Diktat fin al kls 8

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KELAS 8KELAS 8 Semester I Semester I



Palgunawan, M.Pd SMP N 1 Wonogiri

Sudarno, S.Pd SMP N 2 Paranggupito

Nugroho, M.Pd SMP N 2 Tirtomoyo

Anggit Joko Utomo, M.Pd SMP N 1 Girimarto

Triwanto, S.Pd SMP N 2 Girimarto

Supriharyanto, S.Pd SMP IT Al Huda



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Dengan mengucap syukur alhamdulillah kehadirat Allah SWT yang telah

melimpahkan rahmatNya, sehingga dapat terselesaikan pembuatan diktat Mata

Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas 8 Semester I ini.

Diktat ini disusun dimaksudkan untuk membantu serta menunjang mata

pelajaran Bahasa Inggris sebagai pegangan dasar bagi peserta didik. Buku ini

disusun berdasarkan beberapa buku acuan serta pengalaman penulis selama

mengajar mata pelajaran ini. Dalam kesempatan ini penulis mengucapkan pada

semua fihak yang telah membantu hingga tersusunnya diktat ini.

Akhirnya penulis menyadari bahwa diktat ini masih banyak kekurangan,

untuk itu adanya kritik dan saran yang membangun sangat diharapkan agar karya-

karya selanjutnya lebih sempurna lagi.

Wonogiri, 11 Juli 2012


Kelompok 2


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Diktat dengan judul Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas 8 Semester I ini telah

disahkan pada tanggal … Juli 2012 di Wonogiri.

Wonogiri, Juli 2012

Kepala SMP Negeri 1 Wonogiri

Drs H. Kusman, M.Pd.



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A. HALAMAN DEPAN ..........................................................................i

B. HALAMAN PENGESAHAN..............................................................ii

C. KATA PENGANTAR .........................................................................iii

D. DAFTAR ISI ......................................................................................iv

E. TUJUAN DIKTAT ..............................................................................v


A. BAB I TRANSACTIONAL .................................................................................1

1. Rumusan Kompetensi....................................................................5

2. Uraian Materi Pelajaran.................................................................10

3. Sajian Contoh................................................................................15

4. Uraian & Latihan Soal...................................................................20

B. BAB II RECOUNT............................................................................................25

1. Rumusan Kompetensi....................................................................30

2. Uraian Materi Pelajaran.................................................................35

3. Sajian Contoh................................................................................40

4. Uraian & Latihan Soal...................................................................45

C. BAB III NARRATIVE........................................................................................50

1. Rumusan Kompetensi....................................................................55

2. Uraian Materi Pelajaran.................................................................60

3. Sajian Contoh................................................................................65

4. Uraian & Latihan Soal...................................................................70

III. BAGIAN PENUNJANG ...................................................... 56

1. Daftar Pustaka...............................................................................55

2. Lampiran.......................................................................................60


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1.1.Merespon makna yang terdapat dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done) dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) sederhana secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar yang melibatkan tindak tutur : meminta, memberi, menolak jasa, meminta, memberi, menolak barang, mengakui, mengingkari fakta, dan meminta dan memberi pendapat

2.2. Merespon makna yang terdapat dalam monolog pendek sederhana secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar dalam teks berbentuk descriptive


3.1.Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done) dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar yang melibatkan tindak tutur : meminta, memberi, menolak jasa, meminta, memberi, menolak barang, mengakui, mengingkari fakta, dan meminta dan memberi pendapat

4.1.1. Mengungkapkan makna dalam monolog pendek sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar dalam teks berbentuk descriptive


1. Mengidentifikasi dan merespon ungkapan mengakui dan mengingkari fakta2. Mengidentifikasi dan merespon ungkapan meminta, memberi dan menolak

jasa3. Mengidentifikasi dan merespon ungkapan untuk menggambarkan tanaman 4. Mengidentifikasi dan merespon teks deskriptif

A. SPOKEN ACTIVITIESTask 1 Please answer these questions orally!

1. What picture is it?2. Do you have it?3. What kinds of flowers do you have?4. Do you water it/them everyday?5. Tell me about your favorite flower! Why do you like it?



Tema : Flora and FaunaSub tema : Plant lifeKelas / Semester : VIII / Gasal

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Task 2 Pronounce these words correctly!

Vocabulary building

Task 3 Listen to your teacher and fill in the blank space with the words that you hear

Father : Rian, don’t ……….to water the plants. They will die if you do not ………. them ….. a day.

Rian : Okay, Dad. I won’t forget.

The next day, Rian forgets to water the plants. Then two days later...

Father : Rian, the plants are …… . I’ve told you to water them. Did you water them yesterday?

Rian : Ummm.... Yes, I did.

Father : But, why are the plants dead now? Don’t …… to me.

Rian : I don’t lie, Dad.

Father : Lying is a bad habit, isn’t it? Now ……. me. Did you water the plants yesterday?

Rian : Actually.... I forgot, Dad.

Father : So you didn’t water the plants.

Rian : No, I didn’t. I’m …….. I ……

I won’t forget next time.

Father : Promise me you won’t lie next time.

Rian : I promise.


Dead (Adj) /ded/ : mati

Forget (V) /fə’get/ : lupa (melupakan)

Water (V) /’wá:tə/ : menyirami

Plant (N) /pla:nt/ : tanaman

Plant (V) /pla:nt/ : menanam

Promise (V) /prom.is/ : berjanji

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Task 4 Listen to the dialogue again and check out your answer!

Task 5 Answer these questions based on the dialogue orally!

1. What did father ask Rian to do with the plants?2. What did Rian promise to his father?3. Did Rian do what his father asked?4. Did he lie to his father? What did he say?5. Why he didn’t do what his father asked?

Task 6 Listen to your teacher and match the words you hear with the correct pictures!

……………….. ……………….. ………………..………………..

Task 7 Listen to your teacher read this dialogue !

Anto is visiting his classmate Amir. At thas time, Amir is in the backyard of her house.

Anto : Hi, Amir.

Amir : Hi, Anto.

Anto : What are you doing?

Amir : Well. I’m planting flowers now. Can you help me get some water over there, please?

Anto : Yes, of course.

Andi takes a pail of water and gives it to Amir.

Anto : Here you are.

Amir : Thank you, Anto.

Anto : You’re welcome. What kinds of flowers do you want to plant?

Amir : I will plant roses and jasmines.

Anto : Oh, I see. Would you let me plant them?


Gbr bunga mawar

Gbr bunga anggrek

Gbr bunga melati

Gbr bunga teratai

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Amir : No, thanks. You don’t have to.

Task 7 Listen to your teacher and answer these questions orally!

1. Where is Amir ?2. What is Amir doing?3. What is Amir asking Anto to do?4. What kinds of flowers will Amir plant?5. Does Anto plant the flowers too?

Task 8 Discuss with your friends how to ask for help, how to give help and how to reject help!

Task 9 Fill in the column with expressions that you have discussed with your friends!


Asking for help Giving help Rejecting help


Task 10 Practice the expressions on how to ask for help, how to give help and how to reject or deny help!

Work in pairs!

Task 11 Listen to your teacher!


Gbr bunga mawar

Well, students! Listen to me carefully. I’d like to tell you about my red roses in my backyard. I have three red rose plants. They are all about three meters tall. Their colors are red. They are very beautiful.

My red roses smell pleasant. When people see my red flowers, they always try to pick them up. However, you should be careful when you want to pick them up because they have thorns on their stem.

That’s all about my beautiful red roses.

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Task 12 Answer the questions orally

1. What is the text about?2. What does the plant have?


1. OpeningYou can use the following expressions to open your text :

Well, everyone! Listen, my friends! Morning, everybody!

2. Contenta. Definition

I’d like to tell you about my roses. ………… I want to tell you about my roses …………. Allow me to tell you about my roses ………etc

a. Description (Physical feature, quality etc) My roses are beautiful. They have red color. They’re about three

meters tall. They smell nice. Their thorns are on the stem. etc3. Closing

That’s all about my roses That’s everything about my roses Well, I can’t tell you more about my roses etc.

Task 13 Suppose you have these kinds of flowers in your garden, please tell your friends about them orally!



Gbr bunga matahari






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Task 14 Listen to your teacher carefully and then draw a picture based on what you hear!

Draw your picture here!







Gbr Tanaman

Gelombang cinta

Well, students! Listen to me carefully. I’d like to tell you about my small garden on the backyard of my house. It’s about 4 meter wide. It means the length is 2 m and the width is 2 m as well.

There is a fish pond in the center of the garden. Various kinds of fish are in the pond. On the left side of the pond , there are two banana trees and on the right side, there are four rose plants, three sun flower trees and a big mango tree. In the pond there are five water lilies.

That’s everything about my small garden.

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Task 15 Complete the dialogue!

1. A : What do you think of Rafflesia Arnoldi flower?B : ……………………………………………………

2. A : ……………………………………………………B : In my opinion. Bogor Botanical Garden is a very comfortable

place. The air is fresh

3. A : What’s your opinion about orchid?B : …………………………………………………….

Note :

Task 16 In pairs, have a dialogue with your classmate. Ask him to give his opinion. Look at the example!

1. Ask your friend about his opinion of a filmAndi : What do you think about the film?

Erna : I think it’s great. The story is interesting

2. Ask your friend about his opinion of Tulip flower3. Ask your friend about his opinion of Jasmine4. Ask your friend about his opinion of Illegal logging5. Ask your friend about his opinion of Global warming


How to ask opinion :

What do you think of ……? What is your opinion about……? What do you think? What would you say about …..? Do you think that …….?

How to give opinion

I think …… In my opinion …… To say frankly, …… To be honest, …….

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5.4. Merespon makna dan langkah retorika dalam esei pendek sederhana secara akurat, lancar dan berterima yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan sekitar dalam teks berbentuk descriptive


6.2. Mengungkapkan makna dan langkah retorika dalam esei pendek sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar dalam teks berbentuk descriptive..


1. Mengidentifikasi teks deskriptif tulis2. Menemukan informasi pada teks3. Mengidentifikasikan “To Be” dan “Have”4. Mengidentifikasikan Struktur Generik teks deskriptif5. Menulis teks deskriptif



Task 1 Study this carefully!


I am I am a doctor

He (Edi, My father) He is my father

She (Rini, Mrs. Ita) is She is a nurse

It ( a book, a rose) It is an interesting book

We (Joni and I) We are here

You Are You are so kind

They (the students) They are my classmates


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I have I have a beautiful rose

He (Edi, My father) He has a good job

She (Rini, Mrs. Ita) has She has a lesson today

It ( a book, a rose) It has a white cover

We (Joni and I) We have some money

You have You have a new car

They (the students) They have a good house

Task 2 Fill in the blank space with am, is or are!

1. Look! The sun flower ………. Beautiful2. There ……. Some roses in my garden3. These orchids …… very expensive 4. The blooming flower over there …….. not a jasmine but an orchid5. I …….. interested in “Bonsai”

Task 3 Complete these dialogues with has or have !

1. Juwita : What are your flowers like?Arni : They ……. Sharp thorns

2. Arini : The rose looks great, doesn’t it?Dewi : It …….. a beautiful colour

3. Budi : Do you ……… a jack fruit tree?Eko : No, I don’t

4. Father : Have you met Mr. Afandi?Andi : Yes, He …….. curly hair, right?


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Task 4 Read the text carefully!

My Wave of Love Plant

This is the wave of love plant in front of my house. I love it because it has an amazing appearance.

This plant has big leaves. There are five big leaves. Each of them is about 30 cm. It doesn’t have stem. When you see this plant, you only see its leaves.

The wave of love plant does not need too much water. It can live for a long time without water. Its leaves can reach more than one meter.

What an amazing plant

Task 5 Answer the questions briefly!

1. What is the text about?……………………………………………………………………

2. What is the plant like?……………………………………………………………………..

3. Does the plant have big stem?……………………………………………………………………..

4. Does the plant need much water?……………………………………………………………………..

5. What makes the plant amazing?……………………………………………………………………..

Task 6 Label parts of plant below!


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DESCRIPTIVE TEXT adalah jenis teks yang menggambarkan (mendeskripsikan) cirri-ciri seseorang, benda, tanaman, binatang, tempat secara khusus.


Banyak menggunakan bentuk “present tense” Banyak menggunakan “to be” dan “have”


1. IDENTIFCATIONIdentifying what to talk about

2. DESCRIPTIONDescribing its part

Physical feature Quality Purpose etc

Task 7 Pay attention to the text below!

IDENTIFICATION This is the wave of love plant in front of my house. I love it because it has an amazing appearance.

DESCRIPTION Appearance This plant has big leaves. There are five big

leaves. Each of them is about 30 cm. It doesn’t have stem. When you see this plant, you only see its leaves

Quality The wave of love plant does not need too much water. It can live for a long time without water. Its leaves can reach more than one meter

CLOSING What an amazing plant


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Task 8 Work in pair. Discuss with your friend about the picture below and write down a descriptive text about the pictures!



Task 9 Pronounce these words correctly!


Know (V) /nəu/ : mengetahui

Garden (N) /’ga:dən/ : kebun/taman

Park (N) /pa:k/ : taman

Grounds (N) /pla:nt/ : daerah/tanah untuk suatu pengetahuan atau pengalaman

Plant (V) /pla:nt/ : menanam

View (V) /prom.is/ : memandang

We have many banana trees and this is my biggest banana tree--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------





Pohon pisang


Bunga teratai

This is The water lily in my pond---------------------------------------------------------




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Task 10 Read the following text carefully and answer the questions!

Keukenhof Flower Park

Keukenhof Flower Park is also known as the Garden of Europe. It is situated near Lisse, Netherlands . It is the world’s largest flower garden.

Keukenhof is more than 150 years old. Its first grounds were founded around 1840.

Everyone who loves flowers knows Keukenhof Flower Park. There are so many kinds of beautiful flowers. There are approximately 54.520 acres of parkland planted with tulips and other bulbs. Keukenhof is open from the last

week of March to mid-May. The best time to view the tulips is around mid-April. However, it depends on the weather. In seven weeks Keukenhof has about 800.000 visitors.

(Adapted from : http://www.kaben.dk)

Task 11 Answer the questions briefly!

1. What is the other name of Keukenhof Flower Garden?……………………………………………………………………..

2. Where is Keukenhof located?……………………………………………………………………..

3. How old is Keukenhof Flower Park?……………………………………………………………………..

4. When is Keukenhof open?……………………………………………………………………..

5. When is the best time to view the tulips?……………………………………………………………………..


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Task 12 Describe your flower and fill in the generic structure on the left side!





1. Why do we have to hold “Reforestation” program?2. State four reasons why we must stop illegal logging!3. What is the correlation of reforestation and global warming?



1. Stop Illegal Logging2. Save our Earth from Global Warming








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Listen carefully and fill in the blank space with the suitable word!


Complete the following dialogue with the suitable expression!1. A : Would you help me move this table?

B : …………………………………..

2. A : I think all animals in the zoo should be locked up in the cages.B : …………………………………..

3. A : ………………………………….?B : I think he is very talkative

4. A : Did you take my book?B : …………………… (He denied it although he took it)

5. A : …………………………………..?B : No, thanks. I appreciate it

Describe to your friend about your garden!C. READING

Choose the right answer by crossing a, b, c or d!Text 1


A flowering plant ………….(1) of roots, stalk, leaf and flower. The roots ……………(2) minerals and water from the soil. They also ………..(3) the plant upright in the ground. The stalk ……….(4) support to flower. It also ……….(5) minerals and water to the leaves and ………..(6) good from the leaves to the other parts of plant. The flower ……….(7) is the productive unit of plant. The outer part of the flower ……….. (8) of petals and sepals. The sepals …………(9) green color. They protect a flower bud before it ……….. (10)

Redwood trees are the largest and the oldest living thing growing in California, USA. They can be more than 100 meters high. These giant redwoods have a very thick trunk. Twenty men with arms outstretched out can not circle them. Some of the living redwoods were started graving 3,500 years ago

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1. What is the text about?a. California c. The giant creatureb. Redwood trees d. A large and old tree

2. Where can you find the plant?a. In Redwood city c. California , USA b. In the village d. 3.500 years ago

3. “They can be ……..” What does the word “they” refer to?a. Twenty men c. The giant creatureb. The people of California d. Redwood trees

4. “These giant…” The word “giant” means something that is very …..a. Big c. Smooth b. Wide d. Tall

5. “…. A very thick trunk” The antonym of the word “thick” is …..a. Small c. largeb. Thin d. Smooth

6. This is a kind of plant that has short stiff leaves. It is usually put in the hanging pot. It as beautiful flowers that can last a long time before they die. What flower is it?

a. Rose c. lilyb. Jasmine d. orchid

Text 2

I have a flower garden. It is behind my house. It is not large but looks interesting. It is protected by a bamboo fence, so animals can’t enter and disturb the plants.

The garden has fertile soil, so plants can grow well in it. There are various kinds of flowers in it. It has red and white roses, white and purple orchids, jasmines, sunflowers, and some others flowers. Besides these, I also plant them in the vases. I water them every morning and afternoon.

It is very beautiful. The green leaves and colorful flowers beautify the garden. I like it very much.

7. How many kinds of flowers are mentioned in the text? a. 4 c. 6b. 5 d. 7

8. Why can plants grow well?a. They are protected by

bamboo fencec. They are very beautiful

b. Animals can’t enter and disturb the plants

d. The garden has fertile soil

9. Why can the flower garden safe?a. They are protected by

bamboo fencec. They are very beautiful

b. The writer water it everyday d. The garden has fertile soil


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10. “I like it very much” (last sentence) What does ‘it’ refer to?a. Rose c. lilyb. Flower garden d. The leaf

11. What is the best title of the text?a. My activity c. Kinds of flowersb. My flower d. My flower garden

12. Edy : What do you plant in your garden?Indah : Oh, it’s a kind of flower. People can make some

snakcks from its seeds. It’s very delicious.

Edy : Oh, I know it. It’s a…………….., right?

a. Orchid c. Sun flowerb. Jasmine d. Hibiscus

13. Plants are very important in our life because of these reasons, except ……a. They give food to us c. They give us carbon dioxideb. They provide oxygen d. They make the environment fresh

14. Fitri : Does your mother like gardening?Ayu : Yes, she does. She ……. A lot of plants and flowers in her garden

Fitri : I see

a. Has c. Takesb. Gives d. Likes

15. Edi : Do you think a mango tree is suitable in front of our garden?Yoga : No, I ……..

a. Don’t think so c. Am not think sob. Think so d. Am sure

16. “Jati “ tree is very strong and big but banana tree ……a. Does not c. Have notb. Is not d. Has not

Text 3

Giraffe was the tallest animal I saw in Gembira Loka zoo. It is male. It is about six meters tall. It has big brown eyes. It has brown spots on its skin. It has also two short horns on its head. Its tail is long with thick hair on the top of the tail. It likes eating grass and leaves of tree

17. The suitable title for the text above is ……a. Giraffe c. Gembiro Loka Zoob. The tall animal d. Big brown animal


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18. What word is an adjective?a. Giraffe c. Tail b. It d. Tall

19. What is on the top of the tail?a. Eyes c. Hairb. Horn d. Head

20. The word male means that the animal can’t ……..a. Eat food c. Find foodb. Live alone d. Give birth


Write a short descriptive text about an interesting plant or flower at your friend’s garden or house and state the generic structure! (min 10 sentences)



Write your title here



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1.2.Merespon makna yang terdapat dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done) dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) sederhana secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar yang melibatkan tindak tutur : mengundang, menerima dan menolak ajakan, menyetujui/tidak menyetujui, memuji, dan memberi selamat

2.2. Merespon makna yang terdapat dalam monolog pendek sederhana secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar dalam teks berbentuk descriptive


3.2. Memahami dan merespon percakapan transaksional (to get things done) dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar yang melibatkan tindak tutur : mengundang, menerima dan menolak ajakan, menyetujui/tidak menyetujui, memuji, dan memberi selamat

4.1.1. Mengungkapkan makna dalam monolog pendek sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar dalam teks berbentuk descriptive


5. Mengidentifikasi dan merespon ungkapan mengundang, menerima dan menolak ajakan

6. Mengidentifikasi dan merespon ungkapan menyetujui dan tidak menyetujui7. Mengidentifikasi dan merespon ungkapan untuk menggambarkan hewan 8. Mengidentifikasi dan merespon teks deskriptif



Tema : Flora and FaunaSub tema : Animal lifeKelas / Semester : VIII / Gasal

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Task 1 Please answer these questions orally!

6. What picture is it?7. Do you have it?8. What kinds of pet do you have?9. Do you feed it/them everyday?10. Tell me about your favorite animal! Why do you like it?

Task 2 Pronounce these words correctly!

Vocabulary building

Task 3 Listen to your teacher and fill in the blank space with the words that you hear

Task 4 Answer these questions orally!

1. What is the text about?2. What does it like to do?3. What does it look like?

Task 5 Retell about “Sweety” to your friends!


Pet (N) /pet/ : binatang kesayangan

Skin (N) /skin/ : kulit

Protect (V) /’prə’tekt/ : melindungi

Tame (Adj) /teim/ : jinak

Playful (Adj) /pleiful/ : lucu

Listen class, I want to tell you about my “sweety”. Well it’s my playful black cat. This cat is always playful. It likes playing with anything. It sometimes plays with me. It likes playing with a ball very much. You know, it is very clever. Sometimes it is very naughty.

Sweety is small but fat. It has soft fur. The fur is black. Sweety has a long tail. And its eyes are round. It looks cute. It always near me.

That’s everything about my sweety.

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Task 6 Your teacher will read the texts about certain animals. Listen and then give a tick (V) and name to the correct picture!

1. This animal is the tallest land animal. It can grow as tall as 20 feet (6 meters)

2. This animal is a member of the horse family. It lives in Africa. Each has its own pattern of stripes

3. This is a type of mammal called a marsupial. Baby marsupials are unable to survive on their own when they are born, so they must live in a pouch on their mother’s belly. A newborn marsupial stays in its mother’s pouch for about six months, where it feeds on her milk.

4. This is the largest of the apes. It lives in the rain forests and mountains of tropical Africa. It usually peaceful and timid unless it is attacked.

5. This belongs to a group of animals known as arachnids. Unlike other insects, It has eight legs

……….. ………….. ………. …….. ……..

Task 7 Answer orally!

1. Are the animals described in task 6 wild animals?2. Mention the other wild animals!3. What are domestic animals? Give examples!4. Are the animals described in task 6 carnivores?5. What are they?

Task 8 Look at the following pictures. What are they? Why do people keep these animals?


Gbr Spider









Gbr Gorilla

Gbr Giraffe


Gbr Kangaroo

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Task 9 Study and practice the following conversation. Then, answer the questions!


Andi and his classmates are talking about their plan for holiday

Andi : Have you got any plan for our holiday?.

Amir : I have no idea. What about you, Rudy?

Rudy : I want to feel the fresh air



Cow (sapi)

This animal is a cow and people keep it to get milk, meat and leather. The cow sometimes helps people carry things from their field. If we keep this animal we should treat it nicely by feeding and cleaning it everyday .


Lion (singa)





eagle (elang)




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Andi : I have an idea. My uncle lives in Bogor. Shall we spend our holiday there?

Amir : I’d love to.

Rudy : That would be great. What about you, Laila?

Laila : I’d love to, but my family and I are going to visit our grandparents in Balikpapan

Andi : That’s okey

Task 10 Answer these questions orally!

6. How does Andi invite his classmates to go to Bogor?……………………………………………………………

7. What’s Amir’s answer to Andi’s invitation?……………………………………………………………

8. How does Rudy respond to Andi’s invitation?……………………………………………………………

9. Why does Laila refuse to join Andi and his clssmates?……………………………………………………………

10.What does Laila say to refuse Adi’s invitation?……………………………………………………………

Task 11 Study these expressions from the conversation!

Expressions Functions

Shall we spend our holiday there?

Inviting someone

I’d love toThat would be great

Accepting an invitation

I’d love to, but ……. Declining an invitation

Here are some other expression you may use!

Expressions Functions

Would you like to come Inviting someone


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to……..?Could you come to …….?Come and ……I would. Thank you very muchThat would be great

Accepting an invitation

Thank you very much for inviting me, but I’m sorry, I can’t

Declining an invitation

Task 12 Work in pairs and have a dialogue with your classmate based on the following clues. Look at the example!

1. invite/Borobudur temple/acceptImam : Shall we go to Borobudur temple tomorrow?

Indri : That would be great

2. invite/Kuta beach/refuse.............................................................

3. invite/cinema/accept…………………………………………….

4. invite/Birthday party/accept…………………………………………….

5. invite/firework festival/refuse…………………………………………….

6. invite/book fair/accept…………………………………………….


Task 13 Study and practice the following conversation.

1. Aliya : This is a fantastic sight. Do you agree with me?Rahma : I do. It’s wonderful


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2. Yusuf : I think all animals in the zoo should be locked up in cagesHimawan : I don’t think so. I think cages are only for wild animals

Task 14 Study these expressions from the conversation!

Expressions Functions

I do AgreeingI don’t think so Disagreeing

Here are some other expression you may use!

Expressions Functions

Yes, I agreeThat’s a good idea


I don’t agreeI disagreeThat’s not a good idea


Task 12 Work in pairs and have a dialogue with your classmate based on the following clues. Look at the example!

1. Public buses should operate 24 hours a dayHasan : I think public buses should operate 24 hours a day

Indra : I don’t think so

2. The visitors should not feed the animals in the zoo3. There should be more dustbins in public places4. Smoking in public places is not polite5. People should not bring their pets in supermarket6. People who throw a chewed bubble gum on the sidewalk should be sent

to jail


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5.3.Merespon makna dalam teks tulis fungsional pendek sederhana (misalnya undangan, kartu ucapan, pesan singkat, pengumuman, pesan tertulis) secara akurat, lancar dan berterima yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan sekitar

5.4. Merespon makna dan langkah retorika dalam esei pendek sederhana secara akurat, lancar dan berterima yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan sekitar dalam teks berbentuk descriptive


6.3. Mengungkapkan makna dan langkah retorika dalam esei pendek sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar dalam teks berbentuk descriptive..


6. Mengidentifikasi teks deskriptif tulis7. Menemukan informasi pada teks8. Mengidentifikasikan degree of comparison9. Mengidentifikasikan Struktur Generik teks deskriptif10. Menulis teks deskriptif11. Mengidentifikasi dan merespon signs



Task 1 Let’s say and memorize!


nest (V) /nest/ : sarang

feather (N) /feðə r / : bulu

beak (N) /bi:k/ : paruh burung

claw (N) /kla:w/ : cakar

hunt (V) /hant/ : memburu

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The Sea Eagle

There is an eagle nesting on the tree top near my grandparent’s house in Pangandaran. It was a sea eagle.

The color of its feathers is light brown. It has a strong and sharp yellowish beak. Its claws are very sharp. It hunts for fish in the sea but sometimes it hunts chickens and small birds.

Eagles have many sizes, shapes, and colors, but the sea eagle is easy to recognize because it has a strong, sharp beak and a stream-line body.

Its forelimbs (or arms) serve as wings. This means that they are of little use for anything except flying. It walks on two legs and has a very flexible neck and strong beak to handle foods, to care for its feathers, and for many other jobs that non-flying animals do with paws, claws, or hands on their forelimbs.

(Taken from English Focus)

Task 2 Answer the following question based on the text!

1. What do you know about eagles?


2. Why is the sea eagle easy to recognize?


3. What do you think of its flying? Is it easy or hard to do?


4. What do the forelimbs of an sea eagle do?


5. What are the sea eagle’s neck and beak like?


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Task 3 Match the meanings and the words!

Words Meaning1. beef cattle2. mutton3. leather4. farms/ranches5. dairy cattle6. poultry farm7. raise

a. ternak sapi susub. tempat untuk memeliara ternakc. memeliharad. peternakan unggase. ternak sapi pedagingf. daging kambingg. kulit

Task 4 Fill in the table based on each category!

No Wild animals Pets Cattle Poultry12345

Task 5 Discuss about parts of animals’ body!








Part of Body

1. Head

2. …….

Part of Body

1. Head

2. …….

Part of Body

1. Head

2. …….

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Task 6 Describe your pet and fill in the generic structure








Task 7 Look at the sign here and answer the questions!

1. Where can you find the sign above?2. Why are we prohibited to feed the animal?


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Task 8 State what the meaning of the signs are and where the signs are probably found!




Task 9 Observe these sentences!

Rhinoceros is a big animalRhinoceros is bigger than a dogThe Elephant is the biggest of all


1. Bentuk comparative digunakan untuk membandingkan dua benda dimana satu benda mempunyai sifat yang lebih dari benda lainnyaContoh :

Susi is taller than Anna. ( Susi is 165 cm, Anna is 150 cm)TV is more expensive than Radio ( TV is Rp. 1.000.000, Radio is Rp 75.000)

2. Bentuk superlative digunakan untuk membandingkan tiga benda atau lebih dimana satu benda memiliki sifat yang paling (besar, kecil, pandai dsb) dibandingkan dengan benda lainnya.Contoh :

Ruli is the tallest student in his class ( Ruli is 190 cm, The other students are under 185 cm)Computer is the most expensive in that shop . ( Computer is Rp. 5.000.000, the other goods are under Rp. 2.000.000)


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Task 10 Study this table!

1. Adjective with one syllables


HotterBigger OlderTallerSmallerYounger


2. Adjective with two syllables (-er, -y, -ow , ending)




3. Adjective with two or more syllables

POSITIVE COMPARATIVE SUPERLATIVEHandsomeBeautifulDangerousExpensiveDifficult

More handsomeMore beautifulMore dangerousMore expensiveMore difficult

Most handsomeMost beautifulMost dangerousMost expensiveMost difficul

4. Irregular change!





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Task 11 Complete the table below!



………………………….More interesting………………………….………………………….………………………….………………………….………………………….WorseBrighter ………………………….

………………………….………………………….Thinnest………………………….HardestMost delicious………………………….………………………….………………………….………………………….

Task 12 Complete these sentences below with the right forms of comparison!

1. the elephant is heavy. It is the …………. In Sumatra2. The cow is one and half meters in height. The elephant is one

meter and seven hundreds centimeters. The cow is ……… than the elephant.

3. My friend and I bought a cat in Pet Shop. My cute cat was …….. than my friend’s. Mine was Rp. 150.000 and my friend’s was Rp. 125.000

4. Titin’s English test is bad, but her brother’s English test is the ………. In his class.

5. Tuti’s house is 5 km from school. Dodi’s house is 2 km, So Tuti’s house is ………. Than Dodi’s house.

6. Thew weather is too warm here. I’d like to stay somewhere ………

7. Irfan is 60 kg. Aldo is 50 kg. So Irfan is …….. than Aldo8. Blacky was born in 2001. Sweety was born in 2003 and Kitty was

born in 2002. Blacky is the ……….of all and Sweety is ……….of all

9. Erna always cleans the room, Fera often cleans her room and Nana never cleans her room. Fera’s room is ………than Nana’s room, but Erna’s room is the …….

10. There are three drivers. They are Mr.Jack, Mr.Brown, and Mr. Black. Mr.Jack never gets an accident. He is the ………driver. Mr.Brown often gets an accident, he is ………..driver than Mr.Jack, because Mr.Jack always gets an accident.


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Make a descriptive text about “SAFARI PARK IN BOGOR”. You can find the information about this place from Internet or library book!












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Listen carefully and fill in the blank space with the suitable word!


Tell to your friends about one kind of animal that you see in the zoo at your hometown!


The cheetah in Ragunan zoo is the …………(1) animal on land. It can ………(2) 100 kilometers an hour. It is now …………(3) and is one of the animals which is in danger of ………..(4). The cheetah has a small head and ………(5), and long, ………….(6) legs. It always hunts and ………(7) its prey on open ground. This is a different way of hunting from the other “big cats.” They like to ………(8) in and near trees to catch their ………(9). The cheetah is also different from other cats …………(10) it cannot draw in its claws

Well everyone, I’d like to tell you about an animal that I see in the zoo------------------------------






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Choose the right answer by crossing a, b, c or d!

Text 1

21. What does Ambar keep dogs as her pets?a. She has two dogs c. She trains dogsb. She loves dogs very much d. She asks dogs to do many things

22. What is Casper like?a. It has long and thick fur c. It’s short with long body and

strong legsb. It is yellow brownish dog d. It’s very beautiful

23. “….I take them ……..” What does the word “them” in the last sentence refer to?

a. My sister and I c. My dog’s namesb. The dogs d. Casper and I

24. The word “veterinarian” means a person who …..the animalsa. Sells c. curesb. Keeps d. catches


Hello, my name is Ambar. I have pets at home. They are dogs. I keep them because I like dogs very much. There are two dogs in my house. They are very clever. I can ask them to do many things. They can sit down when I ask them to do. They can walk on their two hinds legs. They can also catch a ball with their mouth.

My dogs’ names are Casper and Jeanny. Casper is a dachshund. He is short with long body and four strong legs. Jeanny is collie. She has long and thick fur. What colour is her fur? It is brownish. She is very beautiful.

I always take care of my dogs. I feed them three times a day. Every evening my sister and I take them out for a walk. I bathe them twice a week and brush them. Once in two months, I take them to veterinarian to have them checked.

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25. “….thick fur” The antonym of the word “thick” is …..a. Small c. largeb. Thin d. Smooth

26. How many activities can Ambar’s dog do?a. 4 c. 2b. 3 d. 1

27. How often does Ambar take her dogs to the veterinarian? a. Three times a day c. Once in a monthb. Once in two months d. Every evening

28. These are done by Dina to take care of her dogs, except…….a. Feed them three times a day c. Bathe them once in two weeksb. Take the dogs for a walk d. Check the dogs every two month

29. All the jackets in the shop are expensive, but the brown one is the ……..a. As expensive as c. More expensiveb. Expensive d. Most expensive

30. It’s better for me to use a computer rather than a typewriter. But a computer is ………than a typewritera. Cheaper c. cheapestb. More expensive d. Most expensive

31. This animal doesn’t have legs. It’s long and glossy. Sometimes, it’s very dangerous because it is poisonous. It belongs to reptile. What animal is it?a. Worm c. Crocodileb. Snake d. Alligator

32. What does the sign mean?

a. You can’t kill the animal c. You can’t eat the animalb. You can’t feed the animal d. You can’t take picture




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Text 2

33. What is the text about?a. Bandung zoo c. Kalimantan islandb. Bongo d. A woman called Bongo

34. What makes the animal similar to a human?a. Its habitat c. Its colorb. Its physical feature d. Its meal

35. The word mammal means that the animal can……..a. Eat food c. Find foodb. Live alone d. Give birth

36. Where do you probably find the sign?

a. At the forest c. At schoolb. At the beach d. At the street

37. This animal lays eggs. It’s warm blooded animal. It has wings. What animal is it?a. mammal c. Reptileb. Insect d. bird


Bongo The Orangutan

There is an orangutan in the Bandung zoo. People call her Bongo. She comes from a dense forest on the island of Kalimantan.

She has physical feature similar to a human. Bongo has brownish fur, and walks with two feet. Bongo is almost as big as a human. She is a mammal, that means she gives birth to her children and breast feeds them

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38. It has beautiful colour. It belongs to insect. It flies to absorb flowers’ liquid. It derives from cocoon. What is it?a. Butterfly c. spiderb. grasshopper d. Bee

39. What do elephants eat?a. Meat and eggs c. Frits and insectb. Fruit, leaves, and grass d. Insect and meat

40. What do you find this sign?

a. Science laboratory c. Post officeb. Public library d. Sport hall


Write a short descriptive text about an pet at your friend’s house and state the generic structure! (min 10 sentences)



Write your title here





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1.3.Merespon makna yang terdapat dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done) dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) sederhana secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar yang melibatkan tindak tutur : mengundang, menerima dan menolak ajakan, menyetujui/tidak menyetujui, memuji, dan memberi selamat

2.2. Merespon makna yang terdapat dalam monolog pendek sederhana secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar dalam teks berbentuk descriptive


3.2. Memahami dan merespon percakapan transaksional (to get things done) dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar yang melibatkan tindak tutur : mengundang, menerima dan menolak ajakan, menyetujui/tidak menyetujui, memuji, dan memberi selamat

4.1.1. Mengungkapkan makna dalam monolog pendek sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar dalam teks berbentuk descriptive


9. Mengidentifikasi dan merespon ungkapan memberi selamat10. Mengidentifikasi dan merespon ungkapan memuji11. Mendeskripsikan orang12. Menemukan informasi rinci dalam teks deskriptif13. Mengidentifikasi struktur teks deskriptif



Tema : Popular person

Sub tema : My idol

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Task 1 Listen to the conversation below and fill in the blank spaces with the correct answer!


Siska is celebrating her birthday with her classmates in her house

Anne : ……………(1) on your 13th birthday

Siska : Thank you

Berti : You look ………..(2) in that white gown

Siska : Thank you for saying so. You look ……….(3)with that yellow hat

Berti : Thanks. Look, Fredy is ……….(4)! What a gorgeous boy!

Anne : He looks so ………..(5) with his new hair cut

Siska : Yes, you’re …….(6)

Fredy : Hi, Siska. Congratulations on your birthday

Siska : Thank you. ………….(7), congratulations on ………….(8) the basketball competition. You’re the best ………….(9) we have.

Fredy : Oh, not really

Siska : Anyway, let’s start the …………(10)

Task 2 Answer these questions orally!


Winning Congratulations Sweet Right By the way Charming Coming Cute Captain Party

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11. What does Anne say to congratulate Siska on her 13th birthday?12. What does Siska say to respond Anne’s congratulations?13. How does Berti compliment Siska’s gown?14. What does Berti say about Fredy?15. What does Siska say to congratulate Fredy?


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Task 3 Pronounce these words correctly!

Vocabulary building

Task 4 Practice the dialogue with your partner!

Task 5 Study these expressions from the conversation!

Expressions Functions

Congratulations on your 13th birthdayCongratulations on your birthdayCongratulations on winning the basketball competition

Congratulating someone

You look charming in that white gownYou look sweet with that yellow hatWhat a gorgeous boy!He looks so cute with his new hair cutYou’re the best captain we have

Complimenting someone

Thank youThank you for saying soThanksOh, not really

Responding to congratulations and compliments (Pujian)

Here are some other expression you may use!

Expressions Functions

Congratulations!Congratulations onWell done

Congratulating someone

What a ……..!That’s a very nice dressYou look so sweet

Complimenting someone

It’s nice of you to say so Responding to


Congratulations (N) /kə.n græt.ju’lei.sən/ : selamat

Gorgeous (Adj) /’go: dзəs/ : tampan, indah , menarik

Charming (Adj) /’tja:.ming/ : menawan, anggun, menarik, cantik

Birthday (N) /’bзӨ dei/ : ulang tahun

Captain (N) /kæp tin/ : kapten tim, ketua tim

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congratulations and compliments (Pujian)

Task 6 Complete the dialogue with the right expression!

1. Ida wins the math competitionThe headmaster : Congratulations on winning the math competition!

Ida : Thank you very much, sir

2. Anwar win the speech contestMr. Heru : ……………………………

Anwar : Thank you

3. It’s Helen’s birthdayRatna : ……………………………, Helen!

Helen : Thanks

4. Rini gets 10 for mathRini : Dad, I get ten for my math test!

Daddy : …………………………….., you’re really a clever student!

Rini : Thanks Dad!

5. Mr. Abdul becomes a new managerMr. Sanusi : ………………………………

Mr. Abdul : Thank you very much

Task 7 Look at the picture and give a compliment to each picture!





Gbr gadis cantik

Gbr gaun yg indah

Gbr burung merak

What a beautiful girl!How beautiful she is!She looks charmingShe’s a pretty girl!









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Task 8 Look at the following pictures! Do you know them? Who and What are they? Write your answer in the table!



Task 9 Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions!

Ida and Laila are talking about Sherina

Ida : Laila, did you watch Sherina’s performance on TV last night?

Laila : Of course. She is my idol. She looked beautiful with her new hair cut

Ida : You’re right. I like her brown wavy hair. What do you think?

Laila : I think so. She also looked nice in her black gown

Ida : What a gorgeous girl!

Laila : Besides, she’s very talented. She wrote her own songs. She’s the real idol


Gbr pelangi

Gbr lukisan indah












Giring Nidji

Gbr Jacky Chan

Gbr Roger Federer

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1. Who is Sherina?2. How did Sherina look on TV last night?3. How was her hair like?4. What did she wear?5. Why does Laila call Sherina the real idol?

Task 10 Listen to the teacher and fill in the blank spaces!

The adorable Daniel Radcliffe

My ……..(1) is Daniel Radcliffe. His ………(2)name is Daniel Jacob Radcliffe. His ………(3)is Dan. He was ……..(4) in Fulham, London, July 23rd 1969. Dan has …….(5) brown hair. The ……..(6) of his eyes are blue. His ……..(7)is about 168 cm. He is an ……….(8)and a humorous person. I ……(9)him since his first appearance in “Harry Potter and The Sorcerer Stone”. I think he is a good ……(10).

Task 11 Tell to your friends about one of your idol and describe him about his appearance!


Nickname Dark Full Admire Actor

Born Colour Intelligent Height idol




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5.4.Merespon makna dalam teks tulis fungsional pendek sederhana (misalnya undangan, kartu ucapan, pesan singkat, pengumuman, pesan tertulis) secara akurat, lancar dan berterima yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan sekitar

5.4. Merespon makna dan langkah retorika dalam esei pendek sederhana secara akurat, lancar dan berterima yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan sekitar dalam teks berbentuk descriptive


6.4. Mengungkapkan makna dalam bentuk teks tulis fungsional pendek (misalnya undangan, kartu ucapan, pesan singkat, pengumuman, pesan tertulis) sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar

6.5. Mengungkapkan makna dan langkah retorika dalam esei pendek sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar dalam teks berbentuk descriptive..


12. Mengidentifikasi teks deskriptif tulis13. Menemukan informasi pada teks14. Mengidentifikasikan Struktur Generik teks deskriptif15. Mengidentifiksi teks fungsional (Advertisement)16. Menulis teks deskriptif17. Menulis teks fungsional (Advertisement)



Task 1 Let’s say and memorize!


Actor (N) /æktə/ : actor, bintang film

Appearance (N) /ə’piərəns/ : penampilan

full (Adj) /ful/ : penuh, lengkap

eye (N) /ai/ : mata

muscular (Adj) /mΛskjulə/ : berotot

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Task 2 Complete the text with the words provided!

Tobey Maguire

Tobey Maguire is an American ……..(1). His ……….(2) name is Tobias Vincent Maguire. He is known for his …….. (3) as Peter Parker/Spider-Man in the Spider-man film series.

He stands about 172 cm. Besides, He has a …….(4)body that can really figure a super hero. He has big round ……..(5) and black ……..(6) hair. His physical ……….(7) really supports his role as a super hero. Moreover, he is very ……..(8) that makes him loveable.

Task 3 Answer the following question based on the text!

1. What is the text about?


2. What makes him popular?


3. What can support him as a super hero?


4. Why do people like him?


5. What is the purpose of the text?


Task 4 Fill in the table with the information from the text!

Paragraph 1




.......................................................Paragraph 2

Description .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................


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Task 5 Read the text again! Write T if the statement is true and F is the statement is false. Correct the false statements

No Statement T/F Correction1 Tobey Maguire is an English

ActorF He is an

American actor

2 Maguire’s real name is Peter Parker

3 Maguire’s height is 172 cm4 Maguire has slanted eyes5 Maguire has black curly hair6 Maguire is very cute

Task 6 Fill in the table with one’s physical appearance based on each category!

Height Body Age Hair Face Skin Nosetall slim young Curly round black Pointe


Task 7 Look at the following pictures and describe the physical appearance of each picture! Look at the example.



Orang china

He has slanted eyes He has straight black hair He has an oval face He has a muscular body


Giring Nidji

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Task 8 Describe your idol and fill in the generic structure








Task 9 Look at the following advertisement and answer the questions!



Orang botak

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1. What product does the company sell?2. Does it also offer service?3. What is the address of the company?

Task 10 Study the explanation below!

Task 11 Complete the following advertisement with the words provided


Advertisement (Ads) is a kind of functional text. Its main purpose is to offer products or service to the readers so that they will buy or use the products or service.

The following are some important things to consider in making an Advertisement:

Use a communicative language (bahasa yang mudah dipahami oleh pembaca)

State the products or service clearly. (Produk atau jasa yang akan ditawarkan harus dinyatakan secara jelas)

Give clear and brief information on the products or service. (Berikan informasi yang jelas tentang kualitas, kegunaan dan kelebihan produk)

Explain to the readers how they can get the products. (jeleaskan pada pembaca bagaimana cara memperoleh produk)

State the address clearly (berikan alamat yang jelas) Give a guarantee of the products (berikan jaminan

terhadap produk)

Bramantyo‛s Play

StationJl. Adityawarman 81 Surabaya,

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Task 12 Complete the following advertisement with your own words!


1. Write an advertisement of a product that you like!2. Use pictures to make your advertisement interesting for the readers!


We offer you …………………… We have collections of ……………… games.

It is…………., only Rp 2.000 per hour. We have a ……….…… assistant.

Fresh water is ………………

Updated Satisfaction Free Friendly Cheap









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Listen carefully and fill in the blank space with the suitable word!


Tell to your friends about one of your best friend!


My Uncle Martin is my mother's ………..(1)brother. He is my …………(2)among my mother's brothers. He is a very ………..(3)man. He lives ……..(4)near us with my Aunt Angela and my ……….(5)Anne and Bob. I ……..(6)go to his house.

He is about 45 with …….(7)hair. He is still quite ……….(8). He is tall and well-built. He has blue eyes and a strong ……..(9). He wears glasses. He is short sighted. He ………(10) them off when he doesn't work.

I’d like to tell you about one of my best friend---------------------------------------------------------------






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Choose the right answer by crossing a, b, c or d!

Text 1

1. How many children do Mr. and Mrs. Holbe have?a. Two sons and two daughters c

.One son and four daughters

b. Three sons and three daughters d.

Three sons and two daughters

2. David Holbe likes living in Indonesia because ……a. He loves nature c. He is studying at UNNESb. Indonesia people are kind, nice and friendly d. There is Senggigi beach

3. “….it is not too crowded…” (paragraph 2). The word “crowded” means …..a. too many people c. almost no peopleb. few people d. much people

4. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?a. Interesting places in Indonesia c. Indoneisan natureb. David Holbe’s hobbies d. David Holbe


This man is David Holbe. He was born in Bethune (Northern France) on January, 7th 1978. His parents are called Guy Holbe and Monigue Holbe. He has two sisters, Cathy and Aurore, and two brothers, Patrick and Frederic. He loves living in Indonesia because Indonesian people are kind, friendly and nice

His hobbies are mountain climbing, swimming and running. He has already Climbed Mount Merapi in Jogyakarta and also visited Kalimantan, which he likes because there are many forests. Besides mountains and forests, he also likes the beach, he usually runs along the beach when he visits it. The most interesting beach in his opinion is Senggigi Beach in Lombok, because it is not too crowded and very clean. He really loves nature and really enjoys activities related to nature

Now he is studying at Semarang State University (UNNES), he studies there as an exchange students. He lives with an Indonesian family in Semarang.

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5. David Holbe like Senggigi beach because…..a. It is near Bali c. It has white sandb. There are many visitors d. It’s clean and not too crowded

6. “He studies there as ….” What does the word “there” in the last sentence refer to?a. UNNES c. Semarangb. Senggig beach d. Indonesia

7. The word “exchange student” means a student who …..out of his own countrya. Spends a holiday c. Studies and livesb. Makes research d. Takes a certain course

8. it is not too crowded and very clean…” (paragraph 2).” The antonym of the word “clean” is …..

a. Empty c. Lonelyb. Dirty d. Tidy

Text 2

9. What is the information about?a. Hotel c. Restaurant b. Plaza d. Apartment

10. The place offers …… a. Chinese and Indian food c. European foodb. Indonesian food d. Traditional food

11. ….enjoy our excellent food. What does our here refer to?a. The branch c. The president and the queenb. The chef d. Queen’s Tandoor owner

12. The phrase NO BRANCH means ……a. There is no competitors c. This place is very uniqueb. There is only one place called

Queen’s Tandoord. There is no other food except



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13. Lin Dan is from China, so he has ………eyesa. Blue c. Blind b. round d. Slanted

14. Look at the picture! The girl has ………hair

a. Straight c. Short and blondeb. curly d. Wavy

Text 3

Kimora Lee Perkins is 14 years old and 175 centimeters tall. She is an American and cannot speak French at all, but she becomes hot news in Paris. Kimora Lee is one of the top models at the Channel Fashion House.

Her mother is Korean and her father is African. She has her father’s curly hair, but she has her mother’s slanted eyes. Her skin is black. The mix between Korean and African in her body makes her so unique that Channel fashion house became interested to hire her as a model.

When she was eleven, her mother took her to a local modeling school. She liked it very much. Now, she is not only the youngest top model, she is also the richest.

15. What is Kimora’s nationality?

a. American c. Koreanb. French d. African

16. What does the text talk about?

a. Kimora Lee c. The top modelsb. Channel Fashion House d. The Korean top model

17. What makes her so unique?

a. Her profession as top model at Channel fashion house

c. The mix between Korean and African in her body

b. Her curly hair and her slanted eyes

d. She is the richest and youngest top model

18. She liked it very much (last paragraph)

What does the underlined word refer to?

a. Her mother c. To be a top modelb. To be in a local modeling school d. Working at Channel fashion house

19. …….. but she has her mother’s slanted eyes. (Paragraph 2)


Gbr. Gadis rambut keriting

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Which picture shows Kimora’s eye?

a. c.

b. d.

20. …..she is also the richest (last sentence). The richest means a person who ……

a. Has many friends c. Is well-knownb. Is very wealthy d. Drives a car


Make an advertisement about a new computer! Give information about the specification of the computer!




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2.2. Merespon makna yang terdapat dalam monolog pendek sederhana secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar dalam teks berbentuk recount


4.1.1. Mengungkapkan makna dalam monolog pendek sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar dalam teks berbentuk recount


1. Mengidentifikasi teks recount pendek lisan2. Menemukan informasi rinci dalam teks recount lisan3. Mengidentifikasi struktur teks recount4. Mengungkapakan pengalaman pribadi5. Mengindentifikasi kejadian masa lampau (Past tense)


Task 1 Listen to your teacher telling a past experience and fill in the blank spaces with the correct words!

Two days ago, Mr. Karto had a bad …………(1). He woke up ………(2). Hurriedly, he placed his foot one by one on the floor and ………..(3) to the kitchen. He washed his face with fresh water. Then he …….(4) a glass of coffee. He walked to the living room and tried to ……(5) his remote control. He watched some programs on TV for a while. Then he …..(6) the TV off. When he was walking to his bed room, he heard a ……(7) sound outside. …….(8), he went to the window and tried to see the situation outside. He ……(9)nothing. Gently he opened the door and walked out of the house. He looked around but there was nothing outside. ………(10), a strange white shadow came up from a big tree. He was very ……..(11) and ran as fast as possible into the house. He went to his bed and covered his body with a ………(12). He had just seen a ……(13).

Task 2 Answer these questions orally!


Tema : TravelingSub tema : Personal experienceKelas / Semester : VIII / Gasal

turned sweating dream strange went slowly made saw Find suddenly afraid Blanket ghost

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1. When did the story happen?2. What did he do in the living room?3. When did he hear the strange sound?4. What made him afraid?5. What did he do in the bed at last?

Task 3 Pronounce these words correctly

Vocabulary building

Task 4 Listen to the following story and answer the questions orally!

Last month, my family and I went to a national park. It is just outside our town. That’s why it was not a very long trip. When we got there we parked our car. We walked toward the entrance gate and paid the entrance fee. We continued our walk toward the playground. There were many children played on the slide, seesaw and swing.

Finally we had a rest under a big tree. We had our meals on the mat and had a small talk. That day was rather tired but we really happy.

Task 5 Answer the questions orally!

1. When did the family and the writer go to National Park?2. Did it take a long time to go there?3. What did they do after arriving at the park?4. What did they do after paying the entrance fee?5. What did they do under the big tree?6. What did they feel after traveling?

Task 6 Make a dialogue in pairs. Look at the example!

Andi : (yesterday) What did you do yesterday?

Rudi : I played football with my friends yesterday


Went (V) /went/ : pergi

Park (N) /pa:k/ : taman

Town (N) /taun/ : kota

Toward (Prep) /tə’wo:dz/ : menuju

Entrance (N) /’en.trənts/ : masuk

Gbr bermain


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1. Budi : (last night)

Arman: …………….

2. Siska : (three days ago)

Rini : ……………..

3. Bagyo : (last month)

Toni : ………………

4. Dewi : (last week)

Leni : ………….

5. Burhan : (yesterday)

Hasan : …………..

Task 7 Ask your friend where he was yesterday and what he did . Put the information in the table!



Sanusi He was in the library He read some books


Gbr nonton TV


Orang membeli

Gbr Candi borobudur

Gbr orang bernyanyi

Gbr makan

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Task 8 Tell to your friends about your unforgettable experience!



5.5.Merespon makna dalam teks tulis fungsional pendek sederhana (misalnya undangan, kartu ucapan, pesan singkat, pengumuman, pesan tertulis) secara akurat, lancar dan berterima yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan sekitar

5.4. Merespon makna dan langkah retorika dalam esei pendek sederhana secara akurat, lancar dan berterima yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan sekitar dalam teks berbentuk recount


6.6. Mengungkapkan makna dalam bentuk teks tulis fungsional pendek (misalnya undangan, kartu ucapan, pesan singkat, pengumuman, pesan tertulis) sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar

6.7. Mengungkapkan makna dan langkah retorika dalam esei pendek sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar dalam teks berbentuk recount..


1. Mengidentifikasi teks recount tulis2. Menemukan informasi pada teks3. Mengidentifikasikan Struktur Generik teks recount4. Mengidentifikasikan kejadian lampau (past tense)5. Mengidentifiksi teks fungsional (Invitation letter)6. Menulis teks fungsional (Invitation letter)







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1. FungsiUntuk mengungkapkan kejadian atau aktifitas yang telah dilakukan pada waktu lampau

Contoh :

I went to Jakarta last week They watched the movie last night

2. Bentuk (form)(+) : S + V2 + O : Susan sang a song two days ago

(-) : S + did not + V1 + O : Susan did not sing a song two days ago

(?) : Did + S + V1 + O + ? : Did Susan sing a song two days ago?

(Wh-?) : Wh + did + S + V1 + O + ? : Where did Susan sing a song two days ago?

3. Keterangan waktu (Circumstances of time) Last year : ............................................................................................... Five hours ago : ............................................................................................... Yesterday : ............................................................................................... This morning : ............................................................................................... In 2002 : ............................................................................................... Last night : ...............................................................................................

4. To BeI was Complement (pelengkap) dapat berupa:

Adjective (hungry, clever, handsome etc) Adverb of place (at home, in Jakarta, under the

table etc) Noun (a book, students, a boy etc) Profession (a doctor, a teacher etc) Colour (black, yellow etc)

HeSheItMr. AndiMrs. SitiThe dog


YouTheyWeThe childrenThe boys



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5. Kata kerja (Verb)a. Kata kerja beraturan (Regular Verb)

V1 V2 V3 Meaninghelp helped helped Membantustudy studied studied belajararrive arrived arrived Tiba/datingclose closed closed Menutupplay played played Bermainwork worked worked Bekerjawalk walked walked berjalan

b. Kata kerja tidak beraturan (Irregular Verb)

V1 V2 V3 Meaningsing sang sung bernyanyidrink drank drunk Minumspeak spoke spoken Berbicarawrite wrote written Menulissleep slept slept Tidurkeep kept kept Menyimpanbuy bought bought Membeliteach taught taught Mengajarthrow threw thrown Melemparfly flew flown Terbang

Task 9 Make the sentences below into simple past tense!

1. Mr. Jono (be) a good surgeon in 2002…………………………………………………………………………………..

2. Some students (not go) to school last Friday, because they were unhealthy…………………………………………………………………………………..

3. The doctor (not open) his clinic last week


4. The gardener of the local hospital (clean) the garden in front of the hospital this morning


5. The students (come) late yesterday ?


6. They (be) close friends last year



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7. What your father (buy) at the supermarket two days ago?


8. Both of my friends (not be) at home last night


9. I (phone) the doctor how to cure my headache yesterday


10 Change into positive and interrogative!

(+) ………………………………………………………………………………

(-) Mr Ridwan did not catch a mouse last night

(?) ……………………………………………………………………………..

Task 10 The following sentences are not correct. Rewrite the correct ones!

1. We didn’t saw the dolphin in the Sea World


2. They travel to Europe last year


3. Where was she went last week?


4. We was so excited to see the elephant


5. How were you get there?


Task 11 Arrange these jumbled words into the correct sentences!

1. long – were – how – there – you – family – your – and - ? 2. did – arrive – when – she - ?3. went – by – they – to – plane – Surabaya 4. street – during – year – the – crowded – Idul Fitri – were – last 5. didn’t – ticket – Solo – we – get – go – to – the


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Task 1 Let’s say and memorize!

Task 2 Study the text below!

Last summer, the writer of a famous novel went to Italy. He visited museums. He sat in a public garden, and a friendly waiter taught him a few Italian words. He thought about postcards yesterday. His holiday passed quickly. On the last day, he got up early and bought 37 cards. He was in his room all day, but he did not write a single card.

(Modified from Alexander, 1990)

Task 3 Answer the questions!

1. When did the story happen?2. Where did the famous writer go?3. What did he do?4. What did he do on the last day?5. Did he write anything at the end of the story?

Task 4 Study the explanation about Recount Text


1. SOCIAL FUNCTIONMemiliki tujuan untuk menceritakan kembali kejadian pada waktu lampau secara berurutan. (Recount text has a social function to retell the past events in sequence for the purpose of informing or entertaining.

2. GENERIC STRUCTURE (Struktur Generik)Orientation : berisi setting tempat dan pelaku

The writer of a famous novel went to Italy

Events : Urutan kejadianHe visited museums. He sat in a public garden. He thought about postcards yesterday. His holiday passed quickly. He got up early and bought 37 cards.


famous (Adj) /’fei.məs/ : terkenal

visited (V) /viz.it id/ : mengunjungi

museums (N) /mju:’zi:əm/ : musium

waiter (N) /’wei.tə r/ : pelayan restoran

taught (V) /ta:t/ : mengajar

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Re-orientation : (Optional) Penutup kejadian (event)He was in his room all day, but he did not write a single


Task 5 Fill in the blank spaces with the correct words!

It was my grandpa’s birthday last Sunday. On Friday, my sister and I went shopping at the …..(1)…... We bought a nice …..(2)…... Then, we wrapped it in a blue paper. Blue is my grandpa’s favourite colour. On Saturday morning, my brother and I helped my sister making a birthday cake in the …..(3)…... It was a big and beautiful …..(4)…... I wrote ‘Happy Birthday’ on it. After that, we put some chocolate and a ….. (5)….. on the top of the cake.

On Sunday evening, my uncle and my aunt came to my …..(6)…... They brought several bottles of soft-drink, and …..(7)….. for grandpa. Then, we sat together in the …..(8)…... Finally, grandpa blew the candle and cut the cake while we were singing a ‘Happy Birthday’ song for him. After giving each of us a piece of cake, he opened the present. He told us that he liked the present, and he was very …..(9)…...

Task 6 Read the text again and fill the table below with the information from the text!








mall shirt house kitchen birthday cake candle flowers living room happy

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Task 7 Red the text below and discuss the question with your friends!

One day Sandra Dewi fell sick in the middle of the English lesson. All the students did reading tasks. Suddenly Sandra Dewi vomited. All other students stopped writing. Mrs. Lidia helped her immediately. The chairman of the class sent for the school’s doctor.

In five minutes the doctor came. He examined her carefully. He examined her eyes. He felt her stomach. He listened to her heart beat. He measured her blood pressure.

Then he took her temperature. “I’m afraid she suffers from malaria. Her temperature is very high.

That is why she vomited. She has a very bad cough, too. I’ll give her some pills for her malaria, some tablets for her fever, and syrup for her cough. She needs a week’s rest”, said the doctor.

1. What is the text telling you about? 2. What did the students do? What happened? 3. What was the name of the teacher? 4. What did the doctor do? 5. What was Sandra Dewi suffering from? 6. What did the doctor recommend? 7. Identify the text structure by listing the happenings

according to these categories of: orientation, events, and re-orientation.

Task 8 Study the generic structure of a recount text below!


Dear Grandpa and Grandma,

Orientation (who/where/ when)

Dear Grandpa and Grandma, Yesterday at my school we had an International day. We had performances, food stalls, displays, raffle ticket draw, and some of us were dressed in costumes.

Event 1 We started our day off with performances but the one I liked best was the one from fourth grade. We played games. The performance I was in was Labamba.

Event 2 Straight after our performances we had our lunch. There were food stalls. They came from Australia, Asia, Arab, and Greece

Event 3 Everyone had a job. These people were from sixth grade. I did my job after I had lunch. My job was to sell International Day Books.

Event 4 We had displays in the hall. These displays were good but I didn’t get to see them. The displays came from a lot of countries.

Event 5 There was also a Trash and Treasure stall where they sold toys. The school got these things by asking the children to bring them in.


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Re-orientation(the writer’s feeling)

Although I didn’t win anything, International Day was still fun

Love from Sue

Task 9 Answer these questions

1. Why did Sue write the letter?2. To whom did she write the letter?3. What did she tell in the letter?4. Mention the words that Sue uses to tell the order of events.5. Are the verbs in the present or in the past tense?6. Write all the action verbs (e.g., started, played etc,) you find in the letter.

Task 10 Arrange the following paragraphs into a correct order!

a. My uncle and my aunt were very nice. We visited Batam Center, Waterfront City and Nongsa Beach. The weather was hot all day long.

b. When we went to the place called Barelang. Seno didn’t want to go to the ex Vietnam camp, he wanted to go fishing on the Melur beach. So I went to the ex Vietnam camp on my own, but I didn’t enjoy it.

c. Unfortunately, Seno and I disagreed on most thing. He played loud music when I wanted to sleep. When his best friend came to stay, I had to sleep on the floor.

d. I went to My uncle’s house in Batam last month on the long holiday. I stayed with Uncle Antaseno and aunt Firda and their son which is my cousin Seno. They live in a small house in the center of the city called Nagoya. I liked the house but I didn’t like the area much because it was very noisy.

e. I can’t say I would like to go back to my uncle’s house. It wasn’t a very good holiday.









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Task 11 Study the invitation letter below !

1. You are the secretary of the committee of study tour to Lombok. You would like to invite Andi, a member of the committee to join the meeting for the preparation of the study tour. The meeting will be held on June 9th 2009 at 3 p.m. at the school library.


2. You are celebrating your birthday. You would like to hold your birthday party at your house. You want to invite one of your classmates to come. Decide the day, the time and the place of your party!

3. You and your family will move to another town. You would like to hold a farewell party before you leave. You want to invite one of your classmates to come. Decide the day, the time and the place of your party!


To : Andi

Come and join the meeting on the preparation for the study tour to Lombok

Day : June 9th 2009

Time : 3 p.m

Place : School Library

To : …………………………


Day : ……………………..

Time : ……………………..

Place : ……………………..

To : …………………………


Day : ……………………..

Time : ……………………..

Place : ……………………..

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3. Write a recount text based on the following picture!4. The story happened Last Sunday 5. You can use any names in your story









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Listen to the text carefully !

Say whether the following statements are true or false!1. ….. The workman found the snake at the site of the building construction. 2. ….. The construction was going to be a new hospital. 3. ….. The workman was sitting under the tree when he saw a snake.

4. ….. The snake was approaching the workman.5. ….. It was a phyton.6. ….. It belonged to the zoo

7…….It’s length is eight meters and its diameter is 25 cm

8. …...the police gave the snake to the owner

9…….The workman was beaten by the phyton

10…… The text belongs to recount text


Interview one of your friend about his/her last holiday!


The workmen who were building the new hospital in my town caught a snake last month. It was in the drain near the building construction site.

Early in the morning, a workman was just going to sit under the tree when suddenly he saw a long creature lying in the drain. It did not move when he was approaching it. Then he shouted to the other workmen who were going to start to work. Then, they caught the 8 – metre long phyton and brought it to the authority of the zoo in this town.

The diameter of its body was about 25 centimeters. They believed that the snake might belong to someone living in the area. The police were trying to find the owner

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Choose the right answer by crossing a, b, c or d!

1. Josse and Robby went to a theatre and saw a/an ... film a. Adventure c. thrillerb. drama d. Horror

2. What is the most important idea of the first paragraph?a. Josse purposely met his father in the

theatrec. They bought two tickets

for the movieb. Josse and Robby were late to get in the

movied. Josse and Robby went to

the theatre for relaxing


Josse and Robby decided to go to a film theatre to relax. They were very tired after finishing the exams. They chose to see an adventure film. They didn’t want to see a drama, thriller, or horror film. They didn’t like them. They wanted to forget studying for one night and fantasize a little.

So they bought two tickets for a movie called Lord of the Rings, The Fellowship of the Ring. They got in the theatre just on time before the movie started.

Inside the theatre, a tall man sat on a seat in front of them. He put on a tall hat. Josse and Robby could not see the screen. Josse tapped the man on the shoulder and asked him to remove his hat. When the man turned around to say sorry, they recognized him. He was Mr. Samuel, Josse’s Father.

You : Where did you go on your last holiday?

Your friend : .............................................................................................................................

You : With whom did you go there?

Your friend : .............................................................................................................................

You : What did you do there?

Your friend : .............................................................................................................................

You : How long were you there?

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3. Why couldn’t Josse and Robby see the screen? a. A tall man sat in front of them c. They sat on seats at the

back rowb. The man sitting in front of them wore a tall

hatd. They were too short to

see the screen clearly.

4. “They didn’t want to see a drama, a thriller or a ...” (Paragraph 1)The word underlined means a film that tells a story about … events

a. Amused c. scaryb. excellent d. Romantic

5. “….before the movie started” (par.2) The word started can be replaced by ……a. Began c. Came b. Finished d. Ended

6. The tall man with a tall hat is …….a. The film actor c. Robbyb. Josse’s dad d. Mr. Samuel’s father

7. They didn’t like them (par.1). The underlined word refer to ……a. Josse and Robby c. The examsb. The film d. The drama, thriller and horror film

8. Anto : Where did you see the film two days ago?Arum : I …….. it at Atrium 21

a. Am seeing c. Saw b. Has seen d. Sees

9. spend – your – last – did – the – week – where – night – father - ? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

a. 7 4 2 9 1 3 6 5 8 10 c. 4 2 9 1 5 8 7 3 6 10b. 7 4 2 9 1 5 8 3 6 10 d. 7 4 3 62 9 1 5 8 10

10. Hilman : I heard that Taufik Hidayat lost the match.

Irfan : Yes, he did.

Hilman : Who defeated him?

Irfan : Bao Chunlai ....

a. Was c. Does b. Is d. Did


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Jl. Panembahan 50, Telp. 68000213 Demak

To : Anita January 23, 2008

We invite you to join the OSIS meeting which will be held on:Day / Date : Saturday, January 25, 2008 Time : at 11 a.m. (second break)Place : in the OSIS roomAgenda : Final Preparation for Dance Competition 2008Please come on time!See you there!

Miranda Yusrizal Secretary Chairman

11. To : AnitaThis part of the letter is called ……

a. A greeting c. A body of the letterb. A salutation d. An end of the letter

12. The invitation was written on……a. Thursday c. Fridayb. Saturday d. Tuesday

13. Please be on time. The phrase on time means Anita should come ……..a. Any time c. Before 11 a.m.b. Late d. After 11 a.m.

14. See you there. The underlined word refer to ……a. SMPN 7 Demak c. January 25th 2008b. Dance competition d. The meeting

Last Saturday I woke up early, but I didn’t get up because there was no school. Suddenly, my telephone rang. It was my friend Fanny, she asked me to go out at 10.00 o’clock. She wanted to buy something in traditional market.

Finally, we were out. In the street, I saw a piece of pink coupon. Interested with its colour, I took it, then Fanny and I read this out. We were fully shocked, it was a receipt of a four nights tour to Lombok!! The expired date was that day. To our surprised, the name was Fanny Fenita and the birth date was exactly the same like


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Fanny my friend, and it was also valid for two persons. My God!! We were thinking that maybe the coupon just fell from the sky and it was there for us.

We were in hurry to the address of the tour agency that issued the coupon. The tour agency took care everything. We went home and still could not believe what was going on. Two days later we were on the Senggigi Beach, lied in the warmth sun. Moreover, we had long public holiday, so we could enjoy the “gift” happily. We also bought some presents for our family and friends.

15. What is the purpose of the text?a) To describe about Senggigi beachb) To tell the readers how to get a great holidayc) To amuse the readersd) To tell the unbelievable past activity

16. “The expired date was that day” (second paragraph)The underlined phrase means ….

a) The day when the coupon can be takenb) The first day of the coupon to be activatedc) The last day of the coupon to be usedd) The date of the great holiday

17. They could use the coupon because……..a) They bought it with their own moneyb) They are under seventeen years old c) One of them have the same name and date of birthd) Both of them have the same date of birth

18. “She wanted to buy something in traditional market” (paragraph 1)What does the underlined word refer to?

a) Fannyb) The writerc) The readerd) My friend

19. Which statement is correct according to the text?a) They bought a pink ticket from the traditional marketb) The coupon could be used for two personsc) All the facilities were free except for the flightd) The ticket agency gave them tickets for their school achievemnet


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20. “…so we could enjoy the “gift” happily” What was the “gift” actually?

a) A lot of moneyb) A holidayc) presentsd) a ticket


Write a recount text of your own. Think about a memorable event in your life. Remember these points when telling.

• Begin the story by telling when and where it happened as well as who participated.

• Write the events in the order they happened.

• End your story.


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2.2.Merespon makna yang terdapat dalam teks lisan fungsional pendek sederhana (misalnya undangan, pengumuman, pesan singkat) secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar

2.3.Merespon makna yang terdapat dalam monolog pendek sederhana secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar dalam teks berbentuk recount


4.1.1. Mengungkapkan makna dalam monolog pendek sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar dalam teks berbentuk recount


1. Mengidentifikasi teks recount pendek lisan2. Menemukan informasi rinci dalam teks recount lisan3. Mengidentifikasi struktur teks recount4. Mengungkapakan pengalaman medis5. Mengungkapakan sympathy


Task 1 Pronounce these words correctly

Vocabulary building



5 Tema : HealthSub tema : Medicine and IllnessKelas / Semester : VIII / Gasal

Pale (Adj) /peil/ : pucat

broken (Adj) /br əu.k ə n/ : patah

happened (V) /’hæp. ə n/ : terjadi

terrible (Adj) /ter. ə bl/ : parah

pain (N) /pein/ : rasa sakit

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Task 2 Listen to the following dialogue carefully!

Septi : Hello, Ambar

Ambar : Hello, Septi. You look weak and pale. What’s wrong with you?

Septi : I’ve been suffering from headache since two days ago.

Ambar : Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. Have you seen a doctor?

Septi : Yes, I have. He gave me some medicine.

Ambar : You’d better take a rest, Septi. And I hope you’ll be better soon.

Septi : Thank you, Ambar

Task 3 Answer the questions orally!

1. Who was sick?2. What did she suffer from?3. What did Ambar say to Septi?4. What did the doctor give to Septi?


Ungkapan simpati dapat disampaikan bilamana teman kita mendapatkan suatu kebahagiaan atau kesusahan

Positive SympathyDiungkapan bila teman kita mendapat kebahagiaan


a. Budi : I won the chess competition yesterday?

Danu : really? I’m glad to hear that

b. Mr.Eko : I heard that your wife has recovered from her serious illness

Mr.Edi : Yes, you’re right. She was taken from the hospital yesterday

Mr. eko : I’m happy to know that


Ungkapan lain :

I am pleased to see thatI am happy to hear thatThat’s greatReally? That’s amazing

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Negative SympathyDiungkapan bila teman kita mendapat kesusahan/kesedihan


a. Deni : My grandfather passed away two days ago?

Toni : really? I’m sorry to hear that

b. Edwin : Jonohas been hospitalized since yesterday

Jodi : Oh, What happened?

Edwin : He has suffered from serious illness

Jodi : That’s terrible

Task 4 Make a dialogue with your friends based on the situation below!

1. Your friend got ten on the math test last week2. Your uncle lost his wallet at the market this morning3. Andi, your little brother, broke his legs yesterday

Task 5 Look at the pictures carefully then make a short recount text based on the pictures. Number 1 is an example!




Gbr orang sakit kepala


Orang sakit gigi

Ungkapan lain :

I am sorry to hear thatOh, that’s terriblePoor you

Mr. Sanusi had a terrible headache yesterday. Joni, his son, took him to the doctor. When they arrived, the doctor asked Mr. Sanusi to come in. The doctor examined him carefully. After that, the doctor gave him a prescription. Before they went home, the doctor told him to take a rest on bed for two days.

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Task 6 Tell to your friends about one of your family when he/she suffered from a certain illness! You can use these questions to guide you!

1. Who was ill?2. When did she/he get sick?3. What kind of illness did she/he suffer from?4. Where was she/he checked?5. What did the doctor give?6. How long did he/she suffer from illness?7. How long should he/she stay at home?8. Is she/he well now?



5.6.Merespon makna dalam teks tulis fungsional pendek sederhana (misalnya undangan, kartu ucapan, pesan singkat, pengumuman, pesan tertulis) secara akurat, lancar dan berterima yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan sekitar

5.4. Merespon makna dan langkah retorika dalam esei pendek sederhana secara akurat, lancar dan berterima yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan sekitar dalam teks berbentuk recount


6.8. Mengungkapkan makna dalam bentuk teks tulis fungsional pendek (misalnya undangan, kartu ucapan, pesan singkat, pengumuman, pesan tertulis) sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar

6.9. Mengungkapkan makna dan langkah retorika dalam esei pendek sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar dalam teks berbentuk recount..


1. Mengidentifikasi teks recount tulis2. Menemukan informasi pada teks3. Mengidentifikasikan Struktur Generik teks recount


Gbr orang sakit perut

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4. Mengidentifikasikan kejadian lampau (past tense)5. Mengidentifiksi teks fungsional (permission letter)6. Menulis teks fungsional (permission letter))



Task 1 Let’s say and memorize!

Task 2 Read the text carefully!

I was diagnosed with estrogenic sarcoma (bone cancer) in my leg when I was about eleven years old. Before that I loved to play basketball and enjoyed skating. But after the doctor told me that I had a bone cancer, I knew that I wouldn’t be able to do those things. I felt very sad.

However, my parents consulted a doctor and he advised me to get a bone transplant. I had a year of chemotherapy, surgery and lots of physical therapy. After I got bone transplant, I got better and had been healthy for the past seven years..

Task 3 Fill the table with the words or phrases from the text!

No Subject Verb 2 Adjective1 I loved sad2345678

Task 4 Answer the questions based on the text!

1. What is the most suitable title for the text?


Diagnosed (V) /’dai. əg.nəusd./ : mendiagnosa, didiagnosa (pasif)

Consulted (V) /kə n’salt id/ : berkonsultasi

Bone (N) /bəun/ : tulang

Cancer (N) /’kæn sə r/ : kanker (penyakit)

Transplant (N) /træn’spla:nt/ : pencangkokan

Chemotherapy (N) /ki:məu.Өe.rə.pi/ : kemoterapi (terapi dengan bahan kimia)

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2. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?3. Who had a bone cancer?4. What did the doctor advise?5. How long did the writer get a chemotherapy?

Task 4 Arrange these paragraphs below to make a recount text!

a. The car didn’t stop after the accident. It even ran faster and disappeared. The traffic was not so busy. No one came to help him. He was badly injured. I was so scared at that time.

b. Then I called the police and tried to help the victim. Not long after that the police came. After that I went home because it was already dark. It was really tragic.

c. The police asked me several questions. I told the police what happenedd. When I was walking home from school yesterday, I saw an accident. A car hit a

motorcycle from behind. The driver couldn’t control his car because he drove fast.

Task 5 Read the text again and fill the table below with the information from the text!








1. .......................................................................................................................................................



2. .......................................................................................................................................................



3. .......................................................................................................................................................

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Task 6 Read the text in task 5! Write T if the statement is true and F if the statement is false!

1. The car stopped after the accident ( )2. The victim was seriously hurt ( )3. Some people helped the motorcyclist ( )4. The car driver was irresponsible person ( )5. The writer was very afraid to see the accident ( )6. The writer didn’t help the victim because he was scared ( )7. The police came before the accident happened ( )8. The writer became a witness ( )9. The police brought the writer to the police station ( )10. The police came because of the writer ‘s call ( )


Task 1 Read the dialogue carefully then answer the questions !

Aya : Hi, Han. Where were you yesterday?

Ida : Why weren’t you at school?

Han : I was at home in bed all day.

Aya : Poor little baby! Were you sick?

Ida : Did you have a stomachache?

Han : No, I didn’t. I had a sore throat and a temperature.

Aya : Lucky you! We had a math test.

Han : What was it like? Was it difficult?

Ida : Yes, it was. It was terrible!

1. What is the conversation about?

2. Who was not at school? Why?

3. What illness did Han suffer from?

4. Why did Aya say that Han was lucky? 5. Could they do the test?


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Task 2 If you cannot attend the class, you need to let your teacher know your reason for not coming to the class. One way is by writing a letter. Work with a partner to answer the following questions:

1. Is it necessary to write a letter to your teacher? Why?

2. What may happen if you do not write a letter?

3. What is the purpose of writing a letter?

4. What is the letter like?

5. What should you write in the letter?

Task 3 Read this letter carefully!

Task 4 Answer the questions based on the letter!

1. Who wrote the letter? 2. What was wrong with him? 3. When did he not attend the class? 4. Who was Ms. Atmadiwirya? 5. Was Marantika hospitalized?

Task 5 Observe the letter written by Marantika. Look at the parts of the letter. The letter has the following parts. Can you identify?


May 25th, 2008 Dear Ms. Atmadiwirya,

Please excuse me from school yesterday. I didn’t feel quite well and stayed in bed all day. I had a sore throat and a temperature.

Sincerely yours.

Marantika Wijaya

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Task 6 Study the explanation !

Part Rule to write Way to writeDate Date – Month – Year ………..Salutation Salutation mark ………..Addressee Title and family name ………..Body Purpose/Explanation ………..Closing Salutation mark ………..Signature Sender’s signature ………..Sender Full name of sender ………..

Task 7 Work in pairs. The following is parts of a letter that is sent by a student to the teacher. These parts are made jumbled. Copy these parts and put them in their appropriate place.


May 25th, 2008 Dear Ms. Atmadiwirya,

Please excuse me from school yesterday. I didn’t feel quite well and stayed in bed all day. I had a sore throat and a temperature.

Sincerely yours.

Marantika Wijaya

SignatureDateBodySalutation SenderClosingAddressee

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I have to come with my mother to a family’s wedding ceremony Wieke RumaropenJune 13, 2008 Dear Hopefully I can catch up with the materials I will miss from your class Please accept my apology for not attending your class on june 15, 2008 Sincerely yours Thank you

Task 8 Complete the following permission letter. You cannot attend classes because you have to attend your sister’s wedding


Write a permission letter to your brother/sister’s English teacher. Inform her that he/she is having a temperature, cough and running nose.









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Listen to the text carefully and fill in the appropriate words!


Tell to your friends about the accident that had happened to you! Ask one of your friends to act it out in front of the class!


Shirley’s Day Off

Shirley enjoyed her day off yesterday. She …..(1)….. up late, …..(2)….. jogging in the park, …..(3)….. a long shower, and …..(4)….. a big breakfast. In the afternoon, she …..(5)….. a movie with her sister. Then, she …..(6)….. groceries at the supermarket, and she …..(7)….. a big dinner for her parents. After dinner, Shirley and her parents …..(8)….. in the living room and talked. Shirley had a very nice day off yesterday.

You : Where did you go on your last holiday?

Your friend : .............................................................................................................................

You : With whom did you go there?

Your friend : .............................................................................................................................

You : What did you do there?

Your friend : .............................................................................................................................

You : How long were you there?

Your friend : .............................................................................................................................

You : Tell what happened!

buy eat get go make see sit take

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Choose the right answer by crossing a, b, c or d!

1. Who went to the department store? a. Mr. Widhi and his son c. Donny and Lannyb. Mr. Widhi’s whole family d. Lanny and her mother

2. Whom did Mrs. Widhi buy the shirt for?a. Her son c. Lannyb. Mr.Widhi d. Donny

3. How many kinds of things did they buy? a. 8 c. 10b. 9 d. 11

4. Which statement is TRUE based on the text? a. They went home from shopping in the morning c. They paid the goods at the cashierb. Mrs. Widhi went shopping by herself d. Lanny wanted to buy some honey

Last week my parents, my sister Anti, and I went to the zoo. My little brother, Anto, didn’t join us. He stayed at home with the maid. We went to the zoo for recreation. We left home at 6 a.m. and arrived there at 8.00 a.m. It is about seventy five kilometers to go to the zoo from my house.

There were a lot of people there watching a giant snake. The snake had arrived there a week before we came to the zoo. I thought it was the biggest snake I had ever seen. After walking


At Matahari Department Store

Last Sunday Mrs. Widhi and her daughter, Lanny, went to Matahari Department Store. They bought a lot of things for the house needs such as some tea, coffee and canned milk. They also bought some toilet soap, toothpaste and detergent. Mrs. Widhi bought a shirt for her husband, and a pair of shoes for her son, Donny.

Mrs. Widhi looked at her shopping list and said, “Well, everything is in our list is in our trolley now. I think it’s time to get to the cashier and go home. It’s almost 9 p.m. and the store will be closed soon. Do you still want to buy anything else, honey?” Lanny shook her head and said, “No, Mom. That’s all.”

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around and watching various kinds of animals, we went home. On the way home we stopped at Borobudur temple for half an hour.

5. How long did it take to go to the zoo from the writer’s house? a. Two hours c. Four hoursb. Three hours d. Five hours

6. The maid is a woman who …….a family in a housea. Helps c. Needs b. Lives d. Likes

7. “…….watching a giant snake” The word giant can be replaced by ……a. Small c. Thick b. Large d. Very big

8. Where did the last destination the writer visit?a. Zoo c. Gembiro Loka Zoob. The temple d. A giant snake

9. What is the main idea of the first paragraph?a. Going to the zoo c. Recreation b. Watching a giant snake d. Visiting Borobudur Temple

10. What is the letter about?a. Complying about the service c. Replying the complaintb. Informing about the meeting d. Asking for information


The ManagerJuly 12th,2008PT. GARUDA INDONESIAJl.Merdeka.54Dear Sir,

I am one of the customers of your flight company. Through this letter, I would like to tell you something. This is about the services of your company.

Two days ago, I flew to Medan on the flight number GA116. on the schedule board, it is stated that the plane would depart at 70.00 a.m. But in fact, I had to wait for an hour before taking off. It has happened many times; because of that I was late to attend an important meeting at my office in Medan.

You have to pay deeply attention to my latter. Do you best for your customers. I am sure that you realize how important the customers are for your company. I do hope that you will consider this letter.

Your faithfully.Albert

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11. Who is the sender of the letter?a. The Manager c. The companyb. Albert d. The customers

12. Why was the writer late for the meeting? Because…a. The flight to Medan was

delayedc. He attended another activity

b. He didn’t know the time d. He forgot the flight schedule

13. Which is NOT TRUE about the writer according to the letter?a. He wrote a letter to the manager c. His office is in Medanb. He didn’t feel disappointed with

the serviced. He realized how important the

customers are

14. When did the writer go to Medan?a. July 12th c. July 11th

b. July 14th d. July 10th

15. What is the text about?a. Wedding party c. Welcome partyb. Farewell party d. Birthday party

16. The party will be held ……a. In the morning c. At nightb. In the afternoon d. In the evening

17. How old is Jacobs in 2010?a. Five years old c. Nine years oldb. Six years old d. Ten years old


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18. What does the word you in the text refer to?a. Dahlia c. The readerb. Rosa d. The writer

19. The word “miss” means that one ……..to attend the partya. Comes c. Can b. fails d. arrives

20. The party will be held ……a. In the morning c. At nightb. In the afternoon d. In the evening


Write a permission letter to your teacher informing that you can’t come at Sunday meeting program because you have to visit your grand father who is sick.


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Listen to the text carefully and fill in the appropriate words!


Tell to your friends about your pet at homeTell to your friends about your unforgettable event


A week ago, Mr. Dibyo was ill, so he went to the ……..(1) center in his town. After ………(2) a while, a doctor met him. Then the doctor ……….(3) him. The doctor asked him to be injected because his ……..(4) was quite serious. He …….(5) to injected. After that the doctor gave him ……..(6) to have a rest at home for several days. He also wrote a ………(7) for him. He ordered him to take the ……..(8) as soon as possible. Two days later, he felt healthy.

Waiting prescription agreed examined

public health advice illness medicine

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Choose the right answer by crossing a, b, c or d!

1. Based on the invitation we know that Bertha’s party will be held …a. In the afternoon c. In the morningb. In the evening d. In the midday

2. The following statements are true, except …a. Bertha will hold the party in her house c. Bertha will invite only

some of her friendsb. Bertha will be seventeen years old on

her next birthdayd. Bertha will be seven

years old on the 31st January 2007

3. What will happen if you can’t come…..a. Bertha will be sick c. Bertha will be forget youb. Bertha will sing for you d. Bertha will be unhappy

4. What does the word you I in the text refer to? a. Bertha c. Berha’s friendsb. Samuel d. Bertha’s classmates

Last week our school went camping to a mountain. It’s about 13 km from my place. We left the school at about six o’clock in the morning by bus. Then we arrived at a village at seven o’clock. From here we had to go hiking there.


Dear all my Classmates,

I’d be glad if you all come to my sweet seventeen birthday party.

I will hold the party as follow:

Day and Date : Wednesday, 31 January 2007.

Time : At 7 p.m.

Place : Delicious Café.

Don’t forget to come and sing also dance! I will be very disappointed if you are not willing to attend this occasion.

Lots of love,

Bertha Samuel

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One hour later we came to the camping ground. The weather was very cold and foggy. The scenery was very beautiful. Some of the boys set up the tents and some of the girls were responsible for the food. The others prepared the evening programs. Our friends would perform a drama. Some teachers helped us. The others were having discussion.

At night we had the evening program. We sat around a campfire and sang some popular or even folk songs together. Then we enjoyed a drama. We were very happy at the time.

5. When did the writer go camping?a. Seven o’clock in the morning c. Last weekb. At six o’clock in the morning d. An hour later

6. The purpose of the text is to…a. give complete description about

an a mountainc. give instructions how to camp in the

mountainb. retell the past camping activities

in the chronological orderd. persuade the readers to go camping

7. The underlined word refers to…a. A mountain c. The writer’s placeb. A village d. School

8. The word responsible can be replaced by …a. In charge c. madeb. In changing d. Opportunity

9. What is the main idea of the last paragraph?a. Enjoying drama c. Happy eveningb. Singing some songs d. The evening program

10. What does the text tell us about?


One of the most interesting animals in the zoo is the giraffe. This is the giraffe we saw at the zoo. It is male and it is about six meters tall.

The giraffe has big brown eyes. They are protected by very thick lashes. This giraffe has brown spots on the skin. This coloring helps protect the giraffe. It also has two horns on its head.

Like a camel, it can go for a long time without drinking water. One source of water is the leaves which it eats from trees. It is tall, so the giraffe can reach the tender leaves at the top of a tree.

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a. The zoo c. The Giraffeb. The animal d. The Camel

11. A giraffe is about … tall.a. 5 m c. 7 mb. 6 m d. 8 m

12. The word “gallop” in the last paragraph means ….a. protect c. runb. fight d. walk

13. … “It” can go for a long time without drinking water. (par.3). What does the word ‘it’ refer to?a. giraffe c. waterb. camel d. leaves

14. Which one of the statements below is true based on the text?a. The giraffes need more leaves more than camelsb. Giraffes eat tree leaves for waterc. Giraffes do not need much waterd. Giraffes need water and do not need leaves

Didi’s mother was sick. She asked him to go to “Apotik Sehat” to buy some medicine. Didi took his bike and went to the drugstore. The man at the drugstore gave him a bottle of medicine, and Didi went home.

On his way home Didi’s bike hit a big stone and he fell from his bike. He broke the bottle of medicine. “Oh, I broke the bottle,” he said and began to cry. A man got off a ”becak” and went up to Didi.

“What’s up the matter? Why are you crying? The man asked

“My mother asked me to buy some medicine but I broke the bottle”

“ Oh, it is all right. Don’t cry. I will give you another bottle.”

Didi looked up. He saw before him the man who gave him the medicine at the drugstore.

“I gave you the wrong bottle,” the man said. “I called you but you didn’t hear me, so I took a “becak” and followed you. Now, here is the medicine for your mother. Give it to her, I hope she’ll get well soon, Didi grabbed the bottle happily and he went home.


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15. Who was sick?a. Didi’s mother c. The manb. Didi d. Didi’s father

16. Didi’s mother ask him to ….a. give her some medicine c. call a doctorb. buy her some medicine d. call his father

17. How did Didi go to the drugstore?a. by bike c. bay carb. by taxi d. by becak

18. The man standing before Didi was ….a. his father c. a becak driverb. a policeman d. the man who give him


19. Didi broke his ….a. his arm c. the bottle of medicineb. his hand d. the stone

20. Give it to her. The underlined word refer to….a. medicine c. a becakb. the wrong bottle d. the man


1. Make a short massage to your brother/ sister. You asked him/her to pick up the market, at 4 p.m. You are in front of the fruit stall.

2. Look at the picture beside!Write a descriptive text about the picture. Your composition should not be shorter than 5 sentences. Describe the name, short, color and other appearances of this animal!


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Daftar Pustaka

Agustien, Helena (2003). Materi Pelatihan Terintegrasi Bahasa Inggris SMP. Depdiknas.

Bima M., Bachtiar &Kurniawati, Cicik (2005). Let’s Talk. Bandung: Pakar Raya

Joko Priyono, Riandi, Anita P Mumpuni.(2008). SCAFFOLDING English for Junior High School Students Grade VIII. Pusat Perbukuan Departemen Pendidikan Nasional.

Utami Widiati Gunadi H Sulistyo Nunung Suryati Slamet Setiawan Pratiwi Ratnaningsih