DWD/DWS/BW-2 Partner Training Services 1 October 10, 2006 FEP Roundtable: W-2 Discretion

DWD/DWS/BW-2 Partner Training Services1October 10, 2006 FEP Roundtable: W-2 Discretion

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DWD/DWS/BW-2 Partner Training Services 1 October 10, 2006

FEP Roundtable:W-2 Discretion

DWD/DWS/BW-2 Partner Training Services 2 October 10, 2006


DWD/DWS/BW-2 Partner Training Services 3 October 10, 2006

FEP Roundtable

FEPs of the Round Table?

DWD/DWS/BW-2 Partner Training Services 4 October 10, 2006

Where are the Round Tables?

DWD/DWS/BW-2 Partner Training Services 5 October 10, 2006

FEPs of the Square Tables


DWD/DWS/BW-2 Partner Training Services 6 October 10, 2006

DWD/DWS/BW-2 Partner Training Services 7 October 10, 2006

DWD/DWS/BW-2 Partner Training Services 8 October 10, 2006

DWD/DWS/BW-2 Partner Training Services 9 October 10, 2006

• Embed Bill Clingan Video here…

DWD/DWS/BW-2 Partner Training Services 10 October 10, 2006

Ground Rules for Today:

• When we discuss case situations, we want to take a strength-based and solution-based approach

• Respect others’ viewpoints

• Remember that “discretion” allows for more than one “right” outcome

DWD/DWS/BW-2 Partner Training Services 11 October 10, 2006

What is Discretion?

From the world of Literature…

“The better part of valor is discretion“

- Falstaff in Henry IV by

William Shakespeare

DWD/DWS/BW-2 Partner Training Services 12 October 10, 2006

What is Discretion?

From the world of Spanish Proverbs…

“Wit without discretion is a sword in the hand of a fool. “

DWD/DWS/BW-2 Partner Training Services 13 October 10, 2006

What is Discretion?

From the world of Poetry and Prose…

“There are many shining qualities on the mind of man; but none so useful as discretion. It is this which gives a value to all the rest…“

- Joseph Addison

English Author

DWD/DWS/BW-2 Partner Training Services 14 October 10, 2006

What is Discretion?

From the world of Diplomacy…

“Judgment is not upon all occasions required, but discretion always is.”

- Lord Chesterfield

British Statesman and Diplomat

DWD/DWS/BW-2 Partner Training Services 15 October 10, 2006

What is Discretion?

From the world of Entertainment…

“Viewer discretion is advised”

- Every show on the “FOX” network

DWD/DWS/BW-2 Partner Training Services 16 October 10, 2006

• Prudence

• Choice

• Decision

• Distinction

• Evaluation

• Free will

What is Discretion?

• Opportunity

• Option

• Preference

• Calculation

• Flexibility


DWD/DWS/BW-2 Partner Training Services 17 October 10, 2006

What is Discretion?


• Recklessness

• Foolishness

• Ignorance

• Neglect

DWD/DWS/BW-2 Partner Training Services 18 October 10, 2006

What is Discretion?


“The power…to use…judgment in making decisions guided by what is fair and equitable and by principles of law.”

Merriam Webster Dictionary of Law

DWD/DWS/BW-2 Partner Training Services 19 October 10, 2006

What is Discretion?

A W-2 Definition?

“The power of a FEP or Agency to use his/her own judgment in making decisions guided by what is fair and equitable and by W-2 Policy.”

DWD/DWS/BW-2 Partner Training Services 20 October 10, 2006

What is Discretion?

A more concise definition…

“The power of free decision or latitude of choice within certain bounds.”

Merriam Webster Dictionary of Law

DWD/DWS/BW-2 Partner Training Services 21 October 10, 2006

Where did W-2 Discretion come from?

A long (?) time ago… 1996

DWD/DWS/BW-2 Partner Training Services 22 October 10, 2006


• Entitlement

• Rigid

• Prescriptive

• “Welfare”

• Dependence on the system

• Work-based

• Flexibility

• Responsibility

• Opportunities

• Self-sufficiency


Fundamentally Different Approaches…

DWD/DWS/BW-2 Partner Training Services 23 October 10, 2006

W-2 Philosophy & Goals

“The goal of Wisconsin Works (W-2) is to provide necessary and appropriate services to prepare individuals to work, and to obtain and maintain viable, self-sustaining employment, which will promote economic growth.”

– W-2 Manual, Chapter 1.1.0

DWD/DWS/BW-2 Partner Training Services 24 October 10, 2006

W-2 Philosophy & Goals

“W-2 agencies will… ensure that all participants have equal access to the full spectrum of resources, and avoid arbitrary and inappropriate sanctions. ”

– W-2 Manual, Chapter 1.1.0

DWD/DWS/BW-2 Partner Training Services 25 October 10, 2006

W-2 Philosophy & Goals

“All programs and services shall be rendered in a fair and just manner, including adverse actions such as denials and sanctions… ”

– W-2 Manual, Chapter 1.1.0

DWD/DWS/BW-2 Partner Training Services 26 October 10, 2006

W-2 Philosophy & Goals

“W-2 goals are best achieved by working with providers, who are committed to customer-friendly service, who partner with employers and other service providers, who are innovative, and who strive to continuously improve the provision of service. ”

– W-2 Manual, Chapter 1.1.0

DWD/DWS/BW-2 Partner Training Services 27 October 10, 2006

Why is there W-2 Discretion?

• To allow workers to make the best use of scarce resources

• To maximize local resources

• To best meet the needs of each customer

• To help achieve each unique customer’s goal of workforce attachment

DWD/DWS/BW-2 Partner Training Services 28 October 10, 2006

Discretion in the W-2 Manual

DWD/DWS/BW-2 Partner Training Services 29 October 10, 2006

Discretion in the W-2 Manual

DWD/DWS/BW-2 Partner Training Services 30 October 10, 2006

Discretion in the W-2 Manual

DWD/DWS/BW-2 Partner Training Services 31 October 10, 2006

Discretion in W-2 Policy

DWD/DWS/BW-2 Partner Training Services 32 October 10, 2006

• W-2 policy

• State and Federal laws

• Others…

What Should Influence Discretion ?

DWD/DWS/BW-2 Partner Training Services 33 October 10, 2006

What Must NOT Influence Discretion ?

• All Civil Rights categories, including disability as covered by the ADA– Race– Color– Gender– Religion– Etc.

• Others…

DWD/DWS/BW-2 Partner Training Services 34 October 10, 2006

Break Time!