
DFTS-04205 - Ananda Marga USA

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When Dada Yatii shvaranandaji s-a w Ba 'ba I in September, he asked Ba '00 i about His coming for DMC, and whether it might p�ppen by the middle of next year . Ba ! ba I repl led that we should be read y 'e'a:rl y.. next year, and that ,the cases still against Him \'1i11 not last very long (see ne'gs of these ea ses in thi s issue)!

At the Sector ia.l lJl)S in October, three DMC carn:mittees 'iilere formed 0 These committees are responsible for mak ing all the arrangements for DHC ..• . in th(dr respective area So . D!v1C will be held in tvashing'torl, .. DC, Denver,

11 and Los Altos (in the San Fran­cisoo Bay area). Plans are being made -to charter jets to carTY margiis from Wahhington to Denver to Californi�, as many will wdnt to attend all three� Those margiis following 16 Point s strictly will be able to attend DMC. It is expected that an entourage of perhaps ten Avadhutas and Avadhutikas will accompany Ba 9 ba I on His world tour G The energy of His coming to this part of the globe (for the first time in human hist.ory) is already being fel t� and many former marqiis are retunn ing once aga,in to the path of SrJ.dhana. The,: Dharma Pracar deparunent is



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encouraging e�ery Margii to contact anyone they know who was ever initiated and may want to see Ba'ba when He comes, to enable them to again start following 16 points now.

There is no doubt that the spiritual power of His presence and three DMCs will transform our lives, and the very history of this part of the world 0 Very likely many people will be attracted to sadhana at that time�

Bacb.. of the three CQIl:),lllittees has about eig ht members, each of whom is in charge of a smaller sub-committee of about 4 or 5 marglls. Each of these smaller committees deals with a particular aspect of setting up the DMC. These are:

. 1: R���ption. All of the lillilllgratlon arrangements for Ba'bai and His entourage; greeting at the airport; gar­landing Ba'ba', etc.

2. Ba'ba's personal care. Seeing to the personal needs of Ba'ba' and His entourage; cooking for Him and serving His food, etc. This aspect will be handled ex­clusively by sisters.

3 e' 'Decoration. Of Ba' ba • s room, HI� car, the DMC hall, etc. Also to be handled by sisters.

4'p'securit¥> Protection of Ba'ba' and H1S entourage; guarding His room and car; gate passes at the DMC hall; etc. To be handled jointly by VSS and GV.

5. Arrangements for margiis and Acaryas. Housing� fOOd, ana childcare arrangements for the expected hoards of people&

6. Public relations. Ba'ba's visit will generate alot of public interst and pro­vide. a good opportuni�,y for P.R.

Nagar kiirtan will be done; leafletting at the airport when He arrives; interviews for the Avadhutas and Avadhutikas, etC.

7. Finance. Arranging to pay for all of this!

8. Music. At all the Darshans and Dharmacakras, bhajans and kiirtanas will be needed. During DMC one special bhajan is sung to Him. Between now and DMC, some new songs need to be written just for Him. Ba'ba' likes both devotional and revolutiona�y songs.

Thousands of dollars will be needed to pay for the Lord�s plane fare along with His entourage, and to make all the DMC arrangements 0 Donations may be sent to the Sectorial Finance Secretary, specially marked "DMC Fund." Le't us sta�:'f:: preparing now!

While the three main DMC committees have been formed, many subcommittees still need mmmbers, and there is much work to be done! If you would like to help arrange DMC, please contact ,any Acarya to volunteer.

A film will be made of Ba'ba's tour. Equipmeh't, film, and good film makers and sound equipment operators are needed. If you know of anyone who can help, please contact SOS.

After so many years of waiting, the most momentous and joyous day in Ananda Marga's history in the West is fast approaching. We are all eagerly awaiting the physical presence of our Lord Ba'ba'!

BABA IS coml I •



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Acarya Satyesh varananda Avadhuta,erstwhile Ac. Jitendra

Brahmachari, who was bestowed with the Avadhuta-hood by Guru Shri Ananda Murtij i is of non-Indian origin. He is the first in the history to be blessed by such a typical and precious spiritua l cult of Tantrachara of India as propagated by Lord Sada Shiva.

The first non-Indian Avadhuto

Since the time of Sada· Shiva has been ftxed seven thousand years from now by historic credence and biblio- ,. logical proofs, it can be . unequivocally accepted that the Avadhuta is the first soul of his kind during the peri od. For last seven thousand years no one from outside India had been gifted with this disernate spiritism so far.

On the day of 17th Septem­ber when Acarya Ji tendra Brahmachari was solemnised with Avadhuta-hood, hundreds of Marga followers observed it a ceremonial day. Hund­reds of Ananda Marga ancho­rites e mbraced the new A va­dhuta of non· Indian origin by turns. Tears rolled down from the new Ava dhuta's cheek when he was over­whelmed by such hearty gree-

CORRECTION In the last issue. we incorrectly

reported that Tandava can be done for

tings and hugs.

Ananda Marga A vadhutas dined him with sattvika ambro­sia and offered him new saffron robes to don. The Acarya, who originally came from Manila, PhilJipines, joined Ananda Marga as a �elfless whole-time sannyasi In the year of 1970. He visited

India twice and served as an educationist in some of the Ananda Marga Academic institutions. At present he is assigned w ith the responsibi­lity of the Regional Secretary of George - Town region. On the auspicious occasion of Avadhuta initiation of Acarya Jitendra -a holy banquet was arranged and he was received in a grand ovation at Patna were he addressed the devotees with his spiritual talks.


a maximum of 5 minutes. �Je have, since, received clarification from tile General Secretary that Ba'ba' has,in fact, not given any maximum time for Kaoshikii or Tandava. Crimson Dawn regrets this and any confusion it .mav have caused.

Dear Crimson Dawn readers: We are very sorry that this issue is a little late, but, due to a change of directives in printing, we had to It1ake a few changes, causing the delay.

The Crimson Dmm Staff


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RDS NEWS On October 8-11, Sectorial RDS was

conducted at Camp Elephant Rock, a camp located near Denver. The camp was atten­ded by the Acaryas. Sectorial workers, and LFTs of A.M.P.S. and of the differ­ent wings of A.M.P.S. A very inspiring program was conducted, with the workers making detailed and extensive plans to implement the recent directives recieved from Central RDS. Two of the evenings wree filled with bhajans and stroies from Dada Yatiishvaranandaji about his recent visit with BABA. Everyone came away very inspired and full of devotion.

The two main priorities for our Sector now are: 1) massive Dharma Pracar as per BABA's guidelines for our Sector, and 2) to activate the Sectorial and Regional level boards. All of the targets and directives for the various depart­ments are now coming directly hlllll13ABA. The speed He expects is astounding! A few of the targets are as follows;

-At least 50% of all Bhuktis in the Sector must have Bhukti Pradhana elections by November 30, and there must be Upa Bhukti Pramukhas in at least 20% of the Upa Bhuktis (counties).

-At least 1 A.M.U.S.(Ananda Marga Universal Store) in each region by October 30.

-AMUPRESSO warehouse in each region by November 30.

-A school in each region by November 15, and each diocese (state or pro­vince) by December 31.

-A Boy's home in every region by November 30, and in every diocese by December 31.

The list goes on, but it is easy to see that the goals are very high! Detail­ed programs were worked out to approach each of these directives. The details can be had from any Acarya or the Secre­tary of the appropriate department. Now is the time for every Margii to throw


themselves into His work and to try to

see how his or her talents can be best

utilized. If anyone has the skills to

start a home, school, clinic, A.M.U.S., etc. you should do so, even if it means leaving their present employment. These are the institutions that people need today, and they are building bloc�s for the future Sadvipra Society. Obvlously. to do all this work we need maximum Margiis so all of us must now acceler­ate our

'pracar efforts a thousand times,

using the personal approach as BABA has instructed. Each of us must rise to the occasion and show Him �Je can work hard and sacrifice for humanity. Let us move rapidly toward tha fulfillment of the targets He has set for us.


The Sectorial Office is being

fixed up with some new paint and repairs in anticipation of Ba'baGs visit next year. Dharmal aya, the other house owned by S.O. (formerly SLTC), has been sold. Most o� the profits will go into the repalrs done on Lhe Los AILos Hills jagrti in anticipation of its sale (which Ba'ba' ha� since vetoedy£aying that all jagrtis are to be maintained for history, liKe the ancient temples in India wh.n.cl:i ::;;'tiil &tand toda:W.

We are welcoming many new faces here at S.O. Sister Kavita has come from the latest SLTC session to assit Pranatos'aji in 6harma Pracar. Sister Kalyanil�a, also from the latest SLTC session, is working full time at Golden Lotus, and will move into SO shortly. Dhruva Jy�ti, the Gol.den Lotus president and Sectorial Acting Commerce Sec., has also recently moved in.

0 Brother Kalinatha, who has been worklng as an LFT in the Pacific region, is about to oJl


din andHtakelollf5re a��lsted pUbllcatlons ept. e Wl 1 by another new arrival, brother Go­kuleshvara. Satya Karma will now be helping Vinay in the finance dept. Brother Surya, of the print s hop ,

cont'd. p. 6


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DEC. 28th '78 -JANe 2nd '79

T E EX Namaskar sisters and brothers,

We are happy to announce the first Sectorial GV and VSS camps. We are happy because the VSS/GV program is an important link on our path to Sadviprahood. The purpose of the camps is to develop our Ks'attriyan varna and thus become spiritual soldiers of the Lord. The following is a brief outline of what to expect at camp:

devotion, discipline, drills, inspection, guard duty, security skills, martial arts, PROUT, orienteering, bivouac, and many surprises!!: Brothers, also expect archery, canoeing, and swim training. Sisters will have similar or other sports.

GV camp will be directed by Didi Anucarika Ac, GV-in-charge of New York Sector. VSS camp will be directed by Dadaji Haungaleshvar, VSS-in-charge of the New York/Georgetown Sectors. Many acaryas will be in attendance and \-lill help co-ordinate the camps.

The cost of both GV and VSS camp is $65.00. A $15.00 pre-registration fee postmarked by December 10th is a must. For those who corne to camp without pre-registering, you will be accepted into the camp at a cost of $75.00. Cash, certified cheque, or money order only!!

The camp is from Dec. 28th (1400 hours) till Jan. 2nd (1200 hours), Registration starts at 1400 hours on the 28th and please do not arrive at the site before noon.

On the 28th we will observe Amavasya (moved from 29th), so no meals will be served on the 28th. If you do not fast 4x a month, you may bring and eat your "road food" on that day.

The GV camp will take place at PEARL WHEAT CMIP in Kerrville, Texas,near San Antonio. The VSS camp will take place a bit outside of Hunt, Texas, at YMCA CAMP FLAMING ARROW, just several miles from the GV camp. (See map). Dorm facilities are provided, and the weather should be fair days and cool evenings • • • no snow!!!

All are welcome to the camp including family sisters and hrothers, but there will be no children or facilities for them, so make arrangements now for their care in your own area. Ba'ba' has said that all must attend GV and VSS camps and those who miss must attend a make-up camp:! Pleas�ake this seriously, and corne to camp. Then get ready to leave (cant' dj

'1')"00' w


Sisters: send pre-registration fee to 87512 North Walnut St., Colville Washington 99114. Make cheques payable to Pamela erile.

Brothers: send pre-registration fee to 854 Pearl St., Denver Colorado, 80203. Make cheques payable to Bruce Boyd.



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DEC. 10 2400 HOURS

NAME SANSKRIT ------------------------------------------ ------------------------

ADRESS ZIP ----------------------------------------.-------------------- -------�--------

TELEPHONE (HOME & WORK) --------------------------------------------------------------

SKILLS YOU HAVE ------.----------------------------�------�----------------

camp with your head higher, your strength stronger and your devotion deeper. Ba'ba' is out now • • . we have to prepare for Him and then He will come.

WHAT TO BRING� day pack/back pack, sleeping bag, snake bite kit, first aid kit" (these last 2, import�nt) insect repellent, knife, compass, canteen, rain gear, easy clothes, 2 pro rough clothes, swimsuit, tent & groundsheet, notebook, 2 pens, 2 pencils, UNIFORM: tan khaki pants, gray-blue shirt with epaulets, black army boots or shoes (boots preferable), green ammo web belt, sisters • • • olive green felt beret, brothers . • • olive green Australian bush hat!!, sports equipment, camera (tent and camera optional, bring if you have), flashlite, mess kit, black shoe polish.

Be sure to put your name on all items.

THE SIX ARMS OF A VSS/GV MEMBER: dutifulness, dexterity, discipline, devotion, dedication, detachment


P.S. Dadajii Maungelesvar has specifically asked that all Margiis attending VSS and GV camps please bring two small (no larger than 1" wide, 1 5/16" tall) LD.­type pers onal photos for permanent identification cards and files. Please don't forget them.

Piea.M. no:te: MOfLe fLegi.6tfLa.tion 60fLm.6 and 6iJ..efL.6 afLe a.va.-Uabie. 60fL .6L6:tefL.6 6fLom GV, A:ttn. Pa.me.ia. CfLile, 875 N. Wa.inu.t, Cotvitte, WA 99114

aVLd 60fL bfLo:thefL.6 bfLom VSS, A:ttn. BfLu.c.e Boyd, 854 Pea.fLt St., VenvefL, CO 80203. Pie.a..6e. .6e.e. :tha.:t :thL6 L6 c.itLc.u.ia.ted :to a.ii. Tha.nk. you..

S.O. NEWS continued from page 4

has also just moved in, with the sale of Dharmalayao Part-time workers include Jyotiishvara and Ann . . in DP, Chandra Shekarji in PR/AJM� and Darlene in Publications, along with sister Jyotina who helps type the Crimson Dawn and Nirmoha Devi, whO comes in and cooks lunch for everyone five days a week. So the house is once again full, and everyone is enjoying the strong collec -tive flow, particularly in morning kiirtan


and our weekly 3-hour kiirtan. A great inspiration is felt thanks to the fact that Ba'b� will visit here physically soon. To l\:eep up with the tremendous speed He is now generating, additional dedicated margiis are needed in almost every department. We welcome j��iries from any rnargii who is interested in working in an environment of strong \"",) satsaunga, and in serving HIS miss�

in a big way.


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A Sad,hakas Vision

. . . and then I heard their voices , a chorus inside my head: the Council of Elders. They were calling my name over and over . . .

"Hake up, b oy! Don't you know ""ho you are? Have you gone mad? Get up!" Then the memories came clearly - lifetimes flashing by - with 'you, my Lord .

I remember the sweetnes s of those days - our hearts b urst with more love and joy than we could bear . I walked the s treets , feeling the b reeze as gentle as a chi ld's smile . Light was every­where. In every village , on every hill, you could hear lovely s inging "Baba Nam Kevalam, Baba Nam Kevalam, Baba Nam Kevala'!11"­sometimes we ' d go for days - or was it w�ek s? - laughi ng and s inging, dancing under the moon , not caring for anything except the deli ght of Your Name. The very air puls ated with s piritual waves - I could see it, often . And the faces! Hen and women who walked tall and strone; and g;entle , vlith a radi ance shining from their eyes that caused flowers to b loom where thei r gaze touched the ear�h • . . and YOU , Lord . Your Divine FOrtH, laughing , loving , scolding us like so many i nnocerlt little r:hildren

I rerc.ember that day , Lord , when YOU called us all once more to Your feet , and softly told us You mus t go . Other son s ana daughters , on other planets , awaited your advent . • . b ut o f course , You were al\.Jays b y our s ides , in our hearts , everywhere within and around us . . . do You remember , Lord , how they cried? So many of your s ons and daughters , p leading , imploring- "No, Ba'b a, s tay one more day , one more hour . . . please let us keep You here!" Your kind and pat­ient loving smile s ent so many of thew into their final Bli s s ­thou s and s f ell like lotus f lowers at Your f eet . And I s at choked, s i lent , unthinking eyes staring wide at Your face , torrents of tears streaming f rom my eyes . One thought reverberated again and again in my mind- "Take me with You"- and I know we were not parting . . . .

How many of Your servants , Lord , have You brought along f rom Your other kingdoms? I have been lost, blinded b y the Sam ' skara of thi s infant race , for over 20 years- always s earching for b ut never s eeing YOU. And s o we do the dance again! I s it "attachment", Lord, that makes me return lifetime after lifetime to enact the Divine Dram a , to s erve i n Your mi s s ion, to establish Dharma once again? I f it i s , so be it! I care not for lib e ration , f or s al­vation , not to s p eak of plea s ure or pain! Let me only s tay b y Your s i de , live f or You , die for You , . . • and see once again that b reathtaking dawning o f Ananda Yuga; that sudden ma s s awakening in so many minds that You are here • • • • Let me s it only at Your feet and gaze at YOU! • • . my Anandamurti . . • . . . • . . .



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Health N'otes from Carya Carya Part 3

Food: While taking food one can sit in any posture which is easy for oneself.

a) avoid to take food alone-take food to­

gether with all.

b) When angry Of occupied with mean

thoughts one should not take food.

c) Taking food from one pot is pleasant

to see but for the preson who is diseased it is better to take separatc,y.

d) While taking food if ar,yone is nearby,

you will share with them also Of ask if he has food with him Df has taken.

e) Food which i s there, you will see that

it is shared by all-�if anyone says he has had

{mough its ok for him not to take more.

Walking: To go fot' a walk. breathing

fl esh air has a remedial effect-cures many

diseases. When one goes for a walk one should

perspire, breathe deeply and become tired

otherwise it was not done properly,

Note Regarding Meditation

Upon his return from seeing Ba'ba', Dada Yatiishvaranandaji said that the "introductory meditation" which has been used in our sector ( " I am more than this body" r etc.) should no longer be used. Ba'ba' has giv�n Ba'ba' N�m Kevalam mantra specifically as an introductory meditation technique and this may be freely given to anyoneo He has not approved the use of the " I am more than this body" meditation.


Meditation Classes and Personal Pracar

Baba has recently given new

pracar directives for this sector which de-emphasise the use of classes

and emphasise the importance of personal pracar, i"leditation classes can continue to be taught by experienced margiis who have a good grasp of the ideology and approval

of the reg ional secretary or WWD acarya. Personal pracar efforts

are the first line of action­classes are the second linea

As a result of this shift of emphasis, Baba has directed that there be no further formal

Meditation lnstructors' Training or certification at this timeo The

meditation instructors' manual is currently being revised and expanded

and will be available for purchase to those teaching meditation classesa The slide show and \vorkbool" \Vill continue to be developed,

Dada Yatijshvaranandajii has stressed the importance of those

teaching meditation being well­grounded in the Ideology. From

time to time the regional secr-etaries a:ld /or designated experienced margiis may give informal training for meditation instructors or weel"end ideology workshops open to all margiis.

Touring acaryas should also be utilised for Tattva Sabha in the units. This should be organised with a view toward building a practical understanding ot Ideology for personal



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Grant's Pass -- input at Healing Energies

Festival; Ananda Marga clinic given much energy; talk on womens herstory

Bellingham -- visit by Dadaji with neHS

stor.y; meditation class; Bhukti Pradhan election


Sacramento -_. DDC raised :;> 7l.49 for

Guatemala Children's home; sisters in unit strengthened by Didiji

Central Los Angeles -- meditation class in

Spanish soon; Family Unity Center needs worker!


Hil.o -- Didiji gave tallt for 16 sisters and_

3 brothers at Women's CenteI-; meditation

'. Santa Cruz -Ananda Marga clubs started at

university and community college; did great pracar by providing space and help for students selling old books at start of school year; old margiis contacted 1.-/ho didnSt know of unit ' s existence

R oclty Mounta in:

Albuquerque -- Baba's Store has display for

pracar and unit activities, participated in a Holistic Health Festival

Las Cruces --' seminar with Dadaji. and

visit to nursing home

Great Lakes:

Ind ianapol is -- Tattva Sabha rotates among

margiis; 'lJeekly meditation classes

Louisville �

:., Dharma Pracar booth at University recruited 10 people for class; sprout business; 60 mile walk to promote Dadaji IS visit; art classes for semi= blind children


Carbondale -meditation class at univer­

sity began with 26 attending; yoga at prison approved for one year!


Memphis -- support for a refugee family;

rented movies shown to large Vietnamese group - "we had a wonderful time"


Raleigh -- involvement in anti-death­

penalty campaign; prison meditation class

Charleston -Spoledo :festival (RAWA) did

much for pracar and Public Relations

Atlanta -- Open Sptritual Conference


Hempstead - AMURTEL retreat with work­

shops and teams formed; lecture by Dadaji; tattva sabha and meditation classes

Boston -- 'An Evening of Spiritual

Sharing' vlith 13 attending - good pracar; visit by Didijiwith baby -naming ceremony

Eastern Canada:

Montreal - Prema'Mayii working hard to start meditation classes

Toronto =

- Open House every week with local children bringing their parents; bottle drive for Guatemala Childrenu s Home netted over $100.; pamphlet �The REAL Truth About Ananda Marga 9 �-r.citten and dist:cibuted $ especially in East Indian centers Hhere 0anti ij literature p:cesent.



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OUR MASTER UNIT I guess by now everyone has heard

thatJby Balba's grace, land has been found and purchased for the first Mas­ter Unit in this sector. This nroject has been going on for as long as any­one can re�ember. but for some reason it has never manifested on the physical plane until nmv.

VJe have bought 159 acres in South­�vest Vi rginia , near Blacksburg) for $116,000. The land itself ranges from level bottom-land for growing crops, to steep pas ture, \vhich we would like to reforest. There is a creek, an orchard, and even a small cave. The existing buildings include a house, two barns and several outbuildings.

The land was bought May 13 at auc­tion, which was a pretty exciting \·my to go. It is titled to Ananda Harga Commu­nity Project, which is a legal corpor­ation formed for this purpose. He are a non-profit tax-exempt corporation, and


the by-laws state specifically that we are related to ANPS and that they are the ultimate owners. The $30,000 down-· payment was made up of clonations from those \vho are now living here. The re­maining $86,000 is being paid off through our personal jobs.

Since we have a pretty large \wrk­load just being able to keep the place 80ing and pay for it, we are making a call for dedicated margiis who love the Ideology, and \vho are willing to work hard to implement it. We just don1t


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have the physical capabilities tc b e gin any type of peLl1Lanent s ervice

�, proieet here yet, and there is a great need for that to happen. �Je will be glad to discus3 all of this in detail vlith anyon� interested.

We are now in the market fo= a tractor and impl(�me.nts in order to b(� able to

plant r�ext spring, Ifv;re could at least grm\! enough food for ourselves, plus

supply anot1:1er A''1 proj eet. we vlould be c10ing ","'ell for the [Lrst year. "'-nyane wishing to help make the purchac;e of C"a.rnin::; equipmenl� possible :Ls also asked to get in touch.

Tn accordance with :3a'bai[; direct-Lve to begin tl-ee p1arti"g, \-7e would like to plant ah out 40 a cres back to forest, us­ing trees that wo ul� be good for honeyb­ees, for lumber in the future, or aTe be

c0I2i.ng cac"e in this country, He would

,"!lso li1-_2 to inprove anG (oxpand the old o rchard . Fruit �rees will c� st from 5-15 dolla;:-s each, anQ vie could plant Im::-.dreds.

This \<lould oe a very rei ce 1;Jay to support Haster Unit, :ccnd ,<lCO cOHld even shO\,7 you your tree when you COIDJ.o to visit.

He are now milking

gurt, butter, cottage one co,"" and hard

making ),0-cheese.

This is more than enough to feed us here . We have a 'hull calf vrhich Dadaj i1

Yatiishvarananda has named Krishna who will probably become an ox in the near future. We are also the retirement home of Gertrude , an agi ng but beautiful

Jersey COIV. All Margiis are invited for homemade icecream.

He have had Regional RDS here, as vrel-l as numerous visitors. The Kiirtan and Sadhana :is really first class, thanks to the Satsaung of our brothers and sisters. Anyone wishing to visit should write or call as far in advance as possible in order for us to be able to p lan our �<lork schedule accordingly. Your energy is welcome ,g,nyti.me. He request $2.50 per night to cover food.etc.

Chandreshvara, Sutapa, Ananta Prema, Dharma Vanii, Setuh,Janaka, and Kids

Ananda Marga


Bhra 'trdvitiiya I (Brothers Day) November 2nd.

The brother shall receive the blessings and auspicious Tilaka of the elder sister, and salu­tation and garland and sandal pa ste T ilaka from the younger sister. Mantra: IiBhra Ita I me cira 'yurbhavatu. II This means: "Brother, may you have long life. II



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SABA'S BIRTHING· MEDITATION On June 11, 1978. I was priviledged

to try a special birthing meditation that hali just been given by Ba'ba'. Didi Rainjitaji had said that Ba'ba' would be with me, and I was quickly convinced of this when my labor began. When my labor began in earnest, I beca­me quite frightened. The contractions were much more painful than I had anticipated. Rajesh got me to sit com�

fortably in a chair and he began play= ing some tapes of Kiirtan. He urged me to begin the meditation. I had pre­viously found it impossible to relax, but, within minutes of starting the meditation I was completely relaxed; so much so, that my head flopped forward and my hands telt numb. I quickly discovered how to use the meditation with my contractions-- a discovery that Ba'ba' had to show me, as Didi Rainjita hadn't defined that aspect of the med­itation. I learned to convert the incr­edible pain of a contraction into pow­

erful enlergy which I felt travel up my hody. I then pushed the energy out with great effort through my iista cakra and thus "gave it up". I soon found I had complete control of the contractions. The midwife who was timing my contract­ions said sha had great difficulty in doing so. because I was so outwardly calm. A few hours before she had been worried about me; anticipating a long labor and noticing my fear and tension. It is still hard for me to relate to what others saw, as inside I was feel­ing so much and working so hard. Just how powerful the meditation was became obvious when I had to get up to urinate� I stopped meditating and immediately found that I had lost control of my body, I felt like screaming in pain, and found myself thrashing my arms and �rembling. I found that with consider­able effort I could continue meditat­ing when urinating and being examined, but this was quite difficult at first. The meditation tended to make me remain in one position which may have slowed my labor a bit.


The midwives later said they had never seen such a quiet labor room, and one even said it was the most natural birth she had ever seen--none of the huffing and puffing of the Lamaze births. I meditated for 12 hours and at one point. I was so physically tired I found myself almost sleeping during the seconds between contractions. I t was only with great difficulty and effort that I could continue meditat= ing. I realized that I couldn't quit or I would never be able to handle the ne­xt contraction, Rajesh and I had taken Lamaze training, but I never had any desire at all to use it • I had no des-­ire- to distract myself from the pain or to try to escape it. I was appreci­ating the ability to control it. It took all my strength to deal with the last three contractions. It took three inhalations to pull the pain up through my body and more than one exhalation to push it out.

I realized, 50methitl& >lI'ery specia1-)

abou't -i:he process of mediatation. It reqtiitegg�ilUine ��t'e 'and takes an in­credible amount of -energy to experience what it has to offer. Labor automatic-ally produces fo�used concentration and one has no choice but to put in the required effort. This effort creates the energy required to experience good sadhana. I was in the habit of relaxing and going through my lessons with very little effort. Balba's special meditat-ion gaveme the inspiration to quictly re-establish regular meditation follow­

Grahm's birth. I was so overwhelmed that a man could understand the work-ings of a female process so well as to give such a powerful tool to deal with it. I found that regular meditation helped me do without the sleep my child kept me from getting those first weeks.

The only other feeling I want to express is my appreciation of the role change Ba'ba's meditation gave to my husband. His role became passive and spiritual. He simply sat with me and meditated except for occasionally offer-

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ing me ice or a cool cloth between con­tractions. Once as I was coming out of a contraction, I glanced at Rajesh and saw the intensity of my experience on his face. Our communication during

We Want To Hear From You

that time was completely internal.

Giving birth was a wonderful exper­ience; hard and painful, but incredibly wonderfuL Our child is very mellmv and rarely cries,never for more than a few minutes. I can't help but think that his birth experience made him so mild of temperament.

We appreciate deeply the

letters we have received commenting

on the conJcents of ·the <:rimson Dawn. We are here top;!!'Ov ide

Karunavah of Washington,D.C.

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Since HIS lih eration from the j ail, Ba'ba Ls making up for lost time, and showering us with blessings of every variety.

For all sisters, T know you INill be delighted to hear that Ba'ha has given us the 10n8 awaited dance alternat:Lve to Tandava..

It is ca'.led "Y-P,OSHUI". which is a name of Prakrti "hen Ghe is invo lved in Her \.;ro:ck of creating the Kosas. '" It is a very �eautiful dance, given particularly for sisters, though brothers can do it als o. Like Tandava, it has effects on all 3 levels, which I viII give SO::le description of belovo


Physically, it strengthens all the in­ternal organs, particularly the heart,

lungs, liver, pancreas and stomach, Baba has also indicated that it is helpful to facilitate easy child birth if done properly, before and during early preg­nancy.

Just as in Tandava it brings a feel­ing of vigour and strength to the mind, o-Jercol(ling lethargy and ne3ative tendenc.­ies and feeling one Ivith a feeli".g of alertness, energy and readiness to tackle

anyth iI1 g :

Spiritually its ideation is that of perf ec ting and gradually transcending the kosas. One by one, each layer merging into successively higher and more expand­ed levels, until ultimately merger with the Soul or Atman takes place, and it .. � helps us toward this end.


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'� n Iii bV

It can be done for as long as one wishes (without straining) and at any time(recommended before or after asanas). It can even be done before sadhana if one has the tendency to sleep in sad­hana!·! !

Kaos�iKii may be learned fron, any Acar� ya, I am sure you 1iJill enjoy this beau­tiful gift from Balba'.


His Glory Only! Brcii. Vikashinii Ale,


" \

\-/� (\ ( I V�j


Dancers Baba Nam Baba ready, .

Nam Baba Ke- valam

Baba Nam ;"aha 1:e- valam :3aba Baba (s tomp)

The persons who can dedicate their all to the thought of the Great and the inspiration of the Supreme are verily the greatest heroes. Such heroes indeed are the virtuous and they alone are capable of taking human history from darkness to light .

Nam (S tomp)



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Sh"ii P. R. Sarkar

The Fu.ture of Civilization

MODERN minds are often perplexed by the fear

and doubt of the extinction of human r ace within

a short period. People deem that civilization

is passing through a very critical pbase and tbere

is no possible escape from its (otal annibilation. But this can't happen.

BOTH individual and society are dependent on

three factors for their existence, viz., Asri, Bhatz' and Ananda. Dwelling place, food, dothing,

education and medical facilities are tbe sine qua non for Asti or existence. The term Bhati means

vlbhati or development aDd progress. Mere

perceptible appearance of a society does not prove

its real exis tence. The tartbworm, for instance, exists for hundreds of millioDs of years, yet it does not signify existence ill tbe true sense of

th� term. That is to say, then: bas to be blwti, progress and development. Eating, drinking and

being merry cannot represent a true lire. It would be an encumbrance, a boredom.

FOR the all round development of an ind ividual

or a society a goal is needed. But for this

determined goal tbe direction and purpose of


- ,

.I� ,�I \���1�L���Hql.�.""""""",,,,,,,,, - - , .,.' � " ;, '-- - , . ' .

deVelopment will remain confused. A bud blooms

into a flower; this is what you may call its

development. The purpose of bhati or develop·

ment is the attainment of Ananda whleh connotes

infinite happiness, the equipoise of pleasure and

pain, the perfect mental peace.

THE absence of any of the aforesaid factors may

cause a great consternation or convulsion in individual or social life. The earth came into

existence crores of years ago. Though from the

archaelogical p oint of view it is still in its

infancy, yet one day or the otber it is bound to meet its waterloo. This will naturally mean

the extinction of the human race. Is it so ?

Sun's falling tem�ratuJre

IT'S a fact that the temperature of the sun will

gradually fall down. The rate of this gradual

fall, however, may be slowed by the influence of

supramundane force, yet it's beyond the scope

of doubt that one day it will become a dead

star. The cODversion of the Sun into a dead

star will mean similar fate for \Dc other p lanets


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also. Earth, also will not be a ¥ongenial place

to l ive in.

THE destruction of a particular planet or solar system does not mean the end of human race.

There are numerous other stars and planets i n

t h e universe. With further development of science and by the help of inter· planetary rocket system,

man will move to other planets. What is a

dream of toaday . will become a reality of toa

morrow. It is the inherent desire of an ind ivi­

dual and the collective body which takes a

concrete shape . It was an age-old desire of man

to fly i n the sky like birds. The aeroplane was

a product of this desire. Desire is the mother

of action. In coming days; you will see such

rockets which may enable man to travel to o ther planets. And if one day these planets and stars will

also perish, then man will move to other planets

and stars. It may also be argued that a day may come when due to constant radiation of heat

and light, the temperature o f the entire universe

may become the same, that is, the thermal death

of the universe may occur . In the absence or

the external heat. the universe may cease to ( exi t. This means that humanity will also perish.

But it can't happen. There can't be a thermal

death of the universe. The solidification of the

object will result in jadasphot. Tremendous heat

will be re leased due to t he jadasphot of a parti· cular planet, and new galaxies and stars will be

formed out of it. There is, therefore, no cause

to fear. The earth may one day become extinct

but humanity can't cease to exist. You can rest

as sured of Asti.

ShaH ( Sanlra Samaj cakra )

NUMEROUS factors are needed for the develop·

ment of a group of people. But the following

six are the most important of them.

( 1 ) A Spiritual Ideology

THERE should be a spiritual ideology in the life

of both the individual and the collective body.

Much of your energy is misused due to the

ignorance of your own self and of the destination towards which you are moving. Thi s misuse of the energy is bound to cause destruction.

(2) A Spiritual Cult

THE second factor for the progress of society is

spiritual cult, a Sadhana process. Everyone has

got a phys ical structure. The problem with every

individual is to produce more and more of

ectoplasmic stuff by the body and then to convert it into consciousness. There should be a proper process for this conversion. The spiritual cult

consists in the conversion of the five rudimental

factors into ectoplasmic stuff and then into the conciousness through a special scientific process.

This is a process of metamorphosis. Spiritual

cult, therefore, is indispensable. But only spiritual

ideology and spiritual philosophy will not do.

(3) A Socio-Erooomk Theory

THE third factor which is a blending of Asti and Bhati is a socio-economic theory. There

should be a prior knowle�e regarding the social structure, tbe distribution of wealth and its growtb. For want of this knowledge there can't

be a solid ground for the construction. of the social edifice .

(4) Social Outlook THE fourth one is social outlook. All l iv ing creatures in this manifest universe are the sons

of the same Cosmic Fatber. Tbey are the progeny

of the same supreme proginator. NaturallY they are bound in a thread of fraternal relation. This

is the central spirit. A socia·economic theory

is of no use but for this fraternal feeling. The

implementation of this theory is an impossibility

without Sadhana.

(5) Own Scipture ( Tri,SMstrn ) THE fifth factor for the progress of society is to

have its own scripture . There is the need of the company of eleVlted persons (Satsang) i n all the spheres of life .

THE authority whose contact means a satsallg for you i s the shastra. That which elevates the

society by dint of sashan is called satsang. We should have shastra of our own. Tri·Shastra includes. ( 1 ) Darshan Shastra or Meta'phys ics,

(2) Dharma Shastra or Shruti (3) Samaj Shastra

or Social Code .

1 9


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(6) Preceptor THE last but not the least important factor for the progress of socieety is to have its own preceptor.

THE entire social structure is dependent on these six factors. Bhati is meaningless without them, The weakness of one among them may jeqpardise

the very existence of bhati .

Some examples FROM tbe ancient t imes many groups of people came into existence.

SOME of them somehow managed to drag on, some became ext inct and some continued to exist ill a metamorphosed form. About one thousand .and five hund red years ago, Arabs were very much developed in science. But they were defea­ted by tbe Islamic wave, for tbey were l acking in the six aforesaid factors, while the latter had

.at least five of them. The same is tbe case with Egypt. It was fully developed in t he spberes of art, architecture and scienc�. It i s the Egyptians who made pyramids and mummies which needed subtle geometrical knowledge, Moreover, they were also very much advanced in the sphere of civilization. Despite this, tbey could not help their defeat . To-day' s Egypt is the Egyptian form of Arab. The cause of the death of its older form was the lack of t he aforesaid six factors.

THE Christian or Roman civilisation, was also considerably on the higher ladder of development. Yet they were lacking in s ocial outlook. There were nO feelings of fraternity and equality. The slave system was rampant and human feelings ·were on the wane. Further more, the lack of a proper socia-economic theory had genera ted a kind of Fascist mental i ty . Those rolling in luxury b ... ,{, free f''I'olll labour became indolent. Naturally t hey were defeated by a stronger and more strenuous force. The destruction of Greek and Chinese civilisations was also caused by the lack of the factors of bhati. The Aryans could defeat the indigenous Indians only due to the latter's lacking in the factors of bhati. They had several factors of 'bhati' but there was no preceptor and hence they were defeated .

2 0


IN future also, for want of the six factors of bhati, the extinction of . the concerned group of

people is sure to happe n . But where these fact ors

are present, there the movement is towards

Ananda or Divine Bl iss , and due to this move­

ment the chance of i ts el iminatioIl becomes nil .

Such groups which bave the six factors in t heir possession will be able to produce sadvipras .

Sadvipras are those whose all efforts are directed

towards the attainment of Ananda. T hey are

strong in morality and are always ready to wage war against immoral activi ties.

TAP AH Siddhi is an impossibility without the six factors of bhati. Those who strictly adhere to the principles of morality, are ensconced in Tapah and are ready to wage a war against immorals are Sadvipras. Only those Sadvipras are s afe from destruction and extinction who can work for the welfare of the human society_

Therefore, it becomes the prime duty of everyone to make himself and others Sadvipras. By Sadvipra i s not meant those practising mala-jap or pranayam. In pranayom also there are three stages-Purak whicb means to inhaJej Kumbhak which i s to keep up t he breath and Rechak wh i ch is to exhale. The Pranayam of the Sadvipras will be to inhale the entire universe in Purak to keep it within i n Kll mbhak and then to exh ale it after mixing it with their own greltne;s and good will

in Recak.

Struggle SADVIPRAS will wage a ceaseless, pact less struggle against immorality and all sorts of fissiparous tendencies. Those who pose to be

dharmic but are blShful wi th the spirit of fight can not be called Sad vipras. Shiva was great because h i s Trishul was always ready to strike at the immorals. Krishna was great because his arrows were meant to curb the anti-human and immoral elements. He also encouraged the moralists to wage war against immorals. They were not only Sadvipras but also the father of

Sadvipras-the great Sadvipras. THESE Sadvipras are always busy in the task of promoting elevation of human beings. When

this earth will become old they will lead human

beings to other planets by directing scientific



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Disarmament-A great danger SOME people fear that Atom or Megaton bombs

::i�may one day cause the extinction of human race. \ But such fears are illconceived and meaningless.

It is human intellect which is responsible for their production and so, naturally, it is (i.e., intellect) superior to its products. It may one day invent such weapons which may render ineffect ive even the Atom or Megaton bombs. The cry for disarmament, therefore, will strengthen tbe destructive capacity of the Atom bombs. It may lead humanity towards its total annihilation. It is, therefore, a great obstruction, an impediment, in the progressive development of the human soccity. We need more powerful weapons than atom or hydrogen bombs . Sadvipras will manu� facture such powerful weapons. If the human race is to survive, i�tl1illions of innocent l ives

are to be saved, it becomes the duty of the

apostles of peace to utilise more powerful weapons than what they have at present_.

SADV IPRAS will never lag beh ind III making scientific experiments. When the earth will become uninhabitable for men, they will shift them to other planets.

FOOD shortage is not a new problem. Only Sadvipras and not the politicians and experts can saVe t he world from it. They will produce such tablets which will be substitutes for the food· grains. Only by making useless fu�s over problems will not ease the trouble. The spirit to fight against all odds alone can solve the problems confronting man. March ahead and wage war against all difficulties, every impediment.

Victory is SUre to embrace you. Difficulties and encumbrances can not be more powerful than your capacity to solve them . You are the ", h i' ld, ,,,, YI of the great Cosmic Father. Be a Sadvipra and make others also Sad viprzJs.


B a ' b a ' s l egal s i t ua t ion i� such t ha t H e cannot leave I nd ia unt i l t h e ca s e s s t i l l jJ end ing aga inst H im a r e c l o s e d . R e cent l y t he C I n sought l eave f l'i;'m t he B ihar H igh

C ourt ( in wh i c h B a J b a � wa s a cqu i t t ed ) t o t a ke t h e ca s e to t h e Ind ian S upr eme C o ur t . T h e r eque s t wa s immed ia t el y d enied , so it s eems t ha t t h e ma in ca s e is r ea l l y f inishe d . T her e ar e f our mor e ca s e s aga inst B a ' b a , but w it h the a cqu i t t a l in H i s ma in ca s e , t he r ema ining ca s e s ar e very Heak . T h er e are two o t her cas e s inVO lv ing s enior A na nda �hr ga worker s : t h e A . N . R a y ca s e and t he L . N . M i s hra ca s e . B o t h of t he s e ca s e s a l so look ver y good f or our s id e , and w i l l be heard very s oon . T he t o ta l co s t of a l l t h e s e ca s e s w il l b e ab out 1 6 0 , 000 R upe e s . Of t h is , N ew York s e c t or ha s b ee n a sked t o cont r ib ut e 2 0 , 000 R up ee s , wh i ch is ab o ut $ 2 , 5 00 0 The r e s t has b een

d iv ided among the o th er s e c tors of t he world . E a ch A carya in our s e c t or has p l edged to c o l l e ct $ 25 0 for B a i ba 9 s ca s e s . T h i s money is ne eded a s soon a s p o s s ib l e . W e hav e j us t r ece ived Hard that one of B a ' ba ' s ca s e s b egan on O c t . 23 . W e H i l l b e u s ing t h e same lawyer s in a l l s ix ca s e s a s we d id i n Ba ' ba 1 s r e c ent v i c t or y . P lea s e cont a c t any A carya if you can make a d o na t ion to H 4 S ca s e s .

V IS ITS t o Ind ia are now appar ent l y no troub l e , a s the deporta­t ions of non- I nd ia n mar g i i s have s t opp ed s ince B a l ba ' s r e l ea s e .

2 1


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To date Margiis and units have sent over 1 2 0 0 dollars in the current sector­ial fundraising to supp ort our Guatemala Childrens� Home . We should eas ily reach 1 6 00 dollars which would t ruly give some relief to Didi Trip tij i i , her workers and the children at C iudad Ananda Para Nino s .

A long term s ource of income i s "\-That's needed however 9 and so D adaj i i Yatiish­varanandaj i i is p lacing emphas is on a f o s ter- p arent p lan which will b r ing mon­ey into the home� on a more cons is tent and longer- term basis . More on this in a p aragraph or two .

In Davi s j Cali forni a , bro ther Mahaviira collected over 70 do l lars going door- to­door , The T oronto training center raised 50 dollars via a b o t tle collection drive and in At lanta the uni t he ld a sp aghe t t i dinner a t a lo cal church and co llected 6 0 dollars and 50 cents .

I ts nice to hear of the many ways var­ious Margii group s have gone about rais­ing money . and s ome of these i deas pro� vide s t imulus to o thers . So if y ou have no t included a des crip tion o f your fund­rais ing activities in your monthly re­p or t , p leas e send a brief des crip t ion to the Relief Dep t . for our r e cords .

The �ter Parent Plan : A foster parent g ives , each month , the amount that i t takes to supp ort one child . That amount i s 40 do llars . And we are asking that peop le make c ommi tments in t ime o f s ix month mul t ip les .

In return the chi ldren and s taff will COllIDmni cate via letters and p i c tures wi th the donating parent o r group . C om� munications als o s erve to remind f o s ter p arents of the next months donation, F o s ter p arent s or group s may choose to write a child o f a particular age or sex , and if peop le desire to do


this we wi ll p rovide app rop riate p ic­tures along with brief case his tories , However j monies cannot be earmarked for one particular chi ld , b ecause we are dealing with a collective and one child' could no t b e supported in exclusion of another .

If one wants to b ecome a f o s ter parent � p lease have them s end their first month's donation ) and a no te exp laining their wish to hecome a f o s ter parent . tu The Relief Dept . , c / o Sectorial Offi ce . We wi ll rep ly and arrange the res t . If more information is needed , p leas e write us .

A vibr§:!.=h::JL.f.ilm o f. the childrens' home is avai lab le for use in your fundraising ef forts , Thi s i s the 8mm movie Acarya S a tyeshananda Avarlhu ta (previous ly Dada Ji tendraj ii) , presented at the summer 1 9 7 7 U . K . K . I t dep icts the chi ldren sing­ing , dancing and meditating and has been used wi th great result s in the p as t . Write the Relief Dep t . i f you ' d like to borrm.J a copy .

Also availab le are Childrens' Home brochures , samp les of whi ch were s tap led to the centerfold of las t months C . D . , and good quality color pho tos of the children living at C iudad Ananda Para Ninos . If you ' r e interes ted I can als o send you an accounting o f monthly and yearly mon­etary needs at the home .

��RT WORKING IN ---.. - -�--- --



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A�RT is cur rent ly working in the r e cent t r emendous f loo ds that have hi t north ('�\Ind i a . The f o l l owing i s t aken form a l e t t e r by A c . V i shambharanandaj ii Av t . , A s s i s tant C entral AMURT S e cr e tary :

lJJ u mA-9 ht b e ctWCUte 0 tl th e Mo 0 cio A-YL No Jc:th aYLd Eao t I ncUa w!uc.h hav e ao.o umed UYL­plLec.edeJ1ted plLOpO�O Vl..0 thM yeCUt, Leav­A-n9 tho u.oancio dead and milUo Vl . .o homuUJJ.J . MOlLe than 5 0 0 AMURT v OLuMeeM Me WOlLR.­A-ng hMd �n lLUJ c.ue and lLrueb O r elL�O J1J.J �n UUM PlLadUJ h , B�hM, and BeVlg aL -the thlLee plLO V�nc.(Ys wluch CUte WOlVst ha .

The �Lo o d- ({ n n eded peopLe aILe bung n ed b y AMURT (Ln{ cLL6 �bLLting c.o o Qed tOaa? dALj b o a g, muR. etc). FlLee m ecUc.aL ud and cLotMng Me ci.l.6 o b ung plLo v�ded. SC.OlLUJ o f. J.J tiVl�Vlg dead ba cUUJ WelLe b�ed OlL CAemated b y OUlL voLLLJ1teeJL6 . A:t plLUJ eJ1t molLe than 2 0 c.eVlA:;u-d Me bUVlg ILLLVl b u AMURT . Total beneMu�UJ WJ!.. tlUi, . date Me abo ut 4 0 , 0 0 0 . OM WOhR. M ex­paneL-i.Vlg eVe'Ll} da.l} and ..to b ung apphec.-{CLt­ed b y g enefLaL pubuc. .

AbtelL the nLo o d wateM J'1.ec.�de) lLilie6 WOlLR. (,()� hav e ta b e expanded 6uJr;th elL . R UJ OUlLc.UJ at the cLL6 po.o aL O t AMURT (ULe ��ed. We need mOlLe 6 uncio , bLanR.etJ.J , cLot!UYLgJ.J , mecUunUJ , muR. powdelL and othefL S o o d mat�CLt6 . We Vleed tevttJ.J and tMpa�Vl.-O . YOM COO p�OVl �n t� gA-­ant eb S oJc:t ..0s eMniUJUIj MuUted. The g enefLai pubuc can be applLoac.hed nOlL

k 'uncio aVld lLeLi.et mCLt�a.t6 . ThM (()�U \8\�A-ve u.o o ne mOlLe chance to M J1V e the .6 uf,­

tl �Vlg huma�y . . •

I am wUting IjOM ILUJ pO Vl.-O e . ThaVl�Vlg yo u V elLlj much, bhothe!LLy YOLLiLJ.J ,

A c . V..0s h�ha.tLaYLaYLda Avadhuta

�e have s en t 600 dollars f r om k�RT s e c t . r e l i e f f unds , and in ear ly O c tob e r , three s i s te r s f r om the Nor thern V irg inia U ni t -- Madhu , S hashi , and Shan t i P rema -­working s tr i c t ly within the Indian com­mun i ty there , raised over 6 00 do l lars more for the caus e .

The concep t o f working wi thin c ommun­i t i e s o f nationals i s an intere s t ing i de a . \ve may t ry the s ame te chnique here i n D enver among Guat emalan nationals to r ai s e money for the Chi ldrens Home .

If yo u ' d l ike to contribute to the Indian f lo o d relief e f f or t s p le a s e s end your donation s to the S ec torial Relief O f f i ce and we ' l l forward it w i th the r e s t .

Imp o r t ant n o t e on pers onal Margii donations : F rom now on the Relief Dep t . wi l l a ccep t donat ions f rom Mar g i i s only if they are re c e ived w i th a n o t e veri fying that the regular uni t dona tion has b een made . It is imp o r t an t that Marg i i p er s onal dona­t ions come f r om funds o ther than their r egular p ledged amoun t s .

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(tants Pas s , Ore . - C l in i c i s progres­s ing , w i l l be open b e f ore the end of O c t ob e r , p o s s ib ly b y the 2 0 th . Next mon ths r e p o r t should contain more detail­ed inf ormat ion . i . e . b r o chur e s , programs , e t c .

Belli ngham , Wa . - P l anning a b ene f i t d in­ner f or the Gua t emala Childrens' Home .

S acramen t o , C a . - Door to d o o r s o li c i t­a t i on f o r A .M. C h i ldrens Home ne tted 7 1 d o llars and 49 cen t s . More wi l l b e done in O c tob er .

Albuquerque , N . M . - P aincaseva - A com­muni ty p roj e c t to rai s e money f o r f amily who s e " b r eadwinner" has �en very i l l and d i s ab led .

'�unk" co l l e c t e d f r om communi ty and s o ld o u t s i d e Bab a ' s S t o r e . 1 3 0 dollars r a i s e d a n d ano ther s al e p lanned f o r ano ther p r o j e c t .

Las Cruce s , N . M . - He ar e invo lved in the local f oo d c o op whi ch hop es to s tart a f oo d r e l i e f p roj e c t and we hop e to con­tinue vi s i t ing the local nurs ing horne t o s ing and p o s s ib ly show s li de s . W e hope to maintain c on t a c t with the wond e r f u l p eo p l e ther e .

Louisvi l le , !Y . - ERAWS - Mov e d a b lind coup l e and th e i r f ami ly . They ,.;rere b e ing t o rment e d by t e enagers in their neighb or­hood - b urg lary e t c .

W . W . D . - Loui svi l le - G ave AMU RTEL cwnp and f undr ai s i ng for Guatema la Chi l drensi Home � S p aghe t t i d i nner- f lop , but f un and good p r acar in that , S e cond day took l e f t -

over s to f o lk f e s t iva l and f e d t h e mus ­i c i ans and s o l d f o o d to audience .

ilirbondale , Jll . - The uni t i s a c t ing a s the sponsor ing agent f o r the CETA grant sup p o r ting the continua tion o f t h e s o lar energy p r oj e c t , prison proj e c t , and f o o d di s t r ibution n e twork .

�emph i s Tenn . - C l o th ing and hous eho ld i t ems are b e ing c o l lected and d i s tribut­ed to the V i e tname s e f am i l i es on a regu­l ar b a s i s . V i dy a i s help ing one V i e t lady with her Eng l i s h . A canb o dian f amily o f 9 i s b eing s p ons ored by thi s uni t . They were f ound on a r a f t 1 , 00 0 miles f r om shore b y a U , S . d e s t royer . Their v i s a ' s

Vl)uld live exp i r e d within 2 days if a sp onsor had no t b een f ound . They \\Tould have b een re turned to thei r cou�try . We are working thru C a tho l i c Char i t i e s on th i s p r oj ec t .

llil e igh , N . C • . - P r i s on group med i t a t ion cont inuing .

A t l anta , Ga , - ERA\-JS - S pagh e t t i sup p e r Sep temb er 3 0 t o b enef i t Guatemala Chi ldren's Home .


I ' ll b e leaving Se c t o r i a l Of f i c e s emi � p e rmanen t ly i n November , and a Rel i e f S e cre t ary will be s o r e ly neede d . I f you have an interes t in s uch a p o s i t ion , p le as e contact the S e c t orial O f f i c e S e c r e t ary , Dadaj ii Bodhii s hvar a .

C i n t aman i i Act ing Relief S e c .

The mission of man's life is to move towards

perfection , towards God . This is his dharma, his duty. In

this struggle the forces of evil are bound to be defeated .

This has been the case all along, and history will repeat


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OpeMl'!g BaI'l1l1ce_

ReeuP�SuppoJtt: U� Il'!chvjduoh. Plto jew Reg:tonaL Quo:ta6

TltalU ne1t6 Recuved -towaJtrU, aeeoul1t6 Pho-to SaLv., & Supp£iv., ToUit FUl1d (AcaJtlja) SSM Fev., I Melt 6 und Uabili;Uv., ShoJtt-Teitm Loill'! PaljabLe Lo,,-ai' Tltave1'

Caoh Avai1'abl'e nolt Uoe

D jo bUILl elI!el1t6 SuppoJtt : Cel'!vwX o eM 1 5 00 . 00

4 90 . 00 WOlD 7 59 . 2 1 DhaJUna PltacaJt 2 0 8 . 85

AIR (Accoul1t6 RecuvabLeTj-rl '::-lCUrV""'A..-',a""w""xt Tlta1U 6eltl SSM (Sec.to4i.aL Senu:l'!aJt )

FaWilIj 9 3 7 5 . 75 30 1 . 85

79. 0 0 1 0 5 9 3 . 37

3 7 . 71 4 5 7 . 0 0

3 0 . 5 1

Damag v., Supp£iv.,/Re� Food & KUcileli

DhaJrmal'a�a Loan MoJttgage Watelt

Vjo a Feel Sec.toltiaL 06 Mce ExpeiU v.,

PM;i:age $ 5 6 6 . 4 2 ILWnb . ( 9 . 0 8 ) 5 5 7 . 34

Tel'ecommul1A..ealiol1O 444. 34

ILWnb . ( 32 . 3 3 ) 4 1 2 . 0 1 Pltepaid [xpelU v., 86 . 75 Au-to Gao/Repailtl 5 2 . 5 5 Rel'Ltoh. !Oltg . Matve-eoh.

148 . 4 1 ,tWno. ( 1 3 ; 4 8 ) 1 34 . 93

Pltirttil'!g 1 3 3 . 69 Ueel1O v., / Fev., 2 5 . 0 0 Supp£iv., 79 . 82 HI'!. expelU e6 ___ 1_3..:.._7,-5

Woltllelt SuppoJd Medical 29 . 0 0

1 0 0 . 0 0 A1'Xowancv., Food 6 35 . 5 0

ILWnb. ( 3 3 . 0 7 ) Lodg-<'l1g ',-,umb. Cooll PeIt6 0nat H e.aaq uOJrte1t6 F ucA.Zu:1j RepaM. Supp£iv., Watelt Wv.de DjopoJ.>at

6 02 . 4 3 ( 2 34 . 50 )

5 4 . 32 1 . 0 0

5 7 . 0 1 79 . 4 7 7 8 . 4 8 2 2 . 0 0

1 1 0 . 0 0 1 2 74 . 76

1 0 0 . 0 0 6 4 0 . 0 0

2 2 4 4 . 80 4 1 0 . , 7

2. 39 7 8 . 0 0

2 1 6 59 . 3 1 1 3 7 9 . 1 4

4 7 . 0 0 2 . 30

2 9 5 8 . 06 2 5 1 . 0 0

3 24 3 . 4 4

2 0 34 3 . 9 7

525. Z5 75 4 . 20

1 4 9 5 . 84

5 5 2 . 2 5

Z 36 . 9 6

$ 3 3 3 8 . 8 2

2 79 4 8 . 2 7 $ 31281.09

3 0 3 6 0 . 9 7 9 2 6 . 1 2

Ncr.es .- This month ' s statement refl ects the closing out of 2 7 various accounts that Were not receiving much activit,]. Sectorial NQ now operates ] 1 accounts , 2 whi ch are

s a vings and 9 which are checking, to streamline opera tions and reporting. The vast

maiority of interfund liabili t i es _ i s the outstanding bal ances from these accounts

awaiting further routing and usage. �ve are now phasing out transfers from the record­

keeping system; they will ei ther be very small or not Bppear in future s t atemen t s . This statement is an accurate and true depiction of so account opera tions for 9/78.

Vinay , ASFS, N Y Sector AMPS 10/19/78



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e th

The f o l lO\ving are s ome exerp t s f r om an ac count by Ac . Ar isudhana Er c . o f h i s t r i a l i n Hani la f o r s up p o s ed ly s t abb ing a n Indian d ip lomat . D ada and D idi Hadhur i ij i are cur rently ap p e a l ing a 1 0- 1 7 year s entence . The i r la\vye r s have t o ld them that their �ase would be helped g r e a t ly b y p o l i t i c a l p r e s sure f r om t h e U . S . V e r y s o o n w e w i l l b e mount ing a camp aign t o b r ing this p r e s ­s u r e ab out and uni t s w i l l receive a cir­cular s ho r t ly detai ling thi s c amp ai g n .

I i I am w r i t ing con cerning our c as e . P r e­s ent ly , we are out on 5 0 , 00 0 p e s o s ( $ 6 , 80 0 ) each and wai t ing f o r our p e t i ti o n f o r r e � t r i al t o b e submi t t e d to Supreme Cour t . Our t r i a l was conduc t e d b y a n o t o r i ous j udge ( no j ury s y s t em h e r e ) who h as a r ep ­u t a t ion o f ' t h e hanging j udg e : BABA made h i s mind comp le t ely b i ased ag ains t AN t o the ex t ent that h e commi t t e d s er ious abu s e B of j udicial d i s c r e t ion .

Dur ing the s e mon ths f r om the end o f the t r i a l (which ac tually was n o t the .eu<;l b e c ause the j ud g e c l o s e d i t b e f o r e

2 8


w e could B ubmit our mo s t iwp or tant \vi t­nes s ) May 2 5 , D i d i I'iadhud ij i has wade key inf luen t i a l cont a c t s among int e l­le c tuals here in Mani l a . Tho s e ,\.,rho a c tu a l ly guide the t r ends in Phi lippines­ne\v s p ap e r co lumn i s ts , s c ient i s t s , p r e s i ­den t s o f b i g c o rp o r a t i ons , f i lm dire c t o r s a r t i s t s , mus i c i ans , movie s t ar s , mar t i a l ar t i s t s , univer s i ty p r o f es s o r s ' . The amount of p e r s onal p r acar is g r owing and has done a l o t f o r fu� and our cas e . A c t­u a l ly , b e cause of the j udge , the c a s e turned out t o b e t h e t r ial o f Ananda Marg in the Phi lipp ine s . The t rans crip t s wi l go down in the annals o f hi s t ory as one 0 our L o r d ' s c las s i c pr acar p r o j e c t s . The who l e i de o lo gy was p laced on r e c o r d , even the 1 6 p o in t s cha r t was admi t te d as evi·­dence . Many o f the s e p eop le have taken iniat ion . When our c a s e comes f o r r e t r i c w e wi l l have a v e r y p m.J'er ful lobby among key - p laced int e l l e ctuals . In the Phi li­p p ines thi s is the mo s t imp o r t ant a s s e t f o r succ e s s . By L o r d ' s divine grace a l l h a s t aken p lace a c c o r ding to s chedule .

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The f o llowing is an account of the interes ting circums tances surrounding the ep is ode .

On the mo rning of F eb . 7 th �h out 7 : 45 a . m . Didi Madj uriij i and DRd.<l j i Arisudan had arrived in f ront o f the Indian Em­bassy by taxi . Their intention was t o get a v i s a f or Dada to go to India, t o check i f their names were o n the b lack lis t , and if they would be allowed to enter India or would b e refused at the border .

S ince i t was ear ly , they decided to look f or a p lace t o b uy some f ruits and bread f or breakfas t . Dadaj i notic­ed a small food s tall on the r ight side of the s tr ee t . As they were walking an Indian man was approaching f rom the op­posite direction . D adaj i didn ' t see him . D idiJi wantec:f to know when the emb assy opened so she s topped the man to ask him . Not no ti cing that Didi had s topped , Dadaj i kep t walking . At the moment the man was about to

mswer , s omeon� came from behind and '-�gr�bb ed the man around the neck .

D idij i saw a hand with a knif e raised above the Indian man ' s head . Immed­iately then she turned and ran . Dada� j� having gone about 3 me ters further down the s treet , s uddenly noticed that D idij i was not with him . He turned and saw her r unning in the opp o s i te direc� tion , and ran after her . Out o f the corner of his eye he sa,,, two men s trug­g ling with the Indian man . One o f the men f leeing , b ump ed into Dadaj i but he pushed him away and kep t run­ning af ter Didij i . As he was trying to catch up with her , Dadaj i heard foots tep s of s oweone running af ter them , so he ran off to the lef t to' try to divert the pursuer . The f o llower turn­ed out to be the driver of the Indian Embassy . When i t was obvious he meant no harm , Dada went b ack to the scene with him . D idij i had s ought s af ety in a taxi . The guard o f the building came up to D idij i and she , f eeling, safe in the presence o f an armed guard , ac­companied him back to the Embassy

(,--JUild ing . But t o their surp r is e , th�y f ound themselves b e ing hus t led into a taxi and taken to the p o lice s tation .


I t wasn ' t until hour s later that the inves tigator t o ld them told them they were b eing investigated for f rus trated murder . They denied the charge and said they were no t involved . The po lice were very aggr ess1ve in their accusations , so they refused to give their names or to s ay anything unt i l they consulted with couns e l . A police lawyer came and informed them there had been a s t abbing incident . Since there were no eye-v7i tnes ses , no evi­dence , no weapons on their persons , no b lood s tains on their clothes , and mo s t important , no mo t ive , they would soon be re leased . Meanwhile , he ad­vised them not t o reveal their name s .

The f o llowing day the po lice lawyer advised them to reveal their names since there was no s trong case agains t them and they might b e r � leased . S o , on the morning o f the 8th they revealed their names and gave their account o f the incident . The day af ter that , when clarifi cation came f r om India that b o th accused were active memb ers o f Ananda Marga , the victim suddenly changed his s t ory completely , and s aid that two foreigners approached him ; the woman s tood in f ront and asked him the t ime of the op ening o f the Embassy and the bearded man walked b ehind . The woman then s t a"b­bed him in the neck and the man s t abbed him in the ches t .

When the defense lawyer asked him during the trial what weapon the woman had used , he said he couldn ' t remember . He couldn ' t rememb er even what the two accused looked like , but af ter he knew they were Margiis he was positive that they did i t .

On the morning o f the 10 th . in the f i s cal ' s o f f ice during the committ­ment session , the guard o f the build ing unexp ec tedly came forward . accom­panied by an o f ficial o f the Indian Emb assy , and tes,tif ied that he was an eye- wi tnes s and had seen everything . The f i s cal , very surprised by the late s t atement , asked him angrily why, if he s aw it happ en , didn' t he come f orward

2 9

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two days b e f or e , the day o f the inci­den t , and s ay what happ ened t o the p o ­l i c e . The guard answere d , "Nob o dy g o t me. " (La t er on in t he t r i a l i t was p r oven

"b y the t e s t imony of the two

arre s t ing p o li cemen that they d i d " g e t " t h e guard and b r ought him t o the p o li c e s t a t ion that morning . )

The incre d ib i l i ty o f this s up po s e d eye- wi tnes s ,,,as exp o s e d ,,,hen a h i r ed de t e c t ive d i s c ov e r e d . that the guard imme d i a t e ly a f t e r the incident wen t on a weeks all- exp ens e - p ai d vacation, comp l iment s of the Indian Emb a s s y . The guard was h i r e d by the bui lding whe r e the Emb a s s y was lo c a t e J , and n o t b y t h e Emb a s s y .

C oncerning the guar d 1 s s ta tement of th e ac count : He first s ai d he was in­s i de the b ui lding reading a nevl S p a p e r a t 8 : 0 5 A . M . The v i c t im s t a ted the i n c i dent h ap p ened at 7 : 50 A . H . f-Jhen p i c t ur e s were b r ought into the cour t shmving the r e lative p o s i t i on ins i de the b u i lding , i t i s imp o s s ib le to s e e ou t s i d e t o t h e p la c e o f th e inci dent f rom whe r e the guard s a i d. H e changed h i s s t o ry and s a i d he w a s near t h e doorway . Hhen pho t o s "Jere p r oduce d showing the l ine of s ig h t from the doorway t o the p o in t of inciden t , it ap p eared again that h e was not t e l ling the t r u th . S o ,

he again chang ed h i s s to ry and f inally , wi th c oachin g from the p ro s e cu t i o n and the Indi an s e c r e t ary s it t ing in the courtr oom, h e said he 'Nas s t anding on the � t ep ou t s i 1e the b � il ding a t 8 : 0 5

A . M . The guard s a i d tha t D ada was on the f r on t r i g h t s i d e o f the vi c t im and D i d i was f ront le f t s i de . The vi c t im says D ada was b ehin d and D i di di r e c t ly in f ront . The guard s ay s D i di s t abb e d the man i n t h e m i d d l e o f the n e c k wi th her l e f t h and . The wound is on the up p e r r i gh t s ide o f the neck and D id i canno t even w r i t e h e r name w i t h h e r l e f t hand ,

as was proven in c o ur t . He s ay s Dada s t ab b e d the man in t he lowe r r i gh t s i de of the r ib c ag e , whi l e the wound is on the upp e r p o r t i on of the r i gh t lung .

The d o c t o r who g ave the me d i cal re­p o r t s t a t e d that the s t ab ,,,ound in the neck would h ave c aus e d b lo o d t o s p ur t

3 0

2 f ee t a,,,ay f rom the b o dy . B lo o d s t ains on the g r ound conf i rme d this s ta t ement-. The vi c t im s aid D i d i was s t anding d i- � r e c t ly in f ront o f h im one f o o t and one inch away . Imy d i dn I t she have even a s i n g l e s p e ck o f b lo o d on her clo thing as t e s t i f i e d b y the arr e s t ing p o l i c e ?

The f i r s t l a1-ryer , t h e p o li ce a t t or­ney . who never again cons u l t e d with Dada and Didi a f t e r the trial b eg an Feb . 1 7 , b egan co aching the p ro s e cution 'Ni tne s s e s . asldng ques t i ons which woulJ incriminate the a c cus e d . B e f u r e h e was dismiss e d by the a c cus e d , he even s ta te d tha t he f e l t they were gui l ty . (Hhen they were f i r s t ar re s te d , b e f o r e the hearing i n f r ont o f the f i s c a l , t h i s l awy e r t o ld D i di and D ad a t h a t t h e f i s ­c a l \voul d d rop the who le c a s e i f they c o u ld p rodu ce 2 , 0 0 0 p e s o s . He would ar­range i t . ) They a l s o f o und o ut by t alk­ing to the l awyer ' s wi f e that on Feb . 9 t h i s la,vy er s p en t a long a f t e rnoon i n the Ind i a n Emb a s s y , l i e a l s o s ug g e s t e d t o D i di and Dada t h a t he knew the Judge \"e l l and that in o r de r t o g e l a " [ a l r " t rl a l t h e y sho uld arrang e a s p e c ial dinner party f o r the j udge , s p end money and p rovi d e hhl '-li th a ,-loman f o r the nigh t .

I n the \vo rds o f t h e Ame r i c an Cons lA l a f t e r a t t ending t h e t r i a l f o r two d ay s in the c i r c u i t cour !:: , "This i s c:, L :.. r c lC' . I have [lever s ee ;:-, S �C:l :l [J_� s c a r r i ;lgE' o f j u�: U ce " I t ,Jas t h 'l t he s t O !Tilt' d Gut o f th· - c c u r trc' OI'l i ll '111(; (0 : aEd wen :: t o ttl<'- D ep t . o f Ju:; t i ce to ;� i. n J (w L -,v ilY tr- e p .r o s e cu t i o :, a -.: t Jrney ani t i le j ud 2; c

,.rer-e s o aelaE:.aflt in c ()n \ 'i c t j n� H. e t>1O a c cu 'O e d r a ":: h e r them t r"J i!lg L O f i n.: uut the t r u r h o f th e c = s e .

I' O J : r e aS O L S only k:,mill t o h ir" , th"

j ud g e app 2a r e rl a � a l l ::: iue ;; mc' re re cep­

t ive i: o : he p r J s ,,' cu t i oc, tj, an h" ,vas t ,) th e de f ens e . T h ' ari aman t a t t acks on thp p p r s on a J i ty of the d e f enst' l Clwy p r , thp h c,r r a s s-,lle n t of \Vi tne s s e s , an d the c en­s ; s t p n t cbj e c t i on t o every cro s s - e;(am­

ir' a � i J n q ue s t ion o f the; de fens "' were all

t o ] e r at e d , and encourag e d by t h e j ud g e . Hheneve r th e p r o s e c u tiOE made an or lj e c" \

t i o n , the .;j lJdg e sus t ai ne d . J�ven 'tlhen the p r o s e cu t i on \IIou1d f i:\ i l t o obj e c t , the


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j udge would s ay . "Aren ' t you g oing to obj e c t ? " " oh , ye s your Honor . " , rep lied the p r o s e cution . The j ud g e would. snap , " Goo d , s us t ai ne d . "

The d e f ense was h e s i tant to p lace Marg i i s on the s tand for the d efens e . The f i r s t "Iitne s s , a Hargii photog ra·­pher who took p i ctures o f the s c ene o f 'the incident , unknowing ly of the un­wri t ten laws of cour tro om courte s y , was taking p i c tures along wi th 6 o ther nevIS pho tographers the f i r s t day o f the hearing . In order for the pho t o s o f the s cene o f . th e incident to be admi t te d as eviden c e , the pho t o g rapher mus t tes tify that he was th e one who took the p i c­tures . TATtlen asked i f he S"701'e to t e ll the truth by the court b alif , he respo­nde d , "Yeah , " i ns te ad o f "Yes , " . The j udg,� b le\v up i.n rag e . He claimed thut the young man was d i s cour'ceous to the cour t . Fear f i lled the cour t r o om . The j udge f lared o u t "Are yc'u lmanda Margi i ? " "Y e s , y our h onor , " the b oy rep lied . "Were you here t aking p i c tures the ( ' f i r s t day of this hearing Hi thout per-

... mis s t on of the cour t ? ") the j udge p res­sur e d . Tb e b r o ther answer'ed , "Your honor I d i dn ' t know • • , " , Before. he could an­swer , the j udge y e l l e d , "Does your mo the r knm" you I re in Imand a l1arga ? " He rep lied , "Ye s , your honor . " "Does she like i t ? " the j udge p ene t r ated the b oy deep e r . "No , your honor , " he rep lied . "Why no t ? " The b oy anS\ver e d , " Becaus e I ' m a veg e tari an . " The j udge b ecame furi ous . "Ten days in j ai l and two hun­dred p e s o s fine for di s c our te sy to the cour t . Take him m"ay . " And they took him a'Nay .

As their final wi tne s s , r eb u t t l e wit­nes s , the p r o s e cu tton had called the NEI , National Bure au of Inves tigation . The man tes t if i ed th a t &� was a ter�or­i s t organi z a ti on . When the j udge asked , " I s i t n o t t rue that AM i s a communis t­ins p ired organi zation? " , the NBI con­firmed the j udge ' s allegation . But when the p r o s ecution read the rep ort o f the NBI in cour t , it c learly s ta t e d that AM was ant i-Hands t . Thi s shows that � the man had no t ac tually s tud�e d th�

. report or even done a p rop er lnves tl­g ation of Ananda Harg a . I t was c l e ar

to the de fens e tha t the rep ort had come only f roll the Indian Emb assy .

I t is int eres t ing to no t e that the repo r t er from the Vashington P o s t was ab le to s ee the rep o r t and no ticed that the f i r s t lines of the repor t s tated that all the inf orma tion contained was taken during an int ervi ew o f the NBI wi th an o f f i ci al o f the Indian Emb as s y , ';[hen the rep o r t er met the j udg e after that hearing , he asked 1;"here the rep o r t c ame from , th e j udge b o ldly rep lied , "The rep o r t came f rom INTERPOL (Inter-­na t i onal p o lice ) .

The defense a t torney, who was forced into a daily hearing f or 2 months , ul­t inately deve lope d a s erious di s ease . A large and p ainful grmvth appe ared on the left side of his f ace and neck . Re ap­p e ared on May 5 to ask the court to p o s tpone the hearing unt i l May 1 2 , unt i l a b iop sy and t reatment could b e under­gone . The j udge refus e d . That even ing the defense couns e l went to his f amily phys i cian and was advised to have im­mediate medical a t tention. A certificate \>,as submi tted the f o ll owing day Dada and D idi s ayj.ng tha t the a t t orney '\vas phy­s i c ally unfi t to cro s s-examine the NBI witne s s . The a t t o rney cculd no t be pre­s ent due the s evere p ain and headache .

The health of the det ens e lawyer ,;vo r s ene d . The growth on his f ace en­larg ed and was f eared to b e malig­nant . He was res tricted to bed f or two IVeeks . The d o c t o r appeared the next day in court . The j t1dge humili­ated him . Under the pressure of this inten s e intimidation , the d o c tor ad­mi t ted that th e laTvyer was physi cally ab le to walk into the cour t room , as asked by the j ud ge . Als o , that he Has ab le t o sp eak , as asked by the j udge .

But , when the d o c to r wanted to add s ome­thing more , he s ai d , "May I s ay some­thing ? " , the j udge denied .

The moment the d o c tor s aid the law­yer could phys i ca l ly walk into the cour� and could speak , the j udge f lared up and c i t e d the defens e lawyer wi th deceit and malpractice and dishon-

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es ty . He ordered that he should be sus­p ended f rom the b ar only to be re iu<­s tated by the s upreme cour t . (La t e r he lightene d his order by s aying that the lawyer mus t exp lain b e fo re the court why he should no t be suspende d , )

Another interes ting f a c t i s that in the stabb ing incidents around the vlOrld where Ananda Hargiis have been imp li­cated , the vtctim has alway s b een a minor employee , has ahlays b een s tabb ed in the neck and che s t , the ind_den t happens near the embas sy , and the vic­tim never dies . The nex t day the Indian o f f i cials make a p res s re leas e condem­ning Ananda Har g a . F o llo\.Ting the in-� cident , s landerous b lack p re s s articles begin appearing in local newspapers de -­faming Ananda t1arga in t h e minds o f the general pub l i c .

On Hay 2 5 th , the j udge re ad a 20 minute s t atement condemning Ananda Harga as a communis t- ins p ired t er roris t or-­

gani zation and a danger to the nat ional s e curity . He ordered the nat ional in­te;Lligenc.e s e rvice to make a thorough inve s t igation o f the a c t ivi ties o f N1 in order to de te rmi ne if i t should b e s topp ed in the phili ppines . When he asked the prosecut ion t o sugg e s t a s entence , i t was sugges ted 6 - 9 years . The j udge exp loded , "Wha t ? What about the treachery ? " Then he s entenced D ada and D idi to not less that 9 years 11 months and 1 day t o not mo r e tha t 1 7 years with additional p ayment o f 1 00 ) 000 pesos t o the Indian Emb a s s Y 9 and depo r t­ation after s entence is comp leted . The j udge further refused t o grant bail on the grounds that the tw'o would e s cap e . LegallY 9 only th o s e c.onvicted of cap i t al o f f ences are held without b ail .

It vlaS shovffi dur ing the t r i al that the Ind:!.an Embassy knmv the whereab ou t s o f the accused s ince 1 9 7 3 . );�ut when the prosecu tion revealed in cour t that the �>Jhereabouts of the t\vO acaryas ,,1as known even the day b e f o r e the incident , the theory o f a frame-up b e came more and

more rea l . It is clear that the inten­t i on o f the Indian Gove rrullent is to d i s credi t Anenda Mar ga world-wide . If they can do tl1 ' q by imp li c.a ting All ,in

3 2

false cases , a s was done in the case o f Bab s 9 then i t wi l l b e easier f o r them to ask the local g overmuents to have AM I b anned .

The real is sue is why the j udge has been s o unfair ly b i ased in this cas e . I t i s obvious that the pros ecution acquired all i t s evidence , even the rep o r t s o f me t r o com and NBI , f rom the I ndian Emb as­sy . The p o l i t i cal p r e s sure of the Irl­dian Gove rnment obviously had a large p ar t to p lay in the p ro s ecut �on of this cas e . I t �s no t the case of the accused . Ra the� , thi s conv� c t i on was th e result o f h igh -leve l pressure for p o l i ti ca l mo t ives to defame Ananda Harga in the P h i l ippines .

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At pr es ent D ada and Didi are a"lal t­ing the " C e rtiorari" ( reque s t f o r re­t rial ) whi ch w i l l be f iled to the Su­preme Cour t . It is wi th f irm fai th in the law of Dhal�a that all f�rgiis are awa it ing to s ee hO�J the Philippines w i l l r es p ond to this misrep resentation o f Jus ti c e . It i s time for all Margiis t o s tand up and defend their ideo logy . I t has b een slandered , p e r s ecuted , pro­s ecuted and convicted as s ome thing evi l in the eyes o f the entire wo rld . At thi.8 crucial time , let a l l margiis s t and and defend wha t they ? r o f e s s to b e lieve in . No thing c a n s t op the march of progres s , no thing can s up p r e s s the truth for long , Vict ory b e long s to Dharrna . Dharma p ro te c t s tho s e I;Jho PY'O­tect Dharma . i'1ay the mor alis t s o f this


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5 moitths ; l I ..

Dadaj ii Arisudan

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t o , i lYbtu �hould '�hm.}'s s iT i ve.'

rfB inta in' ·the : honour of \�(J i : lC Jl J �'i it hqut cons id er ing \.;h e t hsr ' a I·i on'''] 'l tielo:lg s to a pclr ticua lr ' cas t e or r el ig ion. �

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