DUNTON BASSETT NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN · slides are provided at Appendix 1): • Welcome to the Dunton Bassett Neighbourhood Plan – Chair • Overview of Neighbourhood Planning - RCC

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Page 1: DUNTON BASSETT NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN · slides are provided at Appendix 1): • Welcome to the Dunton Bassett Neighbourhood Plan – Chair • Overview of Neighbourhood Planning - RCC





Page 2: DUNTON BASSETT NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN · slides are provided at Appendix 1): • Welcome to the Dunton Bassett Neighbourhood Plan – Chair • Overview of Neighbourhood Planning - RCC



Introduction P. 2

Engagement & Consultation Methodology

P. 2

Neighbourhood Plan Stakeholder Contacts

P. 3

Consultation Workshop Delegate List P. 3

Issues and Priorities Group Discussions

P. 4

Post Event Feedback & Comments

P. 8

Appendix 1 - Workshop Presentations

P. 18

Appendix 2 - Stakeholder Consultee List

P. 20

Appendix 3 - Apologies Received

P. 21

Page 3: DUNTON BASSETT NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN · slides are provided at Appendix 1): • Welcome to the Dunton Bassett Neighbourhood Plan – Chair • Overview of Neighbourhood Planning - RCC


Stakeholder Consultation

1) Introduction The Neighbourhood Plan process will provide residents, businesses, service providers and local organisations with a unique opportunity to help guide development within the designated area, plan the future delivery of local services and facilities, and ensure that Dunton Bassett Parish remains a vibrant and sustainable place to live, work, and do business. To support the successful development of the Neighbourhood Plan, the RCC was commissioned by the Dunton Bassett Parish Council to organise and independently facilitate a consultation workshop of key local stakeholders which was held on 4th December 2018 at Dunton Bassett Village Hall.

2) Engagement & Consultation Methodology

The Stakeholder Consultation Workshop was held with the following aims: • To provide project stakeholders with some background and context to the Dunton Bassett

Neighbourhood Plan. • To ensure local stakeholders understand the process and their role in helping to shape the

Neighbourhood Plan. • To provide stakeholders with an opportunity to feed in the issues and priorities they consider

important to include / explore further within the Neighbourhood Planning process. • To make stakeholders aware of future opportunities to engage in the plan making process. • To contribute to the core evidence base and inform the ongoing consultation and

engagement process required to produce the Neighbourhood Plan

Consultation and engagement of stakeholders was delivered across 3 core elements:

1. • Presentations providing the context and background to the project (copies of all presentation

slides are provided at Appendix 1): • Welcome to the Dunton Bassett Neighbourhood Plan – Chair

• Overview of Neighbourhood Planning - RCC

The background, the process, and steps to be taken.

• Role and Support for Communities Undertaking Neighbourhood Planning – HDC Planning Authorities perspective of Neighbourhood Planning and its role in the process.

• Outline and Aims of Stakeholder Consultation Session - RCC

Introduction to the Issues and Priorities Discussion Session.

2. Table based issues and priorities discussion session. Facilitated discussions across 2 table-based groups providing stakeholders an opportunity to raise and discuss key issues and priorities. 3. Post event feedback. Opportunity for stakeholders to submit feedback following the workshop, provide further comments, and/ or raise other key issues and priorities for consideration by Dunton Bassett Neighbourhood Plan Working Group.

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3) Neighbourhood Plan Stakeholder Contacts

Working with the Dunton Bassett Neighbourhood Plan Advisory Group, the RCC developed a comprehensive list of stakeholder contacts for consultation and engagement to be used throughout the process of developing the Neighbourhood Plan (including all statutory consultees). Stakeholders in the Dunton Bassett plan have been categorised by the RCC as follows: 1. Statutory Consultation Bodies (set out in the Neighbourhood Planning Regulations) 2. Landowner (within the Neighbourhood Area) 3. Developer / Professional Representative of Landowner 4. Business (operating within or serving the parish) 5. Community / Faith / Voluntary Organisation (operating within or serving the parish) 6. Public Service Provider (delivering services to / in the parish). A full list of stakeholders identified for engagement and consultation is provided at Appendix 2.

4) Consultation Workshop Delegate List

Tables 1 - 2 list the representatives in attendance at the stakeholder consultation workshop held on and identifies which table discussion group they participated in during the workshop session.

Table 1: Stakeholder Consultation Workshop - Delegate List & Groupings:

Group 1

Name Stakeholder

Mr Matt Bills Harborough District Council Planning

Mr J Boden Dunton Bassett Neighbourhood Plan

Advisory Committee

Mr R Godfrey Dunton Bassett Neighbourhood Plan

Advisory Committee

Cllr J Kent Gilmorton Parish Council

Mr Loader Holmleigh Boarding Kennels & Cattery

Mrs Loader Holmleigh Boarding Kennels & Cattery

Cllr G Pool Leire Parish Council

Ms Helen Denton-Stacey Clerk, Dunton Bassett Parish Council

Miss D Jones Market Harborough Disability Access

Mr N Williams Market Harborough Disability Access

Mr P Baildon Market Harborough Disability Access

Mr C Dewes Business

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Table 2:

Group 2

Name Stakeholder

Cllr Bannister Harborough District Council

Cllr K Boden Dunton Bassett Neighbourhood Plan

Advisory Committee

Mr P Fuchs Dunton Bassett Neighbourhood Plan

Advisory Committee

Cllr S Glover Dunton Bassett Neighbourhood Plan

Advisory Committee

Mr J Goodacre Landowner

Mr J Hurford Dunton Bassett Neighbourhood Plan

Advisory Committee

Mr R Secombe Dunton Bassett Cricket Club

Mr T Wells Wells McFarlane, Agent for Landowner

Ms V Power Business - Bay Tree Cakes

Mrs A Fuchs Fuchs Foundation

Ms L Kennedy Dunton Bassett Neighbourhood Plan

5) Issues and Priorities Group Discussions – Results

Facilitated discussion took place within two groups. Each group looked at the key issues and opportunities for consideration within the Dunton Bassett Neighbourhood Plan area under the following topics; (History & Heritage, Housing, Environment, Flooding, Open Spaces, Renewable Energy, Facilities & Services, Employment & Economy, Traffic & Transport and Vision for Dunton Bassett Parish). Tables 3 - 11 detail the key discussion points recorded under each topic area by each of the two groups.

Table 3: Issues & Priorities – History & Heritage:

History & Heritage

Group 1 • Retain existing nature of village with historic nature of buildings, listed buildings etc.

New development must maintain rural nature of village.

• Design guidelines for new developments to avoid red brick boxes

Group 2

• Scheduled ancient monument

• Linear village? But with side roads

• 11 listed buildings

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• History group (inactive)

• Likelihood of listed buildings being affected in future? – unlikely

• Conservation area? – can safeguard assets by requiring planning

Table 4: Issues & Priorities – Open Spaces & Environment & Public Rights of Way

Open Spaces & Environment & Public Rights of Way

Group 1 • Any public paths or play areas must have accessibility

• Play area can be designated as a local green space because of its special significance

• Plan B play space

Group 2

• Footpaths – not all Leicestershire Round

• Open spaces? – not within village. No centre/village green

• Neighbourhood plan could specify need/desire for open space – linked to


• Ancient monument site will never be built on – closest thing to village centre? – but not

flat land – uses limited

• Land ownership will regulate/influence open spaces

• Open space would help community feel

Table 5: Issues & Priorities – Facilities & Services

Facilities & Services

Group 1

• Bus service needs to go through village

• Villagers would like to see a local shop – could be more than shop, diversify as a

hub/post office/café/library

• Need additional play space for older children with more space – skate park, outdoor


Group 2

• Post office missed

• Section 106 money – used towards multipurpose facility?

• Need more sympathetic planning process to help small businesses set up using

housing stock if necessary

• Ways of facilitating set up of shop/post office/village facility?

• What do young families want access to?

• Playground is very important - would like to own site/secure future

• Possible site for a community shop

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Table 6: Issues & Priorities – Traffic & Transport:

Traffic & Transport

Group 1

• Double yellow lines around village hall

• Additional traffic calming measures e.g. speed cameras NOT humps – pedestrian

crossing/pelican. Can be funded by Section 106

• Church Lane speed limit

• A426 speed limit

Group 2

• Bus service does not go through the village

• Rat run to avoid traffic lights

• Filter lane/lights at lights?

• Parking on both sides does slow traffic flow

• New link road – will have to come across very close to village – between Broughton

Astley and Dunton Bassett

• Look at impact of this and new junctions when deciding where to allocate potential

building sites

• Street parking a problem

• Ensure new developments don’t make situation worse – lay by/turning circles

Table 7: Issues & Priorities – Employment & Business/Local Economy

Employment & Business/Local Economy

Group 1

• Encourage rural businesses from rural community e.g. Farm shop – e.g. Farndon


• Café for walkers

Group 2

• Small business – employing mums

• Encourage small businesses etc, so more employment opportunities in village

Table 8: Issues & Priorities – Housing


Group 1

• Retain basic footprint of village without elongating development and eradicating

boundaries with neighbouring communities

• Put conditions around new development to encourage local people to be able to stay in

the village

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• Ensure affordable housing need are met

• Old Coach Road – allow for housing, but allocate green space to restrict

Group 2

• Sufficient parking allocation for new houses

• What does the village want? Type of housing?

• Unrealistic to want to keep village as it is

• Smaller developments wanted by some people

• Suitable housing for aging population

• Best housing mix

Table 9: Issues & Priorities – Communications


Group 1

• Encourage broadband development

• Improve mobile coverage

Group 2

• Broadband very important for businesses

• Poor patchy internet connection - Internet vital for growth

Table 10: Issues & Priorities – Renewable Energy

Renewable Energy

Group 1

• Solar panels and other energy efficient measures

Group 2

• Dunton Goes Green promoted solar panels

Table 11: Issues & Priorities – Vision for Dunton Bassett Parish

Vision for Dunton Bassett Parish

Group 1

• A happy community!

• Retain distinctive village community with some development

Group 2

• Not to be overwhelmed by Strategic Growth Plan etc

• Sustainable rural village

• Remain surrounded by agriculture

• Sustainable, viable school not become a dormitory village

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6) Post Event Feedback and comments In addition to the Stakeholder Consultation Workshop, the RCC received the following feedback and comments:

Table 12: Stakeholder Feedback:

Environment Agency

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Severn Trent

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Severn Trent

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Dunton Bassett Parochial Church Council

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Harborough Disabled Access Group

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Historic England

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Natural England

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National Grid

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National Grid

Sport England

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Sport England

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APPENDIX 1 – Workshop Presentations

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APPENDIX 2 – Stakeholder Consultee List

Statutory Consultation Bodies

Harborough District Council Leicester-Shire & Rutland Sport

Leicestershire County Council Sport England

Dunton Bassett Parish Council GATE (Gypsy & Traveller Equality)

Broughton Astley Parish Council Voluntary Action LeicesterShire

Gilmorton Parish Council Age UK Leicestershire & Rutland

Cosby Parish Council East Midlands Ambulance Service

Leire Parish Council Police-Broughton Astley& Walton NP Team

Ashby Magna Parish Council Leicestershire Fire & Rescue

Cllr N Bannister HDC Harborough Disability Access Group

Cllr B Liquorish LCC Leicestershire Centre for Integrated Living

Alberto Costa MP Interfaith Forum for Leicestershire

Homes and Communities Agency Action Deafness

Natural England Vista Blind

The Environment Agency National Farmers Union

CPRE Leicestershire Country Land & Business Association

Historic England Federation of Small Businesses

Ancient Monuments Society Severn Trent Water

The Coal Authority British Gas Connections Ltd

Network Rail Western Power Distribution

Health & Safety Executive National Grid

Highways England Dunton Bassett Primary School

Cornerstone Telecommunications Infrastructure Waterloo Housing

Three Network Harborough Chamber of Commerce

EE Corporate and Financial Affairs Dept. The MasharaniI Practice

Arriva Midlands (Route 84) The Wycliffe Medical Practice

East Leicestershire CCG

Landowners & Developers Aikman Estate-Wells Mcfarlane CEMEX-Quarry

J Goodacre R Underwood

M Brookes E Downes

Community Organisations / Local Clubs Dunton Bassett Allotments Dunton Bassett Primary School PTA

Neighbourhood Watch Leire and Dunton Scout Group

Dunton Goes Green All Saints Church Dunton Bassett

Fuchs Foundation Dunton Bassett Cricket Club

Dunton Bassett Community Singers Dunton & Broughton United FC

Anything Goes

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Local Businesses:

Helen Guy Dance Academy Dillons

The Dunton Bassett Arms Dunton Bassett Cars

Oakberry Trees Crossroads Garage

Ray Wallace Cars E R Vines

Kelby Stephens Exterior House Painters

Creative Design Unit Oaktree Studios

GMT Bodywork C H Electrical (LEICS) Ltd

TGR Consultants Ltd Cuts & Bruises

Hunsbury Hill Ltd The Paper Dove

Home Farm Landscapes R & N Mower Services

Pilgrim Guitars Ltd Mallory Industrial Coatings Ltd

David Ross Fabrications Ltd No. 322 Leicester Ltd

Dunton Cakes Lafarge Aggregates

Bay Tree Cakes Broughton & Frosts Landscapes

Matt Gilbert Carpentry The Well House

Greenhough AT Julia Milner

Snowbrigade Design Mark Ensor

Completely K9 Dog Training Holmleigh Boarding Kennels &Cattery

Drainage Ducting Midlands Ltd Kph (leicester) Ltd

Eds Roofing Supplies (midlands) Ltd Planet Same Day Logistics Ltd

Speake Heating & Building Ltd GLS Windows Ltd

Chandlers Farm Equipment Astley Fab Ltd

Compressed Air Solutions HB Specialist Supplies

Swishline Roofing & Building Ltd J & P Waterfield

Astley Fencing Ltd Jubilee Animal Feeds

ASK Recruitment Nationwide Platforms

Fleet Sales (Leicester) Ltd RWN Transport Services

Littlewood Fencing PK Car Wash

Andrews Auto Truck and Car Repairs Fitness with Hannah

APPENDIX 3 – Apologies / Acknowledgments Received

Apologies / Acknowledgments Received Leicestershire County Council

Dunton Bassett Primary School

The Wycliffe Medical Practice

Leire and Dunton Scout Group

The Paper Dove

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Rural Community Council (Leicestershire & Rutland)

Charity No. 1077645 Company No. 3665974

T: 01455 856 330

E: [email protected]

W: www.ruralcc.org.uk

RCC, Unit S09, The Atkins Lower Bond St, Hinckley

LE10 1QU
