Framework Contract Conceptual framework and analysis of indicators Andrea Gramillano (t33) – SWECO Consortium Evaluation network meeting Brussels, 5 th March Development of a system of common indicators for European Regional Development Fund and Cohesion Fund interventions after 2020

Development of a system of common indicators for European ... · confirmed as an output indicator (proxy of technological transfer) and ... •Gap analysis underpinning the proposed

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  • Framework Contract

    Conceptual framework and analysis of indicators


    Andrea Gramillano (t33) – SWECO Consortium

    Evaluation network meeting

    Brussels, 5th March

    Development of a system of common indicators for European Regional Development Fund and Cohesion Fund interventions after 2020

  • Outline of the presentation

    I. Methodological approach

    II. What can be used from the existing list?

    III. Elements for discussion: examples of proposed indicators

    IV. Conclusions


  • • For output and direct result indicators

    1. Identification of the most frequent intervention fields at TO level

    2. Analysis of the link between the existing common output indicators and the intervention fields

    3. Proposal of additional indicators (if there is a gap) tightly linked with the intervention field and IPs based on:

    Programme experience (scale-up)

    Literature review


    I. Methodological approach (1/5)

  • • Criteria of good indicators – Better regulation toolbox

    RACER criteria

    1. Relevant (thematic coverage and policy responsiveness)

    2. Accepted (understood by those in charge of data collection)

    3. Credible (unambiguous)

    4. Easy to monitor (feasible in terms of costs)

    5. Robust (clearly defined and with a sound methodology)


    I. Methodological approach (2/5)

  • • Other criteria

    Time-bound (when is the right timing to measure them? – for direct result indicators)

    Clear (indicate unequivocal direction of change, in particular for direct result indicators)

    Debatable (can be used for benchmarking and comparison)

    • FOCUS on “aggregation rules”

    from project to programme

    from programme to EC


    I. Methodological approach (3/5)

  • • Gap analysis underpinning the proposed list of common indicators (example TO 1)

    PROCESS - CO01 “Enterprises receiving support” is the main candidate process indicator for TO 1. An additional process indicator might be included to measure the supported research institutions

    OUTPUT - CO26 “Enterprises cooperating with research institutions” can be confirmed as an output indicator (proxy of technological transfer) and completed with other indicators measuring the value of purchased equipment / services and with an indicator on built / renovated research infrastructure (surface of intervention, etc.)


    I. Methodological approach (4/5)

  • • Gap analysis underpinning the proposed list of common indicators (example TO 1)


    Indicators on the private investments matching public support (CO06, CO07, CO27), employment increase (CO08) and new researchers (CO24) can be confirmed and used as direct result indicators, even if CO08 and CO24 are more difficult to be measured (as highlighted by the consultation).

    Indicators CO28 and CO29 measuring the number of supported enterprises to introduce innovation can be refined with other indicators measuring the (product / process) innovations resulting from the projects.

    Other indicators on research activities (prototypes, articles submitted for publication) and patenting can be added.


    I. Methodological approach (5/5)

  • 8

    I. Methodological approach

    II. What can be used from the existing list?

    III. Elements for discussion: examples of proposed indicators

    IV. Conclusions

  • II. What can be used from the existing list? (1/7)

    • Most frequently used indicators in TO 1 and TO 3 are either process or direct result indicators


    Common output

    indicator IP1a IP1b IP3a IP3b IP3c IP3d

    CO01 10 173 139 63 77 136

    CO02 2 108 90 52 69 87

    CO03 49 63 12 44 89

    CO04 1 48 68 19 11 63

    CO05 2 40 104 8 13 40

    CO06 2 46 36 33 40 43

    CO07 13 40 5 23 56

    CO08 1 52 102 30 50 86

    CO24 50 50 100

    CO25 119 11 130

    CO26 32 161 1

    CO27 33 102 2 2

    CO28 86 5 10 22 6

    CO29 2 82 10 7 35 11

    Looks like a process indicator Looks like an output indicator Looks like a direct result indicator

  • II. What can be used from the existing list? (2/7)

    • TO 4 is well covered (ERDF better than CF) but with differences across the IPs


    Share common / total


    4a 70%

    4b 75%

    4c 69%

    4d 64%

    4e 23%

    4f 63%

    4g 52%

    4i 57%

    4ii 50%

    4iii 48%

    4iv 67%

    4v 22%

    4vi 29%

    Grand Total 45% 58% 58%

    Larger use in IPs 4a(4i) and 4b (4ii) than IPs 4e (4v)

    CF programmes use less common output indicators and a part of those used by ERDF programmes

  • II. What can be used from the existing list? (3/7)

    • Limited used of common output indicators in TO 5










    (a) Common output 21 55 6 5

    (b) Programme-specific 23 102 16 24

    Common output share

    [a /(a+b)] 48% 35% 27% 17%

  • II. What can be used from the existing list? (4/7)

    • In most cases in TO 6, common output indicators measure either a direct result (e.g. CO09 on expected number of visits) or a real output (land rehabilitation - CO22)


    IP CO 09

    CO 17

    CO 18

    CO 19

    CO 20

    CO 22

    CO 23

    CO 29

    CO 34

    CO 37

    CO 38

    CO 39

    CO 40


    6a 31 1 32

    6b 39 46 85

    6c 96 1 1 1 2 101

    6d 7 75 1 83

    6e 1 31 1 2 17 41 22 4 119

    6f 4 1 15

    6g 5 2 18

    6i 10 2 12

    6ii 13 13 1 27

    6iii 8 8

    6iv 5 1 6


    96 40 39 47 1 38 77 1 4 18 43 24 4 453

    CF 10 13 13 8 8 1

    Tot 96 50 52 60 1 46 85 1 5 18 43 24 4 506

  • 13

    Type COI 2014-2020 (examples)

    Process indicators CO01 Number of enterprises receiving support

    CO05 Number of new enterprises supported

    CO02 Number of enterprises receiving grants

    CO03 Number of enterprises receiving financial support other than grants

    CO04 Number of enterprises receiving non-financial support

    II. What can be used from the existing list? (5/7) - Examples

  • 14

    Type COI 2014-2020 (examples)

    Output indicators

    CO11 Total length of new railway line (km) CO12 Total length of reconstructed or upgraded railway line (km) CO14 Total length of reconstructed or upgraded roads (km) CO15 Total length of new or improved tram and metro lines (km)

    II. What can be used from the existing list? (6/7) - Examples

  • 15

    Type COI 2014-2020 (examples)

    Direct result indicators

    CO06 Private investment matching public support to enterprises (grants) CO07 Private investment matching public support to enterprises (non-grants) CO24 Number of new researchers in supported entities CO27 Private investment matching public support in innovation or R&D projects CO08 Employment increase in supported enterprises CO20 Population benefiting from flood protection measures CO21 Population benefiting from forest fire protection measures

    II. What can be used from the existing list? (7/7) - Examples

  • 16

    I. Methodological approach

    II. What can be used from the existing list?

    III. Elements for discussion: examples of proposed indicators

    IV. Conclusions

  • • IP 1a

    Name: Number of articles submitted to peer-review due to the supported operations (number)

    Type: Direct result indicator

    Source: programme-specific output indicators, EEA and Norway Grants 2014-2021


    III. Elements for discussion: examples of proposed indicators – TO 1

    Thematic coverage: IP 1a

    Harmonisation: Reference to the “peer-reviewed publications”, without

    requiring the approval and high-impact factors (similar to Horizon 2020).

    Capitalisation: programme-specific output indicators

  • • IP 1a / 1b

    Name: Built / renewed research infrastructure (square meters / number)

    Type: Output indicator

    Intervention field: 58, 59, 60, 61

    Source: programme-specific output indicators

    Harmonisation: Definition of research infrastructure – Horizon 2020


    Thematic coverage: IP 1a / 1b

    Harmonisation: other EC programmes

    Capitalisation: programme-specific output indicators

    III. Elements for discussion: examples of proposed indicators – TO 1

  • • IP 3b / 3d

    Name: Share of supported SMEs with increased exports (%)

    Type: Direct result indicator

    Source: programme-specific output indicators

    Rule of aggregation at EU level = (1) Number of SMEs receiving support (process indicator),

    (2) Supported SMEs with increased exports (supporting indicator of the direct result indicator calculated at programme level)

    (3) = (2)/(1): Share of supported SMEs with increased export (%) (direct result indicator).


    III. Elements for discussion: examples of proposed indicators – TO 3

    Harmonisation: Aggregation rule at EU level (Rural programmes)

    Capitalisation: programme-specific output indicators

  • • IP 4e / 4v

    Name: Public recharging points for electric vehicles installed (number)

    Type: Output indicator

    Intervention field: 043

    Source: programme-specific output indicators


    III. Elements for discussion: examples of proposed indicators – TO 4

    Thematic coverage: IP 4e / 4v

    Harmonisation: EC Directive 2014/94 (definition of recharging points)

    Capitalisation: programme-specific output indicators

  • 21

    III. Elements for discussion: examples of proposed indicators – TO 4

    • IP 4a, 4c, 4d / 4i, 4iii, 4iv

    Name: Modernised / renovated / extended heating / thermal network (km)

    Type: Output indicator

    Intervention field: 015

    Source: programme-specific output indicators

    Thematic coverage: TO 4

    Capitalisation: programme-specific output indicators

  • 22

    III. Elements for discussion: examples of proposed indicators – TO 5

    • IP 5a, 5b/ 5i, 5ii

    Name: Average response time to emergency situations

    Type: Direct result indicator

    Intervention field: 087, 088

    Source: programme-specific output indicators

    Thematic coverage: The indicator measure the result not in terms of additional population but in terms of “performance” of the interventions in

    emergency situations

    Capitalisation: programme-specific output indicators

  • 23

    III. Elements for discussion: examples of proposed indicators – TO 5

    • IP 5a, 5b/ 5i, 5ii

    Name: Local plans for risks protection adopted / revised

    Type: Output indicators

    Intervention field: 087, 088

    Source: programme-specific output indicators and Covenant of Mayors

    Thematic coverage: TO 5 Harmonisation: Covenant of Mayors

    Capitalisation: programme-specific output indicators

  • 24

    I. Methodological approach

    II. What can be used from the existing list?

    III. Elements for discussion: examples of proposed indicators

    IV. Conclusions

  • IV. Conclusions

    A. Continuity - Maintain / refine as much as possible the existing indicators if they have been used successfully and discard the others

    B. Feasibility and harmonisation - Introduce indicators which either come from the literature review (other DGs, EU directives, practices, etc.) or from programme-specific indicators

    C. Timeliness – Direct result indicators can be measured either at the project completion (e.g. private investment matching public support) or some time later

    D. Simplification – Clear guidance and thematic coverage


  • Thank you for your attention


    Andrea Gramillano

  • ANNEX – other indicators


  • • IP 4e / 4v

    Name: Low-emission public transport vehicles purchased or refitted (number)

    Type: Output indicator

    Intervention field: 043, 083

    Source: programme-specific output indicators

    Link with programme-specific output indicators: other programme-specific output indicators can be added to specify the fuel and the type of vehicle.


    III. Elements for discussion: examples of proposed indicators – TO 4

  • 29

    III. Elements for discussion: examples of proposed indicators – TO 6

    • IP 6a, 6b, 6f, 6g, 6i, 6ii

    Name: Additional population served by supported recycling facilities (Population)

    Type: Direct result indicator

    Intervention field: 017, 018, 019

    Source: programme-specific output indicators, based on the existing CO17, CO18