Development in Modern Genetics

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  • 8/18/2019 Development in Modern Genetics


    Development in moderngenetics

    TOPIC 8.4

  • 8/18/2019 Development in Modern Genetics


    Objectives• Discuss how the outcomes of the Hum n !enome Project re

    being used in the development of new drugs nd the soci l"mor l nd ethic l issues this r ises.

    • Describe how drugs c n be produced using genetic ll#modi$ed org nisms %pl nts nd nim ls nd micro org nisms&.

    • Discuss the ris's nd bene$ts ssoci ted with the use of

    genetic ll# modi$ed org nisms.

  • 8/18/2019 Development in Modern Genetics


    Hum n !enome Project•

    ( genome is ll of the D)( %or genes& of n org nism.• The Hum n !enome Project w s multin tion l project

    th t determined the b se se*uence of the hum ngenome.

  • 8/18/2019 Development in Modern Genetics


    Development of +t rgeted drugs,•

    -ith the dv nces m de b# nd from the H!P nd thescience of proteomics" new disciplines within the $eld ofpplied genetics h ve developed. These include

    1. bioinformatics / b sed upon the use of computers tostore nd n l#se the huge mount of d t th t is

    gener ted s the se*uence of b ses in di0erentgenomes is discovered

    2. pharmacogenomics / n l#sis of the responses oforg nisms to drugs" b sed on their genetic m 'e1up

  • 8/18/2019 Development in Modern Genetics


    RNA interference (antisense technology – RNAi), andthe suppression of cardiovascular restenosis

    In antisense technology " tin# 2)( molecules reproduced th t re complement r# to p rt of the b sese*uence of messenger 2)( %m2)(& cop# of p rticul r t rget gene.

    • Thus the 2)(i" once in position on the m2)(" will bloc'

    production of the protein the m2)( codes for.• This would otherwise h ve occurred in ribosomes. In

    this w #" dise se gene c n indirectl# be +silenced," fore3 mple.

  • 8/18/2019 Development in Modern Genetics


    • One successful tri lh s involved n

    ntisense drug / speci$c length of 2)(ith t wor's b# bloc'ingthe ction of the generesponsible for the

    prolifer tion events inthe endotheliumthere.

    • Tri ls of this +drug,h ve proved


  • 8/18/2019 Development in Modern Genetics


    elective attac! on cancer cells•

    In the se rch for new drugs th t will t rget oncogenes withthe mut ted K 1Ras gene" rese rch te ms use p ired cecolonies %'nown s cell lines& th t di0er in onl# singlemut ted gene / the K 1Ras gene.

    • sing the cell colonies" thous nds of drug compounds h ve

    been screened.• 5o f r" four compounds h ve been identi$ed th t distinguish

    mut nt cells from norm l" he lth# cells.• One of these compounds inhibits the growth of tumours in

    mice" so it is the subject of further" thorough investig tions.

  • 8/18/2019 Development in Modern Genetics


    "thical issues•

    -ho owns the inform tion6 5ome groups h ve pplied for p tentson genetic se*uences so th t the# h ve ownership" or h ve to bep id for n# tre tment developed using the 'nowledge of th tse*uence.

    • -ho is entitled to 'now the inform tion bout #our genome if it isse*uenced7 5hould insur nce comp nies h ve ccess to theinform tion6

    • -ill genetic screening le d to eugenics %the genetic selection ofhum ns& nd designer b bies6

    • -ho will p # for the development of the new ther pies nd drugs7n# possible highl# speci lised tre tments m # be ver#

    e3pensive nd will onl# be suit ble for few people.

  • 8/18/2019 Development in Modern Genetics


    #he production of drugs using genetically modi$edorganisms

  • 8/18/2019 Development in Modern Genetics


    Tod # new t#pe of genetic modi$c tion is lso in use"'nown s genetic engineering .• !enes from one org nism re tr nsferred to the set of

    genes %the genome& of nother unrel ted org nism. Theprocess is lso 'nown s recombinant %NA

    technology .

  • 8/18/2019 Development in Modern Genetics


    #he steps involved in geneticengineering of E. coli for insul


  • 8/18/2019 Development in Modern Genetics


  • 8/18/2019 Development in Modern Genetics


    sing tr nsformed nim ls

  • 8/18/2019 Development in Modern Genetics


  • 8/18/2019 Development in Modern Genetics


    sing tr nsformed pl nts

  • 8/18/2019 Development in Modern Genetics


    9nvironment l nd ethic l issues ofgenetic engineering