Employee Handbook

Employee Handbook - SCLHSA€¦ · 20/05/2015  · This employee handbook has been prepared to introduce you to the South Central Louisiana Human Services Authority. It will acquaint

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Page 1: Employee Handbook - SCLHSA€¦ · 20/05/2015  · This employee handbook has been prepared to introduce you to the South Central Louisiana Human Services Authority. It will acquaint

Employee Handbook

Page 2: Employee Handbook - SCLHSA€¦ · 20/05/2015  · This employee handbook has been prepared to introduce you to the South Central Louisiana Human Services Authority. It will acquaint



Equal Employment Opportunity 5


Mission Statement 5

Vision 6

Office of Addictive Disorders 6

Office for Citizens with Developmental Disabilities 6

Office of Mental Health 7

Organizational Values 7


Appointments 8

Probational Appointment 8

Job Appointment 8

Classified WAE Appointment 8

Student and Volunteer Employment 8

Job Classification 9

Your Pay 9

Employee Self-Service 9

Performance Planning and Review System (PPR) 9-10

Merit Increase 10

Hours of Work 10

Overtime 10

Attendance 11

Break Periods 11

Promotions 11


Confidentiality 11-12

Disciplinary Action 12

Political Activities 12

Conflict of Interest 12-13

Outside Employment 13


Grievances 13

Appeals 14

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Phone: (985) 858-2931

Fax: (985) 858-2934

521 Legion Ave.

Houma, Louisiana

South Central Louisiana Human Services Authority

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Paid Holidays 14

Annual and Sick Leave 15

Disaster Work & Pay 15

Leave without Pay 16

Compensatory Leave 16

Family and Medical Leave Act 16

Civil Leave 16

Funeral Leave 17

Educational Leave 17

Military Leave 17

Special Leave 17

Emergency Absences 18


Health Insurance 18

Life Insurance 18

Miscellaneous Insurance 19

Worker’s Compensation 19

Flexible Benefits Plan 19


Contribution 19

Refunds 20

Retirement Eligibility 20

Disability Retirement 20

Survivors’ Benefits 20

Deferred Compensation 20


Employee Assistance Program 21

Orientation, Conferences, and Workshops 21

Job Interviews 21

Travel 21

Operation of State Vehicles 22

Safety 22

Personal Data Changes 22

Resignation Courtesies 22

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Welcome to the South Central Louisiana Human Services Authority

Welcome to the South Central Louisiana Human Services Authority

(SCLHSA). Thank you for choosing our organization as a catalyst to

share your experience and skills. The SCLHSA works collaboratively

with the Department of Health and Hospitals (DHH), other state

agencies and local providers to offer a wide range of behavioral health

care services to the population of Region III in southeast Louisiana.

We are excited about your addition as a valuable member of our treat-

ment team.

The SCLHSA was created by Legislative ACT 343 in 2007 to provide

addictive disorder, developmental disabilities and mental health ser-

vices to individuals in Assumption, Lafourche, St. Charles, St. James,

St. John, St. Mary and Terrebonne Parishes. SCLHSA is governed

by a local board composed of nine members from the seven parishes of

Region III. We are committed to improving the lives of the individu-

als we serve in their journey through treatment, recovery and the re-

turn to an independent lifestyle. By utilizing effective clinical ser-

vices offered by trained and knowledgeable staff and linkage with vital

community resources, we strive to help others attain their optimal

level of living.

I hope that you will find a professional home within our organization.

The SCLHSA is always looking for ways to improve the services we

provide to our communities. By joining with the rest of our staff, you

expand the limitless opportunities we have to impact someone’s life in

a positive way.

Thanks once again for choosing to become a member of the SCLHSA


Lisa Schilling

SCLHSA Executive Director

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If you have questions or concerns regarding any of the information included in this handbook, please feel free to contact the Human Resources Division at (985) 876–8876.

Employee Websites Available for More Information:

South Central Louisiana Human Services Authority


The Louisiana Department of State Civil Service:


Civil Service Job Search::


Health Insurance & Life Insurance:


Miscellaneous Insurance Vendors:


Louisiana State Employees’ Retirement System (LASERS):


Louisiana Deferred Compensation Plan:


Credit Union Eligibility Contact Information:

Pelican State Credit Union (225) 408-6100

Eagle Louisiana Federal Credit Union (225) 342-5730

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If you are required to drive a state vehicle, you must have proper authorization from you supervisor. You also must have a (1) valid Louisiana driver’s license, (2) have successfully completed the Louisiana Safe Drivers Course within the last 36 months, and (3) have your driving record on file in the Authority.


The Authority has developed an Emergency Preparedness Plan in order to estab-lish a state of readiness for the protection of employees and visitors/clients in the event of an emergency condition, such as illness, fire, hurricane, tornado, bomb threat, enemy attack, or explosion. Each SCLHSA facility should have such a plan.

Each SCLHSA facility must have a Violence in the Workplace Prevention plan for the protection of staff, clients, and the public.


It is very important to you and the Authority that current, accurate information is maintained in your employment record. Therefore, it is your responsibility to report any changes in your name, address, withholding exemptions, insurance coverage, marital status, and beneficiaries (retirement and life insurance) to your supervisor and the Human Resources Division.

Whenever a change occurs that affects your pay or your position, a personnel ac-tion form is processed and you will be given a copy. We suggest that you review the form and report any incorrect information to your supervisor or the Human Re-sources Division.


We realize that not all employees will remain in our employment until retirement. If you find it to your advantage to leave your employment, please give your supervi-sor at least two weeks advance notice of your resignation. This will allow your su-pervisor to make arrangements to cover your workload with the least disruption of service to our clients and patients.

Be sure you leave your current address with your supervisor and the Human Re-sources Division. This will ensure that your W-2 form or other separation docu-ments can be sent to you promptly.


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This employee handbook has been prepared to introduce you to the South Central Louisiana Human Services Authority. It will acquaint you with information concerning policies, procedures, benefits, and other general guidelines which you will encounter during your employment. It is not all-inclusive, but offers only general guidelines.

The information contained in this handbook applies to all employees of the Authority and is presented as a matter of information only. Its contents should not be interpret-ed as a contract, expressed or implied, between the Authority and any of its employ-ees. Furthermore, its contents should not be interpreted as superseding federal or state laws and Civil Service Rules.

Please read this handbook carefully and keep it handy for future reference. Any questions concerning its contents should be directed to your supervisor or to the SCLHSA Administration.


SCLHSA and all agencies under its jurisdiction reaffirm the policy for Equal Employ-ment Opportunity by hereby stating that no person shall, on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, disability, veteran status or any other non-merit factor, be discriminated against in any employment practice. SCLHSA is committed to this policy because it is morally right, it is good personnel management and is legally required by Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended by the Equal Employment Opportunity Act of 1972;the 1991 Civil Rights Act, Executive Order 11246; the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended; the Vietnam Era Veterans Read-justment Assistance Act of 1974; and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Any person having questions concerning Equal Employment Opportunity or Affirma-tive Action should contact the Human Resources office.



To increase public awareness of and to provide access for individ-uals with behavioral health and developmental disabilities to inte-grated community based services while promoting wellness, re-covery and independence through education and the choice of a broad range of programmatic and community resources.

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To become the Center for Behavioral Health and Developmental Disability Services in South Central Louisiana by removing barriers to treatment while focusing on unity and equality of individuals by implementing collaboration of public and private services, creative resource allocation and advocating for the provision of efficient, effective quality care to the people we serve. The SCLHSA provides behavioral health services to individuals in the parishes of Assumption, Lafourche, St. Charles, St. John the Baptist, St. James, St. Mary and Terrebonne from the following programs:

OFFICE of BEHAVIORAL HEALTH—Mental Health and Addictive Disorders

Addictive Disorders is charged with the formulation and implementation of policies relating to the treatment and prevention of alcohol and drug abuse; the administra-tion of residential and outpatient care facilities, the coordination of all of the pro-grams of all state departments relative to alcohol and drug abuse, the establish-ment of employee assistance programs for state employees; the provision of as-sessment, referral, and treatment services for alcohol and drug abuse to persons subject to the custody of the state, municipal, or parish correctional institutions pursuant to agreements with such institutions; and the maintenance of statistics and other relevant data on alcohol and drug abuse.

Mental Health services focus on the quality, accessibility, and accountability of the mental health services of the state which provide the treatment, rehabilitation, com-munity support that assist Louisiana citizens in recovery from their mental illness and emotional/behavioral disorders. The purpose is to maximize the opportunities and potential for adults, children, and their families with need for services to achieve the highest quality of life of their choice through quality improvement activi-ties, education, information exchange, empowerment of family and consumer input to these services.


The Office for Citizens with Developmental Disabilities provides or directs the provi-sion of supports and services for individuals with mental retardation and other de-velopmental disabilities. Supports and services are typically designed using and individualized, person-centered, choice-driven approach which empowers citizens with developmental disabilities to experience an improved quality of life and achieve the greatest degree of independence in all areas of life.

Access to services is through a Community Services Office which is located in Thibodaux, LA. A broad range of residential services are available to individuals with developmental disabilities. People may be supported in their own apartments or may share apartments or houses with friends. Group homes which serve up to eight individuals in a household are available throughout the state, as well as larger developmental centers operated by the State or by private entities.

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You are eligible to participate in the Employee Assistance Program. The program is designed to assist and support employees who are experiencing personal prob-lems. These problems include alcohol abuse, drug abuse, family and marital, finan-cial, and other problems that affect job performance, job security, or the health and well-being of the employee.

Employee volunteers serves as EAP representatives, providing a link between the employee and the assistance or resource required. If you need assistance, contact the EAP representative in your region.

All information regarding your participation in the program is confidential and will not be released without your written consent. Participation in the program will not jeopardize your current position or future job opportunities.

The service provided by the EAP representatives are free of charge. However, if you are referred for treatment, you will need to contact your insurance carrier to determine insurance coverage.


You may be granted time for attendance at orientation, on-the-job training, confer-ences, conventions, and workshops for training purposes. You will be permitted to attend while on duty status, provided the content of the program is pertinent to your job and attendance is approved by the proper authority.


You may be granted time off with pay to report for an interview in connection with a possible transfer or promotion within our agency. Any such time will be considered as work time. Any leave granted for interviews conducted in the private sector or another state agency shall be charged annual, compensatory, or leave without pay.


Your position may require travel. In some cases, it is a condition of employment and should be discussed during the initial interview process with your supervisor. All travel must be authorized and approved in advance by your supervisor. Expens-es incurred should be well documented and limited only to those incurred during the performance of your job duties. Claims for reimbursement must be submitted on a Travel and Expense Account From and include all details provided for on the form, your signature and approval of your supervisor. If you are required to travel, consults your supervisor regarding the Department’s travel policy.


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The money you contribute to the retirement system is not lost. Should you leave state employment before gaining retirement eligibility, you may request a refund of all contributions made to the system.


You will be eligible for regular retirement after you have: (1) 30 years or more ser-vice credit at any age; (2) 25 years or more service credit at age 55 or thereafter; (3) 20 years of service at any age, with the benefit reduced on an actuarial basis; (4) 10 years or more service credit at age 60 or thereafter. For employees hired on or after July 1, 2006, retirement eligibility is ten (10) years of service credit at age (60) or thereafter ONLY.


Should you become disabled, you will be eligible to apply for disability benefits after you have earned at least 10 years of creditable service. To be eligible for disability benefits while not an active state employee, you must have left your contributions in the retirement system. You may apply for disability after leaving state service only if you have 20 years of service and have withdrawn from active service before the age of regular retirement eligibility. Certification of the disability is made by a physician on the State Medical Disability Board.


If your death should occur prior to you retirement and you have been a contributing member of LASERS for at least five years, two of which occurred immediately prior to death, your surviving spouse and/or minor child(ren) may be eligible for a benefit based on your average monthly compensation. If not in state service at the time of death, a member must have had twenty or more years of creditable service. For more information, contact your Human Resources Division.


To supplement your retirement benefits, you may wish to participate in the Louisi-ana Deferred Compensation Plan. This plan provides you an opportunity to invest money on a before-tax basis using payroll deduction. Because your taxable income is reduced with each contribution, you pay less federal or state income tax. Interest or earnings on your account accumulate tax-deferred, with no taxes being paid on the account until you begin withdrawing the funds.

You can enter the plan with a minimum contribution of $10 per pay period and contribute up to a maximum of 25% of your adjusted gross income, not to exceed $8,000 per calendar year. Your funds may be withdrawn only because of retire-ment, separation from state service, death, or a proven financial hardship.

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Respect – A high regard for the worth and dignity of each individual Clarity – Openness, honesty and accountability in all services, supports and infor-mation Quality – Excellence in services without regard to race, creed, color, religion, back-ground, sexual orientation, gender, national origin or ability to pay Advocacy – Supporting the cause of those whom lack resources for a reasonable quality of life Creativity – Inventiveness, flexibility and innovation in order to provide methods for continuous development and improvement of services to meet the behavioral health needs of the community Knowledge – Development through learning and teaching to offer a continuum of services ranging from recovery to independence while serving the behavioral health needs of the community Choice – Giving individuals the opportunity to learn about options for their care and use this information to make informed decisions,

Partnership – Work cooperatively with other healthcare providers and educational


Stewardship– Effectively managing the resources bestowed upon our organization in

an ethical and sustainable manner

Employees of SCLHSA retain all rights and responsibilities granted under State of Louisiana Civil Service Rules.


There are several types of appointments which may be made to Civil Service classi-fied positions.

Among these are probational appointments, job appointments, and WAE appoint-ments. The following is a brief description of each type of appointment.


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Every person given a probational appointment must serve at least a 6 month, (SCLHSA requirement) but not more than 24 months, probationary period before becoming eligible for permanent status. During this period your supervisor will de-termine whether or not you are satisfactorily performing your duties. If your perfor-mance does not meet the required standard, you may be removed at any time during the probationary period. While on probation you earn all your benefits of permanent employment with regard to annual and sick leave and retirement credit. All employees are covered by Worker’s Compensation. When you have satisfacto-rily completed your probationary period you attain permanent status. Attainment of permanent status is extremely important because many rights under the Civil Ser-vice system are limited to permanent employees.


A job appointment is a temporary position, that may last up to three (3) years. Per-sons on job appointments do not attain permanent status and may be separated at any time. Job appointees do earn annual leave, sick leave, and are eligible for group health and life insurance and receive pay for observed holidays. Job appoin-tees usually pay FICA, but may pay into Louisiana State Employees Retirement System (LASERS) dependent upon the length of the appointment and if they have ten years to prior LASERS service credit and have not withdrawn their contribu-tions.


A WAE appointment is used to cover temporary, unexpected situations not to ex-ceed a cumulative total of 1245 hours in a calendar year, and may be terminated at any time. Persons serving on WAE appointments do not gain permanent status, earn or take annual or sick leave, nor receive pay for observed holidays. WAE appointees usually pay FICA, but may pay into LASERS if they have ten years of prior LASERS service credit and have not withdrawn their contributions.


In order to qualify for student employment, a student must be enrolled and consid-ered a student in full-time standing at either the high school or college level during a semester. The attendance and enrollment of each student will be closely moni-tored and verified by a school representative for student employment eligibility. A student’s employment will be terminated if full-time status is not maintained. Prior approval for student employment is required from the ED for individuals who will receive stipends from the organizational budget or from parish mileages. Students will not receive payment for agency holidays, but only for time worked. Students are not permitted to work during times when they have classes scheduled. Excep-tions to this rule will include early class dismissal or cancellation.

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Other insurance plans may be available to you through payroll deduction, including life, accidental death and dismemberment, dental, and cancer. With these policies, the employee is responsible for the full premium. Your Human Resources Division can provide you with a complete listing of these plans. Note that these insurance plans are not part of the Office of Group Benefits/HMO plans.


You are covered by Worker’s Compensation Insurance which pays benefits when you become disabled or miss work because of work-related injuries. Should you sustain a work-related injury, regardless how minor the injury may be, notify your supervisor or the Human Resources Division immediately.


You are eligible for participation in the Flexible Benefits Plan. This plan was imple-mented by the State of Louisiana to help you reduce your taxes and increase your spendable income. The plan enhances your employee group insurance program by allowing you to pay any eligible insurance premium costs or dependent care ex-pense tax free. You never pay federal or state income taxes on the money you save on these eligible expenses. If you are interested in enrollment, please contact your supervisor or the Human Resources Division.


Membership in the Louisiana State Employees’ Retirement System (LASERS) is mandatory for all state employees, except those persons specifically exempted by law.

This includes probational, permanent and provisional employees who are not con-tributing members of another state retirement system; are not receiving a retire-ment annuity and are age 55 or less at the time of employment; are seasonal work-ers whose employment continues over a period of years even through their duties are performed intermittently.


Your contribution rate is set by statue at 7.5% of your annual salary, for new hires hired after July 1st, 2006 it will be 8.0%. The state’s contribution to your retirement (paid by your agency) is determined annually and is based on an actuarial formula provided by law. Your contribution is deducted from your paycheck every two weeks.

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EMERGENCY ABSENCES While the leave you take will be charged to the appropriate category, including leave without pay, most of the Department’s facilities maintain a record of the num-ber of unplanned, unexpected absences for which application was not made in advance. These absences are designated as emergency leave. These may include an-nual leave absences or sick leave absences for medical appointments known to the employee in advance, but not reported to the supervisor. Requests of this nature are expected to be minimal because of the need to provide job coverage during your absence. An excessive number of emergency absenc-es may result in corrective action. Note that annual leave does not have to be granted by the supervisor, and the supervisor may require a doctor’s slip when sick leave is requested.


HEALTH INSURANCE You and your family members are eligible for health insurance coverage under the Office of Group Benefits. Should you choose to participate in the Office of Group Benefits, a portion of your premium will be paid by the agency, with the remaining portion of the premium being deducted from your paycheck. It is to your advantage to make a decision within the first 30 of employment. After 30 days of employment, the enrollment process will become more involved because of proof of insurability and will delay the effective date of coverage. In some areas of the state, employees have access to health maintenance organi-zations (HMO’s). If you are employed in an area in which an HMO is available, you have a choice of health insurance coverage between the HMO and the Office of Group Benefits. Your portion of the premium is deducted from you paycheck one month in advance. Premium payments are split between your paycheck every tow weeks. In months when you receive three paychecks, no premium will be deducted from one of your checks. Booklets advising you of the plans available, coverage provided under each plan, and eligibility requirements for family members are available to you in the Human Resources Division LIFE INSURANCE Life insurance is also available to you and your family members through the Office of Group Benefits. There are two plans available to employees: (1) the basic plan, which provides a maximum coverage for the employee of $5,000; and (2) the basic plus supplemental plan, which provides coverage based on the individual employ-ee’s annual salary (maximum of $50,000).

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JOB CLASSIFICATION All positions are classified in one of the administrative, medical, protective services, technician and skilled trades, scientific/technical or social services jobs established by the Department of Civil Service. The duties and responsibilities of your position will be described generally in a job specification and specifically by an individual position description. During your initial orientation, your supervisor will give you a copy of your individual position description. If there is any question about your posi-tion description, please ask your supervisor for clarification. Over a period of time, your duties may change, and it may be necessary to update or revise your position description to indicate your current duties.



YOUR PAY SCLHSA operates on a biweekly pay cycle. There are 26 pay periods annually. Your biweekly pay is your monthly salary x 12 (months) divided by 26 (pay peri-ods). By law, the Department is required to withhold federal and state income tax-es, Medicare tax, and either state retirement or social security deductions from your check. You may authorize other deductions such as health insurance, life insur-ance, dental insurance, credit union, U.S. Savings Bonds, United Way, tax shel-ters, and other miscellaneous deductions. Payroll time statements for each pay period are available to view and print online through LEO (Louisiana Employee Online). EMPLOYEE SELF-SERVICE Employee Self-Services (ESS) is a part of the ISIS Human Resources System that provides the following benefits to employees once ESS is fully operational:

enables employees to view their benefits, payroll information, and personal


allows employees to add/change their emergency contact information, work

telephone number, and email address.

enables users to find information such as place of employment, telephone

number, email address, etc., on any state employee whose records exist in ISIS HR.

PERFORMANCE EVALUATION SYSTEM (PES) Each Classified employee shall be evaluated in accordance with Civil Service Chapter 10. Employees are evaluated for overall performance based on work tasks and behavior standards determined by their Evaluating Supervisor and ap-proved by a Second Level Evaluator who is designated by the Appointing authority. The performance evaluation year shall be July 1st-June 30th of each year. A Per-formance Planning Session shall be conducted at the beginning of each evaluation period between July 1-September 30th for current classified employees and within the first three (3) calendar months following the appointment of (1) a new employee or (2) permanent movement of an employee into a position having a different position number with significantly different duties. An employee who re-ceives a “Needs Improvement/Unsuccessful” rating shall be ineligible for a perfor-mance adjustment, a promotion, or permanent status. An Evaluating Supervisor and/or Second Level Evaluator who fails to administer the performance evaluation system shall be ineligible for a performance adjustment that year.

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A permanent employee who receives an overall performance evaluation of “Unrated” or “Needs Improvement/Unsuccessful” may request an official review of that evaluation by an Agency Reviewer (s), designated by the Appointing Authority. The Reviewer (s) shall not be either the Evaluating Supervisor or the Second Level Evaluator who signed the evaluation being reviewed. A request for review must be submitted in writing and be postmarked or received in the employing agency’s Human Resources office no later than September 15th following the evaluation year. The official overall evaluation may only be changed by the Agency Reviewer(s). The Agency Reviewer (s) shall give the employee, Evaluating Supervisor, and Human Resources office written notice of the results of their review not later than October 15th. Any change in evaluation shall be retroactive to July 1st. A permanent employee who receives an overall performance evaluation of “Unrated” or “Needs Improvement/Unsuccessful” may request an official review of that evaluation by an Agency Reviewer (s), designated by the Appointing Authority. The Reviewer (s) shall not be either the Evaluating Supervisor or the Second Level Evaluator who signed the evaluation being reviewed. A request for review must be submitted in writing and be postmarked or received in the employing agency’s Human Resources office no later than September 15th following the evaluation year. The official overall evaluation may only be changed by the Agency Reviewer(s). The Agency Reviewer (s) shall give the employee, Evaluating Supervisor, and Human Resources office written notice of the results of their review not later than October 15th. Any change in evaluation shall be retroactive to July 1st. SCLHSA grievance process shall not be used to review or reconsider PES evalua-

tions or procedural violations Civil Service Chapter 10 rules.

PERFORMANCE ADJUSTMENTS An employee who is in active status as of June 30 of the performance evaluation year (7/1-6/30) becomes eligible for and may be granted a performance adjustment on the uniform pay date of October 1st as defined by Civil Service Rule 6.14, pro-vided that the Appointing Authority has determined his performance merits such adjustment. An employee with an overall Performance Evaluation of “Needs Im-provement/Unsuccessful” or equivalent shall not be eligible for any increase under provisions of Civil Service Rule Chapter 6. PAY FOR EMPLOYEES AT RANGE MINIMUM An Appointing Authority may grant a 2% base pay increase to an employee ap-pointed at the minimum of the pay range after that employee has served at least six months. Such pay adjustments may only be granted within twelve months of the effective date of the appointment. HOURS OF WORK The regular work week consists of 40 hours. Your exact work schedule will be dis-cussed with you by your supervisor. You must maintain a record of hours worked each day and certify the correctness of the information on the time and attendance sheet. Your supervisor will show you the location of the time and attendance sheet in your work area.

Effective delivery of services may require your reporting to work on holidays or before or after regular working hours.

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All permanent, probational, provisional, and job appointed employees earn annual and sick leave. WAE appointees are ineligible to earn leave, except for compensa-tory leave. The amount of annual and sick leave earned is based on an employee’s number of years of full-time state service. An equal amount of each type is creditable at the end of each pay period as fol-lows: Years of Service Earning Rate Approximate per hour Days per year

0-3 years .0461 12

3-5 years .0576 15

5-10 years .0692 18

10-15 years .0807 21

15 above .0923 24

You do not earn annual or sick leave for any overtime hours or hours of leave with-out pay. Any hours of unused sick and annual leave held by an employee at the end of a calendar year are carried forward to the next year. There is no limitation on the amount of leave that can be accumulated.

Annual leave is provided primarily for vacations and handling person affairs. It must be applied for and can only be used when approved by your supervisor. Leave is normally requested through an online leave request submitted through LEO.

Sick leave is provided for those situations whereby you are prevented from per-forming your duties because of a personal illness, medical, optical or dental ap-pointment, or other personal medical reason. Advance approval of sick leave is not required, except for scheduled medical appointments; however, you are required to file a leave request stating the cause of the absence and the amount of time ab-sent.

Upon separation from state service, you will be paid the value of any accrued an-nual leave up to a maximum of 300 hours and all sick leave will be recorded in your employment record and will be reaccredited if you are reemployed in state service within five years of separation if your last separation was not a dismissal for cause or resignation in lieu of disciplinary action.


SCLHSA employees are designated as essential during an emergency response incident. Employees shall be available during a potential or major event with the exception of those who have prior exemptions. An exemption to work in the spe-cial needs shelters does not exclude employees from being called for regular duty at their work place or reassignment to other SCLHSA agencies as part of emergen-cy recovery operations. Reimbursement for said duties will be determined by DHH.

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Appeals can be made to the Civil Service Commission for any of several reasons including discrimination, disciplinary action, substandard performance review, and violation of any Civil Service rules. Should you decide to file an appeal, the notice of appeal to the Civil Service Commission must conform to the guidelines listed in Chapter 13 of the Civil Services Rules, a copy of which is available from the Appeals Section of the Department of Civil Service, 1201 N. 3rd St., Suite 3-280, Baton Rouge, LA 70804, telephone (225) 342-8070 and FAX (225)342-8058 or at www.dscs.state.la.us.


As an employee in state government, you will enjoy the many benefits available to you. For more information concerning your benefits, contact a Human Resources Division representative. In some cases, it may be necessary to refer you to other sources for the information.


Holidays observed by the Department are as follows:

New Year’s Day Inauguration Day in the City of Baton Rouge (every four years) Dr. Martin Luther King’s Birthday Mardi Gras Day Good Friday Independence Day Labor Day General Election Day (every even numbered year) Veterans’ Day Thanksgiving Day Christmas Day In accordance with LA RS 1:55, Robert E. Lee Day, Washington’s Birthday, Nation-al Memorial Day, Confederate Memorial Day, and Huey P. Long Day shall be ob-served only in such manner as the Governor may proclaim, provided that not more than two such legal holidays shall be proclaimed in any one year, one which shall be National Memorial Day. In addition to the above, the Governor may declare other holidays during the year. You may be required by the Authority to work on any of these days. If you do work, you will be compensated for the overtime in cash or compensatory time.

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OVERTIME Your supervisor will inform you in advance of this action. In accordance with appropriate Civil Service Rules, Department policies, and the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), you may be granted either compensatory time or cash payment for overtime work. Any questions concerning overtime pay should be directed to your supervisor, or you may call the Human Resources Division for information.


Your job is important to the overall accomplishment of the Authority’s objectives. You are expected to be at your work station at the scheduled time. Sometimes there may be a good reason for an absence or tardiness. In these situations, it is your responsibility to notify your supervisor as early in the work day as possible. If you are unable to contact your supervisor, you may contact someone else in the department designated by the supervisor. Remember, however, it is your responsi-bility to contact your supervisor, and you will be held accountable for your actions. BREAK PERIODS You may be given two fifteen-minute break periods away from your work station during a work day. These breaks are considered as work time. You may be asked to change your break periods occasionally if your presence is needed at your work station. Your supervisor will advise you of the times of your scheduled breaks. Lunch periods are generally for a 30 minute period. Your supervisor will inform you of your scheduled time. PROMOTIONS The policy of the Authority is to fill vacant positions by selecting the most qualified individual for the position from as wide a range of candidates as possible. Howev-er, every effort will be made to fill vacant positions by promoting qualified perma-nent state employees within the Authority. It is your responsibility to apply for posi-tions in which you are interested and for which you meet the minimum qualifica-tions. Upon promotion, your pay will be adjusted. It is the employee’s responsibility to schedule Civil Service examinations for any position(s) in which he or she is inter-ested. Consult with your supervisor or Human Resources regarding promotional opportu-nities within the Authority.

IV. STANDARDS OF CONDUCT In an effort to project a positive image of the Authority, certain standards must be

met. Failure to do so could result in disciplinary actions. During orientation to SCLHSA, employees shall review the Organizational Code of Ethics Policy and sign the Conflict of Interest Statement as acknowledgement of preferred standards of conduct for the agency. CONFIDENTIALITY Clients/Patients: The records of our clients and patients are confidential and highly personal, and the confidentiality of these records must be maintained. Be sure that only authorized persons who have a bona fide need for the information have ac-cess to these records. Employees: On the other hand, much of an employee’s personnel record is a mat-ter of public record. You have the right to designate your home address and

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telephone number as confidential. See your Human Resources Office for other employee information that is confidential. Workplace: As in any workplace, employees must have access to information that is sensitive. Improperly passing on this information can be very disruptive to the office as well as to the agency. Employees should be discreet with this type of information in allowing it to flow through the organization using the proper supervi-sory chain.


Disciplinary actions include suspension without pay, demotion, reduction in pay, reassignment and dismissal. Permanent classified employees have the right to appeal any disciplinary action take against them to the Civil Service Commission. An appeal must meet the requirements of Chapter 13 of the Civil Service Rules, a copy of which is available from the Appeals Section of the Department of Civil Ser-vice located at 1201 N. 3rd St., Suite 3-280, Baton Rouge, LA 70804, telephone (225) 342-8070 and FAX 342-8058.

Your responsibility as an employee including knowing, understanding, and abiding by the rules, regulations, policies, and procedures that govern your work. Since it would be impossible to list every potential infraction, please consult with your su-pervisor or the Human Resource Division concerning those actions that could bring about disciplinary results.


To protect your privileges associate with employment in state government, the limiting of certain political activities is necessary.

As a classified employee, you are allowed to express your political views privately; cast your vote; serve as a commissioner at the polls; support or oppose issues concerning bond issues, taxes, or constitutional amendments; and attend political rallies that are free and open to the public. However, you cannot solicit votes, make contributions, distribute campaign material, or display a campaign sticker support-ing a political party or candidate on yourself or your automobile.

If you are concerned about the legality of a particular activity, you should contact your supervisor or call the Human Resources Division prior to participation. Partici-pation in prohibited political activities will subject state employees to disciplinary action by the State Civil Service Commission.


Since you are in a position of public trust, the Code of Governmental Ethics prohib-its a public employee from soliciting or accepting, directly or indirectly, anything of economic values as a gift or gratuity from any person if the public servant knows, or reasonably should know, that the person making the gift or gratuity:

has or is seeking a contractual or business relationship with the public em-

ployee’s agency;

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To assist employees through periods of bereavement following the death of a rela-tive, employees with permanent or probational status may be granted up to two days of funeral leave to attend funeral services of immediate family members. Immediate family members include:



Mother/Stepmother/Grandchild (of employee)




Annual leave may be approved in accordance with normal policy to attend the ser-vices of other relatives and friends or to extend funeral leave beyond the allowed time. Contact your supervisor to request additional leave.

EDUCATIONAL LEAVE You may be granted educational leave with pay for attendance at an educational institution for a maximum of 30 days in one calendar year, provided the course is pertinent to your work, applied for in advance, does not adversely affect the opera-tions of the agency, and is approved by your appointing authority. Information is available in your Human Resources Division. MILITARY LEAVE If you are a permanent, probationary, or job appointment employee and a member of a Reserve Component of the Armed Forces of the United States, you shall be grant-ed military leave with pay not to exceed 15 working days in one calendar year, ex-cept that is shall be limited to 15 working days for each tour of duty. Advance notice must be given to the appointing authority by providing a copy of the military orders to report to duty, except when such notice is either precluded by military necessity or otherwise impossible or unreasonable. SPECIAL LEAVE You will be granted special leave to participate in a Civil Service examination on a regular work day not to exceed six examinations per year or to participate in a Li-censing Board Examination necessary to retain a position or for employment. Special leave will also be granted in cases of natural emergencies or local conditions such as civil disorders, floods, and hurricanes and closures authorized by the Governor or Department.

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You may request leave without pay after you have used all of your applicable annu-al and/or sick leave. When used in conjunction with annual leave, leave without pay must be requested in advance and granted only after annual and compensatory leave is exhausted. When used in conjunction with an illness, you may request leave without pay after you have exhausted all sick, hour-for-hour compensatory and annual leave. You may be required to provide a physician’s statement that includes the expected date of return. You may also request leave without pay for educational course work when paid educational leave is inapplicable


You may use accrued compensatory leave in the same manner as annual leave. It must be used before annual leave or leave without pay for purposes other than those to which sick leave applies. You may, at your option, request the use of ac-cumulated compensatory leave in lieu of sick leave. You may be required at any time, except for sick leave purposes, to take any or all accumulated compensatory leave. Upon termination of employment from SCLHSA, unused compensatory leave is paid.


All eligible employees of the Authority who are qualified may request leave for qual-ifying family and medical purposes. Your accumulated annual, compensatory or sick leave is to be used for this purpose. An eligible employee is an employee who has been employed by the State of Louisiana for at least twelve (12) months and has worked at least 1,250 hours in state service during the 12 months immedi-ately preceding the start of leave. An eligible employee shall be entitled to 12 weeks of FMLA during a 12 month period for one or more of the following circum-stances: for the birth of child, and to care for a newborn child; for adoption or foster care of a child; to care for the employee’s spouse, child, or parent with a serious health condition; for a serious health condition that makes the employee unable to perform the functions of his/her position. The right to take family and medical leave applies equally to male and female employees. A father, as well as a mother, can take leave for the birth, adoption, or foster care of a child. You may contact your supervisor or the Human Resources Division for more information.


You will be given time off, without loss of pay, for performing jury duty and for ap-pearing as a witness before a court, grand jury or a public body or commission, provided you are not the plaintiff or defendant or the appearance is not a result of previous non-State employment. You must furnish a copy of the court summons to your supervisor when requesting such leave. You will also be granted civil leave for performing emergency civilian duty.

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conducts activities regulated by the public employee’s agency; or

has substantial economic interests that may be substantially affected by the

performance or nonperformance of the public employee’s official duties.

There are some exceptions to this general rule based on the definition of a “thing of economic value”. Please check with your supervisor if you are not sure whether the gift or gratuity is a “thing of economic value.”


An employee who is presently engaged in, or who plans to engage in, outside em-ployment with any person or entity that derives revenue or financial aid from the Authority and/or is licensed or regulated by the Authority, must complete the Disclo-sure of Outside Employment form, and submit it to your appointing authority. The appointing authority shall submit the form to the Bureau of Legal Services who will determine if any advisory opinion from the Ethics Commission for Public Employ-ees should be obtained. If additional information is needed or an advisory opinion be obtained, you will be notified accordingly. Should you need additional infor-mation, please contact your supervisor or the Human Resources Division.


As in any organization, misunderstandings may arise between you and your super-visor or management. Through the Authority’s established grievance procedures, you will be given an opportunity to discuss your complaints with the appropriate personnel.


The policy of the Authority is to resolve employee problems at the lowest possible supervisory level and at the earliest possible opportunity after such problems are recognized. A grievance is defined as any disagreement between a supervisor and an employee, a complaint, or any alleged act of unfair treatment of an employee which has occurred while conducting the agency’s business.

A clearly defined policy has been established by the by the Authority to resolve employees’ grievances. The process involves several steps which an employee must follow, with established timetables for each step. Should you find it necessary to file a grievance, you should first discuss the situation with your supervisor. You may request a copy of the policy and filing form from your supervisor, or the Hu-man Resources Division. The final decision is not appealable to the Civil Service Commission.

Allegation of discrimination or harassment based on non-merit factors such as race, sex, national origin, age and disability should be pursued through the proper authorities as outlined in the SCLHSA Grievance Policy

Alleged violations of Civil Service Rules may be appealed in accordance with Chapter 13 of the Civil Service Rules.