Double page spread overview

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Page 2: Double page spread overview

The double page spreads maintain a neat and readable layout as most of them feature the main image on the right hand side and the text on the other side of the page. Most of the double page spreads feature text on the other side of the page maintaining continuity.

Both the texts are divided into sub-columns allowing the audience to read the text clearly and carefully. Most of them also feature a quotation word which allows the audience to get a feel a personal connection with the artist: ‘MICHEAL JACKSON WAS THE GREATEST ENTERTAINER THAT EVER LIVED. I JUST WANT TO BE THE GREATEST ENTERTAINER LIVING. ‘This also reflects the rap industry of swearing and slang words which are typical for a rap magazine.

The double page spreads are bold and attractive and appeal to a male audience as they feature handsome, strong, independent men. Most of the double page spreads are presented in black and white, maintaining a traditional, sophisticated look.

In the third double page spread Usher is represented as a typical black, urban male smoking a cigar and wearing designer clothes, reflecting his fabulous lifestyle. The fact that there are them is quite uncommon as they mostly feature a single artist in ‘Vibe’ magazines.

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The fact that all of the double page spreads all feature men relate to a patriarchal society and the fact that the rap industry is currently dominated by men.

The use of a double page spread is effective as it allows the audience to read more detail about the artists and to see what the magazine actually features. The double page spreads also features articles includes such as interviews and reviews which would attract the audience into purchasing the magazine. The main texts on the double page spreads are highlighted in bold, especially the titles to allow the reader to feel the importance of it as this is what their eyes meet first.

In the double page spreads above, most of them start off with a quote word to engage the reader into purchasing the magazine. A quote word is effective as it allows the audience to get more information on the artists and makes them feel as though they are talking to them.

The use of columns is very effective as it allows the text to be split into sections making the text easier to read and less boring.

All the double page spreads above are displayed in A3, allowing enough space for the text and image. The texts are normally written in a traditional font making the text readable and sophisticated. There is normally a plain background colour of white or black allowing the audience to fully focus on the image. The texts fit the style and genre of the magazine as the mode of address of rap magazines is slang and informal suggesting that the audience also use his type of language in their everyday lives so they can relate to this.

The texts are written across the page instead of down the page as this is where the human eye goes and is common to use.

The poses of the artists reflect the style of the magazine and refer to the articles written. On the top left of the double page spreads there is often a ‘Vibe’ logo to allow the audience to identify what magazine they are reading.

The colours on the double page spreads reflect the target audience and who the magazine is aimed at, for example in Usher’s ‘Vibe’, mostly grey and blue are used reflecting males.

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