Identifying Effective Structures, Strategies and Support for BN Migrant Students in ECE Early Childhood Education (ECE) for BN Migrant Students

Early Childhood Education (ECE) for BN Migrant Students

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Early Childhood Education (ECE) for BN Migrant Students . Identifying Effective Structures, Strategies and Support for BN Migrant Students in ECE. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Identifying Effective Structures, Strategies and

Support for BN Migrant Students in ECE

Early Childhood Education (ECE) for BN

Migrant Students

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Early Childhood Education

Children are born learners. Although individual differences are present at birth, most set out to explore their world with unbridled eagerness and curiosity. Perhaps, more than any other period in their life, early childhood is a time of never-ending possibilities.

Copple & Bredekamp, 2008

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*Know the significance for ECE

* Identify structures and strategies to support early learners

*Be familiar with resources for BN ECE that include educational technology

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School Readiness

School readiness is helping schools be READY for CHILDREN as well as helping

CHILDREN be READY for School

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* The Foundation of Learning

Source: (Lint, 2011).Social Work Theories: Stages of Child Development

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The Importance of Early Learning Programs

Early Learning Participants more likely to have better

language skillsable to work well with their

peers and their teachers more likely to graduate

from high schoolmore than twice as likely to

attend a four-year college less likely to require

remedial education or be held back a grade

Early Learning Non-Participants 25% more likely to drop

out of school40% more likely to

become a teen parent50% more likely to be

placed in special education

60% more likely to never attend college

70% more likely to be arrested for a violent crime

[xvi] Reynolds, A.J. (1995). One Year of Preschool Intervention or Two: Does It Matter? Early Childhood Quarterly, 10 (1), 1-31. Retrieved November 2, 2011 from http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0885200695900241. [xvii] Schweinhart, L. J., Montie, J., Xiang, Z., Barnett, W. S., Belfield, C. R., & Nores, M. (2005). Lifetime effects: The HighScope Perry Preschool study through age 40. (Monographs of the HighScope Educational Research Foundation, 14). Ypsilanti, MI: HighScope Press[xix] Committee for Economic Development. (2006). The Economic Promise of Investing in High-Quality Preschool: Using Early Education to Improve Economic Growth and the Fiscal Sustainability of States and the Nation. Washington, D.C.: Committee for Economic Development. Retrieved from http://www.ced.org/images/library/reports/education/early_education/report_prek_econpromise.pdf


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Significant Components for Success

*Attaining positive social and emotional relationships*Growing progressively in their physical, social, and academic development*Accessing innovative technology*Learning through experiences that are relevant

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Basic Components for ECE

*Meet young children where they are to help them reach goals that are challenging and achievable*Use teaching practices developmentally attuned and responsive to social and cultural contexts*Apply best practices based on knowledge and evidence about curricula and teaching

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Effective Program Structures*Focus on ALL domains of development

*Individualize instructional strategies*Scaffolding of ideas and concepts*Knowing that rate and pattern of learning is different among children

*Align learning experiences across the early childhood period*Linkage between ECE and Elementary School programs*Individual, family, school and community development

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Effective Program Structures, Cont.

*Build teacher capacity on ECE pedagogy*Use multiple teaching strategies*Focus on multiple domains*Provide coherent and sequential instruction

*Determine curriculum based on needs and challenges of each child*Individualize support – a single curriculum does not fit ALL children

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Examples of a High Quality ECE Program

*Applies comprehensive developmental screening*Hires Early Childhood

Certified Teachers*Implements

Standards-Aligned Research-Based Curriculum*Teaches with


*Administers ongoing authentic assessment*Conducts ongoing

family education *Seeks community

collaboration*Reflects on teaching


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Examples of Quality Learning

A safe, healthy, and child-friendly environment

Stimulating activities and appropriately structured routines

Educated, attentive, and engaged teachers and staff

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Examples of Quality LearningCont.

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A Safe Working Environment

*Learning centers are arranged with safety in mind*Visitors are welcomed but with appropriate parental consent *Playground activities are properly supervised

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A Child-Friendly and Healthy Environment

Classrooms are well-equipped with sufficient materials and toys

Classroom materials and activities are placed at eye level for the children to utilize

Materials and toys are clean, sanitized and neatly displayed

Frequent hand-washing by children and adults is practiced

Children offered breakfast, lunch and a time to nap

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Stimulating and Appropriately Structured

ActivitiesChildren are engaged in their activities

Children participate with teachers and each other in individual, small-group, and large-group activities

Children receive a variety of stimuli in their daily routine using indoor and outdoor spaces and age-appropriate language, literacy, math, science, art, music, movement, and dramatic play experiences

Children are allowed to play independently

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Technology and Interactive Media

*Use intentionally and appropriately to support learning and development*Monitor and limit use of technology*Help students learn to navigate technology*Encourage questions and thinking about technology*Provide professional development and research*Provide information and resources to adults

* Source: National Association for the Education of Young Children. www.naeyc.org

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Samples of ECE Technology-Based

ResourcesDigital Story Helps Dual Language Learner Connect with ClassmatesA 4-year old boy, who speaks only Chinese, uses iPad to write a digital story to share details of home life with other children in his preschool classroom. Virtual Tour of the Titanic Helps a Kindergartner Make Social ConnectionsA 5-year-old child fascinated with the Titanic is given a book and interactive CD-ROM with a large screen desktop computer. The transmedia materials allow him to explore and express his interests, and develop his small motor and social skills.Supporting Family Involvement and Readiness for Migrant ChildrenParent educators in Maine integrate iPads into a curriculum that provides parents of migrant preschoolers with early literacy and math activities to help their children get ready for school.

Click on links for


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Sample Resources for Teachers

Books with synopsis on video clip. Use book synopsis to generate high enthusiasm for the books you will read to the Pre School children.

The Eye of the Whale: A Rescue Story, Jennifer O’Connell, 2013, Tilbury House, www.vimeo.com/63918076 .

Se trata de la historia verdadera de una ballena que quedó atrapada en una red en las afueras de la bahía de San Francisco. Después de que unos buzos se zambulleron para liberarla, la ballena los sorprendió a todos con un increíble acto de agradecimiento. Las ilustraciones, cuidadosas y detalladas, reflejan vívidamente esta maravillosa historia.

Libros con sinopsis en cintas de video. Utilice las sinopsis de los libros para generar mayor entusiasmo por los libros que les lee a los preescolares.

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The Eye of the Whale: A Rescue Story, Jennifer O’Connell, 2013, Tilbury House, www.vimeo.com/63918076

A true story of a whale trapped in a net on the outer areas of the San Francisco bay. After a few divers plunged into the water to save it, the whale surprised them all with an act of kindness. The illustrations, neat and detailed, vividly depict this marvelous story.

El Ojo de la Ballena: Una Historia de Resczte. Jennifer O’Connell, 2013, Tilbury House, www.vimeo.com/63918076

Se trata de la historia verdadera de una ballena que quedó atrapada en una red en las afueras de la bahía de San Francisco. Después de que unos buzos se zambulleron para liberarla, la ballena los sorprendió a todos con un increíble acto de agradecimiento. Las ilustraciones, cuidadosas y detalladas, reflejan vívidamente esta maravillosa historia.

Sample Resources for Teachers

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Sample Resources for Teachers

Con’t. Herramientas para maestros. Reflecting in Communities of Practice: A Workbook for Early Childhood Educators, de Deb Curtis, Debbie Lebo, Wendy C.M. Cividanes y Margie Carter, 2013, Redleaf.

Strengthen your teaching practices with this manual to help preschool teachers to more deeply reflect on their work Use this book with a group to construct a learning community or as a self-learning tool. The book includes helpful exercises that will help teachers.

Fortalezcan sus prácticas docentes con este manual práctico para ayudar a los maestros de preescolares a reflexionar con más profundidad en su trabajo. Usen este libro con un grupo para construir una comunidad de aprendizaje o como herramienta de autoaprendizaje. La obra incluye ejercicios de apoyo que ayudan a los maestros.

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ECE Resources

*Education: Learn DC* A one-stop source for strategies and services for supporting the positive

development of young children, including information about local schools and resources about what is taught in classrooms. www.learndc.org

*Health and Wellness: Project Launch* An initiative that promotes the wellness of young children so they can thrive

in safe supportive environments and enter school ready to learn. www.doh.dc.gov/service/project-launch

*National Association for the Education of Young Children. www.naeyc.org

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ECE Resources, Cont.

Many Languages, One Classroom: Teaching Dual and English Language Learners

Author: Karen N. Nemeth

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Tesores y Colores*

Publicada por la Asociación Nacional para la Educación Infantil (National Association for the Education of Young Children, NAEYC) PARA LOS PROFESIONALES DEDICADOS A LOS PREESCOLARES(See samples in following slides)

* Source: National Association for the Education of Young Children. www.naeyc.org

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Colorín – Colorado

*Colorín Colorado is a free web-based service that provides information, activities and advice for educators and Spanish-speaking families of English language learners (ELLs). www.colorincolorado.org *Learn more about*Our mission*Our name*Our use of Spanish*Research*Reprinting Information*Colorín Colorado is an educational initiative of WETA, the flagship public

television and radio station in the nation's capital. Major funding comes from the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) and the AFT Innovation Fund.

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For Further Information

Contact Frank S. Dávila, Ph.D., InET Coordinator at:*[email protected] *(720) 532-9704