Domestic News. .Ertract from the Report oft/e Board ofDi- rectors to the Stockholdcrs of the Soutk- iI'estcrn R. Road Company. "But we consider the estahlishment of the Batik, the hond whieh wiil serve to hldf the Company together, nod iflird n certain resource in any time of need. and Itherelire as indispensible to the suecessiul prosecution of the great work. In this view of the sub- ject we would now baing to the notice, .fthe Stockholders, some of IIhe Ieading 'p:ovis- ions of otr* Bunk charter, a.I Irietly poin out the great advaninges which Imzy be derived fi-om this institution, and the valu- able uses to which it mny bt' npp;iied. The "South Western R ail Rlnid !sank" hss been chartered by the States of North and South Carolina and lennessee, with a enpial not io execed $12,000.000, nad for a pe rind of thirty-one years. Kentucky has not yet concurred in this charter. hut stranig hopes are entertained thatI lie renewed app'iltiion, which is to be madtle to her legislatore, at the ensuing ueseion, will not fail of suceess. We are strcngtlh'ienl in the expectation, by the liavorable disposition n;ifeteel tnow aris our enterprise, at a recent tieetig of the Directors, at Lexington; by the small ma- jority, against the applieation, at the last session, of only six votes: by the deep in- terest which Keuiaeky has ill I he saceecn of the load, and especially iii the esnblish- tuept of a frank, which will so essetially pronote the Itrade and interentirse. tiow ear- ried on by her ciizenits with the Southeri States, but whether these expeetations shall be realized or no, it ennnot ie doubt- ed, that a Bank, extetdaing wit Ii its brancles over three States, nill fu rnisih a eatrrency, which will'ho of inestiable value to tih citizens of those S ta:es--a currency, whosc Credit would be such; as to con ioatIl atn ex. tensive circulatime, not only Within tIhe States grantina the charter, ha in lia neikhi ngua ; -'ites, nil ti some exten1 throughout the Union. Fuihiiling the I;aiV means of tranifcrring fundls, by drit-:,is mail bills of exchange. the South nid the West will be relieved fromn a hat is now felt ::s mi oncrous tax upon their intercutrse. The ,want of a 'orlnin currenev now sifjers the tradler and the Iraveller, tint merely to much incoaveniiene, hlat to great expnlse. (cold aiid silver, thonugh ind spen 41abfe as the basis of a sound ciren ina tmiediini, never can, to auiJ (arent, he mmale nl itablfe for the genera'. purposes of coiinmiirce. No traveller or trador will attenpt to cross the mnount ains with hans of specie. n hile hecaat obtain drafts or bank bifll, whieh will al - swer his purpose; eguatly well: Ia proo of this %%e awill stlti the lat, ithat on ur r. cent visit in the Wecst, we were iamalde to convert Sonatherin hachk bills, even of specie paying Banks into W1estern. paper, but at ;t prenutin of 7 per cent, while Kentucky Bank bills cotlId not proabfly be rendeied available in Charleston, n' iimou paving th same pretiuma, Ihus subjecli jg she holdenr of these bills respectively, to a ehintre. inl :1 single transfer of funds het veen Lexigton and Charlestuu, iQqual to a whole' year's in- terest on the .iamount. Thou.h thismnis be regarded as an unusunl anal extritaordii ary state of things- we feel warranted in condition of the currency mia of the ex- changes, Subjeets the trade' heatweien Ili( South and West to charges. n hiet i may fe safely estimated at Six per cent. oi the whole amount cuployed in Ihat trae.,whiiih we all know anotunt:.; ro m:imy ailliaa eel dollars annually. The Sotitl We,teri Bail Road l ank will supply lit -lf iaanI corrective to this evil. It will hius nut only ell'eet a vast anniual sa vinig to lie troilers nuall farmiers oh tile Soauth a n-f ih. \o'est, hun, hv. so oaig wviii reconnul endi itself to geneiriil lhvor- anad soupport; andto if c-nondeh ta-a sale, 5oundii, antd liber-ial pri'iclil,., ii jll l thle samle Iilmec ensure large profits to the The fiulure to retnew ifie itebarre of thle Ban11k of the United Sitates hili-i lefIt thli booanthern and Westerni S tmaIes in the'I lia-i.. table condh iltn aboi~ve deascr ibed', , irm ichii thley canil nedver ha- refie:s ed, bult 1.5 t hia es t:ibhishmnenit of surb as oiirs. 'I'he Xeit Xourk Banaks, atal the IN-aae lva-iia p'Ii.i or the Uniitedl Sta1tes Iininisha th le .N,.i k .ii a nd litnsterni Staicte, ti currencay seiafhi n-a for- t heir piiuposes. I ut noitiig siarr ofI n llank hias uag a ebaarier f'romi severalh Stunes. Cani sull 'y or wani111. 'l'hu rca-hm-rat of t .t hatak of the- Uniited 8:les. mu11- lie ;afaii ted, by thu-os lho dleam.,nehi a ees tiie- siralhe, to be more i ha~n dcubrlt 1. anid if' it shotiud take pic-e, li somle fustuire dayi!,wvould comeiii too late for ouar plrupis Is. wil. ia j hielieved, thiat fr'omi thei l0-.alii6 e~~ -t''i t- atdv'anltages Cepetedl toi in. ale,.j'4 froa a1 Blaik of the LUniit-d State-, e' ithI ,u e'.nil tially initerie-rm g os lh thliat institul an,,-houild it herea ftea he estalfished-1.Th ' Ii h~i-v o' the Umit4ed Stres affoirdls no gilri~ lh I loamu Buntk N'ever hayfore iave lin-'4 S.~ se concu rredi mi ganhtmhg atny I anik ebiar---r~anai niever has sol lib.-ral a iharter-fi~i bee graiit.i by iany Stlia'e, No hiioiis i-s reqire h-. , i ho pid to either oif lile Staites ranlili tihe C harter. l'lan stock :i. wvel latf. i denids thatreotn are a*-.predl e -ih t ifii taxaion in iea h?1S:11,. of ;.; Xa-niaIla sutasaiilly soIl inhe Sitite of Nirtib (Carn iiiaa landl c-line-ss-c. nd th ti*!Iilk iifihi 11an1k aire madtie reeivable ait Steare Treta-. if' the enapit al shall naot exeed tre/re- mli//iams,I it is left embairely lit the d iiscretjion fi thai- stockhohlers to le fite iaount w..ith w~lhi they may comm iee bu~slies; -vbiia h aiamim0 t hey are permitted Io etirle froma ri. Il a timie as they maily thamuk priplera. '1he oi iul .hi~laltioni in tihe Ceercic oaf this iucretiii'n is fo~und mi tile proiviiion that atfter the first two masaifntentts iof' I-?4cach shoalI htave~ been paid mt. the I )irectoris shall niot ca;ll for aiy fuirt her sumis latless whvien e nll amounmts shall lie cnlh-d lor ion thei roaol While it wats the 1.ect *af this Ilimiti n enstire theo contst ruction of the romii. prmoviI in is nt time sameii timeitO tiio i -iur' the saoc~kholders sn llieacent profits from, theii ope raitiont of the Banklh, o proitde. :tmh. ivi. dlends on thei wvhole alamunt oif trt-r invest. mlenits both im the Blatmi andu the I noad. It wsill fin sen. (il meferrm ig to the' ebni~err thiat thle present stateC of Ih lenh seriiptiota ta the Roadf (two intiahlneaits of' $5 ear-l bav- ing bocetn p ai) thte stockhaolders will be- en.a tided to hiohll Banik $tockL4111i lgal so jlhn each share held iin tho IR'a of wr ,..:. ,::2A. will ho paynluio. at the time of subscribing, and the reaining S174 st such titne n, utny be deemed advisable by the Directors of the Blank. At every subseqtent cll sunide for life Iond, siat caeal amount nany he entled fir on tilt iank Stock. A ssiscriber haivinga ptidthm O he 1111: stock in the i ound may there- fure hold $310 ofstosck in the Batik. and sat each successivo cull the a naonut of' stck in the Btiik will coutinntt to execed the stock in mIh Ibs:id fly tanl eqal iimount, until the lisk c:npitasl shall nosnaaas to 60.I0),000t) whoa, he'y mst1,1 proceedl o::.et 'paurip juss8u until the Llank capital shall :antn t)t G'I2,000,UU. The object i tIh's liberal provision was to give incussne to the Stock- holders, while the road was in course of coustriction. and belibre any pait ouit couldi .o tnate n sonrero ttf protit. Andil this oha- jt ay certainly be tfs i ecoliisihed, if the stockholders will only be 5a' to thei- selve. Weith :: invested in the Bank and $10 in the n al 7 per cent, at lein5rt may oter'- taissly be realized, upon thet whole unnonutt of, thep invesotet, viz : 10. 1'nsderai ste- ees-ii ilangesitent tentei p selt cnt s'a- sily he Iloade onl the 8 invested in the' liinik, whieb wdshi i ga'lts tat 74 per cent oil .40, the nhole am touit a fstork heist bht ithe snnk nial the lioand,andi it is not dutbsed th:t as the operations of tilt' lank shall be ssitestently enh It at, evet grenter ioht<:t v ie derived so :ss to keep up the dit ai-nds to at least 7 per cent. nstil the lirst dis ision of the 1l0:s1 shall ihe tinished and brnaght to ise', wien the inconie of the Sockiuldersf must lie coaiderahly in- creased. Steh are the important liankint' privi- li'gs. n Iie h i:ve been coliferrei s upon the SlIckholdsers '1' the Il.an aisville, Csincinn:ai il Charsis-toll Ril Iaiat! Company. No tasne is alkowed to hol a shsre is tht think, n ho doeis notl s t torresjpotaing -hare in the 1oands. Tie'. lsank. htweer, is ta be' mstanaeds by a sepalr:tlt soard of I irectors. :ands neiteir the stck nor ti profits fit'tie biank are to lie in :ssy vsay i't-l - tir the cotnsu tn or e ' pten'ses If tlat 1,1tt1d;l so that the entire pr'fis of the 1111; isunsi he divided amonuwt the Stocklhobb-lrs. Pl'ler :1 *eshiti n Ill m: taiaptd Iy ul- i)irctr itis prof osael to ailt the lii 1ni lil iasik in pernlitn ins Nms tmh er it', t 'i'he resul p- lis. it sper'e payinents is the State llanks nis s'eisder thi, compartati'elventv. Iboks or -i-scription will be apeieal on tihe !d Miasanday in Octoler next, amd cotinute Open f' r one Stontb, when every stickisahlt- der will be at liberty t sub.seribe h r as uisisns 'shs'a;e in the Btsik as ite usllv tinsk proper, not exc'eedtinsg the ntrier sl ares ht-lii by hils, in the mia. 11 is at ado.itti that the Stockhb-rsa will esbiace tilt' op- portIsnily thius a1lrlet af'seenrine' la thi- selves a vaulnsable propwety, anl at theg ine ine ensuarins the suc:sess osfur gre t rak, which is isesastrably connected withthe --stablishmsesnt sof'this B:nk. Evnn a here the sit ution of a1 Sjfahole:Ir miehl tear- hid his holttit an aloult osl'stack in the lank, einal to tsh:t fr which hie may have subscribed to the Rasd, a due regrari to his owin interests will relaise rnt he shnltar subscribe for the full umountt tathe annk, and pay the first instaltent of $124. Thia will givean increased valte to hii .ljl erm1as, ant witlhaout injuti'y to thte omspaav; Whilst a failure to suiscribet tet uItna k a ill reAee the vaiant of his .slick rid detpris Himt sf the o.porinnity of av:iling hinself f st' btncta of the fIlnl, at any' futssre periodi 'I''e 'to.tkhles: of the Blank will seet itr petrsan, or by proxies, in Clianestitn on thr %Iif/g Aomu, nt/at r nr/i thr the purp ae at ele't- img I)iret'trs, andi it i inteidd ttIhe SlIank' 5 asll a4 l ito as'ersanln Ilsl usn t-e alle asi posibb: thtsruos wich' pm-ls.6a~s 5 'aread' isa tihe thands tt the -:g r, tnd a tenp rsary n kin. t..... l... e wil. las' r i- dit'd. IHr:aant'ihs nt ill bet e'stabiiilshed iat iT's' nl~eace asstnad ' noth Cissaoina s 5' sast bis, affer tilt Aliottiwr link eusn be psut is1 aoa erat:ion in Charh-'s'stn,'' I'rowlia the Was,tiau,,,( i;so,.. 1:ste / is- 'a'n e: iN san' e'.:x5 n s:x'-r i n..wenatt- tea sid ins lte tat l'igene,' r t sa rre. a n s ar rs i t h- on' e - T i is a t s '- . .' if i s a~ ar en. .i sstta ' altm .' 'a ' pp ;lfth - to t ha wetl.n p~at;led itt athe its's o.. iaion pssa 'i'., setly11%. i- a5 netw tetihlst, iplsatashs tl- tw'nsaith oar tirtiass. taf u li.,t act asa ii. haish ing~ c's4'stor-., dutring thea iast fit'iv t's':rs. fits' sasorsat mssa instielisas i. '.sI-i.s, alil thse. dfaub'sts' to whis thasv e-adl sie;.' ttrasutr3 \syt tsr princiest, n~ hens ins les-' Lies lh a nd '*, pie'rs slcui,ssettitas'tis, ' 1'iat. Let :.a sto-,i ni l isli- <.stm'as- tse whossaacished'c thast the ataslss'tssgm ts, i;, sten lar'5- c'aptitais ;and inrt'e- saus ar Vi' - ' iar, Lit:elbury'i flst~awain stitas t' tasty, asaiol oth's-. sll. aillll ora'gd w Isile tahes letal s 4itate., ilanksi aor thei States banssks we.re' a'spatr andIts taltimien astaa'' 'ili' syse s, a msrs l m isara l fromss's 's them r at'er S hsas belooat.:t; srt Ste ,--tronsg bot, sv,,.m' ai'ots a ' ia.'aendet Tire's'snry.t . '. Ia' the petple knoitw'alsut ah;ss isids innte dei'-atih,, thise have' haps -d'l., tunders tisa 1.tastl 5':....st.i .%:et blanak 5V-5tt'. lits ids ishoas iiheat5 yea tat:a', lantsssl'din ten 'or lci .'- Iteen as mil itiparts w nout beae'n patid,. thouitght mis lt is probtally n sti be-t le'r' is lt' toisita mt sagisl sit issak deal. , '.s's''es aiidttbar si'f ahiab itis likely Nw n-in-n' oft hta laneisttestibedu: i n se l' i i it t as s Is e s fr to m t a n kt s i hrm ert ly t a deposi tasse, o af theas pulsliia. t~csmo y. i''rinsc.ti t~ d A sv. 1at. I -8.i., $ I.07is, I at lute'es"t ti.er'ean tso .Nov. I s;7, "'t ; ..t t)edner'u paamient saee Notv.'tmbers, 10, I e:; I, 75 ,f .39 7 Nava'iber 18.;7, $ .ig2.s;i- it 3 'I iis ntinonn~t-of' usentr tws assiiaas- itisi, bay astl co'liin oIlug tice'rs sinsest the t'ss -t dsaatn ati the I iatvermnemt'i; so Slan it'f i'e si ltis' asf Ste tat ter waera' propera'sly arugs. bsle .ste systemt fa it t'la'eIsa'it ins.ss iry-wh ielh it is ipalpabliie thlay aire not..... I* ws'y'asasil ite far less thlsa ih' lstss.a's by ite baks theseslve's- It' the it.jur'y n a addd which has been sustained by the g ted paper of lianks taken for public es' und' by the seizure of our dividends I U- sates Bank, and its inability, s. to rmuke iidends oi our stock or ears, the agegate, as showyn in the r the .Secretary-of the ''retsury to the; e of lItepresentives last 1 inter, arid is rated in Mlr.- Niles's speech, wguld e ix or seven) millions. I.. That report we republish be s it ex- libits fnets ofiieinlly ant resp a con itnit it nwislpaper-.guesses ian 4. Now, by the inclepen le -. try: ill these immeae losses by hat e e- tirelv avoided, und it is desit~a' en ccre the United Siates against onms b los- ses b% individuals, beenaiuse the inent 'l'rensary sapersedes the use o., s. in a 1Zretat degree. and it subjects ii' tals to new penlties, as well as requi' w and itnportant seenrities and guardi 5. Th'e publie % ill thus i"miA ich is the bret, th strong box sys'tea0 0 hak sVstet; anl which hag enusaed likely to case, n1osi losse.s lhv deitul. . If1 the opposilion !iml btif I ecency, itellligence or morality. iwhie. y make pretence. we shon Il hear Ito e riunin Iheti of the out del;,tilts of coll jg othi- cers under the favorite systeiasio he Uni- ted Saines Blank or o the Snre' inks, as fin argumtaat against an ildepu itt Tren- sury. 11ANkS AN) 11.1 PAPER. The Clay aucd iank ten sty we nre hoatile !o Ilanks, and finnk paler. I1 thIe -ean la ias lhat i+ne1- 1(0n, ileen or twenty danllars ol paper, that drives specie entirelv from ciretlation, and11 cannot puiliv he re- ie mei intl paper. at any timer-.tley are 1 enure, ai n tnisance! To then, we owe the recent Bank cinvtulsin. der anaement of the eurrency, and conmnercial eihar- tinieents-embii Iarrninent s too nand which they h na. it-een sali-ly tlivis itailad propetr- inn while Milhers ha ve been st uggling minid distrust :nd ar11iai brougt± oil by their insa- a: a va' :ntirce, u r.i '" pecuamin. ai mis- miian;;emnat. ling, ii they ,ma Rlanks in their proper ulare. uier restrictions and eoatrol, tlait ar' really able to" nerfo~rm t heir --promises to pay," nid do 'perlurm h.an. :aal pay specie on denotal, and keep the ir paper fit pmar with specie, and do not rnnthine to drive specie frot creanution. nil ppos mi perseente those, who call ot ther at redeeta their "proaaanises to pav',- nnd iatik paper. issued by suich Binks. then tlet are wrong. There is no host ihi- r :, anly a here, to such iBannks, .,aml suh Banik paper. and nver will bet o! tif there w-re, it n aonhh be utterly inel'eeti i for they are abon..ether too usefual and- ltie t'o eice entmity, or opposition.-S t! Caro- Iini :a. x.S4 ' tI.: '' xt:r-rioNsa.-X e In not wish to- he nuis erstoo tas inchading all thelbanks.in the cesures we have expressed, ahdd tay heienfier ex press. Thue Southern iiuks,par t ieilarly hoescofthem utstiaullate htv Gov. ernne~n fa! vor d: de posite")hav~e by nb menn, carried the spirit of na ilb reckless, eorrupt.& Cruduleunt spaeenl ation to the sa extet as those of the North and. West. somue States, too, iand especially this. t hlirited ry tad I eclieiml. It cnihd not ositelv enaile tle existin. ones to withstand tel os erwheltaiag genteral influence oft he sus. pt-iini: buat -reacly, les.aiel Itsdeleterion, and oiprssite ellees tand gave thein, ial their e(nirre"ne. it IIeuliinr superiority 'a nih alanainge over Ihse arotnd their. 'h wecre amongaaa the first Southern Rnks to resume. And ow, the extraorlinar pariompiltitme aicti'iannimity. with i haih tthev ma ioejdi anad suppclor'tedc athe greantI iteenasare thfe (oaiunctieaal Tlreas-iry, citd hu,, .,' .servaaa ;iand intirigmtenai oftci i b,.1 ai0, n~a'etb cira iecciih ci coatlidece nai r'espaeet-oea. u. cartm aid aaiatin ucaai r aegtard.'-.We w~vi.,h then-fore', te e n ilwa ss undiertot a nqc't I ephaai.e tem, n' hacn s'v site-alk in genierael hiirina. dlanacaearing. ande dctaitorial spiria Alurder.-Wea i ine rst:a ti ihlia ita o man by li the tnime ofi linster, aindc twto of' laia chauibent iom Norith Ci~arolina.c nverae ha--' dleredi mt l'icieens I)istriet, aut len uda ys tie'-. V. e hca a.e - leac rnaced hmaa la.w caf the p *t teenlar-, ;anaieatc at stire thaev arte c'er ce't. it is .:! d that lIhxaaer nt'ml hii-- wo ecldre'n weare Irnallihnt ini a carincga., drian b'ahy tia'garo hoyi--tht thiey passedl ci teilanbidige teaniaaes tniglc. and C ji aoa. tinu- after-;war-il i wo~c mtaen oni htorasehneak eat- qmtred laor !,.iau c:t the' scmie bridhga-. utai pased-( oni. 'Vt i'h nxitai mrnaing tihe ntegro'e r-re-ca-ed the birige itt itaecarr-ige, tand wasn a-iked where the . nie pie'r--aans w e're, wh~lenc hae answe-reed ahate lie was remosca in-g tlcn-ma tea ,eimae pinaee ini te neigaihborbund atini hiadl 1:-ir thaema. le a cishorat ctme tihe int et tmen renitionated alhave lpi-aed the bra'idge, bait in ate h ai hurry thia ata lqaesticat, werie a-k. ed thern. it the ceourse oft a fewa. honur, lie baie'- oal ihr. Jlinsteir ncohlahis an chi-a laE cre n~t eta-re Elab'iiered, haintg baee'an marler c-l la a";.- iahtt .in- ton. It ac'ecitocsi thIa a :r. B. ha:tl consaidleriale imoney itn hise Wte hiave niot baeent abhle to learn whethIem hei ttela-rersc ii i h avbeean nrtrested oar ntt haiinet ihallprobaly reerivae na tambetatic 's initmaet oal the hocrru fl~cir t ittlhe for ouer anext ptaacer.- i renrlle .Alountaineer. MIemtoran dumn of Stoc' k' laken ait Alentender's onl the lI-'ench Ilroad, .Sept. 18:36. "I Thec gncaniiy eta .rck'l brenaih, throncth ain hak Pci a-~i yenei t'roma Kein aakymstid Ten- ni~ei-e. tos kept lay M~lr. .\b-sandaer, was ThObit htca±s, worir ha$ SJ each, na cii n yera'ge' 7.50.000 8,00ti hoesct,, tat $100 eacha, $O0,00l) 2,000J faa enittle, iat $40) eiac. '-80,000 $ i,630,000" Char. Mercatry. Ext trt ofa tle1r to 1te l:dilor qi' th'e Augusta l'b rauntele and Netincl.. "y etxpraes-4 l'otm Cohnnhiaut we' leani Ihiht the' ( Caura iloniasc' aid thte (Clerk's Ohfico we-rce destrotyedi oni S natcty taight, bly fire, .ipposedcci to lbe thec worka~-l ol'tant inrcdary. All lipaper et value werec destr'oyed, 'I- I"'roa the J'c~nsfra;:ia Iunquirer. AN IMIPORTlANT .I'JSUOV PAY. Il'asa 'i'airt.-Ussur fritendi '*. ililie ntoh- cos n ditovaery of' tn little iisij~i.':sssce to1 sucha ts re ttrouled kaitha badl teeth. lie Ida3 S:- 'Sosmo titno since, 1)r. ( iiiwt'ii, naowl n pratctisitag lett ali No. (k $ '"asithI riixtii street, hll is f'avoutrite ltre aa %hit' ha l hIle- ( 'iIte iltL':apsahle oif eatiag Ilii, otat,. 111il tilt livesuttaat f ta cariost, tin,! t iiiluaedeu thise it l1icuity~ u ie'ul Is Itolil:1 i' In ii.I Ith-achte E"xtratiii as thle ritsi!v tit- eu's i'.ts thse jpiNot' lharm-i wais taililteil tai, 11 i1)", his lee!t iii 1i'thi-t' :t3 cuistiotm ,resiriii''s. Ili-,.. 7,u1s was itisti~i't Ill w0' ter huIrststitit s ha:i'ao tooa of~tet is itilea,'.i'i, :and a paiitt' gIaier's waerte atjpli'tI. Its, we I"IVt atlso cx jieriesetI;.ii ev'aen ili tlooths lie ill t. ctale tan ttli jut tttatlnit.'l inel sit, and. Ill)s extratil i} it I1t al li;it - aru.1 1 percive ;I tub sadeu at Otw'- i'i Oleilf isthtooth, 1i11111~l %%11411 ictuchii iiciu'i lhy lienst lie'a' ci'u t i he tt iltn' ilitei' 5lr i t 1"J'i tet the 4 fu ii 1 I ia oil lti'h lulid' Sti bsicattuti c4 r0,es 1issti til iie hin t asro vd Ilie 1i St I sitti on ii ~esiit reht Slkeu(ii - po'i'a orii1"lv l ori th lii.' ..tlt itu :1 it h et!, antti t is the h ali iii5 ol'this 'a'ahiii'it iritts s.0 ntstth ltat si nv. t1( I iio' tIhis, 55' lieu ti 11a, Ilmist'i te total I 111111 it 11taay ili 11-- II nzet! A f~i s i.1n~i' ' oour tea seai .1 tttant', ieltt'ti, hats hadt thte ti1air~s lion ii txtrat'tiaa2 a taro,, uast, arelt ies 011~i tuth, iit this i'a Sy ti ILOsit 1):1ti1, .111il so . ratilii'i 'aa lie biy the tacet, ltha lie iii ' li;tt l it ;slalti- iy) tftltt Itti rts siutal ext rue: iel :sIftiileet' h wa'ithi lieu Inutra sililesty 111.i1i riiii'a's ritated. lii' is S a ittlio,s nut to lit aliiltetOhtrtil, iilit), waith iss.Iigt v tters, hasI, sslii';iil' twieei btelle- filed by this groutt aait~aotaicnil ah,co'acry.'' 'lThe I ais~toi* Itirs t~stal' t lb hiisi lmst "ai ttle flit' i~lsa il,~ the dleuie .111141st, thle hale".- N.a "lly' aiiI 1' h ila iits 55 ucia iute II) thte itl- ttira n'usndeltr i'ii1ttlciis.1i iis; iand aill I Ii,oc lit .\'w (nls'asis ate ini te siit' 1trcilcai- ntiii. It is u'sntsiazily ittt,'a't-lcu iit tr tise I1it'-tott, ltgst who lian stit i't'~' it, wvless1stuchIt :1iill lititlas01 ('feel tas tlie lsresi'av:atiatn o1 lilt is to lie ;itisttit'i by it! :\, -4I'mti as tie) iin sl5t ill Les~ 11t slit' setIa; *o a4-iia'r ii41''.c is Ciiits'tlni i'ttlil :1ss the'ail wl s ut iesB 'l't'a'a i ll li e n ao oheart-rlting th sil liit'i'ji ilt'1:ni'p 1 imb, V -flin ht~ith'-ei sart tite cim lt' fit-it-y!on' go41s;'h tad 'av te li iand t e seared tit' sitii ttii til'! 1,;1!- cwe h hea~T~~ v en of's- tl'1ie tos of mud. itiilt 1(01.liiit & 1101 wae-a ui mrni'n shorta "l~i )t itittosi ii '1 sa soss itgoanie ald wshal hrtiitave totti e Il 'il)" :m tsile it05 1111- o+I ot doing; hilii..ite ani 11k4 dour radri'r i i'ha wstt ont SenatheiluticL u tit i tsas1.1 'a:i ACIOL Cil lls ast;i tF iiihtl's'aistiuihAil tt,, t'lisri' 11101 1 ;1trf~'' httiua''er hti li. ; shlinhv ait i'0 lie hiiasa',t hite n swol of~a sths rIhhtia, 'avl' h iasiht iisil a :it -'h tuh'll ttl till'- ebiis tust cmiti ted ofasi liitl ci le wi'a as ibsllet),l th l141."ali se1t 1):1 'a nda'~ t tit it, 11aits' i'a ta hil'.isoun h'a ll Ii ll.'l'a 11111iit 111' g'in ';stI il.ttsty,.: asa !"1.1h.-.e1 erncdy, but it is worth rcntonbering and rviii.z. 'Tihe simiplc.i tare often tlt 1114 , -flarictit agents. .Many eures lre saidi Ie- have been wrought by this.--Grensfel.. r Ma1ss.) Ga:cItc. TliUldln)A.s r, O<rl: n:2~,, i8:18. Te .1( ~ "t . ,) C I''l tton e~rop in l this Iistrict vis no 111 b injured by the heavy r:itis which have fallen fier some days past. Mr. .Josiah 'Smliith is eleeted lRegent of'the Lu natil Asyhun, in lhe iplace of N. Ilerlie- :noul, <h-ce..ed. apt:-r- l Is-rL-no It loa-We have received Ih seriond ainiInl report of the l'residtnt and 1)ireors, to the S ekhol- er lithe Lef isville,rt incin11 ati,and ChalIes 1 mi lnil Rload Comrpany. IE is drawn pill by Gteneral llayne the P'resident, and coh- tiiins oneh interesting information. l another part of our paper, we have given a p~rc ty Long extracet from the report. The sulject of wt hih it tresia, is of i-- igipor- tance to Sontia Carolina, In the suces of thtis rail road, in a great degree, depends the Potie prosperity and onward mtarch to n~traiizement, oi l our litleState. We hope that tho scheme will not fail, as is cont idently predicted by sow, butmlay it gain new ani powerlis friemis. day after day, until an unblrken lie of road shall extend fro ith Atlatie, to the nmiuntains of Salnd:a, and a ven far beyondi our bor- ie :.r nt.n. it l t ra ulat'n; arnlior a mr ert ma:tter of dolbarus In I cent:;. \We deem not s many ofli ur cl itt 1 c lPtiens asr t'ou , ltn o lr1-1 Ctznstopose that mere peeuniary advantage wouol ineiie themn to the support of this mighty prLjlect. Oh no! A nobler canoe than thi, demains their zeal. T'is the cause of our statts Liithe cause of our c lotry. A sup port of th,1111 I reat hom e, n ill ul strength en the indt of our :nioni . If will but ;141d1 another link: to the goletn chain, which hinds far-distant state, tot t her. A ItE-Vot.oyrts.inty Vr: :us~.-Durnn; the lesion of. 1ou1t aet thii place, st week, we observed an aged mant si1toin ine liht court-room, by the sidt of hi honor iiing O'Neal. iis figure tlwa m anly and wat un it out, but was n'ow' howed lo.wn by thet decrepienude oa' irs. .\s he raised hi; Viin erable ihrm, in the beaittifli langugle o G;ray' , "'Ilis hoaruy hair." Streamed like a meteor to the trotubb d air lie appeared ltefore the Court,in order t establish his claim to a1 pension feor revolu- W4 Solomon, t!mi l i hn as now Si; years of age. h le was born in Virginia. th. Ie came to Ibis State in, the early ptr Norith revolution. & was enl'' aged in 'everal expe- ditionS in I.that hie was:11'olumbia when i was known~ by the name of Taylor's Phmm.ua tion, tanld that le ado servel in (ieori.h r-. lie sd ianIt h lie tvas lnow litint in Ad d. not wish as rootd pat riots to ad d to the num- :er; or iat they are so ugly and superan- maat- d that the girls and y"ung widows will our have them. They are welcome to either horn of the dilemn a. We enter our protest againt, all such ,oc(ieiies. I% r. del not believe in Dr. 1l:lt l0h6, aad place our feelings, in oppoisi. rin to hi, fracts. An Anti-M rryintg insti- git ion may po.ilbly exit in the bleak moun- :it attmnospthere of Ettiterford, but could not live a single day in the genial air of ldgefield. "l"retntihes there a numa n% ith sotl so dead." wlot oulid look upon the smitlinftaces (our benuttifuil ma idens, nimid not eufess the pow- er or their ebtrts! Reader! if there be sueh a tne, verily he huth ott heart. ELECTION ItETI:RNS. Itpresentatires to Con gress. Chcer. Yiork, Union, and Spartanhtug, Jaie. lIagers. 1):irlington, llorry, Marion, ilalboro', Williamsburg. & Georgetown, Jto. Camp- rnautors and R~epresentatives to the Slate Ldrislaare. Spartanbihure.---Senator, J. Crawford, Itepreotiative-, Il HI. Thomson. W. R. Poole. S. N. Evans..J. 11. Ho v, J. Ilunt. H;'rnwell-Senao 1. Patterson. Sumter-Senator, - Enlish: Represen- tatives. P. S. Vilden, J. S. Iiehardson, L(enoir. St. I lelena-Senator. It. De Tres ille; R epresentat ives. 1H. J. Johnlson. T'. J. Fripp. St Panl-Re p. W. Wltshington. Ne n herrv- R eps. J. P. Neill, P. C.-Cald- e ell, J1. I i. 31 iI'Iet. ('hester-Join Doug-lass, J. A. Brandleyt T. Mloore. Wmr. Woods. Clarendon. Sutter--Senatr,. P1 S. Du- beise': Rel W. R. Hutrgess.; M R rion--Senator, T. E vns: Represen- tative-., H. is(ely, Wim. Evans. C hesterfieTl-Sentor T. E. Powre; Re- presentatives, J. W. H b-:keney, S. Jacksien. :Marlboro'-Senator, J. iil urdoch; Rep. J. W. David- Lancatster-Rep. William Reed, J. P. C'roc~ketr. Sr. Lakes, IHenror-peps. W. E. 3ar- tin. T. S. Ileywardl. Princre 11 illiamtis-W1m. F. Coleock, V. 11. Davis. St. Gieorge. Dhorclhcster-Senator, WTm. Carr; Rlep. D. Gavin. COM lERCli L CONVENTION. At I'_ o'elock onl Mondeay the 15th inst. the tebtlter- of the Conventinn who had arrived in AntLrnta, -a. assenbled at the P-sheyterian Church, when on motion of Wmt. 11 . Ilolt, the lion. Patrick Noble, of Ii C rolin w ar-ienumLtas la..IhBair, ant WYCocke, of Georgia, requested to art ;s Secreiary, ftr tit- purpose of organi- zatiun. Delegates trout the follo"ing States ca fairn t ohard nd registereI their names as maemlter, tf the Convention. Strth (C:irolina, Georgia, A labiama, Mi;- s ip I. T'ennei'-ee, and Flosrida. ( )m tuotion of the Hon. Jesse Hleene, of abnihiuiU t he Holan. Ja'nes Gadlstden, of [I oria . was unnioiuuly a ppouiitd Presi- dle.tr of thec convenCtttion-ti. n t as conidutited irm wh~ne lie mihlre,.tld s. Convetionli in ain 'i '.jproprite and hoi lds-ttiome minner. \. Wt. Cotcke, E.i. wall' ten pinztted Ar. Pit1ertr of A5l~laama, mioved ihat a Vice Presidlent fromi eachi State andh Terri- 1ory' r'ere'entedl in the Con1Vent ion, he0 ap-) Th'le followin~g gentlenmen were thlen ap- l'romu A labnam~a, thle lion. Jesse Beegic. "S. Cairolina, - B. F. Diuncan. 'JTenneatssg e, C..ol. SpI'eer Jertnigain. "Georgia- " . H. Lamar1:. Esq. " Miisipi,1 Jno. II. MIaleri, Jr. flesolved. llThaita ;mi(~ttee t'tll' Dele- e r andi tuirer tin thle (Ilieet oft thsis (Convent- tutn. (Ont mtoiion oft ('ol Noble, the Conaven- titonl lien ttk a r'ecess unltil fotur o'clock, P. . 4 O'clock, P. M. Thlle Presidlentt a nnontin'eed t he fllIow- inig etit lem~n tt constitUite the Conluniiittee Gertiuj,.-.Jimeloe Lettnes teet. Ati dam .Jtohnl- n.lI r1t K~i t. Wm ". IDarintl. J oddsa- olinu-- tivre. I. l'- Ilohnes. J1. hlrveec h rd~t. (I. S. iteese. 'Inne'r A .1/irssipin--George B. Wiltl.. I Iitn. Wt. W,~. IlIoir, asli-red a resolution to Judttl e Lonigretr mioved't tha.t the Vice. Presidlent:s bt" addedfC io the Coflinmittee of twenty-te. Judtge l.ateg'tireet ailTeredl the followeing reqolultioni, wh liebi was adopltedl; Re'sol'ed. Thauit ii lie roferredl to the Corn- mtittee of' .l to r'ctomme~nd to thme Coimmiit- ttee, somtie spceific at i li iythe membters tir this bod it.i r'heir r.'peeri e Srite<, ' eht mt the aopinlion of the c'ommiuittee tinay teind tt the scCe's of' thet en-er prize whie~ we have itt viiew. Mir Jam uisolinoilredl th foil!lowinu re" lution hieh was adopted:

Edgefield advertiser (Edgefield, S.C.).(Edgefield, S.C ... · the Btiik will coutinnttto execed the stock inmIh Ibs:id fly tanl eqal iimount, until the lisk c:npitasl shall nosnaaas

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Page 1: Edgefield advertiser (Edgefield, S.C.).(Edgefield, S.C ... · the Btiik will coutinnttto execed the stock inmIh Ibs:id fly tanl eqal iimount, until the lisk c:npitasl shall nosnaaas

Domestic News.

.Ertract from the Report oft/e Board ofDi-rectors to the Stockholdcrs of the Soutk-iI'estcrn R. Road Company."But we consider the estahlishment of

the Batik, the hond whieh wiil serve to hldfthe Company together, nod iflird n certainresource in any time of need. and Itherelireas indispensible to the suecessiul prosecutionof the great work. In this view of the sub-ject we would now baing to the notice, .ftheStockholders, some of IIhe Ieading 'p:ovis-ions of otr* Bunk charter, a.I Irietly poinout the great advaninges which Imzybederived fi-om this institution, and the valu-able uses to which it mny bt' npp;iied. The"South Western R ail Rlnid !sank" hss beenchartered by the States of North and SouthCarolina and lennessee, with a enpial notio execed $12,000.000, nad for a pe rind ofthirty-one years. Kentucky has not yetconcurred in this charter. hut stranig hopesare entertained thatI lie renewed app'iltiion,which is to be madtle to her legislatore, atthe ensuing ueseion, will not fail of suceess.

We are strcngtlh'ienl in the expectation, bythe liavorable disposition n;ifeteel tnow arisour enterprise, at a recent tieetig of theDirectors, at Lexington; by the small ma-jority, against the applieation, at the lastsession, of only six votes: by the deep in-terest which Keuiaeky has ill I he saceecn ofthe load, and especially iii the esnblish-tuept of a frank, which will so essetiallypronote the Itrade and interentirse. tiow ear-ried on by her ciizenits with the SoutheriStates, but whether these expeetationsshall be realized or no, it ennnot ie doubt-ed, that a Bank, extetdaing wit Ii its branclesover three States, nill fu rnisih a eatrrency,which will'ho of inestiable value to tihcitizens of those S ta:es--a currency, whoscCredit would be such; as to con ioatIl atn ex.tensive circulatime, not only Within tIheStates grantina the charter, ha in lianeikhi ngua ; -'ites, nil ti some exten1throughout the Union. Fuihiiling the I;aiVmeans of tranifcrring fundls, by drit-:,is mailbills of exchange. the South nid the Westwill be relieved fromn a hat is now felt ::s mi

oncrous tax upon their intercutrse. The,want of a 'orlnin currenev now sifjersthe tradler and the Iraveller, tint merely tomuch incoaveniiene, hlat to great expnlse.(cold aiid silver, thonugh ind spen 41abfe asthe basis of a sound ciren ina tmiediini,never can, to auiJ (arent, he mmale nl itablfefor the genera'. purposes of coiinmiirce. Notraveller or trador will attenpt to cross themnountains with hans of specie. n hile hecaatobtain drafts or bank bifll, whieh will al

- swer his purpose; eguatly well: Ia prooof this %%e awill stlti the lat, ithat on ur r.cent visit in the Wecst, we were iamalde toconvert Sonatherin hachk bills, even of speciepaying Banks into W1estern. paper, but at ;tprenutin of 7 per cent, while KentuckyBank bills cotlId not proabfly be rendeiedavailable in Charleston, n' iimou paving thsame pretiuma, Ihus subjecli jg she holdenrof these bills respectively, to a ehintre. inl :1single transfer of funds het veen Lexigtonand Charlestuu, iQqual to a whole' year's in-terest on the .iamount. Thou.h thismnisbe regarded as an unusunl anal extritaordiiary state of things- we feel warrantedincondition of the currency mia of the ex-changes, Subjeets the trade' heatweien Ili(South and West to charges. n hiet i may fesafely estimated at Six per cent. oi thewhole amount cuployed in Ihat trae.,whiiihwe all know anotunt:.; ro m:imy ailliaa eeldollars annually. The Sotitl We,teriBail Road l ank will supply lit -lf iaanIcorrective to this evil. It will hius nut onlyell'eet a vast anniual sa vinig to lie troilers nuallfarmiers oh tile Soauth a n-f ih. \o'est, hun, hv.

so oaig wviii reconnul endi itself to geneiriillhvor- anad soupport; andto if c-nondeh ta-a

sale, 5oundii, antd liber-ial pri'iclil,., ii jlllthle samle Iilmec ensure large profits to the

The fiulure to retnew ifie itebarre of thleBan11k of the United Sitates hili-i lefIt thlibooanthern and Westerni S tmaIes in the'I lia-i..table condh iltn aboi~ve deascr ibed', , irm ichiithley canil nedver ha- refie:s ed, bult 1.5 t hia est:ibhishmnenit of surb as oiirs. 'I'he XeitXourk Banaks, atal the IN-aae lva-iia p'Ii.ior the Uniitedl Sta1tes Iininisha th le .N,.i k .iia nd litnsterni Staicte, ti currencay seiafhi n-afor- t heir piiuposes. I ut noitiig siarr ofIn llank hias uag a ebaarier f'romi severalhStunes.Cani sull 'y or wani111. 'l'hu rca-hm-rat of t.thatak of the- Uniited 8:les. mu11- lie ;afaiited, by thu-os lho dleam.,nehi a ees tiie-siralhe, to be more i ha~n dcubrlt 1. anid if' itshotiud take pic-e, li somle fustuire dayi!,wvouldcomeiii too late for ouar plrupis Is. wil. ia jhielieved, thiat fr'omi thei l0-.alii6 e~~ -t''i t-

atdv'anltages Cepetedl toiin. ale,.j'4 froa a1Blaik of the LUniit-d State-, e' ithI ,u e'.niltially initerie-rm g os lh thliat institul an,,-houild

it herea ftea he estalfished-1.Th ' Ii h~i-v o'the Umit4ed Stres affoirdls no gilri~ lh I loamuBuntk N'ever hayfore iave lin-'4 S.~ seconcu rredi mi ganhtmhg atny I anik ebiar---r~anainiever has sol lib.-ral a iharter-fi~i bee graiit.iby iany Stlia'e, No hiioiis i-s reqire h-. ,iho pid to either oif lile Staites ranlili tiheC harter. l'lan stock :i. wvel latf. i

denids thatreotn are a*-.predl e -ih t ifiitaxaion in iea h?1S:11,. of ;.; Xa-niaIlasutasaiilly soIl inhe Sitite of Nirtib (Carn

iiiaa landl c-line-ss-c. nd th ti*!Iilk iifihi11an1k aire madtie reeivable ait Steare Treta-.if' the enapital shall naot exeed tre/re- mli//iams,Iit is left embairely lit the d iiscretjion fi thai-stockhohlers to le fite iaount w..ith w~lhithey may comm iee bu~slies; -vbiia h aiamim0t hey are permitted Io etirle froma ri. Il a

timie as they maily thamuk priplera. '1he oi iul

.hi~laltioni in tihe Ceercic oaf this iucretiii'nis fo~und mi tile proiviiion that atfter the firsttwo masaifntentts iof' I-?4cach shoalI htave~been paid mt. the I )irectoris shall niot ca;llfor aiy fuirt her sumis latless whvien e nll

amounmts shall lie cnlh-d lor ion thei roaolWhile it wats the 1.ect *af this Ilimiti nenstire theo contst ruction of the romii. prmoviI

in is nt time sameii timeitO tiio i -iur' thesaoc~kholders sn llieacent profits from, theiioperaitiont of the Banklh, o proitde. :tmh. ivi.dlends on thei wvhole alamunt oif trt-r invest.mlenits both im the Blatmi andu the I noad. Itwsill fin sen. (il meferrm ig to the' ebni~err

thiat thle present stateC of Ih lenh seriiptiota tathe Roadf (two intiahlneaits of' $5 ear-l bav-ing bocetn p ai) thte stockhaolders will be- en.atided to hiohll Banik $tockL4111i lgal so jlhneach share held iin tho IR'a of wr ,..:. ,::2A.

will ho paynluio. at the time of subscribing,and the reaining S174 st such titne n,

utny be deemed advisable by the Directorsof the Blank.

At every subseqtent cll sunide for lifeIond, siat caeal amount nany he entled firon tilt iank Stock. A ssiscriber haivingaptidthm O he 1111: stock in the i ound may there-

fure hold $310 ofstosck in the Batik. and sateach successivo cull the a naonut of' stck inthe Btiik will coutinntt to execed the stockin mIh Ibs:id fly tanl eqal iimount, until the

lisk c:npitasl shall nosnaaas to 60.I0),000t)whoa, he'y mst1,1 proceedl o::.et 'paurip juss8uuntil the Llank capital shall :antn t)tG'I2,000,UU. The object i tIh's liberalprovision was to give incussne to the Stock-holders, while the road was in course ofcoustriction. and belibre any pait ouit couldi.o tnate n sonrero ttf protit. Andil this oha-

jt ay certainly be tfs i ecoliisihed, ifthe stockholders will only be 5a' to thei-selve.

Weith :: invested in the Bank and $10in the n al 7 per cent, at lein5rt may oter'-taissly be realized, upon thet whole unnonuttof, thep invesotet, viz : 10. 1'nsderai ste-

ees-ii ilangesitent tentei p selt cnt s'a-sily he Iloade onl the 8 invested in the'liinik, whieb wdshi i ga'lts tat 74 per centoil .40, the nhole am touit a fstork heist

bht ithe snnk nial the lioand,andi it is notdutbsed th:t as the operations of tilt' lankshall be ssitestently enh It at, evet grenter

ioht<:t v ie derived so :ss to keep up thedit ai-nds to at least 7 per cent. nstil the

lirst dis ision of the 1l0:s1 shall ihe tinishedand brnaght to ise', wien the inconie ofthe Sockiuldersf must lie coaiderahly in-creased.Steh are the important liankint' privi-

li'gs. n Iie h i:ve been coliferrei s upon theSlIckholdsers '1' the Il.an aisville, Csincinn:ai

il Charsis-toll Ril Iaiat! Company. Notasne is alkowed to hol a shsre is tht think,n ho doeis notl s t torresjpotaing -hare inthe 1oands. Tie'. lsank. htweer, is ta be'mstanaeds by a sepalr:tlt soard of I irectors.

:ands neiteir the stck nor ti profitsfit'tiebiank are to lie in :ssy vsay i't-l - tir thecotnsu tn or e ' pten'ses If tlat 1,1tt1d;l sothat the entire pr'fis of the 1111; isunsi hedivided amonuwt the Stocklhobb-lrs. Pl'ler :1

*eshiti n Ill m: taiaptd Iy ul- i)irctritisprof osael to ailt the lii 1ni lil iasik in

pernlitnins Nms tmh er it', t 'i'he resul p-lis. it sper'e payinents is the State llanks

nis s'eisder thi, compartati'elventv. Iboksor -i-scription will be apeieal on tihe !dMiasanday in Octoler next, amd cotinute

Open f' r one Stontb, when every stickisahlt-der will be at liberty t sub.seribe h r as

uisisns 'shs'a;e in the Btsik as ite usllv tinskproper, not exc'eedtinsg the ntrier sl aresht-lii by hils, in the mia. 11 is at ado.ittithat the Stockhb-rsa will esbiace tilt' op-portIsnily thius a1lrlet af'seenrine' la thi-selves a vaulnsable propwety, anl at theg ineine ensuarinsthe suc:sess osfur gre t rak,which is isesastrably connectedwiththe

--stablishmsesnt sof'this B:nk. Evnn a herethe sit ution of a1 Sjfahole:Ir miehl tear-hid his holttit an aloult osl'stack in thelank, einal to tsh:t fr which hie may havesubscribed to the Rasd, a due regrari to his

owin interests will relaise rnt he shnltarsubscribe for the full umountt tathe annk,and pay the first instaltent of $124. Thiawill givean increased valte to hii .ljlerm1as, ant witlhaout injuti'y to thte omspaav;Whilst a failure to suiscribet tet uItna k a ill

reAee the vaiant of his .slick rid detprisHimtsftheo.porinnity of av:iling hinselffst'btncta of the fIlnl, at any' futssre periodi

'I''e 'to.tkhles: of the Blank will seetitrpetrsan, or by proxies, in Clianestitn on thr

%Iif/g Aomu, nt/at r nr/i thr the purp ae at ele't-img I)iret'trs, andi it i inteiddttIhe

SlIank' 5 asll a4 l ito as'ersanln Ilsl usn t-ealle asi posibb: thtsruos wich' pm-ls.6a~s 5

'aread' isa tihe thands tt the -:g r, tnda tenp rsary n kin. t..... l... e wil. las' r i-dit'd. IHr:aant'ihs nt ill bet e'stabiiilshed iat iT's'nl~eace asstnad ' noth Cissaoina s 5' sastbis, affer tilt Aliottiwr link eusn be psut is1 aoaerat:ion in Charh-'s'stn,''

I'rowlia the Was,tiau,,,( i;so,..1:ste / is- 'a'n e: iN san' e'.:x5 n s:x'-r

i n..wenatt- tea sid ins lte tat l'igene,' r

t sa r r e . a n s a r rs i t h - on' e - T i is a t s '- . .' if i sa~ ar en. .i sstta ' altm . ' 'a ' pp ;lfth - to t ha

wetl.n p~at;led itt athe its's o.. iaion pssa'i'.,setly11%. i- a5 netw tetihlst, iplsatashs tl-tw'nsaith oar tirtiass. taf u li.,t act asa ii.

haish ing~ c's4'stor-., dutring thea iast fit'iv t's':rs.fits' sasorsat mssa instielisas i. '.sI-i.s,

alil thse. dfaub'sts' to whis thasv e-adl sie;.'ttrasutr3 \syt tsr princiest, n~ hens ins les-'Lies lh a nd '*, pie'rs slcui,ssettitas'tis,'

1'iat. Let :.a sto-,i ni l isli- <.stm'as-

tse whossaacished'c thast the ataslss'tssgm ts, i;,sten lar'5- c'aptitais ;and inrt'e- saus ar Vi'

- ' iar, Lit:elbury'i flst~awain stitast' tasty, asaiol oth's-. sll. aillll ora'gd w Isile tahesletal s 4itate., ilanksi aor thei States bansskswe.re' a'spatr andIts taltimien astaa'' 'ili'syse s, a msrs l m isara l fromss's 's them rat'er

S hsas belooat.:t; srt Ste ,--tronsg bot, sv,,.m'ai'ots a ' ia.'aendet Tire's'snry.t

. '. Ia' the petple knoitw'alsut ah;ss isidsinnte dei'-atih,, thise have' haps -d'l., tunderstisa 1.tastl 5':....st.i .%:et blanak 5V-5tt'.

lits ids ishoas iiheat5 yea tat:a', lantsssl'dinten'or lci .'-Iteen asmil itiparts w

nout beae'n patid,. thouitght mis lt is probtallyn sti be-t le'r' is lt' toisita mt sagisl sit issak

deal. , '.s's''es aiidttbar si'f ahiab itis likely

Nw n-in-n'ofthtalaneisttestibedu:i n se l ' i i i t t as s I s e s f r to m t a n kt s i h r m ert l y t a

deposi tasse, o af theas pulsliia. t~csmoy.i''rinsc.ti t~ d A sv. 1at. I -8.i., $ I.07is, Iatlute'es"t ti.er'ean tso .Nov. I s;7,"'t ; ..t

t)edner'u paamient saeeNotv.'tmbers, 10, I e:; I, 75 ,f .397

Nava'iber 18.;7, $ .ig2.s;i- it

3 'I iis ntinonn~t-of' usentr tws assiiaas-itisi, bay astl co'liin oIlug tice'rs sinsest the t'ss-tdsaatn ati the I iatvermnemt'i; so Slan it'f i'esi

ltis' asf Ste tat ter waera' propera'sly arugs.bsle .ste systemt fa it t'la'eIsa'it ins.ssiry-wh ielh it is ipalpabliie thlay aire not.....

I* ws'y'asasil ite far less thlsa ih' lstss.a's by ite

baks theseslve's- It' the it.jur'y n a addd

which has been sustained by the g ted

paper of lianks taken for public es' und'by the seizure of our dividends I U-

sates Bank, and its inability, s. tormuke iidends oi our stock or ears,the agegate, as showyn in the r the.Secretary-of the ''retsury to the; e of

lItepresentives last 1 inter, arid is ratedin Mlr.- Niles's speech, wguld e ix orseven) millions. I..

That report we republish be s it ex-libits fnets ofiieinlly ant resp a conitnit it nwislpaper-.guesses ian

4. Now, by the inclepen le -. try:ill these immeae losses by hat e e-tirelv avoided, und it is desit~a' en ccrethe United Siates against onms b los-ses b% individuals, beenaiuse the inent'l'rensary sapersedes the use o., s. in a1Zretat degree. and it subjects ii' tals to

new penlties, as well as requi' w anditnportant seenrities and guardi

5. Th'e publie % ill thus i"miA ich isthe bret, th strong box sys'tea0 0 haksVstet; anl which hag enusaed likelyto case, n1osi losse.s lhv deitul. .

If1 the opposilion !iml btif I ecency,itellligence or morality. iwhie. y makepretence. we shonIl hear Ito e riuninIheti of the out del;,tilts of coll jg othi-

cers under the favorite systeiasio he Uni-ted Saines Blank or o the Snre' inks, asfin argumtaat against an ildepu itt Tren-sury.

11ANkS AN) 11.1 PAPER.The Clay aucd iank ten sty we nre

hoatile !o Ilanks, and finnk paler. I1 thIe-ean la ias lhat i+ne1- 1(0n, ileen or twenty

danllars ol paper, that drives specie entirelvfrom ciretlation, and11 cannot puiliv he re-

ie mei intl paper. at any timer-.tley are1 enure, ai n tnisance! To then, we owethe recent Bank cinvtulsin. der anaementof the eurrency, and conmnercial eihar-tinieents-embii Iarrninent s too nand which

they h na. it-een sali-ly tlivis itailad propetr-inn while Milhers ha ve been st uggling minid

distrust :nd ar11iai brougt± oil by their insa-a: a va' :ntirce, u r.i '" pecuamin. ai mis-miian;;emnat. ling, ii they ,ma Rlanks intheir proper ulare. uier restrictions andeoatrol, tlait ar' really able to" nerfo~rm

t heir --promises to pay," nid do 'perlurmh.an. :aal pay specie on denotal, and keep

the ir paper fit pmar with specie, and do notrnnthine to drive specie frot creanution.nil ppos mi perseente those, who call ot

ther at redeeta their "proaaanises to pav',-nnd iatik paper. issued by suich Binks.then tlet are wrong. There is no host ihi-r :, anly a here, to such iBannks, .,aml suhBanik paper. and nver will bet o! tif therew-re, it n aonhh be utterly inel'eeti i for they

are abon..ether too usefual and- ltie t'oeice entmity, or opposition.-S t! Caro-

Iini :a. x.S4

' tI.: '' xt:r-rioNsa.-X e In not wish to-he nuis erstoo tas inchading all thelbanks.inthe cesures we have expressed, ahdd tay

heienfier ex press. Thue Southern iiuks,part ieilarly hoescofthem utstiaullate htv Gov.ernne~n fa! vor d: de posite")hav~e by nb menn,carried the spirit of na ilb reckless, eorrupt.&Cruduleunt spaeenl ation to the sa extetas those of the North and. West. somueStates, too, iand especially this. t hlirited

ry tad I eclieiml. It cnihd not ositelvenaile tle existin. ones to withstand telos erwheltaiag genteral influence oft he sus.

pt-iini: buat -reacly, les.aiel Itsdeleterion,and oiprssite ellees tand gave thein, ialtheir e(nirre"ne. it IIeuliinr superiority 'a nihalanainge over Ihse arotnd their. 'hwecre amongaaa the first Southern Rnkstoresume. And ow, the extraorlinarpariompiltitme aicti'iannimity. with i haih tthevma ioejdi anad suppclor'tedc athe greantI iteenasare

thfe (oaiunctieaal Tlreas-iry, citd hu,, .,'

.servaaa ;iand intirigmtenai oftci i b,.1 ai0, n~a'etb

cira iecciih ci coatlidece nai r'espaeet-oea.u. cartm aid aaiatin ucaai r aegtard.'-.We w~vi.,hthen-fore', te e n ilwa ss undiertot a nqc'tI ephaai.e tem, n' hacn s'v site-alk in genierael

hiirina. dlanacaearing. ande dctaitorial spiria

Alurder.-Wea i ine rst:a ti ihlia ita o man

by li the tnime ofi linster, aindc twto of' laiachauibent iom Norith Ci~arolina.c nverae ha--'dleredi mt l'icieens I)istriet, aut len uda ys

tie'-. V. e hca a.e - leac rnaced hmaa la.w caf thep *t teenlar-, ;anaieatc at stire thaev arte c'erce't. it is .:! d that lIhxaaer nt'ml hii-- woecldre'n weare Irnallihnt ini a carincga.,

drian b'ahy tia'garo hoyi--tht thiey passedl citeilanbidige teaniaaes tniglc. and C ji aoa.tinu- after-;war-il i wo~c mtaen oni htorasehneakeat-qmtred laor !,.iau c:t the' scmie bridhga-. utaipased-( oni. 'Vt i'h nxitai mrnaing tihe ntegro'er-re-ca-ed the birige itt itaecarr-ige, tand

wasn a-iked where the . nie pie'r--aans w e're,wh~lenc hae answe-reed ahate lie was remosca in-gtlcn-ma tea ,eimae pinaee ini te neigaihborbund atinihiadl 1:-ir thaema. le a cishorat ctme tihe int ettmen

renitionated alhave lpi-aed the bra'idge, bait inate h ai hurry thia ata lqaesticat, werie a-k.edthern. it the ceourse oft a fewa. honur, lie

baie'- oal ihr. Jlinsteir ncohlahis an chi-alaEcre n~t eta-re Elab'iiered, haintg baee'an marlerc-l la a";.- iahtt .in- ton. It ac'ecitocsithIa a :r. B. ha:tl consaidleriale imoney itn hise

Wte hiave niot baeent abhle to learn whethIemhei ttela-rersc ii i h avbeean nrtrested oar ntthaiinet ihallprobaly reerivae na tambetatic

's initmaet oal the hocrru fl~cir t ittlhe forouer anext ptaacer.- i renrlle .Alountaineer.MIemtoran dumn of Stoc' k' laken ait Alentender's

onl the lI-'ench Ilroad, .Sept. 18:36."I Thec gncaniiy eta .rck'l brenaih, throncth

ain hak Pci a-~i yenei t'roma Kein aakymstid Ten-ni~ei-e. tos kept lay M~lr. .\b-sandaer, wasThObit htca±s, worir ha$ SJ each,

na cii n yera'ge' 7.50.0008,00ti hoesct,, tat $100 eacha, $O0,00l)2,000J faa enittle, iat $40) eiac. '-80,000

$ i,630,000"Char. Mercatry.

Ext trt ofa tle1r to 1te l:dilor qi' th'e Augustal'b rauntele and Netincl..

"y etxpraes-4 l'otm Cohnnhiaut we' leaniIhiht the' ( Caura iloniasc' aid thte (Clerk's Ohfico

we-rce destrotyedi oni S natcty taight, bly fire,

.ipposedcci to lbe thec worka~-l ol'tant inrcdary.

All lipaper et value werec destr'oyed,


I"'roa the J'c~nsfra;:ia Iunquirer.AN IMIPORTlANT .I'JSUOV PAY.

Il'asa 'i'airt.-Ussur fritendi '*. ililie ntoh-cos n ditovaery of' tn little iisij~i.':sssce to1sucha ts re ttrouled kaitha badl teeth. lieIda3 S:-

'Sosmo titno since, 1)r. ( iiiwt'ii, naowl npratctisitag lett ali No. (k $ '"asithI riixtiistreet, hll is f'avoutrite ltre aa %hit' ha l hIle-( 'iIte iltL':apsahle oif eatiag Ilii, otat,. 111iltiltlivesuttaat f ta cariost, tin,! t iiiluaedeu thise

it l1icuity~ u ie'ul Is Itolil:1 i' In ii.I Ith-achteE"xtratiii as thle ritsi!v tit- eu's i'.ts thsejpiNot' lharm-i wais taililteil tai, 11 i1)", his lee!t iii1i'thi-t' :t3 cuistiotm ,resiriii''s. Ili-,.. 7,u1s was

itisti~i't Ill w0'ter huIrststitit s ha:i'ao tooaof~tet is itilea,'.i'i, :and a paiitt' gIaier's waerteatjpli'tI. Its, we I"IVt atlso cx jieriesetI;.ii ev'aen

ili tlooths lie ill t. ctale tan ttli jut tttatlnit.'l

inel sit, and. Ill)s extratil i} it I1t al li;it -aru.1 1 percive ;I tub sadeu at Otw'- i'i Oleilf

isthtooth, 1i11111~l %%11411 ictuchiiiiciu'ilhy lienst lie'a' ci'u t i he tt iltn' ilitei'

5lr i t 1"J'i tet the 4 fu ii 1 I ia oil lti'h lulid'Sti bsicattuti c4 r0,es 1issti til iie hin t asro

vd Ilie 1i St I sitti on ii ~esiit reht Slkeu(ii -

po'i'a orii1"lv l ori th lii.' ..tlt itu :1 it h et!,

antti t is the h ali iii5 ol'this 'a'ahiii'it irittss.0 ntstth ltat si nv. t1( I iio' tIhis, 55' lieu ti

11a, Ilmist'i te total I 111111 it 11taay ili 11--II nzet! A f~i s i.1n~i' ' oour tea seai .1 tttant',

ieltt'ti, hats hadt thte ti1air~s lion ii txtrat'tiaa2a taro,, uast, arelt ies 011~i tuth, iit thisi'a Sy ti ILOsit 1):1ti1, .111il so . ratilii'i 'aa liebiy the tacet, ltha lie iii ' li;tt l it ;slalti-

iy) tftltt Ittirts siutal ext rue: iel :sIftiileet' h

wa'ithi lieu Inutra sililesty 111.i1i riiii'a's ritated.lii' is S a ittlio,s nut to lit aliiltetOhtrtil, iilit),waith iss.Iigt v tters, hasI, sslii';iil' twieei btelle-filed by this groutt aait~aotaicnil ah,co'acry.''

'lThe I ais~toi* Itirs t~stal' t lb hiisi lmst "aittleflit' i~lsa il,~ the dleuie .111141st, thle hale".-N.a "lly' aiiI 1' h ila iits 55 ucia iute II) thte itl-ttira n'usndeltr i'ii1ttlciis.1i iis; iand aill I Ii,oclit .\'w (nls'asis ate ini te siit' 1trcilcai-ntiii. It is u'sntsiazily ittt,'a't-lcu iit trtiseI1it'-tott, ltgst who lian stit i't'~' it, wvless1stuchIt:1iill lititlas01 ('feel tas tlie lsresi'av:atiatno1lilt is to lie ;itisttit'i by it! :\, -4I'mti as tie)

iin sl5t ill Les~ 11t slit' setIa; *o a4-iia'r ii41''.cis Ciiits'tlni i'ttlil :1ss the'ail wlsut

iesB 'l't'a'a i ll li e n ao oheart-rltingth sil liit'i'ji ilt'1:ni'p 1 imb, V -flin ht~ith'-eisart tite cim lt' fit-it-y!on' go41s;'h tad'av te li iand t e seared tit' sitii ttiitil'!

1,;1!- cwe h hea~T~~ v en of's- tl'1ie tos ofmud. itiilt 1(01.liiit & 1101 wae-a ui mrni'nshorta "l~i )t itittosi ii '1 sa soss itgoanie aldwshal hrtiitave totti e Il 'il)" :m tsile it05 1111-o+I ot doing; hilii..ite ani 11k4 dour radri'rii'ha wstt ont SenatheiluticL u tit i tsas1.1

'a:i ACIOL Cil lls ast;i tF iiihtl's'aistiuihAil

tt,, t'lisri' 11101 1 ;1trf~'' httiua''er hti li. ;shlinhv ait i'0 lie hiiasa',t hite n swol of~a

sths rIhhtia, 'avl' h iasiht iisil a :it-'htuh'll ttl till'- ebiis tust cmiti ted ofasi liitl

ci le wi'a as ibsllet),l th l141."ali se1t 1):1 'a nda'~t tit it, 11aits' i'a ta hil'.isoun h'a ll

Ii ll.'l'a 11111iit 111' g'in ';stI il.ttsty,.: asa !"1.1h.-.e1

erncdy, but it is worth rcntonbering andrviii.z. 'Tihe simiplc.i tare often tlt 1114 ,

-flarictit agents. .Many eures lre saidi Ie-

have been wrought by this.--Grensfel..r Ma1ss.) Ga:cItc.

TliUldln)A.s r, O<rl: n:2~,, i8:18.

T e .1( ~ "t . ,) C I''l tton e~rop in l this Iistrict vis no 111binjured by the heavy r:itis which havefallen fier some days past.

Mr. .Josiah 'Smliith is eleeted lRegent of'theLu natil Asyhun, in lhe iplace of N. Ilerlie-

:noul, <h-ce..ed.

apt:-r- l Is-rL-no It loa-We havereceived Ih seriond ainiInl report of thel'residtnt and 1)ireors, to the S ekhol-

er lithe Lef isville,rt incin11 ati,and ChalIes1 mi lnil Rload Comrpany. IE is drawnpillby Gteneral llayne theP'resident, and coh-

tiiins oneh interesting information.lanother part of our paper, we have givena p~rc ty Long extracet from the report. The

sulject of wthih it tresia, is of i-- igipor-tance to Sontia Carolina, In the suces

of thtis rail road, in a great degree, dependsthe Potie prosperity and onward mtarch to

n~traiizement, oi l our litleState.Wehope that tho scheme will not fail, as is

cont idently predicted by sow,butmlay itgain new ani powerlis friemis. day after

day, until an unblrken lie of road shallextend fro ith Atlatie, to the nmiuntainsof Salnd:a, and a ven far beyondi our bor-

ie :.r nt.n. it l t ra ulat'n; arnlior a mr ertma:tter of dolbarus In I cent:;. \We deem not

s many ofli ur cl itt 1 c lPtiens asr t'ou

, ltn o lr1-1 Ctznstopose that mere peeuniary advantage wouolineiie themn to the support of this mightyprLjlect. Oh no! A nobler canoe than thi,demains their zeal. T'is the cause of our

statts Liithe cause of our c lotry. A sup

port of th,1111 I reat hom e, n ill ul strengthen the indt of our :nioni . If will but ;141d1

another link: to the goletn chain, whichhinds far-distant state, tot t her.

A ItE-Vot.oyrts.inty Vr: :us~.-Durnn;the lesion of. 1ou1t aet thii place, st week,we observed an aged mant si1toin ine liht

court-room, by the sidt of hi honor iiingO'Neal. iis figure tlwa m anly and watunit out, but wasn'ow'howedlo.wn by thetdecrepienude oa' irs. .\s he raised hi; Viin

erable ihrm, in the beaittifli langugleo

G;ray' ,

"'Ilis hoaruy hair."Streamed like a meteor to the trotubb d air

lie appeared ltefore the Court,in order t

establish his claim to a1 pension feor revolu-W4 Solomon, t!mi l i hn as now Si; years of

age. h le was born in Virginia. th.Iecame to Ibis State in,the early ptrNorithrevolution. & was enl'' aged in 'everal expe-ditionS in I.that hie was:11'olumbia when iwas known~ by the name of Taylor's Phmm.uation, tanld that le ado servel in (ieori.h r-.lie sd ianIt h lie tvas lnow litint in Ad d.

not wish as rootd pat riots to ad d to the num-:er; or iat they are so ugly and superan-maat- d that the girls and y"ung widows will

our have them.They are welcome to either horn of the

dilemn a. We enter our protest againt, allsuch ,oc(ieiies. I% r. del not believe in Dr.1l:lt l0h6, aad place our feelings, in oppoisi.

rin to hi, fracts. An Anti-M rryintg insti-git ion may po.ilbly exit in the bleak moun-

:it attmnospthere of Ettiterford, but couldnot live a single day in the genial air of

ldgefield."l"retntihes there a numa n% ith sotl so dead."wlot oulid look upon the smitlinftaces (our

benuttifuil ma idens, nimid not eufess the pow-er or their ebtrts! Reader! if there besueh a tne, verily he huth ott heart.

ELECTION ItETI:RNS.Itpresentatires to Congress.

Chcer. Yiork, Union, and Spartanhtug,Jaie. lIagers.

1):irlington, llorry, Marion, ilalboro',Williamsburg. & Georgetown, Jto. Camp-

rnautors and R~epresentatives to the SlateLdrislaare.

Spartanbihure.---Senator, J. Crawford,Itepreotiative-, Il HI. Thomson. W. R.

Poole. S. N. Evans..J. 11. Ho v, J. Ilunt.H;'rnwell-Senao 1. Patterson.Sumter-Senator,- Enlish: Represen-

tatives. P. S. Vilden, J. S. Iiehardson,L(enoir.

St. I lelena-Senator. It. De Tres ille;R epresentat ives. 1H. J. Johnlson. T'. J. Fripp.St Panl-Re p. W. Wltshington.Ne n herrv- R eps. J. P. Neill, P. C.-Cald-

e ell, J1. I i. 31 iI'Iet.

('hester-Join Doug-lass, J. A. BrandleytT. Mloore. Wmr. Woods.

Clarendon. Sutter--Senatr,. P1 S. Du-beise': Rel W. R. Hutrgess.;M R rion--Senator, T. E vns: Represen-

tative-., H. is(ely, Wim. Evans.C hesterfieTl-Sentor T. E. Powre; Re-

presentatives, J. W. H b-:keney, S. Jacksien.:Marlboro'-Senator, J. iil urdoch; Rep.

J. W. David-Lancatster-Rep. William Reed, J. P.


Sr. Lakes, IHenror-peps. W. E. 3ar-tin. T. S. Ileywardl.

Princre 11 illiamtis-W1m. F. Coleock, V.11. Davis.

St. Gieorge. Dhorclhcster-Senator, WTm.Carr; Rlep. D. Gavin.

COM lERCli L CONVENTION.At I'_ o'elock onl Mondeay the 15th inst.

the tebtlter- of the Conventinn who hadarrived in AntLrnta, -a. assenbled at theP-sheyterian Church, when on motion of

Wmt. 11 . Ilolt, the lion. Patrick Noble, ofIi C rolin w ar-ienumLtas la..IhBair,

ant WYCocke, of Georgia, requested toart ;s Secreiary, ftr tit- purpose of organi-zatiun. Delegates trout the follo"ing States

ca fairn t ohard nd registereI their names asmaemlter, tf the Convention.

Strth (C:irolina, Georgia, A labiama, Mi;-s ip I. T'ennei'-ee, and Flosrida.

( )m tuotion of the Hon. Jesse Hleene, ofabnihiuiU t he Holan. Ja'nes Gadlstden, of

[I oria . was unnioiuuly a ppouiitd Presi-dle.tr of thec convenCtttion-ti. n t as conidutited

irm wh~ne lie mihlre,.tld s. Convetionli inain 'i '.jproprite and hoi lds-ttiome minner.

\. Wt. Cotcke, E.i. wall' ten pinztted

Ar. Pit1ertr of A5l~laama, mioved ihat aVice Presidlent fromi eachi State andh Terri-1ory' r'ere'entedl in the Con1Vent ion, he0 ap-)

Th'le followin~g gentlenmen were thlen ap-

l'romu A labnam~a, thle lion. Jesse Beegic."S. Cairolina, - B. F. Diuncan.'JTenneatssg e, C..ol. SpI'eer Jertnigain."Georgia- " . H. Lamar1:. Esq.

" Miisipi,1 Jno. II. MIaleri, Jr.

flesolved. llThaita ;mi(~ttee t'tll' Dele-

e r andi tuirer tin thle (Ilieet oft thsis (Convent-tutn.(Ont mtoiion oft ('ol Noble, the Conaven-

titonl lien ttk a r'ecess unltil fotur o'clock,P. .

4 O'clock, P. M.Thlle Presidlentt a nnontin'eed t he fllIow-inig etit lem~n tt constitUite the Conluniiittee

Gertiuj,.-.Jimeloe Lettnes teet. Ati dam.Jtohnl-n.lI r1t K~i t. Wm ". IDarintl. J oddsa-

olinu-- tivre. I. l'- Ilohnes. J1. hlrveec

h rd~t. (I. S. iteese. 'Inne'r A

.1/irssipin--George B. Wiltl..I Iitn. Wt. W,~. IlIoir, asli-red a resolution to

Judttl e Lonigretr mioved't tha.t the Vice.Presidlent:s bt" addedfC io the Coflinmittee of

twenty-te.Judtge l.ateg'tireet ailTeredl the followeing

reqolultioni, whliebi was adopltedl;Re'sol'ed. Thauit ii lie roferredl to the Corn-

mtittee of' .l to r'ctomme~nd to thme Coimmiit-ttee, somtie spceific at i li iythe membters

tir this bod it.i r'heir r.'peeri e Srite<, ' ehtmt the aopinlion of the c'ommiuittee tinay teindtt the scCe's of' thet en-er prize whie~ wehave itt viiew.

Mir Jam uisolinoilredl th foil!lowinu re"lution hieh was adopted: