Enform Training Planning Guide 2012

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As the leading resource for the oil and gas industry’s safety performance, we at Enform take our role seriously. And, we truly value the many people who make it all possible.

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Partnerships Make the DifferenceEach and every Enform course starts with a team of industry experts and program developers. Their wealth of knowledge and experience lends a lot of weight to our course offerings, ensuring they truly are “by industry, for industry.” I invite you to read some of their Enform testimonials and experiences in the following pages, along with some from our partners, employees and franchisees. Viewed together, they are a vivid representation of the important role we all play in upholding the safety standards of the oil and gas industry, and we’re proud to feature them in this year’s guide.

Keeping Current Change happens quickly in the oil and gas industry, and we work hard to ensure that Enform’s course offerings evolve to reflect those changes. Each year, we review our portfolio of courses to ensure we identify industry’s needs, and enhance the quality and relevance of each course. For example, our H2S Alive® and Petroleum Safety Training (PST) courses are being redeveloped this year to ensure our students benefit from the most up-to-date training possible.

Moving ForwardWe are proud of the progress we have made with Enform Connect™ – the fast and easy-to-navigate online environment developed to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of your interactions with us. Enform Connect is far more than just a few new buttons and colours, it is a significant investment that positions Enform to provide even greater service to our partners. For instance, Enform Connect’s online registration makes it easier than ever for students to enrol, and the web-based certification database makes it possible for workers and employers to keep track of certifications online.

I’d like to thank everyone who contributes their skills, talents and efforts toward achieving Enform’s goal of no work-related incidents or injuries in Canada’s upstream oil and gas industry. We can all be proud of the difference we make to the many people who work in the industry, as well as the peace of mind we can bring to their families, friends and communities.

Wallace E. Baer, President and CEO

As the leading resource for the oil and gas industry’s safety performance, we at Enform take our role seriously. And, we truly value the many people who make it all possible.

A Message from the President and CEO

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VictorMatusovskiProgram Manager, Technology and International, Enform

Mark A. ScholzPresident, Canadian Association of Oilwell Drilling Contractors (CAODC)

MelissaStaggEnrolment Services Administrator, Enform

Training Where, When, and How you Need it

Enform Connect New

Helping Companies Achieve their Safety Goals

Enform Safety Audits and Certifications

4 6 108

Each and every Enform course starts with a team of industry experts and program developers. Their wealth of knowledge and expertise lends a lot of weight to our course offerings, ensuring they truly are “by industry, for industry.”

Enform Locations

2Registration Information


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ShannonGardnerProgram Advisor, Safety Audits and Certifications, Enform

RoyMcKnightManager, Industry Initiatives, Enform

JerryDaweInstructor, Enform


General Safety Courses » Safety Management Courses » Hazard Mitigation Courses


Operational Safety Courses » Buried Facilities Locator Courses

» Field Production Courses » Drilling and Well Service Courses

» Oilfield Driver Training Courses » Chainsaw Faller Competency Courses

» Seismic Safety Courses


Petroleum Fundamentals

13 25 43

Thank you everyone who contributes their skills, talents and efforts toward achieving Enform’s goal of no work-related incidents or injuries in Canada’s upstream oil and gas industry.

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Instructor Training Opportunities

Index of Courses

47 53


President and CEO, Enform

We can all be proud of the difference we make to the many people who work in the industry, as well as the peace of mind we can bring to their families, friends and communities.

ContentsPartners and Colleges


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Disclaimer: Information in the Training Planning Guide is accurate at the time of printing. Enform reserves the right to make any changes without notice. Please refer to the Enform website at www.enform.ca for any updated information.

Located Near Industry Activity

To serve the industry efficiently, Enform is located in centres of oil and gas activity. Each location is unique, offering a customized blend of products and services. Together, our four facilities meet the diverse needs of industry.www.enform.ca 1.800.667.5557

Enform Locations




Enrolment Services and Certificate of Recognition: 1.800.667.5557


403.516.8000 Toll Free: 1.800.667.5557 5055 – 11 Street NE T2E 8N4


780.955.7770 Toll Free: 1.800.667.5557 1020 – 20th Avenue T9E 7Z6


250.785.6009 Toll Free: 1.855.436.3676 #1240, 9600 – 93rd Avenue V1J 5Z2


306.337.9600 Toll Free: 1.877.336.3676 1912 Prince of Wales Drive S4Z 1A4

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Fees & Registration: 1.800.667.5557 www.enform.ca 3


Fees & Registration: 1.800.667.5557 www.enform.ca 3

After reviewing courses in this publication, be sure to check www.enform.ca for additional information on course dates and location. For courses that require prerequisites and/or applications, enrolment is based on a first-come, first-served basis provided the application is complete and/or prerequisites have been met and the full fee has been submitted.

Enform Connect – Your Online Connection to Safety. NEW!Visit Enform Connect and activate or set-up an account to gain immediate access to your student profile. If you experience problems logging in please try the Forgot my Login or Forgot my Password links on the login page. For additional assistance call 1.800.667.5557.


By PhonePhone 1.800.667.5557 (toll free)

Payment MethodsFees are to be paid in full by Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and debit card.

Fees » Program fees do not include GST

» All fees are subject to change

» All program fees are due upon registration

» Companies that have submitted and been approved for credit shall pay all outstanding accounts within 30 days of invoice date

» NSF cheques will be re-invoiced with a $25 administration fee and certificates will be withheld until payment is received

Foreign Student FeesEnform is subsidized by the Canadian petroleum industry through a special levy. As a result of this subsidy, the prices shown in this guide are the prices charged to students residing in Canada or who are affiliated with a Canadian company. Therefore, foreign students registering for these courses are subject to a 30% Foreign Student surcharge.

Cancellation and No Show PolicyCancellations received in writing, a minimum of five business days before the course start date will be fully refunded.

Cancellations received with less than five days before the class start date will receive a 50% refund of the course fees.

Where no written notice is received before the start date of the class no refund will be considered.

Substitutes meeting the registration requirements for that class are welcome and encouraged.

Certificate ReplacementCertificate replacement can be ordered online through Enform Connect or by completing a replacement application form. For certificate replacement information, visit www.enform.ca.

Registration Information

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Fees & Registration: 1.800.667.5557 www.enform.ca 5



Enform is focused on responding to the evolving safety needs of the upstream oil and gas industry. We value the vital role you play in keeping industry workers aware of safety, and by extension, helping Canada’s oil and gas industry achieve workplace safety excellence. For this reason, we’re excited to announce the development of Enform Connect – a suite of web-based tools that will improve the efficiency and effectiveness of your interactions with us.

Launching in late 2011, Enform Connect will provide users with a fast and easy-to-navigate online environment. This shift will make contacting and interacting with Enform much more simple and straightforward. To be clear, this is not a face-lift; it’s a significant overhaul that will position Enform to provide even greater service to our partners.

This third-party proven technology, which we have customized to meet our industry’s unique needs, is the most widely used association software globally, serving nearly 3000 associations and millions of users worldwide since 1991. We are confident this software solution will address major issues around our current registration environment by:

» Speeding up the certification process; and

» Providing access to online services and information contributing to shorter wait times for telephone registrations during peak times

Committed to Customer Service

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Customized CoursesWith Enform’s customized training on safety-related topics, you can:

» Determine when and where the course will be delivered

» Participate in the development of a specially designed program

» Include company-specific material and experiences in the curriculum

» Make use of existing Enform course material to speed development time and save costs

» Engage Enform’s program development expertise to create a new and unique course tailored to your needs

» Host training sessions on site to save student travel costs

» Organize blended learning experiences – such as classroom training, online learning and mentoring sessions – to meet the unique needs of employees

» Enjoy the convenience and flexibility that customization offers!

Our Portfolio Showcases our ExpertiseHere is just a small sampling of the course customizing Enform has done for oil and gas industry companies:

» Complete safety training package – including H2S Alive®, Petroleum Safety Training (PST), Fall Protection, Light Duty Vehicle Driver Improvement, Standard First Aid, TDG and WHMIS – developed for a major service company and delivered at their site within their 12-hour shift schedule

» Safety Training for jobsite supervisors customized for several producing companies and including company-specific procedures and forms

» First Line Supervisor’s Blowout Prevention and Well Service Blowout Prevention, delivered in Spanish to local employees of Canadian E&P company operating in Cuba

Making Training Accessible Training is only effective when it’s accessible. Enform offers learning experiences in a variety of delivery formats and locations including:

» Hands-on training at Enform’s recognized facilities

» Online learning

» Video conference classes and seminars

» One-on-one mentoring

» Blended learning experiences

With multiple combinations of delivery formats and locations, Enform makes safety training accessible to students who need it, no matter where they are.

To learn more about how your organization can benefit from customized training, please contact us by email at [email protected] or call 1.800.667.5557.

Convenience and flexibility. That’s what customized safety training at Enform offers.

Training Where, When, and How you Need it

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Fees & Registration: 1.800.667.5557 www.enform.ca 7


Fees & Registration: 1.800.667.5557 www.enform.ca 7


More than 75 companies have contracted Enform to develop and deliver customized safety training programs.Enform’s customized training services are available anytime throughout the year. Get exactly what you need, when you need it, with customized safety training.

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This guide is developed to assist land based Canadian operations in developing their internal system to effectively manage service providers. This guide can also be used by all employers to develop their own system or compare to an existing system.


The guideline offers a perspective on the competencies required for supervisors to achieve superior site management outcomes in health, safety, environment, operations and social responsibility. The guideline also provides an outline to help build a company-specific training matrix and tools that can be used by any organization to augment their own performance management processes.

C R O S S I N G B O R D E R S : I S Y O U R C O M PA N Y C O M P L I A N T W I T H O H & S L E G I S L AT I O N I N B R I T I S H C O L U M B I A , A L B E R TA A N D S A S K AT C H E WA N ?

Enform helps companies stay informed of, and comply with Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S) legislation. To assist companies, Enform retained Bennett Jones LLP to review provincial statues, regulations and codes regarding OH&S in the three western provinces, as well as reviewing legislation that is applicable to entities that are federally regulated.

Enform encourages companies to take advantage of this detailed analysis of OH&S legislation to assist them in understanding their legal requirements in the province(s) where they work.

I N T R O D U C T I O N T O S A F E T Y M A N A G E M E N T S Y S T E M S ( F O R M A L LY K N O W N A S B A S I C S A F E T Y P R O G R A M –I N D U S T RY R E C O M M E N D E D P R A C T I C E 9 )

This guideline provides oil and gas employers with an outline of what a Safety Management System (SMS) is and why implementing an SMS is not only beneficial but essential. Safety Management System is a systematic approach put in place by an employer to minimize the risk of injury and illness. This is accomplished by identifying, assessing and controlling risks to workers in all workplace operations. An effective SMS is a key component of any business. The scope and complexity of a health and safety management system will vary according to the type of workplace and the nature of operations carried out.

Helping Companies Achieve their Safety Goals

Enform engages industry and government to identify and develop practices that companies can adopt to help them improve their safety performance. Enform provides and shares online publications which cover a wide variety of occupational safety and health issues such as industry recommended practices, safety alerts, and guidelines. All are available for download, free of charge, at www.enform.ca.Here’s a highlighted list of Enform publications:

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Fees & Registration: 1.800.667.5557 www.enform.ca 9


Fees & Registration: 1.800.667.5557 www.enform.ca 9


Services Provided by Industry Initiatives1 . S TA K E H O L D E R C O M M U N I C AT I O N S

» Centralized collection and distribution of safety information

» Safety alerts

» Safety information bulletins

2 . S TA K E H O L D E R S O L U T I O N S

» Provide a place to address joint issues

» Facilitate collaboration

» Oversee document development

3 . S TA K E H O L D E R A S S I S TA N C E

» Presentations

» Strategic consulting

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Enform Safety Audits and Certifications

Certificate of Recognition Program The Certificate of Recognition (COR) program is a proven way for employers to improve their health and safety performance, create a culture of proactive workplace health and safety, and reduce the risk of costs associated with workplace incidents. The COR process supports the development of health and safety management systems and evaluates them against provincially recognized standards. As the COR Certifying Partner for the oil and gas industry, Enform’s Safety Audits and Certifications Department manages the process, including; auditor and employer training, management of the audit process, audit quality assurance (QA), auditor performance management, project management and administrative services.

Become an AuditorAudits are an important part of Enform’s safety mandate, and auditors are an integral part of the auditing process. Enform supports our valued auditors with training, program updates and developments in technology, to ensure Enform auditors are equipped to provide value-added service to our industry employers.

Enform CoursesEnform offers courses to assist safety professionals develop and/or implement safety programs.

Here is a list of courses:


This 2 day program is designed to enhance the skills of management, supervisors, safety professionals and those responsible for the development and/or implementation of safety programs.

This training program emphasizes the value of safety management systems which incorporated the program elements found within the Enform audit protocol. These elements cover such topics as management commitment, hazard identification and control, training, and investigations. The course material provides tools on how to develop and implement safety management systems.

This 2 day program must be completed before you can register for the 5 day Auditor program.


This program is designed for health and safety professionals with management/supervisory experience who wish to conduct safety management system audits. The program consists of a 5 day training program, final exam, and a practicum, which includes a full health and safety audit and evening projects. The audit must be submitted within six months for review and approval prior to certification. Ethics and conflict of interest issues will also be discussed. A variety of instructional techniques are used.

I N J U R Y M A N A G E M E N T / R E T U R N T O W O R K S E M I N A R

The Injury Management / Return to Work (IM/RTW) seminar is designed to inform existing auditors about the standards for conducting such audits in British Columbia. It includes a review of how to use the audit tool that has been designed to evaluate these systems. The seminar must be attended before an auditor can register or conduct such an audit in British Columbia.

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Fees & Registration: 1.800.667.5557 www.enform.ca 11


The Certificate of Recognition (COR) program can be a proven way for employers to improve their health and safety performance by:» Creating a culture

of proactive workplace health and safety, and;

» Reducing the risk of costs associated with workplace incidents

Fees & Registration: 1.800.667.5557 www.enform.ca 11


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Every day, I get to help companies who are participating in the Certificate of Recognition (COR) Program achieve their safety goals. I feel satisfied knowing companies are working hard to make their

workplace safer for their employees. I also believe it makes employees feel more comfortable going to work every day, knowing their company practices safe work procedures. I enjoy being part of the Safety Audits and Certificate team at Enform.

Shannon GardnerProgram Advisor, Safety Audits and Certifications, Enform (seven years)



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Fees & Registration: 1.800.667.5557 www.enform.ca 13

General Safety Courses

Safety Management Courses _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 14 Hazard Mitigation Courses _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 17

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Safety Management Courses

Safety Program Development

Duration: 2 days $595

This 2 day program is designed to enhance the skills of management, supervisors, safety professionals and those responsible for the development and/or implementation of safety programs. This training program emphasizes the value of the fundamental elements found in an effective Health and Safety Management System (HSMS) and concentrates on the development and implementation. Hazard assessment, inspection skills and auditing are also addressed as necessary elements in monitoring a HSMS.

Upon completion of the program, the candidate will be able to understand, develop and implement company HSMS in preparation for a successful audit. This program is required for the Health and Safety Certificate of Recognition (COR) program, and the Small Employer Certificate of Recognition (SECOR) program for employers with 10 or fewer employees. The completion of this program is the first step in the development of a HSMS leading to the issuance of a COR or SECOR. The candidate, in order to represent their company for SECOR purposes, must be the owner or the most senior operational person or employee familiar with the overall work operation.

Other programs related to this topic that you may be interested in:

• Hazard Assessment• Incident & Accident Investigation• Injury Management / Return

to Work• Petroleum Safety Training (PST)• Fatigue Management for

Supervisors• Certified Health and Safety Auditor

Program (CHSAP)

Certified Health and Safety Auditor Program

Duration: 5 days $980

P R E R E Q U I S I T E S• Safety Program Development

This program is designed for health and safety professionals with management/supervisory experience who wish to conduct safety management system audits. The program consists of a 5 day training program and a practicum, which includes a full health and safety audit. The audit must be submitted within six months for review and approval prior to certification. A variety of instructional techniques are used.

This program covers:

• Overview of health and safety auditing

• Review of the audit instrument • Defining audit scope• Organizing audit activities • Initial on-site activities • Reviewing audit documentation • Conducting the interview process • Conducting work site observations • Conducting on-site audit debriefing • Processing audit data • SECOR submission requirements• Quality assurance process • Maintaining professional


The Enform audit instrument is reviewed in detail throughout the program.

Following successful completion of the program and exam, a qualification audit must be submitted within six

months of the last day of class for review by Enform Audit Reviewers. Once the qualification audit is approved, a certificate will be issued, valid for three years.

There are two auditor streams available: Internal or External.

Internal (maintenance) auditors are able to perform internal audits for the single company at which they are employed full-time.

External auditors are able to perform Certification audits, Renewal audits, and Maintenance audits for any company; keeping in mind the expectations outlined in the Enform Auditor Code of Ethics which is reviewed in class.

For more information regarding the two auditor streams, including the necessary applications and prerequisites, please visit www.enform.ca.

For general inquiries please call the COR hotline at 1.800.667.5557 option #3 or email: [email protected]

Other programs related to this topic you may be interested in:

• Safety Program Development• Hazard Assessment• Injury Management / Return

to Work• Certified Health and Safety

Auditor Renewal


» A laptop is strongly encouraged

General Safety Courses

Didyouknow?Enform’s vision is no work-related incidents or injuries in the Canadian upstream oil and gas industry.

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Fees & Registration: 1.800.667.5557 www.enform.ca 15


Certified Health and Safety Auditor Renewal

Duration: 1 day $240

This 1 day program is offered to Enform auditors wishing to maintain their auditor certification. All certified auditors must take this program once every three years prior to the expiry of their certification. The criteria to register for this seminar are as follows:

The auditor must have successfully completed the New COR Auditor Protocol Seminar.

Registration Criteria:

1. Hold a current Enform Certified Health and Safety Auditor Certificate. If your certificate is expired, the standard allows up to six months from the expiry to complete the renewal program however; the standard does not allow any new audit registrations until re-certification is complete

2. Has maintained auditor certification by having performed two audits or maintenance audit options in the previous three year certification cycle. If this requirement has not been met, the auditor will be required to conduct and submit a regular COR audit within six months of the renewal program before re-certification can be granted

3. For external auditors: hold the Petroleum Safety Training (PST or CSTS) certificate

This program covers updates from the Certificate of Recognition (COR) department, critical topics from Enform’s 5 day Certified Health and Safety Auditor program, and provides an opportunity for questions by the auditors throughout the day.

As well, effective January 1, 2009, a revised Partnership’s Standard on the auditor training required that an exam be introduced, requiring that existing Enform auditors (both internal and external) write this exam at the auditor re-certification stage. Auditors who have not passed the exam will need to take a specific program that includes the exam which are identified in the schedule. This program and the accompanying manual will help prepare auditors to write this open-book exam.

Auditors with current certification but wishing to receive an update on the

audit process are also encouraged to attend.

Other programs related to this topic that you may be interested in:

• Hazard Assessment• Injury Management / Return to Work


» For more information on the COR process: www.enform.ca

Hazard Assessment

Duration: 1 day $395

The following CSAZ1000-06, ANSI/AIHA Z10-2005, ILO-OSH 2001, OHSAS-18001-1999, and Certificate of Recognition (COR) standards specify that health and safety programs/management systems are developed around the results of your hazard assessments.

Hazard assessments are a formal process of identifying hazards, evaluating the risk presented by each hazard and controlling each hazard before the hazards injure people, cause property damage and interfere with your business.

To stress the importance of the Hazard Management System (HMS) and in conducting worksite hazard assessments, key Federal, Provincial and local regulatory requirements will be reviewed. Special emphasis will be placed upon the legal concept of due diligence.

To create an effective learning environment, this recently updated program will include interactive student activities such as workshops, case studies, videos and classroom presentations. The program manual will include an appendix with sample forms and useful reference documents or links.

This 1 day, competency-based program includes:

How to conduct the following types of hazard assessments:

• Routine hazard assessments• Job safety analysis• Field level/site-specific hazard

assessments• When equipment or processes are

new or are changed• Evaluating hazardous products• Introduction to hazard identification,

assessment and control• Benefits of hazard assessments• Hazard reporting• Determining your critical/hazardous


Injury Management / Return to Work

Duration: 0.5 day $75

This seminar is for certified Enform internal and external auditors who wish to use the Injury Management/Return to Work (RTW) audit tool. Employers in British Columbia may qualify for incentives if they maintain their Certificate of Recognition and

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may receive further incentives if they pass and maintain the Injury Management/RTW audit.

The seminar is designed to inform auditors about the standards for conducting Injury Management/RTW Audits in British Columbia, and will include a review of how to use the new Injury Management/RTW audit tool. The seminar must be attended before an auditor can use this audit tool in British Columbia.

For application process visit www.enform.ca.

Incident and Accident Investigation

Duration: 1 day $395

Incidents and accidents hurt people, damage property, interfere with work, reduce profit, etc. Learn how to investigate incidents and accidents in order to prevent them from recurring, and turn these incidents and accidents into positive learning opportunities.

This competency based program focuses on learning from both potential and actual incidents/accidents in order to prevent future incidents and accidents from occurring. The following topics will be covered in the program:

• The initial response to incidents and accidents

• Gathering evidence and information• Analyzing the information• Determining the real root causes• Implementation and follow-up

actions• Constructive communications


» This program qualifies for 0.5 Certification Maintenance Points (CMP) through the Board of Canadian Registered Safety Professionals and 1.0 CM points through the American Board of Industrial Hygiene

Internal Auditor Workshop

Duration: 0.5 day $100

This 0.5 day workshop is intended for all Enform internal auditors and is intended to outline health and safety topics which are being introduced with the changes to Enform’s COR Health

and Safety Audit Protocol in May 2010. This workshop will enable participants to reap the full benefits from the half day “New COR Audit Protocol Seminar” which is mandatory to take in order to perform audits after June 2010.

Enform internal auditors who took Safety Program Development prior to 2008 will be required to take this workshop before being able to use the new audit protocol; however, there will be opportunity for internal auditors to provide documentation of similar training in order to be exempt from this workshop. Internal auditors, who believe they may be exempt, must complete the internal auditor Workshop Exemption Application and include any necessary supporting certificates, etc. Possible exemption documentation may include related past program certificates showing in-depth knowledge of health and safety systems, designation certificates, or university/college diplomas.

This workshop will be delivered throughout the year, in several locations throughout Alberta, British Columbia, and Saskatchewan.


» Discount provided if registered for both Internal Auditor Workshop and the New COR Audit Protocol Seminar on the same day ($150 for both)

» Video conference program discount also available when booking both ($130 for both video conference programs)

New COR Audit Protocol Seminar

Duration: 0.5 day $100

This 0.5 day seminar is intended for all certified Internal and External Enform auditors and was developed to outline changes to Enform’s new COR Health and Safety Audit Protocol. Auditors will be given an overview of the new format including; questions, scoring and note requirements. All Enform auditors will be required to take this seminar prior to using the new audit protocol.


» Discount provided if registered for both Internal Auditor Workshop and the New COR Audit Protocol Seminar on the same day ($150 for both)

» Video conference program discount also available when booking both ($130 for both video conference programs)

» Internal auditors must first take the INTERNAL AUDITOR WORKSHOP. External auditors have no prerequisites

Petroleum Competency Program

Duration: 2 days $570

P R E R E Q U I S I T E S• Application Form: Oil and

Gas Transportation Services - Competency Assessor Training Program

• Application Form: Snubbing Services Supervisor - Competency Assessor Training Program

• Application Form: Well Testing Services Supervisor - Competency Assessor Training Program

The Petroleum Competency Program (PCP) was launched in 1995 to address the need for job standardization and occupational recognition within the oilfield service sector. The PCP established, for the first time, an industry standard for field occupations in the petroleum industry. Formation of the PCP was initiated by the Petroleum Services Association of Canada (PSAC) and transitioned in 2003 to the Petroleum Human Resources Council of Canada, a national collaborative forum that addresses human resources within the upstream petroleum industry. A PCP Steering Committee establishes and monitors procedures for assessment and the competency process. The committee is comprised of representatives from companies in each sector that currently have competency standards, or that have competency standards under development. Competency standards are developed for specific occupations by teams of experts from those industry sectors. Currently there are established competency standards for occupations in oil and gas transportation, well testing and snubbing services.

Effective in 2005, holders of PCP certificates may receive additional recognition of their competence from the Government of Alberta. Through the Apprenticeship and Training

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Fees & Registration: 1.800.667.5557 www.enform.ca 17


Board, Alberta Advanced Education will grant certification under their Designation Occupation program to workers in some occupations who hold a valid PCP certificate and apply to the Minister.


• Customers: Reduced insurance costs from use of qualified service personnel, cost effectiveness from use of established correct practices, enhanced professional image

• Companies: Demonstrated emphasis on training, assessment and quality of personnel, reduced administrative costs, training designed to more effectively meet future company needs, fewer accidents and incidents translating into lower costs and overhead, demonstrated due diligence

• Employees: Ability to make long-term learning and career plans, better remuneration, improved promotion opportunities, demonstrated due diligence


Enform provides training for competency assessors and administers the competency certification process.

• The assessor training covers such topics as the definition of competencies, theory and know-how of performing assessments, the administrative process, dealing with common problems, and a comparison of units, outcomes and performance criteria

• The monitoring process includes: maintaining assessment records, responding to inquiries from candidates, certifying successful candidates, participation on the PCP and directing auditor activities

Further information on the Petroleum Competency Program is available on the Petroleum Human Resources Council of Canada website at www.petrohrsc.ca. Further information on Designated Occupations is available on the Alberta Apprenticeship and Industry Training website at www.tradesecrets.org.ca.


• Complete a Competency Assessor application form for the applicable occupation service group and submit it to Enform for review and approval

• Successfully complete the Competency Assessment training program

• Successfully complete audit of first competency assessment performed (additional audit fee applies)

• Complete the required number of assessments over the three year certification period

• All Assessor certificates have a five year expiry date. All PCP Candidate certificates have a five year expiry date

Small Employer Certificate of Recognition (SECOR) Refresher

Duration: 1 day $185

P R E R E Q U I S I T E S• Students must already hold a Small

Employer Certificate of Recognition (SECOR) or be working towards one

This 1 day refresher workshop is a requirement for all small employers participating under the Partnerships/PIR framework.

Once every three years, all employers who hold a Small Employer Certificate of Recognition (SECOR) must take this refresher program. Attendance will ensure that small employers are eligible to maintain and recertify their SECOR.

This workshop will cover current Certifying Partner/Partnership and SECOR issues, including quality control issues, review of the fundamental program elements.

Fees may vary outside of Enform campuses.

Other programs related to this topic that you may be interested in:

• Hazard Assessment • Safety Program Development• Incident & Accident Investigation • Injury Management / Return

to Work• Petroleum Safety Training (PST) • Fatigue Management for


Hazard Mitigation Courses

Bear Awareness e-Learn


Bear Awareness introduces the three types of bears in North America. Included are identification of bear types, their behaviors, ranges and habitats. You will learn the difference between defensive and predatory bear attacks, in addition to how to handle and/or prevent a bear encounter with deterrents, if an attack should occur. Coexistence is the driving message within the program.

Cathodic Protection Rectifier Training

Duration: 5 days $1500

E Q U I P M E N T L I S T I N G• Since students will be working with

operating rectifiers, personal safety equipment is required. Please bring safety glasses, dry leather gloves and appropriate footware

• Also required is a hand held multi meter and a calculator

This 5 day program is designed for Cathodic Protection Technicians and is authorized under Section 23 of the Alberta Apprenticeship and Industry Training Act. On successful completion of this program and after completing 340 recorded hours of work related training, students can perform specific tasks on CP rectifiers as outlined in the authorization for non-electricians. This includes installing, maintaining, troubleshooting, and reading and adjusting the rectifier (DC side only).

Topics covered include: basic electricity, regulations, codes and standards, electrical hazards, measurement, lock out procedures, rectifier construction, installation, maintenance, troubleshooting and reading and adjusting the rectifier. Hands-on exercises on working rectifiers are included to help reinforce each topic and allow students to develop competency in these areas.

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Detection and Control of Flammable Substances

Duration: 1 day $145

This 1 day program is designed for personnel working with or near flammable substances in the oil and gas industry. The primary focus is to safely monitor and control these substances. The program includes: an introduction to flammable substances, principles of flammable gas/vapour detection, care and preparation of combustible gas monitors, interpreting combustible gas readings, and control methods.

A variety of instructional techniques are used including: lectures, demonstrations, class discussion, group exercises and hands-on practice. Upon successful completion of the prescribed practical skills and written examination, students receive a certificate of completion.


» This program starts at 8:00 a.m. Students who are late may be refused admission

» Fees may vary outside Enform campuses

Electrical Maintenance Training

Duration: 2.5 days $775

P R E R E Q U I S I T E S• Applicants must be currently

employed in the petroleum industry, with at least three years related experience

• The Electrical Maintenance Training Application Form must be submitted for acceptance to this program

This 2.5 day program has been designed to meet the training requirements for non-electricians performing tasks under Section 24 of the Alberta Apprenticeship and Industry Training Act. The Electrical Maintenance Training certificate is valid for three years.

This program focuses on electrical safety and covers: electrical fundamentals, regulations, electrical hazards, hazardous locations,

electrical lights, batteries, cathodic protection, catalytic heaters, sensing devices, disconnecting small electrical motors, motor controller panels and control panels.


» Upon completion of this program, owner companies are responsible for providing information and hands-on training to workers as per the limitations and conditions for types of work. The expectation is that a qualified person, such as an electrician, would provide the training and qualify trainees to perform the specific tasks they would be asked to do

Electrical Maintenance Training Refresher

Duration: 1 day $275

P R E R E Q U I S I T E S• Applicants must hold a valid

Electrical Maintenance certificate from Enform

This 1 day refresher program was developed for individuals whose current Electrical Maintenance Training certificate will expire three years following the program completion date.

The program includes a review of the Electrical Maintenance Training program, along with new regulations and other updates.


» Upon completion of this program, students will be issued an Electrical Maintenance Training certificate valid for an additional three years

Standard First Aid - Level A CPR

Duration: 2 days $165

Designed to meet industry, business and government requirements, Standard First Aid is a modular program for those who want to learn more first aid skills. The standard level first aid program is built on the same core and elective lessons as the emergency level program and is intended for workplace use, focusing on adult casualties.

Learn to recognize and provide intervention for life-threatening emergencies until medical aid arrives. Topics include: emergency scene management, choking, shock and unconsciousness, severe bleeding, one and two rescuer CPR for an adult casualty, and Automatic External Defibrillation (AED) training.


» The administration of CPR in combination with AED has proven to be one of the most effective methods in saving the lives of sudden cardiac arrest casualties

Emergency First Aid - Level A CPR

Duration: 1 day $105

Designed to meet industry, business and government requirements, Emergency First Aid is a state-of-the-art, modular program of basic first aid skills and other select subjects needed to sustain life and manage the scene of an injury.

Learn to recognize and provide intervention for life-threatening emergencies until medical aid arrives. Topics include emergency scene management, choking, shock and unconsciousness, severe bleeding, one and two rescuer CPR for an adult casualty, and Automatic External Defibrillation (AED) training.


» The administration of CPR in combination with AED has proven to be one of the most effective methods in saving the lives of sudden cardiac arrest casualties

Fall Protection - General

Duration: 1 day $145

This 1 day program is intended for workers who need general fall protection training, in preparation for work in areas where fall hazards exist. The focus of this program is on general fall protection legislation and best practices, across a broader industry spectrum.

For more comprehensive, hands-on fall protection training specific to the work on rigs, refer to Enform’s “Fall Protection for Rig Work” program.

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Fees & Registration: 1.800.667.5557 www.enform.ca 19


The program covers fall protection concepts, legislation, safety measures and best practices. It includes the selection and safe use of fall prevention, work positioning, and fall arrest systems and equipment. It additionally includes fall hazard identification, fall protection planning, and discussion on fall effects and fall rescue.

Participants will engage in hands-on training activities, including inspecting, fitting, adjusting and connecting fall protection systems and components. Participants must pass both a written and a practical skills exam to obtain a certificate of successful program completion. As part of the practical exam, each participant will be briefly suspended in a harness. Participants should be physically capable of safely executing this procedure.

Fire and Explosion Prevention Advanced Training

Duration: 1 day $145

This 1 day training program was developed to address the advanced level of training specified in the Fire and Explosion Hazard Management Guideline. The training is intended for supervisors, managers, designers and planners who are involved in the planning/supervising of work where there is the possibility of a fire or explosion. The primary focus is to provide generic fire and explosion prevention program content to minimize fires and explosions in these environments. Topics include: expanded fire triangle, fire and explosion hazard assessment, control, prevention plans, industry regulations, roles and responsibilities, and communications.

General Entry Level Safety (GELS)


In this self-study program, students can work through the program manual, take and mark their own quizzes, and pace their learning according to their own schedules. Once completed, the student’s supervisor will submit a certification request form to Enform.

General Entry Level Safety is intended for new employees entering the petroleum industry and for other workers who would benefit from a review of basic safety practices. It will improve their ability to work safely on the job.

This program consists of six units: basic safety, personal protective equipment, back injury prevention, Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S) regulations, hazard identification and elimination, and hand tool safety.

Upon successful program completion, a certificate will be issued, which will provide recognition and employer support for the students. It can also reduce the duplication of safety training for contractors and other personnel who move from one job site to another.

H2S Alive®

Duration: 1 day $145

This 1 day program is intended for all workers in the petroleum industry who could be exposed to hydrogen sulphide (H2S). The primary focus is to provide generic H2S program content to help workers work safely in and around H2S environments. The program covers the physical properties and health hazards of H2S, how to protect oneself and basic rescue techniques. Each student is required to operate a self-contained breathing apparatus and a detector tube device, and to perform CPR and rescue lift and drag exercises.

The program runs every Monday, Wednesday and Thursday in Calgary, and every Tuesday and Friday in Nisku. Sessions scheduled for holidays will be rescheduled within the same week.


» Program starts at 8:00 a.m. sharp. Students who are late may be refused admission

» Appropriate clothing is required » Employers are advised not to

send injured employees who are unable to perform the required exercises to pass the program e.g., employees on Workers’ Compensation or light duty

» Qualifying individuals can instruct this program on a franchise basis

H2S Alive® (Online Tutorial)


This tutorial is available to anyone interested in the understanding of an H2S environment. Based on the H2S Alive® industry standard, this online tutorial provides the learner with a comprehensive review of the theoretical components of the H2S Alive® program. It provides a highly interactive internet-based presentation that includes video, audio and multimedia-based lessons. The tutorial presents the learner with a series of scenario-based simulations allowing for assessment of inaccessible dangerous H2S environments, as well as operational principals and procedures for working safely within an H2S environment.

Completing this tutorial does not result in an H2S Alive® certificate. To access our programs online, visit www.enform.ca.

H2S Alive® (Professional Fire Fighters Edition)


Providing career fire fighters with operational knowledge for responding to incidents within a sour gas environment, this program parallels the existing H2S Alive® oil and gas industry program. This internet-based program is designed for fire department first responders and is a highly interactive multimedia program with video, audio and interactive lessons. The program presents the learner with a series of scenario-based simulations allowing for assessment of inaccessible dangerous H2S environments, as well as operational principals and procedures for first response in an H2S environment.

The program is available to career fire department personnel and to individuals with professional fire-fighting responsibilities within the oil and gas industry. To access our program online, visit www.enform.ca.

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Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (NORM)

Duration: 1 day $150

This 1 day program has been developed in conjunction with the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers (CAPP) and other industry and government stakeholders. It focuses on issues arising from the handling of concentrated sources of NORM encountered during operation and maintenance of NORM-contaminated equipment or disposal of NORM-contaminated waste materials.

The program covers: general radiation and NORM principles, NORM sources, locations, labels and barricades, health hazards of NORM, options for personal protection, detection of NORM, work practices for NORM-contaminated equipment, and management of NORM-contaminated waste.

This program is available by contract only.


» People who are not actively engaged with NORM-contaminated equipment and processes, such as office-based or administration staff, may wish to consider taking the e-Learn NORM Awareness program

Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (NORM) Awareness e-Learn


This program is designed for people who are not actively engaged with NORM-contaminated equipment and processes but need or wish to know more about NORM. Please note that it is currently not supported to play in Internet Explorer 7 or on Vista platforms. Enform is currently redeveloping this program, and an updated version will be available soon.

Topics include:

• Introduction to NORM • Radiation basics• Health hazards• Worker protection• Worker rights and responsibilities

To register for this program, visit www.enform.ca.


» Petroleum industry workers who are actively engaged with NORM-contaminated equipment and processes should consider taking the 1 day classroom-based worker-level NORM Safety Training program. This program is designed to give greater detail on radiation detectors, including waste management and hands-on operations

Oilwell Perforators Safety Training

Duration: 2 days $465

Individuals seeking an interprovincial Oilwell Blasters permit must: be at least eighteen years of age, have the ability to communicate effectively in English, both orally and in writing, have a minimum of six months hands-on experience in preparing and firing oilwell explosive charges in the field in the past 36 months immediately preceding the application date, or have equivalent experience acceptable to the Oilwell Perforators Safety Training and Advisory Committee (shop gun assembly experience on its own is not sufficient to acquire a blasters permit). They must also be physically capable of performing the duties of an Oilwell Blaster.

This 2 day program has been developed in conjunction with the Petroleum Services Association of Canada (PSAC) and government representatives from western Canada and the territories to provide a minimum industry-training standard for blasting in oil and gas wells. The purpose of this program is to provide workers with a base knowledge and understanding of oilwell explosives in order to prevent incidents and to protect themselves, the public, property and the environment. This program was designed for workers engaged in a number of related well operations such as wireline perforating and completions, TCP perforating, explosive fracturing, pipe recovery and tool services. Topics include safe storage, transportation, shop handling and wellsite handling of explosives, as well as related

regulations. Slickliners are welcome to take this program. However, they should be aware that the program deals primarily with electric line perforating.

An industry standard training certificate, valid for five years, is issued upon successful completion of the written examination. Enform also issues an interprovincial Oilwell Blaster’s permit, valid throughout the Yukon, Northwest Territories, Alberta, British Columbia, and Manitoba, to those successfully completing the prescribed interprovincial Oilwell Blaster’s examination.


» Students must present government issued photo identification (i.e., driver’s license, passport, etc.) at the start of the program

» Students without photo identification will not be permitted to write the interprovincial examination

» The program may also be taken solely for general informational purposes. In this case, there are no prerequisites, no examination, and no interprovincial certificate issued. Only an Enform Certificate of Attendance will be issued

» Fees may vary outside Enform campuses

» Applications must be received for approval by Enform at least two working days prior to the program date

» Students without a pre-approved application form will not be accepted into the program. No walk-ins will be allowed

Petroleum Safety Training (PST)


PST is an interactive multi-media program with video, audio and interactive lessons. This safety training program has been designed and produced for all workers in the petroleum industry. It is user friendly and has been specifically designed so learners do not need significant computer skills. Learners can relax and enjoy the training process, as they are easily guided through each lesson.

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Fees & Registration: 1.800.667.5557 www.enform.ca 21


Total running time of the program is approximately six hours. Topics include: regulations, WHMIS, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), hazard recognition and control, common workplace hazards and control, oil and gas industry hazards and control, gas hazards and control measures, exploration hazards and control (optional), rig hazards and control (optional), oilfield trucking hazards and control (optional), production and plant hazards and control (optional), work procedures and safety communication.

ACSA Safety Training Equivalency:

• The Petroleum Safety Training (PST) Program and the Construction Safety Training System (CSTS) have been granted equivalency. The Construction Owners Association of Alberta (COAA), Enform and the Alberta Construction Safety Association (ACSA) have performed a comparison of the content of the two programs and have deemed the objectives and theory of the training to be equivalent. As a result of this decision, member companies of the COAA should accept PST wallet card certifications issued by Enform as meeting the current requirement of CSTS certification. In the petroleum industry, companies should accept CSTS certification issued by ACSA as equivalent to any requirement of PST certification. Although examples used in each program are industry related, companies will no longer be required to purchase two programs to work in both the construction and petroleum industries. Companies are encouraged to use their industry’s program and use this equivalency should the need arise

Training Options:

• Enform provides computer terminals at campuses in Nisku, Calgary, Fort St. John and Regina for individual learners to take the various Enform computer-based training programs

Third Party Trainers:

• Third Party Trainers are available throughout Canada to deliver the PST to individuals who are unable to attend our Nisku, Calgary, Fort St. John or Regina campuses. These trainers provide the appropriate facilities and any required assistance. Franchise opportunities are available


» Each topic is followed by a short skills test to ensure learner comprehension. Once the program is completed, a program report may be printed for certification submission

» Upon certification, Enform issues a wallet card and a wall certificate, indicating program option completion. Effective July 1, 2009, PST certificates no longer expire. This policy change pertains to certificates, with or without printed dates of expiry. There is no Enform requirement to retake the PST if current certificate carries an expiry date

Power Line Safety and Awareness

Duration: 1 day $155

Power line contacts are a daily occurrence and can cause serious injury and death. Statistics from electrical utility providers show that every day, three Albertans risk their lives needlessly by contacting a

power line... because they didn’t ask themselves “Where’s the line?”

People working in close proximity to power lines must know how to protect themselves and their coworkers from coming in contact with both overhead and underground power lines. Workers who move equipment or other high loads on roadways must know how to identify and avoid the power line hazard. In the event of contact with a power line, people need to know how to respond to this emergency.

This 1 day program, developed by industry for industry, with input from electrical utility providers, addresses all of these issues, plus much more. Enform’s Power Line Safety and Awareness program is of value to anyone working around power lines.

Transportation of Dangerous Goods (TDG)

Duration: 0.5 day $90

This 0.5 day program has been updated to meet the intent of Clear Language Transportation of Dangerous Goods (TDG) Regulations. It is intended for individuals who are involved in the transportation and handling of dangerous goods associated with oil and gas industry operations. It is ideal for updating personnel with previous TDG training or as an introductory session for new employees.

Topics include: TDG Legislation, classification, safety marks, documentation, safe handling, incident reporting and emergency response.

A certificate, valid for three years is issued to each candidate upon successful completion of a written examination.

Vapour Plume Ignition Training

Duration: 2 days $1250

* Replaces Advanced Vapour Plume Ignition Training and the High Vapour Pressure (HVP) Products Release program.

Didyouknow?Enform’s Board of Directors is made up of Canada’s six major oil and gas industry associations.

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E Q U I P M E N T L I S T I N G• Full PPE is required, including

leather gloves

This 2 day ignition program has been updated to prepare all ignition team members to safely and effectively deal with uncontrolled vapour plumes from wells, pipelines, production and/or storage facilities. The ERCB’s Directive 071 states that all “ignition teams should have certified ignition training from Enform...”

The first day of the program is a classroom session at the Nisku Training Centre. Topics covered in the program include: emergency response and public safety assessment, operational considerations affecting plume release, plume development and dispersion factors, pre-ignition hazard assessment, plume ignition equipment and procedures.

The second day starts at the Genesee Community Hall in the morning, where additional theory and various ignition devices are discussed. This is followed by a hands-on “live-fire” ignition training exercise in the afternoon, in which participants practice hazard assessment techniques and then ignite several vapour plumes (propane) at Enform’s nearby Genesee Ignition Training Facility.


» Students may wish to bring their own flare pistols and flares however, Enform has a limited number of free “loaner” flare pistols for student use. Each student will receive 10 flare cartridges (this $250 value is now included in the program fee)

» Enform strongly recommends that the 1 day Vapour Plume Ignition - Refresher program be taken approximately 3-5 years after taking the 2 day Vapour Plume Ignition program

Vapour Plume Ignition Training Refresher

Duration: 1 day $1000

* Replaces the Basic Vapour Plume Ignition Training, the High Vapour Pressure (HVP) Products Release (Refresher) and the Sour Well Ignition (SWI) programs.

P R E R E Q U I S I T E S• Vapour Plume Ignition Training

(2 day program)

E Q U I P M E N T L I S T I N G• Full PPE is required, including

leather gloves

This 1 day refresher program has been updated to remind ignition team members how to safely and effectively deal with uncontrolled vapour plumes from wells, pipelines (HVP included), and production and/or storage facilities. Only the key elements will be presented in this program. The ERCB’s Directive 071 states that all “ignition teams should have certified ignition training from Enform...”

The morning classroom session is at the Genesee Community Hall. Topics covered in the program include: an overview of emergency response, public safety, hazard assessment, operational considerations, plume development and dispersion factors, pre-ignition hazard assessment, ignition equipment and procedures. This is followed by a hands on “live fire” ignition training exercise in the afternoon, in which participants practice hazard assessment techniques and then ignite several vapour plumes (propane) at Enform’s nearby Genesee Ignition Training Facility.


» Students may wish to bring their own flare pistols and flares however, Enform has a limited number of free “loaner” flare pistols for student use. Each student will also receive 10 flare cartridges to use during the program (included in the program fee)

» Enform strongly recommends that the 1 day Refresher program be taken on a 3-5 year cycle

» A map with directions to Genesee Community Hall is provided on Enform’s website www.enform.ca

Wildlife Awareness e-Learn


Providing field workers with a basic knowledge for working safely in remote and wilderness habitats, this program promotes the safe coexistence with wildlife. This highly interactive internet-based program is suitable for novice, intermediate and supervisory level workers. The program delivery format makes ample use of multi-media in a variety of situations. Wildlife Awareness has a total run-time of approximately four to six hours.

Topics include: regulations for wildlife protection; large ungulates; noxious plants and insects, spiders and reptiles; transmissible diseases associated with wildlife contact, bears and other carnivores.

This program is endorsed by CAGC, CAPP, PSAC, and Sustainable Resource Development (SRD).

Workplace Hazardous Materials Information Systems (WHMIS) Fundamentals

Duration: 0.5 day $90

This 0.5 day program covers the basics of Workplace Hazardous Materials Information Systems (WHMIS) providing workers with general knowledge and skills to work safely around hazardous materials. It covers worker education, workplace labeling and Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS).

This program is also available online.


» This program is offered on the same day as the Transportation of Dangerous Goods (TDG) program

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Workplace Hazardous Materials Information Systems (WHMIS) - e-Learn


Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) is an interactive multi-media program designed for all individuals requiring WHMIS Certification.

Meeting the requirements set within Canada, this online program will walk you through the different classes of controlled products, labels and identification, as well as the Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS), and will clarify how to obtain any additional training that you may require.

Upon successful completion of this program you will be issued a WHMIS certificate. However, your employer must still train you on the safe handling of chemicals that are specific to your worksite.

To register for this course, visit www.enform.ca.

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The Enform Nisku training facility is world renowned. It differs from the rest as students are given the opportunity to learn hands-on and perform the procedures using real equipment. Most other facilities

only offer computer based simulators. I compare it to a pilot training only on a simulator versus a pilot learning how to fly using an actual aircraft. Enform provides students the opportunity to experience the equipment first-hand.

Jerry DaweInstructor, Enform (six years) & Jerry Dawe Consulting



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Operational Safety Courses

Buried Facilities Locator Courses _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 26 Field Production Courses _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 27 Drilling and Well Service Courses _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 28 Oilfield Driver Training Courses _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 35 Chainsaw Faller Competency Courses _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 38 Seismic Safety Courses _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 39

Fees & Registration: 1.800.667.5557 www.enform.ca 25

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Buried Facilities Locator Courses

Buried Facilities Locator - Basic

Duration: 3 days $775

E Q U I P M E N T L I S T I N G• Participants must bring Personal

Protective Equipment (PPE) and suitable outdoor clothing

• Participants are also encouraged to bring their own locating equipment, if possible. If not, locating equipment will be provided

This 3 day training program provides an introduction to locating buried facilities and was designed for entry-level workers in this industry. Experienced locators will also benefit from taking this program. Topics include regulatory awareness and safe work practices, fundamental principles, locating techniques and procedures, and how to use locating equipment. The hands-on portion of the training uses a variety of manufacturers’ locating equipment to perform basic locates safely and efficiently.

Buried Facilities Locator - Gas Distribution

Duration: 2 days $775

P R E R E Q U I S I T E S• Application Form: Buried Facilities

Locator - Gas Distribution• Buried Facilities Locator - Basic

and 60 days field experience

E Q U I P M E N T L I S T I N G• In addition to PPE, participants are

required to wear suitable clothing for outdoor conditions and their own handheld GPS receiver. Students are also encouraged to bring their

own locating equipment if available. If not, locating equipment will be provided

This 2 day program was designed for locators working in the oil and gas industry. The training emphasizes the need to prevent damage to buried facilities by providing locators working in this industry with the necessary skills and knowledge to pre-plan locates and to identify and mark buried facilities in a safe and effective manner.

The hands-on training will emphasize the correct and proper use of locating equipment to locate, mark and document locates in the oil and gas industry, with a focus on underground facilities associated with natural gas distribution lines.

Buried Facilities Locator - Oil & Gas

Duration: 2 days $775

P R E R E Q U I S I T E S• Application Form: Buried Facilities

Locator - Oil & Gas• Buried Facilities Locator - Basic

and 60 days field experience in the oil and gas industry

E Q U I P M E N T L I S T I N G• In addition to PPE, participants are

required to wear suitable clothing for outdoor conditions

• Students are also encouraged to bring their own locating equipment, if available. If not, locating equipment will be provided

This 2 day program was designed for locators working in the oil and gas industry. The training emphasizes the need to prevent damage to buried facilities by providing the necessary skills and knowledge to pre-plan locates and to identify and mark buried facilities in a safe and effective manner.

The hands-on training will emphasize the correct and proper use of locating equipment to locate, mark and document locates in the oil and gas industry.


» Without approval of the application form, applicants will not be permitted to attend the program

Buried Facilities Locator - Seismic

Duration: 2 days $775

P R E R E Q U I S I T E S• A minimum of 60 days field

experience working with an experienced locator in the seismic industry is required

• Successful completion of the Buried Facilities Locator - Basic program

E Q U I P M E N T L I S T I N G• In addition to PPE, participants are

required to wear suitable clothing for outdoor conditions and their own handheld GPS receiver

Operational Safety Courses

Didyouknow?Enform is the designated safety association for the upstream oil and gas industry in BC, AB, and SK.

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Fees & Registration: 1.800.667.5557 www.enform.ca 27


• Students are also encouraged to bring their own locating equipment, if available, if not locating equipment will be provided

This 2 day program was designed for locators working in the seismic industry. The training emphasizes the need to prevent damage to buried facilities by providing the necessary skills and knowledge to plan locates and to identify and mark buried facilities in a safe and effective manner.

The hands-on training will emphasize the correct and proper use of locating equipment and includes proper marking and documentation of locates in the seismic industry.


» Without approval of the application form, applicants will not be permitted to attend the program. Application for this program is available at www.enform.ca

Field Production Courses

Artificial Lift Systems

Duration: 3 days $705

This program covers the practical aspects of artificial lift in conventional production systems and is designed for field operators, foremen, engineers or anyone directly involved in oil production using artificial lift systems.

Topics include: conventional bottom hole pumps, rod strings, tubing, wellheads, pump jacks and prime movers, electric submersible pumps, PC pumps, plunger lift systems and chemicals used in oil production systems.

While this program does not cover heavy oil recovery or the design of equipment, the concepts behind these operations are discussed.


» Upon completion of the program, students will understand the principles of operations, equipment, and optimizing efficiencies for saving costs for artificial lift

Completions and Workovers

Duration: 5 days $925

Designed for personnel with limited experience in completions or workovers, this program is intended to expose participants to all facets of workover operations on both the engineering and practical levels.

Topics covered include:

• Wellheads• Tubing• Energy Resources Conservation

Board (ERCB) Regulations• Service Rigs• Cased Hole Formation

Evaluation• Evaluating Cement Bonds• Casing Integrity• Perforating• Fracturing• Acidizing• Production Service Tools• Cementing• Snubbing• Wireline• Coiled Tubing• Cased Hole Fishing

Participants will also work through a well program to gain knowledge on completing a well.

Gas Production Operator

Duration: 5 days $1130

E Q U I P M E N T L I S T I N G• Since this program includes

hands-on training, please come prepared with hard hat, eye protection, protective footwear and fire-resistant coveralls

• A calculator is also required

This 5 day program is designed for field or gas plant operators, engineers, technologists, or anyone looking to enhance their skills in gas plant operations. Safe operating practices are stressed throughout the program. Classroom theory and hands-on training are combined so that the student learns to operate gas processing equipment at the Enform gas production training facility in Nisku. This facility is a fully operational gas plant allowing hands-on training in: field dehydration, gas sweetening,

compression, mechanical refrigeration, pumps, metering and instrumentation, line heaters, Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) and chemical injection.

Additional topics covered include: general safety, gas detection, understanding hydrocarbons, process drawings, wellhead equipment and hydrates.

Upon successful completion of this program, students will have a good understanding of gas field handling and processing, including the duties and responsibilities of a gas field operator.

Oil & Gas Production Operator Basics

Duration: 10 days $1650

E Q U I P M E N T L I S T I N G• Since students will be working

with equipment in actual operating facilities, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is required. Please bring hard hat, safety glasses, protective footwear, gloves and fire resistant coveralls

This 10 day program (Monday to Friday each week, no classes on weekends) is a combination of classroom instruction and hands-on experience in an actual oil battery and gas plant. The program is designed to give basic field terminology and operations instruction to those who wish to begin a career in the petroleum industry and have no work experience in the field. It is also excellent for summer students.

The program covers topics such as: downhole equipment, surface equipment, instrumentation, pressure vessels, basic measurement, wellheads, flowlines and well testing. Each topic is first discussed in the classroom, and then students are taught to operate the actual equipment in the Enform oil and gas facilities.

Safety is a prime concern and is stressed throughout the program. Class size is limited to maximize the hands-on component for each participant. Also included in this program are the following safety programs:

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• H2S Alive®, which provides a basic knowledge of H2S and its hazards, along with practice exercises using self-contained breathing apparatus

• Standard First Aid, which gives students the theoretical and practical knowledge of basic first aid procedures

• WHMIS (Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System) Fundamentals

• TDG (Transportation of Dangerous Goods)


» Students have the option of attending any or all of the safety programs included during the first four days of this program (TDG/WHMIS, First Aid/CPR and H2S Alive®)

Oil Production Operator

Duration: 5 days $1130

E Q U I P M E N T L I S T I N G• Since this program includes

hands-on-training, please come prepared with hard hat, eye protection, protective footwear and fire-resistant coveralls.

• A calculator is required

This 5 day program is intended for oil battery operators, technologists and technicians with limited experience in production operations. It meets the core training requirements of the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers (CAPP) safety guidelines for oil and gas production facilities.

This program has a unique blend of classroom theory and hands-on training. Students train with actual oilfield production equipment in the Enform production training facility in Nisku. Topics covered include separators, treaters, wellhead equipment, pumping equipment, flowlines, battery equipment, all major measurement devices and practices, production reporting and general safety. Safe operating practices are stressed throughout the program.

Upon successful completion of this program, students will have a good understanding of the duties and responsibilities of a battery operator, the process involved and how to operate typical oil battery equipment.

Oilwell Production Optimization

Duration: 2 days $460

Ideal for operators, foremen, engineers and technologists who wish to maximize production using existing artificial lift equipment, this program covers the process of production optimization using practical examples in a workshop setting.

The main concern of any producer is getting the oil out of the ground easily and inexpensively. This makes production efficiency, or optimization, a key issue for everyone involved. Topics addressed in the program include:

• Acoustic Fluid Level Testing • Annular Fluid Gradients • Inflow Performance Relationships

(IRPs) • Bottomhole Pressure Buildup

Systems • Dynamometer Surveys • Pumping Systems Designs • Control Systems • Safety Issues

Drilling and Well Service Courses

CAODC Service Rig Competency Assessors

Duration: 1 day $165

This program has been developed for the well servicing division of the Canadian Association of Oilwell Drilling Contractors (CAODC). The goal of this program is to provide field superintendents and rig managers with guidelines for completing a competency assessment of a floorhand, derrickman or driller.

Topics covered include: competence, responsibilities of the assessor, and performing successful assessments.

Upon completion of this program, the student will be issued an assessors certificate.


The CAODC Service Rig Assessors Committee has set the following requirements for becoming an assessor:

» Must be currently employed with a service rig contractor

» Must be at the level of field superintendent or rig manager

» Must complete this 1 day Service Rig Competency Assessors Program

» Must submit at least one assessment every three years

» If an employee of a service rig contractor does not meet these prerequisites and wishes to become an assessor, part B of the Service Rig Assessors Application form must be filled out by the HSE Manager of the service rig contractor before attending the program

Coiled Tubing Well Servicing Blowout Prevention

Duration: 1 day $250

P R E R E Q U I S I T E S• A valid Enform Well Service

Blowout Prevention Certificate

As part of Enform’s Safety Management Program, this 1 day program is designed for coiled tubing operators and wellsite supervisors who would be involved in well control operations while using coiled tubing for well servicing.

Program topics include: CT equipment, CT tools and accessories, CT BOPs, wellhead equipment, flowback systems and well control responses.


» Students may attend this program up to three months in advance of the expiry of their certification

» If students fail the exam following the program, they are allowed one rewrite within a 30-day period. Rewrite fees apply

» The Coiled Tubing Certificate will expire on the same date as the individual’s Well Service Blowout Prevention Certificate and will be subject to the same renewal requirements

» Fees may vary outside of Enform Nisku and Calgary campuses

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Fees & Registration: 1.800.667.5557 www.enform.ca 29


Fall Protection for Rig Work

Duration: 2 days $300

E Q U I P M E N T L I S T I N G• In addition to PPE, participants

are required to bring a hard hat with chin strap

This 2 day program was developed in conjunction with the Canadian Association of Oilwell Drilling Contractors (CAODC). The program is intended for workers and other personnel involved in drilling and service rig operations, with a primary focus on using fall protection equipment safely at height.

Topics include: fall protection principles, anchorages, body support devices, connecting components and devices, life lines and ladder-climbing systems. The hands-on portion of the training includes climbing to height using fall protection equipment, work positioning, anchorage connection and transfer between fall protection systems.

Upon successful completion of the prescribed practical skills and written exam, the student is issued an industry standard certificate of completion.


» This program starts at 8:00 a.m. Students who are late may be refused admission

» Qualifying individuals can instruct this program on a franchise basis

» Successful completion of the program requires that participants be able to climb to a height of approximately four meters

Fall Rescue for Rig Work

Duration: 1 day $300

P R E R E Q U I S I T E S• Fall Protection for Rig Work

E Q U I P M E N T L I S T I N G• In addition to PPE, participants

are required to bring a hard hat (with chin strap) and suitable outdoor equipment

This 1 day program was developed in conjunction with the Canadian Association of Oilwell Drilling Contractors (CAODC). The program is intended for workers, supervisors, managers and safety personnel with a primary focus to perform rescues safely at height.

Topics covered include: rescue team roles, rescue equipment, ropes and knots, mechanical advantage, management of escape buggy, and rescue scenarios. Successful completion of this program requires that participants be in good physical condition and be able to climb to a height of approximately 10 meters.


» This program starts at 8:00 a.m. Students who are late may be refused admission

First Line Supervisor’s Blowout Prevention

Duration: 4 days $650

As part of Enform’s Safety Management Program, this program is designed primarily for the First Line Supervisor (driller) on a drilling rig and is also a prerequisite for the Second Line Supervisor’s Well Control program.

Topics covered in this 4 day program include: source and magnitude of pressure, causes and warning signs of kicks, shut-in procedures, crew positions and duties during well control operations, procedures for circulating out influxes, and government regulations.

Upon successful completion of the program, students will receive their new certificates dated three years from the expiry date of their old certificates.

Upon conclusion of the program, participants will be able to use warning signs to recognize a kick and safely shut-in a well.


» Students may attend this program up to three months in advance of the expiry of their certification

» If students fail the exam following the program, they are allowed one rewrite within a 30 day period. Rewrite fees apply

» The First Line Supervisor’s Blowout Prevention exam can be challenged and if failed, one rewrite is allowed within a 30 day period. Rewrite fees apply. If at any time the exam is failed twice, the student is required to take the full 4 day program

» Fees may vary outside of Enform Nisku and Calgary campuses

First Line Supervisor’s Blowout Prevention (Self-study)


First Line Supervisor’s Blowout Prevention is designed for drillers and is a prerequisite for the Second Line Supervisor’s Well Control training program. This self-study workbook consists of six lessons covering the notes in First Line Supervisor’s Blowout Prevention. Upon completion of the self-study workbook, students will be able to identify the sources and magnitude of pressures, causes and warning signs of kicks, including shut-in procedures, crew positions and duties during well control operations, procedures for circulating out influxes, and government regulations. Participants will also be able to use warning signs to recognize a kick and safely shut-in a well.

Once this self-study workbook is successfully completed, students may make arrangements with Enform to write the First Line Supervisor’s Blowout Prevention examination. If successful, students receive a First Line Supervisor’s Blowout Prevention certificate valid for three years. Exam challenges or completion of the self-study program may be conducted up to 90 days prior to the expiry of the certificate.

The First Line Supervisor’s Blowout Prevention exam can be challenged and if failed, one rewrite is allowed. Rewrite fees apply. If at any time the exam is failed twice, within any period of time, the student is required to take the full 4 day program.


» The cost of the examination is not included in the fee

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International Well Control Training (IWCF/WellCAP)

Duration: 5 days $2495

P R E R E Q U I S I T E S• Complete the Application Form:

International Well Control/WellCAP at www.enform.ca

• Basic math skills, prior Well Control training, experience related to your certification needs (Surface vs. Subsea, Fundamentals or Driller vs. Supervisor) and actively participate. If you do not possess this prerequisite knowledge prior to registration, you should re-consider your application

• It is strongly recommended to have previous formal Well Control training before attempting IWCF Certification

As part of Enform’s Safety Management Program, this 5 day program is intended for drillers, rig managers, wellsite supervisors, drilling engineers, drilling superintendents and shore-based supervisors who are responsible for the development and supervision of well control during Rotary Drilling Operations.

A practice test and answer key to self-assess your knowledge is available at www.enform.ca under the courses section. Search for International Well Control Training (IWCF/WellCAP) and click on the document titled International Well Control Training (IWCF/WellCAP) 135 under the Application Form(s) heading. If you cannot answer these questions, you should reconsider registration until you are competent.

Upon completion of the program, participants will be able to identify the appropriate techniques for supervising people and practices, as well as the importance of proper selection, inspection, testing, operation and field maintenance of well control equipment. They will also be able to apply wellbore pressure concepts plus well control strategies while on bottom, tripping, while out of the hole and on shallow gas kicks.


» International Well Control Training (IWCF) is presented in Nisku, Alberta. WellCAP is presented in Seal Cove, Newfoundland. WellCAP will be provided on an as needed basis in Nisku, Alberta. Workbooks are provided for each program

» Certificates (valid for two years) are available at the driller’s or supervisor’s level in either surface or combined surface/subsea certification levels

» As of December 1, 2011, IWCF may not be challenged. The full 5 day course is now a requirement

» Contact Information for Enform Nisku Campus, Nisku, Alberta: IWCF Advisor Phone: 780.955.6077 or 1.800.667.5557 (in Canada) Email: [email protected]

» Contact Information for College of the North Atlantic Conception Bay, Newfoundland: Pam McCarthy (Contact Pam for current program dates) Phone: 709.744.6845 Email: [email protected]

» IWCF Exercises and Answers Booklet (SI and API unit) are available for sale. Price for each is $150

Rig Technician Training Level 1 (Motorman) BC Residents

Duration: 20 days $790

P R E R E Q U I S I T E S• Must be registered with the Industry

Training Authority and must have a BC fixed address to register as a BC Rig Technician

• Please complete Application Form: BC Rig Technician Training at www.enform.ca

E Q U I P M E N T L I S T I N G• Participants are required to bring

a hard hat with chin strap and suitable outdoor clothing

This program will provide valuable information that will help you better understand the equipment you work with and give you greater confidence as a supervisor of junior crew members.

Alberta law requires that motorhands, derrickhands and drillers working in the province be trained as an apprentice or hold a journeyperson certificate. The Alberta government recognizes the BC Rig Technician trade as equivalent to the Alberta trade. In both provinces, apprentices who fail to register for Technical Training (and therefore are unable to progress to the next level of their trade) risk having their apprenticeship registration revoked.

You must be a British Columbia registered Rig Technician apprentice to be eligible for this program. Drilling rig employees are eligible to participate in the rig technician trade once they begin working as a motorman with a drilling rig contractor.

To be eligible for the Rig Technician program you must have experience at the floorhand position. The three levels of Rig Technician are for the motorman position (Level 1), the derrickman position (Level 2) and driller position (Level 3).

Candidates wishing to pursue an apprenticeship for this program must first submit a completed Apprenticeship and Sponsor Registration Form to BC’s Industry Training Authority (ITA) for approval. Application forms are available from the ITA website www.itabc.ca or from your company sponsor. Upon acceptance as a Registered Apprentice, the candidate must register for the program and examination by filling out the Enform program registration form.

Additional information on the Rig Technician trade is available at the Industry Training Authority’s website www.itabc.ca

This four week program is split into five sections:

• Industry, Communication and Leadership (15 hrs, including five Individual Learning Modules)

• Rig Safety and Safety Supervision (37 hrs, including six Individual Learning Modules)

• Driving and Loader Safety (12 hrs, including two Individual Learning Modules

• Tools and Equipment (25 hrs, including 10 Individual Learning Modules)

• Power Systems (31 hrs, including 11 Individual Learning Modules)

The topics covered include: fall protection and confined space training, blowout prevention equipment, preventative maintenance and rig move awareness. Successful candidates will receive an Enform Fall Protection for Rig Workers certificate.

Upon successful completion of all three levels of this program, the practical skills assessments and the Industry Training Authority’s written examinations, candidates will receive the Rig Technician Journeyman Red Seal Certificate.

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Fees & Registration: 1.800.667.5557 www.enform.ca 31



» Price includes the cost of the ILMs

Rig Technician Training Level 2 (Derrickman) BC Residents

Duration: 20 days $790

P R E R E Q U I S I T E S• Must be registered with the Industry

Training Authority and must have a BC fixed address to register as a BC Rig Technician

• Please complete Application Form: BC Rig Technician Training at www.enform.ca

This program will provide valuable information that will help you better understand the equipment you work with and give you greater confidence as a supervisor of junior crew members.

Alberta law requires that motorhands, derrickhands and drillers working in the province be trained as an apprentice or hold a journeyperson certificate. The Alberta government recognizes the BC Rig Technician trade as equivalent to the Alberta trade. In both provinces, apprentices who fail to register for Technical Training (and therefore are unable to progress to the next level of their trade) risk having their apprenticeship registration revoked.

You must be a British Columbia registered Rig Technician apprentice to be eligible for this program. Drilling rig employees are eligible to participate in the rig technician trade once they begin working as a motorman with a drilling rig contractor.

To be eligible for the Rig Technician program you must have experience at the floorhand position. The three levels of Rig Technician are for the motorman position (Level 1), the derrickman position (Level 2) and driller position (Level 3).

Candidates wishing to pursue an apprenticeship for this program must first submit a completed Apprenticeship and Sponsor Registration Form to BC’s Industry Training Authority (ITA) for approval. Application forms are available from the ITA website www.itabc.ca or from your company sponsor. Upon acceptance as a Registered Apprentice, the candidate must register for the program and examination by filling out the Enform program registration form.

Additional information on the Rig Technician trade is available at the Industry Training Authority’s website www.itabc.ca.

This four week program is split into four sections:

• Communications and Leadership (31 hrs, including six Individual Learning Modules)

• Drilling Fluids (47 hrs, including 11 Individual Learning Modules)

• First Line Blowout Prevention (30 hrs, including five Individual Learning Modules)

• Derrick (12 hrs, including four Individual Learning Modules)

Upon successful completion of all three levels of this program, the practical skills assessments and the Industry Training Authority’s written examinations, candidates will receive the Rig Technician Journeyman Red Seal Certificate.


» Please complete Application Form: BC Rig Technician Training at www.enformconnect.ca

» Price includes the cost of the ILMs

Rig Technician Training Level 3 (Driller) BC Residents

Duration: 20 days $790

P R E R E Q U I S I T E S• Must be registered with the Industry

Training Authority and must have a BC fixed address to register as a BC Rig Technician

• Must have completed level 1 and 2 in order to be eligible to write the Red Seal exam at the end of this program

This program will provide valuable information that will help you better understand the equipment you work with and give you greater confidence as a supervisor of junior crew members.

Alberta law requires that motorhands, derrickhands and drillers working in the province be trained as an apprentice or hold a journeyperson certificate. The Alberta government recognizes the BC Rig Technician trade as equivalent to the Alberta trade. In both provinces, apprentices who fail to register for Technical Training (and therefore are unable to progress to the next level of their trade) risk having their apprenticeship registration revoked.

You must be a British Columbia registered Rig Technician apprentice to be eligible for this program. Drilling rig employees are eligible to participate in the rig technician trade once they begin working as a motorman with a drilling rig contractor.

To be eligible for the Rig Technician Program you must have experience at the floorhand position. The three levels of Rig Technician are for the motorman position (Level 1), the derrickman position (Level 2) and driller position (Level 3).

Didyouknow?Enform helps companies achieve their safety goals by promoting shared safety practices and providing effective training, expert audit services and professional advice.

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Candidates wishing to pursue an apprenticeship for this program must first submit a completed Apprenticeship and Sponsor Registration Form to BC’s Industry Training Authority (ITA) for approval. Application forms are available from the ITA website www.itabc.ca or from your company sponsor. Upon acceptance as a Registered Apprentice, the candidate must register for the program and examination by filling out the Enform program registration form.

Additional information on the Rig Technician trade is available at the Industry Training Authority’s website www.itabc.ca.

This four week program is split into four sections:

• Communications and Leadership (14 hrs, including two Individual Learning Modules)

• Rig Management and Safety (42 hrs, including seven Individual Learning Modules)

• Rig Operations (34 hrs, including nine Individual Learning Modules)

• Downhole Operations (30 hrs, including five Individual Learning Modules)

Upon successful completion of all three levels of this program, the practical skills assessments and the Industry Training Authority’s written examinations, candidates will receive the Rig Technician Journeyman Certificate.

Safety Management & Regulatory Awareness for Wellsite Supervision

Duration: 3 days $595

The Safety Management Program has been designed to ensure wellsite supervisors and prime contractors are aware of their responsibilities and roles with respect to health and safety at the wellsite.

Key legislated rules and industry practices for Alberta, British Columbia and Saskatchewan will be discussed and are summarized in an index with references so that the wellsite supervisor/prime contractor can research further details as needed. The program covers: responsibilities for health and safety legislation, health and safety program elements, supervisor’s role, hazard identification, risk assessment and control, inspections, incident investigation, emergency response and leadership skills.


» Prices outside of Enform campuses will vary

» Certificate of Completion valid for three years upon successful completion of the written examination conducted on the last day of the program

Safety Management & Regulatory Awareness for Wellsite Supervision Refresher

Duration: 1 day $300

P R E R E Q U I S I T E S• Safety Management and Regulatory

Awareness for Wellsite Supervision (current 3 day program), with a grade of 85% or higher

The Safety Management program has been developed in conjunction with the Drilling and Completions Committee (DACC) to assist industry in maintaining the minimum training levels identified in IRP 7: Standards for Wellsite Supervision of Drilling Completions and Workovers. (DACC is a joint industry/government committee consisting of oil and gas industry associations and government agencies that are stakeholders in this industry sector.)

This refresher program is designed to ensure that wellsite supervisors and prime contractors maintain a high level of awareness of their responsibilities and roles with respect to safety management and regulatory compliance at the wellsite.

Key legislated rules and industry practices for Alberta, British Columbia, and Saskatchewan are discussed and summarized in an index with references so that the wellsite supervisor/prime contractor can research further details as needed.

The program covers: responsibilities for health and safety legislation, health and safety program elements, hazard identification, risk assessment and control, inspections, incident investigation, emergency response and leadership skills, with particular emphasis on regulatory changes and key industry issues from the preceding three years.


» This program has been designed for recertification only. Participants are expected to have a good basic understanding of IRP 7 and the material covered in the full 3 day version of this program

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Fees & Registration: 1.800.667.5557 www.enform.ca 33


» Each student will receive a new certificate for this program valid for three years upon successful completion of a written examination with a score of 70% or higher (85% or higher must be achieved for eligibility into the one day refresher program)

» Prices outside of Enform campuses will vary

Second Line Supervisor’s Well Control (Test Well)

Duration: 5 days $1290

P R E R E Q U I S I T E SAny one of the following valid certificates:

• First Line Supervisor’s Blowout Prevention (BOP) Certificate

• International Well Control Forum (IWCF) Certificate

• International Association of Drilling Contractors (WellCAP) Certificate

• United States of America, Department of Mines and Minerals Service approved Well Control Certificate

As part of Enform’s Safety Management Program, this program is designed for the rig manager, wellsite supervisor, drilling engineer or drilling superintendent responsible for the development and supervision of well control operations in the field.

During this 5 day program, each student is given the opportunity to perform well control procedures and demonstrate the proper response to hole and equipment problems using test well equipment. Test well training is taught at the Nisku campus.

Upon completion of the program, participants will be able to identify the appropriate techniques for supervising people and practices and the management procedures necessary for proper operation of equipment used in well control. Participants will also be able to apply wellbore pressure concepts, and well control strategies while on bottom, tripping and while out of the hole.

Certificates for this program are valid for two years.


» Students may attend this program up to three months in advance of the expiry of their certification. Upon successful completion of the program, students will receive their new certificates, dated two years from the expiry of their old certificates

» If the written exam mark is between 60% and 69%, the student may rewrite the exam one time only within 30 days of the first exam. Rewrite fees apply

» All exams with marks between 65% and 69% will have the mark verified

» If the exam mark is below 60%, or both exam results are a failing grade, the student need only repeat the classroom portion of the program and rewrite the exam. The classroom repeat should be done within 90 days of the second failure

» Test Well failures should be rescheduled within 30 days of the program

Second Line Supervisor’s Well Control Refresher

Duration: 3 days $1290

P R E R E Q U I S I T E S• A valid Enform Second Line

Supervisor’s Well Control Certificate (Test Well), with 85% or better on the last written exam

As part of Enform’s Safety Management Program, this 3 day program is designed for the rig manager, wellsite supervisor, drilling engineer or drilling superintendent who are responsible for the development and supervision of well control operations in the field. During the program, each student will be given the opportunity to perform well control procedures and demonstrate the proper response to hole and equipment problems using test well equipment.

Upon completion, participants will be able to identify the appropriate techniques for supervising people and practices and the management procedures necessary for proper operation of equipment. Participants will also be able to apply wellbore pressure concepts plus well control strategies while on bottom, tripping in or out of the hole and while out of the hole.

Certificates for this program are valid for two years.


» Students may attend this program up to three months in advance of the expiry of their certification. Upon successful completion of the program, students will receive their new certificates dated two years from the expiry date of their old certificates

Special Oilfield Boilers

Duration: 3 days $750

P R E R E Q U I S I T E S• Students must have six months

experience in an installation that involves a boiler or boilers as part of a drilling or hydrocarbon production site

As part of Enform’s Safety Management Program, this 3 day program is designed to provide rig personnel with a general knowledge of the safe operation of an oilfield boiler. Upon completion of the program, participants will be able to identify the components, operation and field maintenance of the boiler, and to apply the necessary troubleshooting and general safety procedures for a boiler.

Registering for the Special Oilfield Boilers program: students are required to fill out the Alberta Boilers Safety Association (ABSA) application form (AB-144 2009-01-Application for Special Oilwell Operator Examination) and submit it to Enform by fax 780.955.2454 or by email to [email protected] at least 21 days prior to the Special Oilfield Boilers program. The Application form must be filled out completely before sending it in to Enform as ABSA will not accept forms with missing information. Once Enform approves your application, we will then submit it to ABSA on your behalf. Please note that candidate/ employer will receive a confirmation invoice from Enform confirming your registration into our program and the candidate will receive a letter from ABSA confirming their registration for the exam on the last day of the course.

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ABSA Requirements: To qualify for the examination, students must meet the following criteria:

• Application forms are required by ABSA at least 21 calendar days prior to the examination date. To ensure this requirement is met, it is required that you submit to Enform Form AB-144 2009-01 upon registering at Enform for this course at least 21 calendar days before the course starts

Please note that “The Power Engineers Regulation” states:

21(1) To qualify to take a Special Oil Well Operator’s Certificate of Competency examination, a candidate must have:

(a) obtained 6 months’ experience in an installation that involves a boiler or boilers operating as part of a transportable power plant at a drilling or hydrocarbon production site, OR **(b) successfully completed a vocational program in boiler operation satisfactory to the Administrator.

The Enform program is a preparatory course for individuals challenging the ABSA examination. It is not a mandatory Vocational program that an individual needs to successfully complete, as part of ABSA’s requirement.


» Students are required to bring their own calculators

» Fees may vary outside of Enform Nisku & Calgary campuses

» There is a $90+GST non-refundable cancellation fee for the ABSA exam when canceling an application/course date. Cancellation must done at least 21 calendar days before the course date. If cancellation is requested with less than 21 days, 50% of course fees will be lost plus the exam fee

» The Alberta Boilers Safety Association (ABSA) conducts the exams and certifies successful candidates. ABSA certificates are valid for one year. The ABSA certificate is renewable by paying a yearly fee to ABSA directly

» Photo ID is required to write exam

Virtual Rig Experience (VRE) - e-Learn


The Virtual Rig Experience (VRE) program is an easy-to-use multimedia presentation incorporating video, graphics and animation to address every aspect of the typical drilling rig. The VRE is designed to familiarize individuals with drilling rig components and operations. This interactive training presentation incorporates 3D animation, enhanced video and virtual 360 and addresses:

• Drilling rig overview• Hoisting system• Rotary circulation system• Blowout system• Prevention system• Power system

Additional components include: industry-related vocabulary, interactive assessments and a comprehensive glossary of terms.

To register for this program, visit www.enform.ca.

Well Service Blowout Prevention

Duration: 4 days $650

E Q U I P M E N T L I S T I N G• Complete PPE, including hard hat,

coveralls, boots and safety glasses

As part of Enform’s Safety Management Program, this program is intended for service rig operators, service rig managers, wellsite supervisors, field foremen, production foremen and production engineers involved in well killing operations on the service rig.

Topics covered include:

• Sources and magnitude of pressures

• Causes of kicks • BOP equipment • Kick warning signs • Crew positions and duties• Well shut-in procedures• Well killing procedures • Calculations and government


Students renewing their valid Well Service Blowout Prevention certificate for the first time after five years may challenge the exam or take the Well Service Blowout Prevention correspondence program. If students fail the exam, they will be required to attend the full 4 day program complete with the hands-on accumulator function test. Second exam challenges are not permitted. If they fail the exam following the program, students will be allowed one rewrite within a 30 day period. Rewrite fees apply.

Upon successful completion of the program, students will receive their new certificates dated five years from the expiry date of their old certificates.


» Students may attend this program up to three months in advance of the expiry of their certification

» Students taking the program for the first time, or renewing an expired certificate will be required to attend the full 4 day program, complete with the hands-on accumulator function test

» Fees may vary outside of Enform Nisku and Calgary campuses

Didyouknow?Enform is proud of our ‘by industry, for industry’. It makes us distinctive and we truly appreciate the trust industry places in us.

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Fees & Registration: 1.800.667.5557 www.enform.ca 35


Oilfield Driver Training Courses

Escort Vehicle Operator

Duration: 1 day $145

P R E R E Q U I S I T E SIn order to take this program, students must have one of the following valid tickets:

• Light Duty Vehicle (LDV)• General Oilfield Driver Improvement

(GODI)• Oilfield Hauler (OH)

This 1 day, theory-based, classroom only, instructor-lead program is intended for operators of escort vehicles (pilot and trail) in the oil and gas industry. The program is the result of a collaborative effort of regulators, industry members from the Petroleum Services Association of Canada (PSAC) and subject matter experts who use escort vehicles on a daily basis. The information contained in the program will provide escort vehicle operators with the basic information they need to assist drivers of over-dimensional loads in the transport of equipment and materials in the oil and gas industry.

Topics covered include: a review of professional and defensive driving, fatigue management, legislation, components and basic procedures of escort vehicles, hazards, inspections and trip planning. There is an emphasis on safety throughout the program.

Fatigue Management for Supervisors

Duration: 1 day $160

Human fatigue is recognized as being one of the primary causes of incidents in the petroleum industry. The cost of fatigue and the resulting incidents are a major human and financial burden to companies, workers, and their families. This 1 day workshop is lead by Dr. Don Melnychuk who specializes in the areas of fatigue management.

Dr. Melnychuk will present some of the key issues related to employee fatigue, identify resources for managing fatigue in the petroleum industry, and provide some ‘take away’ tools for supervisors to identify and manage fatigue in their workplace.

Upon completion of the program, students will be able to define fatigue and recognize the signs and symptoms of fatigue, learn how to conduct hazard assessment to assess and reduce the impact of the contributing factors to fatigue, understand work scheduling considerations, and learn how to evaluate a Fatigue Management Plan.

General Oilfield Driver Improvement (GODI)

Duration: 1 day $145

This 1 day theory-based, classroom only, instructor-lead program is designed to provide oilfield truck drivers with the knowledge to improve their on-road safe driving behaviors and attitudes. The target audience is oilfield truck drivers operating vehicles with GVW of 5,500 kg and over. Topics include: professional driving attitude, defensive driving skills, regulations and policies, National Safety Code (NSC) requirements, proper vehicle inspection, off-highway driving techniques, road conditions and hazards, and non-driving skills (map reading, hand signals, vehicle equipment operations, load securement and tire chain installation).


» This program is approved by Alberta Transportation as a Professional Driving Improvement Program (PDIC)

» Students with an Alberta Operator’s License who receive 80% or better on the written examination are eligible for a reduction of up to three demerit points from their driving record from Alberta Transportation through any Alberta registries agent

Hours of Service and Managing Fatigue for Commercial Vehicle Carriers and Owners

Duration: 1 day $155

This 1 day training session will train commercial vehicle carriers, owners and other supervisory personnel on the requirements of the Federal Commercial Drivers Hours of Service Regulations and the Oil Well Service Vehicle Permit issued by Alberta Transportation. This training will also provide vehicle carriers and owners information to better manage their drivers’ level of fatigue, in order to help reduce injury and death to drivers, co-workers, and to the motoring public who share the road.

Reference materials used to develop the training content include Enform’s Guide to Safe Work - An Employer’s Guide to Designing and Implementing a Fatigue Management Program Version 2, A Worker’s Guide to Preventing Incidents and Injuries Related to Fatigue, and the AI+T Alberta Reference Guide for Hours of Service Development.

Hours of Service and Managing Fatigue for Commercial Vehicle Drivers

Duration: 1 day $155

This 1 day training session will train commercial vehicle drivers on the requirements of the Federal Commercial Vehicle Drivers Hours of Service Regulation. It will also provide them with information to better manage their level of fatigue, in order to help reduce injury and death to themselves, co-workers, and to the motoring public who share the road.

Reference materials used to develop the training content include Enform’s Guide to Safe Work - An Employer’s Guide to Designing and Implementing a Fatigue Management Program Version 2, A Worker’s Guide to Preventing Incidents and Injuries Related to Fatigue, and the AI+T Alberta Reference Guide for Hours of Service Development.

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Light Duty Vehicles - Driver Improvement

Duration: 1 day $145

This 1 day theory-based, classroom only, instructor-lead program is designed to provide oilfield truck drivers with the knowledge to improve their on-road safe driving behaviours and attitudes. The target audience is personnel who drive light-duty vehicles, such as pick-ups, cars and hot shot units to and from field locations. Designed to reduce company vehicle accidents, it covers professional driver attitude, defensive driving skills, safe vehicle operation, safety and survival equipment, driving practices for off-highway and adverse conditions, and non-driving skills (map reading, hand signals, vehicle equipment operations, load securement and tire chain installation).


» This program is approved by Alberta Transportation as a Defensive Driving Program (DDC). Students with an Alberta Operator’s License who receive 80% or better on their written examinations are eligible for a reduction of up to three demerit points from their driving record from Alberta Transportation through any Alberta registries agent

Off-Highway Defensive Driving (Self-study)


Off-Highway Defensive Driving is intended for all personnel who drive on off-highway roads. This includes field staff, office personnel, summer students, etc. who drive out to the field.

This program contains five sections:

• Basic Driving Principles• Safety Vehicle Operation• Safety and Survival Equipment• Off-Highway Driving Practices• Driving Practices for Adverse


The emphasis in this self study program is on practical, usable techniques and procedures. It also stresses the importance of a good driving attitude in creating safer roads and preventing accidents. Materials include a workbook

(which includes certification) and an optional video that enhances the content in the workbook.

Oilfield Hauler

Duration: 1 day $145

P R E R E Q U I S I T E S• A valid General Oilfield Driver

Improvement program certification is required for first-time Oilfield Hauler students. Subsequent Oilfield Hauler recertification requires only a valid (unexpired) Oilfield Hauler certificate

This 1 day, theory-based, classroom only, instructor-lead program is designed to provide oilfield truck drivers with the knowledge to improve their on-road safe driving behaviors and attitudes. The target audience is truck drivers in the rig moving sector of the oil and gas industry who drive trucks with a GVW of 15,000 kg and higher. Program topics include: rig moving (tear down and set up procedures), equipment hauling, hazard evaluation, tie-down procedures, winching procedures and load positioning.

Oilfield Swamper

Duration: 1 day $140

This 1 day theory-based, classroom only, instructor-lead program is intended for swampers, primarily in the rig moving sector, who assist the equipment operator in the safe loading, transportation, off-loading and erection of oilfield equipment and materials. Swampers work primarily on bed trucks, winch tractors and boom trucks, but it is not uncommon for them to be employed in a variety of tasks in the industry. Swamping is a physically demanding and rewarding occupation. Topics covered include: legislation, pre-job preparation, field equipment preparation, lease activities, travel and post-job duties.

Self-Study Option:

Companies interested in the self-study option would assign someone in the company as an administrator to oversee the training and certification process. The company provides a

swamper student with the training materials (student manual and video provided by Enform) and ‘on-the-job’ training with a competent operator to supplement the training in the student manual. The student would write the closed-book exam under the direct supervision of the administrator when the student feels they are ready.

To use the self-study option the company:

• Assigns someone as the company administrator

• The administrator attends a 1 day workshop which includes an overview of the Oilfield Swamper program and a session on the Program Standards and Administrative process on the self-study option

• Upon completion of the workshop, administrators will be provided with a video and are then authorized to order student manuals and exams from Enform

• Approval to obtain student manuals and exams remains with the approved administrator and not with the company

• Cost of the workshop will be determined depending on the number and confirmation of participants


» The Oilfield Swamper program is available on a wait-list basis, subject to minimum registration requirements

Vacuum Truck Operator - Driver Improvement

Duration: 1 day $145

P R E R E Q U I S I T E S• General Oilfield Driver Improvement

(GODI)• Oilfield Hauler

This 1 day, theory-based, classroom only, instructor-lead program is intended for operators of vacuum trucks in the upstream oil and gas industry. The program is the result of a collaborative effort of regulators, industry members from the Petroleum Services Association of Canada (PSAC) and subject matter experts who use vacuum trucks on a daily basis. The information contained in the

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program will provide operators with the basic information they need to work in the oil and gas industry. Successful candidates need to continue their training with their employers on the specific types of equipment, tasks and hazards they will be exposed to on the job site. Topics covered include: a review of professional and defensive driving, fatigue management, legislation, components and basic procedures, hazards, inspections and trip planning. There is an emphasis on safety throughout the program.

Wellhead Boom Truck Operator

Duration: 5 days $1525

E Q U I P M E N T L I S T I N G• CSA Approved hard hat • CSA Approved seasonal foot wear• CSA Approved safety glasses • Seasonal coveralls with reflective

striping • Seasonal leather/cold weather gloves

This 5 day program provides training in the safe operation of boom trucks for personnel engaged in wellhead pumping, wireline, coiled tubing operations, snubbing and perforating operations, and rig up and rig out slant service rig operations. Topics include: boom truck inspections, safe operating practices, rules and responsibilities, reading and using capacity charts, wire rope and rigging safety, and hands-on boom truck operation.

This program has been approved by Alberta Advanced Education as meeting the training requirement for Wellhead Boom Truck Operator certification. The Alberta Advanced Education Wellhead Boom Truck Operator certification is also accepted by the Saskatchewan Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Commission for wellhead operations in Saskatchewan. Enform’s Wellhead Boom Truck Operator training certificate is endorsed by WorkSafeBC for wellhead operations in British Columbia; however, operators must register with the British Columbia Association of Crane Safety (BCACS) before they can work in British Columbia. Please visit the BCACS website at www.bcacs.ca for more information.

To work as a Wellhead Boom Truck Operator in Alberta, a person has two options: be a Registered Apprentice, or, be a certified Journeyperson or hold a recognized trade certificate. A Registered Apprentice would use the Apprenticeship Training Program. The Qualification Certificate Program is one method of obtaining a trade certificate.

> Apprenticeship Training Program

Candidates who reside in Alberta wishing to pursue an apprenticeship for this craft must first submit a completed Apprenticeship Application Form to Alberta Advanced Education for approval. Application forms are available from any Alberta Advanced Education Career Development Centre or at www.tradesecrets.gov.ab.ca. Upon acceptance as a Registered Apprentice, the candidate may register for the program and examination. Additional information on Wellhead Boom Truck Operator certification is available at the Alberta Advanced Education web site at www.tradesecrets.gov.ab.ca. Upon successful completion of the program, practical skills assessment and an Alberta Learning written examination, candidates will receive an Enform training certificate. Upon successful completion of all apprenticeship requirements (one 12-month period including a minimum of 100 hours on-the-job training), the candidate must apply to Alberta Advanced Education to receive an Alberta Wellhead Boom Truck Operator Journeyman Certificate from Alberta Advanced Education.

> Qualification Certificate Program

To qualify for an Alberta Qualification Certificate, a person must:

• Have at least 150 hours and 18 months of hands-on work experience as a wellhead boom truck operator. (Time spent on supervisory or foreman duties, counter work, heading the tool crib, or at training programs is NOT credited as hands-on work experience)

• Complete the Qualification Certificate Program Application located at www.tradesecrets.gov.ab.ca and submit it to an Apprenticeship and Industry Training Office.

A person has two options:

Option #1:

Pay the required fees as identified on the application noted above. This application fee covers the verification and assessment of the applicant’s work experience hours/months as well as one attempt at the Qualification Certificate theory examination, which is scheduled by Alberta Advanced Education. The Qualification Certificate practical examination requires a separate fee as identified on the application noted above and is also scheduled by Alberta Advanced Education.

Option #2:

Pay the required fees as identified on the application noted above. This application fee covers the verification and assessment of the applicant’s work experience hours/months as well as one attempt at the Qualification Certificate theory examination. Register for an Enform Wellhead Boom Truck Operator program, which includes the written examination. Note: This must be coordinated through Alberta Industry Training prior to registering for the Enform program.

Once approved and accepted by Alberta Advanced Education, the candidate may register for one of the Enform programs by filling out the Wellhead Boom Truck Operator Application Form.


» Prior to registering for the Enform program, applicants must have their work experience verified by Apprenticeship and Industry Training Office

» Prepare for the exam(s) (see Exam Counseling Sheets at www.tradesecrets.gov.ab.ca)

» Review related books and materials (see Textbook and Resource List at www.tradesecrets.gov.ab.ca)

» Successfully complete the required exam(s)

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Chainsaw Faller Competency Courses

Chainsaw Faller Competency Program - Level I - Chainsaw Basics

Duration: 3 days

The oil and gas industry adopted the BC Faller Training Standard as the standard level of training for workers falling trees over six inches in diameter. Enform has developed multiple level training that has been endorsed by WorkSafeBC for students wishing to become fallers in the oil and gas industry. Progressing through the training in a graduated manner with on-the-job work experience required between each level, students are taken through the basic steps of site assessment and safe work procedures for chainsaws, up to falling operations and the assessment of falling hazards. These programs have been designed so that 75% of the time is spent in the field practicing the skills taught.

This 3 day program covers instruction in: personal and work site safety, hazard assessment and control, chainsaw inspection and maintenance, chainsaw handling and operations, and safe climbing and bucking practices.

Contact instructors for pricing.


» Students successfully passing this program are not prepared to safely fall trees on the worksite

» Programs delivered by Enform Franchised Instructors

» Contact Enform for a listing of certified instructors

Chainsaw Faller Competency Program - Level II - Faller Entry

Duration: 5 days $2500

P R E R E Q U I S I T E S• Successful completion of Level 1 -

Chainsaw Basics and a minimum of 25 days of work experience after completion of Level 1 - Chainsaw

Basics is required prior to attending this program

• An application must be submitted to Enform for pre-approval

The oil and gas industry adopted the BC Faller Training Standard as the standard level of training for workers falling trees over six inches in diameter. Enform has developed multiple level training that has been endorsed by WorkSafeBC for students wishing to become fallers in the oil and gas industry. Progressing through the training in a graduated manner with on-the-job work experience required between each level, students are taken through the basic steps of site assessment and safe work procedures for chainsaws, up to falling operations and the assessment of falling hazards. These programs have been designed so that 75% of the time is spent in the field practicing the skills taught.

This 5 day program covers theory and practical training in falling operations, including preparation and management of falling hazards and falling procedures and techniques.

Programs delivered on an as needed basis.

Chainsaw Faller Competency Program - Level III - Faller Certification

Duration: 1 day $850

P R E R E Q U I S I T E S• Student must have successfully

completed Level II Faller Entry program with a minimum of 25 days of work experience with a Faller Tutor, documented in their log book

• An application must be submitted to Enform for pre-approval

The oil and gas industry adopted the BC Faller Training Standard as the standard level of training for workers falling trees over six inches in diameter. Enform has developed multiple level training that has been endorsed by WorkSafeBC for students wishing to become fallers in the oil and gas industry. Progressing through the training in a graduated manner with on-the-job work experience required

between each level, students are taken through the basic steps of site assessment and safe work procedures for chainsaws, up to falling operations and the assessment of falling hazards. These programs have been designed so that 75% of the time is spent in the field practicing the skills taught.

Programs delivered on an as needed bases.

Upon successful completion of this 1 day program, students will receive their full certification as an Oil & Gas Faller.

Chainsaw Faller Competency Program - Level IV - Faller Tutor

Duration: 1 day $105

P R E R E Q U I S I T E S• To qualify for the Level IV - Faller

Tutor program, candidates must receive 85% or higher on their evaluation as a Faller. They must also be recommended for the Faller Tutor Training by the Qualified Supervisor Trainer who conducted their evaluation

The oil and gas industry adopted the BC Faller Training Standard as the standard level of training for workers falling trees over six inches in diameter. Enform has developed multiple level training that has been endorsed by WorkSafeBC for students wishing to become fallers in the oil and gas industry. Progressing through the training in a graduated manner with on-the-job work experience required between each level, students are taken through the basic steps of site assessment and safe work procedures for chainsaws, up to falling operations and the assessment of falling hazards. These programs have been designed so that 75% of the time is spent in the field practicing the skills taught.

This 1 day training outlines the roles and responsibilities of the Enform Faller Tutors and gives them some behavioural training and training in mentoring and conflict resolution.

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Faller Tutors are able to supervise Level II - Faller Entry students after completion of their training. This supervision would occur when these students are practicing their skills in the workplace.

Programs delivered on an as needed basis.

Oil & Gas Faller Challenge

Duration: 1 day $1300

P R E R E Q U I S I T E S• Candidates must have 120 days

of work experience as a faller

Workers who have conducted falling operations for a minimum of 120 days may challenge the Oil & Gas Faller Evaluation. An application with verifiable contacts concerning their 120 days of falling experience must be submitted to Enform for approval. When accepted into this program, candidates will be contacted to complete the written examination. Upon successful completion of the written exam, they will be contacted to set up the practical field evaluation. The field evaluation will be conducted by a Qualified Supervisor Trainer chosen by Enform. Upon successful completion of this 1 day evaluation, students will receive their full certification as an Oil & Gas Faller.


» Failing the evaluation could result in the candidate being required to take the Chainsaw Level II program

Seismic Safety Courses

Seismic Blaster Safety Training

Duration: 1 day $270

This 1 day program has been developed in conjunction with the Canadian Association of Geophysical Contractors (CAGC) and government representatives from western Canada to provide a minimum industry-training standard for blasting in seismic exploration. It is intended for workers engaged in seismic shot-hole drilling and blasting activities.

Topics include: principles of seismic exploration, seismic explosives and accessories, storage and transportation, safe work practices and government regulations.

An industry standard training certificate, valid for five years, is issued upon successful completion of the written examination. Enform also issues an interprovincial Seismic Blaster’s permit, valid throughout the Yukon, Northwest Territories, Alberta, British Columbia and Manitoba, to those successfully completing the prescribed interprovincial Seismic Blaster’s examination.

A separate application form is to be submitted to Saskatchewan Industry and Resources by the student or employer following successful completion of the

Enform training program in order to obtain the Saskatchewan permit. This application must be accompanied by a copy of the Enform training certificate, as well as a copy of the student’s current Standard First Aid Certificate.


» Students must present government issued photo identification (i.e., driver’s license, passport, etc.) at the start of the program. Students without photo identification will not be permitted to write the interprovincial examination

» A student must be at least 18 years of age. Have a minimum of six months hands-on experience as a blaster’s assistant in the past 36 months immediately preceding the program date. Be able to communicate effectively in English, both orally and in writing. Have completed the prescribed Seismic Blaster Safety Training application form and possess current Standard First Aid certification or equivalent

» This program may also be taken solely for general informational purposes. In this case, there are no prerequisites, no written examination and no interprovincial certificate issued. An Enform Certificate of Attendance will be issued

» Applications must be received for approval by Enform at least two working days prior to the program date. Students without a pre-approved application form will not be accepted into the program. No walk-ins will be allowed

Seismic Field Operations Supervisor (SFOS) Level 1 - Supervisor Accountability

Duration: 3 days $775

This 3 day program has been developed in conjunction with the Canadian Association of Geophysical Contractors (CAGC) and regulatory agencies in western Canada to provide a petroleum industry-training standard for geophysical supervision. The purpose of the program is to provide candidates with the necessary knowledge and skills for field supervision of employees. The program is intended for anyone who will be engaged in field supervision or for individuals who want a better understanding of the challenges faced by supervisors on a day-to-day basis.

Didyouknow?Every Enform program starts with a professional team of industry experts, program developers and instructors. These talented people are responsible for turning important information into a valuable learning experience for our students.

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This program replaces the Seismic Field Operations Supervisor program.

This program covers:

• Seismic Operations Overview• Legislated and Industry

Responsibilities• Health, Safety, and Environmental

Management Systems• Training and Competency• Hazard Assessment and Control• Emergency Response Plans• Incident Reporting and Investigation• Injury Management• Supervisor Competency

Upon successful completion of the written examination, candidates will receive a certificate of completion.


» Candidates completing the program will be required to become CAGC members. A three-year membership is included in the program fee

» Program fees may vary outside of Enform campuses

Seismic Field Operations Supervisor (SFOS) Challenge

Duration: 1 day $360

Students that have expiring Seismic Field Operations Supervisor (SFOS) certification, have the following option to renew their SFOS:

• Complete the new SFOS Level I Program. Future programs will not have an expiry date

• Challenge the SFOS Level I program exam. Failure of the exam challenge will result in the person being required to take the full SFOS Level I program

• If a student chooses to challenge the exam a study package is mailed to the student and once the student is able they schedule a time to challenge the exam


» This program is a refresher for students who have expiring tickets from the SFOS program

» Candidates completing this challenge will be required to become CAGC members. A three year membership is included in the challenge fee

Seismic Permit Agent

Duration: 4 days $875

This 4 day program has been developed in conjunction with the Canadian Association of Geophysical Contractors (CAGC) and regulatory agencies in western Canada to provide a petroleum industry training standard for geophysical permitting. The purpose of the program is to provide candidates with the necessary knowledge and skills to conduct permitting activities in a professional and ethical manner. The program is intended for anyone who will be engaged in identifying, contacting and negotiating with landowners and special interest groups with respect to land access, line fees and damages associated with geophysical exploration projects.

Topics will include: geophysical operations, agricultural practices, initial and field assessments, geophysical permits and releases, and personal safety. A variety of instructional techniques will be used, including lectures, class discussion, group exercises and role-playing.

Upon successful completion of the prescribed written examination, candidates will receive a certificate of completion valid for three years.


» Candidates completing the 4 day program are required to become a CAGC member. A three-year membership is included in the program fee

Seismic Permit Agent (Renewal)


Students with expiring Seismic Permit Agent certifications can renew their certification by completing and submitting a Seismic Permit Agent Certification Renewal Application Form. The application form requires that the Seismic Permit Agent has been actively working in this profession, has maintained their CAGC Membership and has a sign-off by their current employer.

The completed Seismic Permit Agent Certification Renewal Application Form can be submitted to Enform for approval.


» The Canadian Association of Geophysical Contractors (CAGC) has applied for Alberta provincial government occupational registration for Seismic Permit Agents under the Professional and Occupational Associations Registrations Act (POARA)

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T he Petroleum Human Resources Council and Enform work together to improve alignment of training and safety services to industry workforce and workplace issues. This partnership helps each organization provide

a greater overall value to its customers and stakeholders.

Jolene VarndellManager, Marketing and Communications, Petroleum Human Resources Council of Canada

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Enform is such a unique organization. It’s a facilitating body that helps bring industry players together. Look at the top as an example. Enform’s Board of Directors represents members from geophysics,

pipeline, drilling and service rigs, explorers and producers, along with other service providers. This doesn’t happen in other industries. Enform gets the experts together to discuss industry related issues. We sit down as an oil and gas community to discuss problems and find solutions to these problems. Enform is a shining example on how to approach safety issues. I’m a believer in Enform. I think many of us are.

Mark A. ScholzPresident, Canadian Association of Oilwell Drilling Contractors (CAODC)



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Petroleum Fundamentals

Petroleum Fundamentals Courses _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 44

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Petroleum Fundamentals Courses

Introduction to Oil and Gas Production and Equipment

Duration: 2 days $695

E Q U I P M E N T L I S T I N G• While candidates attending this

program are encouraged to bring their own coveralls, hard hats and safety glasses, Enform will loan the necessary Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to those candidates who require it

This 2 day program is a balanced blend of practical and theoretical study at Enform’s Nisku campus.

Designed specifically for petroleum non-technical staff, the program allows students to learn through demonstrations in actual facilities. With approximately seven hours in the classroom and seven hours in the facilities, it is an excellent introduction for employees of service and supply companies, insurance companies and producing companies, as well as for accountants, environmentalists and financial staff. It is also a perfect opportunity for relief staff to get up-to-speed with field operations very quickly.

The Petroleum Industry in Canada

Duration: 2 days $750

This introductory 2 day classroom program provides a complete overview of petroleum industry operations.

Topics covered include: the petroleum industry’s contribution to energy in Canada, the origin of oil and gas, prospecting for petroleum,

and drilling and completion, as well as transportation, production and marketing. The program is ideal for administrative assistants, professionals, clerical personnel, new employees or anyone looking for a general industry overview.


» This program qualifies for 13 hours Continuing Education credits with the Alberta Insurance Council

Canada’s Oil and Gas Industry e-Learn

$100 per course

This online series features five separate courses dealing with the Upstream, Midstream, and Downstream sectors of the oil and gas Industry.

Series includes:

> Petroleum Industry Overview

The Petroleum Industry Overview program provides a broad introduction to the oil and gas industry from both a Canadian and global perspective. The program also covers the origin of oil and gas. This program is part of an online series of programs that covers the upstream, midstream and downstream sectors of Canada’s oil and gas industry.

> Petroleum Exploration, Land and Leasing

The Petroleum Exploration, Land and Leasing program provides an introduction to oil and gas exploration, especially through various geophysical and seismic methods. The second part of the program describes the process by which governments and oil companies offer and acquire crude oil and natural gas mineral rights and how leases for wells are located. This program is part of an online series of programs that covers the upstream, midstream and downstream sectors of Canada’s oil and gas industry.

> Drilling Equipment and Well Completion

The Drilling Equipment and Well Completion program describes the types of drilling rigs, site preparation, the parts and operation of a drilling rig, its personnel and the environmental protection issues associated with land-based and offshore drilling. The second part of the program describes the activities required to complete a well in preparation for producing oil or gas. This program is part of an online series of programs that covers the upstream, midstream and downstream sectors of Canada’s oil and gas industry.

> Production, Processing and Transportation of Oil and Gas

The Production, Processing and Transportation of Oil and Gas program describes how oil and gas is recovered from a well and collected and transported to surface facilities for processing. Oil sands production is also discussed. The second part of the program covers how oil and gas pipelines are built and operated. This program is part of an online series of programs that covers the upstream, midstream and downstream sectors of Canada’s oil and gas industry.

> Refining and Marketing Oil and Gas

The Refining and Marketing of Oil and Gas program describes how oil refineries and petrochemical plants change crude oil and natural gas into useful products. The second part of the program describes the global oil and gas market and how oil and gas products are marketed to consumers in Canada. This program is part of an online series of programs that covers the upstream, midstream and downstream sectors of Canada’s oil and gas industry.

Petroleum Fundamentals

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I ’m part of something big. I get to manage programs and help create possibilities. I love this job. I get to be a part of programs where we assist new immigrants to Canada and provide them with the proper safety

training and certification to assist in their succession plan. I get to witness people’s lives changing. There are great people here at Enform. I am proud of what we accomplish.

Victor MatusovskiProgram Manager, Technology and International, Enform (eight years)

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I treat people how I’d like to be treated. I know customers will come back if they receive a positive experience and I try to provide them with one. I believe it’s my responsibility to get to know our courses so I can help our

clients find what they are looking for. I learn something new about the industry every day and enjoy helping our customers find what courses they need to take to be successful and safe.

Melissa StaggEnrolment Services Administrator, Enform (two years)



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Instructor Training Opportunities

Instructor Training Courses _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 48

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Instructor Training Courses

Instructional Skills Workshop (ISW)

Duration: 3.5 days $850

This 3.5 day classroom-based program is the mandatory foundational training for all new Enform instructors. The program is designed to ensure instructors are conversant with Enform’s instructional standards and delivery methods. The program covers such topics as: principles of adult learning theory and practice, types of learning domains, learning objectives, instructional approaches, lesson planning, recognizing learning disabilities, presentation skills and basic classroom management techniques. The program requires the development and delivery of a short instructional presentation to demonstrate what was covered during the program. Class sessions begin everyday at 8:00 a.m.


» Sessions will be scheduled as needed

H2S Alive® Instructor Training

Duration: 5 days $1050

P R E R E Q U I S I T E SThe following prerequisites are the minimum required to be allowed entry into the H2S Instructor Training program.

1. A minimum of three years, in the past 10 years, field-based “hands on” work experience in H2S operations, directly related to the oil and gas industry is required (i.e.: drilling, well service, field production, plant processing or transportation). Safety personnel with three years on-site (sour) experience will also qualify

2. Experience with, regular use of, and a good working knowledge of Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA), Supplied Air Breathing Apparatus (SABA)

3. Experience with, regular use of, and a good working knowledge of H2S detection devices (detector tube, personal, portable and fixed monitors)

4. Possession of a current Standard First Aid certificate, including CPR certification (or equivalent)

Alternatively; Three years full time experience in one of the following industries with at least one year “hands on” full time work experience in an H2S oilfield environment as spelled out in the regular method for selection.

• Hazardous Chemical – plant processing, handling, hauling, monitoring

• Confined Space – entry, monitoring, rescue

• Emergency Response drills

This work experience must include regular use of SCBA/SABA and monitoring equipment. It must also include experience in dealing with hazardous environments and knowledge of rescue techniques.

This 5 day training program consists of the 3.5 day Instructor Skills Workshop as well as a day and a 1.5 day during which specific H2S Alive® instruction and student evaluation are covered. Other program issues are reviewed as well as the H2S Alive® program standards.

Franchise Instructor Training - Detection and Control


P R E R E Q U I S I T E SAll instructor candidates must complete:

• Instructional Skills Workshop or be an Enform certified instructor

• Prerequisites detailed in the D&CFS Instructor application form

• D&CFS Instructor written exam and practical skills evaluation

• 30 minute lesson using ROPES format on a pre-assigned topic

• Review of D&CFS Instructor Guide and Program Standards

• Enform Letter of Agreement requiring the necessary equipment and materials


» Sessions will be scheduled as needed

Fall Protection Instructor Practicum

Duration: 4.5 days $1050

P R E R E Q U I S I T E S• In addition to the 3.5 day Instructional

Skills Workshop, candidates should refer to the Fall Protection Instructor application form for the required prerequisites and all prerequisites must be completed 30 days prior to this program

E Q U I P M E N T L I S T I N G• Participants are required to bring

their own hard hat with chin strap, safety boots, fire resistant coveralls, gloves, safety glasses and hearing protection

This 4.5 day program must be completed by individuals who would like to become Enform Fall Protection instructors for both the Fall Protection Rig Work and Fall Protection 1 day OSSA programs. It must be completed in addition to the 3.5 day Instructor Skills Workshop (ISW).

Topics include: program standards, instructional techniques, practicum evaluation forms, lesson plans, instructor exam review and practice teaching sessions, followed by practical evaluations.

The hands-on portion of the training includes: climbing safely to height using fall protection equipment, work positioning, anchorage connection, and transfer between fall protection systems. Successful completion of the

Instructor Training Opportunities

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program requires that participants be in good physical condition and be able to climb to a height of approximately four meters.


» Sessions will be scheduled as needed

Oilfield Driver Training Instructor Program


P R E R E Q U I S I T E SMinimum of three years oilfield driving experience in the class of vehicle applicable to the program you wish to instruct (three years oilfield swamper experience in the case of Oilfield Swamper program).

1. Submit a completed Application for Oilfield Driver Instructor. Note: Applications must be submitted to Enform no less than two weeks (10 business days) prior to the program date

2. Submit a copy of a current driver’s abstract; complete the Enform oilfield driver program you wish to instruct with a minimum grade of 90% not more than six months prior to the instructor program

3. Submit a copy of a valid driver’s license, as noted below:

• Alberta Class 5 (or equivalent) to instruct Light-Duty Vehicles Driver Improvement (LDV) or Oilfield Swamper program (OSP)

• Note: Current GODI and OHP instructor certification is deemed equivalent for LDV instructor requirements upon application; current OHP instructor certification is deemed equivalent for OSP instructor requirements upon application

• Alberta Class 3 (or equivalent) with air brake endorsement to instruct General Oilfield Driver Improvement (GODI)

• Alberta Class 1 (or equivalent) to instruct the Oilfield Hauler Program (OHP)

For program dates, please refer to Instructional Skills Workshop (ISW).

A P P L I C AT I O N P R O C E S S• Complete and forward the Oilfield

Driver Instructor Application including a current driver abstract

• Attend and obtain a certificate from each of the programs that you wish to instruct with 90% grade

• As required pass any pre-entrance examination

• Attend an Enform ISW

A full program audit must be conducted for all new instructors within one year of completing the ISW. The cost of this audit shall be the responsibility of the instructor.


» The $1050 (+ GST) includes the fee for the Enform ISW

» Each Oilfield Swamper, LDV and GODI Instructor Program certificate must be maintained by instructing at least two programs per year over the three year certification period

» An instructor who is certified to teach both LDV and GODI would only be required to teach the minimum number of GODI programs per year to also maintain the LDV Instructor certificate. The rationale is that both courses include defensive driving and GODI is the more-comprehensive program. Each OHC Instructor Program certificate must be maintained by instructing at least one program per year over the three year certification period

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Partners and Colleges

Grande Prairie Regional College10726 – 1063 Avenue Grande Prairie, AB 888.539.4772

Great Plains College – Kindersley514 Main Street Kindersley, SK 888.382.7972

Great Plains College – Swift Current129 – 2 Avenue NE Swift Current, SK 306.773.1531

Medicine Hat College299 College Drive Medicine Hat, AB 866.282.8394

Northern Lights College – Fort NelsonP.O. Box 860 Fort Nelson, BC 866.463.6652

Okanagan College100 KLO Road Kelowna, BC 877.755.2266

Southeast Regional College – Weyburn629 King Street Weyburn, SK 866.999.7372

Southeast Regional College Energy Training Institute (West Wing)255 Spruce Drive Estevan, SK 866.999.7372

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Fees & Registration: 1.800.667.5557 www.enform.ca 51


My role is to teach students how to develop and implement a safety program and understand why such a program is important. When students leave my class I want them to say, “This makes sense to me”.

I believe that the oil and gas industry has the highest standards required to pass a Certificate of Recognition (COR) safety audit because they demanded that the bar be raised and Enform listened. We must all work together to facilitate safer workplaces.

Dan McKenzieInstructor, Enform (10 years) & Owner of Safety Excellence Inc.


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The formation of a safety association brings to life the idea that worker safety is not proprietary and that we all play a role in preventing incidents that can deeply impact the lives of the workers, their families

and our society. Enform is that place where we can collaborate with all of industry to create a culture of safety that truly reflects the way we do things around here.

Roy McKnightManager, Industry Initiatives, Enform (three years)



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Artificial Lift Systems ............................................................27

Bear Awareness e-Learn .....................................................17

Buried Facilities Locator Courses ........................................26

Buried Facilities Locator - Basic ...........................................26

Buried Facilities Locator - Gas Distribution ..........................26

Buried Facilities Locator - Oil & Gas ....................................26

Buried Facilities Locator - Seismic .......................................26

Canada’s Oil and Gas Industry e-Learn ...............................44

CAODC Service Rig Competency Assessors ......................28

Cathodic Protection Rectifier Training ..................................17

Certified Health and Safety Auditor Program ......................14

Certified Health and Safety Auditor Renewal ......................15

Chainsaw Faller Competency Courses ................................38

Chainsaw Faller Competency Program - Level I -

Chainsaw Basics ..............................................................38

Chainsaw Faller Competency Program - Level II -

Faller Entry .......................................................................38

Chainsaw Faller Competency Program - Level III -

Faller Certification ............................................................38

Chainsaw Faller Competency Program - Level IV -

Faller Tutor ........................................................................38

Coiled Tubing Well Servicing Blowout

Prevention .........................................................................28

Completions and Workovers ................................................27

Detection and Control of Flammable Substances ...............18

Drilling and Well Services Courses .....................................28

Electrical Maintenance Training ...........................................18

Electrical Maintenance Training Refresher ..........................18

Emergency First Aid - Level A CPR .....................................18

Escort Vehicle Operator .......................................................35

Fall Protection - General ......................................................18

Fall Protection for Rig Work .................................................29

Fall Protection Instructor Practicum .....................................48

Fall Rescue for Rig Work .....................................................29

Fatigue Management for Supervisors ..................................35

Field Production Courses .....................................................27

Fire and Explosion Prevention Advanced Training ..............19

First Line Supervisor’s Blowout Prevention .........................29

First Line Supervisor’s Blowout Prevention (Self-study) ......29

Franchise Instructor Training - Detection and Control .........48

Gas Production Operator .....................................................27

General Entry Level Safety (GELS) .....................................19

General Oilfield Driver Improvement (GODI) .......................35

General Safety Courses .......................................................14

H2S Alive® .............................................................................19

H2S Alive® (Online Tutorial) ..................................................19

H2S Alive® (Professional Fire Fighters Edition) ....................19

H2S Alive® Instructor Training ..............................................48

Hazard Assessment .............................................................15

Hazard Mitigation Courses ...................................................17

Hours of Service and Managing Fatigue for

Commercial Vehicle Carriers and Owners ......................35

Hours of Service and Managing Fatigue for

Commercial Vehicle Drivers .............................................35

Incident and Accident Investigation .....................................16

Injury Management / Return to Work ...................................15

Instructor Training Courses ..................................................48

Instructor Training Opportunities ..........................................48

Instructional Skills Workshop (ISW) .....................................48

Internal Auditor Workshop ....................................................16

International Well Control Training (IWCF/WellCAP) ..........30

Introduction to Oil and Gas Production and Equipment ......44

Page 58: Enform Training Planning Guide 2012

As a Health and Safety Training Program Manager at Enform, I have the opportunity to help create educational programs for the upstream oil and gas industry. I get to witness first-hand how Enform supports

industry by providing quality training that will assist in the development of a strong safety culture, and will ultimately improve the safety performance in the workplace. We at Enform are committed to providing high quality, professionally delivered, safety related educational opportunities to our students.

Marilyn BuchananProgram Manager, Health & Safety Training, Enform (three years)



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Light Duty Vehicles - Driver Improvement ............................36

Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (NORM) ........... 20

Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (NORM)

Awareness e-Learn ..........................................................20

New COR Audit Protocol Seminar .......................................16

Off-Highway Defensive Driving (Self-study) .........................36

Oil & Gas Faller Challenge ..................................................39

Oil & Gas Production Operator Basics ................................27

Oil Production Operator .......................................................28

Oilfield Driver Training Courses ............................................35

Oilfield Driver Training Instructor Program ..........................49

Oilfield Hauler ......................................................................36

Oilfield Swamper ..................................................................36

Oilwell Perforators Safety Training ......................................20

Oilwell Production Optimization ...........................................28

Operational Safety Courses .................................................26

Petroleum Competency Program ........................................16

Petroleum Fundamentals Courses .......................................44

Petroleum Safety Training (PST) .........................................20

Power Line Safety and Awareness ......................................21

Rig Technician Training Level 1 (Motorman)

BC Residents ...................................................................30

Rig Technician Training Level 2 (Derrickman)

BC Residents ...................................................................31

Rig Technician Training Level 3 (Driller) BC Residents ........31

Safety Management Courses ...............................................14

Safety Management & Regulatory Awareness

for Wellsite Supervision ....................................................32

Safety Management & Regulatory Awareness

for Wellsite Supervision Refresher ..................................32

Safety Program Development ..............................................14

Second Line Supervisor’s Well Control (Test Well) .............33

Second Line Supervisor’s Well Control Refresher ..............33

Seismic Safety Courses .......................................................39

Seismic Blaster Safety Training ...........................................39

Seismic Field Operations Supervisor (SFOS) Challenge ....40

Seismic Field Operations Supervisor (SFOS)

Level 1 - Supervisor Accountability .................................39

Seismic Permit Agent ...........................................................40

Seismic Permit Agent (Renewal) .........................................40

Small Employer Certificate of Recognition

(SECOR) Refresher .........................................................17

Special Oilfield Boilers .........................................................33

Standard First Aid - Level A CPR ........................................18

The Petroleum Industry in Canada .......................................44

Transportation of Dangerous Goods (TDG) ........................21

Vacuum Truck Operator - Driver Improvement .....................36

Vapour Plume Ignition Training ............................................21

Vapour Plume Ignition Training Refresher ...........................22

Virtual Rig Experience (VRE) - e-Learn ...............................34

Well Service Blowout Prevention ..........................................34

Wellhead Boom Truck Operator ..........................................37

Wildlife Awareness e-Learn .................................................22

Workplace Hazardous Materials Information

Systems (WHMIS) - e-Learn ............................................23

Workplace Hazardous Materials Information

Systems (WHMIS) Fundamentals ....................................22

Index (continued)

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Did you know? The oil and gas industry created Enform as a not-for-profit organization dedicated to meeting industry’s safety needs. Our industry partners recognized then, as they do now, that safety can never be compromised. For more information on course dates and locations, visit us online at www.enform.ca.

[email protected] | www.enform.ca Enrolment Services and Certificate of Recognition: 1.800.667.5557

NISKU phone: 780.955.7770 toll free: 1.800.667.5557 fax: 780.955.2454

CALGARYphone: 403.516.8000 toll free: 1.800.667.5557 fax: 403.516.8166

BRITISH COLUMBIAphone: 250.785.6009 toll free: 1.855.436.3676 fax: 250.785.6013 web: www.enformbc.ca email: [email protected]

SASKATCHEWANphone: 306.337.9600 toll free: 1.877.336.3676 fax: 306.337.9610 web: www.enformsk.ca email: [email protected]