Dutis Documnt Matrix Undr th Dutis Act 1997, thr ar a numbr of documnts and transactions on which duty must b paid or an xmption applid. Th information containd in this matrix is intndd to idntify th following: Documnts which must b procssd on EDR Documnts which must b procssd by Rvnu NSW If you hav a transaction which is not listd blow you must lodg th documnts with Rvnu NSW for assssmnt Note: *Indicats crtain transactions which appar in both lists. urchaser/transferee declaration Th Purchasr/transfr dclaration is usd whn you ar buying or acquiring proprty in NSW. Information collctd through th purchasr/transfr dclaration is ncssary to mt Commonwalth Rporting Rquirmnts and our rsponsibilitis to administr th Dutis Act including th idntification of forignrs for purchasr surcharg duty and land tax. Surcharge urchaser Duty A undr th Surchare liability column indicat a liability to surcharg whn rsidntial proprty is transfrrd to a forign prson, as rfrrd to in chaptr 2A of th Dutis Act 1997. Duties Client Identification (CI) Rvnu NSW collcts Clint Idntification (CI) information for all partis liabl to or xmpt from transfr duty undr Chaptrs 2, 4, 7, 10, 11 of th Dutis Act 1997. For CI purposs, individuals will nd to provid vidnc of thir dat of birth and companis will nd to provid thir ABN/ACN/ARBN. Transactions availabl through EDR rquir CI information to b ntrd as part of th assssmnt dtail. EDR clints must rtain crtifid copis of th CI documnts thy sight for audit purposs. Octobr 2017

Duties Document Matrix - Revenue NSW · Duties Document Matrix Under the Duties Act 1997, there are a number of documents and transactions on which duty must be paid or an exemption

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Page 1: Duties Document Matrix - Revenue NSW · Duties Document Matrix Under the Duties Act 1997, there are a number of documents and transactions on which duty must be paid or an exemption

Duti s Docum nt Matrix

Und r th Duti s Act 1997, th r ar a numb r of docum nts and transactions on which duty must b paid or an x mption appli d. Th information contain d in this matrix is

int nd d to id ntify th following:

Docum nts which must b proc ss d on EDR

Docum nts which must b proc ss d by R v nu NSW

If you hav a transaction which is not list d b low you must lodg th docum nts with R v nu NSW for ass ssm nt

Note: *Indicat s c rtain transactions which app ar in both lists.

urchaser/transferee declaration

Th Purchas r/transf r d claration is us d wh n you ar buying or acquiring prop rty in NSW.

Information coll ct d through th purchas r/transf r d claration is n c ssary to m t Commonw alth R porting R quir m nts and our r sponsibiliti s to administ r th Duti s

Act including th id ntification of for ign rs for purchas r surcharg duty and land tax.

Surcharge urchaser Duty

A •••• und r th Surchar e liability column indicat a liability to surcharg wh n r sid ntial prop rty is transf rr d to a for ign p rson, as r f rr d to in chapt r 2A of th Duti s Act 1997.

Duties Client Identification (CI)

R v nu NSW coll cts Cli nt Id ntification (CI) information for all parti s liabl to or x mpt from transf r duty und r Chapt rs 2, 4, 7, 10, 11 of th Duti s Act 1997. For CI

purpos s, individuals will n d to provid vid nc of th ir dat of birth and compani s will n d to provid th ir ABN/ACN/ARBN.

Transactions availabl through EDR r quir CI information to b nt r d as part of th ass ssm nt d tail. EDR cli nts must r tain c rtifi d copi s of th CI docum nts th y sight for

audit purpos s.

Octob r 2017

Page 2: Duties Document Matrix - Revenue NSW · Duties Document Matrix Under the Duties Act 1997, there are a number of documents and transactions on which duty must be paid or an exemption

Documents which must be processed on EDR

NNNNooootttt :::: a Purchas r/transf r d claration is r quir d by liabl parti s to all conv yancing transactions

Chapt r 2 --- Transactions conc rning dutiabl prop rty

S ction of

Docum nt/Transaction Typ


8 and 11

CI R quir dR v nu Surcharg

FormsDuti s Act Rulings liability


Y/NY/N by

Agr m nt for Sal of Land Y s Purchas r Y

• Parti s at arms’ l ngth

• Consid ration includ sGST


• Parti s not at arms’ l ngth DUT 012

DUT 044 ••••

ODA 017 ••••

• Pr mium rat for r sid ntial land* 32A ••••

• Land Us Entitl m nt, i. . Company titl 32 ••••

R lat d Rulings for all A reement for Sale of Land transactions

DUT 033 G 008

DUT 018 G 009

DUT 016 G 010v2

Transf r of land not pursuant to an Agr m nt for sal * 8 and 11 Y s, oth r than

l as pr miums Transf r Y

• Ad valor m duty payabl DUT 012

DUT 044 ••••

• Fractional int r sts DUT 012

DUT 044 ••••

• Transf r and Road Closur ••••

• L as pr miums ••••

• R l asing Eas m nts ••••

Note: Transf rs Granting Eas m nt ar not charg abl with


2 of 15Duti s Docum nt Matrix - Docum nts which must b proc ss d on EDR

Page 3: Duties Document Matrix - Revenue NSW · Duties Document Matrix Under the Duties Act 1997, there are a number of documents and transactions on which duty must be paid or an exemption

Chapt r 2 --- Transactions conc rning dutiabl prop rty

Docum nt/Transaction Typ

S ction of

Duti s Act


Forms R v nu




CI R quir d CRR

Y/NY/N by

Transf r of land/l as in conformity with an Agr m nt for

sal * 18(2) DUT 010 Yes Transf r Y

Transf r of land/l as not in conformity with an Agr m nt

for sal * 18(3) DUT 010 •••• Yes Transf r Y

Aggr gation of dutiabl transactions* 25 ODA 023 DUT 036 •••• Yes Purchas

/Transf r Y

First Hom Buy r

(includin Shared Equity Arran ements) Y

• First Hom Buy rs Assistanc * 69 - 80A ODA 066A •••• Yes Proof of Id ntity

R quir m nts

• First Hom N w Hom * 69 - 80A ODA 066 •••• Yes Proof of Id ntity

R quir m nts

Off th Plan Purchas s 8 and 11 Yes Transf r Y

• Off th Plan - FHBA 69 - 80A ODA 066A •••• Yes Proof of Id ntity

R quir m nts

• Off th Plan - FHNH 49A ODA 066 ••••

N w Hom Grant Sch m *

(Abolished as of 1 July 17) 81 - 87G ODA 072(A) Yes

Purchas r/

Transf r Y

• A n w hom purchas

• An off th plan purchas

• A vacant land purchas

Transf r of land - d c as d stat * 63 Yes Transf r Y

• To th d vis /b n ficiary ntitl d und r th t rms of th


Transmission Application/ Acknowl dg m nt* 63 Yes B n ficiary

/D vis Y

• To th d vis /b n ficiary ntitl d und r th t rms of th


3 of 15Duti s Docum nt Matrix - Docum nts which must b proc ss d on EDR

Page 4: Duties Document Matrix - Revenue NSW · Duties Document Matrix Under the Duties Act 1997, there are a number of documents and transactions on which duty must be paid or an exemption

• Goods associat d with oth r dutiabl prop rty

Chapt r 2 --- Transactions conc rning dutiabl prop rty

Docum nt/Transaction Typ

S ction of

Duti s Act


Forms R v nu




CI R quir d CRR

Y/NY/N by

Surr nd r of l as 8 and 11 Y s L ssor Y

Transf r/Assignm nt of l as 8 and 11 Y s Transf r

/Assign Y

• Pursuant to an Agr m nt for sal of busin ss

• Not conn ct d with any oth r dutiabl transaction, i. .

sal of busin ss ODA 020 ••••

Agr m nt for Sal of Busin ss* 8 and 11 Y s Purchas r N

Discr tionary Trust D d 58 DUT 004 Y s Transf r

/Assign N

• Establishm nt of a trust r lating to unid ntifi d prop rty

and/or non- dutiabl prop rty, .g. Family Trust D ds

and Unit Trust D ds

Ex mptions: Y

• Transf r b tw n marri d coupl s and d facto partn rs

( x cut d on or aft r 11 April 2012)* 104 (B) ODA 067 •••• Y s

Purchas r/

Transf r

• Transf r as a r sult of a br ak-up of a marriag 68(1) ODA 069

• Transf r as a r sult of a br ak-up of a d facto

r lationship 68(1A) ODA 069

• Transf r as a r sult of a br ak-up of a dom stic

r lationship 68(2) ODA 070

• Transf r as a r sult of a br ak-up of a marriag or d

facto r lationship - sup rannuation int r sts 68(3A) ODA 069

4 of 15Duti s Docum nt Matrix - Docum nts which must b proc ss d on EDR

Page 5: Duties Document Matrix - Revenue NSW · Duties Document Matrix Under the Duties Act 1997, there are a number of documents and transactions on which duty must be paid or an exemption

Chapt r 11 --- G n ral x mptions from duty

Docum nt/Transaction Typ

S ction of

Duti s Act


Forms R v nu




CI R quir d CRR

Y/NY/N by

Ex mptions:

• Int rg n rational Rural Transf rs* --- only wh r th

transf ror is a natural p rson and th transf r is x cut d

on or aft r 11 April 2012

274 ODA 071 DUT 024 Y s Y

For agr m nts for

sal / transf rs

Purchas r/

Transf r

For mortgag s

Wh r th

mortgagor is a


• Public Hospitals 276 N

• Council and County Councils 277 N

• D partm nt of Housing and Aboriginal Housing Offic

T nants 278 ODA 022 N

• Sp cialis d Ag nci s 279 N

• Aboriginal Land Councils 280 N

• Crown x mptions 308

(Sch dul 2) Y s

Purchas r/

Transf r N

5 of 15Duti s Docum nt Matrix - Docum nts which must b proc ss d on EDR

Page 6: Duties Document Matrix - Revenue NSW · Duties Document Matrix Under the Duties Act 1997, there are a number of documents and transactions on which duty must be paid or an exemption

Docum nts which must b proc ss d by R v nu NSW

Chapt r 2 --- Transactions conc rning dutiabl prop rty

• Transf r of an option to purchas land and any transaction 9B, 64D, 107,

••••r lating to a put & call option which is vid nc d by way of 109, 111 a D d of Assignm nt / Nomination / Novation

Docum nt/Transaction Typ

S ction of

Duti s Act


Forms R v nu




CI R quir d CRR

Y/NY/N by

Agr m nt for Sal of Land* 8 and 11 Y s Purchas r Y

• D d of Novation ••••

• Transf r of an option to purchas land 8(1)(d) ••••

• Ex rcis Notic /s (Agr m nt for Sal of Land not to b

stamp d with ad valor m duty) 11(1)(k), 22(4) ••••

• Pr mium rat for r sid ntial prop rty us d for oth r

purpos s* 32B ••••

• Pr mium rat for larg parc ls of r sid ntial land* 32C ••••

• Purchas r d scrib d as trust for a nam d p rson or

company DUT 031 ••••

• R duction in purchas pric 31

9 of 15Duti s Docum nt Matrix - Docum nts which must b proc ss d by th R v nu NSW

Page 7: Duties Document Matrix - Revenue NSW · Duties Document Matrix Under the Duties Act 1997, there are a number of documents and transactions on which duty must be paid or an exemption

Chapt r 2 --- Transactions conc rning dutiabl prop rty

Docum nt/Transaction Typ

S ction of

Duti s Act


Forms R v nu




CI R quir d CRR

Y/NY/N by

Transf r of land not pursuant to an Agr m nt for sal * 8 and 11 Y s Transf r /

Applicant Y

••••• R qu sts

64C ••••

• Which includ s a FHBA 69 - 80A ODA 066A ••••

• Which includ s a FHNH 69 - 80A ODA 066 ••••

• Which includ s a N w Hom Grant 81 - 87G ODA 072

First Hom Buy r

(includin Shared Equity Arran ements) Y

• First Hom Buy rs Assistanc involving a trust* 69 - 80A ODA 066A •••• Yes

• First Hom N w Hom with a surcharg liability 69 - 80A ODA 066 •••• Yes Proof of Id ntity

R quir m nts

• N w Hom Grant (wh n th transf r is not proc ss d at

th sam tim as th agr m nt for sal )

Aggr gation of dutiabl transactions* 25 DUT 036 Y s Purchas r/

Transf r Y

• Wh r duty is to b apportion d to th various

instrum nts

Transf r of land/l as in conformity with an Agr m nt for

sal * 18(2) DUT 010 Y s Transf r Y

• Transf r by dir ction ••••

• Transf r of Land in conformity to an Ex rcis Notic 18(2) ••••

Transf r of land not in conformity with an Agr m nt for sal * 18(3) Y s Transf r Y

• Transf r of land mad in partial conformity with an

agr m nt


Proof of Id ntity

R quir m nts

18(3) ••••• Transf r not in conformity --- FHBA

18(3) ••••• Transf r not in conformity --- FHNH

10 of 15Duti s Docum nt Matrix - Docum nts which must b proc ss d by th R v nu NSW

Page 8: Duties Document Matrix - Revenue NSW · Duties Document Matrix Under the Duties Act 1997, there are a number of documents and transactions on which duty must be paid or an exemption

Rulings liability


Y/NY/N by

ODA 072(A) Y s Purchas r/

Transf r Y

Chapt r 2 --- Transactions conc rning dutiabl prop rty

S ction of

Docum nt/Transaction Typ

N w Hom Grant*

(Abolished as of 1 July 17)

CI R quir dR v nu Surcharg

Duti s Act Forms


81 - 87G

• Aggr gation of Dutiabl Transaction 25 DUT 030

• Transf rs not in conformity (wh n th transf r is not

proc ss d at th sam tim as th agr m nt for sal ) 18(3)

Transf r of land --- d c as d stat * 63 Y s Transf r Y

• An appropriation of th prop rty of th d c as d p rson

in accordanc with s ction 46 of th Trust Act 1925 in

or towards satisfaction of th b n ficiary’s ntitl m nt


• Pursuant to a D d of family arrang m nt

• Not in accordanc with th t rms of th will/probat

• Wh r ntitl m nt is claim d und r laws of int stacy

• Lif and r maining int r sts ••••

Transmission Application/ Acknowl dg m nt* 63 Y s B n ficiary/ D vis Y

• Not in accordanc with th t rms of th will/probat ••••

• Wh r ntitl m nt is claim d und r laws of int stacy

DUT 012• Which involv s a variation to th trusts contain d in th 63(2A) ••••

DUT 044will

11 of 15Duti s Docum nt Matrix - Docum nts which must b proc ss d by th R v nu NSW

Page 9: Duties Document Matrix - Revenue NSW · Duties Document Matrix Under the Duties Act 1997, there are a number of documents and transactions on which duty must be paid or an exemption

• Transf rs of prop rty in conn ction with p rsons changing

sup rannuation funds 61

• Transf rs to s lf-manag d sup rannuation funds 62A

• Fractional int r st including for ign and Australian int r st

wh r Australian fraction incr as s

• Transf r to n w trust s 54 DUT 030

• Prop rty v st d in an appar nt purchas r (r sulting trust) 55

• Transf rs back from a nomin 56

• Transf rs to b n ficiari s of trusts 57 ••••

Chapt r 2 --- Transactions conc rning dutiabl prop rty

Docum nt/Transaction Typ

S ction of

Duti s Act


Forms R v nu




CI R quir d CRR

Y/NY/N by

Transf rs --- Oth r Y s Transf r /

Applicant Y

• Transf r of an option to purchas land 8(1)(d) ••••

• Surr nd r of a lif int r st 8 and 11 ••••

8, 11 and 29 ••••• Partn rship int r sts

8 and 11 DUT 035 ••••• Exchang s

30 DUT 037 ••••• Partitions


• Transf rs b tw n trust s and custodians of 62

sup rannuation funds or Trusts


12 of 15Duti s Docum nt Matrix - Docum nts which must b proc ss d by th R v nu NSW

Page 10: Duties Document Matrix - Revenue NSW · Duties Document Matrix Under the Duties Act 1997, there are a number of documents and transactions on which duty must be paid or an exemption

Chapt r 2 --- Transactions conc rning dutiabl prop rty

S ction of CI R quir dR v nu Surcharg Duti s Act Forms

Rulings liability1997

Docum nt/Transaction Typ CRR

Y/NY/N by

Transf rs --- Oth r Y s Transf r /

Applicant Y

• D d of family arrang m nt (d c as d stat s) 63

• Transf rs of land mad in partial conformity with an

agr m nt 64C ODA 009 ••••

• Transf rs to marri d coupl s and d facto partn rs

( x cut d b for 11 April 2012) 67

• Transf rs as a r sult of a br ak up of a marriag wh r th

transf ror is not a natural p rson 68(1A) ODA 069

• Transf rs as a r sult of a br ak up of a d facto

r lationship wh r th transf ror is not a natural p rson 68(1A) ODA 069

• Transf rs as a r sult of a br ak up of a dom stic

r lationship wh r th transf ror is not a natural p rson 68(2) ODA 070

• Transf rs of land us d as th coupl ’s/partn r’s principal

plac of r sid nc and for som oth r non- r sid ntial


104C ODA 068 ••••

Chapt r 4 ------------ Acquisitions of int r st in landhold r

Docum nt/Transaction Typ

All transactions

S ction of CI R quir dR v nu Surcharg Duti s Act Forms

Rulings liability Y/N1997

ODA 043A

ODA 043B

ODA 047



P rson making th 145 - 163L Y s Y••••

r l vant acquisition

13 of 15Duti s Docum nt Matrix - Docum nts which must b proc ss d by th R v nu NSW

Page 11: Duties Document Matrix - Revenue NSW · Duties Document Matrix Under the Duties Act 1997, there are a number of documents and transactions on which duty must be paid or an exemption

1300 308 863* (Monday Friday, 8.30 am 5.00 pm) 1800 086 642 (Interstate clients)

http://www.revenue.nsw.gov.au/ [email protected] Help in community languages is available.



Chapt r 10 - Misc llan ous duti s

S ction of

Docum nt/Transaction Typ

R plicas*



CI R quir d R v nu Surcharg Duti s Act Forms

Rulings liability Y/N by

• Oth r than mortgag s

ODA 019 Y s

Wh r th

mortgagor is a


S ction of CI R quir d R v nu Surcharg Duti s Act Forms



Rulings liability



Y/N Y/N by

ODA 016 DUT 024 Y s Purchas r/

Transf r

Charitabl and b n vol nt bodi s 275 and 275A ODA 048 DUT 034 Y s Purchas r/

Transf r

Corporat R constructions Y s Purchas r/

Transf r

• For transactions occurring on or aft r 1 July 2012 273A - 273F ODA 028A



Chapt r 11 - G n ral x mptions from duty

Docum nt/Transaction Typ

Int rg n rational Rural Transf rs*

• Wh r th transf ror is a company or trust

• Corporat Consolidation Transactions ODA 028B

Contact details

– –

Revenue NSW: ISO 9001 – Quality Certified | Department of Finance, Services & Innovation

© State of New South Wales through the Revenue NSW, 2015. This work may be freely reproduced and distributed for most purposes, however some restrictions apply.

Read the copyright notice at www.revenue.nsw.gov.au or contact Revenue NSW.

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Page 12: Duties Document Matrix - Revenue NSW · Duties Document Matrix Under the Duties Act 1997, there are a number of documents and transactions on which duty must be paid or an exemption

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