The Different Horizons in Warp Metrics and Photon Motion through a Warp Field Examined By: Paul Hoiland Abstract: Consider the metric ds^2= [1-2Gm/(rc^2)] dt^2-[1-2Gm/(rc^2)]^-1 dr^2 + + r^2 (dT^2 + sin^2 T dP^2) T = theta, P = phi, this solution valid only for the case r>2Gm/c^2) in the commonly-used curvilinear coordinate system) has the meaning of a spherically-symmetric point mass. as the Kerr solution to the above Schwarzschild solution of 1916. The difference is that in the first the Field is static, while in the second it is moving. However, there are metrics utilizing the Schwarzschild solution in which movement can be included. What is interesting is moving cases of the metric generate more than one horizon. It is known that General Relativity admits superluminal motion. This involves non-trival topologies and involves exotic or negative energy states.(12) There is also the method introduced by M. Alcubierre(4 ) that does not involve non- trival topologies. Here again these methods utilize negative energy states which space-time curvature can introduce at a fundamental level(10) without a violation of the AWEC(11). Now my focus in this article shall be those horizons for a Modified Alcubierre Metric and how photon motion through such a field is effected. The Different Horizons in Warp Metrics and Photon Motion through a Warp Field Examined The Lightcone is defined by these relationships between the proper time and dt and between the proper distance dx and dr which defines the light cone: The lightcones get larger in the space coordinate and smaller in the time coordinate near the horizon for Blackholes. There are also cases in which the light cone can be expanded to include motion faster than normal in a regular vacuum situation. These cases deal with a special reference and do not violate the Special Theory of Relativity. However, they all specify a unique metric for the space-time region involved. Now consider the following Modified Warp Metric(1) ds^2 = dt^2 - [dx-vs*f(rs)*dt]^2 - dy^2 - dz^2 f(rs)=1 vs=dxs/dt dxs=vs*dt

Dual Horizons and Photon Motion

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Article on dual horizons and Photon motion in fields with dual horizons

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The Different Horizons in Warp Metrics and Photon Motion through a Warp Field Examined By: Paul Hoiland Abstract: Consider the metric ds^2= [1-2Gm/(rc^2)] dt^2-[1-2Gm/(rc^2)]^-1 dr^2 +

+ r^2 (dT^2 + sin^2 T dP^2) T = theta, P = phi, this solution valid only for the case r>2Gm/c^2) in the commonly-used curvilinear coordinate system) has the meaning of a spherically-symmetric point mass.

as the Kerr solution to the above Schwarzschild solution of 1916. The difference is that in the first the Field is static, while in the second it is moving. However, there are metrics utilizing the Schwarzschild solution in which movement can be included. What is interesting is moving cases of the metric generate more than one horizon. It is known that General Relativity admits superluminal motion. This involves non-trival topologies and involves exotic or negative energy states.(12) There is also the method introduced by M. Alcubierre(4 ) that does not involve non-trival topologies. Here again these methods utilize negative energy states which space-time curvature can introduce at a fundamental level(10) without a violation of the AWEC(11). Now my focus in this article shall be those horizons for a Modified Alcubierre Metric and how photon motion through such a field is effected. The Different Horizons in Warp Metrics and Photon Motion through a Warp Field Examined The Lightcone is defined by these relationships between the proper time and dt and between the proper distance dx and dr which defines the light cone:

The lightcones get larger in the space coordinate and smaller in the time coordinate near the horizon for Blackholes. There are also cases in which the light cone can be expanded to include motion faster than normal in a regular vacuum situation. These cases deal with a special reference and do not violate the Special Theory of Relativity. However, they all specify a unique metric for the space-time region involved.

Now consider the following Modified Warp Metric(1)

ds^2 = dt^2 - [dx-vs*f(rs)*dt]^2 - dy^2 - dz^2




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y and z are constant and not zero but we have warp drive only in the x-axis

so dy=dz=0

rs=((x-xs)^2 + y^2 + z^2)^(1/2)

ds^2 = dt^2 - [dx-vs*f(rs)*dt]^2 - dy^2 - dz^2

ds^2 = dt^2 - [dx-vs*f(rs)*dt]^2

the ship lies in the center of the bubble so x=xs and dx=dxs

ds^2 = dt^2 - [dx-vs*dt]^2

ds^2 = dt^2 - [dx-dxs]^2

ds^2 = dt^2

an observer inside the ship will have a proper time equal to the proper time of a remote at rest observer

ds^2 = dt^2 - [dx-vs*f(rs)*dt]^2 - dy^2 - dz^2

far from the ship


ds^2 = dt^2 - [dx-vs*f(rs)*dt]^2

ds^2 = dt^2 - [dx]^2

ds^2 = dt^2 - dx^2

the key for a small Theta=vs*(xs/rs)*df(rs)/drs and a small T^00 = -(1/8*pi)*(sigma2/4)*[(Theta/xs)^2] lies in f(rs) This change was added to answer both Ford & Pfenning(2) and to meet the Hiscock Metric Requirement.(3)

Recent Dr. Natrio wrote an examination of the original Alcubierre Metric(4) which, by matter of fact, was never written to be a working situation. Natario found that due to ultra-violet shifting the metric was impossible to generate. However, utilizing PV(5) method will show that this warp metric does not suffer from this same problem. Also, when the finding of a closer examination of this are combined with recent finding(6) that there is a cutoff limit above which the photons passing through a Warp Field are forced back to states at C we can show that this metric never encounters this problem within normal ranges above C.

Polarized Vacuum Approach to Photon Motion Through A Warp Field

In the weak field approximation the general relativistic curvature of spacetime can be mimicked by a vacuum having variable dielectric properties in the presence of matter (as conjectured by Wilson, Dicke, Puthoff and others)(7). This PV approach can be utilized to discuss the motion of photons through a Warp Field. The reason for this concerns the Stress Energy Tensor from original General Relativity, Tuv. That Tensor involves amongst other aspects the local dielectric constant of the vacuum or ZPF. The Dielectric Constant also co-controls the propagation velocity of an electromagnetic wave like light through it. The reason C=186300 miles per second in a vacuum is

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because that vacuum has a certain refractive index partly controlled by the dielectric constants value. Another words, change the dielectric constant and you not only change the velocity of propagation for photons you also change the local Stress Energy Tensor. The following explains how this works.

The equation that determines C is:

Which is the equation that determines C in a vacuum or any medium.

Taking this another step lets change to

To derive the velocity factor of our medium where k is the dielectric constant of the medium and then to

to derive the velocity of photons in this medium. Since the velocity changes with the dielectric changes, the wavelength does also. The only thing remaining constant is the frequency. The formula for wavelength is:

Thus, we can now derive two issues. That of a specific photons motion through our field and that of the velocity of our craft. If k=2 in forward region and k=.5 in aft region then overall vf=.707 C. However, to our outside observer a photon or a light beam passing through this warp field would display a motion that droped from C to .707C in the forward area of the field and yet, in the rear region it would appear to travel at 1.414 C. Yet, when actual travel time was measured the photon would have crossed the region at an average of .707 C. Now, lets change velocity again with k=2 in forward region and k=.25 in rear region. This yields a velocity of .707 C in forward region and 2 C in rear region with an overall velocity of 1.293 C. For our outside observer our photon would show a travel time faster than light. If we changed our photon to say an electron who's original velocity was .5 C it would show a travel time of .643 C. Thus, in one region of our warp field particles will travel less than C, while in the rear region they will travel faster than C. At some region along their path through the field they will travel at C. This establishes another horizon to our warp metric. This Horizon concerns visual effects for an outside at rest observer and also for that of a person on our craft. Also, as mentioned earlier you have the Hiscock Horizon(8) along with the outer horizon of the field and the inner horizon at the ship which form a Casimir Region with the warp field region in between these two.(9)

Now as concerns wavelength for our photons they will undergo a redshift in the forward region and a blue shift in the rear region. At this point lets examine the cutoff issue which shall control this from runnaway effects. G. Shore found that at low frequencies, the phase velocity for photons Vph begins less than 1 showing birefringence instead of conventional subluminal motion. In the high frequency case, Vph approaches C with a W -4/3 behaviour. The focal point is the comparison of the caculation Vph(W) via the effective action. He found evidence for the lightcone being driven back to k2=0. You have actually a dual lightcone for the wave normal covectors where one set remains normal and the other is expanded. Thus a dual image forms with two timelines. The frequency range allowed by this is:

Lambda/L >>Lambda/Lambdac >> Lambdac2/L2

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So between these ranges superluminal photon action is possible. So between these ranges superluminal photon action is possible. But an outside observer would view an odd situation where a mixed set of lightcones existed for the region. He would see the ship frozen at C in one set and exceeding C in a smered out format in another. For the low range Photons the range would run from <C to C in a simular effect. Basically, for a craft going to Warp an outside observer would view two actions at once. He would see one image of the craft reaching C and another of the craft exceeding C in a blueshifted smered effect. This is because of the birefringence issue where two lightcones are generated in the wave normal covectors.(18)

The question then becomes how does this effective cutoff effect our warp field. In the before mentioned PV examination with each velocity change upward the lightcone is expanded further in the rear region. At some point the expansion of the lightcone will exceed the frequency range allowed by Shore's findings. At this point the field itself will be forced to a k2=0 condition by a forced shift in the dielectric constant. Thus, even Warp Drive under proposed metric methods has an upper bound on velocity ranges. That range will fall within the confines where the AWEC is maintained as far as Casimir Effects go for generation of negative energy ZPF states. Also,in between this range as velocity increases stresses due to gravametric distortion effects will increase and they would have to be engineered around for every increase in velocity.

Now going back to:

If k=0, then Vf=infinity which would violate the AWEC. So any value of k <1>0 that meets the requirements of the Lambda condition established by Shore can be utilized within the rear area of a Warp Metric. Basically, this also implies that no energy condition can exist in space-time where the energy condition of the coherent ZPF is less than zero with its normal coherent state seen as an above zero average. If we renormalize as most do and consider the baseline ZPF as zero then no energy state for the coherent ZPF can ever reach its negative infinite point. This would also put some restraints upon Quantum Field Theory for probability states and show that renomalization has to take place in nature by an inheriant requirement of space-time. Thus, the AWEC is supported by this research findings and is an inheriant quality of space-time itself . As such, the AWEC is the only energy condition that cannot be violated under special cases.

Now at the start I mentioned the Kerr Metric and the dual Horizon issue. A close examination of Warp metrics shows that many different Horizons exist within them. We have the Outer Event Horizon at the edge of the field beyond which space normal lightcone conditions exist. Within this boundary and extending to the ship's own frame we have the Casimir Formed altered ZPF region in which Photons exist in either an expanded or collapsed lightcone condition. This forms the Propagation Horizon area. And in the Ship's frame we have a restoration Horizon within which the lightcone is the same as that beyond the outer event horizon. This Horizon forms the inner Casimir junction. Following the Kerr Metric approach the outer and inner Horizons corespond to those of the Outer & Inner Event Horizons. The region in between is the same as that region found in Kerr Blackholes where photon motion is dragged along by the rotation of the field altering their individual lightcones and their frequency state. Thus, the author feels a proper Warp Metric could be written using the Kerr Metric instead of the Scharchild Metric where the rotation of the field is substitued for the movement along the Z-axis. This might be a future area of research for anyone interested.

The Photon progation Horizon was first discussed by Cramer(13) and further by Luis Gonzalez-Mestres(14). Hiscock has also done a treatment of the Horizon issue(15). S. Krasnikov was the first to treat a warp metric as a wormhole solution(16) with the negative energy used to keep a wormhole open and stable so as to generate a region of travel between two distant points. His model also has the multiple horizon issue involved. An interesting treatment of communication

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without negative energy was given by Eric Baird(17). All of these cases have horizons involved in them and all have the Hiscock Photon Horizon as discussed above. In below image the dual lightcones are expressed. The Yellow is the normal lightcone with V=C. The blue is the expanded lightcone where V>C.

Indeed we now know that for propagation in vacuum space-times (solutions of Einstein's field equations in regions with no matter present, such as the neighbourhood of the event horizon of black holes), there is a general theorem showing that if one photon polarization has a conventional subluminal velocity, the other polarization is necessarily superluminal. In fact, gravity affects the photon velocity in two distinct ways: the first through the energy momentum of the gravitating matter; and the second through the component of the curvature of space-time that is not determined locally by matter, the so-called Weyl curvature. It is this that produces birefringence. Such motion is genuinely backwards in time as viewed by an outside observer.

In special relativity, a causal paradox requires both outward and return signals to be backwards in time in a global inertial frame. In general relativity, however, global Lorentz invariance is lost and the existence of a sufficiently superluminal return signal is not guaranteed. The quantum violation of the SEP certainly permits superluminal motion, but with photon velocities predetermined by the local curvature. And that curvature also determines the local dielectric constant under PV methods. Thus, expanded lightcone regions showing birefringence are possible at not only the sub-atomic level, but also in the macro world. We observe a simular <=C condition in the refraction of light through differing mediums like say air and water. The fundamental difference is the above case would display >=C birefringence motion with two seperate lightcone conditions.

Investigations of superluminal photons in the FRW space-time show that photon velocity increases rapidly at early times, independently of polarization. Recent work on the rather different subject of cosmologies in which the fundamental constant c varies over cosmological

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time has shown that an increase in the speed of light in the early universe can resolve the so-called "horizon problem", which motivates the popular inflationary model of cosmology. The key to this whole subject being able to maintain casuality is the issue of an expanded lightcone. With the lightcone expanded, even though an outside observer views two time elements, both sets remain casually connected. The at C lightcone is the cause of the superluminal lightcone, even though the superluminal one appears before the other. Its just that time is shifted for one lightcone ahead. An extremal case of such is actually encountered in quantum entanglement where an action at one point in space produces the same action in another non-casually(by C) connected region. The two events happen at the same time. But one is the cause of the other. This involves what is called Backwards Causation or in the case of entanglement instant casuation. In both lightcones time remains casual. It is the outside observer who sees a time casuality problem due to conflecting light cones. But the idea that one event causes another event remains in force. Thus, the problem concerns observation, not the actual flow of time backwards.

Another experiment that has brought some understanding of this has recently been in the news. In conventional optics, light passing through a refractive medium has a reduced phase velocity that depends on its frequency. This dispersive effect allows the group velocity of a wave pulse to differ from its phase velocity, and to be significantly greater or less than c. This is the origin of several striking recent experiments on the speed of light, notably those of Vestergaard Hau and colleagues at Harvard in which they reduce the group velocity of a light pulse almost to zero by shining tuned lasers on a cloud of ultracold sodium atoms. There have also been some experiments where C was exceeded overall. Basically, by shifting gravity through changes in the local dielectric constant one can produce a Gravitational rainbow.

Now I have mentioned this before. But it is possible that some of those superluminal jets seen in astronomical observations may not be just optical effects. They may be real examples of this birefringence lightcone issue caused by some natural version of a transtator where the local dielectric values of the vacuum have been altered through changes in the ZPF. If they are their explination lies in Warp Metrics.

In QED, Feynman diagrams involving a virtual electron-positron pair effectively give the photon a "size" of the order of the Compton wavelength λc of the electron. This produces an interaction between the photon and gravity that distorts the photon's trajectory through curved space-time so that it no longer follows the usual geodesic path. This effect changes the light-cones from k2 = 0 to k2 = f1 Tµνkµ kν + f2 Cµρνσkµ kν ερ εσ where k and ε are the photon's momentum and polarization. There are two distinct effects - one due to the energy momentum Tuv of matter and a second, polarization-dependent, interaction depending on the Weyl curvature Cµρνσ of the space-time. The remarkable feature of this formula is that it permits both k2 > 0 and k2 < 0, implying superluminal motion. A simular effect is encountered in Warp Metrics and in those cases of warp space generated through Casimir altered regions.

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In the low-frequency limit, f1 and f2 are constants of the order of αλc2, where α is the fine-

structure constant. This determines the magnitude of the photon velocity shifts to be of the order of αλc

2/L2, where L is a typical curvature scale.

In general, f1 and f2 are functions depending on derivatives of the curvature.

There is also the issue of a high frequency cutoff which at a certain point this motion is forced back to C. It was this issue that leads to extremal superluminal velocities within warp metrics and wormhole solutions being unstable. This unstableness causes losses in our warp metrics field that require more negative energy values than should be the normal expectant. Due to the non-linear nature of the fields this extra energy requirement will increase non-linear itself. But at the lower end of warp velocities the effect should be able to be compensated for. Kip Thornes solution for a time machine is

Where b(r) determines the spatial shape of the wormhole, and Phi(r) determines the gravitational redshift. This solution has the property of having no horizons or excessive tidal forces to deal with which makes it safe for humans to travel through. The negative energy needed to produce this stable solution defocuses light as it travels through it.

A simular effect happens with warp drive. Only two sets are created by the effect with one traveling at C or less and the other set traveling greater than C, thus, superluminal. The central idea behind Warp Metrics and wormholes is shortening the distance of travel. The below picture shows how.

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But it also illustrates this dual lightcone of motion issue. One lightcone shows the trip through the altered space-time and the other is forced to follow light's normal path. With our observations based upon our time sence locked to C the traveler through the wormhole seems to arrive before he leaves. Yet, in reality, the traveler simply took a short cut through time & space. So casuality is perserved even if we on the outside are confused. Causal structure provides each event in spacetime with its own notion of ordering events into "those events to its past", "those events in its present", and "those events to its future". Given an event

• events to its past could have influenced it

• events to its future could be influenced by it

In Einstein-Minkowski spacetime, the causal structure is different. The Light Cone at that event divides spacetime into distinct regions: causal-future, causal-past and spacelike. Causal can be further divided into timelike and lightlike.

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The Light Cone places an upper speed limit for all objects. Only "massless" particles can travel along the cone. For example, a photon ("a particle of light") is massless. Thus, our worldlines are confined to always be within the Light Cone.

Recall that the convention in relativity is to draw a spacetime diagram in which the Light Cone appears with the sides slanted at 45 degrees away from the vertical. This has the effect of setting the relative scales between "time" and "space" measurements: 1 second, 1 light-second.

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However, realize that 1 light-second is a huge distance: 300,000 km (186,000 miles). On a common-sense scale, the Light Cone "practically coincides" with our personal plane of simultaneity. In fact, the personal planes of simultaneity of other people near us also "practically coincide". In other words, our daily experiences expose us to only a small part of our Light Cone... and thus, spacetime looks like Galileo's Spacetime to us. This explains why we have a "Galilean" intuition about the nature of time. With expanded lightcones, even though casuality still remains intack, "Galilean intuition" gets in the way. We simply don't see the whole picture till we can view the whole situation. Though we have dual lightcones for motion from a warp field the outer expanded lightcone is simply a speeded up version of the C limited lightcone who's motion is through a dielectric altered vacuum.

One of the interesting aspects of the Minkowski metric is that every lightcone (in principle) contains infinitely many nearly-complete lightcones. Consider just a single spatial dimension in which an infinite number of point particles are moving away from each other with mutual velocities as shown below:

Each particle finds itself mid-way between its two nearest neighbors, which are receding at nearly the speed of light, so that each particle can be regarded as the origin of a nearly-complete lightcone. On the other hand, all of these particles emanate from a single point, and the entire infinite set of points (and nearly-complete lightcones) resides within the future lightcone of that single point. With a warp metric altered space-time the upper limit of C has been extended to a higher limit. Thus, one set of photons will be traveling at C and the other set, say at 2C. An outside observer will see two images, that originate from two time seperated events. Yet, the observer will see the ship first going into warp and then the image of the ship reaching C even though in real time the latter happened before the first.

A complete lightcone in a flat Lorentzian xt plane comprises the boundary of all points reachable from a given point P along world lines with speeds less than 1 relative to any and every inertial worldline through P. The modified lightcone in a flat Lorentzian xt plane comprises the boundary of all points reachable from a given point P along world lines with speeds greater than 1, but less than the new max set by the dielectric value, to any and every inertial worldline through P. Thus, the total set of lightcones in a flat Lorentzian xt plane is the sum of all these points, both expanded and non-expanded. Relative to any specific inertial frame W we can define an "ε -complete lightcone" as the region reachable from P along world lines with speeds less than the new maximum relative to W, for some arbitrarily small ε > 0.

If we arbitrarily select one of the particles as the "rest" particle P0, and number the other particles sequentially, we can evaluate the velocities of the other particles with respect to the inertial coordinates of P0, whose velocity is v0 = 0. If each particle has a mutual velocity u relative to each of its nearest neighbors, then obviously P1 has a speed v1 = u. The speed of P2 is u relative to P1, and its speed relative to P0 is given by the relativistic speed composition formula v2 = (v1 + u)/(uv1 + 1). In general, the speed of Pk can be computed recursively based on the speed of Pk-1 using the formula

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This is just a linear fractional function, so we can use the method described in Section 2.6 to derive the explicit formula

Similarly, in full 3+1 dimensional spacetime we can consider packing ε -complete lightspheres inside a complete lightsphere. A flash of light at point P in flat Lorentzian spacetime emanates outward in a spherical shell as viewed from any inertial worldline through P. We arbitrarily select one such worldline W0 as our frame of reference, and let the slices of simultaneity relative to this frame define a time parameter t. The points of the worldline W0 can be regarded as the stationary center of a 3D expanding sphere at each instant t. On any given time-slice t we can set up orthogonal space coordinates x,y,z relative to W0 and normalize the units so that the radius of the expanding lightsphere at time t equals 1. Where with the new situation we renomalize with the new value for 1 established by the local dielectric value.

In these terms the boundary of the lightsphere is just the sphere


2+Z12= 2

This makes the C limited lightcone a sub-set of this lightcone wherein one set has values <=C and the other set has values >=1 & <=2.

Now let W1 denote another inertial worldline through the point P with a velocity v = v1 relative to W0, and consider the region R1 surrounding W1 consisting of the points reachable from P with speeds not exceeding u = u1 relative to W1. The region R1 is spherical and centered on W1 relative to the frame of W1, but on any time-slice t (relative to W0) the region R1 has an ellipsoidal shape. If v is in the z direction then the cross-sectional boundary of R1 on the xy plane is given parametrically by

as θ ranges from 0 to 2π . The entire boundary is just the surface of rotation of this ellipse about the z axis. If v1 has a magnitude of (1 − ε ) for some arbitrarily small ε > 0, and if we set u1 = |v1|, then as ε goes to zero the boundary of the region R1 approaches the limiting ellipsoid

2x2 + 2y2 + 4(z − 1/2)2 = 1

Similarly if W2 is an inertial worldline with speed |v2| = |v1| in the negative z direction relative to W0, then the boundary of the region R2 consisting of the points reachable from P with speeds not exceeding u2 = |v2| approaches the limiting ellipsoid

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2x2 + 2y2 + 4(z + 1/2)2 = 1

The regions R1 and R2 are mutually exclusive, meeting only at the point of contact [0,0,0]. Each of these regions can be called an "ε -complete" lightsphere". With the warp drive metrics we have two "ε -complete" lightsphere". The proper way to view this then becomes to include both sets as a superset with the new upper value for C. With this view you still have two timelines. But the events can be better visulized as far as casuality.


1.) arxiv 0202021 v1 6 Feb 2002 "A Casualy Connected Superluminal Warp Drive Spacetime" F. Loup, R. Held, D. Waite, E. Halerewicz, M. Stabano, M. Kuntzman, R. Sims & F. Loup, D. Waite, E. Halerewicz Jr, Reduced Total Energy Requirements for a Modified Alcubierre Warp Drive Spacetime: gr-qc/0107097

2.) M Pfenning & L. Ford, The Unphysical Nature of Warp Drive, http://xxx.lanl.gov/abs/gr-qc/9702026 & Michael John Pfenning Quantum Inequality Restrictions on Negative Energy Densities in Curved Spacetimes: gr-qc/9805037

3.) Hiscock-http://xxx.lanl.gov/abs/gr-qc/9707024 & Class.Quant.Grav. 14 (1997) L183-L188

4.) M. Alcubierre, The Warp Drive: hyper-fast travel within General Relativity, Class. Quantum Gravity 11, L73-L77 &: gr-qc/0009013

5.) H. E. Puthoff, Polarizable-Vacuum Approach to General Relativity, http://www.earthtech.org/publications/puthoff_vigier.PDF & gr-qc/9909037 (1999)

6.) G. M. Shore http://xxx.lanl.gov/pdf/gr-qc/0203034

7.) See (5) and also O.J.F. Martin and N.B. Piller. Electromagnetic scattering in polarizable backgrounds. Phys. Rev. E, 58:3909-3915, 1998. & others.

8.) See (3) & (1)

9.) see article by Author in (11)

10.) N. D. Birrell & P. C. W. Davies 1982, Quantum fields in curved space, CUM

11.) Author 2002, Negative Energy Field Generation from the ZPF and Amplification Methods, http://groups.yahoo.com/group/beyondtheclassicalapproach/files/ZPF.pdf & Original ZPF article in Ebook "A Modification to M-Theory" http://www.theory.mybravenet.com

12.) M. Morris & K. Thorne 1988, Wormholes in spacetime and their use in interstellar travel: A tool for teaching General Relativity, Am. J.Phys. 56 No. (5) , 395-412

13.) Claes R. Cramer, Photon propagation in a stationary warp drive space-time gr-qc/9510018, (1995)

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14.) Luis Gonzalez-Mestres, Physical and Cosmological Implications of a Possible Class of Particles Able to Travel Faster than Light hep-ph/9610474

15.) William A. Hiscock, Quantum effects in the Alcubierre warp drive spacetime: gr-qc/9707024

16.) S. Krasnikov, A traversable wormhole: gr-qc/9909016

17.) Eric Baird, Hyper-fast Travel without negative energy gr-qc/9903068

18.) For a good treatment of this using Fresnel analysis see. Yuri Obukhov & Guillermo Rubilar Fresnal Analysis of wave propagation in nonliner electrodynamics, gr-qc/0204/0204028

Notes on AWEC It is well known that in Quantum Mechanics and within QED the WEC can be violated for the local expectation value of the Stress Energy Tensor in Minkowski space-time where its state is the vacuum baseline plus two particle states. (1) This is partly why the AWEC was proposed in which the over all energy condition of space-time can be kept positive even though a small local area can be negative. Now when it applies to Warp Metrics we have a compact and bounded region, versus those examinations in which the region is compact and unbounded. This gives us an advantage on the short sampling time limit because unlike the other case where the bound has asymptotic expansion, ours has a more limited expansion. This gives us a locally invarient quantities and a more local nature of the integral when those metrics remain casually connected. Basically, we are examining metrics for an expanded light cone where the upper limit on C has been renormalized to a higher value by changes in the Stress Energy Tensor's local dielectric constant when we follow those metrics generated by Casimir altered effects. Now, since Curvature of space-time is effected globally by the total stress energy tensor Tuv can be globally positive and still be negative within a localized region of space-time. This allows one to forfill the requirements of the AWEC because for an outside observer in an at rest condition they must view the sum as far as Tuv. A prime example of an observed effect is that we under QED to renormalize the mass of the electron consider its infinite positive energy as countered by an infinite negative energy. Thus, when we sum the energies Tuv remains positive. References For AWEC 1.) S. A. Fulling & P. W. Davies, Proc. R. Soc. London R348, 393(1976); P. W. Davies & S. A. Fulling, ibid 356,237(1977)

The Kerr Metric and Horizons Comments

Illustration of Kerr Metric taken from many online sources and textbook .(1) The Moving solution for a Kerr Metric

where the coordinate functions are given (with G=c=1):

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the specific angular momentum is:

The physical value of J is for a star like the sun:

corresponding to a=0.185 M. If a=0 we have the Schwarzschild case for a nonrotating Black Hole. The reason I discussed this is not only would Warp Metrics work well using a Kerr solution. The dual event Horizon issue comes up in the normal approach to warp metrics. In fact, working backwards to T=0 for a Cosmological Model and then moving forward our cosmos fits nicely as a Wormhole results model. As such many issues relating to cosmology can be better examined. Below is an example of a Stationary Metric based grid with individual lightcones around a central blackhole.

Page 15: Dual Horizons and Photon Motion

Check out the following works for further information.

I T Drummond and S J Hathrell 1980 Phys. Rev. D22 343. G M Shore 1996 Nucl. Phys. B460 379. A D Dolgov and I D Novikov 1998 Phys. Lett. B442 82. G M Shore 2001 Nucl. Phys. B605 455.