Ennaanay - IMS- Modelling Report - Aw Edits 23-2-2012

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Under task 2.2.3 of MEC program: “Development of Information Management Tools for River Basin Agencies and ORMVAs,” Dr. Driss Ennaanay and Dr. Tim Martin supported the national MEC consultants - Mr. Mustapha El Haiba and Dr. Driss Ouazar - on various activities. They made several visits - Dr. Martin in March 2011 (5 days), Dr. Ennaanay in August 2011 (12 days) and both in September 2011(7 days) - to work with Oum Er Rbia (ABHOER) and Moulouya (ABHM) River Basin Agencies to achieve the following:1) Analyze the existing data requirements for modeling purposes.2) Evaluate existing modeling tools.3) Assess the expertise of technical staff in modeling and IMS.4) Identify specific Information Management System (IMS) needs.5) Develop a framework and tasks for IMS implementation and development.The IMS Team launched the preliminary tasks needed to implement the Watershed Modeling System (WMS) (Appendix 1) and its hydrological models for incorporation into the IMS. Dr. Ennaanay led hydrologic and river basin modeling workshops for the technical staff of both agencies. Workshop discussions focused on the strengths and limitations of the RIBASIM (Appendix 2) and WMS models. Both models have been acquired by the agencies and the Secretariat d’ Etat Chargé de l’Eau et de l’Environnement (SEEE) and will be implemented in major river basin agencies throughout the country. The team identified, and will present in this report, the needs of river basin agencies in hydrological and river basin modeling, particularly since both agencies will be using WMS and RIBASIM. Based on the assessment and evaluation of the existing models and technical expertise, the team recommends identified tasks and has designed an IMS to implement in phase 3 of the MEC task 2.2.3. We believe this approach will help river basin agencies handle water management activities and meet the overall goals of USAID-MEC.

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NOVEMBER 2011DOCUMENT 71This publication was produced for review by the United States Agency for International Development. It was prepared by DAI. MOROCCO ECONOMIC COMPETITIVENESSINFORMATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS FOR WATER RESOURCES: ASSESSMENT & EVALUATION


Submitted to USAID/Morocco, Economic Growth Office - Assistance Objective 3: Reduced barriers totrade and investment


Contract Number: EEM-I-00-07-00009-00: Task Order Number: EEM-I-07-07-00009

Morocco Economic Competitiveness Program8, rue du RifSouissi10 000 RabatMorocco

Tel: (212) 05 37 63 05 59Fax: (212) 05 37 63 05 [email protected]


The authors views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of the United States Agency for International Development or the United States Government.

TABLE OF CONTENTS1.INTRODUCTION12.PRESENTATION OF HYDROLOGICAL FEATURES OF THE OUM ER RBIA AND MOULOUYA RIVER BASINS AND EXISTING HYDRAULIC INFRASTRUCTURE32.1THE OUM ER RBIA RIVER BASIN32.1.1General information32.1.2Surface water32.1.3Hydraulic infrastructure42.1.4Groundwater42.1.5Water resource allocation42.1.6Hydropower generation52.2THE MOULOUYA RIVER BASIN52.2.1General information52.2.2Water resources52.2.3Hydraulic Infrastructure52.2.4Hydrological monitoring network52.2.5Water resource allocation62.2.6Hydropower generation62.3MAJOR WATER ISSUES SPECIFIC TO THE RIVER BASINS OF OUM ER RBIA AND MOULOUYA62.3.1Growing water scarcity and water shortages72.3.2Growing threat of drought72.3.3Threats of climate change72.3.4Increasing flood threat72.3.5Threats of erosion and silting of dams and reservoirs73.EVALUATION OF EXISTING MODELING DATA84.HYDROLOGICAL AND WATER RESOURCES MODELING ASSESSMENT115.EVALUATION OF HUMAN TECHNICAL EXPERTISE136.WATER SYSTEM MODELING AND CAPACITY BUILDING NEEDS157.RECOMMENDATIONS FOR IMS TASKS178.CONCLUSION21APPENDIX 1: FEATURES AND APPLICATIONS OF WMS23OVERVIEW23IMPORTANT FEATURES OF WMS23Automated Watershed Delineation23Integrated GIS Tools23Floodplain Modeling and Mapping242D (Distributed) Hydrology24Data Compatibility24APPENDIX 2: FEATURES AND APPLICATIONS OF RIBASIM27OVERVIEW27Field of application27OTHER APPLICATIONS OPTIONS27Reservoir operation27Water management option28Evaluation of Basin performance28Hydro-power production28Hydrologic routing28Groundwater29Integration of water quality modeling29Modeling of agriculture water demand29Integrated GIS Tool30

INTRODUCTIONUnder task 2.2.3 of MEC program: Development of Information Management Tools for River Basin Agencies and ORMVAs, Dr. Driss Ennaanay and Dr. Tim Martin supported the national MEC consultants - Mr. Mustapha El Haiba and Dr. Driss Ouazar - on various activities. They made several visits - Dr. Martin in March 2011 (5 days), Dr. Ennaanay in August 2011 (12 days) and both in September 2011(7 days) - to work with Oum Er Rbia (ABHOER) and Moulouya (ABHM) River Basin Agencies to achieve the following:

1) Analyze the existing data requirements for modeling purposes.2) Evaluate existing modeling tools.3) Assess the expertise of technical staff in modeling and IMS.4) Identify specific Information Management System (IMS) needs.5) Develop a framework and tasks for IMS implementation and development.

The IMS Team launched the preliminary tasks needed to implement the Watershed Modeling System (WMS) (Appendix 1) and its hydrological models for incorporation into the IMS. Dr. Ennaanay led hydrologic and river basin modeling workshops for the technical staff of both agencies. Workshop discussions focused on the strengths and limitations of the RIBASIM (Appendix 2) and WMS models. Both models have been acquired by the agencies and the Secretariat d Etat Charg de lEau et de lEnvironnement (SEEE) and will be implemented in major river basin agencies throughout the country. The team identified, and will present in this report, the needs of river basin agencies in hydrological and river basin modeling, particularly since both agencies will be using WMS and RIBASIM. Based on the assessment and evaluation of the existing models and technical expertise, the team recommends identified tasks and has designed an IMS to implement in phase 3 of the MEC task 2.2.3. We believe this approach will help river basin agencies handle water management activities and meet the overall goals of USAID-MEC.

PRESENTATION OF HYDROLOGICAL FEATURES OF THE OUM ER RBIA AND MOULOUYA RIVER BASINS AND EXISTING HYDRAULIC INFRASTRUCTURETHE OUM ER RBIA RIVER BASIN General information The Oum Er Rbia river basin extends over an area of nearly 48,000 Km2 (figure 1). The climate in the basin is arid to semi-arid, with decreasing precipitations from west to east (350 to 250 mm/year). But in the upstream of the basin, at high altitude of the Atlas Mountains, the annual rainfall may reach 1,000 mm, with a significant amount of snow fall at altitudes above 1,500 m. The average rainfall in the basin is about 500 mm/year. It varies between 1,100 mm in the Middle Atlas and 300 mm in the area downstream of the river basin. The temperature varies between 10 and 50 C. The minima and maxima are 3.5 C in January and 38 C in August. Evaporation can reach 1,600 to 1,800 mm/year. On the average its about 1,600 mm per year in the coastal area and 2,000 mm within the basin with a monthly maximum of 300 mm in July and August.Surface waterMost of the basin water resources are generated in High Atlas Mountains, upstream the basin. The hydrological network consists of the main river, the Oum Er Rbia (550 km), with three main tributaries: the Tessaout River, the Lakhdar River and El Abid River. Annual average flows of the river basin are estimated to 3,250 Mm3/year with a maximum of 8,300 Mm3 and a minimum of 1,300 Mm3.

Figure 1: Overview of Oum Er Rbia River Basin

Hydraulic infrastructureThe hydraulic infrastructure in the river basin consists of several dam-reservoirs with a total capacity of approximately 5,300 Mm3, of which 70% (3,550 Mm3) is regulated. The hydraulic infrastructure includes three (3) large main irrigation canals with a total length of 87 km and with deliver water to six (6) large irrigation schemes. The total irrigated area is approximately 324,700 ha (including the water transfer to irrigate 31,700 ha for the Haouz region in the Tensift river basin, and the irrigated perimeter in Doukkala). GroundwaterGroundwater resources are relatively important and include several aquifers of high interest, including: The Tadla confined aquifer (called the Turonian aquifer): This confined aquifer extends over an area of 10,000 km2. It consists of limestone and dolomites/limestone geological formations. The thickness of the aquifer varies from 20 m at the outcropping areas to 80 m south, on the edge of the Atlas area.The aquifer of Beni Amir: This is an unconfined shallow aquifer which extends over an area of 600 km2, and where groundwater flows through geological formations of marls -limestone, and conglomerates having a thickness that varies between 50 and 100 m. The aquifer of Beni Moussa: This is an unconfined, shallow aquifer extending over an area of 885 km2 where groundwater flows through limestone and marl-limestone geological formations of the Quaternary. The thickness of the aquifer is approximately 150 m near the river Oum Er Rbia, and increases towards the Atlas Mountains where it may reach 300 m.According to the PDAIRE studies, the global groundwater balance in the Oum Er Rbia river basin is marked by a significant deficit of about 147 Mm3/y. Groundwater abstractions amount up to 638 Mm3/y, nearly 50% of the total amount groundwater recharge estimated at 1,331 Mm3/y.Water resource allocationThe total volume of water being used in different sectors (irrigation, municipal, and industrial water) in the Oum Er Rbia basin accounts for 4,505 Mm3, of which:4,170 Mm3 of surface water, are used in irrigation (90%), and municipal and industrial water (8%), and sanitary flow (2%).333 Mm3 of groundwater are used in irrigation (85%), and for drinking water supply (15%). Irrigation water needs have increased from 2,000 Mm3 in 1980 to over 2,500 Mm3 in 2006. But, over the past 25 years, the irrigation water demand has never been satisfied. The average deficit is about 33% with a maximum deficit of about 67%.Hydropower generationThere are currently 14 hydroelectric power stations in the Oum Er Rbia River basin. The total hydropower generated in the river basin represents nearly 70% of the total national production. The average production is of about 1,680 million of KWH/year.

THE MOULOUYA RIVER BASIN General informationThe Moulouya River basin extends over an area of about 75,000 Km2(figure 2). Its climate is highly variable from zone to zone. However, two distinct climate zones are well delineated:A zone of semi-arid climate with two seasons: a mild winter with a significant amount of rain during the period of OctoberMay, and a hot and dry summer during the period JuneSeptember. This zone is located north of the basin along the Mediterranean coastal area. The rest of the basin where the climate is arid with low precipitation and dry weather, which may last year round. Winters are often long and cold, while summers are very hot. The climate of this area is influenced by the relief barriers made of the Middle Atlas Mountain, the Rif Mountains and the Beni Snassen, which block the humid air masses coming from the Atlantic Ocean. The annual average rainfall may exceed 600 mm in the summits but remains less than 350 mm within the coastal plains. The average annual rainfall is approximately 245 mm, with a minimum of 110 mm, and a maximum of 515 mm (chains of Bni Snassen, and upstream in Middle Atlas Mountains). Mean monthly temperatures range from 18 C to 29 C, and the minimum monthly average temperatures may reach 2 C.Water resources Most of the water resources are generated upstream of the basin in the Middle Atlas and High Atlas Mountains. The main river of the basin is the Moulouya River, running about 600 Km in length. Its main tributaries are the Melloulou River and the Za River. Surface water supplies are limited and irregular. The river flows present a high inter-annual variability. The annual average flow has been declining since the 1970s. During the period between 1940 and 2002 the annual flow was about 1,611 Mm3; whereas during the period between 1970 and 2002 the average annual flow declined to 1,444 Mm3.Hydraulic InfrastructureThe existing hydraulic infrastructure consists of i) Five (5) large dam reservoirs with a total capacity of 990 Mm3, ii) 40 medium and small size dam reservoirs with a total capacity of 22 Mm3 and iii) Two (2) main irrigation concrete canals (288 km) delivering each about 18 m3/s to irrigate the large irrigation scheme of Moulouya. Hydrological monitoring network The water resources monitoring network in the Moulouya River basin is composed of:

58 river flows gauging stations ( including recording river water levels stations) 29 rainfall gauging stations11 recording rainfall stations18 weather stations, including a number of automatic whether stations allowing real time data transmission and acquisition installed by MEC project. These station will be used for flood forecasting153 piezometers

Figure 2: Overview of the Moulouya River BasinWater resource allocationThe total volume of water used within the river basin is 886 Mm3 and is allocated as follows:506 Mm3 of surface water are allocated to irrigation (86%) and to municipal and industrial water supply (14%)380 Mm3 of groundwater used for irrigation (75%) and for municipal supply (25%)The total irrigated area is approximately 73,874 ha, of which 58,343 ha are large irrigation schemes and 15,531 ha are medium and small irrigated schemes. Hydropower generationThe existing hydropower stations in the Moulouya River basin have a total power of 29 MW, generating about 50 GWH per year of hydroelectricity.

MAJOR WATER ISSUES SPECIFIC TO THE RIVER BASINS OF OUM ER RBIA AND MOULOUYAThe studies of the water master plans (PDAIREs) being finalized by both river basins agencies have highlighted a number of significant water resources challenges in both river basins, besides the existing constraints associated with the institutional framework weaknesses. Briefly these challenges can be summarized as follows:Growing water scarcity and water shortages Both river basins are expected to suffer from severe water shortages within the next decade due to a growing water scarcity as highlighted in the water master plans. A significant deficit is observed in the simulated global water supply/demand balance in both river basins. These shortages are likely to be exacerbated by the observed frequent droughts, expansion of food production and the socio-economic development plans, which will raise the per capita water demand. In both river basins, irrigation water consumption is about 80 to 85% of the total mobilized resources. Growing threat of droughtIn recent decades, the Moulouya and Oum Er Rbia River basins have experienced episodes of very severe droughts that affected the supply of surface water. These droughts have seriously impacted the agricultural sector, municipal water supply, and hydropower generation. PDAIRE studies have shown that the surface water flows of the Oum Er Rbia have declined during the past 26 years compared to during the period from 1941 to 1980. During the period from 1981 to 2006, the mean annual flow was about 2,314 Mm3, whereas during the period from 1941 to 1980 the mean annual flow was about 3.245 Mm3 (a decrease of about 40%).With regard to the Moulouya River basin, the drought sequences of two to five years on the average, have seriously affected water supply for agriculture, municipal water supply and hydropower generation.Threats of climate changePotential reductions in surface water supply in both river basins due to climate change, combined with increased water demand, are likely to increase pressure on water resources. Most climate models project that in the coming decades Moroccos climate will be warmer and drier, with declines in average precipitation of 20% to 30% in the 2030s. This will exacerbate the growing water scarcity problems in the Oum Er Rbia and Moulouya River basins. Ongoing studies will provide further information regarding climate change impacts on water resources. Adding its uncertainty, climate change will increase the complexity of managing water resources in both river basins.Increasing flood threatThe flood protection plans have identified i) 71 highly vulnerable sites within the Oum Er Rbia river basin and ii) 391 vulnerable sites within the Moulouya river basin. Extreme floods observed in the Moulouya river basin have reached 7,000m3/s causing immense damages downstream. Threats of erosion and silting of dams and reservoirsThe annual rate of silting of dam reservoirs in the Oum Er Rbia river basin is estimated at 3.2 Mm3/y for the Bine El Ouidane dam reservoir, 1.1 Mm3/y for Moulay Youssef dam and 3.3 Mm3/y for the dam Hassan I on the river Lakhdar.This problem also affects the Moulouya river basin. Since its commissioning in 1965, the large dam reservoir of the basin Mohamed V has seen its capacity reduced from 726 Mm3 to 331 Mm3 in 2005 (a capacity lost of about 46%).

EVALUATION OF EXISTING MODELING DATABoth river basin agencies have accumulated important databases as time series and geographic information system (GIS) files. Most of these databases are in somewhat organized format, scattered in different data storage units from flash disks, external hard drives, to central servers. Both agencies have and use BADRE21, a Water Resources Database developed by the SEEE and which hosts part of the agencies water resources information including climatic data and streamflow data. The rest of the databases about reservoirs, GIS, groundwater, and water quality collected from the agencies monitoring networks are stored in Microsoft Excel or Microsoft Access.Prior to his first visit, Dr. Ennaanay provided a list of data requirements for WMS and Soil Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) models for both agencies to start preparing for the modeling activities. Earlier this summer, the Secretariat of Water and Environment decided to standardize modeling tools and started the acquisition of WMS for all river basin agencies in the country; part of a GIZ financed effort. Therefore we were asked to focus on this model for all future hydrological modeling in both river basin agencies. In Table 1, we summarize the data requirements for the WMS hydrological model (HSPF) for both agencies. The table shows that most data needed in the hydrological modeling exist except the digital elevation model (DEM) at 30 m, land use land cover (LULC) map, and soil map. The team was able to provide the DEM and the soil map that were downloaded from the FAO GeoNetwork database (http://www.fao.org/geonetwork/srv/en/main.home). As for the other missing data, both agencies agreed to work with other stakeholders in the region to generate the LULC maps and compile management practices for major agricultural cropping systems. Most of the data shown in Table 1 have been updated as part of the five-year master plan and database, PDAIRE 2007. In various discussions, each river basin agency director and staff reiterated strong interest in using the data outcome of this five-year revised master plan in future IMS and modeling products. However, our evaluation and assessment of the nature and quality of data show that time series are still missing data points and some GIS files are miss-projected and need meta-data information. It is clear that more data management and data quality control and assurance need to be administered on these data sets. Immediate tasks should include analysis of time series data, design, and implementation of a correction method that fills the missing data. Another task should focus on the GIS data sets to organize them in a geodatabase with a single projection and data references.

Table 1: Requirements and Availability of data for Watershed Modeling System


PHYSICALDEM (Elevation)GridElevation map, generally it is 30m resolution raster.

Land use land coverGridDerived and classified from Satellite images, generally it is 30m resolution

SoilDatabase (horizon depth, texture, structure, permeability, organic matter...)Database of tables, raster and/or shapefiles

Geology ShapefileImportant information for ground water modeling


CLIMATEWeather stationsShapefileXXLatitude, longitude and elevation of weather stations within and surrounding the basin.

RainfallTime seriesXXDaily time series for long period. If HSPF model is used for WMS, we will need hourly time series for at least couple of stations.

Air temperature (Min and Max)Time seriesXXDaily time series

Solar radiationTime seriesDaily time series

Wind speedTime seriesDaily time series

Relative humidityTime seriesDaily time series

Snow depth Time seriesDaily time series

HYDROLOGICALGaging StationsShapefile XXMap showing location of different gaging stations + Information on the station (start/end, type, )

Point sourcesshapefileXXMap showing location of different point sources + Information on the station (start/end, type, )

DiversionsShapefileXXMap showing location of different diversions + Information on the station (start/end, type, )

ReservoirsShapefileXXMap showing reservoirs + information on reservoirs (type, start, )

FlowsTime seriesXXStreamflow, reservoir outflows, diversion flows, point sources flows

Irrigation Time seriesXXTime series for gaging stations, diversions, point sources.

WellsShapefileXXMap showing major wells + information on wells (type, latitude, longitude, depth,..)

GROUNDWATER WATER QUALITY MANAGEMENTExisting aquifer-water table mapMapXXMap showing groundwater extent + information (type, )

Monitoring pointsMapXXMap showing monitoring sites (latitude, longitude, type, frequency,..)

NutrientsTime seriesXXWater quality components time series (nutrients and other contaminants) at specific monitoring points

Sedimentstime series XXBathymetry

Agricultural PracticesTypes and timingFor all agricultural land

X: Data exists

HYDROLOGICAL AND WATER RESOURCES MODELING ASSESSMENTIn recent years, river basin agencies have externalized all activities related to modeling development by hiring local and foreign consulting firms to design, implement, and run models for daily water management activities. The agencies have used internal staff to continue monitoring and evaluating activities In this assignment, we examined different existing modeling tools that are in-house, most of which were developed by Moroccan local firms in collaboration with foreign consulting firms. Without exception, none of the models are being used routinely by the basin agencies in their daily water management activities. Both agencies opted to develop and customize their own simplified tools to run the daily simple water management tasks. At the ABHOER, there is a version of RIBASIM (river basin modeling tool) that was developed in 2000. This same version was updated by an engineering student at the Institut Agronomique et Veterinaire Hassan II for his Masters thesis. We evaluated this model, which still needs improvements such as incorporating groundwater and return flow from irrigation. For all surface water management (modeling), the agency doesnt have a model to simulate surface water. They use an Excel file that is updated daily based on the experience and knowledge of the water engineer in charge. However, the agency has an ongoing consultancy with NOVEC, a Moroccan consulting firm and CACG, a French consulting firm for all annual and seasonal water planning scenarios. CACG-NOVEC uses a MIKE-Basin model, which was not provided to the basin agency. So, for modeling each single scenario, the agency needs the support of this consultant, creating dependency and a cost-effective solution. As per groundwater management and modeling, ABHOER has an ongoing contract with ANZAR, a local firm for all their groundwater modeling purposes. They use modeling results, but have no license, for the GMS model. So far, the agency has GMS models for two major aquifers in the basin. All models at ABHM were built by consulting firms either local or international. Similarly to OER, the ABHM agency has on ongoing contract with CACG-NOVEC to run MIKE-Basin for all water resources modeling scenarios that the agency develops. It is a black box process in which the agency has no control. For all surface water modeling, the agency uses a non-function HEC-1 model that was built by NOVEC. The technician, who is in charge of managing surface water modeling and simulation, uses an Excel file that has very limited capabilities to manage inflow-outflow for reservoirs and diversions. There is significant dependency on the soft expertise and knowledge of the experienced technician. For all groundwater modeling activities, the agency uses the services of ANZAR consulting. They use GMS results but have no GMS license in house.

EVALUATION OF HUMAN TECHNICAL EXPERTISEIn both agencies, we identified two groups among the technical staff: One group, consisting of four to five very experienced water technicians/engineers and a second group with six to seven junior, entry-level, multi-disciplinary personnel. The junior level personnel have background and training in subjects different than water such as ecology, biology, biochemistry, law, and computer science. Table 2 demonstrates the composition of the technical staffs background and expertise and the current role of the two agencies.

Table 2: Description of Technical expertise within both agenciesTechnical FieldABHMABHOER



Hydrogeology1Sr, 1SrGood1Sr, 1JrGood

Hydrologic Modeling 1SrLimited to fair1SrLimited to fair

Groundwater Modeling1SrLimited to fair1SrLimited to fair

River basin modeling1JrLimited1SrLimited

Water Quality1Sr, 1JrFair1SrFair


Information Systems1JrLimited1SrGood

Computer Science01JrLimited

Flooding and Inundation1SrLimited0

Reservoirs & Water Resources Planning1Sr, 1JrGood1SrGood

Sr: Senior staff, Jr: Junior staff

During both trips, Dr. Ennaanay conducted trainings and workshops for the staff of both agencies. He presented both WMS and RIBASIM describing the characteristics, strengths, and limitations of the models. He also discussed how these models can be used to respond to the climatic, soil and LULC, geological, and river basin management conditions of the two basins. In these workshops, Dr. Ennaanay described the full hydrologic and water resources modeling, discussed how the agencies could benefit from these tools they recently acquired, and emphasized the importance of data quality as a major factor in modeling success.

WATER SYSTEM MODELING AND CAPACITY BUILDING NEEDSBased on the evaluation results presented above, we identified three major needs for both agencies with different recommended intervention degrees:1) Data management system: The scattered and disorganized data sets (time series and GIS files) need to be hosted in one central system where everyone in the agency can have access. Data will be quality controlled and the same data will be used for various purposes. The ongoing MEC effortto strengthen the monitoring network to allow acquisition of climate datawill improve the data situation for both agencies. This data acquisition system can be easily implemented and linked to water supply and flood forecasting systems. The fully functional system will improve water management and river basin short-term operations and enhance flood preparedness. 2) Functional in-house modeling tools: Most of the tools used by both agencies are black boxes, and require continuous dependency upon the consulting firms that do not have the means to evaluate and control the quality of the modeling results. The agencies need in-house models that they can understand and modify for scenarios related to their respective water supply and demand issues. This ability will allow them to run as many scenarios as they want, cost effectively. This functionality will also allow them to verify and quality control future work and modeling projects conducted by consulting firms. Such tools can also be used to simulate impacts of various climate change scenarios on water supply, soil erosion, and reservoir management. These tools will reduce the agencies vulnerability to climate change by enhancing their preparedness and improving their adaptation mechanisms. 3) Strengthen technical capacity: Throughout this short-term assessment, we identified that both agencies need immediate intervention to build and strengthen their technical capacities. Continuity, longevity, and sustainability of water management are at risk in Morocco, and in particular in these agencies, even though the Central Department in Charge of Water and Environment (SEEE), in collaboration with the German Cooperation Agency GIZ, has recently organized, , for all the river basins agencies in Morocco, a basic training workshops on the following modeling tools: Training on the use of RIBASIM , conducted by the experts of the Dutch company Deltares Training on the use of WMS, conducted by the American company AQUAVEO As mentioned above the licenses of these two modeling tools are being acquired by the SEEE and will be installed as standard tools in all river basins agencies in Morocco.It is useful that the USAID-MEC program builds upon the achievements of this initiative and develops and implements a more comprehensive on-the-job training program to accompany the river basins agencies of Oum Er Rbia and Moulouya in having WMS and RIBASIM fully operational at the river basins levels.

RECOMMENDATIONS FOR IMS TASKSThroughout this assignment, we evaluated the existing data and tools, and attentively focused on understanding both agencies needs. We conducted our assessment with the goal of designing and implementing a functional, useful, and practical IMS to help these agencies effectively manage water resources at the basin level. We identified several tasks that the agencies requested and need to be incorporated in the proposed IMS. Table 3 describes IMS tasks and sub-tasks and provides a schedule for each of the tasks. In various discussions with both river basin agencies and the two ORMVAs (Doukkala and Moulouya), we identified 10 needed tasks described in Table 3. However, after discussion with the MEC COP, we were asked to break the tasks into two groups: group one includes task 1 to 6, called high priority and group two includes tasks 7 to 10, called needed when financial resources are available. The purpose of each of the 10 tasks is described below:Task 1: Watershed Modeling System (WMS) Hydrologic modeling: The purpose of this task is to build a hydrologic model within the Watershed Modeling System (WMS) to represent the natural system of the river basin. The WMS will be used in all simulations of LULC future changes (new agriculture and irrigation districts), climate change scenarios, and inflows for future dams and reservoirs. Under this MEC activity, we will enhance the WMS that is under development by Riverside for ongoing World Bank climate change project in Oum Er Rbia River Basin. We are also proposing onsite training of the IMS units (three to four technical staff members) within the two agencies. The development team will work closely with these units to fully understand the model, build and run the river basin model, and interpret its results. During the length of this project, we will provide technical support to the staff to ensure full application and use of the system. This hands-on approach will facilitate successful user adoption so to ensure agency staff will continue using the system after the project ends. Task 2: River Basin Simulation (RIBASIM) Water resources modeling: The goal of this task is to provide both agencies with a functional river basin water resources modeling system to help with planning activities. We will set up, enhance and operationalize a system for Moulouya using the RIBASIM model that is now under development in the ongoing World Bank climate change project in Oum Er Rbia.During the model development stage, we will provide on-the-job training of the IMS units at both agencies to set up, calibrate, run, and interpret model results. This onsite training, in addition to technical support during the length of this project, will build each agencys internal capacity and ensure full application and continuity of model use after the end of the project. Task 3: Study Tour for ABH, ORMVA, and SEEE managers: This tour will be a valuable opportunity for Moroccan water managers to meet with U.S. water managers in various U.S. federal, state, and local water agencies. They will visit and experience different information management systems, water modeling systems, and decision support systems. During the tour, they will also learn how these technologies have been used to improve water management. Task 4: Data management: We are proposing to organize data in a centralized database and implement GIS tools to homogenize data sets for each agency. Most of the data still needs substantial quality control and quality assurance work. This task will allow us to fill the missing gaps in various time series (climate and runoff), correct and georeference GIS files, and build metadata files for different data sets. Task 5: Climate change decision support tool: This task will use results from Riversides ongoing World Bank climate change project in OER. We will be incorporating seven climate change scenarios results in this decision support tool. Riverside has developed and implemented this tool in various river basins in the U.S. as shown on this website: www.climatechangedss.com. The climate change decision support tool will allow the OER to disseminate climate change impacts to the larger public community. Task 6: Irrigation management: The ORMVA of Doukkala is undergoing substantial irrigation conversion projects in an effort to improve water efficiency and increase productivity. We are proposing to implement a drip irrigation advisory and scheduling system in one pilot irrigation sector. This system will use and utilize weather data generated and produced by the weather stations that were acquired and installed by MEC. This will help farmers effectively use their water quotas between two irrigation periods (generally two weeks).Under this same task, the ORMVA of Moulouya wants to apply remote sensing techniques to estimate consumptive use in their irrigation sectors. This will allow the ORMVA to effectively estimate water balance and groundwater abstractions in the district. Task 7: Water harvesting: During our September trip, we attended a water master plan discussion in Oujda (Moulouya region). Many stakeholders highlighted the need for water harvesting projects in the region. Water harvesting is considered an important approach to save rain and runoff water for irrigation and domestic use. We identified this task as an priority since the region is experiencing drier climate and rain patterns are more irregular and intense. Task 8: Water quality: Intensive agricultural practices, especially in the irrigated areas, have impacted the quality of surface waters and more negatively the groundwater resources that are shallow in these zones. Incorporating non-point sources water quality, especially nitrogen, into modeling activities in both agencies will address this issue. This modeling effort will help the ORMVA and ABH to zone the risk areas and target their outreach activities. Task 9: Forecasting and modeling applications: Both agencies expressed the need for incorporating forecasting systems for water supply and flooding into the modeling systems. These systems will incorporate and use the real-time climate data sets that are collected using the existing system and the additional weather stations that MEC has installed in various areas within the two river basins. These applications are very critical for improving water management and flood preparedness in both regions. Task 10: GIS and remote sensing applications: In collaboration with both agencies, we identified the need to improve the existing GIS databases by building a decision support interactive tool for GIS data analysis. We also highly recommend using remote sensing techniques to generate a LULC map for both agencies to provide important information that is missing for the entire country.Under this same task, both agencies have requested help and support in estimating consumptive water use in the entire basin with focus on estimating groundwater and river-water abstractions in irrigated areas along the river courses.

Table 3: Proposed IMS tasks (1-6 High priority and 7-10 Needed)



1WMS Watershed Modeling System Hydrologic modelingBasic Developmentxx

Enhancement operationalisationxxxx

Technical Assistancexx

On-Job Trainingxxxx

2RIBASIM Riverside basin management modelBasic Developmentxx

Enhancement operationalisationxxxx

Technical Assistancexx

On-Job Trainingxxxx

3Study Tour for ABH, ORMVA and SEEE managers (Riverside Labor)Preparation, hosting, reportingxxxx

4Data ManagementOrganizing climatic and hydrologic dataData organizationxxxxxxxx

5Climate Change DST incorporate climate change into IMSImplementationx

Technology transferx

6Irrigation ManagementIrrigation scheduling and telemetryDesign irrigation management servicesxx


Evapotranspiration and irrigation water balancexx

7Water Harvesting for domestic and livestock useIdentification of potential areas (suitability index)xx


GIS applicationxx

8Water Quality non-point source pollution (Nitrogen)Model set upxxxx

Modeling Nitratexxxx

9Forecasting: Modeling Applications of WMS and RIBASIMWater supply forecastingxxxx

Flood forecasting including design, link to acquisition data system, model set upxxxx

10GIS/Remote Sensing Applications applying remote sensing and GIS techniques in irrigation managementBuild upon existing GIS for applications (design and implementation)xx

Land use and land cover for modeling and other applicationsxxxx

Evapotranspiration for irrigation and water balancexxxx

CONCLUSIONThe proposed set of tasks will be incorporated in a functional, useful, and practical IMS. It is a product that includes items needed and requested by the agencies; it responds to their needs. These are tasks that were identified by working with the river basin agencies and the ORMVAs under this assignment. Our goal is to produce a comprehensive tool to help improve the agencies water management. We will be working closely with all clients during the length of this project to incorporate all necessary components of this IMS. We will provide comprehensive onsite training to the IMS units in both agencies to ensure continuity and sustainability of this system.


OVERVIEWThe Watershed Modeling System (WMS) is a comprehensive modular package that represents and simulates most of phases of watershed hydrology, water quality, groundwater and hydraulics. Based on its modular design capability, WMS includes and links different tools to explicitly run and simulate different processes such as automated basin delineation, geometric parameter calculations, GIS overlay computations (e.g., CN, rainfall depth, and roughness coefficients), cross-section extraction from terrain data, hydraulic mechanisms, hydrologic responses, water quality characteristics. Among the software that are now supported in WMS, we find set of hydrologic and water quality modeling tools including HEC-HMS, TR-20, TR-55, Rational Method, NFF, MODRAT, and HSPF, and another set of hydraulic models including HEC-RAS and CE QUAL W2. It is important to mention that WMS has the capability of executing 2D integrated hydrology (including channel hydraulics and groundwater interaction) using the US Army GSSHA model. Therefore, WMS gives the user the option of adding new modules that model and simulate processes that are of importance using tools that are strong to specific issue, not data hungry and easy to use. The modular design of the program enables the user to select modules in custom combinations, allowing the user to choose only those hydrologic modeling capabilities that are required. Additional WMS modules can be purchased and added at any time. The software will dynamically link to these subsequent modules at run time, automatically adding additional modeling capability to the software. IMPORTANT FEATURES OF WMSAutomated Watershed DelineationUsing digital terrain data, WMS can automatically delineate a watershed and sub-basins. As part of the delineation process, basin data such as area, slope, mean elevation, maximum flow distance, and many other commonly-used hydrologic parameters are automatically computed. Many advanced features and options are included in WMS: Use DEMs (grids) or TINs for delineation. This allows easy manipulation of the elevation data in either type of dataset. Add of any number of interior outlet points and the WMS subdivides the watershed automatically. Manipulate stream networks to represent man-made features or proposed changes in the watershed. As part of the delineation process, WMS finds all flow paths on the entire terrain model. This allows one to inspect flow patterns anywhere inside/outside the watershed. Further, the longest flow path in each sub-basin is stored for use with the Time of Concentration Calculator.Integrated GIS ToolsWMS allows the user to take advantage of all types of GIS data available for hydrologic and hydraulic modeling. The GIS module of WMS includes a complete set of tools for importing, creating, and manipulating GIS vector and raster data. ArcGIS/ArcView is not a required component of the WMS software. WMS can work with the existing GIS data effectively with or without ArcGIS. A few of the powerful tools in WMS include:

Direct linkage with ArcGISTerrain data can be created, merged, and manipulated using grids, TINs, or contour lines. Data layers such as land use and soil type can be clipped to match the watershed. Attribute tables can be joined and queried. Images (TIFF, JPEG, MrSID) can be geo-referenced, joined, and clipped. Attributes from data layers can be assigned to the model using GIS overlay operations. New data tree interface allows you to turn on/off, change display, change coordinate systems, and review contents of each data layer. Coordinate System Conversions: Convert data between geographic and planar coordinate systems. Floodplain Modeling and MappingWMS can be used to run a HEC-RAS model or use other direct hydraulic analysis results, and make use of the tools for floodplain delineation and mapping to create the results needed for flood study. The powerful interpolation algorithms in WMS allow you to create flood extents and flood depth maps using digital terrain data and water surface elevation data points. The channel hydraulics tools in WMS can be used to create approximate maps. If a detailed analysis is needed, its possible to use the HEC-RAS interface and flood mapping tools integrated in WMS. The full process of flood modeling and mapping is integrated into a seamless process in WMS. Simulation with any hydrologic model (HEC-1 or HMS, TR-20, TR-55, Rational Method, MODRAT, NFF) can be performed, then the peak flow or the complete hydrograph can be linked to a HEC-RAS model of the river channel in the watershed. The set up of HEC-RAS can be completed with cross-section cutting, area attribute mapping (roughness values assigned by polygons), and automated assignment of thalweg and bank locations and downstream distances. Once a HEC-RAS simulation is completed, its possible to import the W.S.E. results directly from the HEC-RAS project files and use them to determine the flooding extents and depths on the terrain model in WMS.2D (Distributed) HydrologyA 2D hydrologic model is available in WMS. The GSSHA model is the perfect solution for studies which require analysis of 2D surface flow and groundwater/surface water interaction. The model uses a 2D finite-difference grid to analyze surface runoff, 1D channel hydraulics, and groundwater interaction in a comprehensive hydrologic cycle model. Water quality and sediment transport processes may also be modeled with GSSHA. Typical applications of this model are: Flood forecasting (depth and velocity over entire 2D domain) Groundwater/surface water interaction modeling Integrated stochastic modeling tools Uncertainty in modeling parameters can be analyzed using the automated stochastic modeling tools in WMS. These tools simplify and automate the process of varying certain parameters (such as CN or roughness) in a model, creating a model input file, and running the simulation over and over again. Some applications of this technique are: Use HEC-1 with CN randomization to create probabilistic hydrograph results. Use HEC-RAS with roughness randomization to create probabilistic water surface elevation results. Link HEC-1 and HEC-RAS in series with randomization to create probabilistic floodplain maps. Data Compatibility WMS is compatible with numerous file formats. Some of the more popular data formats supported by WMS are: ArcGIS Raster (ASCII format) read elevation or attribute data in gridded format from ArcGIS. ESRI Shape files read all shapes and attributes into WMS. DXF and DWG CAD files WMS now supports the latest versions of DXF and DWG. TIFF, JPEG, and MrSID images images along with geo-referencing information can be read by WMS.

APPENDIX 2: FEATURES AND APPLICATIONS OF RIBASIMOVERVIEWRIBASIM (River Basin Simulation Model) is a tool for river basins planning and management. It is a generic model package for analyzing the behavior of river basins under various hydrological conditions. The model package is a comprehensive and flexible tool linking the hydrological water inputs at various locations with the specific water-users in the basin.Field of application RIBASIM is designed for any analysis that requires simulating the water balance of a basin. The resulting water balance provides the basic information on the available quantity of water as well as the composition of the flow at every location and at any time in the river basin. It provides the means to prepare such balances in required detail. A number of basin performance parameters are generated for evaluation of the simulated situations. The main applications of the model include:Long-term basin planning: the preparation of long and mid-term basin plans (e.g., with a time horizon of 10 to 25 years). Various measures (technical, operational, and institutional) can be analyzed with RIBASIM. Questions to be answered include: To what extent is development possible? What potential conflicts among users may arise and what are the impacts of various development alternatives? Short-term (half- or one-year) water allocation scheduling: preparation of a seasonal operation plan for the basin. RIBASIM can be used to determine a crop plan based on reservoir storage and expected inflows. In-season operation scheduling: during the season based on the actual situation in the field, the actual rainfall and the updated forecasts an updated water allocation schedule can be determined for the coming weeks or months. Questions that can be answered include: What is the water allocation to users in case of water scarcity? What is the impact of specific management options? Flow forecasting systems: At any time, the flow, at various locations along the river, is predicted based on forecasts of the catchment runoff and hydrologic routing of river flow. The relevant question here is: What flow can we expect during the coming few weeks or months at the intake of our drinking water reservoirs or irrigation scheme? Model use as flow routing component within a Flood Early Warning System (FEWS): Various hydrologic routing methods are available in RIBASIM (e.g., Manning formula, Flow-level relation, two-layered multi segmented Muskingum formula, Puls method and Laurenson non-linear lag and route method). The flow routing is executed on a daily basis starting at any selected day for any number of days ahead.OTHER APPLICATIONS OPTIONSReservoir operationRIBASIM also contains a component for reservoir operation simulation used to model single- and multi-purpose reservoirs. The following aspects are taken into account:

Various outlets: main gate, turbine gate, spillway and any number of head sluices Hydraulic characteristics of the reservoir and gates Operation rule curves for flood control, maximum energy production, firm storage, zoning of the reservoir storage and hedging (water rationing) of target releases Hedging based on the target release (demand oriented) or based on the actual storage (supply oriented) Specific operation based on level control Operation of groups of reservoirs in series and/or parallel Operation based on expected reservoir inflow Hydrological aspects: evaporation losses and rainfall input based on reservoir surface area, seepage losses Hydro-power station characteristics: head power capacity relation, head power efficiency relation, discharge tail level relation, discharge head loss relation Firm energy demand per time step with a water allocation priority fully taken into account in the water allocation procedure on basin level Computation of reservoir releases based on average reservoir level Water management optionRIBASIM has a general setup. A variety of water management and water allocation procedures can be modeled. The following features are available:Water allocation priority Operation rules of individual reservoirs and groups of reservoirs Groundwater management rules Operation rules of the diversion structures (weirs, gates) Water allocation based on the computed target demands and target releases Proportional water allocation Evaluation of Basin performanceUsing a set of simulations, usually made for a range of alternative development or management strategies, the performance of the basin is evaluated in terms of: Water allocation Water shortages Firm and secondary hydropower production Overall river basin water balance (water accounting) Flow composition Crop production Flood control Water supply reliability Groundwater use Hydro-power productionHydro-power production can be modeled at reservoirs hydro-power stations.Energy production forms one of the water using activities in the river basins and is fully taken into account in the water management options.Hydrologic routingRIBASIM accepts basically any time step size. However, most basin simulations are executed on a:Monthly basis Half-monthly basis Weekly basis Daily basis

In most situations the selected simulation time is such that mass equations are used for the simulations. In situations where this is not valid, RIBASIM offers various hydrologic channel and reservoir routing procedure, such as:The Manning formula The flow-water level relation The two-layered, multi-segmented Muskingum formula The Puls method The Laurenson non-linear "lag and route" methodGroundwaterRIBASIM contains a groundwater simulation component, which computes the aquifer water balance taking into account the aquifer characteristics, the external inflows, groundwater recharge, groundwater abstractions, and lateral flows:Groundwater management options are available to simulate various measures Conjunctive use of surface (river and reservoir) and groundwater can be modeled. For irrigated agriculture the irrigation efficiency is differentiated based on the sources: surface water (river, reservoir) and groundwater Integration of water quality modeling A quality model DELWAQ can be integrated into RIBASIM for modeling of chemical and biological processes. RIBASIM computes the concentration of substancesin each river reach and water body, and the substancebalance of each water user. Any number of substances can be defined by the user like salt, Biological Oxygen Demand, Nitrogen, Phosphorus, bacteria, and toxic substances. Natural and artificial purification of the water is taken into account by modeling the natural retention in river reaches and water bodies and waste water treatment plants.

The computation is based on the computed flow and water allocation pattern. The waste generation (polluting substances concentration) at the system boundaries is specified as a relation between the substance concentrationof the abstracted water and the drainage flow (e.g., fromirrigation areas).Modeling of agriculture water demand Agriculture is the largest water user in the Oum Er Rbia and the Moulouya river basins. For this reason modeling of the agriculture water demand and allocation is an essential element for analyzing limited water resources in the basin. It supports various methods for dealing with this type of demand such as direct specification of the gross demand, complete agriculture water demand, water allocation, crop yield and production costs model (DelftAGRI). For this more advanced modeling the following aspects are taken into account:Topography and lay-out of the irrigation area Crop and soil characteristics Crop plan Expected and actual rainfall Reference evapotranspiration Agriculture practice Operation and irrigation water management Actual field water balance Crop survival fraction Potential crop yield and production costs RIBASIM has a fully interactive graphical tool for designing a crop plan. The crop plan consists of the combination of cultivations, which are cultivated, the size of the cultivated area, and the starting date of the cultivation. This tool is activated from the map. Using the integrated agriculture water demand, water allocation, crop yield, and production costs model, RIBASIM can be used for:Interactive design of crop plan from mapPreparation of a crop plan on the irrigation scheme levelPreparation of a crop plan on command area and tertiary unit levelPreparation of a seasonal operation plan of a irrigation schemePreparation of reservoir operation rules for reservoir releases Evaluation of the irrigation performance of a certain crop plan under various hydrological scenariosIntegrated GIS ToolRIBASIM is map oriented. A flexible modeling environment has been designed where the modeling system is made independent of the users choice of GIS. This tool provides the user with features not typically available under conventional GIS software but needed to carry out a basin analysis. These features include: Map viewer Interactive design of a river basin network schematization consisting of nodes and links Editing of attribute data of each node and link Visualization of spatial and temporal data on maps Presentation of data in form of various types of graphs Animation of time series data Optimized processing of very long time series with high speed