月   日 問1 次の文の( )内に適切な関係代名詞を入れなさい。 1 I have a brother ( ) is a pilot for an international airline. 2 Here is a book ( ) is full of pictures. 3 This is the man ( ) I asked the way yesterday. 4 A man ( ) name was John Smith came to see me. 5 This is all the money ( ) I have with me. 問2 次の各組の文を,関係代名詞を用いた1つの文に書きかえなさい。 1 The students are all my friends. They are talking over there. The students . 2 Is this the book ? You bought it yesterday. Is this the book ? 3 She is the actress. We saw her the other day. She is the actress . 4 The house was built ten years ago. Its roof is blue. The house . 問3 次の日本文に合うように,( )内の語句を並べかえて英文を完成しなさい。なお,文頭 にくる語も小文字で示してある。 1 私たちは,チームをコーチできる人が必要です。 ( our team / someone / coach / need / can / we / who ). . 2 私たちの心を打った歌があった。 ( a song / us / touched / was / there / which ). . 3 私が話をしていた女性たちは,近所の人たちです。 ( my neighbors / the women / to / was / are / talking / I / whom ). . 4 庭のとても美しい美術館が近いうちに開館します。 ( will open / is / garden / very beautiful / the art museum / whose ) soon. soon. 5 歴史はマークが唯一好きな科目だ。 ( Mark / subject / history / the only / likes / is / that ). . 問2 下線部⑵の具体例を3つ日本語で答えなさい。 問3 下線部Aを日本語になおしなさい。 問4 文中の( a )~( c )に入れるのに最も適切なものを,次のア~ウのうちからそ れぞれ一つずつ選び,記号で答えなさい。 ア the ideas found in ikebana have also had a powerful impact on daily life some very successful U.S. and European companies include these ideas in their designs of consumer products Japanese style also influences artists, designers, and creative professionals around the world 関係詞 1 1 16 ES21F00000-01

関係詞 D y y y Ô - learn-s.co.jp · design ideas, like wabi-sabi, mono no aware, and iki, became popular among artists and creative professionals around the world. yyJapanese

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Page 1: 関係詞 D y y y Ô - learn-s.co.jp · design ideas, like wabi-sabi, mono no aware, and iki, became popular among artists and creative professionals around the world. yyJapanese

文法 月   日

  問1 次の文の( )内に適切な関係代名詞を入れなさい。1 I have a brother (     ) is a pilot for an international airline.

2 Here is a book (     ) is full of pictures.

3 This is the man (     ) I asked the way yesterday.

4 A man (     ) name was John Smith came to see me.

5 This is all the money (     ) I have with me.

問2 次の各組の文を,関係代名詞を用いた1つの文に書きかえなさい。1 The students are all my friends. They are talking over there.

  The students .

2 Is this the book ? You bought it yesterday.

  Is this the book ?

3 She is the actress. We saw her the other day.

  She is the actress .

4 The house was built ten years ago. Its roof is blue.

  The house .

問 3 次の日本文に合うように,( )内の語句を並べかえて英文を完成しなさい。なお,文頭にくる語も小文字で示してある。

1 私たちは,チームをコーチできる人が必要です。  ( our team / someone / coach / need / can / we / who ).


2 私たちの心を打った歌があった。  ( a song / us / touched / was / there / which ).


3 私が話をしていた女性たちは,近所の人たちです。  ( my neighbors / the women / to / was / are / talking / I / whom ).


4 庭のとても美しい美術館が近いうちに開館します。  ( will open / is / garden / very beautiful / the art museum / whose ) soon.


5 歴史はマークが唯一好きな科目だ。  ( Mark / subject / history / the only / likes / is / that ).


問2  下線部⑵の具体例を3つ日本語で答えなさい。

  ・  ・  ・

問3 下線部Aを日本語になおしなさい。

問4  文中の( a )~( c )に入れるのに最も適切なものを,次のア~ウのうちからそれぞれ一つずつ選び,記号で答えなさい。

ア the ideas found in ikebana have also had a powerful impact on daily life

イ  some very successful U.S. and European companies include these ideas in their designs

of consumer products

ウ  Japanese style also influences artists, designers, and creative professionals around the


  ⒜  ⒝  ⒞



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問1 次の各文の( )内に入れるべき最も適当なものを下から選びなさい。

1 I have an aunt ( ) lives in the United States.

ア who イ whose ウ whom エ which

2 This is the hotel ( ) I visited last year.

ア which イ how ウ when エ where

3 A boy ( ) name was Ken broke the window.

ア who イ whose ウ whom エ which

4 This is all ( ) I know about it.

ア which イ that ウ what エ how

5 I will tell you ( ) he told me.

ア that イ who ウ what エ which

問2 次の各組の文がほぼ同じ意味になるように( )内に適切な語を入れなさい。

1 The girl in the short skirt is a good tennis player.

The girl ( ) is wearing the short skirt plays tennis well.

2 Jane has a dog which has white ears.

Jane has a dog ( ) ears are white.

3 China is a very big country with a long history.

China is a very big country ( ) ( ) a long history.

4 I have a friend. I often play catch with him.

I have a friend with ( ) I often play catch.

問3 次の日本文に合うように,( )内の語(句)を並べ換えて英文を完成しなさい。

1 ケンからもらったカメラが気に入っています。

I ( the camera, me, like, Ken, gave, which ).

2 この方が,彼女がうわさをしていた人です。

This is ( about, speaking, she, the man, was ).

3 どれでもいいから読みたい本を2冊選びなさい。

Choose ( any, books, to read, two, you, want ).

4 私の祖父は80歳を過ぎていますが,たいへん元気です。(コンマを用いること)

My grandfather, ( is, is, eighty, healthy, over, very, who ).

月   日文法

月   日





  次の英文を読んで,あとの問いに答えなさい 。

  Japan’s global influence can be seen in the popularity of its culture. Manga and anime are

obviously very popular. But ( a ).

  In particular, Japanese design ideas relating to simplicity are very popular outside of Japan.

Traditional arts like bonsai and ikebana create clean, simple shapes from nature. Therefore,

ikebana artists remove flower parts that hide these simple shapes. ⑴This reveals the clean,

simple beauty of flowers. In turn, similar ideas have influenced the appearance of ⑵many objects

in Japanese life. For example, the idea of wabi, or simple beauty, appears in Japanese food, home

design, and cooking tools.

  Outside of Japan, wabi and similar ideas of simplicity are called “*minimalism.” This was an

important artistic movement in Western countries starting in the late 1960s. Many Western artists

from this period were strongly influenced by Japanese design and Zen Buddhism. ATherefore,

they created paintings and sculptures based on simple shapes and lines. Similarly, architects and

home designers were influenced by minimalism and Japanese style. Since then, many Japanese

design ideas, like wabi-sabi, mono no aware, and iki, became popular among artists and creative

professionals around the world.

  Japanese ideas like wabi continue to have a strong influence today. For example, ( b ).

They have also copied Japanese packaging and gift-wrapping in their product boxes. These

companies are known around the world for their successful use of minimalism and Japanese


  The global influence of Japanese culture is very clear in anime and video games. However,

( c ). These ideas shape the appearance of homes and other items that people in many

countries use every day.



問1  下線部⑴は何を指すか,日本語で答えなさい。

読解関係詞 わび

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問1 次の各文の中に,( )に与えられた関係副詞を入れるとすると,どの位置が最も


1 Friday 1 is the day 2 sailors do not like 3 to sail. (when) 〔 〕

2 There are 1 times 2 everyone 3 needs to be alone. (when) 〔 〕

3 Now 1 is the time 2 we have 3 to make a decision. (when) 〔 〕

4 I don’t like 1 to live in 2 a house 3 privacy is not protected. (where) 〔 〕

5 The cafeteria 1 we ate 2 lunch yesterday 3 wasn’t very good. (where) 〔 〕

6 The room 1 the wine 2 is kept 3 is below ground level. (where) 〔 〕

問2 各組の文が同じ意味になるように,( )に適切な関係副詞を入れなさい。そして,関


1I would like to visit the town in which I grew up.

I would like to visit the town ( ) I grew up.

2Do you remember the day on which the spacecraft landed on the moon?

Do you remember the day ( ) the spacecraft landed on the moon?

3We are living in an age in which pollution has become a global problem.

We are living in an age ( ) pollution has become a global problem.

4This is the store at which we buy vegetables.

This is the store ( ) we buy vegetables.

月   日文法

問4  下線部⑶の理由を日本語で答えなさい。

問5  下線部⑷の理由を日本語で答えなさい。



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問1 次の( )内に適当な関係詞を入れなさい。

1 My sister has some books ( ) are written in Spanish.

2 Let’s find a river ( ) we can catch plenty of fish.

3 Father would often tell us about the days ( ) we were very young.

4 I’ll go to the town ( ) they call Everson.

5 They are the girls ( ) I handed the candies.

6 There was a time ( ) Nara was the capital of Japan.

7 Kyoto is the city ( ) my mother was born.

問2 先行詞に注意して次の文を訳しなさい。

1 The time will come when we can travel to the moon.

2 Kyoto is where my mother was born.

3 April is when school begins in Japan.

月   日文法 月   日





  次の英文を読んで,あとの問いに答えなさい。  People in many countries have begun using Japanese-style emoji. Recently, a popular U.S.

cellphone company started offering emoji. After that, it became more common for American

adults to use these cartoon symbols in text messages and e-mails. Since this phone is popular in

other countries, lots of people outside Japan are using emoji, too.

  Before ⑴this, many Americans used a smaller set of symbols called “⑵emoticons.” These

included cartoon hearts, smiling faces, and other simple images. The same English word, “emoticon,”

is used for symbols like :-) and ;-). These are created from letters and symbols on keyboards. In

the U.S., :-) and ;-) can mean “I’m happy,” “I’m telling a joke,” or lots of other things. The meaning

depends on the situation. Large sets of emoji, however, offer Americans many more choices.

  A Japanese phone company invented the first set of emoji in 1999. Before that, another Japanese

company let people add heart symbols to messages. At that time, people in Japan also used kaomoji

such as (-_-). Like U.S. emoticons, kaomoji combined letters and symbols from keyboards. Emoji

were much easier to create on cellphones. AThey also helped people show how they were feeling.

This is difficult to tell from short messages like “I’m 5 minutes late.” Emoji soon became popular

with teenagers. In turn, this helped the Japanese mobile phone culture grow faster than in other


  The first set of emoji included 176 symbols. Today, the standard set in the U.S. includes 840 symbols. Nevertheless, the most popular symbols are happy faces, hearts, and sad faces. In both

Japan and the U.S., ⑶adults are sometimes confused by how young people use emoji. This is

because there are so many different combinations. One writer even created a version of the classic

novel Moby Dick told with emoji. Groups of friends often develop special meanings for emoji.

Therefore, ⑷the same symbol can mean different things to different people.


問1  下線部Aを日本語になおしなさい。

問2  下線部⑴の this はどのような内容を指しているか。日本語で答えなさい。

問3 下線部⑵の emoticons はどのようにして作られるか。日本語で答えなさい。

読解関係詞 絵文字

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文法 月   日

  問1 次の英文の不定詞と同じ用法の不定詞を含む文を,下のア~オから選びなさい。1 It is good for the health to keep early hours. (   )

2 My grandmother lived to be ninety. (   )

3 He was happy to get a gold medal at the Olympics. (   )

4 Would you like something to drink ? (   )

5 We went to Kyoto to see some temples. (   )

  ア I was very surprised to hear that.

  イ What should I do to improve this sentence ?

  ウ What is the best way to learn English ?

  エ To speak French is difficult.

  オ He grew up to be a great pianist.

問2 次の各文の( )内から,最も適切なものを選びなさい。1 I don’t know ( how, what, why ) to use the new printer.

2 Have you decided ( who, where, what ) to go ?

3 My father told me ( not, to not, not to ) drive so fast.

4 I saw a boy ( to eat, eat, eaten ) sweets.

5 ( It, That, This ) is fun to travel abroad.

問 3 次の日本文に合うように,( )内の語句を並べかえて英文を完成しなさい。なお,文頭にくる語も小文字で示してある。

1 彼は二度と私に迷惑はかけないと約束した。  ( me / trouble / promised / not / again / to / he ).


2 彼は月面を歩いた最初の人だった。  ( the moon / man / walk / was / first / the / to / on / he ).


3 試合前に緊張するのは当然のことだ。  ( a match / natural / nervous / before / get / to / it’s ).


問3 本文の内容と一致するものを,次のア~カのうちから3つ選び,記号で答えなさい。  ア Computers and cellphones can translate every literary work.

  イ Travelers may offend native speakers with impolite questions.   ウ A phoneme is the smallest unit of sound in a word.

  エ Travelers don’t have to wait to get translations from phone companies.

  オ Cellphones are perfect; we can read foreign street signs and e-mail messages very clearly.

  カ We may travel to foreign countries without studying foreign languages.



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問1 次の各文の( )内に入れるべき最も適当なものを,下のア~エから1つずつ選


1 Mary went to the department store, ( ) she ?

ア did イ wasn’t ウ doesn’t エ didn’t

2 You were absent from school yesterday, ( ) you ?

ア didn’t イ wasn’t ウ weren’t エ were

3 Your sister doesn’t live in Nagoya, ( ) she ?

ア don’t イ does ウ doesn’t エ do

4 Tom won’t join our club, ( ) he ?

ア does イ was ウ will エ won’t

5 You have finished your homework, ( ) you ?

ア hasn’t イ have ウ didn’t エ haven’t

問2 次の英文の( )内に適当な1語を入れて,付加疑問文を作りなさい。

1 Mary has many books, ( ) ( ) ?

2 Your brother can swim, ( ) ( ) ?

3 Let’s go fishing, ( ) ( ) ?

4 Open the window, ( ) ( ) ?

5 The movie wasn’t interesting, ( ) ( ) ?

問3 次の英文を和訳しなさい。

1 She isn’t from Canada, is she ? ( )

2 Please tell me when your mother will arrive. ( )

3 She asked him why he did such a thing. ( )

問4 次の日本文に合うように,( )内の語を並べかえて英文を完成しなさい。

1 私は彼がいつ日本に来るかわからない。

I don’t know ( to / come / he / Japan / when / will ).

2 彼女がどこに住んでいるか知っていますか。Do you know ( she / lives / where ) ?

3 箱の中には何があるのかしら。I wonder (the / is / box / what / in ).

4 あなたがなぜ昨日学校に来なかったのかを教えてください。

Tell me ( come / didn’t / to / you / school / why ) yesterday.

月   日文法 月   日






  Travel to foreign countries used to be harder than it is today. It was more expensive, and

travelers had to do much more work. Unless a native speaker could help them, they had to learn

lots of foreign phrases. This ⑴( them / simple / ask / allowed / to / questions ) like “Where is the

airport ?” or “What is your name ?” Travelers brought books of these phrases on trips.

  Today, computers and cellphones can translate words and sentences from other languages.

Many travelers use these devices instead of foreign phrase books. Computer translations are not

perfect, but they have improved a lot in the last ten years. They work best with common phrases

like “Thank you.” It is much harder to translate complicated sentences from poems or novels. It

is also difficult to translate jokes. Social customs are also hard. So travelers may find it difficult

to ask questions in a way that is respectful of local customs.

  AOne of the biggest challenges is speech. In order to translate speech, computers must

analyze what travelers say in their native language. Computers break words down into smaller

sounds. These are called “phonemes.” Then they analyze how these sounds are usually

translated. After that, they play the correct sounds in the foreign language. Computers do not

“understand” languages like people do, but they translate speech quickly. When travelers use

their cellphones to translate, they speak to computers owned by phone companies. They usually

wait a few seconds for translations.

  Computer translations have made travel easier. It is still difficult to have a natural

conversation in a foreign language like German or Arabic. However, cellphones allow travelers

to translate simple phrases. They also have similar programs that read foreign street signs and

e-mail messages. These tools are not perfect. However, they are good enough in most situations.

In the future, travelers may no longer study foreign languages. Instead, they may let machines do

all the work.


問1  下線部⑴の語を適切に並べかえなさい。

  ( )

問2  下線部Aを日本語になおしなさい。

読解文の種類・文の構造 機械翻訳

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問 1 次の各文の( )内に入れるべき最も適当なものを選びなさい。

1 You can’t be ( ) careful when you drive a car.

ア very イ much ウ too

2 He is ( ) clever than his brother.

ア so イ less ウ much

3 We cannot ( ) laughing at his joke.

ア but イ help ウ without

4 His composition in English leaves ( ) to be desired.

ア nothing イ only ウ still

問 2 次の各文を( )内の指示に従って書き換えなさい。

1 Where does he live?

(do you know と組み合わせて間接疑問文に)

2 Who broke the window?

(do you think と組み合わせて間接疑問文に)

3 Some of them are kind but others are not.

(all of themを用いてほぼ同じ意味を表す文に)

問 3 次の日本文と同じ意味になるように,( )内に適切な語を入れなさい。

1 自分の子供を愛さない母親はいない。

There is no mother ( ) loves her child.

2 すべての生徒がスポーツが好きだとは限らない。

Not ( ) student likes sports.

3 「新しいテレビを買わなかったの」「いや,買ったよ」“Didn’t you buy a new TV set?” “( ), I ( ).”

4 魚釣りほど楽しいものはない。

( ) is more pleasant than fishing.

5 「その知らせは本当ですか」「残念ながらそうではないようです」

“Is the news true?” “I’m ( ) ( ).”

文法 月   日

問1 次の空欄に入れるのに最も適当なものを1つずつ選び,記号で答えなさい。

1 American teenagers ( ) 〔 〕

ア.can lead a lazy life with their friends during the summer holidays if they wish.

イ.can join a lot of summer camps, but some of them are so hard that they often lose


ウ.usually enjoy several different activities during one summer vacation.

エ.work hard to earn enough money to join summer camps or summer schools.

2 The man following Susan ( ) 〔 〕

ア.was her bodyguard, and Susan loved him very much.

イ.had a hobby of driving limousines.

ウ.was a Hollywood movie star.

エ.always protected her and piloted a helicopter for her when necessary.

3 Susan ( ) 〔 〕

ア.was always afraid of the man following her around and wanted a life without him.

イ.was from a very rich family, and I was little interested in her story.

ウ.had similar problems as normal children, though she was really rich.

エ.was quite excited when I told her of my everyday life.

問2 下線部1の exhaustedとほぼ同じ意味をもつ語を1つ選び,記号で答えなさい。

ア surprised イ excited ウ satisfied エ tired 〔 〕

問3 本文中の空所 (A)に入れるのに最も適当なものを1つ選び,記号で答えなさい。

ア.Anyway, I will never forgive the headmaster who had to stop this summer camp because

of his evil deeds.

イ.But I’m sure I won’t forget my impressions of the camp for a long time.

ウ.I would like to visit Bainbridge House again next summer to enjoy the special summer


エ.Susan, who is now living next door to me, also agreed to my opinion. 〔 〕



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