Digital Rock Physics for Coreflooding Simulations Mahesh Avasare Masters in Petroleum Engineering, IST Lisbon | Intern, R&D Center, CEPSA Experimental corefloodings have proved to be important tool for decades of research in oil exploration and production. Accurate and high quality coreflooding results are integral part for reservoir performance prediction and effective reservoir management. But achieving such high quality flooding measurements in the laboratory is by no means an easy task. In the past decade, Digital rock physics (DRP) has received attention better computational power, advanced scanning techniques and rise of EOR projects with depletion easy oil. This work attempts to integrate DRP into a dynamic coreflooding simulation. It explains details of development steps and also includes few sensitivity analysis studies with the model. The resulting reference model helps to qualitatively understand uncertainties involved in simulation results with respect to experimental coreflooding. This work has been developed at R&D Center of CEPSA (Madrid), in association with E&P division of CEPSA. Keywords: Digital Rock Physics, Coreflooding Simulations, Coreflooding Uncertainties 1. Introduction In the era of low oil prices, economic viability of oil fields strongly relies on accurate technical analysis and predictions. Detailed core analysis is one of the most reliable information about in-situ conditions. After extracting petrophysical properties with core characterization, corefloodings are performed to evaluate dynamic fluid responses by cores. This work has formalized a method to understand and tackle uncertainties associated with coreflooding results. Generally the cores possess local micro-heterogeneities. Patterns of preferential path of flow are distinctly visible when cores are split opened after flooding. Such heterogeneities cause deviation from expected behavior of the flooding. As a result, properties or techniques predicted through corefloodings might be misleading. To avoid such uncertainties, computational simulation of corefloodings can be performed along with experimental floodings. This work explains detailed development steps of coreflooding computational model in association with Digital Rock Physics. Static model for this simulation is based on computed tomography (CT) scan results; whereas the dynamic model is developed with a black-oil simulator. With sensitivity analysis of various parameters, boundary conditions have been tested too.

Digital Rock Physics for Coreflooding Simulations Rock Physics for Coreflooding Simulations Mahesh Avasare Masters in Petroleum Engineering, IST Lisbon | Intern, R&D Center, CEPSA

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Digital Rock Physics for Coreflooding Simulations

Mahesh Avasare

Masters in Petroleum Engineering, IST Lisbon | Intern, R&D Center, CEPSA

Experimental corefloodings have proved to be important tool for decades of research in oil exploration

and production. Accurate and high quality coreflooding results are integral part for reservoir performance

prediction and effective reservoir management. But achieving such high quality flooding measurements

in the laboratory is by no means an easy task. In the past decade, Digital rock physics (DRP) has received

attention better computational power, advanced scanning techniques and rise of EOR projects with

depletion easy oil.

This work attempts to integrate DRP into a dynamic coreflooding simulation. It explains details of

development steps and also includes few sensitivity analysis studies with the model. The resulting

reference model helps to qualitatively understand uncertainties involved in simulation results with

respect to experimental coreflooding. This work has been developed at R&D Center of CEPSA (Madrid), in

association with E&P division of CEPSA.

Keywords: Digital Rock Physics, Coreflooding Simulations, Coreflooding Uncertainties

1. Introduction

In the era of low oil prices, economic viability of oil fields strongly relies on accurate technical analysis and

predictions. Detailed core analysis is one of the most reliable information about in-situ conditions. After

extracting petrophysical properties with core characterization, corefloodings are performed to evaluate

dynamic fluid responses by cores. This work has formalized a method to understand and tackle

uncertainties associated with coreflooding results.

Generally the cores possess local micro-heterogeneities. Patterns of preferential path of flow are distinctly

visible when cores are split opened after flooding. Such heterogeneities cause deviation from expected

behavior of the flooding. As a result, properties or techniques predicted through corefloodings might be

misleading. To avoid such uncertainties, computational simulation of corefloodings can be performed

along with experimental floodings.

This work explains detailed development steps of coreflooding computational model in association with

Digital Rock Physics. Static model for this simulation is based on computed tomography (CT) scan results;

whereas the dynamic model is developed with a black-oil simulator. With sensitivity analysis of various

parameters, boundary conditions have been tested too.

Stepwise dynamic coreflooding model development has been explained in this paper. History matching

has been performed by altering mainly the local permeability distribution and relative permeability

curves. The reference model developed achieved good results within the boundaries of established

simulation constraints.

Till date, only few industry giants are involved into similar study. The companies can use output of DRP

based simulations as input to numerical reservoir simulators, fracture design programs etc.; which will

improve reserve forecasts, rate of forecasts, well placement and completion designs. With potential to

improve efficiency of oil industry, this technology will surely have a bright future ahead.

2. Corefloodings

After extracting petrophysical properties with core characterization, corefloodings are performed to

evaluate fluid behaviors in the given core or plug. Also the production methodologies are tested on plugs

to predict the response of the reservoir. Due to relatively higher certainty on the results from

coreflooding, it is one of the most important source of petrophysical data for reservoir engineering.

The cores from field can have local geological heterogeneities; originating from in-situ heterogeneity or

improper core extraction and transportation methods. Due to such heterogeneities, experimental tests

show deviation from real results. To minimize such uncertainties, computational simulation of

corefloodings will be helpful tool.

2.1 Uncertainties in Corefloodings

Unrepresentative of in-situ conditions:

o During extraction or transportation, core’s petrophysical properties might be modified

o Evaporation of light components or asphaltenes precipitation will change fluid properties

o Cleaning and aging can alter rock-fluid interactions (like wettability)

Limitations in up-scaling to reservoir level

o High geological-variability inside reservoirs decreases certainty of petrophysical properties

extracted from core to large geological area in the reservoir

o Up-scaling of EOR methodologies is limited with many external parameters like raw material

availability, govt. rules, economic profitability, on field consistency etc.

o Huge difference in modeling scale from core to reservoir possesses technical challenges

Experimental Errors

o Minute errors from lab setup create high impact on results due to small size of plugs

3. Digital Rock Physics

Main objective for use of Digital Rock Physics (DRP) methodology is to understand local micro-

heterogeneities across the core. Without the understanding of local heterogeneities, the averaged

properties calculated from core analysis can increase uncertainty in reservoir calculations.

Digital Rocks are generated by Computerized Tomography (CT) scanning of the core. Internal structure of

the core is recreated with imaged cross-sectional slices. The final model is reconstructed from matrix of

X-ray attenuation coefficients (Hunt, 1988). Normally the plugs are scanned at a resolution of 500 microns

(Kalam, 2012). The attenuations are based on measurement of reduction of X-rays’ intensity, due to

transmission through the object at certain coordinates. As a result, this attenuations can be translated

into local density distribution. Further density model can be translated into porosity-permeability models

with some uncertainty.

3.1 DRP Output: Case Study

This case study has been performed at R&D center of Compañía Española de Petróleos, S.A.U. (CEPSA).

For simulations, ECLIPSE 2014.1 (black oil simulator) and PETREL 2013 (reservoir simulator) were used

with a core from Caracara Sur Field in Colombia.

Caracara Sur field (CCS) is located at the south west of Llanos Foreland basin (Bozorgzadeh, et al., 2015).

The producing formation in the CCS field is the early Oligocene Carbonera-7. The CCS consists of

multilayered compartmentalized fluviodeltaic reservoirs (Cubillos, et al., 2013)

Plug 184 from CCS was chosen as a case study for

this work. Results of the CT Scan for the Plug 184

can be summarized as:

Model Geometry: Orthogonal Grid

Model dimensions: 35.4x35.4x50.6 mm

CT scan resolution: 500x500x625 μm

Total number of grid cells 408k

Active number of grid cells 316k

Z direction lies along the axis of the core

X and Y directions are arbitrary

Note: The model, as shown in Figure 1, is achieved after several processing steps on the raw data.

Figure 1 Processed CT Scan Results (Attenuations)

4. Coreflooding Simulation with DRP: Goal, Methods & Constrains

Due to high simulation time and wide scope of tuning various parameters, a clarified base of simulation

goals, methodology to be followed and constraints to be followed is necessary.

4.1 Simulation Goal

The goal of the work is to generate a set of relative permeability curves representative of field behavior;

which can be further utilized in full scale field models. This can be achieved by history matching global

and local trends of dynamic simulation model with experimental findings.

4.2 Simulation Methods

History matching for oil production profile.

(As the end-effect# generated in experimental coreflooding cannot be reproduced completely in the

ECLIPSE simulations, the exact history match cannot be achieved. But the profile trend and

approximate profile range should be achieved.)

Regenerating of pressure gradient range across the core.

(Pressure gradient trend generated in laboratory does not follow physical phenomenon. So complete

regeneration of this trend is impossible too.)

Apart from the above global history match, history matching is done to regenerate local trends. (Local

trends include oil un-swept zones and zonal water saturation. Oil un-swept zones, as seen after

coreflooding in lab, is generated in dynamic model. Zonal water saturation, as measured with XRD, is

reproduced by dynamic model too.)

4.3 Simulation Constraints

End points of reference relative permeability curve are obtained using multiple laboratory

experiments on numerous plugs from the reservoir. So, end points of the relative permeability curve

should not be altered, unless specified in the model.

Multiple relative permeability curves should be generated by adjusting corresponding Corey

Exponents. As the exponents lie in theoretical range of 1 to 5 (Corey, et al., 1956), all following models

are developed accordingly.

Apart from permeability distribution, other static models have high certainty. So other parameters of

static models should not be modified during the study.

Note: All models developed below follow constrains defined above, unless and until mentioned.

# ’End Effect’ arises from pressure gradient across two phases in the plug; compensated with capillary forces to achieve

equilibrium at production outlet. Therefore it is also known as “Capillary End Effect” (Arne Skauge, 2001). Though it is a very

important phenomenon for corefloodings, due to high complexity, this study does not address the phenomenon.

5. Development of 3D Static Model

A reference model was developed, starting from CT Scan results of the Plug 184 from CCS field, as defined

in 3.1 DRP Output: Case Study. A base static model is developed with following steps:

5.1 Attenuation Model to Density Model

Analytical correlation was

established by E&P division

of CEPSA with average

attenuation of complete

plug and bulk density of the


Data of 10 plugs for average

attenuation vs average

density showed highly

linear trend (R2 = 0.96). The

Plug 184 showed a close

match to this trend line, as

shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2 Correlation of Avg. Attenuation & Avg. Density (Courtesy: E&P, CEPSA)

The plug model was transformed from attenuation distribution to density distribution with following

equation, as extracted from Figure 2.

𝐴𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑛𝑢𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 (𝑖, 𝑗, 𝑘) = 911.5706 ∗ 𝐷𝑒𝑛𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑦(𝑖, 𝑗, 𝑘) + 315.7657 …(1)

5.2 Density Model to Porosity Model

The plug is assumed to be made of ‘Grain’ particles & ‘Fluid’ particles. Where, Fluid is assumed to be

mixture of oil, water and air. From Routine Core Analysis, average density of the fluid was calculated

[𝜌𝐹𝑙𝑢𝑖𝑑 = 0.84 gm/cc ]. Grain mainly consists of Quartz [𝜌𝑄𝑢𝑎𝑟𝑡𝑧 = 2.65 gm/cc ] and minor quantities of

other sand and asphaltenes. Grains density was calculated with weighted average of the constituents’

density [𝜌𝐺𝑟𝑎𝑖𝑛 = 2.60 gm/cc].

Local porosity was determined with a simple assumption of all pore spaces are occupied by fluids; and

rest of the plug volume is occupied by Grains. The simplified correlation can be equated as:

Porosity [Φ (i, j, k)] = 1 −

ρ(𝑖, 𝑗, 𝑘) − ρFluid

ρGrain − ρFluid

… (2)

Figure 3 Porosity Model Generated & Corresponding Univariate Distribution

Mean porosity of the model generated closely matched with experimental porosity distribution. This

verifies calculations and assumptions made till this point.

5.3 Porosity Model to Permeability Model

As permeability does not follow simple arithmetic or geometric correlations, it can only be modelled with

data-backed correlations with other petrophysical properties. Mercury Injection Test on plugs gives pore

size distribution from graph of injection pressure vs pore volume saturation (Lenormand, 2003).

Following steps was implemented

to build permeability model:

On the basis of pore throat

distribution with mercury

injection test, all the plugs

from Caracara field are

divided into 4 ‘Rock Types’

(RT1, RT2, RT3 and RT4).

RT1 being most permeable (in

range of 5D) to RT4 being the

lowest permeable (in range of

50 mD).

Figure 4 Permeability vs Porosity Correlation with Rock Type Classification

As shown in Figure 4, these rock types showed different polynomial trend lines between permeability

(log-scaled) and porosity. The Plug 184 was classified into RT2 according to pore size distribution. So

the trend line of RT2 was used to generate permeability model from porosity model.

6. Development of 3D Dynamic Model

Static base model developed in PETREL® by combining porosity and permeability models, is further

modified to attain a dynamic base model representative of experimental conditions in ECLIPSE®. Few of

the important steps for the dynamic base model development as follows:

Injection Geometry


The experimental coreholder has an injection head with symmetric thin grid

spreading injection water equally over the injection face. This geometry is

replicated with an injection well connecting all blocks on injection face.



Due to geometrically fine grid and limited computational power, the simulation

time became an important parameter to be optimized. A time-step scheme is

developed with least number of simulation errors and practical simulation time.

Assigning Relative

Permeability Curve

Relative permeability curve plays an important role in oill drainage by the plug

during coreflooding. After due scrutanization, relative permeability curve used by

CEPSA for CSS field simulation (Kr_CEPSA), was assigned for base case.

A base dynamic model developed by this stage, was further modified to attain better history match with

experimental coreflooding results. History matching is performed only by tweaking relatively most

uncertain parameters in the model: relative permeability (kr) curve & permeability distribution.

6.1 History Matching with Permeability Distribution Model

Permeability distribution model, as show

in Figure 5, show unimodal distribution. As

observed from experimental coreflooding,

the plug show high local hetrogenity.

To replicate the local hetrogenity, initial

attempts were made to increase standard

deviation of the permeability model. This

was achieved by cokriging the distribution

with another reference distribution of

higher standard deviation.

Figure 5 Permeability Model Distribution Histogram

It was expected that due to lower permeability zones, total oil production will drop. But the oil production

curve showed almost similar trend despite increasing the permeability by 50%. In fact the water saturation

distribution showed almost uniform sweeping. This established the fact that unimodal distribution, even

with high standard deviation cannot replicate the experimental conditions.

As detailed in 5.3 Porosity Model to Permeability

Model, the plug was categorized into Rock Type 2.

This assumption of homogenous composition in the

plug was averaging out the heterogeneities arising

due to other rock types.

The permeability model was redeveloped with all

four porosity-permeability correlations, as shown in

the Figure 4. On the basis of rock types composition

of in the reservoir, porostiy cutoffs were made &

corresponding correlation segments were used.

Figure 6 Modified Permeability Distribution

Resulting permeability distribution, as in Figure 6, showed 4 peaks corresponding to each rock type.

6.2 History Matching with Relative Permeability Curve

Initial attempts were made with extremities of Corey Exponents. It was noticed that alterations in Corey

Exponents can affect cumulative oil production significantly, but overall sweep pattern remains the same.

Similarly, during attempts with alterations in relative water permeability at residual oil saturation (Krw,ro),

homogenous sweeping pattern persisted. Also cumulative oil production dropped by less than 5% for

doubled Krw,ro with respect to base case.

To generate heterogeneities across the plug, different relative permeability curves were assigned to

different rock types generated above. As explained in section 5.3 Porosity Model to Permeability Model,

RT1 is the most permeable rock type whereas RT4 is least permeable.

To integrate this

phenomenon into the

dynamic model, residual

oil saturation was varied

from 0.23 from RT1 to 0.5

for RT4. Also, water

permeability at residual

oil saturation increased

from 0.24 for RT1 to 0.6

for RT4.

Figure 7 Different Kr curves for different Rock Types

This increased the contrast between oil retention capabilities among the rock types. Resulting relative

permeability curves are summarized in Figure 7.

7. Reference Model and Sensitivity Analysis

A reference model was developed with permeability distribution as shown in Figure 6, and set of relative

permeability curves as shown in Figure 7. All other parameters are also within bounds of experimental

data. So the complete dynamic model is a representative of experimental coreflooding conditions.

The simulation output showed un-swept oil zones. But the cumulative oil production was at higher level

than the experimental findings. One of the important reasons of lower oil production in laboratory

experiment is the strong capillary end effect in the Plug 184. Dynamic saturation profile comparison is

summarized in Figure 8. Lab saturation profile also verifies capillary end effect in the plug.

Figure 8 Zonal Water Saturation Profile Comparison (Reference Model vs Lab Data)

Though the simulation model could not completely match saturation trends observed in the lab, overall

simulation results recreate gist of the laboratory response by the plug.

7.1 Sensitivity Analysis on 3D Dynamic Model

One of the sensitivity analysis was realized by

varying wettability of the core. As RT1 and RT2

constitute to majority of the plug, the

wettability was altered majorly for RT3 and RT4,

as visible in Figure 9.

Due to increased water wet behavoir, oil

recovery dropped by 7% from reference model.

So wettability can alter plug response notably.

Figure 9 Modified Kr Curve for Sensitivity Analysis

Note: Each line or a

dot, represent


saturation at given

time (hours), as

represented in right

hand side of the

chart. Though

results from

experiment as well

as lab have more

time steps, only few

time steps are

shown here.

Another sensitivity analysis was performed by altering

injection geometry. In this analysis, small square

injection face was assumed, as shown in Figure 10;

instead of complete face injection as in

Oil production was not altered notably, despite reducing

injection face upto 10 fold. This shows that the plug has

high radial mobility for water near the injection face.

Figure 10 Injection Geometry Sensitivity Analysis

8. Conclusion and Future Suggestions

Initial literature survey about integration of Digital Rock Physics into coreflooding simulations showed

high potential of the technology as a future alternative to laboratory core analysis. Rapid rise of the

technology in the past decade can be attributed to higher computational power, advanced scanning

techniques and rise of EOR projects with depleting easy oil.

Development of the static model showed high complexity attributed to petrophysical property

distribution, especially the permeability distribution. After setting up simulation goals and constraints,

framework for dynamic model development was chalked out. History matching was done in reference of

lab data, by varying permeability distribution and relative permeability curves.

The reference model developed post history matching could not completely reproduce experimental

trends, as some experimental attributes were not integrated into the simulation; like capillary end effect.

Further sensitivity analysis showed extremity effects for parameters like injection area, wettability etc.


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