ELECTRON TRANSPORT IN NANO DEVICES MATHEMATICAL INTRODUCTION AND PRECONDITIONING Olga Trichtchenko Master of Science Department of Mathematics and Statistics McGill University Montr´ eal, Qu´ ebec June 15, 2009 A thesis submitted to McGill University in partial fulfilment of the requirements of the degree of Master of Science c Olga Trichtchenko, 2009


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Olga Trichtchenko

Master of Science

Department of Mathematics and Statistics

McGill University

Montreal, Quebec

June 15, 2009

A thesis submitted to McGill University in partial fulfilment of therequirements of the degree of Master of Science

c© Olga Trichtchenko, 2009


I thank my supervisor and the students at both McGill and my temporary

home, SFU. I also thank my family and my friends for their support.



In this thesis we outline the mathematical principles behind density func-

tional theory, and describe the iterative Kohn-Sham formulation for compu-

tation of electronic density calculations in nano devices. The model for com-

putation of the density of electrons in such device is a non-linear eigenvalue

problem that is solved iteratively using the resolvent formalism. There are

several bottlenecks to this approach and we propose methods to resolve them.

This iterative method involves a matrix inversion. This matrix inversion is

called upon when calculating the Green’s function for a particular system, the

two-probe device. A method to speed up this calculation is to use a precondi-

tioning technique to accelerate the convergence of the iterative method. Tests

the existing algorithm for a one-dimensional system are presented. The results

indicate that these preconditioning methods reduce the condition number of

the matrices.



Dans cette these, nous presentons les principes mathematiques a la base de

la theorie de la fonctionnelle de la densite, et nous decrivons la formule Kohn-

Sham iterative pour le calcul des densites d’electron dans les composants nano-

electroniques. Le modele de densite electronique est un probleme de valeur-

propre non-lineaire que l’on resout de maniere iterative. Il y a plusieurs compli-

cations liees a cette technique et nous proposons des methodes pour y remedier.

On formule le systeme a l’aide du calcul de l’operateur hamiltonien dans une

base particuliere. Cette inversion de matrice est necessaire lors du calcul de

la fonction de Green pour le systeme en question: l’appareil a deux sondes.

Afin d’accelerer ce calcul, nous utilisons une technique de preconditionnement

basee sur la nature iterative du probleme. Nous presentons les resultats de nos

essais avec differents preconditionneurs. Ceux-ci indiquent que ces methodes

reduisent le nombre de conditionnement de notre matrice. Ce preconditionnement

est donc applique a des algorithmes d’inversion iteratives classiques tels que

la methode de Gauss-Seidel et la methode du residu minimal generalisee. En

effet, nous observons une reduction du nombre d’iterations necessaires pour le

calcul de la matrice inverse.



ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ii

ABSTRACT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii

RESUME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iv

LIST OF TABLES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii

LIST OF FIGURES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . viii

1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

1.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

2 Density Functional Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

2.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52.2 The Hamiltonian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52.3 Density Functional Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62.4 Variational Principle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92.5 Full Energy Functional . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

2.5.1 Hartree Potential, UH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112.5.2 Exchange-Correlation Potential, UXC . . . . . . . . 12

2.6 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

3 Green’s Functions and Density . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

3.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143.2 Green’s Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143.3 Density . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

3.3.1 Contour Integration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173.3.2 Integration Along Real Axis . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

3.4 General Formalism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213.5 Approximations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243.6 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

4 Two Probe Device . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

4.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 264.2 Infinite System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 264.3 Non-Equilibrium Eigenvalues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29


4.4 Total Density . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 314.4.1 Fermi Distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 314.4.2 Fermi-Dirac Statistics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

4.5 Self-Energies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 344.5.1 Inverse of Block Tridiagonal Matrix . . . . . . . . . 344.5.2 Inverse of a Hamiltonian for a Periodic Potential . . 374.5.3 Bloch Theorem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 384.5.4 Boundary Condition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

4.6 Spectra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 414.7 Discussion of Basis Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 444.8 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

5 Numerical Methods and Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

5.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 465.2 Kohn-Sham Equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

5.2.1 Schematic of the Solution Scheme . . . . . . . . . . 475.2.2 Bottlenecks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

5.3 Broyden’s Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 485.3.1 Convergence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

5.4 Gaussian Quadrature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 515.5 Pseudo-Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 515.6 Conditioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 535.7 Sample One-Dimensional System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54

5.7.1 Iterative Matrix Inversion Schemes . . . . . . . . . . 555.7.2 Some Notes on Inverses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 575.7.3 Preconditioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 585.7.4 Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59

5.8 Comments and Future Directions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 675.9 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67

6 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68

APPENDIX: Condition Numbers for Three-Dimensional System . . . . 70

REFERENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73



5–1 Given energy values, Ei for a sample one-dimensional system. 54



1–1 This is a scheme of the algorithm used. The two sets of greyarrows represent the two iterative steps. One iterative stepis inside the full algorithm over the iterative matrix inversionstep and the other showing that the full algorithm is repeateduntil self-consistency. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

3–1 The poles for GR lie in the lower half plane and are enclosed bythe contour Γ2 whereas the poles for GA lie in the upper halfcomplex plane and are enclosed by Γ1. . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

4–1 A diagram of a two probe device representing the atoms andtheir arrangement. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

4–2 A schematic diagram of the different regions which represent adevice with two leads of infinite length labelled LL and RR. 27

4–3 This figure represents the allowable energy states for a samplecrystal. The diagram on the left shows the energy bands forparticular points in Fourier space and the diagram on theright shows where these points are located in a crystal lattice. 31

4–4 This figure illustrates that depending on where the Fermi-energy level is, the inorganic material will have differentproperties. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

5–1 The sparsity of the Hamiltonian for a two-probe, one-dimensionaldevice where the size of the matrix is 696 by 696. . . . . . . 55

5–2 This figure illustrates the difference in the number of iterationsit takes to solve the linear system using Gauss-Seidel andGMRES methods with and without a preconditioner. TheGauss-Seidel is in red in the upper half of the figure, whereasGMRES is in the lower half in blue. The preconditioner usedwas G(E1)(1) and the stopping criteria was ‖x(k−1)−x(k)‖L2 ≤10−6 with preconditioned results shown using a solid line.For comparison, the dotted line is what happens whenno preconditioner is applied. Preconditioned inside meanspreconditioned inside the GMRES calculation. . . . . . . . 61


5–3 This figure illustrates the difference in the number of iterationsit takes to solve the linear system using Gauss-Seidel andGMRES methods with and without a preconditioner. TheGauss-Seidel is in red in the upper half of the figure, whereasGMRES is in the lower half in blue. The preconditioner usedwas G(E2)(1) and the stopping criteria was ‖x(k−1)−x(k)‖L2 ≤10−6 with preconditioned results shown using a solid line.For comparison, the dotted line is what happens whenno preconditioner is applied. Preconditioned inside meanspreconditioned inside the GMRES calculation. . . . . . . . . 62

5–4 This figure illustrates the difference in the number of iterationsit takes to solve the linear system using Gauss-Seidel andGMRES methods with and without a preconditioner. TheGauss-Seidel is in red in the upper half of the figure, whereasGMRES is in the lower half in blue. The preconditioner usedwas G(Ei)

(1) and the stopping criteria was ‖x(k−1)−x(k)‖L2 ≤10−6 with preconditioned results shown using a solid line.For comparison, the dotted line is what happens whenno preconditioner is applied. Preconditioned inside meanspreconditioned inside the GMRES calculation. . . . . . . . . 63

5–5 This figure illustrates the difference in the number of iterationsit takes to solve the linear system using Gauss-Seidel andGMRES methods with and without a preconditioner. TheGauss-Seidel is in red in the upper half of the figure, whereasGMRES is in the lower half in blue. The preconditionerused was G(Ei)

(k−1) and the stopping criteria was ‖x(k−1) −x(k)‖L2 ≤ 10−6 with preconditioned results are shown usinga solid line. For comparison, the dotted line is what happenswhen no preconditioner is applied. Preconditioned insidemeans preconditioned inside the GMRES calculation. . . . . 64

5–6 This figure illustrates the different condition numbers of ma-trices [EiS

(k) − H(k)]. Notice that the most successfulpreconditioning algorithms are the ones where the energyvalues of preconditioners coincide with the energy values ofthe iterates of [EiS

(k) −H(k)]. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65

5–7 This figure illustrates the different condition numbers for thetwo most successful preconditioning schemes. . . . . . . . . 66

6–1 Chosen Gaussian quadrature points for the integration of thesystem in three dimensions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72


6–2 Condition numbers of a sample two-probe device for eachcomputed Hamiltonian. Recall that H is a function of energyvalue in the complex plane, as well as the wave vector.The line divides two successive iterations of the Kohn-Shamschemes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72


CHAPTER 1Introduction

One learns early in an undergraduate program how to compute the en-

ergetic states of the hydrogen atom, but the generalization even to helium

is already time-consuming without approximations. How can this be gener-

alized even further to small scale devices in which there are many individual

molecules, atoms and electrons that each play important roles in the properties

of the system? Well, starting from density functional theory, this goal can be

achieved. Density functional theory is used to describe a many-body system,

accounting for every interaction and every contributing particle, by correctly

computing the electronic density [14]. From this, the electronic transport

through a nano device can be computed. In turn, the understanding of these

electronic properties leads to new applications for the devices for purposes like

early cancer detection and faster quantum computing that comprise the gen-

eral growing field of nanotechnology [1]. However, calculating the electronic

transport properties is no small feat. Starting from the work by Hohenberg and

Kohn in the 60s [9],[14] with additions by Sham a few years later [13], [12] and

currently, the ongoing work done by Prof. Hong Guo’s group at McGill [19],

[20] which motivated this thesis, a more complete theory and computational

scheme for electronic density calculations was formulated.

This thesis provides a review of some key physical and mathematical

concepts behind density functional theory and derivations of the Kohn-Sham

scheme to compute electronic density. This review includes physical intuition

as well as numerical algorithms involved in accomplishing the goal. Math-

ematically, density functional theory is a very rich field. Emphasizing the


techniques from numerical analysis in particular, density functional calcula-

tions use algorithms such as fixed point iteration, numerical eigenvalue solvers,

quadrature, weak formulation of partial differential equations, direct and iter-

ative matrix inversion schemes and last but not least, preconditioning. These

are only some of the techniques used in this ”ab-initio” method of modelling

nano-electronic devices. The main focus of this present work was to speed up

the matrix inversion algorithm currently invoked by introducing precondition-

ing schemes based on the iterative nature of the problem. These prove to be

successful in lowering the condition number of the matrix to be inverted and

reducing the iteration number in classical matrix iterative inversion schemes.

1.1 Overview

The layout of the thesis is as follows. Chapter 2 will introduce the reader

to basic concepts such as the Hamiltonian, the Schrodinger equation and vari-

ational principle to compute ground state density. It will outline the computa-

tional difficulties associated with the many-particle Hamiltonian and end with

the Kohn-Sham Hamiltonian based on the electronic density including terms

such as the Pade approximation of the exchange-correlation energy and the

Hartree potential computed by solving a Poisson equation for the particular

set-up as seen in [19].

The next chapter, will familiarize the reader with the method used to com-

pute the electronic density given a Hamiltonian. This is done by the Green’s

functional approach and contour integration. Some basic complex analysis will

be outlined to make the derivation self-contained. Special attention should be

paid to the fact that in matrix notation, the Green’s function is the inverse of

the Hamiltonian and the density is the projection onto the eigenbasis of the

Hamiltonian. This chapter contains a discussion on what happens when the

device gets more complicated.


The following chapter proceeds with the definition of the Hamiltonian ma-

trix for a device of particular interest, the two-probe device. Two algorithms

involving the Fourier transform and an iterative block tri-diagonal inverse are

also discussed in this chapter. The two-probe device has particular boundary

conditions which introduce an asymmetry in the Hamiltonian. The discus-

sion of the spectrum of the Hamiltonian and the physical intuition behind it,


The bottleneck of the scheme are shown to be in the change of basis and

the matrix inversion steps of the Kohn-Sham algorithm. Focussing on the ma-

trix inversion bottleneck, the thesis is concluded by Chapter 5 with a discussion

of the types of condition numbers seen in the particular examples provided by

Prof. Hong Guo’s group. Matrix inversion algorithms are discussed with focus

on their utility for the current model of electron transport. Some tables which

illustrate the speed of Gauss-Seidel and GMRES are included. Concluding

remarks follow in Chapter 6.

Note, since there are two iterative steps in the algorithm, a schematic

diagram representing them is shown in Figure 1–1. One iterative step is inside

the full algorithm and is invoked when a linear system is solved as represented

by a smaller set of elliptical arrows in the figure. The other shows that the

full algorithm to compute the electronic density is iterated over until self-

consistency is reached and this can be seen as the bigger set of grey arrows.







Figure 1–1: This is a scheme of the algorithm used. The two sets of greyarrows represent the two iterative steps. One iterative step is inside the fullalgorithm over the iterative matrix inversion step and the other showing thatthe full algorithm is repeated until self-consistency.


CHAPTER 2Density Functional Theory

2.1 Overview

The main goal of this chapter is to illustrate how, given a system with

many atoms and therefore many electrons, the total energy state of the system

represented by a Hamiltonian can be written in terms of the electronic density.

This is done by considering the Hohenberg-Kohn theorems [12], [9], that result

in a statement which says there exists a unique map between the Hamiltonian

and the electronic density. This Hamiltonian is written as a combination of

different potentials which account for the interactions between electrons and

the system, these being the Hartree, exchange-correlation and an external

contribution, as well as the kinetic energy. A discussion of the closed form of

these potentials then follows with concluding remarks about the difficulty of

the task of computing them.

2.2 The Hamiltonian

Before embarking on the discussion about the fundamental theories for

the model discussed throughout the thesis, it is important to review the con-

cept of the Hamiltonian, as used in quantum mechanics. The Hamiltonian,

often denoted as H, is an operator from L2 to L2 . For our purposes, its

eigenbasis corresponds to the wave functions of electrons, denoted as Ψ(x).

By construction, this Hamiltonian is also Hermitian in the L2 inner product.

That is, it can be diagonalized, i.e. has an orthonormal basis with the real

eigenvalues representing the quantized energy, ε, associated with the system.

This section will describe how to find a suitable form for the Hamiltonian H.


Since the Hamiltonian represents the total energy state of the system, it has

to contain the following information:

• kinetic energies of the electrons T ,

• interaction with an external potential V and

• Coulomb interactions U .

The many-electron Schrodinger equation summarizes the above in a form

shown in Equation 2.1, where x can be interpreted as a vector in R3 and N

refers to the number of electrons [14]

HΨ(x) =


− ~2

2m∇2i +


V (xi) +N∑i<j

U(xi, xj)

]Ψ(x) = εΨ(x). (2.1)

Equation 2.1 includes

T ≡N∑i

− ~2

2m∇2i , V ≡


V (xi) and U ≡N∑i<j

U(xi, xj).

Note that summing over N number of pairwise interactions can be an in-

tractable problem when the number of electrons in the system is close to

Avogadro’s number, N = 1023. This is where it is useful to introduce a few

simplifications and approximations to the problem and the concepts of Kohn,

Sham and Hohenberg can become handy in actually computing the state of a

many-electron system [14], [11], [12], [9].

2.3 Density Functional Theory

The main use of density functional theory is to simplify the interactions

encountered in the Schrodinger many-particle equation, Equation 2.1, by using

density to write down the expression for the Hamiltonian, H. In the past, it

has not been easy to predict the total state of a system which contains many

electrons because accounting for pairwise short and long range interactions is

a time and memory consuming task. However, another approach to take is to

obtain all the forces acting on a system from the electronic structure instead


of using the many-body system of equations. Density functional theory states

that if a density for a system is known (in this case the electronic density), there

exists a functional which will describe the total energy state of the system in

terms of that density. Once this total energy state of the system is computed,

there are a number of other interesting properties which can be derived from

this density such as the current passing through the system [3].

The basis of density functional theory relies on work by Hohenberg and

Kohn with later additions by Kohn and finally Sham [12]. The fundamental

theorem is given by Theorem 2.3.1. Once we know the density of the system,

the potential V can be calculated, or vice versa. In order to state and prove

this theorem, an energy functional must be introduced as

H[ρ] =


ρ(x)v[ρ](x)dx+ T [ρ] + Vext[ρ]. (2.2)

Here, the interaction term, U was replaced by a term, v[ρ](x), that depends

on electronic density, ρ

U(xi, xj)→∫



The other terms represent the kinetic energy , T , which remains the same and

a potential energy due to interactions with an external potential the system

is in, Vext[ρ]. Note that the electronic density has yet to be defined.

Theorem 2.3.1 (Hohenberg-Kohn Theorem 1). The electronic ground state

density, ρ, of an N electron system, in the presence of an external potential,

v[ρ], uniquely determines this potential [9].

Proof of Hohenberg-Kohn Theorem 1. Let ρ be a nondegenerate ground-state

density of N electrons in two different potentials, v1 and v2. Corresponding

to these potentials are two eigenvalue equations where Ψ1 and Ψ2 are two sets


of eigenstates and ε1, ε2 are two different sets of eigenvalues of energies.

H1Ψ1 = ε1Ψ1


H2Ψ2 = ε2Ψ2.

Using Equation 2.2, two separate equations involving the density ρ are derived

H1[ρ] =





2Ψ1(x)dx+ Vext[ρ],

H2[ρ] =





2Ψ2(x)dx+ Vext[ρ].

Since Ψ2 is the ground state for H2 and since it was assumed to be non-

degenerate, that means any other states have a different energy associated

with them, which will be higher than the ground state energy,

ε1 <




2Ψ2(x)dx+ Vext[ρ]

ε1 <ε2 +


(v1[ρ]− v2[ρ])ρdx (2.3)

and similarly, for a ground state Ψ2 (not necessarily non-degenerate, hence the


ε2 ≤ ε1 +


(v2[ρ]− v1[ρ])ρdx (2.4)

Adding Equations 2.3 and 2.4, this leads to a contradiction,

ε1 + ε2 < ε1 + ε2.

Thus, v1 ≡ v2 and therefore there exists only one potential which is defined

by the density ρ [12].


2.4 Variational Principle

If we are interested in computing the total energy of the N -electron sys-

tem, there are two ways of accomplishing the task. One is diagonalizing the

Hamiltonian in its matrix form, however this is complicated if the eigenbasis

is not known, and the other is by introducing a variational principle as done

by the second theorem of Hohenberg and Kohn, Theorem 2.4.1 which is based

on the Rayleigh-Ritz minimal principle [12].

Theorem 2.4.1 (Hohenberg-Kohn Theorem 2). Let H be a Hamiltonian and

ρ any electronic density, such that ρ ≥ 0 and∫

R3 ρ dx = N . Then the energy

of the ground state density, ρ, given by H[ρ], will be lower or equal to that of


H[ρ] ≤ H[ρ]. (2.5)

Outline of proof of Hohenberg-Kohn Theorem 2. The proof follows from The-

orem 2.3.1 since each density ρ determines its own potential v[ρ].

Taking into consideration the above theorem, the solution to the Schrodinger

equation, Equation 2.1, can now be written in variational form by using the

Rayleigh quotient which is also referred to as the Rayleigh-Ritz formula. The

smallest eigenvalue of H is given by Q[ρ]

Q[ρ] = minρ


. (2.6)

Minimization can be achieved by introducing the quantity ε, considered as a

Lagrange multiplier with units of energy, and finding the minimum of

E[ρ] ≡∫


[εΨ∗(x)Ψ(x)−Ψ∗(x)HΨ(x)] dx. (2.7)


2.5 Full Energy Functional

The underlying concept of the formulation is to assume there exist or-

thonormal wavefunctions ψi(x) which represent the eigenstates of the oper-

ator. These define the total energetic state of the Hamiltonian system, H.

The Schrodinger equation, Equation 2.8, can be interpreted as an eigenvalue

equation where H has N orthogonal eigenvectors,

Hψi = Eiψi. (2.8)

The Kohn-Sham scheme is the following. The density, ρ, can be defined in

terms of those wavefunctions ψi and their inner product as shown in Equation


ρ =N∑i=1

ψi(x)∗ψi(x). (2.9)

The Hamiltonian operator in the Schrodinger equation, Equation 2.8, can now

be written in terms of the density, ρ instead of an operator acting on ψi(x)

with Equation 2.9 defining a map between ψi and ρ.

Consider separating the contributions to the energy state of the Hamilto-

nian into the kinetic energy, TKS and the potential energy Utot functionals.

H[ρ] = TKS[ρ] + Utot[ρ] (2.10)

The kinetic energy term, TKS is defined as

TKS[ρ] = −1


∫(Ψ(x))∗∇2Ψ(x)dx. (2.11)

The kinetic energy, TKS of electrons is large where the density of electrons

is large. This follows by the Pauli exclusion principle since these electrons

must arrange themselves into momentum states by pairs of up and down spin.


The other condition for a high kinetic energy is where the gradient of the

wavefunction is large, by definition shown in Equation 2.11.

The beauty of the Kohn-Sham formalism is that it defines the electronic

density in terms of wavefunctions as shown in Equation 2.9, so that density

and wavefunctions have a direct relationship and the effective potential energy

functional, Utot can be written in terms of the electronic density, ρ. The

effective potential energy can be further decomposed into the contribution

due to the presence of ions (sometimes referred to as the external potential),

the Hartree potential and the exchange-correlation potential which is mainly

responsible for chemical reactions and bonds

Utot[ρ] = UH [ρ] + UXC [ρ] + Vext[ρ]. (2.12)

The individual contributions will be discussed further, except for the contri-

bution Vext. This latter potential energy will group all the energy terms which

have to do with the presence of an external potential and interactions with the

ions assuming that once they are calculated for a particular system, they will

not change depending on the density and eigenstates of the electrons, only on

their total number, N . Since the Kohn-Sham equations define unique maps

between potentials and density, the different energy functional contributions

will be discussed in terms of the potentials from which they are calculated as

done by Hong Guo’s group at McGill [19].

2.5.1 Hartree Potential, UH

The Hartree potential can be thought of as the Coulombic interaction

which is usually computed using Gauss’ Law. The Hartree electric potential


equation is obtained from solving the Poisson problem, Equation 2.13.∇2VH(x) = −4πρ in Ω,

VH(x) = Vbulk(x) on ∂Ω


where Vbulk(x) is some already known function available from a previous com-

putation and Ω is the region of the electronic system, in other words, the de-

vice region. Equation 2.13 can then be related to a potential energy through

integration of the density as

UH =

∫ρVH [ρ]dx. (2.14)

2.5.2 Exchange-Correlation Potential, UXC

The potential for the exchange correlation contribution can be written as

shown in Equation 2.15, in terms of a variation of the exchange-correlation

energy, UXC

VXC =δUXC [ρ]

δρ. (2.15)

The exchange correlation functional is obtained by using Pade’s approxima-

tion, or in other words, a quotient of polynomials with coefficients determined

from fitting to experimental data.

UXC [ρ0] = −ρ0a0 + a1rs + a2r

2s + a3r


b1rs + b2r2s + b3r3

s + b4r4s

, (2.16)


rs =




and coefficients are given as: a0 = 0.458165293, a1 = 2.217058676, a2 =

0.74055173, a3 = 0.019682278, b1 = 1.0, b2 = 4.504130959, b3 = 1.110667363,

b4 = 0.23592917 [19]. This contribution to the potential is phenomenologically



2.6 Summary

To summarize, given an exact form for the potential, v[ρ], there exists

a unique electronic density, ρ corresponding to it. Using this concept, the

Hamiltonian, H, can then be written in the form of a field equation in terms of

the electronic density, ρ. As shown in this chapter, the total energy functional

then looks like

E[ρ] = −1





ρVH [ρ]dx ...

−ρ0a0 + a1rs + a2r

2s + a3r


b1rs + b2r2s + b3r3

s + b4r4s

+ Vext. (2.17)

The two contributions to note are the Hartree potential which is the solution

to a Poisson problem as shown in Equation 2.13, and the exchange correlation

contribution as shown in Equation 2.16. The Hartree potential correponds to

Coulombic interaction of electrons and is hard to calculate since it involves

the solution of a partial differential equation. The exchange-correlation is the

potential which explains bonding and is derived empirically. Using the vari-

ational of the energy functional, the Hamiltonian in the Kohn-Sham scheme

can then be written as

− ~2

2m∇2ψi(x) + v[ρ]ψi(x) = εiψi(x), (2.18)

with v[ρ] ≡ δE[ρ]ρ

. From this, electron transport in a particular device is a more

tractable problem.


CHAPTER 3Green’s Functions and Density

3.1 Overview

We are interested in a sum of all the occupied eigenstates of a Hamilto-

nian and the associated eigenvalues for further analysis of a specific device.

Instead of solving an eigenvalue equation, this chapter provides a summary of

work on the Green’s functional approach [19], [26]. These Green’s functions,

G, can be written down in matrix notation in a particular basis such as the

linear combination of atomic orbitals (LCAO), [19], and for different devices

[3]. In order to compute the electronic density, ρ, calculus of residues is used,

[25] [23], and a contour integral of the Green’s function is performed in the

complex energy plane. This is reminiscent of the resolvent formalism and pro-

jections into the eigenbasis [2], which is mentioned in the chapter. Equilibrium

and non-equilibrium situations are examined and the causal Green’s function

is discussed [16], [10]. Starting from the concept of the Fermi distribution and

chemical potential as well as bound and excited states [14], [11], bounds on

equilibrium and non-equilibrium contributions are applied as in [20], complet-

ing the closed form of the electronic density.

3.2 Green’s Functions

In the previous chapter, we saw the introduction of the energy functional

as in Equation 3.1

E[ρ] = ε


Ψ∗(x)Ψ(x)dx−H[ρ]. (3.1)

Equation 3.1 will be equivalent to the Schrodinger equation if E[ρ] ≡ 0, that

is, it is minimized. Equation 3.1 can be interpreted as a matrix equation so


that all the quantities are discrete. This can be done by writing the operator

H[ρ] as a matrix in some basis, H =∫

R3 Ψ∗HΨ. Defining S ≡∫

R3 Ψ∗Ψdr the

overlap matrix, the matrix equation would be

E[ρ] = εS −H.

It achieves a minimum, E[ρ] = 0, when the eigenvectors, Ψ of the Hamiltonian

are known, and the energy, ε is equivalent to the eigenvalues, εi. That also

means that S ≡ I. Noting that H is unitarily diagonalizable with the elements

of the diagonal matrix given by

ψ∗lHψi = εiψ∗l ψi = εiδli,

where ψi represent an element of the eigenbasis with ψ∗iψi = 1 and εi represents

the corresponding eigenvalue. Also, δli is the Kronicker delta and will be 1 if

l = i and 0 otherwise.

In order to solve the Schrodinger equation, Equation 2.1 in matrix nota-

tion, the eigenvalues, εi and eigenvectors, ψi need to be computed simultane-

ously. Recalling that neither the eigenvalues or the eigenvectors are known,

a matrix representation of the Hamiltonian written in another basis can be

derived. Introducing a change of coordinates, C which is a linear map from Ψ

to Φ as

ψi =∑j

cijφj and ψ∗l =∑k

φ∗k(cjk)∗, (3.2)

the Hamiltonian can be written in a new, complete basis where S is no

longer the identity matrix I. However, it is important to keep in mind that

this map C, is unknown. Substituting for ψi and its complex conjugate in

Equation 3.2, Equation 3.3 is obtained where it is important to note that




∗φ∗kφjcij = 1 ⇐⇒ l = i



ε(clk)∗φ∗kφjcij − (clk)∗φ∗kHφjcij = (ε− εi)δli. (3.3)


Hkj = φ∗kHφj


Skj = φ∗kφj,

as well as bringing (ε− εi) to the left-hand side of the equation, will yield


εSkj − Hkj


ε− εi= δli. (3.4)

We define, ∀i, j, k, the causal Green’s function, Gikj(ε), where for each

eigenenergy, εi its components are given by [23]

Gikj(ε) =


ε− εi. (3.5)

This leads to writing down the following


εSkj − Hkj

Gikj(ε) = 1. (3.6)

Rewriting the above as a matrix equation instead of a component equation

leads to

ES − H

G(E) = I (3.7)

The Green’s function has a singularity when E (a matrix with ε on the di-

agonals) is comprised of eigenvalues. Looking for where the Green’s function

diverges to ∞ (i.e. limε→εiGikj(ε) → δ(εi − ε)), will give an indication that

the Schrodinger equation has an eigenvalue at ε = εi. In the future, the tilde


notation will be dropped and note that if the basis functions were diagonal,

then S ≡ I.

3.3 Density

As done before for the Hamiltonian, the density, ρ, can be written in the

new basis, Φ, as well. Using the coordinate transformations, ψi =∑

j cijφj,


ρi = ψ∗iψi =∑jk


and denote, ρ, which would be the density in the new basis as

ρikj = c∗ikcij. (3.8)

Thus, the density in the old basis will simply be given by

ρ = Φ∗ρΦ.

Going back to component notation, the relationship between the Green’s func-

tion and the density can be derived using the calculus of residues and by ap-

plying the Sokhotsky-Weierstrass theorem [26], [22]. Thus, since the Green’s

function can be computed in the new basis, then even without knowing the

eigenbasis or the linear map C, an expression for the density can be derived.

3.3.1 Contour Integration

We can use the Laurent expansion of G about εi in order to approximate

the Green’s function near the singularity at εi

Gikj(ε) =


cn(ε− εi)n.

As ε→ εi, Gikj(ε) ≈

|c−1||(ε−εi)| . Since the density, ρ is defined as

ρi = limε→εi

(ε− εi)Gi(ε),


we see that

ρi = |c−1|.

where c−1 is the coefficient of the Laurent series which represents Gikj(ε). From

this, a definition for ρikj as a residue follows.

In general terms, let g(z) be analytic on a simple closed contour, C and

at all points interior to C except for a simple pole at z0, then the residue is

given by

Res[g(z), z0] =1



g(z)dz. (3.9)

Another property to note is that if g(z) is an analytic function except for a

singularity at z0 then the principle of deformation of contours, states

that the residue will not be dependent on the precise shape of C, i.e. all the

simple closed curves that contain the singularity of f(z) will lead to the same

value of the integral. If there exist many poles, zk for k = 1..n of an analytic

function (ie the function is meromorphic), then the residue theorem shown

in Equation 3.10 applies [25]




g(z)dz =N∑k=1

Res[g(z), zk]. (3.10)

It is then clear that the density can be computed by Equation 3.11 which

formulates ρikj as a contour integral of Gikj(ε) over a contour C enclosing the

i-th eigenvalue, εi

ρikj =1



Gikj(ε)dε. (3.11)

In matrix notation, using the fact that the Green’s function contains

more than one pole (or the Hamiltonian has more that one eigenvalue), εi, the


definition for the density given a Green’s function then becomes

ρ =1



G(E)dE, (3.12)

where the contour, C encloses all the poles [23].

3.3.2 Integration Along Real Axis

Implementing Equation 3.11 in a numerical scheme is still not that easy. It

is important to introduce another idea for evaluating functions at singularities.

Let z ∈ Ω, where the domain Ω is the ball B(0, R) with radius R centered

about 0. Let z be a radial coordinate. Then, for any integrable function

f(z) ∈ B(0, R) which is zero outside of the ball, i.e. f(z) = 0 for |z| > R, the

Sokhotsky-Weierstrass Formula is as seen in [26],[22]


∫ R



z ± iηdz = P

∫ R



zdz ∓ iπf(0). (3.13)

In Equation 3.13, P∫ f(z)

zdz, stands for Cauchy’s principal value de-

fined by Equation 3.14 [23]


∫ R



zdz = P

∫ ∞−∞


zdz = limη→0+

∫ −η−∞


zdz +

∫ ∞η





Suppose that all the eigenvalues, εi, are in the interval [Emin, Emax]. Then,

the Green’s function, G(ε) will have poles along the real axis in this interval.

Limits can be set for the definition of density in Equation 3.15. These have

a physical interpretation involving chemical potentials and scattering states

which will be discussed in a later section. Applying Sokhotsky-Weierstrass

will give the formula for an element of the density matrix shown in Equation



ρikj =1



∫ Emax



ε− εi − iηdε− limη→0+

∫ Emax



ε− εi + iηdε


To perform the above integrals, two more Green’s functions can be defined (in

matrix notation) as [3]

[ES −H − iη]GR(E) = I

and the other

[ES −H + iη]GA(E) = I

Writing everything in matrix notation gives

ρ = limη→0+



∫ Emax



dE. (3.16)

Numerically, integrating Equation 3.16 along the real line is not advan-

tageous. This is because the values of G along the axis, E, will be close to

singular since they are close to the values of GR/A(E) at the poles. This will

lead to computing a GR/A(E) which varies greatly depending on the value of

E and can lead to numerical errors. However, to compute the integrals in a

more stable fashion, recall that the poles of G are on the real axis, therefore

GA has poles in the upper half plane and GR has poles in the lower half plane


If GR/A is analytic in the upper/lower complex plane respectively, then∮C

GR/A(E)dE =

∫ Emax


GR/A(E)dE +


GR/A(E)dΓ = 0, (3.17)

where the above holds for any closed path Γ lying in the upper/lower com-

plex planes where GR/A are analytic and once again invokes Cauchy-Gorsat


−1.1 0 1.1−1.1





Figure 3–1: The poles for GR lie in the lower half plane and are enclosed bythe contour Γ2 whereas the poles for GA lie in the upper half complex planeand are enclosed by Γ1.

theorem. Therefore∫ Emax


GR/A(E)dE = −∫


GR/A(E)dΓ. (3.18)

Thus, Equation 3.18 gives the result that choosing a contour, Γ in the domain

where the respective Green’s functions are analytic, will allow the computation

of the integral over the real axis.

3.4 General Formalism

Hermitian matrices are normal. Normal matrices can be diagonalized, i.e.

a unitary matrix, X, containing eigenvectors, xi as columns and a matrix, Λ,

containing the associated eigenvalues, λi on the diagonals, can be found such


A = XΛX∗. (3.19)


Let Xi be a unitary matrix formed by i columns of X where

X∗iXi = Ii.

The eigenprojection, Pi, associated with the eigenvalues, λi, of a matrix A

can be defined by

Pi = XiX∗i

and the matrix diagonalization scheme as in Equation 3.19, can now be written

in terms of a matrix projection as

A =∑i

λiPi. (3.20)

It can now also be shown that the eigenprojection is given by the residues

of the resolvent, R(A, z) = (A − zI)−1, as shown in Equation 3.21 over the

simple, closed contour Γ which encloses the singularities of the resolvent [2]

P = − 1



R(A, z)dz. (3.21)

Proof. Proof of Equation 3.21

This is a special case of the proof for the contour integral shown in Equa-

tion 3.21. For the general case, see [2]. Let the algebraic multiplicity, the

number of repetitions of a certain eigenvalue λi, be mi, and the number of

distinct eigenvalues of a matrix A be d. To start off, recall that the resolvent

set of A, z ∈ res(A), is a set of all points for which (A− zI)−1 exists. Let Xi

be a matrix which is formed by mi column vectors associated with a specific

eigenvalue, λi. Also, defining a projection Pi onto the eigenspace associated

with λi, as

Pi = XiX∗i ,


then by the spectral theorem, the Hermitian matrix A can be decomposed into

A =d∑i


Recalling that if

A = XDX∗

where D = diagλ, then

A−1 = XD−1X∗

and also for a complex number, z

(A− zI)−1 = X(D − zI)−1X∗.

Thus, Pi as defined above, is also a spectral projection of (A − zI)−1 with

eigenvalues given by

λi = (λi − z)−1. (3.22)

Using Equation 3.22, the spectral decomposition of the resolvent, R(A, z), is

given by Equation 3.23

(A− zI)−1 =d∑i=1


λi − zPi (3.23)

Let Ck be a simple closed contour which isolates λk, then by the residue

theorem there are two cases such that



λi − z=

−2πi ⇐⇒ i = k

0 else.



− 1



(A− zI)−1dz = Pk (3.25)


In our case, the Green’s function, G, can be thought of as a resolvent

of the Hamiltonian operator H and the density, ρ, as the projection onto the

eigenspace of the operator.

3.5 Approximations

For the purposes of our work, the specific form of the Hamiltonian will not

be of concern. The only thing to note will be that since electronic configura-

tions and systems have many forces and therefore many energy contributions,

the form of the Hamiltonian will not usually be exact. That means there is

no guarantee of having ”nice” eigenvalues, or in other words, it might not be

diagonalizable. This is where the resolvent formalism becomes useful.

In the system particular to the density functional theory and the Kohn-

Sham formulation, the Hamiltonian is actually a function of the density. Since

the real density of the system is not known until the eigenstates are computed,

the Hamiltonian cannot be written down in the basis of eigenfunctions from the

start (chicken or egg scenario). Instead, it is written down in an approximate

basis and then refined with each iteration of a self-consistent loop until some

criteria is met. This can be viewed as a fixed point method.

How to compute a Hamiltonian given a density of the system is known.

That means given any guess for this density, the Hamiltonian can be written

down in that basis. This is where the matrix representation of the operator

will be used since it is easier to visualize.

3.6 Summary

This section has outlined how to go between the Hamiltonian, to the

computation of electronic density. This is done by the Green’s functional

approach. Since this will be used further, it is most useful to write the Green’s

function in matrix notation as

[ES −H]G = I.


From this, in order to calculate the electronic density, recall that it is given by

a sum over the inner product of the system’s N electrons with wavefunctions


ρ =N∑i


It can be shown that a density given by an integral over a contour around the

poles of the Green’s function

ρ =1



It was also shown that the above holds even when the eigenbasis is not known

by using any complete basis that has a linear map to the eigenbasis. The cor-

responding Green’s function and density in that basis can then be calculated.

Introducing proper extensions to the Green’s function into the complex plane

defined as

GR = G− iη


GA = (GR)∗ = G+ iη,

the contour integral can then be rewritten as an integral in the complex plane,

where the density will be given by

ρ =1



GR(E)dE −∫




This contour, Γ1 is then a contour in the upper half plane where we are assured

that there are no poles of GR, the retarded Green’s function, and Γ2 is in the

lower half plane where the advanced Green’s function, GA, will not have poles.

This helps in stabilizing the integration algorithm since we are now away from



CHAPTER 4Two Probe Device

4.1 Overview

Thus far, we know how to write down a Hamiltonian in terms of electronic

density in some given basis. We also know how to calculate a density given

a Hamiltonian via a Green’s functional approach. However, we have yet to

discuss what the devices are for which we are interested in calculating the

electronic density. The device of interest in our case, is the two probe device.

By considering interactions in different regions of the device, a Green’s function

in the form of a sparse matrix arises [19]. These two probe devices can be used

for circuitry as gate switches and molecular wires, [3]. Due to their usefulness,

they are discussed in detail in this chapter with an explicit derivation for

the form for a Green’s function motivated by Bloch theorem [14], [16], and a

recursive approach as seen in [24], [7], and [4]. The difference from that work,

will be that in our case, these Green’s functional calculations are done for a

device where the boundary conditions for the bulk potential are known as in

[19]. Doing this, will complete the picture of how to compute the electronic

density for two probe nano-device.

4.2 Infinite System

Suppose that we have the system that consists of atoms as shown in Figure

4–1. There is a molecule in the center (in this case C60, but could be others)

that connects on the left and right to some bulk material. This bulk material,

usually a metal, extends to infinity on either side and will be referred to as

the left and right lead. The region of interest will be the molecule with a

finite part of the bulk material on the left and on the right. For a schematic


Figure 4–1: A diagram of a two probe device representing the atoms and theirarrangement.

Figure 4–2: A schematic diagram of the different regions which represent adevice with two leads of infinite length labelled LL and RR.

diagram of the region of interest, see Figure 4–2 and the sections CL, CC and

CR. The left and right infinite leads are labelled by LL and RR respectively.

The full matrix for the Hamiltonian represented here as HFull, will consist

of submatrices representing the different regions in the device. If only the

neighbouring regions interact, the it will have the tridiagonal form. Following

the convention from Figure 4–2, the full matrix will lead to the expression as

HFull =




. (4.1)

The matrices describing the interaction with the leads are HCL and HCR and

since the device is symmetric, H∗LC = HCL and H∗RC = HCR.


Working in the orthonormal (S ≡ I), then the matrix equation for the

full Green’s function GFull is of the form

(EFull −HFull)GFull = I,

and in the expanded matrix notation, it is shown by Equation 4.2 as

EFull −HLL HLC 0


0 HRC EFull −HRR





I 0 0

0 I 0

0 0 I


The properties of interest are associated with the central device, so that

the only Green’s function needed is GCC . It can be calculated from only three

equations listed below

(EFull −HLL)GLC = 0, (4.3)

HCLGLC + (EFull −HCC)GCC +HCRGRC = 0, (4.4)

(EFull −HRR)GRC = 0. (4.5)

Solving for GRC and GLC using Equation 4.3 and 4.5 respectively and substi-

tuing into Equation 4.4, GCC is obtained

(EFull −HCC − ΣRR − ΣLL)GCC = I, (4.6)

where the definitions for ΣLL and ΣRR which are referred to as self-energies

of the left and right lead respectively, are given by

ΣLL = HCL[Efull −HLL]−1HLC , (4.7)


ΣRR = HCR[Efull −HRR]−1HRC . (4.8)

The effect of the leads can be seen as adding an extra energy contribution

to the overall Hamiltonian. Representing H = HCC+Σ where Σ = ΣRR+ΣLL,

then the effective Hamiltonian, H can once again be represented in a diagonal

form with shifted eigenvalues as written in Equation 4.9 [15]

Hψi = εiψi. (4.9)

4.3 Non-Equilibrium Eigenvalues

Now that we have described the Green’s function for the device of interest

which contains left and right infinite leads, an expression for density can be

written in the case where the leads affect the central device. Recall that

the effects of the leads is essentially an addition of an extra term, Σ to the

Hamitonian, H. In order to calculate the projection onto the eigenbasis, a

similar procedure as in the equilibrium case without the leads can be followed.

Defining a retarded Green’s function, GR to be

[ES −H − ΣR]GR = I, (4.10)

and its complex conjugate, the advanced Green’s function, GA, to be

[ES −H − ΣA]GA = I, (4.11)

with (ΣA)∗ = ΣR.

The electronic density can be calculated from the spectral function, A,

which is defined as

A = i(GR −GA).


Note that A can be re-written

A = i(GR(GA)−1GA − GR(GR)−1GA).

Grouping terms, get

A = iGR((GA)−1 − (GR)−1)GA.

Rewriting Equations 4.10 and 4.11 as

ES −H − ΣR = (GR)−1, (4.12)

ES −H − ΣA = (GA)−1, (4.13)

and then subtracting Equation 4.12 from Equation 4.13, we obtain

ΣR − ΣA = (GA)−1 − (GR)−1 = −iΓ,

where we introduced a new variable, Γ, which represents the different in the

energies between the leads [3]. The spectral function now becomes

A = GRΓGA ≡ −iG<.

In this case, G< is the Green’s function for an injection of charge. From this,

the density of states can be defined as

ρ =1


where the integral only has poles on the real line as shown before. It can be

computed by using Cauchy-Gorsat theorem and integrating along a path in the

complex plane as done for the equilibrium case when there are no semi-infinite

leads as in Chapter 3.


Figure 4–3: This figure represents the allowable energy states for a samplecrystal. The diagram on the left shows the energy bands for particular pointsin Fourier space and the diagram on the right shows where these points arelocated in a crystal lattice.

4.4 Total Density

4.4.1 Fermi Distribution

To better understand what the eigenstates of the Hamiltonian represent,

it is important to know the concept of Fermi-Dirac statistics. A solid can

be described in terms of the allowed and forbidden energy levels, or energy

bands that its electrons can be in. This band structure is due to the wave-

like behaviour of electrons which diffract from the crystal lattice structure of

a solid. It defines a solid’s electronic and optical properties and is shown on

the left in Figure 4–3 that depicts the bands of energy (in eV) as different

lines that depend on the position in the solid with positions labelled as Greek

letters on the x-axis. These positions are wave vectors (that is, they are Fourier

transforms of real space variables) and are shown for a simple crystal on the

right of the figure. Statistically speaking, the energy bands of a solid at a given

temperature are filled according to the Fermi-Dirac distribution. This gives a

way to average the behaviour of electrons to get an idea of the macroscopic

properties [14], [11].


4.4.2 Fermi-Dirac Statistics

Fermi-Dirac distributions are used to describe fermions (or particles with

half integer spin) such as electrons, (spin 1/2), that obey the Pauli exclusion

principle. It states that no more than one electron can exist in a specific

energy configuration or quantum state. The Fermi-Dirac distribution, labelled

as f(εi), describes the probability of state i with energy εi is

f(εi) =1

e(εi−µ)/kT + 1. (4.14)

Here, the chemical potential is µ, the temperature T and k is the Boltzmann

constant. The statistical distribution is valid only if the number of fermions

in the system is large enough so that the chemical potential µ does not change

if more electrons are added to the system. At temperature, T = 0 and for

energies less than the Fermi energy, all the states are occupied, f(εi) = 1,

while for energies greater than the Fermi energy, there are no electrons in those

states, f(εi) = 0.

The notion of an electronic chemical potential, Equation 4.15, is also

important. It is the functional derivative of the density functional with respect

to the electron density

µ(r) =




. (4.15)

Considering the particular form of the energy functional, the chemical poten-

tial is effectively the electrostatic potential experienced by the negative charges

present in the system. At the ground state density, the chemical potential is

constant and the electron density is at a steady state so the forces are all

balanced. The use of a chemical potential will become more evident when

examining the device with semi-infinite leads that we are interested in.


There are three categories of solids which can be identified based on their

energy band structure. These are classified according to the location of the

valence band and conduction band. The valence band represents the highest

ranges of energy at the zero temperature, which can be occupied by electrons

without being ejected. In organic compounds, this is equivalent to highest

occupied molecular orbital. This concept is equivalent to finding all bound

eigenstates of a Hamiltonian below the Fermi energy. On the other hand, the

conduction band, or the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital is the

lowest energy level that free electrons can achieve which is above the Fermi-

level. For inorganic compounds, the different energy levels are illustrated in

Figure 4–4. Three types of inorganic solids can be identified

1. Metals: where the conduction band and valence band overlap.

2. Semi-conductors: where the conduction band and valence bands are sep-

arated by a small gap.

3. Insulators: where the conduction band and valence bands are separated

by a large gap which is rarely traversed so that electrons cannot be

ejected from the material and therefore the material cannot have induced


Having this knowledge, the full computation for an electronic density will

now require the idea of the Fermi energy and chemical potential. Recall that

ρneq =


G<(E)dE (4.16)

where now, the energy for left and right leads will incorporate the Fermi-Dirac


G<(E) = GRΣ<[fLL(E), fRR(E)]GA (4.17)


Figure 4–4: This figure illustrates that depending on where the Fermi-energylevel is, the inorganic material will have different properties.


Σ<[fLL(E), fRR(E)] = −2iIm[fLLΣLL + fRRΣRR].

The Fermi distribution function, f(E) and it’s representation will not be dis-

cussed in great detail and mentioned for completeness. For a reference, see

[19] or [20].

4.5 Self-Energies

in this section, we will outline how to compute the contributions to the

Hamiltonian which arise from the semi-infinite leads. At first, the discussion

will outline how to compute a Green’s function, also known as the fundamental

solution, for an infinite domain. We then show how to construct the Green’s

function for the semi-infinite domain. We derive a series representation for

the Green’s function for the semi-infinite leads.. This will be done in order to

write a closed form for the Green’s function of the central region.

4.5.1 Inverse of Block Tridiagonal Matrix

We will show a derivation for a formula for computing the inverse of a

tridiagonal matrix using a recursion relation. We start from an example from


[7]. Suppose we are interested in solving for Gfull in

HfullGfull = I,

where Hfull is a block tridiagonal matrix. Moreover, let the blocks satisfy

Hij = H∗ji, then

H11 H12 0 0

H∗12 H22 H23 0

0 H∗23 H33 H34

0 0 H∗34 H44

G11 G12 G13 G14

G21 G22 G23 G24

G31 G32 G33 G34

G41 G42 G43 G44


I 0 0 0

0 I 0 0

0 0 I 0

0 0 0 I

. (4.18)

Equation 4.18 represents a system of linear equations, four of which are shown

in Equation 4.19.

H11G11 + H12G21 = I

H∗12G11 + H22G21 + H23G31 = 0

H∗23G21 + H33G31 + H34G41 = 0

H∗34G31 + H44G41 = 0. (4.19)

Introducing γ, a matrix defined by

γ+4 = 0

γ+3 = H34[H44 − γ+

4 ]−1H∗34

γ+2 = H23[H33 − γ+

3 ]−1H∗23

γ+1 = H12[H22 − γ+

2 ]−1H∗12, (4.20)


γ−1 = 0

γ−2 = H∗12[H11 − γ−1 ]−1H12

γ−3 = H∗23[H22 − γ−2 ]−1H23

γ−4 = H∗34[H33 − γ−3 ]−1H34. (4.21)

Solving the systems of equations in Equation 4.19 as follows,

G41 =− [H44 − γ+4 ]−1H∗34G31

G31 =− [H33 − γ+3 ]−1H∗23G21

G21 =− [H22 − γ+2 ]−1H∗12G11

G11 = [H11 − γ+1 − γ−1 ]−1. (4.22)

Notice that the Gij block is defined recursively. Following the logic of a system

with 4 by 4 blocks, the formula for a block tridiagonal matrix of any size can

be derived

Gii = [Hii − γ+i − γ−i ]−1,

Gij =− [Hii − γ+i ]−1H∗i−1,iGi−1,j, ∀ i > j

Gij =− [Hii − γ−i ]−1Hi+1,iGi+1,j, ∀ i < j (4.23)


γ+i = Hi,i+1[Hii − γi+1]−1H∗i,i+1 and

γ−i = H∗i−1,i[Hii − γi−1]−1Hi−1,i. (4.24)

The set of Equations 4.23 is a recursive relation which provides the blocks

comprising the full Green’s function, Gfull. It should be noted that γ−i =

(γ+i )∗. Also, in order to solve the above recursive form, a boundary condition

for γ±i should be assigned in order to compute them uniquely. For example,


in the system of 4 by 4 matrix blocks, the conditions were set to 0, i.e.

γ+4 = 0 and γ−1 = 0.

From this comes the formula which states the dependence of the Green’s func-

tion at i+ 1 (or i− 1) on the one at i as shown in Equation 4.25

Gi,i = γ+i + γ+

i Gi−1,i−1γ+i

Gi,i = γ−i + γ−i Gi+1,i+1γ−i (4.25)

4.5.2 Inverse of a Hamiltonian for a Periodic Potential

We now consider a bulk, periodic system. The Hamiltonian is a block-

tridiagonal, infinitely sized matrix with repeating rows as shown below

Hfull =

. . .

. . . H∗int H0 Hint 0 0 . . .

. . . 0 H∗int H0 Hint 0 . . .

. . . 0 0 H∗int H0 Hint . . .

. . .

. (4.26)

The above matrix is a simplified form of the general block tridiagonal

matrix considered in section 4.4.1. In other words

Hii = H0, ∀ i = 1, ...,∞


Hi,i+1 = H∗i+1,i = Hint, ∀ i = 1, ...,∞.


That means the recursive relations outlined in Equation 4.23 and Equa-

tion 4.25 are now simplified to look like

γ+ = H∗int[H0 − γ+]−1Hint

Gi+1,i+1 = γ+ + γ+Gi,iγ+, (4.27)

where it is still important to note that a boundary condition needs to be given

to solve for γ+.

4.5.3 Bloch Theorem

Instead of going about solving the system by introducing the recursive

relations, they can be uncoupled by taking note of the Bloch theorem which is

essentially described by performing a Fourier transform. Note that the matrix

Hfull is a Hermitian matrix. The Schrodinger equation

HfullΨfull = EΨfull,

can also be written in matrix form as shown in Equation 4.28.

. . .

. . . H∗int E −H0 Hint 0 0 . . .

. . . 0 H∗int E −H0 Hint 0 . . .

. . . 0 0 H∗int E −H0 Hint . . .

. . .






= 0. (4.28)

Equation 4.28 consists of infinitely many coupled linear systems, one of which

is shown in Equation 4.29

H∗intΨl−1 + (E −H0) Ψl +HintΨl+1 = 0. (4.29)

It would be difficult to solve for eigenstates Ψl, since there are infinitely many

coupled systems, however, the process can be simplified by a convenient ansatz


[4]. Assume

Ψl =∑n



Ψl−1 =∑n


Ψl+1 =∑n


We use this to uncouple Equation 4.30 to get



−in + (E −H0) +Hinteineinlφn = 0. (4.30)

Equation 4.30 is now the eigenvalue problem written in a different basis. For

ease, denote the Hamiltonian in brackets as

Heff (n) = H∗inte−in + (E −H0) +Hinte


As before, we define the Green’s function

Gkl(n) = (eink)∗[H(n)eff ]−1einl. (4.31)

We now need to represent Gkl in the original basis via

G∞kl =∑n

φ∗n(eink)∗[H(n)eff ]−1einlφn (4.32)

Equation 4.32 provides an explicit representation for the periodic infinite sys-

tem. In Equation 4.23, the Green’s function is computed recursively. These

two ideas can be combined to get a closed form for the Green’s function of a

periodic system for a semi-infinite lead which in turn will allow us to have a

closed form for GCC , the Green’s function for the central device.

4.5.4 Boundary Condition

Since we are interested in semi-infinite leads, we know that the Green’s

function must be zero at some z0 which is where the leads starts. In other


words, the fundamental solution is known and it is equivalent to the Green’s

function for an infinite matrix. However, the Green’s function for the semi-

infinite leads has to satisfy the zero boundary condition at one end of the lead

where it is connected to the central molecule. Finding this Green’s function,

is similar to the usual techniques in PDEs. Once again working in operator

notation, we are now looking for a function such that it satisfies Equation 4.33.H(z, z′)GLL(z, z′) = δ(z − z′) in Ω

GLL(z, z′) = 0 on ∂Ω,


where Ω is in the region of the full device. That is, we are looking to modify

the fundamental solution derived in Equation 4.32 to make sure that it is zero

on the boundary. In other words, the Green’s function for the left semi-infinite

lead, GLL will look like

GLL(z, z′) = G∞(z, z′)− γLL(z, z0), (4.34)

where γLL needs to be determined.

Using the recursion relation as in Equation 4.27, a Green’s function for the

semi-infinite lead, GLL can be computed from the general form of the Green’s

function for a block tridiagonal matrix, by realizing that the contribution from

the term which is on the boundary has to be zero. Let this term be the n+ 1

term at the boundary, z0, then

γLL(z, z0) =γ(z, z0)G∞n,n(z, z′)γ(z0, z′)

γLL(z, z0) ≡∑nl,nm


[H(nl)eff ]−1φnl

einm(z0−z′)φnm . (4.35)


The full Green’s function for a semi-infinite left lead will then be given

by Equation 4.36

GLL(z, z′) =∑nl


′)∗[H(nl)eff ]




′−z0))∗φ∗nl[H(nl)eff ]

−1φnleinm(z0−z)φnm . (4.36)

The Green’s function can be verified to satisfy the correct boundary conditions

for the left lead. Let z = z′ = z0 to see that

GLL(z0, z0) =∑nl

φ∗nl(einlz0)∗[H(nl)eff ]




[H(nl)eff ]−1φnl

einm(z0−z0)φnm .


φnleinm(z0−z0)φnm = φnl

φnm = δml

where γml is the Kronecker delta. We then arrive at

GLL(z0, z0) ≡ 0

A similar process is used for the right lead [19], [16]. Once we have a closed

form for GRR and GLL, these can now be substituted into Equations 4.7 and

4.8 for ΣLL and ΣRR. In turn, these can now be used to find GCC using

Equation 4.6.

4.6 Spectra

Let X be an operator in a Banach space with elements x and the identity

operator I. The resolvent, R(λ) is defined in Equation 4.37 where λ is a

complex number.

R(λ) = (λI − x)−1 (4.37)


The resolvent set is then the set of all λ in the resolvent. The spectrum,

σ(X) is the defined as the set of all λ in the complement of the resolvent set

as shown in Equation 4.38

σ(λ) ≡ C \R(λ) = λ ∈ C | λ /∈ R(λ). (4.38)

as in [5].

The Hamiltonian has a spectrum that can be grouped into three categories


1. The point spectrum: the spectrum of the operator, G that consists of

eigenvalues, λ, such that λI − H is not injective, i.e. the set of all the

eigenvalues is the point, or discrete spectrum. The eigenstates associated

with this spectrum correspond to bound states.

2. The continuous spectrum: the set of all numbers λ which are not in

the discrete eigenvalue set and those whose Range(λI −H) is dense.

3. The singular spectrum: the set of λ for which Range(λI −H) is not


For example, the Schrodinger equation for the hydrogen atom has both

a point and a continuous spectrum. The form of the Hamiltonian for this

particular system is

−∆ψ(r) +c

rψ(r) = λψ(r),

where c is a constant. It can be shown that λn = 1/n for integers n such that

0 < n < N with discrete eigenvalues λN ≤ ... ≤ λ1 ≤ 0. This s referred to

as the discrete spectrum. However, it can be seen that as r → ∞, then the

Schrodinger can be simplified to

−∆ψ(r) = λψ(r).


This has the solutions ψ(r) = e−ikr for |k|2 = λ. These solutions are valid for

all λ ∈ [0,∞) and the result is a continuous spectrum.

To emphasize, the point spectrum of a Hamiltonian has associated states

which are bound whereas the continuous spectrum corresponds to free states.

The electrons which contribute to the current in an electronic device, are

those electrons which are allowed to move around the device and thus have a

continuous spectrum. The energy for which bound states become free states,

corresponds to the energy which is above the highest eigenvalue in the point

spectrum of the Hamiltonian. This is eigenvalue is the Fermi energy.

Intuitively, we can now state that the total electron density, ρTOT , is the

sum of the equilibrium and non-equilibrium contributions,

ρTOT = ρeq + ρneq.

The non-equilibrium contribution to the density, ρneq, arises from having a flow

of electrons. If the leads that are part of the device of interest, have potential

difference ∆V , the electrons will flow in the device to try to compensate and

bring the system to equilibrium. This concept introduces natural bounds for

the integral which is used to compute ρneq as shown in Equation 4.39

ρneq =1

∫ Emax


G<(E)dE, (4.39)


Emin = min(µLL + VLL, µRR + VRR) and Emax = max(µLL + VLL, µRR + VRR)

and Emin and Emax correspond to Fermi levels of the right and left leads, RR

and LL. The rest of the contribution to the electronic density comes from the


equilibrium density, ρeq where the bounds are set by 0 and Emin [20].

ρeq =1


∫ Emin



dE ≡ − 1


∫ Emin


Im[GR(E)]dE. (4.40)

4.7 Discussion of Basis Functions

As previously seen in Chapter 3, in order to compute the Green’s function,

a Hamiltonian H, must be written in some complete basis φi

Hij = φ∗iHφj.

These basis functions should ideally be chosen such that the new Hamiltonian,

H, is a sparse matrix. This can be done by choosing those φi as the linear

combination of atomic orbital basis functions (LCAO). These are derived

from solving isolated atom equations and cutting off the functions at some

artificial barrier.

However, there is one problem with writing down the full problem in the

LCAO basis. That comes up when one is trying to compute the contributions

to the Hamiltonian as outlined in Equation 5.3 and solving the Poisson equa-

tion for the Hartree potential, Equation 2.13. The potential has a representa-

tion in the real basis, but the representation for the PDE and the associated

boundary conditions would be unclear in the LCAO basis. That means once

there is a guess for the electronic density, it must be converted from real space

to LCAO basis for the computations of the Green’s function and thus the

electronic density. After this, the form of the potential must be refined by

converting the electronic density to a real space density and then solving the

Hartree contribution to the potential. This is summarized in Equation 4.41

H → ρ→ ρ→ V → V → H. (4.41)


where ˜ represents the computations done in the LCAO basis and the ones

without it are the quantitites computed in the real basis, R3.

4.8 Summary

In this chapter, the Green’s function for a two-probe device is now given

in terms of self-energies of the leads, Σ as

GR = [Efull −H − ΣR]−1 = (GA)∗

The Green’s function due to injection of charge, G<, was introduced as

G< = GA −GR.

Also, definitions of the Fermi distributions and chemical potentials which al-

lowed the calculations of Emin and Emax as bounds for the integral used to

compute the non-equilibrum contribution to the density, ρneq where

ρneq =1

∫ Emax



Using several identities, ρeq can also be calculated as

ρeq = − 1


∫ Emin



After this, a closed form for the Green’s function was introduced by the use

of Bloch’s theorem and a recursive formula. This led to the definition seen in

Equation 4.36. Using that form of GLL and a similar form for GRR, these can

be substituted into the block tridiagonal matrix for the Green’s function as

seen in Equation 4.2. From this, the electronic density for the central region,

based on GCC can now be computed.


CHAPTER 5Numerical Methods and Results

5.1 Overview

So far, a complete overview of how to model a two probe nano-electronic

device has been laid out. This chapter will discuss how to compute the elec-

tronic density numerically. The method and code to compute electronic den-

sity was formulated by Dr. Hong Guo’s group at McGill university [19], [20]

and is described here. The difficulty of the computation is shown to be the

computation of the Green’s function at different energy values [19] for each it-

eration of the Kohn-Sham scheme. To alleviate this computational bottleneck,

a preconditioning method is presented. This method is based on the iterative

nature of the problem. As it is shown here, successful preconditioning lowers

the condition number. In turn, solving a linear system iteratively as described

in [21], [8], with preconditioning, is shown to lower the number of iterations


5.2 Kohn-Sham Equations

Recall from Chapter 2 that the total energy functional of the system can

be uniquely defined in terms of density as

E[ρ] =


v(x)ρ(x)dx+ T [ρ] + Vext[ρ]. (5.1)


Also recall that the density, ρ, is

ρ(x) =N∑i

|ψi(x)|2 with∫R3

ρ(x)dx =N. (5.2)

Thus, the Schrodinger was written as an eigenvalue problem

− ~2

2m∇2ψi(x) + veff (x)ψi(x) = εiψi(x), (5.3)

with veff calculated using

veff (x) = VH [ρ(x)] +δExc[ρ(x)]

δρ(x)+ Vext[ρ(x)]. (5.4)

It should be emphasized that knowing the correct exchange-correlation energy,

EXC , and thus the effective potential, veff , would lead to computing the exact

ground state density. However, since EXC is phenomenologically derived, we

can only ever have approximate ρ.

Equation 5.2 - 5.4 are the Kohn-Sham scheme.We emphasize that ψi and

ρ are interdependent and the Kohn-Sham scheme is a non-linear eigenvalue

problem. It can be solved iteratively, starting with an initial guess for the

electronic density and updating it as shown in the scheme in section 5.2.1.

5.2.1 Schematic of the Solution Scheme

1. Computation of density in LCAO basis via the Green’s functions:

ρTOT = − 1


∫ Emin


Im[GR(E)]dE +1

∫ Emax



2. Conversion of density into a basis in R3,

ρ = Φ∗ρΦ


3. Computation of the potential

V = VH + VXC


∇2VH ≡ −4πρ in Ω, subject to VH = Vbulk on ∂Ω


VXC = δ

[ρ4/3a1ρ+ a2ρ

2/3 + a3ρ1/3 + a4

b1ρ+ b2ρ2/3 + b3ρ1/3 + b4


4. Conversion of the above potential to LCAO basis

V = C∗V C

5. Finally, computation of H from V .

5.2.2 Bottlenecks

In the scheme outlined, there are two bottlenecks. One of them occurs at

step 1 and the other at step 2 and equivalently step 4. The first calculation

involves a matrix inversion in order to compute G and the other two steps

involve a conversion from one basis to another. This chapter deals with what

can be done to speed up the numerical inversion of the Hamiltonian, H, to

compute the Green’s function, G, in order to avoid that bottleneck.

5.3 Broyden’s Method

Broyden’s method is used to compute the solution to the self-consistent

set of Kohn-Sham equations. This method is a fixed point algorithm and is

sometimes referred to as a generalization of the secant method to a system

of equations from the general category of ”quasi Newton -Raphson” methods.

Broadly, to find a fixed point x for f(x), define a g(x) such that

g(x) ≡ f(x)− x.


At a fixed point, g(x) = 0. The derivation of the method starts from expanding

the given function, g(x) as a Taylor series up to the first derivative about x

g(x) ≈ g(x) + g′(x)(x− x) = 0,

and rearranging to find x

x ≈ x− g(x)


This yields to an iterative method. Let x0 be an initial guess, then for k =

0, 1, ..., n,

x(k+1) ≈ x(k) − g(x(k))


In one variable, perhaps the simplest way to approximate the derivative ap-

pearing on the right hand side is to use the secant method. In other words,

we use a finite difference approximation

g′(x(k)) ≈ g(x(k))− g(x(k−1)

x(k) − x(k−1).

Suppose we wish to solve a system of equations, G(x) = 0, where x(k) is a

vector quantity. The derivative in the approximation now becomes a Jacobian,

J(x(k)), leading to Newton’s method

x(k+1) ≈ x(k) − J(x(k))−1G(x(k)). (5.5)

When the system is nonlinear, the Jacobian is relatively costly to compute.

Broyden’s method introduces an approximation to the Jacobian and therefore,

the partial derivatives which appear in the Jacobian as shown in Equation 5.6

Jij(x) =∂Gi



The Jacobian required to update the initial guess, or J(x(0)) = J (0) can be

computed either analytically, or according to the secant method.

Jij(x(0)) ≈ Gi(x

(0) + ejh)−Gi(x(0))

h, (5.6)

where ej is the unit vector in the j-th direction and h is a small real number.

All the Jacobians for the successive iterates, or J (k), k ≥ 1 will be computed ac-

cording to the ”least-change secant approximation”. Thus, Broyden’s method


J (k) ≈ J (k−1) − G(x(k) − J (k−1)(x(k) − x(k−1))

||x(k) − x(k−1)||2||x(k) − x(k−1)||T , (5.7)

where ||.|| indicates the L2 norm and T indicates a transpose [17].

For our problem, there is an operator A : ρ → H[ρ] and B : H[ρ] → ρ.

We want to calculate the fixed point of B A.

5.3.1 Convergence

The criteria for terminating the self consistent loop, i.e. the criteria for

determining how good the guess for the electronic density, ρ, depends on

calculating three quantities

1. Density : the difference between the values of electronic density ρ be-

tween different iterations is measured until the L2-norm smaller than


||ρ(k−1) − ρ(k)||2 < 10−3.

2. Effective Potential : since the Hamiltonian is dependent on the electronic

density and the electronic density in turn depends on the Hamiltonian,

the difference between different iterates is also measured. Only the ef-

fective potential changes with each iteration, so only the Veff term is of


interest. The criteria for its convergence is also 10−3,

||V (k−1)eff − V (k)

eff ||2 < 10−3.

3. Band Structure Energy : Defining EBS ≡ Tr[ρH], the band structure

energy difference between successive iterates can also be compared and

used as a stopping criteria once its below 10−3.

5.4 Gaussian Quadrature

Since the numerical problem at hand is how to speed up the matrix in-

version that occurs when computing the Green’s function

G(E) = [ES −H − Σ]−1,

it is important to mention how many times this matrix inversion occurs. The

function that invokes the computation of G(E) calls the matrix inversion for

each energy, E because

ρ =


We use Gaussian quadrature to compute the contour integral with a summa-

tion of the function at specific values of E multiplied by a weight, w(Ei) as

shown in Equation 5.8 ∮G(E)dE ≈


wiG(Ei). (5.8)

5.5 Pseudo-Code

To understand how relevant it is to find a faster way of inverting the

matrices to compute G, it will be shown how frequently these matrices are

1 From now on, for ease, the tilde notation will be dropped. For example,G will now be written as G.


called within the numerical algorithm. As shown before, G(Ei) depends on

the Gaussian quadrature points, so it is computed n times. The density, ρ(k) is

then updated using the Broyden’s method which depends on the new Green’s

function and the previously calculated density, F(G(k)(Ei), ρ(k−1)). This is

outlined in Algorithm 1. This will be referred to as the one-dimensional case

since there was no computation which involved the Fourier transforms of the

infinite leads. The number of Gaussian quadrature points examined in this

system is 40.

Algorithm 1 One dimensional system

while convergence is not reached dofor i from 1 to n, the number of quadrature points doG(k)(Ei) = [EiS

(k) −H(k)]−1

end forρ(k) = F(


(k)(Ei), ρ(k−1))

k = k + 1end while

The three-dimensional algorithm involves a summation over wavevectors

since Bloch theorem for their computation was invoked. This means there

exists an extra for-loop as shown in Algorithm 2. The number of wavevectors

used in this model is 64. In total, there are then 2560 matrix inversions for

the computation of the electronic density per iteration of the self-consistent


Algorithm 2 Three dimensional system

while convergence is not reached dofor j from 1 to number of wavevectors do

for i from 1 to n, the number of quadrature points doG

(k)j (Ei) = [EiS

(k)j −H

(k)j ]−1

end forρ

(k)j = F(


(k)j (Ei), ρ

(k−1)j )

end forρ(k) = (

∑mj=1 ρ

(k)j )

k = k + 1end while


5.6 Conditioning

Recall that a well-conditioned function f(x), is one with the property

that all small perturbations of the data, x, lead to small changes of f(x). An

ill-conditioned problem is one where small perturbation of x leads to a large

change in f(x). If δx denotes a small perturbation of x and the corresponding

change in the δf where

δf = f(x+ δx)− f(x),

then the absolute condition number κ is defined as

κ = limδ→0sup‖δx‖≤δ‖δf‖‖δx‖

, (5.9)

where the norm ‖.‖ is taken to be the L2 norm for the duration of the chapter,

unless otherwise specified. Similarly, the relative condition number can be

defined as

κ = supδx



). (5.10)

In the context of linear systems, consider computing

Ax = b.

The relative condition number of the problem will be

κ = ‖A‖ ‖x‖‖Ax‖


Moreover, if A is an invertible matrix, then the condition number of A


κ ≤ ‖A‖‖A−1‖ (5.12)


Table 5–1: Given energy values, Ei for a sample one-dimensional system.

i Ei

1 −0.000149697867065979 + 0.0173024080601708i2 −0.0983151054208785 + 0.432393745199718i3 −0.734490875450673 + 0.964108347013472i4 −1.63487570292988 + 0.772614290464068i5 −1.98264415420533 + 0.185500582764808i

The notion of conditioning is important in order to see if the Kohn-Sham

scheme is accurate at each step of the algorithm where the guess for electronic

density is refined. Since the density depends on the integral of an inverse of

the Hamiltonian matrix, the condition number for that should be relatively

low so that we know the inverse is well-defined.

5.7 Sample One-Dimensional System

As previously described, the one-dimensional system does not involve

sampling over wavevectors, but does depends on the energy, Ei of the system.

Sample data with 5 given Hamiltonians, these being the 16th, 19th, 22nd, 25th

and 28th iterates of the self-consistent Kohn-Sham scheme, were given. Also

given, were 5 values of E on the complex plane for which the Green’s function

was computed as shown in Table 5–1. The size of the matrices was 696 by 696

with the sparsity pattern can be seen in Figure 5.7.

The methods considered for speeding up the computation of the direct

inverse are the following:

1. Using basic iterative methods

2. Using Krylov subspace methods

3. Preconditioning

A preconditioner was also applied in methods 1 and 2 to speed up their con-

vergence. In testing the algorithms, only the first column of the inverse was



Figure 5–1: The sparsity of the Hamiltonian for a two-probe, one-dimensionaldevice where the size of the matrix is 696 by 696.

5.7.1 Iterative Matrix Inversion Schemes

The current algorithm to invert matrices involved in computations of

electronic properties of the nano-device, uses Matlab’s ”inv” function. This

function is part of a package called ”LAPACK” which has a lengthy user’s

guide and for a summary, the description can be found in [21], so it will not

be outlined here. In this work, alternative methods for finding an inverse were

attempted. These were iterative schemes.The most common include

1. Gauss-Seidel and successive overrelaxation - for matrices that are either

diagonally dominant, or symmetric and positive definite.

2. GMRES - is used for non-Hermitian matrices.

Consider the system

Ax = b,

with A is an n by n complex valued square matrix and x, b ∈ Cn The matrix A

can be split up into an upper triangular matrix U , a lower triangular matrix,

L and a diagonal matrix, D.

A = D + U + L



Dx+ (L+ U)x = b.

Solving for x in the above leads to

x = D−1 [b− (L+ U)x] .

If the successive iterates of the elements of x are x(k), then the scheme can be

written as

x(k+1) = D−1[b− (L+ U)x(k)

], (5.13)

The result is known as the Jacobi method and it is iterated until self-

consistency is reached.

The Gauss-Seidel method takes advantage of the fact that in order to

compute x(k+1), some of the elements of x(k+1) are already known. This leads

to a modified scheme given by Equation 5.14 known as the Gauss-Seidel


x(k+1) = (D + L)−1 (b− Ux(k)). (5.14)

The above method can be improved by introducing a relaxation factor,

ω, that governs how much weight is put on the terms involving the previous

iterate and the current iterate as shown in Equation 5.15 as seen in [21],

(D + ωL)x(k+1) = (−ωU + (1− ω)D)x(k) + ωb. (5.15)

Equation 5.15 is referred to as successive overrelaxation. However, it must

be noted that the parameter ω is hard to predetermine.

Thus far, the methods outlined are some of the simplest and their use

is limited. The more common way to iteratively solve a linear system, is to

use the Generalized Minimal Residual method (GMRES). To explain the


method, the definition for the residual is needed

r = b− Ax. (5.16)

The idea behind the method is thus minimizing the residual at every itera-

tion. This method is more lengthy to describe, so instead for its derivation,

the book by Trefethen [21] is an excellent resource. Trying out the basic it-

erative methods proved to be successful. Gauss-Seidel converged without a

preconditioner, but in applying a preconditioner, it converged faster. This is

discussed in detail later on. Successive overrelaxation also converged, but the

optimal relaxation parameter is hard to find and in the tests performed, never

improved the convergence rate of Gauss-Seidel, these results are not shown.

5.7.2 Some Notes on Inverses

The criteria for the conjugate gradient method to converge, is that the

matrix is symmetric and positive definite. This is not met by the Hamilto-

nian matrices. MINRES also can’t be applied since the Hamiltonian with

the additions of self-energies is no longer Hermitian. However, the general-

ized minimal residual algorithm, GMRES, does work on the system. We used

GMRES without restarting.

In our case, if we want the full inverse, A−1, this can be computed by

knowing that if b is set to be a vector where only a particular element is 1 and

the rest are zero, for example b = (1, 0, . . . , 0)T ≡ e1, then the resulting x will

be the first column on the inverse. Then if only the second element of b is 1

and the rest are zero, the second column of A−1 is computed. Thus, the full

inverse can be obtained by varying the entries in b. This is derived by using

the fact that

AA−1 = I


and letting b be successive columns of the identity matrix. However, some of

the electron transport properties do not rely on the full inverse, but instead

on traces of the inverse (for details, see [3]). Thus, we want to iteratively solve

a linear system

[EiS(k) −H(k)]x(k) = ei (5.17)

with x(k) being a vector we want to compute and ei being a column vector

with only the i-th entry as 1 and the rest zero.

5.7.3 Preconditioning

Suppose we are trying to find a solution, x to the linear system

Ax = b.

If A is ill-conditioned, the inverse will be hard to compute. Introducing now a

matrix, M , also called a preconditioner, and multiplying both sides of the

original equation

M−1Ax = M−1b = c,

would lead to

x = [M−1A]−1c.

If the condition number of M−1A was now lower, then the system would be

faster to solve iteratively. The hard part is finding this matrix M , a pre-

conditioner to lower the condition number without many extra computational


For the particular system at hand, it is desired to find the Green’s function

for each iteration (k) of the self consistent loop of the Kohn-Sham scheme,

given by

G(k) = (ES −H(k) − Σ)−1. (5.18)


Label H(k) = ES−H(k)−Σ where this H(k) is previously calculated. In trying

to calculate the next iterate of the Green’s function, G(k+1), the previous iterate

G(k) can be used to make the matrix have a lower condition number. Since the

self-consistent iteration over the Green’s functions finds an inverse of a matrix

that is similar to the matrix in the previous step, their inverses at each step

(since we are interested in refining the electronic density at each step until

convergence) should also be similar. Thus,

G(k+1)H(k) ≈ I (5.19)

H(k+1)G(k) ≈ I. (5.20)

One method of preconditioning is then

G(k+1) = G(k)(H(k+1)G(k))−1. (5.21)

This means the matrix to be inverted when preconditioned with the previous

iterate’s inverse, will have a lower condition number. For iterative inversion

algorithms which are useful for large sparse matrices, this helps the schemes to

converge faster. Also, if we are only interested in computing specific columns

of the inverse, this will be even faster with an iterative linear solve for x(k) as

in Equation 5.17.

5.7.4 Results

The figures below summarize the number of iterations is takes to solve a

linear system for different preconditioning methods. There are four methods

for each scheme and the dotted line always represents the non-preconditioned

Gauss-Seidel (in red on the upper part of the graphs) and GMRES methods

(in blue on the lower part of the graphs) for comparison. The Gauss-Seidel

algorithm was written by us and Matlab’s ”GMRES” code with and without a

preconditioner was used. The dashed line for GMRES represents what happens


when the preconditioner was applied at each iteration of the iterative solver

and the solid line represents inverting a previously preconditioned matrix.

Only computation of the first column of the inverse, x(k) was done, as in

M−1[EiS(k) −H(k)]x(k) = M−1e1.

Tolerance for when the algorithm was assumed to have converged was set to

10−6. It represents the L2 norm of the difference between successive iterates

of the inverses generated by the iterative inverse algorithm

tolerance = ‖x(k−1) − x(k)‖ ≤ 10−6.

The preconditioner varied depending on the method and was always a previ-

ously calculated Green’s function, M−1 ≡ G.


List of methods to solve the linear system:

1. Using G(1)(E1) as a preconditioner.

1 6 11 16 21 250






Iterate of [EiS(k) − H(k)]


ber o

f Ite



to S



ear S



1 6 11 16 21 250






Iterate of [EiS(k) − H(k)]


ber o

f Ite



to S



ear S



preconditionedno preconditioner

preconditioned beforepreconditioned insideno preconditioner

Figure 5–2: This figure illustrates the difference in the number of iterations it

takes to solve the linear system using Gauss-Seidel and GMRES methods with

and without a preconditioner. The Gauss-Seidel is in red in the upper half of

the figure, whereas GMRES is in the lower half in blue. The preconditioner

used was G(E1)(1) and the stopping criteria was ‖x(k−1)− x(k)‖L2 ≤ 10−6 with

preconditioned results shown using a solid line. For comparison, the dotted

line is what happens when no preconditioner is applied. Preconditioned inside

means preconditioned inside the GMRES calculation.


2. Using G(1)(E2) as a preconditioner.

1 6 11 16 21 250






Iterate of [EiS(k) − H(k)]


ber o

f Ite



to S



ear S



1 6 11 16 21 250






Iterate of [EiS(k) − H(k)]


ber o

f Ite



to S



ear S



preconditionedno preconditioner

preconditioned beforepreconditioned insideno preconditioner

Figure 5–3: This figure illustrates the difference in the number of iterations it

takes to solve the linear system using Gauss-Seidel and GMRES methods with

and without a preconditioner. The Gauss-Seidel is in red in the upper half of

the figure, whereas GMRES is in the lower half in blue. The preconditioner

used was G(E2)(1) and the stopping criteria was ‖x(k−1)− x(k)‖L2 ≤ 10−6 with

preconditioned results shown using a solid line. For comparison, the dotted

line is what happens when no preconditioner is applied. Preconditioned inside

means preconditioned inside the GMRES calculation.


3. Using G(Ei)(1) as a preconditioner with energy values corresponding to

the same energy as the matrix to be inverted.

1 6 11 16 21 250






Iterate of [EiS(k) − H(k)]


ber o

f Ite



to S



ear S



1 6 11 16 21 250





Iterate of [EiS(k) − H(k)]


ber o

f Ite



to S



ear S



preconditionedno preconditioner

preconditioned beforepreconditioned insideno preconditioner

Figure 5–4: This figure illustrates the difference in the number of iterations it

takes to solve the linear system using Gauss-Seidel and GMRES methods with

and without a preconditioner. The Gauss-Seidel is in red in the upper half of

the figure, whereas GMRES is in the lower half in blue. The preconditioner

used was G(Ei)(1) and the stopping criteria was ‖x(k−1)− x(k)‖L2 ≤ 10−6 with

preconditioned results shown using a solid line. For comparison, the dotted

line is what happens when no preconditioner is applied. Preconditioned inside

means preconditioned inside the GMRES calculation.


4. Using the previously computed Green’s function from an iteration of

the self-consistent Kohn-Sham algorithm loop, G(Ei)(k−1) as a precondi-

tioner energy values corresponding to the same energy as the matrix to

be inverted.

1 6 11 16 200






Iterate of [EiS(k) − H(k)]


ber o

f Ite



to S



ear S



1 6 11 16 200





Iterate of [EiS(k) − H(k)]


ber o

f Ite



to S



ear S



preconditionedno preconditioner

preconditioned beforepreconditioned insideno preconditioner

Figure 5–5: This figure illustrates the difference in the number of iterations it

takes to solve the linear system using Gauss-Seidel and GMRES methods with

and without a preconditioner. The Gauss-Seidel is in red in the upper half of

the figure, whereas GMRES is in the lower half in blue. The preconditioner

used was G(Ei)(k−1) and the stopping criteria was ‖x(k−1) − x(k)‖L2 ≤ 10−6

with preconditioned results are shown using a solid line. For comparison, the

dotted line is what happens when no preconditioner is applied. Preconditioned

inside means preconditioned inside the GMRES calculation.


The condition numbers for the different methods are shown in Figure 5–6.

It is important to note that the condition numbers for matrices which had no

preconditioning and the matrices where the preconditioner was G(1)(E2) had

the same result. Also, these do not represent an absolute measure of how long

it takes to invert a matrix, however, they gives an indication nevertheless.

1 6 11 16 21 250







Iterate of [EiS(k)− H(k)]










no precond.

Figure 5–6: This figure illustrates the different condition numbers of matrices

[EiS(k)−H(k)]. Notice that the most successful preconditioning algorithms are

the ones where the energy values of preconditioners coincide with the energy

values of the iterates of [EiS(k) −H(k)].

Also, the preconditioners G(1)(Ei) and G(k−1)(Ei) produce really small

condition numbers and a new figure to show just how small these numbers

are, is shown in Figure 5–7. This figure shows that preconditioning is most

successful when the preconditioners have the same energy value as the linear


system since the energy is the greatest contribution to the condition number.

This is because depending on the energy, we can be closer to the eigenvalues

of the Hamiltonian and therefore closer to poles of the Green’s function. If

we were computing a Green’s function at the pole, the matrix would then be


1 6 11 16 21 251








Iterate of [EiS(k) − H(k)]







Figure 5–7: This figure illustrates the different condition numbers for the two

most successful preconditioning schemes.

2 In these figures, the vertical dotted lines represent the different iterationsof the self-consisten Kohn-Sham algorithm. The superscript k in H(k) and G(k)

represents the iteration number of the Kohn-Sham loop and corresponds toiterates 6, 11, 16 and 21. In between the dotted lines, the integration variable,Ei, is varied for i = 1, ..., 5.


5.8 Comments and Future Directions

It was shown that for a one-dimensional system, different preconditioning

schemes reduce the number of iterations required to solve a linear system

and these can be compared with the known solutions for the example shown.

However, the interesting application of this would be for three-dimensional

systems since in that case, it is not necessarily possible to compute a direct

inverse for the larger matrices. In the appendix, the condition numbers for

these larger systems can be seen. Unfortunately due to lack of computing

power and no sample data, the preconditioning strategies were not tested on

these matrices. This will be a subject for future work.

5.9 Summary

In this section, the numerical computation of the electronic density was

shown. In one-dimension, this is given by Algorithm 1 and in three-dimensions,

this is given by Algorithm 2. Both of these algorithms contain at least one ”for”

loop and a ”while” loop. That means a matrix inversion is done inside at least

two loops and this is time-consuming. Since not all entries of the electronic

density are needed, an iterative linear solver is suggested such as Gauss-Seidel

or GMRES. Successful preconditioners to speed up the iterative solvers are

also suggested such as using G(1)(Ei) and G(k−1)(Ei). This lowers the number

of iterations required to solve the system, speeding up the computation of

electronic density.


CHAPTER 6Conclusion

In this thesis, we have outlined the mathematical principles behind elec-

tronic density calculations for two-probe devices. At first, the principles of

density functional theory based on theorems by Hohenberg-Kohn [12], [9] were

explained, which led to the formulation of the problem using the Kohn-Sham

equations [13]. They were shown to have solutions that are iteratively com-

puted by the Green’s functional formalism. Using matrix notation, an explicit

equation for electronic density was derived, which required a contour integra-

tion of the Green’s function [23]. Numerically, this is a time-consuming step

which invokes a matrix inversion for each point on the contour integral. To

speed up the matrix inversion, preconditioning strategies were introduced for

iterative methods such as Gauss-Seidel and GMRES. These were tested on

supplied sample calculations and several iterates of the Kohn-Sham scheme

for a one-dimensional system. The result of the preconditioning strategies can

be summarizes as follows

• The condition number varies greatly depending on the energy, Ei.

• Preconditioning the current iterate, k, of the Hamiltonian, EiS(k)−H(k)

by the Green’s function from a previous, (k − 1) iteration, G(k−1)(Ei),

works to reduce the condition of the matrix [EiS(k) −H(k)]Gk−1(Ei) to

almost unity.

• Preconditioning lowers the number of iterations that a GMRES or Gauss-

Seidel needs to go through to converge.

Using the results of this work can lead to faster algorithms for the calculation

of electron transport. If the end goal is to calculate the electronic density,


then classic iterative matrix inversions of preconditioned matrices instead of

the currently used direct inversion currently emplyed [19] is strongly recom-

mended. For larger systems, this method of preconditioning can be coupled

to the already existing block diagonal inversion algorithms as in [15], [4] [24]

and [7] and used on three-dimensional systems. However, as it stands, this is

still a subject of future work.


APPENDIX: Condition Numbers for Three-Dimensional System


The condition numbers for a sample two-probe system were also exam-

ined. Once again, a plot of quadrature points is included in Figure 6–1. In

total there are 40 points with values ranging from 0 to −2.5 along the real axis

and with imaginary values ranging from 0 to 1.2. Figure 6–2 illustrates the

condition numbers of the Hamiltonian given an energy value, E and a wave

vector, k for the two-probe system. The wave vectors are 64 equally spaced

points on a square grid ranging from values of −3 to 3 on each side. The con-

dition numbers of the Hamiltonian range from 10 to just below 75. They are

seen to depend great only the energy value and the k-point, but not as much

on the iteration of the Kohn-Sham scheme. The line in Figure 6–2 represents

the end of one iteration of the Kohn-Sham scheme while each local lowest

point represents the end of each inner ”for” loop over the energy values (for

details refer to Algorithm 2). The greatest influence on the condition numbers

were the energy values, with the one closest to 0 making the Hamiltonian the

most ill-conditioned. The symmetric nature of the condition numbers due to

the regularity of wave vector sampling points can be seen by examining the

iterate of H near the 1280 value. The condition numbers of the Hamiltonian

about that axis are symmetric. Also, the condition numbers for energy values

away from E = 0 are very similar and can be considered low.


Figure 6–1: Chosen Gaussian quadrature points for the integration of thesystem in three dimensions.

Figure 6–2: Condition numbers of a sample two-probe device for each com-puted Hamiltonian. Recall that H is a function of energy value in the complexplane, as well as the wave vector. The line divides two successive iterations ofthe Kohn-Sham schemes.



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