II 11 111 0 I 41 MENIKO 1 Dm PROVINCE TRANSVAAL THE PROVINCE OF TRANSVAAL I" @flit" iftr itttrratti gn , Off trial Gazrtir (As 'n Nuusblad by die Poskantoor Geregistreer) (Registered at the Post Office as a Newspaper) PRYS: S.A. I5c OORSEE 20c PRICE: S.A. 15c OVERSEAS 20c VOL. 223 PRETORIA 6 JUNIE 6 JUNE, 1979 4025 No. 114 (Administrateurs -), 1979. No. 114 (Administrator's), 1979. PROKLAMASIE PROCLAMATION Nademaal bevoegdheid by artikel 2 van die Wet op Whereas power is vested in me by section 2 of the Opheffing van Beperkings, 1967, aan my verleen is om Removal of Restrictions Act, 1967, to alter, suspend or 'n beperking of verpligting in daardie artikel genoem, remove a restriction or obligation referred to in that te wysig, op te skort of op te hef; section; So is dit dat ek; Now therefore I do hereby; (1) met betrekking tot Erwe 342 en 343, gelee in dorp (1) in respect of Erven 342 and 343, situated in Mor- Morningside Uitbreiding 9, distrik Johannesburg, gehou ningside Extension 9 Township, district :Johannesburg, kragtens Aktes van Transport 18380/1973 en held in terms of Deeds of Transfer 18380/1973 and 14488/1973, onderskeidelik, voorwaardes B12 en B13 in 14488/1973, respectively, remove conditions B12 and die gemelde Aktes ophef; en BI3 in the said Deeds; and (2) die Noordelike Johannesburgstreek-dorpsaanlegske- (2) amend the Northern Johannesburg Region Town - ma 1958, wysig deur die hersoftering van Erwe 342 en planning Scheme 1958, by the rezoning of Erven 342 343, dorp Morningside Uitbreiding 9, van "Spesiale and 343, Morningside Extension 9 Township, from "Spe - Woon" Met 'n digtheid van "Een woonhuis per bestaan- cia! Residential" with a density of "One dwelling per de erf", tot "Spesiale Woon" met 'n digtheid van "Een existing erf" to "Special Residential" with a density of woonhuis per 20 000 vk. vt.", welke wysigingskema be- "One dwelling per 20 000 sq. ft.", and which arrefuir kend staan as Wysigingskema 1109 soos aangedui op ment scheme will be known as Amendment Scheme 1109 die bygaande Kaart 3 en die skemaklousules. as indicated on the annexed Map 3 and the scheme clauses. Gegee onder my Hand te Pretoria, op hede die 16de dag van Mei, Eenduisend Negehonderd Nege-en-sewentig. Given under my 1 - land at Pretoria, this 16th day of May, One thousand Nine hundred and Seventy-nine. S. G. J. VAN NIEKERK, Administrateur van die Provinsie Transvaal. . S. G. J. VAN NIEKERK, PB. 4- 14 - 2-2345- 1 Administrator of the Province Transvaal. PB.. 4 - 14 - 2-2345- 1 NOORDELIKE JOHANNESBURGSTREEK WYSI - 1 GINGSKEMA 1109. NORTHERN JOHANNESBURG REGION AMEND - MENT SCHEME 1109. Die Noordelike Johannesburgstreek-dorpsaanlegske - ma, 1958, goedgekeur kragtens Administrateursprokla - The Northern Johannesburg Region Town - planning masie 228, gedateer 11 November 1959, word hiermee Scheme, 1958, approved by virtue of Administrator's Proclamation 228, dated 11 November 1959, is hereby soos volg verder gewysig en verander: — further amended and altered in the following manner: -- Die kaart, soos aangetoon op Kaart 3, Wysigingskema The map, as shown on Map 3, Amendment Scheme 1109. 1109.

Dm @flitiftr itttrratti gn I Off trial Gazrtir · 2017-07-05 · 14488/1973, onderskeidelik, voorwaardes B12 en B13 in 14488/1973, respectively, remove conditions B12 and die gemelde

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Page 1: Dm @flitiftr itttrratti gn I Off trial Gazrtir · 2017-07-05 · 14488/1973, onderskeidelik, voorwaardes B12 en B13 in 14488/1973, respectively, remove conditions B12 and die gemelde

II 11 111 0I 41


I"@flit" iftr itttrratti gn, Off trial Gazrtir

(As 'n Nuusblad by die Poskantoor Geregistreer) (Registered at the Post Office as a Newspaper)


VOL. 223 PRETORIA6 JUNIE6 JUNE, 1979 4025

No. 114 (Administrateurs-), 1979. No. 114 (Administrator's), 1979.


Nademaal bevoegdheid by artikel 2 van die Wet op Whereas power is vested in me by section 2 of theOpheffing van Beperkings, 1967, aan my verleen is om Removal of Restrictions Act, 1967, to alter, suspend or'n beperking of verpligting in daardie artikel genoem, remove a restriction or obligation referred to in thatte wysig, op te skort of op te hef; section;

So is dit dat ek; Now therefore I do hereby;

(1) met betrekking tot Erwe 342 en 343, gelee in dorp (1) in respect of Erven 342 and 343, situated in Mor-Morningside Uitbreiding 9, distrik Johannesburg, gehou ningside Extension 9 Township, district :Johannesburg,kragtens Aktes van Transport 18380/1973 en held in terms of Deeds of Transfer 18380/1973 and14488/1973, onderskeidelik, voorwaardes B12 en B13 in 14488/1973, respectively, remove conditions B12 anddie gemelde Aktes ophef; en BI3 in the said Deeds; and •

(2) die Noordelike Johannesburgstreek-dorpsaanlegske- (2) amend the Northern Johannesburg Region Town-ma 1958, wysig deur die hersoftering van Erwe 342 en planning Scheme 1958, by the rezoning of Erven 342343, dorp Morningside Uitbreiding 9, van "Spesiale and 343, Morningside Extension 9 Township, from "Spe-Woon" Met 'n digtheid van "Een woonhuis per bestaan- cia! Residential" with a density of "One dwelling perde erf", tot "Spesiale Woon" met 'n digtheid van "Een existing erf" to "Special Residential" with a density ofwoonhuis per 20 000 vk. vt.", welke wysigingskema be- "One dwelling per 20 000 sq. ft.", and which arrefuirkend staan as Wysigingskema 1109 soos aangedui op ment scheme will be known as Amendment Scheme 1109die bygaande Kaart 3 en die skemaklousules. as indicated on the annexed Map 3 and the scheme

clauses.Gegee onder my Hand te Pretoria, op hede die 16de

dag van Mei, Eenduisend Negehonderd Nege-en-sewentig. Given under my 1-land at Pretoria, this 16th day ofMay, One thousand Nine hundred and Seventy-nine.

S. G. J. VAN NIEKERK,Administrateur van die Provinsie Transvaal. . S. G. J. VAN NIEKERK,

PB. 4-14-2-2345-1 Administrator of the Province Transvaal.PB.. 4-14-2-2345-1



MENT SCHEME 1109.Die Noordelike Johannesburgstreek-dorpsaanlegske- •

ma, 1958, goedgekeur kragtens Administrateursprokla- The Northern Johannesburg Region Town-planningmasie 228, gedateer 11 November 1959, word hiermee Scheme, 1958, approved by virtue of Administrator's

Proclamation 228, dated 11 November 1959, is herebysoos volg verder gewysig en verander: —further amended and altered in the following manner: --

Die kaart, soos aangetoon op Kaart 3, Wysigingskema The map, as shown on Map 3, Amendment Scheme1109. 1109.

Page 2: Dm @flitiftr itttrratti gn I Off trial Gazrtir · 2017-07-05 · 14488/1973, onderskeidelik, voorwaardes B12 en B13 in 14488/1973, respectively, remove conditions B12 and die gemelde


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Nora. I. Erf 342 8 343 Oigtheldskleur - Gewasde Bruin - -

2. Baulyn ei Aftnefings in Rooi -.

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Note: I. Er( 342 8 343 Density Colour - Washed Brown .- •

.. . . .....

2. Builchno Line and Dimensions in Red - .-

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Page 3: Dm @flitiftr itttrratti gn I Off trial Gazrtir · 2017-07-05 · 14488/1973, onderskeidelik, voorwaardes B12 en B13 in 14488/1973, respectively, remove conditions B12 and die gemelde


• - - -


Administrateurskennisgewing 545 6 Junie 1979. Administrator's Notice 545 6 June, 1979


Die Administrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge artikel The Administrator hereby, in terms of section 101 of101 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939, the Local Government Ordinance, 1939, publishes thedie verordeninge hierna uiteengesit, wat deur horn inge-

by-laws set forth hereinafter, which have been approvedvolge artikel 99 van genoemde Ordonnansie goedge-

by him in terms of section 99 of the said Ordinance.keur is.

Die Sanitere en Vullisverwyderingstarief van die Mu- The Sanitary and Refuse Removals Tariff of the Cam-

nisipaliteit Carolina, sops beoog by artikel 19(a) onder lina Municipality, as contemplated by section 19(a) underHoofstuk 1 van Deel IV van die Publieke Gesondheids- Chapter 1 of Part IV of the Public Health By-laws ofverordeninge van genoemde Munisipaliteit, afgekondig the said Municipality, published under Administrator'sby Administrateurskennisgewing 148 van 21 Februarie Notice 148, dated 21 February 1951, shall be as follows:1951, is soos volg:


I. Stoning in Rioolskema. 1. Dumping in Sewerage Scheme..

Storting in Rioolskema per emmer, per maand: 75c. Dumping in sewerage scheme per pail, per month:75e.

2. Verwydering van Huishoudelike Vullis.2. Removal of Domestic Refuse.

Verwydering twee meal per week, per drom van 85 1,

per maand: R1,50. Removal twice weekly, per drum of 85 1, per month:R1,50.

3. Verwydering van Tuinafval, Gras en Snoeisels.3. Removal of Garden Refuse, Grass and Clippings.

Vir elke verwydering van tuinafval, gras en snoeisels,per vrag van 4 m3 of gedeelte daarvan: R2,50. For every removal of garden refuse, grass and clip-

pings, per load of 4 m3 or part thereof: R2,50.4. Verwydering van Inhoud van Vakuumienks.

4. Removal of Contents of Vacuum Tanks.Vir die verwydering van nagvuil en afvalwater uit •

vakuumtenks, per vrag van 6,75 k/ of gedeelte daarvan: For the removal of night-soil and slops from vacuumR3,25. tanks, per load of 6,75 k/ or part thereof: R3,25.

Die Sanitere en Vullisverwyderingstarief van die Mu- The Sanitary and Refuse Removals Tariff of the Caro-nisipaliteit Carolina, afgekondig by Administrateursken- lina Municipality, published under Administrator's No-nisgewing 49 van 2 Januarie 1975, word hierby herroep. tice 49, dated 2 January 1975, is hereby revoked.

PB. 2-4-2-81 -11 PB. 2-4-2-81-11

Administrateurskennisgewing 546 6 Junie 1979 Administrator's Notice 546 6 June, 1979


Die Administrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge artikel The Administrator hereby, in terms of section 101 of101 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939, the Local Government Ordinance, 1939, publishes thedie verordeninge hierna uiteengesit, wat deur hom inge- by-laws set forth hereinafter, which have been approvedvolge artikel 99 van genoemde Ordonnansie goedge- by him in terms of section 99 of the said Ordinance.keur is.

The Electricity By-laws of the Hartbeesfontein Muni-Die Elektrisiteitsverordeninge van die Munisipaliteit cipality, adopted by the Council under Administrator'sHartbeesfontein, deur die Raad aangeneem by Adminis-trateurskennisgewing 959 van 5 Junie 1974, soos gewy- Notice 959, dated 5 June 1974, as amended, are herebysig, word hierby verder gewysig deur die Tarief van Gel- further amended by the substitution for the Tariff ofde onder die Bylae deur die volgende to vervang: Charges under the Schedule of the following:


Page 4: Dm @flitiftr itttrratti gn I Off trial Gazrtir · 2017-07-05 · 14488/1973, onderskeidelik, voorwaardes B12 en B13 in 14488/1973, respectively, remove conditions B12 and die gemelde


- -"BYLAE.r • . ; "SCHEDULE.. . ....

.' •




1. Basiese Hefting. 1. Basic Charge.

'n Basiese hefting van R4 word gehef per maand of .- of i- . .

' ''• ' . . 'Y i . .

gedeelte daarvan per erf, standplaas, perseel of ander A basic charge of R4 shall be levied per month orterrein, met of sonder verbeterings, wat by die hoof- part thereof per erf, ;stand, ,

lot or other area, with, ortoevoerleiding aangesluit is of, na die mening van die without improvementsolwhiCh. ii, or, in .the opinion ofRaad, daarby aangesluit kan word, of

-elektrisiteit ver- the Council, can be connected to the supply main,

bruik word al dan nie: Met Bien verstande dat waar enige whether electricity ..is consumed or not: Provided. thaterf, standplaas, perseel of ander terrein geokkupeer worddeur meer as een verbruiker aan wie die Raad elektrisi- where any stand, erf, lot or other area is occupiedteit ]ewer, 'n basiese hefting van R4 per maand of ge- by more than one consumer to whom: - the Council sup-

deelte daarvan ten opsigte van elke sodanige - verbruiket plies electricity, a basic charge of R4 per. month or partgehef word. I - thereof shall' be levied in respect oteach 'such consumer.

2.. Huishoudelike Verbruikers. . .. '

2. Domestic Cons/I:he/4. ,


(1) Hierdie tarief is van toepassing ten opsigte van elek-trisiteit gelewer of beskikbaar gestel aan die volgende: (I) This tariff shall be applicable in respect of elec- I

(a) Private Woonhuise.tricity supplied or Made available.to :the following:

(b) Koshuise.' (a) Private Dwellings.,


(c) Kerke.(b) Hostels.


(d) Woonstelle.(c) Churches.

..• , • . .•

(e) Losieshuise of Private Hotelle. ''(d) Flats.

(f) Skole.(e) Boarding-houses or Private Hotels.

, .


(g) Amateursportklubs.'

(f) Schools. •

(g) Amateur Sporting Clubs.(h) Ongelisensieerde Klubs. . • . .

Alubs..e . . .. r . .

(i) Liefdadigheidsinrigtings.Clubs.



(i) Charitable Institutions. '• '' '

(j) Verpleeg- of Kraaminrigtings. ' .. . -. • - • •• - '' '•

(2) Die volgende gelde is betaalbaar, per Maand, of(j) Nursing or Maternity Homes.

gedeelte daarvan: Verbruiksheffing, per kW.h: 3,2c. (2) The followiriga Charges shall be payable, per monthor part thereof: Consumption charge, per kW.h: 3,2c.

• 3. Besigheidsverbruikers. . .'


(1) Hierdie tarief is van toepassing ten opsigte van. •

3. Business Consumers. •

elektrisiteit gelewer of beskikbaar gestel aan die vol-gende: (1) This tariff shall be applicable in 'respect of elec-



(a) Restaurante of Kafees.tricity supplied or made available to :the following':


(a) Restaurants or Cafés.(b) Viswinkels. -

(c) Teekamers.(b) Fish Shops.

„ (c) :Tearooms.(d) Winkeli;

• . '

(d) Shops.(e) Gelisensieerde Hot*.(f) Slaghuise.

' (e) Licensed Hotels: . ;-A '



, - . . .. ,.'

(g) Banke.(f) Butcheries.

(h) Motorhawens of Vulstasies.' •

'• - (g) Banks.

i (h) • Garages or Filling Stationsn. .. • ,. .

(i) Begrafaisondernemers. . -

0 Skoenmakers.. (i) Undertakers. , . . r

(k) Enige ander verbruiker waarvoor geen. voorsiening '0) Cobblers.

in enige ander item van hierdie Bylae gemaak (k) Any other consumer' not provided for under 'any

is nie. other item of this. Schedule.• • , , , ..

.(2) Die volgende gelde is betaalbaar, per maand, of (2) The following charges shall be payable, per month

gedeelte daarvan: r or part. thereof: , . , . , .

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I (a) 'n Vaste heffing, of elektrtsiteit verbruik word of (a) A fixed chaige, whether electricity is consumed ornie, per aansluitingspunt: R6. not, per connection point: R6.

. .

(b) Verbruiksheffing, per kW.h: 3,2c. • • (b) Consumption charge, per kW.h: 3,2c.

'4. Graansuiers en ander Verbruikers wat van Maksimum 4. Grain Elevators and other 'Consumes Provided with

Aanvraagmeters ,Voorsien is. a Maximum Demand Meter.

Die volgende gelde is betaalbaar, per maand, of ge- . The following charges, shall be •payable, per monthdeelte 'claarvan: -

or part thereof:"„. •

(1) Aanvraagheffing, of elektrisiteit verbruik word of (1) Demand charge, whether electricity is consumednie, per kW van halfuurlikse maksimum aanvraag: or not, per kW of halfhourly maximum demand: 85,20,R5,20, onderworpe 'eau 'n minimum heffing vana • subject to a minimum demand of - •

(a) R50 in die geval van graansuiers;,en ., . . (a) R50 in the 'case of grain elevators; and

(b) R15 in die geval van edge ander verbruiker. (b)-'R15 in the case of any other consumer.

(2) Verbruiksheffing, per kW.h: 0,8c. (2) Consumption charge, per kW.,11: 0,8c. •

a .



I. •

5. Motore vir' die Pomp Van Water vir liuishoudelike.

5. Motors Installed for Pumping of Water for Domestic

I . Gebruik.; - ".•:. t.'


- Indien elektrisiteit verbruik deur motore wat vir die.

If electricity consumed by motors used for the pump-pomp van water vir huishoudelike gebruik afsonderlik ing of water for dothestic use is metered separately, the


gemeet word, .word.die aantal kW.h aldus per maand of number of kWh finis consumed per, month or partgedeelte daarvan verbruik; bygeyoeg by die.aantal kW.h. thereof, shall be added to the number of kW.h con-wat gedurende dieselfde maand deur verbruikers inge-

; sumed during the same month by consumers classifieddeel onder items 2 en 3 verbruik is. 'under items 2 and. 3.

. I ,, . • . .. , • , " '

6. Verbruikers Buite die Munisipaliteit. 6. Consumers Outside the Municipality. '

. ,

Die yolgende gelde. is betaalbaar, per maand, of ge- , The following charges' shall be payable, per month or'deelteidaarvan: - ' ' • part thereof:


• „ .

(1) Diensheffing, of elektrisiteit yerbruik word of (1) Service charge, whether electricity is consumed ornie: R4.


. not: R4.. . . . , • .

(2) Die toepaslike gelde betaalbaar ingevolge items (2) The applicable charges payable in terms of items2 en 3. ' f. . 2 and. 3. •

- .

(3) 'n Toeslag van 10 % op die gelde betaalbaar inge- (3) A surcharge of .10 % on the charges payable in. volge subitems (1) en (2). .. • terms of subitems (1) and (2).

7. spesiale Meteraflesings., 7. Special Meter Readings.

Vir spesiale meteraflesings ; op versoek' van' 'n ver- .•

bruiker, per aflesing: R2. For special' meter readings at the request of a con-'sumer, per reading: R2.

• ._• ,

. . , 8. Heraanguitings."

8. Reconnections.'

"Vir 'die heraanaluiting van die toevoer na afsluiting • For'the reconnection of the supply after disconnectionweens 'oortreding van enige bepaling van• hierdie ver- on account of a ,breach of any provision of these by-ordeninge: R2. lavys: R2. . .

• ,• . •

.• .-

..'‘ 9. Diensaansluitings. ' ' '. • 9. Service Connections.

(1) Die-..gelde, betaalbair vir enige aansluiting van 'n i (1) The charges payable for each connection of a con-

verbruiker se perseel bedra die werklike koste van alle sumer's premises shall be the actual cost of all material,materiaal en arbeid wat vir sodanige aansluiting gebruik and labour used for such connection, plus a surchargeword, plus 'n toeslag van 10 %hop sodanige bedrag. ' of 10 % on such amount. .

(2) Vir die aansluiting van die toevoer op versoek I (2) For the connection of the supply at the requestvan 'n nuwe verbruiker: R2. r ,


• • :of a new consumer: R2. .

10. Toets van Meters. 10. Testing of Meters.

Vir die spesiale toets van 'n meter op versoek van For the special testing of a meter at the request of a'n verbruiker, mits niks Verkeerd gevind word nie: consumer, provided nothing is found to be out of order:

(1) Enkelfasige meter: R4. ' (1) Single-phase meter: R4.

(2) Twee- of driefasige meter: R12. (2). Two- or three-phase meter: R12._

(3) Maksimum aanyraagmeter: 'R60. ' - (3) Maximum-demand meter: R60.


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11. Toets van Installasies.I

11. Testing of Installations.

Waar bykomende toetse nodig is as gevolg van gebreke Where additional tests are required as a result of de-wat aan die installasie by .geleentheid van die eerste gra- ' fects found in the installation during the first free test,,tis toets gevind word, is 'n vordering van R5 betaalbaar a charge of R5 shall be payable for each such additio-vir elke sodanige bykomende toets. nal test.

12. Deposito's. 12. Deposits.• • , .

Minimum deposito betaalbaar ingevolge artikel Minimum deposit payable in terms of section 6(1)(a):6(1)(a): R35: Met Bien verstande dat deposito's van be- R35: Provided that the deposits of existing consumersstaande verbruikers nie verhoog word nie.". shall not be increased.".

• Die bepalings in hierdie kennisgewing vervat, tree op The provisions- in this notice contained, shall comedie eerste dag van die maand wat volg op die datum van into operation on the first day of the month followingpublikasie hiervan in werking. the date of publication hereof.

PB. 2-4-2-36-87 PB. 2-4-2-36-87

Administrateurskennisgewing 547 6 Junk 1979 Administrator's Notice 547 6 June, 1979


Die Administrateur gee hiermee kennis, ingevolge ar- The Administrator hereby notifies in terms of sectiontikel 65bis(5) van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, 65bis(5) of the Local Government Ordinance, 1939 (Or-1939 (Ordonnansie 17 van 1939) dat by ingevolge artikel dinance 17 of• 1939) that he sanctions in terms of sec-65bis(4) van genoemde Ordonnansie vanaf die datum lion 65bis(4) of the said Ordinance as from the date ofvan publikasie hiervan goedkeuring Mg aan die be- publication hereof, the resolution by the Town Councilshift van die Stadsraad van Johannesburg om— of Johannesburg to — .

(a) die staanplek van 30 huurmotors in Noordstraat Ms- (a) cancel the rank for 30 taxis in Noord Street betweensen Klein- en Twiststraat op te hef; . Klein. and Twist Streets;

(6)' 'n staanplek vir 30 huurmotors aan die noordekant (b) establish a rank for 30 taxis on the north side ofvan Noordstraat, tussen Klein- en King George- Noord Street, between Klein and King George,straat in te stel; en Streets; and

(c) 'n staanplek vir 12 huurmotors aan die noordekant (c) establish a rank for 12 taxis on the northern side ofvan Noordstraat tussen King George- en ,Wan- Noord Street between King George and Wanderersderersstraat in te stel. Streets. ,

PB. 3-7-8-2-2 Vol 2 PB. 3-7-8-2-2 Vol. 2• ,

Administrateurskennisgewing 548 6 Junk 1979 Administrator's Notice 548 ' 6 June, 1979


Die Administrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge artikel The Administrator hereby, in terms of section 101 of101 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939, die the Local Government Ordinance, 1939, publishes theverordeninge hierna uiteengesit, wat deur horn ingevolge by-laws set forth hereinafter, which have been approvedartikel 99 van genoemde Ordonnansie goedgekeur is. by him in terms of - section 99 of the said Ordinance. •

Die Elektrisiteitsverordeninge van die Munisipaliteit The Electricity By-laws of the Koster Municipality,Koster, deur die Raad aangeneem by Administrateurs- adopted by the Council under Administrator's Noticekennisgewing 1037 van 28 Junie 1972, soos gewysig, word 1037, dated 28 June, 1972, as amended, are herebyhierby verder gewysig deur die Bylae deur die volgeride further amended by the substitution for the Schedule ofte vervang: the following:




• I."Easiese Hefting. • •

; 1. Basic Charge.•

-- 'n Basiese heffing van R4,50 per maand, of gedeelte A basic charge of R4,50 per month or part thereof

daarvan, word gehef per erf, standplaas, perseel of ander shall be levied per erf, stand, lot or other area, with orterrein, met of sonder verbeterings, uitgesonderd erwe without improvements, except erven which'belong to thewat die eiendom van die Raad is, wat by die hooftoevuer- Council, which is or, in the opinion of the Council, can

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leiding aangesluit is of, na die mening van die Read, dear- be connected to the .supply. main, whether electricity isi by aangesluit kan Word, of• elektrisiteit verbruik word al consumed or not: Provided that where any erf.itand, lot' dan nie: Met dien verstande dat waar enige eif, stand- or Other area is occupied by more than one consumer to

pleas,. perseel of ander terrein geokkupeer wprd deur whom the Council supplies electricity, the basic chargemeer as een verbruiker aan wie die Raad elektrisiteit shall be levied in respect of each such consumer.[ewer, die basiese heffing ten opsigte van elke sodanige

. t.verbruiker gehef word. 2. Charges for the Supply of Electricity within the Muni-

. cipality.2. Gelde vir die Lewering van Elektrisiteit binne die •

Munisipaliteit. • ' ' •(1) Domestic Consumers.

(1) Huishoudelike Verbruikers. • •

(a) This tariff shall apply. to electricity supplied to the) -

.(a) Hierdie tarief is van toepassing op elektrisiteit ge- following consumers:

fewer min die volgende verbruikers: (I) 'Private dwelling-houses..• • - •

(i) Private woonhuise. (ii) Boarding-houses or hotels, excluding hotels•

(ii) Losieshuise of hdtelle, uitgesonderd hotelle wat licensed in terms of the Liquor Act...ingevolge die Drankwet gelisenSieer S. (iii) Flats metered separately. • .

(iii) Wdonstelle wat afsonderlik.gemeter word. ., (iv). Nursing homes and hospitals.1- .

(iv) Verpleeginrigtings en hospitale. -.0 .' ; :.

" -(v) .Homes and charitable institutions, as well as

(v) Tehuise en liefdadigheidsinrigtings sowel as,kul- cultural organizations.

/ turele organisasies. (vi) Cubs, excluding clubs licensed in terms of the' (s011dubs, uitgesdnderd kiubs 'wat 'ingevolge die • Liquor Act...

Dranitwet gelisensieer is. (vii) Churches and church halls used excluSively for. : •

(vii) Kerke en kerksale wat uitsluitlik vir openbare public worship. .

aanbidding gebruik word. (viii) Pumping plant where•the water pumped is used(viii) Pcimptodstelle "waar 'die. water wat genomp word exclusively for. domestic purposes on premises

uitsluitlik" Vir huishoudelike doeleindes•gebruik' • •

receiving a supply in terms of this tariff..,.word,op persele,wat ingevolge hierdie tarief toe- (b) The following charges shall be payable, per monthBoer ontvang. or part thereof:

(b) Die volgende gelde is betaalbaar, per maand of ge- (i) For the first 2 000 kW.h, per kW.h: 3,5c.deelte. daarvan:

(i) Vir die eerste 2 000 kW.h, per kW.h: 3,5e.(ii) Thereafter, per kW.h: 4,32c.

(ii) peanut, per kW.h: 4,32c.(2) Commercial-, Industrial and General Consumers.„ . (a) This tariff shall apply to electricity supplied to the

(2) Handels-, Nywerheids- en illgemene Verbruikers. following consumers:(a) Hierdie tarief is van toepassing op elektrisiteit ge-

v (i) Shops.fewer aan die volgende verbruikers:

(0 Winkels. (ii) Commercial houses.. .. — , • . . .. .

„(ii) Eandelshuise. ,. ,(iii) Office buildings.

' -•

(iii) Kantoorgeboue. -.. - (iv) Hotels licensed in terms of the Liquor Act..(iv) 1-lotelle wat ingevolge die Drankwet gelisen-

)• •

. (v) Bars.sieer is. . .

(v) Kroee. .(vi) Cafes, tea-rooms and restaurants.

' -

(vi) Kafees, teekamers en restaurante. (vii) Combined shops and tea-rooms.

(vii) Gekombineerde winkels en teekamers. . (viii) Public halls.. .(viii) Openbare sale. (ix) Clubs licensed in terms of the Liquor Act.

(ix) Klubs wat ingevolge die Drankwet gelisensieer (x) Educational institutions.is. •

(x) Onderwysinrigtings. (xi) Industrial or factory undertakings.-

(xi) Nywerheids- of fabrieksondernemings. . (xii) Garages and workshops.

(xii) Garages en werkswinkels. (xiii) Buildings or parti of buildings containing a' (xiii) Gelmue .6f .gedeeltes van. geboue wat 'ri aantal

•• i ....number of claSsifications under' subparagraphvan die onder subparagrawe (i) tot en met '(xii)

- - (i to (xii) inclusive •and where the consumptionI

- • • .beat en waar die verbruik ingevolge hierdie in terms of this tariff is metered separately bytariff afsonderlik deur die Raad gemeet word. the Council. ,

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1228 'PROVINCIAL GAZE!. le, 6' JUNE, 1979- - -- - - _

(xiv) Enige ander verb/Illicir vir wie dear nie ondern 1


(idv) Any other consumer •not provided for under• ander item van hierdie tarief voorsiening ge-

' - —another item of this'tariff.• 1-

maak word nie.•

- . , , (b) The following charges shall be, payable, per month.(b) Die volgende gelde is betaalbaar, per maand of ge- • or part thereof:

deelte daarvan: -. .(i) 'Fixed Charge: R18.'


• • • (i) iVaste heffing: R18: '

(ii) Per kW.h consumed: 4,32c.•

(ii) Per kW.h verbruik: 4,32c. ... .

(3) Bulk Conitimers.(3) Grootmaatverbruikers.

-• •1

.(a) The Council reserves the right to classify consumers

(a) Die' Read behou hom die 'reg voor om verbruikers with an estimated maximum demand exceeding 40met 'n beraamde maksimum aanvraag -van meer as . kV.A as bulk. consumers and to supply them, at the40 kV.A as grootmaatverbruikers to klassifiseer, en discretion of the 'engineer, by means of either highin die diskresie van die ingenieur, hulle le voorsien or low tension.

• ••met hoog- of laagspanningslewering.(b) The following charges, shall,be payable, per month

(b) Die volgende gelde is belaalbair, per maand, of ge- or part thereof: . .

deelte daarvan: . .

(i) Maximum demand measured over any period of(i) Maksimum• aanvraag gemeet oor enige tydperk 30 consecutive minutes during the month, per,, van 30 opeenvolgende minute gedurende die kV.A or part thereof: R5,60.maand, per 'kV.A of gedeelte daarvan: R'5,60.

• ,, r

. (ii) Per kW.h verbruik: 2,5e.(ii) Per kW.h "Coniunied: 2,5c.

• •I

(iii) Minimum maandelikse aanvraagheffing: 40 • .... (;ii) Minimum monthly demand charge: 40 kV.A.kV.A.

1 i ;, • I

3. Charges for the Supply of Electricity outside the Muni-3. Gelde vir die Lewering vanilektrisiteit: buite die • '' " '.cipality.

1 ,' . :


-. Munisipaliteit. -

Consumers outside the.Municipality shall pay the loi-n . •

Nerbi-uikers buite rile Munisipaliteit betaal die volgende lowing chayges,•per month or, part thereof:„gelde, per maand of gedeelte daarvan:(1) Consumers with a maximum deinand of less than(1) Verbruikers met 'n maksimum


aanvraag van min- J

der as 40 kV.A: 40 kV.A:'

(a) Uitbreidingsheffirig: R18.'• .

'(a) Extension chisge: RI8. "



• . •

(b) Per kW.h verbruik:. •

•(b) Per kW.h consumed: ''

(i) For the first 2 op kW.h,. per. kW.h: 3,5e.. .

'0) Vir die eerste 2 000 kW.h, per kW.h: 3,5c.

(ii) Daarna, per kW.h: 4,32c. •(ii), Thereafter, per kW.h: 4,32c. . .

• (2) Consumers with a maximum demand of 40 kV.A(2) Verbruikers met 'n maksimum aanvraag van 40 and More: ' '

,• ‘

kV.A en meer:r , • . (a) Extension charge: R18.

(a) Uitbreidingsheffing: R18. 1

(b) Maximum demand measured over any period of 30It. . .. .

(b) Maksimum aanvraag gemeet oor enige tydperk van consecutive minutes during the Month, per kV.A or30 - opeenvolgende minute gedurende die maand, per part thereof: R5,60. . ._

kV.A of gedeelte daarvan: R5,60. (c) Per kW.h consumed: 2,5c.(c) Per kW.h verbruik: 2,5c. (d) Minimum monthly demand charge: 40 kV.A.

. . ,(d) Minimum Maandelikse aativraagheffing: 40 kV.A.

• . . 4. Municipal Supply.. .. ,

. ,

4. Munisipale Lewering. ,

For Virdie lewering van elektrisiteit vir munisipale doel- At cost thesupply of electricity for municipal purposes:

eindes:. Teen kosprys. • .p •

. ' PART Ili• .•DEEL. II:


, ., .• . , - Connections. i


1. Laagspanningsaansluitings.1: BOW Voltage Connections.

„Die gelde.betaalbaar•ten opsigte van enige permanente The charges payable for any permanent low voltagelaagspanningsaansluiting vir die lewering van elektrisi- connection for the supply of electricity shall be cal-

telt, word bereken teen die werklike koste van die mate- culated at the actual cost of all material and labour, in-tidal en arbeid, met inbegrip van die koste van die meter, eluding the cost of the meter, phis a surcharge of 15%plus 'n toeslag van 15% op sodanige bedrig: - • on such amount:

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2. Hoogspanningsaansluitings. 2. High V oluige connections.

I-, Die vcrbruiker moet — The consumer shall — . , •

.• ,

• .

(a) die substasiegebou verskaf ooreenkomstig die, Raad (a) provide the sub-station building in accordance withse vereiste; the Council's requirements;

. „• , . .

• •. !

(b) sy eie •transformator verskaf oorcenkomstig die (b) provide his own transformer in accordance with theRaad se spesifikasies; 'Council's specifications; •

(c) Sleie ldagspanningskakeltuig verskaf; (c) provide his own low tension switchgear; _

(d) sy eie hoogspanningstoevoerstroombreker verskaf (d) provide his own high tension supply circuit breakerooreenkomstig die Raad se spesifikasies; in accordance with the Council's specifications;

(e) die koste dra van alle meter apparaat, insluitend die (e) pay the cost of all metering equipment, includingnoodsaaklike spanning- en stroomtransfbrmators; the necessary current and voltage transformers;

(f) indien hy verlang dat die substasie op 'n ander posi- (f) in the event of the consumer wishing to erect the sub-sic as die grens naaste aan die Raad se stelsel geled station at a position on his premises other than at themoet wees, is hy aanspreeklik vir alle bykornende boundary nearest to. the Council's supply system, hekoste wat daardeur ontstaan; shall be liable for all additional' costs incurred as a

result thereof; , . .

(g) die koste van alle arbeid betaal in verband met die . '

installering 'van • die nodige; hoogspanningskakeltuig, . (g)' pay the ,cost of all labour reqttired for the installa-metertoebehore en die verbinding van alle nodige . tion of the high tension switchgear, metering equip-

/ kabels; en . .• ment and, connection of necessary cables; and

(h) as die benodigde aansluitingspunt verder as 100 m • (h) ••Should the required connection point be situatedvan die •naaste geskikte toevoerpunt op die Raad . further than 100 m' froth the' nearest Suitable pointse hbogspann'ngsnetwerk gelee is, is die verbruiker of supply on the CounCil's high tension network. theverantwoordelik vir alle kostes daaraan verbonde consumer shall be responsible for the costs incurredom die aansluiting verder as 100 in te. bring. , . in bringing the supply to, the connection 'point when

. . further than 100.m.. . .• • •

, • , .

3• Tydelike 41ansluitings.-

. J. •. (•; I,

—• • •• , Pi •

(1) Die gelde vir 'n tydelike aansluiting word bereken3. Temporary Connections.

ingevolge item 1 plus die beraamde koste vir die Raad om (1) The charges for a temporary connection shall bedie tydelike aansluiting of te takel en te venvyder wan- : calculated in terms of .item 1, plus the estimated cost toneer die tydelike diens gestaak word. the Council to dismantle and remove the temporary con-

(2) Nadat sodanige aansluiting verwyder is, word aannection when the temporary service is terminated.

die persoon wat genoemde gelde betaal bet, 'n bedrag • • (2) After such connection has been removed, anterugbetaal wat deur die Raad bereken word .volgens die amount calculated by the Council according to the valuewaarde van die herbruikbare materiaal, apparaat en toe- of the re-usable material, apparatus and equipment whichrusting wat verhaal is, nadat enige koste wat deur die

,is recovered shall be refunded to the person who paid

Read aangegaan is pm - sodanige materiaal, apparaat en such costs, after the deduction•of any cost which is madetoerusting 'vir hergebitiik te toets en herstel, afgetrek is. ' by the Council to test and repair such material, apparatus'

, and equipment for re-use.. ... ., DEEL III._

PART1 III.1. Diverse Gelde.

. .• , '

• 1. Miscellaneous Fees. .

(1) Heraansluitingsgelde. •

, . ' ." ' '•' Vir die heraanslulting van die toevoer nadat dit weeny

11) Reconnection Fees.

wanbetaling van rekenings of op versoek van 'n verbrui- For the reconnectionbf the supply after it has beenker afgcsluit is: R5. disconnected for non-payment of accounts or at .the re-

(2).quest of a consumer: R5

Gelde vir die Ondersoek van Verbruikersfoute. . ;

Indien dear gevind word dat 'n kragonderbreking ni (2) Charges for the Investigation ofConsumer's Faults.

'n verbruiker te wyte is aan 'n rout in -die veibruikerise Where the failure 'of supply to a consumer is found toinstallasie, of aan die foutiewe werking van apparaat in

Ibe due to a fault in the consumer's installation or to

verband met die installasie gebruik, vir elke sodanige ! faulty operation of apparatus used in connection there-ondersoek: Die vverklikd koste van materiaal eh arbeid, ; with, for every investigation: Tlie'aCtual cost of- all mate-plus 'n toeslag van 15 %. irial and labour, plus a surcharge of 15%.'

(3) Gelde vir die Toets van Meters. •'

. •- (3) Charges for the Testing of. Maters. '

. . ,

Vir die toets van meters ingevolge artikel 9: R5. For testing of .rne*s .in terms of section. 9: R5.(4) Gelde vir die Inspeksie en Toets van Installasies. . (4) Charges for Inspection and Testing of Installations.

Vir die inspeksie en toets van 'n installasie ingevolge , For the inspection and testing of an insinuation inartikel 17(8)(b): R5. • terms of section 17(8)(b): R5.


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2. Deposito's. 2. Deposits. ..

Die minimum deposito wat deur 'n verbruiker ten op- IThe minimum amount to be deposited by a consumersigte van die verbruik van elektrisiteit ingevolge artikel with, the treasurer in respect of electricity consumption6(1)(a) by die tesourier gedeponeer moet word, is R30: in terms of section 6(1)(a), shall be R30: Provided thatMet dien verstande dat die genoemde bedrag slegs be- the said amount shall only be payable by consumers con-taalbaar is deur verbruikers wat vanaf datum van inwer- netted to the Council's supply mains as from the date ofkingtreding van hierdie verordeninge by die Raad se commencement of these by-laws and by consumers whosehooftoevoerleiding aangesluit word en deur verbruikers supply of electricity is disconnected as a result of defaultwie se elektrisiteitstoevoer weens wanbetaling afgesluttword.". of payment".

Die bepalings in hierdie kennisgewing vervat, tree in The provisions in this notice contained shall come intoworking vanaf die datum van die gewone aflesing van operation as from the date of the ordinary reading of thedie meter in Junie 1979. meter in June, 1979.

PB. 2-4-2-36-61 PB 2-4-2-36-61

Administrateurskennisgewing 549 6 Junie 1979 Administrator's Notice 549 6 June, 1979


Die Administrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge artikel The Administrator hereby, in terms of section 101101 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939, of the Local Government Ordinance, 1939, publishes thedie verordeninge hierna uiteengesit, wat deur hom by-laws set forth hereinafter, which have been approvedingevolge artikel 99, van genoemde Ordonnansie goed- by him in terms of section 99 of the said Ordinance.gekeur

The Street and Miscellaneous By-laws of the Potgie-

Die Straat- en Diverse Verordeninge van die Muni- tersrus Municipality, adopted by the Council undersipaliteit Potgietersrus, deur die Raad aangeneem by Administrator's Notice 1984, dated 12 December, 1973,Administrateurskennisgewing 1984 van 12 December1973, word hierby gewysig deur na artikel 26 die vol- are hereby amended by the insertion after section 26

gende in te voeg: of the following:

' "Parkering van Swear Motorvoertute. "Parking of Heavy Motor Vehicles.

• 26A. Niemand mag motorvoertuig waarvan die 26A. No person shall park a motor vehicle of whichtarra 3 500 kg oorskry in enige straat binne die muni- the tare exceeds 3 500 kg on any street within the munisipaliteit gedurende die tydperk tussen. 'n halfuur na cipality 'during the period between half an hour afterSthionder en 'n halfuur voor sonop parkeer nie. Vir sunset and half an hour before sunrise. For the purposedie doeleindes van hierdie artikel word aan die woord of this section the same meaning shall be attached to'parkeer dieselfde betekenis geheg soos omskryf in dieOrdonnansie op Padverkeer, 1966 (Ordonnansie 21 van the word 'park' as defined in the Road Traffic Ordin-

1966).". ante, 1966 (Ordinance 21 of 1966).".PB. 242-80-27 PB. 2-4-2-80-27

Administrateurskennisgewing 550 6 Junie 1979 Administrator's Notice 550 6 June, 1979


Die Administrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge artikel The Administrator hereby, in terms of section 101

101 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939, of the Local Government Ordinance, 1939, publishes

die iidordeninge hierna uiteengesit, wat deur Inge- the by-laws .set forth hereinafter, which have been

volge artikel 99 van genoemde Ordonnansie goedge- approved by him in terms of section 99 of the said

keur is. Ordinance. '

Die Personeelverordeninge van die Munisipaliteit The Staff By-laws . of the Randburg Municipality,,Randbutg, afgekondig by Administrateurskennisgewing published under Administrator's Notice 359, dated 15

359 van 15 Math 1978, soos gewysig, word hierby vet-.

March, 1978, as amended, are hereby further amendedder .gewysig deur in artikel 48(3) die woorde "een'en by the substitution in section 48(3) for the words "oneeen helfte maal", waar dit in, die sesde en sewende and a half times", where they occur in the seventh line,reels voorkom, deur die woord "dubber te vervang. of the word "double".

Die bepaling in hierdie kennisgewing vervat, tree op The provision in this notice contained, shall come

1 Julie• 1979 in working. into operation on 1 July, 1979.

PB. 2-4-2-85-132 PB. 2-4-2-85-132•

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_ .- .

Administrateurskennisgewing •551 6 Junie 1979 Administrator's - Notice. 551• 6 June, 1979



Die Administrateur publiseer hierbyingevolge:artikel The Administrator. hereby, in terms of Section 101

101 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939; , of the. Local Government Ordinance, 1939, publishesdie verordeninge hierna uiteengesit, -wat deur hom inge- the by-laws set forth hereinafter, which have been

volge artikel 99 van genoemde Ordonnansie goedge- apprenred byohim in terms of section 99 of the said• - •

keur is. • Ordinance.-

Die Elektrisiteitsverordeninge van die Munisipaliteit - The Electricity By-laws .of .the Schweizer-Reneke Mu-Schweizer-Reneke, deur die Raad aangeneem by Admi- nicipality, adopted by the Council under Administrator'snistrateurskennisgewing, 1036 van 28 Junk 1972, .soos Notice 1036, dated 28,June, 1972, as amended, are here-gewysig, word hierby. ;verder geWysig deur die Tana by further amended by. amending the Tariff of Charges

van Gelde onder die Bylae soos volg te wysig: under the Schedule as follows:•

I. Deur na item 4 die volgende in te vocg:.' 1. By the addition after item 4 of the following: .

f"4A. Theslai' "

• ' ' A • I!' • • `4Al. Surcharge.. • '


•.. •• - •

Toeslag van 5 % word gehef op alle gelde betaal- A surcharge of 5 olo shall be levied on the charges

baar debr enige verbruiker vir kW.h verbruik ingevolge• payable by, any consumer for kW.h consumed in termsof items 2, 3 and 4.".

Iitems 2, 3 en 4.".T


2. Deur in item 5 die uitdrukking "items 2, 3 en 4" 2. By the substitution 'hi item 5 for the expression"items 2, 3 and 4" of the expression "items 2, 3, 4

deur. die uitdrukking,"items 2, 3,•4 enr4A".te•verygng. • and 4A.":1 1.1 • I' 1• ,, •, • „I• •

Die bepalingsu'. Minerril° • kennisgewing vervat, word The provisioln:s in this' notice. contained, shall begeag op 1 Januarie 1979 in werking te getree het. deemed to, have come .into operation on 1 January,

PB. PB. 2-4-2-36-69

.•. • • I.;

Administrateurskennisgewing 552 '••• 6 Junie 1979. Administratorrs-.Notice• 552';.• .6. June, 1979



Die Administrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge artikel The Administrator hereby, in" terms' of section 101

101 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939, of the Local Government Ordinance, 1939, publishesdie verordeninge • hierna uiteengesit, • wat deur horn the by-laws set faith hereinafter, which have been ap-ingevolge artikel 99 van genoemde Ordonnansie. goedl proVed by him htiterms'of 'section 99 of the said Ordin-gekeur is. •


Die • Elektriiiteitsverordeninge yin idle Munisipaliteit The Electricity,,BY-laws of the Zeerust Municipality,Zeerust, deur die Rand aangeneem by Administrateurs- • adopted• „the. Counkil ;under; Administrator's Noticekennisgewing 1316, van, 2 Augustus 1972, Ss, gewysig,. . 1316, - dated .2. August„:1972, as amended, are herebyword hierby verder gewysig deur in item IS van die

,further amended. by. the. substitution in item 15 of. the,

Tarief van Gelde • onder die Bylae die uitdrukking Tariff of Charges under the Schedule 'for the expression"56%" deur die uitdrukking "60,68 %" te vervang.• ' - "56 go".:ef. the 'expression .1160,68%".

Die bepalings in hierdie kennisgewing vervat, is van The Provisions in this notice contained. shall tiptoepassing op rekeninge vir elektrisiteit' wat vanaf 16- • applicable, to accounts ,for aelectricity rendered as fromJanuarie 1979 gelewer is. '

16 January, 1979' PB. 2-4-2-36241 -

• . t•• .1 •.; .

PB. 2-4-2-36-41- ,

Administrateurskennisgewing 553- -- 6 Junie 1979 ' Administrator's Notice -553 - - - 6 June, 1979



IThe Administrator' hereby, te'rm's of section 101Die Administrateur publiseer hierby ingevolge artikel of the Local Government Ordinance, 1939, publishes

101 van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, 1939, the• 'thereinafter,which by-laws set forth have been ap-die verordeninge hierna uiteengesit, wat deur horn inge- ••,2

- • ••-;

terms , of section 99 'of,, the saidvolge artikel 99 van genoemde Ordonnansie •goedge-keur is. • Ordinance:. - - - .„ . , „ „

Die Riolerings- en Loodgietersverordeninge van die Ther,Drainage and Plumbing By-laws of the ZderustMunisipaliteit Zeerust, afgekondig by Administrateurs- 1 Municipality, published; under Administrator's Notice_ „ „

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kennisgewing 329 van 21 Februatie 1973, soon gewysig, 329, dated 21 February, 1973: as amended, are herebyword hierby verder soos volg gewysig: further amended as follows:

1. Deur in artikel 11(3) die woorde "drie keer" deur 1. By the substitution in section 11(3) for the wordsdie woorde "vyf keer" te vervang. "three times" of the words "five times".

2. Deur in item 2(1) en 2(a) van die Rioleringsgelde : 21 By the substitution in item 2(1) and (2)(a) of theonder Deel II van Bylae•B die syfer "1,45" deur die Drainage Charges under Part II of Schedule B for thesyfer "1,85" te .vervang. figure "1,45" of the figure "1,85".

PB 2-4-2-3441 PB. 2-4-2-3441

Administrateurskennisgewing 554 '6 Junie 1979 Administrator's Notice 554 6 June, 1979


Die Administrateur het ingevolge artikel 9(7) van The Administrator has, in terms of section 9(7) ofOrdonnansie 17 van 1939, die munisipale grense van Ordinance 17 of 1939 altered the municipal boundariesdie Munisipalitcit van Marble Hall verander deur die of the Marble Hall Municipality by the incorporationinlywing daarby van die gebied omskryf in die bygaande therein of the areas described in the Schedule hereto.Bylae.

PB. 3-2-3-95 PB. 3-2-3-95



Die volgende gedeeltes van die plaas Loskop Nob'rd The following portions of the farm Loskop Noord— 124.5.: — •

(a) Gedeelte 477, groot 0,7852 ha; en (a) Portion 477, in extent 0,7852 ha; and

(b) ' die Restant van die plaas, groot 2,3549 ha. (b) The Remainder of the farm, in extent 2,3549 ha.

Administrateurskennisgewing' 555 • 6 Junie 1979 Administrator's Notice 555 6 June, 1979


Hierby word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikel It is hereby notified in terms of section 36(1) of the36(1) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, Town-planning and Townships Ordinance, 1965, that1965, bekend gemaak dat die Administrateur goedge- the Administrator has approved the Amendment ofkeur het dat Randburg-dorpsbeplanningskema 1976 ge- Randburg Town-planning Scheme 1976, by the rezoningwysig word deur die hersonering van Lot 241, dorp of Lot 241. Ferndale Township, from "Residential 1"Ferndale, van "Residensieel 1" met Pal digtheid van with a density of "One dwelling per erf" to "Residen-"Een woonhuis per erf" tot "Residensieel 1" met 'n tial 1" with a density of "One dwelling per 1 500 m2".digtheid van "Een woonhuis per 1 500 m2".

Map 3 and the scheme clauses of the amendmentKaart 3 en die skemaklousules van die wysigingskema scheme are filed with the Director of Local Govern-

word in bewaring gehou deur die Direkteur van Plans- ment, Pretoria and the, Town Clerk, Randburg andlike Bestuur, Pretoria en die Stadsklerk Rildburg enare open for inspection at all reasonable times.is beskikbaar vir inspeksie op alle redelike tye.

Hierdie wysiging staan bckend as Randburg-wysi- This amendment is known as Randburg Amendmentgingskema 179. Scheme 179.

PB. 4-9-2-132H-179 PB. 4-9-2-132H-179

Administrateurskennisgewing 556 • 6 Junie 1979 Administrator's Notice 556 6 June, 1979


, GINGS10EMA 1059. MENT SCHEME 1059.

Hierby word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikel It is hereby notified in terms of section 36(1) of the36(1) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Town-planning and Townships Ordinance, 1965, thatDorpe, 1965, bekend gemaak dat die Administrateur the Administrator has approved the Amendment ofgoedgekeur het dat Noordclike Johannesburgstreek- Northern Johannesburg Region Town-planning Scheme

dorpsaanlegskema, 1958 gewysig word deur die herso- 1958, by the rezoning of Erf 17, Buccleuch Township,nering van Erf 17, dorp Buccleuch, van "Spesiale Woon" from "Special Residential" with a density of "Onemet 'n digtheid van "Een woonhuis per erf'-' tot "Spe- dwelling per erf" to "Special Residential" with a den-

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siale Woon" met 'n digtheid van "Een woonhuis per sity of "One dwelling per 15 000 sq. ft.", subject toP 15 000 vk. vt.", onderworpe aan sekere voorwaardes. certain conditions.

Kaart 3 en die skemaklousules van die wysigingskema Map 3 and the scheme clauses of the amendmentword in bewaring gehou deur die Direkteur van Pleas- scheme are filed with the Director of Local Govern-like Bestuur, Pretoria en die Stadsklerk Sandton en ment, Pretoria and the Town Clerk, Sandton and areis beskikbaar vir inspeksie op alle redelike tye. open for inspection at all reasonable times.

Hierdie wysiging staan bekend as Noordelike Johan- This amendment is known as Northern Johannes-nesburgstreek-wysigingskema 1059. burg Region Amendment Scheme 1059.

PB. 4-9-2-116-1059 PB. 4-9-2-116-1059

Administrateurskennisgewing 557 6 Junie 1979 Administrator's Notice 557 6 June, 1979


Hierby word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikel It is hereby notified in terms of section 36(1) of the36(1) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, Town-planning and Townships Ordinance, 1965, that1965, bekend gemaak dat die Administrateur goedge- the Administrator has approved the Amendment of Nel-keur het dat Nelspruit-dorpsaanlegskema 1, 1949 gewy- spruit Town-planning Scheme 1, 1949 by the rezoningsig word deur die hersonering van 'n deel van Erf of a part of Erf 446, Sonheuwel Township, from "Public446 dorp Sonheuwel, vanaf "Openbare Oopruimte" tot Open Space" to "Special Residential" with a density"Spesiale Woon" met 'n digtheid van "Een woonhuis of "One dwelling, per ed".per erf". Map 3 and the scheme clauses of the amendment

Kaart 3 en die skemaklousules van die wysigingskema scheme are filed with 'the Director of Local Govern-word in bewaring gehou deur die Direkteur van Pleas- ment, Pretoria and the Town Clerk, Nelspruit andlike Bestuur, Pretoria en die Stadsklerk Nelspruit en

are open for inspection at all reasonable times.is beskikbaar vir inspeksie op alle redelike tye.

Hierdie wysiging staan bekend as Nelspruit-wysiging- This amendment is known as Nelspruit Amendmentskema 1/60. Scheme 1/60:

PB 4-9-2-22-60 PB. 4-9-2-22.60

Administrateurskennisgewing 558 6 Junk 1979 Administrator's Notice 558 6 June, 1979


Hierby word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikel It is hereby notified in terms of section 36(1) of the36(1) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, Town-planning and Townships Ordinance, 1965, that the1965, bekend gemaak dat die Administrateur goed- Administrator has approved the Amendment of Krugers-gekeur het dat Krugersdorp-dorpsaanlegskema 1, 1946 dorp Town-planning Scheme I, 1946 by the rezoning ofgewysig word deur die hersonering van Gedeeltes 3 tot Portions 3 up to and including 6 of Erf 786, Krugers-en met 6 van Erf 786, dorp Krugersdorp Noord, van dorp North Township, from "General Residential""Algemene Woon" tot "Spesiaal" vir winkels, kantore, to "Special" for shops, offices and professional rooms,


en professionele kamers, onderworpe aan sekere voor- subject to certain conditions.waardes.

Map 3 and the scheme clauses of the amendmentKaart 3 en die skemaklousules van die wysigingskema scheme are filed with the Director of Local Govern-

word in bewaring gehou deur die Direkteur van Plaas- ment, Pretoria and the Town Clerk, Krugersdorp andlike Bestuur, Pretoria en die Stadsklerk Krugersdorpare open for inspection at all reasonable times.en is beskikbaar vir inspeksie op alle redelike tye.

Hierdie wysiging staan bekend as Krugersdorp-wysi- This amendment is known as Krugersdorp Amend-gingskema 1/75. ment Scheme 1/75.

PB. 4-9-2-18-75 PB. 4-9-2-18-75---- ---- -

Administrateurskennisgewing 559 6 Junie 1979 Administrator's Notice 559 6 June, 1979


Hierby word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikel It is hereby notified in terms of section 36(1) of the36(1) van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Town-planning and Townships Ordinance, 1965, thatDorpe, 1965, bekend gemaak dat die Administrateur the Administrator has approved the Amendment ofgoedgekeur het dat Boksburg-dorpsaanlegskema 1, 1946 Boksburg Town-planning Scheme 1, 1946, by the rezo-gewysig word deur die hersonering van Erwe 1640, 1641, ,

Lung of Erven 1640, 1641, 1642, 1643, 1648 and 1649,1642, 1643, 1648 en 1649, dorp Impalapark Uitbreiding1, van "Spesiaal" vir 'n blok of blokke woonstelle tot Impalapark Extension 1 Township, from "Special" for"Spesiaal" vir 'n woonhuis of woonstelblok of woon- a block or blocks of flats to "Special" for a dwelling

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• stelblbkke • of Wooneenbede - aanmekaai Of lositaande, % 'house or block - or blocks 'of flats, . or dwelling units1onderworpe aan sekere voorwaardes.• '""" . - -

Iattached or detached, subject' to Certain conditions.

' Kaart•3 en die'skemakiousules -van die wysigingskemaI

' "Map '3 and the scheme -

clauses of the amendmentword in bewaring gehou deur' die - Direkteur van Plaas- . scheme 'are filed With the' Director of Local Govern-like'Bestnur, Pretoria en die Stadsklerk Boksburg en is I ment, Pretbria: And the Town Clerk, Boksburg and arebeskikbaar vir inspeldie op allcredelike tye. ' - .

I open for 'inspection at all reasonable times.'

1.1ieiclie wysiging staan' bekend as•Bokiburywysiging- i ''This ameadnieht is known as Boksburg Amendmentskema 1/200.

' / ''' I '• .1.

; Scheme 1/200. ... ay" •• ' PB. 4-9-2-8-200


' ' ' ' "PB. 4-9-2-8-200.. . . — . . __. . . .-- ...—

• - ' -.


Administrateurskennisgewing 560 6 Junk 19791 Administrator's Notice 560 6 June, 1979

.' • 1.'

. !..: ; ! .-; .... • I. ..".)." 1. .• .. .


- Die Administrateunverklaar hierby ingevolge- die be- -. The Administrator hereby,„in.terms of section 89(1) ofpalings van artikel' - 89(1) van die. Ordonnansie op Dorps- the Town-planning. and Townships' Ordinance, 1965, de-beplanning en Dorpe, .1965, - dat by.'n • wysigingskema dares that.he has approved an amendment scheme, beingsynde 'n .wysiging .van Boksburg-dorpsaanlegskema I, an: amendment of .Boksburg Town-planning Scheme 1,1946, wat uit dieselfde.grond as die dorp Anderbolt Uit- 1946,.comprising-the.same land as included in the town-breiding 19 bestaan, goedgekeur het.- • . • ii '

• ship of Anderbolt Extension 19. . . . .

. Kaart '3 en die skemaklbusules van. die wysigingskema Map 3 and the scheme clauses of the amendmentword. in bewaring gehou deur die Direkteutvan Plaaslike scheme arc filed - with the Director of 'Local Govern-Bestuur, Pretoria en die Stadsklerk, Boksburg en is be- ment; Pretoria. and The Town Clerk, Boksburg and areskikbar vir inspeksie op elle reilelike tye., operi for - inspection at all reasonable times.

Hierdie wysiging, stean bekend as Boksburg-wysiging- This amendment is known as Boksburg Amendmentskema 1/201.' • "i• ' . . .... • . 7o is :' Scheme I /201. •- • . •

PB • 4-9-2:8-261 P131.4-9-2-8-201,,, _, _ • .1 ; _• —

Administrateurskennisgewing 561 : ,•

i 6.Junie 1979 Administrator's Notice .561 .. . 6 June, 1979


Die Administrateur verklaar hierby„ingevolge die.tbe- : The Administrator hereby, in terms of section 89(1) ofpalings,van artikel 89(1).van die.Ordonnansie op -Dorps7 the Town-planning and Townships .Ordinance, 1965, de-beplanning en. Dorpe, 1965; dat by 'n. wysigingskema dares that he has.approved an amendment scheme, beingsynde 'n wysiging van Bedfordvievi-dorpsaanlegskema .14 annintendmentiof. B.edfordview Town-planning Scheme1948 wat uit dieselfde grond as die dorp Bedfordview.Uit- 1, 1948,' comprising the same land as . included in thebreiding 174 bestaan, goedgekeur het.:. ' '

.- •:. township of Bedfordview Extension '174.

i ; • . •'

Ktiart '3' en die gketaklmisules,ilaiiclie'wysigingskema' Map `3 taittl the' Scheme clauses of the amendment

in bewaring gehou deur die Direkteni van Plaaslike saltine are' filed with - the Director of Local Govern-Bestuur,„ Pretoria „en die ,Stadsklerk, Bedfordview en is ment, Pretoria and the Town Clerk, Bedfordview andbeskikbaar vir inspeksie op alle redelike rye, are open for inspection at all reasonable times.

. , • , -

Hierdie .wysiging staam bekend.'as Bedfordview-wysi-" -„ This. amendment

-1s known as Bedfordview Amendment

gingskema 1/129. .. - 1, , s

•; . .. - -. .

-. -. . SchemetT/129:


' ' " ':



'PB. 4-9-246-129 PB. 4-9-2-46-129

. „ , , . , ,. ,.

( . ; .,, . , ' , ., -•

Administrateutskennisgewing 562— 6 Junk 1979 Administrator's Notice 562 6 June, 1979— . — . _


Die. -Administrateur .verklaar hierby ingevolge:die be- The Administrator.hereby,.in terms of section 89(1) ofpalings van artikel 89(1) van die Ordonnansie op Dorps- the Town-planning and Townships Ordinance, 1965, de-

beplanning, en Dorpe, 1965, dat hy.'n wysigingskema dares that he has approved an amendment scheme, beingsynde :IV, wysiging van Schweizer-Redelte-dorpsaanleg- ail l'arnenctierir of';' Schweizer-Reneke Town-planningskema, 1963,-wat uit Vieselfere grond Asidie'd6rp Scitive - Sebeme,.1963, OomOrising,tlie.§ktile land as included inzer-Reneke IJiibreiding II bestaaft; goedgekeur het 2.*: iliejoivaip 'of Schweizer-Reneke Extension


11.„Kaart. 3 en .t1k .Sitemaklousulei .van (lie .wysigingskema .'Mnp 3; rand The .scheme' clauses I,of the amendment

word iii bewaring gehou deur dieDirekteur 'van' Plaa.Slik@ scheme" are filed .with. the. Direcfor of Local Govern-13estunr; Pretoria) encidierStadsklerk, •SaiitiiertRiettille inentl

• Preioria and . 'the TOwn Clerk, Schweizer-Renekeen is beskikbaar vir inspeksie. by Palle redelike tye."-.4- .16 : and are open far irispednOn at.all'reasonable times.

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I/ 'Hierdie wysiging ,staan bekend is Schiveizer-ffeneke-' This -


is known -as Schweizet-Renekewysigingskema 12.


- Amendment Scheme 12.'

PB. 4-9-2-69-12 PB. 4-9-2-69-12

Administrateurskennisgewing 563 6 Junie 1979 Administrator's Notice 563 6 June, 1979I •


'Ingevolge artikel 69 van die Ordonnapsie op Dorps- In terms of section 69 of the Town-planning andbeplanning en Dorpe, 1965 (Ordonnansie 25 van 1965), Townships Ordinance, 1965 (Ordinance 25 of 1965), theverklaar• die Administrateur hierby die dorp Schweizer- Administrator hereby declares Schweizer-Reneke Exten-Reneke Uiibreiding 11 tot 'n goedgekeurde dorp under- .sion 11 Township to be an approved township subject toworpe 'aan die voorwaardes uiteengesit in die bygaande the Conditions set out in the Schedule hereto.Bylae. I PB. 4-2-2-5134

PB. 4-2-2-5134'








. .• (1) Name.

(1) Naam. .•

Die naam van die dorp is Schweizer-Reneke Uitbrei- Thenaine• of the township shall be Schweizer-Reneke

ding 11.Extension 11.

.• • • (2) Design.


. .- , (2) Ontwerp. • '.

Die dorp bestaan tilt erwe en strate.soos aangedui op ., The township shall consist of erven and streets, as in-Algemene Plan L.G. A.14/78. dicated on General Plan S.G. A.14/78.

. ,

(3) Beskikking Oor ,Bestaande Titelvoonvaardes. • (3).Disposal of Existing Conditions of Title. •

' Alle erwe (moet 'onderworpe gemaak word aan 'be- • •

Staande •voorwaardes en serwitute, as dear is, met inbe- Alberven shall be *lade subject ta existing conditionsgrip van die voorbehOtid van die regte op minerale, maar and servitudes, if any,' including the reservation of rightsuitgesonderd die volgende serwitute wat nie die dorp to minerals, but excluding the following servitudes Whichraak nie: do not affect the township:

(a) "A portion measuring 156 morgen 150 square roods (a) "A portion measuring 156 morgen 150 square roodsof within property is subject to a servitude in favour of within property is subject to a servitude in favour'

of the Transvaal Goiernment of the right of laying . of the Transvaal Government of the right of layingout.dnd maintaining a shooting or rifle range as will out and maintaining a shooting or rifle range as will

. more fully appear from Notarial Deed NO. 188/ - . .more fully appear from Notarial Deed No. 188/1907-S." . • .

-. . . • .1907:S." • • . .. ,

(b) "The Rifle Range deScribed in Notarial Deed No. '(b) °`The Rifle'Rarige described in Notarial Deed No.188/1970-S has been removed to a portion of jmr- :188/1970-S has been removed' to a portion of.por-tion of the within property, measuring 8,0667

I- • tion or the within property, measuring 8,0667

morgen and lettered A-B-C-D on Diagram S.G. No. morgen and lettered A-B-C-D on Diagram S.G. No.2975/39 as. will more fully appear from Notarial 2975/39 as will more fully appear from NotarialDeed No. 605/1941-S." Deed No. 605/1941-S."

(c) "The property held hereunder is subject to servitudes (c) "The property held 'hereunder is subject to servitudesof acqueduct, storage and abutment in favour:of . 'of .acqueduct, storage; and abutment in favour. ofthe Government of the Union of South Africa as . the Government Of the 'Union of South Africa aswill more fully appear from Notarial Deed No. will more fully appear from Notarial Deed No.46/33-S."

. . „ .. ,. „ .. - 46/33-S."

(d) -"By Notarial Deed No. 770/72 dated 10 = March, (d) - ”By. Notarial Deed No: 770/72 'dated '10 March,1972 the within-mentioned property is subject to a 1972 the within-Mentioned property is subject to a

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servitude of Radio Mast Terrain. together with .an- servitude of .Radio Mast •Terrain, together.with an- iciliary rights as indicated on diagram annexed


ciliary rights as indicated on diagram annexed. thereto .in favour of the Republic of South Africa thereto in favour of the Republic of 'South Africa

as will more fully appear from reference to the said as will more fully appear from reference to the saidNotarial Deed, copy whereof is hereunto annexed." Notarial Deed, copy whereof is hereunto annexed."


, . . . ,

Alle erwe is onderworpe aan die volgende voorwaardes All erven shall be subject to the following conditionsopgele deur die Administrateur ingeyolge Ordonnansie as indicated imposed by the Administrator in terms of25 van 1965: . . Ordinance 25 of; 1965. ,. , .

. .

(a) Die erf is onderworpe aan"n serwituut, 2 m breed, (a)'The erf is subject to a servitude, 2 m ivide, in favour

vir riolerings- en ander munisipale doeleindes, ten , of the local authority, for sewerage and other muni-gunste van die plaaslike bestuur, langs enige twee cipal purposes, along any two boundaries other Ulangrense, uitgesonderd 'n straatgrens, soos deur die , a street - boundary as determined by the localplaaslike bestuur bepaal. authority.

(b) *Geen gebou of ander struktuur mag binne die voor- (b) No building or other structure shall be erected with-, inoemdp serwituutgebied opgerig word.nie en geen in the aforesaid servitude area and no large-rooted

grootwortelbome mag binne die gebied van soda- trees shall be planted within the area of such ser-i nige serwituut of binne 'n afstand van 2 ni daarvan . vitude or within 2 m thereof. . .

. ,• :., gpplant,Word nie.


. (c) • The local authority. shall be entitled to deposit tem- I(c) Die .plaasliket bestuur is geregtig oni enige materiaal 1;., porarily on tlie land adjoining the aforesaid servitudewat deur horn idtgegrawe word tydens die aanleg, ', , hitch material as may be excavated .by it during the'

onderhoud of verwyclering van sodanige rioolhooffiyp- course, of .the sonstruction,.maintenanco or removalleidings en ander werke wat by volgons goeddunke .•

noodsaaklik•hg, tydelik to plaas op die grond wat ; of such'sewerage mains and other works as it, in itsaan die voornoemde serwituut grens en voorts is discretion may deem necessary and Mien further be

• die plaaslike.bestuur geregtig tot redelike toegang tot entitled to reasonable access to the said land for thegenoemde grond vir die voornoemde doel, onder- aforesaidtpurpoitiblect to any dainage done duringworpe daaraan dat die, plaaslike bestuur enige skade the process of the contruction, maintenance or re-vergoed wat gedurende die aanleg, onderhoud of

moval of such sewerage mains and other works beingmiller werke veroolsaak word.

. • ' made good by the local authority. . .. , ..

Administrateurskennisgewing '564 6 Junie 1979 Administrator's Notice, 564 , e, 6 June, 1979



Ingevolge artikel 69 van die Ordonnansie op Dorps- In terms of section 69 of the Town-planning and Town-beplanning en Dotpe,. 1965 (Ordonnansie 25 van 1965), ships Ordinance, '1965 (Ordinance 25 of 1965), the Ad-verklaar die Administrateur hierby die dorp Bedford- mimstrator hereby declares Bedfordview Extension 174view Uitbreiding 174 .tot.'n goedgekeurde dorp onder- Township to be an approved township ,subject to theworpe aan dip voorwaardes uiteengesit in die bygaande conditions set out in' the Schedule hereto.Bylae. _ i. .

. PB. 4-2-2-3730. PB. 42-2-3730


'BYLAE. •'






(1) Naam. •.


(1) Name. .

Die naam van die dorp is - Bedfordview Uitbreiding 'The name of the township shall be Bedfordview Ex- _

174. tension 174.- '


.: . ... .• .. „

(2) Ontwerp. (2) Design. .

Die dorp bestaan nit erwe.en 'it straat soos aangedui The township, shall consist of erven and a street as

op Algemene Plan L.G. A.2332/77. ,indicated on General Plan S.G. A.2332/77.

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PROW/MALE KOERANT• P 411111F. 1979 1237, .

I .. .... ....- ..::.. (3) : smut . ..„. •...„. - ..-_- .

- - - ._.. ...-........,..(3). &eft. : •

.. . •• • .

(a) :pie dorpscienaar meet die strait in die dorp yorm, :.

,skraap en onderhou tot bevrediging vanAie_ie plan.


,slike-TfiectOithship owner shall form, grade and Maintain

, ibestOur totdat the aanspreeklikheid deur d the street in the township to the satisfaction of the_

local -

authoritY until such tithe as this responsibility islike bestuur oorgeneem word: Met lien verstandetaken over by the local authority: Provided that thedot die Administrateur geregtig is om die dogiseie-Administrator shall from time to time be entitlednear van tyd tot tyd gedeeltelik of, gebeel van dieto relieve the township owner' wholly or partially"

aanspreeklikheid to onthd na raadpleging met dieplaaslike bestuur. t .

•• . .. froth this obligation after,. reference to the Town-

ships Board and the local antharity.(p ... . • - •

Ii) 'Die dorpieienaar thoet ;aortic ko'ste alinebindernisse-


in die straatresercve tot beVrediging van die Plaaslike (b) The township' owner shall at his own expense fe.bestuur verwyder... .

move all obstacles from the street reserve to the• ,. .• ,• ,

satisfaction pietyp kopi authority. . „•

,- - , .

- 0) Begiftking. • . •'

• 1'

- .. ,. . .

. - - . . . , .,'

(a) Betaalbaar aan die pleas Ike bestuur: ,, .,-

(4)' M4OwInent. .

Die .derpseienaar meet ingevolge die bepaliw Van (a) Payable to the local authority:. . .. i . .


„.„ alike' 63(1) van die •Ordolulanste op Dorpsbeplan- 1 The townihip•ownet shall, in terms of section .63(1)• Tung en Dorpe, :1965.-

. as •begiftiging tan die pleas- c .. of the • Town-planning 'and Townshipslike bestuur bettree gglti.,betaal gelykstaande met . 1965, paY. to:theJlocal authority asaendowment sums

I .. ... ; p) 15% van die, grondwaarde van erwe)4 dieidorP. of money equal 'to: . ''. '•

welke •bedrag deur a plea...shire hestuur ,.aange- . • .(i) 15 % of the land value of erven in the town-wend moat word vir die bou van skate .en/of ,,

i.. . .ship, *blob mew shall be; used by the jogai• ' '' stormwaterdreinering in of vir die dorp; ieh', ... anther/1Y for Alletc.onStrnetion of streets and/or

''•'tii) '1,5 % van die grendwaarde, ym awe in die 1: .. • • stormwater drainage itkor for the.town.51111); and

dorp, Ivelke. bedrag deur, die plaaslike:bestuur '' ''",(10 #1,5 % of the' 410 valug.Oterven.m the .town-•' '•• aangewend moot word vir die' verkeyging' en/of • - .•, .. :AO': which. atneunt. 'shay .be ;used, .b.y the local

1. othwiltheling van Parke binne -ty regsgebied. uuthatlY, tor •tike ..acquisitien „and/4# develop-

'-. '

Sodahige iiegiftighig rrioet *eoreenkonistig die bepa- in :.i : ION .of parkSsittrithin, its area .of jgrisdiction.•


'sings van artikel 74 van genoemde Ordonnansie be- • ". Such en.dowitienti shall bef paid in .accordance. withteal word. :4" ' '' ' " ' . -' " i' '

.,athneproyisions of. section

74 of the aforesaid Ordin-(b) Betaalbear aan die Transvaalse bnderwysdeparte- -

' ce•mend... - . -

• ' ' '(b) Payable to the Transvaal Education Department:

,, . Die dorpseienaar moet ingevolge,,die. bepalings yap., thetownship owner shall, in terms of the proyisiensaitikelsr' 62 en 63(1)(a). van 'die -Orthinnanaie op %


of Sections 62 and 63'1)(a) of the Town-planningDorpsbeplannits en Dorpe, 1965, aan die Transvaalse

; ,, and Townships „Ordinance. 25 .of 19,65, pay g lump• Onderwysdepartement• '

41 *MI114.411? 'a 'globate I 'sum' endowment' to 'the 'Transvaal Education De-, bedrag vir onderwysdoeleindes op die grondwaarde partment on the land value of special residential

. wan ispesiale•woonerwe in die .dorp ibetaal. • .. • aven in •thelownithiri. • •

' , ' - 2 1 " ' ' "' , Die grootta' van dielgrond Word hieeken.detir 4.8/213m . .. The Area of the 1god Shall be, aleulated ,by,multiplying

to vermethgvuldig ma die, getal *Ogle wooAerwe,in die


45.;(18 ,square metres, by •the number of .special' residen-dorp. "• tial erven Lin tthe township. .

'Die :waarde. van die grond word bepaal kragtens die e -

The 'value of the land shall be determined in termsbepalings van artikel 74(3) en sodanige begiftiging is of the provisions of section 74(3) and such endowmentbetaalbaar kragtens ,die ibepalings van artikel 73 van ge-, shall be payable in terms of 'the provisions of section

no.enthe Ordonnansie. i. . ,.. . • - .• . , , 33. pf the :suid Ordinance.. . . ',

.(5) 'fikskikking .00r,;13.e.ft*de Titelvoontyardcs.,.., , ., _ • (5) Disposal .of .Existing Conditions of Title. -' Alle erwe 'Mgt enderwerpe getnaek wer _aan lip- ' ! 1 - -' • '.I ' ' '


'' - 1'

.itininde IthorWitaideiM -serw_itute. as 'dear'is, met injpg- . All Ierven Shall' he 'node 'subject to existing conditionsgrip van•die' -voorbehithdi-van die yegte op emirteraletlin.a.ar 'and- servitudea; if MY. Including the reservation of rightsuitgesonderd die' •1/4.1geilde reg. mat -nie -am die erne in .to mine:rah, 'but excluding the;following right which -willdie dorp'oorgediaisal-werd'the. • u ' '' • notthecassid.onto the mitten in -the township.' ' •

"The holding;set !apart As .q...gravel,.pit Arlacknd 6 and, "The holding Set. Part,PS da ;gravel ,Pit, snaked 6 andthe holdings set' abaft for the quarrying of stone and; the holdings set 'malt' for the quariymg of stone andfor graxing purposes marked .land 2 upon the General• for graxing purposes marked hand 2 upon the GeneralPlan approved by the Sutieyor-General under S.G. No. Plan approved by the SUrveyor-General under S.G. No.Ail:8115/20; And aransfezredle!thelGovernor:General in. A.,18751211.:and.tansferred ,to the coverpoyo9enerai inthe general interests of the inhabitants of the area may the general interests of the inhabitants of the area mayi be used only by those inhabitants, but subject always be used only by those igluthitatits, but subject always to


W to such regulations aririand 'from time to time by the such regulations as may 'be' front time to time by the.Minister .of d-and.s pr by any .other. 'authority. he may Minister fef .Lands .or by any other ,authority he maydelegate to act for him in that. behalf". .v., ., .,, .ks. delegate to act for him irEthAtibehalft!'. . . r - ,,. , .. i


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- . . . . ..(6) Verskuiwing van. Munisipale Dienste. (6) Repositioning of Municipal Services.

Indien dit as gevolg van die stigting van die dorp nodig If by reason of the establishment of the township itword om enige bestaande munisipale dienste te verskuif should bec'ome necessary to reposition or replace anyof te verander, moet die koste daarvan deur die dorps- existing municipal services, then the costs thereof shalleienaar gedra word. be borne by the township owner.



Alle erwe is onderworpe aan die volgende voorwaar- All erven shall be subject to the following conditionsdes opgele deur die Administrateur kragtens die bepa- imposed by the Administrator under the provisions of thelings van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dor- Town-planning and Townships Ordinance, 1965.pe, 1965.

(a) The erf is subject to a servitude, 2 metres wide, in(a) Die erf is onderworpe aan 'n serwituut, 2 in breed, favour of the local authority, for sewerage and other

vir riolerings- en ander munisipale doeleindes, ten municipal purposes, along any two boundaries othergunste van die plaaslike bestuur, longs enige twee than a street boundary as determined by the localgrense uitgesonderd 'n straatgrens, soos deur die authority.plaaslike bestuur bepaal. . (b) No builditig or other structure shall be erected with-

(b) Geen gebou of ander struktuur mag binne die voor- in the aforesaid servitude area and no large-rootednoemde serwituutgebied opgerig word nie en geen trees shall be planted within the area of such ser-grootwortelbome mag binne die gebied van sodanige vitude or within 2 metres thereof.serwituut of binne 'n afstand van 2. in daarvan ge-plant word nie. (c) The local authority shall be entitled to deposit tern- i

porarily on the land adjoining the aforesaid senitu- '

(c) Die plaaslike bestuur is geregtig om enige materiaal de such material as may be excavated by it duringwat deur horn uitgegrawe word tydens die aanleg, ...

the course of the construction, maintenance or re-onderhoud of verwydering van sodanige rioolhoof- •

. . .moval of such sewerage mains and other workspypleidings en ander werke as wat by na goeddunkenoodsaaklik ag tydelik te plans op die grond wat as it in its discretion may deem necessary and shallaan die voomoemde serwituut grens en voorts is 'further - be entitled to reasonable access to the saiddie plaaslike bestuur geregtig tot redelike toegang land for the aforesaid purpose subject to any dame-tot genoemde grond vir die voornoemde doel; on- 'ge done during the process of the construction,derworpe daaraan dot die plaaslike bestuur enige

maintenance or removal of such sewerage mainsskade vergoed wat gedurende die aanleg, onderhoudof verwydering van sodanige rioolhoofpypleidings and other works being made good by the local au-en ander werke veroorsaak word. thority.,

Administrateurskennisgewing 565 6 Junk 1979 Adniinistrators. Notice 565 6 June, 1979


Ingevolge artikel 69 van die Ordonnansie op Dorps- In terms of section 69 of the. Town-planning and Town-beplanning en Dorpe, 1965 (Ordonnansie 25 van 1965), ships Ordinance, 1965 (Ordinance 25 of 1965), the Admi-verklaar die Administrateur hierby die dorp Komatipoort nistrator hereby declares Komatipoort Extension 1 Town-Uitbreiding 1 tot 'n goedgekeurde dorp onderworpe can ship to be an approved township subject to the conditionsdie voorwaardes uiteengesit in die bygaande Bylae. set out in the Schedule hereto.

PB. 4-2-2-2791 . • PB. 4-2-2-2791• .






(1) Naam. ,(1) Name.

The name of the township shall be Komatipoort Exten-Die naam van die dorp is Komatipoort Uitbreiding 1.. sion 1. ;

. (2) Ontwerp.- - -

-. ,

(2) Design.‘

I• ,

Die dorp bestaan uit erwe eft strafe soos aangedui op The township shall consist of erven and streets as in-Algemene Plan L.G. A.2602/75. dicated on General Plan S.G. A.2602/75.

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(3) Erwe vir .Stqats- en isMunipak poeleindes...

I • (3) Erven for State and. Municipal Purposes.. .

(a). Die dorpseienaar moet op eie koste Erf 467 aan die I (a) The township owner shall at own expense transferbevoegde owerheid vir onderwysdoeleindes oordra.


Erf 467 to the relevant authority for educational

(b) Die dorpseienaar moet ondergemelde erwe vii dieI purposes.

volgende doeleindes voorbehou:-


(b), The township. owner shall reserve the undermen-,- tinned erven for the following purposes:

(i) Algemene munisipale doeleindes: Erwe 646, 814 '

I.en 815. ' (i) General municipal purposes: Erven 646, 814 and

' '

(ii) Parke: Erwe 816 tot 819. '



,(iii) Parkering: Erf 329.. •.


(ii) Parks: Erven 816 to 819.' I

I :(iii) Parking: Erf 329.. .

(4) Toegang. . - -

(4) Access.Ingang van Distrikspad 1120 tot die dorp en uitgang I . . •

.. ."uit die dorp tot gemelde pad word beperk tot die aan- I Ingress from. District Road 1120 to the township andsluiting van die straat tussen Erwe 420 en 818 met soda- ; egress from the township to the said road shall be limitednige pad. I to the junction of the street between Erven 420 and 818

I with such road. • . . .

(5) Oprigting van Reining of 'Ander Fisiese Versperring.1

' . t

'(5) Erection of Fence or Other Physical Barrier.Die dorpseienaar moet op eie koste 'n heining of ander


fisiese versperring oprig tot bevrediging van die Direk- !1 The township owner shall at own expense erect a fencetear, Transvaalse Paaiedepartement, sons en wanneer 'or other physical barrier to the satisfaction of the Direc-


tor; Transvaal' Roads Department, as and when requireddeur horn versoek om. dit to doen, en 'die dorpseienaar :

;moet sodanige licking of fisiese versperring in 'n goeie by him to do so and the township owner shall maintaintoestand hou. • such fence or physical barrier in good order and repair.

.. '• . - . . . .

t6) Nakoming van Vereistes van die Direkteur van die (6) •Enforcement of the Requirements of the Director ofTranivaalse, Paaiedepartement Betreffende Padresenves. .

the Transvaal - Roads Department Regarding Road Re-serves. ,

Die dorpseienaar moet die Direkteur; Transvaalse '

Paaiedepartement, tevrede stel betreffende die nako- . The' township 'owner shall' satisfy the Director, Trans-

ming van sy voorwaardes. vaal Roads Department, regarding the enforcement of- ' '

his:conditions. .

' (7) Beskikking Oor Bestaande Titelvoorwaardes. • • • ••


. - , :. (7) Disposal of Existing Conditions of Title.Alle erwe moet onderworpe gemaak word aan be-

itaande voorwaardes en serwitute, as dear is, met inbe- . All erven 'shall be made subject to existing conditionsgrip van die voorbehoud van die regte op minerale maar and 'servitudes, if any, including the reservation of rightsuitgesonderd — . to minerals but 'excluding —

(a) die serwitute geregistreer kragtens Notariele Akte (a) the servitudes registered under Notarial Deed of Ser-van Serwituut K1505/78-S wat slegs Erwe 814 en .vitude K1505/78-S which affect Erven 814 and 815


815 in die dorp raak; .•

' in the township only; '•

' .


(b) • the servitudes registered under Notarial Deed of(b) die serwitute geregistreer kragtens Notariele Aktevan Serwituut K3008/75-S wat slegs,Erwe 814 en “. . Servitude K3008/75-S which affect Erven 814 and815 in die dorp raak; 815 in the township only;'

(c) die serwitute geregistreer krgtens Notariele Akte CO the servitudes registered under Notarial Decd ofvan Serwituut K3010/75-S wat slegs Erf 815 in die . Servitude K3010/757S which affect Erf 815 in thedorp raak; township only;, ,.•

(d) . die 'serwituut geregistreer kragtens Notarkle Akte (d) the servitude registered under Notarial Deed of Ser-van Serwituut K3009/75-S wat slegs Erf 815 in die :

' vitude K3009/75-S which affect Erf 815 in the town-, dorp raak. ' ship only. •

.• ' '


• (8) Wysiging van DorOsaanleiskema. . i• (8) Amendment of Town-planning Scheme.


• Die dorpseienaar meet onmiddellik na' goedkeuring ;


The township owner shall, immediately after approvalvan die betrokke dorpsbeplanningskema die skema laat

iof -the relevant town-planning scheme, cause the scheme

wysig deur die dorp daarin op te neem tensy dit reeds to be amended by the inclusion of the township, unlessopgeneem is. •

, .1

the township, has already been included.. . . . . ,



/(1) Die Erwe - inet Sekere Uitsonderingi. '• :r -

• (1) The Erveinvith Certain Exceptions.• . •

, .,'Alle erwe met uitsondering van die erwe' genoem in i , - Altelven with,the exception of the erven mentioned in

Klousule 1(3) ,hiervan is onderworpe aan die voorwaar- : Clause' 1(3):.here'of shall be subject to the conditions

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1240 PROVINCIAL &atilt, '6 JUNE, 1979

des hierna genoem, opgele dent die Admihistrateur bag- hereinafter set forth;. iinposed by the Adrainistrator undertens die bepalings van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplan- the provisions of the Town-planning and Townships Or- Ining en Dorpe, 1965: dinance, 1965i

1 1


' '


(a) Algemene Voorwaardes: (a) .General Conditions:ti) iltig die eienaar, nag enigiethaith anders, besit (i) Neither the bWhet nor any other person shall

die reg, sin 'vit dingo chid hbegehaathil bak- have the right to make or permit to be madestene, teels of erdepype of ander artikels van 'n upoii the erf flit any purposes whatsoever anysoortgelyke aard op die erf te veryaardig of te bricks, tiles or earthenware pipes or other arti-laat vervaardig. des of a like nature.

(ii) Nag die eienaar, n6g enigiemand antlers besit (ii) Neither the owner for 'any other person shalldie reg om, behalwe dont

-die ea vir boudoel- have the right, save and except to prepare the

chides in gereedheid te bring, enige materiaal erf for building purposes, to excavate therefromdaarop uit te grawe of 'edge bestaande gebruike any material or to continue an existing usevoort te sit sunder die skriftelike toestemming Withingt the ivrition consent of the local author-van die Plaaslike beithur. • ity.. -


. , .

'(iii) Behalwe met toestemming Van die plaaslike ' (iii) Except with the consent of the local authoritybestuur mag geen dier, soos oinsklyf in 'die skirt- ' no animal as defined in the Local Authorities


regulasies van plaaslike besture, soos afgekondig ! Pounds Regulations, published under. Admi-by 'Administrateurskennisgewing 2 van. 1929, ; &stator's' Notice 2 of 1929,. 'shall be kept orop die erf' aangehou word nie. . i. i, stabled' on the erf..

(iv) Behalwe met die skriftelike toestemming van die; (iv) ExCept With 'the written consent of the local I

plaaslike bestuur mag geen geboue Van hout ; aUth,brity, no'WoOd and/or iron buildings oren/of sink of geboue van roustene op die erf i .

'• bbildtngS bf niburnt 'Clay brick shall be erected

opgerig word hie. • i"

oh the erf.

(v) Behalwe met die skriftelike toestemming van die i (v) Except with the written approval of the localPiaa5like 'Intit eft onderwOrpe nan sodanige i • 'authority and subject to such conditions as theVoorwaaides as *at die platslike bestuur ople,


'• Iota' rauthority‘may impose,, neither the owner

mag nag die eientati hOg enige bewoner van die nor any occupier of the erf shall sink any wellserf putts of boorgate op die erf sink of enige i or bintholes thereon bt abstract any suliter-ohdeigtondse water daaruit put hie.

1 I

' -raffeali Water thetefroM.

. (vi) Waar dit volgens die mening van 'die Plithslike (id) Where, in the opinion of tile' local authority, itbestuur ondoenlik is om stormwater van erwe • • 45 impracticable for stormwater to be drained[het 'n hOEr ligging reg5treelcs na 'n apenbare from higher lying erven direct to a public street,street of te voer, is die eienaar van die erf verplig • •

• the owner at the• erf shalt be obliged to acceptoin te aanvaat dat sodahige stormwater Op sy

erf vloel enlbf 'toe 'te laat dat ilk dattitiot 16015' and/or -permit the passage over:the erf of such

Met dien verstande dat die Oreintara Vat 'erwe stormwater: Provided that the owners. of anymet 'n hoer ligging 'vanwaardie stormwater oar 'higher lying erven, the,stormwater from which.

'it 'erf niet 'n laer Jigging 166p, aihspreeklik is is 'discharged ov,er, any .•lowet lying erf, shall beom 'n eweredige sanded van die koste le betaal liable to pay a proportionate share of the costvan enige pyplyn of aileivoor wat die eienaarvan sodanige erf met 'n laer ligging nodig viiid ' •of any pipeline or drain which the owner of

' mit •aan te le o'f to 'bon biti die water Wat aldus such lower lying erfimay find necessary to lay

oor die erf loop, if te Viper. or construct for the purpose of conducting the

(vii) By' die indiening van 'n sertifikait by die Ite- watenso discharged over the erf.gistrateur Van Aktes cleth die .plaaslike bestuur •

'. . i : •. . . • - ..• . .

' • •

(wit) %Ikon the submission to 'the Registrar of Deeds. te dien effekte dat die dorp in lit ktiedgekeurde

dorpsbeplanningskema opgeneem is en dat dieI

. .of a certificate by the local authotitS' to the

skema voorwaardes. bevat wat in fooreenstein- .'

. 'effect that the tbWrithip has been included inming is met die titelvoorwaardes hierin vervat,

'ihe IbWir-Platining ‘sbliethe; and that Vie seheme

verval sodanige titelvoorwaardes. contains conditions corresponding 'to the titleconditions, contained herein, such title condi-(viii) Die 'ell is blitleligorpe 'earl 'fi'SerWitutit vir rio- . •

lerings-: en ander. munisipale doeleindes, ten . tiOnS 's'brft lapse.•

gunste• van die plaaslike bestuur, tyke meter ..-(viii) Titeterf is 5uhject to -a seryitude.ff.2 'm wide, in

;breed,' Wigs elite 'twee glehle; iiitgekdithera % • f' favourof thaflocal fauthOrity, ffor !sewerage 'and

straatgrans, 'sobs dear die -PlaasIilce •bestuift lea other municipal purposes, along any two fboun-

. peal. . daries other than a street boundary as deter-

(ix) Geen gebou of ander struktuur mag binne die *mined

vocirnoenide fserviitatitgebied 'opgerig word the (ix) No 'building or other structure shall the erecteden geen grootwortelborne snag binne die gebied within the aforesaid servitude area and no large-

sodanige Sarivituut of blithe 'nu-Sand van'

' 'Foetal trees !Shall be (planted Within 'the area of'twee nieterdearvan geplant Word the. Web serVitildbiorViithim2M thereof.

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PgoviNs,rnp Ko?gANT. 6 WNW. ton 124;

— . .•

I . (x) Die plaaslike bestuuris geregtig om enige mate-riaalWat deur hom uitgegrawe word tydens die .

(x). Tlw local authority shall be entitled .to deposit

temporarily ort the land adjoining the aforesaidaanleg, onderhoud of verwydering van sodanige servitude such material as may be excavated byrioolhoofpyplcidings en ander werke wet by it during the course of the construction, main-

volgens goeddynkc noodseaklik ag. tydelik te tenance or removal of such sewerage mainspleas op die grond wat 'aan 'die voornoemde and other world as it in its discretion may deem

serwituut grens en voorts is die plaaslike be- necessary and shall further be entitled to reason-stuur geregtig tot redelike toegang tot genoemde able access to the said land for the aforesaidgrowl vir die voornoemde duel: Met dien ver- purpose, subject to any damage done during thestande dat die plaaslike bestuur enige skade ver- process of the construction, maintenance or re-

Ihgeed wat gedurende die aanleg, onderhoud of moval of such sewerage mains and other works

• verWydering van sodanige• rioolhoofpypleiding being ntede good by the local authority.en ander werke veroorsaak word.

(b) Special Erven: •

(b) Spesiala Erwe: .

In addition to the conditions set out in subclause (a)

Benewens die voorwaardes uiteengesit in subklou- ,the following erven shall be subject to the conditions

sule (a) is die volgende erwe onderworpe aan die'

as set out:voorwaardes soos uiteengesit: . .

. - - (1) Ed 412:'

(i) Erf 412x' '

The cif shall be used solely for a railway club. .


pie .erf moet uitsluitlik vir 'n spoorwegkigb ge-•

'bruik word en vir deeleindesm verband daar-

and fpr ppriosga in connection therewith.. .

Mee. . . (ii) Erf 421:

(ii) Erf 421: .

The erf shall be used solely for a railway hosteland for purposes in connection therewith.. •

Die erf moet uitsluitlik vir 'n spoonveghOstelgebruik word en vir doeleindes in yerband daart (iii) Erf 437:

1 mee.The erf shall be used solely for an institution

, .• I . .'

(iii) Erf 437:. 'or for such purposes as may be permitted and

subject to such requirements as may be imposedDie erf moet uitsluitlik gebruik word vir 'n in- by the 'Administrator after reference to the

Irigting of vir sodnige doeleindes as wat toegelaat ! Townships Board and the local authority.word en onderworpe aan sodinige vereistes aswet bengal word deur •die Administrateur na ; (c) $pecjal ft,eskteritice1 Erypn:

, , oorlegpleging met die Dorperaad en die pleas- •

like bestuur.'

The erven,•with the exception of those referred to in. subclause (b) shall, in addition to the conditions set

(c) Sprsiale Woonerwe: ... out in subclause• (a)' also'be subject to the following

O'• conditions:— .

Benewens die voorwaardes uiteengeSit in anbkiousule(a) is die erwe met uitsondering van die wat in. sub- (i) The erf shall be used for the erection of a dwel-

1klousule (b) genoem word, ook aan die volgende


voorwaardes onderworpe: ling-house only: Provided that, with the consent

"(i) Die erf mag slegs gebruik word om daarop 'nof the Administrator after reference to the


!Townships Board and the local authority, awoonhuis op te rig: Met dien verstande dat, met place of public worship or a place of instruc-die toestemming van die Admjnistrateur naraadpleging met die Dorperaad en die plaaslike don, social ball, institution or other buildingsbestuur 'n plek van openbare godsdiensoefening appertaining to a residential area may be erectedr ,of 'n pick '

van onderrig, 'n gemeenskapsaal, 'n . on the erf. ,inrigting of ander geboue wat in 'n woongebied : ,


tuishoort op die erf opgerig kan word. , . 60 Not more than one dwelling-house together with(ii) Op die erf mag nie meer as een woonhuis met !inch outbuildings as are ordinarily required toa

sodanige buitegeboue as wat gewoonlik vir ge- be used in connection therewith, shall be erectedbruik in verband daarmee nodig is opgerig word on the erf: Provided that if the erf is subdividednie: Met dien verstande (let as die erf onderver- or if such erf or any portion thereof is con-deel word of as sodanige erf of enige gedeelte solidated with any other erf or portion of andaarvan gekonsolideer word met enige ander erf erf, this condition may with the consent of theof gedeelte van 'n erf, hierdie vootwaarde met . Administrator be applied to each resulting por-die toestemming van die Administrateur an tion or consolidated area.toepassing gemaak mag word op elke gevolglike . . •

gedeelte of gekonsolideerde area. (iii) The main building, which shall be a completed•

/ (iii)building and not one partly erected and iotend-Die hodgebou, wat 'n v,oltooide gebou moetwees en nie een wat gedeeltelik opgerig is en ' ed for completion at a later date, shall beeers later voltooi sal word nie, moet gelyktydig .erected simultaneously with or before the erec-met of voor, die buitegeboue• opgerig word.

I tion of the outbuildings.

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. . .


, . . ".. .

- - , - •.

• •

(iv) Geboue, met inbegrip van buitegeboue wat hier- (iv) Buildings, inchiding outbuildings; erected on the Ana op die erf opgerig word, moet minstens 5 m : erf hereafter, shall be located not less than 5 mvan die straatgrens daarvan geled wees. from the street boundary thereof. ,

(v) Indien die erf omhein of op 'n ander wyse toe- (v) 11 the erf is fenced, or otherwise enclosed, thegemaak word, moet die heining of ander om- fencing or other enclosing device shall be erectedheiningsmatenaal tot bevrediging van die plaas- and. maintained to the satisfaction of the locallike bestuur opgerig en in stand gehou word. authority. ,

• .

. .

(2) Erwe Onderworpe flan Spesiale Voorwaardes. (2) &ion Subject to Special Conditions.•


Benewens die betrokke voorwaardes hicrbo uiteengesit, • In addition •to the relevant conditions set out above,is ondergenoemde erwe aan die volgende voonvaardes the undermentioned erven shall be subject. to the follow-

onderworpe: • • ing conditions:

(a) Erwe 817 en 818: (a) Erven 817 and 818:

Geen gebou, struktuur of enigiets wat aan die grond ; No building, structure or other thing which is attach-waarop dit staan verbonde is, al maak dit nie 'n deel ed to the land on which it stands even though it doesvan daardie grond uit nie, mag opgerig 'word oftnig- ' not form part of that land shall be erected nor shalllets ander of benede die grond mag aangele of geld anything be constructed or laid under or below theword binne 'n afstand van 13 m van die grens van die surface of the land of the erf at a distance less thanerf aangrensend aan Pad 1120 of nie, en geen veran- 13 m from the boundary of the erf abutting on Road Adering of toevoeging tot enige bestaande struktuur 1120, nor shall any alteration or addition to any IIof gebou wat binne sodanige afstand van sodanige • existing structure or building situated within suchgrens geled is, mag sunder die skriftelike toestem- distance of the said boundary be made except withming van die Direkteur, Transvaalse Paaiedeparte- the consent in writing of the Director, Transvaalment, aangebring word nie. ! Roads Department. .

. .

, ••; . . „ .

(b) (i) Ed 818: •, . •(b) (i) Ed 418: .

Ingang tot -en uitgang uit die erf word slegs toe- Ingress to and egress from the erf shall only be

allowed along the north-eastern boundary of thegelaat langs die noordoostelike grens van die erf. erf.

(ii) Ed 817:-

, (ii) Ed 817:•

Geen ingang tot en geen uitgang uit die erf word - ' No ingress to-and no egress from the erf shall-

. langs die noordelike grens daarvan toegelaat nie. - be allowed along the northern boundary there-

. • ., , of. ,

(c) Die voorwaardes in paragrawe' (a) en (b) mag slegs

verslap, gewysig of verander word met die skriftelike(c) The conditions in paragraphs (a) and (b) • mayberelaxed,amended or altered only with the written

toestemming van die Direkteur, Transvaalse Paaie- •

consent of the Director, ,Transvaal Roads Depart-departeinent. - . ment.

• i

,. I

. .•


Administrateurskennisgewing 566 6 Junic 1979 Administrator's Ntiticd 566 • 6 June, 1979. .


. . . .

Ingevolge artikel 69 van die Ordonnansie op Dorps- ..In terms of section 69 of the Town-planning andbeplanning en Dorpe, 1965 (Ordonnansie 25 van 1965), Townships Ordinance, 1965, (Ordinance 25 of 1965),

verklaar die Administrateur hierby die dorp Anderbolt the Administrator hereby declares Anderbolt ExtensionUitbreiding 19 tot 'n goedgekeurde dory onderworpe aan 19 Township to be an approved township subject to thedie voorwaardes uiteengeSit in die bygaande Bylae. conditions set out in the Schedule hereto.

PB. 4-2-2-5367 . . PB. 4-2-2-5367.

.' • ,.. . . , '


. BYLAE. . •.• SCHEDULE.• ,

. ,





• . • • .' GRANTED.

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. - -




(1) Naam. - ' (1) Name..

Die naain van die dorp is Anderbolt Ifitbreiding 19. ;The name of the township shall be Anderbolt Exten-

sion. 19. .

(2) Ontwerp. - • ... • • .Die dorp bestaan uit erwe en strate sons aangedui I

(2)Design..op Algemene Plan L.G. A.2246/78. . ; The township shall consist of erven and streets as


, indicated on General Plan S.G. A.2246/78.(3) Strate.

. • (3) Streets.(a) 'Die dorpseienaar moet die strate in die dorp von; .

skraap en onderhou tot bevrediging van die' pleas- (a) The township owner shall form, grade and maintain• like bestuur totdat die aanspreeklikheid deur die the streets in the township to the satisfaction of the

plaaslike bestuur oorgeneem word: Met dien ver- local authority until such time as this responsibi-stande dat die Administrateur geregtig is om die lity is taken over by the local authority: Provideddorpscienaar van tyd tot tyd gedeeltelik of geheel • that the Administrator shall from time to time be

• van die aanspreeklikheid te onthef na raadpleging"

entitled to relieve the township owner wholly ormet die plaaslike bestuur. . . .

. partially - from this obligation after reference to the

(13) Die dorpseienait moet op ele koste elle hindemisselocal authority.

1 in die straatreserwes tot bevrediging van die pleas-. (b)' The township owner shall, at its own expense, re-like bestuur verwyder. . . • move all obstacles from the street reserves to the

(c) Indien die dorpseieniar versuim om aan die be- •satisfaction of the local authority.

palings van paragrawe (a) en (b) hiervan te vol- (c) If, the township owner fails to comply with thedoe; is die plaaslike bestuur geregtig om die werk . provisions. of paragraphs (a) and (b) hereof theop koste van die dorpseienaar te doen. local authority shall be entitled to do the work at

the cost of the township owner.(4) Begiftiging.

. . . (4) Endowment.(a) Betialbaar aan die plaaslike bestinir: ' '

• ' •

(a) Payable to the local authority:Die dorpseienaar moet ingevolge die bepalings vanartikel 63(1) van die Ordonifinsie orDorpsbetilan- ' The township owner shall, in terms of sectionning en Dorpe, 1965; as begiftiging•aan die plaaslike ' 63(1) -of the•Town-planning and Townships Ordin-bestuur bedrae geld betaal gelykstaande met: ante, 1965 pay to the local authority as endowment

(0'7,5 % van die grondwiarde van enie in diesums of money equal to:

'dorp, welket bedrag deui•die Plaaslike bestuur

'. (W 7,5% of 'th'e Value of erven in the township

aangewend moet word vir die bou van strate 1

' which • amount . shall be used by the local..

en/of stormwaterdreinering in of vir, die dorp; ' authority for the construction of streets and/or stormwater drainage in or for the town-


. (ii) 2 % van die grondwaarde van erwe in die dorp, ship.i . welke bedrag deur die plaaslike bestuur aange- •


.' wend moet word vir. die verkryging van grond 1

(ii) 2% of. the value of erven in the township

11vir 'n stortingsterrein;


which amount shall be used by the local autho-rity for the acquisition of land for a depositing


• Sodanige begiftiging moet ooreenkomstig die ,bc- f . ; ; site. . .

palings van artikel 74 van genoemde Ordonnansie .


betaal word. : Such endowment shall be paid in accordance withthe provisions of section 74 of the aforesaid Ordin-

(b) Betaalbaar aan die betrokke Administras ieraad: : ante....

Die dorpseicnaar moet kragtens die bepalings van : (b) Payable to the relevant Administration Board:artikel 62 van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplannin 1


en Dorpe, 1965 'n globale bedrag begiftiging aang:

The township owner shall, in terms of the provisions.. die betrokke Administrasieraad betaal.welke bedrag


of sectione62 of 'the Town-planning and Townshipsdeur sodanige Read - aangewend , moet word ,vir die . Ordinance, 1965, pay a lump sum endowment tovcrkryging van.grond vir woondoeleindes vir Swar- I • the relevant Administration Board which amounttes. Die bedrag van sodanige begiftiging moet ge- 1 shall be used by the said Board for the acquisitionlykstaande wees aan 1 % van die waarde van erwe 1

of land for residential purposes for Blacks. Thein die dorp soos bepaal iingevolge artikel 74(3) van . - amount of such endowment shall be equal to 1 %of the ,value of the erven in the townshipas diegenoemde Ordonnansie en is ingevolge die be-

1- deter-

palings van artikel 73 van. genoemde' Ordonnansie • • mined in terms of section 74(3) of - the said Ordin-betaalbaar. 1 ante and shall be payable in accordance with the, .

i- provisions of section 73 'of the said Ordinance., .. • .'

.(5) Beskikking .bar. Besideindi Titelyeeirivairedes. i_.

' .

1(5) Disposal.of 'Existing Conditions of.Title. -

1 Alle erwe moet ondenvorpe gemaak wof( aan be- t All erven shallibe made:subject to existing conditionsstaande voonvaardes en senvitute, as dear is, met inbe- :and servitudes, if any, including the reservation ofgrip van die .voorbehoud, van die regte op minerale. ;rights to minerals. -

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1244 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE,' 6 'JUNE, 1979', .

Z. Intl: \/001tWAARlit.§ . - . -2—.cooNtiltiONS ' GF


41Alle enve is onderworpe aan die volgende voorwaar- All erven shall be subject to the following conditions

des mere deur die Administrateur ingevolge Orden- . imposed by, the Administrator in terms of Ordinance•

nansie 25. van 1965. •. 25 of 1965.'

.< .

(1) Die erf is onderworpe aan 'n serw:tuut, 2 m (1) The erf is subject to a' servitude, 2 m wide, inbreed, vir riolerings- en ander inunisipale doeleindes, favour of the local authority, for sewerage and otherten gunste van die plaaslike bestuur, tangs enige twee municipal Purposes, along any .two boundaries othergi-ense uitgesonderd 'n straatgrens, soon deur die plias-, than a street boundary as determined by the local auth6-like bestuur bepaal. rity.

,. .

(2) Geen gebou of ander. struktuur mag binne die : (2) No building or other structure shall be erectedvoornoemde serwituutgebied opgerig word nie en geen within the aforesaid servitude area .and no large-rooted

1 grootwortelbome mag binne die gebied• van sodanige treei shall be planted within the area of such servitudeserWituut Of binne 3n afstand van 2 in daarvan geplant or within 2 ni thereof.r. .

.. • .

word hie: .

. - (3) The local authority shall be entitled to deposit,

:,(3) Die plaaslike bestuur is .geregtig om enige mate- temporarily ion! the fend adjoining the aforesaid ser-riaal wat deur hom uitgegrawe word tydens.die aanleg, vitude such material as may be excavated by it duringondeihoud . of verwydering van sodanige rioolhoofpyp-leidings en ander werke as wat by na goeddunke nood-

• the course of the construction, maintenance, or remo-

saaklik ag tydelik to pleas op die grond wat aan die val of such sewerage mains and. other works as it, invoornoemde serwituht grens, en voorts 'is .die plaislike its discretion may deem necessary and shall further bebeitutir • geregtig tot tedelike toegang tot genoemde entitled to reasonable access • to the said land for the 4grond vir die voornotmde -

doel; onderworpe- dartraan


aforesaid purpose subject to. any damage done „duringdat, die plaaslike bestuur enige skade vergoed wat ge7duiende:die aanleg, onderhoud of verkydering van soda- the process of the construction, maintenance or remo-

nig° .rrigolhoofpypleidings en- ander - werke verqoisaak val of such sewerage mains and' other works. beingword.

. •

. , made good by 'the lbcal 'authority... .., ... .... .

Administrateurskennisgewing 569 6 Junie 1979 Administrator's Notice 569 , 6. June,. 1979

.• . , .


. , •. , • .

Die Administrateur sluit hierby, ingevolge die bepa- The Administrator hereby closes in terms of .the pro-

lings van artikel. 55(1)(d) van .die PadordonnanSie,. 1957 visions of section 55(1)(d) of the.Roads Ordinance, 1957(Ordbnnansie 22 van 1957) die uitspanning groot 4,2827 (Ordinance 22 of 195,7) the outspan in extent 4,2827 haha, geled .op Gedeelte 26 ('n gedeelte van Gedeelte 2) situated on Portion 26 (i portion of Portion. 2) of thevan die pleas Yzerfontein 198-J.Q.. distrik Brits. farm Yieriontein 198-J.Q.. district of Brits.

U.K.B. 681(13) gedateer 19 April 1979. . .. . 'E.CR. 681(13) dated 19 April, 1979.

•• , . D.P. 08-085-37/3/Y/I . . . • D.P. 08-085-37/3/Y/1

. i

4, . . .

Administrateurskennisgewing 567 6 Junie 1979 Administrator's Notice 567'' ' 6 June; 1979

• ,,I .

. .


' I. . i. •'

-.. I. I.• '

Ingevolge die bepalings van artikel 5(1)(b) en artikel 3 ' In terms of the :provisions of section 5(1)(b) and sec-

van die Padordonnansie, 1957 (Ordonnansie 22 van tion 3 of the Roads Ordinance, 1957 (Ordinance 22 of

1957) verklaar die Administrateur hierby dat:'n open- '1951) the. AdMinistrator hereby declares that publicbare distrikspad 40 meter breed as 'n verklaring van district. rbad,40•metres wide, shall exist as an extension

Distrikspad 455 oor die ,plaas Blaawkrans, 323-J.S., dis- of Distritt Road 455 Over the farm Blaawkrans 323-IS.,trik‘ Witbank, sal, bestaan. , , . „ . • 'district' of Witbank.

Die 'algemene rigting en ligging van genoeiride pad, The general:direction, -situation of the said mad and

en =die omvang van die reserwebreedte daarvan word op !the.extent of the road.reserve widths Ahereof, are shownbygaande sketsplan aingetoon. .

:on the subjoined sketch plan.. . „ •

. .

Ooreenkomstig die bepalings van subartikels (2) en ;In terms of the provisions of subsections (2) and (3)

(3) van artikel 5A van genoemde Ordonnansie word ;of section 5A.Pf the said.Grdiagnee.it is hereby, declaredhierby verklaar dat Penne opgerig is -'om -die grond wat 'that the land taken up by the said road, has been de-

genoemde padreeling, in beslag neem of ite merk.. , 'marcated by means of. pegs.1

,, •

- - U.K.B. 1797 gedateer 10 September 1973.'

. . E.C.R. 1797 dated 10 September 1973.

• D.P. 01-015W-23/23/S780 ' - D.P. 01-015W-23/23/S780 -

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, _, •PROVINSIALE libEcIANc, 6 tiurkg; 1919 1245

. - - - - - - - -- - - - - - — - -- - - - - - -

_ _ ,


• . .


_.. .f, ,,,.N. GEO. 52


, - ,


#111111•111111r"Allaaw: .:Geo 13-



--...._. ..

r. •..8_




is. iTsPD„No45 ic 5

.. .

. .... __




atst• 0.•

''''''.. BLAAWK45 323 JS oa.41.4"- .GED•15• /


/- .?,k..


• - . REFERENCE:' ! OP 01-015W-2 3


/23 / 5 760 •



• -

U. K. BESWIT 1797 VAN 1973-09-10 , . i :. -, ..EX. CO. RES. 1797 OF 1973-09-10

P , . .

.. . .._

, , .•


..• .

, „. -

,1_ .. , • • . . •

- - - -

Administrateursicennisgewing 568 6 Junie1979, Administrator's Notice 568' 6 June, 1979

_ .. ... .._ .. ...... . -



Die Administrateur: — The Administrator: —

(a) ;Veda ihierby; .ihgevolge die .bepalings..van 'itrtikels (a) Hereby :deviates,: in terms. of the. provisions of sec-5(1)(d) van die Padordonnahsie,. 1957 (Ordonnan. •-; •tiorr 5(1)(d). of :the Roads Ordinance, '1957 (Ordin-sie 28 van 1957)' die gedeelte van Distrikspad 225 ante 22 of 1957)..the section .of District Road 225vanaf 'n ligging oor die plase Batavia 1514.T., from a position over the farms Batavia 151 -1.T.,

• .1. Nederland 152-LT., Weergevonden 173-LT., Eland- ' ..._Nederland.1524.T.. Weergevonden 1734.T., Eland-v. Isproit .184-I.T. r.enZonstraal 194-I.T., distrikte Ca-. 'spruit..1844.T.- and ZOnstraal. 194-LT.; ,districts of;

tonna en Ermelo, .na 'n Jigging nor die plase Honing- ' ..Carolina: and ErmelO. to a. position over the fermi,

.1.. )(lip, 154-I.T.; Weergevonden „I73-LT.i Elandspruit ..HonhigkliP 15144.1.. Weergevonden 173-I.T., Eland.1844.T. en .Zonstraal 1944.T. ren ivermeerdd Inge- * -

sprun 184-I,T ;and Zonsirael, 1944.T. and increasesvolge die bepalings van artikel 3 van genoetilde Or: the road reserve width thereof in the last mentioned

0' donnansie die reserwebreedte daarvan in. laasgc- ; position ia terms ofc the provisions of section 3 of

noemde ligging na.• afwissellende: breedtes Ivan. 30 the:said. Ordinance to varying widthrof 30. metremeter tot 130 meter; to 130/.metre; ,

(b) verkIdar .hierbY. ingevolge die bepalings van artikel (b) .herebyaleclares, in terms of the provisions of section48(1)(a) van genoemde Ordonnansie, dat 'n toe- 48(1)(a) of the said Ordinance, that an access road,gangspad, 15 meter breed, oor die plase Batavia 15 metre wide, shall exist over the farms Batavia-151 -LT., Nederland - 152-I.T. en Weergevonden 1-73- - --151 -LT., Nederland - 152-LT. and • WeergevondenLT. -sal bestaatr 173-LT.- .. -

Die algemene rigting en ligging van die verlegging; en The .general' direction' and situation of the deviation -

die omyarig-

van die vermeerdering van die reserwc- and - the increase of the road reserve.widths of the saidbreedtes Van genciemde paaie, word op' bygaande

-skits- . .. . .

: roads, are shown on the 'subjoined sketch plan.plan aangetoon.. - , A r.: . . _

ooreenkomitig-die bepalings yin, subartikel (2) enIn terms of the provisions of subsections (2) and (3)

(3) van artikel 5N van Penoemde Ordonnansie, WAS of section 5A of the said Ordinance, it is hereby de-I

hierby verklaar. dat .die grond ‘wat -genoernde cpaaie I in dared that' iron pegs have been erected to demarcate

beslag neem, 'filet ysteroenne al,gemerIC is." - --

1 the land taken up - by said roads. ...

1 . ...' i '

- Goedgeketir 4 Mei:1979 . ..• Approved .4 May,' 1979..- - - - - - ---- - - - MR 051-053-23/22/225 -VoL 111 --- --- - - -- - - - . D.P.. 051-053-23/22/225 Vol. III


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. .

Honi .kli I .Theeb... 1.---•

74g L atik. IS. 11.Winke !hoc7231.1

...etNesIlic. 0 BrandybalVcr gelegen rt.;

Kees Zyn 728 J.T. Xis ....er1:sers

tehock 171 LI- Dooms `fr 4.:172 LT.0

7081T. r •

--..,,t ,..) l'ii'7

Nederland Weer - It 3Door Batavia 152 I.T.




poor Q.i.... MIT. den

724 173 1.11' ':. - . '

..,.. LADP AASr .


--- -•--..2„ 4 Elandsfantein Elandspruit %.:,"yr Zon -

R: 727 J.T. Welverdiend 184 11. 49.•-t- shoal

41741.11 c.


CIE 05) 053 23 22 225 VOL III \t.'




• Bestaande papist. =------ Existing Roads.Pad verle en verbreed na Road deviated and widened tobreedtes wet wissel v9n ....., widths varying from 30m to 130m. I30m tot 130m,

Toe gangspad verkloor 15m erns Accessroad declared, 15m wide.breed.Pock gesluit. = re r Roach elosed•

.1• -


Administrateurskennisgewing 572 6 Junie 1979 Administrator's Notice 572 6 June, 1979



Die Administrateur verklaar hierby ingevolge die bepa- The Administrator hereby declares, in terms of thelings van artikel 48(1)(a) van die Padordonnansie, 1957 provisions of section 48(1)(a) of the Road Ordinance,(Ordonnansie 22 van 1957) dat 'n toegangspad 7 meter 1957 (Ordinance 22 of 1957), that an access road, 7 me-breed oor die plase Rooywal 441-K.Q. en Vaalfontein tres wide shall exist over the farms Rooywal 441-K.Q.491-K.Q.. distrik Thabazimbi, sal bestaan. and Vaalfontein 491-K.Q.. district of Thabazimbi.

Die algemene rigting en ligging van genoemde toe- The general direction and situation of the said access4gangspad word op die bygaande sketsplan aangetoon. road is shown on the subjoined sketch plan.

U.K.B. 566(19) gedateer 27 Maart 1979 E.C.R. 566(19) dated 27 March, 1979D.P. 08-086-23/24/BM D.P. 08-086-23/24/B/11



ROOYWAL Bestaa nde pad • Existing load492 K.' 6 441 K.Q. • Toegangspad verkl car ........ Access road declared


7m bread 7m wide3

U.K._ Be. 556(19)dd. 79 -03-073

VAALFONTE1 .Ex. Com. Res. 556(19)dd. 79-03-07

ellati491 Ks BP -08 -086- 23/24/B/11 .

J....................... ,- -

- -




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Administrateurskennisgewing 570ii6 Junie 1979 Administrator's Notice 570



6 (June, 1979•




Ingevolge die bepalings van artikels 5(2)(a) en artikel In terms of the provisions of sections 5(2)(a) and sec-

3 van die Padordonnansie, 1957 (Ordonnansie 22 van tion 3 of the Roads Ordinance, 1957 (Ordinance 22 of1957) verklaar die Administrateur hierby dal die pad 1957) the Administrator hereby declares that the roadgelee binne Klippoortjie dorpsgebied, distrik Germiston, within Klippoortjic Township, district of Germiston, to

as 'n openbare pad sal best= met afwisselende breedtes be a public road with varying widths of 15 metre to 44

van 15 meter tot 44 meter. metre.

D:e algemene r:gting en ligging van genoemde open- The general direction and situation of the road and

bare pad en die omvang van die padreserwebreedte daar- the extent of the road reserve width thereof, is shown onvan word op bygaande sketsplan aangetoon. the subjoined sketch plait

Ooreenkomstig die bepalings van subartikels (2) en In terms of the provisions of subsections (2) and (3)(3) van artikel 5A van genoemde Ordonnansie word of section 5A of the said Ordinance, it is hereby declaredhierby verklaar dat die grond wat deur die genocmde that the land taken up by the aforesaid public road, has

openbare pad in beslag geneem word, met klipstapels en been demarcated by means of cairns and ironpegs.ysterpenne afgemerk is.

U.K.B. 355(35) gedateer 27 Februarie 1979. E.C.R. 355(35) dated 27 February, 1979.,


D.P. 021:022-23/21/P58-1- D.P. 021-022-23/21/P58- 1

. ...



1.44...HOEWE 104..,.. , ,k —. • .

• 4. . 44'• - •

Ar.:tr.:7 '4: 4:"' --t6E0.1


e HOENE 144 HOME 102 4.1 VAN **EWE 711.• aP 021.-022-23a1/ PHA99 S .U.K.BESL UT/ EX. CO, RES.355(351dd.73-02.27




• 4




VAN 116- SM. TO 44M. .


• Y --7.11Tir

116 .• . •

rli106 ,

- T .

7 0.0...... /CONN 71).

100 e10 5



. ..

. •

i „ . . . .,


. .. .. -

Administrateurskennisgewing 571 - 6 Junie 1979 Administrator's Notice 571 • 6 June, 1979


IngeVolge die bepalings van artikels 5(1)(a), 5(2)(a), In terms of the provisions of section 5(1)(a), 5(2)(a),5(1)(c) en artikel 3 van die Padordonnansie, 1957 (Or- 5(1)(c) and section 3 of the Roads Ordinance, 1957 (Or-donnansie 22 van 1957) verklaar die Administrateur dinance 22 of 1957) the Administrator hereby declareshierby dat die pad wat loop oor die plase Rietspruit 583- that the road which runs over the farms Rietspruit 583-I.Q. en Rietkuil 544-I.Q. en binne Rosashof, Rosashof 1.0., Rietkuil 544-I.Q. and within Rosashof, RosashofUitbreiding 1, Lammontpark en Louisrus Landbouhoe- Extension 1, Lammont Park and Louisrus Agriculturalwes, distrik Vanderbijlpark, as 'n openbare Distrikspad Holdings, district of Vanderbijipark, shall exist as public2459 sal bestaan met afwisselende breedtes van 40 District Road 2459 with varying widths of 40 metres tometer tot 285,5 meter. 285,5 metres.

_ .. . - .._ .

Die algemene rigting en ligging van genoemde pad, The general direction and situation of the road anden die omvang van die reserwebreedte daarvan word op the extent of the road reserve widths thereof, are shown

0bygaande sketsplan aangetoon. on the subjoined sketch plan.

Ooreenkomstig die bepalings van subartikel (2) en In terms of the provisions of subsections (2) and (3) of(3) van artikel 5A van genoemde Ordonnansie, word section 5A of the said Ordinance it is hereby declared

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hierby• Verklaar dat die grond wat genoemde openbare that the land encroached upon the said public road, has4pad in beslag neem, met klipstapels en penne afge- been demarcated by means of cairns and pegs.

merk W.• U.K.B. 538 gedateer 27 Maart 1979. : E.C.R. 538 dated 27 March, 1979

D.P. 021-024-23/22/2459 D.P. 021-024-23/22/2459

KROSASplac UITBR./EXT. 1 , ) RO:C •.....as

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0 1•

Administrateurskennisgewing 573 6 Junie 1979 Administrator'i Notice 573 6 June, 1979


Die persoon ten opsigte van wic die besonderhede bier- The person, in respect of whom the undermentionedonder gegee word, is tot lid van die bogenoemde Raad information is given, has been elected as a member ofverkies en het sy amp aanvaar op die datum aangedui: the abovementioned Board and has assumed office on

Naam: John David Dolling. _ .the date indicated:


Name: John David Dolling.Adres: Karibastraat 10, Rondebult, Germiston. _

Address: 10 Kariba Street, Rondebult, Germiston.

Beroep: 7Bestuurder. . -. Occupation: Manager.

Datum: 26 Maart 1979. . . Date: 26 March, 1979.T.O.A. 21 -1-4-22 T.O.A. 21- 1 -4-23

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Page 29: Dm @flitiftr itttrratti gn I Off trial Gazrtir · 2017-07-05 · 14488/1973, onderskeidelik, voorwaardes B12 en B13 in 14488/1973, respectively, remove conditions B12 and die gemelde



• , ,••

KENNISGEWING 128 VAN 1979. NOTICE 128 OF 1979.


Hierby word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikel It is hereby notified in terms of section 46 of the46 van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, Town-planning and Townships Ordinance, 1965 (as1965 (soos gewysig) bekend gemaak dat die eienaar amended) that application has been made by the owner,Die Emmanuel Evangeliese Gereformeerde Kerk, P/a. Die Emmanuel Evangeliese Gereformeerde Kerk,E. R. Bryce, Posbus 28528, Sunnyside, Pretoria aansoek C/o.

' Et. RI !Bryce, P.O. Box 28528, Sunnyside,gedoen het om Pretoria-dorpsbeplanningskema 1974 te Pretoria for the amendment of Pretoria Town-planningwysig deur die hersonering van Gedeelte 11 van Lot Scheme 1974 by rezoning Portion 11 of Lot 2054 situated2054 gelee aan 30ste Laan, dorp Villieria, van gedeeltelik on 30th Avenue, Villieria Township, from partly "Spe-"Spesiale Woon" met 'n digtheid van "Een woonhuis cial Residential" with a density of "One dwelling perper 1 000 m2" en gedeeltelik "Algemene Besigheid" tot 1 000 m2" and partly "General Business" to "Special","Spesiaal" Gebruiksone XIV, vir "Algemene Besigheid" Use Zone XIV for "General Business", "Special resi-"Spesiale Woonn, parkering en 'n pick vir opeabare dential", parking and a place for public worship, subjectgodsdiensoefening onderworpe aan sekere voorwaardes. to certain conditions.

Verdere besonderhede van hierdie wysigingskema (wat • The amendment ivill be known as Pretoria Amend-Pretoriaimysigingskema 513 genoem sal word) 18 in die

iment Scheme 513. Further particulars of the Scheme are

0 kantoor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, Ile open for inspection at the office of the Town Clerk, Pre-

Vloer, Merino Gebou, Pretoriusstraat, Pretoria• en'in die j toria, and at the office of the Director of Local Govern-kantoor van die Stadsklerk van Pretoria terinsae.


ment, I Floor, Merino Building, Pretorius Street,Pretoria.

Edge beswaar of verto8 teen die aansoek kan teobjection or representation in regard to the ap-eniger tyd binne 'n tydperk van 4 weke vanaf die datum Any


be submitted to the Director of Localvan hierdie kennisgewing aan die Direkteur van Pleas- nt, in writing at the above address or Privatelike Bestuur by bovermelde adres 'of Privaatsak X437, Bag X437, Pretoria, and the Town Clerk, P.O. Box 440,Pretoria en die Stadsklerk, Posbus 440, Pretoria skrif- Pretoria, at any time within a period of 4 weeks fromtelik voorgele word. I the date of this notice.

E. UYS, E. UYS,Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur. Director of Local Government.

Pretoria, 30 Mei 1979. Pretoria„30 May, 1979.PB. 4-9-2-3H-513 PB. 4-9-2-3H-513

KENNISGEWING 129 VAN 1979. NOTICE 129 ;OF 1979.


Hierby word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikel It is hereby notified in terms of section 46 of the Town-46 van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, planning and Townships Ordinance, 1965 (Ordinance 251965 (Ordonnansie 25 van 1965), bekend gemaak dat die of 1965) that application has been made by the owner,eienaar, Nicolas Philippus Botha, Posbus 812, Springs, Nicolas Philippus Botha, P.O. Box 812, Springs for theaansoek gedoen het out Springs-dorpsaanlegskema 1, amendment of Springs Town-planning Scheme 1, 1948 by1948 te wysig deur die wysiging van Klousule 19 Tabel the amendment of Clause 19, Table (D)(a)(ii) by the sub-(D)(a)(ii) deur die vervanging van die nommers "92 tot stitution for the numbers "92 to 94" and "95 to 96" of94" en "95 tot 96" deur die nommers "92 tot 93" en the numbers "92 to 93" and "94 to 96" respectively in"94 tot 96" respektiewelik, om 'n hergroepering van bo- order to affect a regrouping of the abovementionedgemelde erwe gelee aan Robertsonstraat, Geduld Uit- erven, situated on Robertson Street, Geduld Extensionbreiding, te bewerkstellig. Township.

Verdere besonderhede van hierdie wysigingskema (wat The amendment will be known as Springs AmendmentSprings-wysigingskema 1/145 genoem sal word), 16 in Scheme 1/145. Further particulars of the Scheme aredie kantoor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, open for inspection at the office of the Town Clerk,1 lde Vloer, Merino Gebou, Pretoriusstraat, Pretoria en Springs and at the office of the Director of Local Go-in die kantoor van die Stadsklerk van Springs ter insae. vernrnent, 11th Floor, Merino Building, Pretorius Street,

Enige beswaar of vertoE teen die aansoek kan te eni- Pretoria.

ger tyd binne 'ri tydperk van 4 weke vanaf die datum Any objection or representations in regard to the ap-

van hierdie kennisgewing aan die Direkteur van Plaas- plication shall be submitted to the Director of LocalGovernment, in writing at the above address or Privatelike Bestuur by bovermelde adres of Privaatsak X437, Bag X437, Pretoria, and the Town Clerk, P.O. BoxPretoria en die Stadsklerk, Posbus 45, Springs 1560 45, Springs, 1560 at any time within a period of 4 weeks

skriftelik voorgele word, from the date of this notice.E. UYS,

Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur.E. UYS,

Director of Local Government.Pretoria, 30 Mei 1979. Pretoria, 30 May, 1979.

PB. 4-9-2-32-145 PB. 4-9-2-32-145

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- ) ; • -• - KENNI5GEWING: 1979._135 VAN , .

- , . Ingevolge artikel- 58(8)(a) Van die genoemde Ordon-.

4•. ... . nansie, moet iedereen wat beswaar wil maak teen die toe-.

-VOORGESTELDE STIGTING VAN DORPE. staan van die aansoeke of wat begerig is om in die saakgehoor te word df verto6 te rig, die Direkteur - skrif-

higevolge artikel 58(8)(a) van die .Ordonnansie op telik in kennis stel. Sodanige kennisgewing moet nie laternie as agt weke van die datum van sodanige eerste pubh-

Dorpsbcplanning en Dorpe, 1965, word hiermee bekend kasie in die Provinsiale Koerant, naamlik 30 Mei 1979,gemaak dat aansoek gedoen is om toestemming om die deur die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur ontvang word.dorpe gemeld in meegaande Bylae te stilt.

Alle besware moet in duplo ingedien word en gerigDie aansock met die betrokke planne, dokumente en word aan 'die Direkteur. van Plaaslike Bestuur, Privaat-

inligting 16 ter insae by die kantoor van die Direkteur, sak X437, Pretoria.Kamer B206A, 2de Vloer, Blok B, Provinsiale Gebou, • E. UYS,Pretoriusstraat, Pretoria, vir 'n tydperk van agt weke Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur.vanaf 30 Mei 1979. Pretoria, 30 Mei 1979.

. ,



(a) Naam van Dorp . .

en . Aantal ErweI

Beskrywing vanI

Lrigging •


Verwysingsnommer(b) Eienatir(s) Grond

(a) Klipspiuit West Spesiale Resterende Gedeelte Suid van en aangren- PB. 4-2-2-6019 4Uitbreiding 1 Woon : 572 van Gedeelte 111 van send aan Gedeelte 105

(b) Stadsraad van Algemene die pleas Klipriviers- van die pleas Klip-

Johannesburg • . Wdon • oog 299-LQ.. distrik riviersoog 299-I.Q.;(Groepbe- Johannesburg. • oos van en grens aan

. huising) : 2 Gedeelte 112 ('n ge- •

' • Besighejd : 1 deelte van Gedeelte' ' ' Kerk , , : 3 111) van die plaas

' Kleuterskool : 3'

. KlipriviersOog 299- '

. , I.Q. Kliniek: 1' ' ' Skool : 2 •


Munisipaal. : I .



: 10'

. .Serwituut . .

vir Kraglyn : 4 •

•. . ,


., .

• .

. . ,

. • ..





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_ .' NOTICE 135 OF 1979.

' In terms of section 58(8)(a) of the said'Ordinance anyperson who wishes to object to the granting of the ap-

PROPOSED ESTABLISHMENT OF TOWNSHIPS. Plication or who is desirous of being heard or of makingrepresentations in the matter, shall communicate in

.SuchIt is hereby notified in terms of section 58(8)(a) of the writing with the Director of Local Government.

communication shall be received by the Director notTbwn-planning and Townships Ordinance, 1965, that am later than eight weeks from the date of such first publica-plication has been made for permission to establish the lion in the Provincial Gazette, that is 30 May, 1979.townships mentioned in the accompanying Annexure. All objections must be lodged in duplicate; and ad-

The application, together with the relevant plans, do- dressed to the Director of Local Government, Privatecuments and information, is open for inspection at the Bag X437, Pretoria.office of the Director, Room B206A, 2nd Floor, Block E. UYS,B, Provincial Building, Pretorius Street, Pretoria, for a Director of Local Government.

• period of eight weeks from 30 May, 1979. Pretoria, 30 May, 1979.


(a) Name of Townshipand . Number of Erven Dcscription of Situation Reference Number

(b) Owner(s) Land

i(a) Klipspruit West Special Remainder of Portion South of and abuts PB. 4-2-2-6019Extension I Residential : 572 III of the farm Klip- Portion 105 of the

(b) City Council of General riviersoog 299-LQ.. farm KlipriviersoogJohannesburg Residential district Johannesburg. 299-I.Q.; east of and

(Group abuts Portion 112 (aHousing) : 2 portion of Portion

Business: : 1 . I 1 1) of the farm Klip-

Church : 3 riviersoog 299-I. Q.Nursery : 3

• " Clinic : 1

School : 2. Municipal : 1

Parks : 10Servitude

for Power-line : 4





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'•• • .• .'• KENNISGEWING. 130.•VAN- 1979: - - "NOTICE' 130 1(0'1979. - -



Hierby word ooreenkomstig die bepalitigs van artikel - ,It, is, hereby •notified in terms of section 46 ,of the46 van die Oidonnansie op Doipsbeplanning en Dorpe, Town-planning. and Townships Ordinance, 1965 (as1965 (soos gewysig) bekend gemaak dat die eienaars, amended) that application has been Made by the Owners,mnre. Douglasdale Trust.(Proprietary) Limited en Cow- Messrs. Douglasdale Trust (Proprietary) Limited anddray Park Investments (Proprietary) Limited, P/a..mnre. Cowdray..Park Investments (Proprietary) Limited, C/o.Rolirs, Nichol, de Swardt & Duys, Posbus 52035; Saxon.; Messra...Rohrs, Nichol,. de S,wardt and Duys, P.O. Boxweld .aansoek gedoen het om Noordelike Johannesburg- 520,35. Saxonwolcl. for the amendment of Northern Jo-streek-dorpsaanlegskema 1958 to wysig deur die hersone- hannesburg.Reginn ,Town-planning, Scheme, 1958 by re'ring van Erf I, dorp Epsom Downren 'n deel van Ger zoning Erf 1, Epsom. Downs ,Township and a part ofdeelte 10 van die pleas Douglasdale 195-I.Q.. gelee aan Portion 10 of the farm Douglasdale 1954.Q.. situatedSloanestraat van— on Sloane Street, from —

(a) Ed 1, dorp Epsom Downs "Spesiaal" vir algemene (a) Erf 1, Epsom Downs Township "Special" for gene-

woondoeleindes, kleinhandel verkope, parkering, rat residential purposes, 'retail trading, parking, of-kantore, hotel, restaurant, 'n lehuis vir bejaardes, fices, hotel, restaurant, home for the aged, servicediensstasie, kleuterskool:'eri Oritspanningsfasiliteite; •

' 'station" creche 'and:recreational amenities and':

en ' ) '

,- - - (b) a part of Portion 10 of the farm Douglasdale 195-

(b) deal van Gedeelte 10 van die pleas Douglasdale I.Q.. Distric of Johannesburg "Agricultural"distrik Johannesbyrg "Landboe- • ' '• " •


• •botik to eclat Use(Zo.ne VI for shops offices a pu-blicalbeitot "Spesiaal" Gebruikstreek VI, vir, winkels, kan- • . .

tore, 'n publieke garage, 'n hotel, woonstelgeboue, du- garage, an hotel,f blocks Of flats, dupleX flats, singleplekswoonstelle, eenVerdieping wooneenhede wat aan- storey 'dwelling unies„ attached or detaChed, nurserymekaar geskakel of l losstaande is, 'n kleuterskool, 'n school, a sports club, all with ancillary uses, and privatesportklub, almal met nanverwante -gebruike, en 'n pri- open space, .subject 'ta.tcertain conditions and "Roadvaat oopruimte, onderworpe Jaen sekere voorwaardes en Widening"."Padverbreding". • :

The amendment will be known as Northern Johannes-Verdere besonderhede van hierdie wysigingsketna (watNoordelike Johannesburgstreek-Wysigingskema 1034 ge- burg Region Amendment 'Scheme 1034. Further parti-noem sal word) le in, die kantoor van die Direkteur van enters Of the Schmid are 'open for inspection at the •

Plaaslike Bestuur, fide Vloer, Merino Gebou, Preto- office of' the' Town Cleik,. - Sandton, and at the officeriusstraat, Pretoria en in die kantoor van die Stadsklerk of the Director of Local Qovemmentt 11th Floor, Me-

van Sandton ter insae. rino Building, Pretorius' Street, Pretoria.f•

Enige beswaar of Sena teen die aansoek kan te eni- Any objection or representations in regard to the ap-ger tyd binne 'n tydperk van 4 weke venal die datum plication shall be submitted to the Director of Local Go-van hierdie kennisgewing aan die Direkteur van Plaaslike vernment, in writing at the above address or Private BagBestuur by bovermelde adres of Privaatsak X437, Pre. X437, Pretoria and the Town Clerk, P.O. Box 78001,toria en die Stadsklerk, Posbus 78001, Sandton, skrif- Sandton, at any time within a period of 4 weeks fromtelik voorgele word. the date of this notice. 4

E. INS, E. UYS,Direkteur van Plaasae Bestuur. Director of Local Government.

Pretoria, 30 Mei 1979. Pretoria, 30 May, 1979.PB. 4-9-2-116-1034 PB. 4-9-2-116-1034

KENNISGEWING 131 VAN 1979. NOTICE 131 OF 1979.


Hierby word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikel It is hereby notified in terms of section 46 of the46 van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplanning en Dorpe, Town-planning and Townships Ordinance, 1965, Ordin-1965, (Ordonnansie 25 van 1965) bekend gemaak dot ante 25 of 1965 that application has been made by

die eienaar, Glenmead East, Township (Proprietary) the owner, Glenmead East Township (Proprietary)Limited, P/a. Ovland (Transvaal) Limited, Posbus Limited, C/o. Ovland (Transvaal) Limited, P.O. Box11068, Brooklyn aansoek gedoen het om Pretoria-dorps- 11068, Brooklyn for the amendment of Pretoria Town-

beplanningskema, 1974 te wysig deur die vervanging planning Scheme, 1974 by the substitution for Annexurevan Bylae B634 tot Pretoria-dorpsbeplanningskema, 1974 B634 to Pretoria Town-planning Scheme 1974 in respectten opsigte van Erf 796, geled aan Atterburyweg en of Erf 796 situated on Atterbury Road and KentuckyKentuckyrylaan, dorp Faerie Glen Uitbreiding 1, deur Avenue, Fearie Glen Extension 1 Township of a new

'n nuwe Bylae ten einde voorsiening te mask vir die Annexure in order to provide for the amendment ofwysiging van sekere voorwaardes ten opsigte van certain conditions in respect of

(1) kleinhandelvloerruimte (1) retail floor space

(2) vloeroppervlakte van hotel en woonstelgeboue (2) floor space of hotel and residential buildings

Page 33: Dm @flitiftr itttrratti gn I Off trial Gazrtir · 2017-07-05 · 14488/1973, onderskeidelik, voorwaardes B12 en B13 in 14488/1973, respectively, remove conditions B12 and die gemelde

PROVINSIALE KOERANT. 6 .jpiksr.._1979 - - 1253

, •

I .

(3) .onderverdeling van erwe en._ .

. .• .17 ,.(3) subdiyissn of erten and .


' (4) hogverbod en park. • (4) building restriction and park

Verdere besonderhede van Iliadic wysigingskema (wat The amendment will be known as Pretoria Amend-Pretbrie-wysigingskerna 537 genogra pal word) 18 in meat Scheme 517. Further particulars of the Schemedie kantoor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur, are open for inspection at the office of the TOwri Clerk,l'lde Vloer, Merino Gebou, Pretoriusstraat, Pretoria en Pretoria, and at the ,office of the Director of Localin die kantoor van die. Stadsklerk van Pretoria ter Othernineni, 1 1th 'Floor. Merino Building, Pretoriusinsae. .


' . Street, Pretoria.. ,

. . • .

Enige hes:weer Of .vertod teen die *mock kan te :eni- Any .objection or representations in regard to theger tyd binne 'n tydperk . van .4 yoke yenaf die datum application shall be submitted to the Director of Localvan hierdie kennisgewmg aan die Direkteur van Plans- Government, in writing at the above addres or Privatelike Bestuur' by bovermelde edits of Privaatsak X437, Bag X437. Pretoria. and the Town Clerk. p.Q. Box

• Pretoria en die •Stadsklerk, Posbus 440, Pretoria 1)001 440, Pretoria 0001 at any Opp within a period of 4skriftelik, voorgelg word. .1 . . . . weeks from the ,date. of this notice. •

, ,E. HYS, ,i

" E, I.1yS;Direkteur van Plaaslike.Bestdar

a Director of Local OoVernment... ,

Pretoria, 30 Mei 1979. - Pretoria:130'May, 1979..

' TB.' 4-9-2-311-517 . . . PB. 4-9-2-311-517,, ...

0 . . . ICENN .1' *:1 :. ISGEWING 132 VAN'19t9. . „NOTICE 132 OF 1979.


, - --._ _ ... . . .... • ...._ _._ . - - -- - — - - - .


\GINOSKEMA ,811.,. .1. Mali Se..}44gE 811.'


Hierby wprd .00reenkomstig .dip *palings y.aritartilcel It is hereby. notified -in tem./ of section. 46 of the46 van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeglanning en Dorpe, Town-planning and Townships Ordinance, 1965, (Ordin-1905, (Ordonnansie, 25 yen 1965) .belcend Est** 'dat an* 25 .of 19.65) that ,ap,plicatiga has ,bee .made by thedie eienstr, 'Anne Fiona Reynolds. ;P/a. Cedrig •

S. myna, 'Anne Pio* 13.6yriolds. .C/O. ,Cgdric S. AmoilsAmoils en Mouton.' Posbus 288,16. S,aadringlias. Iasi- 11.0 Wigton, PA!. Iiox. 2881,6„1?Saildrin.gharti, for thesoek gedogn het, om 'Nootdelike Joharinesbstgstreek- amendment of Nath;l7.I JP.nannesburg. Region Town-

dowtsaanlegsketna 1, 4988 te wysig **idle hasp:1*ring plinning Scheme 1, 1958 by -rezoning Portion 58 of Lotvan' Gedeelte 58 'van Ica 199, tgeleg lain Lyndhurstweg, 19.9.., situated ,on Lyndhurst ,Road. X.Yadhnrst Township,dorp 'Lyndhurst, van "Spesiale WoOtf met ''.41 iligthOd k9,1.11 Special Residential .3yith a .density of '.OneVan'sten woonhuis 'per Erf" tol."Spesiale Woon" met dwelling per gd" toino.ai Residential" with a density'iii digtheid van 'Ben woonhuis per 11500 m2". ' of tne..dwelling ,per 1.5001442".

1 . .• •

Verdere- besonderhede van thierdie wysigingskema (wat The amendment will be 'known' as *Northern Johan-Noordelike Johannesbutgstreek.wysigingskema £11 ge- nesburg Region Amendment Scheme .811. Further par-noem sal word) 18 in die kantoor van :die•Direkleur van ticulars :of the Scheme are open''for inspection at' thePlaaslike Bestuur, lIde Vloer, 'Merino Gebou, h/v Pre- office of the Town Clerk, Johannesburg and at thetorius- en Bosnianstraat, Pretoria en in.dielkantoorivan office of the Director of trial. Government, 11th Floor,

• die Stadsklerk van Johannesburg ter insae. : - . .. Merino Building, C/o. Pretorius and Bosnian Streets,

Enige beswaar of vertot t Pretoria.. •,die aansoek kan te eni- r - - - - " '

ger 'tyd binne ''n itydperk van 4' wgket Aranal die datum' Any abjection or representations in'' regard to the

,van' hierdie kennisgewing aan i.die Direkteur van -Pleas-

application .shall ibe submitted to the Director of LocalGovernment in .writing at -the above address or Privatelike -

130.tuor by jawernield,e afire - of Privaatsalc X437. flag X437,lPretoria, .and the Town Clerk, P.O. 'BoxPretoria en die Stadsklerk, Posbus 1046, Jonannesbarg, 1046, Johannesburg at any time within a period of 4skrifteliic voorgelg word. weeks, from the date pf ,this ,notice..

. ' ' E. j_IY,S, , E. UYS ,,. '

, Direkteur van Plaaslike• Bestuur.'

,, Director ,of Local ,Government..

'Pretoria; 30 Mei '1979.' ' -

' ": •

Pretoria,:30:May' 1979.. . . .... _

. ,

'1E11 _4;9-2-2-12781.1 . •

13B. 49-272127811.._,... ..,....- .., . - , , .., „.

'KENNISGEWING 133 VAN 1979. NOTICE 133 QF 1979.


JOHANNESBURG AMENDMENT SCHEME 1/1110.• _.. .... _' . '. •

..1 _ _

- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -Hierby word ooreenkomstig die bepalings van artikel It is hereby notified in terms of section 46 of the,

46 van die Ordonnansieeop.Dorpsheplanning en Dorpe, , Town-plamihig and TownshipSIOrdinance,4965, (Ordin-1965, (Ordonnansie 25 van 1965) bekend gemaak dat ante 25 of 1965) that application has been made by the, die. .eienaar TEratriley ;Mall. (Proprietary): Isimited. en owner,BrarullprivIgil Ofropriqtary)pLimited 'and dilramley

p Bromley Heights (Proprietary) Limited, P/a. Cedric Heights (Proprietary) Limited, C/o. Cedric S. AmoilsS. Amoils .a. :WIWI!. .P.901.15. 4s.16. S,sidringbarifigan- . and Montpn. ..e,Q. Awc 4g80„SppflriliglIA111 -for -thesock „gptiRen,bqt" qin icihannesbarg-,dorpsaanlOgskgma 1. amendment ,RT .xploAncibigg 'Tgaihnlanniag, .Scheme1964 'te wysig deur die vervanging van Bylae 8122 tot

id 1, 1964 by the substitution for Annexure B122 to Johan-

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1254 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE, 6 JUNE, 1979i I - .

Johannesburg-wysigingskema 1/486, ten opsigte van nesburg Amendment Scheme 1/486, in respect of. Erf4Erf 346, gele8 aan Louis Bothalaan dorp Bramley en 346, situated on Louis Botha Avenue, Brarnley Township

Erf 183, gelee aan Berkswellweg, don) Gresswold deur and Erf 183, situated on Berkswell Road, Gresswold'n nuwe Bylae ten einde voorsiening te maak vir die Township, of a new Annexure in order to provide for thewysiging van sekere voonvaardes ten opsigte .van vloer- alteration of certain conditions in respect of floor space,oppervlakte, dekking, verhuurbare oppervlakte, boulyne coverage, leasable area, building lihes and parking.en parkering. ' -

. . .. , • • ,, The amendment. will be .. known as

' JohannesburgVerdere besonderhede van hierdie .wysigingskema Amendment Scheme. 1/1110. Further particulars of the

(wat Johannesburg-wysigingskema 1/1110 genoem ,sal Scheme are open for inspection at the office of theword) 18 in die kantoor van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Town Clerk Johannesburg and at the office of theBestuur, 1 lde Vloer, Merino Gebou, Pretoriusstraat DirectOr df Loa& GOvernment, 1 Ith ' Floor, Merino140, Pretoria en in die kantoor van die Stadsklerk van Building' 140, Pietdrius Street' Pretoria.Johannesburg ter insae. .

.1, . • •. i • .


• .• • ' Any objection or representations in regard to the

Enige beswaar of vertod teen die aaasoek kan te application shall be submitted to the Director- of Localeniger tyd binne 'n tydperk van 4 weke vanaf the datum

Gov,emment, in writing at the abbire address or Privatevan hierdie kennisgewing aan die Direkteur van Plias-like Bestuur by bovermelde adres of Privaatsak X437, pag x137, Pretoria, and the Town Clerk, P.O. BoxPretoria en die Stadsklerk, Posbus 1049, Johannesburg 1049, 'Johannesburg, at any time within a period of 4skriftelik vporgel8 word. .

weeks from the, date of this notice.- - - -E.-UYS. --- . - • • - • E. UYS,

Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur. Director of Local Government.Pretoria, 30 Mei 1979. ,

•• ., Pretoria, 30 May, 19794 . .. ...

PB. 4-9-2-2-1110 PB. 4-9-2-2-1110 4. .. . 11, .. .. :,.,.. '1.1 i

1 .•


NOTICE '1979.

OF 1979.

. .



• • . . ,i : . n, • . I. . • . • ., •

Hierby word ooreenkomstig 'die tepalings van artikel;

. It is Hereby. notified in. terms of'. section 46 of the46 van die Ordonnansie op Dorpsbeplannirig en Dorpe, Tovin-pjapning, and Toirnihips Ordinance,, 1965 (Ordin-

1965 (Ordonnansie 25 van 1965) bekend gemaak dat mice 25 ',of 1965) that application has been made bydie eienaar, Les Marais Verpleeginrigtings (Proprietary) the owner, Les Marais Verpleeginrigtings (Proprietary)Limited, P/a. Fehrsen & Douglas, Posbus 303, Pretoria Limited, C/o. Fehrsen & Douglas, P.O. Box 303, Pre-aansoek gedoe'n het om Pretona-dorpsbeplaruungskema, toria for. the, amendment, of Pretoria Town-planning1974 te wysig deur die hersonering van gekortsolideerde Sclierne,,I974 by rezoning consolidated Erf 122, situatedErf 122, geled aan Booysenstraat, Fred Nicholsonstraat doBOoyseit Street, Fred Nicholson-Street and Fifthen Vyfde Laan, dorp Les Marais van Iedeeltelik (imol- Avenue, Les Marais" Township from partly (formerlybeen Erf 112) "Spesiale Woon" met 'n digtheid van Erf 112) "Special Residential" with a density of "One"Een woonhuis per erf" en gedeeltelik (voorheen 'Erf dwelling per erf" and partly.(formerly Erf 21 and Re-

21 en Restant van Ed .22) "Spesiaal" vir lae digtheids- mainder of Erf 22). "Special" for low density flats orwoonstelle of woonhuise, tot "Spesiaal" Gebruiksone dvielling houses to "Special" Use Zone XIV for a

XIV vir 'n hospitaal en verwante doeleindes, onderworpe hospital *and ahcillary purpoSes subject to certain con=

aan sekere voorwaardes. . . ditions. . .

4Verdere besonderhede van hierdie wysigingskema ' The amendment will be known as Pretoria Ainend-

(wat Pretoria-wysigingskema 518 genoem sal word) 18 ment.Scheme .518. ;Further particulars of the Schemein die kantoor van die Direkteur van. Plaaslike Bestuur, are open for, inspection at the office of the Town Clerk,Ilde Vloer, Merino Gebou, Pretoriusstraat; Pretoria. en Pretoria' and , at the office of , the Director of Localin die kantoor van .die Stadsklerk van Pretoria ter Government, 11th" Floor; Merino Building, Pretorifisinsae. . ..

-- . . Street,'Pretoria.. ,. .

Enige .beswaar of ' vertoe teen die aansobk 'Iran to Any, objection or representations in regard to theeniger tyd binne ,'n tydperk van 4 weke vanaf die application shall - bp submitted to the Director of Localdatum van hierdie kenhisgewing aan die,Direkteur van Government, in writing at the above address or Pri-

Plaaslike Bestuur by bovermelde adres of Privaatsak vate.Bag X437, Pretoria and the Town Clerk, P.O. BoxX437 Pretoria en die..Stadsklerk, Posbus 440, Pretoria 44b, - Pretoria _0001 at any time within a period of 4,0001 skriftelik voorgeld word. weeks from the date of this notice.

_ . ,, E UYS, . , ,., , . . . -.

. . B. UYS,Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur. Director of


Local Government.Pretoria, 30 Mei 1979. Pretoria, 30 May, 1979. •

PS."4-9-2-311151'8 PB. 4-9-2-3H-518' '

' , I

. , . , ,•

! • ' -:i .

. .,

- KENNISGEWING 137 VAN 1979. - v.. i ..., 1. :-NOTICE.137 OF 1979

l i i .t'_ • ri .• . "C

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I. 1 . .

- bie Direkteur 'van Plaaslike'Bestuur gee hierby ken- ''The Director of Local Government hereby gives noticenis kragtehi. artikel 31, van ,die, Ordonnansie op Days- in. tenth of sectipri,31:ofthe Town-planning and Town-

Page 35: Dm @flitiftr itttrratti gn I Off trial Gazrtir · 2017-07-05 · 14488/1973, onderskeidelik, voorwaardes B12 en B13 in 14488/1973, respectively, remove conditions B12 and die gemelde


• - • -

beplanning en Dorpe, 1965 (Ordonnansie 25 -van 1965), ships Ordinance, 1965 (Ordinance 25 of 1965), that thedat die Stadsraad van Pietersburg 'n voorlopige - skema, -Town Council of Pietersburg has submitted an interimwat 'n wysigingskema is, te wete die Pietersburg-wysi- scheme, which is an amendment scheme, to wit, thegingskema 1/54 voorgele het om die betrokke dorps- Pietersburg Amendment Scheme 1/54 to amend thebeplanningskema in werking, te wete, die Pietersburg- relevant townplanning scheme in operation. to wit, thedorpsaanlegskema 1956 te wysig. Pietersburg Town-planning Scheme, 1956.

Die skema sluit die volgende in: The scheme includes the following:

1. Die instelling van 'n monochroomnotasiestelsel. , 1. The—institution; of the monochrome system of

2. Die opstel van die dorpsbeplanningskema in beidenotation.

amptelike tale. 2. The drafting of the town-planning scheme in both

3. Die Konsolidasie van die dorpsbeplanningskema.official languages. '

4. Die modernisering van die dorpsbeplanningskema.3. The consolidation of the town-planning scheme.

5. Die hersiening van grondgebruike en digthede. ,

4. The modernisation of the town-planning scheme.

6. Die herindeling van, gebruike onder die verskil-5. Therevision of zonings. and densities.

lende grOndgebreike.' '

6. ' The recthaiification of uses' under the various

7. Die herrangskikking en uiibreiding van kiousuleszonings.

en tabelle. 7. The re-arrangement and the amplification of clauses

IIand tables.

S. Die insluiting yap nuwe voorbehoudsbepalings van , . •, .

standaardvoorwaardes. 8. Theiinclusion of new provisions and.standard con-ditions.

9. •Die. wysiging van sommige woordomskrywings en . .

skemaklousules. . 9. The amendment of certain definitions and scheme

10.. Die skrapping van uitgediende .en .dupliserendeclauses..

bepalings. 10. The deletion of redundant and dtiPlicatory provi- •

Die voornoemde voorlopige skema is vir inspeksiesions.

: .i • •

beskikbaar op die kantoor van die Direkteur van Pleas- The aforesaid interim scheme is open for inspection atlike Bestuur,, llde Vloer, Merinogebou, Pretoriusstraat, the office 'of the Director of Local Government, 11thPretoria en Ivan die Stadsklerk van die Stadsraad. van Floor, Merino Building, Pretorius Street, Pretoria andPietersburg. . . at the office .of ,the 'Town Clerk of: the Town Council

of Pietersburg. .. r r 'c


' .'Wear, kragtens die bepalings van artikel 32 van voor-

noemde Ordonnansie; enige eienaar of besitter van on- 'Where in: terms of section 32 of the aforesaid Orcli-

rroerende eiendom en enige plaaslike bestuur die reg nance, any owner or occupier of immovable property

het' om 'n beswaar in te dien of vertoe .te rig in verbandand any local authority have the right to lodgeanobjection'or to make' representations in respect of the

met •sodanige .voorlopige skema, moet sodanige beswaar said ineerim•sclietne, such ()timer or occupier or localof sodanige verto8 binne vier weke vanaf die eerste authority shall submit such objection• or may makepublikasie van hierdie kennisgewing in die Provinsiak such representations in writing to the Director of Local

• Koerant skriftelik aan die Direkteur van Plaaslike Be- 'Government, at the above address or Private Bag X437,

stuur by bogemelde adres of Privaatsak X437, Pretoria,Pretoria; within a. period. of' four- weeks from the date

.. of the first publication of this'notice in the Provincialvoorgelo word. a . Gazette. . . .

• E. UYS, . . E. UYS,Direkteur van Plaaslike Bestuur. . Director of Local Government.

Pretoria, 6 Junie 1979. - Pretbria; 6 June, 1979..' ..

PB. 4-9-2-24-54 , . , • . ,• • B. 4-9-2-24-54

. • . ,:, . .

. , .

•. •,.. ,,,

.' ' • - , , , '

- :.

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. . - •

. • •

.• . • 2. - •



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• NOTICE 138 OF 1979.'


, . .




Case No. 5072/79

PH. 28


In the ex parte Application Of:l

• i• - •.


HAVING heard Counsel for the Applicant and ;having read the Notice of Motion and the other doO.u.Ments filedof record;


I. THAT a Rule NW do issue calling upon all, persons Obncernedlo appear and to showitauge, if any, to' this 4Court on the 26th day of June, 1979 at 10,00 a.m.:

(a) Why ,the following condition registered against the Titl‘Deed'of the 'following property should not bedeleted—

• PORTION 59 (a portion of Portion 57) of the, farm Klipfontein No. 12, Registration Division I.R.,Transvaal

MEASURING 4.0468 hectares

;HELD by the Applicant 'under Deed of•Transfer No. 39817/1973 dated the 15th Novembbr, 1973, a copyof which is annexure "B" to .the Application and which .condition .marked therein .as 2. is as follows:.

• •"2. - ONDERHEWIG .aan die volgende vaonvaa'rdes soos meer ten voile sal blyk uit Notarible Akte No.615/1943 gedateer 12 Oktober 1943, naamlik: —


• (i) The land May inotibe subdivided nor May a ny.share in it ,or Portion !of :lithe sold. 1.eas.ed or disposed• , of .in any way without the written approval .,,of .the Townships .Board.

• .(ii) Not .more than one dwelling house,together With'such A:outbuildings as are ordinarily required to be

.used in .connection therewith shall .be,.erected on the land-except•with•the approval of the TownshipsBoard.

• (iii) The 'land shall be used for residential and agricultural purposes only. and no store or plabe'of busi-ness Or 'industry whatsoever maybe 'opened or conducted on the land without the written approval

4of 'the Townships 'Board:"' „

(b) Why an Order authorising and empowering the Registrar of Deeds, Pretoria, to delete the said condition(from the said Title Deed should not be made.

2. THAT service of the Rule Nisi be,effected.astfollows: —- (a) iBrane publication thereof in English in the Star newspaper.

(b) By one publication thereof in Afrikaans in the Vaderland newspaper.

(c) By one publication in the Government Gazette and in the Provincial Gazette.

(d) By displaying a copy in English and Afrikaans in a prominent position in the Municipal offices of theTown Council of Kempton Park.

(e) On such other persons and in such manner as this Court may deem fit.

BY THE COURT.D. F. JOUBERT,Asst. Registrar.

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PROVI,NSIALE KOERANT. -6 /OWE, 1979 1257 1

. . - -- . - --- - — - - - - - - - _TENDERS TENDERS,

., .... ,.. . - •

L.W. — Tenders wat voorheen gepubliseer is en. waarvan N.B. — Tenders previously published and' where the aids-

die. sluitingsdatum nog nie verstreke is nie, word ale in tug •dates have not yet passed, have not hien repeated inhierdie kennisgewing herhaal nit. Tenders word normaal- this notice. Tenders are normally published 31:5 weeks tie-'weg 3-5 wake year die - sluitingsdatum gepubliceer. fore the closing date.


• i .i



e , TENDERS. • TENDERS. • ' '

Tenders vir die volgende dienste' /,voorrade / verkope Tenders are invited for the following services /word ingewag. (Tensy dit An, die uiteensettipg anders supplies / 'sales. (Unless ntherWise indicated in theaangegep word, word tenders vir v,00rrade .bedoel):— description tenders are for" supplies)':—

'• Beskrywing van Diens. Sluitingsdatum

Tender; No. .. - . •• Descriptions of Service' f Closing Date

H.A. 1/14/79 Rontgenstraalfilms,..chernikallee.lontomatiese rontgenstraalfilmonytikkelingsapparaat en silwer-herwinning / X-ray'filins, chemicals, automatic X-ray film processing apparatus and silverrepovery.



,ILA: 1/15/79 Riintgenstraalkontrasmed*./2kay contrast media. _. 6/7/1979'R.F.T. 73/79 Dieselmasjienbeveiligingstehell / Diesel mined protective system — ......

R.F.T. 74/79 Rolreihoute / Rolling straightedge — •


DOSD. 122A/79 Kamptocrusting / Camping sequipment — • • '22/6/1979TT.ED. ,


T.O.D. 109C/79 Language Master en kaarte,/,I.anguage Master and cards a 22/6/1979T.E.D.

W.F.T.ii 220/79 Baragwanathaospitaal, VerPleegsterstehnis: Verpleegstersroepstelsel / Baragwanath Hospital: Nut- •

see' Residence: Nurseecatbsystem. Item 2080/71 13/7/1979+W.F.T.E. 221/79' Wordsworth High School; Benoni: Aanbouings en veranderings / Additions and alterations. Item''

1002/75' • ' '13/7/1979.

W.F..T.B. 222/79. Carolinase Paddepot: Wranderings en ,oprigting van 'it konfereusiesaal / Carolina Road Depot:hallceh nfAlterations and erection of a coerena . ,_ _ — _- _:, 29/6/19792

W.F.T.13. 223/79 Hour Handelskool LettietFouch6: Vanderbijipark: Onrigting van 'n dubbeldoellaboratorium / Erertion of a dual-purpose" laboratory. Item 1648/78 29/6/1979•

.„ ." . •

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6 JUNE,-

1979'- - - - - -



1. Die betrokke tenderdokumente, met inbegrip van die amp- I. The relative tender docunients including the Administration'stelike tendervorms van die Administrasie, is op laanyraag. by official tender forms',• are. obtainable on application from the re-die onderstaande adresse verkrygbaar. Sodanige dokumente as-mede enige tender/kOntrakvoorwaardes war nie in die tender- ilative' address indicated below. Such documents and any tender/dokumente opgeneemisraue,nie, is ook by die genoemde adres vir contract conditions nee' embodied in the tender documents areinspeksie verkrygbaar: also available for inspection at the said address:

- -Kantoor in Nuwe Provinsiale - -

TenderOffice in New Provincial Building;

Posadres te Gabon, Pretoriaverwy- Tender Postal address, . Pretoriasing Pretoria . 'Kamer


• •

No. .



- Verdie- Foon 'Room PhoneIping Pretoria

Ref. Pretoria i

I' W. B.lock Floor I


HA 1 & Direkteur van . A740 , A 7 48-9260 HA I & Director of 'A740 A 7 48-9260HA 2 Hospitaal-

' - ' HA 2 Hospital Ser-'

dienste, Pri- . • - vices. Private .,


' vaatsak X221.'

• Bag. X221. .,

HB Direkteur van 4728 A 7 48-9205 HB Director of•

4728 AHospitaal- - '

:Hospital Ser-

7 48-9205

dienste, Pri- vices, Privatevaatsak X221. - . ' . - Bag X221.

HC Direkteur van A728 A 7 48-9206 - -14C

'Director of A728 A 7 48-9206

Hospitaal- • Hospital Ser-.. diensta:Pri-

" • m ' —•

. vices, Private' '


' vaatsak X221.7HD . Direkteur van A730

" • .A'4' 1

48-0354' ; HI)Bag X22I. ' • '

Hospitaal-Director of ' . 4730

, Hospital Ser- , ,

A 7 48-0354

-. . -

, vices. Private1

''• vaatsak X221. Idienste, Pri ,,

• • . 'Bag X221. . .

PET. ' Provinsiale A1119 A 11 48-0924. PFT '.. • Provicial Se- • A1119 • A 11 48-0924Sekretaris cretary (Pur-

- (Aaankope en• chases and . ., .

• Voorrade); • • Supplies), PriPrivaatsak vate Bag X64

" • •- RFT '

'- Director. Trans- D307 . D • 3 48-0530

RFT % Direkteur, - - D307 • D 3 48-0530 " ' ' ''. . veal Roads • i • '• '

Transvaalse j .. . .: • , : Depanment, 4

.. . . • ., • .

Paaiedepar- Private Bag•' -

tement, Pri-"

X197.vaatsak X197 •

'.: 1

. • -„ ••TED". . Director. Trans;

'A490 , . K 4 48-9231

TOD ' Direkteur • A490 A 4 - 48-9231 " 48-9437Transvaalse I .i A489 . - .. . „48-9437

• iVaal Educe- A489

' - 1 i . • .4 :'..tion Depart- .. 1 . .. .';. Onderwys- .

' ' r . • meld, Private'


departement, Bag X76.PrivaatsakX76. WFT Director, C112 C 1 48.0675

TransvaalVVFI' Direkteur 0112 C 1 48-0675 Department

Transvaalse of Works,Werkedepar- Private Bagtement, Pri- X228.vaatsak X228. WFTB Director, E105 E 1 48-0306

WFTB , Direkteur. E105 II I 48-0306 TransvaalTransvaalse DepartmentWerkedepar- of Works, I

!tement,Pri- Private Bag

vaatsak X228. - X228.

2. Die Administrasie is nie daartoe verplig om die laagste of 2. The Administration is not bound to accept the lowest orenige tender aan te neem nie en behou horn die reg voor om any tender and reserves the right to accept a portion of a tender'n gedeelte van 'n tender aan te neem.

3. In die Bevel van Leclerc W.F.T.B.-tender moet die tenderaar 3. In the case of each W.F.T.B. tender the tenderer must pay

'n deposito van R4 stort alvorens by van die tenderdokumente a deposit of R4 before he will be supplied with the tender docu-

voorsien sal word. Sodanige deposito meet in kontantgeld wees. meats. Such deposit must be in the form of cash, a bank initiall-

'n tjek deur die bank geparafeer of 'n departementele legorder ed cheque, or a department standing deposit receipt (RIO). The

kwitansie (RICO. Genoemde depositobedrag sal terugbetaal word said deposit will be refunded if a bona fide tender is received

as 'n bona fide-inskrywing van die tenderaar ontvang word of from the tenderer or if the tender documents including plans,

as die tenderdokumente, met inbegrip van platme, spesifikasies specifications and bills of quantities are returned by the tenderer

en hoeveelheidslyste, binne 14 dae na die sluitingsdatum van die within 14 days after the closing date of the tender to the relative

tenderaar teruggestuur word na die betrokke adres in opmerking address shown in note 1 above.

1 hierbo aangetoon. 4. All tenders must be submitted on the Administration's offi -

4 Alle tenders meet op die amptelike tendervorm van die Sal tender forms.Administrasie voorgele word. 5. Each tender must be submitted in a separate sealed enve-

5. Iedere inskrywing meet in 'n afsonderlike verseelde koevert lope addressed to the Chairman, Transvaal Provincial Tenderingedien word, geadresseer aan die Voorsitter, Die Transvaalse Board, P.O. Box 1040, Pretoria, and must be clearly superscribedProvinsiale Tenderraad, Posbus 1040, Pretoria, en meet duidelik to show the tenderer's name and address, as well as the number,van die opskrif voorsien wees ten einde die tenderaar se naam description and dosing date of the tender. Tenders must be inen adres aan te toon, asook die nomrner, beskrywing en sluff- the hands of the Chairman by 11h00 on the closing date indicatedtingsdatum van die tender. Inskrywings moet teen 11h00 op die above.sluitingsdatum hierbo aangetoon, in die Voorsitter se hande wees.

6. Indian inskrywings per band ingedien word, meet hulk 6. If tenders are delivered by hand, they must be deposited

teen 1111(10 op die sluitingsdatum in die Forma° Tenderbus in the Formal Tender Box at the Enquiry Office in the foyer

geplaas wees by die navraagkantoor in die voorportaal van die of the New Provincial Building, at the Pretorius Street main 1

nuwe Provinsiale Gebou by die hoofingang aan Pretoriusstraat entrance (near Bosman Street corner), Pretoria, by 11h00 on '

se kant (iraby die hook van Bosmanstraat), Pretoria.the closing date.

J. H. Conradie, Voorsitter, Transvaalse Provinsiale Tenderraad, J. H. Conradie, Chairman, Transvaal Provincial Tender Board,

Pretoria, 23 Mei 1979. Pretoria, 23 May, 1979.

Page 39: Dm @flitiftr itttrratti gn I Off trial Gazrtir · 2017-07-05 · 14488/1973, onderskeidelik, voorwaardes B12 en B13 in 14488/1973, respectively, remove conditions B12 and die gemelde



Planslike Bestuurshennisgewinys. ... . . . - . . ..,Notices By Local Authorities

, • .. .. .

• DORPSRAAD VAN KINROSS. publication of this notice which is 30th CITY COUNCIL OF PRETORIA.



NINGSKEMA NO. 1/6. Any owner or occupier of immovable PRETORIA TOWN - PLANNINGproperty situated within the area to which SCHEME,' 1974: TOWN - PLANNING

Die Dorpsraad van Kinross het 'n oat- this draft scheme' applies or within 2 kin AMENDMENT SCHEME 481.werpwysigingdorpbeplanningskema opgestel of the boundary thereof may in writingvat bekepd sal staan as Wysigingskema lodge any objection with or may make :pry The City Council of Pretoria has pre-No. 1/6. Hierdie ontwerpskema bevat die representations to the abovenamed local pared a draft amendment to the Pretoriavolgende voorstel:

' ' authority in respect of such draft scheme' Towin-planning Scheme, 1974, to be known

Om 'n Dorpsbeplanningskema in beide withinfour weeks of the first publication' as Town-planning • Amendment Scheme

amptelike tale seam te stet; of this notice which is 30th May, 1979; 481. -and he may when lodging any such objec-

Om die huidige mates met metriese don or making such representations, request in Thisdraft scheme contains the follow-

matesP proposal:to vervang; .

m writing that he be heard by the local• .

authority. The rezoning, of Ed 47, Mayville,i: .r Om die monochroom sisteem te aan- A. G.'SMITH, from "Special Residential" to "Duplexyear;

Municipal Offices.ToWn Clerk.. Residential".

Om die wysigingskemas in eon dorps- 1

Voortrekker Road, The property is registered in the nameaanlegskema scam to vat.ICinross. . of the City Council of Pretoria.

Besonderhede van hierdie skema le ter' 30 May, 1979.inane to Kamer 4, Mulaisipale Kantore, Notice No. 79/5/1..

Particulars .of this scheme are open to. 352_30_6 inspection at Rooms 603W and 363W,Voortrekkerweg, Kinross, vir .41 tydperk. Munitoria, Van der Walt Street, Pretoria,van vier weke. land .die datum van die. •

• for a period of four weeks from the datei eerste publikasie van hierdie kennisgewing, of the first publication of this notice,naamlik 30 Mei 1979. • ' STADSRAAD VAN PRETORIA. which is 30 May, 1979.? Enige elenaar of besitter van muoerende VOORGESTELDE WYSIGING VAN DIE The Council will consider whether oreiendom geleg binne 'n gelded wuarop bo- PRETORIA - DORPSBEPLANNINGSKE- not the scheme should be adopted.

genoeinde ontwerpskema van toepassmg is MA, 1974: DORPSBEPLANNINGSWY-of •binne 2 kin van die grens daarvan, kan SIGINGSKEMA 481. Any owner or occupier of immovableskriftelik enige beswaar indien by of vet- property within the area of the Pretoriato tot bogenoemde plumlike bestuur rig' _ Die Siadsraad van Pretoria bet 'n oat- Town-planning Scheme, 1974, or withinten opsigte van soda:nige ontwerpskemd werpwysiging van die Pretoria-dorpsbeplan- two kilometres of the boundary thereof,binne vier weke vanaf die eerste publikasie ningskema, 1974, opgestel wat bekend sal. has the right to object to the scheme or tovan hierdie kennisgewing, naamlik 30 Mei staan as Dorpsbepladningswysigingskema make represenlatiohs in respect thereof1979 en wanneer hy enige beswaar indien 481.

'and, if he wisehes to do so, he shall within

of sodanige vertob rig, kelo hy skriftelik • . four Weeks of the first publication of thisversoek dat by deur die plumlike bestuur' Hierdie ontwerpskema bevat die vidges- notice, which is 30 may 1979, inform theaangehoor word. • de voorstel:

'Town Clerk, P.O. Box 440, Pretoria 0001,

A. G. SMITH, , .... in writing of such objection or representa-Stadsklerk.' Die hersonering van Ed 47, Mayville, lion and shall state whether or not he

Munisipale Kantore, van "Spesiale Woon" na "Dupleks•wishes to be heard by the local authority.

0 Voortrekkerweg, .Woon".

Kinross. i 'P. DELPORT,Die ciendom is op naam van die Stads-

30 Mei 1979. - -read van Pretoria geregistreer. Town Clerk.

Kennisgewing No. 79/5/1. 30 May, 1979.Besonderhede van Iliadic skema la ter Notice No. 120/1979.

insae to Kamers 603W en 363 \V, Muni- 357- 30- 6toria, Van der Wakstraat, Pretoria, vir 'n1

VILLAGE COUNCIL OF KINROSS. i tydperk van vier wake vanaf die datum STADSRAAD VAN PRETORIA.van die mate publikasie van hierdie kenDRAFT AMENDMENT TOWN-PLAN- nisgewing, naamlik 30 Mei 1979. VOORGESTELDE WYSIGING VAN DIENING SCHEME NO. 1/6. 'PRETORIA - DORPSBEPLANNINGSKE-Die Read sal die skema oorwceg en

1974,6131‘1RPSBEPLANNINGSWY-The Village Council of Kinross has pre- besluit - of dit aithgeneem moct word. . MA,SIGINGSKEMA 483.pared a draft amendment town-planning 1... .' .Inge. menaar of onupeerder van vaste .. , ,,scheme to be knouin as Amendment st

ciendom Mane die gebied van die Pretoria- Die Stadsraad 1411 Pretoria het 'n ont-Scheme No. 1/6. This draft scheme con - . . . • •- dorpsbeplannumskema, 1974, of Inane twee ‘verpwysiging van die Pretoria-dorpsbeplan-tains the following proposal: kilometer van die grens daarvan, het die ningskema, 1974, opgestel wat bekend sal

To compile the town-planning scheme rag 0112 teen die skema beswaar te maak staan. as Dorpsbeplanningswysigingskemain both official languages; . of om, vertog ten opsigte daarvan te rig 483:

en, indica -Ini•dit wil -doer; moat by dieTo replace the .present measurements Stadsklerk, Posbus 440, Pretoria 0001, bin- Hierdie ontwerpskema bevat die volgen-with metric figures; ne vier weke vela -die mite publikasie van de voorstet:

hierdie kennisgewing, naamlik 30 -MeiTo accept the monochrome system; '1979, skriftel1C -van iodanige besiiaar of Die hersonering van gedeeltes van Erf- •vertoo in le:nini stet

-en, venneld of hy, 1670, Garsfontein Uitbreiding 8, van

To consolidate all amendment schemes"Spesiaal" vir winkels na-

- "Straat-deur. die plaaslike bestuur" gehoor wil word.in 'one town-planning' scheme.reserve" vir Gedeeltes 1 en 4 en die0of nie. - -.

• r' „ :. ;iv.: •. • -


Particulars of this scheme are open for . c_ • t. 1.. • • . P.,15ELPORT, •Restant en Gedeeltes 2 en 3 na 7Spe-Sinai" vir winkels en kantore.inspection at Room. 4, Municipal Offices, :. :• I. ...: i .. n'• -. tt'. ' :Stadsklerk.

Voortrekker Road, Kinross, •for a period - 30 Mei 1979..2: 1 . - ti.:. ;.- Die ciendom is op naam van die Sleds-of four weeks' from' the date of' the. first Kennisgewing No. 120/1979. .f.: ._..1... • read vani. Pretoria geregistreer.

Page 40: Dm @flitiftr itttrratti gn I Off trial Gazrtir · 2017-07-05 · 14488/1973, onderskeidelik, voorwaardes B12 en B13 in 14488/1973, respectively, remove conditions B12 and die gemelde


Bescinderhede van hierdie skema m ter STADSRAAD VAN STILPONTEIN. 3, .fen: Baster. Merino Skanpooi. Geen ABEKRAGTIGING VAN TUSSENTYDSE

insae in Kiimca 603W en 363W, Muni-toria, Van der Waltstraat, Pretoria, vir inmerke. ;G.evind in Elidelaan' Northmead, I.- • - • - •

tydperk van vier weke vanaf die datum WAARDERINGSLYS 1976/1979.nenom en geskut op 8 Maart 1979.

van die eerste publikasie van hierdie ken- • W. SMITH,nisgewing, naamlik 30 Mei 1979.

Hiermee word ingevolge die, bepalings , '. .., - ',

van artikel 14 imn die Piauilike'Skutmeester.Die Rand sal die skema oorwecg en lastingsord.onnansie, 1933, bekend gemitak

Eestuur-Be'^ -Da,Ka. arcire;

Ben ni•besluit of dit aangeneem meet word. dat die Waarderingshof die oorweging van6 Junie 1979.besware wat teen die tussentyde waarde- Kennisgewing No. 53/1979. --Hnigeeienaar of okkupeerder van vaste; ringslys ingedien was, voltoot het en soda- c

eiendom binne die gebied van die Pretoria- ; nige veranderings en wysigings aan die ge- • , ,dorpsbeplanningskema, 1974, of binnetwee) noemde waardermgslys aangebring het is '


kilometer van die grens daarvan, het. die! wat by nodig geag bet, Die waarderingslys TOWN. COUNCIL OF BENONI.reg pm teen die skema beswaar te meek! sal vasgestel en bindend 'gement word virof 9m vertoti ten opsigte daarvan te rigral die betrokke partye wat nie binne 'n POUND SALE.•

en, indieln by dit wil doen, meet by die tydperk van con maand vanaf datum van - ' •Stadsklerk, Posbus 440, Pretoria

0001,I die .cerste publikasie van hierdie kennis-)...It is hereby, notified for 'general informa-

binne .vier weke van die eerste publikasie cawing op die wyse.soos voorgeskryf in die. lion that unless previously' released by their

van hierdie kennisgewing, naamlik 30 Mei Ordonnansie teen die beslissing van die lawful owners, the animals described here-1979, skriftelik van sodanige beswaar of

IWaarderingshof appellees nie. 'under Will be sold 'by Public Auction by

verto9 in kennis stel en vermeld of .by the Poundmaster at the Municipal Pnuitti,deur die plaaslike bestuur echoer wil viordi

i .

J. J.00SninizEm. trfaveyton. Benoni, on Wednesday, 13thof inie. ,President van -die Waarderingshof. June, 19790 at 11h00. .


P. DELPORT, 11.Mnntsipa.Stilfontein. leKantore,'Stadsklerk.;


30 Mei 1979. I30 Mei 1979. I. One milking Friesland SW and calf.

Kcnnisgewing No. 119/1919. I Kennisgewing No. 14/1979. .-(Black/White). The Friesland cow was

t " impounded by tut. Venter of Putfontein1 on 9th January, 1979, and the calf was born 41_ , ' - dating ldetatruitent et thepound. TOWNCOUNCIL OF STILFONTEIN.


2. One brown and fawn heifer calf. Nobrand marks and ;approximately 4 months


• old! 'Found 'In- Sesfontein and impoundedPROPOSED AMENDMENT OF THE LUATION ROLL. _ - 15y the ' Society for i the 'Prevention . ofP R E T OiR I A TOWN -PLANNI.NGi 1076/1979.


Cruelty to' Animals on' 24th March, 1979.SCHEME, 1974: TOWN - PLANN/NCii

AMENDMENT SCHEME 483.• Notice is• hereby 'given. in 'terms of the i 3. One Cross Merino. Sheep. Ewe., NoI

provisions of section 14 of the Local' markings. toss Merino. Eleventh Aventte,t Authorities Rating Ordinance, 1933, that; Northmead,'Ilenoni arid. impounded on 8th

The City Council of Pretoria has pre- ' the Valuation Court bas completed' its con- I *MlitrChl1979.- : ' ..

W- SMITH,pared a draft amendment to the Pretoria' sideration of objCetioni lodged against' theTown-planning Scheme, 1974, to be known interim valuation roll -and has - made in the

- Pound Master.as Town -planning Amendment Scheme said roll such alterations and amendments 'Municipal Offices, •

483. in connection Therewith as it has deemed 73inent. ' . ••- '•

I necessary. The valuation roll will become :6 Juno, 1979. •

This draft scheme contains the follow- i binding upon all parties concerned who 'Notice No. 53/79. • •

ing proposal: : -shall net within a period of one month ' . . . .. . . 368r6

The rezoning of portions of E"rf1670.1

from the date of the first publication of ' ' .

this notice, appeal from the decision of the 'STADSRAAD VAN DELMAS.Ganfontein Extension 8, from "Spa provic ,IValuation Court in the Manner 'd kl in i•

cial" for shops to "Street Reserve' the ordinance. WYSIGING VAN VERORDENING.for Portions I and 4 and the Remain-i J. J. OOSTHUIZEN,ing Extent and Portions 2 and 3 to: HierPresident of the Valuation Court. ..by. word oorccnkomstig artikel 96

"Special" for shops and offices. ' Municipal Offices, van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike. Bestuurg

The property is registered in the name:mStilfonte. 1939, bekend gemank dat die Stadsraad.voor-

of the City Council of Pretoria. . 30 May, 1979. nemens is oat die wysiging van die Stan- N'

Notice No. 14/1979.daard-Reglement van Orde afgekondig by

Particulars of this scheme are open top 360- 30- 6 die Administrateurskennisgewing 307 van 21

inspection at Rooms 603W and 363W, Maart 1979 teaanvaar..Munitoria, Van der Walt Street, Pretoria,: Afskrifte van hierdie wysiging 10 ter insacfor a period of four weeks from the date - STADSRAAD, VAN BENONI. by die kantoor van die Stadskkrk vir 'nof the first publication of this notice, which . tydpeik: Van yeertiett 'the vanaf 'die datumis 30 May, 1979.

SKUTVERKOPING. •van publikasie biervan.

The Council will consider whether or . Eidge . Pennon 'Wet'bescvair,,. teen ge-

net the scheme should be adopted. . Daar word hiermee vir algemene inligting noemde wysiging wens 'nen te taken meetbekend gemaak dat indict ondervermelde die skriftelik binne 14 dae vanaf die datum

Any owner or occupier of immovable diere nie deur hulle regmatige Sumacs van ,publikasie 'van hierdie kennisgewing inproperty within the area of the Pretoria eerder gelos word nie, sodanige diere per ,die PrOvInsiale kberatit by

-die ohdergete-

Town-planning Scheme, 1974, or within Openbare Veiling verkoop sal= word deur ,kende indien. ,.

two kilometres of the boundary thereof, die Skutmeester te Munismale Skut, -Davey- C. A. 'DE BRUIN,has the right to object to the scheme or. ton, '• Benoni om Ith00 op - oensdaW g 13 Stadsklerk.to make representations in respect thereof: huue 1979. . Munisipale'Kantooreand, if he wishes to do so, he shall within' BESICRYWING .VAN DIEM. Dolmas. . • • •

four weeks of the first publication of this 6 Junk 1979.notice, which is 30 May, 1979, inform the 1. Een Fries melkkoei en kalfic. tSivart/ TCennisgewing No. '8/1979.

• i

Town Clerk, P.O. Box 440, Pretoria 000I,; Wit). Die Fries melkkoei is deur mtir. Von- '

in writing of such objections or represen- ter van Putfontein op 9 januarie 1979 ff -r r _• ..tation and shall state whether or not he strut en die kalfie is tydens amihouding in TOWN COUNCIL OF DELMAS

wishes to be heard by the local authority. die shit -geboie. . . • _ •

P: DELPORT, 2. Bell bin/bruit vtinkaifie. GeenAMENDMENT Op BY-LAWS

' Town Clerk. bratichnerke en ongeveer 4 manila oud. . Notice is hereby'giveu in - terms of section30 May, 1979. Gevind in Sesfontein en geskut op 24 96e. of the; Local Government Ordinance,Notice No. 119/1979. Maart 197Q deur die. Dierebeskennings- '1939, that the Town Councinntends - adopt-

. 358- 30- 6 venniging. . ing. the AMendment. to the Standard Stand-

Page 41: Dm @flitiftr itttrratti gn I Off trial Gazrtir · 2017-07-05 · 14488/1973, onderskeidelik, voorwaardes B12 en B13 in 14488/1973, respectively, remove conditions B12 and die gemelde



ing Orders promulgated under Administra - verlofregulasies afgekondig by'Administra- 1939, that the Town Council intends totor's Notice 307 of 21 March, 1979. teursgoedkeuring 553 van 26 Julie 1950,•te alter the existing Tembisa — Edenvale bus

herroep. route as follows: —I Copies of these amendments are open •

for inspection at the office of the Town Enige persoon wat beswaar wil aanteken Laurie Road, Betchana Road, TerraceClerk for a period of fourteen days from teen die voorgestelde herroeping moet dit Road, Palliser Road, Eden&le Road, Ter-the. date of publication hereof. skriftelik doen binne 14 the na die datum minus and also the return journey.

van publikasie hicrvan by ondergetekende. '

Any person who - desires to record' his • No stopping places will be providedobject to the said amendments must do F. P. VAN WYK, 'along the Terrace Road, Palliser Road andso in writing to the undermentioned within Stadsklerk. •Edendale Road portion of the route.14 days after. the date of publication of Munisipale Kantore,this notice in the Provincial Gazette. Posbus 36, I A plan indicating the proposed alteration

Duivelskloof. and the relevant Council resolution is openC. A. DE BRUIN, •6 Junk 1979.

- for inspection at 'Room 336, MunicipalTown Clerk. :Offices, Edenvale for a period of twenty

Municipal Offices, •one (21) days from the date of publicationDolmas lof this notice and anyone desiring to object6 June, 1979. i

VILLAGE COUNCIL OF DUIVELS- ,against the Council's intention, should do• Notice No. 8/1979.


KLOOF. 'so in writing to the Town Clerk within369- 6 such period.


P, J. G. VANOUDTSHOORN, Noticeis hereby given in terms of sectionDORPSRAAD VAN DUIVELSKLOOF.Town Clerk.r96 of the Local Government Ordinance,WYSIGING.VAN STANDAARD REGLE- 1939, that the Village Council of Duivels- Municipal Offices,

MENT VAN ORDE. • lkloof intends revoking the Uniform Leave P.O. Box25, Edenvale.

'Regulations promulgated by Administrator's . ...79.' Kcnnis geskied hiermee oorcenkomstig !Notice No. 553 of 26 July, 1950. June,16 ly

die bopalings van artikel 96 van die Ordon - Notice No. 28/1979.

0 nansie op Plaasliko Bestuur,•1939, dat die ' Any person who wishes to lodge an,

372- 6

Dorpsraad voornemens is om die Standaard objection to the intended revocation mustReglement van Orde to wysig. • 'do so in writing to the undersigned within

14 days of the publication of this notice. STADSMAD VAN EDENVALE.'n Afskrif van die voorgestelde wysiging

18 ter insac by die kantoor van die. Stads-' F. P. VAN WYK,

klerk vir 'n tydperk van .14 doe vanaf die - Town Clerk. VERVREEMDING VAN GROND.datum van publikasie hiervan.• . IMuniciital Offices,

'P.O. Box 36, '

Hiermee word kragtens die bopalings vanEnige persoon wat beswaar teen die voor- Duivelskloof. •

artiker 79(18) van die Ordonnansie opgestelde wysiging wil aanteken meet dit .6 June, 1979. plaaslike Bestuur, .1939, bekend gemaakskriftelik binne 14 dao na die datum van 37I- 6 .dal die 'Stadsraad van voomeme is om,publikasic van hierdie kennisgewing in die

I Provinsiale Koerant by die Stadsklerk doers'• onderworpe aan die toestemming van die

Administrateur, Gedeelte 2 van Erf 35,STADSRAAD VAN EDENVALE.F. P. VAN WYIC, . Edenvale, by wyse van tender to vervreem.

• Stadsklerk. VERANDERING VAN DIE TEMBISA —Munisipalo Kantoro, EDENVALE BUSROETE VIR NIE: Die Raad se beside •in verband met die

Posbus 36 BLANKES. 'voorgenome vervreemding 18 vir 'n tydperk,'

.van veertien doe vanaf datum van hierdio

6 Junk 1979.Duivelskloof 0835. Ooreinkomstig die bepalings van artikel ktennisgewing gedurende gewone kantoor-

165 bis van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike ure by Kantoor 346, Munisipale Kantore,i, •

•, ,Bestuur, 1939. word bekend gemaak dat die Tiende Lean, Edenvale, ter insae.•

Raad van voomeme is om die bestaande

VILLAGE COUNCIL OF DUIVELS- Tembisa — Edenvale busroete soos volg Person wat teen die voorgenome ver-

KLOOF. tc wysig:— . vreemding beswaar wil aanteken, meetsodanige beswaar skriftelik by die Stads-



Notice is hereby given in terms of Section

Laurieweg, Betchanaweg, Terraceweg, klerk mdien voor 21 ruble 1979.• Palliaerlaan, Edcndaleweg, Terminus en ook

'die retoerrit.

96 of the Local Government Ordinance, ' Gecn stilhouplekke sal voorsien word in Munisipal%


1939, that the Village Council intends to .

amend the Standard Standing Orders.Terraceweg, falliserlaan en Edendaleweg posbus 25,.nie. ,Edenvale 1610.


N OUDTSHOORN,Stadsklerk.



A copy of the 'proposed amendment is .


open for inspection at the office of then Plan wat die voorgestelde wysiging

16 juni° 1979'

aandui en die betrokke Raadsbesluit 18 ter Kennisgewing No. 18/1979.

Town Clerk for a period of 14 days from 'insac 'I:I Kamer 336 Munisipak Kantore,the date of publication 'hereof. lEdenvale, vir 'n tydperk van cen-en-twintig


. (21) dac vanaf datum van publikasie hicr-Any person who desires to record his van en enige persoon wat beswaar teen • TOWN COUNCIL OF EDENVALE.

objection to the proposed amendment must die Road se voorneme wil aanteken, moddo so in writing to the Town Clerk within dit skriftelik binne sodanige tydperk by die '

ALIENATION OF LAND.14 days from the date of publication of Stadsklerk indictthis notice in the Provincial 'Gazette.

P. J. G. VANOUDTSHOORN, F.P. VAN WYK, StStadsklerk.Noticeis given in, terms of the provision

Town Clerk. 'Munisipale Kantore, of section 79(18) of the Local Government•

Municipal Offices, - _ Posbus 25, Ordinance, 1939, that it is the intention ofP.O. Box 36, ;Edenvale. :the Town Council subject to the consentDuivelskloof 0835. '6 Junie 1979. 'of the Administrator, to alienate Portion 26 June, 1979. •

'Kennisgewing No. 28/1979.

• of Erf 35, Edenvale, by tender.370- 61

.' The Council's resolution regarding theDORPSRAAD VAN DUIVELSKLOOF. r EDENVALE TOWN COUNCIL. proposed alienation will be open for inspec-

ition during normal office hours at Room'VERLOFREGULASIES. ALTERATION OF A PORTION OF 346, Municipal Offices, Tenth Avenue, 1

/ Kennis geskied hiermee kragtens mac] 'THE TEMBISA — EDENVALE BUS .Edenvale, for a period of fourteen daysROUTE FOR BLACKS. . from date of this notice.

96 van die Ordonnansie op Plaasllice Be- Istuur, 1939, dat.die Dorpsraad van Duivels- '

Notice is hereby given in terms of section • Persons who wish to object to the pro-kloof van voomeme is om die Eenvormige '65 bis of the Local Government Ordinance, .posed alienation must lodge such objection


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. .

in writing with the Town Clerk not later teen (14) days after the date of public* TOWN COUNCIL OF HEIDELBERG.

4than the 21 June, 1979. Lion of thisnotice.. '

in the Provincial Gazette,AMENDMENT AND REVOCATION OF

P. J. G. VAN OUDTSHOORN, IL J. DEETLEFS, BY-LAWS.Town Clerk. . Town Secretary. •

Municipal Offices, Municipal Offices, . Notice is hereby given in terms of sec-P.O. Box 25, Germiston. . .

• lion 96 of the Local Government Or-Edenvale 1610. 6 June, 1979-


6 June, 1979. Notice No. 53/1979.dina,hce, 1939 that the Town Council of

Notice No. 18/79.. .

374- 6 •Heidelberg intends to:

373- 6 1. Amend the Town Hall By-laws of the•

STADSRAAD VAN HEIDELBERG.Heidelberg Municipality published underAdministrator's Notice 1393 dated 3 De-

STADSRAAD VAN GERMISTON. WYSIG1NG EN HERROEPING VANcomber .1969 ,to increase the tariffs.


' Kennis geskied hiermee Ingevolge die be-Heidelberg Municipality adopted by thecouncil by Administrator's Notice 1572

DIELENINGSFONDS. palings van artikel % van die Ordonnansie I

dated 13 September 1972 to increase theop Plaaslike Bestinii 1939 dal die Stads -, charges payable for a single-phase domestic,

Ingevolge artikel 96 van die Ordonnansie rand van Heidelberg van voorneme is em: service connect* for the supply of elm-, op Plaaslike Bestuur 1939, word Mame

kennis gegee dat die Stadsraad van Ger- I. Die Stadsaalverordeningc van die Mu- trieity.

miston besluit het om die Verordeninge vir nisipaliteit Heidelberg afgekondig by Ad- '

die Regulating van Lenings uit die Bears- ministrateurskttnnisgewing 1393 van 3 De.3. Adopt the amendment of the Stand-

'ard Standing Orders published under Ad-Jeningsfonds van die Munisipaliteit Ger_ semher 1969 to wysig deur die tariewe to ministrator's Notice 307 dated 21 Marchmiston, afgekondig by Administrateursken- verhoog. ,

., ,

1979.nisgewing 766 van 15 Julie 1970 te herrocp . ,

L. Die Elektrisiteitsveror gdettin c van 'die .en dit te vervang met Verordeninge' vir die 4. Revoke the By-laws for RegulatingMunisipaliteit Heidelberg ,dear. die raadRegulering van Lenings uit die Studiele- the Capital Development Fund of the Hei - iningsfonds. Die doel van hierdie herroe- aangeneem by. Administrateurskennisgewing delberg Municipality published under Ad-ping en die aanname van nuwe Verorde- 1572 van 13 September 1972 to wysig deur ministrator's Notice 708 dated 24 Sep-ninge is om die ou Verordeninge in sy die gelde betaatbaar ; vir. 'n• enkelfasige tember, 1958.geheel op datum to bring en aan te pas diensaansluitIng it die lewering van eta-by nuwe omstandighede. trisiteit fe verlioog.• '

5. Revoke Administrator's Notice 738dated 27 September, 1961 re municipal

'n Afskrif van die Verordeninge 16 gedu- 3. Die wysiging van die.Standaard-Regle-electioIn deposits payable by candidates lur-

ekantoorure ter insae in Kamer 115, ment van Orde afgekondig by .Administra- 'ing municipal elections.Munisipale Kantore, Germiston, vir 'n tyd- teurskennisgewing 307 van.21 Maart 1979.perk van veertien (14) dae vanaf•die datum M aanvaar. '6. Revoke Chapter 21 of the Publicvan hierdie kennisgewing in die amptelike 'Health By-laws of the Heidelberg Munici-

4. Die Vcroregu deningevan •die Rleripgkoerant van die Provinsie Transvaal. polity published under Administrator'svan die Kapilaalontwikkelingsfonds van die Notice '11 dated 12' January, 1949, as

Bnige persoon wat beswaar teen boge- Munisipaliteit 'Heidelberg afgekondig by ,amended. .

meld° herroeping wit aanteken moot Administrateurskennisgewing 708. van 24dit skriftelik doen by die Stadsklerk binne September 1958,Ytb herroep. 7.' Revoke the Abattoir By-laws of the

. .veertien (14) dee na die datum van publi- Heidelberg Municipality published under

iii dmnstrateurskeitsgewing No. 738kasie van hierdie kennisgewing in die.nmpte- 5. A Administrator's Notice 453 dated 10 Au -

like koerant van die Provinsie Transvaal. van 27 September 1961 liandelende oor' munisipale. verkiesingsdeposito's deur kan-

gust, 1963.

H. J. DEETLEFS, didatc tydens niunisipale verkiesings te her- 8. Revoke the Swimming Bath By-lamsStadsekretaris. roep. of the Heidelberg Municipality published. . .,

Munisipale Kantore, . under Administrator's Notice 598 dated 66. Hoofstuk 21 van die Publieke Gesond-Germiston. November,•1940.

6 Junie 1979.' heidnerordeninge van die Munisipaliteit . .

Kennisgewig No. 53/1979.. Heidelberg, afgekelndig by Administrateurs- Copies of the amendments arc °pct.. for

kennisgewing 11, van 12 Januarie 1949, to inspection during normal office hours at— • herrocp. the office of the Town Secretary for aperiod of 14 days from the date of publi-

7. Die Abattoirverordenin van die Mu- •Ication of this notice in the ProvincialGERMISTON CITY' COUNCIL' ge

nisipaliteit Heidelberg afgekondig by "Ad- Gazette. •


ministrateurskennisgewing 453 van 10 Au-,


REGULATIONOAN.gustus 193g, to /lumI-en. Any person who desires to record hisL „ ' objection to the amendment or revocation

FUND. 8. Die Swembadverordeninge van die of the said by-laws, must do so writingIviunisipaliteit van, 'Heidelberg afgekondig

It is hereby notified in terms of section . ,m Administrateurskennisgewing 598 van !date publication

Clrk within 14 days of theof of this notice in the

96 of the Local Government Ordinance. 6 November 1940, lc herroep. '

,Provincial Gazette.

1939, that the City Council of Germiston ";has resolved to repeal the By-Laws for the Afskrific van • hierdie wysigings 16 ter '


C: P.DE TownITClerk.Regulation of Loans from the BursaryLoan 'insae gedurende gewone kantoorure by die

Fund of the Germiston Municipality, pu- Municipal Offices,

Wishedvan die Stadsekretaris vir .'n tyd- •

P.O.Box 201,•Wished under Administrator's Notice 766 perk van 14 dae vane!' die datum vanP


dated the 15th July 1970 and the adoption publikasie vanhierdie. .kennisgewing in die'Heidelberg. •2460

of By-Laws for the Regulation of Loans Provinsiale Koerant. 6 June, 1979.

from the Study Loan Fund: The purpose . Notice No.43/1979.of this revocation and adoption of new Enige persoon wat beswaar teen die wy- ' 375- 6

by-laws is to bring the old by-laws up to siting of herroeping van die whom& , •

date as a whole and to adapt same to new verordeninge wens aan te teken, moet dit DORPSRAAD VAN MACHADODORP.circumstances. ,skriftelik aan die Stadskierk rig binne 14 :

dae na die datum van publikasie van hier- VAN VERORDENINGE.A copy of this resolution is laying for 'die kennisgewing In die Provinsiale Koe- •l• WYSIGING

inspection during office hours in Room 115, rant.; Kennis geskied hiermee ingevolge die be-

Municipal Offices, President Street,. Ger- • . . C P. DE Win : palings van artikel 96 van die Ordonnalnsieiniston, for a period' of fourteen (14) days ; - • Stadsklerk. •

Plaaslikc Bestuur, 1939: soos gew 3-sig., r

opfrom the date- of publication of this notice •

Munisipale Kantore, - • • • • l dat die Dorpsraad van voomcme is om die1in die Provincial Gazette. •

IPosbus 201, • - • • 1 ondergenoemde verordcninge te wys:g:Any person who desires to record his 'Heidelberg. 2400 .

objection to the above repeal must 'do so 6 Junie 1979. - • ; 1. Die Watervoorsieningsverordeninge

in writing to the Town Clerk within four- Kcnnisgewing No. 13/1979.'

I I deur. die tarief to verhoog.

Page 43: Dm @flitiftr itttrratti gn I Off trial Gazrtir · 2017-07-05 · 14488/1973, onderskeidelik, voorwaardes B12 en B13 in 14488/1973, respectively, remove conditions B12 and die gemelde

- • -


2.. Die Sanitere- en.i Vullisvenvyderilms- gaande die voorgestelde wysigIng, skriftelilc any objections to the privisional yaluationtarief deur die toner vir die verwYdering ingedien kan word by' onclergetekende, - :troll for the financial years 1979/82.van • huishoudelike vullis te verhoog. . , 1 . ,



' B. WH1TTER,3. Die Verkcersverordeninge deur die Stadsklerk. . Secretary.

lisensiegelde vir fictse te verhoog. Munisipale Kantore, • Municipal Valuation Board.Ottosdal. ;6 June, 1979.

Afskrifte van die betrokke wysigings la 6 Junie 1979. ; 378- 6ter insac by, die Munisipale Kantore, Me" Kennisgewing No. 102/4/23.chadodorp, . vir 'n tydperk van 14 dae nndie datum van publikasie hiervan. , , 1 STADSRAAD VAN PIETERSBURG.


Unite' persoon wat be'swearl teen genoem- idc wysigings wil aantcken, moat dit skrif- ' VILLAGE COUNCIL OTTOSDAL. ,DRIEJAARLIKSE WAARDERINGSLYS:fel& binnc veerticn doe na datum van t 1979/1982.


publikasie van hierdie kennisgcwing in. die PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO. CAN-',

Provinsiale Koerant by .die andergetekende TAL DEVELOPMENT BY-LAWS.• . ..

Kennis word hierby ingevolge artikeldocn. . . . 112(I)(a) van die Ordonnansie op Eien-

D. E. ERASMUS, Notice is hereby given in terms of sec- I •. .domsbelasting van Plaaslike Besture, 1977

• .- Stadsklerk. lion 96, Local Government Ordinance i(Oroi nnansie 11 van 1977) gegee dal die

17/1939,'as amended, that it is the in- 1‘ -

ip. '• • . •

Posbus 9, :voor opige waarderingslys wt. die. DoelcjareMachadodorp. 1170

' " • ;tuition of the Village Council Ottosdal to- 11979/1982 oop is vir inspoksie in die be-

6 Junie 1979. - . . 'increase the tariffs. . Il'astingsaal, Burgersentrum, PietersburgKennisgewing No. 6/1979. •

• ' ''

TIM proposed amendment lies open for vannf 6 Junie 1979 tot 6 Julie 1979 en

inspection at the Council's offices, during ;enige cienaar van bclasbare ciendom of


• _.office hours, for a period of 14 days from 'ander persoon wat begerig is om 'n be-

,date of publication hereof, during which 'swath. by die Stadsklerk ten opsigte van.. *

VILLAGE COUNCIL OF MACHADO . period objections against and/or represent- Icnige aanteleentheid in die voorlopige

0lotions concerning the proposed amend- waarderingslys opge e en soos in artikel

DORP. 'ment must be lodged in writing with the :10 van diet k

genoemde Ordonnansie beoog,' •

.,undersigned. . in tc then, insluitcndc die vraag of soda-

,AMENDMENT OF *.BY-LAWS. E. IL VAN PLETSEN, :nige eiendom of 'n gedeelte daarvan onder-

worpe is arm die beatingTown Clerk. van ciendoms -

Municipal' Offices, belasting• of daarian vrygestel is, of ten;opsig Noticeis hereby given in terms of sec- iOttosdal.

' •te van enige weglating van enige aan-

1 tion 96 'of the Local Government Or- 6 June, 1979.'

. .geleentheid 'uit sodomite lys, doen so binnedinance, 1939, as amended, that the Cum-

Notice No. 102/4/23.• • gemelde tydperk.

cil intends amending the following by- ••• •377- 6

laws: '. e ' Die voorgeskrewc vorm vir die ladle-•

. .. ,... . . - _ • - - - • tning van 'n beswaar is by die •adres Mer-

l.' Water Supply By-laws by increasing lender aangedui beskikbaar en aandag wordthe.tariff. . . .

. . 'PLAASLIKE ,BESTUUR. YAN. PHALA- ispesifiek gevestig opdie i felt dat seenBORWA. ,persoon geregtig s om enige beswaar voor

2. Sanitary and Refuse Removals Tariff •• 1, • . ft. ! c' • . s • • ,die waarderingsraad te opper tensy by 'nby increasing the tariff for the removal KENNISGEWING 'VAN; EERSTE SIT- beswaar op die voorgeskrewe vorm betydsof household rubbish.

', TING ,VAN WAARDERINGSRAAD OM ingedien het nie.

3. Traffic By-laws by increasing the EESWARE TEN OPSIGTE VAN VOOR- . S. A. DOTES,licence fees for cycles. ,LOPIGE WAARDERINGSLYS. VIR DIE Stadsklerk.

BOEKJARE: 1979/82 AAN 'TE HOOK. Burgersentrum,Copies of these amendments are open


for inspection at 'the Municipal Offices. Kennis word 'hierby ingevolge die bepa- :6 Junre'1979.for a period of fourteen days from the 'lints, van. artikel 15(3)(6) van' die. Ordon- '

date of publication hereof. nansie op Eiendomsbelasting van Plaaslike'

'Besture, 1977 (Ordonnansic .11 van 1977),Any person who desires to record his ,le cc dat die eerste sitting van die Waar- TOWN

' COUNCIL OF PIETERSBURG.objection to the said amendments, must aedo so in writing to the undermentioned 09h00 salwithin fourteen days after the date of fingsraad Plaasvind

'en opDinsdag' gchou sal word by ; TRIENNIAL VALUATION ROLL:26 Junie 1979,om '

(lie volgcnde adres: Munisipale Kantore, , 1979/1982. -

publication of this notice in the Provincial Selatiweg 26, Phalaborwa, om enige. be-' '

Gazette... , •-

. .. ' swear tot die voorlopige waarderingslys virD. E. ERASMUS, die bockjare 1979/82 tc oonveeg. Notice is hereby given in terms of sec-

•Town Clerk:" •tion 12(1)(a) of the Local Authorities Rat-„- '

P.O. Bok 9, B. wirgrgr.ia; .ing Ordinance, 1977 (Ordinance 11 of'' .

Machadodorp. '1170 ''

Sekrctaris. '1977), that the provisional valuation roll'

6 June, 1979. - Munisipale .Waarderingsraad. . for the financial years• 1979/1982 is open

Notice Na. 6/1979.6 Junk 1979. . for inspection in the



Civic,Centre, Pietcrsburg from 6 June, 79 to' • 376- 6

' -. . . . 6 July, 1979 and 'any owner of rateable


. . , . • .property or other person who so desires to. , .


LOCAL AUTHORITY OF PHALA- .lodge an objection with. the Town ClerkBORWA. in 'respect. of any matter recorded in - the

. ,. 'provisional. valuation 'roll as contemplated

VOORGESTELDE • WYSIGING VAN ' -: in section 10 of the said Ordinance in-

KAPITAAL ONTWIKKELINGS VER- 'NOTICE OF FIRST SITTING OE ,VA; eluding the. question whether or not such:LUATION BOARD TO HEAR OBJEC- ,property or portion thereof is subject to

ORDENINGE. , ITIONS IN RESPECT OF PROVISIONAL the payment of rates or is exempt there-VALUATION ROLL FOR THE FINAN- from or in respect of any omission of any

Kennis geskied hiermee ingevolge artikel CIAL YEARS 1979/82. 'matter from such roll shall do so within96,. Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, • the said period.17/1939, 'soon .gcwysig, dat die Dorpsraad Notice ii ' hereby given in terms of see- ...Ottosdab van voorneme is urn tariewe tc lion 15(3)(b), of the Local Authorities Rat- , The form, precribed for the lodging ofverhoog. .. ing Oidinancdi

-1,977 (Ordinance' fl ' of :an- objection is obtainable at the address

- - . 1977), that the' first sitting of the value-.indicated below and attention is specific-


'Die voorgestelde wysigifig 16 ter insae Eon board will take place on the 26th

in die Road se kantorc, gedurende kan - June. 1979 at 09h00 and will be held at rally directed to the fact that no person is

toorure. vir 14 dae na publikasie hiervan the tot:owing address: Municipal Offices, 'entitled, to urge any objection before thewaartydens besware teen en/of vertoe aan- 26 Sclati Road, Phalaborwa, ID consider .valuation board unless he has timeously,


Page 44: Dm @flitiftr itttrratti gn I Off trial Gazrtir · 2017-07-05 · 14488/1973, onderskeidelik, voorwaardes B12 en B13 in 14488/1973, respectively, remove conditions B12 and die gemelde

1264 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE, 6 JUNE, 1979_ . .

lodged- an objection in the prescribed. posed New Roads and Widenings" strip , The general purport of these amendmentsform. • along the RepubliC Road frontages - -to — Us aimed mainly at elhninating problems4J. A. BOTES, 'which have in the course of time been

• Town Clerk. "Residential 1" at a density of "One experienced possibly as a result of ambi-Ciiic Cetftre, dwelling per 1000 m2" with a 6,2 in wide !pity and to make provision for otherPietersburg. "Existing Public Roads" strip along -the contingencies.6 June, 1979.

'Republic Road frontages.

__ . 379- 6- 13 Copies of the proposed amendments willThe effect of the new zoning will be to Ibe open for inspection at the office ofpermit consolidation and resubdivision of the Town Secretary (Room Q for a periodRANDBURd SIGINGONTWERP- these lots and to give effect to the 6,2 m lof fourteen (14) days from the date of

DORPSBEPLANNINGSICEMA 206.'wide road widening. publication hereof in the Provincial Gazette.

We Randburg Stadsraad het 'n wysiging Particulars of this scheme are open for ' Any person who desires to record his- •Inspection at 14 Selkirk Avenue, Blairgow- objection to the proposed amendmentsontwerpdorpsbeplanningskema opgestel wat rie, Randburg, for a period of four weeks must do so in writing to the undersignedbekend sal staan as Wysigingskema 206. from the date of the first publication of within fourteen (14) days of publicationthis notice, which is 6 June, 1979.Hierdie ontwerpskema bevat die volgen- iof this notice in the Provincial Gazette.

de voorstel: Any owner or occupier of immovable . C. J. JOUBERT,".

property situated within the arcs to which'Oni die indeling van Lotte 300 en 301, Town Clerk.Fontainebleau, onderskeidelik gelee te 198 the above-named draft scheme applies or *P.O. Box 218en 194 Republiekweg naby die kruising within 2 km of the boundary thereof may .Randfontem 1760.

met ,Cooperlaan to verander van — in writing lodge any objection with or may 6 June, 1979.

. •make any representations to the above- Notice No. 24/1979.

"Residensieel 1" met 'n digtheid van named local authority in respect of such 38I - 6"Een woonhuis per bestaande erf" en 'It draft scheme within four -weeks of the6,2 inbreed "Voorgestelde Nuwe Paaie en first publication of this notice, which is

IPLAASLIKE BESTUUR VAN ROEDTAN.Verbredings" strook tangs die Rcpublick- 6 June; 1979, and he may when lodgingeieg grouse na — .any such objection or making such repro-

KENNISGEWING VAN. ALGEMENE 4sentations request in writing that he be EIENDOMSBELASTING EN VAN VAS-,PResitiensieel 1" Met 'n digtheid .van 'heard by the local authority."Eon woonhuis per 1 000 m2" en 'n 6,2 GESTELDE DAG VIR BETALING TENin. breed "Bestaande Openbare Paaie" , J. C. GEYER. OPSIGTE VAN DIE BOEKJAAR 1 JULIEstrook langs die Republiekweg grense. Town Clerk: 1978 TOT 30 JUNIE 1979.

Municipal Offices, '

Randburg.lc uitwerking van die nuwe sone- Kennis word hierby igegee dat ingevolgeindeling sal wees oat konsolidasie en her- 6 June, 1979.

.artikel 26(2)(a) van die Ordonnansie op

onderverdeling van hierdie lotte toe te laat Notice No. 23/1979. iEiendomsbelasting van Plaaslike Besture,en' om effek te gee aan die 6,2 in breed 380_6_13 1977 (Ordonnanste 11 van 1977), die vol-padverbreding. .gende algemene eiendomsbelasting ten op-

aisle van die genbemde .bockjaar gehef is., Besonderhede van hierdie Aetna 18 ter MUNISIPALITEIT RANDFONTEIN. pop belasbare eiendom in die waarderingslysinsae to. Selkirklaan 14, Blairgowrie, Rand- opgeteken: —burg, vir 'n tydperk van vier weke venal 'WYSIGING VAN STANDAARD-REGLE-die datum van die eerste publikasie van MENT VAN ORDE. •

. Op die terrcinwaarde van enige grond ofhierdie kennisgcwing, naamlik 6 Junie mg in grond drie sent in die rand.1979. Daar word hierby ingevolge artikel 96


van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur, Rente teen agt persent per jaar is op elleEnige chimer of besitter van onroerende 1939, soos gewysig, bekend gemaak dat die agterstallige bcdrae na die vasgestelde dageiendom pled binne 'n gebied waarop bo- ••Raad voomemens is om die Standaard- hcfbaar en wanbetalers is onderhewig aangcnoemde ontwerpskema van toepassmg is Reglement van Orde te wysig. regsproses vir die invordering van sodanigeof binne 2 km van die grens daarvan, kan • agterstollige bcdrae.skriftelik enige beswaar indien by of vcr- Die algemenc staking van hierdie wysi-toll tot bogenoemde plaaslike bestuur rig iging is hoofsaaldik daarop gcmik om pro- . C. G. S. VERMAAK.ten opsigtc van sodanige ontwerpskema bleme in verband met moonlike onduide- &Vetere's:.binne vier wake vanaf die eerste publikasie likhede wat met verloop van tyd ondervind Roedtan.van hierdie kennisgewing, naamlik 6 Junie is, uit die wog te rum, en ook om vir 6 Junie Ion

11979, en warmer hy enige sodanige be- ander gebeurlikhede voorsiening to mask.swaar indien of sodanige vertoe rig, kanhy skriftelik vcrsoek dat by deur die pleas- Afskrifte van die voorgestelde wysiging

le ter insae in die kantoor van die Stadse- LOCAL AUTHORITY OF ROEDTAN.like bestuur aangehoor word.kretaris (Kamer C) vir 'n tydperk van veer-

NOTICE OF GENERAL RATES ANDJ. C GEYER, lien (14) dae vanaf datum van publikasieStadsklerk. hiervan in die Provinsiale Koerant. FIXED DAY FOR. PAYMENT IN RE-

Munisipale Kantore, SPECT OF FINANCIAL YEAR 1 JULY,Randburg. Enige persoon wat beswaar teen die voor- 1978 TO 30 JUNE, 1979.

6 Junie 1979. gesteldc wysiging wens aan to teken, moetKcnnisgewing No. 23/1979. dit skriftelik binne veertien (14) due na Notice is hereby given that in terms of

datum van publikasie van hierdic kennis- section 26(2)(a) of the Local Authoritiesgcwing in die Provinsiale Koerant by die Rating Ordinance, 1977 (Ordinance 11 of


. • . -

ondergetekendc doen. 1977), the following general rates have beenRANI:SI

-UR° DRAFT AMENDMENT C 1 JOUBERT, !levied in respect of the abovementioned

TOWN-PLANNING SCHEME 206. Stadsklerk. financial year on rateable property recordedPosbus 218, .in the valuation roll:—

The Randburg Town Council has pre- Randfoltein 1760.pared a draft amendment town-planning 6 Junie 1979. . On the site value of any land or right inschethe to be known as Amendment Kennisgewing No. 24/1979. 'land three cent in the rand.Scheme 206.

This draft scheme contains the follow-P Interest of eight per cent per annum is'chargeable .on all amounts in arrear after

ing proposal: MUNICIPALITY OF RANDFONTEIN. ;the fixed day . and defaulters are liable to

'. To. rezone Lots. 300 and 301, Fontaine- AMENDMENTS TO STANDARD 'legal proceedings for recovery of such ar- .

bleau,. situated at Nos. 198 and 194 Re- STANDING ORDERS. Item amounts.public Road, respectively, h C. G. S.VERMAAK,earthe inter- .

section with Cooper Avenue from — Notice is hereby given in terms of Section. Secretary.


96 of the Loral Government Ordinance, ;Roedtan."Residential 1" at a density of "One 1939. as amended, that the Council intends 16 June, 1979.

dwelling per erf" with a 6,2 tn. wide "Pro- amending the Standard Standing Orders.. 382- 6


Page 45: Dm @flitiftr itttrratti gn I Off trial Gazrtir · 2017-07-05 · 14488/1973, onderskeidelik, voorwaardes B12 en B13 in 14488/1973, respectively, remove conditions B12 and die gemelde




PROVINSIALE KOERANT, .6 JUNIE, 1979 1265- . . • -

• ••

,• '

STADSRAAD VAN .ROODEPOORT. :date of the - firsCpublicatiOn of'this notice:: as aniended,-that it ii 'the- intention


of the

II . ONTWERPWYSIGINGS-.which is 6 June, 1979.

t -City Council of Roodepoort, subject to the

i :A: ' ' -• necessary consent of the. Administrator - to

DORPSBEPLANNINGSICEMAS. I (The Council will consider whether -or not close permanently: -

!the schemes should be adopted. !


Die Stadsraad van Roodepoort het oat- ,• - - • . - . .• 1 1(a) A portion of Mimetes Avenue, Roode-

werpwysigings -dorpsbeplanningskemas. op-: • .Any; owner or occupier. of 'immovable krans, and to transfer: the closed por-

gestel wat as Skemas Nos. 1/343 en 1/344 :property -within the area of the abovemen-1 tion to the Transvaal Provincial Admi-bekend sal staan.' " '

•' 'tinned town-planning schemes or within.

11-. nistratiom ' • • - i•

2 .kiniof - the -boundary. thereof -has the right. i . •Ilierdra' ontwerpskemas bevae:die vol- to -object .to the schemes or to make:re- !(b) A portion raf Peter Road and Walnut

gende voorstello: presentations in respect thereof .and if he i Road, Trey Jolie Agricultural Hold-

:Skema 1/343.. .wishes to do. so he shall, within four weeks ; ings and to transfer the closed portion

'of the first publication of this notice, which i ,to the (owner of - Holdings 15, 16 and- - - •

Die hersonering van Erf 313, Davidson- its 6-June, 1979 inform the•localauthority, in i i . 17, Tres :Tolle Agricultural Holdings;

vide Uitbrciding 1 van "Publieke Oopruim - - writing, of such objection or representation ; ; I , . .. '"

to" na "Spesiale Woon". ' .and shall state whether or not. he wishes to • ic) .A..portion of RanonkI e Street, WIi ro-- lbe heard by the local authority. i

park Extension 7,_ and to transfer the

Skema 1/344. -. . . 'closed portion to the Full GospelC J. VOIGHT, •

, . Church of. God, Wilropark.. . ..Die hersonering van 'n gedeelte van Erf Acting Town Clerk. i .

1841, Roodepoort (Strate en Oopniinites) :Municipal *Offices. , . . .": _ , 1'Details or the proposed closures and alie-

grensend nan Standplase 83 en 1734, Roode - iRoodepooit. , . .. ... , . . `nations 'may be inspected; during normalpoort van "Bcstaande Publieke Pad" 'na - 6 June, 1979-

' - ' " - office hours, _ at Room 300, City Ilall,"AlgenieniBesigheid" in Hoogte Sonering Notice No. 24/1979: • - • .. . •Roodepoort. :, , ,


i . i.: .1 en 'n rligtheid van cen woonhuis per - ii '

. :- , -.• . i • , 3.

5 000 vk. vt. (500 m2).83-4 - 13 '


. ' Any owner, lessee - or' occupier of Ihnil

:; ••..''' ' •

'abutting the portions to be closed and alie -


Besonderhede van hierdivskemas .10 ter. ; .STADSRAAD- VAN ROODEPOORT.' ••

mated, or any other person aggrieved andr :

0insao in Kamcr 300, Stadhuis, Roodepoort, •

.• .•


• " '• h 0. 'Objects to the'proposed 'closing, and

vir 'n tydperk van vier woke van die datum • SLUITING i EN •VERVREEMDING. VAN .'

• . • i • .r. •t GROND.. -:“ alienation of the said land or who willvan die cerste publikasie van hierdie ken- •

' 4 ' latiy"claimioecompchsation if'such closings'

nisgewing,,nl. 6 Junie 197,9., ; land alienation ire: buried' out, :mist serve' , b' Kennia rgcskied ingevolge die bepaliPisgsI1

IwiltfehrnotiCe :upon* undersignedraf such

'Die :Read sal dio skemas'oorwceg en ba2 'van die Ordonnansic op Plaaslike Bestow, ,objection or claim for' coMpehiatiOn withinsluit of dlt aangencem moot word. , , :1939, soos gewysig, dat die Stadsraad van t60 (sixty) - days -from 4 June..1979 i.e. before' • 'Roodepoort voomemens is :ism •onderhewig. m on 6, August, 1979.,Enige cieintar of okkupeerdei. van vaste ;am die gocdkeuring van die Administia;

i• i

C. ,I; VOIGHT.: •

eiendom binne die: gebied van bogemelde :tour: • .. .•

Acting Town Clerk.dorpsbeplanningskemas of: bit= 2 km van ...

l_Municipal Offices, ' "; •• '

die grans daarvan het die reg om teen :die 1(a) 'n- Gedeelte-van.-Mimeteslaani-Roode-Ittoodepoort.

skemaS bestvaar to meek of ,om verto0 'ten I ;krans,..tersluiten,die.geslote gedeelte: ,a.

opsigto daarvan to rig en indicts hy dit wil : nall, die Transvialse .provitisialel •tick°

doen„moet hy die plaaslike bestaur Wane ;ministrasic nor te4m; .. . . . . !Notice No. 23/1979.

, 384- 6li . ii:vier woke vanaf die °erste publikasie 'van 'db) 'nd 1 Peter- enGe cc lc van:. Walnutwcg,hierdie kennisgewing, naamlik 6 Junie 1979 - e

Tres Jolie Landbouhoevies, .te -slug en; :skriftelik van sodanige bowed!. of vert 8


° •• 'die' geslote gedeelte lean. :die .tienares !PLAASLIKE IIESTUUR VAN ' SADIE:in kennis stet en vermeld of hy deur dio van Hoenies '15, 16 en-17; Tr6s Jolie i.

•,; , .,•• . 7.

plaaslike, bestuur gehoor wil word of nie. Landbouhoewes te vervrcem: :ICENNTSGEWING • WAT•


.• ''' • ' VOORLOPIGE WAARDERINGS-• C. J. VOIGHT, •(c) 'ni•Gedcelte'van•Rationkelstraat, Wilro- ;TEEN. LYS AANVRA.Waarnemende Stadsklerk. ' - • • •

.. .. • VaiklUitbreiding 7..te'sluit en: die..go. ; , i•,,,, -, , e. - „ ; •

Munisipale Kantor°, ; Mote* gedeelte• aan-die•Volle Evangelic ; . • ,1 . . . (Regulasie S.) •

' • •

Roodepoort. •

• l Kerk'van God; gemeente Wilropark te 'i , , 'r •sy

'. I. ni • ....,

. ;6. Juni& 1979. • '

, . 1• vervreem.. 1, • 1 1 • • .... • . •

, .Kemus. word - hierby ingevolge . artikolKennisgewing No. 24/1979.

___'; . , •


- 9 . i • i t ••• ••• 1 •12(1)(a) van die Ordonnansio op.Eiendorns-i lacsonderhede ryin - - die voorgenoemde


isluitings en verirgomdings lotgedurende.crry COUNCIL OP ROODEPOORT. tkantoonne to Kamer 300, Stadhuis, Roode- .


:belasting van Plaaslike Gesture; 1977 (Or-i donnansra 1.1 van.197.7), gegeoldatidie voor-lopige - waarderingslys vir . die •

' bockjare.PCKirt ter•insae- -

. • ' • 1. .. - - 11979/83.00p, - is vir,inspeksie by die kantoor

• • • NING SCHEMES.' :Eitige eienaar, huurder a bewoner van, i

gi • : • t va n - die plaaslike be:steer .van Sabi° venal.6 6 1979 tot 6.7.1979 en oni

•go menaar van

,grond wat grens an die ,gedeeltes wat ge2 "

The City Council of Roodort has pre - s it en. rcem staan te word, orenige' ibelasbare eiendom of ander • persoon ,watpared draft amendment town-planning 'sander persoon wat hoot benadecl ag on be begerig is omi'n beswaar.by die Stadsklerk.schemes to be known as Schen= Nos. 1/343 swear bet ice die .vOorgenome sluiti

-Oil tan .0psiata van Craig° aangelcentheid. in .die

and 1/344. 'von',reernding van grond 9f was cmge cis .. .• -"Bs • • Voorlopige waardcringslys opgeteken, sloes


d" hg 'el' d •sluff-vir verve mg sou _ in len so mime •

in arnica' -10.van. die genocuide OrdonnansieThe draft schemes contain the followin • !be o ••.. to dien,• sluitc de d' fo g:, u .

in n die vraag og Hogs en vervreeniding oiticyber word, 'noel ;proposals: sodanige eiendom of. 'n gedeelte -.dittirvan' 'die ondergetekeridi binne 60 (scstig) die vaii- . ..„. ;onderworpc

Is aan. die betaling van elm-Scheme 1/343. i ; 6_Junie 1979 af, d.W.s. voor of op. 6 A '

Itus. 1979 `skriftelik verwittig van' iodanige donisbelasting of daarvan ,vrygestel .is, ofTo rezone Erf 318, Davidsonville Eiten- eis vireigoeding,

' '' -.. • 'ten opsige van enige weglating van enigesion 1 from "Public Open Space" to "Spe- i

: C I. VOIGHT,"' iaangeleenthaid uit sodanige lys:, doen‘ 'so

sial Residential". ' - -..4 I

tVaaritemendeaadsklerk.ibinne gemeldetydperk. - .• ... .

.' - -

. ri , .,,.Scheme 1/344. . •

!Munisipale .Kantore, ' . . ....„. Die voorkeskreWe voirrivir - dle indiening-

• !Roodepoort. van 'n .bcswaar is - by die' adres hieronderTo rezone a Portion' of Erf 1841, Ramie- 6 Junk-1979. aangedui beskikbair .en aandag word spe-

poort Township (Streets and Open Spaces) Kennisgewing No. 23/1979. --:.- • •-• - sifick gevestig oo.die.feit.dat geen persponabutting Stands 83 and 1734, Roodepoort, ' — -- - • ..- - geregtigis em enige be...swear vo.or die wear-from "Existing Public Road" to "General . 4-- .

- : ' - - '- - -• • -.• .- deringsraad to Opper tensy hy 'n beswair opBusiness" in Height Zone 1 and a density CITY,

-COUNCIL' OF- ROODEPOORT. . die yoorgeskrewe worm betyds ingedieir het

of one dwelling house per 5 000 sq. St: ' — - - -- - : - - • - : • - Me. •

• . ':' ' :•1 '

i (500 m2). . ...: CLOSING - - AND • ALIENATION OF ' ' D. P. J. VAN VUUREN.

ILAND. ". c .

' • StadsklerhiParticulars of the schemes are open for :Munisipale Kantore, •


inspection at Room 300, City Hall, Roode- ' It is notified in terms of the proVisions 'Sable. • •

poort, for a period of four weeks from the 'of the Local Government 'Ordinance, 1939; 6 Junie 1979..


Page 46: Dm @flitiftr itttrratti gn I Off trial Gazrtir · 2017-07-05 · 14488/1973, onderskeidelik, voorwaardes B12 en B13 in 14488/1973, respectively, remove conditions B12 and die gemelde


• .

iden — Nations.' Park Stores• LOCAL- AUTHORITY OF SAME. LOCAL AUTHORITY OF SECUNDA. (A. & A.KaaprnuHoMoan), Kaapmuiden.. •


(Regulation 5.) Notice is hereby given in terms of sec-, Wes-Rand —'Plaaslike Kantoor, Period

• tion 12(1)(a) of the Local Authorities Rating 219, Wes -Rand.Ordinance, 1977 (Ordinance 11 of 1977),

Notice is hereby given in terms of sec- . that the provisional valuation toll for the Sundra — Poskantoor, Sundra. •

tion 12(1Xa) of the Local Authorities Rating financial years 1979/83 is open for inspec-, Sockmekaar — Plaaslike Kantoor, Kerk-Ordinance, 1977 (Ordinance 11 of 1977), tion at the office of the local authority of

straat, Sockmekaar.that the provisional valuation roll for the Secunda from 6 June, 1979 to 25 July, 1979financial years 1979/83 is open for inspee- and any owner of rateable property or other Besware kan allecnlik by die volgendetion at the office of the local authority of person who so desires to lodge an objection adresse ingedien word:Sable from 6.6.1979 to 6.7.1979 and any with the Secretary in respect of any matterowner.of rateable property or other person recorded in the provisional valuation roll H.B. Phillips -gcbou,who so desires to lodge an objection with as contemplated in section 10 of the said Rosmanstraat 320,the town clerk in respect of any matter- re- Ordinance including the question whether Pretoria,corded in.the provisional valuation roll as. or not such property or portion thereof iscontemplated in section 10 of the said Or- subject to the payment of rates or is 'ea

dinance including the question whether exempt therefrom or in respect of any . .

or not such property or portion thereof is omission of any matter from such roll shall Posbus 1341,• Pretoria.subject to the payment of rates or is do so within the said period. 0001.exempt therefrom or in respect of any

omission of any matter from such roll The form prescribed for the lodging of J. I. H. HESTER,shall do so within - the said period. an objection is obtainable at the address in- Sekretaris.

dicated below and attention is specifically Pretoria.The form prescribed for the lodging of directed to the fact that no person is en- 6 Junie 1979.

an objection is obtainable at the address titled to urge any objection before the va- Kennisgewing No. 71/1979.indicated below • and attention is specifi- luation board unless he has timeously

4cally directed to the fact that no person lodged and objection in the prescribed ,

is entitled to urge any objection before the form. .

valuation board unless he has timeously J. F. COERTZEN. TRANSVAAL BOARD FOR THE DEVE-lodged an objection in the prescribed form. Secretary. LOPMENT OF PERI-URBAN AREAS.


Municipal.Offices, Secunda.:6 June, 1979. i , ROLLS. .


386- 66 Juno, 1979. ' . '

Notice is hereby given in terms of section385-:6-13 • • 12(I)(a) of the Local Authorities Rating Or-

TRANSVAALSE RAAD VTR DIE ONT- (finance, 1977 (Ordinance 11 of 1977), thatWIKKELING VAN BUITESTEDELIKE the proviiional valuation rolls for the areas. ,


GEBIEDE. of Kaapmuiden, Malelane, West Rand, Sun -

dra ,and Sockmekaar Local Area Commit-, KENNISGEWING. WAT BESWARE tees for the financial years 1979/83 arc open


• ' ' LYSTE AANVRA. . Board for the Development of Pea-UrbanLYS AANVRA.Areas at Room A310, H.B. Phillips Build-

. Kennis word hiermce ingCvolge artikel.ing, 320 Rosman Street, Pretoria, and at,

4' 12(IXa) van die Ordonnansie op Eiendoms- the undermentioned additional places from,

Kennis word hierby ingevolge 'artikel ;bclasting van Plaaslike Besture, 1977 (Or- 6 June, 1979 to 6 July, 1979. and any owner120)(a) van die Ordonnansie op Eiendoms- donnansie II van 1977) gape dat die voor- of rateable property or other person who soWasting van Plaaslike gesture, 1977 (Or. lopige waarderingslyste vir die gebiede van desires to lodge an objection with the Se-dOnnansie 11 van 1977), 'kw dat die voor- .die Plaaslike Gebiedskomitees van• Kaap- cretary in respect of any matter recorded;opine waarderinelys vir die bedlam •muiden. Malelane, Wes-Rand, Sundra en in the provisional valuation roll as con-1979/83 oop is vir inspeksie by.die kantoor Sockmekaar vir die boettjare - - - - - - --1070/19*1 oop templated in section 10 of the said Ordin-

4van die plaaslike bestuur van Secunda van- is vir inspeksie by "die kantoor van die'onceof '6 Junk 1979 tot 25 Julie 1979 en enige .Transvaalse Road vir die Ontwikkeling van

including the question whether or notsuch property or portion thereof is subject

cienaar van belasbarc ciendom of ander Buitestedetike Gcbicdc by Kamer A310, there-persoon wat begerig is om 'n beswaar by IRA. Phillips-gebou, Bosmanstraat 320. Pre-

to the payment of rates or isexempt fromor in respect of any omission of anydie Sekretaris ten opsigte Van cnige aan- MS, en by die ondergeimelde addisioncle matter from such roll shall do so withingeleentheid in die voorlopige waarderings- •plekke vanaf 6 Junie 1979 tot 6 Julie 1979 the said - period.

.lys opgetcken soos in artikel 10 van die ge- - en Lingo cienaar van bclasbare ciendom ofnocmde Ordonnansie bcoog, in te dien, ander persoon wat begerig is om 'n be- The form prescribed for the lodging ofinsluitende die vraag of sodanige eiendom .swear by die Sekretaris ten opsigte van an objection is obtainable at the addressesof 'n gedeelte daarvan onderworpe is aan cnige aangclecntheid in die voorlopige indicated above and below and attention isdie betaling van eiendomsbelasting of daar- Waardcringslyste opgeteken soos in artikel specifically directed to. the fact that no

van vrygestel is, of ten opsigte van enige 10 van die genoemdc Ordonnansie bcoog, person is entitled to urge any objection be-

weglating van enige aangeleentheid uit so- in te dien. insluitende die vraag of soda- fore the valuation board unless he has time-danige lys, doen so binne gemelde tydperk. nige eiendom of 'n gedeelte daarvan onder- ously lodged an objection in the prescribed

worpe is aan die betaling van eiendomsbe- form. .

Die voorgcskrewe -vorm vir die indiening lasting of daarvan vrygestel is of ten opsigtevan 'n beswaar is by die adrcs hicrondel van enige weglating van. enige aangeleent- _ Additional placesfor the Local Arca

aangedui beskikbaar en aandag word spe- held uit sodanige lys, doen so binne gemelde Committees of:tydperk.

sit ick gevestig op die feit dat Been per-• . Kaapmuiden — National Park Stores

soon gcregtig is om cnige beswaar voor die Die voorgcskrewe vorm vir die indicning (A. & A. Holtman), Kaapmuiden.beswaar is by die adresse hierbo en • ‘ r

waarderingsraad te opper tense by 'n be- "n 'n Malelaner — Local Office, Rot-area

hicronder aangedui heskikbaar en aandagI swear, op die voorgeikrewe, vorm betydsCircle, Malelane.word spesifick gevestig op die feit dat gecn

ingedien het nic. - . . _ versooneregtig is .om enige beswaar veer \Veit Rand — Local 'Office, Stand 219,J. F. COERTZEN, •

die waardcringsraad te upper tensy by 'a.

. . . .. . . .West Rand." • "

.' Sekretaris. beswaar• op die iroorgeskrewe vorm betyds

Minfisipale lantore, ' 'ingedien het nie. Sondra — Post Office, Sundra. I

Sentrale Sakedeel,-


Secunda. . . • - Addisionele plekke vir die Plaaslike Gt. Soekmekaar — Local Office, Church

6 Janie 1979. ..

. bicdskomitecs van: -. Street, Sockmekaar.

, .

L' -

Page 47: Dm @flitiftr itttrratti gn I Off trial Gazrtir · 2017-07-05 · 14488/1973, onderskeidelik, voorwaardes B12 en B13 in 14488/1973, respectively, remove conditions B12 and die gemelde


.. . .Objections may only be lodged at the 3.• Amend the By-laws for Fixing Tees 'undersigned within fourteen days'after datep following addresses: for the Issue.of Cert1ficates and Furnishing of publication hereof.of Information adopted by thb Council . B..1. ROBINSON,H.B

Bosman SH.B. Phillips Building, under Administrator's Notice 942 of 27

' .. Town Clerk.:320 treet, December, 1961, as amended, by increasing P.O. Box 92,Pretoria, certain tariffs. Zeeruat.•

or 2865. ,,

Copies of the proposed amendments are 6 yane..1979.•

P.O. Box 1341, open for inspection at the office 'of the Notice No: 18/1979/ . .Pretoria.. Council fora period of 14 days from the • " " • • 389-‘40001. . date of publication hercot•

. , •

J. J. H. RESTER, Any person who desires to record his oh-, STADSRAAD VAN BETHAL.Pretoria.

Secretary. jection to the proposed amendments must-do so in writing to the undersigned within WYSIGING VAN SANITERE EN. VUL

Noti6 June, 1979. 14 days after the date of publication of LISVERWYPERINGSTARIEF.ce No. 71//979.


387- 6'this notice in the Provincial Gazette.• 'Kennisgewing geskied hiermee ingevolge•

"artikel 96 van die Ordart-• •111 O. SCHREUDER, .

die bepalinas vanTown Clerk. ['angle op Plaaslikc Deshler (Transvaal) No.

STADSRAAD VAN WOLMARANSSTAD. Municipal -Offices. , '17 van 1939, soot gewysig, dat die Staasraad- ,P.O. Box 17, van voornemens is om - .die Sanit8re en

Vullisvenvyderingstariewe van die MunisizWYSIGING VAN VERORDENINGE. Wolmaransstad.6 lone, 1979.


paliteit Bethel, afgekondig b9 Adminisfra-'<minis geskied hiermee, ingevolge die he- • • . 388_6

soos gewysig,deur die tariewe Or nagyuii. teurskehnisgewing 860 van 30'Ju'e '1971 ni .palings van artikel 96 van die Ordonnansic -

op Plaaslikc Bestuur, 1939. dat die Stads- verwyderingsdienste te yea-Mang. '

mad van Wolmaransstad van voorneme is STADSRAAD. VAN ZEERUST.Die Voorgestelde wysigings. 16 ter insacom:

WYSIGING VAN STANDAARD REG; by Bcthai en1. Die Standaard Reglement van Orde, LEMENT VAN ORDE. 'Kamer No. 107, Stadim,

skriftelike vertod oor en/of besware teendeur die Read aangencem by Administra- - die voorgestelde wysiginp moot - die Sleds.'teurskennisgewing 629 van 16 Oktobcr , Kw2nis • Pa" hiertnPc1963 te wysig in ooreenstemming met 'n vepalings van artikel 9db as Istaandag, 18Janie 1979. is(2)van die Or-.

„.. , . •

ingcvolge die klerk Probes 3.'Bethal. bereik nie later. nieI • •• .. .

. versock van die Direkteur van Plaaslike Be- donnansic op Plaaslikc Datum, 1939, dat 6 Junic 1979.stuur. die Stadsraad van Zecrust voornemens is Kennisgewing No. 35/5/1979.om sy Standaard Reglement van Orde, awe- • . —2. Die Kapitaal Ontwikkelingsfondsver- gencem by Administrateurskennisgewing.

BETHAL.te herroep met ingang 1 Julie 1979.

• . • •ordeninge aangeneem by Administrateurs. 403 van 15 April 1970, te wysig.. '..

kennisgewing 610 van 19 September 1962 ••

TOWN COUNCIL OFDie algemcne strckking van die voorge- AMENDMENT OF SANITARY ANDstelde wysiging is om probleme in verband REFUSE REMOVALS TARIFF.3. Die Verordeninge Insake die Vasstcl- met moontlikc onduidclikhede uit die Yinling van Geld° vir die Uitreiking en Ver- le ruim en vir ander gebeurlikhede voor. Notice is hereby given in terms of theskaffing van inflating aangeneem by Admi- siening te maak. provisions of section 96 of the Loearnov4nistrateurskennisgewing 942 van 27 Desem-

. crnment Ordinance (Transvaal) No. 17 ofber 1961 SOPS gewysig, te wysig deur soften Afskrifte van die voorgestelde wysiging 1939. as amended, that the. Town Council)

((view° to verhoog. sat vir 'n tydperk.van 14 dac vanaf datum proposes amending the Sanitary and Wise• van publikasic hiervan gedurende gewone Removals Tariff of the WhInicipafily ofAfskrifte van die voorgestelde wystgings kantoorurc by Kamer 14, Munisipale Kan- Bethel, published under Administrator's)

16 ter insac by die kantoor van die Read vir toor, ter insac 16 en enige persoon wet be- Notice 860 of 30 lune, 1971, as amended,'n tydperk van 14 dac vanaf datum van swear teen sodanige wysiging wil aanteken, by increasing the tariffs for the removalpublikasic hiervan. most dit skriftelik by die ondergetekende of night-soil (hit Removals) services. .. .indien blew 14 dae na die datum van pu-

Enige person wet beswaar teen genoem- blikasie hiervan.de wysigings wit aanteken meet dit skrifte-n: J. inspection at Room No. 107. Town Rall.

The proposed• amendments are open. forlik bin= 14 dac na Van= van publikasic . . • . ROBINSON,'

Bethel and written representations about or./ van hierdie kennisgewing in die Provinsiale posbus 92,Stadsklerk.

Kocrant by die ondergetekende dom. Zeerust. .• objections to the proposed amendments

must reach the: Town Clerk, P.0, Box 3,

628 Janie

1- Bethal by - not later than Monday, .18 June,Stadsklerk.

H. 0. SCHREUDER, MI-C 1979• . 1979. .

Munisipale Kentaro,.


Posbus 17,-

•Kennisgewing No. 18/1979. , 6 June, 1979. •

Notice No. 35/5/1979.• -'•.

• •" -Wolmaransstad. -

390- 66 Junk 1979.TOWN COUNCIL OF ZEERUST..-- -



Dear word hicrby ingevolge artikel 96Notice is hereby given in terms of sec- van die Ordonnansie op Plaaslike Bestuur,AMENDMENT TO BY-LAWS. tion 96bis(2) of the Local Government 1939,bekend gemaak dat die Dorpsraad van Ordinance,1939, that the Town Council of Bedfordview voornemens is om die vol-Notice is hereby given in terms of section Zeerust intends amending itsStandard 96of the Local Government Ordinance, Standing Orders, adopted under Administra- geode verordeninge te wysig:—•I939, that the Town Council of Wolmarans- tor's Notice 403 dated 15 April, 1970. .intends 1. Watervoorsieningsverordeniuge (Wysi-stad to: ging).The general purport of the proposed 2. Reinigingsdiensterenordeninge (Wysi-

1. Amend the Standard Standing Orders amendment is to alleviate problems regard- oho. •• '•

• • "adopted by the Council under Administra- ing any uncertainties -and to provide for any - • -- - - - . • •tor's Notice 629 dated 16 October, 1963, other possible changes.rverordeninge (wysiging):. - - •

_ . 3. ,Brandwee . .. .. ... incompliance with a request of the Direc- . - .. . ' '‘.: - '

Die algemenc strclaing van hierdie wysi-• Copies - the proposed amendment- will gings is.noos,yolg; — . . - • •tor

-of LoCal Government. - ' •

. •fie for inspection in Room ‘14, Municipal2. Revoke the Council's Capital Develop- Offices, during normal office.hours, for q' ••. -1. n.VerTioging in die land om tan diement Fund By-laws adopted by the Colin - period of fourteen days as from the date steeds


gniciende vraag na.vratervoorsieningcil under Administrator's Notice 610 of 19 of publication hereof and any person who te ken voorsien; ,September, 1962 with effect from 1 July, is desirous to record his objection to such 2. 'n Verhoging in die tarid ten apsigfe1979.amendment must do so in writing to the van die verwydering deur middel van groat-


Page 48: Dm @flitiftr itttrratti gn I Off trial Gazrtir · 2017-07-05 · 14488/1973, onderskeidelik, voorwaardes B12 en B13 in 14488/1973, respectively, remove conditions B12 and die gemelde



meat •vullishouers (kompaksie-tfpe) by be• IBEDFORDVIEW VILLAGE COUNCIL. 3. To formulate the tariff of charges moresighedo ten einde hierdie diens uit to brei.

• - clearly.1

, AMENDMENT TO BY-LAWS. I3. Om .die hefting van tariewe duideliker ' . Copies of these proposed amendments

196 of theto omskryf. It is hereb notified in terms of section

Local Government Ordinance, are open to inspection at the office of theAfskrifte van hierdie beaogde wysigings 41939, that the Village Council of Bedford- Town Clerk for a period of fourteen (14)

le ter insae by die kantoor van .die Stads- '.view intends amending the following by- days from the date of publication hereof.klerk vir 'n tydperk van .vecrtien (14) dac ;laws:— . .

vanaf die datum van publikasie hiervarf. - , Any person who desires to record his ob -. - . .. __ . _ • 1. Water Supply By-laws' (Amendment). jection to the said amendments must do so

Enige persoon wat beswaar teen genoem. - in writing to the undermentioned withinde wysigings wens aan to token .moct dit 2. CleansingServices. By-laws (Amend-

binne vecrtien (14) dae na die Ime90- ... . fourteen (14) days after the date of publica-,

datum van publikasic ;van hierdie icons- '

3. •Fire 'Brigade By-laws (Amendment). Lion of this notice in the Provincial Gazette.gcwing 'in .die Provinsiale Koerant by die ; -

ondergetekende doen. I The gepeial purport of these amendments J. J. VAN L. SADIE,. . /is as follows:— Town Clerk.' " ' .' " I. 1.1/AN L. SADIE, 1•An inclea:se inIthe•iariff to provide forStadsklerk. '

i'ncreashi demand.Municipal Offices,Mun igipale 'Radom .

angP.O. Box 3,


Pdsbts 3; '• '• • • ' 2. An increase in tariff to make a bulk Bedfordview.

Belifoidview. .. • • 'refuse removal service for business premises 6 June, 1979.6 'Junk 1979. a viable proposition. - . 391- 6


• . ;•• • - - - - . . _ .

I .' .. .. .



• • • .• ,

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•. .



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Page 49: Dm @flitiftr itttrratti gn I Off trial Gazrtir · 2017-07-05 · 14488/1973, onderskeidelik, voorwaardes B12 en B13 in 14488/1973, respectively, remove conditions B12 and die gemelde



Proklamasie Proclamation

114. Wet op Opheffing van Beperkings: 1967: (a) 114. Removal of Restrictions Act; 1967: (a) ErvenErwe 342, en 343, dorp Morningside Uitbreiding 342 and 343, Morningside Extension 9 Township;9, Distrik Johannesburg; en (h) Noordelike and (b) Northern Johannesburg Region Amend-Johannesburgstreek-wysigingskema 1109 _ __ 1221

Administrateurskennisgewings Administrator's Notices

545. Munisipaliteit Carolina: Sanitere en Vullisver- 545. Carolina Municipality: Sanitary and Refusewyderingstarief 1223 Removals Tariff 1223

546. Munisipaliteit Hartbeesfontein: Wysiging van 546. Hartbeesfontein Municipality: Amendment toElektrisiteitsverordeninge 1223 Electricity By-laws . 1223

547. Munisipaliteit Johannesburg: Bepaling van Staan- 547. Johannesburg Municipality: Fixing of Stand forplace vir Publieke Voertuie _ 1226 Public Vehicles 1226

, 548. Munisipaliteit Koster: Wysiging van Elektrisiteits- 548. Koster Municipality: Amendment to Electricityverordeninge • 1226 By-laws 1226

549. Munisipaliteit Potgietersrus: Wysiging van Straat- 549. Potgietersrus Municipality: Amendment to Street 1

en Diverse Verordeninge .. 1230 and Miscelancous By-laws 1230550. Munisipaliteit Randburg: Wysiging van Perso- 550. Randburg Municipality: Amendment to Staff

neelverordeninge 1230 By-laws 1230551. Munisipaliteit Schweizer-Reneke: Wysiging van 551. Schweizer-Reneke: Amendment to Electricity

Elektrisiteitsverordeningc . 1231 By-laws 1231552. Munisipaliteit Zeerust: Wysiging van Elektrisi- 552. Zeerust Municipality: Amendment to Electricity

I teitsverordeninge , _..»1231553. Munisipaliteit Zeerust: Wysiging van Riolerings- 553. Zeerust Municipality: Amendment to Drainage

en Loodgietersverordeninge 1231


... ..... 1231

and Plumbing By-laws .. ... . . 1231554. Munisipaliteit Marble Hall: Verandering van 554. Marble Hall Municipality: Alteration of Boun-

Grease • - - - 1232 daries . . - 1232555. Randburg-wysigingskema 179 . 1232 555. Randburg Amendment Scheme 179 ..... 1232556. Noordelike Johannesburgstreek-wysigingskema 556. Northern Johannesburg Region Amendment

1059 ....» 1232 Scheme 1059 .

,557. Nelspruit-wysigingskema 1/60 - 1233 557. Nelspruit Amendment Scheme 1/60 1233


558. Krugersdorp-wysigingskema 1/75 .... __ _ _ 1233 558. Krugersdorp Amendment Scheme 1175 ... 1233559. Boksburg-wysigingskema 1/200 1233 559. Boksburg Amendment Scheme 1/200 1233560. Boksburg:vvysigingskema 1/201 1234 560. Boksburg Amendment Scheme 1/201 1234561. Bedfordview-wysigingskema 1/129 . 1234 561. Bedfordview Amendment Scheme 1/129 ..... 1234562. Schweizer Reneke-wysigingskema 12 .._ __ 1234563. Dorp Schweizer Reneke Uit. 11. Verklaring tot

562. Scheizer Reneke Amendment Scheme 12 1234• 563. Schweizer Reneke Extension IL Township. De-

Goedgekeurde Dorp _ 1235 claration of an Approved Township ..._ .... _. 1235564. Dorp Bedfordview Uitbreiding 174. Verklaring 564. Bedfordview Extension 174 Township. Declare-

tot Goedgekeurde Dorp . 1236 lion of an Approved Township 1236565. Dorp Komatipoort Uitbreiding 1. Verklaring tot 565. Komatipoort Extension 1 Township. Declaration

Goedgekeurde Dorp .. . - 1238 of an Approved Township ..._- .- ..... __ 1238566. Dorp Anderbolt Uitbreiding 19. Verklaring tot 566. Anderbolt Extension 19 Township. Declaration

Goedgekeurde Dorp 1242 of an Approved Township .. . . 1242567. Verklaring van 'n Openbare Distrikspad: Distrik 567. Declaration of a Public District load: District

Witbank 1244 of Witbank _. 1244568. Verlegging en Verbreding van Distrikspad 225 568. Deviation and Widening of District Road 225

en Verklaring van Toegangspad: Distrikte Caro- and Declaration of an Access Road: Districts oflina en Ermelo 1245 Carolina and Ermelo . .. • 1245

, 569. Sluiting van Uitspanning op die plaas Yzer- 569. Closing of Outspan on the farm Yzerfontein

0 fontein 198 J.Q. Distrik Brits __ _. 1244 198-1.Q.: District of Brits ... ___.... _ __... _.1244570. Verklaring van 'n Openbare Pad binne Klip- 570. Declaration of a Public Rea within "Klippoortjie

poortjie Dorpsgebied: Distrik Germiston __ _.... 1247 Township: District of Germiston ...... 1247571. Verklaring van 'n Openbare Distrikspad 2459: 571. Declaration of a Public District Road 2459:

Distrik Vanderbijlpark 1247 District of Vanderbjilpark572. Verklaring van 'n Toegangspad oor die plase 572. Declaration of an Access Road over the Farms

Rooywal 441-K.Q. en Vaalfontein 491-K.Q. tot Rooywal 441-K.Q. and Vaalfontein 491-K.Q. upby Distrikspad 1031: Distrik Thabazimbi ..._ 1246 to District Road 1031: District of Thabazimbi 1246

573. Vulling van Vakature: Skoolraad van Germiston- 573. Filling of Vacancy: Schoolboard of GermistonSuid . 1248 South .. 1248

Algemene Kennisgewings General Notices•

128. Pretoria-wysigingskema 513 ..... _ _ _ _ 1249 128. Pretoria Amendment Scheme 513 1249129. Springs-wysigingskema 1/145 . 1249 129. Springs Amendment Scheme 1/145 1249130. Noordelike fohannesburgstreck-wysigingskema 130. Northern Johannesburg Region Amendment

Scheme 1034 . 1252131. Pretoria-wysigingskema 517 1252 '131. Pretoria Amendment Scheme 517 1252132. Noordelike Johannesburgstreek-wysigingskema 132. Northern Johannesburg Region Amendment

811 1253 Scheme 811 ..

133. Johannesburg-wysigingskema 1/1110_ __. _ 1253 133. Johannesburg Amendment Scheme 1/1110 1253

134. Pretoria-wysigingskema 518 1254 134. Pretoria Amendment Scheme 518 1254135. Voorgestelde Dorpstigting 1. Klipspruit West 135. Proposed Establishment of Township. 1. Klip-

Uitbreiding 1 . 1250 spruit West Extension 1 _ ... _.... .._ ._ 1251137. Pietersburg-wysigingskema 1/54 1254 137. Pietersburg Amendment

_ _Scheme 1/54 1254

Tenders - ._ ._ _. _ _ _ _. _ _ _ 1257

0 Plaaslike Bestuurskennisgewings . 1259 Notices by Local Authorities ........... ...... ...... __ 1259

Page 50: Dm @flitiftr itttrratti gn I Off trial Gazrtir · 2017-07-05 · 14488/1973, onderskeidelik, voorwaardes B12 en B13 in 14488/1973, respectively, remove conditions B12 and die gemelde


Gedruk vir die 'rransvaalse Provinsiale Administrasie, Printed for the Transvaal Provincial Administration,Pta., deur Hoofstadpers Reperk, Pathos 422, Pretoria.

IPta., by Hoofstadpers Beperk, P.O. Box 422, Pretoria.