PB BI. rs STD srVSSTWWkMDÁT M.ftRî'TRÇ; 4. «nOJRg, IV JL DrjRISOBr* «. XEESE PEDPHIIT»r»S. WEBNfcS«JiVT, NOY. 18, OD* tkank-s wo ri** jV^fet -L.VTCJÎ ,tbr » walter of th«r> fia« Iris* "Pee»-.G«rs moclfened tw* week* Isaak. We SM trajy e^aviuoad tïat "S>!- emoa ut all kw gUrv" never had saok poWoes ai th-sae. - AMUi'/MOSi !'o".al.;i3s. BOOM ona waa amata to Io t-»»d "»y stealth, h M elandes'ânel/ lori ste»»u or «i*u¿ *a-»a*tor Öweo I Potatoes upon «ur table.- »ve weighed »w« of Ui8ra,-r-cm* WJii^a5d-fMr,-the »jUer three nound i. Fer the apprsheoaioo and. delire*}-., al J&is. effie*, yf the rndivid^afcwha-'p^etrei'eui thia? dark and aeoret nat, "Ve offir'ara,aiid»«n»« reward. -. -; .eT ev e-?- linn di wo. ~. . ' "D. R.'i>." nanda'ru-a 'L-roana ef beautiful tbroftd and says : " lic.-o is a triumph of dome.iic ingfcnnUy-añi'-iod.uetry of -waich yon mutt take particular notice." It tarot oat to ko thread spun'iroaTcolteii nö' corded-rolls ui*io with the fiie taper fingers and smooth palia «f a lady of .ur tow* ;-NUO who, nt "verily bul.uro, eua dc er ytUiDg-fruin the inUlúoUi*! and ornamental dowu to :uo pr:wtioal aud bamoly. -*> evy-j.- - * .ifïâî -A. Jftcaeut. Oct dram ii M last realized ! A lady; tba kindest of the kind, the most, thoughtful ef the V i -. o-, - thoughtful, jnd eort»Uily oue>f-the most ingeni¬ ous of knirter»,'b*a presented .ys witk-a pair oj bc an ti: ui f tone-' eu lured wooloo -gaohtleC»--smooth and iyi^motfieiL v The.gauhdet part ia.a pattern for all-kuitters. Wo ansero ber that our.thanks aie by uu means'an idle phrase. .i 7iSlUltW,»* ea» aiténtipu to' thu rery admirable artiol« sigíei ; P-uaarstx'; v .. .^ ; - ' ??^»-?------ Tho Vin itt y*u»citi»í¡. -."- TLo burning o;,thu drying room of tho Vaù dnao^Faefc-ry, (awys.the- Chuxluston UourUr) en Suh'iiay last, «uùangerûig tttro f*ol«ry build ins ititq!:, ütid oat|«i]ig a damage to the- proprietors, estimated, ai jj20,bvitl, has boen erroneously steted to .baye' occurred, at ro/iuitevdlo. Vuuaiu* ii sevural ui'les distaa-t "freie. Grnuitoriiie, ?s.L-d-'.hi Gr¿:.i-.c.»- lie Company have no cotiuecüou with ol interest in the Vaucluse Faclury, which is lb« pr:Tai« properly er J'imes J.iGregg. à Co. £*r Our young- friend Ila st TOMPKINS b'"S eui thasfka for an.Augusta paper of Tuesday morning - but we find no news ef importance therein. I»äy'i,otHp.tor yourbel'vea treasure* np on eaitó, wintro thieve.- brena: - Ibrougu autl »le»:l." (Vj? M'»nd»y Distil mere wa« enacted ia om t]t*Ky.tiie must-uiiscolianoeus and broadcast bur¬ glary; -Four, or uv«, places weie-foreibty antere«'. Uur wortky towusuiau, Jlr. KUMUNU--'PKNX, wai iee cu tel' «utterer by the raid. His store was broa en i.pee,.auti good»-.to a large amount wer* s'eddn; the box-ot aimee (ob, happy thief ¡J wbicb ornamented bis show-ease, wa« am-ug the thiegs a; propriatesL Hie trnnn't ! )ivor* " American citiaeus uf African descotrl" b.re bron Cuiomiued to jitil 'tpun nuepicioa. Next Week w~ wiil give Ute upshot ol mu mailer. Jr'iuunuial. We publish, la aaoiker tele um, the measures rec'mm?iiUed-\«*4>ne Coratry and Govern m. al, by toe ruprcenunyes ot ina eufiesest iiuvkit ol our bt^te, lately assemblai iu convention at Colum¬ bia. Inr-'* mear-uic* reprobate Uc Oare idea ol ispndiAtiou-direct or iudjreot. .- Uéi'errcd. \\'». have been compelled to defer nntil next wo-k the obituiry notices of Lieut. J. C. JUovz- c5* ----.^ ---- .- tit:.-., Corpl. IlKAKCtK aud W. -M. DHAN, and (¡Ser important crtielca Ee Thoughtful, Lititrnl, .Verciful. ATe hop« every one will 'read tho suborned simile bat cluquout appea* of the " c-outhr.rn Sir- tara! Aid äoeiciy ;" aud mat every eue will gire ii due ooartetoaliou nod that all will seuieuiSc: that Christ not ou.ly lett.the p»or "always wilt, wu,1' but rail-also : " luasmhch -as yo' heso done it unto one of the least ol these, yo have done it anio me.". TO THIS P fio PLI» OF SDiiSFiELO. - We.a>peai to your symp^tklos iu bena., cf the tbOeiive p'aor in y»ur tuiitsU We do sjl we cni.| Lot wiih-.iit mbo>y wo caunot uuulinue to relieve lue ¿rinditig necvaeitios, of UM j¡our fumtlitt^ whose utily means of eub<Weuce is thatdoluiul phiai.ee called noedlu mouey. We therefore ask i-iV; iu legiirytui'i thfc column; »«tao »ulutan- tt'tl assieUiOeu from- tLo»o who are tu ubi», and w.» trust uo 1..-.-3 abie than willing, to contribute tr help thom) whom L'brist's legacy Iea7ea " always With ut." SüLTHEUS SISTERS' AID S0CJE1X SttiSt, A few désertera re-cap tur ïd were executed * at Atlanta ou Friday last. Business is thriving all over the North under tue war dc-maadi, -bttt ev« ry thing ia JiO per' cent, higher"than fetal-ny. ?w^tfí? f \f 'j ... /9*r~ Ail the Northern reiurur indicate Urge lv«pi.blie.iu lusjurilies... Jiff According to No thurn papers there is but 'little excitement about tho cull fur three hundred ti-, u-'and moro mou. Large bounties bring uu- !<ie. ous'rccru'nd, but-the^ draft must ue resorted to i-i üuutfi places. .An armed farce wi. 1 pe obiigc-d U rxecute it. iii' G -v. V^nre has returned to Haleigh-frotu We>: IVvrik Carulma. Ile report* tuat cite Fed- etais nay* ueen drivcii- bSeit- to Te6oe-eeo> and 'that 'everylhiug ia iittiet iu that section uf the ¿?¡r Ino liuoxviile- Iii gistcr says Goscrai Jj.-ou baa been prumvted to a Liuatenaut (jtttt- al«hipr-for tuotiiojious ectvico. g^-.Mu-L«wia Pitchford, a c.tuen of White Oouu.y, Ga., Wae killed K«v, iid, white enduavor- lng to ar.cat tories io "ibat Section. Tories «nd bdi>ai«'haok«rs are CutsUutly uummilting depre¬ dations up' u loyal oitixeus in White county nd vicinity. . aîdtf Our :roopi throughout tho Mississippi De¬ partment »ru non' well- clothed, weil fed aud the b.i«t Mi spirits. %gr A Into loiter from Kuoxvllle to the North Bimi!..-' thxt tínrnsido liu'ts' great diùmiiLy in pr»' i»toau»g bis troops in fiast Tennessee, and an «rfinri is ta bo wade lo gel supplies tu Kusxviile, *-by river. X&>" It is n"w s^atod that only,about four hu-i- drcd ol ¿los.«'* and Hay's bçigadus were,captured 'during th« late anga'gemajit in' Vi»-irj^a. .'Tha rest hava-ebînéiu; lt ie aeid when they retrente*. trie order was giren to Matter, and oririb" man take care of blrnseif» und tLoy did co aa far u (hay w-re ¿bee).' v f^gr Coi Ja». II. Wltberspooti hu« been eleeltld a member el Congress from tbe t irst CongVeV- iiovii District, boatiug bia opponedt, Hon. J..tu yoQueen, 140 TOtdS. ^ 1 Hoi^iBg'th» Blockaile. - Tl»« eop*r»w*tf»ip--er rather projrosed copart¬ ner*, hi-.--i IHKeon thc a*-, ia« uco.-6i«,t> ?nd>.jLe> fjh»rp Yar*kot-Liaan ATToou-is a very auggnxvj liv« *T>"f¡*do in the history of th« «-sr. Tbi* sr hem« h¡..« bren brough r to ligHt, 'bu!, kow m«ny mere of a. similar charaoter «'rt YeîWâ"»! ö>> ranas»- ur* »7<B left^to-wcjee^e. Wc have »OCÄ cn'oejh hcrw»v«ir t- cpevin-o us that it is tim* «hi* Lluek- ode msoieg shonhi-.-bb stoppoáL We are-'iaell nigh satisfied tfeavit- is the root ei-a li eur úvi!e-r- and they are jua.iy. Tho p'yor. aro in" a*agor of bj-ia» »iarved; and as r«i riiiÍ*«t, wc shall smsa br- in the oouoili-^u cf Capi^Ji A^oTAerH Vvi-'Par,y whan xúá^«ked througk. Coventry, wku,, ii. «or. j uiuaiu.-y *«<rv«* uf. hii-i bat "a skirt end a'hali au->ñi5 thea." "Aa^ alt -tai* (ron. Biookad* rut.-' «ulng. Tan may not bu rory, apparent^ but it i> Dorcrtholoss true ; and wo think wo bau show it to bo HI- . l'a* obvt-jus and iin:u*-di»».to cause- of-'oar trou¬ ble* is tho depreciated »tate ot' our currency ; but wbeaee ovule* thisI d«prebutton ? Froin nu oror ¡?sae of Treasury h«t«*,'we shall-be told. This ie to a ocrtulu extent trite, but' it is only half th« tra th. Th ore-baa boen an oxc«*»ivo issue from Mr, M en a LU. ¿ pre»* beyond doubt.* But th" tlov»ti.ni<j».t ba« attomj>t«d to remedy ibi* evil by off« ring ts ncr c~.ni Bonus in m-rkei, and iqviiiag- iuo people to laud thotf Treasury NoUS. This 1J- weer lat* not been dun*-and why? Because 'of th* foreign trude camed OD by Blockade run¬ ner*; The pYefl'* of tki« irndo-and I hey huv* boob fabulous-aud th* e^teitemontv of_tbia »pcciiav of gambling kare employed a larg« portion ot the currtjucy of: tko eôuulfy."; Tho holders, ol Treasury note*-many of them-have found i: more proüusliLa w .-carry oa^ ttad*t,tbTQnghNtho blorkftdo than- Ui -invest their funds in Gover.imcut Bóud-, aíid hence these Bonds hilve not-been lakau, and tuc'tloutiiry is flooded with $5ÉO,"UÜU,- ÜiiU. Thi«.w.iXo roui caujc vi tao présent; high price* of food" «uti ehjthiug. Reduce the currency to a proper amount and the pi MM of those neces¬ saries wilt.aeon h.ad a rcajouauic- piaco. \\ u have nu )n«ni( of knowing,tbe-oxactauiouut of capital enja-rod tn thia blockade fuuning, bat Kc *ire >-it:sù«d that it ia'enörwnü*. We iucuUe in ibis eMimate ail thu cotton, tebaceo, au.I naval stört» purch.isc.it nitb tv view of running' the,blockade. á.-u.-»4-.-"iuiate may ..li«-: tunde ol tho "amount ol Ci. pl tu kt« iuvestfcd. when wo are loid thal $U-0,- 0011,1)1)0 aro KU tli eic ut for tho UgitimaU».t business '.r. the rounliy, and we ¿ad $500,000,000 in tit- nulatiou ; and ike holders *X these notes refusing to Tumi Ibeui in S-pereent- bonds, lt is evident fruin th otto facts that there- must 'he an enormous .'trade'going on eyoai:where wah Ticsury notes, « trade which prêtent* their being fm. d.d. This trade in no other than iuntiing tho Blockade. v .Let Congress put/a stop Lo tho running nf tho 0. e.-kudo by all pr iva U individuals, and wo anconi -sovu h»vu those Treasury uotea ali iumJ:a. \V« do not propose stopping the importation of foreign goads-»vc n a od thuin and they sb oui..» bf imported-but let the business he done exclusively by Government ships. piiváto individuals it is «aid will do tho basined* much better tbuu thc Government. Very true, *t» far as the interest ot these blockade .lUiiiicra themselves is concerned, but nut tor tho flitcreSt of lire (J oven, meet, ll tbia butiuais wa* tXclusiiuiy in thc hands of.the Government, it cculd clotho aud shoo .Ibo army run as good, if uot better, terms than it now docs d would cause thc capital now engaged in -blucka io ruanikg-to' bcdna-ealcd,.in Goferumeni Bonds ; and lieu the country woul l Li" relieved of its greatest danger. ' F-r tho Advrrti»<irT Ma. EDITOR : I ¿tu happy to slate thal the ad¬ journed meeting, Leia uti iLc 10th inst., to pro¬ vide Wood for thc aeody families of tho Villago the appro-telling wtnlor, was r.«ll attended hy tho;Village and vicinity, »nd a uvorab'e rcrpor.se gi »ca lo ibo ol j«ct. Tboro are now subscribed igbty-feur luaus of Wood, »nd $247 paid to pur- 1. aso rood; bêVJUec two persons have agrseil t-- furni-h ..ne ."amliy each with wood for thc wtutsr -aud a few moro to hear from. i JÜ¡í*;üU;E>VChKir. F-ir ihe A.lTertiser. Tho Edgj-'liold Village Aid Association is aux- ion! to ma ko .Hp a cox ol' boddiug (or tho nerdy Kdgetleid soldier», in Brigg's aruiy. A*y dona tion of Cott'.n, Cloth, h «lr-worn bed .spreads, Comfort*] Qaiité, or any other material to ossi.-t us i.n our effort, will bo loost tl-.itüli.ully'nioeived,. d duly. acku«.wlcd<«.h. Any pers.oa haring friends thora, and winking to send blankît* or other bedding tn lb «ci, eau hare a «paco iu our box for the purpose. Tho artlelo sent most be dirceted to thu individual it is intouded for. Mrs. ANN GR1FEO, Pres. Mrs. Wa. GeoiiMAa, See'ry. , FIT the Advertiser*. Tho Soutlierii átsters Aid Society tania groat pleasure in aeknowledgVig the following ilohe- tions : From Mr*. J. B. UriRin 10 gallon* Molas¬ ses and 50 lbs. of Flour ; From Col. Thomas G. Bacen. $50 ; From Gen. M. C. M. H»n.iiio«d, $¿>0. Wa are anxious to procure fuol, and ether arti- clo.» of nocessity for the nredy fa*flslTi*-t in this vicinity; but our Treasury boiug alu'»t empty, we mast-appeal to the generusity of tho friends of this enano, for their ttisistsnrc. We bepe te have from them, a hearty response, in the way of m'bey, provisions, ur woed. Mr*. LEWIS JONES", Pres. Mr*. JoSKi-n A BM Kr, See'ry. For the Advertiser. T<» the Viitcra bf Etlgciicld District. Brother Sofiier* JM Fatow-Citrous : Ekfd f.ieudo *aw lil.U«t whiter t<> n--miuate mo fax ihe Sher.hui ty of R^geflvid Listrici at hoonsuing eUetio.i, which nomin-vtion I auceptod, wilka de¬ sire to servo them in that capacity, should it bc their ploasure to elect me. A* I h^vu n»t th« op- I purtuti'ity of canvassing the L'irtrkt. I am u'un-' j palled io Uko thi!. ai ..an* of ccrro'.ling erroneous 1 impre'sMiins created in different ; art* of the Dis. j trie'., which are calculated to injure rue in my elootio». Iiis s»id ot me: that, lum UH "blt bjd-'ed tvlditr, t A. » r / A<twe ii yn"d poi it ¡UH ¡ht arm¡;% fn.d thrrt/'irt tlivutd »ul (ie ettrlcd." I-tuanJt God that % am "*n ablo bodiod soidi-r," and.that. I enjoy th» oenjideuoo ot my brother- soldiers in tiï'.s oommeód ; so much so, as to bo able lo hold a g-to'd podiiian in" the »irn1y..? Tj!lt decs that.d¡snuili;y ;-m.^tn..tho-.iea^^for:the.pó».i- .liwu I »eek tri bores'? It-naver has entered my mind yerto o,uit the service should lt bo my'î'or- tuae to'oe elented ; ibero uro plenty of competent yuuug mun who have been uisabled in this cruel war. nba would ni ak o efficient clerk* to transact- ail business that there is, or will bo, in th« ShorifiV Oihde during the eXiStehoc of the stay I\w. ri eotered thc servie» ia the Spring of 1 SÍIT--_. havo boen at my post evor «luco, and I desire now te'a»*ure-my I'r'end'S, Hlid Oiy ¿*>*¡ that I will re- raAiu '.hore, unless eu'ir'.y .tisabled, uutil this \t«r j shail end. Haring benn-connected >i!h the offim for one I t«raj, and bring known by most or tho voters ia the District, l must leave it wiih thom te judge i of wy oottipsténéy or incompetency.without any electioneering.- - - T. H.- CLARK. * - ; .-1-»-«>->-SS-r-'.-. -' ßüt In spioakiag of Goo. Lee the Riehmond pupers- sky be is rettd-y,' -but that it would not be proper tv say where hi* heauUiunrtcr* are at. pie*. .Ot, or tíhat 'uióvauicu!tr ai u taking place lu uur j may. *. .- Impressment 4l!'?ís i ,, 'N.umr;roi)«.cwrnplii.iij!n.hav7e rrueniiy reacn.- |. ^dnsi***' ihéTniiaWwi JUJU Uppf^<taÍVe;0Ondutt |J of certain Ci>i».;i.i*tóarie^ I*--st; Quartermasters j ind ¿cl -styled Cover'ai^en! Ai¿'n 's?ni awiiiigj- pruvisions.t.;: their vraj; fo market,..and in. ibréiteiiing.prart't-r? and farmer 'y Uh 'l'Ô .fiz'trn <»JF.Oi/.ir'»rain', and o"b*r foppliftg if they sbnil-sell.them 0r--.3t.ip.iap* lit, >s*ûl -thr-m iexétspi tu the G.»vfrJ»mw.t, Th «ct is uc;.vth;: s'-igliimt warrant ol an f.-..rity Wauch attmneé j and Ciie mischa-1¿ coriter; cd iû'V,' >ni«>*W^>*J .Mnbeei^tuig'y treated'th the. h'orw"pi..nd or a CAI -of Wand fêtera.* Tja allen.'OM ofjijj "iil.-.:il«u*, iarmci; and. pr;Alucrr> "ib.cJtiís»! fo lb« following rm^lrawcnctinn of ibft JV ar. D'*- j "t^Hm-rtt-on tVie'»e, j»ct. Tíry wfil B*HS that firotoetien tanins», seizure of mppth's on their w*y tin rmrker, or to cons'inier?. ¡is full and tompiate : io rd ive prevalen t mi scouee püqns ip regard I to Oie píortcj'.r.iid^pi'acíicc.of 'thiajlep^niuiiii j on-the aubjVCt-of imprcssmt-nlí th'e íolluwingr being extraéis oPGcBciVr GrdVf;. -of- March .>?)' rennnted : ", .? ": 'ÀnjrT* VT.JM) .INSu'o. fîEK'j.s-Oiar.Jf'E, i. . [G<tn¿ri*L~Qrder.a iNro/ -3i'..] .-. - i . : j -In consequence H*f- numurous -a[.plications '. made by ».wi us pjraoos ist thty -WaF i)èp»*fc-- meut, it is i.bvtoualhat"flome misconception h> n'gard to th« instructions of the Secretary bf yTar^p rélafioa to the im pre-s me:: t ot' »up-; pl'es, must °xíst on-tb«'-párt.of people, ór that1 tho agen's nf the .Government^ fràvb vio- Inted their instructions. Now,' therefore,, for. the purp'íse of rérñovúig snch '^TRr.^cmcepfion. and to prevent any'vidlat'on of such inatruc'" tiona, H is hereby crdrfred : I.- That no ofocer ortbe GOveriuneut shall, under .any circumstances whatever,, iut;.resx- the supplies which-a]xir!y has for. sis. own con»utuptiou or that ut his family, employees or MSVC^: Tl. fíiat no'-< ffibeT sbnl! ut any tiii.e, unless ap^cinl'y or-lered to do sn by a Geaoril com-, mandina;, in a ease Qf «pei^ncy, impress sup- pliert. vyliicU HiM.iiu their w;*y,to market, for ante on arrival.. . *? r. V-i .. lil. These orders weiiJ included ic the in- s'íi úctíí/nd urigin'uliy issued in i elation lu iui- j.i¿s¿ment by thJ Secreta ry* of-' War-, aud thc- Officerá exorcising fücb authority are again .notillrd thai/'any oue acting'^iiiihou.t or be- yoHrt?Uhçatit4ioritvgiyçiLiûthjQsç instruction*, will-bn'hold's'tr'ctly ri^*pr^ible, ffr conformity rrilhthe fortrg*>ing, to pre¬ vent añv incons»n't*ra*i3 action on the pur* of othoera or agents cuupged with ti'»i duty.of im- prvssioeut, they aro enjoiiied,-umi." further*»T., deis,.{.\Tuieh;wrd-jiot-bo. .-given utile»«. Under imperative'exigencies ¿br dre', supply ." of .tue army.) not ro imprest"ai^n'^srï-iries of sub- s'stenrc to man, owned " by producers, iii tron«it-i to .market,-iiriles? retaired'an unrea¬ sonable lirue from consumera.". "B? r¿r'der. [signed] . sl CGOPE'R. - Adjutant and Inspector-General. . ?MITAUÂ'S l%rr. 1 IGTKKAT.-Facts arebeing pubiishv!iLiu.-tue i>ortm-ni paperA which urov.e thitt ihc lau: nd vance ol- Lee and the retreat nf Meade" was a' grciit-aiiCcess to the- Coni'ed eracy -nd ron disastrous tu Lincolèdom Tb«* Washington corre: ot ndeiit of the New York Times speaks of tho matter in íué jUuioWJñg bold terina : A great disaster lias befalleOMliC Fi»dera! army of the Potomac."- ll it were poasible Iv Cover.the A<?ministration with a dieptr load oi infamy than tnat under »livh it nus long .siaggorcd, thotîvétits of last week do it. ):-dsne-hgg not-rjeen-toilod in hi.- deaighs, an tho Goverume\f. woujd. lead the public to be¬ lieve ; on ibo C'ji!_,T."«n, '¿a defeated Meade in eight engrigetnt-ir-is in HS în\nr day», and com¬ pelled bim to f i-î back from.Culpeper to *\Va»«b- irgtoD with tuon pjeeipitstiou obliged him to ieavu hiR dead and wounded in tue .. iieuiy'a baud*.. U:s vreary ¡.nd eriiaustcd troops only find rest ai-d KÊfclîer nuder the defences «.<f ihe cap¬ ital, x'he'country may congratulate it-.-lf that the wJtol.O army escaped being entirely cut oti tr-'iu War.bingtoc. Notniug saved tb^ army from utter-nm.i- hÜHti'»'! but th.-, g.i-id geiivraKhip ol' Mearle." Vl^heu G<mgress me.-tj« this irVuter, it will find itself in a, be.'.yagured Capital. 1; is a wî«c .«aying that, luck wi!! not laajt always. Not even the hick of a "lm<y rall wili endure foceyer. As is Fern m thc cv»c of lire'-laï»: UoM-crans, wo ail Jiiu*t-larte-- ""Like lira lilly of the vale, Or n Alar bequenched hy dawn." '- Our day s are few, saith lb*? Scriptures. The lifo of the. best of us is "^ut a tallo w can¬ dle; it dickers and grow* dim ; and U snuffed out at last. t«? be seen enly. in noxious smoke, to bo felt only in vile am-'JIi S>» with thc lou«:y calf; and so with ns ali. Each lousy call bas its day. Tim,lousy calf known «t Kurrana has had ins day ; but 'tisdonc. '1'ho evening, wore on iii laiM*. and gluums, in pur¬ ple cloud«, of blo-id and broil. Thcuigtit b -s r .lied down, ami darkness covets bim. Hw tasies ti. asa lousy t-all should pass nu', navér to prance m-frislc again. Adieu. O ! calf of many Ken.I Fnrctîiee well! S'ep in at Bark- h-rii's as you pa\s through N'aa'iville. iirii.k na a qu art or *ir'of his *. ball" an' hVf." (iiv*» him the *iff*etionaferegi.rcis of all iove»-« of borwn aie) aitríbió him prt pi;e for a thirsty army of visitara by Christmtís time! Go to, thou pondr ecus piece ol too. too soiled i!e:sh ! Thou ait a rilhuu and no ti ut man, a«- sure as thou art n-dntciimnu.'A liying Dutchman 1 Murder most foul is-ir. tti8e-and any mau- uer ol' small guilt,' from petty larceny tn per- .ecutio i. Go thy ways. Seek for toe licast. There is a wami placo .by Ute chunnoy-Iog of hell, for you ihereV '? " And tho dovil- is there with nady b-.n.i. Tu make ir, as home like aa h.; can.' Chutlaitooya Held. Liricoln has' is* ued au order roiating to..the enlifrtnent n'rjiegre u-nops in Maryland, fie declares tha'i'-auv cifi/.e.i nf Miryltnd, who shall offer l>.a -ir her »!nvo fur êriilîsimcnt imo the military Nervice, siuli, it such »lave hé-ïic- cppled, receive from the reciuiting officer a certificáis cbcreof, with a descriptive list of such hlave nut to oxceeu tho sum of threa hundretl dolláre, Dpoiviiling with the above B -ard u viili i di ed of manumission aud release and making satisfactory,proof k>t' titles; and any. slave so tnltating shall -be forever there¬ after free." ' * --"? >'e » « 9 - i Extracts from the Nsw Orleans.Picayune draw a depiorah/e picture of alfairs. Trad-j abd cotnmei ce are atagnanl. ; thepo-.pb are impoverished, and. the Picayune predicts iu- Buil'ering durhig the coming winter. Sugar .pros-] »eels are favora'de, b'tít Ulereare fears of only a fi,"th."ir probably a louth, of thu crop being gatbeied. fur want of labor./ We Must Ciane np onr lim,ks. lu o.-ilor to ac Mio with tho Aduiiiiiclraior of our ls'o parujor i.« bujiness-Col. A. SIM toss, docM- we k .o eoiaptdlort tu c!nso up <-vr H->uu* ia full to this date. Th «trufo re «li porsonn anyw io'udob*tii.l to tb*) Aá»si»/i'fa»» Offlee are enrnostly requested to oalj in ana s»Ule :he «arne witbont delay. Our oolloo tor,^ Mr. L. H. JWoCuu.ouort, will be I out collootlug fcvery opportunity, at»d wo hope' i,»nc will fàîl'io liquidai») our cïà^*B«ag:iinst thom on presentation of their respectivo neounif. -, ßRT'Qea. Ayer has buen re-olooiml to C^ngrays from the 3¡<1 Coa^rtusiunal Dislriet, gaining a taejorlty of 501 votes over tho lion. E. ll. Rhett. ..... ^/ateír^ ^{î^pial to the j\:Íaiii{a lie;-ta:er/] Tb^ifottfricàtti^ wLack'.*"\ 'V-a kilMl A tua Java çc5, bj ,p*;;¿ji-.«ií Irdfai.-C.. . À lady of ititr..Mi]:?ní e^j-aiti>(»ia Kp''* cou ^y rnpcrtù that (bp-KiiEfals arc-liçinp fir? h..- .ratio:i'«. au J a .iarsV..-. onmbcr.ofuiieir' iu-r« h**c-ovt'î'à ii oin r'*.rv«ri<To. They- bat«» -r .rooTed their supplitK to tLe Krro:ftIU¿ Jt^crji .thjLfat'er to. defj;.i.d"'ihprb8<¡rrOH ftf/a'.öif t at pri;Mclt of ou ai .ir» . Wh« sUfas-that tiwylenl uw^ Tcrrtli-tiVrB tlal(*lffi.Lhcj.Mlft>«-pV^S.i«.|OU Ot i ro."'ri IVoin riiitfxviïiu Uiiau*uo.-ga. ." Mr». L ina's, w¡w livor '. hrV« «nilón fois HT 'ilu'óxv¡lic,."75 \ cari'of age*,' au J a ta«J y ..J-.i¿l» jtcducu*, nriui brutally iuuj>j«r'ú«l by."t XLaukctjb a lew dilys- ago." Our Ti. io ci s emigres routit ehr cr .up. " better d.iy cobing." ) Tb»; V"««iLèr is cloat «nd cool. -- .TruT^îM'litiou-'Vnwiysof- ,»¿1*. Çunil/erJaiy Ha* iain) Jovu.U I' tt^jM «où ts. UW*', C'H ,-p<mrai ofsix<livisiou^. uj.d«r Ivooeenu.SiiorLiL raituor, LÎ.V.A,'JJa'udJartû Wood. it.r¡cknü.t ibaftivJr'-divisiùna ¿t c auiaaor'lhao'jtir'«, 1; alj'o« i:.g 17,000'lû t. divUióii, « Oitid ulalie OtjDiu n, U> wHicb^if. We acid" tut) or/rp» Bolaro and iloukei, fr-Mu thc Potomac, a ..Shel man, Crom thc.Mi->ai¿.-.¡poi-arj.uy of lirai :e»ttifiatf:d üL 15,001) each, it will ¡.'ive-us-.a f: «Htimufc of the-e!;emy!á iV<t<>w/. nrnOujîtiri? ubotit 81 .OOO. Tin's-Ta ü;)ar¿e__ artny to i,* Und ttt haul tiuypiies fórj 'itíü[ Xv fitinjf^Wt boat auch au iu^óieuaü .diilâucr, Liuievíi K^v, i»-au «ít>y. uttk.. r^^5Er:KÍJL H y... DlKD, at t i¿ reüdanoc .la. this District,.ou t 17th of, .AagùstdSM, JAMES P. LOWRY,dn I 4<Ub y^r ojE-tisaíe. .. JdLis illueis .was long *ud painful, yet be han ail niin that cheerful rníbmiasiou which eu urn becomes aa j adorns-the true Christian charact lío" united himself Vi til the Baptist Church LilUc^Sievene'. .Cree*, in August" 1S55, sud bj well ordered and (io Hy cojtrse through.his sht earthly earner, did much credit to the profossi ¡ bc had made. Jie.alwa.ys »J'oke of á-atb cain during bUjilueas, aol seemed p-rfect.-y ru.-dgi to'the divine wiU.\i>frhb. Bevu .aly Eaibur. '1 peculiar tepdeney of bi» nature 'Wftstt'er U> fr«uk And candid itt eon versatioii, plain an J uii, sumiug ia every action. Mo allays spurn WUaloV.ar portaiu.d lu Idleness ur IDUUICUCO, u by frugality and tudu airy,had'acquir<iii and sioi »way .a sutticieney of this world's, go-ds to rem life happy. Ila, was, bot. only * ^ileoessfuL\\ rather;'a medel larmer, having apiece for or« thing, and everything jaita proper place. Bo e a good and obliging uefgbbor, a kind father, a an i'Section ate huhbaud. ' The i tu mediato community in which he liv , truiy l«refs that it has lust one id its most etfich lacquers; «cd the family, ona where placo e «over mo.ro be filled. Bat, berna ved ones, w*. net, for tho Lord, gave and thu Lord hath tait away. ..Be bath gop« to realise thc hidden m. -icrieeof.tin unknown future, where trouble u tod Rorer como, and. care and anxiety are nivrc. He loaves a wifo and four ubildren, toge ti vtitb-many dear Monds and relatives, te mon their l->ss. "But why do wo mourn, departed friends,;. Or shrink at death's alarms? Tis, but tho Tuicb-'inat,Josus sends, - To-call uo U) bis arin.-." Bir.n, on the 12th Oct. I SM,-at bis residonce rhis1 üiíiri-t, JAMES S. son Of WiLEVand Jut AUA«»,'agod 2tl year». - Xhcro is nn ancient maxim; founded ic just and rigai feeling which bids us *'say nothing the dead bpi what is. good.." Wc .eau obey il lulo.iu referencu to our d-parted friend wiüu vtol--.iiog tho most scrupulous dictates cf sinccr o'.d irutii, Titi if kni>wu bim persunally anti .utation, trotu his youth. .jA>ieK was boru. atitLruared in the'ncigbb'uiho where be died, and we can sufely say,- few rpen bis ago uavo tii'de inure f.-iends and r.nn<> h.i >.>. tuner enemies. ili> lather having d.ed So: timo since, ii.a charge of a rvidowed motlier a ber lamiiy L l! upuii Lis Lands, "whi'h dillies, v liisehorçcd witb ell tho c«re s:id tenderness nf suiecûoitafo suit. Ai un early a^o he boenmt mem bor of tb* Baptis« Church ol Christ, addi nne io the eXatulout, who b-ivo searched the X}> pol nntl found Jt tn be the word and will nf <}i lu bis last l iness, .»hen lue world and ita fae nati'.u.r wctof-dt tauing be-fute him, be f-ur-.d b" and consider.iii..a in ihcprnmisc.! of ino Saviol and c'ilmly surTcyiug .tho appmurh of dia'h loulicd beyond its power, tn that glorious mun. lalily pro.uiscd til ¡he believer. I bo places that kiVow him well knr.w-h'in more; but thongh dead, his meui.iry will bc el ba traed »nd cheri bed in ibo herns i fall tn knee* him. ll.s affectionat» wife, bis mother, hr-ith-rs ai si/tors, rel a ii vt« ^nd friend* mourn hi.« de^aVtui but they btive thc. consolaiiou to ki)i>tr, Ibut has entered into (bar. rom prop.tn.d lor the pV»{i of (iod.. J«H.V TaArr. Di KU, af "Typhoid Dysentery, Sept, 27th. IS* JAMKi» HELTON, ^on of JAMBS S. mid IfnTr S. AUAUS, :ij,e 1 year, 1 mn iii" .»ml Ö days'. Seldoui bas jarib been guiddened with-So brig and so sweet a enmure, as dear little Iii i.TO« His sprightly prattle' sud joyous inuoro co w, the admiration aed es lev rn of all who knew hit il w Sad '.lieu must be tho household where I wai at one« the ohjeot of indefatigable caress. «rid thc contre iroin which radiated so many J'«y BU ninny> hopes. i>n : so "much of puro tn:s«I6? love tt'h.it f.es have boon broken nsuuder'; wb. hopes hixa boon ti\n inth* dusP;"how many lea. rf hitter poignant griff have been wrung fr->\ loving bearii by ibisHue blow! /Jut wiiy .-liuul wc weep? Tile budy-'.uni cask el w.iich held tl sp irkiing,. precious jewel-rwus sowo a fflwritjitib' lm' v thai it nnirh' li» rals|d'" ini-errup'i'.le" an " in tr'ory." The precious jewel, is latinifely uroi pi rt iou.- ia H. J ven wheo it- ca.curs and ic fl ¿ci thc brtg iter ¿i.d-wjrmor r¿y-< -.f tho Sun of Uigl tèuusneS8. Our sweet"Hal.rox r.ilh all that-iua»! hlni'ao brigh; »nd bcmfitnl, loved Mid tovin herc, is there nesiliug sweetly i,ii tho bo<«»in c Him who enid " sutler little children to como unt me," t-ach endearing trait expanding infinitel under His almighty training. Let us go to him. " Vf oyo not, mother, for him-iu his spring tim bc.flow, To that.laud whore tho wiagrofc4ha*oui-»re uc furled ; . An;l now like a »tar beyond evening» cold'den« Looks radiantly dowb on Uo terns uf tb s world. In Memory of Joha GrUatchcr. Auoil.tr nub!«, brave, and youlLful soldier ba foUirtii bis lust light; ho bared I.is niuh:y besot to ;ht> »lorin, fe.- the last time, on the bloody. Ucl. of CbicTia'uiaUK*. "JúBSi O'. BAICOSU enlisted, iu the rai.ks of th lUth KekU S. C. V., when ouly sixte, n year of age"; afid from.that timu io the day vf bi- un I- tim-ly doaih, at tho uge of bi^hteiiu;' he w«s" at irrayî. i'll«} true and ceurageous aotdiurl 'Whetbe lu the Camp, bn liie marou, ur ou th« bailie' (iel.I Le did bl* WUble duli. But Uo i.i gûhe-g Aile ii ibo bright d^ys of hts youth, -from a M thc ¡ICH t-nes at hernie, fond p-tre-jts, do ir f m .d', and ni th-s foVe-i plnyniates o( hfs. oar';.' .-oort«. Ile Un: jficlaed up his young life à -«ai»:S'eo fö in'dépé'n dence-^-iiu independence hu can novar onjo? Ai a gonuiue patriot, despite his few and nsthinkirii yokt., his t-iirnu; t dovotiun to our struggliug causi was unsbrpa»8td. Joti.r.NiK lUTCHKii'had only reached bis *¡gh. leon lb j ea , bat his oi-cning uiaiiii od waitui] of hopo áud promise, lie is no more buWvvj>, llfs lifo, valuable as it was to his' country, cher¬ ished ns it was hy his comrudus'in arma, and dear as it wits to; the îo ved onus at burne/'ts-a part ol tho costly a-TI rico laid upan the alt«- ut our strcggü'íg euuatry. The autumn leaves are fall¬ ing, mid tnt- coluro.1 flowers itt summer i. .ve lett litre gardcu* in all tlieir-nakeddos daliun." JotlyxiK ! lias gone in the early- spriag-timo of his lifo- g.no'frdhi C^rtb w¿th all tt.o bright lu.ure befnia him, leaving behind him a foud, fund motlier and si proud-f«vUxr. Again wiH_tno birds of spring make joytul ibo tuuuy morn-again wwi t.ne.d-.w- cta of sunirnur broaibe op-tbo air their frugruut souls-but JonsHiK. will mingie with t..em no more. He bas gone, and gone forever. Onr warinu'k sympathies are lavishly toudorV.i to the 'soreiy-striokon mother-father-sisters, who feel hie ib«s so keenly. Time, tua sue thor, and tho coiisoi.ition of UolVgraee,.who.permitted tb»» oojj »jene Unat their Aimcred tmtrrl¿. Jous.sifi o largo circle of relations sud (rion.is feel-nanoo keenly lb« terribie etrck-i -Anal has deprived them of ouo of its. noblest g.;ms ; uiH in yielding him up for our heioved country'i giod, we ioel ibat it is our sweet privilerjo m claim aU that bo promised to bo, as ouo ol' us. iii Tri II - rrwk%\&kmmkWkmmkWa ^We »re too-prtme ^TurgÄtttj^ "sacrifice;:, breaos»-tb*y,-. beeou«:yfsmiliaT lou«; u-'a' !«i »s!.-{».'.y.t OCA. li t IML lunt^.^jreerv ;¿n*r<h'l' OYer, th«'Ta'ii ¿mnu^jttro'Toü^iÍT, a- i ilbe' viëti>s5 v\t'à.ri\j i»ur C'-TIW«>«':U«; basti, » gra-ie.' .ful pt*¡ lo ¡rill a.vaïi rho hic»^tùi^^}(\ycA^«T\ to «¿ls -j/i-tliás JOST-H.ÍTTJHS'H^ ¿y-A>--£l H*î SpSÍ{íá»?ié& life;-Corpa j-A-MEá'lV. BUSH-'! ¿ TO N, s -r of' Bair.?.KUSNTON. lu'iuc-Ji1 of "ol 'WV-aVS £t>CT-MÍ*laojr'. auu iiujtri*?g disci-.e. Me dicL-UtUv ¿.urj¿l'««Vw^^ Ifcow ! i> lio J waa i^cm^r,oC^e,-22rl' R**»,. ff ¿JP-_-V^ ..* »-?. (i»t K«giiii«m wat farmed, ho' wac nr. nc ¡br ni «ibes. wj»o enlutad fJr" tbe' w-r. VV^eb ibej »>>»re*vr%ore«í'tóAi Ls.', b'o went * itali* ei'minajid, hui thc' t-'ihn*ic wai>8u ' .eerVatiirg '«ridl«! wt>oi «,-ua«l "tbfct'h» W»á wot'trier'; lou/ before Ve co«. .»'.«»-«J t^ t'^jf.v\i^h'Uun\^aJfiA-,h^* Yï-i.r Mo ñtw«,4n a «Bv>r«- b.«rtie¿f-^u<ht w»r ÎCins-U,-, N. J , al wai ta Haje ht' o»a\e very noir Leinuk..-ri. pr hm nor ny li,,;.enemy-. il< wai slightly wannan', fl- if i¿ rever») siiribiîbcT wltíi'tbé ert'-oi'y "(^1- rinjrhis stay in tee stàrV, !üráTl'»f 'whVebVhe'if-' liiuiied'un-aoii.cu curage aoü lierou-iu. T;ir.ue"h all ibe faligu-;» l:.etich-. 'le. a cutup lifo,-neewaa tni-i". He *vu0 a member.uf ino. Methodist Bois- copaLCuuroii for lever*!, years, poneieieui in jiU. tiio w -lia of a Christian's. fife j esèmi'lary itt fil? lut ici t .' ?jof uno* tuan/" As a Christian, a.-Maa>ry and a Ç iIJi ji, he performed his dutiespuuciuelly iud without reserve. He loaves a wile au«! »we çbiKlreu, beside* numcToa« rd t ti vos aud fricad*, io-mourn their, irreparable leia; but. thor woura Lot, is tho.««.who have no hope. They Joel that their loss .is his etcria) gain. He was. the kind :;u»' -nd, fetid"parent, obedient child, »nd ailee tionWte'br .tbairr' Uîiôblru»îve in hL ILW in n-ii «oúduce, ho gained respect among tBore'-Äiiw wer» hut comeados.in arms.- Thus pas^jd away the true Patriot, an4 0 tri st ¡cn I-. IT-U*als« our ead-"-duty tn record tba death'of Orp'i-, HUMPtfKEY-D. RUSHTON, barber of Corp'l. J AH B a Hus H TON,'who fell' in tbatgrcatnud- ever maui ut ah le. oat Ue at Ch icltam^u^a, en -au**, "day the 20th of ¿opt., while .gallantly charging ;»he enemy, ' He; íell, a baU" h^VirTj pv rwf bis 'thigh niter th« oamaru of the day was over, be wa« found a lifeless coi ps o en tho li aid of deadly I connie;. Urcrmusly.he ha.« rocaived a revere wound on thc head. The deceased was in his 2¡!d yeer, and a membrcnt tho M. E. Church. F:-um uri youth nu was r-m ir it ably pious in all bis con'rsrsatLifi- and -dotions. -->-.. The willer know him well) and hi: broúer *'«o, ind can truly, cay ihat-.cthey -were men pf moral worth to, thc Chu nth, .their couwtry. and; society. l'h e.re iii ai ns ot CVp.-Hi. B."RU"HTO>I were brought Lome «.nd buried uiVr au «ppr«i>'riate »enn-iri «pfotéboJ lo a large' o'utcouistr of teiulivcs anid- "frionda. ' "-' " -'flo-was »no añong-the flrgt tbar rolnnteerwd in Oapt. riimofs nid CJ. of tho.7tb. Regt. S. C. V.J »inoli that ltr¿t. was rc -or^i imoJ lor .;ta» w,»r, he^atUoUcd.himself to. Capt. Uouuax'a couunaud, LV, in which ho remained up tu thc ràme he felt, ile had jrouo thrJujrb all the campaigns 1nVä.; Marylaud itud Pa., and wa* in all the'battles'aud akiriuishc« through which ibo gallant oíd 7th Waa ;calledr re pass. ..When--orders came- for.them to reinfoc-»:liea. BBAOO. tbey bucklod ontueir^ar- uioúi, and woui .uHuifal ly .forward. They were noMhero loug bofora the battle' ¿f Chickara«u<a m m m i-ncc 1. He was reidy to defend'bls country or die in tho attempt.*' Ho 'Ikere sealed hie devo- I tieim tu the «aus« -f Liberty with bis'blood. -At tho buttle nf Sharpebufg-b«.reoeived a slight wound-; at-U«rtty«hnxg,''£«t>, belia** very c«r» 'W escape, .part oi his clothing. buvin¿ boen cut efl by a.bomb shell.. " ¿'-J Cape' ISOOOAMH, in a lotter, to his parents speaks of him in ibo oigheSt terms. He says : "*rfo *-n*'t save th -se who wero ailieJ to Corp: KL-.SUTOK by biood o»n m'>re'deVplyrregrec-hls death than I do. I h ive murkod his bearing and general-d p c- nsniit oror since ay bscamo a mcmo'-r of my vU-on- p.tuy, and I «an -proudly say that no man e»or bore himself more nobly under all circumstano» illili dil bo. In camp ho was th: faithful, efficient, and obedient sMdiei,' ever qftie't, eonrtoiúa an-r* kind, to Uiiicers aud meb. In ba'"t¡e bo was the oaibuu'imcul of «ll that w i beroi» «ua bmvo. Ho was deeply impressed with'his duties to h:« fell-.W soldiers, his cuuutry, and his (j »d. We tendor to you our he«rt-ten eTUrp.ithies, while n* t'r. same lune, wc hi-po. that the God he trusted will he y'Jur élajT and comJúri iii this your húur Ot sbre advenity and trial." Two fftlUni s-ldicrn are gone, ? They biv<» ron»ht tboir inst batt'e, In memery may their actions Be inscribed ou our hearU. Th«y n<* more shall dreid ' Thoedrruws auil pains of, do.Uh ; T¿c'y are irco from all it.-, caros .:, I-, yonder bright world lo rest. They, are g«>ne to Heaven «hove V7ber» d.«Ath shall uovercorae, Bu! fln i the Father f..rov.or rei«»of, lu that happy land may wo meet. J. P. B. ItüLlGlüUS NOTICE. The Fifth fr'abballi Union Meeting «if thc Four.à Division of che lil.lgonold Association, will eou- vooo with tiie.Rcpottlienp Church, on Vrid»y be¬ fore thu 'nh Sabbath in Nov.,in»'., at 10 o'clock, A. M.-' ?'.« - .-. ?'u. -r J. S. M A TH £ WS, -Mon 's. K. -SWKARIUSKJI, Clerk. J Factory Yarn. HST r..c'eiveil n »:irg«« supply of FACTORY , VAUX, wbieh will-be sotd at reaionableraies. Call at M. Lebeechultz's old stand. Nov 17 tf 47 r~ SALT ! SALT I 4rv/ nitrite! price, or I'will «xebang' it.iot toro or iMeal. B. C. BRYAN.. Nev i7 «H* -lo Tannery. iWILL TAN and FINISH (300D HIBBS fordon*, third .af .tho Beatber. Persnns can have ail «.f lb» fieHther by paying me the cu<- tomrry price when tolined. -NATHANIEL Mc KAY-. N.v 17 -et* '' 48 Notice. ALL persons h 'Ving olaiuis a^ainat the "Estate ol W. Mi Buborn, der'.?., «re rv({ii,-Mlrd io present tl om', duly attested, by the 15th F«bioa- ry next : aii'l ail p-rson* ind.et-U>d to th«.sad Ksta'e will pl«ase tintke pavmottt hy .that i i te d', af lHl«sire to cloyeuip enid Bstato witbont delsy. ¿* BMZABBTH R VlîOBN, A«tm'ix. Nov 17' 3m* 46 A Large ¡mí lalitabíé itotation yon SALE: " THE Subscriber delires to >ell that VATUABBB PLAN TA XION »whfrou -Mri Julius I»*y.-n<Tw resides, situato4 in K'l.'1-ñcl Di. ric.', on the Hamburg di Udgefirld P!qtik (toad, 1,5 miles, from Au¿u»t¡i, H.from Bjji«-üelil C, H., and 8 fruin" (ir*nit«vill.i, and C .ijlllilii'ig SEVENTEEN JrJ.VND'REP A CR KS r-... >?. ^ -r- . 0 choice Pine Land. Said ho ly of land lies on a high level ridpe,.perfeelly bun.thy, finely era- tereti, in à plcaÉÏnt nui^hporhood, conveuiéut'to iiurk-t, and immediet-elv -on * the roi rcmpl. led route uf the Columbia A- Augusta Rail Road. Un ibo premisos are two sottle-mcnts,-wno di¬ rectly on ino Plank' Ro«d, embracing a handsomo and cuinuiodi-.uj Dwelling, good-Kitchen, Stncke lloit.-c, Negro Houses, ute, tugetbotv with mew liiu HbitèÎ sind Screw, large Cattle aud ^lurs.a Buts, Barns, älabloi, Ao.,-all conveniently ar¬ ranged und in goed repair. Tho other sotttemeut, ubout.« milo distant, alss ucar the Kind,, consists of a «mail Dwelling aud all ubcoseary Vut-t«uiU- iiigs. . - «Thdso Tanda are very productive, as the pres-nt ut.ii wili attest, and-nra noll adapted lu tho eul¬ er ro of Coru, small, ti rain, Cotton, Ac. About. F*ve UunUc.J Acres of this Tract of Land are in « hii-u siatc «f dn.tiir^ft'Tti, and ninlrr h gu d roncos,-whilst tho remainder is in-native j forest, wi ib a'due growth of í'iuo, O-k and HieTr-i" ory wood. \ . - \ Tüere is also on trie prara i-cs a promising yuuhg .Orubard of-choice Fr.it frees. * jfSSr-F ir furihor inforraatiuh "apply Mrvf>»y -* on the place, or to ike Subscriber at *£dr-:eneld C. ft lt., S. C. J C .jai^Reforenoo is respectfully given to Prof. F. S H..?<. ie', u! Charloston, who bas recently pnr- cbascd land in the vieiaityof thisphce, and who would doubtlesj express his upiuiou, oej applit-a. I tiou, as to (au merits ol' this desirable planutiou. r ^«yi'nce «Áiae-.-iiaids-tem)* a-'c/trtrmo-lating. ^ JAMES il. TUiiRIi-OX. Ed^olield, S. C., Oct. 6 4p* j STA r-i Vj^aWTT. C*-*ÎO*Ï^ FJ'b'EFJ.ELjfDJJSTlflCf. '_ STU vna^iagaapK crj»*^^«îttc«urt a f; f!en»re! firrïtàti»- . nd'-CeiBK.ea Pleas-.'er ugeÁelu Distrijvï» porA»*tíe-«^ÍBf{#>^ -f tee Te'bj ¿ir; »aViic *»üee, -t^At- e.* Bt. KC vi ON DRCLEKK. OUVÍ^BT «HÍ wmmr, r EügoáeW'Ontfiév. '"rt»! W beU^es'Te^fM^T . POCK ír¿r ef JA&in.RY Ä BX iVit'Äe' riel i>'««*r ^^HlfeTftnaffifrW'Ms DWiit ig* WttMM'ny kairt- aw Eugefeld, iraalt JiM«Vl'- lislttij.dey wi I'<rjáVitJrOK, ? . ww. l~ .-/ tí. HAilRi>>S, c^-e^r. -., Nev lg -?? .. 9 »?<. £¡¿3 ?/?'_; E t>« B.n ax n,. l&x&üs?, l*fe» T '" ï -.rSr^i^nsjna^ ó^re^/'-ui.ICaPJTnr^7.,^i]^je^ exempted » y SuéiMÏutiso^açft'-again «.raered ty repwr*-»« j ru i sh od'TÍ » 11 Crt tií cate« 'Hf1 tWEñfólílilg>8il~ * ors, bearing eu-their faoe Vüi-Ä«^ Ulai «usa.;»»-, ers hara been 'taken front them and. for what urpoae. * v r-.. ->".. ;*: Sfeiîâ i .-.^h^rr»«» III. Ail men -thu* «xemptsd, »hu rcfucfi eglect to ilapeait ajask-raper».jft Itbi^gJftoW, jr^; ¿ LiWLi-c-nat/KTr>;*rgi^^ Bi" ii er rr. ie ion Edguüeld District, we wi il- adi at-thn lat*'- eeidance-"of JAT&E^ P. LOW-B¥; deett*fi -J. On Tuesday, 15th "'-flWiiÂewmïeV^ LU the Estate "'of tte'said deceased,' both' Kc al ind tot^uárrnet^spoaed^efc^ isling ef soinë 10-or irLm\t.^t^9r: JÖRSES, MULE'S, CATT ¿IC IÏOGX'S^&V' OATS. SlIUftE»; V . j - -WAOOSP.-eABTlSr-. si r.^. CARRIAGE A«P»ttaH«H0H>"jtar-sda HOUSEHOLD AND EITCilEH'- FURNITURE,; ; And other artielee nat IñStMm^tÉÉttí^ £newu es"tJ»evWILMAM líRAN TKÍCT,vo*»-< ia¿áitt< Throe liauired and Ninety aerau aeres, ? ore ur.l<iü.ndj.íiiiñg Jjne"eèrRob*.' Brja»>-8r.,J B. RI'edsoe and ethers. *' " ' *^ " T.i-iaa uiade knuwn on day of »ale. -". . Z:W.'?.OATtW-HrHr ito G KO. A. _AOD_ISON,T ¡ .U "NOT 17- .-? <t,. ... ." 4* Statt? of SoiLi^Jîardpû BDUEFIÜLD DlSTüLtá', IN fiUUIÜY. Elisabeth"T. Adamset al, Y TI. > PartitiflJCä» IsaHeMá toimj, et at- .r. J; * wTVtrtnrof an erd'-r ef Cotjff in this'oate, L OrWilt .proceed to^aall nt tba *4aJ»--T«»i4e.ae**t J-mes F. bowry, dee d., en.TUSàiiAX. W'K-D»:. oemhor uex:,-the REAL ESI Af E ef JAMES 8. ADAMS, àfr/.d; t5 wit : - " J ^Nß -T-itAGT- OP LAN.D non>iaíng"OnVlLán-. dra^apd.Eighty.Aere», more',er le*i, 'adjeín'iag. lands ef Enlate et Jauel F. Lu Wry, Dr. John Lai'i«lrrfm'and"e;hoT»; '* v -r"*'- TER MS.-Sold on a credit of tweire months with"?'inter-e'er'':iront -day of >aale. Purehaaer to ¿¡veTBnnd with al-least twer go*d snretiea, te aa-, cure the parchase meùey. au i pay f«¿ tules extra. House and Ltó fof Sále. IWILL sell at pnblie nutrty'on tko nrst Mea- 'day "ia Deernibcr next, mv. rflOfWli-' AiiD LOT aitnaie-tn the Viliatfa *f Edgefield» Ofûiaio- ing one acre, more er less, suijeining Lot af the est.teef S. Christie, dee'd., Dr. E. J, ilims and others.- '£hi$ L/>t has a.Well of geod water^and neccssary.outuuUdinfa. TERMíí-On a cr»<ttt of oho tm tw.-> years li equal instalments;' PurchAàor i«?gice>- Nate* and two appr-red securíticí wHh.lttrarii.'tiároiñ.^a'a.i . S.'W.-NIUUOLSON. NOT 3:*:,, .. .. Ad imiiifitratoi%'- Ssle. BV virtue of ao aid^r from t>ifl .Ordinary, we "wiil |.rooeed te soil at the'-tate residonco-Í Hr*. ANN AS BIL L Jse'd^ enTtfEnaOAl', »tJ the Por>utiai Es*ateof said- Jecease4, consieticg io part af Two Ialcely Ifegro Women, COWS, H O O S, C O R:N, FUUOEft, "..asoh.dd-^ti't ICitcheu Pirrbitore.'and Tarlana ot or artic! 5* tot* ted rona te a»«ni i->n. TiiRMSj-per'nil sums of an4 undtr $¿0 .-r»sh; and IT alt sums-orer thau amunnt on a credit of tweive meúth*. .. E. WATSON, E." MORRIS. NOT 1«"' '/»t tö,;..Adm'eö. ÏtV I LT/ attend at the fu lo wing phioea te re- -?.»?ivo Returns and: milts AfiiMnwntl af iks " Tax.in Kindf" »Ücr which my BeekV.wjli ko deed : , r_- . -I«h*rn;Ctilbreath'3, M.-inday, *RhJi«.T._ - A*Jlen..K<«nq>'r,. .. Tu«y«iay^' . lst": Dee. J. S." Sm/ly*», ' Wednesday; ld " D rf.'s Mills," IhurKday,- ZS " Róantree's *Ure, -Friday, îtk " Hablw-user's, Saturday; -5.V * TeX PàtersTaâltng tu tu.kr r»tr;rLi mutt do hy rtddfeV*íii»r wi*-a.iIete»r-'Ntnety^«x Pen lise, or ibo penalty ot site law will .euloreed in oreiy. instance. R. ,C.,.GR.¿P¿'I>", Assesser I3th Cul. District Nov 17 -Til, '4(1 Executor's lSTótiéó. ; ALL persano haring demande againat -tfi».Sᬠfate of-1-elate Jehu. 8ti.db.-vm, liee'd.,. aro remues ted io pre-ont theta properly atie«>».i io die^ader-igiia^b'y. the ái st d»y of January noil, a T expect to m.ake a nual se'ulomoat of said Sa¬ late »a that day. And tbuxe^ Indebted to said Estáte ara requested to make immediate payment to'the nndefeigued. - SJ S *, r.- - JOHN rift ST I Dil AM, .-NOT 17 -, si :-»v*. j,- .i--..v.jtf Canted, - A* OVERSEER'S PLAt;E. by -ona who has h -;d severa y-ars ezperisnco, and i? fro« of loudcnpiioc. -Address Ute undersigned at .Rioh- Uda'.nTille, G. ^ . s M...W. T.' Oct 21 Tia* * if Notice. A PPIC-ATION will be made to the Legislature ¿V at its nextttsship, to yest .in Nelly,Parda, ¡i.tee -simple, tho whv-1* t>ni*te both real and juer- oniLof her sea Noak Ethridga; dea^iir1 Sepu'tr * sit ---.v,-. .jj*.. ^^^TTBLÖr^^ rrTE havo ti«w on band agned sapply of DN- TT VEI.OPRS. Enquire at thb OOoe.. Price an^jog from 76 els. to $1,26 per pack. Ser,t 2:i '_tf . ' 38 SALT! SAigTI [.RAVE un hand at LobescnlulS's old atan J a I. A ROE 5X1 PPL f OT K.l'PÉBIüR (ALT for lalo. »- . .>..? I will Barter SALT for CORN or ME AL tr pom.ds vi Sait for one bushel, of eith»t de- irered. A. A. OLu^Eft, Nevil S.... ^ ';. tf . " 4a - ^It i S^tt! Salt!, VTiA «1 >HKL>1 Kl.\E DRY SALT fiMß wWch,wawt!l isell .at th.» Atiraata priée »5 Cash, or we ;wdl bart»r'*a '^rtienf ef Jx for «rnxPork or Flour. "M"."RAZIETt, . 8. F: (Î0ODR. NOT 4 _.? gjgggg » ?? 41- Cards! Carda! PAÍK of the best quality of Na. 10 Cet- d*J\J toa Cards ever elfe red tn this market ir sale by 6. iL ROWERS, A¿t. UstabuttVAiíi H if a

Edgefield advertiser.(Edgefield, S.C.) 1863-11-18.chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026897/1863-11-18/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · hcrw»v«ir t-cpevin-o us that it is tim*«hi* Lluek-

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Page 1: Edgefield advertiser.(Edgefield, S.C.) 1863-11-18.chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026897/1863-11-18/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · hcrw»v«ir t-cpevin-o us that it is tim*«hi* Lluek-



WEBNfcS«JiVT, NOY. 18,

OD* tkank-s wo ri** jV^fet -L.VTCJÎ ,tbr »

walter of th«r> fia« Iris* "Pee»-.G«rs moclfened tw*

week* Isaak. We SM trajy e^aviuoad tïat "S>!-emoa ut all kw gUrv" never had saok poWoes ai

th-sae. -

AMUi'/MOSi !'o".al.;i3s.

BOOM ona waa amata to Io t-»»d "»y stealth, h M

elandes'ânel/ lori ste»»u or «i*u¿ *a-»a*tor Öweo I

Potatoes upon «ur table.- »ve weighed »w« of

Ui8ra,-r-cm* WJii^a5d-fMr,-the »jUer three nound i.

Fer the apprsheoaioo and. delire*}-., al J&is. effie*,yf the rndivid^afcwha-'p^etrei'eui thia? dark andaeoret nat, "Ve offir'ara,aiid»«n»« reward.

-. -; .eT ev e-?-

linn di wo. ~. .'

"D. R.'i>." nanda'ru-a 'L-roana ef beautifultbroftd and says : " lic.-o is a triumph of dome.iic

ingfcnnUy-añi'-iod.uetry of -waich yon mutt take

particular notice." It tarot oat to ko thread

spun'iroaTcolteii nö' corded-rolls ui*io with thefiie taper fingers and smooth palia «f a lady of

.ur tow* ;-NUO who, nt "verily bul.uro, eua dc

er ytUiDg-fruin the inUlúoUi*! and ornamentaldowu to :uo pr:wtioal aud bamoly.

-*> evy-j.- - *

.ifïâî -A. Jftcaeut.Oct dram ii M last realized ! A lady; tba

kindest of the kind, the most, thoughtful ef theV i -. o-, -

thoughtful, jnd eort»Uily oue>f-the most ingeni¬ous of knirter»,'b*a presented .ys witk-a pair ojbc an ti: ui f tone-'eu lured wooloo -gaohtleC»--smoothand iyi^motfieiL v The.gauhdet part ia.a patternfor all-kuitters. Wo ansero ber that our.thanksaie by uu means'an idle phrase.

.i 7iSlUltW,»*W« ea» aiténtipu to' thu rery admirable artiol«

sigíei ; P-uaarstx'; v .. .^ ;-

' ??^»-?------

Tho Vin itt y*u»citi»í¡. -."-TLo burning o;,thu drying room of tho Vaù

dnao^Faefc-ry, (awys.the- Chuxluston UourUr) en

Suh'iiay last, «uùangerûig tttro f*ol«ry build insititq!:, ütid oat|«i]ig a damage to the- proprietors,estimated, ai jj20,bvitl, has boen erroneously stetedto .baye' occurred, at ro/iuitevdlo. Vuuaiu* iisevural ui'les distaa-t "freie. Grnuitoriiie, ?s.L-d-'.hiGr¿:.i-.c.»- lie Company have no cotiuecüou with ol

interest in the Vaucluse Faclury, which is lb«

pr:Tai« properly er J'imes J.iGregg. à Co.

£*r Our young- friend Ila st TOMPKINS b'"S eui

thasfka for an.Augusta paper of Tuesday morning- but we find no news ef importance therein.

I»äy'i,otHp.tor yourbel'vea treasure*np on eaitó, wintro thieve.- brena: -

Ibrougu autl »le»:l."

(Vj? M'»nd»y Distil mere wa« enacted ia om

t]t*Ky.tiie must-uiiscolianoeus and broadcast bur¬glary; -Four, or uv«, places weie-foreibty antere«'.Uur wortky towusuiau, Jlr. KUMUNU--'PKNX, wai

iee cu tel' «utterer by the raid. His store was

broaen i.pee,.auti good»-.to a large amount wer*

s'eddn; the box-ot aimee (ob, happy thief ¡J wbicbornamented bis show-ease, wa« am-ug the thiegsa; propriatesL Hie trnnn't !

)ivor* " American citiaeus uf African descotrl"b.re bron Cuiomiued to jitil 'tpun nuepicioa. NextWeek w~ wiil give Ute upshot ol mu mailer.

Jr'iuunuial.We publish, la aaoiker tele um, the measures

rec'mm?iiUed-\«*4>ne Coratry and Govern m. al, bytoe ruprcenunyes ot ina eufiesest iiuvkit ol our

bt^te, lately assemblai iu convention at Colum¬bia. Inr-'* mear-uic* reprobate Uc Oare idea ol

ispndiAtiou-direct or iudjreot.

.- Uéi'errcd.\\'». have been compelled to defer nntil next

wo-k the obituiry notices of Lieut. J. C. JUovz-c5* ----.^ ---- .-

tit:.-., Corpl. IlKAKCtK aud W. -M. DHAN, and

(¡Ser important crtielca

Ee Thoughtful, Lititrnl, .Verciful.ATe hop« every one will 'read tho suborned

simile bat cluquout appea* of the " c-outhr.rn Sir-

tara! Aid äoeiciy ;" aud mat every eue will gireii due ooartetoaliou nod that all will seuieuiSc:

that Christ not ou.ly lett.the p»or "always wilt,wu,1' but rail-also : " luasmhch -as yo' heso doneit unto one of the least ol these, yo have done itanio me.".


We.a>peai to your symp^tklos iu bena., cf thetbOeiive p'aor in y»ur tuiitsU We do sjl we cni.|Lot wiih-.iit mbo>y wo caunot uuulinue to relievelue ¿rinditig necvaeitios, of UM j¡our fumtlitt^whose utily means of eub<Weuce is thatdoluiulphiai.ee called noedlu mouey. We therefore aski-iV; iu legiirytui'i thfc column; »«tao »ulutan-tt'tl assieUiOeu from- tLo»o who are tu ubi», andw.» trust uo 1..-.-3 abie than willing, to contributetr help thom) whom L'brist's legacy Iea7ea " alwaysWith ut."


SttiSt, A few désertera re-cap tur ïd were executed* at Atlanta ou Friday last.

Business is thriving all over the Northunder tue war dc-maadi, -bttt ev« ry thing ia JiOper' cent, higher"than fetal-ny.?w^tfí? f \f 'j ...

/9*r~ Ail the Northern reiurur indicate Urgelv«pi.blie.iu lusjurilies...Jiff According to No thurn papers there is but

'little excitement about tho cull fur three hundredti-, u-'and moro mou. Large bounties bring uu-

!<ie. ous'rccru'nd, but-the^ draft must ue resorted toi-i üuutfi places. .An armed farce wi. 1 pe obiigc-dU rxecute it.

iii' G -v. V^nre has returned to Haleigh-frotuWe>: IVvrik Carulma. Ile report* tuat cite Fed-etais nay* ueen drivcii- bSeit- to Te6oe-eeo> and'that 'everylhiug ia iittiet iu that section uf the

¿?¡r Ino liuoxviile- Iii gistcr says GoscraiJj.-ou baa been prumvted to a Liuatenaut (jtttt-al«hipr-for tuotiiojious ectvico.

g^-.Mu-L«wia Pitchford, a c.tuen of WhiteOouu.y, Ga., Wae killed K«v, iid, white enduavor-

lng to ar.cat tories io "ibat Section. Tories «ndbdi>ai«'haok«rs are CutsUutly uummilting depre¬dations up' u loyal oitixeus in White county ndvicinity. .

aîdtf Our :roopi throughout tho Mississippi De¬partment »ru non' well- clothed, weil fed aud theb.i«t Mi spirits.%gr A Into loiter from Kuoxvllle to the North

Bimi!..-' thxt tínrnsido liu'ts' great diùmiiLy in

pr»' i»toau»g bis troops in fiast Tennessee, and an

«rfinri is ta bo wade lo gel supplies tu Kusxviile,*-by river.

X&>" It is n"w s^atod that only,about four hu-i-drcd ol ¿los.«'* and Hay's bçigadus were,captured'during th« late anga'gemajit in' Vi»-irj^a. .'Tharest hava-ebînéiu; lt ie aeid when they retrente*.trie order was giren to Matter, and oririb" man takecare of blrnseif» und tLoy did co aa far u (hayw-re ¿bee).' v

f^gr Coi Ja». II. Wltberspooti hu« been eleeltlda member el Congress from tbe t irst CongVeV-iiovii District, boatiug bia opponedt, Hon. J..tuyoQueen, 140 TOtdS. ^1

Hoi^iBg'th» Blockaile.- Tl»« eop*r»w*tf»ip--er rather projrosed copart¬ner*,hi-.--i IHKeon thc a*-,ia« uco.-6i«,t> ?nd>.jLe>fjh»rp Yar*kot-Liaan ATToou-is a very auggnxvjliv« *T>"f¡*do in the history of th« «-sr. Tbi*sr hem« h¡..« bren broughrto ligHt, 'bu!, kow m«ny

mere of a. similar charaoter «'rt YeîWâ"»! ö>> ranas»-ur* »7<B left^to-wcjee^e. Wc have »OCÄ cn'oejhhcrw»v«ir t- cpevin-o us that it is tim* «hi* Lluek-

ode msoieg shonhi-.-bb stoppoáL We are-'iaellnigh satisfied tfeavit- is the root ei-a li eur úvi!e-r-and they are jua.iy. Tho p'yor. aro in" a*agor of

bj-ia» »iarved; and as r«i riiiÍ*«t, wc shall smsa

br- in the oouoili-^u cf Capi^Ji A^oTAerH Vvi-'Par,ywhan xúá^«ked througk. Coventry, wku,, ii. «or. juiuaiu.-y *«<rv«* uf. hii-i bat "a skirt end a'hali

au->ñi5 thea." "Aa^ alt -tai* (ron. Biookad* rut.-'

«ulng. Tan may not bu rory, apparent^ but it i>Dorcrtholoss true ; and wo think wo bau show itto bo HI-

. l'a* obvt-jus and iin:u*-di»».to cause- of-'oar trou¬

ble* is tho depreciated »tate ot' our currency ; butwbeaee ovule* thisI d«prebutton ? Froin nu oror

¡?sae of Treasury h«t«*,'we shall-be told. Thisie to a ocrtulu extent trite, but' it is only half th«

tra th. Thore-baa boen an oxc«*»ivo issue from

Mr, M en a LU. ¿ pre»* beyond doubt.* But th"

tlov»ti.ni<j».t ba« attomj>t«d to remedy ibi* evil byoff« ring ts ncr c~.ni Bonus in m-rkei, and iqviiiag-iuo people to laud thotf Treasury NoUS. This1J- weer lat* not been dun*-and why? Because'of th* foreign trude camed OD by Blockade run¬

ner*; The pYefl'* of tki« irndo-and I hey huv*boob fabulous-aud th* e^teitemontv of_tbia »pcciiavof gambling kare employed a larg« portion ot

the currtjucy of: tko eôuulfy."; Tho holders, ol

Treasury note*-many of them-have found i:more proüusliLa w .-carry oa^ ttad*t,tbTQnghNthoblorkftdo than- Ui -invest their funds in Gover.imcut

Bóud-, aíid hence these Bonds hilve not-beenlakau, and tuc'tloutiiry is flooded with $5ÉO,"UÜU,-ÜiiU. Thi«.w.iXo roui caujc vi tao présent; highprice* of food" «uti ehjthiug. Reduce the currencyto a proper amount and the pi MM of those neces¬

saries wilt.aeon h.ad a rcajouauic- piaco. \\ u havenu )n«ni( of knowing,tbe-oxactauiouut of capitalenja-rod tn thia blockade fuuning, bat Kc *ire

>-it:sù«d that it ia'enörwnü*. We iucuUe in ibiseMimate ail thu cotton, tebaceo, au.I naval stört»

purch.isc.it nitb tv view of running' the,blockade.á.-u.-»4-.-"iuiate may ..li«-: tunde ol tho "amount ol

Ci. pl tu kt« iuvestfcd. when wo are loid thal $U-0,-0011,1)1)0 aro KU tli eic ut for tho UgitimaU».t business'.r. the rounliy, and we ¿ad $500,000,000 in tit-nulatiou ; and ike holders *X these notes refusingto Tumi Ibeui in S-pereent- bonds, lt is evident

fruin th otto facts that there- must 'he an enormous

.'trade'going on eyoai:where wah Ticsury notes,« trade which prêtent* their being fm. d.d. Thistrade in no other than iuntiing tho Blockade.

v .Let Congress put/a stop Lo tho running nf tho0. e.-kudo by all privaU individuals, and wo anconi

-sovu h»vu those Treasury uotea ali iumJ:a.

\V« do not propose stopping the importation offoreign goads-»vc n aod thuin and they sb oui..» bf

imported-but let the business he done exclusivelyby Government ships. piiváto individuals it is«aid will do tho basined* much better tbuu thc

Government. Very true, *t» far as the interest ot

these blockade .lUiiiicra themselves is concerned,but nut tor tho flitcreSt of lire (J oven, meet, lltbia butiuais wa* tXclusiiuiy in thc hands of.the

Government, it cculd clotho aud shoo .Ibo armyrun as good, if uot better, terms than it now docs

d would cause thc capital now engaged in

-blucka io ruanikg-to' bcdna-ealcd,.in GoferumeniBonds ; and lieu the country woul l Li" relievedof its greatest danger. '

F-r tho Advrrti»<irTMa. EDITOR : I ¿tu happy to slate thal the ad¬

journed meeting, Leia uti iLc 10th inst., to pro¬vide Wood for thc aeody families of tho Villagothe appro-telling wtnlor, was r.«ll attended hytho;Village and vicinity, »nd a uvorab'e rcrpor.se

gi »ca lo ibo ol j«ct. Tboro are now subscribedigbty-feur luaus of Wood, »nd $247 paid to pur-1. aso rood; bêVJUec two persons have agrseil t--

furni-h ..ne ."amliy each with wood for thc wtutsr

-aud a few moro to hear from.i JÜ¡í*;üU;E>VChKir.

F-ir ihe A.lTertiser.Tho Edgj-'liold Village Aid Association is aux-

ion! to mako .Hp a cox ol' boddiug (or tho nerdyKdgetleid soldier», in Brigg's aruiy. A*y dona

tion of Cott'.n, Cloth, h «lr-worn bed .spreads,Comfort*] Qaiité, or any other material to ossi.-t

us i.n our effort, will bo loost tl-.itüli.ully'nioeived,.d duly. acku«.wlcd<«.h. Any pers.oa haring

friends thora, and winking to send blankît* or

other bedding tn lb «ci, eau hare a «paco iu our

box for the purpose. Tho artlelo sent most bedirceted to thu individual it is intouded for.

Mrs. ANN GR1FEO, Pres.Mrs. Wa. GeoiiMAa, See'ry.

, FIT the Advertiser*.Tho Soutlierii átsters Aid Society tania groat

pleasure in aeknowledgVig the following ilohe-tions : From Mr*. J. B. UriRin 10 gallon* Molas¬ses and 50 lbs. of Flour ; From Col. Thomas G.Bacen. $50 ; From Gen. M. C. M. H»n.iiio«d, $¿>0.Wa are anxious to procure fuol, and ether arti-

clo.» of nocessity for the nredy fa*flslTi*-t in thisvicinity; but our Treasury boiug alu'»t empty,we mast-appeal to the generusity of tho friendsof this enano, for their ttisistsnrc. We bepe tehave from them, a hearty response, in the way ofm'bey, provisions, ur woed.

Mr*. LEWIS JONES", Pres.Mr*. JoSKi-n A BM Kr, See'ry.

For the Advertiser.T<» the Viitcra bf Etlgciicld District.Brother Sofiier* JM Fatow-Citrous : Ekfd

f.ieudo *aw lil.U«t whiter t<> n--miuate mo fax iheSher.hui ty of R^geflvid Listrici at hoonsuingeUetio.i, which nomin-vtion I auceptod, wilka de¬sire to servo them in that capacity, should it bctheir ploasure to elect me. A* I h^vu n»t th« op-

I purtuti'ity of canvassing the L'irtrkt. I am u'un-'j palled io Uko thi!. ai ..an* of ccrro'.ling erroneous

1 impre'sMiins created in different ; art* of the Dis.

j trie'., which are calculated to injure rue in myelootio». Iiis s»id ot me: that, '« lum UH "bltbjd-'ed tvlditr, t A. » r / A<twe ii yn"d poi it¡UH ¡htarm¡;% fn.d thrrt/'irt tlivutd »ul (ie ettrlcd."

I-tuanJt God that % am "*n ablo bodiod soidi-r,"and.that. I enjoy th» oenjideuoo ot my brother-soldiers in tiï'.s oommeód ; so much so, as to boable lo hold a g-to'd podiiian in" the »irn1y..? Tj!ltdecs that.d¡snuili;y ;-m.^tn..tho-.iea^^for:the.pó».i-.liwu I »eek tri bores'? It-naver has entered mymind yerto o,uit the service should lt bo my'î'or-tuae to'oe elented ; ibero uro plenty of competentyuuug mun who have been uisabled in this cruelwar. nba would niako efficient clerk* to transact-ail business that there is, or will bo, in th« ShorifiVOihde during the eXiStehoc of the stay I\w.ri eotered thc servie» ia the Spring of 1 SÍIT--_.havo boen at my post evor «luco, and I desire nowte'a»*ure-my I'r'end'S, Hlid Oiy ¿*>*¡ that I will re-

raAiu '.hore, unless eu'ir'.y .tisabled, uutil this \t«r

j shail end.Haring benn-connected >i!h the offim for one

I t«raj, and bring known by most or tho voters iathe District, l must leave it wiih thom te judge

i of wy oottipsténéy or incompetency.without anyelectioneering.- - - T. H.- CLARK. * -

; .-1-»-«>->-SS-r-'.-. -'

ßüt In spioakiag of Goo. Lee the Riehmondpupers- sky be is rettd-y,' -but that it would not beproper tv say where hi* heauUiunrtcr* are at. pie*..Ot, or tíhat 'uióvauicu!tr ai u taking place lu uur jmay. *. .-

Impressment 4l!'?ís i,, 'N.umr;roi)«.cwrnplii.iij!n.hav7e rrueniiy reacn.- |.^dnsi***' ihéTniiaWwi JUJU Uppf^<taÍVe;0Ondutt |Jof certain Ci>i».;i.i*tóarie^ I*--st; Quartermasters jind ¿cl -styled Cover'ai^en! Ai¿'n 's?ni awiiiigj-pruvisions.t.;: their vraj; fo market,..and in.ibréiteiiing.prart't-r? and farmer 'y Uh 'l'Ô.fiz'trn <»JF.Oi/.ir'»rain', and o"b*r foppliftg ifthey sbnil-sell.them 0r--.3t.ip.iap* lit, >s*ûl -thr-miexétspi tu the G.»vfrJ»mw.t, Th«ct is uc;.vth;:s'-igliimt warrant ol an f.-..rity Wauch attmneé jand Ciie mischa-1¿ coriter; cd iû'V,' >ni«>*W^>*J.Mnbeei^tuig'y treated'th the. h'orw"pi..nd or a

CAI -of Wand fêtera.* Tja allen.'OM ofjijj"iil.-.:il«u*, iarmci; and. pr;Alucrr> "ib.cJtiís»! folb« following rm^lrawcnctinn of ibft JV ar. D'*- j"t^Hm-rtt-on tVie'»e, j»ct. Tíry wfil B*HS thatfirotoetien tanins», seizure of mppth's on theirw*y tin rmrker, or to cons'inier?. ¡is full andtompiate :

io rdive prevalen t mi scoueepüqns ip regard Ito Oie píortcj'.r.iid^pi'acíicc.of 'thiajlep^niuiiii jon-the aubjVCt-of imprcssmt-nlí th'e íolluwingrbeing extraéis oPGcBciVr GrdVf;. -of- March.>?)' rennnted : ", .? ":

'ÀnjrT* VT.JM) .INSu'o. fîEK'j.s-Oiar.Jf'E, i. .

[G<tn¿ri*L~Qrder.a iNro/ -3i'..] .-.- i . : j

-In consequence H*f- numurous -a[.plications '.made by ».wi us pjraoos ist thty -WaF i)èp»*fc--meut, it is i.bvtoualhat"flome misconception h>n'gard to th« instructions of the Secretary bfyTar^p rélafioa to the im pre-s me:: t ot' »up-;pl'es, must °xíst on-tb«'-párt.of people, órthat1 tho agen's nfthe .Government^ fràvb vio-Inted their instructions. Now,' therefore,, for.the purp'íse of rérñovúig snch '^TRr.^cmcepfion.and to prevent any'vidlat'on of such inatruc'"tiona, H is hereby crdrfred :

I.- That no ofocer ortbe GOveriuneut shall,under .any circumstances whatever,, iut;.resx-the supplies which-a]xir!y has for. sis. owncon»utuptiou or that ut his family, employeesor MSVC^:

Tl. fíiat no'-< ffibeT sbnl! ut any tiii.e, unlessap^cinl'y or-lered to do sn by a Geaoril com-,mandina;, in a ease Qf «pei^ncy, impress sup-pliert. vyliicU HiM.iiu their w;*y,to market, forante on arrival.. . *? r. V-i ..

lil. These orders weiiJ included ic the in-s'íi úctíí/nd urigin'uliy issued in i elation lu iui-j.i¿s¿ment by thJ Secreta ry* of-' War-, aud thc-Officerá exorcising fücb authority are again.notillrd thai/'any oue acting'^iiiihou.t or be-yoHrt?Uhçatit4ioritvgiyçiLiûthjQsç instruction*,will-bn'hold's'tr'ctly ri^*pr^ible,

ffr conformity rrilhthe fortrg*>ing, to pre¬vent añv incons»n't*ra*i3 action on the pur* ofothoera or agents cuupged with ti'»i duty.of im-prvssioeut, they aro enjoiiied,-umi." further*»T.,deis,.{.\Tuieh;wrd-jiot-bo. .-given utile»«. Underimperative'exigencies ¿br dre', supply ." of .tue

army.) not ro imprest"ai^n'^srï-iries of sub-s'stenrc to man, owned " by producers, iiitron«it-i to .market,-iiriles? retaired'an unrea¬

sonable lirue from consumera.". "B? r¿r'der.[signed] . sl CGOPE'R. -

Adjutant and Inspector-General. .

?MITAUÂ'S l%rr. 1 IGTKKAT.-Facts arebeingpubiishv!iLiu.-tue i>ortm-ni paperA which urov.e

thitt ihc lau: nd vance ol- Lee and the retreatnf Meade" was a' grciit-aiiCcess to the- Coni'ederacy -nd ron disastrous tu Lincolèdom Tb«*Washington corre: ot ndeiit of the New YorkTimes speaks of tho matter in íué jUuioWJñgbold terina :

A great disaster lias befalleOMliC Fi»dera!army of the Potomac."- ll it were poasible IvCover.the A<?ministration with a dieptr loadoi infamy than tnat under »livh it nus long.siaggorcd, thotîvétits of last week do it.):-dsne-hgg not-rjeen-toilod in hi.- deaighs, an

tho Goverume\f. woujd. lead the public to be¬lieve ; on ibo C'ji!_,T."«n, '¿a defeated Meade ineight engrigetnt-ir-is in HS în\nr day», and com¬

pelled bim to f i-î back from.Culpeper to *\Va»«b-irgtoD with tuon pjeeipitstiou a« obliged himto ieavu hiR dead and wounded in tue .. iieuiy'abaud*..

U:s vreary ¡.nd eriiaustcd troops only findrest ai-d KÊfclîer nuder the defences «.<f ihe cap¬ital, x'he'country may congratulate it-.-lfthat the wJtol.O army escaped being entirelycut oti tr-'iu War.bingtoc.

Notniug saved tb^ army from utter-nm.i-hÜHti'»'! but th.-, g.i-id geiivraKhip ol' Mearle."Vl^heu G<mgress me.-tj« this irVuter, it will finditself in a, be.'.yagured Capital.

1; is a wî«c .«aying that, luck wi!! not laajtalways. Not even the hick of a "lm<y rallwili endure foceyer. As is Fern m thc cv»c

of lire'-laï»: UoM-crans,wo ail Jiiu*t-larte--""Like lira lilly of the vale,

Or n Alar bequenched hy dawn." '-

Our day s are few, saith lb*? Scriptures.The lifo of the. best of us is "^ut a tallo w can¬

dle; it dickers and grow* dim ; and U snuffedout at last. t«? be seen enly. in noxious smoke,to bo felt only in vile am-'JIi S>» with thclou«:y calf; and so with ns ali. Each lousycall bas its day. Tim,lousy calf known «t

Kurrana has had ins day ; but 'tisdonc. '1'hoevening, wore on iii laiM*. and gluums, in pur¬ple cloud«, of blo-id and broil. Thcuigtit b -sr .lied down, ami darkness covets bim. Hwtasies ti. asa lousy t-all should pass nu', navérto prance m-frislc again. Adieu. O ! calf ofmany Ken.I Fnrctîiee well! S'ep in at Bark-h-rii's as you pa\s through N'aa'iville. iirii.kna a qu art or *ir'of his *. ball" an' hVf." (iiv*»him the *iff*etionaferegi.rcis of all iove»-« ofborwn aie) aitríbió him prt pi;e for a thirstyarmy of visitara by Christmtís time! Go to,thou pondr ecus piece ol too. too soiled i!e:sh !Thou ait a rilhuu and no ti ut man, a«- sure

as thou art n-dntciimnu.'A liying Dutchman 1Murder most foul is-ir. tti8e-and any mau-

uer ol' small guilt,' from petty larceny tn per-.ecutio i. Go thy ways. Seek for toe licast.There is a wami placo .by Ute chunnoy-Iog ofhell, for you ihereV

'? " And tho dovil- is there with nadyb-.n.i.

Tu make ir, as home like aa h.; can.'Chutlaitooya Held.

Liricoln has' is* ued au order roiating to..theenlifrtnent n'rjiegre u-nops in Maryland, fiedeclares tha'i'-auv cifi/.e.i nf Miryltnd, whoshall offer l>.a -ir her »!nvo fur êriilîsimcnt imothe military Nervice, siuli, it such »lave hé-ïic-cppled, receive from the reciuiting officer a

certificáis cbcreof, with a descriptive list ofsuch hlave nut to oxceeu tho sum of threahundretl dolláre, Dpoiviiling with the aboveB -ard u viili i di ed of manumission aud releaseand making satisfactory,proof k>t' titles; andany. slave so tnltating shall -be forever there¬after free." '

* --"? >'e » « 9 -

i Extracts from the Nsw Orleans.Picayunedraw a depiorah/e picture of alfairs. Trad-jabd cotnmei ce are atagnanl. ; thepo-.pb are

impoverished, and. the Picayune predicts iu-Buil'ering durhig the coming winter.

Sugar .pros-] »eels are favora'de, b'tít Ulerearefears of only a fi,"th."ir probably a louth, ofthu crop being gatbeied. fur want of labor./

We Must Ciane np onr lim,ks.lu o.-ilor to ac Mio with tho Aduiiiiiclraior of our

ls'o parujor i.« bujiness-Col. A. SIM toss, docM-we k .o eoiaptdlort tu c!nso up <-vr H->uu* ia full tothis date. Th «trufo re «li porsonn anyw io'udob*tii.lto tb*) Aá»si»/i'fa»» Offlee are enrnostly requested to

oalj in ana s»Ule :he «arne witbont delay.Our oollootor,^ Mr. L. H. JWoCuu.ouort, will be I

out collootlug fcvery opportunity, at»d wo hope'i,»nc will fàîl'io liquidai») our cïà^*B«ag:iinst thomon presentation of their respectivo neounif. -,

ßRT'Qea. Ayer has buen re-olooiml to C^ngraysfrom the 3¡<1 Coa^rtusiunal Dislriet, gaining a

taejorlty of 501 votes over tho lion. E. ll. Rhett.

..... ^/ateír^^{î^pial to the j\:Íaiii{a lie;-ta:er/]

Tb^ifottfricàtti^wLack'.*"\ 'V-a kilMl A tua Java çc5, bj,p*;;¿ji-.«ií Irdfai.-C.. .

À lady of ititr..Mi]:?ní e^j-aiti>(»ia Kp''* cou

^y rnpcrtù that (bp-KiiEfals arc-liçinp fir? h..-.ratio:i'«. au J a .iarsV..-. onmbcr.ofuiieir' iu-r«h**c-ovt'î'à ii oin r'*.rv«ri<To. They- bat«» -r

.rooTed their supplitK to tLe Krro:ftIU¿ Jt^crji

.thjLfat'er to. defj;.i.d"'ihprb8<¡rrOH ftf/a'.öif t

at pri;Mclt of ou ai .ir» .

Wh« sUfas-that tiwylenl uw^Tcrrtli-tiVrB tlal(*lffi.Lhcj.Mlft>«-pV^S.i«.|OU Ot i

ro."'ri IVoin riiitfxviïiu tó Uiiau*uo.-ga. ."

Mr». L ina's, w¡w livor '. hrV« «nilón fois HT

oí 'ilu'óxv¡lic,."75 \ cari'of age*,' auJ a ta«J y..J-.i¿l» jtcducu*, nriui brutally iuuj>j«r'ú«l by."tXLaukctjb a lew dilys- ago." Our Ti. iocis

emigres routit ehrcr .up. " .í better d.iycobing."

) Tb»; V"««iLèr is cloat «nd cool. --

.TruT^îM'litiou-'Vnwiysof- ,»¿1*. Çunil/erJaiyHa* iain) Jovu.U I' tt^jM «où ts. UW*', C'H

,-p<mrai ofsix<livisiou^. uj.d«r Ivooeenu.SiiorLiLraituor, LÎ.V.A,'JJa'udJartû Wood. it.r¡cknü.tibaftivJr'-divisiùna ¿t c auiaaor'lhao'jtir'«, 1;alj'o« i:.g 17,000'lû t. divUióii, « Oitid ulalie .îOtjDiu n, U> wHicb^if. We acid" tut) or/rp»Bolaro and iloukei, fr-Mu thc Potomac, a

..Shel man, Crom thc.Mi->ai¿.-.¡poi-arj.uy of lirai:e»ttifiatf:d üL 15,001) each, it will ¡.'ive-us-.a f:«Htimufc of the-e!;emy!á iV<t<>w/. nrnOujîtiri?ubotit 81 .OOO. Tin's-Ta ü;)ar¿e__ artny to i,*Und ttt haul tiuypiies fórj 'itíü[ Xv fitinjf^Wtboat auch au iu^óieuaü .diilâucr, LiuievíiK^v, i»-au «ít>y. uttk..

r^^5Er:KÍJLH y...DlKD, at t i¿ reüdanoc .la. this District,.ou t

17th of,.AagùstdSM, JAMES P. LOWRY,dn I

4<Ub y^r ojE-tisaíe. ..

JdLis illueis .was long *ud painful, yet be hanail niin that cheerful rníbmiasiou which eu urn

becomes aaj adorns-the true Christian charactlío" united himself Vi til the Baptist ChurchLilUc^Sievene'. .Cree*, in August" 1S55, sud bjwell ordered and (io Hy cojtrse through.his shtearthly earner, did much credit to the profossi

¡ bc had made. Jie.alwa.ys »J'oke of á-atb cainduring bUjilueas, aol seemed p-rfect.-y ru.-dgito'the divine wiU.\i>frhb. Bevu .aly Eaibur. '1peculiar tepdeney of bi» nature 'Wftstt'er U>fr«uk And candid itt eon versatioii, plain an J uii,sumiug ia every action. Mo allays spurnWUaloV.ar portaiu.d lu Idleness ur IDUUICUCO, u

by frugality and tuduairy,had'acquir<iii and sioi

»way .a sutticieney of this world's, go-ds to rem

life happy. Ila, was, bot. only * ^ileoessfuL\\rather;'a medel larmer, having apiece for or«

thing, and everything jaita proper place. Bo e

a good and obliging uefgbbor, a kind father, a

an i'Section ate huhbaud.' The i tu mediato community in which he liv

, truiy l«refs that it has lust one id its most etfichlacquers; «cd the family, ona where placo e

«over mo.ro be filled. Bat, berna ved ones, w*.

net, for tho Lord, gave and thu Lord hath taitaway. ..Be bath gop« to realise thc hidden m.-icrieeof.tin unknown future, where trouble u

tod Rorer como, and. care and anxiety arenivrc.He loaves a wifo and four ubildren, toge ti

vtitb-many dear Monds and relatives, te montheir l->ss.

"But why do wo mourn, departed friends,;.Or shrink at death's alarms?Tis, but tho Tuicb-'inat,Josus sends,

- To-call uo U) bis arin.-."Bir.n, on the 12th Oct. I SM,-at bis residonce

rhis1 üiíiri-t, JAMES S. son Of WiLEVand JutAUA«»,'agod 2tl year». -

Xhcro is nn ancient maxim; founded ic justand rigai feeling which bids us *'say nothingthe dead bpi what is. good.." Wc .eau obey illulo.iu referencu to our d-parted friend wiüuvtol--.iiog tho most scrupulous dictates cf sinccro'.d irutii, b« Titi if kni>wu bim persunally anti.utation, trotu his youth.

.jA>ieK was boru. atitLruared in the'ncigbb'uihowhere be died, and we can sufely say,- few rpenbis ago uavo tii'de inure f.-iends and r.nn<> h.i>.>. tuner enemies. ili> lather having d.ed So:

timo since, ii.a charge of a rvidowed motlier a

ber lamiiy L l! upuii Lis Lands, "whi'h dillies, v

liisehorçcd witb ell tho c«re s:id tenderness nfsuiecûoitafo suit. Ai un early a^o he boenmtmem bor of tb* Baptis« Church ol Christ, addinne io the eXatulout, who b-ivo searched the X}>pol nntl found Jt tn be the word and will nf <}i

lu bis last l iness, .»hen lue world and ita faenati'.u.r wctof-dt tauing be-fute him, be f-ur-.d b"and consider.iii..a in ihcprnmisc.! of ino Savioland c'ilmly surTcyiug .tho appmurh of dia'hloulicd beyond its power, tn that glorious mun.

lalily pro.uiscd til ¡he believer.I bo places that kiVow him well knr.w-h'in

more; but thongh dead, his meui.iry will bc el

batraed »nd cheri bed in ibo herns i fall tnknee* him.

ll.s affectionat» wife, bis mother, hr-ith-rs ai

si/tors, rela iivt« ^nd friend* mourn hi.« de^aVtuibut they btive thc. consolaiiou to ki)i>tr, Ibuthas entered into (bar. rom prop.tn.d lor the pV»{iof (iod.. J«H.V TaArr.

Di KU, af "Typhoid Dysentery, Sept, 27th. IS*JAMKi» HELTON, ^on of JAMBS S. mid IfnTrS. AUAUS, :ij,e 1 year, 1 mn iii" .»ml Ö days'.

Seldoui bas jarib been guiddened with-So brigand so sweet a enmure, as dear little Iii i.TO«

His sprightly prattle' sud joyous inuoro co w,

the admiration aed es lev rn of all who knew hitil w Sad '.lieu must be tho household where Iwai at one« the ohjeot of indefatigable caress.

«rid thc contre iroin which radiated so many J'«yBU ninny> hopes. i>n : so "much of puro tn:s«I6?love tt'h.it f.es have boon broken nsuuder'; wb.hopes hixa boon ti\n inth* dusP;"how many lea.

rf hitter poignant griff have been wrung fr->\loving bearii by ibisHue blow! /Jut wiiy .-liuulwc weep? Tile budy-'.uni cask el w.iich held tlsp irkiing,. precious jewel-rwus sowo a fflwritjitib'lm' v thai it nnirh' li» rals|d'" ini-errup'i'.le" an" in tr'ory." The precious jewel, is latinifely uroipi rt iou.- ia H. J ven wheo it- ca.curs and ic fl ¿cithc brtg iter ¿i.d-wjrmor r¿y-< -.f tho Sun of UigltèuusneS8. Our sweet"Hal.rox r.ilh all that-iua»!hlni'ao brigh; »nd bcmfitnl, loved Mid tovinherc, is there nesiliug sweetly i,ii tho bo<«»in c

Him who enid " sutler little children to como unt

me," t-ach endearing trait expanding infinitelunder His almighty training. Let us go to him." Vfoyo not, mother, for him-iu his spring tim

bc.flow,To that.laud whore tho wiagrofc4ha*oui-»re uc

furled ; .

An;l now like a »tar beyond evening» cold'den«Looks radiantly dowb on Uo terns uf tb s world.

In Memory of Joha GrUatchcr.Auoil.tr nub!«, brave, and youlLful soldier ba

foUirtii bis lust light; ho bared I.is niuh:y besotto ;ht> »lorin, fe.- the last time, on the bloody. Ucl.of CbicTia'uiaUK*."JúBSi O'. BAICOSU enlisted, iu the rai.ks of th

lUth KekU S. C. V., when ouly sixte, n yearof age"; afid from.that timu io the day vf bi- un

I- tim-ly doaih, at tho uge of bi^hteiiu;' he w«s" at

irrayî. i'll«} true and ceurageous aotdiurl 'Whetbelu the Camp, bn liie marou, ur ou th« bailie' (iel.ILe did bl* WUble duli. But Uo i.i gûhe-g Aile iiibo bright d^ys of hts youth, -from a M thc ¡ICHt-nes at hernie, fond p-tre-jts, do ir f m .d', and nith-s foVe-i plnyniates o( hfs. oar';.' .-oort«. Ile Un:

jficlaed up his young life à -«ai»:S'eo fö in'dépé'ndence-^-iiu independence hu can novar onjo? Aia gonuiue patriot, despite his few and nsthinkiriiyokt., his t-iirnu; t dovotiun to our struggliug causiwas unsbrpa»8td.

Joti.r.NiK lUTCHKii'had only reached bis *¡gh.leon lb j ea , bat his oi-cning uiaiiii od waitui]of hopo áud promise, lie is no more buWvvj>,llfs lifo, valuable as it was to his' country, cher¬ished ns it was hy his comrudus'in arma, and dearas it wits to; the îoved onus at burne/'ts-a part oltho costly a-TI rico laid upan the alt«- ut our

strcggü'íg euuatry. The autumn leaves are fall¬ing, mid tnt- coluro.1 flowers itt summer i. .ve lett

litre gardcu* in all tlieir-nakeddos daliun."JotlyxiK! lias gone in the early- spriag-timo of his lifo-g.no'frdhi C^rtb w¿th all tt.o bright lu.ure befniahim, leaving behind him a foud, fund motlier andsi proud-f«vUxr. Again wiH_tno birds of springmake joytul ibo tuuuy morn-again wwi t.ne.d-.w-cta of sunirnur broaibe op-tbo air their frugruutsouls-but JonsHiK. will mingie with t..em nomore. He bas gone, and gone forever.Onr warinu'k sympathies are lavishly toudorV.i

to the 'soreiy-striokon mother-father-sisters,who feel hie ib«s so keenly. Time, tua sue thor,and tho coiisoi.ition of UolVgraee,.who.permittedtb»» oojj »jene Unat their Aimcred tmtrrl¿.Jous.sifi o largo circle of relations sud (rion.isfeel-nanoo keenly lb« terribie etrck-i -Anal hasdeprived them of ouo of its. noblest g.;ms ; uiHin yielding him up for our heioved country'igiod, we ioel ibat it is our sweet privilerjo mclaim aU that bo promised to bo, as ouo ol' us.

iii Tri II- rrwk%\&kmmkWkmmkWa

^We »re too-prtme ^TurgÄtttj^"sacrifice;:, breaos»-tb*y,-. beeou«:yfsmiliaT lou«;u-'a' !«i »s!.-{».'.y.t OCA. li t IML lunt^.^jreerv

;¿n*r<h'l' OYer, th«'Ta'ii ¿mnu^jttro'Toü^iÍT, a- iilbe' viëti>s5 v\t'à.ri\j i»ur C'-TIW«>«':U«; basti, » gra-ie.'.ful pt*¡ lo ¡rill a.vaïi rho hic»^tùi^^}(\ycA^«T\to «¿ls -j/i-tliás JOST-H.ÍTTJHS'H^ ¿y-A>--£l H*îSpSÍ{íá»?ié& life;-Corpa j-A-MEá'lV. BUSH-'!

¿ TO N, s -r of' Bair.?.KUSNTON. lu'iuc-Ji1 of"ol 'WV-aVS £t>CT-MÍ*laojr'. auu iiujtri*?g disci-.e.

Me dicL-UtUv ¿.urj¿l'««Vw^^ Ifcow ! i> lio Jwaa i^cm^r,oC^e,-22rl' R**»,. ff ¿JP-_-V^ ..* »-?.(i»t K«giiii«m wat farmed, ho' wac nr. nc ¡brni «ibes. wj»o enlutad fJr" tbe' w-r. VV^eb ibej»>>»re*vr%ore«í'tóAi Ls.', b'o went * itali* ei'minajid,hui thc' t-'ihn*ic wai>8u ' .eerVatiirg '«ridl«! wt>oi«,-ua«l "tbfct'h» W»á wot'trier'; lou/ before Ve co«.

.»'.«»-«J t^ t'^jf.v\i^h'Uun\^aJfiA-,h^* Yï-i.r Moñtw«,4n a «Bv>r«- b.«rtie¿f-^u<ht w»r ÎCins-U,-, N. J ,

al wai ta Haje ht' o»a\e very noir Leinuk..-ri.prhm nor ny li,,;.enemy-. il< wai slightly wannan',fl- if i¿ rever») siiribiîbcT wltíi'tbé ert'-oi'y "(^1-rinjrhis stay in tee stàrV, !üráTl'»f 'whVebVhe'if-'liiuiied'un-aoii.cu curage aoü lierou-iu. T;ir.ue"hall ibe faligu-;» l:.etich-. 'le. a cutup lifo,-neewaa

tni-i". He *vu0 a member.uf ino. Methodist Bois-copaLCuuroii for lever*!, years, poneieieui in jiU.tiio w -lia of a Christian's. fifej esèmi'lary itt fil?lut ici t .' ?jof uno* tuan/" As a Christian, a.-Maa>ryand a Ç iIJi ji, he performed his dutiespuuciuellyiud without reserve. He loaves a wile au«! »we

çbiKlreu, beside* numcToa« rd t ti vos aud fricad*,io-mourn their, irreparable leia; but. thor woura

Lot, is tho.««.who have no hope. They Joel thattheir loss .is his etcria) gain. He was. the kind:;u»' -nd, fetid"parent, obedient child, »nd aileetionWte'br .tbairr' Uîiôblru»îve in hL ILW in n-ii«oúduce, ho gained respect among tBore'-Äiiw wer»

hut comeados.in arms.- Thus pas^jd away thetrue Patriot, an4 0 tri st ¡cn I-.

IT-U*als« our ead-"-duty tn record tba death'ofOrp'i-, HUMPtfKEY-D. RUSHTON, barber ofCorp'l. J AHBa Hus HTON,'who fell' in tbatgrcatnud-ever maui utah le. oatUe at Ch icltam^u^a, en -au**,

"day the 20th of ¿opt., while .gallantly charging;»he enemy,

' He; íell, a baU" h^VirTj pv rwf bis'thigh niter th« oamaru of the day was over, bewa« found a lifeless coi pso en tho li aid of deadly

I connie;. Urcrmusly.he ha.« rocaived a revere woundon thc head. The deceased was in his 2¡!d yeer,and a membrcnt tho M. E. Church. F:-um uri youthnu was r-m ir itably pious in all bis con'rsrsatLifi-and -dotions. -->-..

The willer know him well) and hi: broúer *'«o,ind can truly, cay ihat-.cthey -were men pf moralworth to, thc Chu nth, .their couwtry. and; society.l'h e.re iii ains ot CVp.-Hi. B."RU"HTO>I were broughtLome «.nd buried uiVr au «ppr«i>'riate »enn-iri«pfotéboJ lo a large' o'utcouistr of teiulivcs anid-"frionda. '"-' "

-'flo-was »no añong-the flrgt tbar rolnnteerwd inOapt. riimofs nid CJ. of tho.7tb. Regt. S. C. V.J»inoli that ltr¿t. was rc -or^i imoJ lor .;ta» w,»r,

he^atUoUcd.himself to. Capt. Uouuax'a couunaud,LV, in which ho remained up tu thc ràme he felt,ile had jrouo thrJujrb all the campaigns 1nVä.;Marylaud itud Pa., and wa* in all the'battles'audakiriuishc« through which ibo gallant oíd 7th Waa

;calledr re pass. ..When--orders came- for.them to

reinfoc-»:liea. BBAOO. tbey bucklod ontueir^ar-uioúi, and woui .uHuifal ly .forward. They were

noMhero loug bofora the battle' ¿f Chickara«u<am m m i-ncc 1. He was reidy to defend'bls countryor die in tho attempt.*' Ho 'Ikere sealed hie devo-

I tieim tu the «aus« -f Liberty with bis'blood.-At tho buttle nf Sharpebufg-b«.reoeived a slight

wound-; at-U«rtty«hnxg,''£«t>, belia** very c«r» 'W

escape, .part oi his clothing. buvin¿ boen cut eflby a.bomb shell..

"¿'-JCape' ISOOOAMH, in a lotter, to his parents speaks

of him in ibo oigheSt terms. He says : "*rfo *-n*'tsave th -se who wero ailieJ to Corp: KL-.SUTOK bybiood o»n m'>re'deVplyrregrec-hls death than I do.I h ive murkod his bearing and general-d p c-nsniit oror since ay bscamo a mcmo'-r of my vU-on-p.tuy, and I «an -proudly say that no man e»orbore himself more nobly under all circumstano»illili dil bo. In camp ho was th: faithful, efficient,and obedient sMdiei,' ever qftie't, eonrtoiúa an-r*kind, to Uiiicers aud meb. In ba'"t¡e bo was theoaibuu'imcul of «ll that w i beroi» «ua bmvo. Howas deeply impressed with'his duties to h:« fell-.Wsoldiers, his cuuutry, and his (j »d. We tendor to

you our he«rt-ten eTUrp.ithies, while n* t'r. same

lune, wc hi-po. that the God he trusted will hey'Jur élajT and comJúri iii this your húur Ot sbreadvenity and trial."

Two fftlUni s-ldicrn are gone,? They biv<» ron»ht tboir inst batt'e,

In memery may their actionsBe inscribed ou our hearU.

Th«y n<* more shall dreid' Thoedrruws auil pains of, do.Uh ;

T¿c'y are irco from all it.-, caros

.:, I-, yonder bright world lo rest.

They, are g«>ne to Heaven «hoveV7ber» d.«Ath shall uovercorae,Bu! fln i the Father f..rov.or rei«»of,lu that happy land may wo meet.

J. P. B.

ItüLlGlüUS NOTICE.The Fifth fr'abballi Union Meeting «if thc Four.à

Division of che lil.lgonold Association, will eou-

vooo with tiie.Rcpottlienp Church, on Vrid»y be¬fore thu 'nh Sabbath in Nov.,in»'., at 10 o'clock,A. M.-' ?'.« - .-. ?'u. -r

J. S. M ATH£ WS, -Mon 's.K. M» -SWKARIUSKJI, Clerk.

JFactory Yarn.

HST r..c'eiveil n »:irg«« supply of FACTORY, VAUX, wbieh will-be sotd at reaionableraies.

Call at M. Lebeechultz's old stand.Nov 17 tf47r~

SALT ! SALT I4rv/ nitrite! price, or I'will «xebang' it.iottoro or iMeal. B. C. BRYAN..

Nev i7 «H* -lo

Tannery.iWILL TAN and FINISH (300D HIBBS

fordon*, third .af .tho Beatber. Persnns can

have ail «.f lb» fieHther by paying me the cu<-

tomrry price when tolined.-NATHANIEL McKAY-.

N.v 17 -et* '' 48

Notice.ALL persons h 'Ving olaiuis a^ainat the "Estate

ol W. Mi Buborn, der'.?., «re rv({ii,-Mlrd io

present tl om', duly attested, by the 15th F«bioa-ry next : aii'l ail p-rson* ind.et-U>d to th«.sadKsta'e will pl«ase tintke pavmottt hy .that i i te d', aflHl«sire to cloyeuip enid Bstato witbont delsy.

¿* BMZABBTH R VlîOBN, A«tm'ix.Nov 17' 3m*46

A Large ¡mí lalitabíé itotationyon SALE: "

THE Subscriberdelires to >ell thatVATUABBB

PLAN TA XION»whfrou -Mri Julius I»*y.-n<Tw resides, situato4 inK'l.'1-ñcl Di. ric.', on the Hamburg di UdgefirldP!qtik (toad, 1,5 miles, from Au¿u»t¡i, H.fromBjji«-üelil C, H., and 8 fruin" (ir*nit«vill.i, andC .ijlllilii'igSEVENTEEN JrJ.VND'REP ACR KS

r-... >?. ^ -r- .

0 choice Pine Land. Said ho ly of land lies on

a high level ridpe,.perfeelly bun.thy, finely era-

tereti, in à plcaÉÏnt nui^hporhood, conveuiéut'toiiurk-t, and immediet-elv -on * the roi rcmpl. ledroute uf the Columbia A- Augusta Rail Road.Un ibo premisos are two sottle-mcnts,-wno di¬

rectly on ino Plank' Ro«d, embracing a handsomoand cuinuiodi-.uj Dwelling, good-Kitchen, Stnckelloit.-c, Negro Houses, ute, tugetbotv with mew

liiu HbitèÎ sind Screw, large Cattle aud ^lurs.aButs, Barns, älabloi, Ao.,-all conveniently ar¬

ranged und in goed repair. Tho other sotttemeut,ubout.« milo distant, alss ucar the Kind,, consistsof a «mail Dwelling aud all ubcoseary Vut-t«uiU-iiigs. .


«Thdso Tanda are very productive, as the pres-ntut.ii wili attest, and-nra noll adapted lu tho eul¬er ro of Coru, small, ti rain, Cotton, Ac.About. F*ve UunUc.J Acres of this Tract of

Land are in « hii-u siatc «f dn.tiir^ft'Tti, and ninlrr hgu d roncos,-whilst tho remainder is in-native jforest, wi ib a'due growth of í'iuo, O-k and HieTr-i"ory wood. \ .-\

Tüere is also on trie prara i-cs a promising yuuhg.Orubard of-choice Fr.it frees. *

jfSSr-F ir furihor inforraatiuh "apply t« Mrvf>»y -*on the place, or to ike Subscriber at *£dr-:eneld C. ftlt., S. C. J C

.jai^Reforenoo is respectfully given to Prof. F.S H..?<. ie', u! Charloston, who bas recently pnr-cbascd land in the vieiaityof thisphce, and whowould doubtlesj express his upiuiou, oej applit-a. Itiou, as to (au merits ol' this desirable planutiou. r

^«yi'nce «Áiae-.-iiaids-tem)* a-'c/trtrmo-lating. ^JAMES il. TUiiRIi-OX.

Ed^olield, S. C., Oct. 6 4p* j

STA r-i Vj^aWTT. C*-*ÎO*Ï^FJ'b'EFJ.ELjfDJJSTlflCf. '_STU vna^iagaapK crj»*^^«îttc«urt

a f; f!en»re! firrïtàti»- . nd'-CeiBK.ea Pleas-.'erugeÁelu Distrijvï» porA»*tíe-«^ÍBf{#>^ -f tee

Te'bj¿ir; »aViic *»üee, -t^At- e.* Bt. KC viONDRCLEKK. OUVÍ^BT «HÍ wmmr,r EügoáeW'Ontfiév. '"rt»! W beU^es'Te^fM^T. POCK iü ír¿r ef JA&in.RY Ä BX iVit'Äe'riel i>'««*r ^^HlfeTftnaffifrW'Ms DWiit ig*WttMM'ny kairt- aw Eugefeld, iraalt JiM«Vl'-lislttij.dey wi I'<rjáVitJrOK, ? . ww. l~

.-/ tí. HAilRi>>S, c^-e^r. -.,Nev lg -??

.. 9 »?<. £¡¿3

?/?'_; E t>« B.n ax n,. l&x&üs?, l*fe» T '" ï-.rSr^i^nsjna^

.« ó^re^/'-ui.ICaPJTnr^7.,^i]^je^ exempted »

y SuéiMÏutiso^açft'-again «.raered ty repwr*-»«

j ru ishod'TÍ » 11 Crt tiícate« 'Hf1 tWEñfólílilg>8il~ *

ors, bearing eu-their faoe Vüi-Ä«^ Ulai «usa.;»»-,ers hara been 'taken front them and. for whaturpoae. * v r-.. ->".. ;*: Sfeiîâ i .-.^h^rr»«»III. Ail men -thu* «xemptsd, »hu rcfucfi

eglect to ilapeait ajask-raper».jft Itbi^gJftoW, jr^; ¿


Bi" ii er rr. ieionEdguüeld District, we wi il- adi at-thn lat*'-

eeidance-"of JAT&E^ P. LOW-B¥; deett*fi -J.On Tuesday, 15th "'-flWiiÂewmïeV^

LU the Estate "'of tte'said deceased,' both' Kc alind tot^uárrnet^spoaed^efc^isling efsoinë 10-orirLm\t.^t^9r:


j- -WAOOSP.-eABTlSr-. si r.^.CARRIAGE A«P»ttaH«H0H>"jtar-sda


And other artielee nat IñStMm^tÉÉttí^£newu es"tJ»evWILMAM líRAN TKÍCT,vo*»-<ia¿áitt< Throe liauired and Ninety aerau aeres,? ore ur.l<iü.ndj.íiiiñg Jjne"eèrRob*.' Brja»>-8r.,JB. RI'edsoe and ethers. *' " ' *^ "

T.i-iaa uiade knuwn on day of »ale.-".

. Z:W.'?.OATtW-HrHrito G KO. A. _AOD_ISON,T ¡ .U

"NOT 17- .-? <t,. ... ." 4*

Statt? of SoiLi^JîardpûBDUEFIÜLD DlSTüLtá',

IN fiUUIÜY.Elisabeth"T. Adamset al, Y

TI. > PartitiflJCä»IsaHeMá toimj, et at- .r. J; *

wTVtrtnrof an erd'-r ef Cotjff in this'oate, LOrWilt .proceed to^aall nt tba *4aJ»--T«»i4e.ae**tJ-mes F. bowry, dee d., en.TUSàiiAX. W'K-D»:.oemhor uex:,-the REAL ESI Af E ef JAMES 8.ADAMS, àfr/.d; t5 wit : -

" J^Nß -T-itAGT- OP LAN.D non>iaíng"OnVlLán-.

dra^apd.Eighty.Aere», more',er le*i, 'adjeín'iag.lands ef Enlate et Jauel F. LuWry, Dr. JohnLai'i«lrrfm'and"e;hoT»; '* v -r"*'-

TER MS.-Sold on a credit of tweire monthswith"?'inter-e'er'':iront -day of >aale. Purehaaer to

¿¡veTBnnd with al-least twer go*d snretiea, te aa-,cure the parchase meùey. au i pay f«¿ tules extra.

House and Ltó fof Sále.IWILL sell at pnblie nutrty'on tko nrst Mea-

'day "ia Deernibcr next, mv. rflOfWli-' AiiDLOT aitnaie-tn the Viliatfa *f Edgefield» Ofûiaio-ing one acre, moreer less, suijeining Lot af theest.teef S. Christie, dee'd., Dr. E. J, ilims andothers.- '£hi$ L/>t has a.Well of geod water^andneccssary.outuuUdinfa.TERMíí-On a cr»<ttt of oho tm tw.-> years li

equal instalments;' PurchAàor i«?gice>- Nate* andtwo appr-red securíticí wHh.lttrarii.'tiároiñ.^a'a.i

. S.'W.-NIUUOLSON.NOT 1« 3:*:,, ..


Ad imiiifitratoi%'-Ssle.BV virtue of ao aid^r from t>ifl .Ordinary, we

"wiil |.rooeed te soil at the'-tate residonco-ÍHr*. ANN AS BIL L Jse'd^ enTtfEnaOAl', »tJthe Por>utiai Es*ateof said- Jecease4, consieticgio part af

Two Ialcely Ifegro Women,COWS, H O O S, C O R:N, FUUOEft,

"..asoh.dd-^ti't ICitcheu Pirrbitore.'and Tarlanaot or artic! 5* tot* tedrona te a»«ni i->n.

TiiRMSj-per'nil sums of an4 undtr $¿0 .-r»sh;and IT alt sums-orer thau amunnt on a credit oftweive meúth*.


NOT 1«"' '/»t tö,;..Adm'eö.

ÏtV I LT/ attend at the fu lo wing phioea te re--?.»?ivo Returns and: milts AfiiMnwntl af iks

" Tax.in Kindf" Ȇcr which my BeekV.wjli kodeed :

, r_-.

-I«h*rn;Ctilbreath'3, M.-inday, *RhJi«.T._- A*Jlen..K<«nq>'r,. .. Tu«y«iay^' .

lst": Dee.J. S." Sm/ly*»,


Wednesday; ld "

D rf.'s Mills," IhurKday,- ZS "

Róantree's *Ure, -Friday, îtk "

Hablw-user's, Saturday; -5.V sÄ *

TeX PàtersTaâltng tu tu.kr r»tr;rLi mutt do 9»

hy rtddfeV*íii»r wi*-a.iIete»r-'Ntnety^«x Penlise, or ibo penalty ot site law will b« .euloreed inoreiy. instance. R. ,C.,.GR.¿P¿'I>",

Assesser I3th Cul. DistrictNov17 -Til, '4(1

Executor's lSTótiéó. ;ALL persano haring demande againat -tfi».Sá¬

fate of-1-elate Jehu. 8ti.db.-vm, liee'd.,. aro

remues ted io pre-ont theta properly atie«>».i iodie^ader-igiia^b'y. the ái st d»y of January noil,a T expect to m.ake a nual se'ulomoat of said Sa¬late »a that day. And tbuxe^ Indebted to saidEstáte ara requested to make immediate paymentto'the nndefeigued. - SJ S *, r.- -

JOHN rift ST I Dil AM,.-NOT 17 -, si :-»v*. j,- .i--..v.jtf

Canted, -

A* OVERSEER'S PLAt;E. by -ona who hash -;d severa y-ars ezperisnco, and i? fro« of

loudcnpiioc. -Address Ute undersigned at .Rioh-Uda'.nTille, 8» G. ^ . s M...W. T.'Oct 21 Tia* * if

Notice.A PPIC-ATION will be made to the Legislature¿V at its nextttsship, to yest .in Nelly,Parda,¡i.tee -simple, tho whv-1* t>ni*te both real and juer-oniLof her sea Noak Ethridga; dea^iir1Sepu'tr * sit ---.v,-. .jj*..

^^^TTBLÖr^^rrTE havo ti«w on band agned sapply of DN-TT VEI.OPRS. Enquire at thb OOoe.. Pricean^jog from 76 els. to $1,26 per pack.Ser,t 2:i '_tf . '38

SALT! SAigTI[.RAVE un hand at LobescnlulS's old atanJ a

I.AROE 5X1 PPLf OT K.l'PÉBIüR(ALT for lalo. »-. .>..?I will Barter SALT for CORN or ME ALtr pom.ds vi Sait for one bushel, of eith»t de-irered. A. A. OLu^Eft,Nevil S.... ^ ';. tf .

" 4a- ^It i S^tt! Salt!,VTiA «1 >HKL>1 Kl.\E DRY SALTfiMß wWch,wawt!l isell .at th.» Atiraata priée»5 Cash, or we ;wdl bart»r'*a '^rtienf ef Jx for«rnxPork or Flour. "M"."RAZIETt,

. 8. F: (Î0ODR.NOT 4 _.? gjgggg » ?? 41-

Cards! Carda!PAÍK of the best quality of Na. 10 Cet-

d*J\J toa Cards ever elfe red tn this marketir sale by 6. iL ROWERS, A¿t.UstabuttVAiíi H if a