From Bethlehem to Curahuasi Dear friends, For 2000 years Christians have testified to their faith in Jesus Christ in their Christmas celebrations. The Diospi Suyana hospital came into being because we take the his- torical person of Jesus at his word. For us a connecting thread runs from Bethlehem to Curahuasi. Beyond all sentimentality the message of Christmas is hands-on practical. Life must be more than an ego trip. If Christ is real, then our time, our money and our dreams belong to him. That is why we are building a hospital in Peru. Thank you for helping us do so. Merry Christmas! Sincerely, Martina & Klaus-Dieter John Diospi Suyana Kids´ Clubs celebrated Christmas – 700 came to the amphitheater Christmas dwarves on stage get a good atmosphere going. Indian children dancing in the crowd. The very best in fun and entertainment. The team teaches the children a Christmas carol. The shell of the hospital is done - now we tackle the roof With the completion of the hospital buil- dings the largest infrastructure of the whole region has come into existence. As a result of a personal presentation by Dr. John two Peruvian minining companies namely "Southern Peru" und „Cedec Alto Diospi Suyana amphitheater. 700 children and parents enjoyed a very varied program, everyone participating in his own way. Mu- sic, drama, food and surprises kept boredom at bay. And the best news of all: God sent His Son Jesus because He loves us all. Andino" have sponsored the materials for the roof of the hospital. Two thirds of the entire construction has been finished. With your help we hope get the rest done within the next 6 months. Dr. Klaus-D. John hält seine Dankesrede A year ago Lyndal Maxwell and Dr. Martina John started a club for Indian children. They met with 15 boys and girls in a private home. From these modest beginnings 3 clubs have developed over the past year with a total of 300 children. On Saturday, December 2 they all celebrated a huge Christmas party in the 54 tons of steal for the hospital roof. The first of three trailers Visitors from all around the world come to look at the construc- tion site. Finishing the walls Hospital Diospi Suyana Dr. Martina & Dr. Klaus-Dieter John A mission hospital for the Quechua Indians of Peru

Diospi Suyana Hospital · and open your heart. On November 2nd a four page report appeared in the women’s magazine “Tina”, informing ap-proximately 3 million readers about our

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Page 1: Diospi Suyana Hospital · and open your heart. On November 2nd a four page report appeared in the women’s magazine “Tina”, informing ap-proximately 3 million readers about our

From Bethlehem to Curahuasi

Dear friends,

For 2000 years Christians have testified to their faith in Jesus Christ in their Christmas celebrations. The Diospi Suyana hospital came into being because we take the his-torical person of Jesus at his word. For us a connecting thread runs from Bethlehem

to Curahuasi. Beyond all sentimentality the message of Christmas is hands-on practical. Life must be more than an ego trip. If Christ is real, then our time, our money and our dreams belong to him. That is why we are building a hospital in Peru. Thank you for helping us do so. Merry Christmas!

Sincerely, Martina & Klaus-Dieter John

Diospi Suyana Kids´ Clubs celebrated Christmas – 700 came to the amphitheater

▲ Christmas dwar ves on stage get a good atmosphere going.

Indian children dancing in the crowd. The very best in fun and entertainment. ►

◄ The team teaches the children aChristmas carol.

The shell of the hospital is done - now we tackle the roof

With the completion of the hospital buil-dings the largest infrastructure of the whole region has come into existence. As a result of a personal presentation by Dr. John two Peruvian minining companies namely "Southern Peru" und „Cedec Alto

Diospi Suyana amphitheater. 700 children and parents enjoyed a very varied program, everyone participating in his own way. Mu-sic, drama, food and surprises kept boredom at bay. And the best news of all: God sent His Son Jesus because He loves us all.

Andino" have sponsored the materials for the roof of the hospital. Two thirds of the entire construction has been finished. With your help we hope get the rest done within the next 6 months.

▲ D r. K l a u s - D. J o h n h ä l t s e i n e D a n ke s r e d e

A year ago Lyndal Maxwell and Dr. Martina John started a club for Indian children. They met with 15 boys and girls in a private home. From these modest beginnings 3 clubs have developed over the past year with a total of 300 children. On Saturday, December 2 they all celebrated a huge Christmas party in the

▲54 tons of steal for the hospital roof. The f irst of three trai lers

◄ Visitors from all around the world come to look at the construc-tion site.

Finishing the walls ►

H o s p i t a lD i o s p i S u y a n a

Dr. Martina & Dr. Klaus-Dieter John

A m i s s i o n h o s p i t a l f o r t h e Q u e c h u a I n d i a n s o f P e r u

Page 2: Diospi Suyana Hospital · and open your heart. On November 2nd a four page report appeared in the women’s magazine “Tina”, informing ap-proximately 3 million readers about our

Carolina Jochum is a Pe-ruvian from Cusco. In November she wrote a Spanish ballad for Diospi Suyana. The song includes these words:

So many mothers see their children enter the world only to have to let them leave it again.There is nothing else but to resign to seeing them die.Chorus: Diospi Suyana – trust in God, give Him your life. Diospi Suyana – mercy, I am seeking you. Diospi Suyana – trust in God and open your heart.

On November 2nd a four page report appeared in the women’s magazine “Tina”, informing ap-proximately 3

million readers about our work in Peru. Eve-ry report helps.

Thanks to this report, for example, the local Red Cross group in Neckarbischofsheim de-cided to collect donations for Diospi Suyana this year (see article above). After seeing a long article in the Peruvian magazine “So-mos”, two companies donated the entire roof for the hospital.

advancement of the project. Steve and Crys-tal Deters and Lyndal Maxwell have worked hard to raise financial support in the US and Australia respectively.

Since the last newsletter the Miele Compa-ny donated a new laundry facility for the hospital. Deister Electronics gave 22 Km of high voltage cables for the clinic network. Viessmann added a solar-powered water heating system. These company donations exceed 750,000 US$. Presentations about the hospital are also still being given. Dr. John gave his 499th presentation on No-vember 30th in the cafeteria of the Sandoz Company in Holzkirchen where 150 mem-

bers of staff had come at the in-

vitation of their boss, Dr. Rum-melt.

In November the Diospi Suyana staff gained some female support, four ladies all at once: Ortrun Heinz (left) will head up the nursing staff and Dr. Renate Engisch will serve as a radiologist. Bettina Baumgarten (radio-grapher) and Marit Weilbach (nurse) both come from the same church in Saxony. With these new arrivals the team in Peru now has 14 motivated members.

Many volunteers collecting for Diospi Suyana

Just Imagine A warm welcome 3 Million all at one go

Deeply moved

I n d i a n g i r l s a t t h e D i o s p i S u y a n a C h r i s t m a s c e l e b r a t i o n o n D e c e m b e r 2 .

All over Germany there are projects great and small in support of the Diospi Suyana hospital in Peru. We have picked out five for this newsletter. It is thanks to these tirelss and enthusiastic supporters and of course

the thousands of private donations that al-most 2.5 million US$ in gifts have been re-ceived since January 2004. It is a great joy for us to report that Americans and Australians have made substantial contributions to the

▲ In Hahnstätten the women´s ministr ies of the protestant and c atholic churches in Zol l-haus on D ecember 3

▲ O n the second S aturday in Advent the loc al Red Cross group in Neck arbischofsheim asked for donations at the tra-dit ional St. Nicholas market.

▲ The evangelic al free church in Lörrach regu-larly sets up a stand in the pedestrian shopping area.

▲ O n the f irst S aturday in Advent music students played the f lute at the Morsbach Christmas market.

▲ B enedikt and D ominik K arl and their parents from Leun faithful ly fed coins into a piggy bank.

In the USA Diospi Suyana is a recognizednon-profit-organization and can issuetax receipts.

Roger Smalligan MD, MPHPresident of Diospi Suyana- USATelephone 423-753-4969Email [email protected]

Issue no 13 - December 2006

Diospi Suyana - USAP.O. Box 961Jenison, MI 49428

[email protected]

Roger Smalligan MD, MPH

H o s p i t a lD i o s p i S u y a n a

A m i s s i o n h o s p i t a l f o r t h e Q u e c h u a I n d i a n s o f P e r u