July17,2015toBranchOfficers.

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Wow,itishardtobelieve,butwhatstartedoutasasmallfesti-valatSt.MatthiasinYoungstownisabouttoholditstenthannualfestival which now is a valleyevent with participation frommanySlovakchurches,fraternalorganizations (includingFCSLABranch161ofcourse!)andindi-viduals!Thisyear’sfestivalwillbeheldonSunday,August9,2015on the grounds ofSt.MatthiasChurch,Our Lady of SorrowsParishat 2800ShadyRunRd,Youngstown,OH44502isbetterthanever!

The day starts off with aSlovak/EnglishMass at 11:00a.m.atSt.MatthiasChurchandcontinuesafterMassintheparkinglotandschoolhallun-til9:00p.m.OutsidetherewillbeSlovakfoodofallsortsavailable(andwearemakingmuchmoretomakesurewedon’trunoutbeforeeveryonehasachancetosampletheirfavorites!)Therewillbehalušky(withrealdumplings),hol-ubky(stuffedcabbage),pirohy,klobasaandkraut,roastporksandwiches,BBQchickenandevenhotdogs,friesandice cream and,ofcourse,Slovakbeer, all servedoutside—allday.Inside fromnoonuntil3:00p.m.wewill be serving a“Taste of Slova-kia”platterswithbreadedporkcutlet,klobasa,kyslakapusta(akasauerkraut!),holubkyandhalušky.

Youngstown to Hold Tenth Annual Mahoning Valley Slovak Fest

TherewillbeagreatselectionofSlovakbakedgoodsincludingkolačeandkiffles(firstcome,firstserved!),andpalacinky(crepes)alongwith Slovak crystal andotherSlovakitemsforsale.

ThereisalsoagreatSlovakHeritage corner showingmanybeautiful itemsondisplay suchas authentic Slovak kroj (folkcostumes), maps, corn huskdolls,photos,books,embroideryandinformationalitems.Thereisalsoabasketauctionandagascardraffle,goodforfoodorgasatGiantEaglestores.

Musicalentertainmentwillbeprovidedby theEddieVallus IIBand,theDelSinchakOrchestra

andthePittsburghSlovakians!ThemusicstartsafterMassoutsideandcontinuesuntilabout8:30p.m.and includesroomtodance!


Loretta Ekoniak

ANNUAL SUMMER FESTIVALFestivalsponsoredby theSistersofSaintsCyriland

MethodiusinDanville,PAwillbeheldonSaturday,July11.Activitieswillbeginat10:30a.m.Thefestivalwillfeatureafleamarket,silentauction,bakedgoods,handcrafteditems,bookstore,andReligiousandSlovakarticles.TherewillbeethnicfoodssuchasHolubkyandHalusky,aswellashotdogs, hamburgers, sausage, ice creamandmuchmore.Therewillbeavarietyofgamesforchildrenandadults.Busparkingisavailable.TheFestivalwilltakeplacerainorshine,andwillclosewithaMassat5:00p.m.Formoreinformation,pleasecallSisterBarbaraSableat570-275-3581,Ext.302.

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JULY2015 9

The92ndAnnualSlovakDaywilltakeplaceThursday,July16,2015atKennywoodPark,WestMifflin,PA.ItwillbeanexcitingdayforAmericansofSlovakdescenttocele-bratetheirheritagewitheachotherwhileenjoyingcolorfuldisplays,authenticcostumes,aSlovakliturgy,spectacularSlovakDance performances, scrumptious Slovak food,specialchildren’sactivities,aswellas foot-tappingmusicfor dancing.These combine to build a treasure chest ofmemories—manytoberememberedandstillmorewaitingtobecreated.

SlovakDayatKennywoodPark is sponsoredby theWesternPennsylvaniaSlovakDayAssociationunder theleadershipofDoloresSakal,ReverendJosephGroskoandassistedbyRev.GregMadja.ItiscomprisedofSlovakor-ganizationsfromWesternPennsylvaniawhocometogethertorecognizeallpeopleofSlovakheritageinadayoffunandentertainment.SlovakDaywasestablished in 1923torecognizeandpreservetheSlovakheritageinWesternPennsylvania.

KennywoodParkbecamesynonymouswiththisannualgatheringdue to easyaccess via the streetcar line fromall regionsofWesternPennsylvania.SlovakDayhelpedgivemanySlovakfamiliesachancetospeakintheirownnativelanguage,socializewithfriends,danceandsingthetraditional favoriteswhile enjoying the rich heritage theybroughttothisarea.Thiseventsupportsnon-profitSlovakorganizationsofWesternPennsylvaniasuchastheWestern


AhighlightofSlovakDayistheEucharisticCelebration.Thisyear’sprincipalcelebrantwillbe thenewlyordainedBishopEdwardC.MalesicfromtheGreensburgDiocese.PriestsfromPittsburgh,GreensburgandJohnstown-AltoonaDiocesewill also concelebrate the liturgy.The LiturgicalMusicwillbeprovidedbyRev.GregMadja.Immediatelyfol-lowingwillbethevibrantrepertoireofSlovakmusic,songsanddancespresentedbythe“PittsburghAreaSlovakFolkEnsemble”(PAS)andthe“PittsburghSlovakians”.


TantalizeyourtastebudsattheSlovakKitchenwhereyouwillbeabletoenjoyholubky(stuffedcabbage),haluski(sweet cabbage and noodles), and kolbasy.Your sweettoothcanbesatisfiedwiththehomemadefavorite—ceregi.EnjoythisdeliciousdinneroralecartefoodsandrelaxamidtheechoesofSlovakia,asstrollingmusiciansplayallofthe“Slovakfavorites”.FoodwillbeservedinPavilion#4behindtheride“Garfield’sRevenge”from1:00p.m.untilthefoodissoldout.

In theMainPavilion #5 therewill beSlovakCulturalDisplaysprovidedbytheSlovakFraternalsaswellasthepopular“Kroj”SlovakNationalCostumesExhibit.





For general information about the 92ndSlovakDaycontactChairwomanDoloresSakalat(412)243-0438.

Angela M. Lipchick

92nd Annual Slovak Day at Kennywood Park

Pennsylvania board members recently represented the FCSLA at the Annual Legislative Luncheon in Harrisburg, PA. Pictured are L-R: Lawrence Golofski, National Vice President; Virginia Holmes, National Trustee; Dorothy Urbanowicz, National Auditor; and Representative R. Ted Harhai, Branch 88.

Attends Annual Legislative Luncheon

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Matching Funds activities

Sr. Branch 452Halupky Dinner

November9,2014willgodowninhistoryasthelargestturnoutforaFCSLAsponsoredhalupkydinner.ThisyearmembersofSr.Branch452wereaskedbytheKnightsofColumbus inWhiting, IN if they couldpartner inhostingthisannualevent.Thecombinedmembershipcookeddin-nersandserved635attendees.ThisyearthefundraiserwasheldattheKnightsofColumbusHallwith(25)FCSLAmembersand(18)Knightsandfriendsparticipating.TheFCSLAfundsgeneratedfromthiseventwere$4,050notincludingthematchingfunds.TheICGrottocontinuestobe rehabbedwith these funds, alongwith thematchingfundsfromtheHomeOffice.ThankstotheFCSLAmatch-ingfundsprogram.


Sr. Branch 55Seafood Dinner

A matching fundsproject was completedbySr.Branch55inMa-hanoyCity, PA in con-junctionwith a seafooddinner held at BlessedTeresaofCalcuttaParishinMahanoyCity.PicturedatrightispresidentofSr.Branch55,MarylouHen-ninger (left) presentingtheFCSLAmatching funds check to committeememberDonnaDiCasimirro(right).

Branch W033Breakfast and Raffle

B r a n c h W 0 3 3Treasurer Rita Fjelstulpresents Father Don-ald Hawes, pastor ofSt.WenceslausParish,checks from theMatch-ingFundsBreakfastandRaffle thatwasheld onSundayMarch1, 2015.The $1,000 raised bythebranchwasmatchedby$600fromtheHome



Additional Activity on Page 13

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JULY2015 11

ConTeST eligibiliTY:Must be an FCSLA Member ages 15 and youngerIf you submit an entry and you are not a member

your entry will not be consideredMember must be the one that created the artwork

DeADline: Friday August 28, 2015Please mail entries to: FCSLA, Fraternal & Youth

Director, 24950 Chagrin Blvd., Beachwood, OH 44122-5634

ConTeST RuleS:Only one entry per memberSubmission must be in color on paper or art

board, minimum 8½ x 11 in size OR maximum 8½ x 14 in size

On a separate sheet of paper PRINT or TYPE: For the younger members that cannot print or

spell yet – please have the parents complete this part

Your Name, Age, Branch #, Email Address, and Complete Address

A short description of your art work.

THeMe:“Favorite Thing I Did

On My Summer Vacation”

Age gRoupS: 6 & Under • 7-10 • 11-13 • 14-15

pRize liST FoR eACH Age gRoup:1st Place - $ 50.00 Gift Card to Toys R Us OR Best Buy2nd Place - $25.00 Gift Card to Toys R Us OR Best Buy3rd Place - $15.00 Gift Card to Toys R Us OR Best Buy

bonus: Winners drawing will be published in a future Fraternally Yours Magazine issue.

Good Luck!

Michelina Ann Bacisin Graduates

MichelinaAnn Bacisinof S408, Lakewood, OH,graduated onMay 9, 2015MagnaCumLaudefromTheUniversity ofAkron,Akron,OH,CollegeofHealthProfes-sions,withaBachelorofArtsdegreewithamajor inChildLifeSpecialistandminors inFamily and Consumer Sci-ences - ChildDevelopmentandFamily andConsumersSciences - FamilyDevelop-ment.Mickeyacceptedapo-sitionasOutPatientSurgeryChildLifeSpecialistatAkronChildren’sHospital,Akron,OH.MickeywasarecipientoftheFCSLA2008HighSchoolSophomoreScholarshipforMagnificatHighSchool,RockyRiver,OHand2013CollegeJuniorforTheUniversityofAkron,OH.


Texas District 14, St. Vaclava, made a donation to the Scholarship Fund for St. Mary’s Catholic School, in West, TX. L-R: President Donald Cernosek, Vice Presi-dent Theresa Cernosek, Fr. Paul Hudson, Pastor of St. Mary’s Catholic Church, and Secretary/Treasury Johnny Cernosek.

Texas District 14 Makes Scholarship Donation



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OnSunday,May17,2015,theMagdalenI.IskraDistrictof theFCSLA joinedhandswith theBrooksideAmericanLegion,Post837,toadornthegravesitesofthedeceasedMilitaryVeteranswiththeflagoftheUnitedStates.Thecem-eteriesofSacredHeartofJesusandSt.Mary’sByzantine,bothlocatedinDallas,PA,werevisited.AprogramwasheldatSacredHeartofJesuscemetery,beginningwithaprayerbyAnnDougher,Sr.Branch65secretary/treasurerandDis-trictauditor.RemarksweremadebyStephenPrevuznak,Ad-jutantofPost837,wholedthePledgeofAllegiance.Wordsand thanksweregivenbyMagdalen I. Iskra,Sr.Branch172presidentandDistrictpresident.ApoemwasreadbyAntoinetteKravits,Sr.Branch86president.Theprogramwasclosedwiththesingingof“GodBlessAmerica”,ledbyBarbaraCeklosky,Jr.Branch362treasurer.

JoinHandsDay is a national dayof service createdandsponsoredbyAmerica’sFraternalBenefitSocietiesinpartnershipwiththePointsofLightFoundation.Thedayistobringyouthandadultstogetherinaprojectwhichwillmakeadifferenceinacommunityorsomeone’slife.TheFCSLA’sbranchesanddistricthavewholeheartedlysupportedthisventuresinceitsinitiation.Thosepresentwerethankedfortheir volunteerismandservice.Donationsweremadeby

Front row, L-R: Ann Dougher, Celeste Hess, Lauren Sheman-sky, Barbara Ceklosky, Stephen Prevuznak, Magdalen Iskra, Antoinette Kravits, James McNulty, Martha Iskra, Audrey Gra-ham. Middle row: Arthur Stofey, Joy Fuller, Theresa Ceklosky, Susan Kennedy, Linda Shemansky, Norman Saraka, George Ference, Debbie Doyle, Stanley Zenda. Back row: Donald Fuller, Brandon Fuller, Bill Kennedy, David Ceklosky, Andrew Korlarchick.

L-R: Arthur Stofey, Barbara Ceklosky, Ann Dougher (Branch 65), Stephen Prevuznak, Magdalen I. Iskra, and James McNulty, Commander, Post 837; and Lauren Shemansky, holding the American flag.

Stephen Prevuznak and Antoinette Kravits (S086).

Stephen Prevuznak and Mag-dalen I. Iskra (S172).

L-R: Magdalen I. Iskra, Antoinette Kravits, Barbara Ceklosky, Lauren Shemansky, Theresa Ceklosky (Grandmother of Lau-ren); and Martha Iskra in front of St. Mary’s Byzantine Chapel.

Military veterans with branch officers: Arthur Stofey, Ann Dougher, Andrew Korlarchick, Stephen Prevuznak, Norman Saraka, Antoinette Kravits, Bill Kennedy, Stanley Zenda, Mag-dalen Iskra, and James McNulty.

Magdalen I. Iskra District



Other volunteers that participated in this eventwereJoAnnKlinesmith,Sr.Branch 65, Jeff Klinesmith, FrankCeklosky,FredGraham,andDeniseDavies.

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JULY2015 13

An Afternoon of Fun and FoodSr.Branch23andJr.Branch130

sponsoredaluncheonandwaterparkafternoon at Country SpringsHotelandWater Park,Waukesha,WI onSunday,April 12.Theeventwasat-tendedbyapproximately60membersandguests.

Matching Funds activity

OnMay15,2015St.JohntheBaptistSchoolhelditsan-nualRaceforEducation.Offi-cersandmembersofBranch J58 and S81volunteeredtodistributewater bottles andhelpwithfirstaidasstudentswalked or ran laps aroundthecourse.Othervolunteerspunched the students racecardsastheycompletedlaps.Preschoolers started theday off in themainparkinglotandtheclassescontinuedtoracethroughouttheday.Olderstu-dentswalkedwiththeirclassestothe

Branches 58 and 81 Racing for Education

footballfieldtoracearoundthetrack.Everyonewas treated to lunch anddessert followed by an assembly in

thegymtoannouncewinners.ReaganKlapak collected themostpledgesinourorganiza-tion.MichaelMarkovichwonamedalforcompletingthemostlapsoutoftheeighthgraders.AsofMay20ththeschoolhasraisedover$16,000,withmorepledges still coming in.Ourjuniormembers raised over$1,500. St. JohnSchoolwillalsoreceiveanadditional$600fromthehomeofficebecausethis was a matching funds


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Clara C. Dvorak, W008ClaraC.Dvorak,80,ofDodge,NE,died

February6,2015.ClaraCarolineReisdorffwasbornApril8,1934toEarlandAgnes(Kozisek)ReisdorffatDavidCityandgraduatedfromDa-vidCityHighSchoolin1952.OnJuly30,1966,ClaramarriedHermanE.DvorakatSt.Mary’sCatholicChurch inDavidCity.Thecouple re-sidedonthefarm5½milesnorthwestofDodgeinCumingCounty.Shehadbeenemployedat


William “Bill” musiCk, s623William,“Bill”Musick,67,ofOgallala,NE,

passedawayFebruary3,2015.HewasbornNovember5,1947inGrant,NE,thesonofEar-nestandHazel(Fisher)Musick.HegraduatedfromPerkinsCountyHighSchoolin1967.HewasdraftedintotheMarinesin1968andservedinVietnam.Uponbeinghonorablydischargedfrom the service, hewent towork forArcherTransfer inOgallala,NE.Hewasmarried to


margaret m. vukovCan, s77MargaretM.Vukovcan,95,ofPortVue,PA,

passedawayonApril4,2015inMt.VernonofElizabeth.BornAugust13,1919 inPortVue,shewas a daughter of the lateAndrew andMary(Mular)Gdovic.AmemberofSt.Mark’sParishofPortVue,theformerHolyTrinityPar-ish inMcKeesport and itsChristianMothers,MargaretwasamemberofboththePortVueandSt.MartindePorresSeniors,amemberand

formerauditorfortheJednotaLodgeSr.Branch77.Shelovedtosew,crochet,quilt,cook,andherladylockcookieswillbesorelymissed,butnotasmuchasherwillofkindness.She joinsher


annarose m. topolosky, s344AnnaroseM.(Brayer)Topolosky,92,was

bornDecember29,1922anddiedonJanuary28,2015.ShegraduatedfromCampbellMemo-rialHighSchool in 1940.SheattendedBlissCollegeinColumbus,andKentStateUniversity,wheresheearnedcertificationasalabtechni-cian.Shewasemployedbyseveralphysicians,medical labsandfinallySealtestDairy for six


Charles F. sis, W074Charles “Chuck” Frank Sis, 78, passed

awayFebruary11,2015.Chuck,thethirdchildofsevenchildrenborntoCharlesandEleanora(Sramek)SiswasbornFebruary28,1936,atthefamilyfarmnearStratton,NE.HeattendedhighschoolinAtwood,KS,wherehelivedwithhis grandmother.After high school, hewas

draftedintotheNavy.AfterhisreleasefromtheNavy,heworkedinagrocerystoreandwassoontransferredtoPlainville,KStomanage theproducedepartment. Itwas there that hemet hisfuturewifePatricia.TheyweremarriedinDamar,KSonJune6,1959.SurvivorsincludehiswifePatricia;fourdaughters,MonicaJastrabin,Greeley,CO;Lisa(BobJones),Payson,AZ;Gail(BradPetch),Grand Junction,CO;Kimberly (Bruce Johnson),GrandJunction,CO;6grandchildren;2brothersLeo(Margaret),Omaha,NE;andMichael(Diane),Atwood,KS;asisterFreda(DonMenze),Hutchinson,KSandnumerousnieces,nephewsandcousins.Me-morialcontributionstoSacredHeartChurchBuildingFund,433EastAspenAvenue,Fruita,CO81521.

James J. vraBel, s081JamesJ.Vrabel,83,ofWhiting,IN,passedawayFebruary8,


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JULY2015 15

ArmyVeteranoftheKoreanConflictandmemberoftheAmericanLegion,AlliedPost369.HewasagraduateofGeorgeRogersClarkHighSchool,Classof1949andreceivedhisBachelorandMastersDegrees inEducation fromthe IndianaStateTeachersCollege.JimwasaretireeoftheLakeRidgeSchoolSystemofCalumetTownship(GrissomandBlackOakElementarySchools).MemorialstotheSt.JohnSchoolEndowmentFundortheHospiceoftheCalumetAreawouldbeappreciated.Hewasthebelovedhusbandfor56yearsofthelateCaroleJ.(Winrotte)Vrabel;lovingfatherofAndrea(Mike)Peterson,Jim(Cathy)VrabelandLaura(Jim)Golembieski;cherishedgrandpaoffour;dearestbrotherofRon (Marti)Vrabel,George “Jeep” (Kathy)Vrabeland late twinbrotherDonaldVrabel; fond brother-in-law ofDorothyVrabel;dearnephewofDorothyHoover;prouduncleofmanyniecesandnephews;devotedcaregiver,FrankStefaniuk.

helen m. huziCka, s566HelenM.Huzicka, 93, diedFebruary 11,

2015.ShewasbornAugust2,1921,inCamp-bell, thedaughterofGabrielandMaryBugosMakatura.Helenwasa1940graduateofCamp-bellMemorialHighSchoolandwasa lifelongCampbellresident.Sheenjoyedbeingahome-makerandtakingcareofherfamily.Shewasa

lifelongactiveparishionerofChristtheGoodShepherdParishatSt.JohnCatholicChurch,whereshewasamemberofthechoirformorethan60years.Helenlovedmusic,especiallylisteningtopolkasonSundaymornings,singinganddancing.Shewasfamousforherstuffedcabbageandkolachi,andherclothespincookieswerethebest!Herhusband,GeorgeR.Huzicka,whomshemarriedSeptember23,1950,passedawayOctober23,1996.Helenleavestocherishhermemories,herdaughters,MaryBarbara(Bob)FleetofYoungstown,AnnaMarie(Ken)ZinsofGahannaandJeannieHendersonofGroveport;herson,William(Maryann)HuzickaofYoungstown;sevengrandchildren;twostepgranddaughters;15great-grandchildren; three great-great-grandchildren; and twosisters-in-law.Shewaspreceded in death by her parents; herhusband,George;abrother,JoeMakatura;andthreesistersMaryMakatura,IreneMakaturaandMildredMorgan.

Josephine r. “JoDy” hinnenkamp, W133JosephineR.“Jody”Hinnenkamp,95,of

Salina,diedFebruary26,2015.ShewasbornNovember9, 1919,ona farmsouthofDor-rance.ShegraduatedfromWilsonHighSchoolin1938.ShegraduatedfromSt.John’sHospitalSchoolofNursingin1941.Followinggradua-tion,shewasemployedatSt.John’sHospitaluntiljoiningtheArmyNurseCorps.Sheserved

from1942to1945withthe77thEvacuationHospital.Duringherservice,shewasinNorthAfrica,Sicily,England,FranceandtheBattleoftheBulgeinBelgium.ShemarriedRobertHinnenkamponJune4,1946.Theywereinseparablefor68years.JodywasemployedatSt.John’sHospitaluntilretiringin1981.Jodywasamemberof4thdegreeLadiesKnightsofColumbus,lifememberofVFWPost1432,andlifememberofAmericanLegionPost62.Shewas preceded in death by her husband,Robert; parents,FrankandBarbara(Vopat)Zeman;twobrothersandsixsisters.


DaviD Joseph Civiello, Jr. s478David Joseph Civiello, Jr., 47, of New

PhiladelphiapassedawayFebruary22,2015.BornNovember20,1967heisasonofDavid(Laurel)Civiello,Sr. ofNewPhiladelphia andMarie(Larry)AdamofBowerston.Davidgradu-atedfromTuscarawasCentralCatholicSchoolsin1986.HewascurrentlyattendingKentStateUniversitywhere hewas nearing completionof his business degree.Davidwas co-ownerandmanageroftheformerPerfectPetsShop

inDover.Hewasanexcellentcookandbartenderandenjoyedantiquing,fishing,aswellasvolunteeringhistimeatlocalfoodbanksandsoupkitchens.Inadditiontohisparents,heissur-vivedbyhissiblings,Dana(Coney)DiGenova,Mellissa(David)Doran,Paul(Amy)Adam,LarryS.(Amy)Adam,Karen(Matt)Kershner, Kathy (Richard) Sanchez, and LaurieAdam; andnumerousaunts,uncles,nieces,nephews,andcousins.Heisprecededindeathbypaternalgrandparents,CarmenandNellieCivielloandhismaternalgrandparents,ArthurandHelenGalli.Thosewishingtohonorhismemorybyacharitablecontributionareencouraged todoso to theTuscarawasCountyHumaneSocietyoryourlocalFoodBank.

roBerta Joann luallen, szJ0

Roberta Joann Luallen (Simon) wasreceived into the lovingarmsofourLordonJanuary6,2015,attheageof80.BornonMay19,1934shewasthedaughterofthelateJohnandIreneSimon.Roberta,knowntofriendsasBobbie,willbemissedbymany.Herlovinghus-bandWilliamandhereldestdaughter,LouannFark,precedeherindeath.SheismournedbyherchildrenLauraandhusbandRobertSlaney,

LindaandhusbandJamesHeth,LisaandhusbandDonaldZiemkeJr.,andBrianLuallenandwifeCheri;son-in-lawAlanFark;sisterDianneandhusbandGeorgeNoss;15grandchildren,andfivegreat-grandchildren.Roberta, born inFremont,CA, lovedhersummerhomeonMulletLakeinMichiganandthewarmthoftheFloridasunshineatherhomeinOcala.Shetraveledtheworldandenjoyedcruises.Roberta lovingly raisedherfivechildren,playedorganforherparishesandpassedalonghertalentsofbaking, crocheting, sewingand knitting to her daughters.ThefamilyrequestsinlieuofflowersthatmemorialcontributionsbegiventoTheNationalShrineofCrossintheWoods,IndianRiver,MI(www.crossinthewoods.com)

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TheFirstCatholicSlovak LadiesAssociation,DistrictAnnaHurbanofChicago,hosteditseleventhannualcombinedSeniorBranchChristmasPartyattheOrlandChateauinOrlandPark,ILonSaturday,December6,2014withatotalof360seniorbranchmembersandguests in attendance.Districtmembersand theirguestsenjoyedmanygreatconversationswhilecatchingupontheyears’eventsbeforeandduringtheluncheon.Fr.EmilHoffman,CM,avisitingpriest fromSlovakiaandhelpingoutatSt.SimonSlovakParish inChicagoduringtheholidays,gavetheblessingbeforethemeal.ThisyearthenewChairpersonfortheevent,BarbSchultz,addedsomenewtwiststothemenuandeveryonefeastedonaflavorfulfamilystylemeal,whichincludedthetraditionalSlo-vakroastedpork,smokedPolishsausagewithsauerkraut,ovenbakedchickenwithdressing,butteredparsleypotatoes,vegetablemedleyandbeefbarleysoup.Everythingwasdeliciouslypreparedandscrumptious!

BothourNationalPresident,CynthiaMaleski, andNationalSecretary,SueAnnSeich,wereinattendance,alongwithFr.EmilHoffman,CM,aVincentianpriest from theCongregationof theMissionofSt.VincentDePaul,SlovakiaProvince.

Laterintheprogram,theDistrictsponsoreditsannualraffleofmany,manyprizesandgiftcardstovariousentitiesindenomi-nationsof$5,$10,$15,$20and$25.Withasurprisevisit fromSanta,DistrictJuniorMemberswhowereinattendanceactedasprizerunnerstohelpdistributethegiftstotherafflewinnerswho


AspecialthankyougoesouttoBarbSchultz,chairpersonoftheevent,theraffleprizeshoppersLorraineGibas,CarolRosenthalandHelenBendik-Grygus,giftcardpurchaserBarbaraMugavero,FayHlubocky-“Santa”,giftrunnercoordinatorJarmilaHlubocky,raffle ticket sales coordinatorMargeKrugley, andphotographerJeanettePalanca.Ahugethankyoutotheco-chairsforthebeauti-fulcenterpieces,SherryEbenauandJoriKnizner-Gillenandtheircrew:Emily,EmmaandPattiMinelli,MaryFish,JudyTybor-Kniznerand JoyceKellywhoworkedhard throughout the year creatingthem.Andlast,butnotleast,thankyoutotheentireDistrictBoardandBranchOfficersforworkingsohardinmakingitsuchanothermemorableeventforourmembersandtheirguests.

Somarkyourcalendarfornextyear’spartyonSaturday,De-cember5,2015–sametime,sameplace!(To see all of the photos from this event, please go to htttp://www.fcsla.org/district/chicago/gallery.php)

District Anna Hurban of Chicago Hosts 11th Annual Holiday Party

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JULY2015 17

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FSNEPA Installs New OfficersTheFraternalSocietiesofNortheastPennsylvania’snew

presidentfortheyear2015isMagdalenI.Iskra,presidentoftheMagdalenI.IskraDistrictoftheFCSLA.AnnDougher,secretary/treasurerofFCSLA’sSr.Branch65andDistrictAuditor,hasassumed thepositionofFSNEPA’sfirstvicepresident.

Thenewofficerswere installedat theChristmas lun-cheonheldattheRadissonHotelinScranton,PA,onDe-cember16,2014.TheFCSLAisoneofthefraternalsocietiesoftheFSNEPAandisrepresentedbyMagdalenI.Iskra,AnnDougher,andMarthaIskra.



New officers, L-R: John Andrzejewski, secretary/treasurer, who is National Secretary/Treasurer of the Polish National Union of America; Ann Dougher, Magdalen I. Iskra, and Charlotte Androckitis, CEO/National Secretary of the Polish Union of U.S.A., board member who administered the oath of office.


Branch 137 (Cedar Rapids, IA) recently held two activities for their members:

• Sunday February 8, 2015—anadultonlywinetast-ingwasheldatSt.Ludmilaparishhall.Snackswerepairedwithwines.Giftbagsweregiventoallparticipants.

• Sunday, April 12, 2015—afamilyswimpartywasheldatBenderpool.Swimmerswereable toplayon theWibits,playbasketballorjustsplasharound.SloppyJoeswereservedfordinner.

TerryAnn Defenser, (S289, Gary, IN) recently was awarded the Outstanding Staff Customer Service Employee of the Year Award for Indiana University Northwest. Chancellor William Lowe presented the award at a recognition luncheon.

St. Ann’s Sr. Branch 114 Annual Luncheon and Meeting

St.Ann’sSr.Branch 114will hold their annualluncheonandmeetingtohonorourscholarshipwin-nersonSunday,July19.Itwillstartat1:00p.m.attheAmericanSlovakClub,2915BroadwayinLorain,OH.PleasemakeyourreservationsnolaterthanTuesday,July14bycallingBernieDanevichat440-960-2605orMargeThomasat440-288-1492.Allmembersareinvitedtoattend.

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Hansel a Gretel

Blâzko lesa z'il chudobny; drevorubac' so svojou z'enov advoma det*mi. Chlapec sa volal Hansel a dievc'a Gretel. Malivel*mi mal*o c'o jest* drevorubac' nad ty;m rozmy;s'l*al raz v postelia py;tal sa z'eny> ̂ ^C"o sa s nami stane@ Ako ma;m kr;mit* nas'e ubohe;deti, ked* nic' nema;me ani pre na;s&&.

^^Niec'o ti poviem manz'el&& odpovedala z'ena, ^^skoro ra;nozajtra zoberieme deti do najhustejs'ieho lesa, urobâme ohen' ada;me im jeden kus chleba a potom deti necha;me samotne;.Nena;jdu cestu domov a zbavâme sa ich!&&

^^Nie z'ena&& povedal muz', ^^ja to nespravâm, nemo]z'emnechat* moje deti v lese same;.&&

^^Ty si bla;zon, tak my potom ma;me zomriet* od hladu.&& Anedala mu pokoj dokial* nesu;hlasil.

Deti tiez' nespali od hladu a poc'uli c'o povedala macochaich otcovi. Gretel zaplakala a povedala Hansel ^^uz' je s namikoniec.&&

^^Bud* ticho Gretel&& povedal Hansel, ^^neboj sa niec'ovymyslâm.&& A ked* && rodic'ia zaspali, vstal, obliekol si kaba;t,otvoril dvere a vys'iel von. Mesiac svietil a male; kamene ktore;boli pred domom sa trblietali ako strieborne; peniaze. Hansel sazohol a dal si do vrecka tol*ko kamen'ov kol*ko sa zmestilo. Potomsa vra;til do domu a povedal Gretel. ^^Uz' sa neboj, sestra, spi,Boh na;s ochra;ni od zle;ho&& a tiez' is'iel spat*. Ked* svitlo, ale slnkoes'te nevstalo, macocha pris'la deti zobudit*.

^^Vsta;vajte lenivci&&! Ideme do lesa nazbierat* drevo.&& Dalaim maly; kus chleba a povedala> ^^Tu je vas'a vec'era ale nejetzteto teraz lebo uz' nic' ine; nedostanete. Gretel zobrala chlieb leboHansel mal vo vrecka;ch kamene. Potom sa vs'etci vybrali do lesa.Es'te neboli d*aleko a Hansel sa obra;til, pozrel na dom a zac'alha;dzat* kamene na cestu. Ked* uz' boli hlboko v lese otec povedal>

^^Teraz nazberajte drevo, deti, ja urobâm ohen', aby va;mnebolo zima. A z'ena povedala>

^^Deti l*ahnite si a odpoc'inte si, my es'te nazbierame viacdreva, a potom pre va;s prâdeme.&&

Deti sedeli pri ohni, oc'i sa im zatvorili a zaspali. Ked* sazobudili, bola noc. Gretel zac'ala plakat* a povedala>

^^Ako na;jdeme cestu domov@&& Hansel povedal> ^^Lenpoc'kaj chvâl*u, ked* mesiac vyjde, a potom na;jdeme cestu von zlesa. Ked* mesiac vys'iel, Hansel chytil sestru za ruku, videlkamene ktore; im uka;zali cestu domov. Is'li celu; noc ale ra;no sadostali domov. Zabu;chali na dvere, z'ena ich otvorila, videla z'esu; to Gretel a Hansel a povedala> ̂ ^Vy zle; deti prec'o ste tak dlhospali v lese@&& My sme si nemysleli, z'e sa vra;tite.&& Ale otec bolra;d, z'e sa deti vra;tili. Zanedlho bol zase hlad a z'ena povedalamuz'ovi> ^^Vs'etko sme zjedli uz' ma;me len polovicu chleba a toje vs'etko. Deti musia âst* prec', zoberieme ich d*alej do lesa, abynenas'li cestu von z lesa lebo ina;c' sa my nezachra;nime. Detivs'etko poc'uli. Ked* rodic'ia zaspali Hansel chcel âst* vonnazbierat* kamene ale macocha zamkla dvere a Hansel sa nedostalvon. Skoro ra;no ich macocha zobudila a dala im kus chleba. Nacestu do lesa Hansel chlieb pomelil na ku;sky a hadzal ich abymohli, na;jst* cestu domov.

Macocha zaviedla deti do hlboke;ho lesa zase sa nakla;dolohen', deti zaspali a ked* pris'la noc, nikto pre deti nepris'iel. Ked*sa deti zobudili Hansel povedal Gretel> ^^Len poc'kaj ked*zasvieti mesiac, potom na;jdeme cestu domov. Ked* vys'iel mesiacnevideli ku;sky chleba lebo ich vta;ci zjedli. Hansel a Gretelnevedeli na;jst* cestu domov. Chodili celu; noc aj cely; den' alenenas'li cestu von z lesa, boli vel*mi hladnâ, lebo nic' nejedli lennejake; maliny. Ked* uz' boli vel*mi unavenâ l*ahli si a zaspali. Tridni blu;dili po lese ked* uvideli bieleho vta;ka.

Ked* odletel, deti is'li za nâm a dostali sa k male;mu domu.Dom bol spraveny; z chleba a torty a okna; boli z cukru. Hanselpovedal sestre> ̂ ^Ja zjem trochu zo strechy a ty jedz okna;.&& Ked*zac'ali jest*, dvere sa otvorili a vel*mi stara; z'ena pris'la von. Detisa zl*akli ale z'ena povedala> ^^Deti, kto va;s sem pri viedo@ Podtedovnu;tra, nic' sa va;m nestane.&&

Priviedla ich do domu a ponu;kla im jest* a pit* – mlieko,palacinky s cukrom, jablka; a orechy. Daj male; postele boli prenich pripravene;.

Ale stara; z'ena sa len pretvarovala z'e je dobra;, bola vlastnestriga, ktora; c'akala na deti, ktore; potom chcela zjest*. Strigazatvorila Hansel do mas'tale a Gretel musela varit* a upratovat* akr;mit* Hansel. Najleps'ie jedla; sa varili pre Hansel ale Gretel malalen c'o ostalo. Kaz'de; ra;no pris'la striga do mas'tale a povedala>^^Hansel, daj mi tvoj prst aby som videla c'i si uz' dost* vykr;meny;.Hansel vs'ak vystrc'il kost* a striga dobre nevidela a necha;palaako je to moz'ne;, z'e Hansel netlstne. Po s'tyroch ty;z'dn'och uz'nechcela dlhs'ie c'akat*. ^^No Gretel,&& povedala dievc'at*u ^^chod*pre vodu. Nech je Hansel chudy; alebo tlsty;, zajtra ho zabijem auvarâm.&&

^^Ale najprv niec'o upec'ieme&& povedala stara; z'ena. ^^Pozrisa do pece&& rozka;zala striga, ^^pozri c'i je dobre zohriata abysme mohli upiect* chlieb.&& Striga chcela upiect* aj Gretel ale onavedela c'o ma; striga na mysli a povedala> ̂ ^Ja neviem ako to ma;murobit* ako to ma;m vidiet*. Stara; z'ena povedala> ̂ ^Dvere su; vel*ke;,pozri aj ja to mo]z'em vidiet*.&& Dala hlavu do pece, Gretel ju sotilado pece a zavrela dvere, striga zhorela.

Gretel utekala do mas'tale a kric'ala> ̂ ^Hansel sme zachra;nenâ!Stara; striga je mr;tva!&&

Deti sa tes'ili, objali sa, tancovali a aj sa bozkali. Nemuselisa strigi ba;t* is'li do domu a v kaz'dom ku;te nas'li pokladnice sperlami a s'perkami.

^^Su; leps'ie ako kamienky&&! Povedal Hansel a dal si ich dovrecka;ch. Gretel povedala> ^^Ja tiez' zoberiem niec'o z nichdomov&& a dala ich do za;stery.

^^Ale teraz ideme prec'&& povedal Hansel, ^^Ideme prec' ztohoto lesa.&&

Pres'li cez les a zrazu sa im zdalo z'e vedia kde su;. Is'li d*aleja uvideli dom ich otca. Utekali do domu a hodili sa do na;rvc'iaotca. Otec sa vel*mi tra;pil, z'e nechal deti v lese. Jeho zla; z'enana;hle zomrela. Gretel vypra;zdnila za;steru az' vs'etky perle a drahe;kamene boli po celej izbe. Hansel vypra;zdnil svoje vrecka;.Odvtedy z'ili v u;plnom s't*astâ.

Set 9-29-13, Corrected 10-22-13Grimm’s Fairy Tales

Hansel a Gretel

Page 20: ŽENSKÁ JEDNOTA The Alphabet of Happiness


Hard by a great forest dwelt a poor wood-cutter and his wifeand his two children. The boy was called Hansel and the girlGretel. He had little to bite and to break, and once when greatdearth fell on the land, he could no longer procure even dailybread. Now when he thought over this by night in his bed, andtossed about in his anxiety, he groaned and said to his wife:“What is to become of us? How are we to feed our poor chil-dren, when we no longer have anything even for ourselves?”“I’ll tell you what, husband,” answered the woman, “early tomor-row morning we will take the children out into the forest whereit is the thickest; there we will light a fire for them, and give eachof them one more piece of bread, and then we will go to ourwork and leave them alone. They will not find the way homeagain, and we shall be rid of them.” No, wife,” said the man, “Iwill not do that; how can I bear to leave my children alone in theforest? “O, you fool!” said she, “then we must all four die ofhunger,” and she left him no peace until he consented.”

The two children had also not been able to sleep for hun-ger, and had heard what their step-mother had said to their fa-ther. Gretel wept bitter tears, and said to Hansel: “Now all is overwith us.” “Be quiet, Gretel,” said Hansel, “do not distress your-self, I will soon find a way to help us.” And when the old folkshad fallen asleep, he got up, put on his little coat, opened thedoor below, and crept outside. The moon shone brightly, andthe white pebbles which lay in front of the house glittered likereal silver pennies. Hansel stooped and stuffed the little pocketof his coat with as many as he could get in. Then he went backand said to Gretel: “Be comforted, dear little sister, and sleep inpeace, God will not forsake us,” and he lay down again in hisbed. When day dawned, but before the sun had risen, the womancame and awoke the two children, saying: “get up, you slug-gards! we are going into the forest to fetch wood.” She gave eacha little piece of bread, and said: “There is something for yourdinner, but do not eat it up before then, for you will get nothingelse.” Gretel took the bread under her apron, as Hansel had thepebbles in his pocket. Then they all set out together on the wayto the forest. When they had walked a short time, Hansel stoodstill and peeped back at the house, and started to throw one ofthe white pebble-stones out of his pocket on the road.

When they had reached the middle of the forest, the fathersaid: “Now children, pile up some wood, and I will light a firethat you may not be cold.” Hansel and Gretel gathered brush-wood together, as high as a little hill. The brushwood was lighted,and when the flames were burning very high, the woman said:“Now, children, lay yourselves down by the fire and rest, we willgo into the forest and cut some wood. When we have done, wewill come back and fetch you away.”

Hansel and Gretel sat by the fire, and when noon came,each ate a little piece of bread. And as they had been sitting sucha long time, their eyes closed with fatigue, and they fell fastasleep. When at last they awoke, it was already a dark night.Gretel began to cry and said: “How are we to get out of the forestnow?” But Hansel comforted her and said: “Just wait a little, untilthe moon has risen, and then we will soon find the way.” Andwhen the full moon had risen, Hansel took his little sister by thehand, and followed the pebbles which shone like newly-coinedsilver pieces, and showed them the way.

They walked the whole night long, and by break of day came

once more to their father’s house. They knocked at the door,and when the woman opened it and saw that it was Hansel andGretel, she said: “You naughty children, why have you slept solong in the forest? — we thought you were never coming back atall!” The father, however, rejoiced, for it had cut him to the heartto leave them behind alone.

Not long afterwards, there was once more great derththroughout the land, and the children heard their mother sayingat night to their father: “Everything is eaten again, we have onehalf loaf left, and that is the end. The children must go, we willtake them farther into the wood, so that they will not find theirway out again; there is no other means of saving ourselves!”

The children, however, were still awake and had heard theconversation. When the old folks were asleep, Hansel againgot up, and wanted to go out and pick up pebbles as he haddone before, but the woman had locked the door, and Hanselcould not get out. Nevertheless he comforted his little sister, andsaid: “Do not cry, Gretel, go to sleep quietly, the good God willhelp us.”

Early in the morning came the woman, and took the chil-dren out of their beds. Their piece of bread was given to them,but it was still smaller than the time before. On the way into theforest Hansel crumbled his in his pocket, and often stood stilland threw a morsel on the ground.

The woman led the children still deeper into the forest,where they had never in their lives been before. Then a greatfire was again made, and the mother said: “Just sit there, youchildren, and when you are tired you may sleep a little; we aregoing to the forest to cut wood, and in the evening when we aredone, we will come and fetch you away.” When it was noon, Gretelshared her piece of bread with Hansel, who had scattered hisby the way. Then they fell asleep and evening passed, but noone came to the poor children. They did not awake until it was adark night, and Hansel comforted his little sister and said: “Justwait, Gretel, until the moon rises, and then we shall see thecrumbs of bread which I have strewn about, they will show usour way home again.” When the moon came they set out, butthey found no crumbs, for the many thousands of birds which flyabout in the woods and fields had picked them all up. Hanselsaid to Gretel: “We shall soon find the way,” but they did not findit. They walked the whole night and all the next day too frommorning till evening, but they did not get out of the forest, andwere very hungry, for they had nothing to eat but two or threeberries, which grew on the ground. And as they were so wearythat their legs would carry them no longer, they lay down be-neath a tree and fell asleep.

It was now three mornings since they had left their father’shouse. They began to walk again, but they always came deeperinto the forest, and if help did not come soon, they must die ofhunger and weariness. When it was mid-day, they saw a beau-tiful snow-white bird, and they followed it until they reached alittle house, on the roof of which it alighted; and when they ap-proached the little house they saw it was built of bread and cov-ered with cakes, but that the windows were of clear sugar. “Wewill set to work on that,” said Hansel, “and have a good meal. Iwill eat a bit of the roof, and you Gretel, can eat some of thewindow, it will taste sweet.” Hansel reached up above, and broke

Set 9-29-13, Corrected 10-22-13

Hansel and GretelGrimm’s Fairy Tales

Hansel and Gretel(Please enjoy the English translation of the tale on Page 19)

(Continued on Page 21)

Page 21: ŽENSKÁ JEDNOTA The Alphabet of Happiness

JULY2015 21


off a little of the roof to try how it tasted, and Gretel leaned againstthe window and nibbled at the panes. Suddenly the dooropened, and a woman as old as the hills, who supported her-self on crutches, came creeping out. Hansel and Gretel wereso terribly frightened. The old woman, however, nodded herhead, and said: “Oh, you dear children, who has brought youhere? Do come in, and stay with me. No harm shall happen toyou.” She took them both by the hand, and led them into herlittle house. Then good food was set before them, milk andpancakes, with sugar, apples, and nuts. Afterwards two prettylittle beds were covered with clean white linen, and Hansel andGretel lay down in them.

The old woman had only pretended to be so kind; she wasin reality a wicked witch, who lay in wait for children, and hadonly built the little house of bread in order to entice them there.When a child fell into her power, she killed it, cooked and ate it,and that was a feast day with her. Then she seized Hansel withher shriveled hand, carried him into a little stable, and lockedhim in behind a grated door. Scream as he might, it would nothelp him. Then she went to Gretel, shook her till she awoke,and cried: “Get up, lazy thing, fetch some water, and cook some-thing good for your brother, he is in the stable outside, and is tobe made fat. When he is fat, I will eat him.”

And now the best food was cooked for poor Hansel, butGretel got nothing but crab-shells. Every morning the womancrept to the little stable, and cried: “Hansel, stretch out your fin-ger that I may feel if you will soon be fat.” Hansel, however,stretched out a little bone to her, and the old woman, who haddim eyes, could not see it, and thought it was Hansel’s finger,and was astonished that there was no way of fattening him.When four weeks had gone by, and Hansel still remained thin,she was seized with impatience and would not wait any longer.“Now, then, Gretel,” she cried to the girl, “stir yourself, and bringsome water. Let Hansel be fat or lean, tomorrow I will kill him,and cook him.” Ah, how the poor little sister did lament when

she had to fetch the water, and how her tears did flow down hercheeks!

“We will bake first,” said the old woman, “I have alreadyheated the oven, and kneaded the dough.” She pushed poorGretel out to the oven, from which flames of fire were alreadydarting. “Creep in,” said the witch, “and see if it is properlyheated, so that we can put in bread in.” And once Gretel wasinside, she intended to shut the oven and let her bake in it, andthen she would eat her, too. But Gretel saw what she had inmind, and said: “I do not know how I am to do it; how do I getin?” “Silly goose,” said the old woman. “The door is big enough;just look, I can get in myself!” and she crept up and thrust herhead into the oven. Then Gretel gave her a push that drove herfar into it, and shut the oven door, and fastened the bolt. Thewitch was miserably burnt to death.

Gretel, however, ran like lightening to Hansel, opened hislittle stable, and cried: “Hansel, we are saved! The old witch isdead!” How they did rejoice and embrace each other, and danceabout to kiss each other! And as they had no longer any need tofear her, they went into the witch’s house, and in every cornerthere stood chests full of pearls and jewels. “These are far bet-ter than pebbles!” said Hansel, and thrust into his pockets what-ever could be got in, and Gretel said: “I, too, will take somethinghome with me,” and filled her pinafore full. “But now we must beoff,” said Hansel, “that we may get out of the witch’s forest.”

They had walked for a short time, the forest seemed to bemore and more familiar to them, and at length they saw fromafar their father’s house. Then they began to run, rushed intothe parlor, and threw themselves round their father’s neck. Theman had not known one happy hour since he had left the chil-dren in the forest; the woman however was dead. Gretel emp-tied her pinafore until pearls and precious stones ran aboutthe room and Hansel threw one handful after another out ofhis pocket to add to them. They lived together in perfect happi-ness.

Set 9-29-13, Corrected 10-22-13

Hansel and Gretel(Continued from Page 20)

Slovak Heritage Group Meetings Schedule for 2015TheWPSCAwillpresenttheSlovakHeritagePrograms

onthefirstMondayeveningofeachmonthfrom7-9p.m.attheMountLebanonPublicLibrary,16CastleShannonBlvd.,Mt.Lebanon,PA15228;phone(412)531-1912.It’sfreeforbothmembersandnon-members.Theagendaisasfollows:k October 5 — SUMMER SCHOOL IN SLOVAKIA:

BethanyKaylor,the2014WPSCAScholarshipwinner,willtellusaboutherexperiencesattendingthesummerlanguageandcultureclassesatComeniusUniversity inBratislava.SinceBethanyisstillastudentattheUniversityofOregon,shehaspreparedavideoofherexperiences.k November 2 — SLOVAK MUSIC AND SONGS:


42nd Annual Slovak Day Celebration in Merrillville, INComeandcelebratethe

42ndAnnual Slovak DayonSunday, July 19, 2015.The celebration startswitha10:30a.m.CatholicmassatOurLadyofCzestochowaShrine,Merrillville, IN.Themass will be followed byethnic food, drink, a cashraffleanddancing.ThisyeartraditionalSlovakdancesareshowcased.Cashraffleticketswillbeavailable.

Our LadyofCzestochowaShrine is locatedat 5755PennsylvaniaSt.(Broadway),Merrillville,IN.Formorein-formation visitwww.facebook.com/SlovakDayCelebration orcontactBettyYurechkoat219-795-1518.

Page 22: ŽENSKÁ JEDNOTA The Alphabet of Happiness


BALANCE SHEET AS OF FEBRUARY 28, 2015ASSETS Cash&ShortTermInvestments $ 25,264,460 Bonds 734,650,073 PreferredStock 2,105,553 CommonStock 5,673,126 InvestmentIncomeDue&Accrued 11,180,714 PropertyPlant&Equipment,Net 5,794,219 CertificateLoans&AccruedInterest 3,141,896 OtherAssets 165,510 TOTALASSETS $ 787,975,552LIABILITIES LifeReserves $ 251,603,395 AnnuityReserves 421,785,836 DeathClaimsPayable 2,284,605 UnearnedPremiums 520,450 MaturedEndowments 338,848 ProvisionforDividendsPayable 2,591,730 AccumulatedDividends&Interest 4,207,502 AccruedConventionDonations 765,289 ProvisionforFutureConventions 525,568 AssetValuationReserve 7,636,790 InterestMaintenanceReserve 1,001,969 OtherLiabilities 987,846 TOTALLIABILITIES $ 694,249,828 Surplus $ 93,725,724 TOTALLIABILITIESANDSURPLUS $ 787,975,552

INCOME STATEMENT For the Two Months Ending February 28, 2015

REVENUE InsurancePremiums $ 1,096,565 AnnuityPremiums 6,453,481 InvestmentIncome 6,607,485 AmortizationofInterestMaintenanceReserve 15,017 RentalIncome 59,689 OtherRevenue 2,489 TOTALREVENUE $ 14,234,727EXPENSE IncreaseinReserves—Life $ 728,395 IncreaseinReserves—Annuity 5,535,400 InsuranceBenefits 996,029 AnnuityBenefits 3,547,133 CommissionExpense 162,388 SurrenderBenefits 522,141 PostMortemBenefits 243,138 MiscellaneousMemberBenefits 4,453 MaturedEndowments 4,039 DonationExpenses 1,230 ChangeinAccruedConventionDonations 40,744 ConventionExpenses 26,000 BankServiceCharges 210 DataProcessingServiceFees 24,632 AccountingFees 0 ActuarialFees 22,443 ConsultingFees 22,528 BonustoBranches 141,666 FraternalActivities 9,700 OfficialPublications 46,695 ScholarshipAwards 43,090 MiscellaneousEmployeeBenefits 69,944 Fees—Directors 22,316 Salaries—Employees 226,721 Salaries—Officers 77,424 InterestExpense 44,197 TaxExpense 46,115 DepreciationExpense 42,822 UtilityExpense 13,236 PostageandPrinting 35,091 Advertising 3,899 TravelExpense 9,313 InsuranceDepartmentFees 35,227 SalesPromotion 44,599 RentalExpense 59,689 OtherExpense 65,418 TOTALEXPENSE $ 12,918,064

Income (Loss) from Operations $ 1,316,663 DividendstoMembers 432,500 NETINCOME(Loss) $ 884,163

helen Kocan Okres district Members Attend

Tamburitzans PerformanceOnSunday,March15,2015,TheDuquesneUniversity


TheDuquesneUniversityTamburitzans, headquar-teredinPittsburgh,PAarethelongestrunningmulticulturalsonganddancecompanyintheUnitedStates.Thegroupperformsmusic anddance fromEasternEuropeand itsneighboring folk cultures.At the reception following theperformanceJoannSkvarekBanvich,VicePresidentoftheHelenKocanOkresDistrictrequestedtwoofthedancerstojointheIndianaladiesinphotosonlytofindthatafellowFCSLAmemberfromthePittsburghDistrictwasoneoftheperformers.SonjaAnnCapuzzifromSr.Branch200wasaFCSLAScholarshiprecipientin2014-2015.ThefraternalistfromIndianaenjoyedmeetingandspeakingwithoneoftheirowntalentedyoungermembersfromoutEast.Theeventwasenjoyedbyall.

Page 23: ŽENSKÁ JEDNOTA The Alphabet of Happiness

JULY2015 23

BERRY Good BaRBEquE chickEn dip

1canwhole-berrycranberrysauce1bottlechilisauce1tablespoonWorcestershiresauce1tablespooncoarsebrownmustard1teaspoonredpepperflakes1tablespooncidervinegar4cupscookedchicken,shredded2pkg.Neufchatelcheese,softened1lb.MontereyJackcheese,shreddedSmallbunchofgreenonions cutupforgarnish



Put cranberry sauce, chili sauce,Worcestershire sauce,mustard, redpep-per,andvinegarinafoodprocessor.Pulsetocombine.Youwantthecranberriestostillhavesometexture,sodon’tpuree.

Putchickeninalargebowl.Spoonabout½cupofbarbequesauceover itandstirwell.Keepaddingafewspoonfulsuntilallofthechickeniscoatedandthemixtureholdstogether.Addabitmoresaucealongwithabout½cupshreddedMontereyjackandmixjustuntilcombined.

Spoonanevenlayerofchickenmixtureinto the casserole dishes. Levelwith thebackofaspoon.

CoatwiththeremainingshreddedMon-terey jack cheese. Bake, uncovered for30minutes.Removeand topwith greenonions. Serve immediately with snackcrackers.

REd pEppER hummus2redbellpeppers(roasted,skinned anddiced)1½cups(one15oz.can)cooked chickpeas,rinsedanddrained ifcanned(equals1/2cdrybeanssoaked overnightandcookedfor45-90minutes)2-3mediumclovesgarlic,peeled¼cuprawtahini(sesamepaste)¼cupplus2tablespoonsfreshlemonjuice1teaspoonseasalt(orlessifyouprefer)¼cupvegetablebroth2tablespoonsoliveoil2tablespoonstoastedpinenuts


Inafoodprocessor,blendthegarbanzobeansandgarlicclovesverywell.Addthetahini, lemonjuice,salt,brothandoilandprocessuntil fullyemulsifiedandcreamy.Add½ofthepepperstothemixtureinthe


Place hummus in a serving bowl andgarnishontopwiththeother½ofthedicedpeppers.Topwith pine nuts.Refrigerateinanairtightcontainerforuptotendays.For best results, allow towarm to roomtemperaturebeforeserving.

BlEu chEEsE & pEaR puff pastRY BitEs

1largeredonion,slicedintoquarters thenthinslicedthin2largeredd’Anjoupears,peeled, coredanddicedinto¼”cubes1packagepuffpastry1½tablespoonsfreshthymeleaves2tablespoonsoliveoil4oz.bleucheese,crumbled½cupapplewineplusanother½cupapplewine

Heatskilletandaddoliveoil.Sauteon-ionsuntilbrowned.Add thymeandsauteuntil fragrant.Deglazewith½ cup applewinemakingsuretoscrapebrownedonionlayerfrompan.

Adddicedpearsandblend,heating.Add the other½ cup applewine and

gently heat the entiremixture for a fewminutes.Remove fromheatandallow tocoolbeforeusing.



Put about 1 teaspoon of pear/onionmixtureoneachcircle.Followbyabitofthecrumbledbleucheese.


GaRlic pEppER kalE chips

1bunchcurlyleafkale,washedand thoroughlydried¾tsp.garlicpepperseasoning1tablespoonbalsamic-basilflavoredoil

Preheatoven to350degrees.Cutoutthe toughmiddle stem fromkale; tear orcutleavesinto2-inchpieces.Tosskalewithbalsamic-basilflavoredoilinalargebowl.Useyourfingerstocoateachleafwiththeoil.Laythekaleonarimmedbakingsheetinasinglelayer.Sprinklewithgarlicpepperseasoning.Bakeforabout20minutesturn-ingthemhalfwaythroughthecookingtime.Checkthechipsbeforethebaketimeisoverassomewillbereadybeforeothers.Servefreshfromtheoven.Makes4-6servings.

Backyard Favorites

tastY BBq coRn on thE coB


Preheatgrillformedium-highheat.Inamediumbowl,mixtogetherthechilipowder,oregano, onionpowder, cayennepepper,garlic powder, salt, andpepper.Blend inthe softenedbutter.Apply thismixture toeachearofcorn,andplaceeachearontoapieceofaluminumfoilbigenoughtowrapthecorn.Wraplikeaburrito,andtwisttheendstoclose.

Placewrappedcornon thepreheatedgrill,andcook20to30minutes,untiltenderwhenpokedwithafork.Turncornoccasion-allyduringcooking.

italian hERB potato salad


Combinefirst4ingredientsinlargebowl.Inseparatebowl,blendnext7ingredientsuntilcreamy.Fold togethercontents frombowls into a serving bowl; sprinklewithpaprika.Cover;chill2-3hours,orovernightbeforeserving.Makes6-8servings.

Page 24: ŽENSKÁ JEDNOTA The Alphabet of Happiness



The FCSLA Mission StatementWe provide financial security to our members

while embracing our Catholic values and Slavic traditions.

The FCSLA Vision is to:Be a Premier Fraternal Benefit Society

that offers quality financial products and benefits.