Efffects of Physical Activities on Excretory System

Effects of Physical Activities on Excretory System

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Physical Education course for the Human Excretory System

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Page 1: Effects of Physical Activities on Excretory System

Efffects of Physical Activities on Excretory System

Page 2: Effects of Physical Activities on Excretory System

What are the functions ofthe Excretory System?

Get rid of wastes Eliminates useless by-products

excreted from cells Eradicates harmful chemical

build-ups Maintains a steady, balanced

chemical concentration

Page 3: Effects of Physical Activities on Excretory System

Parts of the Excretory System Only the organs specifically for the excretion process are considered a part of the excretory system.Urinary System

Respiratory SystemIntegumentary SystemLiver Large Intestine

Page 4: Effects of Physical Activities on Excretory System
Page 5: Effects of Physical Activities on Excretory System

Urinary System as a part of Excretory System

Urinary Bladder




Blood first passes through the renal artery

To the capillary formation called a glomerulus and is collected in the Bowman's capsule, which filters the blood from its contents—primarily wastes.This is the stage of Filtration.

WASTEWastes pass through the tubules to the pelvis of the kidney as urine. This is the stage of Reabsorption.

Urine passes through the ureters, stored in urinary bladder, then expelled through the urethra.

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Respiratory System as a part of Excretory System


O2 O2O2


Carbon dioxide are exhaled


Diffusing gaseous wastes, such as carbon dioxide, from the body organs as a normal part of respiration. LUNG


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Integumentary System as a part of Excretory System.

The skin contains sweat gland which produces sweat.. The salt helps evaporate the water, cooling off the skin.Sweat is excreted through sweat glands.

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Large Intestine as a part of Excretory System

A watery residue of indigestible food and digestive juices remains unabsorbed. This residue leaves the ileum of the small intestine and moves by peristalsis into the large intestine, where it spends 12 to 24 hours.

The large intestine moves its remaining contents toward the rectum, which stores solid wastes, until elimination.

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Liver as a part of Excretory System

Produce bile, a yellowish-brown liquid.

These are produced within the lobules.

Bile leaves the liver through a network of ducts and is transported to the gallbladder, which concentrates the bile.

Then, releases it into the small intestine. It contains salts necessary for the digestion of lipids, or fats.

Page 10: Effects of Physical Activities on Excretory System

How does Physical Activities

affects each part of

Excretory Systems?

Page 11: Effects of Physical Activities on Excretory System

How do Physical Activities affects the Excretory- Urinary System?

Urinary Bladder





There is a great reduction in renal blood flow. This drop in renal blood flow can be explained by the diversion of blood to the working muscles and the brain.

Because of the decrease in blood flow, the amount of fluid filtered by the kidneys also is reduced resulting in decreased liquid waste production.

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How do Physical Activities affects the Excretory- Respiratory System?

*When you do Physical Activities, much of the body's blood rushes to the muscles to help fuel the physical activity BLOOD*Then heart pumps increased volumes of blood.

BLOOD*This surging of blood often results in a need for more oxygen in the blood than is present, and thus the body's breathing rate increases.



More blood carrying oxygen means increase in production of Carbon dioxide to be exhaled.

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How does Physical Activities affects the Excretory- Integumentary System?The body must get rid of the heat produced by the physical activity, therefore heat is loss by evaporation of sweat.

There are more sweating in physical activities than not.

Page 14: Effects of Physical Activities on Excretory System

How does Physical Activities affects the Excretory- Large Intestine?Stimulates normal contractions in your intestines,proper digestion.

Reduces the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome and other similar conditions.

Proper Elimination of Solid Wastes.

Promote regular bowel movements

Page 15: Effects of Physical Activities on Excretory System

How does Physical Activities affects the Excretory- Liver?

Aerobic Activities

Speeding up delivery of oxygen to vital body organs, such as the liver.

Well Liver producing good bile.

Weight training

Reduces body fat

Reduces job for biles.