Energy Envirothon Learning Objective 1

Energy Envirothon Learning Objective 1. Energy Capacity to do work Never created or destroyed First law of thermodynamics Referred to as Conservation

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Envirothon Learning Objective 1


• Capacity to do work

• Never created or destroyed • First law of thermodynamics• Referred to as Conservation of Energy in the

scientific community

• Joule: the SI unit of work. The energy required to move 1 Newton 1 meter (F*d)

• Calorie: amount of heat energy required to increase temp of 1 gram of water 1°C (4.187j)

• British Thermal Unit (Btu): amount of heat energy required to increase temp of 1 lb of water 1°F (1054j)

• Kilowatt-hour (kWh): the common unit of electricity usage. Energy required to run 100 watt lightbulb for 10 hours. (3.6Mj)

Common Units of Measurement

World Energy Demand

• 1980 - 2004 total world primary energy demand grew by 54%

• Electricity is projected to almost double from 2004 to 2030 ( 2.6% per year) – Two billion people have no access to


– UN predicts world population growth from 6.4 billion in 2004 to 8.1 billion by 2030


United States Population, Energy Production, and Energy Uses









1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2006








Energy Production

Energy Consumption



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Q=quadrillion BTUEnergy Information Administration

Sources of Energy• Non renewable

– Fossil fuels• Coal, gas, and oil

• Nuclear– Splitting atom nucleus in two parts

• Renewable Energy– Hydropower, biomass and biofuels, wind,

solar, geothermal


United States Production, Imports, and Consumption of Energy

Energy Information Administration

Michigan Energy Usage StatsMichigan U.S. Rank Period

Total Energy 309 million Btu    34 2004

Michigan Share of U.S. PeriodTotal Energy 3,119,425 billion Btu 3.10% 2004Total Petroleum 198,085 thousand barrels 2.60% 2005    Motor Gasoline 119,584 thousand barrels 3.60% 2005    Distillate Fuel 30,315 thousand barrels 2.00% 2005    Liquefied Petroleum Gases 23,157 thousand barrels 3.10% 2005

    Jet Fuel 3,431 thousand barrels 0.60% 2005Natural Gas 809,099 million cu ft 3.70% 2006Coal W W 2006

Michigan Share of U.S. PeriodResidential 799,157 billion Btu 3.80% 2004Commercial 628,949 billion Btu 3.50% 2004Industrial 884,528 billion Btu 2.60% 2004Transportation 806,788 billion Btu 2.90% 2004

Michigan Share of U.S. PeriodPetroleum 96 thousand barrels 1.60% 7-OctNatural Gas 10,357 million cu ft 1.60% 7-OctCoal 3,285 thousand short tons 3.90% 7-Oct

Michigan U.S. Avg. PeriodNatural Gas 78% 51.20% 2000Fuel Oil 4% 9.00% 2000Electricity 7% 30.30% 2000Liquefied Petroleum Gases 9% 6.50% 2000Other/None 2% 1.80% 2000

by End-Use Sector

by Source

per Capita

for Home Heating (share of households)

for Electricity Generation


Problems with Energy Sources

• Fossil Fuels (http://www.umich.edu/~gs265/society/fossilfuels.htm)

– Extensive formation time– Pollution– Efficiency

• Nuclear (http://www.umich.edu/~gs265/society/nuclear.htm)

– Safety– Radioactive waste– Nuclear weapons

Problems with Energy Sources• Hydropower

– Damming of rivers– Churn up sediments– Increase water temp and decrease oxygen (behind


• Biofuels– Increase in corn prices, dairy, etc– Currently relies heavily on government subsidies – Energy return on energy investment

• Wind– Flyways– Habitat fragmentation– Aesthetics

Problems with Energy Sources

• Solar power– Solar panel cost and fragility– Single panels are not efficient, need multiple


• Geothermal (internal heat of earth)– Many located in scenic, wild, and protected

places– Many sites available are already in use

Energy Conservation

• Changing What You Use– Walk, ride a bicycle, or use mass transit

instead of driving– Install compact fluorescent light bulbs – Air-dry your clothes on a laundry line instead

of using a clothes dryer.– Install a programmable thermostat that

automatically adjusts the temperature when you are in bed or away.

– Buy energy-efficient appliances


Energy Conservation• Changing What You Do

– Set the thermostat to 68 °F in winter when you're home and down to 55° F when you go to bed or are away

– Insulate the ceiling, walls, and floor of your home

– Plant a tree next to a window for shade to reduce the need for air conditioning

– Recycle items such as newspaper, aluminum cans, and plastic bottles

– Wash clothes in cold water and only in full loads

– Use energy-saving settings on washing machines, dishwashers, and clothes dryers

Energy Conservation• Improving Your Housekeeping

– Turn down the water heater thermostat to 120° F

– Turn off lights when leaving a room– Close heating vents and close doors to

unused rooms– Close drapes and windows during sunny

summer days and after sunset in cooler weather

– Stop air leaks around windows and doors with caulk or weather stripping.

– Clean or change air filters on your air heating system in the winter and on air conditioning units in the summer so that they work more efficiently

Transportation Requirements• Transportation now consumes more than 20% of the world's total

primary energy and produces much of the world's air pollution

• In just 30 years, the number of cars in the world will soar from today's 400 million or so, to more than one billion

• Private transportation will then need 2-1/2 times more energy and produce 2-1/2 times more air pollution

• If global trends are projected to year 2100, the world will need 10 times more total energy, and transportation will consume 40% of this much larger pool

• In developed countries, passenger travel accounts for about 70% of the total energy consumed by transportation.

• The automobile is responsible for nearly 90% of the energy consumed for travel in the U.S., about 80% in Western Europe, and nearly 60% in Japan


Long Distance Transportation

Transportation modeTrips


error% of total


errorPersonal vehicle 2336.1 36.89 89.5 0.33Air 193.3 6.28 7.4 0.26Bus 55.4 3.45 2.1 0.13Train 21.1 2.88 0.8 0.11Other 5.8 1.45 0.2 0.06Total 2611.7 37.70 100.0

US Transportation Statistics

Long-distance of more than 50 miles from home. > ½ long-distance trips are taken for pleasure, < 1/5 trips is for business

Vehicle Trends• If driving habits remain unchanged, cars will have to

become nearly three times more energy-efficient by 2030 just to maintain that sector's present consumption

• If energy use trends are projected to year 2100, transportation would then have to be twenty times more energy-efficient (400 mpg)

• By year 2010, – India is expected to have 36 times more cars than in 1990. – China will have 91 times more cars – Mexico will have 2-1/2 times more cars – Eastern Europe and the countries of the former U.S.S.R. will

probably double their automobile population – The rest of the developing world will experience a 300%

increase over the same period – the number of cars in the U.S., Canada, Western Europe, and

Japan will have grown by only 12%-15%

Vehicle Emissions and Efficiency

• Motor vehicle emissions – 30%-50% of hydrocarbon – 80%-90% of carbon monoxide – 40%-60% of nitrogen oxide emissions – Cars and light trucks are responsible for about 20% of the

nation's carbon dioxide– developing countries will be emitting 16.6 billion tons of carbon

dioxide annually by year 2025 (4x as much as developed nations)

• Today, automobiles operate at approximately 15% efficiency

• it may be possible to double automobile energy efficiency to about 30% before we run out of ideas

Fuel Alternatives

• Electric cars – produce significantly fewer harmful emissions, – save about 10% to 30% in primary energy

(over the entire energy chain)

• Advanced fuel cell vehicles using methanol – 2-1/2 times more efficient than today's cars

Wind power potential in US