Engaging Physicians: Insights and Actions for Results Steven M. Berkowitz, MD SMB Health Consulting, Austin, TX 512-415-6095 [email protected]

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Engaging Physicians: Insights and Actions for Results Steven M. Berkowitz, MD SMB Health Consulting, Austin, TX 512-415-6095 [email protected] Slide 2 2012 Clients- Two Lessons Learned Slide 3 Engaging Physicians: Insights and Actions for Results Clinical Integration Embracing data transparency Implementing best practices Excel at Pay for Performance Financial Integration Enterprise-wide cost reduction Hospital Physician Partnership An aligned, long term collaborative relationship Slide 4 Whats New with Health Care Reform? Same Old Wine in a Brand New Bottle ? Slide 5 Whats New with Health Care Reform? Slide 6 You can always count on Americans to do the right thing after theyve exhausted all the other possibilities !! Winston Churchill Slide 7 People do not change until the pain of staying the same exceeds the pain of changing. Anonymous Slide 8 Medicine is a Team effort. ..Why do we insist on playing Solo ! The Health Care Team Slide 9 Medicine is a Team effort. ..Why do we insist on playing Silo ! Slide 10 So, Whats This Going to Look Like? Form Follows Function InputsResults Efficiencies Hospitals Physicians Slide 11 InputsResults Decreased payment: VALUE vs volume Some risk Increased demand: Greater volume Aging, chronic Transparency of VALUE: Clinical Outcomes Patient Satisfaction Cost Effectiveness Efficiencies: Clinical/ Operational Financial Infrastructure/ Governance Hospitals Physicians So, Whats This Going to Look Like? Form Follows Function Slide 12 Winning the Game What is the best model for your organization? Any hands a winner. Any hands a loser !! Slide 13 What Does the Model Look Like? Form Follows Function ALL MARKETS ARE UNIQUE !! What are the needs of the community that you serve? Quality, accessible, cost-effective care What are the needs of the physicians? Quality medical care Practice/ economic stability What are the needs of the hospitals? Quality, accessible, cost-effective care Partnership relationship with the medical staff Slide 14 Hospital Physician Partnership Financial Integration Clinical Integration Fundamental Requirements to be a Winner Integrating the Components of Health Care Delivery Slide 15 Hospital Physician Partnership Financial Integration Clinical Integration X- ABC Hospital X X X Fundamental Requirements to be a Winner Integrating the Components of Health Care Delivery Slide 16 Financial Integration Clinical Integration Fundamental Requirements to be a Winner Integrating the Components of Health Care Delivery Hospital Physician Partnership Slide 17 Clinical Integration The Continuum Common Quality Goals Common IT Platform Best Practice Implementation Population Management Clinical Integration Slide 18 Embracing data transparency Implementing best practices Excel at Pay for Performance Financial Integration Hospital-wide cost reduction Hospital Physician Partnership An aligned, long term collaborative relationship Clinical Integration Engaging Physicians: Insights and Actions for Results Slide 19 1. Embracing Data Transparency 2.Implementing Evidence-based Practices 3.Excel at Pay for Performance Clinical Integration Three Imperatives for Effective Clinical Integration Slide 20 Value-Based Purchasing The increasingly informed consumer will make health care decisions on the basis of VALUE VALUE = Outcomes + Satisfaction Cost The CONSUMER ultimately determines which of the above elements constitute VALUE Slide 21 The Role of Transparency Fundamental Types of Data Transparency Price Transparency Quality Transparency Slide 22 Quality Transparency The Role of Transparency Fundamental Types of Data Transparency Price Transparency Slide 23 Read all about it !! April 2005 Data Transparency Slide 24 This is Your Life !! Data Transparency in Action Slide 25 What we concluded was that even when hospitals know their performance is not good, that's not sufficient motivation for them to do something. Making it public made a big difference in motivating them to improve. Judith Hibbard, Health Affairs 2003 Data Transparency That which is measured, tends to improve. That which is measured publicly, tends to improve faster. Data Transparency Slide 26 If the other guys getting better, then youd better be getting better faster than that other guys getting better Or youre getting worse. Tom Peters Slide 27 Exposure to and Use of Quality Information Percent Who Saw and Acted Upon the Information Kaiser Family Foundation, October 2008 Choice of Hospitals Slide 28 Data Transparency and Accountability Transparency is the best thing thats happened to quality since antibiotics.. by decreasing variance and improving results. Data Transparency As transparency matures, it will rewrite the book on: Who is your competitor? Slide 29 Stage I The other guy Stage III The entire nation ? Stage IV ?? The whole world ?? Stage II All hospitals in region Strategic Planning Who is Your Competitor and the Role of Transparency? Increasing Transparency Slide 30 Playing the Game What is the best model for your organization? Any hands a winner. Any hands a loser !! Define and Excel in your Core Business !! Slide 31 Two Fundamental Types of Data Transparency Price Transparency Quality Transparency Slide 32 Do your hospital and physicians embrace data transparency ? Engaging Physicians: Insights and Actions for Results Slide 33 1. Embracing Data Transparency 2. Implementing Evidence-based Practices 3.Excel at Pay for Performance Clinical Integration Three Imperatives for Effective Clinical Integration Slide 34 Implementing Evidence-Based Medicine What Can we Learn from the Airline Industry ? Slide 35 What Can we Learn from the Airline Industry? Teamwork: Guidelines and Checklists Slide 36 Our Greatest Challenge in Clinical Medicine Eliminate the DEADLY Delay !! Slide 37 The Deadly Delay From Clinical Trials to Clinical Practice Slide 38 Where Do We Find the Best Practices ? Examine Your Own Specialty Literature Implement the Guidelines Recommended by your OWN Specialty Society Slide 39 Most medical guidelines are based upon ambiguity as a guiding principle of protocol development What Can we Learn from the Airline Industry ? Elimination of Ambiguity the elimination of ambiguity is consistently cited as a key factor in protocol success and safety Degani and Weiner 1993 Slide 40 Example: Oxytocin Treatment Guidelines ACOG 2006 Compendium Any of the low or high dose regimens outlined in table 2 are appropriate (0.5 6 mU/min every 15-40 min) Each hospitals OB/Gyn department should develop guidelines for preparation and administration of oxytocin The uterine contractions and fetal heart rate should be monitored closely Evidence-Based Medicine Slide 41 Example: Postdates Guidelines ACOG 2006 Compendium Women with post-term gestations who have unfavorable cervices can either undergo labor induction or be managed expectantly Delivery should be effected if there is evidence of fetal compromise. Evidence-Based Medicine Slide 42 Use any settings of the planes instruments you feel like Every airline and pilot can do it differently Be really careful as you get close to the ground Steve Clark, MD How to Land a 747 in a Strong Cross Wind* * (Had It Been Written by ACOG) Slide 43 Do Guidelines Help or Hurt? Yeah, but Pilots do not have to worry about Malpractice Suits Obstetrician, Texas Slide 44 Guidelines for Guidelines There will be MORE guidelines in clinical medicine Guidelines were NEVER intended to apply to all patients and do NOT take the place of individual physician judgment Expect physicians to occasionally deviate from guidelines in the daily practice of prudent medical care When so DOCUMENT In the medical record that: The patient was seen and evaluated The options were thoughtfully considered The best clinical judgment was used Discussed with the patient Slide 45 Do Guidelines Help or Hurt? We keep missing the point.. Simply put Evidence-based Guidelines reduce adverse outcomes ! Adverse Outcomes Adverse Outcomes protocols Evidence-based Guidelines improve patient care ! Evidence-Based Medicine Slide 46 Do your hospital and physicians implement best practices ? Engaging Physicians: Insights and Actions for Results Slide 47 Three Imperatives for Effective Clinical Integration 1. Embracing Data Transparency 2. Implementing Evidence-based Practices 3.Excel at Pay for Performance Clinical Integration Slide 48 HospitalsPhysicians Pay for Performance Slide 49 What Pay for Performance is NOT: A increase in revenue A break-even with revenue What Pay for Performance IS: A way to partially recoup some of the REDUCTIONS we will see in revenue Slide 50 Pay for Performance What Pay for Performance is NOT: A increase in revenue A break-even with revenue What Pay for Performance IS: A way to partially recoup some of the REDUCTIONS we will see in revenue 5 10 % of Total Medicare Or more !! Slide 51 Complicated CMS Payment Schedule Slide 52 VBP Program 2013 and 2014 Slide 53 Physician Value Based Purchasing Include in the rule making process for 2013 Based on quality compared to cost HHS is required to develop risk adjusted measures Measures published by Jan 1, 2012 Applied for some physicians in 2015, all by 2017 1.5% payment reduction in 2015 2% in 2016 and beyond Slide 54 Hospital Acquired Conditions Going from known complication.. k .. to known complication. Pay for Performance Slide 55 Surgical Consent Form. Death Stroke Heart Attack Emergency Surgery Infection Bleeding Allergic Reaction Nerve Damage Renal Failure . Slide 56 Will your hospital (and physicians) excel at pay for performance? Engaging Physicians: Insights and Actions for Results Slide 57 1. Embrace Data Transparency 2.Implement Evidence-based practices 3.Excel at Pay for Performance Clinical Integration Three Imperatives for Effective Clinical Integration Slide 58 Common Quality Goals Common IT Platform Best Practice Implementation Population Management Clinical Integration The Continuum Slide 59 The Role of Information Systems Health Care Information Systems -- We are so far behind !!! 1 Zettabyte = 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 bytes = 1000 7 bytes = 10 21 bytes Slide 60 More Than Meaningful Use Health Care of the Future.. . We cant get there from here . Without Information Systems !! Slide 61 EMR and Evidence Based Order Sets are not just another IT initiative. . it is a Clinical Transformation to how we will be practicing better medicine in the future. More Than Meaningful Use Slide 62 The Role of Information Systems Electronic Medical Record The EMR will do for health care What the assembly line did for manufacturing. Slide 63 Financial Integration Clinical Integration Fundamental Requirements to be a Winner Integrating the Components of Health Care Delivery Hospital Physician Partnership Slide 64 Financial Integration FFS Common IT Platform FFS + Incentives Bundled ProductsGlobal CapGlobal Cap + IncentivesFull Premium Financial Integration The Continuum Financial Integration Slide 65 Clinical Integration Embracing data transparency Implementing best practices Excel at Pay for Performance Financial Integration Hospital-wide cost reduction Hospital Physician Partnership An aligned, long term collaborative relationship Financial Integration Engaging Physicians: Insights and Actions for Results Slide 66 Hospital-wide Cost Reduction!! There will be a focus on Cost Control like we have NEVER seen before in our careers. Slide 67 Physician Hospital Other Rx Admin Total Health Care Costs ???? ? Post- Reform Health Care Costs Cost Reductions Cost Reduction The Role of Successful Partnerships Slide 68 Physician Hospital Other Rx Admin Total Health Care Costs ???? ? Post- Reform Health Care Costs Cost Reductions Any decrease in health care expenditures is a pay cut for somebody in health care !! Cost Reduction The Role of Successful Partnerships Slide 69 Total Cost of Care - Hospitals Goal: 20+ % Total Cost Reduction Slide 70 Minimal Opportunity Total Cost of Care - Hospitals Goal: 20+ % Total Cost Reduction Slide 71 Minimal Opportunity More Opportunity Total Cost of Care - Hospitals Goal: 20+ % Total Cost Reduction Slide 72 Maximum opportunity ! Minimal Opportunity More Opportunity Total Cost of Care - Hospitals Goal: 20+ % Total Cost Reduction Slide 73 Financial Integration Clinical Integration Fundamental Requirements to be a Winner Integrating the Components of Health Care Delivery Hospital Physician Partnership Slide 74 Clinical Integration Embracing data transparency Implementing best practices Excel at Pay for Performance Financial Integration Hospital-wide cost reduction Hospital Physician Partnership An aligned, long term collaborative relationship Partnerships Engaging Physicians: Insights and Actions for Results Slide 75 Accountable Care Organizations Definition: An ACO is a health care provider organization that is accountable for meeting the health needs of a defined population, including the total cost of care and the quality and effectiveness of services. Slide 76 Definition: An ACO is a health care provider organization that is accountable for meeting the health needs of a defined population, including the total cost of care and the quality and effectiveness of services. Lets get back to basics Accountable Care Organizations Slide 77 A Final Thought. 1620- Somewhere in the Atlantic. Slide 78 So, Whats This Going to Look Like? Form Follows Function InputsResults Efficiencies Hospitals ??? Physicians Slide 79 Fundamental Requirements to be a Winner Integrating the Components of Health Care Delivery Shared Infrastructure and Governance Financial Integration Clinical Integration Slide 80 Embracing data transparency Implementing best practices Excel at Pay for Performance Financial Integration Hospital-wide cost reduction Infrastructure Integration An aligned hospital-physician partnership Engaging Physicians: Insights and Actions for Results Slide 81 Who Benefits? The Patient !! Slide 82 To the world you may be just one person, But to one person you may just be the world. Unknown