1 NORTHFIELD SCHOOL AND SPORTS COLLEGE | 1 EDUCATION EDITION Left: Gold Standard Sports College Right: Headteacher Craig Walker and members of the school council I n 2014, Northfield was judged to be Requires Improvement due to underperformance in a number of areas. To address this underperformance we decided to resist the temptation to focus exclusively upon Ofsted criteria and continue to be an outward-looking school providing opportunities for staff and student development within and beyond the classroom. Two years later, Ofsted’s judgement in July 2016 that Northfield School and Sports College was Good in all categories was validation of the school’s hard work and determination to address the issues outlined in the 2014 inspection. Central to this progress has been an ethos of active involvement from everyone in the drive for improvement. Ofsted’s comment that staff morale is outstanding reflects the school’s culture of creating a learning environment where everyone matters. The Investors in People Gold Award, achieved by only 2% of establishments, is a further validation of our partnership involving governors, staff, students and parents. That Northfield continues to be a very popular school receiving over 420 applications for its 270 places in each year is evidence of parental approval of the success of our ethos. Improved academic attainment The school’s intensive programme of student support and improved teaching and learning has led to considerable academic improvement. » Students’ 5+A*-C (including English and maths) has improved from 48% in 2013 to 65% » Three levels of improvement in English which has improved from 52% to 78% and in maths from 65% to 79% REPORT CARD » Headteacher: Craig Walker » School motto: Many Minds, One Heart » 11-16 Local Authority Comprehensive School » 1,362 students » 92 teachers » 105 support staff » 33.5% Disadvantaged students » 15% Special Educational Needs students » Strategic Partner of Campus Stockton Teaching Alliance » Provision for Visually and Hearing Impaired students Northfield School and Sports College

EDUCATION EDITION Northfield School and Sports College · 2017-09-14 · awarded Gold (Exemplary) status and by participating in NTC, Northfield’s own theatre company. Staff and

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Page 1: EDUCATION EDITION Northfield School and Sports College · 2017-09-14 · awarded Gold (Exemplary) status and by participating in NTC, Northfield’s own theatre company. Staff and



Left: Gold Standard Sports CollegeRight: Headteacher Craig Walker and members of the school councilIn 2014, Northfield was judged to be Requires Improvement

due to underperformance in a number of areas. To address this underperformance we decided to resist the temptation

to focus exclusively upon Ofsted criteria and continue to be an outward-looking school providing opportunities for staff and student development within and beyond the classroom.

Two years later, Ofsted’s judgement in July 2016 that Northfield School and Sports

College was Good in all categories was validation of the school’s hard work and

determination to address the issues outlined in the 2014 inspection. Central to this

progress has been an ethos of active involvement from everyone in the drive for

improvement. Ofsted’s comment that staff morale is outstanding reflects the school’s

culture of creating a learning environment where everyone matters. The Investors

in People Gold Award, achieved by only 2% of establishments, is a further validation

of our partnership involving governors, staff, students and parents. That Northfield

continues to be a very popular school receiving over 420 applications for its

270 places in each year is evidence of parental approval of the success of our ethos.

Improved academic attainment

The school’s intensive programme of student support and improved teaching and

learning has led to considerable academic improvement.

» Students’ 5+A*-C (including English and maths) has improved from 48% in 2013

to 65%

» Three levels of improvement in English which has improved from 52% to 78%

and in maths from 65% to 79%


» Headteacher: Craig Walker

» School motto: Many Minds, One Heart

» 11-16 Local Authority Comprehensive School

» 1,362 students

» 92 teachers

» 105 support staff

» 33.5% Disadvantaged students

» 15% Special Educational Needs students

» Strategic Partner of Campus Stockton Teaching Alliance

» Provision for Visually and Hearing Impaired students

Northfield School and Sports College

Page 2: EDUCATION EDITION Northfield School and Sports College · 2017-09-14 · awarded Gold (Exemplary) status and by participating in NTC, Northfield’s own theatre company. Staff and


Highlighting best practice


The disappointment of the 2014 Ofsted report motivated the school to develop various areas of excellence. We believed that the key to improvement lay in empowering staff and students.

Accordingly, to empower ambitious staff, an internal programme for aspiring middle leaders and senior leaders was introduced. Members of these groups were given ‘real’ issues to tackle and devise effective solutions. As a result, the school’s marking and assessment policies were revised and improved. Aspiring senior leaders worked closely with members of the Senior Leadership Team (SLT), shadowing them and working alongside them to gain an understanding of senior management. Both programmes have been developed, with staff at the school now leading the Campus Stockton Teaching Alliance’s Teacher of Excellence, Middle Leader of Excellence and Learning Support Assistant of Excellence programmes, providing training and support for teachers across the region.

Each year, two middle leaders have the opportunity of formally joining the school’s SLT for a year as Associate Assistant Headteachers.

All staff, including Learning Support Assistants, have autonomy in determining their professional development, choosing from a range of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) opportunities throughout the year that provide bespoke training opportunities. The school has moved from a culture of ‘closed classrooms’ to an ethos of shared practice. Good practice is shared through TeachMeet, Spirals of Enquiry and, most recently, the use of IRIS, a system allowing staff to film lessons for self- or peer-assessment as a means of improving teaching.

International links

One of the ways Northfield has developed as an outward-looking school is through adding an international element to our CPD programme. The school’s partnership with Whole Education culminated in a visit to the school by internationally acclaimed Canadian educationalists Judy Halbert and Linda Kaser who worked with over 130 staff to develop their expertise in teaching and educational research.

Furthermore, as part of our commitment to being an internationally outward-looking school we promote the moral and spiritual development of staff and students through our work as a Holocaust Education Lead School and as an Anne Frank Trust Ambassadors school.

Empowering students

We believe that the key to engaging our students and raising attainment also lies in providing them with opportunities to develop leadership skills and ‘grit and resilience’ within, and beyond, the classroom.

I cannot praise the school highly enough, I have absolute admiration for every teacher Sheerie Dunn, parent

“ “

Student Alex Chorlton-Wilson, Deputy Youth Member of Parliament for Stockton

Page 3: EDUCATION EDITION Northfield School and Sports College · 2017-09-14 · awarded Gold (Exemplary) status and by participating in NTC, Northfield’s own theatre company. Staff and



As a national flagship school for the

Duke of Edinburgh Award, each

year over 250 students succeed in

facing personal challenges to attain

their awards. Students also have

opportunities to develop their artistic,

performance and presentation skills

through participation in the schools

Artsmark programme which has been

awarded Gold (Exemplary) status and

by participating in NTC, Northfield’s

own theatre company.

Staff and student sporting excellence

Northfield School is proud of its

success as a Gold Award Sport

College. The school was placed in

the top 10 sporting state schools in

2016 by School Sports magazine for

the national and international success

of its students. The school has also

used sport to create a positive ethos

amongst its staff, several of whom

now coach and compete nationally

and internationally. To demonstrate

to students that staff can also rise to

the challenge all staff are encouraged

to participate in a number of sports

and each year take on a sporting

challenge. As a result, in 2015, the

staff came second nationally in the

education establishments category in

the Workplace Challenge. In 2016,

45 staff and governors completed

the Duke of Edinburgh Diamond

Award. Our 2017 challenge involves

24 members of staff competing in the

Yorkshire Marathon Relay, once again

demonstrating our commitment to

being a school that promotes grit and

reliance amongst its staff as well as

its students.

At Northfield, we have worked hard

to promote confidence and a ‘can

do’ culture amongst our students and

staff. Our vision has been to attain

success and validation through a wide

range of opportunities and awards at

the same time as improving academic

attainment and Ofsted judgements.

Staff and students have risen to the

challenge. Trusting in the quality of

all at Northfield and in our ethos of

‘Many Minds, One Heart’ has certainly

paid off.

We are very proud of our teaching staff who work tirelessly to provide our students with a first-class education Les Wadey, Chair of Governors

Artsmark Gold (Exemplary)

» R E C E N T A W A R D S

» Investors In People Gold Award

(June 2015)

» Holocaust Education Lead School


» Princess Diana Trust Awards

» Artsmark Gold (Exemplary)

» Sports College Gold Award

» Youth Sports Trust Young

Ambassadors school

» Anne Frank Trust Ambassadors


» Pearsons Teacher of the Year

Finalist 2014

» Top 10 state schools for sporting

success (School Sports magazine)

» Flagship School for the Duke of

Edinburgh Award