Diego Rivera The Man With The Touch Of Magic! By: Cherokee Sturgis and Guisselle Galan Period: 5 Art

Diego Rivera The Man With The Touch Of Magic! By: Cherokee Sturgis and Guisselle Galan Period: 5 Art

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Diego Rivera

The Man With The Touch Of Magic!

By: Cherokee Sturgis and Guisselle GalanPeriod: 5 Art

Life Time

Diego Rivera was born December 13, 1886

He was born in Guanajuato, Mexico

Rivera grew up in new Mexico city

He started drawing and painting when he was 10

He then would start drawing portraits of his family and friends

Working To Become A Artist

Diego as a child drew lots of paintings all though he ssaw his future as a artist

Diego drew Beautiful drawings and got a schlorship into A Fine Arts School

He attended A San Carlos Academy another academy of fine arts

Later Life

He also worked in the studio of Jose` Guadalupe Posada who lead the printmaker of the period

Between 1907 and 1921 he traveled in Europe experimenting with numbers and styles.

Later he had returned to Mexico and so did his friend David Siquerios

When he returned to mexico he later died November 24, 1957 at the age of 71

Pictures From Diego Rivera

For my art choice I did a picture of a Mexican boy in a field standing on a box he created. His name is Diego Rivera and he is on his way to a wonderful journey to the jungle. He has Blue Overalls, a white shirt and no shoes. He has no shoes because his grandmother always told him a jaguar could run faster barefoot. He went on his journey and now he is in the middle of Mexican Plain which is a Field with crops and grass.

Cherokee’s art work

Cherokee’s picture

For my piece of art I choose to name it Panchito. The reason I named it Panchito was because Panchito is a Mexican name and my drawing I drew was a lil Mexican boy working early in the morning. For my art drawing the supplies I used was a small white thick piece of paper, oil pastels, pencils and black piece of paper for the outside frame. The artist that inspired to do my art was Diego Rivera. He had alot of wonderful drawings but I choose to draw the lil Mexican boy because it was simple and easy.

Guisselle’s artwork:

Guisselle’s artwork:

The End: Thank you for allowing your time to watch this presentation

C.S and G.G